Library /sys$common/syshlp/HELPLIB.HLB  —  RMU72
    Oracle RMU, the Oracle Rdb management utility, lets database
    administrators manage Oracle Rdb databases. Oracle RMU commands
    are executed at the operating system prompt. Oracle RMU command
    syntax follows the rules and conventions of the DIGITAL Command
    Language (DCL).

    See the RMUALTER help also.

    Oracle RMU commands allow you to display the contents of database
    files, control the Oracle Rdb monitor process, verify data
    structures, perform maintenance tasks (such as backup and restore
    operations), and list information about current database users
    and database activity statistics.

    Oracle RMU commands consist of words, generally verbs, that
    have parameters and qualifiers to define the action to be

1  –  Command Parameters

    One or more spaces separate command parameters and their
    qualifiers from the command keyword. Command parameters define
    the file, index, or entity on which the command will act. In most
    cases, you can omit the parameter from the command line and enter
    it in response to a prompt.

    In the following sample command, RMU/DUMP is the command keyword
    and MF_PERSONNEL is the command parameter:


    When a storage area is a command parameter in an Oracle RMU
    command, use the storage area name instead of the storage area
    file specification. For example:


    Some commands, such as the RMU Backup command, require two or
    more command parameters. If you provide all parameters (for
    example, a root file specification and a backup file name),
    there are no prompts. Other commands, such as the RMU Restore
    command, have one required and one optional command parameter.
    In this case, there are no prompts if you provide the backup
    parameter but not the storage area parameter. However, if you do
    not provide either parameter, Oracle RMU prompts for both.

2  –  Command Qualifiers

    Command qualifiers modify the behavior of an Oracle RMU command.
    Although similar in appearance, command qualifiers are different
    from the Oracle RMU commands themselves. The first (and sometimes
    the subsequent) word that follows the RMU keyword is the command
    itself. For instance, in the following example, /DUMP and /AFTER_
    JOURNAL are part of the Oracle RMU command and thus must appear
    in the order shown. /OPTION=STATISTICS and /LOG are command
    qualifiers and can appear in any order after the Oracle RMU
    command. You can determine which portions of an Oracle RMU
    command are the command itself, and which portions are command
    qualifiers by noting the documented name of the command,


    Command qualifiers can be entered as upper-, lower-, or mixed-
    case type. They always begin with a slash (/)  followed by a
    qualifier word.

    In some cases, an equal sign (=)  and a qualifier value follow
    the qualifier word. A qualifier value can be simple (a number,
    a string, or a keyword) or compound (a list of numbers, strings,
    or keywords separated by commas, enclosed in parentheses) or an
    indirect command file name. For information on using indirect
    command files, see Indirect-Command-Files.

    A default value for a qualifier indicates what qualifier will be
    used if you omit the qualifier completely. Omitting a qualifier
    is not the same thing as specifying a qualifier with a default

    Command qualifiers influence the overall action of a command.
    Command qualifiers must be placed following the command keyword
    but before any parameters.

    In the following example, the command qualifier, Users,
    immediately follows the Dump keyword and precedes the command
    parameter, mf_personnel:


    Parameter qualifiers (also referred to as file qualifiers or area
    qualifiers) affect the treatment of parameters in the command.
    If the command includes multiple instances of a given type of
    parameter, the placement of parameter qualifiers affects their
    scope of influence as follows:

    o  If you position the parameter qualifier after a particular
       parameter, the qualifier affects only that parameter. This is
       local use of a parameter qualifier.

    o  If you position the parameter qualifier before the first
       parameter, the qualifier applies to all instances of the
       parameter. This is global use of a parameter qualifier. Not
       all parameter qualifiers can be used globally. To identify
       such qualifiers, read the description of the qualifier.

    o  If you position the parameter qualifier after a parameter, the
       qualifier applies only to that instance of the parameter.
       Local parameter qualifiers take precedence over global
       parameter qualifiers, in most cases. Exceptions are documented
       in the qualifier descriptions for each Oracle RMU command.

    The following example demonstrates the local use of the area
    qualifier, Thresholds, to change the threshold settings for the
    EMPIDS_LOW area:


    Note that if you specify a qualifier in both the negative and
    positive forms, the last occurrence of the qualifier is the one
    that takes effect. For example, the Nolog qualifier takes effect
    in this command:


    This is consistent with DCL behavior for negative and positive

3  –  Indirect-Command-Files

    Numerous Oracle RMU command operations accept lists of names
    as values for certain qualifiers, such as the Areas= or Lareas=
    qualifiers. The command syntax can easily exceed the maximum
    length of 1024 characters accepted by DCL. To overcome the
    problem of syntax that is too long, you can include the names
    in an indirect command file and specify the indirect command
    file following the qualifier. Throughout this manual, this is
    commonly referred to as using an indirect file reference. Note
    that indirect command files can be nested to any depth.

    Each indirect command file (default file extension .opt) contains
    a list of names with one name per line. A comment, preceded by
    an exclamation point, can be appended to a name, or it can be
    inserted between lines. A reference to an indirect command file
    in the list must be preceded by an at sign (@)  and enclosed in
    quotation marks (""). For example: "@EMPIDS".

    The following example shows the contents of an indirect command
    file called empids.opt. It lists the EMPIDS_LOW, EMPIDS_MID, and
    EMPIDS_OVER storage areas. The last line in the example shows how
    you would reference the indirect command file in an Oracle RMU
    command line with the required quotation marks.

       EMPIDS_LOW      ! Employee Areas


4  –  Required Privileges

    An access control list (ACL) is created by default on the root
    file of each Oracle Rdb database. To be able to use a particular
    Oracle RMU command for the database, you must be granted
    the appropriate Oracle RMU privilege for that command in the
    database's root file ACL. For some Oracle RMU commands, you must
    have one or more OpenVMS privileges as well as the appropriate
    Oracle RMU privilege to be able to use the command.

    Note that the root file ACL created by default on each Oracle Rdb
    database controls only your Oracle RMU access to the database (by
    specifying privileges that will allow a user or group of users
    access to specific Oracle RMU commands). Root file ACLs do not
    control your access to the database with SQL (structured query
    language) statements. See Show Privilege for information on how
    to display your Oracle RMU access to the database.

    Your access to a database with SQL statements is governed by
    the privileges granted to you in the database ACL (the ACL that
    is displayed when you use the SQL SHOW PROTECTION ON DATABASE

    Privileges Required for Oracle RMU Commands shows the Oracle RMU
    privileges you must have to use each Oracle RMU command. When
    more than one Oracle RMU privilege appears in the Required Oracle
    RMU Privileges column, if you have any of the listed Oracle RMU
    privileges, you will pass the Oracle RMU privilege check for the
    specified Oracle RMU command.

    If the Oracle RMU command requires a user to have one or more
    OpenVMS privileges in addition to the appropriate Oracle RMU
    privileges, the OpenVMS privileges are shown in the Required
    OpenVMS Privileges column of Privileges Required for Oracle RMU
    Commands. When more than one OpenVMS privilege is listed in the
    Required OpenVMS Privileges column, you must have all of the
    listed OpenVMS privileges to pass the OpenVMS privilege check for
    the Oracle RMU command.

    The OpenVMS Override Privileges column of Privileges Required
    for Oracle RMU Commands shows one or more OpenVMS privileges
    that allow a user without the appropriate required Oracle RMU and
    OpenVMS privileges for an Oracle RMU command to use the command
    anyway. When more than one OpenVMS privilege is listed in the
    OpenVMS Override Privileges column, you can use the specified
    Oracle RMU command if you have any of the listed privileges.

    Table 1 Privileges Required for Oracle RMU Commands

                      Oracle      Required
    Oracle RMU        RMU         OpenVMS   OpenVMS Override
    Command           Privileges  Privileges Privileges

    Alter             RMU$ALTER             SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Analyze Areas     RMU$ANALYZE           SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Analyze           RMU$ANALYZE           SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Analyze Indexes   RMU$ANALYZE           SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Analyze           RMU$ANALYZE           SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Backup            RMU$BACKUP            SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Backup After_     RMU$BACKUP            SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Backup Plan       RMU$BACKUP            SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Checkpoint        RMU$BACKUP,           WORLD

    Close             RMU$OPEN              WORLD
    Collect           RMU$ANALYZE           SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Convert           RMU$CONVERT,          SYSPRV, BYPASS

    Copy_Database     RMU$COPY              SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Delete            RMU$ANALYZE           SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Dump After_       RMU$DUMP              SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Dump Areas        RMU$DUMP              SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Dump Backup_File  RMU$DUMP,   READ      BYPASS
    Dump Export                   READ      BYPASS
    Dump Header       RMU$DUMP,             SYSPRV, BYPASS

    Dump Lareas       RMU$DUMP              SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Dump Recovery_                READ      BYPASS
    Dump Row Cache    RMU$DUMP              SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Dump Snapshots    RMU$DUMP              SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Dump Users        RMU$DUMP,             WORLD
    Extract           RMU$UNLOAD            SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Insert Optimizer  RMU$ANALYZE           SYSPRV,
    Statistics                              BYPASS
    Load              RMU$LOAD              SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Load Audit        RMU$SECURITY          SECURITY, BYPASS
    Load Plan         RMU$LOAD              SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Monitor Reopen_               WORLD,    SETPRV
    Log                           CMKRNL,
    Monitor Start                 WORLD,    SETPRV
    Monitor Stop                  WORLD,    SETPRV
    Move_Area         RMU$MOVE              SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Open              RMU$OPEN              WORLD
    Optimize After_   RMU$BACKUP,           SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Journal           RMU$RESTORE
    Reclaim           RMU$ALTER             SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Recover           RMU$RESTORE           SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Recover Resolve   RMU$RESTORE           SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Repair            RMU$ALTER             SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Resolve           RMU$RESTORE           SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Restore           RMU$RESTORE           SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Restore Only_     RMU$RESTORE           SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Server After_     RMU$OPEN              WORLD
    Journal Reopen_
    Server After_     RMU$OPEN              WORLD
    Journal Start
    Server After_     RMU$OPEN              WORLD
    Journal Stop
    Server Backup_    RMU$OPEN              WORLD
    Journal Resume
    Server Backup_    RMU$OPEN              WORLD
    Journal Suspend
    Server Record_    RMU$OPEN              WORLD
    Set After_        RMU$ALTER,            SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Journal           RMU$BACKUP,
    Set AIP           RMU$DUMP              SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Set Audit         RMU$SECURITY          SECURITY, BYPASS
    Set Buffer        RMU$ALTER             SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Set Corrupt_      RMU$ALTER,            SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Pages             RMU$BACKUP,
    Set Galaxy        RMU$ALTER             SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Set Global        RMU$ALTER             SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Set Logminer      RMU$ALTER,            SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Set Privilege     RMU$SECURITY          SECURITY, BYPASS
    Set Row_Cache     RMU$ALTER             SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Set Shared        RMU$ALTER             SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Show After_       RMU$BACKUP,           SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Journal           RMU$RESTORE,
    Show AIP          RMU$DUMP              SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Show Audit        RMU$SECURITY          SECURITY, BYPASS
    Show Corrupt_     RMU$BACKUP,           SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Pages             RMU$RESTORE,
    Show Locks                    WORLD
    Show Optimizer_   RMU$ANALYZE,          SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Statistics        RMU$SHOW
    Show Privilege    RMU$SECURITY          SECURITY, BYPASS
    Show Statistics   RMU$SHOW              SYSPRV, BYPASS, WORLD
    Show System                   WORLD
    Show Users        RMU$SHOW,             WORLD
    Show Version
    Unload            RMU$UNLOAD            SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Unload After_     RMU$DUMP              SYSPRV, BYPASS
    Verify            RMU$VERIFY            SYSPRV, BYPASS

5  –  Alter

    Invokes the RdbALTER utility for Oracle Rdb.


       Oracle Corporation recommends that the RdbALTER utility be
       used only as a last resort to provide a temporary patch to a
       corrupt database. The RdbALTER utility should not be used as
       a routine database management tool.

       Use the RdbALTER utility only after you fully understand the
       internal data structure, know the information the database
       should contain, and know the full effects of the command.
       Because of the power of the RdbALTER utility and the
       cascading effects it can have, Oracle Corporation recommends
       that you experiment on a copy of the damaged database before
       applying the RdbALTER utility to a production database.

    To invoke the RdbALTER utility, enter the RMU Alter command in
    the following format:

    $ RMU/ALTER [root-file-spec]

    The optional root file parameter identifies the database you want
    to alter. If you specify this parameter, you automatically attach
    to the specified database. If you do not specify this parameter,
    you must use the RdbALTER ATTACH command. See the RdbALTER Help
    for more information on the ATTACH command.

    The RMU Alter command responds with the following prompt:


    This prompt indicates that the system expects RdbALTER command

    To access the RdbALTER Help file, enter the following:


    To use the RMU Alter command for a database, you must have the
    RMU$ALTER privilege in the root file ACL for the database or the
    OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege. You must have the OpenVMS
    SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege if you are using an RMU Alter command
    to change a file name.

6  –  Analyze

    Displays information about stored and actual cardinality values
    for tables and indexes, database space utilization in the
    database, index structures for the database, or the accessibility
    through indexes of data records in the database.

6.1  –  Database

    Gathers and displays statistics on how the database uses storage,
    logical area, or page space.

6.1.1  –  Description

    The RMU Analyze command provides a maintenance tool for database
    administrators. It generates a formatted display of statistical
    information that describes storage utilization in the database.
    Information is displayed selectively for storage areas and
    logical areas, or for a range of pages in a storage area. You
    can use the RMU Analyze command to analyze the following:

    o  Space utilization for database pages

    o  Space utilization for storage areas

    o  Space utilization for logical areas

6.1.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Analyze root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers                         x Defaults
  /Areas[=storage-area-list]                 x /Areas
  /[No]Binary_Output=file-option-list        x /Nobinary_Output
  /End=integer                               x /End=last-page
  /Exclude=(options)                         x No logical areas excluded
  /[No]Lareas[=logical-area-list]            x /Lareas
  /Option = {Normal | Full | Debug}          x /Option=Normal
  /Output=file-name                          x /Output=SYS$OUTPUT
  /Start = integer                           x /Start=first-page

6.1.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    The file specification for the database root file to be analyzed.
    The default file extension is .rdb.

6.1.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Areas


    Specifies the storage areas to be analyzed. You can specify each
    storage area by name or by the area's ID number.

    The default, the Areas qualifier, results in analysis of all
    storage areas. You can also specify the Areas=* qualifier to
    analyze all storage areas. If you specify more than one storage
    area, separate the storage area names or ID numbers in the
    storage-area-list parameter with a comma and enclose the list
    in parentheses. If you omit the Areas qualifier, information for
    all the storage areas is displayed.

    You can use the Start and End qualifiers with the Areas
    qualifier to analyze specific pages. If you use the Start and
    End qualifiers when you specify more than one storage area in the
    storage-area-list parameter, the same specified range of pages
    are analyzed in each specified storage area.

    The Areas qualifier can be used with an indirect command file.
    See the Indirect-Command-Files help entry for more information.  –  Binary Output


    Allows you to direct the summary results to a binary file, and
    to create a record definition file that is compatible with the
    data dictionary for the binary output file. The binary output
    file can be loaded into an Oracle Rdb database by using the RMU
    Load command with the Record_Definition qualifier for use by a
    user-written management application or procedure. The binary
    output can also be used directly by the user-written application
    or procedure.

    The valid file options are:

    o  File=file-spec

       The File option causes the Analyze command data to be stored
       in an RMS file that contains a fixed-length binary record for
       each storage area and logical area analyzed. The default file
       extension for the binary output file is .unl. The following
       command creates the binary output file analyze_out.unl:


    o  Record_Definition=file-spec

       The Record_Definition option causes the Analyze command
       data record definition to be stored in an RMS file. The
       output file contains the definition in a subset of the data
       dictionary command format, a format very similar to RDO field
       and relation definitions. The default file extension for the
       record definition output file is .rrd. The following command
       creates the output file analyze_out.rrd:


       You can specify both file options in one command by separating
       them with a comma and enclosing them within parentheses, for


    If you specify the Binary_Output qualifier, you must specify
    at least one of the options. The default is the Nobinary_Output
    qualifier, which does not create an output file.  –  End


    Specifies the ending page number for the analysis. The default is
    the end of the storage area file.  –  Exclude

    Exclude=(System_Records, Metadata)

    Excludes information from the RMU Analyze command output. You
    can specify Exclude=System_Records or Exclude=Metadata, or both.
    If you specify both options, enclose them within parentheses and
    separate each option with a comma.

    When you do not specify the Exclude qualifier, data is provided
    for all the logical areas in the database.

    The options are as follows:

    o  System_Records

       Information on the RDB$SYSTEM_RECORDS logical areas is
       excluded from the Analyze command output.

    o  Metadata

       Information on all the Oracle Rdb logical areas (for example,
       the RDB$SYSTEM_RECORDS and RDB$COLLATIONS_NDX logical areas)
       is excluded from the RMU Analyze command output.

    Data is accumulated for the logical areas excluded with the
    Exclude qualifier, but the data is excluded from the Analyze

    You cannot use the Exclude qualifier and the Lareas qualifier in
    the same RMU Analyze command.  –  Lareas


    Specifies the logical areas to be analyzed. Each table in the
    database is associated with a logical area name. The default, the
    Lareas qualifier, results in analysis of all logical areas. You
    can also specify the Lareas=* qualifier to analyze all logical
    areas. If you specify more than one logical area name, separate
    the logical area names in the logical-area-list with a comma and
    enclose the list in parentheses.

    The Lareas qualifier can be used with indirect command files. See
    the Indirect-Command-Files help entry for more information.  –  Option


    Specifies the type of information and level of detail the
    analysis will include. Three types of output are available:

    o  Normal

       Output includes only summary information. The Normal option is
       the default.

    o  Full

       Output includes histograms and summary information.

    o  Debug

       Output includes internal information about the data, as well
       as histograms and summary information. In general, use the
       Debug option for diagnostic support purposes. You can also use
       the Debug option to extract data and perform an independent
       analysis.  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output will be sent. The
    default file extension is .lis. If you do not specify the Output
    qualifier, the output is sent to SYS$OUTPUT.  –  Start


    Specifies the starting page number for the analysis. The default
    is 1.

6.1.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Analyze command for a database, you must
       have the RMU$ANALYZE privilege in the root file ACL for the
       database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.

    o  When the RMU Analyze command is issued for a closed database,
       the command executes without other users being able to attach
       to the database.

    o  Detected asynchronous prefetch should be enabled to achieve
       the best performance of this command. Beginning with Oracle
       Rdb V7.0, by default, detected asynchronous prefetch is
       enabled. You can determine the setting for your database by
       issuing the RMU Dump command with the Header qualifier.

       If detected asynchronous prefetch is disabled, and you do not
       want to enable it for the database, you can enable it for your
       Oracle RMU operations by defining the following logicals at
       the process level:


       P1 is a value between 10 and 20 percent of the user buffer

    o  The following RMU Analyze command directs the results into a
       record definition file called db.rrd. This file is compatible
       with the syntax for creating new columns and tables in the
       data dictionary.

       $! Display the db.rrd file created by the previous command:
       $ TYPE DB.RRD


    o  The following list describes each of the fields in the db.rrd
       record definition:

       -  RMU$DATE

          Contains the date that the Analyze operation was done

       -  RMU$AREA_NAME

          Contains the name of the storage area that was analyzed


          Contains the area ID of the storage area that was analyzed

       -  RMU$FLAGS

          The three possible values in this field have the following

          *  0-Indicates that the record is a storage area record,
             not a logical area record

          *  1-Indicates that data compression is not enabled for the
             logical area

          *  3-Indicates that data compression is enabled for the
             logical area


          Contains the total size of the data stored in the logical


          Contains the total size of the stored data in the logical
          area after decompression


          Contains the number of bytes in the stored fragments


          Contains the number of bytes in the stored fragments after


          Contains the total number of records stored


       -  Contains the number of fragmented records


          Contains the number of stored fragments


          Contains the length in bytes of a database page in the
          storage area


          Contains the page number of the last initialized page in
          the storage area

       -  RMU$FREE_BYTES

          Contains the number of free bytes in the storage area


          Contains the number of bytes used for overhead in the
          storage area

       -  RMU$AIP_COUNT

          Contains the number of the area inventory pages (AIPs) in
          the storage area

       -  RMU$ABM_COUNT

          Contains the number of area bit map (ABM) pages in the
          storage area

       -  RMU$SPAM_COUNT

          Contains the number of space area management (SPAM) pages
          in the storage area


          Contains the number of index records in the storage area


          Contains the number of bytes for sorted indexes in the
          storage area

       -  RMU$HASH_BYTES

          Contains the number of bytes for hashed indexes in the
          storage area


          Contains the number of bytes for duplicate key values for
          sorted indexes in the storage area


          Contains the number of bytes for hash bucket overflow
          records in the storage area


          Contains the logical area ID of the logical area that was


          Contains the record type of the row in the logical area
          that was analyzed


          Contains the size of a row when the table was initially


          Contains the number of bytes available for storing user
          data in the logical area (used space + free space +

6.1.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command analyzes the EMPIDS_LOW and EMP_INFO
    storage areas in the mf_personnel database:


 Example 2

    Both of the following commands analyze the DEPARTMENTS and
    SALARY_HISTORY storage areas in the mf_personnel database:

    $! Using storage area names to specify storage areas
    $! Using storage area ID numbers to specify storage areas

6.2  –  Cardinality

    Generates a formatted display of the actual and stored
    cardinality values for specified tables and indexes. Also, if
    the stored cardinality values are different from the actual
    cardinality values, the RMU Analyze Cardinality command allows
    you to update the stored cardinality values.


       Beginning in Oracle Rdb Version 7.0, the RMU Analyze
       Cardinality command has been deprecated and might be removed
       in future versions of Oracle Rdb. The features available
       through this command are now available through the RMU
       Collect Optimizer_Statistics command and the RMU Show
       Optimizer_Statistics command.

       In addition, updating cardinality information for indexes
       using the RMU Analyze Cardinality command may cause poor
       performance because the prefix cardinality information is
       not collected.

       Therefore, Oracle Corporation recommends that you use the
       RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics and RMU Show Optimizer_
       Statistics commands instead of the RMU Analyze Cardinality

       See Collect_Optimizer_Statistics and Show Optimizer_
       Statistics for information on the RMU Collect Optimizer_
       Statistics and the RMU Show Optimizer_Statistics commands.

6.2.1  –  Description

    The actual cardinality values for tables and indexes can be
    different from the stored cardinality values in your database's
    RDB$SYSTEM storage area if RDB$SYSTEM has been set to read-
    only access. When rows are added to or deleted from tables and
    indexes after the RDB$SYSTEM storage area has been set to read-
    only access, the cardinality values for these tables and indexes
    are not updated.

    For indexes, the cardinality value is the number of unique
    entries for an index that allows duplicates. If the index is
    unique, Oracle Rdb stores zero for the cardinality, and uses the
    table cardinality instead. For tables, the cardinality value is
    the number of rows in the table. Oracle Rdb uses the cardinality
    values of indexes and tables to influence decisions made by the
    optimizer. If the actual cardinality values of tables and indexes
    are different from the stored cardinality values, the optimizer's
    performance can be adversely affected.

    When you use the SQL ALTER DATABASE statement to set the
    RDB$SYSTEM storage area to read-only access for your database,
    the Oracle Rdb system tables in the RDB$SYSTEM storage area are
    also set to read-only access. When the Oracle Rdb system tables
    are set to read-only access:

    o  Automatic updates to table and index cardinality are disabled.

    o  Manual changes made to the cardinalities to influence the
       optimizer are not allowed.

    o  The I/O associated with the cardinality update is eliminated.

    With the RMU Analyze Cardinality command, you can:

    o  Display the stored and actual cardinality values for the
       specified tables and indexes.

    o  Update the stored cardinality value for a specified table
       or index with either the actual value or an alternative
       value of your own choosing. Oracle Corporation recommends
       that you update the stored cardinality value with the actual
       cardinality value. Specifying a value other than the actual
       cardinality value can result in poor database performance.

6.2.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU Analyze/Cardinality root-file-spec [table-or-index-name[,...]]

  Command Qualifiers                     x Defaults
  /[No]Confirm                           x /Noconfirm
  /Output = file-name                    x /Output = SYS$OUTPUT
  /Transaction_Type=option               x /Transaction_Type=Automatic
  /[No]Update                            x /Noupdate

6.2.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    The name of the database root file for which you want
    information. The default file extension is .rdb. This parameter
    is required.  –  table-or-index-name


    The name of the table or index for which you want information
    about cardinality. The default is all tables and all enabled
    indexes. If you want information about a disabled index, you must
    specify it by name.

    If you do not accept the default and instead specify a table
    name, the RMU Analyze Cardinality command and any qualifiers
    you specify will affect only the named table; the command will
    not result in a display or update (if the Update qualifier is
    specified) of the indexes associated with the table.

    This parameter is optional. An indirect file reference can
    be used. See the Indirect-Command-Files help entry for more

6.2.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Confirm


    Specify the Confirm qualifier with the Update qualifier to
    gain more control over the update function. When you specify
    the Confirm qualifier, you are asked whether the update should
    be performed for each selected table or index whose stored
    cardinality value is different from its actual cardinality value.
    You can respond with YES, NO, QUIT, or an alternative value for
    the stored cardinality.

    Specifying YES means that you want to update the stored
    cardinality with the actual cardinality value. Specifying NO
    means that you do not want to update the stored cardinality
    value. Specifying QUIT aborts the RMU Analyze Cardinality
    command, rolls back any changes you made to stored cardinalities,
    and returns you to the operating system prompt. Specifying an
    alternative value updates the stored cardinality value with the
    alternative value.

    When you specify the Noconfirm qualifier, you are not given the
    option of updating stored cardinality values with an alternative
    value of your own choosing. Instead, the stored cardinality
    values that differ from the actual cardinality values are
    automatically updated with the actual cardinality values.

    The default is the Noconfirm qualifier.

    The Confirm and Noconfirm qualifiers are meaningless and are
    ignored if they are specified without the Update qualifier.  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output will be sent. The
    default is SYS$OUTPUT. The default output file type is .lis, if
    you specify a file name.  –  Transaction Type


    Allows you to specify the transaction mode for the transactions
    used to perform the analyze operation. Valid options are:

    o  Automatic

    o  Read_Only

    o  Noread_Only

    You must specify an option if you use this qualifier.

    If you do not specify any form of this qualifier, the
    Transaction_Type=Automatic qualifier is the default. This
    qualifier specifies that Oracle RMU is to determine the
    transaction mode used for the analyze operation. If any storage
    area in the database (including those not accessed for the
    analyze operation) has snapshots disabled, the transactions used
    for the analyze operation are set to read/write mode. Otherwise,
    the transactions are set to read-only mode.

    The Transaction_Type=Read_Only qualifier specifies the
    transactions used to perform the analyze operation be set to
    read-only mode. When you explicitly set the transaction type to
    read-only, snapshots need not be enabled for all storage areas
    in the database, but must be enabled for those storage areas that
    are analyzed. Otherwise, you receive an error and the analyze
    operation fails.

    You might select this option if not all storage areas have
    snapshots enabled and you are analyzing objects that are stored
    only in storage areas with snapshots enabled. In this case, using
    the Transaction_Type=Read_Only qualifier allows you to perform
    the analyze operation and impose minimal locking on other users
    of the database.

    The Transaction_Type=Noread_Only qualifier specifies that
    the transactions used to for the analyze operation be set to
    read/write mode. You might select this option if you want to
    eradicate the growth of snapshot files that occurs during a read-
    only transaction and are willing to incur the cost of increased
    locking that occurs during a read/write transaction.  –  Update


    Specify the Update qualifier to update the stored cardinality
    values of tables and indexes. You can perform an update only when
    the stored cardinality values differ from the actual cardinality
    values. When updating cardinality values, Oracle Corporation
    recommends that you update the stored cardinality values with
    the actual cardinality values, not with an alternative value
    of your own choosing. Specifying a value other than the actual
    cardinality value can result in poor database performance. The
    default is the Noupdate qualifier.

    Using the Update qualifier allows you to update the stored
    cardinality values of the specified tables and indexes even when
    the RDB$SYSTEM storage area is designated for read-only access.
    If you have set the RDB$SYSTEM storage area to read-only access,
    Oracle RMU sets it to read/write during execution of the RMU
    Analyze Cardinality command with the Update qualifier. Oracle RMU
    resets the area to read-only when the operation completes.

    If you are updating the stored cardinality for a table or index,
    and a system failure occurs before the RDB$SYSTEM storage area is
    changed back to read-only access, use the SQL ALTER DATABASE
    statement to manually change the database back to read-only

    However, note that if you have set the area to read-only, the
    update operation specified with the Update qualifier commences
    only if the database is off line or the database is quiescent.

    If you specify a table name parameter with an RMU Analyze
    Cardinality command that includes the Update qualifier, the
    associated indexes are not updated; you must specify each table
    and index you want to be updated or accept the default (by not
    specifying any table or index names) and have all items updated.

    Oracle Corporation recommends that you use the Update qualifier
    during offline operations or during a period of low update
    activity. If you update a cardinality while it is changing
    (as a result of current database activity), the end result is

    Specify the Noupdate qualifier when you want to display the
    stored and actual cardinality values only for the specified
    tables and indexes.

6.2.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Analyze Cardinality command for a database, you
       must have the RMU$ANALYZE privilege in the root file ACL for
       the database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.

    o  You must have the SQL ALTER privilege for the database to
       update a read-only RDB$SYSTEM storage area.

    o  If you specify a name for the table-or-index-name parameter
       that is both an index name and a table name, the RMU Analyze
       Cardinality command performs the requested operation for both
       the table and index.

    o  Although you can alter the cardinality of a unique index
       using the RMU Analyze Cardinality command, it has no effect.
       (A unique index has only unique keys and does not have any
       duplicate keys.) Because the cardinality of a unique index and
       the table it indexes are the same, Oracle Rdb uses the table
       cardinality value when performing operations that involve
       the cardinality of a unique index. Oracle Rdb does not use
       the cardinality value stored for a unique index, nor does it
       attempt to update this value as rows are stored or deleted.

    o  When the RMU Analyze Cardinality command is issued for a
       closed database, the command executes without other users
       being able to attach to the database.

6.2.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command provides information on the cardinality for
    all indexes and tables in the sample mf_personnel database:


    Example 2

    The following command provides information on the cardinality for
    the EMPLOYEES table in the mf_personnel database:


6.3  –  Indexes

    Generates a formatted display of statistical information that
    describes the index structures for the database.

6.3.1  –  Description

    The RMU Analyze Indexes command provides a maintenance tool for
    analyzing index structures and generates a formatted display
    of this statistical information. Information is displayed
    selectively for storage areas and logical areas, or for a range
    of pages in a storage area. You can use the RMU Analyze Indexes
    command to analyze the structures of both sorted (including
    ranked sorted) and hashed indexes. The following shows sample
    output from the RMU Analyze Index command:


     Indices for database  - RDBVMS_DISK1:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;

    Index JH_EMPLOYEE_ID_RANKED for relation JOB_HISTORY duplicates allowed
    Max Level: 3, Nodes: 34, Used/Avail: 8693/13532 (64%), Keys: 133, Records: 0
     Duplicate nodes:0, Used/Avail: 0/0 (0%), Keys: 100, Maps: 100, Records:4113
     Total Comp/Uncomp IKEY Size: 600/798, Compression Ratio:  .75


    Data included in the statistics display includes the following

    o  The first line of output identifies the database in which the
       analyzed index resides.

    o  The second line of output:

       -  Specifies if the index is a hashed index. In the example,
          the index is not hashed, so the term hashed does not

       -  The index name

       -  Whether or not duplicates are allowed.

    o  Third line of output:

       -  Max Level

          The maximum number of levels in the index.

       -  Nodes

          The total number of nodes in the index.

       -  Used/Avail (%)

          The number of bytes used by the index/the number of bytes
          available. (The percentage of space used by the index.)

       -  Keys

          The sum of the dbkeys that point directly to data records
          plus those that point to duplicate nodes.

       -  Records

          The number of data records to which the Keys (in the
          previous list item) point directly.

    o  The fourth line of output:

       -  Duplicate nodes

          For hashed and nonranked sorted indexes, this is the number
          of duplicate nodes in the index. For a ranked sorted index,
          this is the number of overflow nodes. With ranked sorted
          indexes, Oracle Rdb compresses duplicates using a byte-
          aligned bitmap compression. It compresses the list of
          dbkeys that point to duplicates and stores that list in
          the index key node. Oracle Rdb creates overflow nodes when
          the compressed list of duplicates does not fit in one index
          key node. This overflow node contains a bitmap compressed
          list of dbkeys and pointers to the next overflow node.
          Therefore, for ranked sorted indexes, the duplicate nodes
          count (overflow nodes) can be zero (0) if the compressed
          list of dbkeys that point to duplicates fits into one node.

       -  Used/Avail (%)

          The number of bytes used by duplicate nodes/number of bytes
          available in the duplicate nodes. (The percentage of space
          used within the duplicate nodes of the index.) This value
          can be zero (0) for a ranked sorted index if the number of
          duplicate nodes is zero.

       -  Keys

          The total number of dbkeys that point to a duplicate node
          or that point to the beginning of a duplicate node chain in
          the index.

       -  Maps (appears only if the index is a ranked sorted index)

          The number of duplicate key data record bit maps used by
          ranked sorted indexes to represent the duplicate index key
          data record dbkeys.

       -  Records

          The total number of data records pointed to by duplicate
          nodes. If the index is a ranked sorted index, Records
          refers to the number of data records pointed to by
          duplicate bit maps.

    o  The fifth line of output (appears only if the index is

       -  Total Comp/Uncomp IKEY Size

          The total byte count of the compressed leaf index keys
          (level 1 nodes only)/the total byte count that would be
          consumed if the index were not compressed

       -  Compression ratio.

          The calculated ratio of Total Comp/Uncomp. A compression
          ratio greater than 1.0 indicates that the compressed index
          keys occupy more space than the uncompressed index keys.

    For more information on RMU Analyze Indexes and the display
    of index keys, refer to the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to Database
    Performance and Tuning.

6.3.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Analyze/Indexes root-file-spec [index-name[,...]]

  Command Qualifiers                       x Defaults
  /[No]Binary_Output[=file-option-list]    x /Nobinary_Output
  /Exclude = Metadata                      x All index data displayed
  /Option = {Normal | Full | Debug}        x /Option=Normal
  /Output = file-name                      x /Output=SYS$OUTPUT
  /Transaction_Type=option                 x /Transaction_Type=Automatic

6.3.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    The file specification for the database root file for which
    you want information. The default file extension is .rdb. This
    parameter is required.  –  index-name


    The name of the index for which you want information. The default
    is all enabled indexes. If you want information about a disabled
    index, you must specify it by name. This parameter is optional.
    An indirect file reference can be used. See the Indirect-Command-
    Files help entry for more information.

    The wildcard characters "%" and "*" can be used in the index
    name specification. The following examples demonstrate various
    combinations of use of the wildcard characters.


6.3.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Binary Output


    Specifying the Binary_Output qualifier allows you to store
    the summary results in a binary file, and to create a record
    definition file that is compatible with the data dictionary for
    the binary output file. The binary output can be loaded into
    an Oracle Rdb database by using the RMU Load command with the
    Record_Definition qualifier for use by a user-written management
    application or procedure. The binary output can also be used
    directly by the user-written application or procedure.

    The valid file options are:

    o  File=file-spec

       The File option causes the RMU Analyze Indexes command data to
       be stored in an RMS file that contains a fixed-length binary
       record for each index analyzed.

       The default file extension for the binary output file is .unl.
       The following command creates the binary output file analyze_


    o  Record_Definition=file-spec

       The Record_Definition option causes the RMU Analyze Indexes
       command data record definition to be stored in an RMS file.
       The output file contains the record definition in a subset of
       the data dictionary command format. The default file extension
       for the record definition output file is .rrd. Refer to the
       rrd_file_syntax help topic for a description of the .rrd
       files. The following command creates the output file analyze_


       You can specify both file options in one command by separating
       them with a comma and enclosing them within parentheses, as


    If you specify the Binary_Output qualifier, you must specify
    at least one of the options. The default is the Nobinary_Output
    qualifier, which does not create an output file.  –  Exclude


    Excludes information from the RMU Analyze Indexes command output.
    When you specify the Exclude=Metadata qualifier, information on
    the Oracle Rdb indexes (for example, the RDB$NDX_REL_NAME_NDX and
    RDB$COLLATIONS_NDX indexes) is excluded from the RMU Analyze
    Indexes command output. When you do not specify the Exclude
    qualifier, data is provided for all indexes in the database.

    Data is accumulated for the indexes excluded with the Exclude
    qualifier, but the data is excluded from the RMU Analyze Indexes
    command output.

    You cannot specify the Exclude qualifier and one or more index
    names in the same RMU Analyze Indexes command.  –  Option


    Specifies the type of information and the level of detail the
    analysis will include. Three types of output are available:

    o  Normal

       Output includes only summary information. The Normal option is
       the default.

    o  Full

       Output includes histograms and summary information. This
       option displays a summary line for each sorted index level.

    o  Debug

       Output includes internal information about the data,
       histograms, and summary information. Note the following when
       using this option to analyze compressed index keys:

       -  The key lengths are from the compressed index keys.

       -  The hexadecimal output for the keys is that of the
          uncompressed index keys.

       -  The output includes summary statistics about the compressed
          index keys.

       In general, use the Debug option for diagnostic support
       purposes. You can also use the Debug option to extract data
       and perform an independent analysis.  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output will be sent. The
    default is SYS$OUTPUT. The default output file extension is .lis,
    if you specify a file name.  –  Transaction Type


    Allows you to specify the transaction mode for the transactions
    used to perform the analyze operation. Valid options are:

    o  Automatic

    o  Read_Only

    o  Noread_Only

    You must specify an option if you use this qualifier.

    If you do not use any form of this qualifier, the Transaction_
    Type=Automatic qualifier is the default. This qualifier specifies
    that Oracle RMU is to determine the transaction mode used for the
    analyze operation. If any storage area in the database (including
    those not accessed for the analyze operation) has snapshots
    disabled, the transactions used for the analyze operation are
    set to read/write mode. Otherwise, the transactions are set to
    read-only mode.

    The Transaction_Type=Read_Only qualifier specifies the
    transactions used to perform the analyze operation be set to
    read-only mode. When you explicitly set the transaction type to
    read-only, snapshots need not be enabled for all storage areas
    in the database, but must be enabled for those storage areas that
    are analyzed. Otherwise, you receive an error and the analyze
    operation fails.

    You might select this option if not all storage areas have
    snapshots enabled and you are analyzing objects that are stored
    only in storage areas with snapshots enabled. In this case, using
    the Transaction_Type=Read_Only qualifier allows you to perform
    the analyze operation and impose minimal locking on other users
    of the database.

    The Transaction_Type=Noread_Only qualifier specifies that
    the transactions used to for the analyze operation be set to
    read/write mode. You might select this option if you want to
    eradicate the growth of snapshot files that occurs during a read-
    only transaction and are willing to incur the cost of increased
    locking that occurs during a read/write transaction.

6.3.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Analyze Indexes command for a database, you
       must have the RMU$ANALYZE privilege in the root file access
       control list (ACL) for the database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or
       BYPASS privilege.

    o  When the RMU Analyze Indexes command is issued for a closed
       database, the command executes without other users being able
       to attach to the database.

    o  The following RMU Analyze Indexes command produces an RMS
       record definition file called index.rrd that can be read by
       the RMU Load command and the data dictionary:

       _$ MF_PERSONNEL
       $! Display the index.rrd file created by the previous command:


    o  The following list describes each of the fields in the
       index.rrd record definition:

       -  RMU$DATE

          Contains the date that the analyze operation was done

       -  RMU$INDEX_NAME

          Contains the name of the index that was analyzed


          Contains the name of the table for which the index is

       -  RMU$LEVEL

          Contains the maximum number of index levels

       -  RMU$FLAGS

          The eight possible values in this field have the following

          *  0-Index is sorted and not unique. A full report is not

          *  1-Index is sorted and unique. A full report is not

          *  2-Index is hashed and not unique. A full report is not

          *  3-Index is hashed and unique. A full report is not

          *  4-Index is sorted and not unique. A full report is

          *  5- Index is sorted and unique. A full report is

          *  6- Index is hashed and not unique. A full report is

          *  7-Index is hashed and unique. A full report is

          *  8-Index is sorted ranked and not unique. A full report
             is not generated.

          *  9-Index is sorted ranked and unique. A full report is
             not generated.

          *  12-Index is sorted ranked and not unique. A full report
             is generated.

          *  13-Index is sorted ranked and unique. A full report is

          The RMU Analyze Indexes command uses the RMU$FLAGS bits
          shown in RMU$FLAGS Bits Used by the RMU Analyze Indexes
          Command for describing specific index information.

    Table 2 RMU$FLAGS Bits Used by the RMU Analyze Indexes Command

    Bit Offset     Meaning

    0              Unique index if true
    1              Hashed index if true
    2              Full report record if true
    3              Ranked index if true

          When RMU$FLAGS has bit 2 set it means that a full report is
          generated. A full report has records for each level of the

       -  RMU$COUNT

          Contains the number of index nodes

       -  RMU$USED

          Contains the amount of available space that is used


          Contains the amount of space available in the index records


          Contains the number of duplicate records


          Contains the amount of available space used in the
          duplicate records


          Contains the amount of space available in the duplicate
          records initially

       -  RMU$KEY_COUNT

          Contains the number of keys

       -  RMU$DATA_COUNT

          Contains the number of records


          Contains the number of duplicate keys


          Contains the number of duplicate records


          Contains the number of compressed index key bytes


          Contains the number of bytes that would be used by index
          keys, had they not been compressed

6.3.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command analyzes the JH_EMPLOYEE_ID and SH_
    EMPLOYEE_ID indexes in the mf_personnel database:


    Example 2

    The following commands demonstrate the differences you see
    when you analyze a nonranked sorted index and a ranked sorted
    index. Note the differences in the values for the Duplicate
    nodes. The nonranked sorted index displays 80 duplicate nodes.
    The ranked sorted index (before more duplicates are added)
    displays 0 duplicate nodes for the same data. After hundreds
    of more duplicates are added, the ranked sorted index shows only
    3 duplicate nodes. The differences you see are because of the
    different way duplicate records are stored for nonranked sorted
    indexes and ranked sorted indexes. See the Description help entry
    under this command for details on these differences.

    $ ! Analyze a nonranked sorted index:
    $ !

     Indices for database  - USER1:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1

    Index JH_EMPLOYEE_ID for relation JOB_HISTORY duplicates allowed
    Max Level: 2, Nodes: 4, Used/Avail: 768/1592 (48%), Keys: 103, Records: 20
    Duplicate nodes: 80, Used/Avail: 2032/4696 (43%), Keys: 80, Records: 254
    $ ! Analyze a ranked sorted index defined on the same column as the
    $ ! nonranked sorted index:


     Indices for database  - USER1:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1

    Index JH_EMPLOYEE_ID_RANKED for relation JOB_HISTORY duplicates allowed
    Max Level: 2, Nodes: 11, Used/Avail: 2318/4378 (53%), Keys: 110, Records: 20
    Duplicate nodes: 0, Used/Avail: 0/0 (0%), Keys: 80, Maps: 80, Records: 254
    $ !
    $ ! Insert many duplicates and analyze the ranked sorted index again:
    $ !

     Indices for database  - USER1:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1

    Index JH_EMPLOYEE_ID_RANKED for relation JOB_HISTORY duplicates allowed
    Max Level: 2, Nodes: 13, Used/Avail: 2705/5174 (52%), Keys: 112, Records: 20
    Duplicate nodes:3, Used/Avail:850/1194 (71%), Keys:80, Maps: 83, Records:2964

6.4  –  Placement

    Generates a formatted display of statistical information
    describing the row placement relative to the index structures
    for the database.

6.4.1  –  Description

    The RMU Analyze Placement command provides a maintenance tool
    for analyzing row placement relative to index structures and
    generates a formatted display of this statistical information.
    Information is displayed selectively for any specified storage

    You can use the RMU Analyze Placement command to determine:

    o  The maximum and average path length to a data record. (The
       maximum and average number of records touched to reach a data

    o  The estimated maximum I/O path length to a data record.

    o  The estimated minimum I/O path length to a data record.

    o  The frequency distributions for the database key (dbkey)
       path lengths, maximum I/O path lengths, and minimum I/O path
       lengths for specified indexes.

    o  The distribution of data records on data pages in a storage
       area by logical area identifier (ID) and dbkey, the number
       of dbkeys needed to reach each data record, the maximum and
       minimum I/O path lengths needed to reach the data record, and
       the specific dbkey for the data record.

6.4.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Analyze/Placement root-file-spec [index-name[,...]]

  Command Qualifiers                     x   Defaults
  /Areas[=storage-area-list]             x   /Areas
  /[No]Binary_Output[=file-option-list]  x   /Nobinary_Output
  /Exclude = Metadata                    x   All index data displayed
  /Option = {Normal | Full | Debug}      x   /Option = Normal
  /Output=file-name                      x   /Output = SYS$OUTPUT
  /Transaction_Type=option               x   /Transaction_Type=Automatic

6.4.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    The file specification for the database root file to be analyzed.
    The default file extension is .rdb.  –  index-name


    The name of the index for which you want information. The default
    is all enabled indexes. If you want information about a disabled
    index, you must specify it by name. This parameter is optional.
    An indirect file reference can be used.

6.4.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Areas


    Specifies the storage areas to be analyzed. You can specify each
    storage area by name or by the area's ID number.

    If you are interested in the placement information for a
    particular index, specify the area where the data resides, not
    where the index resides. For example, if you are interested in
    the placement information for the SH_EMPLOYEE_ID index of the
    mf_personnel database, you should specify SALARY_HISTORY as the
    storage area (which is where the data resides), not RDB$SYSTEM
    (which is where the index resides).

    If you do not specify the Areas qualifier, or if you specify
    the Areas qualifier but do not provide a storage-area-list,
    information for all the storage areas is displayed.

    If you specify more than one storage area, separate the storage
    area names or ID numbers in the storage-area-list with a comma
    and enclose the list within parentheses.

    If you specify more than one storage area with the Areas
    qualifier, the analysis Oracle RMU provides is a summary for
    all the specified areas. The analysis is not broken out into
    separate sections for each specified storage area. To get index
    information for a specific storage area, issue the RMU Analyze
    Placement command, specifying only that area with the Areas

    The Areas qualifier can be used with an indirect file reference.
    See the Indirect-Command-Files help entry for more information.

    The Areas qualifier (without a storage-area-list) is the default.  –  Binary Output


    Specifying the Binary_Output qualifier allows you to store
    the summary results in a binary file, and to create a record
    definition file that is compatible with the data dictionary for
    the binary output file. The binary output file can be loaded
    into an Oracle Rdb database by using the RMU Load command with
    the Record_Definition qualifier that can then be used by a user-
    written management application or procedure. The binary output
    can also be used directly by the user-written application or

    The valid file options are:

    o  File=file-spec

       The File option causes the RMU Analyze Placement command data
       to be stored in an RMS file that contains a fixed-length
       binary record for each index analyzed. The default file
       extension for the binary output file is .unl. The following
       command creates the binary output file analyze_out.unl:


    o  Record_Definition=file-spec

       The Record_Definition option causes the RMU Analyze Placement
       command data record definition to be stored in an RMS file.
       The output file contains the record definition in a subset of
       the data dictionary command format. The default file extension
       for the record definition output file is .rrd. Refer to the
       rrd_file_syntax help topic for a description of .rrd files.
       The following command creates the output file analyze_out.rrd:


       You can specify both file options in one command by separating
       them with a comma and enclosing them within parentheses, as


    The default is the Nobinary_Output qualifier, which does not
    create an output file.  –  Exclude


    Excludes information from the RMU Analyze Placement command data.
    When you specify the Exclude=Metadata qualifier, information on
    all the Oracle Rdb indexes (for example, the RDB$NDX_REL_NAME_NDX
    and RDB$COLLATIONS_NDX indexes) is excluded from the RMU Analyze
    Placement command output. When you do not specify the Exclude
    qualifier, data is provided for all indexes in the database.

    Data is accumulated for the indexes excluded with the Exclude
    qualifier, but the data is excluded from the RMU Analyze
    Placement command output.

    You cannot specify the Exclude qualifier and one or more index
    names in the same RMU Analyze Placement command.  –  Option


    Specifies the type of information and level of detail the
    analysis will include. Three types of output are available:

    o  Normal

       Output includes only summary information. Normal is the

    o  Full

       Output includes histograms and summary information.

    o  Debug

       Output includes internal information about the data,
       histograms, and summary information. Output also displays
       uncompressed index keys from compressed indexes. The
       hexadecimal output is that of the uncompressed index key.
       However, the lengths shown are of the compressed index key.
       For more information on RMU Analyze Placement and the display
       of index keys, refer to the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to Database
       Performance and Tuning.  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output will be sent. The
    default file type is .lis. If you do not specify the Output
    qualifier, the default output is SYS$OUTPUT.  –  Transaction Type


    Allows you to specify the transaction mode for the transactions
    used to perform the analyze operation. Valid options are:

    o  Automatic

    o  Read_Only

    o  Noread_Only

    You must specify an option if you use this qualifier.

    If you do not use any form of this qualifier, the Transaction_
    Type=Automatic qualifier is the default. This qualifier specifies
    that Oracle RMU is to determine the transaction mode used for the
    analyze operation. If any storage area in the database (including
    those not accessed for the analyze operation) has snapshots
    disabled, the transactions used for the analyze operation are
    set to read/write mode. Otherwise, the transactions are set to
    read-only mode.

    The Transaction_Type=Read_Only qualifier specifies the
    transactions used to perform the analyze operation be set to
    read-only mode. When you explicitly set the transaction type to
    read-only, snapshots need not be enabled for all storage areas
    in the database, but must be enabled for those storage areas that
    are analyzed. Otherwise, you receive an error and the analyze
    operation fails.

    You might select this option if not all storage areas have
    snapshots enabled and you are analyzing objects that are stored
    only in storage areas with snapshots enabled. In this case, using
    the Transaction_Type=Read_Only qualifier allows you to perform
    the analyze operation and impose minimal locking on other users
    of the database.

    The Transaction_Type=Noread_Only qualifier specifies that the
    transactions used for the analyze operation be set to read/write
    mode. You might select this option if you want to eradicate
    the growth of snapshot files that occurs during a read-only
    transaction and are willing to incur the cost of increased
    locking that occurs during a read/write transaction.

6.4.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Analyze Placement command for a database, you
       must have the RMU$ANALYZE privilege in the root file ACL for
       the database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.

    o  When the RMU Analyze Placement command is issued for a closed
       database, the command executes without other users being able
       to attach to the database.

    o  The following RMU Analyze Placement command directs
       the results into an RMS record definition file called
       placement.rrd that is compatible with the data dictionary:

       _$ MF_PERSONNEL
       $! Display the placement.rrd file created by the previous command:


    o  The following list describes each of the fields in the
       placement.rrd record definition:

       -  RMU$DATE

          Contains the date that the analyze operation was done

       -  RMU$INDEX_NAME

          Contains the name of the index that was analyzed


          Contains the name of the table for which the index is

       -  RMU$LEVEL

          Contains the maximum number of index levels

       -  RMU$FLAGS

          The six possible values in this field have the following

          *  0-Index is a sorted and not unique index

          *  1-Index is sorted and unique

          *  2-Index is hashed and not unique

          *  3-Index is hashed and unique

          *  4-Index is ranked sorted and not unique

          *  5-Index is ranked sorted and unique

          The RMU Analyze Placement command uses the RMU$FLAGS bits
          shown in RMU$FLAGS Bits Used by the RMU Analyze Placement
          Command for describing specific index information.

    Table 3 RMU$FLAGS Bits Used by the RMU Analyze Placement Command

    Bit Offset     Meaning

    0              Unique index if true
    1              Hashed index if true
    2              Ranked sorted index if true

       -  RMU$COUNT

          Contains the number of index nodes


          Contains the number of duplicate records

       -  RMU$KEY_COUNT

          Contains the number of keys


          Contains the number of duplicate keys

       -  RMU$DATA_COUNT

          Contains the number of records


          Contains the number of duplicate records


          Contains the total number of keys touched to access all the


          Contains the total number of pages touched to access all
          the records


          Contains the total number of buffers touched to access all
          the records

       -  RMU$MAX_KEY_PATH

          Contains the largest number of keys touched to access any
          of the records


          Contains the largest number of pages touched to access any
          of the records

       -  RMU$MIN_BUF_PATH

          Contains the smallest number of buffers touched to access
          any of the records

6.4.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command provides information on row storage
    relative to the DEPARTMENTS_INDEX index of the sample personnel


7  –  Backup

    There are three RMU Backup commands, as follows:

    o  An RMU Backup command without the After_Journal qualifier
       creates a database backup file.

    o  An RMU Backup command with the After_Journal qualifier creates
       a backup of the after-image journal (.aij) file. The .aij
       can reside on disk or on tape. The RMU Backup command with
       the After_Journal qualifier supports a two-stage journaling
       technique that saves disk space and creates a backup journal
       on tape.

    o  An RMU Backup command with the Plan qualifier allows you to
       execute a List_Plan previously created with a parallel backup
       operation. This form of the Backup command does not accept a
       database name as a parameter. Instead, it requires the name of
       a list plan.

7.1  –  Database

    Creates a backup copy of the database and places it in a file. If
    necessary, you can later use the RMU Restore command to restore
    the database to the condition it was in at the time of the backup

7.1.1  –  Description

    The RMU Backup command copies information contained in a database
    to a file. It provides a number of options that allow you to
    determine the following:

    o  Whether to perform a parallel backup operation.

       When you specify a parallel backup operation, you must back up
       to tape or multiple disks. The Parallel Backup Monitor allows
       you to monitor the progress of a parallel backup operation.

    o  Whether to back up the database to disk or tape.

    o  The extent (how much of the database) to back up.

    The backup operation uses a multithreaded process to optimize
    the performance of the backup operation. See the Oracle Rdb
    Guide to Database Maintenance for a complete description of how
    multithreading works.

    A parallel backup operation, in addition to using multithreaded
    processes, uses a coordinator executor and multiple worker
    executors (subprocesses) to enhance the speed of the backup
    operation. You can also direct each worker executor to run on
    a different node within a cluster to further enhance the speed
    of the operation. You must have Oracle SQL/Services installed and
    running to perform a parallel backup operation.

    See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for information
    on when a parallel backup operation is most useful.

    Use the Parallel qualifier to indicate to Oracle RMU that you
    want to perform a parallel backup operation. Use the Noexecute
    and List_Plan qualifiers to generate a Backup plan file. A Backup
    plan file records the backup options and specifications you enter
    on the command line in a text file. You can edit this text file
    to fine-tune your parallel backup operation and execute it, as
    needed, with the RMU Backup Plan command. Use the Statistics
    option to the Parallel qualifier if you want to monitor the
    progress of the parallel backup operation with the Parallel
    Backup Monitor. See the description of the Parallel, List_Plan,
    and Noexecute qualifiers, and the RMU Backup Plan command for

    You cannot use the Parallel Backup Monitor to monitor the
    progress of a non-parallel backup operation. However, you can
    achieve a close approximation of this by specifying the Executor_
    Count=1 and the Statistics options with the Parallel qualifier.
    This results in a parallel backup operation with one executor
    and one controller that you can monitor with the Parallel Backup

    Both parallel and non-parallel backup operations allow you to
    perform different types of backup operations with respect to the
    portions of the database to be backed up, as described in RMU
    Backup Options.

    Table 4 RMU Backup Options

                                 Storage Area Selection

    Page           Complete                    By-Area
    Selection      (All Areas)                 (Selected Areas)

    Full           Copies the database root    Copies the database
                   (.rdb) file and all the     root (.rdb) file and
                   database pages in all       backs up only the
                   the storage areas in the    database pages in the
                   database. This is the       storage areas that you
                   default backup operation.   specify on the backup
                   Note that you must use      command line. All the
                   this type of backup prior   storage areas in the
                   to upgrading to a newer     database are backed
                   version of Oracle Rdb.      up only if you specify
                   Because this is the         them all (or perform
                   default operation, no       a full and complete
                   qualifiers are needed to    backup operation). Use
                   specify a full backup.      the Include or Exclude
                                               qualifiers to specify
                                               the storage areas for
                                               a full by-area backup
    Incremental    Copies all database pages   Copies the database
                   that have been updated      root (.rdb) file and
                   since the latest full       only the database
                   backup operation and        pages for the
                   the database root file.     specified storage
                   Use the Incremental (or     areas that have
                   Incremental=Complete)       changed since the
                   qualifier to specify an     latest full backup
                   incremental and complete    operation. Use the
                   backup operation.           Include or Exclude
                                               qualifier along with
                                               the Incremental=By_
                                               Area qualifier
                                               to specify an
                                               incremental, by-area,
                                               backup operation.

    Oracle Corporation recommends that you use a full backup
    operation to back up a database if you have made changes in the
    physical or logical design. Performing an incremental backup
    operation under these circumstances can lead to the inability to
    recover the database properly.

    If you choose to perform a by-area backup operation, your
    database can be fully recovered after a system failure only
    if after-image journaling is enabled on the database. If your
    database has both read/write and read-only storage areas but does
    not have after-image journaling enabled, you should do complete
    backup operations (backup operations on all the storage areas
    in the database) at all times. Doing complete backup operations
    when after-image journaling is not enabled ensures that you can
    recover the entire database to its condition at the time of the
    previous backup operation.

    When a full backup file is created for one or more storage
    areas, the date and time of the last full backup file created
    for those storage areas (as recorded in the backup (.rbf) file)
    is updated. You can display the date and time of the last full
    backup operation on each of the storage areas in a database by
    executing an RMU Dump command with the Header qualifier on the
    latest backup (.rbf) file for the database. The date and time
    displayed by this command is the date and time of the last full
    backup operation performed for the area.

    Note that an incremental backup operation on a storage area does
    not update the date and time for the last full backup operation
    performed on the storage area that is recorded in the backup

    In the event of subsequent damage to the database, you can
    specify backup files in an RMU Restore command to restore the
    database to the condition it was in when you backed it up.

    The RMU Backup command writes backup files in compressed format
    to save space. Available or free space in the database root
    (.rdb) file and on each database page in a storage area (.rda)
    file is not written to the backup file.


       Use only the RMU Backup command to back up all Oracle Rdb
       databases. Do not back up a database by using any other
       method (such as the DCL BACKUP command). The database root
       of a database is updated only when the RMU Backup command is

    For detailed information on backing up a database to tape, see
    the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance.

7.1.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Backup  root-file-spec   backup-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers                           x  Defaults
  /[No]Accept_Label                            x  /Noaccept_Label
  /[No]Acl                                     x  /Acl
  /Active_IO=max-writes                        x  /Active_IO=3
  /Allocation=blocks                           x  None
  /Block_Size=integer                          x  See description
  /[No]Checksum_Verification                   x  /Checksum_Verification
  /[No]Compression[=options]                   x  /Nocompression
  /Crc[=Autodin_II]                            x  See description
  /Crc=Checksum                                x  See description
  /Nocrc                                       x  See description
  /[No]Database_Verification                   x  /Database_Verification
  /Density=(density-value,[No]Compaction)      x  See description
  /Disk_File[=options]                         x  None
  /Encrypt=({Value=|Name=}[,Algorithm=])       x  See description
  /Exclude[=storage-area[,...] ]               x  See description
  /[No]Execute                                 x  See description
  /Extend_Quantity=number-blocks               x  /Extend_Quantity=2048
  /[No]Group_Size=interval                     x  See description
  /Include[=storage-area[,...] ]               x  See description

  (B)0/[No]Incremental                          x /Noincremental
  /Incremental={By_area|Complete}           x None
  /Journal=file-name                        x See description
  /Label=(label-name-list)                  x See description
  /Librarian[=options]                      x None
  /List_Plan=output-file                    x See description
  /Loader_Synchronization[=Fixed]           x See description
  /Lock_Timeout=seconds                     x See description
  /[No]Log[=Brief|Full]                     x Current DCL verify switch
  /Master                                   x See description
  /[No]Media_Loader                         x See description
  /No_Read_Only                             x See description
  /[No]Record                               x Record
  /[No]Online                               x /Noonline
  /Owner=user-id                            x See description
  /Page_Buffers=number-buffers              x /Page_Buffers=2
  /Parallel=(Executor_Count=n[,options])    x See description
  /Prompt={Automatic|Operator|Client}       x See description
  /Protection[=file-protection]             x See description
  /[No]Quiet_Point                          x /Quiet_Point

  (B)0/Reader_Thread_Ratio=integer              x See description
  /Restore_Options=file-name                x None
  /[No]Rewind                               x /Norewind
  /[No]Scan_Optimization                    x See description
  /Tape_Expiration=date-time                x The current time
  /Threads=n                                x See description

7.1.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    The name of the database root file. The root file name is also
    the name of the database. The default file extension is .rdb.  –  backup-file-spec

    The file specification for the backup file. The default file
    extension is .rbf. Depending on whether you are performing a
    backup operation to magnetic tape, disk, or multiple disks, the
    backup file specification should be specified as follows:

    o  If you are backing up to magnetic tape

       -  Oracle Corporation recommends that you supply a backup
          file name that is 17 or fewer characters in length. File
          names longer than 17 characters might be truncated. See
          the Usage_Notes help entry under this command for more
          information about backup file names that are longer than 17

       -  If you use multiple tape drives, the backup-file-spec
          parameter must be provided with (and only with) the first
          tape drive name. Additional tape drive names must be
          separated from the first and subsequent tape drive names
          with commas.

       See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for more
       information about using multiple tape drives.

    o  If you are backing up to multiple or single disk files

       -  It is good practice to write backup files to a device other
          than the devices where the database root, storage area, and
          snapshot files of the database are located. This way, if
          there is a problem with the database disks, you can still
          restore the database from a backup file.

       -  If you use multiple disk files, the backup-file-spec
          parameter must be provided with (and only with) the first
          disk device name. Additional disk device names must be
          separated from the first and subsequent disk device names
          with commas. You must include the Disk_File qualifier. For


          As an alternative to listing the disk device names on
          the command line (which, if you use several devices, can
          exceed the line-limit length for a command line), you can
          specify an options file in place of the backup-file-spec.
          For example:


          The contents of devices.opt might appear as follows:


          The resulting backup files created from such an options
          file would be:


          Note that the same directory must exist on each device
          before you issue the command. Also, if you forget to
          specify the Disk_File qualifier, you receive an error
          message similar to the following:

          _$ DEVICE2:[DIRECTORY2]
          %RMU-F-NOTBACFIL, DEVICE1:[DIRECTORY1]MFP.RBF; is not a valid
          backup file
          %RMU-F-FTL_BCK,Fatal error for BACKUP operation at 2-MAY-2001

7.1.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Accept Label


    Specifies that RMU Backup should keep the current tape label it
    finds on a tape during a backup operation even if that label
    does not match the default label or that specified with the
    Label qualifier. Operator notification does not occur unless
    the tape's protection, owner, or expiration date prohibit writing
    to the tape. However, a message is logged (assuming logging is
    enabled) and written to the backup journal file (assuming you
    have specified the Journal qualifier) to indicate that a label is
    being preserved and which drive currently holds that tape.

    This qualifier is particularly useful when your backup operation
    employs numerous previously used (and thus labeled) tapes and
    you want to preserve the labels currently on the tapes. However,
    you are responsible for remembering the order in which tapes were
    written. For this reason, it is a good idea to use the Journal
    qualifier when you use the Accept_Label qualifier.

    If you do not specify this qualifier, the default behavior of RMU
    Backup is to notify the operator each time it finds a mismatch
    between the current label on the tape and the default label (or
    the label you specify with the Label qualifier).

    See the description of the Labels qualifier under this command
    for information on default labels. See How Tapes are Relabeled
    During a Backup Operation in the Usage_Notes help entry under
    this command for a summary of which labels are applied under a
    variety of circumstances.  –  Acl


    Specifies whether to back up the root file access control list
    (ACL) for a database when you back up the database. The root file
    ACL controls users privileges to issue Oracle RMU commands.

    If you specify the Acl qualifier, the root file ACL will be
    backed up with the database.

    If you specify the Noacl qualifier, the root file ACL will not
    be backed up with the database. The Noacl qualifier can be
    useful if you plan to restore the database on a system where
    the identifiers in the current root file ACL will not be valid.

    The default is the Acl qualifier.  –  Active IO


    Specifies the maximum number of write operations to a backup
    device that the RMU Backup command will attempt simultaneously.
    This is not the maximum number of write operations in progress;
    that value is the product of active system I/O operations and the
    number of devices being written to simultaneously.

    The value of the
    Active_IO qualifier can range from 1 to 5. The default value
    is 3. Values larger than 3 can improve performance with some tape
    drives.  –  Allocation


    Specifies the size, in blocks, which the backup file is initially
    allocated. The minimum value for the number-blocks parameter is
    1; the maximum value allowed is 2147483647. If you do not specify
    the Allocation_Quantity qualifier, the Extend_Quantity value
    effectively controls the file's initial allocation.

    This qualifier cannot be used with backup operations to tape.  –  Block Size


    Specifies the maximum record size for the backup file. The size
    can vary between 2048 and 65,024 bytes. The default value is
    device dependent. The appropriate block size is a compromise
    between tape capacity and error rate. The block size you specify
    must be larger than the largest page length in the database.  –  Checksum Verification


    The Checksum_Verification qualifier requests that the RMU Backup
    command verify the checksum stored on each database page before
    the backup operation is applied, thereby providing end-to-end
    error detection on the database I/O. The default value is

    Oracle Corporation recommends that you accept this default
    behavior for your applications. The default behavior prevents
    you from including corrupt database pages in backup files
    and optimized .aij files. Without the checksum verifications,
    corrupt data pages in these files are not detected when the files
    are restored. The corruptions on the restored page may not be
    detected until weeks or months after the backup file is created,
    or it is possible the corruption may not be detected at all.

    The Checksum_Verification qualifier uses additional CPU resources
    but provides an extra measure of confidence in the quality of the
    data that is backed up.

    Note that if you specify the Nochecksum qualifier, and undetected
    corruptions exist in your database, the corruptions are included
    in your backup file and are restored when you restore the backup
    file. Such a corruption might be difficult to recover from,
    especially if it is not detected until long after the restore
    operation is performed.  –  Compression


    Allows you to specify the compression method to use before
    writing data to the backup file. This reduces performance, but
    may be justified when the backup file is a disk file, or is being
    backed up over a busy network, or is being backed up to a tape
    drive that does not do its own compression. You probably do not
    want to specify the Compression qualifier when you are backing up
    a database to a tape drive that does its own compression; in some
    cases doing so can actually result in a larger file.

    If you specify the Compression qualifier without a value, the
    default is COMPRESSION=ZLIB=6.

    The level value (ZLIB=level) is an integer between 1 and 9
    specifying the relative compression level with one being the
    least amount of compression and nine being the greatest amount
    of compression. Higher levels of the compression use increased
    CPU time while generally providing better compression. The
    default compression level of 6 is a balance between compression
    effectiveness and CPU consumption.


       Prior releases of Oracle Rdb are unable to read RBF files
       compressed with the ZLIB algorithm. In order to read
       compressed backups with Oracle Rdb 7.2 Releases prior
       to V7.2.1, they must be made with /COMPRESSION=LZSS or
       /COMPRESSION=HUFFMAN explicitly specified (because the
       default compression algorithm has been changed from LZSS to
       ZLIB). Oracle Rdb Version 7.2.1 is able to read compressed
       backups using the LZSS or HUFFMAN algorithms made with prior
       releases.  –  Crc[=Autodin II]


    Uses the AUTODIN-II polynomial for the 32-bit cyclic redundancy
    check (CRC) calculation and provides the most reliable
    end-to-end error detection. This is the default for NRZ/PE
    (800/1600 bits/inch) tape drives.

    If you enter only Crc as the qualifier, RMU Backup assumes you
    are specifying Crc=Autodin_II.  –  Crc=Checksum


    Uses one's complement addition, which is the same computation
    used to do a checksum of the database pages on disk. This is the
    default for GCR (6250 bits/inch) tape drives and for TA78, TA79,
    and TA81 tape drives.

    The Crc=Checksum qualifier allows detection of data errors.  –  Nocrc


    Disables end-to-end error detection. This is the default for TA90
    (IBM 3480 class) drives.


       The overall effect of the Crc=Autodin_II, Crc=Checksum, and
       Nocrc qualifier defaults is to make tape reliability equal
       to that of a disk. If you retain your tapes longer than 1
       year, the Nocrc default might not be adequate. For tapes
       retained longer than 1 year, use the Crc=Checksum qualifier.

       If you retain your tapes longer than 3 years, you should
       always use the Crc=Autodin_II qualifier.

       Tapes retained longer than 5 years could be deteriorating
       and should be copied to fresh media.

       See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for details
       on using the Crc qualifiers to avoid underrun errors.  –  Database Verification


    The RMU /BACKUP command performs a limited database root
    file verification at the start of the backup operation. This
    verification is intended to help prevent backing up a database
    with various detectable corruptions or inconsistancies of the
    root file or associated database structures. However, in some
    limited cases, it can be desirable to avoid these checks.

    The qualifier /NODATABASE_VERIFICATION may be specified to avoid
    the database root file verification at the start of the backup.
    The default behavior is /DATABASE_VERIFICATION. Oracle strongly
    recommends accepting the default of /DATABASE_VERIFICATION.  –  Density


    Specifies the density at which the output volume is to be
    written. The default value is the format of the first volume (the
    first tape you mount). You do not need to specify this qualifier
    unless your tape drives support data compression or more than one
    recording density.

    The Density qualifier is applicable only to tape drives. RMU
    Backup returns an error message if this qualifier is used and the
    target device is not a tape drive.

    If you specify a density value, RMU Backup assumes that all tape
    drives can accept that value.

    If your systems are running OpenVMS versions prior to 7.2-1,
    specify the Density qualifier as follows:

    o  For TA90E, TA91, and TA92 tape drives, specify the number in
       bits per inch as follows:

       -  Density = 70000 to initialize and write tapes in the
          compacted format.

       -  Density = 39872 or Density = 40000 for the noncompacted

    o  For SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) tape drives,
       specify Density = 1 to initialize and write tapes by using
       the drive's hardware data compression scheme.

    o  For other types of tape drives you can specify a supported
       density value between 800 and 160000 bits per inch.

    o  For all tape drives, specify Density = 0 to initialize and
       write tapes at the drive's standard density.

    Do not use the Compaction or NoCompaction keyword for systems
    running OpenVMS versions prior to 7.2-1. On these systems,
    compression is determined by the density value and cannot be

    Oracle RMU supports the OpenVMS tape density and compression
    values introduced in OpenVMS Version 7.2-1. The following table
    lists the added density values supported by Oracle RMU.

    DEFAULT    800       833        1600
    6250       3480      3490E      TK50
    TK70       TK85      TK86       TK87
    TK88       TK89      QIC        8200
    8500       8900      DLT8000
    SDLT       SDLT320   SDLT600
    DDS1       DDS2      DDS3       DDS4
    AIT1       AIT2      AIT3       AIT4

    If the OpenVMS Version 7.2-1 density values and the previous
    density values are the same (for example, 800, 833, 1600, 6250),
    the specified value is interpreted as an OpenVMS Version 7.2-1
    value if the tape device driver accepts them, and as a previous
    value if the tape device driver accepts previous values only.

    For the OpenVMS Version 7.2-1 values that accept tape compression
    you can use the following syntax:

    /DENSITY = (new_density_value,[No]Compaction)

    In order to use the Compaction or NoCompaction keyword, you must
    use one of the following density values that accepts compression:

    DEFAULT    3480      3490E      8200
    8500       8900      TK87       TK88
    TK89       DLT8000   SDLT       SDLT320
    AIT1       AIT2      AIT3       AIT4
    DDS1       DDS2      DDS3       DDS4
    SDLT600    LTO2      LTO3

    Refer to the OpenVMS documentation for more information about
    density values.  –  Disk File


    Specifies that you want to perform a multithreaded backup
    operation to disk files, floppy disks, or other disks external
    to the PC. You can use the following keywords with the Disk_File

    o  Writer_Threads

       Specifies the number of threads that Oracle RMU should use
       when performing a multithreaded backup operation to disk
       files. You can specify no more than one writer thread per
       device specified on the command line (or in the command
       parameter options file). By default, one writer thread is

       This qualifier and all qualifiers that control tape operations
       (Accept_Label, Density, Label, Loader_Synchronization, Master,
       Media_Loader, Rewind, and Tape_Expiration) are mutually
       exclusive.  –  Encrypt


    The Encrypt qualifier encrypts the save set file of a database

    Specify a key value as a string or, the name of a predefined
    key. If no algorithm name is specified the default is DESCBC.
    For details on the Value, Name and Algorithm parameters see HELP

    This feature requires the OpenVMS Encrypt product to be installed
    and licensed on this system.  –  Exclude


    Specifies the storage areas that you want to exclude from the
    backup file. If you specify neither the Exclude nor the Include
    qualifier with the RMU Backup command, or if you specify the
    Exclude qualifier but do not specify a list of storage area
    names, a full and complete backup operation is performed on the
    database. This is the default behavior.

    If you specify a list of storage area names with the Exclude
    qualifier, RMU Backup excludes those storage areas from the
    backup file and includes all of the other storage areas. If
    you specify more than one database storage area in the Exclude
    qualifier, place a comma between each storage area name and
    enclose the list of names within parentheses.

    Use the Exclude=* qualifier to indicate that you want only the
    database root file to be backed up. Note that a backup file
    created with the Exclude=* qualifier can be restored only with
    the RMU Restore Only_Root command.

    You can use an indirect command file as shown in the following

    %RMU-I-NOTALLARE, Not all areas will be included in this backup file

    See the Indirect-Command-Files help entry for more information on
    indirect command files.

    If you use the Exclude qualifier with a list of storage area
    names, your backup file will be a by-area backup file because
    the Exclude qualifier causes database storage areas to be
    excluded from the backup file. The following example shows the
    informational message you receive if you do not back up all of
    the areas in the database:

    %RMU-I-NOTALLARE, Not all areas will be included in this backup file

    By using the RMU Backup and RMU Restore commands, you can back up
    and restore selected storage areas of your database. This Oracle
    RMU backup and restore by-area feature is designed to:

    o  Speed recovery when corruption occurs in some (not all) of the
       storage areas of your database

    o  Reduce the time needed to perform backup operations because
       some data (data in read-only storage areas, for example) does
       not need to be backed up with every backup operation performed
       on the database

    If you plan to use the RMU Backup and RMU Restore commands to
    back up and restore only selected storage areas for a database,
    you should perform full and complete backup operations on the
    database at regular intervals.

    If you plan to back up and restore only selected storage areas of
    a database, Oracle Corporation also strongly recommends that you
    enable after-image journaling for the database. This ensures that
    you can recover all of the storage areas in your database if a
    system failure occurs.

    If you do not have after-image journaling enabled and one or
    more of the areas restored with the RMU Restore command are not
    consistent with the unrestored storage areas, Oracle Rdb does
    not allow any transaction to use the storage areas that are not
    consistent in the restored database. In this situation, you can
    return to a working database by restoring the database, using
    the backup file from the last full and complete backup operation
    of the database storage areas. However, any changes made to the
    database since the last full and complete backup operation are
    not recoverable.

    If you do have after-image journaling enabled, use the
    RMU Recover command (or the Restore command with the Recover
    qualifier) to apply transactions from the .aij file to storage
    areas that are not consistent after the RMU Restore command
    completes; that is, storage areas that are not in the same state
    as the rest of the restored database. You cannot use these areas
    until you recover the database. When the RMU Recover command
    completes, your database will be consistent and usable.

    Using the Exclude or Include qualifier gives you greater
    flexibility for your backup operations, along with increased
    file management and recovery complexity. Users of large databases
    might find the greater flexibility of the backup operation to
    be worth the cost of increased file management and recovery

    You cannot specify the Exclude=area-list and Include=area-list
    qualifiers in the same RMU Backup command.  –  Execute


    Use the Execute and Noexecute qualifiers with the Parallel and
    List_Plan qualifiers to specify whether or not the backup plan
    file is to be executed.

    The following list describes the effects of using the Execute and
    Noexecute qualifier:

    o  Execute

       Creates, verifies, and executes a backup list plan

    o  Noexecute

       Creates and verifies, but does not execute a backup list plan.

    The verification determines such things as whether the storage
    areas listed in the plan file exist in the database.

    The Execute and Noexecute qualifiers are only valid when the
    Parallel and List_Plan qualifiers are also specified.

    If you specify the Execute or Noexecute qualifier without the
    List_Plan and Parallel qualifiers, RMU Backup generates and
    verifies a temporary backup list plan, but then deletes the
    backup list plan and returns a fatal error message.

    By default, the backup plan file is executed when you issue an
    RMU Backup command with the Parallel and List_Plan qualifiers.  –  Extend Quantity


    Sets the size, in blocks, by which the backup file can be
    extended. The minimum value for the number-blocks parameter is
    1; the maximum value is 65535. If you do not specify the Extend_
    Quantity qualifier, the default number of blocks by which an
    on-disk backup file can be extended is 2048 blocks.

    This qualifier cannot be used with backup operations to tape.  –  Group Size


    Specifies the frequency at which XOR recovery blocks are written
    to tape. The group size can vary from 0 to 100. Specifying a
    group size of zero or specifying the Nogroup_Size qualifier
    results in no XOR recovery blocks being written. The Group_Size
    qualifier is only applicable to tape, and its default value is
    10. RMU Backup returns an error message if this qualifier is used
    and the target device is not a tape device.  –  Include


    Specifies storage areas that you want to include in the backup
    file. If you specify neither the Include nor the Exclude
    qualifier with the RMU Backup command, a full and complete
    backup operation is performed on the database by default. You
    can specify the Include=* qualifier to indicate that you want
    all storage areas included in the backup file, but this is
    unnecessary because this is the default behavior. The default
    behavior is performed also when you specify the Include qualifier
    without specifying a list of storage area names.

    If you specify a list of storage area names with the Include
    qualifier, Oracle RMU includes those storage areas in the backup
    operation and excludes all of the other storage areas. If you
    specify more than one database storage area in the Include
    qualifier, place a comma between each storage area name and
    enclose the list of names within parentheses.

    You cannot specify the Exclude=area-list and Include=area-list
    qualifiers in the same RMU Backup command.

    If you use the Include qualifier, your backup operation will be
    a by-area backup operation because the areas not specified with
    the Include qualifier are excluded from the backup file. If you
    do not back up all of the areas in the database, you receive the
    following informational message:

    %RMU-I-NOTALLARE, Not all areas will be included in this backup file

    By using the RMU Backup and RMU Restore commands, you can back up
    and restore selected storage areas of your database. This Oracle
    RMU backup and restore by area feature is designed to:

    o  Speed recovery when corruption occurs in some (not all) of the
       storage areas of your database

    o  Reduce the time needed to perform backup operations because
       some data (data in read-only storage areas, for example) does
       not need to be backed up with every backup operation performed
       on the database

    See the description of the Exclude qualifier for information on
    the implications of using these commands to back up and restore
    selected areas of your database.

    The Include qualifier can be used with indirect file references.
    See the Indirect-Command-Files help entry for more information.  –  Incremental

    Incremental[=By_Area or Complete]

    Determines the extent of the backup operation to be performed.
    The four possible options are:

    o  Noincremental

       If you do not specify any of the possible Incremental
       qualifier options, the default is the Noincremental qualifier.
       With the Noincremental qualifier, a full backup operation is
       performed on the database.

    o  Incremental

       If you specify the Incremental qualifier, an incremental
       backup of all the storage areas that have changed since the
       last full and complete backup operation on the database is

    o  Incremental=By_Area

       If you specify the Incremental=By_Area qualifier, an
       incremental backup operation is performed. The Incremental=By_
       Area qualifier backs up those database pages that have
       changed in each selected storage area since the last full
       backup operation was performed on the area. The last full
       backup operation performed on the area is the later of the

       -  The last full and complete backup operation performed on
          the database

       -  The last full by-area backup operation performed on the

       With an incremental by-area backup operation, each storage
       area backed up might contain changes for a different time
       interval, which can make restoring multiple storage areas more

    o  Incremental=Complete

       If you specify the Incremental=Complete qualifier, an
       incremental backup operation on all of the storage areas
       that have changed since the last full and complete backup
       operation on the database is performed. Selecting the
       Incremental=Complete qualifier is the same as selecting the
       Incremental qualifier.

    Following a full database backup operation, each subsequent
    incremental backup operation replaces all previous incremental
    backup operations.

    The following two messages are meant to provide an aid for
    designing more effective backup strategies. They are printed
    as part of the per-area summary statistics, and they provide a
    guide to the incremental benefit of the incremental operation:

    o  "Est. cost to backup relative to a full backup is x.yy"

    o  "Est. cost to restore relative to a full restore is x.yy"

    These estimates are only approximate and reflect the disk
    input/output (I/O) cost for the backup or restore operations
    of that area. Tape I/O, CPU, and all other costs are ignored.
    The disk I/O costs take into account the number of I/O operations
    needed and the requirement for a disk head seek to perform the
    I/O. Each disk type has its own relative costs-transfer rate,
    latency, seek time-and the cost of a given sequence of I/Os is
    also affected by competition for the disk by other processes.
    Consequently, the estimates do not translate directly into "clock
    time." But they should nevertheless be useful for determining
    the point at which the incremental operation is becoming less

    The relative costs can vary widely, and can be much higher than
    1.00. The actual cost depends on the number and location of the
    pages backed up. An incremental restore operation must always
    follow a full restore operation, so the actual estimate of
    restoring the area is actually 1.00 higher than reported when
    that full restore operation is accounted for. The guideline that
    Oracle Corporation recommends is, "Perform full backup operations
    when the estimated cost of a restore operation approaches 2.00."  –  Journal


    Allows you to specify a journal file to be used to improve
    tape performance during a restore operation. (This is not to
    be confused with an after-image journal file.)

    As the backup operation progresses, RMU Backup creates the
    journal file and writes to it a description of the backup
    operation containing identification of the tape drive names and
    the tape volumes and their contents. The default file extension
    is .jnl.

    The journal file must be written to disk; it cannot be written to
    tape along with the backup file. (Although you can copy the disk
    file to tape after it is written, if desired.)

    This journal file is used with the RMU Restore and the RMU Dump
    Backup commands to optimize their tape utilization.  –  Label


    Specifies the 1- to 6-character string with which the volumes
    of the backup file are to be labeled. The Label qualifier is
    applicable only to tape volumes. You must specify one or more
    label names when you use the Label qualifier.

    If you do not specify the Label (or Accept_Label) qualifier,
    RMU Backup labels the first tape used for a backup operation
    with the first 6 characters of the backup file name. Subsequent
    default labels are the first 4 characters of the backup file name
    appended with a sequential number. For example, if your backup
    file is my_backup.rbf, the default tape labels are my_bac, my_
    b01, my_b02, and so on.

    When you reuse tapes, RMU Backup compares the label currently
    on the tape to the label or labels you specify with the Label
    qualifier. If there is a mismatch between the existing label and
    a label you specify, RMU Backup sends a message to the operator
    asking if the mismatch is acceptable (unless you also specify the
    Accept_Labels qualifier).

    If desired, you can explicitly specify the list of tape labels
    for multiple tapes. If you list multiple tape label names,
    separate the names with commas and enclose the list of names
    within parentheses. If you are reusing tapes be certain that
    you load the tapes so that the label RMU Backup expects and the
    label on each tape will match, or be prepared for a high level
    of operator intervention. Alternatively, you can specify the
    Accept_Label qualifier. In this case, the labels you specify with
    the Label qualifier are ignored if they do not match the labels
    currently on the tapes and no operator intervention occurs.

    If you specify fewer labels than are needed, RMU Backup generates
    labels based on the format you have specified. For example, if
    you specify Label=TAPE01, RMU Backup labels subsequent tapes as
    TAPE02, TAPE03, and so on up to TAPE99. Thus, many volumes can
    be preloaded in the cartridge stacker of a tape drive. The order
    is not important because RMU Backup relabels the volumes. An
    unattended backup operation is more likely to be successful if
    all the tapes used do not have to be mounted in a specific order.

    Once the backup operation is complete, externally mark the tapes
    with the appropriate label so that the order can be maintained
    for the restore operation. Be particularly careful if you are
    allowing RMU Backup to implicitly label second and subsequent
    tapes and you are performing an unattended backup operation.
    Remove the tapes from the drives in the order in which they
    were written. Apply labels to the volumes following the logic
    of implicit labeling (for example, TAPE02, TAPE03, and so on).

    Oracle recommends you use the Journal qualifier when you employ
    implicit labeling in a multidrive, unattended backup operation.
    The journal file records the volume labels that were written
    to each tape drive. The order in which the labels were written
    is preserved in the journal. Use the RMU Dump Backup command to
    display a listing of the volumes written by each tape drive.

    You can use an indirect file reference with the Label qualifier.
    See the Indirect-command-files help entry for more information.
    See How Tapes are Relabeled During a Backup Operation in the
    Usage_Notes help entry under this command for a summary of which
    labels are applied under a variety of circumstances.  –  Librarian


    Use the Librarian qualifier to back up files to data archiving
    software applications that support the Oracle Media Management
    interface. The backup file name specified on the command line
    identifies the stream of data to be stored in the Librarian
    utility. If you supply a device specification or a version number
    it will be ignored.

    You can use the Librarian qualifier for parallel backup
    operations. The Librarian utility should be installed and
    available on all nodes on which the parallel backup operation

    The Librarian qualifier accepts the following options:

    o  Writer_Threads=n

       Use the Writer_Threads option to specify the number of backup
       data streams to write to the Librarian utility. The value of n
       can be from 1 to 99. The default is one writer thread.

       Each writer thread for a backup operation manages its own
       stream of data. Therefore, each thread uses a unique backup
       file name. The unique names are generated by incrementing the
       number added to the end of the backup file name. For example,
       if you specify the following Oracle RMU Backup command:


       The following backup file data stream names are generated:


       Because each data stream must contain at least one database
       storage area, and a single storage area must be completely
       contained in one data stream, if the number of writer threads
       specified is greater than the number of storage areas, it is
       set equal to the number of storage areas.

    o  Trace_file=file-specification

       The Librarian utility writes trace data to the specified file.

    o  Level_Trace=n

       Use this option as a debugging tool to specify the level of
       trace data written by the Librarian utility. You can use a
       pre-determined value of 0, 1, or 2, or a higher value defined
       by the Librarian utility. The pre-determined values are :

       -  Level 0 traces all error conditions. This is the default.

       -  Level 1 traces the entry and exit from each Librarian

       -  Level 2 traces the entry and exit from each Librarian
          function, the value of all function parameters, and the
          first 32 bytes of each read/write buffer, in hexadecimal.

    o  Logical_Names=(logical_name=equivalence-value,...)

       You can use this option to specify a list of process logical
       names that the Librarian utility can use to specify catalogs
       or archives where Oracle Rdb backup files are stored,
       Librarian debug logical names, and so on. See the specific
       Librarian documentation for the definition of logical names.
       The list of process logical names is defined by Oracle RMU
       prior to the start of any Oracle RMU command that accesses the
       Librarian utility.

    The following OpenVMS logical names must be defined for use with
    a Librarian utility before you execute an Oracle RMU backup or
    restore operation. Do not use the Logical_Names option provided
    with the Librarian qualifier to define these logical names.


       This logical name must be defined so that the shareable
       Librarian image can be loaded and called by Oracle RMU backup
       and restore operations. The translation must include the file
       type (for example, .exe), and must not include a version
       number. The shareable Librarian image must be an installed
       (known) image. See the Librarian utility documentation for
       the name and location of this image and how it should be
       installed. For a parallel RMU backup, define RMU$LIBRARIAN_
       PATH as a system-wide logical name so that the multiple
       processes created by a parallel backup can all translate the

       _$ RMU$LIBRARIAN_PATH librarian_shareable_image.exe


       This logical name is not required. If it is defined, Oracle
       RMU will display debug tracing information messages from
       modules that make calls to the Librarian shareable image.
       For a parallel RMU backup, the RMU$DEBUG_SBT logical should
       be defined as a system logical so that the multiple processes
       created by a parallel backup can all translate the logical.

    The following lines are from a backup plan file created by the
    RMU Backup/Parallel/Librarian command:

        Backup File = MF_PERSONNEL.RBF
        Style = Librarian
        Librarian_trace_level = #
        Librarian_logical_names = (-
                 logical_name_1=equivalence_value_1, -
        Writer_threads = #

    The "Style = Librarian" entry specifies that the backup is going
    to a Librarian utility. The "Librarian_logical_names" entry is
    a list of logical names and their equivalence values. This is an
    optional parameter provided so that any logical names used by a
    particular Librarian utility can be defined as process logical
    names before the backup or restore operation begins. For example,
    some Librarian utilities provide support for logical names for
    specifying catalogs or debugging.

    You cannot use device specific qualifiers such as Rewind,
    Density, or Label with the Librarian qualifier because the
    Librarian utility handles the storage meda, not Oracle RMU.  –  List Plan


    Specifies that RMU Backup should generate a backup plan file for
    a parallel backup operation and write it to the specified output
    file. A backup plan file is a text file that contains qualifiers
    that can be specified on the RMU Backup command line. Qualifiers
    that you do not specify on the command line appear as comments
    in the backup list plan file. In addition, the backup plan file
    specifies the worker executor names along with the system node,
    storage areas, and tape drives assigned to each worker executor.

    You can use the generated backup plan file as a starting point
    for building a parallel backup operation to tape that is tuned
    for your particular configuration. The output file can be
    customized and then used with the RMU Backup Plan command. See
    Backup Plan for details.

    If you specify the Execute qualifier with the List_Plan
    qualifier, the backup plan file is generated, verified, and
    executed. If you specify the Noexecute qualifier with the List_
    Plan qualifier, the backup plan file is generated and verified,
    but not executed.

    By default, the backup plan file is executed.

    The List_Plan qualifier is only valid when the Parallel qualifier
    is also specified.  –  Loader Synchronization


    Allows you to preload tapes and preserve tape order to minimize
    the need for operator support. When you specify the Loader_
    Synchronization qualifier and specify multiple tape drives,
    the backup operation writes to the first set of tape volumes
    concurrently then waits until each tape in the set is finished
    before assigning the next set of tape volumes. This ensures
    that the tape order can be preserved in the event that a restore
    operation from these tapes becomes necessary.

    One disadvantage with using the Loader_Synchronization qualifier
    with the Label qualifier is that because not all tape threads
    back up equal volumes of data, some threads may not need a
    subsequent tape to back up the assigned volume of data. In order
    to preserve the tape order, operator intervention may be needed
    to load the tapes in stages as backup threads become inactive.
    Use the keyword Fixed to force the assignment of tape labels to
    the drives regardless of how many tapes each drive actually uses.

    The Loader_Synchronization qualifier does result in reduced
    performance. For maximum performance, no drive should remain
    idle, and the next identified volume should be placed on the
    first drive that becomes idle. However, because the order in
    which the drives become idle depends on many uncontrollable
    factors and cannot be predetermined, without the Loader_
    Synchronization qualifier, the drives cannot be preloaded with
    tapes. (If you do not want to relabel tapes, you might find that
    the Accept_Label qualifier is a good alternative to using the
    Loader_Synchronization qualifier. See the description of the
    Accept_Label qualifier for details.)

    Because the cost of using the Loader_Synchronization qualifier is
    dependent on the hardware configuration and the system load, the
    cost is unpredictable. A 5% to 20% additional elapsed time for
    the operation is typical. You must determine whether the benefit
    of a lower level of operator support compensates for the loss of
    performance. The Loader_Synchronization qualifier is most useful
    for large backup operations.

    See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for more
    information on using the Loader_Synchronization qualifier,
    including information on when this qualifier might lead to
    unexpected results, and details on how this qualifier interacts
    with other RMU Backup command qualifiers.

    For very large backup operations requiring many tape volumes,
    managing the physical marking of tape volumes can be difficult.
    In such a case, you might consider using a library or archiving
    to automatically manage tape labeling for you.  –  Lock Timeout


    Determines the maximum time the backup operation will wait for
    the quiet-point lock and any other locks needed during online
    backup operations. When you specify the Lock_Timeout=seconds
    qualifier, you must specify the number of seconds to wait for the
    quiet-point lock. If the time limit expires, an error is signaled
    and the backup operation fails.

    When the Lock_Timeout=seconds qualifier is not specified, the
    backup operation will wait indefinitely for the quiet-point lock
    and any other locks needed during an online backup operation.

    The Lock_Timeout=seconds qualifier is ignored for offline backup
    operations.  –  Log


    Specifies whether the processing of the command is reported
    to SYS$OUTPUT. Specify the Log qualifier to request that the
    progress of the restore operation be written to SYS$OUTPUT,
    or the Nolog qualifier to suppress this report. If you specify
    the Log=Brief option, which is the default if you use the Log
    option without a qualifier, the log contains the start and
    completion time of each storage area. If you specify the Log=Full
    option, the log also contains thread assignment and storage area
    statistics messages.

    If you do not specify the Log or the Nolog qualifier, the default
    is the current setting of the DCL verify switch. (The DCL SET
    VERIFY command controls the DCL verify switch.)  –  Master


    Controls the assignment of tape drives to output threads by
    allowing you to specify a tape drive as a master tape drive. This
    is a positional qualifier specified with a tape drive. When the
    Master qualifier is used, it must be used on the first tape drive
    specified. When the Master qualifier is specified, all additional
    tape drives become slaves for that tape drive until the end of
    the command line, or until the next Master qualifier, whichever
    comes first.

    If you specify the Master qualifier (without also specifying the
    Loader_Synchronization qualifier) on sets of tape drives, each
    master/slave set of tape drives will operate independently of
    other master/slave sets. If the Master qualifier is used on a
    tape drive that is not physically a master tape drive, the output
    performance of the backup operation will decrease.

    See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for complete
    details on the behavior of the master qualifier.  –  Media Loader


    Use the Media_Loader qualifier to specify that the tape device
    receiving the backup file has a loader or stacker. Use the
    Nomedia_Loader qualifier to specify that the tape device does
    not have a loader or stacker.

    By default, if a tape device has a loader or stacker, RMU Backup
    should recognize this fact. However, occasionally RMU Backup
    does not recognize that a tape device has a loader or stacker.
    Therefore, when the first backup tape fills, RMU Backup issues a
    request to the operator for the next tape, instead of requesting
    the next tape from the loader or stacker. Similarly, sometimes
    RMU Backup behaves as though a tape device has a loader or
    stacker when actually it does not.

    If you find that RMU Backup is not recognizing that your tape
    device has a loader or stacker, specify the Media_Loader
    qualifier. If you find that RMU Backup expects a loader or
    stacker when it should not, specify the Nomedia_Loader qualifier.  –  No Read Only


    Allows you to specify that you do not want any of the read-only
    storage areas in your database to be backed up when you back up
    the database.

    If you do not specify the No_Read_Only qualifier, any read-only
    storage area not specified with the Exclude qualifier will be
    included in the backup file. The No_Read_Only qualifier allows
    you to back up a database with many read-only storage areas
    without having to type a long list of read-only storage area
    names with the Exclude qualifier.

    If you specify the No_Read_Only qualifier, read-only storage
    areas are not backed up even if they are explicitly listed by the
    Include qualifier.

    There is no Read_Only qualifier.  –  Record


    The Record qualifier is set by default. Using the Norecord
    qualifier allows you to avoid the modification of the database
    with recent backup information. Hence the database appears as if
    it had not been backed up at this time.

    The main purpose of this qualifier is to allow a backup of a Hot
    Standby database without modifying the database files.

    The Norecord qualifier can be negated with the Record qualifier.  –  Online


    Specifying the Online qualifier permits users running active
    transactions at the time the command is entered to continue
    without interruption (unless the Noquiet_Point qualifier is also

    Any subsequent transactions that start during the online backup
    operation are permitted as long as the transactions do not
    require exclusive access to the database, a table, or any index
    structure currently being backed up.

    To perform an online database backup operation, snapshots (either
    immediate or deferred) must be enabled. You can use the Online
    qualifier with the Incremental or Noincremental qualifiers.

    If you use the default, the Noonline qualifier, users cannot be
    attached to the database. If a user has invoked the database and
    the RMU Backup command is entered with the Noonline qualifier (or
    without the Online qualifier), an Oracle RMU error results. For

    %RMU-I-FILACCERR, error opening database root file DB_DISK:MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1
    -SYSTEM-W-ACCONFLICT, file access conflict

    The offline backup process (specified with the Noonline
    qualifier) has exclusive access to the database and does not
    require snapshot (.snp) files in order to work. The snapshot
    files can be disabled when the Noonline qualifier is used.

    Oracle Corporation recommends that you close the database (with
    the RMU Close command) when you perform the offline backup
    operation on a large database. If the database was opened with
    the SQL OPEN IS MANUAL statement, the RMU Backup command will
    fail unless the RMU Close command is used. If the database was
    opened with the SQL OPEN IS AUTOMATIC statement, the RMU Backup
    command might fail if the activity level is high (that is, users
    might access the database before the database is taken off line).
    Issuing the RMU Close command can force the users out of the
    database and give the RMU Backup command a chance to start;
    however, although recommended, issuing the RMU Close command
    is not required in this case.

    Synonymous with the Owner qualifier. See the description of the
    Owner qualifier.  –  Owner


    Specifies the owner of the tape volume set. The owner is the
    user who will be permitted to restore the database. The user-id
    parameter must be one of the following types of identifier:

    o  A user identification code (UIC) in [group-name,member-name]
       alphanumeric format

    o  A user identification code (UIC) in [group-number,member-
       number] numeric format

    o  A general identifier, such as SECRETARIES

    o  A system-defined identifier, such as DIALUP

    The Owner qualifier cannot be used with a backup operation to
    disk. When used with tapes, the Owner qualifier applies to all
    continuation volumes. The Owner qualifier applies to the first
    volume only if the Rewind qualifier is also specified.

    If the Rewind qualifier is not specified, the backup operation
    appends the file to a previously labeled tape, so the first
    volume can have a protection different from the continuation

    See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for information
    on tape label processing.  –  Page Buffers


    Specifies the number of disk buffers assigned to each storage
    area thread.

    The range is 2 to 5 with a default of 2.

    The higher values speed up scans for changed pages during an
    incremental backup operation, but they exact a cost in memory
    usage and larger working set requirements.  –  Parallel


    Specifies that you want to perform a parallel backup operation.
    When you issue an RMU Backup command with the parallel qualifier,
    RMU Backup generates a plan file. This plan file describes how
    the parallel backup operation should be executed. If you specify
    the Noexecute qualifier, the plan file is generated, but not
    executed. If you specify the Execute qualifier (or accept the
    default), the plan file is executed immediately after RMU Backup
    creates it.

    The Executor_Count specifies the number of worker executors you
    want to use for the parallel backup operation. The number of
    worker executors must be equal to or less than the number of tape
    drives you intend to use. If you specify Executor_Count=1, the
    result is a non-parallel backup operation that is executed using
    the parallel backup procedure, including creation of the plan
    file and a dbserver process.

    You can specify one, both, or none of the following options:

    o  Node=(node-list)

       The Node=(node-list) option specifies the names of the nodes
       in the cluster where the worker executors are to run. If more
       than one node is specified, all nodes must be in the same
       cluster and the database must be accessible from all nodes in
       the cluster.

       In addition, for a backup operation across nodes in a cluster
       to be successful, whoever starts SQL/Services must have
       proxy access among all nodes involved in the backup operation
       (assuming you are using DECnet). For example, if you specify
       the Nodes=(NODE1, NODE2, NODE3) as an option to the Parallel
       qualifier, whomever started SQL/Services must have access
       from NODE1 to NODE2, NODE1 to NODE3, NODE2 to NODE1, NODE2 to
       NODE3, NODE3 to NODE1, and NODE3 to NODE2.

       Separate node names in the node-list with commas. If you do
       not specify the Nodes option, all worker executors run on the
       node from which the parallel backup plan file is executed.

    o  Server_Transport=(DECnet|TCP)

       To execute a parallel backup operation, SQL/Services must
       be installed on your system. By default, the RMU Backup
       command uses DECnet to access SQL/Services; if DECnet is
       not available, RMU Backup tries to use TCP/IP. Use the
       Server_Transport option to set the default behavior such
       that RMU Backup tries TCP/IP first. You can also use the
       SQL_NETWORK_TRANSPORT_TYPE configuration parameter to modify
       the default behavior. See the Oracle Rdb Installation and
       Configuration Guide for details on setting the SQL_NETWORK_
       TRANSPORT_TYPE configuration parameter.

    o  Statistics

       Specifies that you want RMU Backup to gather statistics
       on the parallel backup operation for use with the Parallel
       Backup Monitor. You must invoke the Parallel Backup Monitor, a
       Windowing interface, to view these statistics.

    To execute a parallel backup operation, SQL/Services must be
    installed on your system. By default, the RMU Backup command
    uses DECnet to access SQL/Services; if DECnet is not available,
    RMU Backup tries to use TCP/IP. You can use the SQL_NETWORK_
    TRANSPORT_TYPE configuration parameter to set the default
    behavior such that RMU Backup tries TCP/IP first. See the Oracle
    Rdb Installation and Configuration Guide for details on setting
    the SQL_NETWORK_TRANSPORT_TYPE configuration parameter.

    Note that during a parallel backup operation, all tape requests
    are sent to the Operator; the parallel backup operation does not
    send tape requests to the user who issues the Backup command.
    Therefore, you should issue the DCL REPLY/ENABLE=TAPES command
    from the terminal that serves the operator before issuing the RMU
    Backup command.  –  Prompt


    Specifies where server prompts are to be sent. When you specify
    Prompt=Automatic, prompts are sent to the standard input device,
    and when you specify Prompt=Operator, prompts are sent to the
    server console. When you specify Prompt=Client, prompts are sent
    to the client system.  –  Protection


    Specifies the system file protection for the backup file produced
    by the RMU Backup command.

    The default file protection varies, depending on whether you
    backup the file to disk or tape. This is because tapes do not
    allow delete or execute access and the SYSTEM account always
    has both read and write access to tapes. In addition, a more
    restrictive class accumulates the access rights of the less
    restrictive classes.

    If you do not specify the Protection qualifier, the default
    protection is as follows:

    o  S:RWED,O:RE,G,W if the backup is to disk

    o  S:RW,O:R,G,W if the backup is to tape

    If you specify the Protection qualifier explicitly, the
    differences in protection applied for backups to tape or disk
    as noted in the preceding paragraph are applied. Thus, if you
    specify Protection=(S,O,G:W,W:R), that protection on tape becomes
    (S:RW,O:RW,G:RW,W:R).  –  Quiet Point


    Allows you to specify that the database backup operation is to
    occur either immediately or when a quiet point for database
    activity occurs. A quiet point is defined as a point where no
    active update transactions are in progress in the database.
    Therefore, this qualifier is used with the Online qualifier.

    When you specify the Noquiet_Point qualifier, RMU Backup proceeds
    with the backup operation as soon as the RMU Backup command is
    issued, regardless of any update transaction activity in progress
    in the database. Because RMU Backup must acquire concurrent-
    read locks on all physical and logical areas, the backup
    operation will fail if there are any active transactions with
    exclusive locks on a storage area. However, once RMU Backup has
    successfully acquired all concurrent-read storage area locks it
    should not encounter any further lock conflicts. If a transaction
    that causes Oracle Rdb to request exclusive locks is started
    while the backup operation is proceeding, that transaction will
    either wait or receive a lock conflict error, but the RMU Backup
    command will continue unaffected.

    See the Usage_Notes help entry under this command for
    recommendations on using the Quiet_Point and Noquiet_Point

    The default is the Quiet_Point qualifier.  –  Reader Thread Ratio


    This qualifier has been deprecated. Use the /Threads qualifier
    instead.  –  Restore Options


    Generates an options file designed to be used with the Options
    qualifier of the RMU Restore command. If you specify a full
    backup operation, all the storage areas will be represented in
    the options file. If you specify a by-area backup operation, only
    those areas included in the backup will be represented in the
    options file.

    The Restore_Options file is created at the end of the backup

    By default, a Restore_Options file is not created. If you
    specify the Restore_Options qualifier and a file, but not a file
    extension, RMU Backup uses an extension of .opt by default.  –  Rewind


    Specifies that the magnetic tape that contains the backup file
    will be rewound before processing begins. The tape will be
    initialized according to the Label and Density qualifiers. The
    Norewind qualifier is the default and causes the backup file to
    be created starting at the current logical end-of-tape (EOT).

    The Rewind and Norewind qualifiers are applicable only to tape
    devices. RMU Backup returns an error message if these qualifiers
    are used and the target device is not a tape device.  –  Scan Optimization


    Specifies whether or not RMU Backup should employ scan
    optimizations during incremental backup operations.

    By default, RMU Backup optimizes incremental backup operations
    by scanning regions of the database that have been updated since
    the last full backup operation. The identity of these regions
    is stored in the database. Only these regions need to be scanned
    for updates during an incremental backup operation. This provides
    a substantial performance improvement when database activity is
    sufficiently low.

    However, there is a cost in recording this information in the
    database. In some circumstances the cost might be too high,
    particularly if you do not intend to use incremental backup

    The Scan_Optimization qualifier has different effects, depending
    on the type of backup operation you perform. In brief, you can
    enable or disable the scan optimization setting only when you
    issue a full offline backup command, and you can specify whether
    to use the data produced by a scan optimization only when you
    issue an incremental backup command. The following list describes
    this behavior in more detail:

    o  During an offline full backup operation, you can enable or
       disable the scan optimization setting.

       Specify the Scan_Optimization qualifier to enable recording
       of the identities of areas that change after this backup
       operation completes.

       Specify the Noscan_Optimization qualifier to disable recording
       of the identities of areas that change after this backup
       operation completes.

       By default, the recording state remains unchanged (from the
       state it was in prior to execution of the Backup command)
       during a full backup operation.

       Note that specifying the Scan_Optimization or Noscan_
       Optimization qualifier with an offline full backup operation
       has no effect on the backup operation itself, it merely allows
       you to change the recording state for scan optimization.

    o  During an online full backup operation, the qualifier is

       The recording state for scan optimization remains unchanged
       (from the state it was in prior to execution of the Backup
       command). If you execute an online full backup operation
       and specify the Scan_Optimization or Noscan_Optimization
       qualifier, RMU Backup returns an informational message to
       indicate that the qualifier is being ignored.

    o  During an incremental backup operation, the qualifier directs
       whether the scan optimization data (if recorded previously)
       will be used during the operation.

       If you specify the Scan_Optimization qualifier, RMU Backup
       uses the optimization if Oracle Rdb has been recording the
       regions updated since the last full backup operation.

       If you specify the Noscan_Optimization qualifier, RMU Backup
       does not use the optimization, regardless of whether Oracle
       Rdb has been recording the identity of the regions updated
       since the last full backup operation.

       You cannot enable or disable the setting for scan
       optimizations during an incremental backup operation.

       By default, the Scan_Optimization qualifier is used during
       incremental backup operations.  –  Tape Expiration


    Specifies the expiration date of the backup (.rbf) file. Note
    that when RMU Backup reads a tape, it looks at the expiration
    date in the file header of the first file on the tape and assumes
    the date it finds in that file header is the expiration date for
    the entire tape. Therefore, if you are backing up an .rbf file to
    tape, specifying the Tape_Expiration qualifier only has meaning
    if the .rbf is the first file on the tape. You can guarantee that
    the .rbf file will be the first file on the tape by specifying
    the Rewind qualifier and overwriting any existing files on the

    When the first file on the tape contains an expiration date
    in the file header, you cannot overwrite the tape before the
    expiration date unless you have the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS

    Similarly, when you attempt to restore a .rbf file from tape,
    you cannot perform the restore operation after the expiration
    date recorded in the first file on the tape unless you have the
    OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege

    By default, no expiration date is written to the .rbf file
    header. In this case, if the .rbf file is the first file on the
    tape, the tape can be overwritten immediately. If the .rbf file
    is not the first file on the tape, the ability to overwrite the
    tape is determined by the expiration date in the file header of
    the first file on the tape.

    You cannot explicitly set a tape expiration date for an entire
    volume. The volume expiration date is always determined by the
    expiration date of the first file on the tape.

    The Tape_Expiration qualifier cannot be used with a backup file
    written to disk.

    See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for information
    on tape label processing.  –  Threads=number


    Specifies the number of reader threads to be used by the backup

    RMU creates so called internal 'threads' of execution to read
    data from one specific storage area. Threads run quasi-parallel
    within the process executing the RMU image. Each thread generates
    its own I/O load and consumes resources like virtual address
    space and process quotas (e.g. FILLM, BYTLM). The more threads,
    the more I/Os can be generated at one point in time and the more
    resources are needed to accomplish the same task.

    Performance increases with more threads due to parallel
    activities which keeps disk drives busier. However, at a certain
    number of threads, performance suffers because the disk I/O
    subsystem is saturated and I/O queues build up for the disk
    drives. Also the extra CPU time for additional thread scheduling
    overhead reduces the overall performance. Typically 2-5 threads
    per input disk drive are sufficient to drive the disk I/O
    susbsystem at its optimum. However, some controllers may be
    able to handle the I/O load of more threads, for example disk
    controllers with RAID sets and extra cache memory.

    In a backup operation, one writer thread is created per output
    stream. An output stream can be either a tape drive, a disk file
    or, a media library manager stream. In addition, RMU creates
    a number of reader threads and their number can be specified.
    RMU assigns a subset of reader threads to writer threads. RMU
    calculates the assignment so that roughly the same amount of
    data is assigned to each output stream. By default, five reader
    threads are created for each writer thread. If the user has
    specified the number of threads, then this number is used to
    create the reader thread pool. RMU always limits the number of
    reader threads to the number of storage areas. A threads number
    of 0 causes RMU to create one thread per storage area which start
    to run all in parallel immediately. Even though this may sound
    like a good idea to improve performance, this approach suffers
    performance for databases with a larger number (>10) of storage
    areas. For a very large number of storage areas (>800), this
    fails due to hard limitations in system resources like virtual
    address space.

    For a backup operation, the smallest threads number you can
    specify is the number of output streams. This guarantees that
    each writer thread has at least one reader thread assigned to it
    and does not produce an empty save set. Using a threads number
    equal to the number of output streams generates the smallest
    system load in terms of working set usage and disk I/O load.
    Disk I/O subsystems most likely can handle higher I/O loads.
    Using a slightly larger value than the number of output streams
    (for example, assigning more reader threads to a writer thread)
    typically results in faster execution time.

7.1.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Backup command for a database, you must have
       the RMU$BACKUP privilege in the root file access control
       list (ACL) for the database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS

    o  If you attempt to back up an area with detected corruptions
       (or which has corrupt pages logged to the CPT), the backup
       operation fails immediately. If you attempt to back up an area
       that contains an undetected corruptions (a corruption that
       has not been logged to the CPT), the backup operation proceeds
       until a corruption is found. These undetected corruptions
       are found only if you specify the Checksum qualifier with the
       Backup command.

    o  The following list provides usage information for parallel
       backup operations:

       -  When performing a parallel backup operation, do not
          allocate or mount any tapes manually; this is done
          automatically by RMU Backup.

       -  You can monitor the progress of a backup operation to tape
          on your Windows system using the Parallel Backup Monitor.

       -  You can use the Parallel Backup Monitor to monitor the
          progress of a parallel backup operation to tape. Specify
          your backup operation using the Parallel qualifier
          with the Executor_Count=1 option to approximate a non-
          parallel backup operation. Non-parallel backup operations
          (backup commands without the Parallel qualifier) cannot be
          monitored with the Parallel Backup Monitor.

       -  If a parallel backup operation is issued from a server
          node, then RMU Backup communicates with SQL/Services to
          start the Coordinator. SQL/Services creates a Coordinator

       -  If a parallel backup operation is issued from a client node
          (for example, using RMUwin), then the same SQL/Services
          process that is created to execute client/server RMU Backup
          commands is used as the Coordinator process.

       -  You cannot use the Storage Library System (SLS) for OpenVMS
          with an RMU parallel backup.

    o  Logical area threshold information for storage areas with
       uniform page format is recorded in the backup file. See
       the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for more information on
       logical area threshold information.

    o  See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for
       information on determining the working set requirements for
       a non-parallel backup operation.

    o  The following list provides usage information for the Quiet_
       Point and Noquiet_Point qualifiers

       -  If the operation stalls when you attempt a quiet-point
          Oracle RMU backup operation, it may be because another user
          is holding the quiet-point lock. In some cases, there is
          no way to avoid this stall. In other cases you may find
          the stall is caused by a user who has previously issued
          and completed a read/write transaction, and is currently
          running a read-only transaction. When this user started
          the read/write transaction, the process acquired the quiet-
          point lock. Ordinarily, such a process retains this lock
          until it detaches from the database.

          You can set the RDM$BIND_SNAP_QUIET_POINT logical name to
          control whether or not such a process retains the quiet-
          point lock. Set the value of the logical name to "1" so
          that all transactions hold the quiet point lock until a
          backup process requests it. Read-only transactions will not
          obtain the quiet point lock; only read/write transactions
          will obtain the quiet point lock. Set the value of the
          logical name to "0" so that read-only transactions always
          release the quiet point lock at the beginning of the
          transaction, regardless of the existence of a backup
          process. All modified buffers in the buffer pool have
          to be written to disk before the transaction proceeds.
          Applications that utilize the fast commit feature and often
          switch between read-only and read/write transactions within
          a single attach may experience performance degradation if
          the logical is defined to "0".

          Oracle recommends that you do not define the RDB$BIND_SNAP_
          QUIET_POINT logical for most applications.

       -  If you intend to use the Noquiet_Point qualifier with a
          backup procedure that previously specified the Quiet_
          Point qualifier (or did not specify either the Quiet_
          Point or Noquiet_Point qualifier), you should examine any
          applications that execute concurrently with the backup
          operation. You might need to modify your applications or
          your backup procedure to handle the lock conflicts that
          might occur when you specify Noquiet_Point.

          When you specify the Quiet_Point qualifier, the backup
          operation begins when a quiet point is reached. Other
          update transactions that are started after the database
          backup operation begins are prevented from executing until
          after the root file for the database has been backed up
          (the backup operation on the database storage areas begins
          after the root file is backed up).

       -  When devising your backup strategy for both the database
          and the after-image journal files, keep in mind the trade-
          offs between performing quiet-point backup operations and
          noquiet-point backup operations. A noquiet-point backup
          operation is quicker than a quiet-point backup operation,
          but usually results in a longer recovery operation. Because
          transactions can span .aij files when you perform noquiet-
          point .aij backup operations, you might have to apply
          numerous .aij files to recover the database. In a worst-
          case scenario, this could extend back to your last quiet-
          point .aij or database backup operation. If you rarely
          perform quiet-point backup operations, recovery time could
          be excessive.

          One method you can use to balance these trade-offs is
          to perform regularly scheduled quiet-point .aij backup
          operations followed by noquiet-point database backup
          operations. (You could do the converse, but a quiet-
          point backup of the .aij file improves the performance
          of the recovery operation should such an operation become
          necessary.) Periodically performing a quiet-point .aij
          backup operation helps to ensure that your recovery time
          will not be excessive.

    o  Do not add new logical areas in the context of an exclusive
       transaction during an online backup operation.

       When new logical areas are added during an online backup
       operation such that new records are physically placed in a
       location that the backup operation has not processed yet,
       Oracle Rdb returns the following error:

       %RMU-F-CANTREADDBS, error reading pages !UL:!UL-!UL

       Logical areas that cause this problem are created when you do
       either of the following:

       -  Create a new table, start a transaction that reserves the
          new table in exclusive mode, and load the table with rows.

       -  Create a new table, start a transaction that reserves the
          new table in exclusive mode, and create an index for the

       Creating new tables and populating them, or creating new
       indexes do not pose a problem if the table is not reserved
       in exclusive mode.

    o  If you back up a database without its root file ACL (using
       the Noacl qualifier of the RMU Backup command, for example), a
       user who wants to restore the database must have the OpenVMS
       SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.

    o  You might receive the RMU-I-WAITOFF informational message
       when you try to back up your database if the database was
       manually opened with the RMU Open command and has not been
       manually closed with the RMU Close command. You also receive
       this message when you issue an RMU Close command with the
       Nowait qualifier and users are still attached to the database.
       To back up your database, you must have exclusive access to
       the database root file. This error message usually indicates
       that you do not have exclusive access to the database root
       file because the operating system still has access to it. If
       your database was manually opened with the RMU Open command,
       you should be able to gain exclusive access to the database
       root file by manually closing the database with an RMU Close

       You can also receive this error message when you attempt other
       operations for which you must have exclusive access to the
       database root file. The solution in those cases is to attempt
       the operation again, later. Until you have exclusive access
       to the database root file, meaning that no other user gained
       access to the database between the time you issued the command
       and the time the command takes effect, you cannot complete
       those operations.

    o  Backup files are typically smaller in size than the actual
       database. They exclude free space and redundant structural
       information that can be reconstructed with a restore
       operation. However, backup files also contain some overhead
       to support the backup format. Compression factors range from
       approximately 1.2 to 3 depending on the organization and
       fullness of the database. The compression factor achieved
       for a given database is generally quite stable and usually
       only changes with structural or logical reorganization.

       Do not use the size of the backup file as an indication of
       the size of the database files. Use the RMU Analyze command to
       determine the actual data content.

    o  Backup performance is strongly affected by the job priority
       of the process running it. For best performance, a backup
       operation should execute at interactive priority, even when it
       is operating as a batch job.

    o  The following list contains information of interest if you are
       performing a backup operation to tape:

       -  If you back up the database to tape, and you do not specify
          the Parallel qualifier, you must mount the backup media by
          using the DCL MOUNT command before you issue the RMU Backup
          command. The tape must be mounted as a FOREIGN volume.
          Like the OpenVMS Backup utility (BACKUP), the RMU Backup
          command performs its own tape label processing. This does
          not prohibit backing up an Oracle Rdb database to an RMS
          file on a Files-11 disk.

          When you specify the Parallel qualifier, you need not mount
          the backup media because the parallel executors allocate
          and mount the drive and labels for you.

       -  When RMU Backup creates a multivolume backup file, you can
          only append data to the end of the last volume. You cannot
          append data to the end of the first or any intermediate

       -  The RMU Backup command uses asynchronous I/O. Tape
          support provided includes support for multifile volumes,
          multivolume files, and multithreaded concurrent tape

       -  If you allow RMU Backup to implicitly label tapes and you
          are using a tape drive that has a display (for example, a
          TA91 tape drive), the label displayed is the original label
          on the tape, not the label generated by RMU Backup.

       -  Oracle Corporation recommends that you supply a name for
          the backup file that is 17 or fewer characters in length.
          File names longer than 17 characters can be truncated.
          The system supports four file-header labels: HDR1, HDR2,
          HDR3, and HDR4. In HDR1 labels, the file identifier field
          contains the first 17 characters of the file name you
          supply. The remainder of the file name is written into the
          HDR4 label, provided that this label is allowed. If no HDR4
          label is supported, a file name longer than 17 characters
          will be truncated.

          The following Oracle RMU commands are valid. The
          terminating period for the backup file name is not counted
          as a character, and the default file type of .rbf is
          assumed. Therefore, the system interprets the file name
          as wednesdays_backup, which is 17 characters in length:


          The following Oracle RMU commands create a backup file
          that cannot be restored. Because no terminating period is
          supplied, the system supplies a period and a file type of
          .rbf, and interprets the backup file name as wednesdays_
          backup.rbf, which is 20 characters in length. RMU truncates
          the backup file name to wednesdays_backup. When you attempt
          to restore the backed up file, RMU assumes the default
          extension of .rbf and returns an error when it cannot find
          the file wednesdays_backup.rbf on tape.


       -  See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for
          information on the steps RMU Backup follows in tape label
          checking for the RMU Backup command.

       -  The RMU Backup command works correctly with unlabeled or
          nonstandard formatted tapes when the Rewind qualifier is
          specified. However, tapes that have never been used or
          initialized, and nonstandard tapes sometimes produce errors
          that make OpenVMS mount attempts fail repeatedly. In this
          situation, RMU Backup cannot continue until you use the DCL
          INITIALIZE command to correct the error.

       -  How Tapes are Relabeled During a Backup Operation
          summarizes the tape labeling behavior of RMU Backup under
          a variety of circumstances. For example, the last row
          of the table describes what labels are applied when you
          specify both the Label=back qualifier and the Accept_Label
          qualifier and all the tapes (except the second) are already
          labeled and used in the following order: aaaa, no label,
          bbbb, dddd, cccc. The table shows that these tapes will
          be relabeled in the following order, with no operator
          notification occurring: aaaa, back02, bbbb, dddd, eeee.
          How Tapes are Relabeled During a Backup Operation assumes
          the backup file name is mf_personnel.rbf:

    Table 5 How Tapes are Relabeled During a Backup Operation

    Qualifiers Current   Resulting
    Specified  Labels    Labels     Operator Notification

    Neither                         None
    Label         mf_       mf_
    nor           per       per
    Accept_       mf_       mf_
    Label         p05       p05
                  mf_       mf_
                  p06       p06
                  mf_       mf_
                  p02       p02
                  mf_       mf_
                  p03       p03

    Neither                         All tapes except second tape
    Label         aaaa      mf_
    nor           no        per
    Accept_       label     mf_
    Label         bbbb      p02
                  dddd      mf_
                  cccc      p03

    Label=back                      All tapes except second
                  aaaa      back
                  no        back02
                  label     back03
                  bbbb      back04
                  dddd      back05

    Label=(back01,                  All tapes except second
    back02)       aaaa      back01
                  no        back02
                  label     back03
                  bbbb      back04
                  dddd      back05

    Accept_                         None
    Label         aaaa      aaaa
                  no        mf_
                  label     p02
                  bbbb      bbbb
                  dddd      dddd
                  cccc      cccc

    Label,                          None
    Label=back    aaaa      aaaa
                  no        back02
                  label     bbbb
                  bbbb      dddd
                  dddd      cccc

    o  When you use more than one tape drive for a backup operation,
       ensure that all of the tape drives are the same type (for
       example, all of the tape drives must be TA90s or TZ87s or
       TK50s). Using different tape drive types (for example, one
       TK50 and one TA90) for a single database backup operation may
       make database restoration difficult or impossible.

       Oracle RMU attempts to prevent you from using different tape
       drive densities during a backup operation but is not able to
       detect all invalid cases and expects that all tape drives for
       a backup are of the same type.

       As long as all of the tapes used during a backup operation
       can be read by the same type of tape drive during a restore
       operation, the backup is likely to be valid. This may be the
       case, for example, when you use a TA90 and a TA90E.

       Oracle Corporation recommends that, on a regular basis, you
       test your backup and recovery procedures and environment
       using a test system. You should restore the database and then
       recover using after-image journals (AIJs) to simulate failure
       recovery of the production system.

       Consult the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance and
       the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Design and Definition for
       additional information about Oracle Rdb backup and restore

    o  You should use the density values added in OpenVMS Version
       7.2-1 for OpenVMS tape device drivers that accept them because
       previously supported values may not work as expected. If
       previously supported values are specified for drivers that
       support the OpenVMS Version 7.2-1 density values, the older
       values are translated to the Version 7.2-1 density values if
       possible. If the value cannot be translated, a warning message
       is generated, and the specified value is used.

       If you use density values added in OpenVMS Version 7.2-1 for
       tape device drivers that do not support them, the values are
       translated to acceptable values if possible. If the value
       cannot be translated, a warning message is generated and the
       density value is translated to the existing default internal
       density value (MT$K_DEFAULT).

       One of the following density-related errors is generated if
       there is a mismatch between the specified density value and
       the values that the tape device driver accepts:

       %RMU-E-DENSITY, TAPE_DEVICE:[000000]DATABASE.BCK; does not support specified

       %RMU-E-POSITERR, error positioning TAPE_DEVICE:

       %RMU-E-BADDENSITY, The specified tape density is invalid for this device

    o  If you want to use an unsupported density value, use the VMS
       INITIALIZE and MOUNT commands to set the tape density. Do not
       use the Density qualifier.

    o  The density syntax used on the command can also be used in the
       plan file for the Parallel RMU backup to tape process.

    o  Oracle Rdb cannot continue a single .rda file across multiple
       disks. This means that, during a multidisk backup operation,
       each device must have enough free space to hold the largest
       storage area in the database. If the storage areas are on
       stripe sets and are larger than any actual single disk, then
       the devices specified for the backup file must be striped

       It is not possible to indicate which storage area should be
       backed up to a given device.

    o  Because data stream names representing the database are
       generated based on the backup file name specified for the
       Oracle RMU backup command, you must either use a different
       backup file name to store the next backup of the database
       to the Librarian utility or first delete the existing data
       streams generated from the backup file name before the same
       backup file name can be reused.

       To delete the existing data streams stored in the Librarian
       utility, you can use a Librarian management utility or the
       Oracle RMU Librarian/Remove command.

    o  If you are backing up to multiple disk devices using thread
       pools, the following algorithm to assign threads is used by
       the backup operation:

       -  The size of each area is calculated as the product of the
          page length in bytes multiplied by the highest page number
          used (maximum page number) for that area.

       -  The area sizes are sorted by descending size and ascending
          device name. For internal processing reasons, the system
          area is placed as the first area in the first thread.

       -  Each of the remaining areas is added to the thread that has
          the lowest byte count.

       The same algorithm is used for tape devices, but the areas are
       partitioned among writer threads, not disk devices.

    o  The partitioning for backup to multiple disk devices is done
       by disk device, not by output thread, because there will
       typically be more disk devices than output threads, and an
       area cannot span a device.

7.1.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command performs a full backup operation on the mf_
    personnel database and displays a log of the session:


    Example 2

    To perform an incremental backup operation, include the
    Incremental qualifier. Assume a full backup operation was done
    late Monday night. The following command performs an incremental
    backup operation on the database updates only for the following


    Example 3

    To back up the database while there are active users, specify the
    Online qualifier:


    Example 4

    The following RMU Backup command includes only the EMPIDS_
    LOW and EMPIDS_MID storage areas in the backup file of the
    mf_personnel database. All the other storage areas in the mf_
    personnel database are excluded from the backup file:


    Example 5

    The following command backs up the mf_personnel database but not
    the root file ACL for the database:


    Example 6

    The following command backs up the mf_personnel database without
    waiting for a quiet point in the database:


    Example 7

    The following command creates a journal file, pers_journal.jnl,
    and a backup file, pers_backup.rbf.


    Example 8

    The following example backs up all the storage areas in the mf_
    personnel database except for the read-only storage areas.


    Example 9

    The following example assumes that you are using multiple tape
    drives to do a large backup operation. By specifying the Loader_
    Synchronization qualifier, this command does not require you to
    load tapes as each becomes full. Instead, you can load tapes on a
    loader or stacker and RMU Backup will wait until all concurrent
    tape operations have concluded for one set of tape volumes before
    assigning the next set of tape volumes.

    Using this example, you:

    1. Verify the database.

    2. Allocate each tape drive.

    3. Manually place tapes BACK01 and BACK05 on the $111$MUA0:

    4. Manually place tapes BACK02 and BACK06 on the $222$MUA1:

    5. Manually place tapes BACK03 and BACK07 on the $333$MUA2:

    6. Manually place tapes BACK04 and BACK08 on the $444$MUA3:

    7. Mount the first volume.

    8. Perform the backup operation.

    9. Dismount the last tape mounted. (This example assumes it is on
       the $444$MUA3: drive.)

   10. Deallocate each tape drive.

    $ ALLOCATE $111$MUA0:
    $ ALLOCATE $222$MUA1:
    $ ALLOCATE $333$MUA2:
    $ ALLOCATE $444$MUA3:
    $ MOUNT/FOREIGN $111$MUA0:
    _$ /LABEL=(BACK01, BACK02, BACK03, BACK04, BACK05,           -
    _$ BACK06, BACK07, BACK08)                                   -
    _$ DB_DISK:[MFPERS]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB                          -
    _$ $111$MUA0:PERS_FULL_MAR30.RBF/Master, $222$MUA1:          -
    _$ $333$MUA1:/MASTER, $444$MUA3
    $ DISMOUNT $444$MUA3:
    $ DEALLOCATE $111$MUA0:
    $ DEALLOCATE $222$MUA1:
    $ DEALLOCATE $333$MUA2:
    $ DEALLOCATE $444$MUA4:

    Example 10

    The following example generates a parallel backup plan file, but
    does not execute it. The result is a backup plan file. See the
    next example for a description of the plan file.

    _$ /LABEL=(001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008, 009) -

    Example 11

    The following display shows the contents of the plan file,
    PARTIAL.PLAN created in the preceding example. The following
    callouts are keyed to this display:

    1  The Plan Parameters include all the parameters specified
       on the RMU BACKUP command line and all possible command

    2  Command qualifiers that are not specified on the command line
       are represented as comments in the plan file. This allows you
       to edit and adjust the plan file for future use.

    3  Command qualifiers that are explicitly specified on the
       command line are represented in the plan file as specified.

    4  Executor parameters are listed for each executor involved in
       the backup operation.

    ! Plan created on 28-JUN-1996 by RMU/BACKUP.

    Plan Name = PARTIAL
    Plan Type = BACKUP

    Plan Parameters: 1
        Database Root File = DISK1:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL;1
        Backup File = PARTIAL.RBF
        ! Journal = specification for journal file 2
        ! Tape_Expiration = dd-mmm-yyyy
        ! Active_IO = number of buffers for each tape
        ! Protection = file system protection for backup file
        ! Block_Size = bytes per tape block
        ! Density = tape density
        ![No]Group_Size = number of blocks between XOR blocks
        ! Lock_Timeout = number of second to wait for locks
        ! Owner = identifier of owner of the backup file
        !Page_Buffers = number of buffers to use for each storage area
        Checksum_Verification 3
        CRC = AUTODIN_II
        ! Accept_labels preserves all tape labels
        ! Loader_synchronization labels tapes in order across drives
        ! Media_loader forces support of a tape media loader
        Labels = (-
                 001          -
                 002          -
                 003          -
                 004          -
                 005          -
                 006          -
                 007          -
                 008          -
                 009         )
    End Plan Parameters
    Executor Parameters :
        Executor Name = COORDINATOR
        Executor Type = Coordinator
    End Executor Parameters
    Executor Parameters : 4
        Executor Name = WORKER_001
        Executor Type = Worker
        Executor Node = NODE1
        Start Storage Area List
        End Storage Area List
        Tape Drive List
            Tape Drive = TAPE1:
        End Tape Drive List
    End Executor Parameters
    Executor Parameters :
        Executor Name = WORKER_002
        Executor Type = Worker
        Executor Node = NODE2
        Start Storage Area List
        End Storage Area List
        Tape Drive List
            Tape Drive = TAPE2:
        End Tape Drive List
    End Executor Parameters
    Executor Parameters :
        Executor Name = WORKER_003
        Executor Type = Worker
        Executor Node = NODE1
        Start Storage Area List
        End Storage Area List
        Tape Drive List
            Tape Drive = TAPE3
        End Tape Drive List
    End Executor Parameters
    Executor Parameters :
        Executor Name = WORKER_004
        Executor Type = Worker
        Executor Node = NODE2
        Start Storage Area List
        End Storage Area List
        Tape Drive List
            Tape Drive = TAPE4
        End Tape Drive List
    End Executor Parameters

    Example 12

    The following example demonstrates the use of the Restore_Options
    qualifier. The first command backs up selected areas of the
    mf_personnel database and creates an options file. The second
    command shows the contents of the options file. The last command
    demonstrates the use of the options file with the RMU Restore

    %RMU-I-NOTALLARE, Not all areas will be included in this backup file
    $ !
    $ !
    !  Options file for database USER1:[MFDB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1
    !  Created 18-JUL-1995 10:31:08.82
    !  Created by BACKUP command

            /file=USER2:[STOA]EMPIDS_LOW.RDA;1 -
            /blocks_per_page=2 -
            /extension=ENABLED -
            /read_write -
            /spams -
            /thresholds=(70,85,95) -
            /snapshot=(allocation=100, -

            /file=USER3:[STOA]EMPIDS_MID.RDA;1 -
            /blocks_per_page=2 -
            /extension=ENABLED -
            /read_write -
            /spams -
            /thresholds=(70,85,95) -
            /snapshot=(allocation=100, -

            /file=USER4:[STOA]EMPIDS_OVER.RDA;1 -
            /blocks_per_page=2 -
            /extension=ENABLED -
            /read_write -
            /spams -
            /thresholds=(70,85,95) -
            /snapshot=(allocation=100, -
    $ !
    $ !
    $ !

    Example 13

    The following example uses a density value with compression:


    Example 14

    The following example shows how to perform a multidisk backup

    %RMU-I-COMPLETED, BACKUP operation completed at  1-MAY-2001 17:40:53.81

    Example 15

    The following example shows the use of the Librarian qualifier
    with a plan file.


    The first backup command creates the plan file for a parallel
    backup, but does not execute it. The second backup command
    executes the parallel backup using the plan file. Three worker
    processes are used; each process uses the three writer threads
    specified with the Librarian qualifier. Each writer thread in
    each process writes one stream of backup data to the Librarian
    utility; a total of nine streams is written.

    Example 16

    This example shows the use of the Compression qualifier ZLIB.

    BACKUP summary statistics:
            Data compressed by 53% (9791 KB in/4650 KB out)

    Example 17

    The following example shows the use of the Norecord qualifier.
    This would be used to backup a Hot Standby database without
    modifying the database files.


7.2  –  After Journal

    Creates a backup file of the database after-image journal (.aij)
    file or files.

    Oracle Rdb supports two types of after-image journaling
    mechanisms: one that employs a single, extensible .aij file and
    another that employs multiple, fixed-size .aij files. The type of
    journaling mechanism being used at the time the backup operation
    starts can affect how you should specify the backup command.
    Further information on how these two journaling mechanisms affect
    the backup operation appears in the Description help entry under
    this command.

    The backup .aij file is an actual, usable .aij file that can
    be applied to the appropriate Oracle Rdb database in a recovery

    The RMU Backup After_Journal command can be used while users are
    attached to the database.

7.2.1  –  Description

    The backup .aij file you create can be used with the RMU Recover
    command to recover (roll forward) journaled transactions. In some
    cases, you might have to issue additional Recover commands: one
    for the backup .aij file and a second for the more recent .aij

    Oracle Rdb supports the following two types of .aij file

    o  A configuration that uses a single, extensible .aij file

       This is the method always used prior to Version 6.0 and is
       also the default (for compatibility with versions of Oracle
       Rdb prior to Version 6.0).

       When an extensible .aij file is used, one .aij file is written
       to and extended, as needed, by the number of blocks specified
       when the .aij file was created. The .aij file continues to
       be extended until it is backed up (or the device on which it
       resides is full).

       The RMU Backup After_Journal command copies transactions
       recorded in the current .aij file (always on a disk device)
       to the backup .aij file (which might be on a tape or disk
       device). On completion, the current .aij file is truncated
       and used again. During periods of high update activity, the
       truncation of the active .aij file might not be performed
       because of conflicting access to the .aij file by other users,
       but the storage allocated to the active .aij file is still
       used again when the backup operation completes.

    o  A configuration that uses two or more fixed-size .aij files

       When fixed-size .aij files are used, the database maintains
       multiple .aij files; however, only one .aij file is written to
       at a time. This .aij file is considered the current journal.
       When this .aij file is filled, a switchover occurs to allow
       journaling to continue in another available .aij file.

       The RMU Backup After_Journal command works as follows with
       fixed-size .aij files:

       -  Backs up any full .aij files

          The backup operation first backs up the .aij file with the
          lowest AIJ sequence number (that needs backing up), the
          operation continues to back up .aij files in ascending AIJ
          sequence number. If a lot of .aij files need to be backed
          up when the RMU Backup After_Journal command is issued,
          one backup file might contain the contents of all the .aij
          files being backed up.

       -  Backs up the current .aij file

          Even if there are active transactions at the time of the
          backup operation, the RMU Backup After_Journal command
          will start to backup the current active .aij file. If
          you have specified the Quiet_Point qualifier, the backup
          operation stalls at some point waiting for all the current
          transactions to complete.

       -  Switches to the next available .aij file

          An available .aij file is one for which both of the
          following are true:

          *  It is not currently being used to record transactions.

          *  It is not needed for a redo operation.

          Such an .aij file might be one that has never been used, or
          one that has already been backed up.

       Once a specified .aij file has been completely backed up, it
       is initialized and marked as available for reuse.


       The method employed, fixed-size .aij files or an extensible
       .aij file, cannot be set explicitly by the user. Any event
       that reduces the number of .aij files to one results in an
       extensible .aij file being used. Any event that increases
       the number .aij files to two or more results in fixed-size
       .aij files being used. An inaccessible .aij file is counted
       in these equations. Therefore, if you have one accessible
       .aij file and one inaccessible .aij file (perhaps because
       it has been suppressed), fixed-size .aij journaling is still

       Because some of the RMU Backup After_Journal qualifiers are
       valid only when one or the other journaling mechanism is
       employed, you might need to issue an RMU Dump command to
       determine which journaling mechanism is currently being
       employed before you issue an RMU Backup After_Journal

       Also note that once a backup operation begins, .aij file
       modification is not allowed until the backup operation is
       complete. However, if the type of journaling changes between
       the time you issue an RMU Dump command and the time you
       issue the RMU Backup After_Journal command, you receive an
       error message if you have specified qualifiers that are only
       valid with a particular type of journaling mechanism. (The
       Threshold qualifier, for example, is valid only when the
       extensible journaling mechanism is being used.)

    If you back up the .aij file or files to tape, you must mount
    the backup media by using the DCL MOUNT command before you issue
    the RMU Backup After_Journal command. If you specify the default,
    Format=Old_File, the RMU Backup After_Journal command uses RMS
    to write to the tape and the tape must be mounted as an OpenVMS
    volume. (That is, do not specify the FOREIGN qualifier with the
    MOUNT command.) If you specify the Format=New_Tape qualifier,
    the RMU Backup After_Journal command writes backup files in a
    format similar to that used by the RMU Backup command, and you
    must mount the tape as a FOREIGN volume.

    If you back up an .aij file to disk, you can then use the OpenVMS
    Backup utility (BACKUP) to archive the .aij backup file.

    The RMU Backup After_Journal command can be used in a batch job
    to avoid occupying an interactive terminal for long periods of
    time. The Continuous, Interval, Threshold, and Until qualifiers
    control the duration and frequency of the backup process. When
    you use the Continuous qualifier, the command can occupy a
    terminal indefinitely. Therefore, it is good practice to issue
    the command through a batch process when executing a continuous
    .aij file backup operation. However, remember that the portion of
    the command procedure that follows the RMU Backup After_Journal
    command is not executed until after the time specified by the
    Until qualifier.

    When the RMU Backup After_Journal command completes, it records
    information about the state of the backup files in the global
    process symbols presented in the following list. You can use
    these symbols in DCL command procedures to help automate the
    backup operation.

    These symbols are not set, however, if you have issued a DCL SET


       Contains the sequence number of the last .aij backup file
       written to tape. This symbol has a value identical to RDM$AIJ_
       BACKUP_SEQNO. RDM$AIJ_SEQNO was created prior to Oracle Rdb
       Version 6.0 and is maintained for compatibility with earlier
       versions of Oracle Rdb.


       Contains the sequence number of the currently active .aij
       file. A value of -1 indicates that after-image journaling is


       Contains the sequence number of the next .aij file that
       needs to be backed up. This symbol always contains a positive
       integer value (which can be 0).


       Contains the sequence number of the last .aij file ready for a
       backup operation, which is different from the current sequence
       number if fixed-size journaling is being used. A value of -1
       indicates that no journal has ever been backed up.

       If the value of the RDM$AIJ_NEXT_SEQNO symbol is greater than
       the value of the RDM$AIJ_LAST_SEQNO symbol, no more .aij files
       are currently available for the backup operation.


       Contains the sequence number of the last .aij file backed up
       by the backup operation. This symbol is set at the completion
       of an .aij backup operation. A value of -1 indicates that this
       process has not yet backed up an .aij file.

       The RMU Backup After_Journal command provides an informational
       message that describes the exact sequence number for each .aij
       backup file operation.


       Contains the number of available .aij files.


       Contains the end of file block number for the current AIJ


       Contains the percent fullness of the current AIJ journal.

    Note that these are string symbols, not integer symbols, even
    though their equivalence values are numbers. Therefore performing
    arithmetic operations with them produces unexpected results.

    If you need to perform arithmetic operations with these symbols,
    first convert the string symbol values to numeric symbol values
    using the OpenVMS F$INTEGER lexical function. For example:

                    - F$INTEGER(RDB$AIJ_NEXT_SEQNO)

7.2.2  –  Format

  (B)0   RMU/Backup/After_Journal   root-file-spec  {backup-file-spec | ""}

     Command Qualifiers                       x Defaults

     /[No]Accept_Label                        x /Accept_Label
     /Active_IO=max-writes                    x /Active_IO=3
     /Block_Size=integer                      x See description
     /[No]Compression[=options]               x /Nocompression
     /[No]Continuous=(n)                      x /Nocontinuous
     /[No]Crc                                 x See description
     /Crc[=Autodin_II]                        x See description
     /Crc=Checksum                            x See description
     /Density=(density-value, [No]Compaction) x See description
     /[No]Edit_Filename=(options)             x /Noedit_Filename
     /Encrypt=({Value=|Name=}[,Algorithm=])   x See description
     /Format={Old_File|New_Tape}              x /Format=Old_File
     /[No]Group_Size[=interval]               x See description
     /[No]Interval=number-seconds             x /Nointerval
     /Label=(label-name-list)                 x See description
     /Librarian[=options]                     x None
     /Lock_Timeout=seconds                    x See description
     /[No]Log                                 x Current DCL verify value

  (B)0   /[No]Media_Loader                        x   See description
     /Owner=user-id                           x   See description
     /Prompt={Automatic|Operator|Client}      x   See description
     /Protection=openvms-file-protection      x   See description
     /[No]Quiet_Point                         x   /Quiet_Point
     /[No]Rename                              x   /Norename
     /[No]Rewind                              x   /Norewind
     /[No]Sequence=(n,m)                      x   /Nosequence
     /Tape_Expiration=date-time               x   The current time
     /[No]Threshold=disk-blocks               x   /Nothreshold
     /Until=time                              x   See description
     /[No]Wait=n                              x   See description

7.2.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    The name of the database root file. The root file name is also
    the name of the database. An error results if you specify a
    database that does not have after-image journaling enabled. The
    default file extension is .rdb.  –  backup-file-spec

    A file specification for the .aij backup file. The default
    file extension is .aij unless you specify the Format=New_Tape
    qualifier. In this case, the default file extension is .aij_rbf.  –  ""

    Double quotes indicate to Oracle RMU that you want the default
    .aij backup file specification to be used. The default .aij
    backup file specification is defined with the SQL ALTER DATABASE
    statement or the RMU Set After_Journal command.

7.2.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Accept Label


    Specifies that Oracle RMU should keep the current tape label it
    finds on a tape during a backup operation even if that label
    does not match the default label or that specified with the
    Label qualifier. Operator notification does not occur unless
    the tape's protection, owner, or expiration date prohibit writing
    to the tape. However, a message is logged (assuming logging is
    enabled) and written to the backup journal file (assuming you
    have specified the Journal qualifier) to indicate that a label is
    being preserved and which drive currently holds that tape.

    This qualifier is particularly useful when your backup operation
    employs numerous previously used (and thus labeled) tapes and you
    want to preserve the labels currently on the tapes.

    If you do not specify this qualifier, the default behavior
    of Oracle RMU is to notify the operator each time it finds a
    mismatch between the current label on the tape and the default
    label (or the label you specify with the Label qualifier).

    See the description of the Labels qualifier under this command
    for information on default labels. See How Tapes are Relabeled
    During a Backup Operation in the Usage_Notes help entry under
    the Backup Database help entry for a summary of which labels are
    applied under a variety of circumstances.  –  Active IO


    Specifies the maximum number of write operations to a backup
    device that the RMU Backup After_Journal command attempts
    simultaneously. This is not the maximum number of write
    operations in progress; that value is the product of active
    system I/O operations and the number of devices being written
    to simultaneously.

    The value of the Active_IO qualifier can range from 1 to 5. The
    default value is 3. Values larger than 3 can improve performance
    with some tape drives.  –  Block Size


    Specifies the maximum record size for the backup file. The size
    can vary between 2048 and 65,024 bytes. The default value is
    device dependent. The appropriate block size is a compromise
    between tape capacity and error rate.  –  Compression


    Allows you to specify the compression method to use before
    writing data to the AIJ backup file. This reduces performance,
    but may be justified when the AIJ backup file is a disk file,
    or is being backed up over a busy network, or is being backed
    up to a tape drive that does not do its own compression. You
    probably do not want to specify the Compression qualifier when
    you are backing up an aIJ file to a tape drive that does its
    own compression; in some cases doing so can actually result in a
    larger file.

    This feature only works for the new backup file format and you
    have to specify /FORMAT=NEW_TAPE if you also use /COMPRESSION.

    If you specify the Compression qualifier without a value, the
    default is COMPRESSION=ZLIB=6.

    The level value (ZLIB=level) is an integer between 1 and 9
    specifying the relative compression level with one being the
    least amount of compression and nine being the greatest amount
    of compression. Higher levels of the compression use increased
    CPU time while generally providing better compression. The
    default compression level of 6 is a balance between compression
    effectiveness and CPU consumption.


       Prior releases of Oracle Rdb are unable to read RBF files
       compressed with the ZLIB algorithm. In order to read
       compressed backups with Oracle Rdb 7.2 Releases prior
       to V7.2.1, they must be made with /COMPRESSION=LZSS or
       /COMPRESSION=HUFFMAN explicitly specified (because the
       default compression algorithm has been changed from LZSS to
       ZLIB). Oracle Rdb Version 7.2.1 is able to read compressed
       backups using the LZSS or HUFFMAN algorithms made with prior
       releases.  –  Continuous


    Specifies whether the .aij backup process operates continuously.
    You specify termination conditions by specifying one or both of
    the following:

    o  The Until qualifier

       Specifies the time and date to stop the continuous backup

    o  The value for n

       Specifies the number of iterations Oracle RMU should make
       through the set of active .aij files before terminating the
       backup operation.

    When you use the Continuous qualifier, you must use either the
    Until or the Interval qualifier or provide a value for n (or
    both) to specify when the backup process should stop. You can
    also stop the backup process by using the DCL STOP command when
    backing up to disk.

    If you specify the Continuous qualifier, Oracle Rdb does not
    terminate the backup process after truncating the current .aij
    file (when an extensible journal is used) or after switching to
    a new journal (when fixed-size journals are used). Instead, the
    backup process waits for the period of time that you specify in
    the argument to the Interval qualifier. After that time interval,
    the backup process tests to determine if the threshold has been
    reached (for an extensible journal) or if the journal is full
    (for fixed-size journals). It then performs backup operations
    as needed and then waits again until the next interval break,
    unless the number of iterations or the condition specified with
    the Until qualifier has been reached.

    If you specify the Continuous qualifier, the backup process
    occupies the terminal (that is, no system prompt occurs) until
    the process terminates. Therefore, you should usually enter the
    command through a batch process.

    If you specify the default, the Nocontinuous qualifier, the
    backup process stops as soon as it completely backs up the .aij
    file or files. The default value for the number of iterations (n)
    is 1.

    If you specify both the Until qualifier and the Continuous=n
    qualifier, the backup operation stops after whichever completes
    first. If you specify the Until=12:00 qualifier and the
    Continuous=5 qualifier, the backup operation terminates at 12:00
    even if only four iterations have completed. Likewise, if five
    iterations are completed prior to 12:00, the backup operation
    terminates after the five iterations are completed.

    The Continuous qualifier is not recommended when you are backing
    up to tape, particularly when the Format=New_Tape qualifier is
    used. If your tape operations complete successfully, you do not
    want the backup operation to continue in an infinite loop.

    Using the DCL STOP command to terminate a backup operation to
    tape might result in an incomplete or corrupt backup file.
    However, do not delete this backup file; it is extremely
    important that you preserve all .aij backup files, even
    those produced by failed or terminated backup processes. If
    the resultant .aij backup file is discarded, the next .aij
    backup file could contain a "gap" in transactions, so that no
    transactions would ever be rolled forward from that point on.  –  Crc[=Autodin II]


    Uses the AUTODIN-II polynomial for the 32-bit CRC calculation and
    provides the most reliable end-to-end error detection. This is
    the default for NRZ/PE (800/1600 bits/inch) tape drives.

    Typing Crc is sufficient to select the Crc=Autodin_II qualifier.
    It is not necessary to type the entire qualifier.  –  Crc=Checksum


    Uses one's complement addition, which is the same computation
    used to do a checksum of the database pages on disk. This is the
    default for GCR (6250 bits/inch) tape drives and for TA78, TA79,
    and TA81 tape drives.

    The Crc=Checksum qualifier allows detection of errors.  –  Nocrc


    Disables end-to-end error detection. This is the default for TA90
    (IBM 3480 class) drives.


       The overall effect of the Crc=Autodin_II, Crc=Checksum, and
       Nocrc qualifier defaults is to improve tape reliability so
       that it is equal to that of a disk. If you retain your tapes
       longer than 1 year, the Nocrc default might not be adequate.
       For tapes retained longer than 1 year, use the Crc=Checksum

       If you retain your tapes longer than 3 years, you should
       always use the Crc=Autodin_II qualifier.

       Tapes retained longer than 5 years could be deteriorating
       and should be copied to fresh media.

       See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for details
       on using the Crc qualifiers to avoid underrun errors.  –  Density


    Specifies the density at which the output volume is to be
    written. The default value is the format of the first volume (the
    first tape you mount). You do not need to specify this qualifier
    unless your tape drives support data compression or more than one
    recording density.

    The Density qualifier is applicable only to tape drives. Oracle
    RMU returns an error message if this qualifier is used and the
    target device is not a tape drive.

    If your systems are running OpenVMS versions prior to 7.2-1,
    specify the Density qualifier as follows:

    o  For TA90E, TA91, and TA92 tape drives, specify the number in
       bits per inch as follows:

       -  Density = 70000 to initialize and write tapes in the
          compacted format.

       -  Density = 39872 or Density = 40000 for the noncompacted

    o  For SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) tape drives,
       specify Density = 1 to initialize and write tapes using the
       drive's hardware data compression scheme.

    o  For other types of tape drives, you can specify a supported
       Density value between 800 and 160000 bits per inch.

    o  For all tape drives, specify Density = 0 to initialize and
       write tapes at the drive's standard density.

    Do not use the Compaction or NoCompaction keyword for systems
    running OpenVMS versions prior to 7.2-1. On these systems,
    compression is determined by the density value and cannot be

    Oracle RMU supports the OpenVMS tape density and compression
    values introduced in OpenVMS Version 7.2-1. The following table
    lists the added density values supported by Oracle RMU.

    DEFAULT    800       833        1600
    6250       3480      3490E      TK50
    TK70       TK85      TK86       TK87
    TK88       TK89      QIC        8200
    8500       8900      DLT8000
    SDLT       SDLT320   SDLT600
    DDS1       DDS2      DDS3       DDS4
    AIT1       AIT2      AIT3       AIT4

    If the OpenVMS Version 7.2-1 density values and the previous
    density values are the same (for example, 800, 833, 1600, 6250),
    the specified value is interpreted as an OpenVMS Version 7.2-1
    value if the tape device driver accepts them, and as a previous
    value if the tape device driver accepts previous values only.

    For the OpenVMS Version 7.2-1 values that accept tape compression
    you can use the following syntax:

    /DENSITY = (new_density_value,[No]Compaction)

    In order to use the Compaction or NoCompaction keyword, you must
    use one of the following density values that accepts compression:

    DEFAULT    3480      3490E      8200
    8500       8900      TK87       TK88
    TK89       DLT8000   SDLT       SDLT320
    AIT1       AIT2      AIT3       AIT4
    DDS1       DDS2      DDS3       DDS4
    SDLT600    LTO2      LTO3

    Refer to the OpenVMS documentation for more information about
    density values.  –  Edit Filename


    When the Edit_Filename=(options) qualifier is used, the specified
    backup file name is edited by appending any or all of the values
    specified by the following options to the backup file name:

    o  Day_Of_Week

       The current day of the week expressed as a 1-digit integer (1
       to 7). Sunday is expressed as 1; Saturday is expressed as 7.

    o  Day_Of_Year

       The current day of the year expressed as a 3-digit integer
       (001 to 366).

    o  Hour

       The current hour of the day expressed as a 2-digit integer (00
       to 23).

    o  Julian_Date

       The number of days passed since 17-Nov-1858.

    o  Minute

       The current minute of the hour expressed as a 2-digit integer
       (00 to 59).

    o  Month

       The current month expressed as a 2-digit integer (01 to 12).

    o  Sequence

       The journal sequence number of the first journal in the backup

    o  Vno

       Synonymous with the Sequence option. See the description of
       the Sequence option.

    o  Year

       The current year (A.D.) expressed as a 4-digit integer.

    If you specify more than one option, place a comma between each

    The edit is performed in the order specified. For example, the
    file backup.aij and the qualifier /EDIT_FILENAME=(HOUR, MINUTE,
    MONTH, DAY_OF_MONTH, SEQUENCE) creates a file with the name
    backup_160504233.aij when journal 3 is backed up at 4:05 P.M.
    on April 23rd.

    You can make the name more readable by inserting quoted strings
    between each Edit_Filename option. For example, the following
    qualifier adds the string "$30_0155-2" to the .aij file name
    if the day of the month is the 30th, the time is 1:55 and the
    version number is 2:


    This qualifier is useful for creating meaningful file names for
    your backup files and makes file management easier.

    The default is the Noedit_Filename qualifier.  –  Encrypt


    The Encrypt qualifier encrypts the backup file of the after image

    Specify a key value as a string or, the name of a predefined
    key. If no algorithm name is specified the default is DESCBC.
    For details on the Value, Name and Algorithm parameters see HELP

    This feature requires the OpenVMS Encrypt product to be installed
    and licensed on this system.

    This feature only works for a newer format backup file which
    has been created using /FORMAT=NEW_TAPE. Therefore you have
    to specify /FORMAT=NEW_TAPE with this command if you also use

    Synonymous with Format=Old_File and Format=New_Tape qualifiers.
    See the description of those qualifiers.  –  Format


    Specifies the format in which the backup file is to be written.
    Oracle Corporation recommends that you specify the Format=Old_
    File qualifier (or accept the default) when you back up your .aij
    file to disk and that you specify the Format=New_Tape qualifier
    when you back up your .aij file to tape.

    If you specify the default, the Format=Old_File qualifier, the
    RMU Backup command writes the file in a format that is optimized
    for a file structured disk. If you specify the Format=New_Tape
    qualifier, the Oracle RMU command writes the file in a format
    that is optimized for tape storage, including ANSI/ISO labeling
    and end-to-end error detection and correction. When you specify
    the Format=New_Tape qualifier and back up the .aij file to tape,
    you must mount the backup media by using the DCL MOUNT command
    before you issue the RMU Backup After_Journal command. The tape
    must be mounted as a FOREIGN volume. If you mount the tape as an
    OpenVMS volume (that is, you do not mount it as a FOREIGN volume)
    and you specify the Format=New_Tape qualifier, you receive an
    RMU-F-MOUNTFOR error.

    When you back up your .aij file to tape and specify the
    Format=New_Tape qualifier you can create a backup copy of the
    database (using the RMU Backup command) and a backup of the
    .aij file (using the RMU Backup After_Journal command) without
    dismounting your tape.

    The following tape qualifiers have meaning only when used in
    conjunction with the Format=New_Tape qualifier:


    The Format=New_Tape and the Noquiet_Point qualifiers cannot be
    used on the same Oracle RMU command line. See the Usage Notes
    Help entry for an explanation.

    The default file specification, when you specify the Format=New_
    Tape qualifier is .aij_rbf. The default file specification, when
    you specify the Format=Old_File qualifier is .aij.

    Although Oracle Corporation recommends that you specify the
    Format=New_Tape qualifier for .aij backup operations to tape
    and the Format=Old_File qualifier for .aij backup operations to
    disk, Oracle RMU does not enforce this recommendation. This is to
    provide compatibility with prior versions of Oracle Rdb. See the
    Usage Notes Help entry for issues and problems you can encounter
    when you do not follow this recommendation.  –  Group Size


    Specifies the frequency at which XOR recovery blocks are written
    to tape. The group size can vary from 0 to 100. Specifying a
    group size of zero or specifying the Nogroup_Size qualifier
    results in no XOR recovery blocks being written. The Group_Size
    qualifier is only applicable to tape, and its default value is
    device dependent. Oracle RMU returns an error message if this
    qualifier is used and the target device is not a tape device.  –  Interval=n


    Specifies the number of seconds for which the backup process
    waits. Use this qualifier in conjunction with the Continuous
    qualifier and the extensible journaling method. The interval
    determines how often to test the active .aij file to determine
    if it contains more blocks than the value of the Threshold

    If you specify the Interval qualifier without specifying the
    number of seconds, or if you omit this qualifier, the default
    number of seconds is 60.

    Oracle Corporation recommends using the default (Interval=60)
    initially because the interval that you choose can affect the
    performance of the database. In general, you can arrive at a
    good interval time on a given database only by judgment and

    If you specify the Nointerval qualifier, the active .aij file is
    tested repeatedly with no interval between finishing one cycle
    and beginning the next.

    You must specify the Continuous qualifier if you specify either
    the Interval or Nointerval qualifier.

    If you specify both the Interval and Nocontinuous qualifiers, the
    Interval qualifier is ignored.  –  Label


    Specifies the 1- to 6-character string with which the volumes
    of the backup file are to be labeled. The Label qualifier is
    applicable only to tape volumes. You must specify one or more
    label names when you use the Label qualifier.

    You can specify a list of tape labels for multiple tapes. If you
    list multiple tape label names, separate the names with commas
    and enclose the list of names within parentheses.

    If you do not specify the Label (or Accept_Label) qualifier,
    Oracle RMU labels the first tape used for a backup operation
    with the first 6 characters of the backup file name. Subsequent
    default labels are the first 4 characters of the backup file name
    appended with a sequential number. For example, if your backup
    file is my_backup.rbf, the default tape labels are my_b, my_b01,
    my_b02, and so on.

    When you reuse tapes, Oracle RMU compares the label currently
    on the tape to the label or labels you specify with the Label
    qualifier. If there is a mismatch between the existing label and
    a label you specify, Oracle RMU sends a message to the operator
    asking if the mismatch is acceptable (unless you also specify the
    Accept_Labels qualifier).

    If desired, you can explicitly specify the list of tape labels
    for multiple tapes. If you list multiple tape label names,
    separate the names with commas and enclose the list of names
    within parentheses. If you are reusing tapes be certain that
    you load the tapes so that the label Oracle RMU expects and the
    label on each tape will match, or be prepared for a high level of
    operator intervention.

    If you specify fewer labels than are needed, Oracle RMU generates
    labels based on the format you have specified. For example, if
    you specify Label=TAPE01, Oracle RMU labels subsequent tapes as
    TAPE02, TAPE03, and so on up to TAPE99. Thus, many volumes can
    be preloaded in the cartridge stacker of a tape drive. The order
    is not important because Oracle RMU relabels the volumes. An
    unattended backup operation is more likely to be successful if
    all the tapes used do not have to be mounted in a specific order.

    Once the backup operation is complete, externally mark the tapes
    with the appropriate label so that the order can be maintained
    for the restore operation. Be particularly careful if you are
    allowing Oracle RMU to implicitly label second and subsequent
    tapes and you are performing an unattended backup operation.
    Remove the tapes from the drives in the order in which they
    were written. Apply labels to the volumes following the logic
    of implicit labeling (for example, TAPE02, TAPE03, and so on).

    Oracle Corporation recommends you use the Journal qualifier when
    you employ implicit labeling in a multidrive, unattended backup
    operation. The journal file records the volume labels that were
    written to each tape drive. The order in which the labels were
    written is preserved in the journal. Use the RMU Dump Backup
    command to display a listing of the volumes written by each tape

    You can use an indirect file reference with the Label qualifier.
    See the Indirect-command-files help entry for more information.
    See How Tapes are Relabeled During a Backup Operation in the
    Usage_Notes help entry under this command for a summary of which
    labels are applied under a variety of circumstances.  –  Librarian


    Use the Librarian qualifier to back up files to data archiving
    software applications that support the Oracle Media Management
    interface. The backup file name specified on the command line
    identifies the stream of data to be stored in the Librarian
    utility. If you supply a device specification or a version number
    it will be ignored.

    The Librarian qualifier accepts the following options:

    o  Trace_file=file-specification

       The Librarian utility writes trace data to the specified file.

    o  Level_Trace=n

       Use this option as a debugging tool to specify the level of
       trace data written by the Librarian utility. You can use a
       pre-determined value of 0, 1, or 2, or a higher value defined
       by the Librarian utility. The pre-determined values are :

       -  Level 0 traces all error conditions. This is the default.

       -  Level 1 traces the entry and exit from each Librarian

       -  Level 2 traces the entry and exit from each Librarian
          function, the value of all function parameters, and the
          first 32 bytes of each read/write buffer, in hexadecimal.

    o  Logical_Names=(logical_name=equivalence-value,...)

       You can use this option to specify a list of process logical
       names that the Librarian utility can use to specify catalogs
       or archives where Oracle Rdb backup files are stored,
       Librarian debug logical names, and so on. See the specific
       Librarian documentation for the definition of logical names.
       The list of process logical names is defined by Oracle RMU
       prior to the start of any Oracle RMU command that accesses the
       Librarian utility.

    The following OpenVMS logical names must be defined for use with
    a Librarian utility before you execute an Oracle RMU backup or
    restore operation. Do not use the Logical_Names option provided
    with the Librarian qualifier to define these logical names.


       This logical name must be defined so that the shareable
       Librarian image can be loaded and called by Oracle RMU backup
       and restore operations. The translation must include the file
       type (for example, .exe), and must not include a version
       number. The shareable Librarian image must be an installed
       (known) image. See the Librarian utility documentation for
       the name and location of this image and how it should be


       This logical name is not required. If it is defined, Oracle
       RMU will display debug tracing information messages from
       modules that make calls to the Librarian shareable image.

    You cannot use device specific qualifiers such as Rewind,
    Density, or Label with the Librarian qualifier because the
    Librarian utility handles the storage meda, not Oracle RMU.  –  Lock Timeout


    Determines the maximum time the .aij file backup operation
    will wait for the quiet-point lock and any other locks needed
    during online backup operations. When you specify the Lock_
    Timeout=seconds qualifier, you must specify the number of seconds
    to wait for the quiet-point lock. If the time limit expires, an
    error is signaled and the backup operation fails.

    When the Lock_Timeout=seconds qualifier is not specified, or if
    the value specified is 0, the .aij file backup operation waits
    indefinitely for the quiet-point lock and any other locks needed
    during an online operation.

    The Lock_Timeout=seconds qualifier is ignored if the Noquiet_
    Point qualifier is specified.  –  Log


    Specifies whether the processing of the command is reported to
    SYS$OUTPUT. Specify the Log qualifier to request log output and
    the Nolog qualifier to prevent it. If you specify neither, the
    default is the current setting of the DCL verify switch. (The DCL
    SET VERIFY command controls the DCL verify switch.)  –  Media Loader


    Use the Media_Loader qualifier to specify that the tape device
    receiving the backup file has a loader or stacker. Use the
    Nomedia_Loader qualifier to specify that the tape device does
    not have a loader or stacker.

    By default, if a tape device has a loader or stacker, Oracle
    RMU should recognize this fact. However, occasionally Oracle RMU
    does not recognize that a tape device has a loader or stacker.
    Therefore, when the first backup tape fills, Oracle RMU issues a
    request to the operator for the next tape, instead of requesting
    the next tape from the loader or stacker. Similarly, sometimes
    Oracle RMU behaves as though a tape device has a loader or
    stacker when actually it does not.

    If you find that Oracle RMU is not recognizing that your tape
    device has a loader or stacker, specify the Media_Loader
    qualifier. If you find that Oracle RMU expects a loader or
    stacker when it should not, specify the Nomedia_Loader qualifier.

    Synonymous with Owner qualifier. See the description of the Owner
    qualifier.  –  Owner


    Specifies the owner of the tape volume set. The owner is the
    user who will be permitted to restore the database. The user-
    id parameter must be one of the following types of OpenVMS

    o  A user identification code (UIC) in [group-name,member-name]
       alphanumeric format

    o  A UIC in [group-number,member-number] numeric format

    o  A general identifier, such as SECRETARIES

    o  A system-defined identifier, such as DIALUP

    The Owner qualifier cannot be used with a backup operation to
    disk. When used with tapes, the Owner qualifier applies to
    all continuation volumes. Unless the Rewind qualifier is also
    specified, the Owner qualifier is not applied to the first
    volume. If the Rewind qualifier is not specified, the backup
    operation appends the file to a previously labeled tape, so
    the first volume can have a protection different from the
    continuation volumes.  –  Prompt


    Specifies where server prompts are to be sent. When you specify
    Prompt=Automatic, prompts are sent to the standard input device,
    and when you specify Prompt=Operator, prompts are sent to the
    server console. When you specify Prompt=Client, prompts are sent
    to the client system.  –  Protection


    Specifies the system file protection for the backup file produced
    by the RMU Backup After_Journal command.

    The default file protection varies, depending on whether you
    backup the file to disk or tape. This is because tapes do not
    allow delete or execute access and the SYSTEM account always
    has both read and write access to tapes. In addition, a more
    restrictive class accumulates the access rights of the less
    restrictive classes.

    If you do not specify the Protection qualifier, the default
    protection is as follows:

    o  S:RWED,O:RE,G,W if the backup is to disk

    o  S:RW,O:R,G,W if the backup is to tape

    If you specify the Protection qualifier explicitly, the
    differences in protection applied for backups to tape or disk
    as noted in the preceding paragraph are applied. Thus, if you
    specify Protection=(S,O,G:W,W:R), that protection on tape becomes
    (S:RW,O:RW,G:RW,W:R).  –  Quiet Point


    Specifies whether the quiet-point lock will be acquired when an
    .aij backup operation is performed. The default is the Quiet_
    Point qualifier. Use of the Quiet_Point qualifier is meaningful
    only for a full backup operation; that is, a backup operation
    that makes a complete pass through all .aij files ready for
    backup as opposed to one which is done by-sequence (specified
    with the Sequence qualifier). A full .aij backup operation can
    be performed regardless of whether an extensible or a fixed-size
    .aij journaling mechanism is being employed.

    Each .aij backup operation is assigned an .aij sequence number.
    This labeling distinguishes each .aij backup file from previous
    .aij backup files. During a recovery operation, it is important
    to apply the .aij backup files in the proper sequence. The RMU
    Recover command checks the database root file structure and
    displays a message telling you the .aij sequence number with
    which to begin the recovery operation.

    The quiet point is a state where all write transactions
    have either been committed or rolled back and no read/write
    transactions are in progress. This ensures that the recording
    of transactions do not extend into a subsequent .aij backup file.
    This backup file can then be used to produce a recovered database
    that is in the same state as when the quiet point was reached.

    When fixed-size journaling is employed, the Quiet_Point qualifier
    is only relevant when the active .aij file is being backed up. In
    this case, a quiet point is acquired only once, regardless of the
    number of .aij files being backed up.

    There is no natural quiet point if someone is writing or waiting
    to write to the database at any given time. (A natural quiet
    point is one that is not instigated by the use of the QP (quiet
    point) Lock.) The .aij backup operation may never be able to
    capture a state that does not have uncommitted data in the
    database. As a result, the Noquiet_Point qualifier creates .aij
    backup files that are not independent of one another. If you
    apply one .aij backup file to the database without applying the
    next .aij backup file in sequence, the recovery operation will
    not be applied completely.

    See the Usage_Notes help entry under this command for
    recommendations on using the Quiet_Point and Noquiet_Point

    The following combination of qualifiers on the same command line
    are invalid:

    o  Quiet_Point and Sequence

    o  Quiet_Point and Wait

    o  Noquiet_Point and Format=New  –  Rename


    The Rename qualifier creates and initializes a new .aij file and
    creates the backup file by renaming the original .aij file. The
    effect is that the original .aij file has a new name and the new
    .aij file has the same name as the original .aij file.

    The Rename qualifier sets the protection on the renamed backup
    file so that you can work with it as you would any backup
    file. You can specify the new name by using the Edit_Filename

    When the Rename qualifier is used, the backup operation is faster
    (than when Norename, the default, is specified) because the
    duration of the backup operation is the total time required to
    rename and initialize the .aij file; the data copy portion of
    the backup (reading and writing) is eliminated. However, the disk
    containing the .aij file must have sufficient space for both the
    new and original .aij files. Note also that the .aij backup file
    name must not include a device specification.


       If there is insufficient space for both the new and original
       .aij files when the Rename qualifier is specified, after-
       image journaling shutdown is invoked, resulting in a
       complete database shutdown.

    The Rename qualifier can be used with both fixed-size and
    extensible journaling files.

    The Norename qualifier copies the contents of the .aij file on
    tape or disk and initializes the original .aij file for reuse.
    The Norename qualifier results in a slower backup operation (than
    when Rename is specified), but it does not require space on the
    journal disk for both new and original .aij files.

    The default is Norename.  –  Rewind


    Specifies that the magnetic tape that contains the backup file
    will be rewound before processing begins. The tape is initialized
    according to the Label and Density qualifiers. The Norewind
    qualifier is the default and causes the backup file to be created
    starting at the current logical end-of-tape (EOT).

    These qualifiers are applicable only to tape devices.  –  Sequence


    Specifies that the journals with sequence numbers from n to m
    inclusive are to be backed up. The values n and m are interpreted
    or interpolated as follows:

    o  If Sequence = (33, 35) is specified, then the .aij files with
       sequence numbers 33, 34, and 35 are backed up.

    o  If Sequence = (53, 53) is specified, then the .aij file with
       sequence number 53 is backed up.

    o  If Sequence = (53) is specified, then the .aij files with
       sequence numbers 53 and lower are backed up, if they have
       not been backed up already. For example, if .aij files with
       sequence numbers 51, 52, and 53 have not been backed up, then
       Sequence = (53) results in these three .aij files being backed

    o  If Sequence = (55, 53) is specified, then .aij files with
       sequence numbers 53, 54, and 55 are backed up.

    o  If the Sequence qualifier is specified without a value list,
       both n and m are set to the sequence number of the next
       journal that needs to be backed up.

    The default is the Nosequence qualifier. When the default is
    accepted, the backup operation starts with the next journal that
    needs to be backed up and stops when the termination condition
    you have specified is reached.

    The following qualifiers cannot be used or have no effect when
    used with the Sequence qualifier:


    Furthermore, fixed-size after-image journals must be in use when
    this qualifier is specified.  –  Tape Expiration


    Specifies the expiration date of the .aij backup file. Note that
    when Oracle RMU reads a tape, it looks at the expiration date
    in the file header of the first file on the tape and assumes
    the date it finds in that file header is the expiration date
    for the entire tape. Therefore, if you are backing up an .aij
    file to tape, specifying the Tape_Expiration qualifier only has
    meaning if the .aij file is the first file on the tape. You can
    guarantee that the .aij file will be the first file on the tape
    by specifying the Rewind qualifier and overwriting any existing
    files on the tape.

    When the first file on the tape contains an expiration date
    in the file header, you cannot overwrite the tape before the
    expiration date unless you have the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS

    Similarly, when you attempt to perform a recover operation with
    an .aij file on tape, you cannot perform the recover operation
    after the expiration date recorded in the first file on the tape
    unless you have the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege

    By default, no expiration date is written to the .aij file
    header. In this case, if the .aij file is the first file on the
    tape, the tape can be overwritten immediately. If the .aij file
    is not the first file on the tape, the ability to overwrite the
    tape is determined by the expiration date in the file header of
    the first file on the tape.

    You cannot explicitly set a tape expiration date for an entire
    volume. The volume expiration date is always determined by
    the expiration date of the first file on the tape. The Tape_
    Expiration qualifier cannot be used with a backup operation to

    See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for information
    on tape label processing.  –  Threshold


    This qualifier can be used only when extensible journaling is
    enabled. It cannot be used with fixed-size journaling.

    The Threshold qualifier sets an approximate limit on the size
    of the active .aij file. When the size of the active .aij file
    exceeds the threshold, you cannot initiate new transactions
    until the backup process finishes backing up and truncating
    (resetting) the active .aij file. During the backup operation,
    existing transactions can continue to write to the .aij file.
    Before new transactions can start, all activity issuing from
    existing transactions (including activity occurring after the
    threshold is exceeded) must be moved from the active .aij disk
    file to the .aij backup file. At that time, the active .aij file
    will be completely truncated.

    If you use the default, the Nothreshold qualifier, each backup
    cycle will completely back up the active .aij file. Oracle
    Corporation recommends using the Nothreshold qualifier.

    An appropriate value for the Threshold qualifier depends on the
    activity of your database, how much disk space you want to use,
    whether backup operations will be continuous, and how long you
    are willing to wait for a backup operation to complete.

    See the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to Database Performance and Tuning for
    more information on setting SPAM thresholds.  –  Until


    Specifies the approximate future time and date to stop the
    continuous backup process. There is no default.  –  Wait


    Specifies whether the backup operation should wait (the Wait
    qualifier) or terminate (the Nowait qualifier) when it encounters
    a journal that is not ready to be backed up. The value specified
    for the Wait qualifier is the time interval in seconds between
    attempts to back up the journal that was not ready.

    The Wait or Nowait qualifier can only be specified if the
    Sequence qualifier is also specified. When the Wait qualifier is
    specified, the default value for the time interval is 60 seconds.

    The default is the Nowait qualifier.

7.2.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Backup After_Journal command for a database,
       you must have the RMU$BACKUP privilege in the root file access
       control list (ACL) for the database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or
       BYPASS privilege.

    o  See the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to Database Performance and Tuning
       for information on how to enhance the performance of the RMU
       Backup After_Journal command.


          When fast commit is enabled and an extensible .aij file
          configuration is used, the after-image journal backup
          process compresses and retains some fraction of the
          original .aij file (in a new version of the current .aij
          file). This fraction can approach 100% of the original
          size. Therefore, be sure to reserve enough space to
          duplicate the maximum size .aij file before backing it

          Oracle Corporation recommends that you schedule .aij
          backup operations with sufficient frequency and check the
          free space and journal file size periodically; you need
          to know when you are approaching a critical situation in
          terms of free space. (This is good practice whether or
          not you have fast commit enabled.)

          However, if you issue the RMU Backup After_Journal
          command with fast commit enabled and find that you
          have insufficient space for the .aij file, you have the
          following options:

          o  Delete unneeded files to create sufficient space on
             the disk where the .aij file is located.

          o  Temporarily disable fast commit and back up the .aij

          o  Close the database, disable after-image journaling,
             enable a new after-image journal file, and perform a
             backup operation. (The database can be opened either
             before or after the backup operation.)

          o  Close the database. Create a bound volume set or
             stripe set that is large enough for the .aij file
             and copy the .aij file there. Use the RMU Set After_
             Journal command to change the .aij file name (or
             redefine the logical name if one was used to locate
             the journal), and then open the database again.

    o  Note the following issues and problems you can encounter when
       you specify the Format=Old_File qualifier for an .aij backup
       operation to tape or the Format=New_Tape qualifier for an .aij
       backup operation to disk:

       -  If you use the Format=Old_File qualifier for an .aij
          backup operation to tape and the tape is mounted as a
          FOREIGN volume, the result is an unlabeled tape that can
          be difficult to use for recovery operations.

          Therefore, if you use the Format=Old_File qualifier with
          an .aij backup operation to tape, you must mount the tape
          as an OpenVMS volume (that is, do not specify the /FOREIGN
          qualifier with the DCL MOUNT command).

       -  You must remember (or record) the format you use when you
          back up your .aij file and specify that same format when
          you issue an RMU Dump After_Journal, RMU Optimize After_
          Journal, or RMU Recover command for the .aij backup file.

          If you always follow the guidelines of specifying
          Format=New_Tape for tape backups and Format=Old_File for
          disk backups, you do not need to track the format you
          specified for the .aij backup operation for future use
          with the other Oracle RMU .aij commands.

       -  If you specify Format=Old_File for a backup operation
          to tape and the .aij spans tape volumes, you might have
          problems recovering the .aij file.

    o  You can use the RMU Backup After_Journal command to save disk
       space by spooling the .aij file to tape.

    o  When you use extensible .aij files, note that although a new
       version of the .aij file might be created when the after-image
       backup operation begins, the old .aij file continues to be
       active and growing. Until the switch occurs (which could be
       several hours after the creation of the new version of the
       .aij file), the old .aij file is still being accessed. For
       this and other reasons, you should never use the DCL DELETE or
       DCL PURGE on .aij files (or any database files).

    o  The following list provides usage information for the Quiet_
       Point and Noquiet_Point qualifiers:

       -  If the backup operation stalls when you attempt a quiet-
          point Oracle RMU backup operation, it may be because
          another user is holding the quiet-point lock. In some
          cases, there is no way to avoid this stall. However, you
          may find the stall is caused by a user who has previously
          issued and completed a read-write transaction, and is
          currently running a read-only transaction. When this user
          started the read-write transaction his or her process
          acquired the quiet-point lock. Ordinarily, such a process
          retains this lock until it detaches from the database.

          You can set the RDM$BIND_SNAP_QUIET_POINT logical name to
          control whether or not such a process retains the quiet-
          point lock. Set the value of the logical name to "1" to
          allow such a process to hold the quiet-point lock until
          they detach from the database. Set the value of the logical
          name to "0", to ensure that the process releases the quiet-
          point lock prior to starting a read-only transaction.

       -  When devising your backup strategy for both the database
          and the after-image journal files, keep in mind the trade-
          offs between performing quiet-point backup operations and
          noquiet-point backup operations. A noquiet-point backup
          operation is quicker than a quiet-point backup operation,
          but usually results in a longer recovery operation. Because
          transactions can span .aij files when you perform noquiet-
          point .aij backup operations, you might have to apply
          numerous .aij files to recover the database. In a worst-
          case scenario, this could extend back to your last quiet-
          point .aij or database backup operation. If you rarely
          perform quiet-point backup operations, recovery time could
          be excessive.

          One method you can use to balance these trade-offs is
          to perform regularly scheduled quiet-point .aij backup
          operations followed by noquiet-point database backup
          operations. (You could do the converse, but a quiet-
          point backup of the .aij file improves the performance
          of the recovery operation should such an operation become
          necessary.) Periodically performing a quiet-point .aij
          backup operation helps to ensure that your recovery time
          will not be excessive.

       -  You cannot specify the Noquiet_Point qualifier with the
          Format=New_Tape qualifier because an .aij file created with
          the Noquiet_Point qualifier does not end on a quiet point.
          Some transactions can bridge several backup files. When
          you recover from these backup files you frequently must
          apply several backup files in the same RMU Recover command.
          However, the RMU Recover command with the Format=New_Tape
          qualifier can only process one backup file at a time, so it
          cannot support backup files created with the Noquiet_Point

    o  Oracle RMU tape operations do not automatically allocate the
       tape drives used. In an environment where many users compete
       for a few tape drives, it is possible for another user to
       seize a drive while Oracle RMU is waiting for you to load the
       next tape volume.

       To prevent this, issue a DCL ALLOCATE command for the drives
       you will be using before you issue the Oracle RMU command,
       and then issue a DCL DEALLOCATE command after you complete the
       Oracle RMU command.

    o  The Label qualifier can be used with indirect file
       reference. See the Indirect-Command-Files help entry for more

    o  If an .aij backup process fails or is terminated prematurely,
       the user might discard the resultant .aij backup file because
       the backup operation was not completed. However, all .aij
       backup files, including those produced by a failed backup
       process, are necessary to recover a database. If an .aij
       backup file of a failed backup process is discarded, the
       database is not recoverable from that point forward. This
       is especially important if you use magnetic tapes as the .aij
       backup media; in this case, preserve this magnetic tape and do
       not reuse it.

    o  When an .aij backup process, especially one running in
       continuous (Continuous) mode, writes to the .aij backup file,
       it is possible for the transferred data to be deleted from the
       database .aij file. If the backup process subsequently fails
       or is prematurely terminated (for example with Ctrl/Y or the
       DCL STOP command), it might not be possible to retransfer the
       data to the subsequent .aij backup file because the data was
       deleted from the active database .aij file.

       Therefore, it is extremely important that you preserve all
       .aij backup files, even those produced by failed or terminated
       backup processes. If the resultant .aij backup file is
       discarded, the next .aij backup file could contain a "gap"
       in transactions, so that no transactions would ever be rolled
       forward from that point on.

       This problem is more severe when backing up directly to tape.
       Therefore, when backing up to tape, you should back up one
       journal at a time, rather than using an open-ended or long-
       duration backup operation.


          If this problem occurs, the database is not inconsistent
          or corrupt. Rather, the database cannot be rolled forward
          past the discarded .aij backup file.

       The solution to this problem is to preserve all .aij backup
       files to ensure that a database can be completely recovered.

       If you have discarded an .aij backup file, perform a full and
       complete database backup operation immediately to ensure that
       the database can be restored up to the current transaction.

    o  When an AIJ backup operation completes, the after-image
       journal files are initialized with a pattern of -1 (hex
       FF) bytes. This initialization is designed to be as fast as
       possible. It fully utilizes the I/O subsystem by performing
       many large asynchronous I/O operations at once. However, this
       speed can come at the cost of a high load on I/O components
       during the initialization. This load could slow down other I/O
       operations on the system.

       You can use two logical names to control the relative I/O load
       that the AIJ initialization operation places on the system.
       If you define these logical names in the system logical
       name table, they are translated each time an AIJ file is

       The RDM$BIND_AIJ_INITIALIZE_IO_COUNT logical name specifies
       the number of asynchronous I/O operations that are queued at
       once to the AIJ file. If the logical name is not defined, the
       default value is 15, the minimum value is 1, and the maximum
       value is 32.

       The RDM$BIND_AIJ_INITIALIZE_IO_SIZE logical name controls
       the number of 512-byte disk blocks to be written per I/O
       operation. If the logical name is not defined, the default
       value is 127, the minimum value is 4, and the maximum value is

       Reducing the value of either logical will probably increase
       the amount of time needed to initialize the AIJ file after a
       backup. However, it may also reduce load on the I/O subsystem.

    o  You should use the density values added in OpenVMS Version
       7.2-1 for OpenVMS tape device drivers that accept them because
       previously supported values may not work as expected. If
       previously supported values are specified for drivers that
       support the OpenVMS Version 7.2-1 density values, the older
       values are translated to the Version 7.2-1 density values if
       possible. If the value cannot be translated, a warning message
       is generated, and the specified value is used.

       If you use density values added in OpenVMS Version 7.2-1 for
       tape device drivers that do not support them, the values are
       translated to acceptable values if possible. If the value
       cannot be translated, a warning message is generated and the
       density value is translated to the existing default internal
       density value (MT$K_DEFAULT).

       One of the following density-related errors is generated if
       there is a mismatch between the specified density value and
       the values that the tape device driver accepts:

       %DBO-E-DENSITY, TAPE_DEVICE:[000000]DATABASE.BCK; does not support
        specified density

       %DBO-E-POSITERR, error positioning TAPE_DEVICE:

       %DBO-E-BADDENSITY, The specified tape density is invalid for
        this device

    o  If you want to use an unsupported density value, use the VMS
       INITIALIZE and MOUNT commands to set the tape density. Do not
       use the Density qualifier.

    o  When you use the RMU Backup After_Journal command with the
       Log qualifier, the DCL global symbol RDM$AIJ_LAST_OUTPUT_FILE
       is automatically created. The value of the symbol is the full
       output backup AIJ file specification.

    o  Because data stream names representing the database are
       generated based on the backup file name specified for the
       Oracle RMU backup command, you must either use a different
       backup file name to store the next backup of the database
       to the Librarian utility or first delete the existing data
       streams generated from the backup file name before the same
       backup file name can be reused.

       To delete the existing data streams stored in the Librarian
       utility, you can use a Librarian management utility or the
       Oracle RMU Librarian/Remove command.

    o  The system logical RDM$BIND_AIJBCK_CHECKPOINT_TIMEOUT can
       be configured to control the checkpoint stall duration
       independent of the AIJ shutdown parameter. This logical works
       for both the AIJ backup and Automatic Backup Server (ABS)

7.2.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    Assuming that you have enabled after-image journaling for the MF_
    PERSONNEL database, the following command causes extensible .aij
    entries to be backed up continuously until the time specified.

    _$          /INTERVAL=300/UNTIL="01-JUL-1996 16:15:00.00" -

    Every 300 seconds, the backup process tests to determine if the
    active .aij file on disk has reached the threshold size of 500
    blocks. If not, transaction processing continues normally for one
    or more 300-second intervals until the threshold test indicates
    that the active .aij file has reached a size of at least 500
    blocks. When the .aij file reaches that file size, Oracle RMU
    allows existing transactions to continue to write to the active
    .aij file but does not allow new transactions to start.

    Assuming that the active .aij file contains 550 blocks, Oracle
    Rdb moves those 550 blocks to the backup journal file and deletes
    them from the active journal file. Then, the backup process
    determines if the transactions already in progress have written
    more journal records to the active journal file during the backup
    operation. If so, Oracle RMU moves those journal records to the
    backup file.

    After Oracle Rdb completely moves the active journal file,
    it truncates the journal file to 0 blocks. Oracle Rdb then
    allows new transactions to start and the backup process resumes
    threshold testing at 300-second intervals. The backup process
    continues until the time and date specified by the Until

    Example 2

    The following examples show backing up .aij files in sequence.
    Note that a number of transactions were committed to the database
    between backup operations.

    %RMU-I-AIJBCKBEG, beginning after-image journal backup operation
    %RMU-I-OPERNOTIFY, system operator notification:
     Oracle Rdb V7.2 Database DISK1:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1
     Event Notification AIJ backup operation started

    %RMU-I-AIJBCKSEQ, backing up after-image journal
     sequence number 0
    %RMU-I-LOGBCKAIJ, backing up after-image journal
     AIJ1 at 16:35:53.41
    %RMU-I-LOGCREBCK, created backup file
    %RMU-I-AIJBCKSEQ, backing up after-image journal
     sequence number 1
    %RMU-I-LOGBCKAIJ, backing up after-image journal
     AIJ2 at 16:35:54.58
    %RMU-I-QUIETPT, waiting for database quiet point
    %RMU-I-OPERNOTIFY, system operator notification:
     Oracle Rdb V7.2 Database DISK1:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1
     Event Notification AIJ backup operation completed

    %RMU-I-AIJBCKEND, after-image journal backup operation
     completed successfully
    %RMU-I-LOGAIJJRN, backed up 2 after-image journals
     at 16:35:56.40
    %RMU-I-LOGAIJBLK, backed up 508 after-image journal blocks
     at 16:35:56.41
    $ More transactions committed to the database
    %RMU-I-AIJBCKBEG, beginning after-image journal backup operation
    %RMU-I-OPERNOTIFY, system operator notification:
     Oracle Rdb V7.2 Database
     DISK1:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 Event Notification
    AIJ backup operation started

    %RMU-I-AIJBCKSEQ, backing up after-image journal sequence number 2
    %RMU-I-LOGBCKAIJ, backing up after-image journal AIJ1 at 16:47:44.66
    %RMU-I-LOGCREBCK, created backup file
    %RMU-I-OPERNOTIFY, system operator notification:
     Oracle Rdb V7.2 Database
     DISK1:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 Event Notification
    AIJ backup operation completed

    %RMU-I-AIJBCKEND, after-image journal backup operation completed
    %RMU-I-LOGAIJJRN, backed up 1 after-image journal at 16:47:46.57
    %RMU-I-LOGAIJBLK, backed up 254 after-image journal blocks at

    Example 3

    The following example uses the Edit_Filename qualifier to give
    the .aij backup file a meaningful file name. The Rename qualifier
    specifies that Oracle RMU should create the backup file by
    renaming the current .aij file and by creating a new .aij file
    with the same name as the original .aij file.


    $ DIR DISK1:[DB.AIJ2]*.AIJ

    Directory DISK1:[DB.AIJ_TWO]


    Example 4

    The following example shows the syntax to use when you want the
    .aij backup file name to default to that previously specified
    with the RMU Set After_Journal command. Note that the .aij backup
    file name used is that which corresponds to the first .aij file
    included in the backup operation.

    %RMU-W-DOFULLBCK, full database backup should be done to
     ensure future recovery
    $ !
    $ !Assume backup operation was performed and other database
       activity occurs.
    $ !Then back up the .aij files:
    $ !
    $ !

    Directory DISK4:[AIJBCK]


    Example 5

    The following example uses a density value with compression:


7.3  –  Plan

    Executes a backup plan file previously created with the RMU
    Backup command (or created manually by the user).

7.3.1  –  Description

    A backup plan file is created when you execute an RMU Backup
    command with the Parallel and List_Plan qualifiers. See Backup
    Database for details on creating a plan file and the format of a
    plan file.

7.3.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Backup/Plan plan-file

  Command Qualifiers        x Defaults
  /[No]Execute              x Execute
  /List_Plan=output-file    x None

7.3.3  –  Parameters  –  plan-file-spec

    The file specification for the backup plan file. The default file
    extension is .plan.

7.3.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Execute


    The Execute qualifier specifies that Oracle RMU is to execute
    the plan file. The Noexecute qualifier specifies that Oracle RMU
    should not execute the plan file, but instead perform a validity
    check on the contents of the plan file.

    The validity check determines such things as whether the storage
    areas names assigned to each worker executor exist.

    By default, Oracle RMU executes the backup plan file when the RMU
    Backup Plan command is issued.  –  List Plan


    Specifies that Oracle RMU should generate a new plan file and
    write it to the specified output file. This new plan file is
    identical to the plan file you specified on the command line (the
    "original" plan file) with the following exceptions:

    o  Any user-added comments in the original plan file do not
       appear in the new plan file.

    o  The new plan file is formatted to match the standard format
       for RMU Backup plan files.

7.3.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Backup Plan command for a database, you must
       have the RMU$BACKUP privilege in the root file access control
       list (ACL) for the database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS

    o  To execute the RMU Backup Plan command, Oracle SQL/Services
       must be installed on your system.

7.3.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example first creates a plan file by issuing an
    RMU Backup command with the Parallel and List_Plan qualifiers.
    Oracle RMU does not execute the plan file because the Noexecute
    qualifier is specified. The second command issues the RMU Backup
    Plan command to execute the plan file created with the RMU Backup

    $ ! Create the Backup plan file:
    $ !
    _$ /LABEL=(001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008, 009) -
    $ !
    $ ! Execute the plan file created with the previous command:
    $ !
    $ RMU/BACKUP/PLAN partial.plan

8  –  Checkpoint

    When fast commit is enabled, requests that each active database
    process on each node flush updated database pages from its buffer
    pool to disk.

8.1  –  Description

    Usually, each process performs a checkpoint operation after a
    certain set of thresholds has been exceeded. The RMU Checkpoint
    command allows you to spontaneously force each process to perform
    a checkpoint operation.

    Performing a checkpoint operation is useful for several purposes.
    A checkpoint operation with the Wait qualifier causes all updated
    database pages to be flushed to disk. A checkpoint operation
    also improves the redo performance of the database recovery (DBR)
    process (although the per-process parameters should have already
    been properly initialized with this goal in mind).

    When the Checkpoint command with the Wait qualifier completes
    (the system prompt is returned), all active processes have
    successfully performed a checkpoint operation.

    When the system prompt is returned after you issue the Checkpoint
    command with the Nowait qualifier, there is no guarantee that
    all active processes have successfully performed a checkpoint

8.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Checkpoint root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers                 x Default
  /[No]Wait[/Until=date-and-time]    x /Wait

8.3  –  Parameters

8.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    The root file specification for the database you want to
    checkpoint. You can use either a full or partial file
    specification, or a logical name.

    If you specify only a file name, Oracle Rdb looks for the
    database in the current default directory. If you do not specify
    a file extension, Oracle Rdb assumes a file extension of .rdb.

8.4  –  Command Qualifiers

8.4.1  –  Wait



    Specifies whether or not the system prompt is to be returned
    before the checkpoint operation completes.

    When you specify the Wait qualifier without the Until qualifier,
    the system prompt is not returned to you until all processes have
    flushed updated database pages to disk. The Wait qualifier is the

    Used with the Wait qualifier, the Until qualifier specifies the
    time at which the RMU Checkpoint/Wait command stops waiting
    for the checkpoint and returns an error message. If you do not
    specify the Until qualifier, the wait is indefinite.

    When you specify the Nowait qualifier, the system prompt
    is returned immediately, before all processes have flushed
    database pages to disk. In addition, when you specify the Nowait
    qualifier, there is no guarantee that all processes will flush
    their database pages to disk.

    The Nowait qualifier is useful when it is more essential that the
    system prompt be returned immediately than it is to be certain
    that all processes have checkpointed.

8.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Checkpoint command for a database, you must
       have the RMU$BACKUP or RMU$OPEN privilege in the root file
       access control list (ACL) for the database or you must have
       the OpenVMS WORLD privilege.

    o  The RMU Checkpoint command is useful only if the database fast
       commit feature has been enabled. If the fast commit feature is
       disabled, this command does nothing.

       For more information on the fast commit feature, see the FAST
       COMMIT IS ENABLED section of the SQL ALTER DATABASE statement
       in the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual.

8.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command causes all the active database processes on
    all nodes to immediately perform a checkpoint operation:


    Example 2

    The following command requests that all the active database
    processes on all nodes perform a checkpoint operation and that
    the system prompt be returned to you immediately. In this case,
    there is no guarantee that all processes will actually perform a
    checkpoint operation.


9  –  Close

    Closes an open database.

    You should always specify the Wait qualifier, unless you are
    attempting to recover from some failure. When you specify the
    Wait qualifier, Oracle RMU performs all the auxiliary actions
    required to close and recover the database clusterwide, and it
    does not return the system prompt until those actions have been

    If you use the RMU Close command with the Nowait qualifier, the
    database must be open on the node where you issue the command.
    Otherwise, you will receive an error message stating that the
    database is not known. The system prompt is returned immediately,
    but it is only an indication that the database will be closed
    as soon as all other users have finished accessing the database.
    Therefore, the Wait qualifier is used almost exclusively.

9.1  –  Description

    The RMU Close command closes an open database. A database root
    file is considered open if it has been specified in a previous
    RMU Open command or has active users attached to it.

    You can close the database immediately by specifying the Abort
    qualifier, or you can allow current users to finish their session
    by specifying the Noabort qualifier.

    If you have specified manual opening for your database (with
    the OPEN IS MANUAL clause of the SQL ALTER DATABASE statement),
    you must use the RMU Open command to manually open the database
    before any users can invoke it and the RMU Close command to
    manually close the database.

    If you have specified automatic opening for your database
    (with the OPEN IS AUTOMATIC clause of the SQL ALTER DATABASE
    statement), the RMU Close command affects current database users
    only. Current processes are detached from the database but they
    and new processes can immediately reattach to the database.

    Use the RMU Show Users command to display information about
    databases currently in use on your node. Use the RMU Dump Users
    command to display information about databases currently in use
    on your cluster.

9.2  –  Format

  (B)0  RMU/Close root-file-spec [,...]

    Command Qualifiers                   x Defaults
    /[No]Abort=option                    x /Abort=Forcex
    /[No]Cluster                         x See description
    /Path                                x None
    /[No]Statistics=Export               x /Nostatistics
    /[No]Wait                            x /Nowait

9.3  –  Parameters

9.3.1  –  root-file-spec


    An open database root file. The default file extension is .rdb.

9.4  –  Command Qualifiers

9.4.1  –  Abort



    Specifies whether to close the database immediately or allow
    processes to complete.

    The Abort qualifier has two options. Both refer to OpenVMS system
    services. The options are as follows:

    o  Forcex

       When you use the Forcex (forced exit) option, recovery units
       are recovered and no recovery-unit journal (.ruj) files are
       left in the directories. Therefore, the RMU Backup command
       works. The option cannot force an exit of a database process
       with a spawned subprocess or a suspended or swapped out
       process. It aborts batch jobs that are using the database.
       Forcex is the default.

    o  Delprc

       When you use the Delprc (delete process) option, recovery
       units are not recovered. The .ruj files are left in the
       directories to be recovered on the next invocation of the
       database. The processes and any subprocesses of all database
       users are deleted, thereby deleting the processes from the
       database. Therefore, if you attempt to issue an RMU Backup
       command, you might receive the following error message:

       %RMU-F-MUSTRECDB, database must be closed or recovered

    The Delprc and Forcex options are based on OpenVMS system
    services $DELPRC and $FORCEX. Refer to the OpenVMS documentation
    set for more information.

    With the Noabort option, users already attached to the database
    can continue, and the root file global sections remain mapped
    in the virtual address file contents until all users exit
    the database. No new users will be allowed to attach to the
    database. When all current images terminate, Oracle RMU closes
    the database.

9.4.2  –  Cluster


    Specifying the Cluster qualifier causes Oracle RMU to attempt
    to close a database on all nodes in a clustered environment
    that currently have the database open. Specifying the Cluster
    qualifier is similar to issuing the RMU Close command on every
    node in the cluster. Specifying the Nocluster qualifier causes
    Oracle RMU to close a database only on the cluster node from
    which you issue the RMU Close command.

    The default is the Cluster qualifier if you specify the Wait
    qualifier. The default is the Nocluster qualifier if you specify
    the Nowait qualifier.

    The following list describes the behavior of the command when
    you use various combinations of the [No]Cluster and [No]Wait
    qualifiers together in the same command line:

    o  Cluster and Wait

       When you specify the Cluster and Wait qualifiers, the RMU
       Close command closes the database on every node in the
       cluster, even if the database is not opened on the node from
       which the command is issued.

       Because you specified the Cluster and Wait qualifiers, the RMU
       Close command closes and recovers the database on every node
       in the cluster before the DCL prompt is returned to you.

    o  Cluster and Nowait

       When you specify the Cluster and Nowait qualifiers, the RMU
       Close command attempts to close the database on every node in
       the cluster. If the database is not opened on the node from
       which the Oracle RMU command is issued, the command cannot
       close the database on any node, and you receive the following
       error message:

       %RDMS-F-CANTCLOSEDB, database could not be closed as requested
       -RDMS-F-DBNOTACTIVE, database is not being used
       %RMU-W-FATALERR, fatal error on DISK1:[USER1]DATABASE.RDB;1

       Because you used the Nowait qualifier, the database might
       not yet be closed on one or more nodes when the DCL prompt is
       returned to you. When you specify the Nowait qualifier, you
       can receive SYS-F-ACCONFLICT errors when you attempt to access
       a database after you have issued the RMU Close command with
       the Cluster and Nowait qualifiers and the DCL prompt has been
       returned, but the monitor has not yet closed the database on
       all nodes in the cluster.

    o  Nocluster and Wait

       This combination provides the ability to have database
       shutdown complete on the local node before Oracle RMU returns
       to the DCL prompt.

    o  Nocluster and Nowait

       When you specify the Nocluster and Nowait qualifiers, Oracle
       RMU closes the database only on the node from which you issue
       the command, regardless of whether or not the database is open
       on other nodes.

       Because you used the Nowait qualifier, the database might not
       yet be closed on the node from which you issued the command
       when the DCL prompt is returned to you. With the Nowait
       qualifier, you can receive SYS-F-ACCONFLICT errors when you
       attempt to access a database after you have issued the RMU
       Close command with the Cluster and Nowait qualifiers and the
       DCL prompt has been returned, but the monitor has not yet
       closed the database on all nodes in the cluster.

9.4.3  –  Path

    Specifies the full or relative data dictionary path name in which
    the definitions reside for the database you want to close.

    The Path qualifier is a positional qualifier. Positional
    qualifiers operate on specific parameters based on the placement
    of the qualifiers in the command line. The path name cannot
    include wildcard characters.

9.4.4  –  Statistics=Export


    Specifies that statistic information is to be saved when the
    database is closed. The default is Nostatistics, which indicates
    that statistic information is not preserved when the database is

    Clusterwide statistic information is not stored in the statistic
    file, which allows you to decide on which nodes the statistic
    information should be initially loaded when the database is

    The statistic information is stored in a node-specific database
    file located in the same directory as the database root file.
    The file has the same name as the root-file-spec, with a default
    file extension of .rds. Because the statistic files contain node-
    specific information, they cannot be renamed or copied. They can
    be deleted if they are no longer needed.

    The Statistics=Export qualifier cannot be specified in
    conjunction with the Cluster qualifier. To preserve the
    statistics information for a database open on a cluster, you
    must specifically close the individual nodes.

    The RMU Backup command does not save the statistics files. They
    are considered temporary files and not part of the database.

9.4.5  –  Wait


    Specify the Wait qualifier to cause Oracle RMU to close and
    recover the database before the system prompt is returned to

    The default is the Nowait qualifier. With the Nowait qualifier,
    the database might not be closed when the system prompt is
    returned to you. You can receive errors when you attempt to
    access a database after you issued the RMU Close command and
    the system prompt is returned, but before the monitor has closed
    the database.

    See the Usage Notes for restrictions on using the Wait qualifier.

9.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Close command for a database, you must have the
       RMU$OPEN privilege in the root file access control list (ACL)
       for the database or the OpenVMS WORLD privilege.

    o  To use the Wait qualifier, Oracle RMU requires that the
       database be recoverable for correct operation. It must be
       possible to attach to the database on a node where it is
       opened. There are database recovery failures that preclude
       further attaches to the database. When such a failure occurs,
       any attempt to attach to the database (for example, with an
       SQL ATTACH statement) causes the process to be deleted from
       the system. In other words, you are logged out.

       In this situation, the RMU Close command with the Wait
       qualifier has the same effect as the RMU Close command with
       the Cluster and Nowait qualifiers. The operation does not
       wait, and it does not close the database unless it is opened
       on the node from which you issue the Oracle RMU command.

       If you encounter this situation, enter the following command
       from a node on which the database is open to close the


9.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    When you issue the following command from a node in a cluster,
    the Cluster qualifier shuts down the database for the entire
    cluster, even if no users are on the node from which you issued
    the command. The Wait qualifier causes Oracle RMU to close the
    database before the system prompt is returned.


    Example 2

    The following command closes the mf_personnel database in the
    [.WORK] directory, all the databases in the [.TEST] directory,
    and the databases specified by the path names CDD$TOP.FINANCE and


10  –  Collect Optimizer Statistics

    Collects cardinality and storage statistics for the Oracle
    Rdb optimizer. Also collects workload statistics if a workload
    profile has been generated.

10.1  –  Description

    The purpose of collecting optimizer statistics is to maintain
    up-to-date statistics that the Oracle Rdb optimizer uses
    to determine solution costs and cardinalities during query

    You can collect cardinality and storage statistics by issuing the
    RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics command. You can direct Oracle
    RMU to collect these statistics for particular tables or indexes
    by using the Tables, System_Relations, or Indexes qualifiers.

    Before you can collect workload statistics, you must first
    generate a workload profile with SQL. The following list
    describes the general procedure for generating a workload profile
    and collecting workload statistics:

    1. Enable workload profiling with the WORKLOAD COLLECTION
       DATABASE statement.

       SQL creates a new system table called RDB$WORKLOAD.

    2. Execute the queries for which you want the Oracle Rdb
       optimizer to have the best possible statistics.

       When you execute the queries, the optimizer determines which
       groups of columns are important for optimal processing of the
       query. These groups of columns are referred to as workload
       column groups. Note that a workload column group may actually
       contain only one column.

       Each set of workload column groups is entered as a row in the
       RDB$WORKLOAD system table.

       At this point, the only data in the RDB$WORKLOAD system table
       are the workload column groups, the tables with which the
       column group is associated, and the date they were entered
       into the table. No statistics are currently recorded in the
       RDB$WORKLOAD system table.

    3. In most cases, now you disable workload profiling with the SQL

       Queries executed after you disable workload profiling are
       not scanned by the Oracle Rdb optimizer for workload column
       groups. You can leave the workload profiling enabled if the
       same queries are always executed. In such a case, no new rows
       are entered into the RDB$WORKLOAD system table. However, if
       you anticipate that queries will be executed for which you do
       not want workload profiling to be enabled, you need to disable
       workload collection.

    4. Execute an RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics command with the
       Statistics=(Workload) qualifier.

       Oracle RMU reads the RDB$WORKLOAD system table to determine
       for which column groups it should collect statistics, and then
       collects the statistics.

    5. Execute the queries previously profiled again.

       The optimizer uses the statistics gathered by Oracle RMU to
       make a best effort at optimizing the profiled queries.

    The following list provides some guidelines on when to issue the
    RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics command and which Statistics
    qualifier options you should use:

    o  You should enable workload profiling and execute the
       RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics command with the
       Statistics=(Workload) qualifier when you introduce new,
       complex, frequently used queries as part of your regular work.

    o  You should execute the RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics
       command with the Statistics=(Storage) qualifier after you
       add metadata, such as new tables or indexes, to the database.
       In this case, you do not need to reenable workload profiling.

    o  You should execute the RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics
       command with the Statistics=(Storage, Workload) qualifier
       when the data in the database has significantly increased,
       decreased, or changed. In this case, you do not need to
       reenable workload profiling.

    The statistics you can gather with the RMU Collect Optimizer_
    Statistics command and a description of how the optimizer uses
    these statistics are summarized in Statistics Gathered by the RMU
    Collect Optimizer_Statistics Command.

    Table 6 Statistics Gathered by the RMU Collect Optimizer_
            Statistics Command

                          Cardinality Statistics

    Gathered:      Definition:        Used by Optimizer to:

    Table          Number of rows in  Determine solution cardinality.
    Cardinality    a table.
    Index          Number of          Estimate the number of index
    Cardinality    distinct key       keys returned.
                   values in an
    Index Prefix   Number of          Estimate the number of index
    Cardinality    distinct key       keys returned based on a sorted
                   values in leading  index range.
                   parts of a multi-
                   segmented B-tree

                           Workload Statistics

    Gathered:      Definition:        Used by Optimizer to:

    Column Group   Average number     Determine strategies for
    Duplicity      of duplicates      equiselections (selections
    Factor         per distinct       with the IS NULL predicate
                   value in a column  or selection predicates with
                   group. This is an  the equals (=) operator),
                   estimated value.   equijoins, grouped aggregation
                                      (for example, the SQL GROUP
                                      BY clause), or projection
                                      operations (for example, the
                                      SQL DISTINCT clause).
    Column Group   Number of table    Estimate the effects of
    Null Factor    rows with a NULL   NULL data on equijoins and
                   value in at least  equiselections (because they
                   one column of a    imply the removal of rows with
                   column group.      NULL values). Also used for
                   This is an         estimating the cardinality of
                   estimated value.   an outer join result.

                            Storage Statistics

    Gathered:      Definition:        Used by Optimizer to:

    Average        Average number     Estimate the cost of descending
    Index Depth    of levels to       the B-tree. (A cross join with
    (sorted        traverse on a      an inner table that is accessed
    indexes        B-tree descent.    by a sorted index involves
    only)                             repetitive B-tree descents.)
    Index Key      Average number of  Improve the cost estimate
    Clustering     I/Os required      of performing an index-only
    Factor         to read one        retrieval for hashed and sorted
                   index key and      indexes.
                   all associated
                   dbkeys during
                   a hashed key
                   lookup or a B-
                   tree index scan,
                   excluding the
                   B-tree descent.
    Index Data     Average number     Estimate the cost for fetching
    Clustering     of I/Os required   data rows from a sorted index
    Factor         to fetch data      scan or from a hash bucket.
                   rows using dbkeys
                   associated with
                   an index key.
    Table Row      The average        Estimate the cost of performing
    Clustering     number of I/Os     a sequential scan of a table.
    Factor         required to read
                   one row during a
                   sequential scan
                   of a table.

10.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Collect Optimizer_Statistics root-file

  Command Qualifiers            x Defaults
  /Exclude_Tables=(table-list)  x None
  /[No]Indexes[=(index-list)]   x /Indexes
  /[No]Log[=file-name]          x Current DCL verify value
  /Row_Count=n                  x /Row_Count=100
  /Statistics[=(options)]       x /Statistics
  /[No]System_Relations         x /Nosystem_Relations
  /[No]Tables[=(table-list)]    x /Tables
  /Transaction_Type=option      x /Transaction_Type=Automatic

10.3  –  Parameters

10.3.1  –  root-file-spec


    Specifies the database for which statistics are to be collected.
    The default file type is .rdb.

10.4  –  Command Qualifiers

10.4.1  –  Exclude Tables


    Specifies a list of database tables to be excluded from
    statistics collection and update for statistics used by the Rdb
    query optimizer. You must specify at least one list. You can
    specify an options file in place of a list of tables.

    If the Exclude_Tables qualifier is used with the Tables qualifier
    in the same RMU Collect Optimizer command, the Exclude_Tables
    qualifier takes precedence. If the same table is specified in the
    table list for both qualifiers, that table is excluded from the
    statistics collection and update.

10.4.2  –  Indexes


    Specifies the index or indexes for which statistics are to be
    collected. If you do not specify an index-list, statistics for
    all indexes defined for the tables specified with the Tables
    qualifier are collected. If you specify an index-list, statistics
    are collected only for the named indexes. If you specify
    the Noindex qualifier, statistics for the index cardinality,
    average index depth, index key clustering factor, and index data
    clustering factor are not collected.

    Specify the Notable qualifier if you do not want statistics
    collected for tables. (Remember, the Tables qualifier without
    a table-list is the default.)

    The default is the Indexes qualifier without an index-list.

10.4.3  –  Log


    Specifies how the values calculated for the statistics are to
    be logged. Specify the Log qualifier to have the information
    displayed to SYS$OUTPUT. Specify the Log=file-spec qualifier
    to have the information written to a file. Specify the Nolog
    qualifier to prevent display of the information. If you do not
    specify any of variation of the Log qualifier, the default is
    the current setting of the DCL verify switch. (The DCL SET VERIFY
    command controls the DCL verify switch.)

10.4.4  –  Row Count


    Specifies the number of rows that are sent in a single I/O
    request when Workload Statistics are collected. You can
    experiment to find the value for n that provides the best
    performance and memory usage for your database and environment.

    As you increase the value of n, you see an increase in
    performance at the expense of additional memory and overhead.

    The minimum value you can specify for n is 1. The default value
    for n is 100.

10.4.5  –  Statistics


    Specifies the type of statistics you want to collect for the
    items specified with the Tables, System_Relations, and Indexes
    qualifiers. If you specify the Statistics qualifier without
    an options list, all statistics are collected for the items

    If you specify the Statistics qualifier with an options list,
    Oracle RMU collects types of statistics described in the
    following list. If you specify more than one option, separate the
    options with commas and enclose the options within parenthesis.

    The Statistics qualifier options are:

    o  Cardinality

       Collects the table cardinality for the tables specified with
       the Tables and System_Relations qualifiers and the index and
       index prefix cardinalities for the indexes specified with the
       Indexes qualifier. Because cardinalities are automatically
       maintained by Oracle Rdb, it is usually not necessary
       to collect cardinality statistics using the RMU Collect
       Optimizer_Statistics command unless you have previously
       explicitly disabled cardinality updates.

    o  Workload

       Collects the Column Group, Duplicity Factor, and Null Factor
       workload statistics for the tables specified with the Tables
       and System_Relations qualifiers.

    o  Storage

       Collects the following statistics:

       -  Table Row Clustering Factor for the tables specified with
          the Tables qualifier

       -  Index Key Clustering Factor, the Index Data Clustering
          Factor, and the Average Index Depth for the indexes
          specified with the Indexes qualifier

       See System Tables Used to Store Optimizer Statistics in the
       Usage_Notes entry for this command for information on the
       columns and tables used in the system relations to store these

10.4.6  –  System Relations


    Specifies that optimizer statistics are to be collected for
    system tables (relations) and their associated indexes.

    If you do not specify the System_Relations qualifier, or if you
    specify the Nosystem_Relations qualifier, optimizer statistics
    are not collected for system tables or their associated indexes.

    Specify the Noindex qualifier if you do not want statistics
    collected for indexes defined on the system tables.

    The default is the Nosystem_Relations qualifier.

10.4.7  –  Tables


    Specifies the table or tables for which statistics are to be
    collected. If you specify a table-list, statistics for those
    tables and their associated indexes are collected. If you do
    not specify a table-list, statistics for all tables and their
    associated indexes in the database are collected. If you do
    not specify the Table qualifier, statistics for all tables are
    collected. If you specify the Notables qualifier, statistics for
    for the table cardinality, table row clustering factor, column
    group duplicity factor, and column group null factor are not

    Specify the Noindex qualifier if you do not want statistics
    collected for indexes.

    The Tables qualifier without a table-list is the default.

10.4.8  –  Transaction Type


    Allows you to specify the transaction mode for the transactions
    used to collect statistics. Valid options are:

    o  Automatic

    o  Read_Only

    o  Noread_Only

    You must specify an option if you use this qualifier.

    If you do not use any form of this qualifier, the Transaction_
    Type=Automatic qualifier is the default. This qualifier specifies
    that Oracle RMU is to determine the transaction mode used
    to collect statistics. If any storage area in the database
    (including those not accessed for collecting statistics) has
    snapshots disabled, the transactions used to collect data are set
    to read/write mode. Otherwise, the transactions to collect data
    are set to read-only mode.

    The Transaction_Type=Read_Only qualifier specifies the
    transactions used to collect statistics be set to read-only
    mode. When you explicitly set the transaction type to read-
    only, snapshots need not be enabled for all storage areas in
    the database, but must be enabled for those storage areas from
    which statistics are collected. Otherwise, you receive an error
    and the collect optimizer statistics operation fails.

    You might select this option if not all storage areas have
    snapshots enabled and you are collecting statistics on objects
    that are stored only in storage areas with snapshots enabled. In
    this case, using the Transaction_Type=Read_Only qualifier allows
    you to collect statistics and impose minimal locking on other
    users of the database.

    The Transaction_Type=Noread_Only qualifier specifies that the
    transactions used to collect statistics be set to read/write
    mode. You might select this option if you want to eradicate
    the growth of snapshot files that occurs during a read-only
    transaction and are willing to incur the cost of increased
    locking that occurs during a read/write transaction.

10.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics command for a
       database, you must have the RMU$ANALYZE privilege in the root
       file access control list (ACL) for the database or the OpenVMS
       SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.

    o  When you use the SQL ALTER DATABASE statement to set the
       RDB$SYSTEM storage area to read-only access for your database,
       the Oracle Rdb system tables in the RDB$SYSTEM storage area
       are also set to read-only access. When the Oracle Rdb system
       tables are set to read-only access:

       o  Automatic updates to table and index cardinality are

       o  Manual changes made to the cardinalities to influence the
          optimizer are not allowed.

       o  The I/O associated with the cardinality update is

    o  For indexes, the cardinality value is the number of unique
       entries for an index that allows duplicates. If the index is
       unique, Oracle Rdb stores zero for the cardinality, and uses
       the table cardinality instead. For tables, the cardinality
       value is the number of rows in the table. Oracle Rdb uses
       the cardinality values of indexes and tables to influence
       decisions made by the optimizer. If the actual cardinality
       values of tables and indexes are different from the stored
       cardinality values, the optimizer's performance can be
       adversely affected.

    o  As Oracle RMU performs the collect operation, it displays
       the maximum memory required to perform the operation. If
       the maximum amount required is not available, Oracle RMU
       makes adjustments to try to make use of the memory that is
       available. However, if after making these adjustments, memory
       is still insufficient, the collect operation skips the updates
       for the table causing the problem and continues with the
       operation. The skipped table is noted in the log file with the
       message, "Unable to allocate memory for <table-name>; default
       statistics values used."

       To avoid this problem, use the OpenVMS System Generation
       Utility (SYSGEN) to increase the VIRTUALPAGECNT parameter.

    o  If you prefer not to update optimizer statistics all at
       once, you can divide the work into separate commands. Oracle
       Corporation recommends that you collect Cardinality and
       Storage statistics in one RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics
       command; and collect Workload statistics in a second command.

    o  You must decide if the improved performance provided by
       enabling and maintaining the workload profile is worth the
       cost. Generally speaking, it is worth the cost of maintaining
       this table for a stable set of queries that are run on a
       regular basis; it is not worth the cost of maintaining this
       table when the majority of your queries are ad hoc queries,
       each of which uses different access strategies.

       For example, if the majority of queries that access the
       EMPLOYEES table use the EMPLOYEE_ID as the selection criteria
       and the queries are using the same access strategy, you might
       want to maintain a workload profile for the EMPLOYEES table.
       However, if some queries access the EMPLOYEES table through
       the EMPLOYEE_ID, some through the LAST_NAME, and others
       through the STATE, in an unpredictable manner, the queries
       are using different access strategies for which you probably
       do not want to maintain a workload profile.

    o  Index prefix cardinalities are cumulative values. For example,
       suppose an index contains three segments and the first segment
       has a cardinality of A; the second has a cardinality of B;
       and the third has a cardinality of C. Then the index prefix
       cardinality for the first segment is A; the index prefix
       cardinality for the second segment is A concatenated with
       B (A|B); and the index prefix cardinality for the third
       segment is A concatenated with B concatenated with C (A|B|C).
       Therefore, the prefix cardinality for last segment in an
       index is always equal to the total cardinality for the index.
       Likewise, if the index only contains one segment, the index
       prefix cardinality is equal to the total cardinality for the
       index. In these cases, because the index prefix cardinality
       is the same as the total index cardinality, Oracle RMU does
       not calculate an index prefix cardinality. Instead, Oracle
       RMU stores a value of "0" for the index prefix cardinality
       and the optimizer uses the value stored for the total index

    o  Cardinality statistics are automatically maintained by
       Oracle Rdb. Physical storage and Workload statistics are only
       collected when you issue an RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics
       command. To get information about the usage of Physical
       storage and Workload statistics for a given query, define
       the RDMS$DEBUG_FLAGS logical name to be "O". For example:


       When you execute a query, if workload and physical statistics
       have been used in optimizing the query, you see a line such as
       the following in the command output:

       ~O: Workload and Physical statistics used

    o  Detected asynchronous prefetch should be enabled to achieve
       the best performance of this command. Beginning with Oracle
       Rdb V7.0, by default, detected asynchronous prefetch is
       enabled for databases created under Oracle Rdb V7.0 or
       converted to V7.0. You can determine the setting for your
       database by issuing the RMU Dump command with the Header

       If detected asynchronous prefetch is disabled, and you do not
       want to enable it for the database, you can enable it for your
       Oracle RMU operations by defining the following logicals at
       the process level:


       P1 is a value between 10 and 20 percent of the user buffer

    o  You can delete entries from the workload profile with the RMU
       Delete Optimizer_Statistics command. See Delete_Optimizer_
       Statistics for details.

    o  You can display entries from the workload profile with the
       RMU Show Optimizer_Statistics command. See Show Optimizer_
       Statistics for details.

    o  System Tables Used to Store Optimizer Statistics provides a
       summary of the system tables in which statistics gathered by
       the RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics command are stored.

    Table 7 System Tables Used to Store Optimizer Statistics

    Statistic      System Table Name  Column Name

    Column Group   RDB$WORKLOAD       RDB$NULL_FACTOR
    Null Factor
    Index          RDB$INDICES        RDB$CARDINALITY
    Index Prefix   RDB$INDEX_         RDB$CARDINALITY
    Cardinality    SEGMENTS
    Average        RDB$INDICES        RDB$INDEX_DEPTH
    Index Depth

10.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example collects cardinality statistics for the
    EMPLOYEES and JOB_HISTORY tables and their associated indexes.
    See the Usage Notes for an explanation for the value "0" for the
    index prefix cardinality.

    Start loading tables... at  3-JUL-1996 09:35:25.19
    Done loading tables.... at  3-JUL-1996 09:35:25.91
    Start loading indexes... at  3-JUL-1996 09:35:25.92
    Done loading indexes.... at  3-JUL-1996 09:35:26.49
    Start collecting btree index stats... at  3-JUL-1996 09:35:28.17
    Done collecting btree index stats.... at  3-JUL-1996 09:35:28.23
    Start collecting table & hash index stats... at  3-JUL-1996 09:35:28.23
    Done collecting table & hash index stats.... at  3-JUL-1996 09:35:28.52
    Start calculating stats... at  3-JUL-1996 09:35:28.76
    Done calculating stats.... at  3-JUL-1996 09:35:28.76
    Start writing stats... at  3-JUL-1996 09:35:30.16

    Optimizer Statistics collected for table : EMPLOYEES

      Cardinality            : 100

    Index name : EMP_LAST_NAME
      Index Cardinality      : 83
      Segment Column                 Prefix cardinality
        LAST_NAME                       0

    Index name : EMP_EMPLOYEE_ID
      Index Cardinality      : 100
      Segment Column                 Prefix cardinality
        EMPLOYEE_ID                     0

    Index name : EMPLOYEES_HASH
      Index Cardinality      : 100


    Optimizer Statistics collected for table : JOB_HISTORY

      Cardinality            : 274

    Index name : JH_EMPLOYEE_ID
      Index Cardinality      : 100
      Segment Column                 Prefix cardinality
        EMPLOYEE_ID                     0

    Index name : JOB_HISTORY_HASH
      Index Cardinality      : 100
    Done writing stats.... at  3-JUL-1996 09:35:30.83

    Example 2

    The following example collects storage statistics for the
    EMPLOYEES and JOB_HISTORY TABLES and their associated indexes:

    Start loading tables... at  3-JUL-1996 10:28:49.39
    Done loading tables.... at  3-JUL-1996 10:28:50.30
    Start loading indexes... at  3-JUL-1996 10:28:50.30
    Done loading indexes.... at  3-JUL-1996 10:28:51.03
    Start collecting btree index stats... at  3-JUL-1996 10:28:53.27
    Done collecting btree index stats.... at  3-JUL-1996 10:28:53.37
    Start collecting table & hash index stats... at  3-JUL-1996 10:28:53.38
    Done collecting table & hash index stats.... at  3-JUL-1996 10:28:53.80
    Start calculating stats... at  3-JUL-1996 10:28:54.07
    Done calculating stats.... at  3-JUL-1996 10:28:54.07
    Start writing stats... at  3-JUL-1996 10:28:55.61

    Optimizer Statistics collected for table : EMPLOYEES

      Row clustering factor  : 0.2550000

    Index name : EMP_LAST_NAME
      Average Depth          : 2.0000000
      Key clustering factor  : 0.0481928
      Data clustering factor : 1.1686747

    Index name : EMP_EMPLOYEE_ID
      Average Depth          : 2.0000000
      Key clustering factor  : 0.0100000
      Data clustering factor : 0.9500000

    Index name : EMPLOYEES_HASH
      Key clustering factor  : 1.0000000
      Data clustering factor : 1.0000000


    Optimizer Statistics collected for table : JOB_HISTORY

      Row clustering factor  : 0.0930657

    Index name : JH_EMPLOYEE_ID
      Average Depth          : 2.0000000
      Key clustering factor  : 0.0500000
      Data clustering factor : 0.9500000

    Index name : JOB_HISTORY_HASH
      Key clustering factor  : 1.0000000
      Data clustering factor : 1.0000000
    Done writing stats.... at  3-JUL-1996 10:28:56.41

    Example 3

    The following example enables workload collection with an SQL
    ALTER DATABASE statement, executes frequently run queries to
    generate a workload profile, collects workload statistics for
    the EMPLOYEES and JOB_HISTORY tables (along with their associated
    indexes), and then displays the statistics gathered.

    The SQL natural left outer join causes the first and third
    workload column groups to be created. The SQL DISTINCT clause
    causes the second and fourth workload column groups to be

    $ ! Enable workload collection:
    $ SQL
    SQL> ALTER DATABASE FILENAME mf_personnel.rdb
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Execute frequently run SQL queries.
    SQL> --
    SQL> ATTACH 'FILENAME mf_personnel.rdb';
    SQL> -- Disable workload collection:
    SQL> ALTER DATABASE FILENAME mf_personnel.rdb
    SQL> EXIT;
    $ ! Direct Oracle RMU to collect statistics for the EMPLOYEES and
    $ ! JOB_HISTORY tables.
    $ !
    Start loading tables... at  3-JUL-1996 10:40:00.22
    Done loading tables.... at  3-JUL-1996 10:40:00.90
    Start collecting workload stats... at  3-JUL-1996 10:40:03.43
    Maximum memory required (bytes) = 6810
    Done collecting workload stats.... at  3-JUL-1996 10:40:05.03
    Start calculating stats... at  3-JUL-1996 10:40:05.32
    Done calculating stats.... at  3-JUL-1996 10:40:05.32
    Start writing stats... at  3-JUL-1996 10:40:06.91


    Optimizer Statistics collected for table : EMPLOYEES

      Workload Column group  :      EMPLOYEE_ID
      Duplicity factor       : 1.0000000
      Null factor            : 0.0000000

      Workload Column group  : LAST_NAME,   FIRST_NAME,     MIDDLE_INITIAL,
      Duplicity factor       : 1.5625000
      Null factor            : 0.3600000

    Optimizer Statistics collected for table : JOB_HISTORY

      Workload Column group  :      EMPLOYEE_ID
      Duplicity factor       : 2.7040000
      Null factor            : 0.0000000

      Workload Column group  : EMPLOYEE_ID,    JOB_CODE,       JOB_START,
      Duplicity factor       : 1.5420582
      Null factor            : 0.3649635
    Done writing stats.... at  3-JUL-1996 10:40:07.46

    Example 4

    The following example collects all statistics (cardinality,
    workload, and storage) for all tables and indexes in the database
    except system relations. Output is written to the file stats_

    _$ /LOG=stats_nosys.log

    Example 5

    The following example collects all statistics (cardinality,
    workload, and storage) for all tables, indexes, and system
    relations. Output is written to the file stats_all.log.

    _$ /LOG=stats_all.log

    Example 6

    In the following example the Employees and Departments tables are
    excluded from statistics collection.


11  –  Convert

    Converts any of the following versions (or any of the mandatory
    updates to these versions) of Oracle Rdb databases to an Oracle
    Rdb release 7.2 database:

    o  Version 7.0

    o  Version 7.1

    See the Oracle Rdb Installation and Configuration Guide for the
    proper backup procedure prior to installing a new release of
    Oracle Rdb and converting databases.


       The following are important issues to consider when you
       convert a database:

       o  A database must be backed up immediately following an
          Oracle RMU convert operation.

          A database converted using the RMU Convert command may
          not be recoverable if a full database backup is not made
          immediately after the convert operation completes. If you
          attempt to restore a database using a backup file created
          prior to the conversion, the database may be left in an
          unrecoverable state.

       o  If after-image journaling is enabled when you issue
          the Convert command, Oracle RMU disables after-image
          journaling during the convert operation and then does
          one of the following, depending on the type of .aij file
          or files being employed when the Convert command was

          -  If an extensible .aij file was being used, Oracle RMU
             creates a new journal for the converted database and
             enables after-image journaling.

          -  If fixed-size .aij files were being used, Oracle RMU
             activates the next available fixed-size journal and
             enables after-image journaling. If another fixed-
             size journal is not available, journaling remains

          Use only the .aij file (or files) created or activated
          during or after the convert operation together with the
          backup file you created immediately after the convert
          operation to restore and recover your database. Any .aij
          files created prior to the Convert operation cannot be
          used to recover the converted database.

          If you issue an RMU Convert command with the Rollback
          qualifier, Oracle RMU disables after-image journaling
          and returns the message: RMU-I-CANTENAAIJ. Oracle
          Corporation recommends that you back up the database and
          enable after-image journaling when the convert operation

       o  Growth of the RDB$SYSTEM storage area is normal during
          a convert operation. You must be sure that there is
          sufficient disk space for the new metadata and the
          converted metadata.

          During a convert operation Oracle RMU makes an upgraded
          copy of the metadata. If the convert operation fails,
          the old metadata is available for rolling back. If
          you specify the Nocommit qualifier, both copies of
          the metadata exist at the same time (to allow a manual
          rollback operation). If you specify the Commit qualifier,
          the old metadata is deleted once the convert operation
          completes successfully.

    Read the Description help entry under this command carefully for
    important information on converting single-file and multifile

11.1  –  Description

    The RMU Convert command operates by creating a converted copy of
    the system tables and indexes. This implies that the RDB$SYSTEM
    storage area might grow during the conversion, but it is unlikely
    that the system tables will be fragmented by the conversion

    Because a copy of the system tables is made, the time taken by
    the conversion is proportional to the amount of storage allocated
    to the system tables, or the number of rows in system tables, or
    both. This is typically a few minutes per database. However, if
    the database has very large system tables, the conversion can be
    costly. If the database has a large number of versions of some
    tables, it might be more efficient for you to use the SQL EXPORT
    and IMPORT statements to convert the database.

    After the conversion, both copies of the system tables are stored
    in the database. The Commit qualifier selects the converted copy
    and deletes the original copy. The Rollback qualifier selects the
    original copy and deletes the converted copy. You can specify
    either the Commit or the Rollback qualifier at a later time
    if you selected the Nocommit qualifier when the database was
    converted. Be aware that as long as Commit or Rollback are not
    selected after a Nocommit conversion, extra space will be taken
    up in the database to store both versions of the metadata. It
    is important to issue the Convert/Commit command after you have
    verified that the conversion was successful. (RMU will not let
    you convert to a newer version if the previous Convert was never
    committed, even if it was years ago.)

    While both copies of the system tables exist, the database is
    usable under Oracle Rdb release 7.2, but not under the earlier
    version. Also, DDL (data definition language) operations to the
    database are prohibited to ensure that both copies of the system
    tables remain consistent. After you specify either the Commit or
    the Rollback qualifier, you can again perform DDL operations on
    the database.

    If you convert a multifile database created prior to Oracle Rdb
    Version 6.1 by using the RMU Convert command with the Nocommit
    qualifier and then use the RMU Convert command with the Rollback
    qualifier to revert to the prior database structure level,
    subsequent verify operations might return an RMU-W-PAGTADINV
    warning message. See the Usage_Notes help entry under this
    command for details.

11.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Convert database-list

  Command Qualifiers              x  Defaults
  /[No]Commit                     x  /Commit
  /[No]Confirm                    x  See description
  /Path                           x  None
  /Prefix_Collection=option       x  See description
  /Reserve = (Area=n, Aij=n)      x  See description
  /[No]Rollback                   x  /Norollback

11.3  –  Parameters

11.3.1  –  database-list

    The database-list parameter is a list of databases to be
    converted. A list item can be either the file specification of
    a database root file or a data dictionary path name.

    You can use wildcards in the file specification of a database
    root file.

    You cannot use wildcards in a data dictionary path name.

11.4  –  Command Qualifiers

11.4.1  –  Commit


    Makes the database conversion permanent. When you specify the
    Commit qualifier, the database is converted to an Oracle Rdb
    release 7.2 database and cannot be returned to the previous
    version. The default is Commit.

    When you specify the Nocommit qualifier, you can convert the
    database to Oracle Rdb release 7.2 and roll it back to the
    previous version at a later time.

    Using the Nocommit qualifier is helpful when you want to test
    your applications against a new version of Oracle Rdb. In the
    event that you find problems, you can roll back to the previous
    version. Once you feel confident that your applications work well
    with the new version, you should commit the converted database,
    otherwise unnecessary space is taken up in the database to store
    the obsolete alternate version of the metadata.

11.4.2  –  Confirm


    Requests user input during the conversion procedure. When you
    specify the Confirm qualifier, Oracle RMU asks if you are
    satisfied with your database and aij backup files. If the
    database being converted has after-image journaling enabled,
    Oracle RMU asks if you want to continue and states that after-
    image journaling will be temporarily disabled.

11.4.3  –  Path


    Identifies that the database is being specified by its data
    dictionary path name instead of its file specification. The Path
    qualifier is a positional qualifier.

11.4.4  –  Prefix Collection


    When you convert a database to release 7.2 from a release
    of Oracle Rdb prior to release 7.0, you can use the Prefix_
    Collection qualifier to specify that sorted index prefix
    cardinality collection be Enabled, Enabled Full, or Disabled
    for all sysem and user sorted indexes.

    The following options are available for use with the Prefix_
    Collection qualifier:

    o  Disabled

       Specifies that index prefix cardinality collection is to be

    o  Enabled

       Specifies that default collection is performed. The Oracle
       Rdb optimizer collects approximate cardinality values for the
       index columns to help in future query optimization.

       Enabled Estimate

       Specifies that prefix cardinality values for all indexes are
       to be estimated.

    o  Enabled Collect

       Specifies that prefix cardinality values for all indexes are
       to be collected by calling the RMU Collect command.

    o  Full Requests that extra I/O be performed, if required, to
       ensure that the cardinality values reflect the key value
       changes of adjacent index nodes.

    o  Full=Estimate

       Specifies that prefix cardinality values for all indexes are
       to be estimated.

    o  Full=Collect

       Specifies that prefix cardinality values for all indexes are
       to be collected by calling the RMU Collect command.

11.4.5  –  Reserve


    Reserves space in the database root file for storage areas or
    .aij files, or both. Replace the character n with the number of
    storage areas or .aij files for which you want to reserve space.

    Note that you cannot reserve areas for a single-file database.
    You can reserve .aij files for a single-file database, but once
    the database is converted, you cannot alter that reservation
    unless you backup and restore the database.

    This qualifier is useful if, when you are converting your
    database, you anticipate the need for additional storage areas
    or .aij files. Because the addition of new storage areas or .aij
    files requires that users not be attached to the database, adding
    them while the database is being converted minimizes the time
    that the database is inaccessible to users.

    By default, one .aij file and no storage area files are reserved.

11.4.6  –  Rollback


    Returns a database that has been converted to an Oracle Rdb
    release 7.2 database (but not committed) to the previous version.
    You might decide to return to the previous version of the
    database for technical, performance, or business reasons.

    The Norollback qualifier prevents you from returning your
    converted database to the previous version. The default is the
    Norollback qualifier.

    If you specify both the Nocommit qualifier and the Rollback
    qualifier in the same RMU Convert command, your database is
    converted to Oracle Rdb release 7.2 and immediately rolled back
    to the previous version when the RMU Convert command is executed.

    This qualifier is valid only if you are converting from one of
    the following releases: 7.0 or 7.1.

11.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Convert command for a database, you must have
       the RMU$CONVERT or RMU$RESTORE privilege in the root file
       access control list (ACL) for the database or the OpenVMS
       SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.

    o  The RMU Convert command requires read/write access to the
       database root file, the RDB$SYSTEM area, and the directory in
       which the .ruj file will be entered.

    o  Oracle Corporation recommends that you update multisegment
       index cardinalities as part of, or soon after, the convert
       operation completes.

       Stored cardinality values can differ from the actual
       cardinality values if the RDB$SYSTEM storage area has been
       set to read-only access.

       If you use the Confirm and Commit qualifiers when you issue
       the RMU Convert command, Oracle RMU asks if you want to update
       multisegment index cardinalities with actual index values
       and provides an estimate on the time it will take to perform
       the update. If you choose not to update these cardinalities
       with actual values as part of the convert operation, or if
       you do not use the Confirm qualifier, Oracle RMU updates
       the multisegment index cardinalities with estimated values.
       In such a case, you should update the cardinalities with
       actual values as soon as possible by issuing an RMU Collect
       Optimizer_Statistics command. See Collect_Optimizer_Statistics
       for details.

    o  If the database conversion does not complete (for example,
       because of a system failure or an Oracle Rdb monitor
       shutdown), you can execute the RMU Convert command again
       later. The ability to complete the conversion process later
       keeps you from having a half-converted database that is

    o  If the RDB$SYSTEM storage area attribute is set to read-
       only access, the RMU Convert command proceeds to reset the
       attribute to read/write, convert the database and then reset
       the attribute to read-only when the conversion is complete. If
       the RDB$SYSTEM storage area is located on a device that cannot
       be written to, the database conversion fails and returns an
       error message.

    o  You are prompted to specify the Prefix_Collection parameters
       if the following conditions are true:

       o  The Prefix_Collection qualifier is not specified.

       o  The RMU Convert process is not running as a batch job.

       o  The Noconfirm qualifier is not specified.

       As a response to the prompt, you can enter "E(NABLE)" for
       the equivalent of Prefix_Collection=Enabled, "F(ULL)" for
       the equivalent of Prefix_Collection=Full, "D(ISABLE)" for the
       equivalent of Prefix_Collection=Disabled, or the default of
       "I(GNORE)" if you do not want to change any prefix cardinality

11.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The first command in the following example converts an Oracle Rdb
    release 7.0 database with an extensible .aij file to an Oracle
    Rdb release 7.2 database. Because the Nocommit qualifier is
    specified in the first command, you can roll back the converted
    database (the Oracle Rdb release 7.2 database) to the original
    Oracle Rdb release 7.0 database.

    After-image journaling is disabled while the database is being
    converted. After the database is converted, a new extensible .aij
    file is created and after-image journaling is enabled again. Note
    that .aij files are version-specific. You should perform a full
    backup operation after a conversion because the old version and
    the new version of the .aij file are incompatible.

    In the second command, the converted database is rolled back to
    the original database.

    %RMU-I-RMUTXT_000, Executing RMU for Oracle Rdb V7.2-00
    Are you satisfied with your backup of
     and your backup of any associated .aij files [N]? Y
    %RMU-I-AIJ_DISABLED, after-image journaling is being disabled
     temporarily for the Convert operation
    %RMU-I-LOGCONVRT, database root converted to current structure level
    %RMU-S-CVTDBSUC, database DISK1:[TESTS]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 successfully
     converted from version V7.0 to V7.2
    %RMU-I-LOGCREAIJ, created after-image journal file
    %RMU-I-LOGMODSTR,     activated after-image journal "AFTER1"
    %RMU-W-DOFULLBCK, full database backup should be done to ensure future recovery

    %RMU-I-RMUTXT_000, Executing RMU for Oracle Rdb V7.2-00
    Are you satisfied with your backup of
     DISK1:[TESTS]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 and your backup of
     any associated .aij files [N]? Y
    %RMU-I-AIJ_DISABLED, after-image journaling is being disabled
     temporarily for the Convert operation
    %RMU-I-LOGCONVRT, database root converted to current structure level
     to version V7.0
     the JOURNAL for previous versions. You must do this manually.
    %RMU-W-DOFULLBCK, full database backup should be done to ensure future recovery

 Example 2

    This example is the same as Example 1, except fixed-size .aij
    journals are being employed at the time of the conversion. The
    first command in this example converts an Oracle Rdb release
    7.1 database with fixed-size .aij files to an Oracle Rdb release
    7.2 database. Because the Nocommit qualifier is specified in
    the first command, you can roll back the converted database (the
    Oracle Rdb release 7.2 database) to the original Oracle Rdb V7.1

    After-image journaling is disabled while the database is being
    converted. After the database is converted, Oracle RMU activates
    the next fixed-size .aij file and enables after-image journaling.
    Note that .aij files are version specific. You should perform
    a full backup operation after a conversion because the old .aij
    files are incompatible with the newly converted database.

    In the second command, the converted database is rolled back to
    the original database.

    %RMU-I-RMUTXT_000, Executing RMU for Oracle Rdb V7.2-00
    Are you satisfied with your backup of DISK1:[TESTS]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1
     and your backup of any associated .aij files [N]? Y
    %RMU-I-AIJ_DISABLED, after-image journaling is being disabled
     temporarily for the Convert operation
    %RMU-I-LOGCONVRT, database root converted to current structure level
    %RMU-S-CVTDBSUC, database DISK1:[TESTS]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 successfully
     converted from version V7.1 to V7.2
    %RMU-I-LOGMODSTR,     activated after-image journal "AFTER2"
    %RMU-W-DOFULLBCK, full database backup should be done to ensure future recovery

    %RMU-I-RMUTXT_000, Executing RMU for Oracle Rdb V7.2-00
    Are you satisfied with your backup of
     DISK1:[TESTS]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 and your backup of
     any associated .aij files [N]? Y
    %RMU-I-AIJ_DISABLED, after-image journaling is being disabled
     temporarily for the Convert operation
    %RMU-I-LOGCONVRT, database root converted to current structure level
    %RMU-I-CVTROLSUC, CONVERT rolled-back for
     DISK1:[TESTS]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 to version V7.1
     enable the JOURNAL for previous versions. You must do this manually.
    %RMU-W-DOFULLBCK, full database backup should be done to ensure future recovery

    Example 3

    The following command converts all the databases in DISK1:[RICK]
    and its subdirectories and also the SPECIAL_DB database that
    is identified by its data dictionary path name. The Noconfirm
    qualifier is specified, so Oracle RMU does not request user
    input. The Nocommit qualifier is not specified, so the default
    qualifier, Commit, is used by default and the converted databases
    cannot be rolled back.

    _$ /PATH

    Example 4

    The following command converts an Oracle Rdb release 7.0 database
    to release 7.2. In addition, it reserves space in the database
    root file of the converted database for four .aij files. After-
    image journaling is not enabled at the time the Convert command
    is issued.

    %RMU-I-RMUTXT_000, Executing RMU for Oracle Rdb V7.2-00
    Are you satisfied with your backup of DISK1:[TESTS]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1
     and your backup of any associated .aij files [N]? Y
    %RMU-I-LOGCONVRT, database root converted to current structure level
    %RMU-W-DOFULLBCK, full database backup should be done to ensure future recovery
    %RMU-S-CVTDBSUC, database DISK1:[TESTS]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 successfully
     converted from version V7.0 to V7.2

    Example 5

    The following example shows how the contents of a batch file
    might look if you were to issue the RMU Convert command with the
    Confirm qualifier from a batch job.


12  –  Copy Database

    Permits you to copy a database.

12.1  –  Description

    The RMU Copy_Database command allows you to modify certain area
    parameters when the copy operation is performed. All the files
    are processed simultaneously during the copy operation. The copy
    operation's performance is similar to that of the RMU Backup
    command. The RMU Copy_Database command eliminates the need for
    intermediate storage media.


       You must perform a full and complete Oracle RMU backup
       operation immediately after the Copy_Database operation
       completes to ensure that the database can be properly
       restored after a database failure or corruption.

       Also note that if you do not specify either the After_
       Journal qualifier or the Aij_Options qualifier when you
       issue the RMU Copy_Database command, after-image journaling
       is disabled for the database copy and no .aij files are
       associated with the database copy.

12.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Copy_Database root-file-spec [storage-area-list]

  Command Qualifiers                       x  Defaults
  /[No]After_Journal[=file-spec]           x  See description
  /[No]Aij_Options=journal-opts-file       x  See description
  /[No]Cdd_Integrate                       x  Nocdd_Integrate
  /[No]Checksum_Verification               x  /Checksum_Verification
  /Close_Wait=n                            x  See description
  /Directory=directory-spec                x  None
  /[No]Duplicate                           x  /Noduplicate
  /Global_Buffers=global-buffer-options    x  Current value
  /Local_Buffers=local-buffer-options      x  Current value
  /Lock_Timeout=n                          x  See description
  /[No]Log                                 x  Current DCL verify value
  /Nodes_Max=n                             x  Current value
  /[No]Online                              x  /Noonline
  /Open_Mode={Automatic|Manual}            x  Current value
  /Option=file-spec                        x  None

  (B)0/Page_Buffers=n                          x n=33
  /Path=cdd-path                           x Existing value
  /[No]Quiet_Point                         x /Quiet_Point
  /Root=file-spec                          x None
  /Transaction_Mode=(mode-list)            x /Transaction_Mode=Current
  /Threads=n                               x /Threads=10
  /Users_Max=n                             x Current value

  File or Area Qualifier                   x Defaults
  /Blocks_Per_Page=n                       x None
  /Extension={Disable | Enable }           x Current value
  /File=file-spec                          x None
  /Read_Only                               x Current value
  /Read_Write                              x Current value
  /Snapshots=(Allocation=n,File=file-spec) x None
  /[No]Spams                               x Current value
  /Thresholds=(n,n,n)                      x None

12.3  –  Parameters

12.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    The name of the database root file for the database you want to

12.3.2  –  storage-area-list

    The name of one or more storage areas whose parameters you are
    changing. The storage-area-list parameter is optional. Unless you
    are using the RMU Copy_Database command to modify the parameters
    of one or more storage areas, you should not specify any storage
    area names.

12.4  –  Command Qualifiers

12.4.1  –  After Journal



       This qualifier is maintained for compatibility with versions
       of Oracle Rdb prior to Version 6.0. You might find it more
       useful to specify the Aij_Options qualifier, unless you are
       interested in creating an extensible .aij file only.

    Specifies how Oracle RMU is to handle after-image journaling and
    .aij file creation, using the following rules:

    o  If you specify the After_Journal qualifier and provide a file
       specification, Oracle RMU enables journaling and creates a new
       extensible after-image journal (.aij) file for the database

    o  If you specify the After_Journal qualifier but you do not
       provide a file specification, Oracle RMU enables after-image
       journaling and creates a new extensible .aij file for the
       database copy with the same name as, but a different version
       number from, the .aij file for the database being copied.

    o  If you specify the Noafter_Journal qualifier, Oracle RMU
       disables after-image journaling and does not create a new
       .aij file.

    o  If you do not specify an After_Journal, Noafter_Journal,
       Aij_Options, or Noaij_Options qualifier, Oracle RMU disables
       after-image journaling and does not create a new .aij file.

    You can specify only one, or none, of the following after-image
    journal qualifiers in a single RMU Copy_Database command: After_
    Journal, Noafter_Journal, Aij_Options, or Noaij_Options.

    You cannot use the After_Journal qualifier to create fixed-size
    .aij files; use the Aij_Options qualifier.

12.4.2  –  Aij Options


    Specifies how Oracle RMU is to handle after-image journaling and
    .aij file creation, using the following rules:

    o  If you specify the Aij_Options qualifier and provide a
       journal-opts-file, Oracle RMU enables journaling and creates
       the .aij file or files you specify for the database copy.
       If only one .aij file is created for the database copy, it
       will be an extensible .aij file. If two or more .aij files
       are created for the database copy, they will be fixed-size
       .aij files (as long as at least two .aij files are always

    o  If you specify the Aij_Options qualifier, but do not provide a
       journal-opts-file, Oracle RMU disables journaling and does not
       create any new .aij files.

    o  If you specify the Noaij_Options qualifier, Oracle RMU
       disables journaling and does not create any new .aij files.

    o  If you do not specify an After_Journal, Noafter_Journal,
       Aij_Options, or Noaij_Options qualifier, Oracle RMU disables
       after-image journaling and does not create a new .aij file.

    You can only specify one, or none, of the following after-image
    journal qualifiers in a single Oracle RMU command: After_Journal,
    Noafter_Journal, Aij_Options, Noaij_Options.

    See Show After_Journal for information on the format of a

12.4.3  –  Cdd Integrate


    Integrates the metadata from the root (.rdb) file of the database
    copy into the data dictionary (assuming the data dictionary is
    installed on your system).

    If you specify the Nocdd_Integrate qualifier, no integration
    occurs during the copy operation.

    You might want to delay integration of the database metadata
    with the data dictionary until after the copy operation finishes

    You can use the Nocdd_Integrate qualifier even if the DICTIONARY
    IS REQUIRED clause was used when the database being copied was

    The Cdd_Integrate qualifier integrates definitions in one
    direction only-from the database file to the dictionary. The
    Cdd_Integrate qualifier does not integrate definitions from the
    dictionary to the database file.

    The Nocdd_Integrate qualifier is the default.

12.4.4  –  Checksum Verification


    Requests that the page checksum be verified for each page copied.
    The default is to perform this verification.

    The Checksum_Verification qualifier uses significant CPU
    resources but can provide an extra measure of confidence in the
    quality of the data being copied. For offline copy operations,
    the additional CPU cost of using the Checksum_Verification
    qualifier might not be justified unless you are experiencing
    or have experienced disk, HSC, or CI port hardware problems. One
    symptom of these problems is pages being logged to the corrupt
    page table (CPT).

    For online copy operations, use of the Checksum_Verification
    qualifier offers an additional level of data security when the
    database employs disk striping or RAID (redundant arrays of
    inexpensive disks) technology. These technologies fragment data
    over several disk drives, and use of the Checksum_Verification
    qualifier permits Oracle RMU to detect the possibility that
    the data it is reading from these disks has been only partially
    updated. If you use either of these technologies, you should use
    the Checksum_Verification qualifier.

    Note, however, that if you specify the Nochecksum qualifier, and
    undetected corruptions exist in your database, the corruptions
    are included in the copied file. Such a corruption might be
    difficult to recover from, especially if it is not detected until
    weeks or months after the copy operation is performed.

    Overall, Oracle Corporation recommends that you use the Checksum_
    Verification qualifier with all copy operations where integrity
    of the data is essential.

12.4.5  –  Close Wait=n

    Specifies a wait time of n minutes before Oracle RMU
    automatically closes the database. You must supply a value for

    In order to use this qualifier, the Open_Mode qualifier on the
    RMU Copy_Database command line must be set to Automatic.

12.4.6  –  Directory


    Specifies the default destination for the copied database files.
    Note that if you specify a file name or file extension, all
    copied files are given that file name or file extension. There
    is no default directory specification for this qualifier.

    See the Usage Notes for information on how this qualifier
    interacts with the Root, File, and Snapshot qualifiers and for
    warnings regarding copying database files into a directory owned
    by a resource identifier.

    If you do not specify this qualifier, Oracle RMU attempts to copy
    all the database files (unless they are qualified with the Root,
    File, or Snapshot qualifier) to their current location.

12.4.7  –  Duplicate


    Causes the RMU Copy_Database command to generate a new database
    with the same content, but with a different identity from that
    of the original database. For this reason, .aij files cannot be
    interchanged between the original and the duplicate database.
    This qualifier creates copies of your databases that are expected
    to evolve independently in time. In this case, being able to
    exchange .aij files might be a security breach, and a likely
    source of corruption.

    A duplicate database has the same contents as the original
    database, but not the same identity. A database copied with
    the Noduplicate qualifier is an exact replica of the original
    database in every way and, therefore, .aij files can be
    interchanged between the original and duplicate database.

    The default is the Noduplicate qualifier.

12.4.8  –  Global Buffers


    Allows you to change the default global buffer parameters when
    you copy a database. The following options are available:

    o  Disabled

       Use this option to disable global buffering for the copy of
       the original database.

    o  Enabled

       Use this option to enable global buffering for the copy of the
       original database. You cannot specify both the Disabled and
       Enabled option in the same RMU Copy_Database command with the
       Global_Buffers qualifier.

    o  Total=total-buffers

       Use this option to specify the number of buffers available for
       all users.

    o  User_Limit=buffers-per-user

       Use this option to specify the maximum number of buffers
       available to each user.

    If you do not specify a global buffers option, the database is
    copied with the values that are in effect for the database you
    are copying.

    When you specify two or more options with the Global_Buffers
    qualifier, use a comma to separate each option and enclose the
    list of options in parentheses.

12.4.9  –  Local Buffers


    Allows you to change the default local buffer parameters when you
    copy a database. The following options are available:

    o  Number=number-buffers

       Use this option to specify the number of local buffers that
       will be available for all users. You must specify a number
       between 2 and 32,767 for the number-buffers parameter.

    o  Size=buffer-blocks

       Use this option to specify the size (specified in blocks) for
       each buffer. You must specify a number between 2 and 64 for
       the buffer-blocks parameter.

       If you specify a value smaller than the size of the largest
       page defined, Oracle RMU automatically adjusts the size of
       the buffer to hold the largest page defined. For example, if
       you specify the Local_Buffers=Size=8 qualifier and the largest
       page size for the storage areas in your database is 64 blocks,
       Oracle RMU automatically interprets the Local_Buffers=Size=8
       qualifier as though it were a Local_Buffers=Size=64 qualifier.

       Take great care when selecting a buffer size; a poor choice
       causes performance to suffer greatly.

       The value specified for the buffer-blocks parameter determines
       the number of blocks for each buffer, regardless of whether
       local buffering or global buffering is enabled for the

    If you do not specify a Local_Buffers option, the database is
    copied with the values that are in effect for the database you
    are copying.

12.4.10  –  Lock Timeout


    Specifies a timeout interval or maximum time in seconds to
    wait for the quiet-point lock and any other locks needed when
    the operation is performed online. When you specify the Lock_
    Timeout=seconds qualifier, you must specify the number of seconds
    to wait for the quiet-point lock. If the time limit expires, an
    error is signaled and the copy operation fails.

    When the Lock_Timeout=seconds qualifier is not specified, the
    copy operation waits indefinitely for the quiet-point lock and
    any other locks needed during an online copy operation.

    The Lock_Timeout=seconds qualifier is ignored for offline copy

12.4.11  –  Log


    Specifies whether the processing of the command is reported to
    SYS$OUTPUT. Specify the Log qualifier to request log output and
    the Nolog qualifier to prevent it. If you specify neither, the
    default is the current setting of the DCL verify switch. (The DCL
    SET VERIFY command controls the DCL verify switch.)

12.4.12  –  Nodes Max


    Specifies a new value for the database maximum node count
    parameter for the database copy. The default is to leave the
    value unchanged.

12.4.13  –  Online


    Specifies that the copy database operation be performed while
    other users are attached to the database. The areas to be copied
    are locked for read-only access, so the operation is compatible
    with all but exclusive access.

    The default is the Noonline qualifier.

12.4.14  –  Open Mode


    Allows you to change the mode for opening a database when
    you copy a database. When you specify the Open_Mode=Automatic
    qualifier, users can invoke the database copy immediately after
    it is copied. If you specify the Open_Mode=Manual qualifier, an
    RMU Open command must be used to open the database before users
    can invoke the database copy.

    The Open_Mode qualifier also specifies the mode for closing a
    database. If you specify Open_Mode=Automatic, you can also use
    the Close_Wait qualifier to specify a time in minutes before the
    database is automatically closed.

    If you do not specify the Open_Mode qualifier, the database is
    copied with the open mode that is in effect for the database
    being copied.

12.4.15  –  Option


    Specifies an options file containing storage area names, followed
    by the storage area qualifiers that you want applied to that
    storage area. Do not separate the storage area names with
    commas. Instead, put each storage area name on a separate line
    in the file. The storage area qualifiers that you can include
    in the options file are: Blocks_Per_Page, File, Snapshots, and

    You can use the DCL line continuation character, a hyphen (-),
    or the comment character (!)  in the options file. There is no
    default for this qualifier. Example 6 in the Examples entry under
    this command shows an options file and how to specify it on the
    Oracle RMU command line.

    If the Option qualifier is specified, the storage-area-list
    parameter is ignored.

12.4.16  –  Page Buffers


    Specifies the number of buffers to be allocated for each database
    file to be copied. The number of buffers used is twice the
    number specified; half are used for reading the file and half
    for writing the copy. Values specified with the Page_Buffers
    qualifier can range from 1 to 5. The default value is 3. Larger
    values might improve performance, but they increase memory use.

12.4.17  –  Path


    Specifies a data dictionary path into which the definitions of
    the database copy will be integrated. If you do not specify the
    Path qualifier, Oracle RMU uses the CDD$DEFAULT logical name
    value of the user who enters the RMU Copy_Database command.

    If you specify a relative path name, Oracle Rdb appends the
    relative path name you enter to the CDD$DEFAULT value. If the
    cdd-path parameter contains nonalphanumeric characters, you must
    enclose it within quotation marks ("").

    Oracle Rdb ignores the Path qualifier if you use the Nocdd_
    Integrate qualifier or if the data dictionary is not installed
    on your system.

12.4.18  –  Quiet Point


    Allows you to specify that a database copy operation is to occur
    either immediately or when a quiet point for database activity
    occurs. A quiet point is defined as a point where no active
    update transactions are in progress in the database.

    When you specify the Noquiet_Point qualifier, Oracle RMU proceeds
    with the copy operation as soon as the RMU Copy_Database command
    is issued, regardless of any update transaction activity in
    progress in the database. Because Oracle RMU must acquire
    concurrent-read locks on all physical and logical areas, the
    copy operation fails if there are any active transactions with
    exclusive locks on a storage area. However, once Oracle RMU has
    successfully acquired all concurrent-read storage area locks, it
    should not encounter any further lock conflicts. If a transaction
    that causes Oracle Rdb to request exclusive locks is started
    while the copy operation is proceeding, that transaction either
    waits or gets a lock conflict error, but the copy operation
    continues unaffected.

    If you intend to use the Noquiet_Point qualifier with a copy
    procedure that previously specified the Quiet_Point qualifier
    (or did not specify either the Quiet_Point or Noquiet_Point
    qualifier), you should examine any applications that execute
    concurrently with the copy operation. You might need to modify
    your applications or your copy procedure to handle the lock
    conflicts that can occur when you specify the Noquiet_Point

    When you specify the Quiet_Point qualifier, the copy operation
    begins when a quiet point is reached. Other update transactions
    issued after the database copy operation begins are prevented
    from executing until after the root file for the database has
    been copied (copying of the database storage areas begins after
    the root file is copied).

    The default is the Quiet_Point qualifier.

12.4.19  –  Root


    Requests that the database root file be copied to the specified

    See the Usage Notes for information on how this qualifier
    interacts with the Directory, File, and Snapshot qualifiers.

12.4.20  –  Transaction Mode=(mode-list)


    Sets the allowable transaction modes for the database root file
    created by the copy operation. The mode-list can include one or
    more of the following transaction modes:

    o  All - Enables all transaction modes

    o  Current - Enables all transaction modes that are set for the
       source database. This is the default transaction mode.

    o  None - Disables all transaction modes

    o  [No]Batch_Update

    o  [No]Exclusive

    o  [No]Exclusive_Read

    o  [No]Exclusive_Write

    o  [No]Protected

    o  [No]Protected_Read

    o  [No]Protected_Write

    o  [No]Read_Only

    o  [No]Read_Write

    o  [No]Shared

    o  [No]Shared_Read

    o  [No]Shared_Write

    Your copy operation must include the database root file.
    Otherwise, RMU returns the CONFLSWIT error when you issue an
    RMU Copy_Database command with the Transaction_Mode qualifier.

    If you specify more than one transaction mode in the mode-list,
    enclose the list in parenthesis and separate the transaction
    modes from one another with a comma. Note the following:

    o  When you specify a negated transaction mode such as
        Noexclusive_Write, it indicates that exclusive write is not
       an allowable access mode for the copied database.

    o  If you specify the Shared, Exclusive, or Protected transaction
       mode, Oracle RMU assumes you are referring to both reading and
       writing in that transaction mode.

    o  No mode is enabled unless you add that mode to the list, or
       you use the All option to enable all transaction modes.

    o  You can list one transaction mode that enables or disables a
       particular mode followed by another that does the opposite.
       For example, Transaction_Mode=(Noshared_Write, Shared) is
       ambiguous because the first value disables Shared_Write access
       and the second value enables Shared_Write access. Oracle
       RMU resolves the ambiguity by first enabling the modes as
       specified in the modes-list and then disabling the modes as
       specified in the modes-list. The order of items in the list is
       irrelevant. In the example presented previously, Shared_Read
       is enabled and Shared_Write is disabled.

12.4.21  –  Threads=number


    Specifies the number of reader threads to be used by the copy

    RMU creates so called internal 'threads' of execution to read
    data from one specific storage area. Threads run quasi-parallel
    within the process executing the RMU image. Each thread generates
    its own I/O load and consumes resources like virtual address
    space and process quotas (e.g. FILLM, BYTLM). The more threads,
    the more I/Os can be generated at one point in time and the more
    resources are needed to accomplish the same task.

    Performance increases with more threads due to parallel
    activities which keeps disk drives busier. However, at a certain
    number of threads, performance suffers because the disk I/O
    subsystem is saturated and I/O queues build up for the disk
    drives. Also the extra CPU time for additional thread scheduling
    overhead reduces the overall performance. Typically 2-5 threads
    per input disk drive are sufficient to drive the disk I/O
    susbsystem at its optimum. However, some controllers may be
    able to handle the I/O load of more threads, for example disk
    controllers with RAID sets and extra cache memory.

    In a copy operation, one thread moves the data of one storage
    area at a time. If there are more storage areas to be copied than
    there are threads, then the next idle thread takes on the next
    storage area. Storage areas are copied in order of the area size
    - largest areas first. This optimizes the overall elapsed time
    by allowing other threads to copy smaller areas while an earlier
    thread is still working on a large area. If no threads qualifier
    is specified, then 10 threads are created by default. The minimum
    is 1 thread and the maximum is the number of storage areas to be
    copied. If the user specifies a value larger than the number of
    storage areas, then RMU silently limits the number of threads to
    the number of storage areas.

    For a copy operation, you can specify a threads number as low as
    1. Using a threads number of 1 generates the smallest system
    load in terms of working set usage and disk I/O load. Disk
    I/O subsystems most likely can handle higher I/O loads. Using
    a slightly larger value than 1 typically results in faster
    execution time.

12.4.22  –  Users Max


    Specifies a new value for the database maximum user count

    The default is to use the same value as is in effect for the
    database being copied.

12.4.23  –  Blocks Per Page


    Specifies a new page size for the storage area to which it is
    applied. You cannot decrease the page size of a storage area, and
    you cannot change the size of a storage area with a uniform page

    You might want to increase the page size in storage areas
    containing hash indexes that are close to full. By increasing
    the page size in such a situation, you prevent the storage area
    from extending.

    The Blocks_Per_Page qualifier is a positional qualifier.

12.4.24  –  Extension


    Allows you to change the automatic file extension attribute for a
    storage area when you copy a database.

    Use the Extension=Disable qualifier to disable automatic file
    extensions for a storage area.

    Use the Extension=Enable qualifier to enable automatic file
    extensions for a storage area.

    If you do not specify the Extension=Disable or the
    Extension=Enable qualifier, the storage areas are copied with
    the automatic file extension attributes that are in effect for
    the database being copied.

    The Extension qualifier is a positional qualifier.

12.4.25  –  File


    Requests that the storage area to which this qualifier is applied
    be copied to the specified location.

    See the Usage Notes for information on how this qualifier
    interacts with the Root, Snapshot, and Directory qualifiers and
    for warnings regarding copying database files into a directory
    owned by a resource identifier.

    The File qualifier is a positional qualifier. This qualifier is
    not valid for single-file databases.

12.4.26  –  Read Only

    Use the Read_Only qualifier to change a read/write storage area
    or a write-once storage area to a read-only storage area.

    If you do not specify the Read_Only or Read_Write qualifier, the
    storage areas are copied with the read/write attributes that are
    currently in effect for the database being copied.

    This is a positional qualifier.

12.4.27  –  Read Write

    Use the Read_Write qualifier to change a read-only storage area
    or a write-once storage area to a read/write storage area.

    If you do not specify the Read_Only or Read_Write qualifier, the
    storage areas are copied with the read/write attributes that are
    currently in effect for the database being copied.

    This is a positional qualifier.

12.4.28  –  Snapshots


    If you specify the Allocation parameter, specifies the snapshot
    file allocation size in n pages for a copied area. If you specify
    the File parameter, specifies a new snapshot file location for
    the copied storage area to which it is applied.

    You can specify the Allocation parameter only, the File parameter
    only, or both parameters; however, if you specify the Snapshots
    qualifier, you must specify at least one parameter.

    The Snapshots qualifier is a positional qualifier.

    See the Usage Notes for information on how this qualifier
    interacts with the Root, File, and Directory qualifiers.

12.4.29  –  Spams


    Specifies whether to enable the creation of space area management
    (SPAM) pages or disable the creation of SPAM pages (Nospams) for
    specified storage areas. This qualifier is not permitted with a
    storage area that has a uniform page format.

    When SPAM pages are disabled in a read/write storage area, the
    SPAM pages are initialized but they are not updated.

    The Spams qualifier is a positional qualifier.

12.4.30  –  Thresholds


    Specifies new SPAM thresholds for the storage area to which it is
    applied (for a mixed page format storage area). The thresholds of
    a storage area with a uniform page format cannot be changed.

    See the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to Database Performance and Tuning for
    information on setting SPAM thresholds.

    The Thresholds qualifier is a positional qualifier.

12.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Copy_Database command for a database, you must
       have the RMU$COPY privilege in the root file access control
       list (ACL) for the database to be copied or the OpenVMS SYSPRV
       or BYPASS privilege.

    o  When you copy a database into a directory owned by a resource
       identifier, the ACE for the directory is applied to the
       database root file ACL first, and then the Oracle RMU ACE is
       added. This method is employed to prevent database users from
       overriding OpenVMS file security. However, this can result in
       a database which you consider yours, but to which you have no
       Oracle RMU privileges to access. See the Oracle Rdb Guide to
       Database Maintenance for details.

    o  The RMU Copy_Database command provides four qualifiers,
       Directory, Root, File, and Snapshots, that allow you to
       specify the target for the copied files. The target can be
       just a directory, just a file name, or a directory and file

       If you use all or some of these four qualifiers, apply them as

       -  Use the Root qualifier to indicate the target for the copy
          of database root file.

       -  Use local application of the File qualifier to specify the
          target for the copy of one or more storage areas.

       -  Use local application of the Snapshots qualifier to specify
          the target for the copy of one or more snapshot files.

       -  Use the Directory qualifier to specify a default target
          directory. The default target directory is the directory
          to which all files not qualified with the Root, File,
          or Snapshot qualifier are copied. It is also the default
          directory for files qualified with the Root, File, or
          Snapshot qualifier if the target for these qualifiers does
          not include a directory specification.

       Note the following when using these qualifiers:

       -  Global application of the File qualifier when the target
          specification includes a file name causes Oracle RMU to
          copy all of the storage areas to different versions of the
          same file name. This creates a database that is difficult
          to manage.

       -  Global application of the Snapshot qualifier when the
          target specification includes a file name causes Oracle
          RMU to copy all of the snapshot files to different versions
          of the same file name. This creates a database that is
          difficult to manage.

       -  Specifying a file name or extension with the Directory
          qualifier is permitted, but causes Oracle RMU to copy
          all of the files (except those specified with the File
          or Root qualifier) to different versions of the same file
          name. Again, this creates a database that is difficult to

       See Example 8.

    o  You cannot use the RMU Copy_Database command to copy a
       database to a remote system or to an NFS (Network File System)
       mounted file system. The RMU Copy_Database command allows
       you to create a copy of a database on the same node as the
       original database.

    o  You cannot disable extents of snapshot (.snp) files.

    o  The file and area qualifiers for the RMU Copy_Database command
       are positional qualifiers, and if placed randomly, could
       be ignored or produce unexpected results. See the Command_
       Qualifiers help entry for more information on positional

    o  There are no restrictions on the use of the Nospams qualifier
       with mixed page format storage areas, but the use of the
       Nospams qualifier typically causes severe performance
       degradation. The Nospams qualifier is only useful where
       updates are rare and batched, and access is primarily by
       database key (dbkey).

12.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command makes a duplicate copy of the mf_personnel
    database in the DISK1:[USER1] directory:


    Example 2

    The following example shows a simple duplication of a database
    within a user's directory. In this instance, the duplicated
    database has the same content and identity as the original
    database. After-image journal files can be interchanged between
    the original and the duplicated database. Execute the RMU Dump
    command with the header qualifier to verify that the copied
    database is the same as the original database. Note that the
    creation date listed in the header for each database is the same.


    Example 3

    The following example shows a duplication of a database within a
    user's directory through the use of the Duplicate qualifier. In
    this instance, the duplicated database differs from the original
    database. It has the same content as the original database,
    but its identity is different. As a result, .aij files cannot
    be exchanged between the original database and the duplicate
    database. If you use the RMU Dump command with the header
    qualifier for each database, you see that the creation date for
    the copy and the original database is different.


    Example 4

    The following command copies the mf_personnel database from
    the DISK2:[USER2] directory to the DISK1:[USER1] directory. The
    Extension=Disable qualifier causes extents to be disabled for all
    the storage area (.rda) files in the DISK1:[USER1]mf_personnel


    Example 5

    The following command copies the mf_personnel database from the
    DISK2:[USER2] directory to the DISK2:[USER1] directory. Because
    the Extension=Disable qualifier is specified for only the EMPIDS_
    LOW and EMPIDS_MID storage areas, extents are disabled only
    for those two storage area (.rda) files in the DISK2:[USER1]mf_
    personnel database:


    Example 6

    The following command uses an options file to specify that
    the storage area files and snapshot (.snp) files be copied to
    different disks. Note that storage area .snp files are located
    on different disks from one another and from their associated
    storage area (.rda) files; this is recommended for optimal
    performance. (This example assumes that the disks specified for
    each storage area file in options_file.opt are different from
    those where the storage area files currently reside.)


    The options file appears as:











    Example 7

    The following example copies the mf_personnel database from one
    directory to another. In addition, by specifying the Aij_Options
    qualifier to add after-image journal files, it enables fixed-size
    journaling in the database copy and sets several of the journal
    options as shown in the aij_journal_options.opt file.



    RESERVE 2               -
    ALLOCATION IS 1024      -


    Example 8

    The following example demonstrates the use of the Directory,
    File, and Root qualifiers. In this example:

    o  The default directory is specified as DISK2:[DIR].

    o  The target directory and file name for the database root file
       is specified with the Root qualifier. The target directory
       specified with the Root qualifier overrides the default
       directory specified with the Directory qualifier. Thus, Oracle
       RMU copies the database root to DISK3:[ROOT] and names it

    o  The target directory for the EMPIDS_MID storage area is
       DISK4:[FILE]. Oracle RMU copies EMPIDS_MID to DISK4:[FILE].

    o  The target file name for the EMPIDS_LOW storage area is
       EMPIDS. Thus, Oracle RMU copies the EMPIDS_LOW storage area
       to the DISK2 default directory (specified with the Directory
       qualifier), and names the file EMPIDS.RDA.

    o  The target for the EMPIDS_LOW snapshot file is
       DISK5:[SNAP]EMPIDS.SNP Thus, Oracle RMU copies the EMPIDS_
       LOW snapshot file to DISK5:[SNAP]EMPIDS.SNP.

    o  All the other storage area files and snapshot files in the mf_
       personnel database are copied to DISK2:[DIR]; the file names
       for these storage areas remain unchanged.


    Example 9

    The following example demonstrates how to disallow exclusive mode
    for a copied database. It then shows the error messages returned
    when a user attempts to access the copied database using the
    disallowed mode:

    %RMU-W-DOFULLBCK, full database backup should be done to ensure future
    $ SQL
    SQL> ATTACH 'FILENAME mf_personnel.rdb';
    %RDB-E-BAD_TPB_CONTENT, invalid transaction parameters in the
     transaction parameter block (TPB)
    -RDMS-E-INVTRANOPT, the transaction option "EXCLUSIVE WRITE" is not

13  –  Delete Optimizer Statistics

    Deletes records from the RDB$WORKLOAD system table.

13.1  –  Description

    When you enable and collect workload statistics, the system
    table, RDB$WORKLOAD, is created and populated. (See Collect_
    Optimizer_Statistics for details.) If you are knowledgeable
    about the data in your database, or if workload statistics were
    gathered for queries that are no longer in use, you might decide
    that you no longer want Oracle RMU to collect statistics for
    particular column groups. The RMU Delete Optimizer_Statistics
    gives you the ability to selectively delete records for column
    groups in the RDB$WORKLOAD system table.

    When you use the RMU Delete Optimizer_Statistics command, both
    the optimizer statistics themselves and the reference to the
    column duplicity factor and the null factor are deleted from the
    RDB$WORKLOAD system table.

    If you issue an RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics command after
    having issued an RMU Delete Optimizer_Statistics command,
    statistics for the specified column group are not collected.

13.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Delete Optimizer_Statistics root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers             x    Defaults
  /Column_Group=(column-list)    x    See description
  /[No]Log[=file-name]           x    See description
  /Tables=(table-list)           x    None - Required Qualifier

13.3  –  Parameters

13.3.1  –  root-file-spec


    Specifies the database from which optimizer statistics are to be
    deleted. The default file type is .rdb.

13.4  –  Command Qualifiers

13.4.1  –  Column Group


    Specifies a list of columns that comprise a single column group.
    The columns specified must be a valid column group for a table
    specified with the Tables=(table-list) qualifier. (Use the RMU
    Show Optimizer_Statistics command to display a valid column
    groups.) When you specify the Column_Group qualifier, the entire
    record in the RDB$WORKLOAD system table that holds data for the
    specified column group is deleted. Therefore, the next time you
    issue the RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics command, statistics
    for the specified column-group are not collected.

13.4.2  –  Log


    Specifies whether the statistics deleted from the RDB$WORKLOAD
    system table are to be logged. Specify the Log qualifier to have
    the information displayed to SYS$OUTPUT. Specify the Log=file-
    spec qualifier to have the information written to a file. Specify
    the Nolog qualifier to prevent display of the information. If you
    do not specify any variation of the Log qualifier, the default is
    the current setting of the DCL verify switch. (The DCL SET VERIFY
    command controls the DCL verify switch.)

13.4.3  –  Tables


    Specifies the table or tables for which column group entries are
    to be deleted, as follows:

    o  If you specify the Tables=(table-list) qualifier, but do
       not specify the Column_Group qualifier, then all column
       group entries for the listed tables are deleted from the
       RDB$WORKLOAD system table.

    o  If you specify the Tables=(table-list) qualifier, and you
       specify the Column_Group=(column-list) qualifier, then the
       workload statistics entries for the specified tables that
       have exactly the specified column group are deleted from the
       RDB$WORKLOAD system table.

    o  If you use an asterisk (*) with the Tables qualifier
       (Tables=*), all tables registered in the RDB$WORKLOAD table
       are deleted. This allows the RDB$WORKLOAD table to be purged.

    If you issue an RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics command after
    you have deleted a workload column group from the RDB$WORKLOAD
    system table, those statistics are no longer collected.

    The Tables=(table-list) qualifier is a required qualifier; you
    cannot issue an RMU Delete Optimizer_Statistics command without
    the Tables=(table-list) qualifier.

13.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Delete Optimizer_Statistics command for a
       database, you must have the RMU$ANALYZE privilege in the root
       file access control list (ACL) for the database or the OpenVMS
       SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.

    o  Cardinality statistics are automatically maintained by
       Oracle Rdb. Physical storage and workload statistics are only
       collected when you issue an RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics
       command. To get information about the usage of physical
       storage and workload statistics for a given query, define
       the RDMS$DEBUG_FLAGS logical name to be "O". For example:


       When you execute a query, if workload and physical statistics
       have been used in optimizing the query, you will see a line
       such as the following in the command output:

       ~O: Workload and Physical statistics used

    o  Oracle Corporation recommends that you execute an RMU Show
       Optimizer_Statistics command with the Output qualifier prior
       to executing an RMU Delete Optimizer_Statistics command. If
       you accidentally delete statistics, you can replace them
       by issuing an RMU Insert Optimizer_Statistics command and
       specifying the statistical values contained in the output

13.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example issues commands to do the following:

    1. Display optimizer statistics for the EMPLOYEES and JOB_HISTORY
       tables and their indexes

    2. Delete the entries for the column group (EMPLOYEE_ID, JOB_


    Optimizer Statistics for table : EMPLOYEES

      Workload Column group  :      EMPLOYEE_ID
      Duplicity factor       : 1.0000000
      Null factor            : 0.0000000
      First created time     :  3-JUL-1996 10:37:36.43
      Last collected time    :  3-JUL-1996 10:46:10.73

      Workload Column group  : LAST_NAME,    FIRST_NAME,    MIDDLE_INITIAL,
      Duplicity factor       : 1.5625000
      Null factor            : 0.3600000
      First created time     :  3-JUL-1996 10:37:36.43
      Last collected time    :  3-JUL-1996 10:46:10.74


    Optimizer Statistics for table : JOB_HISTORY

      Workload Column group  :      EMPLOYEE_ID
      Duplicity factor       : 2.7400000
      Null factor            : 0.0000000
      First created time     :  3-JUL-1996 10:37:36.43
      Last collected time    :  3-JUL-1996 10:54:09.62

      Workload Column group  : EMPLOYEE_ID,    JOB_CODE,       JOB_START,
      Duplicity factor       : 1.5930233
      Null factor            : 0.3649635
      First created time     :  3-JUL-1996 10:57:47.65
      Last collected time    :  3-JUL-1996 10:57:47.65
    $ !
    $ ! Delete one of the entries for JOB_HISTORY
    $ !
    Changing RDB$SYSTEM area to READ_WRITE.
    Workload column group deleted for JOB_HISTORY :         EMPLOYEE_ID,

14  –  Dump

    Dumps the contents of database files, including: storage area
    files, snapshot files, recovery-unit journal files, after-image
    journal files, optimized after-image journal files, and root
    files. You can dump database file contents to your terminal
    screen or to a text file.

14.1  –  Database

    Displays or writes to a specified output file the contents
    of database, storage area (.rda), and snapshot (.snp) files,
    including root information.


       The Start and End qualifiers apply only when the Areas,
       Lareas, Snapshots, Abms_Only or Spams_Only qualifier is

14.1.1  –  Description

    Use this command to examine the contents of your database root
    (.rdb), storage area (.rda), and snapshot (.snp) files, to
    display current settings for database definition options, and
    to display a list of active database users. The list of database
    users is maintained clusterwide in a VMScluster environment.

    You can display the contents of all pages in any data storage
    area of the database or display the contents of just those pages
    in which rows and indexes for a specific table are stored.

    See the chapter that explains the internal database page format
    in the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for tutorial

    Depending on your selection of qualifiers, the RMU Dump command
    can list:

    o  A formatted display of any number of pages in the storage area
       of the database.

    o  A formatted display of any number of pages in a uniform
       logical area of the database.

    o  A formatted display of any number of pages in the snapshot
       area of the database.

    o  Header information. (This is listed by default if no
       qualifiers are specified.)

    o  Current users of the database.

14.1.2  –  Format

  (B)0   RMU/Dump root-file-spec

     File Qualifiers                           x Defaults
     /ABMS_Only                                x See description
     /[No]Areas [= storage-area-list]          x /Noareas
     /End=integer                              x See description
     /[No]Header[=detail-opt, type-opts]       x See description
     /[No]Lareas [ = logical-area-list]        x /Nolareas
     /Option={Normal | Full | Debug}           x /Option=Normal
     /Output = file-name                       x /Output=SYS$OUTPUT
     /Restore_Options=file-name                x None
     /[No]Snapshots [ = storage-area-list]     x /Nosnapshots
     /Spams_Only                               x See description
     /Start=integer                            x See description
     /State=Blocked                            x See description
     /[No]Users                                x /Nousers

14.1.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    A file specification for the database root file whose root file
    header information, user information, storage area file pages, or
    snapshot area file pages you want to display.

14.1.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  ABMS Only

    Specifies that the RMU/DUMP command will only dump ABM pages
    in uniform storage areas or in logical areas contained within
    uniform storage areas.

    The ABM pages can be dumped within a limited page range specified
    by the START and END qualifiers.

    If there are no ABM pages within the specified page range or
    the storage area is a mixed format area or the logical area
    is contained within a mixed storage area, no ABM pages will be

    This qualifier cannot be specified in the same Dump command as
    the SPAMS_Only qualifier. This qualifier cannot be specified in
    the same Dump command with the Snapshots qualifier.  –  Areas

    Areas [=storage-area-list]

    Specifies a display that consists of storage area pages. You can
    specify storage areas by name or by the area's ID number.

    If you specify more than one storage area, separate the storage
    area names or ID numbers in the storage area list with a comma,
    and enclose the list within parentheses.

    You can also specify the Areas=* qualifier to display all storage
    areas. If you do not specify the Areas qualifier, none of the
    storage areas are displayed.

    You can use the Start and End qualifiers to display a range of
    storage area pages.

    The Areas qualifier can be used with indirect file references.
    See the Indirect-Command-Files help entry for more information.  –  End


    Specifies the highest-numbered area or snapshot page to include
    in the display. The default is the last page.

    If you also use the Lareas qualifier, note that the Start and End
    qualifiers specify a page range relative to the logical area, not
    a specific storage area page number.  –  Header

    Header[=(detail-opt, type-opts)]

    Indicates whether to include the database header in the output.
    Specify the Header qualifier to include all database header
    information in the output. Specify the Noheader qualifier to
    suppress the database header listing. Specify the Header=(detail-
    opt, type-opts) qualifier to limit the output from the header to
    specific items of interest. Use the detail-opt options (Brief or
    Detail) to limit the amount of output. Use the type-opt options
    to limit the output to specific types of information.

    RMU Dump Command Header Options summarizes the Header options and
    the effects of specifying each option.

    Table 8 RMU Dump Command Header Options

    Option             Effect

    All                Generates the full output of all the header
                       information. If you specify this option and
                       other Header options, the other options are
                       ignored. This is the default option.
    Areas              Output displays information about active
                       storage areas and snapshot areas.
    Backup             Output displays information about backup and
    Brief              Generates a summary of the requested database
                       root file information.
    Buffers            Output displays information about database
    Corrupt_Page       Output displays the Corrupt Page Table (CPT).
    Detail             Generates a complete report of the requested
                       database root file information. This is the
    Fast_Commit        Output displays information about whether
                       fast commit is enabled or disabled, whether
                       commit to AIJ optimization is enabled or
                       disabled, the AIJ checkpointing intervals,
                       and the transaction interval.
    Hot_Standby        Output displays information regarding hot
                       standby databases.
    Locking            Output displays information about database
                       locking, such as whether or not adjustable
                       record locking, carry-over lock optimization,
                       and lock tree partitioning are enabled or
                       disabled, and fanout factors.
    Journaling         Output displays information about RUJ and AIJ
    Nodes              Output displays names of nodes that are
                       accessing the specified database.
    Parameters         Output displays basic root file header
    Root_Record        Output describes the Oracle Rdb specific
                       section of the database root. This includes
                       backup, restore, verify, and alter timestamps,
                       as well as flags that indicate that no such
                       operation has been performed. The bootstrap
                       DBKEY is used to locate the RDB$DATABASE
                       row for this database, and then the other
                       system tables. If an alternate bootstrap
                       DBKEY exists, then this database has been
                       converted using RMU Convert Nocommit command.
                       In this case, the current metadata version is
    Row_Caches         Output displays information about row caches.
    Security_Audit     Output displays information about security
    Sequence_Numbers   Output displays database sequence numbers.
    Users              Output displays information about active
                       database users.

    If you specify both the Detail option and the Brief option,
    Detail takes precedence. If you specify the All option and other
    detail-opt options, the All option takes precedence. If you
    specify the Brief option or the Detail option only, the default
    for the type-opt is All. If you specify type-opts options, but do
    not specify a detail-opt option, the default for the detail-opt
    is Detail.

    If you specify more than one option, separate the options with
    commas and enclose the list within parentheses.

    See the Usage_Notes help entry under this command for information
    on understanding the derived values found in the database header.

    The Header=All and Header=Root_Record qualifiers output
    information on the use of the RMU Alter command on the specified
    database. For example, you see the following line in the output
    if you have never used the RMU Alter command on the database:

      Database has never been altered

    Do not confuse this with alterations made by SQL ALTER
    statements. Information about alterations made with the SQL
    ALTER statement is not included in the output from the RMU Dump

    If you specify the Areas, Lareas, or Snapshots qualifier, the
    Noheader qualifier is the default. Otherwise, Header=(All,
    Detail) is the default.

    It is invalid to specify the Header=Root_Record and the
    Option=Debug qualifiers in the same Oracle RMU command line.

    See the Oracle Rdb7 and Oracle CODASYL DBMS: Guide to Hot
    Standby Databases manual for information about the "Hot Standby"
    references in the database header.

    For complete information on the contents of the database header,
    see the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance.  –  Lareas


    Specifies a display that consists of storage area pages allocated
    to a logical area or areas. In a single-file database, each table
    in the database is stored in its own logical area.

    You cannot use the Lareas qualifier with logical areas that are
    stored in storage areas that have a mixed page format.

    If you specify more than one logical area name, separate the
    storage area names in the logical area list with a comma, and
    enclose the list within parentheses.

    You can also specify the Lareas=* qualifier to display all
    logical areas that have a uniform page format.

    The default is the Nolareas qualifier.

    The Lareas qualifier can be used with indirect file references.
    See the Indirect-Command-Files help entry for more information.  –  Option


    Specifies the type of information and level of detail the output
    will include. Three types of output are available:

    o  Normal

       The output includes summary information. This is the default.

    o  Full

       In addition to the Normal information, the output includes
       more detailed information.

    o  Debug

       In addition to Normal and Full information, the output
       includes internal information about the data. In general,
       use the Debug option for diagnostic support purposes.  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output is to be sent. The
    default is SYS$OUTPUT. The default output file type is .lis, if
    you specify a file name.  –  Restore Options


    Generates an options file designed to be used with the Options
    qualifier of the RMU Restore command.

    The Restore_Options file is created by reading the database root
    file. Therefore, there is no guarantee that this options file
    will work with all backup files you attempt to restore with
    a Restore operation. For example, if areas have been added or
    deleted from the database since the backup file was created,
    there will be a mismatch between the Restore_Options file and the
    backup file. Similarly if the backup file was created by a backup
    by-area operation, the Restore_Options file may refer to areas
    that are not in the backup file.

    By default a Restore_Options file is not created. If you
    specify the Restore_Options qualifier and a file, but not a file
    extension, Oracle RMU uses an extension of .opt by default.  –  Snapshots


    Specifies a display that consists of snapshot file pages. The
    RMU Dump command does not display snapshot pages if you omit the
    Snapshots qualifier or if you specify the Nosnapshots qualifier.

    In a single-file database, there is only one snapshot file. In
    a multifile database, each storage area has a corresponding
    snapshot file. Note that this parameter specifies the storage
    area name, not the snapshot file name. If you specify more than
    one storage area name, separate the storage area names with
    commas, and enclose the storage-area-list within parentheses.
    If you specify the Snapshots qualifier without a storage area
    name, information is displayed for all snapshot files.

    You can use the Start and End qualifiers to display a range of
    snapshot file pages.

    The default is the Nosnapshots qualifier.

    The Snapshots qualifier can be used with indirect file
    references. See the Indirect-Command-Files help entry for more
    information.  –  Spams Only


    Allows you to dump only the space area management (SPAM) pages in
    the selected areas and page range.

    A common usage for the RMU Dump command is to track down problems
    with storage allocation and record placement. When this qualifier
    is used, the SPAM pages are dumped, allowing you to locate the
    individual data pages that you want to examine.

    There is no negated form for this qualifier, and, if it is
    omitted, all the selected pages are dumped.

    The Start and End qualifiers can be used with the Spams_Only
    qualifier.  –  Start


    Specifies the lowest-numbered area or snapshot page to include in
    the display. The default is the first page; that is, the Start=1

    If you also use the Lareas qualifier, note that the Start and End
    qualifiers specify a page range relative to the logical area, not
    a specific storage area page number.  –  State


    Specifies a list of all unresolved distributed transactions in
    the blocked database. A blocked database is a database that is
    not committed or rolled back and is involved in an unresolved
    distributed transaction. The State=Blocked qualifier displays the
    following information about each transaction:

    o  Process identification (PID)

    o  Stream identification

    o  Monitor identification

    o  Transaction identification

    o  Name of the recovery journal

    o  Transaction sequence number (TSN)

    o  Distributed transaction identifier (TID)

    o  Name of the node on which the failure occurred

    o  Name of the node initiating the transaction (parent node)

    You can use the State=Blocked qualifier only with the Users
    qualifier. For information on resolving unresolved transactions
    with the RMU Dump command, see the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to
    Distributed Transactions.  –  Users


    Lists information about the current users of the database,
    including all users in a VMScluster environment. Oracle RMU does
    not consider a process that is running the Performance Monitor
    (with the RMU Show Statistics command or through the Windowing
    interface) to be a database user.

    The default is Nousers.

14.1.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Dump command with the Areas qualifier or the
       Lareas qualifier or the Snapshots qualifier for a database,
       you must have the RMU$DUMP privilege in the root file access
       control list (ACL) for the database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or
       BYPASS privilege.

       To use the RMU Dump command with the Header qualifier for a
       database, you must have the RMU$DUMP, RMU$BACKUP, or RMU$OPEN
       privileges in the root file access control list (ACL) for the
       database, or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.

       To use the RMU Dump command with the Users qualifier, you must
       have the RMU$DUMP, RMU$BACKUP, or RMU$OPEN privileges in the
       root file access control list (ACL) for the database or the
       OpenVMS WORLD privilege.

    o  The Spams_Only qualifier conflicts with the Lareas and
       Snapshots qualifiers; an error is generated if you specify
       the Spams_Only qualifier with either of the other qualifiers.

    o  The Header=All and Header=Buffers qualifiers provide two
       derived values to provide an estimated size of the global
       section. These appear in the dump file as:

          Derived Data...
             - Global section size
                 With global buffers disabled is 43451 bytes
                 With global buffers enabled is 941901 bytes

       The first value (With global buffers disabled) indicates the
       approximate size of the global section when local buffers are
       being used. The second value (With global buffers enabled)
       indicates the approximate size of the global section if you
       were to enable global buffers.

       You can use these values to determine approximately how
       much bigger the global section becomes if you enable global
       buffers. This allows you to determine, without having to
       take the database off line, how much larger to make the
       VIRTUALPAGECNT and GBLPAGES SYSGEN parameters to accommodate
       the larger global section.

       However, note that you must take the database off line if
       you decide to enable global buffers and you must shut down
       and reboot the system to change the SYSGEN parameters. It
       is recommended that you run AUTOGEN after you change SYSGEN

       Also note that these changes may require you to change the
       MONITOR account quotas as well to ensure the paging file quota
       is adequate.

14.1.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example displays the header information for the
    mf_personnel database on the terminal screen:


    Example 2

    The following example generates a list of unresolved transactions
    for the mf_personnel database:


    Example 3

    The following example shows the command you might use to view the
    SPAM pages associated with the area EMPIDS_LOW:


    Example 4

    The following example demonstrates the use of the Restore_Options
    qualifier. The first command performs a dump operation on the mf_
    personnel database and creates a Restore_Options file. The second
    command shows a portion of the contents of the options file. The
    last command demonstrates the use of the options file with the
    RMU Restore command.

    !  Options file for database USER1:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1
    !  Created 19-JUL-1995 14:55:17.80
    ! Created by DUMP command

            /file=USER2:[STO]MF_PERS_DEFAULT.RDA;1 -
            /extension=ENABLED -
            /read_write -
            /spams -
            /snapshot=(allocation=100, -

            /file=USER3:[STO]DEPARTMENTS.RDA;1 -
            /blocks_per_page=2 -
            /extension=ENABLED -
            /read_write -
            /spams -
            /thresholds=(70,85,95) -
            /snapshot=(allocation=100, -


    Example 5

    The following command generates a detailed display of backup,
    recovery, RUJ, and AIJ information for the mf_personnel database.


    See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance and the Oracle
    Rdb7 Guide to Distributed Transactions for more examples showing
    the RMU Dump command and the output.

    Example 6

    The following example dumps all ABM pages contained in all
    uniform storage areas in the specified Rdb database.


    Example 7

    In the following example, only the ABM pages contained in the
    named uniform storage area in the specified Rdb database are


    Example 8

    In the following example, only the ABM pages contained in the
    named logical area in a uniform storage area in the specified Rdb
    database are dumped.


    Example 9

    In the following example, only the ABM pages contained within
    the specified page range in the named uniform storage area in the
    specified Rdb database are dumped.


14.2  –  After journal

    Displays an after-image journal (.aij) file, a backed up .aij
    file (.aij if the backup is on disk, .aij_rbf if the .aij file
    was backed up to tape), or an optimized after-image journal
    (.oaij) file in ASCII format. Use this command to examine the
    contents of your .aij, .aij_rbf, or .oaij file. Whenever the
    term .aij file is used in this RMU Dump After_Journal command
    description, it refers to .oaij and .aij_rbf files, as well as
    .aij files.

    An .aij file contains header information and data blocks. Header
    information describes the data blocks, which contain copies of
    data stored in the database file.

14.2.1  –  Description

    The RMU Dump After_Journal command specifies an .aij file, not a
    database file, as its parameter, and is a separate command from
    the RMU Dump command used to display database areas and header

    The .aij file is in binary format. This command translates the
    binary file into an ASCII display format.

    The RMU Dump After_Journal command always includes the header of
    the .aij file in the display. You can use the Nodata qualifier to
    exclude data blocks from the display entirely, or you can use the
    Start and End qualifiers to restrict the data block display to
    a specific series of blocks. If you do not specify any of these
    qualifiers, Oracle RMU includes all data blocks.

14.2.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Dump/After_Journal aij-file-name

  File Qualifiers                         x Defaults
  /Active_IO=max-reads                    x /Active_IO=3
  /Area=integer                           x None
  /[No]Data                               x /Data
  /Encrypt=({Value=|Name=}[,Algorithm=])  x See description
  /End=integer                            x See description
  /First=(select-list)                    x See description
  /Format={Old_File|New-Tape}             x Format=Old_File
  /Label=(label-name-list)                x See description
  /Larea=integer                          x None
  /Last=(select-list)                     x See description
  /Librarian[=options]                    x None
  /Line=integer                           x None
  /[No]Media_Loader                       x See description
  /Only=(select-list)                     x See description

  (B)0/Option={Statistics|Nostatistics}       x Option=Statistics
  /Output=file-name                       x /Output=SYS$OUTPUT
  /Page=integer                           x None
  /Prompt={Automatic|Operator|Client}     x See description
  /No]Rewind                              x Norewind
  /Start=integer                          x See description
  /State=Prepared                         x See description

14.2.3  –  Parameters  –  aij-file-name

    The .aij file you want to display. The default file type is .aij.
    For .oaij files, you must specify the file type of .oaij.

14.2.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Active IO


    Specifies the maximum number of read operations from a backup
    device that the RMU Dump After_Journal command will attempt
    simultaneously. This is not the maximum number of read operations
    in progress; that value is the product of active system I/O

    The value of the
    Active_IO qualifier can range from 1 to 5. The default value
    is 3. Values larger than 3 can improve performance with some tape
    drives.  –  Area


    Identifies a physical database storage area by number. Dump
    output is limited to the specified area. The minimum value is
    1.  –  Data


    Specifies whether you want to display data blocks of the .aij
    file, or just the .aij file header.

    The Data qualifier is the default. It causes the display of the
    .aij file data blocks (in addition to the file header) in an
    ASCII display format.

    The Nodata qualifier limits the display to the record headers of
    the .aij file.  –  Encrypt


    The Encrypt qualifier decrypts the file of an after-image journal

    Specify a key value as a string or the name of a predefined key.
    If no algorithm name is specified the default is DESCBC. For
    details on the Value, Name and Algorithm parameters type HELP
    ENCRYPT at the OpenVMS prompt.

    This feature requires the OpenVMS Encrypt product to be installed
    and licensed on your system.

    This feature only works for a newer format backup file which
    has been created using the Format=New_Tape qualifier. You must
    specify the Format=New_Tape qualifier with this command if you
    use the Encrypt qualifier.  –  End


    Specifies the number of the last data block that you want to
    display. The default integer is the number of the last data block
    in the file. If you do not use the End qualifier, Oracle RMU
    displays the entire .aij file.  –  First


    Allows you to specify where you want the dump output to begin.
    (See the Last=(select-list) qualifier for the end of the range.)
    If you specify more than one keyword in the select-list, separate
    the keywords with commas and enclose the list in parentheses.
    If you specify multiple items in the select list, the first
    occurrence is the one that will activate Oracle RMU. For example,
    if you specify First=(Block=100,TSN=0:52),the dump will start
    when either block 100 or TSN 52 is encountered.

    The First and Last qualifiers are optional. You can specify both,
    either, or neither of them. The keywords specified for the First
    qualifier can differ from the keywords specified for the Last

    The select-list of the First qualifier consists of a list of one
    or more of the following keywords:

    o  BLOCK=block-number

       Specifies the first block in the AIJ journal.

    o  RECORD=record-number

       Specifies the first record in the AIJ journal. This is the
       same as the existing Start qualifier, which is still supported
       but obsolete.

    o  TID=tid

       Specifies the first TID in the AIJ journal.

    o  TIME=date_time

       Specifies the first date and time in the AIJ journal, using
       absolute or delta date-time format.

    o  TSN=tsn

       Specifies the first TSN in the AIJ journal, using the standard
       [n:]m TSN format.

    By default, the entire .aij file is dumped.  –  Format


    Specifies whether the backup or optimized .aij file was written
    in the old (disk-optimized) or the new (tape-optimized) format.
    If you enter the RMU Dump After_Journal command without the
    Format qualifier, the default is the Format=Old_Tape qualifier.
    You must specify the same Format qualifier as was used with the
    RMU Backup After_Journal command or the RMU Optimize After_
    Journal command. If your .aij file resides on disk, you should
    use the Format=Old_File qualifier.

    If you specified the Format=Old_File qualifier when you optimized
    or backed up the .aij file to tape, you must mount the backup
    media by using the DCL MOUNT command before you issue the RMU
    Dump After_Journal command. Because the RMU Dump After_Journal
    command uses RMS to read the tape, the tape must be mounted as
    an OpenVMS volume (that is, do not specify the /FOREIGN qualifier
    with the MOUNT command).

    If you specify the Format=New_Tape qualifier, you must mount the
    backup media by using the DCL MOUNT /FOREIGN command before you
    issue the RMU Dump After_Journal command.

    Similarly, if you specify OpenVMS access (you do not specify
    the /FOREIGN qualifier on the DCL MOUNT command) although your
    .aij backup was created using the Format=New_Tape qualifier, you
    receive an RMU-F-MOUNTFOR error.

    The following tape qualifiers have meaning only when used in
    conjunction with the Format=New_Tape qualifier:

       Rewind  –  Label


    Specifies the 1- to 6-character string with which the volumes
    of the backup file have been labeled. The Label qualifier is
    applicable only to tape volumes. You must specify one or more
    label names when you use the Label qualifier.

    You can specify a list of tape labels for multiple tapes. If you
    list multiple tape label names, separate the names with commas
    and enclose the list of names within parentheses.

    In a normal dump after-journal operation, the Label qualifier
    you specify with the RMU Dump After_Journal command should be
    the same Label qualifier you specified with the RMU Backup After_
    Journal command to back up your after-image journal file.

    The Label qualifier can be used with indirect file references.
    See Indirect-Command-Files for more information.  –  Larea


    Identifies a logical database storage area by number. Dump output
    is limited to the specified area. The minimum value is 0.  –  Last


    Allows you to specify where you want the dump output to end. (See
    the First=(select-list) qualifier for the beginning range.) If
    you specify more than one keyword in the select-list, separate
    the keywords with commas and enclose the list in parentheses.
    If you specify multiple items in the select list, the first
    occurrence is the one that will activate Oracle RMU.

    The First and Last qualifiers are optional. You can specify both,
    either, or neither of them. The keywords specified for the First
    qualifier can differ from the keywords specified for the Last

    The select-list of the Last qualifier consists of a list of one
    or more of the following keywords:

    o  BLOCK=block-number

       Specifies the last block in the AIJ journal.

    o  RECORD=record-number

       Specifies the last record in the AIJ journal. This is the same
       as the existing End qualifier, which is still supported but

    o  TID=tid

       Specifies the last TID in the AIJ journal.

    o  TIME=date_time

       Specifies the last date and time in the AIJ journal, using
       absolute or delta date-time format.

    o  TSN=tsn

       Specifies the last TSN in the AIJ journal, using the standard
       [n:]m TSN format.

    By default, the entire .aij file is dumped.  –  Librarian


    Use the Librarian qualifier to restore files from data archiving
    software applications that support the Oracle Media Management
    interface. The file name specified on the command line identifies
    the stream of data to be retrieved from the Librarian utility. If
    you supply a device specification or a version number it will be

    Oracle RMU supports retrieval using the Librarian qualifier only
    for data that has been previously stored by Oracle RMU using the
    Librarian qualifer.

    The Librarian qualifier accepts the following options:

    o  Trace_file=file-specification

       The Librarian utility writes trace data to the specified file.

    o  Level_Trace=n

       Use this option as a debugging tool to specify the level of
       trace data written by the Librarian utility. You can use a
       pre-determined value of 0, 1, or 2, or a higher value defined
       by the Librarian utility. The pre-determined values are :

       -  Level 0 traces all error conditions. This is the default.

       -  Level 1 traces the entry and exit from each Librarian

       -  Level 2 traces the entry and exit from each Librarian
          function, the value of all function parameters, and the
          first 32 bytes of each read/write buffer, in hexadecimal.

    o  Logical_Names=(logical_name=equivalence-value,...)

       You can use this option to specify a list of process logical
       names that the Librarian utility can use to specify catalogs
       or archives where Oracle Rdb backup files are stored,
       Librarian debug logical names, and so on. See the specific
       Librarian documentation for the definition of logical names.
       The list of process logical names is defined by Oracle RMU
       prior to the start of any Oracle RMU command that accesses the
       Librarian utility.

    The following OpenVMS logical names must be defined for use with
    a Librarian utility before you execute an Oracle RMU backup or
    restore operation. Do not use the Logical_Names option provided
    with the Librarian qualifier to define these logical names.


       This logical name must be defined so that the shareable
       Librarian image can be loaded and called by Oracle RMU backup
       and restore operations. The translation must include the file
       type (for example, .exe), and must not include a version
       number. The shareable Librarian image must be an installed
       (known) image. See the Librarian utility documentation for
       the name and location of this image and how it should be


       This logical name is not required. If it is defined, Oracle
       RMU will display debug tracing information messages from
       modules that make calls to the Librarian shareable image.

    You cannot use device specific qualifiers such as Rewind,
    Density, or Label with the Librarian qualifier because the
    Librarian utility handles the storage meda, not Oracle RMU.  –  Line


    Identifies a database line number. Dump output is limited to
    the specified line. The minimum value is 0. This qualifier is
    intended for use during analysis or debugging.  –  Media Loader


    Use the Media_Loader qualifier to specify that the tape device
    from which the file is being read has a loader or stacker. Use
    the Nomedia_Loader qualifier to specify that the tape device does
    not have a loader or stacker.

    By default, if a tape device has a loader or stacker, Oracle
    RMU should recognize this fact. However, occasionally Oracle RMU
    does not recognize that a tape device has a loader or stacker.
    Therefore, when the first tape has been read, Oracle RMU issues a
    request to the operator for the next tape, instead of requesting
    the next tape from the loader or stacker. Similarly, sometimes
    Oracle RMU behaves as though a tape device has a loader or
    stacker when actually it does not.

    If you find that Oracle RMU is not recognizing that your tape
    device has a loader or stacker, specify the Media_Loader
    qualifier. If you find that Oracle RMU expects a loader or
    stacker when it should not, specify the Nomedia_Loader qualifier.  –  Only


    Allows you to specify one select list item to output. (See also
    the First=(select-list) and Last=(select-list) qualifiers for
    specifying a range.) If you specify more than one keyword in the
    select-list, separate the keywords with commas and enclose the
    list in parentheses. If you specify multiple items in the select
    list, the first occurrence is the one that will activate Oracle

    The Only qualifier is optional.

    The select-list of the Only qualifier consists of a list of one
    or more of the following keywords:

    o  TID=tid

       Specifies a TID in the AIJ journal.

    o  TSN=tsn

       Specifies a TSN in the AIJ journal, using the standard [n:]m
       TSN format.

    o  Type=type-list

       Specifies the types of records to be dumped. The type-list
       consists of a list of one or more of the following keywords:

       -  Ace_header

          Type=A records

       -  Checkpoint

          Type=B records

       -  Close

          Type=K records

       -  Commit

          Type=C records

       -  Data

          Type=D records

       -  Group

          Type=G records

       -  Information

          Type=N records

       -  Open

          Type=O records

       -  Optimize_information

          Type=I records

       -  Prepare

          Type=V records

       -  Rollback

          Type=R records

    By default, the entire .aij file is dumped.  –  Option


    The Option=Statistics qualifier specifies that you want Oracle
    RMU to include statistics on how frequently database pages are
    referenced by the data records in the .aij file. In addition, if
    the database root file is available, the output created by the
    Options=Statistics qualifier includes the value to specify for
    the Aij_Buffers qualifier of the RMU Recover command. If several
    .aij files will be used in your recovery operation, perform an
    RMU Dump After_Journal on each .aij file and add the recommended
    Aij_Buffer values. Use the total as the value you specify with
    the Aij_Buffers qualifier. See Example 2 in the Examples help
    entry under this command for an example using this qualifier.

    Note that the value recommended for the RMU Recover command's
    Aij_Buffers qualifier is the exact number of buffers required
    by the data records in the specified .aij file. If you specify
    fewer buffers, you may see more I/O, but you will not necessarily
    see performance degrade. (Performance also depends on whether
    asynchronous batch-writes are enabled.)

    Using more buffers than are recommended may result in your
    process doing more paging than required, and if so, performance

    If you specify the recommended value, note that this does not
    mean that no buffers are replaced during the recovery operation.
    The Oracle RMU buffer replacement strategy is affected by
    whether asynchronous prefetches and asynchronous batch-writes are
    enabled, and on the contents of the buffers before the recovery
    operation begins.

    If the database root file is not available, the Option=Statistics
    qualifier does not provide a value for the RMU Recover command's
    Aij_Buffers qualifier. However, it does provide the statistics on
    the frequency with which each page is accessed.

    Specify the Option=Nostatistics qualifier to suppress .aij
    statistics generation.

    The default for the RMU Dump After_Journal command is
    Option=Statistics.  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output will be sent. The
    default is SYS$OUTPUT. The default file type is .lis, if you
    specify a file name.  –  Page


    Identifies a database page number. Dump output is limited to
    the specified page. The minimum value is 1. This qualifier is
    intended for use during analysis or debugging.  –  Prompt


    Specifies where server prompts are to be sent. When you specify
    Prompt=Automatic, prompts are sent to the standard input device,
    and when you specify Prompt=Operator, prompts are sent to the
    server console. When you specify Prompt=Client, prompts are sent
    to the client system.  –  Rewind


    Specifies that the magnetic tape that contains the backup file
    will be rewound before processing begins. The tape is searched
    for the backup file starting at the beginning-of-tape (BOT). The
    Norewind qualifier is the default and causes a search for the
    backup file to be started at the current tape position.

    The Rewind and Norewind qualifiers are applicable only to tape
    devices.  –  Start


    Specifies the number of the first data block that you want to
    display. If you do not use the Start qualifier, the display
    begins with the first record in the .aij file.  –  State


    Specifies a list of all records associated with unresolved

    For more information on listing unresolved transactions with
    the RMU Dump After_Journal command, see the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to
    Distributed Transactions.

14.2.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  The First and Last qualifiers have been added to make
       dumping portions of the .aij file easier. The Start and End
       qualifiers were intended to provide similar functionality,
       but are difficult to use because you seldom know, nor can you
       determine, the AIJ record number prior to issuing the command.

    o  Be careful when searching for TSNs or TIDs as they are not
       ordered in the AIJ journal. For example, if you want to
       search for a specific TSN, use the Only qualifier and not
       the First and Last qualifiers. For example, assume the AIJ
       journal contains records for TSN 150, 170, and 160 (in that
       order). If you specify the First=TSN=160 and Last=TSN=160
       qualifiers, nothing will be dumped because TSN 170 will match
       the Last=TSN=160 criteria.

    o  To use the RMU Dump After_Journal command for an .aij file,
       you must have the RMU$DUMP privilege in the root file access
       control list (ACL) for the database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or
       BYPASS privilege.

    o  You receive a file access error message regarding the
       database's .aij file if you issue the RMU Dump After_Journal
       command with the active .aij file when there are active
       processes updating the database. To avoid the file access
       error message, use the RMU Close command to close the database
       (which stops entries to the .aij file), then issue the RMU
       Dump After_Journal command.

    o  See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for
       information on the steps Oracle RMU follows for tape label
       checking when you execute an RMU Dump After_Journal command
       using magnetic tapes.

    o  Use of the wrong value for the Format qualifier typically
       results in a failure, but sometimes may produce unintelligible

    o  The RMU Dump After_Journal command does not validate the file
       being dumped. If the file is not an .aij file or a backup
       of an .aij file, the RMU Dump After_Journal command produces
       unintelligible output.

14.2.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command generates a list of records associated with
    unresolved transactions in the .aij file:


    Example 2

    The following example shows the value to specify with the Aij_
    Buffers qualifier along with information on how frequently each
    page is accessed. The output from this example shows that you
    should specify the Aij_Buffers=29 qualifier when you recover
    aij_one.aij. In addition, it shows that pages (1:623-625) were
    referenced 37 times which means that 8.9% of all data records in
    the dumped after-image journal file reference this page.

    Use "/AIJ_BUFFERS=29" when recovering this AIJ journal
    1 recovery buffer referenced 37 times (1:623-625): 8.9%
    1 recovery buffer referenced 23 times (4:23-25): 5.5%
    1 recovery buffer referenced 22 times (4:5-7): 5.3%
    1 recovery buffer referenced 21 times (4:44-46): 5.0%
    1 recovery buffer referenced 20 times (4:50-52): 4.8%
    1 recovery buffer referenced 19 times (4:41-43): 4.6%
    2 recovery buffers referenced 18 times (4:38-40): 8.7%
    1 recovery buffer referenced 17 times (4:17-19): 4.1%
    1 recovery buffer referenced 16 times (4:29-31): 3.8%
    2 recovery buffers referenced 15 times (4:35-37): 7.2%
    1 recovery buffer referenced 14 times (4:2-4): 3.3%
    2 recovery buffers referenced 13 times (4:11-13): 6.3%
    3 recovery buffers referenced 12 times (4:8-10): 8.7%
    2 recovery buffers referenced 11 times (5:2-4): 5.3%
    4 recovery buffers referenced 10 times (4:14-16): 9.7%
    1 recovery buffer referenced 9 times (4:47-49): 2.1%
    2 recovery buffers referenced 8 times (1:617-619): 3.8%
    1 recovery buffer referenced 6 times (4:20-22): 1.4%
    1 recovery buffer referenced 2 times (1:503-505): 0.4%
    Journal effectiveness: 97.3%
    175 data records
    412 data modification records
    423 total modification records
    2 commit records
    3 rollback records

    See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance and the Oracle
    Rdb7 Guide to Distributed Transactions for more examples of the
    RMU Dump After_Journal command.

    Example 3

    The following example shows how to start a dump from Block 100 or
    TSN 52, whichever occurs first.

    $ RMU/DUMP/AFTER_JOURNAL /FIRST=(BLOCK=100,TSN=0:52) mf_personnel.aij

    Example 4

    This example shows how to dump committed records only.


    Example 5

    This example shows the dump output when you specify an area, a
    page, and a line.

    RMU/DUMP/AFTER_JOURNAL/AREA=3/PAGE=560/LINE=1 mf_personnel.aij

    * Oracle Rdb X7.1-00                                     3-NOV-2005
    * Dump of After Image Journal

    2/4              TYPE=D, LENGTH=122, TAD= 3-NOV-2005 10:31:12.56, CSM=00
        TID=6, TSN=0:640, AIJBL_START_FLG=01, FLUSH=00, SEQUENCE=1
            MODIFY: PDBK=3:560:1, LDBID=0, PSN=0, FLAGS=00, LENGTH=84

                                0022  0000  line 1 (3:560:1) record type 34
                             00 0001  0002  Control information
                                      ....  79 bytes of static data

    86726576696C6F54343631303000010D  0005   data '...00164Toliver.'
    5020363431411120846E69766C410420  0015   data ' .Alvin. .A146 P'
    009820876563616C50206C6C656E7261  0025   data 'arnell Place. ..'
    3330484E12208B6175726F636F684307  0035   data '.Chocorua. .NH03'
      20F03100630F72B31C00004D373138  0045   data '817M...³r.c.1ð '

    2/6              TYPE=D, LENGTH=224, TAD= 3-NOV-2005 10:31:12.56, CSM=00
        TID=6, TSN=0:641, AIJBL_START_FLG=01, FLUSH=00, SEQUENCE=3
            MODIFY: PDBK=3:560:1, LDBID=0, PSN=1, FLAGS=00, LENGTH=84

                                0022  0000  line 1 (3:560:1) record type 34
                             00 0001  0002  Control information
                                      ....  79 bytes of static data
    86726576696C6F54343631303000010D  0005   data '...00164Toliver.'
    5020363431411120846E69766C410420  0015   data ' .Alvin. .A146 P'
    009820876563616C50206C6C656E7261  0025   data 'arnell Place. ..'
    3330484E12208B6175726F636F684307  0035   data '.Chocorua. .NH03'
      20F03100630F72B31C00004D373138  0045   data '817M...³r.c.1ð '

    3/9              TYPE=D, LENGTH=330, TAD= 3-NOV-2005 10:31:12.73, CSM=00
        TID=6, TSN=0:642, AIJBL_START_FLG=01, FLUSH=00, SEQUENCE=5
            MODIFY: PDBK=3:560:1, LDBID=0, PSN=2, FLAGS=00, LENGTH=84

                                0022  0000  line 1 (3:560:1) record type 34
                             00 0001  0002  Control information
                                      ....  79 bytes of static data
    86726576696C6F54343631303000010D  0005   data '...00164Toliver.'
    5020363431411120846E69766C410420  0015   data ' .Alvin. .A146 P'
    009820876563616C50206C6C656E7261  0025   data 'arnell Place. ..'
    3330484E12208B6175726F636F684307  0035   data '.Chocorua. .NH03'
      20F03100630F72B31C00004D373138  0045   data '817M...³r.c.1ð '

    Use "/AIJ_BUFFERS=3" when recovering this AIJ journal.
    Make sure you have enough working set and pagefile quota
    for the recommended number of buffers.

    1 recovery buffer referenced 3 times (3:559-561): 50.0%
    1 recovery buffer referenced 2 times (3:436-438): 33.3%
    1 recovery buffer referenced 1 time (3:134-136): 16.6%
    Journal effectiveness: 54.5%

    3 data records
    6 data modification records
    11 total modification records
    3 commit records

14.3  –  Backup File

    Displays or writes to a specified output file the contents of a
    backup file. Use this command to examine the contents of a backup
    (.rbf) file created by the RMU Backup command.

14.3.1  –  Description

    The RMU Dump Backup_File command reads an .rbf file and displays
    the contents. It uses an .rbf file, not a database file, as its
    parameter, and is a separate command from the RMU Dump command.
    The output captures unrecoverable media errors and indicates if
    there are unknown backup blocks on tape. This command can can
    be used to confirm that a backup file is formatted correctly and
    that the media is readable for the RMU Restore command.


       Successful completion of this command does not guarantee
       that data in a backup file is uncorrupt, nor that the backup
       file is complete, nor that a restore operation will succeed.

    Use the Root, Full, or Debug option to the Option qualifier to
    dump the database backup header information. The database backup
    header information includes the name of the backup file and
    the "Backup file database version". The "Backup file database
    version" is the version of Oracle Rdb that was executing at
    the time the backup file was created. The "Oracle Rdb structure
    level" listed in the section entitled "Database Parameters" is
    the currently executing version of Oracle Rdb.

    The backup header information is contained on the first volume of
    a database backup file on tape.

14.3.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Dump/Backup_File backup-file-name

     Command Qualifiers                     x Defaults
     /Active_IO=max-reads                   x /Active_IO=3
     /Area=identity                         x None
     /Disk_File=[(Reader_Threads=n)]        x /Disk_file=(Reader_Threads=1)
     /Encrypt=({Value=|Name=}[,Algorithm=]) x See description
     /End=integer                           x See description
     /Journal=file-name                     x See description
     /Label=(label-name-list)               x See description
     /Librarian[=options]                   x None
     /[No]Media_Loader                      x See description
     /Options=options-list                  x See description
     /Output=file-name                      x /Output=SYS$OUTPUT
     /Process=process-list                  x See description
     /Prompt={Automatic|Operator|Client}    x See description
     /Restore_Options=file-name             x None
     /[No]Rewind                            x /Norewind
     /Skip=skip-list                        x See description
     /Start=integer                         x See description

14.3.3  –  Parameters  –  backup-file-spec

    A file specification for the backup file. The default file type
    is .rbf.

    If you use multiple tape drives, the backup-file-spec parameter
    must include the tape device specifications. Separate the device
    specifications with commas. For example:

    $ RMU/DUMP/BACKUP_FILE $111$MUA0:PERS_FULL.rbf,$112$MUA1: -
    _$ /LABEL=BACK01

    When multiple volume tape files are processed, Oracle RMU
    dismounts and unloads all but the last volume containing the
    file, which is the customary practice for multiple volume tape
    files. See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for more
    information on using multiple tape drives.

14.3.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Active IO


    Specifies the maximum number of read operations from the
    backup file that the RMU Dump Backup_File command will attempt
    simultaneously. The value of the Active_IO qualifier can range
    from 1 to 5. The default value is 3. Values larger than 3 might
    improve performance with multiple tape drives.  –  Area


    Only dump the storage area identified by the specified name or
    ID number. The area name must be the name of a storage area in
    the database root file and the area ID number must be a storage
    area ID number in the database root file. This information is
    contained in the "Database Parameters:" section of the backup
    file which is output at the start of the dump. Snapshot areas are
    not contained in the backup file and cannot be specified. If this
    qualifier is used without the /START and /END qualifiers, all
    page records in the specified storage area will be output.  –  Disk File


    Specifies that you want to dump a multiple disk backup file. This
    is a backup file that was created by the RMU Backup command with
    the Disk_File qualifier.

    The Reader_Threads keyword specifies the number of threads that
    Oracle RMU should use when performing a multithreaded read
    operation from disk files. You can specify no more than one
    reader thread per device specified on the command line (or in the
    command parameter options file). By default, one reader thread is

    This qualifier and all qualifiers that control tape operations
    (Label, Media_Loader, and Rewind) are mutually exclusive.  –  Encrypt


    Specify a key value as a string or, the name of a predefined
    key. If no algorithm name is specified the default is DESCBC.
    For details on the Value, Name and Algorithm parameters see HELP

    This feature requires the OpenVMS Encrypt product to be installed
    and licensed on this system.  –  End


    Only dump pages ending with the specified page number in the
    specified storage area. This qualifier cannot be used unless
    the /AREA qualifier is also specified. If no pages are dumped,
    either the specified page or range of pages does not exist in
    the specified area in the backup file, or this qualifier has been
    used in the same RMU/DUMP/BACKUP command as an /OPTIONS, /SKIP or
    /PROCESS qualifier option that has excluded the specified page or
    range of pages from the dump. If this qualifier is not used with
    the /START qualifier, all page records in the specified storage
    area ending with the specified page number will be output.

    If both the /START and /END qualifiers are specified, the
    starting page number must be less than or equal to the ending
    page number. If the starting page number equals the ending page
    number only the page records for the specified page number are
    dumped. The block header for each block which contains at least
    one of the requested pages is dumped followed by the requested
    page records in that block. The START AREA record is dumped at
    the start of requested page records and the END AREA record is
    dumped at the end of the requested page records. By default, the
    database root parameters are dumped at the very start following
    the dump header.  –  Journal


    Allows you improve tape performance by the dump backup file
    operation by specifying the journal file created by the RMU
    Backup command with the Journal qualifier.

    The RMU Backup command with the Journal qualifier creates the
    journal file and writes to it a description of the backup
    operation, including identification of the tape volumes, their
    contents, and the tape drive name.

    The RMU Dump Backup File with the Journal qualifier directs
    the RMU Dump Backup_File command to read the journal file
    and identify the tape volumes when the Label qualifier is not

    The journal file must be the one created at the time the backup
    operation was performed. If the wrong journal file is supplied,
    an informational message is generated, and the specified journal
    file is not used to identify the volumes to be processed.  –  Label


    Specifies the 1- to 6-character string with which the volumes
    of the backup file have been labeled. The Label qualifier is
    applicable only to tape volumes. You must specify one or more
    label names when you use the Label qualifier.

    You can specify a list of tape labels for multiple tapes. If you
    list multiple tape label names, separate the names with commas,
    and enclose the list of names within parentheses.

    In a normal dump backup operation, the Label qualifier you
    specify with the RMU Dump Backup_File command should be the same
    Label qualifier as you specified with the RMU Backup command that
    backed up your database.

    If no label is specified, the system will internally generate one
    consisting of the first six characters in the backup-file-spec

    See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for information
    on tape label processing.

    The Label qualifier can be used with indirect file references.
    See Indirect-Command-Files for more information.  –  Librarian


    Use the Librarian qualifier to restore files from data archiving
    software applications that support the Oracle Media Management
    interface. The file name specified on the command line identifies
    the stream of data to be retrieved from the Librarian utility. If
    you supply a device specification or a version number it will be

    Oracle RMU supports retrieval using the Librarian qualifier only
    for data that has been previously stored by Oracle RMU using the
    Librarian qualifer.

    The Librarian qualifier accepts the following options:

    o  Reader_Threads=n

       Use the Reader_Threads option to specify the number of backup
       data streams to read from the Librarian utility. The value of
       n can be from 1 to 99. The default is one reader thread. The
       streams are named BACKUP_FILENAME.EXT, BACKUP_FILENAME.EXT02,
       FILENAME.EXT is the backup file name specified in the RMU
       Backup command.

       The number of reader threads specified for a database restore
       from the Librarian utility should be equal to or less than the
       number of writer threads specified for the database backup.
       If the number of reader threads exceeds the number of writer
       threads, the number of reader threads is set by Oracle RMU
       to be equal to the number of data streams actually stored
       in the Librarian utility by the backup. If the number of
       reader threads specified for the restore is less than the
       number of writer threads specified for the backup, Oracle RMU
       will partition the data streams among the specified reader
       threads so that all data streams representing the database are

       The Volumes qualifier cannot be used with the Librarian
       qualifer. Oracle RMU sets the volume number to be the actual
       number of data streams stored in the specified Librarian

    o  Trace_file=file-specification

       The Librarian utility writes trace data to the specified file.

    o  Level_Trace=n

       Use this option as a debugging tool to specify the level of
       trace data written by the Librarian utility. You can use a
       pre-determined value of 0, 1, or 2, or a higher value defined
       by the Librarian utility. The pre-determined values are :

       -  Level 0 traces all error conditions. This is the default.

       -  Level 1 traces the entry and exit from each Librarian

       -  Level 2 traces the entry and exit from each Librarian
          function, the value of all function parameters, and the
          first 32 bytes of each read/write buffer, in hexadecimal.

    o  Logical_Names=(logical_name=equivalence-value,...)

       You can use this option to specify a list of process logical
       names that the Librarian utility can use to specify catalogs
       or archives where Oracle Rdb backup files are stored,
       Librarian debug logical names, and so on. See the specific
       Librarian documentation for the definition of logical names.
       The list of process logical names is defined by Oracle RMU
       prior to the start of any Oracle RMU command that accesses the
       Librarian utility.

    The following OpenVMS logical names must be defined for use with
    a Librarian utility before you execute an Oracle RMU backup or
    restore operation. Do not use the Logical_Names option provided
    with the Librarian qualifier to define these logical names.


       This logical name must be defined so that the shareable
       Librarian image can be loaded and called by Oracle RMU backup
       and restore operations. The translation must include the file
       type (for example, .exe), and must not include a version
       number. The shareable Librarian image must be an installed
       (known) image. See the Librarian implementation documentation
       for the name and location of this image and how it should be
       installed. For a parallel RMU backup, define RMU$LIBRARIAN_
       PATH as a system-wide logical name so that the multiple
       processes created by a parallel backup can all translate the

       _$ RMU$LIBRARIAN_PATH librarian_shareable_image.exe


       This logical name is not required. If it is defined, Oracle
       RMU will display debug tracing information messages from
       modules that make calls to the Librarian shareable image.
       For a parallel RMU backup, the RMU$DEBUG_SBT logical should
       be defined as a system logical so that the multiple processes
       created by a parallel backup can all translate the logical.

    The following lines are from a backup plan file created by the
    RMU Backup/Parallel/Librarian command:

        Backup File = MF_PERSONNEL.RBF
        Style = Librarian
        Librarian_trace_level = #
        Librarian_logical_names = (-
                 logical_name_1=equivalence_value_1, -
        Writer_threads = #

    The "Style = Librarian" entry specifies that the backup is going
    to a Librarian utility. The "Librarian_logical_names" entry is
    a list of logical names and their equivalence values. This is an
    optional parameter provided so that any logical names used by a
    particular Librarian utility can be defined as process logical
    names before the backup or restore operation begins. For example,
    some Librarian utilities provide support for logical names for
    specifying catalogs or debugging.

    You cannot use device specific qualifiers such as Rewind,
    Density, or Label with the Librarian qualifier because the
    Librarian utility handles the storage meda, not Oracle RMU.  –  Media Loader


    Use the Media_Loader qualifier to specify that the tape device
    from which the backup file is being read has a loader or stacker.
    Use the Nomedia_Loader qualifier to specify that the tape device
    does not have a loader or stacker.

    By default, if a tape device has a loader or stacker, Oracle
    RMU should recognize this fact. However, occasionally Oracle RMU
    does not recognize that a tape device has a loader or stacker.
    Therefore, when the first tape has been read, Oracle RMU issues a
    request to the operator for the next tape, instead of requesting
    the next tape from the loader or stacker. Similarly, sometimes
    Oracle RMU behaves as though a tape device has a loader or
    stacker when actually it does not.

    If you find that Oracle RMU is not recognizing that your tape
    device has a loader or stacker, specify the Media_Loader
    qualifier. If you find that Oracle RMU expects a loader or
    stacker when it should not, specify the Nomedia_Loader qualifier.  –  Options


    Specifies the type of information and level of detail the output
    will include. If you do not specify the Options qualifier or if
    you specify the Options=Normal qualifier, the backup file will
    be read, but dump output is not generated. This is useful for
    confirming that the backup file is structured correctly and
    the media is readable for the RMU Restore command. However,
    this command does not indicate if the data in a backup file is
    corrupted, nor does it guarantee that a restore operation will

    If you specify more than one option, you must separate the
    options with a comma, and enclose the options-list parameter
    within parentheses. Eight types of output are available:

    o  Records

       Dumps the backup file record structure.

    o  Blocks

       Dumps the backup file block structure.

    o  Data

       The Data option can be used with either the Records option,
       the Blocks option, or both. When specified with the Records
       and Blocks options, the Data option dumps the contents of the
       backup file's records and blocks. When you do not specify the
       Data option, the Records and Blocks options dump the backup
       file's record structure and block structure only, not their

    o  Journal

       Dumps the contents of the journal file.

       Use the Journal option of the RMU Dump Backup_File command to
       direct Oracle RMU to dump the journal file created with the
       RMU Backup command with the Journal qualifier. The RMU Backup
       command with the Journal qualifier creates a journal file
       to which it writes a description of the backup operation,
       including identification of the tape volumes and their
       contents. You can use the output of the RMU Dump Backup_File
       with the Journal qualifier to identify the contents of each of
       the tapes that comprises the backup file.

    o  Root

       Dumps the database root file contents as recorded in the
       backup file. This includes a dump of the database backup
       header information.

    o  Normal

       The backup file will be read, but no dump output is generated.
       This is useful to verify the integrity of the backup file
       format and to detect media errors.

    o  Full

       Specifying the Full option is the same as specifying the Root,
       Records, and Blocks options. Includes a dump of the database
       backup header information. The contents of the backup file's
       record structure and block structure are not dumped when the
       Full option is specified.

    o  Debug

       Specifying the Debug option is the same as specifying the
       Root, Records, Blocks, Full, and Data options. The contents
       of the backup file's header, record structure, and block
       structure are dumped when the Debug option is specified.  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output will be sent. The
    default is SYS$OUTPUT. The default output file type is .lis, if
    you specify a file name.  –  Process


    Specifies a list of keywords that determines how much of the
    backup file is to be dumped. If you specify more than one type
    of process-list option, separate the options with a comma, and
    enclose the process-list parameter within parentheses. You can
    specify the following three items in the process-list parameter:

    o  Volumes=integer

       The number of volumes to dump, starting at the position
       specified in the Skip qualifier for volumes. This option is
       ignored if the backup file does not reside on tape.

    o  Blocks=integer

       The number of blocks to dump, starting at the position
       specified in the Skip qualifier for blocks. This option is
       ignored if the backup file does not reside on tape.

    o  Records=integer

       The number of records to dump, starting at the position
       specified in the Skip qualifier for records. This option is
       valid regardless of whether the backup file resides on tape or
       disk.  –  Prompt


    Specifies where server prompts are to be sent. When you specify
    Prompt=Automatic, prompts are sent to the standard input device,
    and when you specify Prompt=Operator, prompts are sent to the
    server console. When you specify Prompt=Client, prompts are sent
    to the client system.  –  Restore Options


    Generates an options file designed to be used with the Options
    qualifier of the RMU Restore command.

    The Restore_Options file is created after the root information
    has been read from the backup file.

    By default, a Restore_Options file is not created. If you
    specify the Restore_Options qualifier and a file, but not a file
    extension, Oracle RMU uses an extension of .opt by default.  –  Rewind


    Specifies that the magnetic tape that contains the backup file
    will be rewound before processing begins. The Norewind qualifier
    is the default.

    The Rewind and Norewind qualifiers are applicable only to tape
    devices. You should use these qualifiers only when the target
    device is a tape device.

    See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for information
    on tape label processing.  –  Skip


    Specifies a list of keywords that determines where the output
    display begins. The keywords indicate the position in the backup
    file from which to start the dump. If you specify more than one
    type of Skip position, separate the options with a comma, and
    enclose the skip-list parameter in parentheses. You can specify
    the following three items in the skip-list parameter:

    o  Volumes=integer

       The number of volumes to ignore before starting. This option
       is ignored if the backup file does not reside on tape.

    o  Blocks=integer

       The number of blocks to ignore before starting. This option is
       ignored if the backup file does not reside on tape.

    o  Records=integer

       The number of records to ignore before starting. This option
       is valid regardless of whether the backup file resides on tape
       or disk.  –  Start


    Only dump pages starting with the specified page number in the
    specified storage area. This qualifier cannot be used unless
    the /AREA qualifier is also specified. If no pages are dumped,
    either the specified page or range of pages does not exist in
    the specified area in the backup file, or this qualifier has been
    used in the same RMU/DUMP/BACKUP command as an /OPTIONS, /SKIP or
    /PROCESS qualifier option that has excluded the specified page or
    range of pages from the dump. If this qualifier is not used with
    the /END qualifier, all page records in the specified storage
    area starting with the specified page number will be output.

    If both the /START and /END qualifiers are specified, the
    starting page number must be less than or equal to the ending
    page number. If the starting page number equals the ending page
    number only the page records for the specified page number are
    dumped. The block header for each block which contains at least
    one of the requested pages is dumped followed by the requested
    page records in that block. The START AREA record is dumped at
    the start of requested page records and the END AREA record is
    dumped at the end of the requested page records. By default, the
    database root parameters are dumped at the very start following
    the dump header.

14.3.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Dump Backup_File command for a database, you
       must have the RMU$DUMP, RMU$BACKUP, or RMU$RESTORE privileges
       in the root file access control list (ACL) for the database or
       the OpenVMS BYPASS privilege.

       You must also have read access to the .rbf file.

    o  If you do not specify the Options qualifier or if you specify
       the Options=Normal qualifier, the backup file will be read,
       but dump output will not be generated. This is useful to
       verify the backup file integrity and to detect media errors.

    o  See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for examples
       that show the RMU Dump Backup_File command.

14.3.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following commands show the use of the Journal qualifier
    with the RMU Backup command and the RMU Dump After_Journal
    command. The first command creates a binary journal file that
    identifies the tapes used in the backup operation. The second
    command directs Oracle RMU to read the backup file (using the
    tapes identified in the BACKUP_JOURNAL.JNL file) to confirm that
    the backup file is structured correctly and the media is readable
    for the RMU Restore command. No dump output is generated because
    the Option qualifier is not specified.



    Example 2

    The following commands show the use of the Journal qualifier with
    the RMU Backup command and then with the RMU Dump Backup command.
    The first command creates a binary journal file that identifies
    the tapes used in the backup operation. The second command dumps
    the binary journal file created in the first command in ASCII



    Example 3

    The following example demonstrates the use of the Restore_Options
    qualifier. The first command performs a dump operation on the
    backup file of the mf_personnel database and creates a Restore_
    Options file. The second command shows a portion of the contents
    of the options file. The last command demonstrates the use of the
    options file with the RMU Restore command.

    !  Options file for database DISK1:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1
    !  Created 17-OCT-1995 13:09:57.56
    !  Created by DUMP BACKUP command

            /file=DISK2:[RDA]MF_PERS_DEFAULT.RDA;1 -
            /extension=ENABLED -
            /read_write -
            /spams -
            /snapshot=(allocation=248, -

            /file=DISK3:[RDA]EMPIDS_LOW.RDA;1 -
            /blocks_per_page=2 -
            /extension=ENABLED -
            /read_write -
            /spams -
            /thresholds=(70,85,95) -
            /snapshot=(allocation=10, -

    Example 4

    The following example shows the dump of the page records for page
    10 in storage area 4 in the MFP.RBF backup file. Since the /START
    and /END qualifiers both specify page 10, only the page records
    for that page are dumped. At the start of the dump is the dump
    header, followed by the database root parameters which are not
    shown to save space, followed by the block header, which begins
    with the "HEADER_SIZE" field, for the block which contains the
    records for page 10 in storage area 4, followed by the start area
    record for area 4 (REC_TYPE = 6), the data page header record
    (REC_TYPE = 7) for page 10, the data page data record (REC_TYPE
    (REC_TYPE = 11) which ends the dump.

    * Oracle Rdb V7.2-420                                   11-JAN-2011 15:50:09.25
    * Dump of Database Backup Header
    *     Backup filename: MFP.RBF
    *     Backup file database version: 7.2

    Database Parameters:
    HEADER_SIZE = 80        OS_ID = 1024    UTILITY_ID = 722
    VOL_NUMBER = 1  BLOCK_SIZE = 32256      CRC = 0C5D3A78  NOCRC = 00
    LOW_PNO = 1     HDR_CHECKSUM = 9B3D

    REC_SIZE = 2    REC_TYPE = 6    BADDATA = 00    ROOT = 00
    AREA_ID = 4     LAREA_ID = 0    PNO = 0

    REC_SIZE = 32   REC_TYPE = 7    BADDATA = 00    ROOT = 00
    AREA_ID = 4     LAREA_ID = 0    PNO = 10

    REC_SIZE = 28   REC_TYPE = 8    BADDATA = 00    ROOT = 00
    AREA_ID = 4     LAREA_ID = 0    PNO = 10

    REC_SIZE = 512  REC_TYPE = 11   BADDATA = 00    ROOT = 00
    AREA_ID = 4     LAREA_ID = 0    PNO = 0

    Example 5

    The following example dumps the records for pages 10, 11 and
    12 in the RDB$SYSTEM storage area in the MFP.RBF backup file.
    Following the block header containing the target records that
    starts with "HEADER_SIZE =", are the start area record for
    RDB$SYSTEM area 1 (REC_TYPE = 6), then the target ABM page
    records for pages 10, 11, and 12 (REC_TYPE = 10), and finally
    the end area record for area RDB$SYSTEM area 1 (REC_TYPE = 11)
    which ends the dump.

    * Oracle Rdb V7.2-420                                   14-JAN-2011 14:40:46.88
    * Dump of Database Backup Header
    *     Backup filename: MFP.RBF
    *     Backup file database version: 7.2

    Database Parameters:

    HEADER_SIZE = 80        OS_ID = 1024    UTILITY_ID = 722
    VOL_NUMBER = 1  BLOCK_SIZE = 32256      CRC = 8329C24B  NOCRC = 00
    CRC_ALTERNATE = 00      BACKUP_NAME = MFP.RBF   AREA_ID = 1     HIGH_PNO = 178
    LOW_PNO = 1     HDR_CHECKSUM = 40DE

    REC_SIZE = 2    REC_TYPE = 6    BADDATA = 00    ROOT = 00       AREA_ID = 1
    LAREA_ID = 0    PNO = 0

    REC_SIZE = 10   REC_TYPE = 10   BADDATA = 00    ROOT = 00       AREA_ID = 1
    LAREA_ID = 3    PNO = 10

    REC_SIZE = 10   REC_TYPE = 10   BADDATA = 00    ROOT = 00       AREA_ID = 1
    LAREA_ID = 4    PNO = 11

    REC_SIZE = 10   REC_TYPE = 10   BADDATA = 00    ROOT = 00       AREA_ID = 1
    LAREA_ID = 4    PNO = 12

    REC_SIZE = 512  REC_TYPE = 11   BADDATA = 00    ROOT = 00       AREA_ID = 1
    LAREA_ID = 0    PNO = 0

14.4  –  Export

    Displays the contents of an export interchange (.rbr) file or a
    formatted .unl file created by the RMU Unload command. This is a
    useful debugging tool.

14.4.1  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Dump/Export export_file

     Command Qualifiers                        x Defaults

     /[No]Data                                 x /Data
     /[No]Options[=options-list]               x /Nooptions
     /Output=file-name                         x /Output=SYS$OUTPUT

14.4.2  –  Parameters  –  export-file

    The .rbr file or formatted .unl file to be displayed.

14.4.3  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Data


    The Data qualifier specifies that the contents of segmented
    strings and tables are to be displayed in hexadecimal format
    along with the ASCII translation. Specifying the Nodata qualifier
    excludes the contents of segmented strings and tables from the
    display and generates much less output.

    The default is the Data qualifier.  –  Options=option-list


    The Options qualifier allows the user to modify the output from
    the RMU Dump Export command.

    If you specify more than one option, you must separate the
    options with a comma and enclose the options-list parameter
    within parentheses.


       When importing databases for testing, the full allocation
       recorded in the interchange file is often not required. The
       clauses ALLOCATION and SNAPSHOT ALLOCATION are controlled by
       this option. The default is ALLOCATION. Use NOALLOCATION to
       omit these clauses from the generated SQL script. This option
       is ignored if NOIMPORT_DATABASE is specified or defaulted for
       the OPTIONS qualifier.


       When importing databases for testing, the full file
       specification for the database root, storage areas and
       snapshot areas recorded in the interchange file is often
       not required. The FILENAME clauses are controlled by this
       option which trims the specification to only the filename
       portion. The default is NOFILENAME_ONLY. Use FILENAME_ONLY to
       truncate the file specification in the generated SQL script.
       This option is ignored if NOIMPORT_DATABASE is specified or
       defaulted for the OPTIONS qualifier.


       This option allows the database administrator to display just
       the header portion of the interchange file and avoid dumping
       the data or metadata for every row in the table.


       This keyword requests that the output from RMU Dump Export
       be formatted as a SQL IMPORT DATABASE statement. It uses
       the database attributes present in the interchange file
       formatted as SQL clauses. Of particular interest are the
       CREATE STORAGE AREA clauses which are required to IMPORT the
       source interchange (.rbr) file.

       The keyword HEADER_SECTION is implicitly selected when IMPORT_
       DATABASE is used, limiting the I/O to the interchange file to
       the section containing the database attributes.

       The default is NOIMPORT_DATABASE.  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output is sent. The default
    is SYS$OUTPUT. The default output file type is .lis, if you
    specify a file name.

14.4.4  –  Usage Notes

    o  You do not need Oracle RMU privileges to use the RMU Dump
       Export command. However, you must have OpenVMS read access to
       the .rbr or .unl file, or OpenVMS BYPASS privilege.

    o  If the source interchange file is created by RMU Unload, then
       it does not contain any IMPORT DATABASE information and the
       generated SQL script cannot be used to create a database from
       such an interchange file.

       $ SQL$ @EMP.SQL
       cont>     from 'DISK1:[TESTING]EMPLOYEES.UNL;1'
       cont>     -- ident ' Load/Unload utility'
       cont>     -- backup file version 4
       cont>     -- database ident 'Oracle Rdb V7.2-131'
       cont>     filename 'DB$:MF_PERSONNEL'
       cont> ;
       %SQL-F-EXTRADATA, unexpected data at the end of the .RBR file

    o  The IMPORT_DATABASE option is intended to create a SQL script
       as an aid to the database administrator. Some editing of the
       generated script may be required under some circumstances.

       Only a subset of the database attributes are dumped by RMU
       for the IMPORT_DATABASE output. Continue to use the RMU Dump
       Export Option=NOIMPORT_DATABASE to see all attributes recorded
       in the interchange file.

14.4.5  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following is an example of the RMU Dump Export command using
    the default qualifiers:

 Example 2

    The following is an example of how to use the HEADER_SECTION
    option to display just the header portion of the interchange
    file, and avoid dumping the data or metadata for every row in the


        NONCORE_TEXT HDR_BRP_ID - (20) :  Load/Unload utility
        NONCORE_TEXT HDR_DBS_ID - (18) : Oracle Rdb V7.2-10
        NONCORE_DATE HDR_DB_LOG_BACKUP_DATE - (8) :  3-JUL-2006 16:52:32.83

    In this example, the output describes the creator of the
    interchange file (RMU/UNLOAD), the version of Rdb used to create
    the file, the file specification of the database used, the date
    and time the interchange file was created, and an indication that
    compression was used by RMU Unload.

14.5  –  Recovery Journal

    Displays a recovery-unit journal (.ruj) file in ASCII format. Use
    this command to examine the contents of an .ruj file. You might
    find .ruj files on your system following a system failure.

    An .ruj file contains header information and data blocks. Header
    information describes the data blocks, which contain copies of
    data modified in the database file.

14.5.1  –  Description

    The RMU Dump Recovery_Journal command specifies an .ruj file, not
    a database file, as its parameter, and is a separate command from
    the RMU Dump command used to display database areas and header

    The .ruj file is in binary format. This command translates the
    binary file into an ASCII display format.

14.5.2  –  Format

  (B)0   RMU/Dump/Recovery_Journal ruj-file-name

     Command Qualifiers                        x Defaults
     /[No]Data                                 x /Data
     /Output = file-name                       x /Output=SYS$OUTPUT

14.5.3  –  Parameters  –  ruj-file-name

    The .ruj file. The default file type is .ruj.

14.5.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Data


    Specifies whether you want to display data blocks of the .ruj
    file or just the .ruj file header.

    The Data qualifier is the default. It causes the display of the
    .ruj file data blocks (in addition to the file header) in an
    ASCII display format.

    The Nodata qualifier limits the display to the file header of the
    .ruj file.  –  Output


    The name of the file where output will be sent. The default is
    SYS$OUTPUT. The default output file type is .lis, if you specify
    a file name.

14.5.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  You do not need Oracle RMU privileges to use the RMU Dump
       Recovery_Journal command. However, you must have OpenVMS READ
       access to the .ruj file or OpenVMS BYPASS privilege to use the
       RMU Dump Recovery_Journal command.

    o  The RMU Dump Recovery_Journal command does not validate the
       file being dumped. If the file is not an .ruj file, the output
       from the RMU Dump Recovery_Journal command is unintelligible.

    o  See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for examples
       showing the RMU Dump Recovery_Journal command.

14.6  –  Row Cache

    Allows you to display the in-memory contents of a row cache for
    an open database.

14.6.1  –  Description

    The RMU Dump Row_Cache command is intended for use as a
    diagnostic aid that allows you to display the in-memory contents
    of a row cache for an open database. Use this command to display
    the following information for each row in the specified cache:

    o  GRIC - Address of the GRIC data structure for the cache slot

    o  GRIB - Address of the GRIB data structure for the cache slot

    o  SLOT - Slot number within the cache

    o  NXTGRIC - Slot number of the next slot within the hash chain

    o  LHMTE - Flag values indicating:

       -  L - Row is latched

       -  H - Row is marked Hot (modified since last checkpoint or

       -  M - Row is marked Modified

       -  T - Row is marked Too Big for (or removed from) the cache

       -  E - End of on-disk checkpoint file; should never be seen
          with the RMU Dump Row_Cache command

    o  SNAPPNO - Snapshot pointer (either snapshot page number or
       snapshot slot number

    o  LEN - Length of the row in cache; 0 indicates row has been

    o  ACTLEN - Actual length of allocated space on the database page
       for the row

    o  DBK - Database key for the row

    o  REFCNT - Reference count: number of processes with this row in
       a cache working set

    o  UPD_PID - Process ID of process currently updating the row in

    o  RVNO - In-memory row modification count

    o  TSN - Transaction sequence number of last transaction to
       modify the row

14.6.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Dump/Row_Cache root-file-spec

     Command Qualifiers                        x Defaults
     /Cache_Name=cachename                     x None
     /[No]Data                                 x /Data
     /Output=file-name                         x /Output=SYS$OUTPUT

14.6.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    Specifies the database root file for which you want to dump the
    row_cache contents.

14.6.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Cache Name


    Secifies the name of the cache you want to dump. You must specify
    the cache name.  –  Data


    The Data qualifier specifies that the in-memory content of a row_
    cache is to be displayed in hexadecimal format along with the
    ASCII translation. The Data qualifier is the default.

    Specify the Nodata qualifier to display only header information
    for each cache slot.  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output is to be sent. The
    default is SYS$OUTPUT. If you specify a file name, the default
    output file type is .lis.

15  –  Extract

    Reads and decodes Oracle Rdb metadata and reconstructs equivalent
    statements in Relational Database Operator (RDO) or SQL
    (structured query language) code for the definition of that
    database. These statements can either be displayed or extracted.
    You can use these statements to create your database again if you
    no longer have the RDO or SQL code that defined your database.

    In addition, you can direct the RMU Extract command to produce
    output for the following:

    o  An SQL or RDO IMPORT script (Items=Import)

    o  An RMU Unload command for each table (Items=Unload)

    o  An RMU Load command for each table (Items=Load)

    o  An RMU Set Audit command for the database (Items=Security)

    o  An RMU Verify command for the database (Items=Verify)

15.1  –  Description

    The RMU Extract command decodes information and reconstructs
    equivalent commands in the language you select with the Language
    qualifier for the definition of that database.

    You can extract the definitions to either a file or to

    The RMU Extract command extracts the following character set

    o  For databases:

       -  The database default character set

       -  The national character set

    o  For domains:

       -  The character set of each character data type domain

       -  The length in characters of each character data type

    o  For tables:

       -  The character set of each character data type column

       -  The length in characters of each character data type

    The RMU Extract command may enclose object names in double
    quotation marks to preserve uppercase and lowercase characters,
    special character combinations, or reserved keywords.

15.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Extract root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers                x Defaults
  /Defaults[=defaults-list]         x /Defaults=(quoting_rules=SQL92)
  /Items[=item-list]                x /Items=All
  /Language=lang-name               x /Language=SQL
  /[No]Log[=log-file]               x /Nolog
  /Options=options-list             x /Option=Normal
  /[No]Output[=out-file]            x /Output=SYS$OUTPUT
  /Transaction_Type[=               x See Description
    (transation_mode,options...])   x

15.3  –  Parameters

15.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    The file specification for the database root file from which you
    want to extract definitions. Note that you do not need to specify
    the file extension. If the database root file is not found, the
    command exits with a "file not found" error.

15.4  –  Command Qualifiers

15.4.1  –  Defaults


    This qualifier is used to change the output of the RMU Extract
    command. The following defaults can be modified with the Defaults

    o  Allocation=integer

       When you create a test database using the script generated
       by the RMU Extract command, the allocation from the source
       database may not be appropriate. You can use the Allocation
       keyword to specify an alternate value to be used by all
       storage areas, or you can use the Noallocation keyword to
       omit the clause from the CREATE STORAGE MAP syntax. The
       default behavior, when neither keyword is used, is to use
       the allocation recorded in the database for each storage area.
       See also the Snapshot_Allocation keyword.

    o  Date_Format

       By default, the RMU Extract process assumes that DATE types
       are SQL standard-compliant (that is DATE ANSI) and that the
       built-in function CURRENT_TIMESTAMP returns TIMESTAMP(2)
       values. If your environment uses DATE VMS exclusively, then
       you can modify the default by specifying the default DATE_
       FORMAT=VMS. The legal values are described in the Oracle Rdb
       SQL Reference Manual in the SET DEFAULT DATE FORMAT section.
       The default is Date_Format=SQL92.

       Use Nodate_Format to omit the setting of this session
       attribute from the script.

    o  Dialect

       For some extracted SQL scripts the language dialect must
       be specified. You can use the Dialect keyword to supply a
       specified dialect for the script. You can find the legal
       values for this option in the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual
       in the SET DIALECT section. The default is Nodialect.

    o  Language

       The RMU Extract commmand uses the process language, that is,
       the translated value of SYS$LANGUAGE, or ENGLISH, for the
       SET LANGUAGE command. However, if the script is used on a
       different system then this language might not be appropriate.
       You can use the Language keyword to supply a specified
       language for the script. Legal language names are defined by
       the OpenVMS system logical name table; examine the logical
       name SYS$LANGUAGES for a current set. Use the Nolanguage
       keyword to omit this command from the script.

    o  Quoting_Rules

       You can use the Quoting_Rules keyword to supply a specified
       setting for the script. You can find the legal values for
       this option in the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual in the SET
       QUOTING RULES section. The default is Quoting_Rules=SQL92.
       The RMU Extract command assumes that SQL keywords and names
       containing non-ASCII character set values are enclosed in
       quotation marks.

    o  Snapshot_Allocation=integer

       When you create a test database from the RMU Extract output,
       the snapshot file allocation from the source database may not
       be appropriate. You can use the Snapshot_Allocation keyword to
       specify an alternate value to be used by all snapshot areas,
       or you can use the Noallocation keyword to omit the "snapshot
       allocation is" clause. The default behavior, when neither
       keyword is used, is to use the snapshot allocation stored in
       the database for each snapshot area. See also the Allocation

15.4.2  –  Items


    Allows you to extract and display selected definitions. Note that
    each of the item names can be combined to provide shorter command
    lines such as the following:


    If you omit the Items qualifier from the command line or specify
    it without any options, the action defaults to Items=All.

    The following options can be specified with the Items qualifier:

    o  All

       Indicates that all database items are to be extracted. This
       is the default and includes all items except Alter_Database,
       Forward_References, Import, Load, Protections, Revoke_Entry,
       Security, Synonyms, Unload, Verify, Volume, and Workload
       options. You can use either All or Noall in combination with
       other items to select specific output.

       In the following example, the Items=All option causes all the
       definitions except for Triggers to be extracted and displayed:


       The following example displays domain and table definitions.
       Note that the Noall option could have been omitted:


    o  Alter_Database (or Change_Database)

       Displays the physical database after-image journal object

    o  Catalog

       Displays all contents of the catalog created for an SQL
       multischema database. This item is ignored if the interface
       is RDO.

    o  Collating_Sequences

       Displays all the collating sequences defined for the database
       that you select. Note that Oracle Rdb does not save the name
       of the source OpenVMS National Character Set (NCS) library and
       the name becomes the defined logical, NCS$LIBRARY, by default.

    o  Constraints

       By default, table and column constraints are output by the
       Items=Table qualifier. If you specify Item=Noconstraints,
       constraint information is not extracted for any table. If you
       specify the Language=SQL qualifier, the default is to have
       Item=Constraints enabled when tables are extracted.

       To extract all constraints as an ALTER TABLE statement, use
       the Item=Constraint and Option=Defer_Constraints qualifiers.
       To force all constraints to be defined after tables are
       defined, use the Item=Tables and Option=Defer_Constraints

    o  Database

       Displays the database attributes and characteristics. This
       includes information such as the database root file name, the
       number of buffers, the number of users, the repository path
       name, and the characteristics for each storage area.

       If you specify RMU Extract with the Option=Nodictionary_
       References qualifier, the data dictionary path name is

    o  Domains (or Fields)

       Displays the domain definitions. If the domain was originally
       defined using the data dictionary path name, the output
       definition shows this. If the Option=Nodictionary_References
       qualifier is specified, the data dictionary path name is
       ignored and the column attributes are extracted from the
       system tables.

    o  Forward_References

       Queries the dependency information in the database
       DECLARE PROCEDURE statements for only those routines that
       are referenced by other database objects. The default is

       The Forward_References item is used in conjunction with other
       Item keywords, for example, /Item=(All,Forward).

    o  Functions

       Displays external function definitions.

    o  Import

       Generates an RDO or SQL IMPORT script that defines every
       storage area and row cache. The Language qualifier determines
       whether Oracle RMU generates an RDO or SQL IMPORT script
       (If you specify the Language=SQL or the Language=ANSI_SQL
       qualifier, the same SQL IMPORT script is generated.) Because
       the RDO interface does not accept many of the database options
       added to recent versions of Oracle Rdb, Oracle Corporation
       recommends that you specify the Language=SQL qualifier (or
       accept the default).

       The Items=Import qualifier is useful when you want to re-
       create a database that is the same or similar to an existing
       database. Editing the file generated by Oracle RMU to change
       allocation parameters or add storage areas and so on is easier
       than writing your own IMPORT script from scratch.

       When Oracle RMU generates the IMPORT script, it uses an
       interchange file name of rmuextract_rbr in the script.
       Therefore, you must either edit the IMPORT script generated
       by Oracle RMU to specify the interchange file that you want
       to import, or assign the logical name RMUEXTRACT_RBR to your
       interchange file name. (An interchange file is created by an
       SQL or RDO EXPORT statement.) See Example 14 in the Examples
       help entry under this command.

    o  Indexes (or Indices)

       Displays index definitions, including storage map information.

    o  Load

       Generates a DCL command procedure containing an RMU Load or
       RMU Unload command for each table in the database. This item
       must be specified explicitly, and is not included by default
       when you use the Items=All qualifier.

       Oracle RMU generates the Fields qualifier for the Load and
       Unload scripts when you specify the Option=Full qualifier. If
       you do not specify the Option=Full qualifier, the scripts are
       generated without the Fields qualifier.

       If you specify the RMU Extract command with the Item=Unload
       qualifier, DCL commands are added to the script to create a
       file with type .COLUMNS. This file defines all the unloaded
       columns. The file name of the .COLUMNS file is derived from
       the name of the extracted table. You can reference the file by
       using the "@" operator within the Fields qualifer for the RMU
       Load and RMU Unload commands.

       Virtual columns, AUTOMATIC or COMPUTED BY table columns,
       and VIEW calculated columns appear in the .COLUMNS file as

    o  Module

       Displays procedure and function definitions. This item is
       valid only when the Language specification is SQL; it is
       ignored if the Language specification is RDO or ANSI_SQL.

    o  Outlines

       Displays query outline definitions. This item is valid only
       when the Language specification is SQL; it is ignored if the
       Language specification is RDO or ANSI_SQL.

    o  Procedures

       Extracts external procedures.

    o  Profiles

       Displays profiles as defined by the CREATE PROFILE statement.

    o  Protections

       Displays the protection access control list (ACL) definitions.
       If the protections are defined using SQL ANSI semantics, they
       cannot be represented in RDO. In this case, the diagnostic
       message warns you that the protections must be extracted using
       the Language=SQL qualifier. If you specify Language=ANSI_SQL,
       a diagnostic message warns you that the ACL-style protections
       cannot be extracted in ANSI format. You must explicitly
       specify the Protections option. It is not included by default
       when you use the Items=All qualifier.

    o  Revoke_Entry

       Extracts a SQL or RDO script that deletes the protections from
       all access control lists in the database: database, table,
       sequences, column, module, function, and procedure.

       The output script contains a series of SQL REVOKE ENTRY
       statements (or DELETE PROTECTION statements if the language
       selected is RDO) that remove the access control entry for the
       user and all objects.

    o  Role

       Displays role definitions as defined by the SQL CREATE ROLE
       statement. In addition, any roles that have been granted
       are displayed as a GRANT statement. By default, roles are
       not extracted, nor are they included when you specify the
       Items=All qualifier.

    o  Schema

       Displays the schema definitions for an SQL multischema
       database. This option is ignored if the interface is RDO.

    o  Sequence

       Displays the sequence definitions in the database that were
       originally defined with the SQL CREATE SEQUENCE statement.

    o  Security

       Displays RMU Audit commands based on information in the
       database. This item must be specified explicitly, and is not
       included by default when you use the Items=All qualifier.

    o  Storage_Maps

       Displays storage map definitions, including the list
       (segmented string) storage map.

    o  Synonyms

       Generates a report of all the synonyms defined for the
       database. All synonyms of a database object, including
       synonyms of those synonyms, are grouped together. The output
       is ordered by creation as recorded by the RDB$CREATED column.

       This report is useful for viewing all synonyms or moving them
       to other databases. However, since synonyms refer to many
       different database objects, a single set of definitions is
       usually not adequate when defining a new database. Oracle
       Corporation recommends that you use the Option=Synonym
       qualifier in most cases.

    o  Tables (or Relations)

       Displays table definitions in the same order in which they
       were created in the database.

       If the table was originally defined using the data dictionary
       path name, that path name is used for the definition.

       If you specify the Option=Nodictionary_References qualifier,
       the data dictionary path name is ignored and the table
       attributes are extracted from the system tables.

       If Item=Noconstraints is specified, constraint information is
       not extracted for any table.

       The Items=Tables qualifier handles domains in the following

       -  The output for this item reflects the original definitions.
          If a column is based on a domain of a different name, the
          BASED ON clause is used in RDO, and the domain name is
          referenced by SQL.

       -  Any columns that are based on fields in a system table are
          processed but generate warning messages.

       -  Certain domains created using RDO in a relation definition
          cannot be extracted for RDO because it is not possible to
          distinguish columns defined using a shorthand method as
          shown in the example that follows. In this case, the column
          FIELD_1 becomes or is defined as a domain.

              FIELD_1     DATATYPE IS TEXT SIZE 10.

          However, this type of definition in SQL causes special
          domains to be created with names starting with SQL$. In
          this case, the SQL domain is translated into the following
          data type:

             (COLUMN_1   CHAR(10));

       The output for this item also includes the table-level
       constraints that can be applied: PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY, NOT
       NULL, UNIQUE, and CHECK. In the case of the CHECK constraint,
       the expression might not be translated to or from RDO and SQL
       due to interface differences.

    o  Triggers

       Displays trigger definitions.

    o  User

       Displays user definitions as defined by the SQL CREATE USER
       statement. In addition, if you also specify Role with the
       Item qualifier, then any roles that have been granted to a
       user are displayed as GRANT statements. By default, Users are
       not displayed, nor are they displayed when you specify the
       Items=All qualifier.

    o  Verify

       Causes the generation of an optimal DCL command procedure
       containing multiple RMU Verify commands. Using this command
       procedure is equivalent to performing a full verification
       (RMU Verify with the All qualifier) for the database. This
       command procedure can be broken down further into partial
       command scripts to perform partial verify operations. These
       partial command scripts can then be submitted to different
       batch queues to do a full verify operation in parallel, or
       they can be used to spread out a full verify operation over
       several days by verifying a piece of the database at a time.

       A partitioning algorithm is a procedure to determine what
       portions of the database should be verified in the same
       command script. For example, areas with interrelations
       should be verified with the same partial command script. A
       partitioning algorithm considers the following when creating a
       partial command script from the equivalent RMU Verify command
       with the All qualifier:

       1. Each storage area is assigned to a partition.

       2. For each table in the database, if the table is not
          partitioned, the table is put in the partial command script
          corresponding to that storage area; otherwise, if the table
          is partitioned across several storage areas, the partitions
          corresponding to all of the storage areas are merged into
          one partial command script and the table is added to this
          partial command script.

       3. For each index in the database, the process shown in step 2
          is followed.

       4. For an index on a table, the index and table are merged
          into one partial command script.

       The scripts of partial RMU Verify commands are written in
       the form of a command procedure. Each partial command script
       is preceded by a label of the form STREAM_n: where n is an
       integer greater than 1. For example, to execute the command
       at label STREAM_3:, invoke the command procedure by using the
       following syntax:

       $ @<command-procedure-name> STREAM_3

       The resultant command procedure is set up to accept up to four
       parameters, P1, P2, P3, and P4, as shown in Parameters for
       Generated Command File.

    Table 9 Parameters for Generated Command File

    Parameter  Option        Description

    P1         Stream_n      Specifies the command stream to be
                             executed. The variable n is the "number"
                             of the RMU Verify command stream to
                             be executed. If omitted, all command
                             streams are executed.
    P2         [No]Log       Specifies whether to use the Log
                             qualifier in the RMU Verify command
                             line. If omitted, the DCL verify switch
                             value is used.
    P3         Read_Only |   Provides the RMU Verify
               Protected |   Transaction_Type value. If omitted,
               Exclusive     Transaction_Type = Protected is used.
    P4                       Specifies the name of the output file
                             for the RMU Verify Output qualifier. If
                             omitted, Output = SYS$OUTPUT is used.

    o  Views

       Displays view definitions. If the database was defined using
       SQL, it is possible that the view cannot be represented
       in RDO. In this case, the diagnostic message warns that
       the view definition is being ignored, and the user should
       use LANGUAGE=SQL to extract the view. Note the following
       transformations the RMU Extract command makes when it cannot
       precisely replicate the SQL source code:

       -  The RMU Extract command cannot precisely replicate derived
          table column names or correlation names for any select

          The RMU Extract command generates new names for correlation
          names (C followed by a number) and derived table column
          names (F followed by a number).

          For example, suppose you create a view, as follows:

          SQL> ATTACH 'FILENAME mf_personnel';
          cont> (F1) AS
          cont> FROM (SELECT EMPLOYEE_ID, COUNT (*)
          cont>   FROM JOB_HISTORY
          SQL> COMMIT;

          If you issue the following RMU Extract command, you receive
          the output shown:

          $ rmu/extract/item=view/option=(match:DERIVED_1%,noheader,filename_only) -
          set verify;
          set language ENGLISH;
          set default date format 'SQL92';
          set quoting rules 'SQL92';
          set date format DATE 001, TIME 001;
          attach 'filename MF_PERSONNEL';
          create view DERIVED_1
              (F1) as
                  CAST(avg(C2.F2) AS INTEGER(2))
                  (select C4.EMPLOYEE_ID, count(*)
                      from JOB_HISTORY C4
                      group by C4.EMPLOYEE_ID)
                  as C2 (F1, F2));

          commit work;

       -  The RMU Extract command cannot generate the original SQL
          source code for the user-supplied names of AS clauses. This
          is particularly apparent when the renamed select expression
          is referenced in an ORDER BY clause. In such a case, the
          RMU Extract command generates correlation names in the form
          RMU$EXT_n where n is a number.

          For example, suppose you create a view, as follows:

          SQL> CREATE DATA FILE xyz;
          cont> (REPORT CHAR(10));
          cont> (NAME CHAR(5));
          cont> (CODTAB CHAR(5));
          cont> (CREDIT,
          cont> CODTAB,
          cont> CODMON) AS
          cont> SELECT
          cont> C1.NAME,
          cont> C2.CODTAB,
          cont> FROM REPORTING C1, "TABLES" C2

          If you issue the following RMU Extract command, you receive
          the output shown:


          create view VIEW_TEST
               CODMON) as
                  (select DOCUMENT.REPORT from DOCUMENT) AS RMU$EXT_1
              from REPORTING C1, "TABLES" C2
              order by C1."NAME" asc, C2.CODTAB asc, RMU$EXT_1 asc;

    o  Volume

       Displays cardinality information in a PDL-formatted file for
       use by Oracle Expert for Rdb. This item must be specified
       explicitly, and is not included by default when the Items=All
       qualifier is used.

    o  Workload

       Generates a DCL command language script. The script is used
       with the RMU Insert Optimizer_Statistics command to extract
       the work load and statistics stored in the RDB$WORKLOAD table.
       The unloaded information can be applied after a new database
       is created using the SQL EXPORT and IMPORT statements, or
       it can be applied to a similar database for use by the RMU
       Collect Optimizer_Statistics/Statistic=Workload command.

       This item must be specified explicitly, and is not included by
       default when the Items=All qualifier is used. The default is

       You can modify the output of the Item=Workload qualifier by
       specifying the following keywords with the Option qualifier:

       o  Audit_Comment

          Each RMU Insert Optimizer_Statistics statement is preceded
          by the created and altered date for the workload entry. The
          default is Noaudit_comment.

       o  Filename_Only

          The database file specification output for the RMU Insert
          Optimizer_Statistics statement is abbreviated to just the

       o  Match

          A subset of the workload entries based on the wildcard file
          name is selected.

15.4.3  –  Language


    Allows you to select one of the following interfaces:

    o  SQL

       When you specify the Language=SQL qualifier, Oracle RMU
       generates the Oracle Rdb SQL dialect. The Oracle Rdb SQL
       dialect is a superset of SQL92 Entry level, with language
       elements from Intermediate and Full SQL92 levels. It also
       contains language elements from SQL:1999 and extensions
       specific to Oracle Rdb.

    o  ANSI_SQL

       When you specify the Language=ANSI_SQL qualifier and specify
       the Option=Normal qualifier, Oracle RMU tries to generate
       ANSI SQL statements that conform to the ANSI X3.135-1989 SQL

       When you specify the Language=ANSI_SQL qualifier and the
       Option=Full qualifier, Oracle RMU tries to generate SQL
       statements that conform to the current ANSI and ISO SQL
       database language standards. Refer to the Oracle Rdb SQL
       Reference Manual for more information.

       Regardless of the Option parameter you specify, any Oracle
       Rdb specific features (such as DATATRIEVE support clauses and
       storage maps) are omitted.

    o  RDO

       When you specify the RDO language option, Oracle RMU generates
       RDO statements.

    The default is Language=SQL.

    The Language qualifier has no effect on the output generated by
    the Items=Load, Items=Unload, and Items=Verify qualifiers. This
    is because these qualifiers generate scripts that contain Oracle
    RMU commands only.

15.4.4  –  Log


    Enable or disables log output during execution of the RMU Extract
    command. The log includes the current version number of Oracle
    Rdb, and the values of the parameter and qualifiers. The default
    is Nolog. The default file extension is .log. If you specify Log
    without specifying a file name, output is sent to SYS$OUTPUT.

15.4.5  –  Options


    This qualifier is used to change the output of the RMU Extract
    command. This qualifier is not applied to output created by the
    Items=Unload, Items=Load, Items=Security, or the Items=Verify

    The following options can be specified with the Options

    o  Audit_Comment

       Annotates the extracted objects with the creation and last
       altered timestamps as well as the username of the creator. The
       date and time values are displayed using the current settings
       of SYS$LANGUAGE and LIB$DT_FORMAT. Noaudit_Comment is the

    o  Cdd_Constraints

       Specifies that tables extracted by pathname include all
       constraints. The Option=Nocdd_Constraints qualifier is
       equivalent to the Option=Defer_Constraints qualifier
       for tables with a pathname. This option is ignored if
       Item=Noconstraints is specified.

       When you specify the Cdd_Constraints option and the
       Dictionary_References option, the RMU Extract command does
       not generate ALTER TABLE statements to add constraints,
       but instead assumes they will be inherited from the data

       When you use the Nocdd_Constraints option and the Dictionary_
       References option, the RMU Extract command generates ALTER
       TABLE statements to add FOREIGN KEY and CHECK constraints
       after all base tables have been created.

    o  Cdd_References

       This option is an alias for Dictionary_References.

    o  Column_Volume

       Directs the RMU Extract command to output the table, column,
       and column segmented string cardinalities based on sorted
       indexes. Note that this qualifier must be used in combination
       with the Items=Volume qualifier. If the Items=Volume qualifier
       is omitted, cardinalities are not displayed.

       RMU Extract generates data of the following type:

       Volume for schema MF_PERSONNEL
           Default volatility is 5;
           Table WORK_STATUS all is 3;
           Table EMPLOYEES all is 100;
               Column EMPLOYEE_ID all is 100;
               Column LAST_NAME all is 83;
           Table RESUMES all is 3;
               List RESUME
                   Cardinality IS 3
                       Number of segments is 3
                       Average length of segments is 24;

    o  Debug

       Dumps the internal representation for SQL clauses such as
       MAPS during processing. The keyword Debug cannot be specified
       with the keywords Normal or Full in the same Options qualifier

    o  Defer_Constraints

       Forces all constraints to be defined (using an ALTER TABLE
       statement) after all tables have been extracted. This option
       is ignored if Item=Noconstraints is specified.

       If Option=Nodefer_Constraints is specified, all constraints
       are generated with the CREATE TABLE statement. If neither
       Option=Defer_Constraints nor Option=Nodefer_Constraints is
       specified, the default behavior is to generate NOT NULL,
       UNIQUE, and PRIMARY KEY constraints with the CREATE TABLE
       statement, and generate CHECK and FOREIGN KEY constraints in a
       subsequent ALTER TABLE statement.

    o  Dictionary_References

       Directs the RMU Extract command to output definitions for
       domains (fields) and tables (relations) that reference data
       dictionary path names rather than using the information
       contained in the Oracle Rdb system tables. In addition to
       the database statements, this option also displays the data
       dictionary path name stored in the database. Refer to Example
       8 in the Examples help entry under this command for an example
       of using this option.

       If neither the Option=Dictionary_References qualifier nor the
       Option=Nodictionary_References qualifier is specified, then
       Oracle RMU examines the RDB$RELATIONS and RDB$FIELDS system
       tables to determine whether or not any domains or tables refer
       to the data dictionary. If references are made to the data
       dictionary, then the Option=Dictionary_References qualifier is
       the default. Otherwise, it is assumed that the data dictionary
       is not used, and the default is the Option=Nodictionary_
       References qualifier.

       The Nodictionary_References keyword causes all references to
       the data dictionary to be omitted from the output. This is
       desirable if the database definition is to be used on a system
       without the data dictionary or in a testing environment.

       If the Items=Database and Option=Nodictionary_References
       qualifiers are selected, the data dictionary path name stored
       in the system table is ignored. For SQL, the NO PATHNAME
       clause is generated, and for RDO, the clause DICTIONARY IS
       NOT USED is generated.

       If the Items qualifier specifies Domain or Table, and the
       Option qualifier specifies Nodictionary_References, the
       output definition includes all attributes stored in the system

    o  Disable_Objects

       Requests that all disabled objects be written to the RMU
       Extract output file as disabled (see the description for the
       Omit_Disabled option). Disable_Objects is the default.

       The Nodisable_Objects option displays the objects but omits
       the disabling syntax.

    o  Domains

       The Nodomains option is used to eliminate the domain name
       from within metadata objects. The domain name is replaced
       by the underlying data type. This option is designed for use
       with tools that do not recognize this SQL:1999 SQL language

       Effect on /Language=SQL output:

          The default is Option=Domains.

          A SQL script generated when Option=Nodomains was specified
          does not include the domain name in the CREATE TABLE column
          definition, CREATE FUNCTION or CREATE PROCEDURE parameter
          definitions, or any value expression which uses the CAST
          function to convert an expression to a domain data type
          (such as the CREATE VIEW and CREATE TRIGGER statements).

          The output generated by the RMU Extract command for
          functions and procedures in the CREATE MODULE statement
          is not affected by the Option=Nodomains option because it
          is based on the original source SQL for the routine body
          which is not edited by the RMU Extract command.

       Effect on /Language=ANSI_SQL output:

          The default is Option=Nodomains when the Option=Normal
          qualifier is specified or is the default. The RMU Extract
          command does not generate a list of domain definitions even
          if the Items=Domains or Items=All qualifier is used. If
          you want the generated script to include a list of domain
          definitions, use the Options=Domains qualifier:


          Use the Option=Full qualifier to have the use of domains
          included in the syntax generated for SQL:1999.

    o  Filename_Only

       Causes all file specifications extracted from the database to
       be truncated to only the file name. The use of this qualifier
       allows for easier relocation of the new database when you
       execute the created procedure.

    o  Full

       Specifies that if metadata that cannot be translated from the
       language that defined the database to the equivalent construct
       in the language specified with the Language qualifier (for
       example, DEFAULT for SQL and the language selected was
       RDO) then the metadata is displayed in comments, or Oracle
       RMU attempts to create a translation that most closely
       approximates the original construct.

       Nofull is identical to the Normal option.

    o  Group_Table

       Specifies that indexes and storage maps are to be extracted
       and grouped by table. The table is extracted first, than any
       PLACEMENT VIA index, then any storage map, and finally all
       other indexes.

       When the Group_Table qualifier is combined with the
       Option=Match qualifier, you can select a table and its related
       storage map and indexes.

       The default behavior is Nogroup_Table, which means that items
       are extracted and grouped by type.

    o  Header

       Specifies that the script header and section headers are
       included in the extract. This is the default. Because the
       header has an included date, specifying Noheader to suppress
       the header may allow easier comparison with other database
       extractions when you use the OpenVMS DIFFERENCES command.

    o  Limit_Volume=nn

       Specifies the maximum amount of data to be scanned for
       segmented fields. The RMU Extract command stops scanning when
       the limit nn is reached. The number of segments and average
       length of segments are calculated from the data that was
       scanned. Limit_Volume=1000 is the default.

       Nolimit_Volume specifies that a full scan for segmented
       strings should be done.

    o  Match:match-string

       The Match option allows selection of wildcard object names
       from the database. The match string can contain the standard
       SQL wildcard characters: the percent sign (%) to match any
       number of characters, and the underscore (_) to match a single
       character. In addition, the backslash (\) can be used to
       prefix these wildcards to prevent them from being used in
       matching. If you are matching a literal backslash, use the
       backslash twice, as shown in the following example:


       The match string defaults to the percent sign (%) so that all
       objects are selected. To select those objects that start with
       JOB, use the qualifier Option=Match:"JOB%".

       From the mf_personnel database, this command displays the
       definitions for the domains JOB_CODE_DOM and JOB_TITLE_DOM,
       the tables JOBS and JOB_HISTORY, the index JOB_HISTORY_HASH,
       and the storage maps JOBS_MAP and JOB_HISTORY_MAP.

       The match string can be quoted as shown if the string contains
       spaces or other punctuation characters used by DCL or other
       command language interfaces. Most object names are space
       filled; therefore, follow the match string with the percent
       sign (%) to match all trailing spaces.

       The Match option can be used in conjunction with the Item
       qualifier to extract specific tables, indexes, and so on,
       based on their name and type.

       If Group_Table is specified, the match name is assumed
       to match a table name; all indexes for that table will be
       extracted when the Items=Index qualifier is specified.

    o  Multischema

       Displays the SQL multischema names of database objects. It is
       ignored by the Relational Database Operator (RDO).

       The Nomultischema option displays only the SQL single-schema
       names of database objects.

    o  Normal

       Includes only the specific source language code used to define
       the database. This is the default.

       In addition, this option propagates RDO VALID IF clauses as
       column CHECK constraints with the attribute NOT DEFERRABLE
       when the Language specification is SQL or ANSI_SQL. When an
       RDO VALID IF clause is converted, Oracle RMU generates error
       messages similar to the following in your log file:

       %RMU-W-UNSVALIDIF, VALID IF clause not supported in SQL - ignored
        for DEGREE.
       %RMU-I-COLVALIDIF, changed VALID IF clause on domain DEGREE to
        column check constraint for DEGREES.DEGREE

       The first message is a warning that the VALID IF clause could
       not be added to the domain definition because the VALID IF
       clause is not supported by SQL. The second message is an
       informational message that tells you the VALID IF clause was
       changed to a column check constraint.

    o  Omit_Disabled

       Causes all disabled objects to be omitted from the output
       of the RMU Extract command. This includes indexes that have
       triggers and constraints.

       The Noomit_Disabled option causes all disabled objects to be
       included in the output from the RMU Extract command. Noomit_
       Disabled is the default.

    o  Order_By_Name

       Order_by_Name displays the storage area, cache, and journal
       names for the items Database, Alter_Database (also known as
       Change_Database), and Import in alphabetic order by the ASCII
       collating sequence.

       Noorder_By_Name displays the storage area, cache, and journal
       names for the items Database, Alter_Database, and Import
       in approximate definition order. The default ordering is
       approximate because a DROP STORAGE AREA, DROP CACHE, or
       DROP JOURNAL statement frees a slot that can be reused, thus
       changing the order. Noorder_By_Name is the default.

       You can use the logical name RDMS$BIND_SORT_WORKFILES to
       allocate work files, if needed.


          If the identifier character set for the database is not
          MCS or ASCII, then this option is ignored. Characters
          from other character sets do not sort appropriately under
          the ASCII collating sequence.

    o  Synonyms

       Causes the synonyms to be extracted immediately after the
       referenced object, as shown in the following excerpt from an
       output file created using the Item=Table qualifier:

         create table HISTORICAL_JOB_INFORMATION (
                    CHAR (15),
                JOB_TITLE TITLE,
                    default NULL);
            create synonym JOBHIST
                for table HISTORICAL_JOB_INFORMATION;

       Because synonyms can be referenced from almost any database
       object, if you keep the definitions close to the target object
       you can eliminate occurrences of undefined symbols during
       script execution. The default is Option=Synonyms.

       Use the Option=Nosynonyms qualifier to disable the display
       of CREATE SYNONYM statements. The synonyms referenced in
       database objects such as module, procedure, trigger, and table
       definitions are still extracted.

    o  Volume_Scan

       Directs the RMU Extract command to perform queries to
       calculate the cardinality of each table, if both the
       Items=Volume and Options=Volume_Scan qualifiers are specified.
       The default is Options=Novolume_Scan, in which case the
       approximate cardinalities are read from the RDB$RELATIONS
       system table. The Options=Volume_Scan option is ignored if the
       Items=Volume qualifier is not selected.

    o  Width=n

       Specifies the width of the output files. You can select values
       from 60 to 512 characters. The default of 80 characters is
       appropriate for most applications.

15.4.6  –  Output


    Names the file to which the RMU Extract command writes the data
    definition language (DDL) statements. The file extension defaults
    to .rdo, if you specify the Language=RDO qualifier; .sql, if
    you specify either the Language=SQL or the Language=ANSI_SQL
    qualifier. If you specify the Volume option only, the output file
    type defaults to .pdl. If you specify Load, Security, Verify, or
    Unload only, the output file type defaults to .com. The default
    is SYS$OUTPUT. If you disable the output by using the Nooutput
    qualifier, command scripts are not written to an output file. The
    Log output can be used to determine which features used by the
    database cannot be converted to SQL.

    Using Qualifiers to Determine Output Selection shows the
    effects of the various combinations of the Language and Options

    Table 10 Using Qualifiers to Determine Output Selection

    Language Option               Effect on Output

    RDO      Normal               Generates RDO syntax.
             Full                 Generates RDO syntax.
             Dictionary_          Outputs path name references to the
             References           repository.
             Nodictionary_        Converts path name references to
             References           the repository to RDO syntax.
             Multischema          Ignored by RDO.
    SQL      Normal               Generates SQL syntax.
             Full                 Tries to convert RDO specific
                                  features to SQL (for example, the
                                  VALID IF clause).
             Dictionary_          Outputs path name references to the
             References           data dictionary.
             Nodictionary_        Converts path name references to
             References           the data dictionary to SQL syntax.
             Multischema          Selects SQL multischema naming of
    ANSI_    Normal               Generates ANSI/ISO syntax.
             Full                 Generates ANSI/ISO SQL92 syntax
                                  supported by SQL.
             Dictionary_          Ignored for ANSI_SQL.
             Nodictionary_        Converts path name references to
             References           the data dictionary to SQL syntax.
                                  This is the default for ANSI_SQL.
             Multischema          Selects SQL multischema naming of
    Any      Audit_Comment        Adds a comment before each
             Debug                Annotates output where possible.
             Domains              Replaces domain names for CAST
                                  expression, column and parameter
                                  definitions, and returns clauses
                                  with SQL data type.
             Filename_Only        Truncates all file specifications
                                  extracted from the database to only
                                  the file name.
             Volume_Scan          Forces a true count of Tables. Only
                                  valid for Items=Volume.

15.4.7  –  Transaction Type


    Allows you to specify the transaction mode, isolation level, and
    wait behavior for transactions.

    Use one of the following keywords to control the transaction

    o  Automatic

       When Transaction_Type=Automatic is specified, the transaction
       type depends on the current database settings for snapshots
       (enabled, deferred, or disabled), transaction modes available
       to the process, and the standby status of the database.
       Automatic mode is the default.

    o  Read_Only

       Starts a READ ONLY transaction.

    o  Write

       Starts a READ WRITE transaction.

    Use one of the following options with the keyword Isolation_
    Level=[level] to specify the transaction isolation level:

    o  Read_Committed

    o  Repeatable_Read

    o  Serializable. Serializable is the default setting.

    Refer to the SET TRANSACTION statement in the Oracle Rdb SQL
    Reference Manual for a complete description of the transaction
    isolation levels.

    Specify the wait setting by using one of the following keywords:

    o  Wait

       Waits indefinitely for a locked resource to become available.
       Wait is the default behavior.

    o  Wait=n

       The value you supply for n is the transaction lock timeout
       interval. When you supply this value, Oracle Rdb waits n
       seconds before aborting the wait and the RMU Extract session.
       Specifying a wait timeout interval of zero is equivalent to
       specifying Nowait.

    o  Nowait

       Will not wait for a locked resource to become available.

15.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Extract command for a database, you must have
       the RMU$UNLOAD privilege in the root file access control
       list (ACL) for the database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS

    o  For tutorial information on using output from the RMU Extract
       command to load or unload a database, refer to the Oracle Rdb
       Guide to Database Design and Definition.

    o  Included in the output from the RMU Extract command is the
       SQL SET DEFAULT DATE FORMAT statement. This SQL statement
       determines whether columns with the DATE data type or CURRENT_
       TIMESTAMP built-in function are interpreted as OpenVMS or
       SQL92 format. The RMU Extract command always sets the default
       to SQL92. The SQL92 format DATE and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP contain
       only the YEAR to DAY fields. The OpenVMS format DATE and
       CURRENT_TIMESTAMP contain YEAR to SECOND fields.

       If your database was defined with OpenVMS format DATE and
       'SQL92' in the RMU Extract output causes errors to be returned
       when you attempt to execute that output. For example, when you
       define a trigger:

       cont>         (UPDATE SALARY_HISTORY SH
       cont>             SET SALARY_START = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
       cont>         ) for each row;
       %SQL-F-UNSDATASS, Unsupported date/time assignment from <Source>
        to SALARY_START

       You can avoid these errors by editing the output from the RMU
       Extract command. Replace the SET DEFAULT DATE FORMAT 'SQL92'
       statement with SET DEFAULT DATE FORMAT 'VMS'. If the problem
       occurs in trigger definitions, you can use the CAST function
       instead. Specify CAST(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS DATE VMS) with each
       trigger definition that references CURRENT_TIMESTAMP. (You
       cannot use the CAST function within the DEFAULT clause of an
       SQL CREATE statement).

    o  The following list contains a description of what the RMU
       Extract command generates when it encounters certain RDO

       -  RDO and the data dictionary have the concept of validation
          clauses at the domain level. The ANSI/ISO SQL92 standard
          allows CHECK constraints defined on domains. While the
          actions of the ANSI/ISO CHECK constraint do differ from
          VALID IF in some respects, the RMU Extract command extracts
          the VALID IF clauses as domain CHECK constraints if you
          specify the Language=SQL and Option=Full qualifiers.

       -  RDO multiline descriptions

          Because the RDO interface removes blank lines in multiline
          descriptions, the description saved in the metadata is not
          identical to that entered by the database definition. The
          RMU Extract command therefore cannot completely reconstruct
          the original description.

       -  Some RDO trigger definitions

          RDO trigger definitions that contain a trigger action
          within a join of two or more tables generates invalid SQL
          syntax. For example, the following RDO trigger definition
          includes a join with an embedded ERASE statement. When the
          RMU Extract command encounters this statement, Oracle RMU
          generates the invalid SQL trigger definition shown.

              AFTER ERASE
              FOR C1 IN EMPLOYEES
                  FOR C2 IN JOB_HISTORY
                      CROSS C3 IN EMPLOYEES
                      WITH (((C2.EMPLOYEE_ID = C3.EMPLOYEE_ID)
                           AND (C2.JOB_END MISSING))
                           AND (C3.EMPLOYEE_ID = C2.EMPLOYEE_ID))
                      ERASE C2
              FOR EACH RECORD.

                      WHERE (((C2.EMPLOYEE_ID = C3.EMPLOYEE_ID)
                          AND (C2.JOB_END IS NULL))
                          AND (C3.EMPLOYEE_ID = C2.EMPLOYEE_ID))
                  ) FOR EACH ROW;

          Note that in Oracle Rdb Version 4.1 and higher, including
          a trigger action within a join of two or more tables
          is invalid RDO syntax. For more information on this RDO
          restriction, see the ERASE and MODIFY entries in RDO HELP.

    o  Oracle CDD/Repository Version 5.3 and higher support table
       and column constraint definition and maintenance through CDO.
       The RMU Extract command, by default, assumes all constraint
       maintenance is with SQL and so follows each CREATE TABLE
       with an ALTER TABLE FROM pathname to add the constraints.
       However, this is no longer necessary if you are using the
       later versions of Oracle CDD/Repository. To disable the output
       of the SQL ALTER TABLE statements which add constraints use
       the Option=Cdd_Constraint qualifier.

    o  If the Transaction_Type qualifier is omitted from the RMU
       Extract command line, a READ ONLY transaction is started
       against the database. This behavior is provided for backward
       compatibility with prior Oracle Rdb releases. If the
       Transaction_Type qualifier is specified without a transaction
       mode, the default value Automatic is used.

    o  If the database has snapshots disabled and the Transaction_
       Type qualifier was omitted, the transaction is restarted as
       of rows locked by operations performed with the Option=Volume_
       Scan qualifier enabled.

    o  When Transaction_Type=Write is specified, the RMU Extract
       process does not attempt to write to the database tables.

    o  In previous versions, Oracle Rdb used derived column names
       based on position, for example, F1, F2. With release
       and later, Oracle Rdb promotes the column names from the base
       table into the derived column name list. The result is a more
       readable representation of the view or trigger definition.

       In the following example the column name EMPLOYEE_ID is
       propagated through the derived table. In previous releases
       this would be named using a generic label F1.

       create view SAMPLE_V
            COUNTS) as
           (select C2.EMPLOYEE_ID,
         (select count(*) from SALARY_HISTORY C3
               where (C3.EMPLOYEE_ID = C2.EMPLOYEE_ID))
               from JOB_HISTORY C2) as C1 ( EMPLOYEE_ID, F2 )
           order by C1.F2 asc;

    o  The following list shows the equivalent SQL expressions
       matched by the RMU Extract process:

       -  NULLIF (a, b) is eqivalent to

            WHEN a = b THEN NULL
            ELSE a

       -  NVL (a, ..., b) or COALESCE (a, ..., b) is equivalent to

            WHEN a IS NOT NULL THEN a
            ELSE b

       -  The simple CASE expression

          CASE a
            WHEN b THEN v1
            WHEN NULL THEN v2
            ELSE v3

          is equivalent to

            WHEN a = b THEN v1
            WHEN a IS NULL THEN v2
            ELSE v3

          The RMU Extract procedure tries to decode the internal
          representation to as compact a SQL expression as possible.

    o  The RMU Extract procedure decodes case expressions into ABS
       (Absolute) functions:

       ABS(a) is equivalent to:

         WHEN a < 0 THEN -a
         ELSE a

       In addition, similar forms of CASE expression are also
       converted to ABS:

         WHEN a <= 0 THEN -a
         ELSE a

         WHEN a > 0 THEN a
         ELSE -a

         WHEN a >= 0 THEN a
         ELSE -a

       It is possible that the RMU Extract process will change
       existing CASE expressions into this more compact syntax, even
       if they were not originally coded as an ABS function call.

    o  If the Group_Table option is used and the Item qualifier omits
       one or more of the Table, Index, or Storage_Map keywords, only
       the included items are displayed. For example, to extract just
       the indexes for the EMPLOYEES table:


       To extract only the storage map and indexes for a table, use
       the following command:


    o  If the name of the LIST storage map is not known, it can be
       extracted using the following generic command:


15.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command extracts these database items:

    The All option is the default. The All or Noall option can be
    used in conjunction with other items to select specific output.
    For example, the Items=(All,Nodatabase) qualifier selects all
    metadata items except the physical database characteristics.


    Example 2

    The following command generates a DCL command procedure
    containing an RMU Load command for each table in the database:


    Example 3

    The following command displays the protection access control list
    (ACL) definitions in the mf_personnel.rdb database:


    Example 4

    The following command generates a DCL command procedure
    containing an RMU Unload command for each table in the database:


    Example 5

    The following example displays index definitions:


    Example 6

    The following example displays domain and table definitions. Note
    that the Noall option could have been omitted.


    Example 7

    The following example displays definitions for domains (fields)
    and tables (relations) that reference data dictionary path names
    rather than using the information contained in the Oracle Rdb
    system tables. In addition to the database statements, it also
    references the data dictionary path name stored in the database,
    as shown in the following example:


    Example 8

    The following example creates a command procedure containing
    a script of partial RMU Verify commands or verify command
    partitions for the mf_personnel database. This command procedure
    was created with the following RMU Extract command:


    Example 9

    The following command displays a query outline definition that
    was previously added to the mf_personnel database:


    Example 10

    The following command displays the after-image journal (.aij)
    file configuration for mf_personnel:


    Example 11

    The following command displays the function definitions in mf_
    personnel for functions previously created using SQL:


    Example 12

    The following command displays the table and column cardinalities
    based on sorted indexes:


    Example 13

    The following example:

    o  Executes an SQL EXPORT statement to create an interchange

    o  Executes an RMU Extract command with the Item=Import
       qualifier to generate an Import script. In addition, the
       Option=Filename_Only qualifier is specified to prevent full
       file specifications from appearing in the SQL IMPORT script.
       (If full file specifications are used, you cannot test the
       script without replacing the database that was exported.)

    o  Defines a logical to define the interchange file name used in
       the Import script file.

    o  Executes the Import script file.

    SQL> -- Create interchange file, SAVED_PERS.RBR.
    SQL> --
    SQL> EXIT;
    $ !
    $ !
    $ SQL$
    SQL> set language ENGLISH;
    SQL> set default date format 'SQL92';
    SQL> set quoting rules 'SQL92';
    SQL> set date format DATE 001, TIME 001;
    SQL> -- RMU/EXTRACT for Oracle Rdb V7.2-00     2-JAN-2006 15:34:38.63
    SQL> --
    SQL> --                         Physical Database Definition
    SQL> --
    SQL> -----------------------------------------------------------------
    SQL> import database from rmuextract_rbr
    cont>     filename 'MF_PERSONNEL'

    Example 14

    The following example shows an extract from the generated script
    when the SYS$LANGUAGE and LIB$DT_FORMAT symbols are defined.
    The language and format will default to ENGLISH and the standard
    OpenVMS format if these logical names are not defined.

    -- Created on  8 janvier 2006 13:01:31.20
    -- Never altered
    -- Created by RDB_EXECUTE
    cont> CHAR (25)
    cont> comment on domain ADDRESS_DATA_1 is
    cont>   ' Street name';

    Example 15

    If a database has snapshots set to ENABLED DEFERRED, it may
    be preferable to start a read/write transaction. In this
    environment, using the Transaction_type=(Read_only) qualifier
    causes a switch to a temporary snapshots ENABLED IMMEDIATE state.
    This transition forces the READ ONLY transaction to wait while
    all READ WRITE transactions complete, and then all new READ WRITE
    transactions performing updates will start writing rows to the
    snapshot files for use by possible read only transactions. To
    avoid this problem use an RMU Extract command specifying a READ


    Example 16

    This example specifies the options which were the default
    transaction style in prior releases.


    Example 17

    If the database currently has snapshots deferred, it may be more
    efficient to start a read-write transaction with isolation level
    read committed. This allows the transaction to start immediately
    (a read-only transaction may stall), and the selected isolation
    level keeps row locking to a minimum. This could be explicitly
    stated by using the following command:


    Using a transaction type of automatic adapts to different
    database settings:


    Example 18

    This example shows the use of the Item=Workload qualifier to
    create a DCL command language script.

    $! RMU/EXTRACT for Oracle Rdb V7.2-00            7-JAN-2006 22:00:42.72
    $!                              WORKLOAD Procedure
    $ SET NOON
    $! Created on  7-JAN-2006 10:12:26.36
    $! Last collected on  7-JAN-2006 22:00:34.47
      SCRATCH -
      /DUPLICITY_FACTOR=(4.0000000) -
      /NULL_FACTOR=(0.0000000) /LOG
    $! Created on  7-JAN-2006 10:12:26.36
    $! Last collected on  7-JAN-2006 22:00:34.58
      SCRATCH -
      /DUPLICITY_FACTOR=(1.7794118) -
      /NULL_FACTOR=(0.0000000) /LOG
    $ EXIT

    Example 19

    The following example shows the use of the Match option to select
    a subset of the workload entries based on the wildcard file name.

    $! RMU/EXTRACT for Oracle Rdb V7.2-00                     8-JAN-2006 10:53
    $!                              WORKLOAD Procedure
    $ SET NOON
    ! Created on  7-JAN-2006 15:18:02.30
    $ SET NOON
    $! Created on  7-JAN-2006 15:18:02.30
    $! Last collected on  7-JAN-2006 18:25:04.27
      SCRATCH -
      /DUPLICITY_FACTOR=(1.0000000) -
      /NULL_FACTOR=(0.0000000) /LOG
    $ EXIT

    Example 20

    The following example shows the use of Item options Defer_
    Constraints, Constraints, and Match to extract a table and its

    set verify;
    set language ENGLISH;
    set default date format 'SQL92';
    set quoting rules 'SQL92';
    set date format DATE 001, TIME 001;
    attach 'filename MF_PERSONNEL';
    create table EMPLOYEES (
        CITY CITY_DOM,
        SEX SEX_DOM,
        comment on table EMPLOYEES is
          'personal information about each employee';

    alter table EMPLOYEES
        add constraint EMP_SEX_VALUES
            check(EMPLOYEES.SEX in ('M', 'F', '?'))
        add constraint EMP_STATUS_CODE_VALUES
            check(EMPLOYEES.STATUS_CODE in ('0', '1', '2', 'N'))
        alter column EMPLOYEE_ID
            constraint EMPLOYEES_PRIMARY_EMPLOYEE_ID
                primary key

    commit work;

    Example 21

    The following example shows the use of the option Group_Table to
    extract a table and its indexes:

    $ rmu/extract/item=(table,index)-
    _$ /option=(group_table,match=employees%,-
    _$          filename_only,noheader) db$:mf_personnel
    set verify;
    set language ENGLISH;
    set default date format 'SQL92';
    set quoting rules 'SQL92';
    set date format DATE 001, TIME 001;
    attach 'filename MF_PERSONNEL';
    create table EMPLOYEES (
            constraint EMPLOYEES_PRIMARY_EMPLOYEE_ID
                primary key
        CITY CITY_DOM,
        SEX SEX_DOM,
        comment on table EMPLOYEES is
          'personal information about each employee';

        create unique index EMPLOYEES_HASH
            on EMPLOYEES (
            type is HASHED SCATTERED
                using (EMPLOYEE_ID)
                    in EMPIDS_LOW
                        with limit of ('00200')
                    in EMPIDS_MID
                        with limit of ('00400')
                    otherwise in EMPIDS_OVER;

        create unique index EMP_EMPLOYEE_ID
            on EMPLOYEES (
            type is SORTED
            node size 430
            disable compression;

        create index EMP_LAST_NAME
            on EMPLOYEES (
            type is SORTED;

    commit work;

    alter table EMPLOYEES
        add constraint EMP_SEX_VALUES
            check(EMPLOYEES.SEX in ('M', 'F', '?'))
        add constraint EMP_STATUS_CODE_VALUES
            check(EMPLOYEES.STATUS_CODE in ('0', '1', '2', 'N'))

    commit work;

    Example 22

    The following example shows the output when you use the
    Item=Revoke_Entry qualifier:

    --                             Protection Deletions

    revoke entry
        on database alias RDB$DBHANDLE
        from [RDB,JAIN];

    revoke entry
        on database alias RDB$DBHANDLE
        from [RDB,JONES];

    revoke entry
        on database alias RDB$DBHANDLE
        from PUBLIC;

    revoke entry
        on table ACCOUNT
        from [RDB,JONES];

    revoke entry
        on table ACCOUNT
        from PUBLIC;

    revoke entry
        from [RDB,JONES];

    revoke entry
        from PUBLIC;
    revoke entry
        on table BILL
        from [RDB,JONES];

    revoke entry
        on table BILL
        from PUBLIC;

    Example 23

    The following example shows sample output for the WORK_STATUS
    table of MF_PERSONNEL. The uppercase DCL commands are generated
    by RMU Extract.

    ! Columns list for table WORK_STATUS
    ! Created by RMU Extract for Oracle Rdb V7.2-00 on  1-JAN-2006 20:50:25.33
    $ RMU/UNLOAD -
            WORK_STATUS -
    $ EXIT

    $ RMU/LOAD -
            WORK_STATUS -
    $ EXIT

    Example 24

    The following example shows how to extract all constraints as an
    ALTER TABLE statement.

    $ rmu/extract/item=(notab,constr) db$:sql_personnel/opt=(nohead,mat=empl%,defer)
    set verify;
    set language ENGLISH;
    set default date format 'SQL92';
    set quoting rules 'SQL92';
    set date format DATE 001, TIME 001;
    attach 'filename $DISK1:[JONES]SQL_PERSONNEL.RDB';
    alter table EMPLOYEES
        add constraint EMP_SEX_VALUES
            check((EMPLOYEES.SEX in ('M', 'F')
                or (EMPLOYEES.SEX is null)))
            initially deferred deferrable
        add constraint EMP_STATUS_CODE_VALUES
            check((EMPLOYEES.STATUS_CODE in ('0', '1', '2')
                or (EMPLOYEES.STATUS_CODE is null)))
            initially deferred deferrable
        alter column EMPLOYEE_ID
            constraint EMP_EMPLOYEE_ID_NOT_NULL
                not null
                initially deferred deferrable;

16  –  Insert Optimizer Statistics

    Inserts workload records into the RDB$WORKLOAD system relation.

16.1  –  Description

    When you enable and collect workload statistics, the system
    table RDB$WORKLOAD is created and populated. (See Collect_
    Optimizer_Statistics for details.) You can update or delete these
    statistics using the RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics command or
    the RMU Delete Optimizer_Statistics command, respectively.

    You might delete entries in the RDB$WORKLOAD table by accident
    or you might delete them to test how effective it is to maintain
    those particular workload statistics. If you decide that you
    want to maintain those deleted statistics, you can insert them
    with the RMU Insert Optimizer_Statistics command. To ensure that
    you insert accurate values, always issue an RMU Show Optimizer_
    Statistics command with the Log qualifier before you issue an
    RMU Delete Optimizer_Statistics command. Refer to your generated
    log file for the values you should specify with the RMU Insert
    Optimizer_Statistics command.

    In addition you can use the RMU Insert Optimizer_Statistics
    command to create workload statistics in a copy of your master

    If you issue an RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics command after
    having issued an RMU Insert Optimizer_Statistics command,
    statistics for the specified column groups are updated.

16.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU Insert Optimizer_Statistics root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers                      x  Defaults
  /Column_Group=(Column-list)             x  None - Required Qualifier
  /Duplicity_Factor=(floating-number)     x  /Duplicity_Factor=(1.0)
  /[No]Log[=file-spec]                    x  See description
  /Null_Factor=(floating-number)          x  /Null_Factor=(0.0)
  /Tables=(table-list)                    x  None - Required Qualifier

16.3  –  Parameters

16.3.1  –  root-file-spec


    Specifies the database into which optimizer statistics are to be
    inserted. The default file type is .rdb.

16.4  –  Command Qualifiers

16.4.1  –  Column Group


    Specifies a list of columns that comprise a column group. You
    must use the Tables qualifier to specify the table or tables with
    which the columns are associated.

    The Column_Group=(column-list) qualifier is a required qualifier.

16.4.2  –  Duplicity Factor


    Specifies the value to be inserted in the RDB$DUPLICITY_FACTOR
    column in the RDB$WORKLOAD table for the specified column group
    and table (or tables). The minimum value is 1.0 and the maximum
    value is the cardinality of the specified table. The default is
    the Duplicity_Factor=(1.0) qualifier.

16.4.3  –  Log


    Specifies how the statistics inserted into the RDB$WORKLOAD
    system table are to be logged. Specify the Log qualifier to have
    the information displayed to SYS$OUTPUT. Specify the Log=file-
    spec qualifier to have the information written to a file. Specify
    the Nolog qualifier to prevent display of the information. If you
    do not specify any of variation of the Log qualifier, the default
    is the current setting of the DCL verify switch. (The DCL SET
    VERIFY command controls the DCL verify switch.)

16.4.4  –  Null Factor


    Specifies the value to be inserted in the RDB$NULL_FACTOR column
    in the RDB$WORKLOAD table for the specified column group and
    table (or tables). The minimum value is 0.0 and the maximum value
    is 1.0. The default is the Null_Factor=(0.0) qualifier.

16.4.5  –  Tables



    Specifies the table or tables for which column group entries are
    to be inserted.

    If you issue an RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics command after
    you have inserted a workload column group into the RDB$WORKLOAD
    system table, those statistics are collected.

    The Tables=(table-list) qualifier is a required qualifier.

16.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Insert Optimizer_Statistics command for a
       database, you must have the RMU$ANALYZE privilege in the root
       file access control list (ACL) for the database or the OpenVMS
       SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.

    o  Cardinality statistics are automatically maintained by
       Oracle Rdb. Physical storage and workload statistics are only
       collected when you issue an RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics
       command. To get information about the usage of physical
       storage and workload statistics for a given query, define
       the RDMS$DEBUG_FLAGS logical name to be "O". For example:


       When you execute a query, if workload and physical statistics
       have been used in optimizing the query, you will see a line
       such as the following in the command output:

       ~O: Workload and Physical statistics used

    o  The Insert Optimizer_Statistics command modifies the
       RDB$LAST_ALTERED date of the RDB$WORKLOAD row so that it is
       activated for use by the optimizer.

16.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example:

    1. Collects workload statistics for the JOB_HISTORY table using
       the RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics command

    2. Deletes the statistics for one of the JOB_HISTORY workload
       column groups

    3. Inserts the statistics that were just deleted into the
       RDB$WORKLOAD system table using the RMU Insert Optimizer_
       Statistics command

    4. Displays the current data stored in the RDB$WORKLOAD table for
       the JOB_HISTORY table using the RMU Show Optimizer_Statistics

    Start loading tables... at  3-JUL-1996 10:54:04.16
    Done loading tables.... at  3-JUL-1996 10:54:04.69
    Start collecting workload stats... at  3-JUL-1996 10:54:06.76
    Maximum memory required (bytes) = 6810
    Done collecting workload stats.... at  3-JUL-1996 10:54:07.64
    Start calculating stats... at  3-JUL-1996 10:54:07.84
    Done calculating stats.... at  3-JUL-1996 10:54:07.86
    Start writing stats... at  3-JUL-1996 10:54:09.34


    Optimizer Statistics collected for table : JOB_HISTORY

      Workload Column group  :      EMPLOYEE_ID
      Duplicity factor       : 2.7400000
      Null factor            : 0.0000000

      Workload Column group  :    EMPLOYEE_ID,  JOB_CODE,     JOB_START,
      Duplicity factor       : 1.5930233
      Null factor            : 0.3649635
    Done writing stats.... at  3-JUL-1996 10:54:09.90
    Changing RDB$SYSTEM area to READ_WRITE.
    Workload column group deleted for JOB_HISTORY :         EMPLOYEE_ID,
    $ !
    _$ /DUPLICITY_FACTOR=(1.5930233)/NULL_FACTOR=(0.3649635)/LOG
    Changing RDB$SYSTEM area to READ_WRITE.
    Workload column group inserted for JOB_HISTORY :        EMPLOYEE_ID,
    $ !


    Optimizer Statistics for table : JOB_HISTORY

      Workload Column group  :      EMPLOYEE_ID
      Duplicity factor       : 2.7400000
      Null factor            : 0.0000000
      First created time     :  3-JUL-1996 10:37:36.43
      Last collected time    :  3-JUL-1996 10:54:09.62

      Workload Column group  :    EMPLOYEE_ID,  JOB_CODE,     JOB_START,
      Duplicity factor       : 1.5930233
      Null factor            : 0.3649635
      First created time     :  3-JUL-1996 10:57:47.65
      Last collected time    :  3-JUL-1996 10:57:47.65

17  –  Librarian

    Allows you to list or remove backed up Oracle Rdb databases from
    a Librarian utility.

17.1  –  Description

    The RMU Librarian command allows you to list or remove backed up
    Oracle Rdb databases from a Librarian utility that conforms to
    the Oracle Media Manager interface.

    You cannot perform both the list and remove operations within one

17.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Librarian backup-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers                           x Defaults
  /List[=(Output=file-name),(options,...)]     x See Description
  /Remove[=[No]Confirm,(options,...)]          x See Description

17.3  –  Parameters

17.3.1  –  backup-file-spec

    Identifies the backed up Oracle Rdb database previously stored
    in the Librarian utility. Use the same backup file name that
    was used in the Oracle RMU Backup command. A default file type
    of .RBF is assumed if none is specified. Any device, directory,
    or version number specified with the backup file name will be

    If the Librarian utility supports wild card characters, you
    can use them for the backup file name when you use the List
    qualifier. Wild card characters cannot be used with the Remove

17.4  –  Command Qualifiers

17.4.1  –  List


    Allows you to display a backed up Oracle Rdb database stored
    in a Librarian utility. If you use the List qualifier without
    the Output option, the output is sent to the default output
    device. If you use the Output option, the output is sent to the
    specified file. All data streams existing in the Librarian that
    were generated for the specified backup name will be listed. The
    information listed for each data stream can include:

    o  The backup stream name based on the backup file.

    o  Any comment associated with the backup stream name.

    o  The creation method associated with the backup stream name.
       This will always be STREAM.

    o  The creation data and time when the stream was backed up to
       the Librarian.

    o  Any expiration date and time specified for deletion of the
       stream by the Librarian.

    o  The media sharing mode that indicates if the media can be
       accessed concurrently or not.

    o  The file ordering mode that indicates if files on the media
       can be accessed in random order or sequential order.

    o  Any volume labels for the media that contain the backup

    Not all of these items will be listed depending on the particular
    Librarian utility.

    The List qualifier can accept the following options:

    o  Trace_File=file-specification

       The Librarian application writes trace data to the specified

    o  Level_Trace=n

       Use this option as a debugging tool to specify the level of
       trace data written by the Librarian application. You can use a
       pre-determined value of 0, 1, or 2, or a higher value defined
       by the Librarian application. The pre-determined values are:

       -  Level 0 traces all error conditions. This is the default.

       -  Level 1 traces the entry and exit from each Librarian

       -  Level 2 traces the entry and exit from each Librarian
          function, the value of all function parameters, and the
          first 32 bytes of each read/write buffer, in hexadecimal.

    o  Logical_Names=(logical-name=equivalence-value,...)

       Use this option to specify a list of process logical names
       that the Librarian application can use to specify catalogs
       or archives for listing or removing backup files, Librarian
       debug logical names, and so on. See the specific Librarian
       documentation for the definition of the logical names. The
       list of process logical names is defined by Oracle RMU prior
       to the start of the list or remove operation.

17.4.2  –  Remove


    Allows you to delete all data streams existing in the Librarian
    that were generated for the specified backup file. This command
    should be used with caution. You should be sure that a more
    recent backup for the database exists in the Librarian under
    another name before you use this command. The Confirm option is
    the default. It prompts you to confirm that you want to delete
    the backup from the Librarian. If you do not want to be prompted,
    use the Noconfirm option. The deletion will be performed with no
    confirmation prompt.

    The Remove qualifier can accept the following options:

    o  Trace_File=file-specification

       The Librarian application writes trace data to the specified

    o  Level_Trace=n

       Use this option as a debugging tool to specify the level of
       trace data written by the Librarian application. You can use a
       pre-determined value of 0, 1, or 2, or a higher value defined
       by the Librarian application. The pre-determined values are:

       -  Level 0, trace all error conditions, is the default.

       -  Level 1 traces the entry and exit from each Librarian

       -  Level 2 traces the entry and exit from each Librarian
          function, the value of all function parameters, and the
          first 32 bytes of each read/write buffer, in hexadecimal.

    o  Logical_Names=(logical-name=equivalence-value,...)

       You can use this option to specify a list of process logical
       names that the Librarian application can use to specify
       catalogs or archives for listing or removing backup files,
       Librarian debug logical names, and so on. See the specific
       Librarian documentation for the definition of logical names.
       The list of process logical names is defined by Oracle RMU
       prior to the start of the list or remove operation.

18  –  Load

    There are two RMU Load commands, as follows:

    o  An RMU Load command without the Plan qualifier allows you to
       load data into the database you specify as a parameter to the
       Load command.

    o  An RMU Load command with the Plan qualifier allows you to
       execute a plan file you specify as a parameter to the Load

18.1  –  Database

    Loads data into the tables of the database.

    You can use the RMU Load command to:

    o  Perform the initial load of an Oracle Rdb database.

    o  Reload a table after performing a restructuring operation.

    o  Load an archival database.

    o  Move data from one database to another.

    o  Load security audit records from an OpenVMS security audit
       table into the database being audited, or into a different
       database than the one being audited.

    o  Load additional rows into an existing table. (However, note
       that it cannot be used to modify existing rows.)

    o  Import data into a database from an application that generates
       RMS files.

    You can load data using either of the following two methods:

    o  A single-process method

       This was the only method available prior to Oracle Rdb V7.0.
       The single process method uses one process to both read the
       input file and load the target table.

    o  A multiprocess method, also called a parallel load

       The parallel load method, which you specify with the Parallel
       qualifier, enables Oracle RMU to use your process to read
       the input file and use one or more executors (subprocesses
       or detached slave process, depending on additional factors)
       to load the data into the target table. This results in
       concurrent read and write operations, and in many cases,
       substantially improves the performance of the load operation.

    By default, Oracle RMU sets up a parallel load operation as

    o  Your process serves as the load operation execution manager.

    o  Each storage area (partition) in the table being loaded is
       assigned an executor.

    o  Each executor is assigned four communications buffers.

       (You can override this default with the Buffer_Count option to
       the Parallel qualifier.)

    o  Each communications buffer holds the number of rows defined by
       the Row_Count qualifier.

    Once the executors and communications buffers are set up, the
    parallel load operation processes the input file as follows:

    1. Your process begins reading the input file and determines the
       target storage area for each row in the input file.

    2. Your process places each row in the communications buffer for
       the executor assigned to the data's target storage area.

    3. When an executor's first communications buffer becomes full,
       it begins loading the data into the target storage area.

    4. If your process has another portion of data ready for a given
       executor before that executor has completed loading its first
       buffer of data, your process places the next portion of data
       in the second communications buffer for that executor.

    5. Each executor, concurrent with each of the other executors,
       loads the data from its buffers.

    6. Your process continues reading, sorting, and assigning data to
       each executor (by placing it in that executor's communication
       buffer) until all the data from the input file has been
       sorted, assigned, and loaded.

    The Row_Count qualifier and Parallel qualifier (which provides
    the Executor_Count and Buffer_Count options) give you the ability
    to fine tune the Parallel load operation.

    See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Design and Definition for
    tips on optimizing the performance of the load operation.

18.1.1  –  Description

    The RMU Load command accepts the following five types of data
    files, all of which, except the security audit journal, have the
    file extension .unl:

    o  Text data file

    o  Delimited text data file

    o  Binary data file

    o  Specially structured file

    o  OpenVMS security audit journal file

    With the exception of the specially structured file and the
    security audit journal file, you must provide a record definition
    file (.rrd) on the RMU Load command line to load these data
    files. The record definition file provides Oracle RMU with a
    description of (metadata for) the data you are loading.

    The following list describes the additional requirements for
    loading each of these types of files:

    o  Text data file

       To load a text data file (.unl), you must specify the Record_
       Definition qualifier with the Format=Text option.

       The following command loads text data (employees.unl) into
       the EMPLOYEES table of the mf_personnel database. The
       employees.rrd file provides the record definition for the
       data in employees.unl

       _$ mf_personnel EMPLOYEES employees.unl

       You can generate an appropriate .rrd file for the preceding
       example by issuing the following command:

       _$ mf_personnel EMPLOYEES unload.unl

    o  Delimited text data files

       To load delimited text data files (.unl) you must
       specify the Record_Definition qualifier with the with the
       Format=Delimited_Text option.

       The following command loads delimited text data
       (employees.unl) into the EMPLOYEES table of the mf_personnel
       database. The employees.rrd file describes the format of

       $ RMU/LOAD/RECORD_DEFINITION=(FILE=employees.rrd, -
       _$ mf_personnel EMPLOYEES employees.unl

       You can generate an appropriate .rrd file for the preceding
       example by issuing the following command:

       $ RMU/UNLOAD/RECORD_DEFINITION=(FILE=employees.rrd, -
       _$ FORMAT=DELIMITED_TEXT) mf_personnel EMPLOYEES unload.unl

    o  Binary data files

       To load binary data files, you must ensure that the records
       you load match the record definition in both size and data
       type. The records must all have the same length and the data
       in each record must fill the entire record. If the last field
       is character data and the information is shorter than the
       field length, the remainder of the field must be filled with
       spaces. You cannot load a field that contains data stored in
       packed decimal format.

       The following command loads binary data (employees.unl)
       into the EMPLOYEES table of the mf_personnel database. The
       employees.rrd file describes the format of employees.unl.

       $ RMU/LOAD/RECORD_DEFINITION=(FILE=employees.rrd) mf_personnel -
       _$ EMPLOYEES employees.unl

       You can generate an appropriate .rrd file for the preceding
       example by issuing the following command:

       $ RMU/UNLOAD/RECORD_DEFINITION=(FILE=employees.rrd) mf_personnel -
       _$ EMPLOYEES unload.unl

    o  Specially structured binary files that include both data and

       To load the specially structured binary files (created by the
       RMU Unload command without the Record_Definition qualifier)
       you must specify the file (.unl) created by the RMU Unload

       The following command loads the binary data contained in
       the employees.unl file into the EMPLOYEES table of the mf_
       personnel database. The record definition information is
       contained within the binary .unl file.

       $ RMU/LOAD MF_PERSONNEL EMPLOYEES employees.unl

       This specially structured employees.unl file is created with
       the following RMU Unload command:


    o  Security audit journal files

       To load the records from a security audit journal file
       maintained by the OpenVMS operating system, you must decide
       whether to load records into the same database for which
       security audit journal records are being recorded or to load
       them into a separate database. In either case you do not
       need to specify a record definition file; use of the Audit
       qualifier indicates to Oracle RMU that the record definition
       is that of the security audit journal file.

       The following command loads the records from the security
       audit journal file (with a logical name of SECURITY_AUDIT) for
       the mf_personnel database into the AUDIT_TABLE table of the
       mf_personnel database:


       This example loads the records from the security audit journal
       file (with a logical name of SECURITY_AUDIT) for the mf_
       personnel database into the AUDIT_TABLE table of the audit


       See the Usage Notes for more detailed information on loading
       security audit journal records and the file name of the
       security audit journal.

    In all cases where you specify a record definition file (.rrd),
    the record definition file and the database definition of the
    table being loaded must match in the number of specified fields
    and the data type of each field. If the data you want to load
    has more fields than the database table definition specifies,
    you can still load the data, but you must use the FILLER keyword
    with the field definition in your .rrd file to represent the
    additional field. See Example 15 in the Examples help entry under
    this command.

    By default, the table specified in the RMU Load command is
    reserved for PROTECTED WRITE.

    Data Type Conversions Performed by Oracle Rdb shows the data type
    conversions that can occur while you are performing a load or
    unload operation.

    Table 11 Data Type Conversions Performed by Oracle Rdb

    Original Data
    Type            New Data Type

                    PRECISION, VARCHAR, CHAR
                    VARCHAR, CHAR
                    VARCHAR, CHAR
                    VARCHAR, CHAR
    DOUBLE          FLOAT, CHAR, and VARCHAR
    DATE            CHAR or VARCHAR
    TIME            CHAR or VARCHAR

    See the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for a description of
    these data types.

18.1.2  –  Format

  (B)0 RMU/Load root-file-spec table-name input-file-name

   Command Qualifiers                          x Defaults
   /Audit[=Database_File=db-name]              x No audit table loaded
   /Buffers=n                                  x See description
   /Commit_Every=n                             x See description
   /[No]Constraints[=Deferred]                 x /Constraints
   /Corresponding                              x See description
   /[No]Defer_Index_Updates                    x /Nodefer_Index_Updates
   /[No]Dialect=(dialect-opts)                 x /Dialect=SQL99
   /[No]Execute                                x /Execute
   /Fields=(column-name-list)                  x See description
   /List_Plan=output-file                      x See description
   /[No]Log_Commits                            x /Nolog_Commits
   /[No]Match_Name=table-name                  x /Nomatch_Name
   /Parallel[=(options)]                       x See description
   /[No]Place                                  x /Noplace
   /Record_Definition=                         x See description
       ({File|Path}=name[,options])            x

  (B)0 /[No]Restricted_Access                      x /Norestricted_Access
   /Row_Count=n                                x See description
   /[No]Skip=n                                 x /Noskip
   /Statistics=(stat-opts)                     x See description
   /Transaction_Type=Share-mode                x Protected
   /[No]Trigger_Relations[=(table_name_list)]  x /Trigger_Relations
   /[No]Virtual_Fields[=[No]Automatic]         x /Novirtual_Fields

18.1.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    The file specification for the database root file into which the
    table will be loaded. The default file extension is .rdb.  –  table-name

    The name of the table to be loaded, or its synonym.

    When the Audit qualifier is specified, the table-name parameter
    is the name of the table in which you want the security audit
    journal records to be loaded. If the table does not exist, the
    RMU Load command with the Audit qualifier creates the table and
    loads it. If the table does exist, the RMU Load command with the
    Audit qualifier loads the table.  –  input-file-name

    The name of the file containing the data to be loaded. The
    default file extension is .unl.

    When the Audit qualifier is specified, the input-file-name
    parameter is the name of the journal containing the audit record
    data to be loaded. The default file extension is .AUDIT$JOURNAL.
    You can determine the name of the security audit journal by using
    the DCL SHOW AUDIT/JOURNAL command.

18.1.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Audit


    Allows you to load a database's security audit records from an
    OpenVMS security audit journal into one of the following:

    o  A table in the database being audited

       Specify the Audit qualifier without the Database_File option
       to indicate that you want the security audit records to be
       loaded into the database specified with the root-file-spec

    o  A table in a different database than the one being audited

       Specify the Audit=Database_File=db-name qualifier to indicate
       that you want to security audit records for the database
       specified with the root-file-spec command parameter to be
       loaded into the database specified with the db-name option

    If you specify the Audit qualifier, you cannot specify the Fields
    or Trigger_Relations qualifiers.

    In addition you cannot specify the Audit qualifier with a
    parallel load operation. If you attempt to do so, Oracle RMU
    issues a warning and performs a single-executor load operation.  –  Buffers


    Specifies the number of database buffers used for storing data
    during the load operation. If no value is specified, the default
    value for the database is used. (The default value for the
    database is defined by the logical name RDM$BIND_BUFFERS, or
    if the logical is not defined, can be determined by using the
    RMU Dump command with the Header qualifier. The RDM$BIND_BUFFERS
    logical name, if defined, overrides the value displayed with the
    RMU Dump command.) Fewer I/O operations are required if you can
    store as much data as possible in memory when many indexes or
    constraints are defined on the target table. Therefore, specify
    more buffers than allowed by the default value to increase the
    speed of the load operation.

    See the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to Database Performance and Tuning
    for detailed recommendations on setting the number of database
    buffers.  –  Commit Every


    Specifies the frequency with which Oracle Rdb commits the data
    being loaded. For a single-executor load operation, Oracle Rdb
    commits the data after every n records that are stored. The
    default is to commit only after all records have been stored.

    For a parallel load operation, the Commit_Every qualifier
    applies separately to each of the executors (processes) used.
    For example, if five parallel processes are running, and the
    Commit_Every=2 qualifier is specified, Oracle RMU commits data
    for each process after it has stored 2 records. This means that
    if the Commit_Every=1000 qualifier is specified when you load one
    million records with 10 parallel processes, the .ruj files will
    store up to 10,000 rows of before-image data.

    If you specify the Defer_Index_Updates qualifier and a high value
    for the Commit_Every qualifier, memory requirements are high. See
    the description of the Defer_Index_Updates qualifier for details.
    Commit operations may occur more frequently than you specify
    under certain conditions. See the description of the Defer_Index_
    Updates qualifier for details.

    To determine how frequently you should commit data, decide how
    many records you are willing to reload if the original load
    operation fails. If you use the Statistics=On_Commit qualifier,
    you receive a message indicating the number of records loaded at
    each commit operation. Then, if a failure occurs, you know where
    to resume loading.

    If you specify the Place qualifier and a failure occurs, resume
    loading at the point of the previous commit, instead of the
    record number of the last successful commit. The Place qualifier
    restructures the .unl file prior to loading, so the record number
    on which the load operation failed does not correspond to the
    same number in the original .unl file.  –  Constraints


    Specifies when or if constraints are evaluated for data
    being loaded. If you specify the Constraints qualifier,
    constraints are evaluated as each record is loaded. If you
    specify the Noconstraints qualifier, constraints are not
    evaluated at all during the load operation. If you specify the
    Constraints=Deferred qualifier, constraints are evaluated after
    all data from the input file has been loaded.

    The default is the Constraints qualifier.

    Oracle Corporation recommends that you accept the default for
    most load operations. The Noconstraints and Constraints=Deferred
    qualifiers are useful when load performance is your highest
    priority, you fully understand the constraints defined for
    your database, and you are familiar enough with the input data
    to be fairly certain that loading that data will not violate
    constraints; then you might use these qualifiers as follows:

    o  Constraints=Deferred

       This qualifier is particularly useful for improving
       performance when you are loading data into a new table.
       Oracle Corporation strongly recommends that you issue an
       RMU Verify command with the Constraints qualifier when the
       load operation has completed. Note, however, that issuing the
       RMU Verify command after the load operation has completed
       takes about the same amount of time that would have been
       spent had you specified the RMU Load command with the
       Constraints qualifier. In other words, by specifying the
       Constraints=Deferred qualifier, you are only delaying when
       the constraint verification will take place.

    o  Noconstraints

       This qualifier is particularly useful when you are performing
       a parallel load operation with the Defer_Index_Updates
       qualifier. Oracle Corporation strongly recommends that you
       issue an RMU Verify command with the Constraints qualifier
       when the load operation has completed. Note, however, that
       when you issue the RMU Verify command with the Constraints
       qualifier, all rows in the table are checked for constraint
       violations, not just the rows that are loaded.

    Consider the following before issuing an RMU Load command with
    the Noconstraints or Constraints=Deferred qualifier:

    o  If a table is populated with data prior to a load operation,
       it is less expensive to check constraints on each record
       as it is being loaded, than to verify constraints on the
       entire table after the set of new records has been loaded.
       For example, assume you load 200 new records into a table that
       currently holds 2,000 records and one constraint is defined
       on the table. If you verify constraints as the records are
       being loaded, constraint validation is performed 200 times.
       If you wait and verify constraints after the load operation
       completes, constraint verification must be performed for 2,200

    o  If an RMU Verify command reveals that constraint violations
       occurred during the load operation, you must track down those
       records and either remove them or make other modifications
       to the database to restore the data integrity. This can be a
       time-consuming process.

    Also consider a situation where all of the following are true:

    o  You perform a parallel load operation

    o  You specify the Constraints qualifier

    o  The table into which you are loading data has a constraint
       defined on it

    o  The constraint defined on the table was defined as deferred

    o  Constraint evaluation fails during the load operation

    In a case such as the preceding, you can not easily determine
    which rows were loaded and which were not. Therefore Oracle
    Corporation recommends that if deferred constraints are defined
    on a table, then you should also specify the Constraints=Deferred
    qualifier in your parallel load command. When you follow this
    recommendation, the records that violate the constraint are
    stored in the database. When the load operation completes, you
    can remove from the database those records that violate the

    See Example 6 in Verify for an example of the steps to take if
    an RMU Verify command reveals that an RMU Load command has stored
    data that violates constraints into your database.  –  Corresponding


    Loads fields into a table from the .unl file by matching the
    field names in the .rrd file to the column names in the table.
    The Corresponding qualifier makes it more convenient to unload,
    restructure, and reload a table.

    For example, if the columns in the table appear in the order:
    EMPLOYEE_ID, LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME, but the data in your .unl
    file appears in the order: EMPLOYEE_ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME,
    and your .rrd file lists the fields in the order: EMPLOYEE_ID,
    FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, you can use the Corresponding qualifier
    to load the data in your .unl file correctly. (You could also use
    the Fields qualifier to accomplish the same task, but this can
    get tedious if there are numerous fields.)

    The .unl file must contain data for each field in the database
    into which it is being loaded; if it does not, you should use the
    Fields qualifier.

    If the Corresponding qualifier is omitted, the RMU Load command
    loads the data into database fields by the ordinal position in
    which they appear in the .unl, not by the column name described
    in the .rrd file.

    The Corresponding qualifier cannot be used with either the Fields
    or Audit qualifiers.  –  Defer Index Updates


    The Defer_Index_Updates qualifier specifies that non-unique
    indexes (other than those that define the placement information
    for data in a storage area) will not be rebuilt until commit

    Use of this qualifier results in less I/O and fewer lock
    conflicts than when index builds are not deferred, but results
    in a total failure of a load operation if any lock conflicts
    are encountered. In such a case, the entire load operation is
    rolled back to the previous commit and you must repeat the load
    operation. (Record insertion recommences at the beginning of
    the input file). For this reason, you should only use the Defer_
    Index_Updates qualifier when all of the following are true:

    o  You specify the Noconstraints qualifier (or you have dropped
       constraints, or no constraints are defined on the table).

    o  You have dropped triggers from the table (or triggers are not
       defined for the table).

    o  No other users are accessing the table being loaded.

    Also be aware that required virtual memory can be quite large
    when you defer index updates. Required virtual memory is directly
    proportional to the following:

    o  The length of the Ikeys in the indexes being deferred

    o  The number of indexes being deferred

    o  The value for n specified with the Commit_Every qualifier

    You can estimate the amount of virtual memory required for each
    deferred index using the following formula, where:

    o  n = the value specified with the Commit_Every qualifier

    o  I = (length of the Ikey + 50)

    n * (I * number_defered_ikeys)

    The Nodefer_Index_Updates qualifier is the default. When you
    specify the Nodefer_Index_Updates qualifier (or accept the
    default), both the indexes that define the placement information
    for data in a storage area and any other indexes defined on the
    table being loaded are rebuilt at verb time.

    This can result in a managed deadlock situation when the Parallel
    qualifier is specified. The following describes such a scenario:

    o  Executor_1 locks index node A in exclusive mode

    o  Executor_2 locks index node B in exclusive mode

    o  Executor_1 requests a lock on index node B

    o  Executor_2 requests a lock on index node A

    In such a situation, Oracle Rdb resolves the deadlock by
    directing one of the executors to commit the data it has already
    stored. This resolves the deadlock situation and the load
    operation continues.  –  Dialect


    The Dialect qualifier is used to control whether truncation
    of string data during the loading of data is reported or not.
    This loss of data might be significant. RMU Load defaults to SQL
    dialect SQL99 which implicitly checks for and reports truncations
    during INSERT operations.

    o  /NODIALECT, /DIALECT=SQL89 or /DIALECT=NONE will not report
       any truncation errors, which is the "old" behavior of Rdb
       (prior to July 2008).

    o  /DIALECT=SQL99 (the default) will enable reporting of
       truncation errors. Note that truncation occurs if non-space
       characters are discarded during the insert.  –  Execute


    The Execute and Noexecute qualifiers are used with the List_Plan
    qualifier to specify whether or not the generated plan file is
    to be executed. The Noexecute qualifier specifies that the plan
    file should be created but should not be executed. Regardless of
    whether you use the Noexecute or Execute qualifier (or accept the
    default), Oracle RMU performs a validity check on the RMU Load
    command you specify.

    The validity check determines such things as whether the
    specified table is in the specified database, the .rrd file (if
    specified) matches the table, and that the number of columns
    specified with the Fields qualifier matches the number of
    columns in the .unl file. The validity check does not determine
    such things as whether your process and global page quotas are

    By default, the plan file is executed when an RMU Load command
    with the List_Plan qualifier is issued.  –  Fields


    Specifies the column or columns of the table to be loaded into
    the database. If you list multiple columns, separate the column
    names with a comma, and enclose the list of column names within
    parentheses. Also, this qualifier specifies the order of the
    columns to be loaded if that order differs from the order defined
    for the table. The number and data type of the columns specified
    must agree with the number and data type of the columns in the
    .unl file. The default is all columns defined for the table in
    the order defined.

    If you specify an options file in place of a list of columns, and
    the options file is empty, the RMU Load command loads all fields.  –  List Plan


    Specifies that Oracle RMU should generate a plan file and write
    it to the specified output file. A plan file is a text file that
    contains all the qualifiers specified on the RMU Load command
    line. In addition, it specifies the executor names (if you are
    performing a parallel load operation), the directory for the .ruj
    files, the exception files, and the file created by the Place_
    Only qualifier (if specified).

    Oracle RMU validates the Oracle RMU command prior to generating
    the plan file to ensure that an invalid plan file is not created.
    (This is true regardless of whether or not you specify the
    Noexecute qualifier.) For example, the following command is
    invalid and returns an error message because it specifies
    conflicting qualifiers (Corresponding and Fields):

    _$ /FIELDS=(LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME)/LIST_PLAN=my_plan.plan -
    %RMU-F-CONFLSWIT, conflicting options CORRESPONDING and FIELDS...

    See the description of the Execute qualifier for a description
    of what items are included when Oracle RMU validates the RMU
    Load command. See the Examples section for a complete example and
    description of a plan file.

    You can use the generated plan as a starting point for building a
    load operation that is tuned for your particular configuration.
    The output file can be customized and then used with subsequent
    load operations as the parameter to the RMU Load Plan command.
    See Load Plan for details.

    If you want to create only a load plan file and do not want
    to execute the load plan when the RMU Load command is issued,
    specify the Noexecute qualifier. When you specify the Noexecute
    qualifier, you must specify a valid Oracle RMU command.

    One way to prototype a plan file prior to creating a potentially
    very large .unl file is to specify the List_Plan qualifier and
    the Noexecute qualifier along with a valid record definition
    (.rrd) file and an empty .unl file on the RMU Load command
    line. The .rrd file contains the information Oracle RMU needs
    to perform the validation of the plan file; however, because data
    is not loaded when you specify the Noexecute qualifier, Oracle
    RMU does not attempt to load the .unl file. Note, however, that
    you cannot specify the Fields qualifier when using this strategy.
    (When you specify the Fields qualifier, Oracle RMU checks to make
    sure the number of columns specified with the Fields qualifier
    match the number of columns specified in the .unl file.)

    If you do not specify a file extension, the default file
    extension for the plan file is .plan.  –  Log Commits


    Causes a message to be printed after each commit operation. In
    the case of a parallel load, a message is printed after each
    executor commits.

    The default is the Nolog_Commits qualifier, where no message is
    printed after individual commit operations. The Nolog_Commits
    qualifier does, however, cause a commit operation total to be
    printed after the operation completes or generates an error.  –  Match Name


    Specifies the table name to be read. Tables exported by SQL into
    an interchange file can be individually loaded into a database.

    The default behavior of the RMU Load command is to locate and
    load the first set of table data in the unload file. If this is
    not the table you want, you can use the Match_Name qualifier to
    specify a different table name. If the Match_Name qualifier is
    used without a table-name, Oracle RMU assumes the name of the
    table being loaded is also the name of the table in the source
    data file. The default is the Nomatch_Name qualifier.  –  Parallel


    Specifies a parallel load operation. A parallel load operation is
    especially effective when you have large partitioned tables that
    do not contain segmented strings and for which no constraints or
    triggers are defined.

    If you specify the Parallel qualifier without any options, your
    load operation is assigned one executor and four communications
    buffers for that executor. A communications buffer is used for
    communications between your process and the executors.

    If you want to assign additional executors or communications
    buffers, or both, use one or both of the following options:

    o  Buffer_Count=n

       Allows you to specify the number of communications buffers
       assigned to each executor in a parallel load operation.

       Do not confuse this with the Buffers=n qualifier. The
       Buffers=n qualifier specifies the number of database buffers
       to use during the load operation.

    o  Executor_Count=n

       Allows you to specify the number of worker processes to
       be assigned to the load operation. Ideally, the number of
       executors should be equal to the number of table partitions.
       You should not assign a greater number of executors than
       the number of table partitions. If a table is randomly or
       vertically partitioned, Oracle RMU creates only one executor,
       regardless of the number you specify.

       If the user account's MAXDETACH UAF value is greater than 0,
       then executors are created as detached processes. If there
       is no MAXDETACH value set, then executors are created as
       subprocesses. (A MAXDETACH value = 0 equates to unlimited
       detached processes.)

    At the end of each load operation, Oracle RMU displays summary
    statistics for each executor in the load operation and the main
    process. Look at the "Idle time" listed in the statistics at the
    end of the job to detect data skew and look at "Early commits" to
    detect locking contention.

    If some executors have a large amount of idle time, you likely
    have data that is skewed. Ideally, data loaded with the Parallel
    qualifier should appear in random order within the .unl file.
    Data that is already in partition order when you attempt to
    perform a parallel load operation results in high idle time for
    each executor and thus defeats the advantages of a parallel load

    The summary statistics also list the number of records read from
    the input file, the number of data records stored, and the number
    of data records rejected. In most cases, the number of data
    records rejected plus the number of data records stored equals
    the number of data read from the input file. However, under the
    following circumstances this equation does not hold:

    o  The parallel load operation aborts due to a duplicate record
       that is not allowed.

    o  You did not specify an exception file.

    Similarly if a load operation aborts due to a record in the input
    file being improperly delimited for a delimited text load, the
    records rejected plus the records stored do not equal the number
    of records read from the input file.

    You cannot use a parallel load operation to load list data
    (segmented string) records or security audit records. If you
    specify a parallel load operation and attempt to load list data
    or security audit records, Oracle RMU returns a warning and
    performs a single-process (non-parallel) load operation.  –  Place


    Sorts records by target page number before they are stored.

    The Place qualifier automatically builds an ordered set of
    database keys (dbkeys) when loading data and automatically stores
    the records in dbkey order, sequentially, page by page. During
    a parallel load operation, each worker executor builds its own
    ordered set of dbkeys.

    The number of work files used by the RMU Load command is
    controlled by the RDMS$BIND_SORT_WORKFILES logical name. The
    allowable values are 1 through 10 inclusive, with a default value
    of 2. The location of these work files can be specified with
    device specifications, using the SORTWORKn logical name (where n
    is a number from 0 to 9). See the OpenVMS documentation set for
    more information on using SORT/MERGE. See the Oracle Rdb7 Guide
    to Database Performance and Tuning for more information on using
    these Oracle Rdb logical names.

    A significant performance improvement occurs when the records
    are stored by means of a hashed index. By using the Commit_
    Every qualifier with the Place qualifier, you can specify how
    many records to load between COMMIT statements. Performance may
    actually decrease when records are stored by means of a sorted

    The default is the Noplace qualifier.  –  Record Definition


    Specifies the RMS record definition or the data dictionary record
    definition to be used when data is loaded into the database. Use
    the File=name parameter to specify an RMS record definition file;
    use the Path=name parameter to specify that the record definition
    be extracted from the data dictionary. (If the record definition
    in the data dictionary contains variants, Oracle RMU will not be
    able to extract it.)

    The default file extension for the File=name parameter is
    .rrd. The syntax for the .rrd file is similar to that used by
    the Common Dictionary Operator (CDO) interface for the data
    dictionary. You must define columns before you can define rows.
    You can place only one column on a line. You can create a sample
    .rrd file by using the RMU Unload command with the Record_
    Definition qualifier. You must ensure that the record definition
    in the .rrd file and the actual data are consistent with each
    other. Oracle Rdb does not check to see that data types in the
    record definition and the data match. See the help entry for
    RRD_File_Syntax and the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Design and
    Definition for more information about the format of the .rrd

    You must specify either the File=name or Path=name parameter.

    The options available are:

    o  Exception_File=exception-file

       Allows you to write unloadable records to a single exception
       file for a single-process load operation and into multiple
       exception files for a parallel load operation. If you generate
       a load plan for a parallel load operation, each executor is
       assigned its own exception file. In this case, the exception-
       file name you specify is given a different file extension for
       each executor.

       While Oracle RMU is loading data from an RMS file, if an
       exception file is specified, then under certain circumstances
       an invalid record in the input file does not cause the
       RMU Load command to abort. Instead, Oracle RMU creates the
       exception file (or files), writes the unloadable record into
       this exception file (or files), and continues loading the
       remaining records. This process occurs only if the data is
       invalid on the actual insert, due to index, constraint, or
       trigger errors. If the record has an invalid format in the RMS
       file (for example, a missing delimiter), the exception file is
       not used, and the load process aborts.

       At the end of the load operation, you can process the
       exception file (or files) to correct any problems, and then
       reload directly from the exception file or files. The load
       operation gives an informational message for each of the
       unloadable records and also gives a summary of the number
       of records stored and the number of records rejected.

       All records that could not be loaded will be written into the
       file or files as specified with the argument to the Exception_
       File option. The default file extension for the exception
       file is .unl for single-process loads; for parallel loads
       the default extension is EXC_n, where n corresponds to the
       executor number assigned by Oracle RMU. The exception file or
       files are created only if there are unloadable records. If the
       Exception_File option is not specified, no exception files are
       created, and the load operation aborts at the first occurrence
       of an exception.

       However, note that if the Defer_Index_Updates qualifier is
       specified, and a constraint violation or lock conflict occurs,
       the load operation aborts when it attempts to commit the

       If the Defer_Index_Updates qualifier is not specified, records
       that cause a constraint violation are written to the exception
       file or files and the load operation continues loading the
       remaining records.

    o  Format=Text

       If you specify the Format=Text option, Oracle RMU converts all
       data to printable text before loading it.

    o  If you do not specify the Format option, then Oracle RMU
       expects to load a fixed-length binary flat file. The data
       type of the fields must be specified in the .rrd file.

    o  Format=(Delimited_Text [,delimiter-options])

       If you specify the Format=Delimited_Text option, the .rrd file
       contains only text fields and specifies the maximum length of
       the columns in the file containing delimited ASCII text. The
       column values that are longer than those specified in the .rrd
       file are truncated.

       Note that DATE VMS types must be specified in the collatable
       time format, which is yyyymmddhhmmsscc. For example, March 20,
       1993 must be specified as: 1993032000000000.

       Unless you specify the Format=Delimited_Text option,
       delimiters are regarded as part of the data by Oracle RMU.
       Example 13 in the Examples help entry under this command
       demonstrates the Format=Delimited_Text option. Delimiter
       options (and their default values if you do not specify
       delimiter options) are as follows. Note that with the
       exception of the Prefix and Suffix delimiter options, the
       values specified must be unique. The Prefix and Suffix values
       can be the same value as each other, but not the same as other
       delimiter options. The Null string must also be unique.

       -  Prefix=string

          Specifies a prefix string that begins any column value in
          the ASCII input file. If you omit this option, the column
          prefix is assumed to consist of a quotation mark (").

       -  Separator=string

          Specifies a string that separates column values of a row.
          If you omit this option, the column separator is assumed to
          consist of a single comma (,).

       -  Suffix=string

          Specifies a suffix string that ends any column value in
          the ASCII input file. If you omit this option, the column
          suffix is assumed to consist of a quotation mark (").

       -  Terminator=string

          Specifies the row terminator that completes all the column
          values corresponding to a row. If you omit this option, the
          row terminator is assumed to be the end of the line.

       -  Null=string

          Specifies a string, which when found in the input record,
          is stored as NULL in the database column. This option is
          only valid when the Delimited_Text option is specified

          The Null option can be specified on the command line as any
          one of the following:

          *  A quoted string

          *  An empty set of double quotes ("")

          *  No string

          If provided, the string that represents the null character
          must be quoted on the Oracle RMU command line, however, it
          must not be quoted in the input file. You cannot specify a
          blank space or spaces as the null character.

          If the final column or columns of a record are to be set
          to NULL, you only have to specify data for the column up to
          the last non-null column.

          See the Examples section for an example of each of these
          methods of storing the NULL value.


             The values of each of the strings specified in the
             delimiter options must be enclosed by quotation
             marks. Oracle RMU strips these quotation marks while
             interpreting the values. If you want to specify a
             quotation mark (") as a delimiter, specify a string
             of four quotation marks. Oracle RMU interprets four
             quotation marks as your request to use one quotation
             mark as a delimiter. For example, Suffix = """".

             Oracle RMU reads the quotation marks as follows:

             o  The first quotation mark is stripped from the

             o  The second and third quotation marks are
                interpreted as your request for one quotation mark
                (") as a delimiter.

             o  The fourth quotation mark is stripped.  This
                results in one quotation mark being used as a

             Furthermore, if you want to specify a quotation mark
             as part of the delimiter string, you must use two
             quotation marks for each quotation mark that you
             want to appear in the string. For example, Suffix

             A delimiter of blank spaces enclosed in quotes is not

    o  Place_Only=sorted-placement-file

       Allows you to sort the input file and create an output file
       sorted in Placement order.

       The input file can first be sorted into Placement order by
       using the Place_Only option. The resultant file can then be
       loaded with the Commit_Every qualifier to gain the required
       efficiency. Do not use this option with a parallel load
       operation; parallel load operations perform best when the
       input file is not sorted.

       The Place_Only option cannot be used with either the Commit_
       Every qualifier or the Exception_File option (data is not
       being stored in the database). However, the Place_Only option
       requires the Place qualifier be specified (to sort the data).

       The placement-sorted output file has the default file
       extension of .unl.

    Unless you specify the Null option (with the Format=Delimited_
    Text parameter of the Record_Definition qualifier), any null
    values stored in the rows of the tables being loaded are not
    preserved. Therefore, use the Null option if you want to preserve
    null values stored in tables and you are moving data within the
    database or between databases.

    See the examples in the Examples help entry under the RMU Unload
    command for more information.  –  Rms Record Def



    Synonymous with the Record_Definition qualifier. See the
    description of the Record_Definition qualifier.  –  Restricted Access


    Allows a single process to load data and enables some
    optimizations available only when restricted access is in use.
    The default is Norestricted_Access.

    If you are loading a table from an RMU Unload file which contains
    LIST OF BYTE VARYING data, the Restricted_Access qualifier
    reserves the LIST areas for EXCLUSIVE access. This reduces the
    virtual memory used by long transactions during a load operation
    and also eliminates I/O to the snapshot files for the LIST
    storage areas.

    The Restricted_Access and Parallel qualifiers are mutually
    exclusive and cannot be specified together on the same RMU Load
    command line or within a plan file. While RMU Load is running
    with the Restricted_Access qualifier specified, no other user can
    attach to the database.  –  Row Count


    Specifies that Oracle Rdb buffer multiple rows between the Oracle
    Rdb server and the RMU Load process. The default for n is 500
    rows; however, this value should be adjusted based on working
    set size and length of loaded data. Increasing the row count may
    reduce the CPU cost of the load operation. For remote databases,
    this may significantly reduce network traffic for large volumes
    of data because the buffered data can be packaged into larger
    network packets.

    The minimum value you can specify for n is 1. The default row
    size is the value specified for the Commit_Every qualifier or
    500, whichever is smaller.  –  Skip


    Ignores the first n data records in the input file. Use this
    qualifier in conjunction with the Commit_Every qualifier
    when restarting an aborted load operation. An aborted load
    operation displays a message indicating how many records have
    been committed. Use this value for n. If you specify a negative
    number, you receive an error message. If you specify a number
    greater than the number of records in the file, you receive an
    error message stating that no records have been stored. If you
    do not specify a value, you receive an error message stating that
    there is a missing keyword value.

    Using the Skip qualifier to restart an aborted parallel load
    operation is rarely useful. Because records are sorted by the
    controller for each executor involved in the parallel load, there
    are usually multiple sections of loaded and unloaded records in
    the input file. Unless you are very familiar with the data you
    are loading and how it is sorted by the controller, you risk
    loading some records twice and not loading other records at all,
    if you use the Skip qualifier when restarting an aborted parallel
    load operation.

    The default is the Noskip qualifier.  –  Statistics


    Specifies that statistics are to be displayed at regular
    intervals or each time a transaction commits, or both, so that
    you can evaluate the progress of the load operation.

    The stat-opts are the options you can specify with this
    qualifier, namely: Interval=n, On_Commit, or both. If the
    Statistics qualifier is specified, you must also specify at least
    one option.

    When the Statistics=(Interval=n) qualifier is specified, Oracle
    RMU prints statistics every n seconds. The minimum value for n is

    When the Statistics=(On_Commit) qualifier is specified, Oracle
    RMU prints statistics each time a transaction is committed.

    If you specify both options, Statistics=(Interval=n, On_Commit),
    statistics are displayed every n seconds and each time a
    transaction commits.

    The displayed statistics include:

    o  Elapsed time

    o  CPU time

    o  Buffered I/O

    o  Direct I/O

    o  Page faults

    o  Number of records loaded when the last transaction was

    o  Number of records loaded so far in the current transaction

    o  If the Record_Definition=Exception_File option is also
       specified, the following statistics are displayed also:

       -  Number of records rejected when the last transaction was

       -  Number of records rejected so far in the current

    o  If the Parallel qualifier is specified also, the following
       statistics are displayed also:

       -  Number of extra commits performed by executors

          Extra commits are caused when the Oracle RMU directs your
          process or the executors to commit a transaction earlier
          than usual to avoid a hung load operation. For example, if
          one executor is holding, but no longer needs a lock that
          another executor requires, Oracle RMU directs the first
          executor to commit its current transaction. By directing an
          executor or executors to commit a transaction earlier than
          usual, the locks under contention are released and the load
          operation can proceed.

       -  The total number of executors

       -  The number of executors that are initializing, idle,
          terminated, sorting, storing, committing, or executing

    At any time during the load operation, you can press Ctrl/T to
    display the current statistics.  –  Transaction Type


    Specifies the share mode for the load operation. The following
    share modes are available:


    You must specify a value if you use the Transaction_Type
    qualifier. If you do not specify the Transaction_Type qualifier,
    the default share mode is Protected.

    If you specify a parallel load operation (with the Parallel
    qualifier), and constraints are defined on the table you are
    loading, Oracle Corporation recommends that you specify the
    Shared share mode, or drop the constraints prior to starting a
    parallel load operation, or specify the Noconstraints qualifier.
    See the Usage Notes for details.  –  Trigger Relations


    You can use the Trigger_Relations qualifier in three ways:

    o  Trigger_Relations=(table-name-list)

       Specifies the tables to be reserved for update. Using this
       qualifier, you can explicitly lock tables that are updated
       by triggers in store operations. If you list multiple tables,
       separate the table names with a comma, and enclose the list of
       table names within parentheses.

    o  Trigger_Relations

       If you omit the list of table names, the tables updated by
       triggers are locked automatically as required. This is the

    o  NoTrigger_Relations

       Disables triggers on the target table. This option requires
       DROP privilege on the table being loaded. You cannot specify a
       list of table names with this option.

    If you specify a parallel load operation (with the Parallel
    qualifier), and triggers are defined on the table you are
    loading, Oracle Corporation recommends that you specify the
    Shared share mode or drop the triggers prior to starting a
    parallel load operation. See the Usage Notes for details.

    The Trigger_Relations qualifier can be used with indirect file
    references. See the Indirect-Command-Files help entry for more
    information.  –  Virtual Fields


    The Virtual_Fields qualifier is required to reload any AUTOMATIC
    (or IDENTITY) fields with real data.

    The Novirtual_Fields qualifier is the default, which is
    equivalent to the Virtual_Fields=(Noautomatic) qualifier.

    If you specify the Virtual_Fields qualifier without a keyword,
    all fields are loaded except COMPUTED BY columns and calculated
    VIEW columns.

    Use this qualifier when restructuring a table and when you do
    not wish the AUTOMATIC INSERT AS or IDENTITY column to recompute
    new values. Instead, RMU will reload the saved values from a file

18.1.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Load command for a database, you must have the
       RMU$LOAD privilege in the root file access control list (ACL)
       for the database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.
       The appropriate Oracle Rdb privileges for accessing the
       database tables involved are also required.

    o  To use the RMU Load command with the Audit qualifier, you must
       have both of the following:

       -  The RMU$SECURITY privilege in the root file ACL for the
          database whose security audit records are being loaded

       -  The RMU$LOAD privilege in the root file ACL for the
          database into which these security audit records are being

       If you do not have both of the privileges described in the
       preceding list, you must have the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS

    o  You can unload a table from a database structured under one
       version of Oracle Rdb and load it into the same table of a
       database structured under another version of Rdb. For example,
       if you unload the EMPLOYEES table from a mf_personnel database
       created under Oracle Rdb V6.0, you can load the generated .unl
       file into an Oracle Rdb V7.0 database. Likewise, if you unload
       the EMPLOYEES table from a mf_personnel database created under
       Oracle Rdb V7.0, you can load the generated .unl file into
       an Oracle Rdb V6.1 database. This is true even for specially
       formatted binary files (created with the RMU Unload command
       without the Record_Definition qualifier). The earliest version
       into which you can load a .unl file from another version is
       Oracle Rdb V6.0.

    o  The following list provides information on parallel load

       -  Specify no more executors (with the Executor_Count option
          to the Parallel qualifier) than storage areas defined for
          the table you are loading.

       -  You cannot use a parallel load operation to load list data
          (segmented string) records or security audit records. If
          you specify a parallel load operation and attempt to load
          list data or security audit records, Oracle RMU returns a
          warning and performs a single-executor load operation.

       -  Oracle Corporation recommends that you specify a shared
          mode transaction type or specify the Noconstraints
          qualifier and drop triggers during a parallel load
          operation; otherwise, constraints and triggers defined
          on the table you are loading can cause lock conflicts among
          the parallel load executors.

       -  If you are using parallel load and hashed indexes, do not
          sort the data prior to loading it. Instead, use the Place
          qualifier to the RMU Load command to sort the data as it is
          loaded. (The Place qualifier is useful for hashed indexes,
          not sorted.)

    o  The following list provides information on loading security
       audit journals:

       -  Loading security audit journals into a database other than
          that which is being audited

          When you load the security audit journals recorded for one
          database into another database, you specify the database
          that is being audited as a parameter to the Audit=Database_
          File qualifier, and you specify the database into which
          these security audit records should be loaded with the
          root-file-spec parameter to the Oracle RMU command.

          For instance, the following example loads the security
          audit journal records for the mf_personnel database into
          the MFP_AUDIT table of the audit_db database. Note that
          SECURITY_AUDIT is a logical name that points to the actual
          security audit journal file.


          When you issue the preceding RMU Load command, the audit_
          db database must exist. However, the RMU Load command
          creates the MFP_AUDIT table in the audit_db database
          and appropriately defines the columns for the MFP_AUDIT

          In other words, the following SQL statement satisfies the
          minimum requirements for the audit_db database to be used
          correctly by the preceding RMU Load command:

          SQL> CREATE DATABASE FILENAME audit_db.rdb;

          Note that there is no field in the audit record loaded by
          Oracle RMU to indicate the source database for the records.
          Therefore, it is not wise to mix auditing records from
          different databases in the same table. Instead, auditing
          information for different databases should be loaded into
          separate tables.

       -  Security audit journal file name

          The name of the security audit journal file depends on the
          version of the operating system software you are running
          and on the hardware platform, as follows:

             V6.1 and later and OpenVMS VAX V6.0 and later

             Alpha prior to V6.1 and OpenVMS VAX V5.5 and earlier.

       -  Loading security audit journals into the database being

          The Oracle Rdb table into which you load the security
          audit journal records should be defined with the columns
          shown in Columns in a Database Table for Storing Security
          Audit Journal Records under the column marked Oracle Rdb
          Column Name so that the audit journal records can be loaded
          successfully into the table. If the table does not exist,
          the RMU Load Audit command creates it with the columns
          shown in Columns in a Database Table for Storing Security
          Audit Journal Records under the column marked Oracle Rdb
          Column Name. You can give the table any valid name.

       -  Columns in a Database Table for Storing Security Audit
          Journal Records lists the column names created by the RMU
          Load command with the Audit qualifier.

    Table 12 Columns in a Database Table for Storing Security Audit
             Journal Records

    Oracle Rdb Column
    Name               SQL Data Type and Length

    AUDIT$EVENT        CHAR 16
    AUDIT$TSN          CHAR 25
    AUDIT$FINAL_       CHAR 32
    AUDIT$NEW_ACE      CHAR 192
    AUDIT$OLD_ACE      CHAR 192

    o  Dates stored in ASCII text format can be converted to the VMS
       DATE data type format by the RMU Load command. See Example
       7 in the Examples help entry under this command, which
       demonstrates this conversion.

    o  To preserve the NULL indicator in a load or unload operation,
       specify the Null option when you use the Record_Definition
       qualifier. Using the Record_Definition qualifier without the
       Null option causes the RMU Load command to replace all NULL
       values with zeros. This can cause unexpected results with
       computed-by columns.

    o  When the RMU Load command is issued for a closed database, the
       command executes without other users being able to attach to
       the database.

    o  The RMU Load command recognizes character set information.
       When you load a table, the RMU Load command recognizes that
       the correct size of a column is based on its character set.
       For example, the RMU Load command recognizes that a column
       defined as CHAR (10) CHARACTER SET KANJI occupies 20 octets.

    o  By default, the RMU Load command changes any table or column
       names that you specify to uppercase. To preserve lowercase
       characters, use delimited identifiers; that is, enclose the
       names in quotation marks ("").

    o  If your database uses a character set other than the DEC
       Multinational character set (MCS) for table and domain names,
       or if you edit a record definition file to use names from such
       a character set, the RMU Load command could fail and return
       the error shown in the following example:

            "TAB_°¡°¢abcd°§ABCD°©°ª"  -
       %RMU-I-DATRECUNL, 4 data records unloaded
            "TAB_°¡°¢abcd°§ABCD°©°ª"  -
                    CHARACTER SET IS KANJI.
                    CHARACTER SET IS HANZI.
                    CHARACTER SET IS HANYU.
         DEFINE RECORD TAB_°¡°¢abcd°§ABCD°©°ª.
       %RMU-F-RECDEFSYN, Syntax error in record definition file
               DEFINE RECORD TAB_''°¡°¢ABCD°§ABCD°©°ª.

       When this problem occurs, edit the record definition file and
       modify the names so that they can be represented with the MCS
       character set.

    o  Oracle RMU does not support the multischema naming convention
       and returns an error if you specify one. For example:

       $ RMU/LOAD/FIELDS=(EMPLOYEE_ID, LAST_NAME)                     -
       %RDB-E-BAD_DPB_CONTENT, invalid database parameters in the database
        parameter block (DPB)
       %RMU-I-DATRECSTO, 0 data records stored
       %RMU-I-DATRECREJ, 0 data records rejected.

       When using a multischema database, you must specify
       the SQL stored name for the database object. For
       example, to find the stored name that corresponds to the
       ADMINISTRATION.PERSONNEL.EMPLOYEES table in the corporate_
       data database, issue an SQL SHOW TABLE command.

           Stored name is EMPLOYEES

       Then, to load the table, issue the following RMU Load command:

       $ RMU/LOAD/FIELDS=(EMPLOYEE_ID, LAST_NAME)                  -
       %RMU-I-DATRECSTO, 3 data records stored
       %RMU-I-DATRECREJ, 0 data records rejected.

       The Fields qualifier can be used with indirect file
       references. When you use an indirect file reference in the
       field list, the referenced file is written to SYS$OUTPUT if
       the DCL SET VERIFY comand has been used. See the Indirect-
       Command-Files help entry for more information.

    o  The Transaction_Type=Batch_Update qualifier cannot be used
       with multiple executors (Executor_Count greater than 1).

    o  The RMU Load procedure supports the loading of tables that
       reference system domains.

    o  If you use a synonym to represent a table or a view, the
       RMU Load command translates the synonym to the base object
       and processes the data as though the base table or view had
       been named. This implies that the unload interchange files
       (.UNL) or record definition files (.RRD) that contain the
       table metadata will name the base table or view and not use
       the synonym name. If the metadata is used against a different
       database, you may need to use the Match_Name qualifier to
       override this name during the RMU load process.

18.1.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    This command loads the data from the RMS file, names.unl, into
    the newly created RETIREES table of the mf_personnel database.
    The record structure of RETIREES is in the file names.rrd. The
    names.unl and names.rrd files were created by a previous RMU
    Unload command. The unload operation unloaded data from a view
    derived from a subset of columns in the EMPLOYEES table.


    Example 2

    This command restarts an aborted load operation that was loading
    the newly created RETIREES table of the mf_personnel database
    from the names.unl file. The columns being loaded are EMPLOYEE_
    ID, LAST_NAME, and FIRST_NAME. The original load operation
    had committed 25 records. Beginning with the 26th record, the
    restarted load operation commits the transaction at every record
    until it reaches the original point of failure.


    Example 3

    This example loads a new table, PENSIONS, into the mf_personnel
    database by using record definitions located in the data

    This example assumes that you have first defined a temporary
    view, TEMP_PENSIONS, combining appropriate columns of the
    EMPLOYEES and SALARY_HISTORY tables. You must also create a
    permanent table, PENSIONS, into which you will load the data.

    Unload the TEMP_PENSIONS view by using the RMU Unload command
    with the Record_Definition=File=name qualifier to create both
    an .rrd file containing the column definitions and a data.unl
    file containing the data from the TEMP_PENSIONS view. Load the
    new record definitions from the pensions.rrd file into the data
    dictionary by using the @ command at the CDO prompt. Then you
    can load the data into the PENSIONS table of the mf_personnel
    database by using the RMU Load command.

    Welcome to CDO V7.0
    The CDD/Repository V7.0 User Interface
    Type HELP for help
    _$ DATA.UNL

    Example 4

    The following command loads the audit records for the mf_
    personnel database from the security audit journal file into
    the AUDIT_TABLE table in the mf_personnel database. Note that if
    the AUDIT_TABLE table does not exist, the RMU Load command with
    the Audit qualifier creates it with the columns shown in Columns
    in a Database Table for Storing Security Audit Journal Records.

    %RMU-I-DATRECREAD,  12858 data records read from input file.
    %RMU-I-DATRECSTO,   27 data records stored.

    Example 5

    The following command loads the audit records for the mf_
    personnel database from the security audit journal file into
    the AUDIT_TABLE table into the audit_db database. Note that the
    AUDIT_TABLE table is not created when the database is created.
    In this case, the RMU Load command with the Audit=Database_
    File qualifier creates it with the columns shown in Columns in
    a Database Table for Storing Security Audit Journal Records.


    Example 6

    This example loads a new table, COLLEGES, into the mf_personnel
    database by using record definitions located in the data
    dictionary. A commit operation occurs after every record is
    stored. The Log_Commits qualifier prints a message after each
    commit operation.

    %RMU-I-DATRECSTO, 1 data records stored
    %RMU-I-DATRECSTO, 2 data records stored
    %RMU-I-DATRECSTO, 3 data records stored
    %RMU-I-DATRECSTO, 4 data records stored
    %RMU-I-DATRECSTO, 4 data records stored

    Example 7

    The following example shows how a date stored in the .unl file as
    16-character collatable text can be converted to VMS DATE format
    when loaded into the database by using the RMU Load command.
    (The form of the .unl date is yyyymmddhhmmsscc, whereas the form
    of the VMS DATE is In both cases, y is
    the year, m is the month, d is the day, h is the hour, m is the
    minute, s is the second, and c is hundredths of a second. However
    in the .unl format, the month is expressed as an integer, whereas
    in the VMS DATE format the month is expressed as a 3-character

    The example assumes that the default SYS$LANGUAGE is ENGLISH.

    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Show the definition of the TEST table, in which the
    SQL> -- COL1 column is the VMS DATE data type:
    SQL> --

    Columns for table DATETEST:
    Column Name                     Data Type        Domain
    -----------                     ---------        ------
    COL1                            DATE VMS

    $ !
    $ ! Show the .unl file that will be loaded into the TEST table:
    $ !
    $ !
    $ !
    $ ! Note that the .rrd file shows a data type of TEXT of 16
    $ ! characters.  These 16 characters are the number of characters
    $ ! specified for the date in the test.unl file:
    $ !

    DEFINE FIELD COL1 DATATYPE IS text size is 16.
       COL1 .
    $ !
    $ ! Load the data in test.unl into the DATETEST table:
    $ !
    %RMU-I-DATRECREAD,  1 data records read from input file.
    %RMU-I-DATRECSTO, 1 data records stored.
    $ !
    $ SQL
      7-JUN-1991 12:35:12.12
    1 row selected

    Example 8

    The following example shows how a date stored in the .unl file
    as 22-character collatable text can be converted to TIMESTAMP
    format when loaded into the database by using the RMU Load
    command. The correct format for the .unl TIMESTAMP value is yyyy-, where y,m,d,h,m,s,and c represent the same
    elements of the date and time format as described in Example 7.

    This example also shows the use of an exception file to trap data
    that cannot be stored.

    $ ! Create a column in the mf_personnel database with a
    $ ! TIMESTAMP datatype:
    $ SQL
    Information for table NEWTABLE
    Columns for table NEWTABLE:
    Column Name                     Data Type        Domain
    -----------                     ---------        ------
    COL1                            TIMESTAMP(2)

    $ !
    $ ! Create a .unl file with the data you want to load.  Note that
    $ ! the second value is a valid TIMESTAMP specification, the first
    $ ! value is not.
    $ !

    $ !
    $ ! Create an .rrd file that defines the TIMESTAMP field
    $ ! as a TEXT field:
    $ !
    $ !
    $ ! Attempt to load the data in the .unl file. Oracle RMU returns an
    $ ! error on the first data record because the date was incorrectly
    $ ! specified.  The first record is written to the exception file,
    $ ! BAD.DAT.
    $ !

    %RMU-I-LOADERR, Error loading row 1.
    %RDB-E-CONVERT_ERROR, invalid or unsupported data conversion
    -COSI-F-IVTIME, invalid date or time
    %RMU-I-DATRECREAD,  2 data records read from input file.
    %RMU-I-DATRECSTO, 1 data records stored.
    %RMU-I-DATRECREJ, 1 data records rejected.
    $ !
    $ ! Type BAD.DAT to view the incorrect data record
    $ !
    $ !
    $ ! Fetch the data record that stored successfully.
    $ !

    $ SQL
    1 rows selected

    Example 9

    Using the RMU Load command, you can load a table in a database by
    placing the fields in a different order in the database than they
    were in the input file.

    The jobs.unl file contains the following:

    000001000000000190001Rdb Demonstrator    DEMO

    The jobs.rrd file contains the following:


    The JOBS table has the following structure:

    Columns for table JOBS:
    Column Name                     Data Type        Domain
    -----------                     ---------        ------
    JOB_CODE                        CHAR(4)          JOB_CODE_DOM
    WAGE_CLASS                      CHAR(1)          WAGE_CLASS_DOM
    JOB_TITLE                       CHAR(20)         JOB_TITLE_DOM
    MINIMUM_SALARY                  INTEGER(2)       SALARY_DOM
    MAXIMUM_SALARY                  INTEGER(2)       SALARY_DOM

    Notice that:

    o  The ordering of the columns is different for the JOBS table in
       the database and in the input RMS file.

    o  The names in the .rrd file are also different from the names
       in the database.

    o  The data types of the salary fields are different (Oracle Rdb
       will do the conversion).

    To load the RMS file correctly, you must use the following

    _$ JOB_CODE)

    Notice that the Fields qualifier uses the names of the columns in
    the JOBS table (not the field names in the .rrd file), but in the
    order of the RMS file.

    The names in the .rrd file are immaterial. The purpose of the
    Fields qualifier is to load the first field in the RMS file into
    the MINIMUM_SALARY column of the JOBS table, load the second
    field in the RMS file into the MAXIMUM_SALARY column of the JOBS
    table, and so forth.

    The results:


 DEMO      1           Rdb Demonstrator   $10,000.00       $19,000.00

    Example 10

    The following example shows the sequence of steps used to sort
    a file into placement order by using the Place qualifier and the
    Place_Only option and then to load the file by using the Commit_
    Every qualifier:


    %RMU-I-DATRECREAD,  100 data records read from input file.
    %RMU-I-DATRECSTO,   100 data records stored.

    Example 11

    The following example requests that statistics be displayed
    at a regular interval of every minute. It loads the data from
    the RMS file, names.unl, into the EMPLOYEES table of the mf_
    personnel database. The record structure of EMPLOYEES is in the
    file names.rrd. The names.rrd file was created by a previous RMU
    Unload command that unloaded data from a subset of columns in the
    EMPLOYEES table.


    Example 12

    The following example uses the Exception_File option to the
    Record_Definition qualifier to tell Oracle RMU the name of
    the file to hold the exception records. Oracle RMU returns
    informational messages to alert you to any data records rejected.

    %RMU-I-LOADERR, Error loading row 1.
    %RDB-E-NO_DUP, index field value already exists; duplicates not
     allowed for EMPLOYEES_HASH
    %RMU-I-LOADERR, Error loading row 17.
    %RDB-E-NO_DUP, index field value already exists; duplicates not
     allowed for EMPLOYEES_HASH
    %RMU-I-LOADERR, Error loading row 33.
    %RDB-E-NO_DUP, index field value already exists; duplicates not
     allowed for EMPLOYEES_HASH
    %RMU-I-LOADERR, Error loading row 155.
    %RDB-E-NO_DUP, index field value already exists; duplicates not
     allowed for EMPLOYEES_HASH
    %RMU-I-DATRECREAD,  200 data records read from input file.
    %RMU-I-DATRECSTO,   196 data records stored.
    %RMU-I-DATRECREJ,   4 data records rejected.

    Example 13

    The following is an example of the format in which you can
    provide input data to the RMU Load command when you use the
    Format=Delimited_Text option with the Record_Definition
    qualifier. This is followed by the RMU Load command you use to
    load this data.

    "99997","ABUSHAKRA","CAROLINE","S","5 CIRCLE STREET","BOX 506",
    "CHELMSFORD", "MA", "02184", "1960061400000000"#
    "99996","BRADFORD","LEO","M","4 PLACE STREET","BOX 555",
    "NASHUA","NH", "03060", "1949051800000000"#

    _$ TERMINATOR="#" ) -
    %RMU-I-DATRECREAD,  2 data records read from input file.
    %RMU-I-DATRECSTO,   2 data records stored.

    Example 14

    The following is an example of the format in which you must
    provide input data to the RMU Load command when you specify the
    Format=Text option with the Record_Definition qualifier. This is
    followed by the RMU Load command you use to load this data.

    09166Watts         Leora     F
    09190Margolis      David     M
    09187McDonald      Lois      F

    %RMU-I-DATRECREAD,  3 data records read from input file.
    %RMU-I-DATRECSTO,   3 data records stored.

18.1.7  –  Examples (Cont.)

    Example 15

    The following example assumes you want to load a data file
    into the JOBS table that contains more fields than the table
    definition in the mf_personnel database. The example first
    attempts to do this by just excluding the extra field from the
    list associated with the Fields qualifier. However, this causes
    an error to be returned. The example then uses the FILLER keyword
    in the .rrd file to tell Oracle RMU not to attempt to load the
    additional field. The command executes successfully.

    The table definition for the JOBS table is as follows:

    Columns for table JOBS:
    Column Name                     Data Type        Domain
    -----------                     ---------        ------
    JOB_CODE                        CHAR(4)          JOB_CODE_DOM
     Primary Key constraint JOBS_PRIMARY_JOB_CODE
    WAGE_CLASS                      CHAR(1)          WAGE_CLASS_DOM
    JOB_TITLE                       CHAR(20)         JOB_TITLE_DOM
    MINIMUM_SALARY                  INTEGER(2)       SALARY_DOM
    MAXIMUM_SALARY                  INTEGER(2)       SALARY_DOM

    The .rrd file for the data you want to load appears as follows
    (note that there is no corresponding field to JOB_STATUS in the
    mf_personnel database definition for the JOBS table):

       JOB_CODE .
       WAGE_CLASS .
       JOB_TITLE .
       JOB_STATUS .

    The data file you want to load, jobs.unl, appears as follows:

    DBAD4Corp Db Administratr55000.00     95000.00     Old

    You attempt to load the file in the mf_personnel database
    by listing only the fields in the RMU Load command that have
    corresponding fields defined in the database:

    %RMU-F-FLDMUSMAT, Specified fields must match in number and datatype
    with the unloaded data
    %RMU-I-DATRECSTO, 0 data records stored

    The workaround for the problem of a mismatch between your data
    and .rrd file, and database definition for a table is to use the
    FILLER keyword in your .rrd file, as follows:

       JOB_CODE .
       WAGE_CLASS .
       JOB_TITLE .
       JOB_STATUS .

    Now that the .rrd file has been modified, attempt to load the
    record again:

    %RMU-I-DATRECSTO, 1 data records stored.

    Example 16

    The following example demonstrates the use of the Null="*" option
    of the Record_Definition qualifier to signal to Oracle RMU that
    any data that appears as an unquoted asterisk in the .unl file
    should have the corresponding column in the database be flagged
    as NULL.

    The example shows the contents of the .unl file, followed by the
    RMU Load command used to load this .unl file, and then the output
    from an SQL statement to display the data loaded.

    "98888","ABUSHAKRA","CAROLINE",*,"5 CIRCLE STREET","BOX 506",
    "CHELMSFORD", "MA", "02184", "1960061400000000"#
    "98889","BRADFORD","LEO",*,"4 PLACE STREET","BOX 555", "NASHUA","NH",
    "03060", "1949051800000000"#

    _$ TERMINATOR="#", -
    -$ NULL="*" ) -
    %RMU-I-DATRECREAD,  2 data records read from input file.
    %RMU-I-DATRECSTO,   2 data records stored.

       ADDRESS_DATA_1              ADDRESS_DATA_2         CITY
     98888         ABUSHAKRA        CAROLINE     NULL
       5 CIRCLE STREET             BOX 506                CHELMSFORD
          MA      02184         ?      14-Jun-1960   N

     98889         BRADFORD         LEO          NULL
       4 PLACE STREET              BOX 555                NASHUA
          NH      03060         ?      18-May-1949   N

    2 rows selected

    Example 17

    The following example demonstrates the use of the Null="" option
    of the Record_Definition qualifier to signal to Oracle RMU that
    any data that is an empty string in the .unl file (as represented
    by two commas with no space separating them) should have the
    corresponding column in the database be flagged as NULL.

    The example shows the contents of the .unl file, followed by the
    RMU Load command used to load this .unl file, and then the output
    from an SQL statement to display the data loaded.

    "CHELMSFORD", "MA", "02184", "1960061400000000"#
    "90015","BRADFORD","LEO","B","4 PLACE STREET",, "NASHUA","NH",
    "03030", "1949051800000000"#

    _$ TERMINATOR="#", -
    _$ NULL="") -
    %RMU-I-DATRECREAD,  2 data records read from input file.
    %RMU-I-DATRECSTO,   2 data records stored.

    $ SQL
       ADDRESS_DATA_1              ADDRESS_DATA_2         CITY
     90021         ABUSHAKRA        CAROLINE     A
       5 CIRCLE STREET             NULL                   CHELMSFORD
          MA      02184         ?      14-Jun-1960   N

     90015         BRADFORD         LEO          B
       4 PLACE STREET              NULL                   NASHUA
          NH      03030         ?      18-May-1949   N

    2 rows selected

    Example 18

    The following example is the same as Example 17 except it shows
    the use of the default value for the Null option of the Record_
    Definition qualifier to signal to Oracle RMU that any data that
    is an empty string in the .unl file (as represented by two commas
    with no space separating them) should have the corresponding
    column in the database be flagged as NULL.

    The example shows the contents of the .unl file, followed by the
    RMU Load command used to load this .unl file, and then the output
    from an SQL statement to display the data loaded.

    "CHELMSFORD", "MA", "02184", "1960061400000000"#
    "90014","BRADFORD","LEO","B","4 PLACE STREET",, "NASHUA","NH",
    "03030", "1949051800000000"#

    _$ TERMINATOR="#", -
    _$ NULL) -
    %RMU-I-DATRECREAD,  2 data records read from input file.
    %RMU-I-DATRECSTO,   2 data records stored.

    $ SQL
       ADDRESS_DATA_1              ADDRESS_DATA_2         CITY
     90014         BRADFORD         LEO          B
       4 PLACE STREET              NULL                   NASHUA
          NH      03030         ?      18-May-1949   N

     90022         ABUSHAKRA        CAROLINE     A
       5 CIRCLE STREET             NULL                   CHELMSFORD
          MA      02184         ?      14-Jun-1960   N

    2 rows selected

    Example 19

    The following example demonstrates the use of the Null option of
    the Record_Definition qualifier to signal to Oracle RMU that any
    data that is an empty string in the .unl file (as represented
    by two commas with no space separating them) should have the
    corresponding column in the database be flagged as NULL. In
    addition, any column for which there is only data for the first
    column or columns has the remaining columns set to NULL.

    The example shows the contents of the .unl file, followed by the
    RMU Load command used to load this .unl file, and then the output
    from an SQL statement to display the data loaded.

    "90026","ABUSHAKRA","CAROLINE","A","5 CIRCLE STREET","BOX 783",
    "CHELMSFORD","MA", "02184", "1960061400000000"
    "90011","BRADFORD","LEO",,,, "NASHUA","NH","03030","1949051800000000"

    _$ NULL) -
    %RMU-I-DATRECREAD,  5 data records read from input file.
    %RMU-I-DATRECSTO,   5 data records stored.
    $ SQL
    cont> EMPLOYEE_ID BETWEEN '90009' AND '90011';
       ADDRESS_DATA_1              ADDRESS_DATA_2         CITY
     90009         NULL             NULL         NULL
       NULL                        NULL                   NULL
          NULL    NULL          ?      16-Jun-1966   N

     90010         NULL             NULL         NULL
       NULL                        NULL                   NULL
          NULL    NULL          ?      NULL          N

     90011         BRADFORD         LEO          NULL
       NULL                        NULL                   NASHUA
          NH      03030         ?      18-May-1949   N

     90026         ABUSHAKRA        CAROLINE     A
       5 CIRCLE STREET             BOX 783                CHELMSFORD
          MA      NULL          ?      14-Jun-1960   N

    4 rows selected

    Example 20

    The following example demonstrates a parallel load operation.
    In this example, three executors are specified because there are
    three storage areas in the JOB_HISTORY table of the mf_personnel
    database. The Defer_Index_Updates qualifier is used because there
    are no constraints or triggers defined on the JOB_HISTORY table,
    and it is known that no other database activity will occur when
    this command is executed.

    In addition, a plan file is generated to capture the
    specification of this load operation. See the next example for
    a description of the plan file.

    Note that the pid provided in the output from this command is the
    process ID.

    %RMU-I-EXECUTORMAP, Executor EXECUTOR_1 (pid: 2941941B) will load
     storage area EMPIDS_LOW.
    %RMU-I-EXECUTORMAP, Executor EXECUTOR_2 (pid: 2941F01D) will load
     storage area EMPIDS_MID.
    %RMU-I-EXECUTORMAP, Executor EXECUTOR_3 (pid: 2941C81F) will load
     storage area EMPIDS_OVER.

    ELAPSED: 0 00:00:30.05 CPU: 0:00:01.64 BUFIO: 59 DIRIO: 219 FAULTS: 2670

     1640 data records read from input file.
      1330 records loaded before last commit.
      220 records loaded in current transaction.
      0 records rejected before last commit.
      0 records rejected in current transaction.
     26 early commits by executors.
      3 executors:  0 Initializing; 0 Idle; 0 Terminated
                    0 Sorting; 2 Storing; 1 Committing; 0 Executing
    ELAPSED: 0 00:02:30.12 CPU: 0:00:02.94 BUFIO: 103 DIRIO: 227  FAULTS: 267
     8070 data records read from input file.
      7800 records loaded before last commit.
      210 records loaded in current transaction.
      0 records rejected before last commit.
      0 records rejected in current transaction.
    139 early commits by executors.
      3 executors:  0 Initializing; 0 Idle; 0 Terminated
                    0 Sorting; 1 Storing; 2 Committing; 0 Executing

    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT0, Statistics for EXECUTOR_1:
    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT1,   Elapsed time:  00:02:45.84    CPU time:       12.95
    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT2,   Storing time:  00:00:45.99    Rows stored:    2440
    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT3,   Commit time:   00:01:33.17    Direct I/O:     6623
    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT4,   Idle time:     00:00:22.34    Early commits:  47

    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT0, Statistics for EXECUTOR_2:
    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT1,   Elapsed time:  00:02:48.42    CPU time:       18.10
    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT2,   Storing time:  00:01:24.98    Rows stored:    4319
    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT3,   Commit time:   00:01:18.13    Direct I/O:     9621
    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT4,   Idle time:     00:00:01.03    Early commits:  29

    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT0, Statistics for EXECUTOR_3:
    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT1,   Elapsed time:  00:02:46.50    CPU time:       9.78
    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT2,   Storing time:  00:00:11.12    Rows stored:    2293
    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT3,   Commit time:   00:02:26.67    Direct I/O:     3101
    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT4,   Idle time:     00:00:04.14    Early commits:  77

    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT5,   Main process idle time:  00:02:41.06
    %RMU-I-DATRECREAD,  9052 data records read from input file.
    %RMU-I-DATRECSTO,   9052 data records stored.
    %RMU-I-DATRECREJ,   0 data records rejected.

    Example 21

    The following command is the same as in the previous example,
    except the Noexecute qualifier is specified. Because this
    qualifier is specified, the load operation is not performed.
    However, the load plan file is created and verified.

    _$  mf_personnel.rdb -

    Example 22

    The following display shows the contents of the plan file,
    JOB_HISTORY.PLAN, created in the preceding example. The following
    callouts are keyed to this display:

    1  The Plan Parameters include all the parameters specified on
       the RMU Load command line and all possible command qualifiers.

    2  Command qualifiers that are not specified on the command line
       are sometimes represented as comments in the plan file. This
       allows you to edit and adjust the plan file for future use.

    3  Command qualifiers that are not specified on the command line
       and for which there are defaults are sometimes represented
       with their default value in the plan file.

    4  Command qualifiers that are explicitly specified on the
       command line are represented in the plan file as specified.

    5  Executor Parameters are listed for each executor involved
       in the load operation. Like the command qualifiers, both the
       values you specify on the command line and those that are
       allowed but were not specified are included in this list of

    6  Note that the exception file extension is appended with the
       executor number. When you specify such files on the command
       line, Oracle RMU generates a separate file for each executor.
       If desired, you could edit this plan file to place each
       exception file on a different disk or directory.

    ! Plan created on 20-JUL-1995 by RMU/LOAD.

    Plan Name = LOAD_PLAN
    Plan Type = LOAD

    Plan Parameters:1
        Database Root File = MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;
        Table Name = JOB_HISTORY
        Input File = JOB_HIST.UNL

        ! Fields = <all> 2
        Transaction_Type = PROTECTED
        ! Buffers = <default>

        Row_Count = 50 3
        ! Skip = <none>
        Statistics = INTERVAL = 30 4
        Record_Definition_File = JOB_HIST
            Format = Delimited_Text
                Prefix = """"
                Suffix = """"
                Separator = ","
                End Of Line Terminator
    End Plan Parameters

    Executor Parameters: 5
        Executor Name = EXECUTOR_1
        ! Place_Only = <none>
        Exception_File = DISK1:[DATABASE]JOB_HIST.EXC_1; 6
        ! RUJ Directory = <default>
        Communication Buffers = 4
    End Executor Parameters

    Executor Parameters:
        Executor Name = EXECUTOR_2
        ! Place_Only = <none>
        Exception_File = DISK1:[DATABASE]JOB_HIST.EXC_2;
        ! RUJ Directory = <default>
        Communication Buffers = 4
    End Executor Parameters

    Executor Parameters:
        Executor Name = EXECUTOR_3
        ! Place_Only = <none>
        Exception_File = DISK1:[DATABASE]JOB_HIST.EXC_3;
        ! RUJ Directory = <default>
        Communication Buffers = 4
    End Executor Parameters

    Example 23

    The following example demonstrates the structure of the record
    definition file (.rrd) for an RMU Load command for several
    different data types. The first part of the example displays the
    table definition, the second part shows the RMU Unload command
    you could use to get an appropriate .rrd file for these data
    types, and the last part shows the .rrd file definitions for
    these data types:

    SQL> attach 'filename data_types.rdb';
    SQL> show table many_types;
    Information for table MANY_TYPES

    Columns for table MANY_TYPES:
    Column Name                     Data Type        Domain
    -----------                     ---------        ------
    F_ID                            TINYINT
    F_CHAR_3                        CHAR(3)
    F_TINYINT                       TINYINT
    F_SMALLINT                      SMALLINT
    F_INTEGER                       INTEGER
    F_BIGINT                        BIGINT
    F_NTINYINT                      TINYINT(1)
    F_NSMALLINT                     SMALLINT(2)
    F_NINTEGER                      INTEGER(7)
    F_NBIGINT                       BIGINT(5)
    F_REAL                          REAL
    F_DOUBLE_PREC                   DOUBLE PRECISION
    F_DATE_VMS                      DATE VMS
    F_DATE_ANSI                     DATE ANSI
    F_VARCHAR                       VARCHAR(20)
    F_FLOAT                         REAL
    F_DATE                          DATE VMS
    F_TIME                          TIME
    F_TIMESTAMP                     TIMESTAMP(2)
    F_INTERVAL                      INTERVAL
                                     DAY (2)


       F_ID .
       F_CHAR_1 .
     . . .

    Example 24

    The following example shows part of a script for loading a copy
    of the PERSONNEL database using the output from SQL EXPORT.

    $! Export the database definition and the data
    $ sql$ export database filename personnel into pers.rbr;
    $! Create an empty database (use RMU Load to add data)
    $ sql$ import database from pers.rbr filename copy_pers no data;
    $! Now use load to add the same table
    $ rmu/load copy_pers /match_name=employees employees pers.rbr
    %RMU-I-DATRECREAD,  100 data records read from input file.
    %RMU-I-DATRECSTO,   100 data records stored.
    $ rmu/load copy_pers /match_name job_history pers.rbr
    %RMU-I-DATRECREAD,  274 data records read from input file.
    %RMU-I-DATRECSTO,   274 data records stored.
    $ rmu/load copy_pers /match_name salary_history pers.rbr
    %RMU-I-DATRECREAD,  729 data records read from input file.
    %RMU-I-DATRECSTO,   729 data records stored.
    $ rmu/load copy_pers /match_name work_status pers.rbr
    %RMU-I-DATRECREAD,  3 data records read from input file.
    %RMU-I-DATRECSTO,   3 data records stored.

    Example 25

    The following example shows that, by default, truncation errors
    during a Load are reported.

    $ rmu/load abc f2 f1
    %RMU-I-LOADERR, Error loading row 1.
    %RDB-E-TRUN_STORE, string truncated during assignment to a column
    %RMU-I-DATRECREAD,  1 data records read from input file.
    %RMU-I-DATRECSTO,   0 data records stored.
    %RMU-F-FTL_LOAD, Fatal error for LOAD operation at 13-FEB-2008 15:39:44.40

    Example 26

    The following example shows the use of the /VIRTUAL_FIELDS
    qualifier. The values of the INTEGER field A and the AUTOMATIC
    field B are first unloaded into the AA.UNL file from the RMU_
    LOAD_AUTOMATIC_4_DB database table AA using the /VIRTUAL_
    FIELDS qualifier. Then the values of the INTEGER field A and
    the AUTOMATIC field B in the AA.UNL file are loaded into the AA
    table in the RMU_LOAD_AUTOMATIC_4_DB2 database.

    $ SQL
    create database
        filename RMU_LOAD_AUTOMATIC_4_DB;

    -- create a sequence and a table
    create sequence S increment by -1;
    create table AA
        (a integer
        ,b automatic as s.nextval);

    -- load 10 rows
    declare :i integer;
    for :i in 1 to 10
        insert into AA (a) values (:i);
    end for;
    disconnect all;
    $ exit
    $       rmu/unload-
                RMU_LOAD_AUTOMATIC_4_DB aa aa.unl
    %RMU-I-DATRECUNL,   10 data records unloaded.
    $! Load using /VIRTUAL
    $       rmu/load-
                RMU_LOAD_AUTOMATIC_4_DB2 aa aa.unl
    %RMU-I-DATRECREAD,  10 data records read from input file.
    %RMU-I-DATRECSTO,   10 data records stored.

18.2  –  Plan

    Executes a load plan file previously created with the RMU Load
    command (or created manually by the user).

18.2.1  –  Description

    A load plan file is created when you execute an RMU Load
    command with the List_Plan qualifier. See Load Database for
    details on creating a plan file, the format of a plan file, and
    understanding the informational messages returned by a Parallel
    Load operation.

18.2.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Load/Plan plan-file

  Command Qualifiers        x Defaults
  /[No]Execute              x Execute
  /List_Plan=output-file    x None

18.2.3  –  Parameters  –  plan-file-spec

    The file specification for the load plan file. The default file
    extension is .plan.

18.2.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Execute


    The Execute qualifier specifies that the plan file is to be
    executed. The Noexecute qualifier specifies that the plan file
    should not be executed, but rather that a validity check be
    performed on the contents of the plan file.

    The validity check determines such things as whether the
    specified table is in the specified database, the .rrd file (if
    specified) matches the table, and so on. The validity check does
    not determine such things as whether your process and global page
    quotas are sufficient.

    By default, data is loaded when the RMU Load Plan command is
    issued.  –  List Plan


    Specifies that Oracle RMU should generate a new plan file and
    write it to the specified output file. This new plan file is
    identical to the plan file you specified on the command line (the
    "original" plan file) with the following exceptions:

    o  Any comments that appear in the original plan file will not
       appear in the new plan file.

    o  If the number of executors specified in the original plan
       file exceeds the number of storage areas that the table being
       loaded contains, the new plan file will reduce the number of
       executors to match the number of storage areas.

18.2.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Load Plan command for a database, you must
       have the RMU$LOAD privilege in the root file access control
       list (ACL) for the database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS
       privilege. Privileges for accessing the database tables
       involved are also required.

    o  When the load plan is executed, executors are created as
       detached processes if you have the OpenVMS DETACH privilege.
       If you do not have the OpenVMS DETACH privilege, executors are
       created as subprocesses of your process.

18.2.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example demonstrates the following:

    1. The first Oracle RMU command creates a parallel load plan
       file. The RMU Load command is not executed because the point
       of issuing the command is to create the plan file, not to
       load data. Notice that the created load plan has only three
       executors, even though four were specified on the command
       line. This is because EMPLOYEES has only three storage areas.

    2. The load plan file generated by the first Oracle RMU command
       is displayed.

    3. The load plan file is edited to change some parameters and to
       rename the executors with names that describe the storage area
       each executor is responsible for loading.

    4. The edited version of the load plan file is executed.

    %RMU-W-TOOMANYEXECS, 4 executors were requested, but only 3 executors
     will be used.
    $ !
    ! Plan created on 20-JUL-1995 by RMU/LOAD.

    Plan Name = LOAD_PLAN
    Plan Type = LOAD

    Plan Parameters:
        Database Root File = MF_PERSONNEL.RDB
        Table Name = EMPLOYEES
        Input File = EMPLOYEES.UNL

        ! Fields = <all>
        Transaction_Type = PROTECTED
        ! Buffers = <default>

        Row_Count = 50
        ! Skip = <none>
        ! Statistics = <none>
        Record_Definition_File = EMPLOYEES.RRD
            Format = Delimited_Text
                Prefix = """"
                Suffix = """"
                Separator = ","
                End Of Line Terminator
    End Plan Parameters

    Executor Parameters:
        Executor Name = EXECUTOR_1
        ! Place_Only = <none>
        ! Exception_File = <none>
        ! RUJ Directory = <default>
        Communication Buffers = 4
    End Executor Parameters

    Executor Parameters:
        Executor Name = EXECUTOR_2
        ! Place_Only = <none>
        ! Exception_File = <none>
        ! RUJ Directory = <default>
        Communication Buffers = 4
    End Executor Parameters

    Executor Parameters:
        Executor Name = EXECUTOR_3
        ! Place_Only = <none>
        ! Exception_File = <none>
        ! RUJ Directory = <default>
        Communication Buffers = 4
    End Executor Parameters

    The following is an edited version of the plan file presented in
    the previous example. The file has been edited as follows:

    o  Comments have been added to indicate that the file has been

    o  The Row_Count value has been changed from 50 to 60.

    o  Each executor name has been changed to reflect the storage
       area the executor is responsible for loading.

       This makes it easier to determine the storage area from which
       a record was rejected if an error occurs during loading. In
       addition, it makes it easier to determine, when records are
       rejected, which executor was attempting to load it and which
       Rdb error corresponds to a particular executor.

    o  The directory and file name for each exception file has been
       changed and the comment character preceding "Exception_File"
       has been removed.

    o  Directories for the .ruj files have been added and the comment
       character preceding "RUJ Directory" has been removed.

    ! Plan created on 20-JUL-1995 by RMU/LOAD.
    ! Edited on 21-JUL-1995 by John Stuart

    Plan Name = LOAD_PLAN
    Plan Type = LOAD

    Plan Parameters:
        Database Root File = MF_PERSONNEL.RDB
        Table Name = EMPLOYEES
        Input File = EMPLOYEES.UNL

        ! Fields = <all>
        Transaction_Type = PROTECTED
        ! Buffers = <default>
        Row_Count = 20
        ! Skip = <none>
        ! Statistics = <none>
        Record_Definition_File = EMPLOYEES.RRD
            Format = Delimited_Text
                Prefix = """"
                Suffix = """"
                Separator = ","
                End Of Line Terminator
    End Plan Parameters

    Executor Parameters:
        Executor Name = EMPIDS_LOW_EXEC
        ! Place_Only = <none>
        Exception_File = DISK1:[EXCEPTIONS]EMPIDS_LOW.EXC
        RUJ Directory = DISK1:[RUJ]EMPIDS_LOW.RUJ
        Communication Buffers = 4
    End Executor Parameters

    Executor Parameters:
        Executor Name = EMPIDS_MID_EXEC
        ! Place_Only = <none>
        Exception_File = DISK2:[EXCEPTIONS]EMPIDS_MID.EXC
        RUJ Directory = DISK2:[RUJ]EMPIDS_MID.RUJ
        Communication Buffers = 4
    End Executor Parameters

    Executor Parameters:
        Executor Name = EMPIDS_OVER_EXEC
        ! Place_Only = <none>
        Exception_File = DISK3:[EXCEPTIONS]EMPIDS_LOW.EXC
        RUJ Directory = DISK3:[RUJ]EMPIDS_LOW.RUJ
        Communication Buffers = 4
    End Executor Parameters
    $ !
    $ ! Execute the plan file.
    $ ! Each executor is assigned the storage area or areas and
    $ ! the pid (process ID) for each executor is displayed.
    $ ! Notice that Oracle RMU notifies you if an error occurs when
    $ ! an executor attempts to load a row, and then lists the Rdb error
    $ ! message.  Sometimes you receive two or more Oracle RMU
    $ ! messages in a row and then the associated Oracle Rdb message. You
    $ ! can match the Oracle RMU message to the Oracle Rdb message by
    $ ! matching the executor name prefixes to the messages.
    $ !
    %RMU-I-EXECUTORMAP, Executor EMPIDS_LOW_EXEC (pid: 3140A4CC) will
     load storage area EMPIDS_LOW.
    %RMU-I-EXECUTORMAP, Executor EMPIDS_MID_EXEC (pid: 314086CD) will
     load storage area EMPIDS_MID.
    %RMU-I-EXECUTORMAP, Executor EMPIDS_OVER_EXEC (pid: 314098CE) will
     load storage area EMPIDS_OVER.
    EMPIDS_MID_EXEC:  %RMU-I-LOADERR, Error loading row 4.
    EMPIDS_LOW_EXEC:  %RMU-I-LOADERR, Error loading row 1.
    EMPIDS_MID_EXEC:  %RDB-E-NO_DUP, index field value already exists;
     duplicates not allowed for EMPLOYEES_HASH
    EMPIDS_LOW_EXEC:  %RDB-E-NO_DUP, index field value already exists;
     duplicates not allowed for EMPLOYEES_HASH
    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT0, Statistics for EMPIDS_LOW_EXEC:
    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT1,   Elapsed time:  00:00:51.69    CPU time:      4.51
    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT2,   Storing time:  00:00:32.33    Rows stored:   161
    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT3,   Commit time:   00:00:00.66    Direct I/O:    932
    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT4,   Idle time:     00:01:44.99    Early commits: 1
    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT0, Statistics for EMPIDS_MID_EXEC:
    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT1,   Elapsed time:  00:01:06.47    CPU time:      4.32
    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT2,   Storing time:  00:00:38.80    Rows stored:   142
    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT3,   Commit time:   00:00:01.04    Direct I/O:    953
    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT4,   Idle time:     00:00:18.18    Early commits: 2
    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT0, Statistics for EMPIDS_OVER_EXEC:
    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT1,   Elapsed time:  00:01:04.98    CPU time:      3.22
    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT2,   Storing time:  00:00:30.89    Rows stored:   100
    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT3,   Commit time:   00:00:00.90    Direct I/O:    510
    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT4,   Idle time:     00:00:26.65    Early commits: 1
    %RMU-I-EXECSTAT5,   Main process idle time:  00:00:58.11
    %RMU-I-DATRECREAD,  495 data records read from input file.
    %RMU-I-DATRECSTO,   403 data records stored.
    %RMU-I-DATRECREJ,   92 data records rejected.

19  –  Monitor

    The Oracle RMU Monitor controls the Oracle Rdb Monitor Process.
    An Oracle Rdb Monitor Process must be running on each system on
    which you use Oracle Rdb, including each node in a VAXcluster
    or VMScluster. An RMU Monitor command controls only the monitor
    process running on the system from which the command is issued.

    The Oracle Rdb Monitor Process controls all database access and
    initiates the automatic recovery procedure when necessary.

19.1  –  Reopen Log

    Closes the current Oracle Rdb monitor log file, compresses it,
    and opens another one without stopping the monitor.

19.1.1  –  Description

    The RMU Monitor Reopen_Log command closes the current Oracle
    Rdb monitor log file, compresses it, and opens another log file
    without stopping the monitor. The new log has the same name as,
    but a new version number of, the monitor log file you opened with
    the RMU Monitor Start command. Use the RMU Show Users command to
    determine the current name and location of the monitor log file
    before issuing the RMU Monitor Reopen_Log command. You should use
    the RMU Monitor Reopen_Log command if the monitor log file gets
    too large. For example, if you are running out of space on your
    disk or if database performance slows, you might want to open
    another log file.

    If the disk that contains the Oracle Rdb monitor log file
    becomes full, you must acquire space on the disk. Once there
    is sufficient space on this disk, use the RMU Monitor Reopen_Log
    command and consider backing up (using the DCL COPY command or
    the OpenVMS Backup utility) the old monitor log file.

    When the disk that contains the monitor log becomes full, Oracle
    Rdb stops writing to the log file, but the Oracle Rdb system
    does not stop operating. A message is sent to the cluster system
    operator when this occurs.

19.1.2  –  Format

  (B)0   RMU/Monitor Reopen_Log

19.1.3  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Monitor Reopen_Log command, either you must
       have the OpenVMS SETPRV privilege or the OpenVMS WORLD,
       BYPASS privileges.

19.1.4  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example closes the existing monitor log file,
    compresses it, and creates a new one without stopping the Oracle
    Rdb monitor:


    See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for more
    examples that show the RMU Monitor commands.

19.2  –  Start

    Activates the Oracle Rdb monitor process.

19.2.1  –  Description

    The RMU Monitor Start command activates the Oracle Rdb monitor
    process (RDMS_MONITORnn, where nn represents the version Oracle
    Rdb), sets the priority of this process, and specifies a device,
    directory and file name in which to create the monitor log
    file. If the monitor process is active already, you receive the
    following error message:

    %RMU-F-MONMBXOPN, monitor is already running

    An Oracle Rdb monitor process must be running on a node for
    users logged in to that node to use any Oracle Rdb database.
    In a VMScluster environment, a monitor process must be running on
    each node in the cluster from which databases are accessed.

    The Oracle Rdb monitor process controls all database access and
    initiates the automatic database recovery procedure following a
    system failure or other abnormal termination of a database user

    See the Oracle Rdb Installation and Configuration Guide for
    information on support for multiple versions of Oracle Rdb.

19.2.2  –  Format

  (B)0   RMU/Monitor Start

     Command Qualifiers   x Defaults
     /Output = file-name  x /Output=SYS$SYSTEM:RDMMON.LOG
     /Priority = integer  x /Priority = 15
     /[No]Swap            x /Noswap

19.2.3  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Output


    Specifies the device, directory, and file name that receives the
    monitor log. You can use this qualifier to redirect the placement
    of your monitor log file. The default device and directory is the
    SYS$SYSTEM directory. The default log file name is RDMMON.LOG.
    The RMU Monitor Start command causes a new version of the log
    file to be created for each database session.  –  Priority


    Specifies the base priority of the monitor process. This priority
    should always be higher than the highest database user process

    By default, the monitor runs at the highest interactive priority
    possible, 15. You should not normally have to lower the monitor
    process priority. If you change this to a lower priority, an
    attach operation can cause a deadlock. Deadlock occurs when
    multiple processes with higher priority than the monitor attempt
    to attach at the same time. In this case, the monitor must
    contend for CPU time with multiple higher-priority processes
    and is perpetually locked out. As a result, no one can use the
    database.  –  Swap


    Enables or disables swapping of the monitor process. The default
    is Noswap. The Swap qualifier is not recommended for time-
    critical applications, because no one can use the database while
    the monitor process is being swapped.

19.2.4  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Monitor Start command, you must have either the
       OpenVMS SETPRV privilege or the OpenVMS WORLD, CMKRNL, DETACH,

    o  If the monitor has not been started on the system previously,
       use the RMONSTART.COM command file (which, by default, is
       located in the SYS$STARTUP directory) instead of the RMU
       Monitor Start command.

    o  Start the monitor from the SYSTEM account, which has the
       SETPRV privilege. The process starting the monitor attempts
       to give RDMS_MONITOR all privileges. In particular, the
       privileges required are ALTPRI, CMKRNL, DETACH, PSWAPM,

    o  The monitor process inherits some quotas, such as MAXDETACH,
       and the user name of the user who starts it. This can result
       in severe restrictions on user access. For example, if the
       user who starts the monitor has a MAXDETACH quota of two, then
       the monitor can only start two recovery processes at one time.
       However, the system defines most of the quotas needed by the

    o  If the LNM$PERMANENT_MAILBOX table is not defined in the
       LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE logical name table, either of the following
       might occur:

       -  The RMU Start Monitor command hangs

       -  You receive the error, "monitor is not running", when you
          know it is.

       By default, the LNM$PERMANENT_MAILBOX table is defined in the
       LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE logical name table. However, sometimes a user
       or third-party application redefines the LNM$PERMANENT_MAILBOX
       table in another logical name table (such as the LNM$GROUP
       table). To recover from this situation, follow these steps:

       1. Define the LNM$PERMANENT_MAILBOX table in the

          _$ LNM$SYSTEM

       2. Start the database monitor:


       3. Start the application

       Or, change the application that redefines the LNM$PERMANENT_
       MAILBOX table so that LNM$PERMANENT_MAILBOX is defined as a
       search list that includes the LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE table, as shown
       in the following example:


    o  Use the RMU Show System command to determine the location of
       the monitor log file if it is not in the default location. The
       monitor log file may not be in the default location if someone
       has issued the RMU Monitor Start command and specified a
       location different from the default with the Output qualifier.

    o  The monitor process should only be started by a user whose
       account has adequate quotas. Ideally, the monitor process
       should be started from the SYSTEM account.

    o  To view the contents of monitor log file online (even
       when disk-based logging is disabled because of disk space
       problems), use the Performance Monitor and select the Monitor
       Log screen from the Per-Process menu. See the Oracle Rdb7
       Guide to Database Performance and Tuning or the Performance
       Monitor Help for information about using the Performance

19.2.5  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command activates the Oracle Rdb monitor process:


    See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for more
    examples that show the RMU Monitor commands.

19.3  –  Stop

    Stops the Oracle Rdb monitor process.

19.3.1  –  Description

    The RMU Monitor Stop command stops the Oracle Rdb monitor process
    (RDMS_MONITORnn, where nn represents the version Oracle Rdb)
    normally, either with a shutdown and rollback of the databases or
    an immediate abort. You can use the RMU Monitor Stop command
    to shut down all database activity on your node, optionally
    aborting user processes by forcing an image exit or deleting
    their processes.

    The RMU Monitor Stop command closes the monitor log file also.

    An Oracle Rdb monitor process must be running on a node for
    users logged in to that node to use any Oracle Rdb database.
    In a VMScluster environment, a monitor process must be running on
    each node in the cluster from which databases is accessed.

    The Oracle Rdb monitor process controls all database access and
    initiates the automatic database recovery procedure following a
    system failure or other abnormal termination of a database user
    process. The monitor log file automatically tracks all access to
    the database.

19.3.2  –  Format

  (B)0   RMU/Monitor Stop

     Command Qualifiers                 x Defaults
     /[No]Abort[={Forcex | Delprc}]     x /NOABORT
     /[No]Wait                          x /NOWAIT

19.3.3  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Abort


    The Abort=Forcex qualifier stops the monitor immediately without
    allowing current Oracle Rdb users to complete active transactions
    or detach from their databases. However, the user processes are
    not deleted. Active transactions are rolled back. If a process
    using a database is waiting for a subprocess to complete, the
    transaction is not rolled back until the subprocess completes.
    Using the Abort qualifier with no option is equivalent to
    specifying the Abort=Forcex qualifier.

    The Abort=Delprc qualifier stops the monitor immediately without
    allowing current Oracle Rdb users to complete active transactions
    or detach from their databases. Each user process that was
    attached to an Oracle Rdb database is deleted immediately.

    The Noabort qualifier allows current user processes to continue
    and complete before stopping. New users on the node are not
    allowed to attach to any database, but existing database users
    can complete their sessions normally. Once existing database user
    processes terminate, the database monitor shuts down.

    The Noabort qualifier is the default.  –  Wait


    Specifies whether the Oracle RMU operation completes when the
    monitor acknowledges the stop request (Nowait), or whether RMU
    waits until the monitor finishes shutting down (Wait).

    The default is Nowait.

19.3.4  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Monitor Stop command, you must have either the
       OpenVMS SETPRV privilege or the OpenVMS WORLD, CMKRNL, DETACH,


          If Oracle Trace is installed on your system, you stall
          the Oracle Rdb monitor process with the RMU Monitor Stop
          command unless you do one of the following:

          -  Shut down Oracle Trace, then shut down the Oracle Rdb
             monitor (in that order).

          -  Use the RMU Monitor Stop command with the Abort=Delprc
             qualifier to shut down Oracle Rdb and force the
             monitor out of the Oracle Trace database.

19.3.5  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command causes the Oracle Rdb monitor process to
    shut down after existing database users end their access to the
    database. New users on this node are unable to attach to any
    Oracle Rdb database.


    Example 2

    The following command causes the Oracle Rdb monitor to stop
    immediately without allowing current Oracle Rdb users to
    complete active transactions (they are rolled back) or detach
    (DISCONNECT) from their databases. However, the user processes
    are not deleted. Because the monitor is shut down, all Oracle Rdb
    activity on this node is terminated.


    Example 3

    The following command causes the Oracle Rdb monitor to stop
    immediately without allowing current Oracle Rdb users to
    complete active transactions (they are not rolled back) or
    detach (DISCONNECT) from their databases. Each user process that
    was attached to a Oracle Rdb database on this node is deleted


20  –  Move Area

    Permits you to move one or more storage areas to different disks.
    You can also choose to move the database root file to a different

20.1  –  Description

    The RMU Move_Area command lets you modify certain area parameters
    when the move operation is performed. All the files are processed
    simultaneously during the move operation. The performance of
    the RMU Move_Area command is similar to that of the RMU Backup
    command, and it eliminates the need for intermediate storage

    Note that when a snapshot file is moved, Oracle RMU does not
    actually move the snapshot file; instead, Oracle RMU re-creates
    and initializes the snapshot file in the specified location. See
    the description of the Snapshot qualifier for more information
    about using this qualifier, including information on its proper


       You must perform a full and complete Oracle RMU backup
       operation immediately after the Oracle RMU move area
       operation completes to ensure that the database can be
       properly restored after a database failure or corruption.

20.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Move_Area root-file-spec storage-area-list

  Command Qualifiers                       x Defaults
  /[No]After_Journal[=file-spec]           x See description
  /[No]Aij_Options[=journal-opts-file]     x See description
  /All_Areas                               x See description
  /[No]Area                                x See description
  /[No]Cdd_Integrate                       x Nocdd_Integrate
  /[No]Checksum_Verification               x /Checksum_Verification
  /Directory=directory-spec                x None
  /[No]Log                                 x Current DCL verify value
  /Nodes_Max=n                             x Keep current value
  /[No]Online                              x Noonline
  /Option=file-spec                        x None
  /Page_Buffers=n                          x n=3
  /Path=cdd-path                           x Existing value
  /[No]Quiet_Point                         x /Quiet_Point
  /Root=file-spec                          x None
  /Threads=n                               x /Threads=10
  /Users_Max=n                             x Keep current value

  (B)0                                         x
  File or Area Qualifiers                  x Defaults
  /Blocks_Per_Page=n                       x None
  /Extension={Disable | Enable }           x Current value
  /File=file-spec                          x None
  /Read_Only                               x Current value
  /Read_Write                              x Current value
  /Snapshots=(Allocation=n,File=file-spec) x None
  /[No]Spams                               x Leave attribute unchanged
  /Thresholds=(n,n,n)                      x None

20.3  –  Parameters

20.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    The name of the database root file for the database whose storage
    areas you want to move.

20.3.2  –  storage-area-list

    The name of one or more storage areas that you want to move.

20.4  –  Command Qualifiers

20.4.1  –  After Journal



       This qualifier is maintained for compatibility with versions
       of Oracle Rdb prior to Version 6.0. You might find it more
       useful to specify the Aij_Options qualifier, unless you are
       only interested in creating extensible after-image journal
       (.aij) files.

    Specifies how Oracle RMU is to handle after-image journaling and
    .aij file creation, using the following rules:

    o  If you specify the After_Journal qualifier and provide a file
       specification, Oracle RMU enables after-image journaling and
       creates a new extensible after-image journal (.aij) file for
       the database.

    o  If you specify the After_Journal qualifier but do not
       provide a file specification, Oracle RMU enables after-image
       journaling and creates a new extensible .aij file for the
       database with the same name as, but a different version number
       from, the .aij file for the database root file being moved.

    o  If you specify the Noafter_Journal qualifier, Oracle RMU
       disables after-image journaling and does not create a new
       .aij file.

    o  If you do not specify an After_Journal, Noafter_Journal,
       Aij_Options, or Noaij_Options qualifier, Oracle RMU retains
       the original journal setting (enabled or disabled) and the
       original .aij file state.

    You can only specify one, or none, of the following after-image
    journal qualifiers in a single RMU Move_Area command: After_
    Journal, Noafter_Journal, Aij_Options, or Noaij_Options.

    You cannot use the After_Journal qualifier to create fixed-size
    .aij files; use the Aij_Options qualifier.

    You can facilitate recovery by creating a new .aij file because a
    single .aij file cannot be applied across a move area operation
    that changes an area page size. A single .aij file cannot be
    applied across a move operation because the move operation is
    never recorded in the .aij file (and therefore the increase in
    page size is also not journaled). Therefore, when you attempt
    to recover the database, the original page size is used for
    recovery purposes. So, if the .aij file contains database insert
    transactions, these updates might have more free space associated
    with them than is available on the original page size. This
    results in an inability to recover the insert transaction, which
    in turn results in a bugcheck and a corrupted database.

    This qualifier is valid only when no users are attached to the
    database and only when the root file is moved.

20.4.2  –  Aij Options


    Specifies how Oracle RMU is to handle after-image journaling and
    .aij file creation, using the following rules:

    o  If you specify the Aij_Options qualifier and provide a
       journal-opts-file, Oracle RMU enables journaling and creates
       the .aij file or files you specify for the database. If
       only one .aij file exists for the database, it will be an
       extensible .aij file. If two or more .aij files are created
       for the database, they will be fixed-size .aij files (as long
       as at least two .aij files are always available).

    o  If you specify the Aij_Options qualifier but do not provide a
       journal-opts-file, Oracle RMU disables journaling and does not
       create any new .aij files.

    o  If you specify the Noaij_Options qualifier, Oracle RMU retains
       the original journal setting (enabled or disabled) and retains
       the original .aij file.

    o  If you do not specify an After_Journal, Noafter_Journal,
       Aij_Options, or Noaij_Options qualifier, Oracle RMU retains
       the original journal setting (enabled or disabled) and the
       original .aij file state.

    See Show After_Journal for information on the format of a

    Note that you cannot use the RMU Move_Area command with the
    Aij_Options qualifier to alter the journal configuration.
    However, you can use it to define a new after-image journal
    configuration. When you use it to define a new after-image
    journal configuration, it does not delete the journals in the
    original configuration. Those can still be used for recovery.
    If you need to alter the after-image journal configuration, you
    should use the RMU Set After_Journal command.

    The Aij_Options qualifier is valid only when no users are
    attached to the database and only when the root file is moved.

20.4.3  –  All Areas


    Specifies that all database storage areas are to be moved. If
    you specify the All_Areas qualifier, you do not need to specify a

    By default, only areas specified in the storage-area-list are

20.4.4  –  Area



       Due to the confusing semantics of the Area and Noarea
       qualifiers, the Area and Noarea qualifiers are deprecated.
       Oracle Corporation recommends that you use one of the
       following methods to specify areas to be moved:

       o  To move all the storage areas in the database use the
          All_Areas qualifier and do not specify a storage-area-
          list parameter

       o  To move only selected areas in the database, specify the
          storage-area-list parameter or use the Options qualifier
          and specify an options file.

       o  To move only the database root file for a multifile
          database, or to move an entire single-file database,
          specify the root qualifier and do not specify a storage-
          area-list parameter.

    Controls whether specific storage areas are moved. If you specify
    the Area qualifier, only the storage areas specified in the
    option file or the storage-area-list are moved. If you specify
    Noarea, all the storage areas in the database are moved.

    The default is the Area qualifier.

20.4.5  –  Cdd Integrate


    Integrates the metadata from the root (.rdb) file of the moved
    database into the data dictionary (assuming the data dictionary
    is installed on your system).

    If you specify the Nocdd_Integrate qualifier, no integration
    occurs during the move operation.

    You can use the Nocdd_Integrate qualifier even if the DICTIONARY
    IS REQUIRED clause was used when the database being moved was

    The Cdd_Integrate qualifier integrates definitions in one
    direction only-from the database file to the dictionary. The
    Cdd_Integrate qualifier does not integrate definitions from the
    dictionary to the database file.

    The Nocdd_Integrate qualifier is the default.

20.4.6  –  Checksum Verification


    Requests that the page checksum be verified for each page moved.
    The default is to perform this verification.

    The Checksum_Verification qualifier uses CPU resources but can
    provide an extra measure of confidence in the quality of the data
    being moved.

    Use of the Checksum_Verification qualifier offers an additional
    level of data security when the database employs disk striping
    or RAID (redundant arrays of inexpensive disks) technology. These
    technologies fragment data over several disk drives, and use
    of the Checksum_Verification qualifier permits Oracle RMU to
    detect the possibility that the data it is reading from these
    disks has been only partially updated. If you use either of these
    technologies, you should use the Checksum_Verification qualifier.

    Oracle Corporation recommends that you use the Checksum_
    Verification qualifier with all move operations where integrity
    of the data is essential.

20.4.7  –  Directory


    Specifies the destination directory for the moved database files.
    Note that if you specify a file name or file extension, all moved
    files are given that file name or file extension. There is no
    default directory specification for this qualifier.

    See the Usage Notes for information on how this qualifier
    interacts with the Root, File, and Snapshot qualifiers and for
    warnings regarding moving database files into a directory owned
    by a resource identifier.

    If you do not specify this qualifier, Oracle RMU attempts to move
    all the database files (unless they are qualified with the Root,
    File, or Snapshot qualifier) to their current location.

20.4.8  –  Log


    Specifies whether the processing of the command is reported to
    SYS$OUTPUT. Specify the Log qualifier to request log output and
    the Nolog qualifier to prevent it. If you specify neither, the
    default is the current setting of the DCL verify switch. (The DCL
    SET VERIFY command controls the DCL verify switch.)

20.4.9  –  Nodes Max


    Specifies a new value for the database maximum node count
    parameter. The default is to leave the value unchanged.

    Use the Nodes_Max qualifier only if you move the database root

20.4.10  –  Online


    Allows the specified storage areas to be moved without taking
    the database off line. This qualifier can be used only when you
    specify the storage-area-list parameter, or when you specify the
    Options=file-spec qualifier. The default is Noonline. You cannot
    move a database root file when the database is on line. The Root
    qualifier cannot be specified with the Online qualifier in an RMU
    Move_Area command.

20.4.11  –  Option


    Specifies an options file containing storage area names, followed
    by the storage area qualifiers that you want applied to that
    storage area. Do not separate the storage area names with commas.
    Instead, put each storage area name on a separate line in the
    file. The storage area qualifiers that you can include in the
    options file are:


    If you specify the Snapshot qualifier, you must also move the
    corresponding data files at the same time. To move a snapshot
    file independently of its corresponding data file, use the RMU
    Repair command with the Initialize=Snapshots=Confirm qualifier.

    You can use the DCL line continuation character, a hyphen (-),
    or the comment character (!)  in the options file.

    There is no default for this qualifier. Example 3 in the Examples
    help entry under this command shows the use of an options file.

    If the Option qualifier is specified, the storage-area-list
    parameter is ignored.

20.4.12  –  Page Buffers


    Specifies the number of buffers to be allocated for each file
    to be moved. The number of buffers used is twice the number
    specified; half are used for reading the file and half for
    writing the moved files. Values specified with the Page_Buffers
    qualifier can range from 1 to 5. The default value is 3. Larger
    values might improve performance, but they increase memory usage.

20.4.13  –  Path


    Specifies a data dictionary path into which the definitions of
    the moved database will be integrated. If you do not specify
    the Path qualifier, Oracle RMU uses the CDD$DEFAULT logical name
    value of the user who enters the RMU Move_Area command.

    If you specify a relative path name, Oracle Rdb appends the
    relative path name you enter to the CDD$DEFAULT value. If the
    cdd-path parameter contains nonalphanumeric characters, you must
    enclose it within quotation marks ("").

    Oracle Rdb ignores the Path qualifier if you use the Nocdd_
    Integrate qualifier or if the data dictionary is not installed
    on your system.

20.4.14  –  Quiet Point


    Allows you to specify that a database move operation is to occur
    either immediately or when a quiet point for database activity
    occurs. A quiet point is defined as a point where no active
    update transactions are in progress in the database.

    When you specify the Noquiet_Point qualifier, Oracle RMU proceeds
    with the move operation as soon as the RMU Move_Area command is
    issued, regardless of any update transaction activity in progress
    in the database. Because Oracle RMU must acquire exclusive locks
    on the physical and logical areas for the areas being moved,
    the move operation fails if there are any active transactions
    with exclusive locks on storage areas that are being moved.
    However, once Oracle RMU has successfully acquired all the needed
    concurrent-read storage area locks, it should not encounter any
    further lock conflicts. If a transaction is started that causes
    Oracle Rdb to request exclusive locks on the areas that are in
    the process of being moved, that transaction either waits or
    gets a lock conflict error, but the move area operation continues

    If you intend to use the Noquiet_Point qualifier with a move
    procedure that previously specified the Quiet_Point qualifier
    (or did not specify either the Quiet_Point or the Noquiet_Point
    qualifier), you should examine any applications that execute
    concurrently with the move operation. You might need to modify
    your applications or your move procedure to handle the lock
    conflicts that can occur when you specify the Noquiet_Point

    When you specify the Quiet_Point qualifier, the move operation
    begins when a quiet point is reached.

    The default is Quiet_Point.

20.4.15  –  Root


    Requests that the database root file be moved to the specified
    location. If not specified, the database root file is not moved.

    You must specify the Root qualifier when you use the RMU Move_
    Area command on a single-file database. If you omit the Root
    qualifier, you receive an error message. When you specify the
    Root qualifier, specify the location where you want the root file
    moved. For example:


    See the Usage Notes for information on how this qualifier
    interacts with the Directory, File, and Snapshot qualifiers.

20.4.16  –  Threads=number


    Specifies the number of reader threads to be used by the move

    RMU creates so called internal 'threads' of execution to read
    data from one specific storage area. Threads run quasi-parallel
    within the process executing the RMU image. Each thread generates
    its own I/O load and consumes resources like virtual address
    space and process quotas (e.g. FILLM, BYTLM). The more threads,
    the more I/Os can be generated at one point in time and the more
    resources are needed to accomplish the same task.

    Performance increases with more threads due to parallel
    activities which keeps disk drives busier. However, at a certain
    number of threads, performance suffers because the disk I/O
    subsystem is saturated and I/O queues build up for the disk
    drives. Also the extra CPU time for additional thread scheduling
    overhead reduces the overall performance. Typically 2-5 threads
    per input disk drive are sufficient to drive the disk I/O
    susbsystem at its optimum. However, some controllers may be
    able to handle the I/O load of more threads, for example disk
    controllers with RAID sets and extra cache memory.

    In a move operation, one thread moves the data of one storage
    area at a time. If there are more storage areas to be moved than
    there are threads, then the next idle thread takes on the next
    storage area. Storage areas are moved in order of the area size
    - largest areas first. This optimizes the overall elapsed time
    by allowing other threads to move smaller areas while an earlier
    thread is still working on a large area. If no threads qualifier
    is specified then 10 threads are created by default. The minimum
    is 1 thread and the maximum is the number of storage areas to be
    moved. If the user specifies a value larger than the number of
    storage areas, then RMU silently limits the number of threads to
    the number of storage areas.

    For a move operation, you can specify a threads number as low as
    1. Using a threads number of 1 generates the smallest system
    load in terms of working set usage and disk I/O load. Disk
    I/O subsystems most likely can handle higher I/O loads. Using
    a slightly larger value than 1 typically results in faster
    execution time.

20.4.17  –  Users Max


    Specifies a new value for the database maximum user count

    The default is to leave the value unchanged.

    Use the Users_Max qualifier only if you move the database root

20.4.18  –  Blocks Per Page


    Specifies a new page size for the storage area to which it is
    applied. You cannot decrease the page size of a storage area.

    If you attempt to change the page size during an online Move_
    Area operation, you might receive a PAGESIZETOOBIG error message.
    Changing the page size sometimes requires that Oracle Rdb change
    the buffer size for the database also (because buffers must be
    large enough to hold at least one page from each area). However,
    the buffer size cannot change if other users are accessing the

    You might want to increase the page size in storage areas
    containing hash indexes that are close to full. By increasing
    the page size in such a situation, you prevent the storage area
    from extending.

    The Blocks_Per_Page qualifier is a positional qualifier.

20.4.19  –  Extension


    Allows you to change the automatic file extension attribute when
    you move a storage area.

    Use the Extension=Disable qualifier to disable automatic file
    extensions for one or more storage areas.

    Use the Extension=Enable qualifier to enable automatic file
    extensions for one or more storage areas.

    If you do not specify the Extension=Disable or the
    Extension=Enable qualifier, the storage areas is moved with the
    automatic file extension attributes that are currently in effect.

    The Extension qualifier is a positional qualifier.

20.4.20  –  File


    Requests that the storage area to which this qualifier is applied
    be moved to the specified location.

    The File qualifier is a positional qualifier. This qualifier is
    not valid for single-file databases.

    See the Usage Notes for information on how this qualifier
    interacts with the Root, Snapshot, and Directory qualifiers.

20.4.21  –  Read Only

    Use the Read_Only qualifier to change a read/write storage area
    or a write-once storage area to a read-only storage area.

    If you do not specify the Read_Only or the Read_Write qualifier,
    the storage areas are moved with the read/write attributes that
    are currently in effect for the database.

    This is a positional qualifier.

20.4.22  –  Read Write

    Use the Read_Write qualifier to change a read-only storage area
    or a write-once storage area to a read/write storage area.

    If you do not specify the Read_Only or the Read_Write qualifier,
    the storage areas are moved with the read/write attributes that
    are currently in effect for the database.

    This is a positional qualifier.

20.4.23  –  Snapshots


    Allows you to specify a new snapshot file allocation size, a new
    snapshot file location, or both, for the storage area to which
    the qualifier is applied.

    Use the Allocation=n option to specify the snapshot file
    allocation size in n pages; use the File=file-spec option to
    specify a new file location for the snapshot file associated with
    the area being moved.

    Note that when you specify a new file location for the snapshot
    file, the snapshot file is not actually moved; instead, Oracle
    RMU creates and initializes a new snapshot file in the specified
    directory. However, if a snapshot file is accidentally deleted or
    becomes corrupt, using this qualifier is not the recommended or
    supported method for re-creating the snapshot file. Use the RMU
    Repair command instead. See the Repair help entry for information
    on using the RMU Repair command to re-create and initialize a
    deleted or corrupted snapshot file.

    If the keyword Allocation is omitted, the original allocation is
    used, not the storage area's current allocation size.

    You cannot specify a snapshot file name for a single-file
    database. When you create a snapshot file, Oracle Rdb does not
    store the file specification of the snapshot file. Instead, it
    uses the file specification of the root file (.rdb) to determine
    the file specification of the snapshot file.

    See the Usage Notes for information on placing a snapshot file on
    a different device or directory when your database is a single-
    file database and for information on how this qualifier interacts
    with the Root, File, and Directory qualifiers.

    The Snapshot qualifier is a positional qualifier.

20.4.24  –  Spams


    Specifies whether to enable the creation of space area management
    (SPAM) pages or to disable the creation of SPAM pages (Nospams)
    for specified storage areas when converting read/write storage
    areas to write-once storage areas or vice versa. This qualifier
    is not permitted with a storage area that has a uniform page

    When SPAM pages are disabled in a read/write storage area, the
    SPAM pages are initialized, but they are not updated.

    The Spams qualifier is a positional qualifier.

20.4.25  –  Thresholds


    Specifies new SPAM thresholds for the storage area to which it is
    applied (for a mixed page format storage area). The thresholds of
    a storage area with a uniform page format cannot be changed.

    See the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to Database Performance and Tuning for
    information on setting SPAM thresholds.

    The Thresholds qualifier is a positional qualifier.

20.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Move_Area command for a database, you must have
       the RMU$MOVE privilege in the root file access control list
       (ACL) for the database or have the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS

    o  You cannot disable extensions of snapshot (.snp) files.

    o  The parameter (file and area) qualifiers for the RMU Move_Area
       command have positional semantics. See the Command_Qualifiers
       help entry for more information on parameter qualifiers.

    o  The RMU Move_Area command provides four qualifiers, Directory,
       Root, File, and Snapshots, that allow you to specify the
       target for the moved files. The target can be just a
       directory, just a file name, or a directory and file name.

       If you use all or some of these four qualifiers, apply them as

       -  If you want to move the database root, use the Root
          qualifier to indicate the target for the moved database
          root file.

       -  Use local application of the File qualifier to specify the
          target for the moved storage area or areas.

       -  Use local application of the Snapshots qualifier to specify
          the target for the moved snapshot file or files.

       -  Use the Directory qualifier to specify a default target
          directory. The default target directory is the directory to
          which all storage area and snapshot files not qualified
          with the File or Snapshot qualifier are moved. It is
          also the default directory for files qualified with the
          Root, File, or Snapshot qualifier if the target for these
          qualifiers does not include a directory specification.

       Note the following when using these qualifiers:

       -  Global application of the File qualifier when the target
          specification includes a file name causes Oracle RMU
          to move all of the specified storage areas to different
          versions of the same file name. This creates a database
          that is difficult to manage.

       -  Global application of the Snapshot qualifier when the
          target specification includes a file name causes Oracle RMU
          to move all of the specified snapshot files to different
          versions of the same file name. This creates a database
          that is difficult to manage.

       -  Specifying a file name or extension with the Directory
          qualifier is permitted, but causes Oracle RMU to move all
          of the specified files (except those specified with the
          File or Root qualifier) to different versions of the same
          file name. Again, this creates a database that is difficult
          to manage.

       See Example 6.

    o  You must specify the Root qualifier when you use the RMU Move_
       Area command on a single-file database. If you omit the Root
       qualifier, you receive an error message. If you want to place
       the snapshot file for a single-file database on a different
       device or directory from the root file, Oracle Corporation
       recommends that you create a multifile database. However,
       you can work around this restriction by defining a search
       list for a concealed logical name. (However, do not use a
       nonconcealed rooted logical name to define database files; a
       database created with a non-concealed rooted logical name can
       be backed up, but may not restore correctly when you attempt
       to restore the files to a new directory.)

       To create a single-file database with a snapshot file on a
       different device or directory from the root file, define a
       search list by using a concealed logical name. Specify the
       location of the root file as the first item in the search
       list. When you create the database, use the logical name for
       the directory specification. Then, copy the snapshot file
       to the second device. The following example demonstrates the

       $ ! Define a concealed logical name.
       $ SQL
       SQL> ! Create the database.
       SQL> !
       SQL> EXIT
       $ !
       $ ! Copy the snapshot file to the second disk.
       $ !
       $ ! Delete the snapshot file from the original disk.

    o  There are no restrictions on the use of the Nospams qualifier
       option with mixed page format storage areas, but the use of
       the Nospams qualifier typically causes severe performance
       degradation. The Nospams qualifier is useful only where
       updates are rare and batched, and access is primarily by
       database key (dbkey).

20.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    If a storage area is on a disk that is logging error messages,
    you can move the storage area to another disk by using the RMU
    Move_Area command. The following command moves the DEPARTMENTS
    storage area (departments.rda) and the DEPARTMENTS snapshot
    file (departments.snp) of the mf_personnel database to the
    DDV21:[RICK.SQL] directory:


    Example 2

    The following command moves the EMPIDS_LOW, EMPIDS_MID, and
    EMPIDS_OVER storage areas for the mf_personnel database to the
    DISK2:[USER2] directory. The Extension=Disable qualifier disables
    automatic file extensions for the EMPIDS_LOW, EMPIDS_MID, and
    EMPIDS_OVER storage area (.rda) files when they are moved to the
    DISK2:[USER2] directory:


    Example 3

    The following RMU Move_Area command uses an options file to
    specify that the storage area files and snapshot files be moved
    to different disks. Note that storage area snapshot (.snp)
    files are located on different disks from one another and from
    their associated storage area (.rda) files; this is recommended
    for optimal performance. (This example assumes that the disks
    specified for each storage area file in options_file.opt are
    different from those where the storage area files currently


    The following command displays the contents of the options file:

    $ TYPE options_file.opt










    Example 4

    The following RMU Move_Area command moves the database root for
    the mf_personnel database and defines a new after-image journal
    configuration, using the Aij_Options qualifier:


    The aij_config.opt file contains the following clauses:

        RESERVE 2 -
        ALLOCATION IS 512 -
        EXTENT IS 512 -
    ADD AIJ1 -
    ADD AIJ2 -

    Example 5

    The following example moves all the mf_personnel database storage
    areas to the DISK3:[db] directory:


    Example 6

    The following example demonstrates the use of the Directory,
    File, and Root qualifiers. In this example:

    o  The default directory is specified as DISK2:[DIR].

    o  The target directory and file name for the database root file
       is specified with the Root qualifier. The target directory
       specified with the Root qualifier overrides the default
       directory specified with the Directory qualifier. Thus, Oracle
       RMU moves the database root to DISK3:[ROOT] and names it

    o  The target directory for the EMPIDS_MID storage area is
       DISK4:[FILE]. Oracle RMU moves EMPIDS_MID to DISK4:[FILE].

    o  The target file name for the EMPIDS_LOW storage area is
       EMPIDS. Thus, Oracle RMU moves the EMPIDS_LOW storage area
       to the DISK2 default directory (specified with the Directory
       qualifier), and names the file EMPIDS.RDA.

    o  The target for the EMPIDS_LOW snapshot file is
       DISK5:[SNAP]EMPIDS.SNP Thus, Oracle RMU moves the EMPIDS_LOW
       snapshot file to DISK5:[SNAP]EMPIDS.SNP.

    o  All the other storage area files and snapshot files in the
       mf_personnel database are moved to DISK2:[DIR]; the file names
       for these storage areas remain unchanged.


21  –  Open

    Opens a database root file and maps its global section to the
    contents of an OpenVMS virtual address file. You can use the RMU
    Open command in conjunction with the SQL ALTER DATABASE statement
    to control access to the database. See the description of the
    statement in the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for details.

21.1  –  Description

    Once you use the RMU Open command to open a database, the
    database remains open and mapped until you close it explicitly
    with an RMU Close command and all users have exited the database
    with the SQL DISCONNECT or EXIT statements. If you do not issue
    the RMU Open command, the first user to attach to the database
    incurs the cost of implicitly opening it and the last user to
    detach from the database incurs the cost of implicitly closing

    The effect of the RMU Open command depends on whether you have
    specified the OPEN IS AUTOMATIC or OPEN IS MANUAL clause to the
    SQL ALTER DATABASE statement, as follows:


       If you have specified automatic opening for your database,
       users can invoke the database at any time without first
       issuing an RMU Open command. (Although as mentioned above,
       it is more efficient to explicitly open the database with an
       RMU Open command and close it with an RMU Close command.)


       If you have specified manual opening for your database, the
       RMU Open command must be issued before users can invoke the

    If you modify the database attribute from OPEN IS AUTOMATIC
    to OPEN IS MANUAL, the modification takes effect only after
    all users have detached from the database. (You can issue the
    RMU/CLOSE/ABORT=FORCEX command to force all users to detach.)
    Then, you must issue the RMU Open command before users can invoke
    the database.

    If you modify the database attribute from OPEN IS MANUAL to OPEN
    IS AUTOMATIC, users can invoke the database at their discretion.
    You do not have to issue the RMU Open command. However, if a
    user has already opened the database manually when you make this
    change to the database attribute, the modification takes effect
    only after you manually close the database by issuing the RMU
    Close command.

    See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for information
    to help you decide whether to set your database attribute to
    automatic or manual opening.

    When you create a database, you have a choice of how to set up
    buffers for database pages. You can choose either local or global
    buffering. Global buffers can provide better system performance.
    See the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to Database Performance and Tuning for
    more information on setting the number of global buffers for your

21.2  –  Format

  (B)0   Command Qualifiers                       x Default
     /Access=[Un]Restricted                   x See description
     /Global_Buffers[=(Total=i,User_Limit=j)] x See description
     /Path                                    x None
     /Row_Cache=Disable                       x See description
     /[No]Statistics=Import                   x /Nostatistics
     /[No]Wait                                x /Nowait

21.3  –  Parameters

21.3.1  –  root-file-spec


    Specifies the database to open. If the database root file is
    open, you receive an informational message. The default file
    extension is .rdb.

21.4  –  Command Qualifiers

21.4.1  –  Access


    Permits the database administrator to open the database
    and restrict access to it in order to perform maintenance
    operations or to restructure the database without interference
    from users who want to gain access. If access is restricted
    (Access=Restricted), the DBADM privilege is required for SQL
    access to the database. If the Access=Unrestricted qualifier is
    specified, users without the DBADM privilege can attach to the


       Do not confuse the Oracle RMU Access=Restricted qualifier
       with the SQL restricted access clause (available for use
       with the following SQL statements: ATTACH, CREATE, DECLARE
       ALIAS, and IMPORT). When you specify the restricted access
       clause in SQL, only one user can attach to the database;
       when you specify the Access=Restricted qualifier using
       Oracle RMU, any number of users with the DBADM privilege
       can access the database.

       Furthermore, note that an SQL SHOW DATABASE command
       displays the phrase "No Restricted Access" or the phrase
       "Restricted Access" if access has been restricted using the
       SQL restricted access clause. However, SHOW DATABASE tells
       you nothing about whether Oracle RMU has opened a database
       with access restricted. Use the RMU Dump command to view the
       Oracle RMU access setting.

       Refer to the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for more
       information on the SQL restricted access clause.

    If you specify the RMU Open command without the Access qualifier,
    Oracle RMU opens the database in the same access mode as the last
    RMU Open command performed. If the database was last opened as
    restricted, issuing the RMU Dump command results in the following
    message being displayed:

    Access restricted to privileged users

    Use this form of the RMU Open command to open the database on
    other nodes without changing the access mode.

    The access mode is clusterwide and the last mode set with the RMU
    Open command is used for the entire cluster.

    For example, if you open the mf_personnel database on node A with
    the Access=Unrestricted qualifier, and open the same database
    on node B with the Access=Restricted qualifier, the database
    has restricted access on both node A and node B. However, the
    commands do not terminate any user processes that may have gained
    access while the database was unrestricted.

    The access mode is stored in the database. Consequently, if
    the system fails while access is restricted, access remains
    restricted unless the unrestricted mode is explicitly requested.
    The RMU Backup, RMU Restore, and RMU Copy_Database commands also
    preserve the access mode.

    The RMU Close command does not alter the access mode. You can
    change the mode by using the RMU Open command only. You can use
    the RMU Open command to restrict access to any database, whether
    it was opened as AUTOMATIC or MANUAL.

    The Access qualifier is a positional qualifier.

21.4.2  –  Global Buffers


    Allows you to set the basic global buffer parameters on each
    RMU Open command. If you specify the Global_Buffers qualifier,
    you can optionally specify values for the Total and User_Limit

    o  Total is the number of global buffers per node to allocate for
       this opened instance of the database (minimum = 5, and maximum

    o  User_Limit is the maximum number of global buffers to be
       allotted to any given user (minimum = 5, maximum = Total).

    The default values for Total and User_Limit are set by:

    o  The RMU Open command explicitly

    o  Values determined at the time the database was created

    If you do not specify a value for the Total or User_Limit
    options, the values are determined based on what they were when
    the database was created.

    If a database does not have global buffers enabled, the Global_
    Buffers qualifier is ignored. Use the RMU Dump command to see
    if global buffering is enabled or disabled. The RMU Dump command
    also shows the global buffer count and the maximum global buffer
    count per user. For example:

    * Oracle Rdb V7.0-00                        22-SEP-1995 10:11:51.14
    * Dump of Database header
    *     Database: DISK1:[DATABASE]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1

    Database Parameters:
        Root filename is "DISK1:[DATABASE]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1"
        Created at 7-APR-1994 16:50:09.01
        Oracle Rdb structure level is 70.0
        Maximum user count is 50
        Maximum node count is 16
        Database open mode is AUTOMATIC
        Database close mode is AUTOMATIC
        Database is available for READ WRITE access
        Snapshot mode is NON-DEFERRED
        Statistics are enabled
        Storage Areas...
          - Active storage area count is 10
          - Reserved storage area count is 0
          - Default user buffer count is 20
          - Default recovery buffer count is 20
          - Global buffers are enabled   <--------
          - Global buffer count is 250   <--------
          - Maximum global buffer count per user is 5   <--------
          - Buffer size is 6 blocks
        Derived Data...
          - Global section size
              With global buffers disabled is 70962 bytes
              With global buffers enabled is 975992 bytes

    The Global_Buffers qualifier is a positional qualifier.

21.4.3  –  Path


    Specifies the full or relative data dictionary path name in which
    the definitions reside for the database you want to open.

    The Path qualifier is a positional qualifier. The path name
    cannot include wildcard characters.

21.4.4  –  Row Cache=Disable

    Disables row caching. This qualifier is provided for use with hot
    standby databases. Row caching cannot be enabled on a hot standby
    database while replication is active. If it is enabled, the hot
    standby feature will not start.

21.4.5  –  Statistics=Import


    Specifies that statistic information previously saved by using
    the Statistics=Export qualifier on the RMU Close command is to be
    loaded when the database is opened. The default is Nostatistics,
    which indicates that statistic information is not loaded when the
    database is opened.

    After the database is opened using the Statistics=Import
    qualifier, the saved statistics file is closed. The statistics
    file is not automatically deleted. It can be deleted if it is no
    longer needed.

    When you use the Statistics=Import qualifier, statistics
    information is automatically preserved in the event of abnormal
    database closure. To ensure that the ondisk statistic information
    files are accurate in the case of a node or monitor failure,
    the statistic information files are checkpointed by the database
    monitor every half-hour. The RMU Show Users command identifies
    when the checkpoint for each database occurs.

    The statistic files are not loaded if the physical schema of the
    database has changed since the statistic file was created. This
    means that the addition or deletion of storage aras, logical
    areas, and record caches invalidate the statistic files. This
    restriction prevents incorrect statistic information from being
    loaded when intervening physical changes occur to the database.
    Closing the database updates the statistic files and makes
    them valid. Use the RMU Show Users command to verify that the
    statistic information file was imported.

21.4.6  –  Wait


    Specifies whether the system prompt should be returned before
    the database is completely open and available. Specify the
    Wait qualifier if you want the system prompt returned when the
    database is completely open and available. Specify Nowait if you
    want the system prompt returned immediately, regardless of the
    state of the open operation.

    The Nowait qualifier is the default.

21.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Open command for a database, you must have the
       RMU$OPEN privilege in the root file access control list (ACL)
       for the database or the OpenVMS WORLD privilege.

21.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command opens the mf_personnel database:


    Example 2

    The following command opens the mf_personnel database in the
    WORK directory, all the databases in the .TEST directory, and the
    databases specified by the path names CDD$TOP.FINANCE and SAMPLE_


    Example 3

    This command opens the mf_personnel database, sets the total
    global buffers for this opened instance of the database, and sets
    the maximum number of global buffers that can be given to any
    user. This example limits the number of users who can access this
    database at any given time to 2 (Total divided by User_Limit).
    You may want to increase the values of Total and User_Limit.


    If you define a user limit value that is greater than the value
    you specify for Total, you receive an error message:

    %RMU-F-VALGTRMAX, value (10) is greater than maximum allowed
     value (5) for GLOBAL_BUFFERS.USER_LIMIT

    Example 4

    This command disables row caching.


22  –  Optimize

    Optimize After_Journal
    Optimizes a backed up after-image journal (.aij) file for
    database recovery (rollforward) operations by eliminating
    unneeded and duplicate journal records, and by ordering
    journal records. An optimized .aij (.oaij) file created by the
    RMU Optimize After_Journal command provides better recovery
    performance for your database than an .aij file. A benefit of
    this improved recovery performance is that the database is made
    available to users sooner.

    The RMU Optimize After_Journal command is used to read a backed
    up .aij file on disk and write the .oaij file to tape or disk.

22.1  –  Description

    The RMU Optimize After_Journal command performs the following
    optimizations to backed up .aij files:

    o  The .aij records from transactions that rolled back are

       Because transactions that are rolled back in an .aij file are
       not needed in a recovery operation, they are not part of an
       optimized .aij file.

    o  Duplicate .aij records are eliminated.

       Duplicate .aij records are .aij records that update the same
       database record. During the rollforward of an .aij file,
       duplicate .aij records cause a database record to be updated
       multiple times. Each update supersedes the previous update,
       meaning only the last update is relevant. Therefore, all but
       the last update to a database record can be eliminated from an
       .aij file.

    o  The .aij records are ordered by physical database key (dbkey).

       Ordering .aij records by physical dbkey improves I/O
       performance at recovery time.

    See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for further
    description of optimizing .aij files.

    The RMU Optimize After_Journal command has the following

    o  You can only optimize quiet-point .aij backup files.

    o  You cannot optimize a current .aij file.

    o  You cannot optimize an .oaij file.


          Because an .oaij file is not functionally equivalent to
          the original .aij file, the original .aij file should not
          be discarded after it has been optimized.

    o  You cannot use .oaij files with the following types of
       recovery operations:

       -  By-area recovery operations (recovery operations that use
          the RMU Recover command with the Areas qualifier).

       -  By-page recovery operations (recovery operations that use
          the RMU Recover command with the Just_Corrupt qualifier).

       -  RMU Recover commands with the Until qualifier. The .oaij
          file does not retain enough of the information from the
          original .aij file for such an operation.

       -  Recovery operation where the database or any storage areas
          (or both) are inconsistent with the .oaij file. A database
          or storage area will be inconsistent with the .oaij file if
          the transaction sequence number (TSN) of the last committed
          transaction of the database or storage area is not equal
          to the TSN of the last committed transaction in the open
          record of the .aij file. The last committed TSN in the
          .oaij file represents the last transaction committed to the
          database at the time the original .aij file was created.

       As a workaround for these restrictions against using .oaij
       files in these recovery operations, use the original,
       unoptimized .aij files in these recovery operations instead.

    o  Any .aij file that possibly contains incomplete transactions
       cannot be optimized. Incomplete transactions can occur in an
       .aij file under the following circumstances:

       -  The .aij file is backed up with a no-quiet-point backup
          operation (because transactions can span .aij files)

          Note that transactions in a fixed-size journal
          configuration may span .aij files. Thus, if each journal
          in a fixed-size journal configuration has been backed up on
          a per-journal basis, the resulting files are equivalent to
          a no-quiet-point .aij backup operation. These .aij backup
          files cannot be optimized unless you perform a manual
          quiet-point backup operation first. A quiet-point backup
          operation forces a switch-over to another available .aij
          file which ensures that no transaction spans two journal

       -  The previous .aij file was backed up with a no-quiet-point
          backup operation

       -  The .aij file has unresolved distributed transactions

       There are no workarounds to these restrictions against
       optimizing .aij files with incomplete transactions.

22.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Optimize/After_Journal aij-file optimized-aij-file

  Command Qualifiers                     x Defaults
  /[No]Accept_Label                      x /Noaccept_Label
  /Active_IO=max-writes                  x /Active_IO=3
  /Block_Size=integer                    x See description
  /Crc[=Autodin_II]                      x See description
  /Crc=Checksum                          x See description
  /Nocrc                                 x See description
  /Density=density-value[,[No]Compaction]x See description
  /Encrypt=({Value=|Name=}[,Algorithm=]) x See description
  /Format={Old_File|New_Tape}            x /Format=Old_File
  /[No]Group_Size=interval               x See description
  /Label=(label-name-list)               x See description
  /Librarian[=options]                   x None
  /[No]Log                               x Current DCL verify value
  /[No]Media_Loader                      x See description
  /Owner=user-id                         x See description
  /Protection[=openvms-file-protection]  x See description

22.3  –  Parameters

22.3.1  –  aij-file

    The name of the .aij file that you want to optimize. It cannot be
    a current .aij file.

    The default file extension is .aij.

22.3.2  –  optimized-aij-file

    The name of the optimized .oaij file to be produced by the RMU
    Optimize After_Journal command.

    The default file extension is .oaij.

22.4  –  Command Qualifiers

22.4.1  –  Accept Label


    Specifies that Oracle RMU should keep the current tape label it
    finds on a tape during an optimize-to-tape operation even if that
    label does not match the default label or that specified with
    the Label qualifier. Operator notification does not occur unless
    the tape's protection, owner, or expiration date prohibit writing
    to the tape. However, a message is logged (assuming logging is
    enabled) to indicate that a label is being preserved and which
    drive currently holds that tape.

    This qualifier is particularly useful when your optimize-to-tape
    operation employs numerous previously used (and thus labeled)
    tapes and you want to preserve the labels currently on the tapes.

    If you do not specify this qualifier, the default behavior
    of Oracle RMU is to notify the operator each time it finds a
    mismatch between the current label on the tape and the default
    label (or the label you specify with the Label qualifier).

    See the description of the Labels qualifier under this command
    for information on default labels. See How Tapes are Relabeled
    During a Backup Operation in the Usage_Notes help entry under
    the Backup Database help entry for a summary of which labels are
    applied under a variety of circumstances.

22.4.2  –  Active IO


    Specifies the maximum number of write operations to the .oaij
    file device that the RMU Optimize After_Journal command will
    attempt simultaneously. This is not the maximum number of write
    operations in progress; that value is the product of active
    system I/O operations and the number of devices being written
    to simultaneously.

    The value of the Active_IO qualifier can range from 1 to 5. The
    default value
    is 3. Values larger than 3 might improve performance with some
    tape drives.

22.4.3  –  Block Size


    Specifies the maximum record size for the optimized .oaij file.
    The size can vary between 2048 and 65,024 bytes. The default
    value is device dependent. The appropriate block size is a
    compromise between tape capacity and error rate. The block size
    you specify must be larger than the largest page length in the

22.4.4  –  Crc[=Autodin II]


    Uses the AUTODIN-II polynomial for the 32-bit cyclic redundancy
    check (CRC) calculation and provides the most reliable end-
    to-end error detection. This is the default for NRZ/PE
    (800/1600 bits/inch) tape drives.

    Typing the Crc qualifier is sufficient to select the Crc=Autodin_
    II option. It is not necessary to type the entire qualifier.

22.4.5  –  Crc=Checksum


    Uses one's complement addition, which is the same computation
    used to do a checksum of the AIJ data on disk. This is the
    default for GCR (6250 bits/inch) tape drives and for TA78, TA79,
    and TA81 drives.

    The Crc=Checksum qualifier allows detection of data errors.

22.4.6  –  Nocrc


    Disables end-to-end error detection. This is the default for TA90
    (IBM 3480 class) drives.


       The overall effect of the Crc=Autodin_II, Crc=Checksum, and
       Nocrc defaults is to make tape reliability equal to that
       of a disk. If you retain your tapes longer than 1 year,
       the Nocrc default might not be adequate. For tapes retained
       longer than 1 year, use the Crc=Checksum qualifier.

       If you retain your tapes longer than 3 years, you should
       always use the Crc=Autodin_II qualifier.

       Tapes retained longer than 5 years could be deteriorating
       and should be copied to fresh media.

       See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for details
       on using the Crc qualifiers to avoid underrun errors.

22.4.7  –  Density


    Specifies the density at which the output volume is to be
    written. The default value is the format of the first volume (the
    first tape you mount). You do not need to specify this qualifier
    unless your tape drives support data compression or more than one
    recording density.

    The Density qualifier is applicable only to tape drives. Oracle
    RMU returns an error message if this qualifier is used and the
    target device is not a tape drive.

    If your systems are running OpenVMS versions prior to 7.2-1,
    specify the Density qualifier as follows:

    o  For TA90E, TA91, and TA92 tape drives, specify the number in
       bits per inch as follows:

       -  Density = 70000 to initialize and write tapes in the
          compacted format

       -  Density = 39872 or Density = 40000 for the noncompacted

    o  For SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) tape drives,
       specify Density = 1 to initialize and write tapes, using the
       drive's hardware data compression scheme.

    o  For other types of tape drives, you can specify a supported
       Density value between 800 and 160,000 bits per inch.

    o  For all tape drives, specify Density = 0 to initialize and
       write tapes at the drive's standard density.

    Do not use the Compaction or NoCompaction keyword for systems
    running OpenVMS versions prior to 7.2-1. On these systems,
    compression is determined by the density value and cannot be

    Oracle RMU supports the OpenVMS tape density and compression
    values introduced in OpenVMS Version 7.2-1. The following table
    lists the added density values supported by Oracle RMU.

    DEFAULT    800       833        1600
    6250       3480      3490E      TK50
    TK70       TK85      TK86       TK87
    TK88       TK89      QIC        8200
    8500       8900      DLT8000
    SDLT       SDLT320   SDLT600
    DDS1       DDS2      DDS3       DDS4
    AIT1       AIT2      AIT3       AIT4

    If the OpenVMS Version 7.2-1 density values and the previous
    density values are the same (for example, 800, 833, 1600, 6250),
    the specified value is interpreted as an OpenVMS Version 7.2-1
    value if the tape device driver accepts them, and as a previous
    value if the tape device driver accepts previous values only.

    For the OpenVMS Version 7.2-1 values that accept tape compression
    you can use the following syntax:

    /DENSITY = (new_density_value,[No]Compaction)

    In order to use the Compaction or NoCompaction keyword, you must
    use one of the following density values that accepts compression:

    DEFAULT    3480      3490E      8200
    8500       8900      TK87       TK88
    TK89       DLT8000   SDLT       SDLT320
    AIT1       AIT2      AIT3       AIT4
    DDS1       DDS2      DDS3       DDS4
    SDLT600    LTO2      LTO3

    Refer to the OpenVMS documentation for more information about
    density values.

22.4.8  –  Encrypt


    The Encrypt qualifier decrypts the backup file of the optimized
    after-image journal file.

    Specify a key value as a string or, the name of a predefined
    key. If no algorithm name is specified the default is DESCBC.
    For details on the Value, Name and Algorithm parameters see HELP

    This feature requires the OpenVMS Encrypt product to be installed
    and licensed on this system.

    This feature only works for a newer format backup file which has
    been created using the Format=New_Tape qualifier. Therefore you
    have to specify the Format=New_Tape qualifier with this command
    if you also use the Encrypt qualifier.

    Synonymous with the Format=Old_File and Format=New_Tape
    qualifiers. See the description of those qualifiers.

22.4.9  –  Format


    The Format qualifier allows you to specify the format of the
    files written by the RMU Optimize After_Journal command.

    If you specify the default, Format=Old_File, the RMU Optimize
    After_Journal command writes files in RMS format. This format is
    provided for compatibility with prior versions of Oracle Rdb. If
    you specify Format=Old_File, you must mount the media by using
    the DCL MOUNT command before you issue the RMU Optimize After_
    Journal command. Because the RMU Optimize After_Journal command
    will use RMS to write to the tape, the tape must be mounted as
    an OpenVMS volume (that is, do not specify the /FOREIGN qualifier
    with the MOUNT command).

    If you specify FOREIGN access although your backup file was
    created using the Format=Old_File qualifier, you will not receive
    an error message. The tape will be considered unlabeled, and
    thus the operation will process whatever data is at the current
    position of the tape (labels, data, or something else). A
    failure will occur, but what will fail and how it will fail is
    unpredictable because the type of information that will be read
    is unknown. The result is an unlabeled tape that can be difficult
    to use for recovery operations.

    If you specify Format=New_Tape, the RMU Optimize After_Journal
    command writes .aij files in a format similar to that used by
    an RMU Backup command. If you specify Format=New_Tape, you must
    mount the media by using the DCL MOUNT command before you issue
    the RMU Optimize After_Journal command. The tape must be mounted
    as a FOREIGN volume.

    The following tape qualifiers have meaning only when used in
    conjunction with the Format=New_Tape qualifier:


    Follow these steps when you optimize an .aij file to tape:

    1. Use the RMU Backup After_Journal command with the Format=Old_
       File qualifier to back up the .aij file to disk.

    2. Use the RMU Optimize After_Journal command with the
       Format=New_Tape qualifier to optimize the backed up .aij file
       to tape.

    3. Use the DCL BACKUP command to create a copy of the backed up
       .aij file as insurance.

    If you enter the RMU Optimize After_Journal command with no
    Format qualifier, the default is Format=Old_File.

22.4.10  –  Group Size


    Specifies the frequency at which XOR recovery blocks are written
    to tape. The group size can vary from 0 to 100. Specifying a
    group size of zero or specifying the Nogroup_Size qualifier
    results in no XOR recovery blocks being written. The Group_Size
    qualifier is applicable only to tape, and its default value is
    device dependent. Oracle RMU returns an error message if this
    qualifier is used and the target device is not a tape device.

22.4.11  –  Label


    Specifies the 1- to 6-character string with which the volumes
    of the .oaij file are to be labeled. The Label qualifier is
    applicable only to tape volumes. You must specify one or more
    label names when you use the Label qualifier.

    You can specify a list of tape labels for multiple tapes. If you
    list multiple tape label names, separate the names with commas,
    and enclose the list of names within parentheses.

    Use the label that you specify for the RMU Optimize After_Journal
    command when you issue the RMU Recover command.

    The Label qualifier can be used with indirect file references.
    See the Indirect-Command-Files help entry for more information.

22.4.12  –  Librarian


    Use the Librarian qualifier to back up files to data archiving
    software applications that support the Oracle Media Management
    interface. The backup file name specified on the command line
    identifies the stream of data to be stored in the Librarian
    utility. If you supply a device specification or a version number
    it will be ignored.

    The Librarian qualifier accepts the following options:

    o  Trace_file=file-specification

       The Librarian utility writes trace data to the specified file.

    o  Level_Trace=n

       Use this option as a debugging tool to specify the level of
       trace data written by the Librarian utility. You can use a
       pre-determined value of 0, 1, or 2, or a higher value defined
       by the Librarian utility. The pre-determined values are :

       -  Level 0 traces all error conditions. This is the default.

       -  Level 1 traces the entry and exit from each Librarian

       -  Level 2 traces the entry and exit from each Librarian
          function, the value of all function parameters, and the
          first 32 bytes of each read/write buffer, in hexadecimal.

    o  Logical_Names=(logical_name=equivalence-value,...)

       You can use this option to specify a list of process logical
       names that the Librarian utility can use to specify catalogs
       or archives where Oracle Rdb backup files are stored,
       Librarian debug logical names, and so on. See the specific
       Librarian documentation for the definition of logical names.
       The list of process logical names is defined by Oracle RMU
       prior to the start of any Oracle RMU command that accesses the
       Librarian utility.

    The following OpenVMS logical names must be defined for use with
    a Librarian utility before you execute an Oracle RMU backup or
    restore operation. Do not use the Logical_Names option provided
    with the Librarian qualifier to define these logical names.


       This logical name must be defined so that the shareable
       Librarian image can be loaded and called by Oracle RMU backup
       and restore operations. The translation must include the file
       type (for example, .exe), and must not include a version
       number. The shareable Librarian image must be an installed
       (known) image. See the Librarian utility documentation for
       the name and location of this image and how it should be


       This logical name is not required. If it is defined, Oracle
       RMU will display debug tracing information messages from
       modules that make calls to the Librarian shareable image.

    You cannot use device specific qualifiers such as Rewind,
    Density, or Label with the Librarian qualifier because the
    Librarian utility handles the storage meda, not Oracle RMU.

22.4.13  –  Log


    Specifies that the optimization of the .aij file be reported to
    SYS$OUTPUT. When optimization activity is logged, the output from
    the Log qualifier provides the number of transactions committed
    and rolled back. You can specify the Trace qualifier with the
    Log qualifier. The default is the setting of the DCL VERIFY flag,
    which is controlled by the DCL SET VERIFY command.

22.4.14  –  Media Loader


    Use the Media_Loader qualifier to specify that the tape device
    receiving the backup file has a loader or stacker. Use the
    Nomedia_Loader qualifier to specify that the tape device does
    not have a loader or stacker.

    By default, if a tape device has a loader or stacker, Oracle
    RMU should recognize this fact. However, occasionally Oracle RMU
    does not recognize that a tape device has a loader or stacker.
    Therefore, when the first backup tape fills, Oracle RMU issues a
    request to the operator for the next tape, instead of requesting
    the next tape from the loader or stacker. Similarly, sometimes
    Oracle RMU behaves as though a tape device has a loader or
    stacker when actually it does not.

    If you find that Oracle RMU is not recognizing that your tape
    device has a loader or stacker, specify the Media_Loader
    qualifier. If you find that Oracle RMU expects a loader or
    stacker when it should not, specify the Nomedia_Loader qualifier.

    Synonymous with the Owner qualifier. See the description of the
    Owner qualifier.

22.4.15  –  Owner


    Specifies the owner of the tape volume set. The owner is the user
    who will be permitted to recover (roll forward) the database. The
    user-id parameter must be one of the following types of OpenVMS

    o  A user identification code (UIC) in [group-name,member-name]
       alphanumeric format

    o  A UIC in [group-number,member-number] numeric format

    o  A general identifier, such as SECRETARIES

    o  A system-defined identifier, such as DIALUP

    When used with tapes, the Owner qualifier applies to all
    continuation volumes. The Owner qualifier applies to the first
    volume only if the Rewind qualifier is also specified. If the
    Rewind qualifier is not specified, the optimization operation
    appends the file to a previously labeled tape, so the first
    volume can have a different protection than the continuation

22.4.16  –  Protection


    Specifies the system file protection for the .oaij file produced
    by the RMU Optimize After_Journal command.

    The default file protection varies, depending on whether you
    write the .oaij file to disk or tape. This is because tapes
    do not allow delete or execute access and the SYSTEM account
    always has both read and write access to tapes. In addition, a
    more restrictive class accumulates the access rights of the less
    restrictive classes.

    If you do not specify the Protection qualifier, the default
    protection is as follows:

    o  S:RWED,O:RE,G,W if the .oaij file is written to disk

    o  S:RW,O:R,G,W if the .oaij file is written to tape

    If you specify the Protection qualifier explicitly, the
    differences in protection applied for backups to tape or disk
    as noted in the preceding paragraph are applied. Thus, if you
    specify Protection=(S,O,G:W,W:R), that protection on tape becomes

22.4.17  –  Recovery Method


    Specifies how .aij records are to be ordered. You can specify one
    of two possible order types:

    o  Sequential-.aij records are ordered by physical dbkey in an
       area:page:line sequence. This order type is the default.

    o  Scatter-.aij records are ordered by a sort key of
       page:area:line (page number, area number, and line number).
       This order can allow the RMU Recover command to perform more
       effective I/O prefetching and writing to multiple storage
       areas simultaneously, typically where storage areas of the
       database are distributed among multiple disk devices.

    Scatter ordering allows more disk devices to be active during
    the recovery process. This helps reduce idle CPU time and allows
    the recovery to complete in less time. However, because database
    configurations vary widely, Oracle recommends that you perform
    tests with both Scatter and Sequential ordering of the optimized
    after-image journals to determine which method produces the best
    results for your system.

22.4.18  –  Rewind


    Specifies that the tape that will contain the .oaij file be
    rewound before processing begins. The tape will be initialized
    according to the Label qualifier. The Norewind qualifier is
    the default and causes the optimized .oaij file to be written
    starting at the current logical end-of-tape (EOT).

    The Norewind and Rewind qualifiers are applicable only to tape
    devices. Oracle RMU returns an error message if these qualifiers
    are used and the target device is not a tape device.

22.4.19  –  Tape Expiration


    Specifies the expiration date of the .oaij file on tape. Note
    that when Oracle RMU reads a tape, it looks at the expiration
    date in the file header of the first file on the tape and assumes
    the date it finds in that file header is the expiration date
    for the entire tape. Therefore, if you are writing an .oaij
    file to tape, specifying the Tape_Expiration qualifier only has
    meaning if the .oaij file is the first file on the tape. You can
    guarantee that the .oaij file will be the first file on the tape
    by specifying the Rewind qualifier and overwriting any existing
    files on the tape.

    When the first file on the tape contains an expiration date
    in the file header, you cannot overwrite the tape before the
    expiration date unless you have the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS

    Similarly, when you attempt to perform a recover operation with
    an .oaij file on tape, you cannot perform the recover operation
    after the expiration date recorded in the first file on the tape
    unless you have the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege

    By default, no expiration date is written to the .oaij file
    header. In this case, if the .oaij file is the first file on
    the tape, the tape can be overwritten immediately. If the .oaij
    file is not the first file on the tape, the ability to overwrite
    the tape is determined by the expiration date in the file header
    of the first file on the tape.

    You cannot explicitly set a tape expiration date for an entire
    volume. The volume expiration date is always determined by
    the expiration date of the first file on the tape. The Tape_
    Expiration qualifier cannot be used with a backup operation to

22.4.20  –  Trace


    Specifies that the optimization of the .aij file be traced. The
    default is the Notrace qualifier, where optimization is not
    traced. When optimization is traced, the output from the Trace
    qualifier identifies transactions in the .aij file by transaction
    sequence numbers (TSNs) and describes what Oracle RMU did with
    each transaction during the optimization process. You can specify
    the Log qualifier with the Trace qualifier.

22.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Optimize After_Journal command for a database,
       you must have the RMU$BACKUP or RMU$RESTORE privilege in the
       root file access control list (ACL) for the database or the
       OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.

    o  You cannot optimize an .aij file in the process of backing it
       up. You must first back up the .aij file, using the RMU Backup
       After_Journal command with the Format=Old_File qualifier, and
       then optimize it.

    o  As part of the optimization process, Oracle RMU sorts journal
       records by physical dbkey which improves I/O performance of
       the recovery. Because AIJ file optimization uses the OpenVMS
       Sort/Merge utility (SORT/MERGE) to sort journal records, you
       can improve the efficiency of the sort operation by changing
       the number and location of the work files used by SORT/MERGE.
       The number of work files is controlled by the RDMS$BIND_SORT_
       WORKFILES logical name. The allowable values are 1 through 10
       inclusive, with a default value of 2. The location of these
       work files can be specified with device specifications, using
       the SORTWORKn logical name (where n is a number from 0 to
       9). See the OpenVMS documentation set for more information
       on using SORT/MERGE. See the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to Database
       Performance and Tuning for more information on using these
       Oracle Rdb logical names.

    o  Do not use the OpenVMS Alpha High Performance Sort/Merge
       utility (selected by defining the logical name SORTSHR to
       SYS$SHARE:HYPERSORT) when using the RMU Optimize After_Journal
       command. HYPERSORT does not support several of the interfaces
       the command uses. In addition, HYPERSORT does not report
       errors or warnings when it is used with the RMU Optimize
       After_Journal command.

       Make sure that the SORTSHR logical name is not defined to
       reference HYPERSORT.EXE.

    o  You can redirect the AIJ rollforward temporary work files
       and the database recovery (DBR) redo temporary work files
       to a different disk and directory location than the default
       (SYS$DISK) by assigning a different directory to the RDM$BIND_
       AIJ_WORK_FILE logical in the LNM$FILE_DEV name table and a
       different directory to the RDM$BIND_DBR_WORK_FILE logical in
       the LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE, respectively.

       This can be helpful in alleviating I/O bottlenecks that might
       be occurring in the default location.

    o  You can optimize an inactive .aij file that results, for
       example, from backing up and renaming an extensible .aij file.
       Backing up and renaming an extensible .aij file creates a new
       active, primary .aij file and makes the previous .aij file
       inactive. After optimizing the inactive .aij file, you can
       use the OpenVMS BACKUP command to back up the .oaij file. Note
       that you cannot optimize an active, primary .aij file.

    o  The RMU Optimize After_Journal command can read an .aij file
       on disk or a backed up .aij file on disk or on tape that is in
       the Old_File format, and it can write the .oaij file to disk
       or to tape in either Old_File or New_Tape format.

    o  If an RMU Optimize After_Journal command is issued from a
       batch job, tape requests and problems are reported to the
       tape operator. This occurs because tape requests and problems
       often require manual intervention, and if the RMU Optimize
       After_Journal command was issued from a batch job, the only
       available person might be the operator.

    o  When the RMU Optimize After_Journal command is issued
       interactively and a tape request or problem arises, Oracle
       RMU notifies the person who issued the command through the I/O
       channel assigned to the logical name SYS$COMMAND. After being
       notified of the problem, the user who issued the command can
       either fix the problem (if the user has access to the tape
       drive) or contact the tape operator to ask the tape operator
       to fix the problem. The REQUEST command can be used to notify
       the tape operator, as follows:

       _$ "Please Write Enable tape ATOZBG on drive $255$MUA6:"

    o  You should use the density values added in OpenVMS Version
       7.2-1 for OpenVMS tape device drivers that accept them because
       previously supported values may not work as expected. If
       previously supported values are specified for drivers that
       support the OpenVMS Version 7.2-1 density values, the older
       values are translated to the Version 7.2-1 density values if
       possible. If the value cannot be translated, a warning message
       is generated, and the specified value is used.

       If you use density values added in OpenVMS Version 7.2-1 for
       tape device drivers that do not support them, the values are
       translated to acceptable values if possible. If the value
       cannot be translated, a warning message is generated and the
       density value is translated to the existing default internal
       density value (MT$K_DEFAULT).

       One of the following density-related errors is generated if
       there is a mismatch between the specified density value and
       the values that the tape device driver accepts:

       %DBO-E-DENSITY, TAPE_DEVICE:[000000]DATABASE.BCK; does not support
        specified density

       %DBO-E-POSITERR, error positioning TAPE_DEVICE:

       %DBO-E-BADDENSITY, The specified tape density is invalid for
        this device

    o  If you want to use an unsupported density value, use the VMS
       INITIALIZE and MOUNT commands to set the tape density. Do not
       use the Density qualifier.

    o  Because data stream names representing the database are
       generated based on the backup file name specified for the
       Oracle RMU backup command, you must either use a different
       backup file name to store the next backup of the database
       to the Librarian utility or first delete the existing data
       streams generated from the backup file name before the same
       backup file name can be reused.

       To delete the existing data streams stored in the Librarian
       utility, you can use a Librarian management utility or the
       Oracle RMU Librarian/Remove command.

22.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command creates an .oaij file named mf_
    personnel.oaij from the .aij file named mf_personnel.aij:


    Example 2

    The following example uses a density value with compression:


23  –  Populate Cache

    Reads one or more tables and indexes from the database and stores
    the data rows or index nodes in caches if they exist.

23.1  –  Description

    The RMU Populate_Cache command allows one or more tables and
    indexes to be read from the database and stored in caches if they

    Sorted indexes are read top-down, one index level at a time.
    Hashed indexes are read by sequentially scanning the storage
    areas containing the hashed indexes and fetching all nodes and
    the system record from each database page. Data table rows are
    read by sequentially scanning the storage areas containing the
    table and fetching all rows of the relation.

23.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Populate_Cache root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers                    x Defaults
  /Index=index-list                     x None
  /[No]Log                              x Current DCL verify switch
  /[No]Only_Cached                      x /Only_Cached
  /Statistics_Interval=n                x /Statistics_Interval=10
  /Table=table-list                     x None
  /Transaction_Type=transaction-mode    x /Transaction-Type=Automatic

23.3  –  Parameters

23.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    Specifies the database root (.rdb) file. The default file type is

23.4  –  Command Qualifiers

23.4.1  –  Index


    Specifies one or more indexes to fetch. All nodes are fetched
    from each index. If you list multiple indexes, separate the index
    names with a comma and enclose the list within parentheses.
    Wildcard characters asterisk (*) and percent sign (%) are

23.4.2  –  Log


    Specifies whether the processing of the command is reported to
    SYS$OUTPUT. Specify the Log qualifier to request that information
    about the operation be displayed, and the Nolog qualifier to
    prevent it. If you specify neither qualifer, the default is the
    current setting of the DCL verify switch. (The DCL SET VERIFY
    command controls the DCL verify switch.)

23.4.3  –  Only Cached


    Specifies whether table or index content is to be read only if
    the table or index has an associated row cache. The default is
    to read data only from objects that have a cache. If the Noonly_
    Cached qualifier is specified, then all data from the specified
    tables or indexes is read.

23.4.4  –  Statistics Interval


    Specifies if statistics information is to be periodically
    displayed during the populate operation. The default for this
    qualifier is an interval of 10 seconds. If you do not use this
    qualifier no statistics are displayed.

23.4.5  –  Table


    Specifies one or more tables to be processed. All rows are
    fetched from each table. If you list multiple tables, separate
    the table names with a comma, and enclose the list within
    parentheses. Wildcard characters asterisk (*) and percent sign
    (%) are allowed.

23.4.6  –  Transaction Type


    Allows you to specify the transaction mode for the transactions
    used to perform the analyze operation. Valid options are:

    o  Automatic

    o  Read_Only

    o  Noread_Only

    You must specify an option if you use this qualifier.

    If you do not specify any form of this qualifier, the
    Transaction_Type=Automatic qualifier is the default. This
    qualifier specifies that Oracle RMU is to determine the
    transaction mode.

    The Transaction_Type=Read_Only qualifier specifies the
    transactions used to perform the analyze operation be set to
    read-only mode. When you explicitly set the transaction type to
    read-only, snapshots need not be enabled for all storage areas
    in the database, but must be enabled for those storage areas
    that are read. Otherwise, you receive an error and the analyze
    operation fails.

    You might select this option if not all storage areas have
    snapshots enabled and you are analyzing objects that are stored
    only in storage areas with snapshots enabled. In this case, using
    the Transaction_Type=Read_Only qualifier allows you to perform
    the analyze operation and impose minimal locking on other users
    of the database.

    The Transaction_Type=Noread_Only qualifier specifies that
    the transactions used to for the analyze operation be set to
    read/write mode. You might select this option if you want to
    eradicate the growth of snapshot files that occurs during a read-
    only transaction and are willing to incur the cost of increased
    locking that occurs during a read/write transaction.

24  –  Reclaim

    Allows you to rapidly reclaim deleted dbkeys and locked space
    from database pages.

24.1  –  Description

    Applications that specify the database attach attribute DBKEY
    SCOPE IS ATTACH can accumulate locked space and locked dbkeys
    within the database. If one user is connected to the database in
    DBKEY SCOPE IS ATTACH mode, all users are forced to operate in
    this mode, even if they are explicitly connected in TRANSACTION
    mode. No dbkeys are reused until the ATTACH session disconnects.

    The RMU Reclaim command allows database keys of deleted rows to
    be rapidly reset in one or more storage areas. The RMU Reclaim
    command reads and updates all pages in a storage area, and, where
    possible, releases locked lines and locked free space so that
    they are available for later allocation.

24.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Reclaim root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers                       x Defaults
  /Area[=storage-area-list]                x All storage areas
  /[No]Log                                 x /NoLog

24.3  –  Parameters

24.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    Specifies the database that contains locked areas or keys to be
    reclaimed. The default file extension is .rdb.

24.4  –  Command Qualifiers

24.4.1  –  Area


    Lists the storage areas to be reclaimed. The default is all
    storage areas.

24.4.2  –  Log


    Displays a log message as each storage area is reclaimed. The
    default is Nolog.

24.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  The RMU Reclaim command runs on-line and does not require
       exclusive access. However, if there are any users connected
       to the database in DBKEY SCOPE IS ATTACH mode, the RMU/RECLAIM
       operation has greatly reduced effect. In order to release all
       possible locked space, there should be no users attached to
       the database in DBKEY SCOPE IS ATTACH mode.

    o  To allow database page locked space to be reclaimed, the
       database session that controls the locked space must be
       detached from the database. This can be accomplished by
       having each attached session disconnect and reconnect to the

25  –  Recover

    Completes a database reconstruction by processing past
    transactions from the after-image journal (.aij) file or
    optimized after-image journal (.oaij) file against a database
    restored from a backup file.

25.1  –  Description

    You can use the RMU Recover command to apply the contents of an
    .aij file to a restored copy of your database. Oracle RMU rolls
    forward the transactions in the .aij file into the restored copy
    of the database.

    The RMU Recover command accepts a list of .aij or .oaij file
    names. Unless you specify the Noautomatic qualifier, the RMU
    Recover command attempts to automatically complete the recovery
    operation by applying the journals currently associated with
    the database in the current journal configuration if they are in
    the recovery sequence. For example, if you specify the following
    RMU Recover command, Oracle RMU not only recovers AIJ1, but also
    AIJ2, AIJ3, and so on, for all journals in the recovery sequence:


    However, note that this automatic recovery feature means that
    if you want to specify a termination condition, you must specify
    the Until qualifier. Example 1 demonstrates how to specify a
    termination condition with the Until qualifier.

    If you are using extensible journals, you can also use the RMU
    Backup After_Journal command to copy your database's .aij file to
    tape, and truncate the original .aij file without shutting down
    your database.

    If you have backed up your .aij files (using the RMU Backup
    After_Journal command), these .aij files are no longer part of
    the current journal configuration and automatic recovery does
    not take place because Oracle RMU does not know where to find
    the .aij files. (There is one exception to this rule: if the only
    .aij file that has been backed up is the first .aij file in the
    recovery sequence, then automatic recovery occurs. You specify
    the backed up .aij file on the Oracle RMU command line and Oracle
    RMU can determine where the remaining on-disk .aij files reside.)

    When automatic recover does not, or cannot occur, you must
    specify the complete list of .aij files on the RMU Recover
    command line to return your database to the desired state.

    If your backup files were created using the Noquiet_Point
    qualifier, you must provide the names of all the .aij files
    in just one command. In addition, you must be careful to apply
    these .aij files to the database in the order in which they
    were created. Oracle RMU checks the validity of the journal
    file entries against your database and applies only appropriate
    transactions. If none of the transactions apply, you will receive
    a warning message.

    You can access your database for retrieval of data between
    recovery steps, but you must not perform additional updates if
    you want to perform more recovery steps.

    If a system failure causes a recovery step to abort, you can
    simply issue the RMU Recover command again. Oracle RMU scans
    the .aij file until it finds the first transaction that has not
    yet been applied to your restored database. Oracle RMU begins
    recovery at that point.

25.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Recover aij-file-name-list

  Command Qualifiers                      x Defaults
  /Active_IO=max-reads                    x /Active_IO=3
  /Aij_Buffers=integer                    x /Aij_Buffers=20
  /Areas [= storage-area[,...] ]          x All storage areas
  /[No]Automatic                          x /Automatic
  /[No]Confirm[=options]                  x See description
  /Encrypt=({Value=|Name=}[,Algorithm=])  x See description
  /Format={Old_File|New_Tape}             x /Format=Old_File
  /Just_Corrupt                           x See description
  /Label=(label-name-list)                x See description
  /Librarian[=options]                    x None
  /[No]Log                                x Current DCL verify value
  /[No]Media_Loader                       x See description
  /[No]Online                             x /Noonline
  /Order_Aij_Files                        x See description
  /Output=file-name                       x See description
  /Prompt={Automatic|Operator|Client}     x See description

  (B)0/Resolve                                 x See description
  /[No]Rewind                              x /Norewind
  /Root=root-file-name                     x See description
  /[No]Trace                               x See Description
  /Until=date-time                         x Current time

25.3  –  Parameters

25.3.1  –  aij-file-name-list

    A list of after-image journal (.aij) files to be applied to the
    database. You can supply this list using one of the following

    o  List the .aij files on the command line in the order in which
       they were created. In other words, the oldest .aij file must
       be the first in the list.

    o  Use an asterisk (*) or percent sign (%) to represent the .aij
       files. The .aij files are processed in the order that they are
       presented by OpenVMS.

    o  Append all your .aij files into one file and supply a single
       .aij file name. You must be certain when you append the files
       that you append them in the order in which they were created.

    o  Use an indirect command file. Include an .aij file name on
       each line of the command file. If the number of .aij files
       needed for recovery is large, listing each one on the command
       line can exceed the maximum allowed command-line length. You
       can avoid this problem by using an indirect command file. See
       the Indirect-Command-Files help entry for more information on
       indirect command files.

25.4  –  Command Qualifiers

25.4.1  –  Active IO


    Specifies the maximum number of read operations from a backup
    device that the RMU Recover command attempts simultaneously. This
    is not the maximum number of read operations in progress; that
    value is a function of active system I/O operations.

    The value of the
    Active_IO qualifier can range from 1 to 5. The default value
    is 3. Values larger than 3 can improve performance with some tape

25.4.2  –  Aij Buffers


    Specifies the
    number of buffers to be used by the recovery process. The default
    is 20 buffers. The valid range is 2 to 1,048,576 buffers. If the
    database root file is available, you can use the RMU Dump After_
    Journal command with the Option=Statistics qualifier to find a
    recommended value for this qualifier. See Dump After_journal for

25.4.3  –  Areas


    Specifies the areas you want to recover. You can specify each
    storage area by name or by the area's ID number.

    You should use the Areas qualifier only if you have inconsistent
    storage areas to recover. The default for the Areas qualifier
    is all storage areas that must be recovered to make the database

    If the Areas qualifier is specified, a recovery operation by area
    recovers until the storage areas being rolled forward are current
    with the other storage areas, then recovery stops, regardless of
    the time specified by the Until qualifier.

    When the Areas qualifier is not specified or the Areas=*
    qualifier is specified, Oracle RMU recovers all the storage areas
    in the database to the time specified by the Until qualifier
    or to the time of the last committed transaction in the .aij
    file that can be applied. When the Areas qualifier is specified
    without a value, Oracle RMU recovers to the earliest consistent
    state only those storage areas that are not current with the
    database root (.rdb) file of the database.

    The Areas qualifier works in the following manner:

    o  If the Areas qualifier is specified without a value, Oracle
       RMU automatically determines what areas are inconsistent
       and recovers those areas. If an inconsistent area cannot
       be recovered because it is at a higher transaction sequence
       number (TSN) value than the database root file, the entire
       database is recovered even if the Areas qualifier was

       See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for
       information on TSNs.

    o  If the Areas qualifier is omitted or the Areas qualifier is
       specified as Areas=*, the entire database (all storage areas)
       is recovered.

    o  If the Areas qualifier is specified as Areas=(A1,A2,A3), only
       areas A1, A2, and A3 are recovered until they are consistent.
       If one of these areas is already consistent, or if an area is
       at a higher TSN value than the database root file, the entire
       database is recovered.

    o  If the Online qualifier is specified with the Areas qualifier
       (as in the first three list items) and the end result is that
       the entire database must be recovered, an error message is
       generated because you can recover only individual areas by
       using the Online qualifier, not the entire database.

    You cannot use the Areas qualifier with the Just_Corrupt
    qualifier because the Areas qualifier implies recovery for all
    named areas and pages in those areas. (That is, use of the Just_
    Corrupt qualifier with the Areas qualifier is redundant.)

    The Areas qualifier can be used with indirect file references.
    See the Indirect-Command-Files help entry for more information.

25.4.4  –  Automatic


    Specifies whether or not Oracle RMU should attempt automatic
    recovery of .aij files. If you specify the Noautomatic qualifier,
    only the .aij file or files you list on the Oracle RMU command
    line are applied. If you specify the Automatic qualifier, Oracle
    RMU attempts to recover all the .aij files currently associated
    with the database.

    The Automatic qualifier is the default; Oracle RMU attempts to
    recover all the .aij files currently associated with the database
    unless the .aij files have been backed up.

    See the description section for more information on how automatic
    recovery works.

25.4.5  –  Confirm


    Specifies whether or not the RMU /RECOVER command causes the
    operator to be queried when an incorrect sequence of AIJ files is

    The default for interactive recoveries is /CONFIRM, which
    prompts the user to see if he wants to continue. The default
    for RMU/RECOVER/NOCONFIRM and RMU/RECOVER executed in batch
    jobs is to terminate the RMU/RECOVER at the point where
    the out of sequence AIJ file is detected (equivalent to

    To override the default behavior, the user can continue to roll
    forward and ignore the missing AIJ file either by specifying the
    command syntax RMU/RECOVER/CONFIRM to get a prompt on whether to
    continue rolling forward if there is an AIJ sequence gap, or by
    specifying the syntax RMU/CONFIRM=CONTINUE if he does not want
    the prompt or is executing the RMU/RECOVER in a batch job.


       Oracle recommends that, in general, an incorrect journal
       sequence not be applied as a corrupt database may result.

    The /Order_Aij_Files qualifier can be used to help ensure that
    the specified journals are applied in the correct order.

    The Confirm qualifier accepts the following options:


       Do not prompt the user if a sequence gap is detected on the
       next AIJ file to be rolled forward but ignore the missing AIJ
       file and continue rolling forward.


       Do not prompt the user if a sequence gap is detected on
       the next AIJ roll forward but end the database recover at
       this point. This is the same as the default behavior for

25.4.6  –  Encrypt


    The Encrypt qualifier is used to recover the database from an
    encrypted after image journal backup file.

    Specify a key value as a string or, the name of a predefined
    key. If no algorithm name is specified the default is DESCBC.
    For details on the Value, Name and Algorithm parameters see HELP

    This feature requires the OpenVMS Encrypt product to be installed
    and licensed on this system.

    This feature only works for a newer format backup file which has
    been created using the Format=New_Tape qualifier. Therefore you
    have to specify the Format=New_Tape qualifier with this command
    if you also use the Encrypt qualifier.

    Synonymous with the Format=Old_File and Format=New_Tape
    qualifiers. See the description of those qualifiers.

25.4.7  –  Format


    Specifies whether the backed up or optimized .aij file was
    written in the old (disk-optimized) or the new (tape-optimized)
    format. The Format=Old_File qualifier is the default. You must
    specify the same Format qualifier that was used with the RMU
    Backup After_Journal command or the RMU Optimize After_Journal
    command. If your .aij file resides on disk, you should use the
    Format=Old_File qualifier.

    If you specified the Format=Old_File qualifier when you optimized
    or backed up the .aij file to tape, you must mount the backup
    media by using the DCL MOUNT command before you issue the RMU
    Recover command. Because the RMU Recover command will use RMS
    to read the tape, the tape must be mounted as an OpenVMS volume
    (that is, do not specify the /FOREIGN qualifier with the MOUNT

    If you specify the Format=New_Tape qualifier, you must mount the
    backup media by using the DCL MOUNT /FOREIGN command before you
    issue the RMU Recover command.

    Similarly, if you specify OpenVMS access (you do not specify the
    /FOREIGN qualifier on the DCL MOUNT command) although your .aij
    backup was created using the Format=New_Tape qualifier, you will
    receive an RMU-F-MOUNTFOR error.

    The following tape qualifiers have meaning only when used in
    conjunction with the Format=New_Tape qualifier:


25.4.8  –  Just Corrupt


    Specifies that only inconsistent pages in the corrupt page table
    (CPT) and areas marked as inconsistent should be recovered. You
    can use this qualifier while users are attached to the database.

    You can use the Just_Corrupt qualifier with the Until qualifier
    to limit the recovery period to a particular point in time.

    You cannot use the Areas qualifier with the Just_Corrupt
    qualifier because the Areas qualifier implies recovery for all
    named areas and pages in those areas. (That is, use of the Just_
    Corrupt qualifier with the Areas qualifier is redundant.)

    If you do not specify the Just_Corrupt qualifier, all pages are

25.4.9  –  Just Pages


    This qualifier is replaced with the Just_Corrupt qualifier
    beginning in Oracle Rdb V7.0. See the description of the Just_
    Corrupt qualifier.

    Specifies the 1- to 6-character string with which the volumes of
    the backup

25.4.10  –  Label


    Specifies the 1- to 6-character string with which the volumes
    of the backup file have been labeled. The Label qualifier is
    applicable only to tape volumes. You must specify one or more
    label names when you use the Label qualifier.

    You can specify a list of tape labels for multiple tapes. If you
    list multiple tape label names, separate the names with commas,
    and enclose the list of names within parentheses.

    In a normal recovery operation, the Label qualifier you specify
    with the RMU Recover command should be the same Label qualifier
    you specified with the RMU Backup After_Journal command to back
    up your .aij files.

    The Label qualifier can be used with indirect file references.
    See the Indirect-Command-Files help entry for more information.

25.4.11  –  Librarian


    Use the Librarian qualifier to restore files from data archiving
    software applications that support the Oracle Media Management
    interface. The file name specified on the command line identifies
    the stream of data to be retrieved from the Librarian utility. If
    you supply a device specification or a version number it will be

    Oracle RMU supports retrieval using the Librarian qualifier only
    for data that has been previously stored by Oracle RMU using the
    Librarian qualifer.

    The Librarian qualifier accepts the following options:

    o  Trace_file=file-specification

       The Librarian utility writes trace data to the specified file.

    o  Level_Trace=n

       Use this option as a debugging tool to specify the level of
       trace data written by the Librarian utility. You can use a
       pre-determined value of 0, 1, or 2, or a higher value defined
       by the Librarian utility. The pre-determined values are :

       -  Level 0 traces all error conditions. This is the default.

       -  Level 1 traces the entry and exit from each Librarian

       -  Level 2 traces the entry and exit from each Librarian
          function, the value of all function parameters, and the
          first 32 bytes of each read/write buffer, in hexadecimal.

    o  Logical_Names=(logical_name=equivalence-value,...)

       You can use this option to specify a list of process logical
       names that the Librarian utility can use to specify catalogs
       or archives where Oracle Rdb backup files are stored,
       Librarian debug logical names, and so on. See the specific
       Librarian documentation for the definition of logical names.
       The list of process logical names is defined by Oracle RMU
       prior to the start of any Oracle RMU command that accesses the
       Librarian application.

    The following OpenVMS logical names must be defined for use with
    a Librarian utility before you execute an Oracle RMU backup or
    restore operation. Do not use the Logical_Names option provided
    with the Librarian qualifier to define these logical names.


       This logical name must be defined so that the shareable
       Librarian image can be loaded and called by Oracle RMU backup
       and restore operations. The translation must include the file
       type (for example, .exe), and must not include a version
       number. The shareable Librarian image must be an installed
       (known) image. See the Librarian utility documentation for
       the name and location of this image and how it should be


       This logical name is not required. If it is defined, Oracle
       RMU will display debug tracing information messages from
       modules that make calls to the Librarian shareable image.

    You cannot use device specific qualifiers such as Rewind,
    Density, or Label with the Librarian qualifier because the
    Librarian utility handles the storage meda, not Oracle RMU.

25.4.12  –  Log


    Specifies that the recovery activity be logged. The default is
    the setting of the DCL VERIFY flag, which is controlled by the
    DCL SET VERIFY command. When recovery activity is logged, the
    output from the Log qualifier provides the number of transactions
    committed, rolled back, and ignored during the recovery process.
    You can specify the Trace qualifier with the Log qualifier.

25.4.13  –  Media Loader


    Use the Media_Loader qualifier to specify that the tape device
    from which the .aij file is being read has a loader or stacker.
    Use the Nomedia_Loader qualifier to specify that the tape device
    does not have a loader or stacker.

    By default, if a tape device has a loader or stacker, Oracle
    RMU should recognize this fact. However, occasionally Oracle RMU
    does not recognize that a tape device has a loader or stacker.
    Therefore, when the first tape has been read, Oracle RMU issues a
    request to the operator for the next tape, instead of requesting
    the next tape from the loader or stacker. Similarly, sometimes
    Oracle RMU behaves as though a tape device has a loader or
    stacker when actually it does not.

    If you find that Oracle RMU is not recognizing that your tape
    device has a loader or stacker, specify the Media_Loader
    qualifier. If you find that Oracle RMU expects a loader or
    stacker when it should not, specify the Nomedia_Loader qualifier.

25.4.14  –  Online


    Specifies that the recover operation be performed while other
    users are attached to the database. The Online qualifier can only
    be used with the Area or Just_Corrupt qualifier. The areas or
    pages to be recovered are locked for exclusive access, so the
    operation is not compatible with other uses of the data in the
    areas or on the pages specified.

    The default is the Noonline qualifier.

25.4.15  –  Order Aij Files

    Specifies that the input after-image journal files are to
    be processed in ascending order by sequence number. The .aij
    files are each opened, the first block is read to determine the
    sequence number, and the files are closed prior to the sequence
    number sorting operation. The Order_Aij_Files can be especially
    useful if you use wildcards to specify .aij files.

    The Order_Aij_Files qualifier can also eliminate some .aij files
    from processing if they are known to be prior to the database
    recovery sequence starting point.

    Note that due to the fact that the .aij backup files might have
    more than one journal sequence in them, it is not always possible
    for RMU to eliminate every journal file that might otherwise
    appear to be unneeded. But for those journals where RMU is able
    to know for certain that the journal will not be needed based
    on the database recovery restart information, journals can be
    avoided from having to be processed.

25.4.16  –  Output


    Redirects the log and trace output (selected with the Log and
    Trace qualifiers) to the named file. If this qualifier is not
    specified, the output generated by the Log and Trace qualifiers,
    which can be voluminous, is displayed on your terminal.

25.4.17  –  Prompt


    Specifies where server prompts are to be sent. When you specify
    Prompt=Automatic, prompts are sent to the standard input device,
    and when you specify Prompt=Operator, prompts are sent to the
    server console. When you specify Prompt=Client, prompts are sent
    to the client system.

25.4.18  –  Resolve


    Recovers a corrupted database and resolves an unresolved
    transaction by completing the transaction.

    See the help entry for the RMU Recover Resolve command for a
    description of the options available with the Resolve qualifier.

25.4.19  –  Rewind


    Specifies that the tape that contains the backup file be rewound
    before processing begins. The tape is searched for the backup
    file starting at the beginning-of-tape (BOT). The Norewind
    qualifier is the default and causes the backup file to be
    searched starting at the current tape position.

    The Rewind and Norewind qualifiers are applicable only to tape
    devices. Oracle RMU returns an error message if these qualifiers
    are used and the target device is not a tape device.

25.4.20  –  Root


    Specifies the name of the database to which the journal should
    be applied. The Root qualifier allows you to specify a copy of a
    database instead of the original whose file specification is in
    the .aij file. Use the Root qualifier to specify the new location
    of your restored database root (.rdb) file.

    Specifying this qualifier lets you roll forward a database copy
    (possibly residing on a different disk) by following these steps:

    1. Use the RMU Backup command to make a backup copy of the


       This command writes a backup file of the database mf_personnel
       to the file mf_pers_full_bu.rbf.

    2. Use the RMU Restore command with the Root and Directory
       qualifiers, stating the file specifications of the database
       root and storage area files in the database copy.

       _$ MF_PERS_FULL_BU

       This command restores the database on disk DB3: in the
       directory [USER]. Default file names and file extensions are

    3. If the database uses after-image journaling, you can use the
       RMU Recover command to roll forward the copy.


       Thus, transactions processed and journaled since the backup
       operation are recovered on the copy on the DB3: disk.

    Correct operation of this procedure requires that there are no
    write transactions for the restored copy between the restore and
    recover steps.

    If you do not specify the Root qualifier, Oracle RMU examines
    the .aij file to determine the exact name of the database root
    (.rdb) file to which the journaled transactions will be applied.
    This name, which was stored in the .aij file, is the full file
    specification that your .rdb file had when after-image journaling
    was enabled.

    The journal file for a single-file database does not include the
    file name for the database; to recover a single-file database,
    you must specify the location of the database to be recovered by
    using the Root qualifier.

25.4.21  –  Trace


    Specifies that the recovery activity be logged. The default is
    the setting of the DCL VERIFY flag, which is controlled by the
    DCL SET VERIFY command. When recovery activity is logged, the
    output from the Trace qualifier identifies transactions in the
    .aij file by TSN and describes what Oracle RMU did with each
    transaction during the recovery process. You can specify the Log
    qualifier with the Trace qualifier.

25.4.22  –  Until


    Use the Until qualifier to limit the recovery to those
    transactions in the journal file bearing a starting timestamp no
    later than the specified time. For example, suppose your database
    fails today, but you have reason to believe that something
    started to go wrong at noon yesterday. You might decide that you
    only want to restore the database to the state it was in as of
    noon yesterday. You could use the Until qualifier to specify that
    you only want to recover those transactions that have a timestamp
    of noon yesterday or earlier.

    If you do not specify the Until qualifier, all committed
    transactions in the .aij file will be applied to your database.
    If you specify the Until qualifier, but do not specify a date-
    time, the current time is the default.

    If the Until qualifier is specified with a recover-by-area
    operation, the operation terminates when either the specified
    time is reached in the transaction sequence or the specified
    storage areas become consistent with the other storage areas;
    whichever condition occurs first.

25.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Recover command for a database, you must have
       the RMU$RESTORE privilege in the root file access control
       list (ACL) for the database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS

    o  You can use the RMU Backup After_Journal command to copy an
       extensible .aij file to tape and truncate the original .aij
       file without shutting down your database.

    o  Transactions are applied to the restored copy of your database
       in the order indicated by their commit sequence number and the
       commit record in the .aij file; timestamps are not used for
       this purpose. Therefore, you need not be concerned over time
       changes made to the system (for example, resetting the time
       for United States daylight saving time) or inconsistencies
       in the system time on different nodes in a cluster. The only
       occasion when timestamps are considered in the application of
       .aij files is when you specify the Until qualifier. In this
       case, the timestamp is used only as the point at which to stop
       the recovery, not as a means to serialize the order in which
       transactions are applied. See the description of the Until
       qualifier for more information.

    o  You can redirect the AIJ rollforward temporary work files
       and the database recovery (DBR) redo temporary work files
       to a different disk and directory location than the default
       (SYS$DISK) by assigning a different directory to the RDM$BIND_
       AIJ_WORK_FILE logical in the LNM$FILE_DEV name table and a
       different directory to the RDM$BIND_DBR_WORK_FILE logical in
       the LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE, respectively.

       This can be helpful in alleviating I/O bottlenecks that might
       be occurring in the default location.

    o  In a normal recovery operation, the Format and Label
       qualifiers you specify with the RMU Recover command should
       be the same Format and Label qualifiers you specified with the
       RMU Backup After_Journal command to back up your .aij files or
       with the RMU Optimize After_Journal command to optimize your
       .aij files.

       For more information on the type of access to specify when
       mounting tapes, see the description of the Format=Old_File and
       Format=New_Tape qualifiers in the Format section.

    o  The following restrictions apply to using optimized .aij files
       with recovery operations:

       -  Optimized .aij files cannot be used as part of by-area
          recovery operations (recovery operations that use the RMU
          Recover command with the Area qualifier).

       -  Optimized .aij files cannot be used as part of by-page
          recovery operations (recovery operations that use the RMU
          Recover command with the Just_Corrupt qualifier).

       -  Optimized .aij files cannot be specified for an RMU Recover
          command that includes the Until qualifier. The optimized
          .aij file does not retain enough of the information from
          the original .aij file for such an operation.

       -  Optimized .aij files cannot be used with a recovery
          operation if the database has been modified since the .aij
          file was optimized.

       The workaround for these restrictions against using optimized
       .aij files in recovery operations is to use the original,
       unoptimized .aij file in the recovery operation instead.

    o  You can read your database between recovery steps, but you
       must not perform additional updates if you want to perform
       more recovery steps.

    o  If a system failure causes a recovery step to abort, you can
       simply issue the RMU Recover command again. Oracle RMU scans
       the .aij file until it finds the first transaction that has
       not yet been applied to your restored database. Oracle RMU
       begins recovery at that point.

    o  You can use the RMU Recover command to apply the contents of
       an .aij file to a restored copy of your database. Oracle RMU
       will roll forward the transactions in the .aij file into the
       restored copy of the database. You can use this feature to
       maintain an up-to-date copy of your database for fast recovery
       after a failure. To do this, use the RMU Recover command to
       periodically apply your .aij files to a separate copy of the

       When you employ this procedure for fast recovery, you must
       be absolutely certain that no one will execute an update
       transaction on the database copy. Should someone execute an
       update transaction, it might result in the inability to apply
       the .aij files correctly.

    o  See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for
       information on the steps Oracle RMU follows in tape label

    o  When you use an optimized after-image journal for recovery,
       the optimal number of buffers specified with the Aij_Buffers
       qualifier depends on the number of active storage areas
       being recovered. For those journals optimized with Recover_
       Method=Sequential, a buffer count of 250 to 500 is usually

       When you use journals optimized with Recover_Method=Scatter,
       reasonable performance can usually be attained with a buffer
       count of about five times the number of active storage areas
       being recovered (with a minimum of about 250 to 500 buffers).

    o  The number of asynchronous prefetch (APF) buffers is also a
       performance factor during recovery. For recovery operations
       of optimized after-image journals, the RMU Recover command
       sets the number of APF buffers (also known as the APF depth)
       based on the values of the process quotas ASTLM, BYTLM, and
       the specified AIJ_Buffers value. The APF depth is set to the
       maximum of:

       -  50% of the ASTLM process quota

       -  50% of the DIOLM process quota

       -  25% of the specified AIJ_Buffers value

       The accounts and processes that perform RMU Recover operations
       should be reviewed to ensure that various quotas are set to
       ensure high levels of I/O performance. The following table
       lists suggested quota values for recovery performance.

       Quota      Setting

       DIOLM      Equal to or greater than half of the count of
                  database buffers specified by the AIJ_Buffers
                  qualifier. Miminum of 250.
       BIOLM      Equal to or greater than the setting of DIOLM.
       ASTLM      Equal to or greater than 50 more than the setting of
       BYTLM      Equal to or greater than 512 times the database
                  buffer size times one half the value of database
                  buffers specified by the AIJ_Buffers qualifier.
                  Based on a 12-block buffer size and the desire
                  to have 100 asynchronous I/O requests outstanding
                  (either reading or writing), the minimum suggested
                  value is 614,400 for a buffer count of 200.
       WSQUOTA    Large enough to avoid excessive page faulting.
       FILLM      50 more than the count of database storage areas and
                  snapshot storage areas.

25.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    In the following example, the RMU Recover command requests
    recovery from the .aij file personnel.aij located on PR$DISK in
    the SMITH directory. It specifies that recovery should continue
    until 1:30 P.M. on May 7, 1996. Because the Trace qualifier is
    specified, the RMU Recover command displays detailed information
    about the recovery operation to SYS$OUTPUT.

    %RMU-I-LOGRECDB, recovering database file DISK1:[DB.70]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1
    %RMU-I-LOGRECSTAT, transaction with TSN 0:256 committed
    %RMU-I-AIJONEDONE, AIJ file sequence 0 roll-forward operations completed
    %RMU-I-AIJAUTOREC, starting automatic after-image journal recovery
    %RMU-I-AIJONEDONE, AIJ file sequence 1 roll-forward operations completed
    %RMU-W-NOTRANAPP, no transactions in this journal were applied
    %RMU-I-AIJALLDONE, after-image journal roll-forward operations completed
    %RMU-I-AIJSUCCES, database recovery completed successfully
    %RMU-I-AIJFNLSEQ, to start another AIJ file recovery, the sequence number
     needed will be 1

    Example 2

    The following example shows how to use .aij files to recover a

    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Use the DISCONNECT ALL statement to detach from the database,
    SQL> -- then issue the ALTER DATABASE statement that automatically
    SQL> -- invokes the specified database.
    SQL> --
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Create after-image journaling. The .aij files are given the
    SQL> -- names aij_one.aij and aij_two.aij (and are placed on a disk
    SQL> -- other than the disk holding the .rdb and .snp files):
    SQL> --
    $ !
    $ ! Using the RMU Backup command, make a backup copy of the database.
    $ ! This command ensures that you have a copy of the
    $ ! database at a known time, in a known state.
    $ !
    $ !
    $ ! Now you can use SQL with after-image journaling enabled.
    $ !
    $ SQL
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Attach to the database and perform some data definition
    SQL> -- and storage.
    SQL> --
    $ !
    $ ! Imagine that a disk failure occurred here. In such a situation,
    $ ! the current database is inaccessible. You need a prior copy
    $ ! of the database to roll forward all the transactions in the
    $ ! .aij file.
    $ !
    $ !
    $ ! You know that the backup file of the database is
    $ ! uncorrupted. Use the RMU Restore command to restore and recover
    $ ! the database. You do not have to issue the RMU Recover command
    $ ! because the RMU Restore command will automatically recover the
    $ ! database.
    $ !
    %RMU-I-AIJRSTAVL, 2 after-image journals available for use
    %RMU-I-AIJRSTMOD, 1 after-image journal marked as "modified"
    %RMU-I-AIJISON, after-image journaling has been enabled
    %RMU-W-DOFULLBCK, full database backup should be done to ensure
     future recovery
    %RMU-I-LOGRECDB, recovering database file DDV21:[TEST]TEST_DB.RDB;1
    %RMU-I-AIJAUTOREC, starting automatic after-image journal recovery
    %RMU-I-AIJONEDONE, AIJ file sequence 0 roll-forward operations completed
    %RMU-I-AIJONEDONE, AIJ file sequence 1 roll-forward operations completed
    %RMU-W-NOTRANAPP, no transactions in this journal were applied
    %RMU-I-AIJALLDONE, after-image journal roll-forward operations completed
    %RMU-I-AIJSUCCES, database recovery completed successfully
    %RMU-I-AIJFNLSEQ, to start another AIJ file recovery, the sequence
     number needed will be 1

    Example 3

    The following example demonstrates how the recovery operation
    works when there are .aij backup files to be applied. First you
    must restore the database by using the RMU Restore command with
    the Norecovery qualifier, then apply the backed up .aij file
    by using the RMU Recover command. Oracle RMU will complete the
    recovery with the .aij files that were current when the restore
    operation was invoked. This example assumes that three .aij files
    have been added to the mf_personnel database prior to the first
    shown backup operation and that journaling is enabled.

    $ ! Create a backup file of the complete and full database.
    $ !
    $ !
    $ ! Updates are made to the SALARY_HISTORY and DEPARTMENTS tables.
    $ !
    $ SQL
    cont> SET SALARY_END='20-JUL-1993 00:00:00.00'
    cont> WHERE SALARY_START='14-JAN-1983 00:00:00'
    cont> AND EMPLOYEE_ID='00164';
    cont> VALUES ('WLNS', 'WELLNESS CENTER', '00188',0,0);
    $ !
    $ ! Create a backup file of the .aij files.
    $ !
    $ !
    $ ! An additional update is made to the DEPARTMENTS table.
    $ !
    $ SQL
    cont> BUDGET_ACTUAL)
    cont> VALUES ('facl', 'FACILITIES', '00190',0,0);
    SQL> EXIT;
    $ ! Assume the disk holding the SALARY_HISTORY and DEPARTMENTS
    $ ! storage areas is lost. Restore only those areas.  Specify
    $ ! the Norecovery qualifier since you will need to apply the
    $ ! .aij backup file.
    $ !
    $ ! Now recover the database.  Although you only specify the .aij
    $ ! backup file, Oracle RMU will automatically continue the
    $ ! recovery with the current journals in the recovery sequence after
    $ ! the backed up .aij files have been applied.
    $ !
    %RMU-I-AIJBADAREA, inconsistent storage area DISK3:[STO_AREA]
     DEPARTMENTS.RDA;1  needs AIJ sequence number 0
    %RMU-I-AIJBADAREA, inconsistent storage area
     DISK3:[STO_AREA]SALARY_HISTORY.RDA;1 needs AIJ sequence number 0
    %RMU-I-LOGRECDB, recovering database file
    %RMU-I-LOGOPNAIJ, opened journal file
    %RMU-I-AIJONEDONE, AIJ file sequence 0 roll-forward operations
    %RMU-I-LOGRECOVR, 3 transactions committed
    %RMU-I-LOGRECOVR, 0 transactions rolled back
    %RMU-I-LOGRECOVR, 0 transactions ignored
    %RMU-I-AIJNOACTIVE, there are no active transactions
    %RMU-I-AIJSUCCES, database recovery completed successfully
    %RMU-I-AIJNXTSEQ, to continue this AIJ file recovery, the sequence
     number needed will be 1
    %RMU-I-AIJAUTOREC, starting automatic after-image journal recovery
    %RMU-I-LOGOPNAIJ, opened journal file DISK4:[CORP]AIJ_TWO.AIJ;1
    %RMU-I-AIJONEDONE, AIJ file sequence 1 roll-forward operations
    %RMU-I-LOGRECOVR, 2 transactions committed
    %RMU-I-LOGRECOVR, 0 transactions rolled back
    %RMU-I-LOGRECOVR, 0 transactions ignored
    %RMU-I-AIJNOACTIVE, there are no active transactions
    %RMU-I-AIJSUCCES, database recovery completed successfully
    %RMU-I-AIJNXTSEQ, to continue this AIJ file recovery, the sequence
     number needed will be 2
    %RMU-I-AIJALLDONE, after-image journal roll-forward operations
    %RMU-I-LOGSUMMARY, total 5 transactions committed
    %RMU-I-LOGSUMMARY, total 0 transactions rolled back
    %RMU-I-LOGSUMMARY, total 0 transactions ignored
    %RMU-I-AIJSUCCES, database recovery completed successfully
     is now consistent
     is now consistent
    %RMU-I-AIJFNLSEQ, to start another AIJ file recovery, the sequence
     number needed will be 2
    $ !
    $ ! Database is restored and recovered and ready to use.
    $ !

    Example 4

    The following example demonstrates how to recover all the known
    inconsistent pages in a database. Assume the RMU Show Corrupt_
    Pages command reveals that page 60 in the EMPIDS_LOW storage
    area is inconsistent and pages 11 and 123 in the EMPIDS_MID
    storage area is inconsistent. The RMU Recover command is issued
    to recover on line all pages logged inconsistent in the corrupt
    page table (CPT). After the recovery operation, the CPT will be

    %RMU-I-AIJBADPAGE, inconsistent page 11 from storage area
     DISK1:[TEST5]EMPIDS_OVER.RDA;1 needs AIJ sequence number 0
    %RMU-I-AIJBADPAGE, inconsistent page 60 from storage area
     DISK1:[TEST5]EMPIDS_LOW.RDA;1 needs AIJ sequence number 0
    %RMU-I-AIJBADPAGE, inconsistent page 123 from storage area
     DISK1:[TEST5]EMPIDS_OVER.RDA;1 needs AIJ sequence number 0
    %RMU-I-LOGRECDB, recovering database file
    %RMU-I-LOGOPNAIJ, opened journal file DISK3:[TEST5]MF_PERSONNEL.AIJ;1
    %RMU-I-AIJONEDONE, AIJ file sequence 0 roll-forward operations
    %RMU-I-LOGRECOVR, 1 transaction committed
    %RMU-I-LOGRECOVR, 0 transactions rolled back
    %RMU-I-LOGRECOVR, 0 transactions ignored
    %RMU-I-AIJNOACTIVE, there are no active transactions
    %RMU-I-AIJSUCCES, database recovery completed successfully
    %RMU-I-AIJALLDONE, after-image journal roll-forward operations
    %RMU-I-LOGSUMMARY, total 1 transaction committed
    %RMU-I-LOGSUMMARY, total 0 transactions rolled back
    %RMU-I-LOGSUMMARY, total 0 transactions ignored
    %RMU-I-AIJSUCCES, database recovery completed successfully
    %RMU-I-AIJGOODPAGE, page 11 from storage area
     DISK1:[TEST5]EMPIDS_OVER.RDA;1 is now consistent
    %RMU-I-AIJGOODPAGE, page 60 from storage area
     DISK1:[TEST5]EMPIDS_LOW.RDA;1 is now consistent
    %RMU-I-AIJGOODPAGE, page 123 from storage area
     DISK1:[TEST5]EMPIDS_OVER.RDA;1 is now consistent
    %RMU-I-AIJFNLSEQ, to start another AIJ file recovery, the sequence
     number needed will be 0

    Example 5

    In the following example, note that the backed up AIJ files are
    specified in the order B1, B3, B2, B4 representing sequence
    numbers 1, 3, 2, 4. The /ORDER_AIJ_FILES sorts the journals to
    be applied into ascending sequence order and then is able to
    remove B1 from processing because the database recovery starts
    with AIJ file sequence 2 as shown in the RMU/RESTORE output.

    %RMU-I-RESTXT_00, Restored root file DUA0:[DB]FOO.RDB;16
    %RMU-I-AIJRECFUL, Recovery of the entire database starts with
    AIJ file sequence 2
    %RMU-I-COMPLETED, RESTORE operation completed at 24-MAY-2007 12:23:32.99
    %RMU-I-LOGOPNAIJ, opened journal file DUA0:[DB]B2.AIJ;24
    %RMU-I-LOGRECSTAT, transaction with TSN 0:256 ignored
    %RMU-I-LOGRECSTAT, transaction with TSN 0:257 ignored
    %RMU-I-RESTART, restarted recovery after ignoring 2 committed transactions
    %RMU-I-AIJONEDONE, AIJ file sequence 2 roll-forward operations completed
    %RMU-I-LOGRECOVR, 0 transactions committed
    %RMU-I-LOGRECOVR, 0 transactions rolled back
    %RMU-I-LOGRECOVR, 2 transactions ignored
    %RMU-I-AIJNOACTIVE, there are no active transactions
    %RMU-I-AIJSUCCES, database recovery completed successfully
    %RMU-I-AIJNXTSEQ, to continue this AIJ file recovery, the
    sequence number needed will be 3

    Example 6

    The following example shows the "/CONFIRM=ABORT" syntax used so
    that RMU/RECOVER will not continue rolling forward if a sequence
    gap is detected. This is the default behavior if /NOCONFIRM is
    specified or for batch jobs. Note that the exit status of RMU
    will be "%RMU-E-AIJRECESQ" if the recovery is aborted due to a
    sequence gap. It is always a good policy to check the exit status
    of RMU, especially when executing RMU in batch jobs.

    RMU/RECOVER/CONFIRM=ABORT/LOG/ROOT=user$test:foo faijbck1,faijbck2,faijbck4
    %RMU-I-LOGRECDB, recovering database file DEVICE:[DIRECTORY]FOO.RDB;1

     at 25-FEB-2009 17:27:42.29
    %RMU-W-AIJSEQAFT, incorrect AIJ file sequence 8 when 7 was expected
    %RMU-E-AIJRECESQ, AIJ roll-forward operations terminated due to sequence error
    %RMU-I-AIJALLDONE, after-image journal roll-forward operations completed
    %RMU-I-LOGSUMMARY, total 2 transactions committed
    %RMU-I-LOGSUMMARY, total 0 transactions rolled back
    %RMU-I-LOGSUMMARY, total 0 transactions ignored
    %RMU-I-AIJFNLSEQ, to start another AIJ file recovery, the sequence number
     needed will be 7
    %RMU-I-AIJNOENABLED, after-image journaling has not yet been enabled

    Example 7

    The following example shows the "/CONFIRM=CONTINUE" syntax used
    so that RMU/RECOVER will continue rolling forward if a sequence
    gap is detected.

    RMU/RECOVER/CONFIRM=CONTINUE/LOG/ROOT=user$test:foo faijbck1,faijbck2,faijbck4
    %RMU-I-LOGRECDB, recovering database file DEVICE:[DIRECTORY]FOO.RDB;1

     at 25-FEB-2009 17:26:04.00
    %RMU-W-AIJSEQAFT, incorrect AIJ file sequence 8 when 7 was expected
    %RMU-I-AIJONEDONE, AIJ file sequence 8 roll-forward operations completed
    %RMU-I-LOGRECOVR, 1 transaction committed
    %RMU-I-LOGRECOVR, 0 transactions rolled back
    %RMU-I-LOGRECOVR, 0 transactions ignored
    %RMU-I-AIJNOACTIVE, there are no active transactions
    %RMU-I-AIJSUCCES, database recovery completed successfully
    %RMU-I-AIJNXTSEQ, to continue this AIJ file recovery, the sequence number
     needed will be 9
    %RMU-I-AIJALLDONE, after-image journal roll-forward operations completed
    %RMU-I-LOGSUMMARY, total 3 transactions committed
    %RMU-I-LOGSUMMARY, total 0 transactions rolled back
    %RMU-I-LOGSUMMARY, total 0 transactions ignored
    %RMU-I-AIJSUCCES, database recovery completed successfully
    %RMU-I-AIJFNLSEQ, to start another AIJ file recovery, the sequence number
     needed will be 9
    %RMU-I-AIJNOENABLED, after-image journaling has not yet been enabled

25.7  –  Resolve

    Recovers a corrupted database and resolves an unresolved
    distributed transaction by completing the transaction.

    See the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to Distributed Transactions for
    complete information on unresolved transactions and for
    information on the transactions managers (DECdtm and Encina)
    supported by Oracle Rdb.

25.7.1  –  Description

    Use the RMU Recover Resolve command to commit or abort any
    unresolved distributed transactions in the after-image journal
    (.aij) file. You must complete the unresolved transactions to the
    same state (COMMIT or ABORT) in every .aij file affected by the
    unresolved transactions.

    The RMU Recover Resolve command performs the following tasks:

    o  Displays identification information for an unresolved

    o  Prompts you for the state to which you want the unresolved
       transaction resolved (if you did not specify the State
       qualifier on the command line). If you are using DECdtm to
       manage the transaction, you can specify COMMIT, ABORT, or
       IGNORE. If you are using an XA transaction, you can specify
       COMMIT or ABORT.

    o  Prompts for confirmation of the state you specified

    o  Commits, aborts, or ignores the unresolved transaction

    o  Continues until it displays information for all unresolved

25.7.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Recover/Resolve aij-file-name

  Command Qualifiers                x Defaults
  /Active_IO=max-reads              x See the RMU/Recover command
  /Aij_Buffers=integer              x See the RMU/Recover command
  /Areas[=storage-area[,...]]       x See the RMU/Recover command
  /[No]Confirm                      x See description
  /Format={Old_File|New_Tape}       x See the RMU/Recover command
  /Label=(label-name-list)          x See the RMU/Recover command
  /[No]Log                          x See the RMU/Recover command
  /[No]Media_Loader                 x See the RMU/Recover command
  /[No]Online                       x See the RMU/Recover command
  /[No]Rewind                       x See the RMU/Recover command
  /Root=root-file-name              x See the RMU/Recover command
  /State=option                     x See description
  /[No]Trace                        x See the RMU/Recover command
  /Until=date-time                  x See the RMU/Recover command

25.7.3  –  Parameters  –  aij-file-name

    The name of the file containing the after-image journal. This
    cannot be an optimized after-image journal (.oaij) file. The
    default file extension is .aij.

25.7.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Confirm


    Prompts you for confirmation of each transaction state you alter.
    The default for interactive processing is Confirm.

    Specify the Noconfirm qualifier to suppress this prompt. The
    default for batch processing is Noconfirm.  –  State


    Specifies the state to which all unresolved transactions will be

    If you are using DECdtm to manage your distributed transaction,
    options for the State qualifier are:

    o  Commit-Commits all unresolved transactions.

    o  Abort- Aborts all unresolved transactions.

    o  Ignore-Does not resolve any transactions.

    If you are using Encina to manage your distributed transaction,
    options for the State qualifier are:

    o  Commit-Commits all unresolved transactions.

    o  Abort- Aborts all unresolved transactions.

    If you do not specify the State qualifier, Oracle RMU prompts
    you to enter an action, for each unresolved transaction in
    that .aij file. If DECdtm is managing your transaction and you
    enter Ignore, Oracle RMU-instead of resolving the transaction-
    attempts to contact the coordinator to resolve the transaction.
    The transaction remains unresolved until the coordinator becomes
    available again and instructs the transaction to complete or
    until you manually complete the transaction by using the RMU
    Recover Resolve command again. For more information about the
    activities of the coordinator, see the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to
    Distributed Transactions.

    Because a coordinator is not involved with transactions managed
    by Encina, the Ignore option is not valid for XA transactions.

25.7.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Recover Resolve command for a database, you
       must have the RMU$RESTORE privilege in the root file for the
       database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.

    o  If you have restored the database by using the New qualifier
       and have not deleted the corrupted database, use the Root
       qualifier to override the original file specification for the
       database root file.

    o  After it rolls forward from the .aij file specified on the
       command line, Oracle RMU prompts you for the name of the next
       .aij file. If there are more .aij files to roll forward, enter
       the file name, including the version number for that .aij
       file. If there are no other .aij files, press the Return key.
       For more information about rolling forward and determining
       transaction sequence numbers for .aij files, see the Oracle
       Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance.

    o  Note the following points regarding using Oracle Rdb with the
       Encina transaction manager:

       -  Only databases that were created under Oracle Rdb V7.0 or
          higher, or converted to V70 or higher, can participate in
          XA transactions.

       -  To start a distributed transaction, you must have the
          DISTRIBTRAN database privilege for all databases involved
          in the transaction.

       -  Oracle Rdb supports only explicit distributed transactions
          with Encina. This means that your application must
          explicitly call the Encina routines to start and end the

25.7.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command recovers the mf_personnel database and
    rolls the database forward from the old .aij file to resolve the
    unresolved distributed transactions. Because the State qualifier
    is not specified, Oracle RMU will prompt the user for a state for
    each unresolved transaction.


    Example 2

    This example specifies that all unresolved transactions in the
    mf_personnel.aij file be committed.


    For more examples of the RMU Recover Resolve command, see the
    Oracle Rdb7 Guide to Distributed Transactions.

26  –  Repair

    Corrects several types of database problems. You can use the RMU
    Repair command to:

    o  Repair all types of space area management (SPAM) page
       corruptions by reconstructing the SPAM pages in one or more
       storage areas.

    o  Repair all area bit map (ABM) page format errors.

    o  Repair all page tail errors to the satisfaction of the RMU
       Verify operation by making sure that every database page is
       in a logical area and contains the appropriate information for
       that logical area.

    o  Correct some performance problems that might otherwise have to
       be corrected by exporting and importing the database.

    o  Set damaged or missing segmented string (LIST OF BYTE VARYING)
       areas that are stored in write-once areas to null.

    The repair operation cannot correct corrupted user data, or
    corrupted indexes; use other commands such as the RMU Restore,
    the RMU Recover, the SQL IMPORT, or the RMU Load command and
    delete the affected structures to correct these problems.


       Use of the Abm or the Initialize=Tsns qualifier disables
       after-image journaling. After issuing an RMU Repair command
       with these qualifiers, back up the database and reenable
       journaling manually.

26.1  –  Description

    Because RMU Repair cannot correct every type of corruption, or
    guarantee improved performance, Oracle Corporation recommends
    that you do not use the RMU Repair command unless you have a
    backup copy or exported copy of your database. You can return
    to this backup copy of the database if your repair efforts are

    The RMU Repair command operates off line and not in the context
    of a transaction, so no records are written to the database's
    .aij file by RMU Repair, and the repaired database cannot be
    rolled forward with the RMU Recover command. Oracle Corporation
    recommends that you make a backup copy of the database after
    using the RMU Repair command; the repair operation issues a
    message to this effect. Oracle RMU also issues a warning when
    you use this command on a database with after-image journaling

26.2  –  Format

     Command Qualifiers                  x Defaults
     /[No]Abm                            x /Noabm
     /[No]All_Segments                   x All segments
     /Areas [={storage-area-list or *}]  x See description
     /Checksum                           x See description
     /[No]Initialize=initialize-options  x /Noinitialize
     /[No]Spams                          x See description
     /Tables [=table-list]               x All nonsystem tables
     /Worm_Segments                      x None

26.3  –  Parameters

26.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    A file specification for the database root file for which you
    want to repair corruption or improve performance.

26.4  –  Command Qualifiers

26.4.1  –  Abm


    Causes the reconstruction of the logical area bit map (ABM)
    pages for areas specified with the Areas qualifier. After-image
    journaling is disabled when you specify the Abm qualifier. You
    must explicitly enable after-image journaling after the RMU
    Repair command completes if you want journaling enabled.

    The NoAbm qualifier specifies that ABM pages are not to be
    reconstructed; this is the default.

26.4.2  –  All Segments


    The All_Segments qualifier specifies that RMU Repair should
    retrieve all segments of a segmented string; the Noall_Segments
    qualifier specifies that RMU Repair should only retrieve the
    first segment of a segmented string.

    Specify the Noall_Segments qualifier if you know that the list
    storage map for any segmented strings stored on the specified
    areas might have contained multiple areas. For example, if the
    storage map was created using the following SQL command, Oracle
    Rdb would store all the segmented strings on AREA1 until AREA1
    became full. If AREA1 became full, Oracle Rdb would continue to
    write the rest of the segments into AREA2. Suppose AREA2 becomes
    corrupt. In this case, retrieving the first segment from AREA1
    is not sufficient; all segments must be retrieved to determine if
    part of the segmented string is missing.


    Specifying the Areas qualifier and the All_Segments qualifier
    is unnecessary and redundant because specifying the All_Segments
    qualifier causes RMU Repair to check all storage areas regardless
    of where the segmented string was stored initially.

26.4.3  –  Areas

    Areas[={storage-area-list or *}]

    Specifies the storage areas in the database you want to repair.
    You can specify storage areas by name or by the area's ID number.

    By default, all the storage areas in the database are repaired.
    If you specify more than one storage area, separate the storage
    area names or ID numbers in the storage-area-list with a comma,
    and enclose the list within parentheses.

26.4.4  –  Checksum


    Reads every page in the database storage areas to verify that the
    checksum on each page is correct. If the checksum on the page is
    incorrect, it is replaced with the correct checksum.

    Use the Areas qualifier to specify which storage areas RMU
    Repair should check. If you do not specify the Areas qualifier,
    all pages in all storage areas are checked and updated (if

    This qualifier can be used whether or not users are attached to
    the database.

    This qualifier is not valid for use with any other qualifiers
    except the Areas qualifier.

26.4.5  –  Initialize


    Allows you to specify initialization options. If more than one
    option is specified, separate the options with a comma, and
    enclose the list of options within parentheses.

    The following options are available for the Initialize qualifier:

    o  Free_Pages

       The Initialize=Free_Pages qualifier initializes database pages
       that do not contain data in the selected storage areas (that
       have a uniform page format). You can use the Initialize=Free_
       Pages qualifier to correct BADPTLARE errors found by the
       RMU Verify command and also to free pages from a table
       that has many deleted rows. If you specify the default, the
       Noinitialize qualifier, no database pages are initialized.

       Frequently, you will receive one or more RMU-W-ABMBITTERR
       error messages after you issue the RMU Repair command with
       the Initialize=Free_Pages qualifier. This occurs because the
       initialization of pages can create new ABM errors. Correct
       these errors by issuing the RMU Repair command with the
       Abm qualifier. (However, note that you cannot specify the
       Initialize=Free_Pages qualifier and the Abm qualifier on the
       same command line.) If you ignore the RMU-W-ABMBITTERR error
       messages, extra I/O operations will be performed (one for each
       RMU-W-ABMBITTERR error you received) when a database query
       causes a sequential scan of an entire table.

       If a table residing in a storage area that has a uniform
       page format is frequently accessed sequentially, the cost
       of the sequential access is determined by the number of
       allocated pages. If the maximum size allocated for the table
       is much larger than the table's average size, the cost of the
       sequential access can be excessive. By using the RMU Repair
       command with the Initialize=Free_Pages qualifier, you can
       purge the allocated but unused database pages from the table.
       In some cases, there may be a decrease in performance when
       you insert new data into the table after using this option.
       As with all Repair options, you should test the performance
       of the database after executing the command and be prepared to
       restore the backup made before executing the Repair command if
       you find that the command results in decreased performance.

       The initialization of free pages requires access to the Oracle
       Rdb system tables. You should not initialize free pages until
       you know that the RDB$SYSTEM storage area (where the system
       tables are stored) is not corrupted.

    o  Larea_Parameters=options-file

       This option specifies an options file (default file extension
       .opt) that contains a list of logical areas and parameter
       values that RMU Repair uses to update the area inventory page
       (AIP) before it builds the space area management (SPAM) pages.

       The Larea_Parameters options file contains lines in the
       following format:

       name [/Areas=name][/Delete][/[No]Thresholds=(n[,n[,n]])[/Length=n][/Type=option]

       A comment can be appended to the line (an exclamation point
       (!)  is the comment character), and a line can be continued
       (as in DCL) by ending it with a hyphen (-).

       The logical area can be specified by name or identification
       number (ID). The logical area named must be present in the
       AIP, or an error is generated. The Larea_Parameters options
       are further described as follows:

       -  Areas=name

          Restricts this line to the logical area that resides
          in the specified storage area. The storage area can be
          specified by name or ID. By default, all logical areas with
          a matching name are altered independently of the storage
          area in which they reside.

          You can specify storage area ID numbers with the Areas

       -  Delete

          Specifies that the logical area should be marked as
          deleted. You will corrupt your database if you delete a
          logical area that is referenced by Oracle Rdb metadata.

       -  Length=n

          The Initialize=Length option specifies the record length to
          store in the logical area inventory entry. RMU Repair uses
          this value to calculate SPAM thresholds.

          When columns are deleted from or added to a table, the
          record length stored in the logical area inventory entry is
          not updated. Therefore the search for space needed to store
          a new record may be inefficient, and the SPAM thresholds
          will not be set properly. You can solve this problem by
          first correcting the length in the logical area inventory
          entry, then generating corrected SPAM pages using the RMU
          Repair command. See Example 2 in the Examples help entry
          under this command.

       -  Thresholds=(n [,n [,n]])

          This option specifies the logical area SPAM thresholds.
          This is useful only for logical areas that reside in a
          storage area with a uniform page format. If thresholds are
          set, they are ignored in a storage area with a mixed page

          See the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to Database Performance and
          Tuning for information on setting SPAM thresholds.

          The Nothresholds option specifies that logical area
          thresholds be disabled.

       -  Type=keyword

          By specifying a Type, you can update the on-disk logical
          area type in the AIP. For databases created prior to Oracle
          Rdb release 7.0.1, the logical area type information in the
          AIP is unknown. However, the RMU Show Statistics utility
          depends on this information to display information on a
          per-logical-area basis. A logical area is a table, B-tree
          index, hash index, or any partition of one of these.

          In order to update the on-disk logical area type in the
          AIP, specify the type as follows:

             Specifies that the logical area is a data table, such as
             is created with the SQL CREATE TABLE statement.

             Specifies that the logical area is a B-tree index, such
             as is created with the SQL CREATE INDEX TYPE IS SORTED

             Specifies that the logical area is a hash index, such
             as is created with the SQL CREATE INDEX TYPE IS HASHED

             Specifies that the logical area is a system record
             that is used to identify hash buckets. Users cannot
             explicitly create this type of logical area. This type
             should not be used for the RDB$SYSTEM logical areas. It
             does not identify system relations.

             Specifies that the logical area is a BLOB (LIST OF BYTE
             VARYING) repository.

          There is no error checking of the type specified for
          a logical area. The specified type does not affect the
          collection of statistics, nor does it affect the readying
          of the affected logical areas. However, an incorrect type
          will cause incorrect statistics to be reported by the RMU
          Show Statistics utility.

    o  Only_Larea_Type

       The Initialize=Only_Larea_Type option specifies that only the
       logical area type field is to be updated in the area inventory
       page (AIP).

    o  Snapshots

       The Snapshots option allows you to create and initialize new
       snapshot files. In addition, it removes corrupt snapshot area
       pages from the Corrupt Page Table (CPT). This is much faster
       than using the RMU Restore command to do the same thing,
       especially when just one snapshot file is lost and needs to
       be created again. The default is not to create new files.

       When you specify the Confirm option with the
       Initialize=Snapshots option (Initialize=Snapshots=Confirm),
       you can use the RMU Repair command not only to initialize, but
       also to optionally rename, move, or change the allocation of
       snapshot files.

       These operations might be necessary when a disk with a
       snapshot file has a hardware problem or is removed in a
       hardware upgrade, or when a snapshot file has grown too large
       and you want to truncate it.

       The Confirm option causes RMU Repair to prompt you for a
       name and allocation for one or more snapshot files. If you
       use the Areas qualifier, you can select the snapshot files
       in the database that you want to modify. If you omit the
       Areas qualifier, all the snapshot files for the database are
       initialized and RMU Repair prompts you interactively for an
       alternative file name and allocation for each snapshot file.
       By specifying a new file name for a snapshot file, you can
       change the location of the snapshot file. By specifying a new
       allocation for a snapshot file, you can truncate a snapshot
       file or make it larger.

    o  Tsns

       The Initialize=Tsns option resets the database transaction
       state. The default is to not alter the transaction state.

       After-image journaling is disabled when you specify the
       Initialize=Tsns option. You must explicitly enable after-image
       journaling after the RMU Repair command completes if you want
       journaling enabled.

       This operation is useful when the database transaction
       sequence number (TSN) approaches the maximum allowable value
       and the TSN values must be initialized to zero. The TSN value
       is contained in a quadword with the following decimal format:

       high longword : low longword

       The high longword can hold a maximum user value of 32768
       (215) and the low longword can hold a maximum user value of

       4,294,967,295 (232). A portion of the high-longword is used by

       Oracle Rdb for overhead.

       Initialization of the TSN values requires reading and writing
       to each page of the database, so the Areas qualifier is not
       meaningful. It also requires initialization of the snapshot
       areas even if the Snapshots option has not been specified.

       The Tsns initialization option carries the following

       -  It cannot be performed if the Replication Option for Rdb
          is being used unless all transfers have been completed. RMU
          Repair will ask for confirmation if an RDB$TRANSFERS table
          is defined.

       -  Old journal files will not be applicable to this repaired
          database. After TSNs have been initialized, you must
          reenable after-image journaling if you want journaling

          After the RMU Repair command completes, a full and complete
          backup operation should be performed on the database as
          soon as is practical. This operation ensures that new
          journaled changes can be applied to the restored database
          in the event that a restore operation should become

26.4.6  –  Spams


    Reconstructs the SPAM pages for the areas you specify with the
    Areas qualifier. If you specify the Nospams qualifier, the SPAM
    pages are not reconstructed. The default is the Spam qualifier
    if you do not specify any of the following qualifiers for the RMU
    Repair command:

    o  ABM

    o  Initialize=Free_Pages

    o  Initialize=Snapshots

    o  Initialize=Snapshots=Confirm

    If you use any of these qualifiers, the NoSpam qualifier is the

    When columns are deleted from or added to a table, the record
    length stored in the logical area inventory entry is not updated.
    Therefore the search for space needed to store a new record may
    be inefficient, and the SPAM thresholds will not be set properly.
    You can solve this problem by first correcting the length in
    the logical area inventory entry, then generating corrected SPAM
    pages using the RMU Repair command. See Example 2 in the Examples
    help entry under this command.

26.4.7  –  Tables


    Specifies the list of tables that you want RMU Repair to check
    for complete segmented strings.

    If no tables are listed, then all nonsystem tables are examined.
    (System tables do not store their segmented strings in write-once
    areas.) Note that RMU Repair has no knowledge of which storage
    areas contain segmented strings from a particular table; thus,
    the default is to search all tables.

26.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Repair command for a database, you must have
       the RMU$ALTER privilege in the root file access control
       list (ACL) for the database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS

    o  Enable detected asynchronous prefetch to achieve the best
       performance of this command. Beginning with Oracle Rdb V7.0,
       by default, detected asynchronous prefetch is enabled. You
       can determine the setting for your database by issuing the RMU
       Dump command with the Header qualifier.

       If detected asynchronous prefetch is disabled, and you do not
       want to enable it for the database, you can enable it for your
       RMU Repair operations by defining the following logicals at
       the process level:


       P1 is a value between 10 and 20 percent of the user buffer

    o  The Areas qualifier can be used with indirect file references.
       See the Indirect-Command-Files help entry.

    o  Oracle Corporation recommends that you use the RMU Backup
       command to perform a full backup operation on your database
       before using the RMU Repair command on the database.

    o  Use the SQL SHOW STORAGE AREA statement to display the new
       location of a snapshot (.snp) file and the RMU Dump command
       with the Header qualifier to display the new allocation.

    o  Be careful when you specify names for new .snp files with the
       RMU Repair command. If you specify the name of a file that
       already exists and was created for the database, it will be
       initialized as you requested.

       If you mistakenly initialize a live database file in this way,
       do not use the database until the error is corrected. Use the
       RMU Restore command to restore the database to the condition
       it was in when you backed it up just prior to issuing the RMU
       Repair command. If you did not back up the database before
       issuing the RMU Repair command, you must restore the database
       from your most recent backup file and then recover from .aij
       files (if the database had after-image journaling enabled).

       If you specify the wrong .snp file (for example, if you
       specify jobs.snp for all the .snp file name requests in
       Example 3 in the Examples help entry under this command),
       you can correct this by issuing the RMU Repair command again
       with the correct .snp file names.

       After the RMU Repair command completes, delete old .snp
       files and use the RMU Backup command to perform a full backup
       operation on your database.

26.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command repairs SPAM page corruption for all the
    storage areas in the mf_personnel database. No area bit map
    (ABM) pages are reconstructed because the Abm qualifier is not


    Example 2

    When columns are deleted from or added to a table, the record
    length stored in the logical area inventory entry is not updated.
    Therefore the search for space needed to store a new record may
    be inefficient, and the SPAM thresholds will not be set properly.
    You can solve this problem by first correcting the length in
    the logical area inventory entry, then generating corrected SPAM
    pages using the RMU Repair command.

    For example, suppose the Departments table was stored in the
    departments.rda uniform page format storage area and the Budget_
    Projected column (integer data type = 4 bytes) was deleted. As
    a result of this deletion, the row length changed from 47 bytes
    to 43 bytes. You can specify a smaller record length (43 bytes)
    in the fix_departments.opt options file to more efficiently use
    space in the storage area.


    Then, the following RMU Repair command specifies the record
    length to store in the logical area inventory entry for this
    logical area and rebuilds the SPAM pages:


    Example 3

    The following RMU Repair command initializes and renames
    departments.snp; initializes and moves salary_history.snp; and
    initializes, moves, and truncates jobs.snp:

    %RMU-I-FULBACREQ, A full backup of this database should be
     performed after RMU Repair
    Area DEPARTMENTS snapshot filename
    Area DEPARTMENTS snapshot file allocation [10]?
    Area SALARY_HISTORY snapshot filename
    Area SALARY_HISTORY snapshot file allocation [10]?
    Area JOBS snapshot filename [SQL1:[TEST]JOBS.SNP;1]: SQL2:[TEST2]
    Area JOBS snapshot file allocation [10]? 5

    Example 4

    The following RMU Repair command finds incorrect checksums in the
    EMPIDS_LOW storage area and updates them to reflect the correct


    Example 5

    The following command updates an AIP type for a table:


    Type the TABLE.OPT file to show the contents of the file.


    Example 6

    The following command updates an AIP type for a storage area:


    Type the AREAS.OPT file to show the contents of the file.


27  –  Resolve

    Resolves all unresolved distributed transactions for the
    specified database. For more information on unresolved
    transactions, see the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to Distributed
    Transactions and the Oracle Rdb Release Notes.

27.1  –  Description

    Use the RMU Resolve command to commit or abort any unresolved
    distributed transactions in the database. You must resolve the
    unresolved transactions to the same state (Commit or Abort) in
    every database affected by the unresolved transactions.

    RMU Resolve performs the following tasks:

    o  Displays identification information for an unresolved

    o  Prompts you for the state (Commit or Abort) to which you want
       the unresolved transaction resolved (if you did not specify
       the State qualifier on the command line).

    o  Prompts you for confirmation of the state you chose.

    o  Commits or aborts the unresolved transaction. If you commit or
       abort the unresolved transaction, it is resolved and cannot be
       resolved again.

    o  Continues to display and prompt for states for subsequent
       unresolved transactions until it has displayed information for
       all unresolved transactions.

    Use the Parent_Node, Process, or Tsn qualifiers to limit the
    number of unresolved transactions that Oracle RMU displays.
    Use the Users and State=Blocked qualifiers with the RMU Dump
    command to determine values for the Parent_Node, Process, and Tsn

27.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Resolve root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers               x Defaults
  /[No]Confirm                     x See description
  /[No]Log                         x Setting of DCL VERIFY flag
  /Parent_Node=node-nam e          x See description
  /Process=process-id              x See description
  /State=options                   x None
  /Tsn=tsn                         x See description

27.3  –  Parameters

27.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    The database root file for which you want to resolve unresolved

27.4  –  Command Qualifiers

27.4.1  –  Confirm


    Prompts you for confirmation of each unresolved transaction. This
    is the default for interactive processing.

    Specify the Noconfirm qualifier to suppress this prompt. This is
    the default for batch processing.

27.4.2  –  Log


    Specifies whether the processing of the command is reported to
    SYS$OUTPUT. Specify the Log qualifier to request that summary
    information about the resolve operation be reported to SYS$OUTPUT
    and the Nolog qualifier to prevent this reporting. If you specify
    neither, the default is the current setting of the DCL VERIFY
    flag. (The DCL SET VERIFY command controls the setting of the DCL
    VERIFY flag.)

27.4.3  –  Parent Node


    Specifies the node name to limit the selection of transactions
    to those originating from the specified node. If you omit
    the Parent_Node qualifier, RMU Resolve includes transactions
    originating from all nodes.

    You cannot specify the Tsn or Process qualifier with the Parent_
    Node qualifier.

    The Parent_Node qualifier is not valid for XA transactions.

27.4.4  –  Process


    Specifies the process identification to limit the selection of
    transactions to those associated with the specified process. If
    you omit this qualifier, RMU Resolve includes all processes with
    transactions attached to the specified database.

    You cannot specify the Parent_Node or Tsn qualifier with the
    Process qualifier.

27.4.5  –  State


    Specifies the state to which all unresolved transactions be

    Options for the State qualifier are:

    o  Commit-Commits unresolved transactions.

    o  Abort-Aborts unresolved transactions.

    If you do not specify the State qualifier, RMU Resolve prompts
    you to enter an action, Commit or Abort, for each unresolved
    transaction on that database.

27.4.6  –  Tsn


    Specifies the transaction sequence number (TSN) of the unresolved
    transactions whose state you want to modify.

    The TSN value is contained in a quadword with the following
    decimal format:

    high longword : low longword

    The high longword can hold a maximum user value of 32768
    (215) and the low longword can hold a maximum user value of

    4,294,967,295 (232). A portion of the high longword is used by

    Oracle Rdb for overhead.

    When you specify a TSN, you can omit the high longword and the
    colon if the TSN fits in the low longword. For example 0:444 and
    444 are both valid TSN input values.

    If you omit the Tsn qualifier, RMU Resolve includes all the
    unresolved transactions. You cannot specify the Parent_Node or
    the Process qualifier with the Tsn qualifier.

27.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Resolve command for a database, you must
       have the RMU$RESTORE privilege in the root file ACL for the
       database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.

27.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command specifies that the first displayed
    unresolved transaction in the MF_PERSONNEL database be changed
    to the Abort state and rolled back:


    Example 2

    The following command will display a list of all transactions
    coordinated by node GREEN and might be useful if node GREEN
    failed while running an application that used the DECdtm two-
    phase commit protocol:


    Example 3

    The following command displays a list of all transactions
    initiated by process 41E0364A. The list might be useful for
    resolving transactions initiated by this process if the process
    were deleted.


    Example 4

    The following command completes unresolved transactions for the
    MF_PERSONNEL database, and confirms and logs the operation:


    For more examples of the RMU Resolve command, see the Oracle Rdb7
    Guide to Distributed Transactions.

28  –  Restore

    Restores a database to the condition it was in at the time a
    full or incremental backup operation was performed with an
    RMU Backup command. In addition, if after-image journal (.aij)
    files have been retained, RMU Restore attempts to apply any pre-
    existing .aij files to recover the database completely. See the
    Description help entry under this command for details on the
    conditions under which RMU Restore attempts an automatic .aij
    file recovery as part of the restore operation.

    When you use the RMU Restore command to restore the database
    to a system with a more recent version of Oracle Rdb software,
    an RMU Convert command with the Noconfirm and Commit qualifiers
    is automatically executed as part of RMU Restore. Therefore, by
    executing the RMU Restore command, you convert that database
    to the current version. See the Oracle Rdb Installation and
    Configuration Guide for the proper backup procedure prior
    to installing a new release of Oracle Rdb and restoring (or
    converting) databases.

    When you use the RMU Restore command to restore a database that
    was recently RMU/Converted but with the /NoCommit qualifier,
    the behavior is different than that stated above. /Commit is
    the default for an RMU Restore of an uncommited database (a
    database that contains both current and previous versions of the
    metadata that was converted by specifying RMU/CONVERT/NOCOMMIT or
    RMU/RESTORE/NOCOMMIT) but ONLY if the noncommited database being
    restored is NOT of the current Rdb version. RMU/RESTORE/COMMIT
    and RMU/RESTORE/NOCOMMIT only take effect if RMU/RESTORE needs
    to call RMU/CONVERT because the database being restored is of a
    previous Rdb version.

    If the /COMMIT is specified or defaulted for the Restore of a
    database of the current level, it is ignored. In this case, an
    RMU/CONVERT/COMMIT must be used to commit the previous uncommited
    restore or conversion.


       When you restore a database, default or propagated OpenVMS
       access control entries (ACEs) for the database root (.rdb)
       file take precedence over any Oracle RMU database access you
       might have.

       Therefore, if default or propagated entries are in use,
       you must use the RMU Show Privilege and RMU Set Privilege
       commands after a restore operation completes to verify and
       correct the Oracle RMU access. (You can tell if default or
       propagated entries are in use because RMU Restore displays
       the warning message "RMU-W-PREVACL, Restoring the root ACL
       over a pre-existing ACL". This is a normal condition if the
       RMU Restore command was invoked from the CDO utility.)

       To use RMU Show Privilege and RMU Set Privilege commands,
       you must have the rights to edit the access control
       list (ACL) using RMU$SECURITY access (which is VMS BIT_
       15 access in the access control entry (ACE)) and also
       (READ+WRITE+CONTROL) access. (Note that you can grant
       yourself BIT_15 access by using the DCL SET ACL command
       if you have (READ+WRITE+CONTROL) access.

       If you do not have the required access after a restore
       operation to make the needed changes, someone with the
       required access or OpenVMS BYPASS or SECURITY access must
       examine and correct the ACL.

       This behavior exists in Oracle RMU to prevent someone from
       using Oracle RMU to override the existing OpenVMS security

28.1  –  Description

    RMU Restore rebuilds a database from a backup file, produced
    earlier by an RMU Backup command, to the condition the database
    was in when the backup operation was performed and attempts to
    automatically recover the .aij files to provide a fully restored
    and recovered database.

    You can specify only one backup file parameter in an RMU Restore
    command. If this parameter is a full backup file, you cannot use
    the Incremental qualifier. However, you must use the Incremental
    qualifier if the parameter names an incremental backup file.

    RMU Restore attempts automatic .aij file recovery by default when
    you issue a database restore command if you are using fixed-
    size .aij files, if .aij files have been retained, and if a
    database conversion has not been performed. (The .aij files are
    not retained when you specify any of the following qualifiers:
    Aij_Options, After_Journal, or Duplicate.) RMU Restore does not
    attempt automatic .aij file recovery if you have backed up any
    of your .aij files (using the RMU Backup After_Journal command)
    because RMU Restore has no knowledge of those backup files.

    In addition, success of the automatic .aij file recovery
    operation requires that the following criteria be met:

    o  Fixed-size after-image journaling is in effect.

    o  The .aij files must be on disk (not on tape).

    o  The .aij files must not have been marked as inaccessible at
       the time the database backup operation was performed.

    o  The .aij files must exist and have proper privileges for both
       read and write operations.

    o  The .aij files must be able to be accessed exclusively;
       failure indicates that an .aij file is in use by another
       database user.

    o  The .aij files must have a nonzero length.

    o  The .aij files must have valid header information that
       corresponds to the current Oracle Rdb product and version

    o  The sequence number in the .aij file header must not conflict
       with the restored definition in the database root information.

    o  The original .rdb file name must not exist.


       RMU Restore attempts automatic .aij file recovery when you
       restore a database from a full, incremental, by-area, or
       by-page backup file. However, in some cases, you will want
       to disable this feature by using the Norecovery qualifier.
       Specifically, you should specify the Norecovery qualifier if
       either of the following are true:

       o  You are restoring the database from a previous version of
          Oracle Rdb.

       o  You need to issue more than one RMU Restore command to
          completely restore the database.

          For example, if you intend to restore a database by
          first issuing a full RMU Restore command followed by
          the application of one or more RMU Restore commands with
          the Incremental or Area qualifiers, you must specify the
          Norecovery qualifier on all but the last RMU Restore
          command in the series you intend to issue. Allowing
          Oracle RMU to attempt automatic recovery with a full
          restore operation when you intend to apply additional
          incremental, by-area, or by-page backup files can result
          in a corrupt database.

    RMU Restore does not attempt automatic .aij file recovery if any
    of the following conditions are true:

    o  The database has been converted since the time you created the
       backup file that you are attempting to restore.

    o  The first .aij file is not available (perhaps because it has
       been backed up).

    o  After-image journaling was disabled when the backup operation
       was performed.

    o  After-image journaling was disabled when the database (or
       portion of it) was lost.

    o  You specify the Aij_Options, After_Journal, or Duplicate
       qualifier with the RMU Restore command.

    If RMU Restore attempts automatic .aij file recovery but fails,
    you can still recover your database by using the RMU Recover
    command if the restore operation was successful.


       Using the DCL COPY command with a multifile database
       (assuming the files are copied to a new location) will
       result in an unsupported, unusable database. This happens
       because the DCL COPY command cannot update the full file
       specification pointers (stored in the database root file) to
       the other database files (.rda, .snp, and optional .aij).

       You can rename or move the files that comprise a multifile
       Oracle Rdb database by using one of the following commands:

       o  The RMU Backup and RMU Restore commands

       o  The SQL EXPORT and IMPORT statements

       o  The RMU Move_Area command

       o  The RMU Copy_Database command

    By default, RMU Restore integrates the metadata stored in the
    database root (.rdb) file with the data dictionary copy of the
    metadata (assuming the data dictionary is installed on your
    system). However, you can prevent dictionary integration by
    specifying the Nocdd_Integrate qualifier.

    When you specify the Incremental or Area qualifiers, do not
    specify the following additional qualifiers:


    The RMU Restore command ignores the Confirm qualifier if you
    omit the Incremental qualifier. Also, you must specify the Root
    qualifier when you restore an incremental backup file to a new
    version of the database, renamed database, or a restored database
    in a new location.

    See the Usage Notes subentry for information on restoring a
    database from tape.

28.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Restore backup-file-spec [storage-area-name[,...]]

  Command Qualifiers                      x  Defaults
  /[No]Acl                                x  /Acl
  /Active_IO=max-reads                    x  /Active_IO=3
  /[No]After_Journal=file-spec            x  See description
  /[No]Aij_Options=journal-opts           x  See description
  /Area                                   x  See description
  /[No]Cdd_Integrate                      x  /Cdd_Integrate
  /Close_Wait=n                           x  See description
  /[No]Commit                             x  /Commit
  /[No]Confirm                            x  See description
  /Directory=directory-spec               x  See description
  /Disk_File[=(Reader_Threads=n)]         x  /Disk_File=(Reader_Threads=1)
  /[No]Duplicate                          x  /Noduplicate
  /Encrypt=({Value=|Name=}[,Algorithm=])  x  See description
  /Global_Buffers=global-buffer-options   x  Current value
  /Incremental                            x  Full restore
  /Journal=file-name                      x  See description
  /Just_Corrupt                           x  See description
  /Label=(label-name-list)                x  See description

  (B)0/Librarian[=options]                    x  None
  /Loader_Synchronization                 x  See description
  /Local_Buffers=local-buffer-options     x  Current value
  /[No]Log[=Brief|Full]                   x  Current DCL verify value
  /Master                                 x  See description
  /[No]Media_Loader                       x  See Description
  /[No]New_Version                        x  /Nonew_Version
  /Nodes_Max=number-cluster-nodes         x  See description
  /[No]Online                             x  /Noonline
  /Open_Mode={Automatic|Manual}           x  Current value
  /Options=file-spec                      x  None
  /Page_Buffers=number-buffers            x  /Page_Buffers=3
  /Path=cdd-path                          x  Existing value
  /Prompt={Automatic|Operator|Client}     x  See description
  /[No]Recovery[=Aij_Buffers=n]           x  See description
  /[No]Rewind                             x  /Norewind
  /Root=root-file-spec                    x  Existing value
  /Transaction_Mode=(mode-list)           x  /Transaction_Mode=Current
  /Users_max=number-users                 x  Existing value
  /Volumes=n                              x  /Volumes=1

  (B)0File or Area Qualifiers                 x  Defaults
  /Blocks_Per_Page=integer                x  See description
  /Extension= {Disable|Enable}            x  Current value
  /File=file-spec                         x  See description
  /Just_Corrupt                           x  See description
  /Read_Only                              x  Current value
  /Read_Write                             x  Current value
  /Snapshot=(Allocation=n,File=file-spec) x  See description
  /[No]Spams                              x  Current value
  /Thresholds=(val1[,val2[,val3]])        x  Current value

28.3  –  Parameters

28.3.1  –  backup-file-spec

    A file specification for the backup file produced by a previous
    RMU Backup command. Note that you cannot perform a remote restore
    operation on an .rbf file that has been backed up to tape and
    then copied to disk.

    The default file extension is .rbf.

    Depending on whether you are performing a restore operation
    from magnetic tape, disk, or multiple disks, the backup file
    specification should be specified as follows:

    o  To restore from magnetic tape:

       If you used multiple tape drives to create the backup file,
       the backup-file-spec parameter must be provided with (and only
       with) the first tape drive name. Additional tape drive names
       must be separated from the first and subsequent tape drive
       names with commas, as shown in the following example:


    o  To restore from single or multiple disk files:

       If you used multiple disk files to create the backup file,
       the backup-file-spec parameter must be provided with (and only
       with) the first disk device name. Additional disk device names
       must be separated from the first and subsequent disk device
       names with commas. You must also be sure to include the Disk_
       File qualifier. For example:


       As an alternative to listing the disk device names on the
       command line (which, if you use several devices, can exceed
       the line-limit length for a command line), you can specify an
       options file in place of the backup-file-spec. For example:


       The contents of devices.opt might appear as follows:


       The backup files referenced from such an options file are:


28.3.2  –  storage-area-name


    A storage area name from the database. This parameter is
    optional. Use it in the following situations:

    o  When you want to change the values for thresholds or blocks
       per page.

    o  When you want to change the names specified with the Snapshot
       or the File qualifier for the restored database.

    o  If you want to restore only selected storage areas from your
       backup file, you must use the Area qualifier and specify the
       names of the storage areas you want to restore in either the
       storage-area-name parameter in the RMU Restore command line,
       or in the file specified with the Options qualifier.

       To use this option, specify the storage area name rather than
       the file specification for the storage area.

    By using the RMU Backup and RMU Restore commands, you can back up
    and restore selected storage areas of your database. This Oracle
    RMU backup and restore by-area feature is designed to:

    o  Speed recovery when corruption occurs in some (not all) of the
       storage areas of your database.

    o  Reduce the time needed to perform backup operations because
       some data (data in read-only storage areas, for example) does
       not need to be backed up with every backup operation performed
       on the database.

    If you plan to use the RMU Backup and RMU Restore commands to
    back up and restore only selected storage areas for a database,
    you must perform full and complete backup operations on the
    database at regular intervals. A full and complete backup is a
    full backup (not an incremental backup) operation on all the
    storage areas in the database. If the database root (.rdb) file
    is corrupted, you can only recover storage areas up to (but not
    past) the date of the last full and complete backup operation.
    Therefore, Oracle Corporation recommends that you perform full
    and complete backup operations regularly.

    If you plan to back up and restore only selected storage areas
    for a database, Oracle Corporation strongly recommends that you
    enable after-image journaling for the database (in addition to
    performing the full and complete backup operation on the database
    as described earlier). That is, if you are not backing up and
    restoring all the storage areas in your database, you should have
    after-image journaling enabled. This ensures that you can recover
    all the storage areas in your database in the event of a system
    failure. If you do not have after-image journaling enabled and
    one or more of the areas restored by RMU Restore are not current
    with the storage areas not restored, Oracle Rdb will not allow
    any transactions to use the storage areas that are not current
    in the restored database. In this situation, you can return to a
    working database by restoring the database, using the backup file
    from the last full and complete backup operation on the database
    storage areas. However, any changes made to the database since
    the last full and complete backup operation was performed are not

    If you have after-image journaling enabled, use the RMU Recover
    command to apply transactions from the .aij file to storage areas
    that are not current after the RMU Restore command completes.
    When the RMU Recover command completes, your database will be
    consistent and usable.

28.4  –  Command Qualifiers

28.4.1  –  Acl


    Allows you to specify whether to restore the root file access
    control list (ACL) that was backed up.

    If you specify the Acl qualifier, the root file ACL that was
    backed up is restored with the database. If the root file ACL
    was not backed up and you specify the Acl qualifier with the RMU
    Restore command, then RMU Restore restores the database without a
    root file ACL.

    If you specify the Noacl qualifier, the root file ACL is not
    restored with the database.

    The default is the Acl qualifier.

28.4.2  –  Active IO


    Specifies the maximum number of read operations from the backup
    file that RMU Restore attempts simultaneously. The value of the
    Active_IO qualifier can range from 1 to 5. The default value is
    3. Values larger than 3 might improve performance with multiple
    tape drives.

28.4.3  –  After Journal



       This qualifier is maintained for compatibility with versions
       of Oracle Rdb prior to Version 6.0. You might find it more
       useful to specify the Aij_Options qualifier, unless you are
       interested in creating an extensible .aij file only. (An
       extensible .aij file is one that is extended by a specified
       amount when it reaches a certain threshold of fullness-
       assuming there is sufficient space on the disk where it

    Specifies how RMU Restore is to handle after-image journaling and
    .aij file creation, using the following rules:

    o  If you specify the After_Journal qualifier and provide a file
       specification, the RMU process creates a new extensible .aij
       file and enables journaling.

    o  If you specify the After_Journal qualifier but you do not
       provide a file specification, RMU Restore creates a new
       extensible .aij file with the same name as the journal that
       was active at the time of the backup operation.

    o  If you specify the Noafter_Journal qualifier, RMU Restore
       disables after-image journaling and does not create a new .aij
       file. Note that if you specify the Noafter_Journal qualifier
       there will be a gap in the sequence of the .aij files. For
       example, suppose your database has .aij file sequence number 1
       when you back it up. If you issue an RMU Restore command with
       the Noafter_Journal qualifier, the .aij file sequence number
       will be changed to 2. This means that you cannot (and do not
       want to) apply the original .aij file to the restored database
       (doing so would result in a sequence mismatch).

    o  If you do not specify an After_Journal, Noafter_Journal, Aij_
       Options, or Noaij_Options qualifier, RMU Restore recovers the
       journal state (enabled or disabled) and tries to reuse the
       .aij file or files. (See the Description help entry under this
       command for details on when automatic .aij file recovery is
       not attempted.)

    When you specify an .aij file name, you should specify a new
    device and directory for the .aij file. If you do not specify a
    device and directory, you receive a warning message. To protect
    yourself against media failures, put the .aij file on a different
    device from that of your database files.

    If the original database is lost or corrupted but the journal
    files are unaffected, you would typically restore the database
    without the use of either the Aij_Options or the After_Journal

    The After_Journal qualifier conflicts with the Area and
    Incremental qualifiers; you cannot specify the After_Journal
    qualifier and either of these two other qualifiers in the same
    RMU Restore command line.

    You cannot use the After_Journal qualifier to create fixed-size
    .aij files; use the Aij_Options qualifier.

28.4.4  –  Aij Options


    Specifies how RMU Restore is to handle after-image journaling and
    .aij file creation, using the following rules:

    o  If you specify the Aij_Options qualifier and provide a
       journal-opts file, RMU Restore creates the .aij file or files
       you specify for the restored database. If only one .aij file
       is created for the restored database, it will be an extensible
       .aij file. If two or more .aij files are created for the
       restored database, they will be fixed-size .aij files (as long
       as at least two .aij files are always available). Depending on
       what is specified in the options file, after-image journaling
       can either be disabled or enabled.

    o  If you specify the Aij_Options qualifier, but do not provide
       a journal-opts file, RMU Restore disables journaling and does
       not create any new .aij files.

    o  If you specify the Noaij_Options qualifier, RMU Restore
       reuses the original .aij file configuration and recovers the
       journaling state (enabled or disabled) from the backed-up .aij

    o  If you do not specify an After_Journal, Noafter_Journal, Aij_
       Options, or Noaij_Options qualifier, RMU Restore recovers the
       journaling state (enabled or disabled) and tries to reuse the
       .aij file or files. (This is the same as specifying the Noaij_
       Options qualifier.)

       See the Description help entry under this command for details
       on when automatic .aij file recovery is not attempted.

    The Aij_Options qualifier conflicts with the Area and Incremental
    qualifiers; you cannot specify the Aij_Options qualifier and
    either of these two other qualifiers in the same RMU Restore
    command line.

    If the original database is lost or corrupted but the journal
    files are unaffected, you would typically restore the database
    without the use of either the Aij_Options or the After_Journal

    See Show After_Journal for information on the format of a

28.4.5  –  Area


    Specifies that only the storage areas listed in the storage-area-
    name parameter on the command line or in the Options file are
    to be restored. You can use this qualifier to simplify physical
    restructuring of a large database.

    By default, the Area qualifier is not specified. When the Area
    qualifier is not specified, all the storage areas and the
    database root (.rdb) file are restored. Therefore, if you want
    to restore all the storage areas, omit the Area qualifier. If
    you specify the Area qualifier, a valid database root must exist.
    (First issue the RMU Restore Only Root command with a full backup
    file to create a valid database if one does not exist.)

    By using the RMU Backup and RMU Restore commands, you can back up
    and restore selected storage areas of your database. This Oracle
    RMU backup- and restore-by-area feature is designed to:

    o  Speed recovery when corruption occurs in some (not all) of the
       storage areas of your database.

    o  Reduce the time needed to perform backup operations because
       some data (data in read-only storage areas, for example) does
       not need to be backed up with every backup operation performed
       on the database.


       When you perform a by-area restore operation, an area may
       be marked as inconsistent; that is, the area may not be at
       the same transaction state as the database root when the
       restore operation completes. This may happen, for example,
       when automatic aij recovery is disabled with the Norecovery
       qualifier, or if automatic recovery fails. You can check
       to see if an area is consistent by using the RMU Show
       Corrupt_Pages command. If you find that one or more areas
       are inconsistent, use the RMU Recover command to apply the
       .aij files. If the .aij files are not available, refer to
       the section on Clearing an Inconsistent Flag in the Oracle
       Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for information on the
       implications of setting a corrupt area to consistent. Then
       refer to Set Corrupt_Pages for information on using the Set
       Corrupt_Pages command to clear the inconsistent flag.

    If you attempt to restore a database area that is not in the
    backup file, you receive an error message and, typically, the
    database will be inconsistent or unusable until the affected area
    is properly restored.

    In the following example, the DEPARTMENTS storage area is
    excluded from the backup operation; therefore, a warning message
    is displayed when the attempt is made to restore DEPARTMENTS,
    which is not in the backup file. Note that when this restore
    operation is attempted on a usable database, it completes, but
    the DEPARTMENTS storage area is now inconsistent.

    %RMU-W-AREAEXCL, The backup does not contain the storage
     area - DEPARTMENTS

    If you create a backup file by using the RMU Backup command and
    the Exclude qualifier, it is your responsibility to ensure that
    all areas of a database are restored and recovered when you
    use the RMU Restore and RMU Recover commands to duplicate the

    The Area qualifier conflicts with the After_Journal and Aij_
    Options qualifiers.

28.4.6  –  Cdd Integrate


    Integrates the metadata from the database root (.rdb) file into
    the data dictionary (assuming the data dictionary is installed on
    your system).

    If you specify the Nocdd_Integrate qualifier, no integration
    occurs during the restore operation.

    You might want to delay integration of the database metadata with
    the data dictionary until after the restore operation finishes

    You can use the Nocdd_Integrate qualifier even if the DICTIONARY
    IS REQUIRED clause was used when the database was defined.

    The Cdd_Integrate qualifier integrates definitions in one
    direction only-from the database file to the dictionary. The
    Cdd_Integrate qualifier does not integrate definitions from the
    dictionary to the database file.

28.4.7  –  Close Wait


    Specifies a wait time of n minutes before RMU Restore
    automatically closes the database. You must supply a value for

    In order to use this qualifier, the Open_Mode qualifier on the
    RMU Restore command line must be set to Automatic.

28.4.8  –  Commit


    Instructs Oracle RMU to commit the converted database to the
    current version of Oracle Rdb before completing the restore
    operation. Use this qualifier only when the backup file being
    restored is from a previous version of Oracle Rdb. The conversion
    is permanent and the database cannot be returned to the previous
    version. The NoCommit qualifier instructs Oracle RMU not to
    commit the converted database. In this case, you can rollback the
    database to its original version using the RMU Convert command
    with the Rollback qualifier, or you can permanently commit it to
    the current version by issuing the RMU Convert command with the
    Commit qualifier. It is important to either Commit or Rollback
    the conversion after you have verified that the conversion
    was successful otherwise unnecessary space is taken up in the
    database to store the obsolete alternate version of the metadata.
    (RMU will not let you convert to a newer version if the previous
    Convert was never committed, even if it was years ago.)

    The Commit qualifier is the default.

28.4.9  –  Confirm


    Specifies that RMU Restore notify you of the name of the database
    on which you are performing the incremental restore operation.
    You can thus be sure that you have specified the correct .rdb
    file name to which the incremental backup file will be applied.
    This is the default for interactive processing.

    Confirmation is especially important on an incremental restore
    operation if you have changed the .rdb file name or created a new
    version of the database during a restore operation from the full
    backup file. (You must specify the Root qualifier also to create
    new version or change the .rdb file name.)

    Specify the Noconfirm qualifier to have RMU Restore apply the
    incremental backup file to the database without prompting for
    confirmation. This is the default for batch processing.

    RMU Restore ignores the Confirm and Noconfirm qualifiers unless
    you use the Incremental qualifier.

28.4.10  –  Directory


    Specifies the default destination for the restored database
    files. If you specify a file name or file extension, all restored
    files are given that file name or file extension. There is no
    default directory specification for this qualifier. If you do not
    specify the Directory qualifier, RMU Restore attempts to restore
    all the database files to the directories they were in at the
    time the backup file was created; if those directories no longer
    exist, the restore operation fails.

    See the Usage Notes for information on how this qualifier
    interacts with the Root and File qualifiers and for warnings
    regarding restoring database files into a directory owned by a
    resource identifier.

28.4.11  –  Disk File


    Specifies that you want to perform a multithreaded restore
    operation from disk files, floppy disks, or other disks external
    to the PC. This qualifier must have been specified on the RMU
    Backup command when the backup files from which you are restoring
    were created.

    The Reader_Threads keyword specifies the number of threads that
    Oracle RMU should use when performing a multithreaded restore
    operation from disk files. You can specify no more than one
    reader thread per device specified on the command line (or in the
    command parameter options file). By default, one reader thread is

    This qualifier and all qualifiers that control tape operations
    (Label, Loader_Synchronization, Master, Media_Loader, and Rewind)
    are mutually exclusive.

28.4.12  –  Duplicate


    Specifies a new database with the same content but different
    identity from that of the original database. The default is the
    Noduplicate qualifier.

    The Duplicate qualifier creates a copy of your database that is
    not expected to remain in sequence with the original database.
    Note that you cannot interchange after-image journal (.aij) files
    between the original and duplicate copy of the database because
    each database is unique.

    You can create a duplicate database when you use the Duplicate
    qualifier or create the original database again when you use the
    Noduplicate qualifier.

    The Duplicate qualifier conflicts with the Incremental, Area, and
    Online qualifiers.

28.4.13  –  Encrypt


    The Encrypt qualifier decrypts the save set file of a database

    Specify a key value as a string or, the name of a predefined
    key. If no algorithm name is specified the default is DESCBC.
    For details on the Value, Name and Algorithm parameters see HELP

    This feature requires the OpenVMS Encrypt product to be installed
    and licensed on this system.

28.4.14  –  Global Buffers


    Allows you to change the default global buffer parameters when
    you restore a database. The following options are available:

    o  Disabled

       Use this option to disable global buffering for the database
       being restored.

    o  Enabled

       Use this option to enable global buffering for the database
       being restored. You cannot specify both the Global_
       Buffers=Disabled and Global_Buffers=Enabled qualifiers in
       the same RMU Restore command.

    o  Total=total-buffers

       Use this option to specify the number of buffers available for
       all users. The minimum value you can specify is 2; the maximum
       value you can specify is the global buffer count stored in the
       .rdb file.

    o  User_Limit=buffers-per-user

       Use this option to specify the maximum number of buffers
       available to each user.

    If you do not specify a Global_Buffers qualifier, the database
    is restored with the values that were in effect when the database
    was backed up.

    When you specify two or more options with the Global_Buffers
    qualifier, use a comma to separate each option and enclose the
    list of options within parentheses.

28.4.15  –  Incremental

    The Incremental qualifier restores a database from an incremental
    backup file.

    Use the Incremental qualifier only when you have first issued an
    RMU Restore command that names the full backup file that was the
    basis for this incremental backup file. Each incremental backup
    file is tied to a particular full backup file.

    After restoring both the full and the incremental backup files,
    you have restored the database to the condition it was in when
    you performed the incremental database backup operation.

    By default, RMU Restore performs a full restore operation on the
    backup file.

    You cannot specify the After_Journal or Just_Corrupt qualifier
    with the Incremental qualifier.

28.4.16  –  Journal


    Allows you to specify a journal file to be used to improve tape
    performance by a restore operation (including a by-area or just-
    corrupt restore operation).

    The backup operation creates the journal file and writes to it
    a description of the backup operation. This description contains
    identification of the tape drives, the tape volumes and their
    contents. The Journal qualifier directs RMU Restore to read the
    journal file and select only the useful tape volumes.

    The journal file must be the one created at the time the backup
    operation was performed. If the wrong journal file is supplied,
    RMU Restore returns an informational message and does not use the
    specified journal file to select the volumes to be processed.

    If you omit the Label qualifier, the restore operation creates a
    list of volume labels from the contents of the journal file.

    A by-area restore operation also constructs a list of useful
    tape volume labels from the journal file; only those volumes are
    mounted and processed.

28.4.17  –  Label


    Specifies the 1- to 6-character string with which the volumes
    of the backup file have been labeled. The Label qualifier is
    applicable only to tape volumes. You must specify one or more
    label names when you use the Label qualifier.

    You can specify a list of tape labels for multiple tapes. If you
    list multiple tape label names, separate the names with commas,
    and enclose the list of names within parentheses.

    In a normal restore operation, the Label qualifier you specify
    with the RMU Restore command should be the same Label qualifier
    you specified with the RMU Backup command that backed up your

    You can use the Label qualifier with indirect file references.
    See the Indirect-Command-Files help entry for more information.

28.4.18  –  Librarian


    Use the Librarian qualifier to restore files from data archiving
    software applications that support the Oracle Media Management
    interface. The file name specified on the command line identifies
    the stream of data to be retrieved from the Librarian utility. If
    you supply a device specification or a version number it will be

    Oracle RMU supports retrieval using the Librarian qualifier only
    for data that has been previously stored by Oracle RMU using the
    Librarian qualifer.

    The Librarian qualifier accepts the following options:

    o  Reader_Threads=n

       Use the Reader_Threads option to specify the number of backup
       data streams to read from the Librarian utility. The value of
       n can be from 1 to 99. The default is one reader thread. The
       streams are named BACKUP_FILENAME.EXT, BACKUP_FILENAME.EXT02,
       FILENAME.EXT is the backup file name specified in the RMU
       Backup command.

       The number of reader threads specified for a database restore
       from the Librarian utility should be equal to or less than the
       number of writer threads specified for the database backup.
       If the number of reader threads exceeds the number of writer
       threads, the number of reader threads is set by Oracle RMU
       to be equal to the number of data streams actually stored
       in the Librarian utility by the backup. If the number of
       reader threads specified for the restore is less than the
       number of writer threads specified for the backup, Oracle RMU
       will partition the data streams among the specified reader
       threads so that all data streams representing the database are

       The Volumes qualifier cannot be used with the Librarian
       qualifer. Oracle RMU sets the volume number to be the actual
       number of data streams stored in the specified Librarian

    o  Trace_file=file-specification

       The Librarian utility writes trace data to the specified file.

    o  Level_Trace=n

       Use this option as a debugging tool to specify the level of
       trace data written by the Librarian utility. You can use a
       pre-determined value of 0, 1, or 2, or a higher value defined
       by the Librarian utility. The pre-determined values are :

       -  Level 0 traces all error conditions. This is the default.

       -  Level 1 traces the entry and exit from each Librarian

       -  Level 2 traces the entry and exit from each Librarian
          function, the value of all function parameters, and the
          first 32 bytes of each read/write buffer, in hexadecimal.

    o  Logical_Names=(logical_name=equivalence-value,...)

       You can use this option to specify a list of process logical
       names that the Librarian utility can use to specify catalogs
       or archives where Oracle Rdb backup files are stored,
       Librarian debug logical names, and so on. See the specific
       Librarian documentation for the definition of logical names.
       The list of process logical names is defined by Oracle RMU
       prior to the start of any Oracle RMU command that accesses the
       Librarian application.

    The following OpenVMS logical names must be defined for use with
    a Librarian utility before you execute an Oracle RMU backup or
    restore operation. Do not use the Logical_Names option provided
    with the Librarian qualifier to define these logical names.


       This logical name must be defined so that the shareable
       Librarian image can be loaded and called by Oracle RMU backup
       and restore operations. The translation must include the file
       type (for example, .exe), and must not include a version
       number. The shareable Librarian image must be an installed
       (known) image. See the Librarian utility documentation for
       the name and location of this image and how it should be
       installed. For a parallel RMU backup, define RMU$LIBRARIAN_
       PATH as a system-wide logical name so that the multiple
       processes created by a parallel backup can all translate the

       _$ RMU$LIBRARIAN_PATH librarian_shareable_image.exe


       This logical name is not required. If it is defined, Oracle
       RMU will display debug tracing information messages from
       modules that make calls to the Librarian shareable image.
       For a parallel RMU backup, the RMU$DEBUG_SBT logical should
       be defined as a system logical so that the multiple processes
       created by a parallel backup can all translate the logical.

    The following lines are from a backup plan file created by the
    RMU Backup/Parallel/Librarian command:

        Backup File = MF_PERSONNEL.RBF
        Style = Librarian
        Librarian_trace_level = #
        Librarian_logical_names = (-
                 logical_name_1=equivalence_value_1, -
        Writer_threads = #

    The "Style = Librarian" entry specifies that the backup is going
    to a Librarian utility. The "Librarian_logical_names" entry is
    a list of logical names and their equivalence values. This is an
    optional parameter provided so that any logical names used by a
    particular Librarian utility can be defined as process logical
    names before the backup or restore operation begins. For example,
    some Librarian utilities provide support for logical names for
    specifying catalogs or debugging.

    You cannot use device specific qualifiers such as Rewind,
    Density, or Label with the Librarian qualifier because the
    Librarian utility handles the storage meda, not Oracle RMU.

28.4.19  –  Loader Synchronization


    Allows you to preload tapes in order to minimize the need for
    operator support. When you specify the Loader_Synchronization
    qualifier and specify multiple tape drives, the restore operation
    reads from the first set of tape volumes concurrently, then waits
    until all concurrent tape operations conclude before assigning
    the next set of tape volumes. This ensures that the tapes can be
    loaded into the loaders or stackers in the order required by the
    restore operation.

    The Loader_Synchronization qualifier does result in reduced
    performance. For maximal performance, no drive should remain
    idle, and the next identified volume should be placed on the
    first drive that becomes idle. However, because the order in
    which the drives become idle depends on many uncontrollable
    factors and cannot be predetermined, the drives cannot be
    preloaded with tapes.

    Because the cost of using the Loader_Synchronization qualifier is
    dependent on the hardware configuration and the system load, the
    cost is unpredictable. A 5% to 20% additional elapsed time for
    the operation is typical. You must determine whether the benefit
    of a lower level of operator support compensates for the loss of
    performance. The Loader_Synchronization qualifier is most useful
    for large restore operations.

    The Loader_Synchronization qualifier has no effect unless you
    specify the Volumes qualifier also.

28.4.20  –  Local Buffers


    Allows you to change the default local buffer parameters when you
    restore a database. The following options are available:

    o  Number=number-buffers

       Use this option to specify the number of local buffers
       available for all users. You must specify a number between
       2 and 32,767 for the number-buffers parameter.

    o  Size=buffer-blocks

       The size (in blocks) for each buffer. You must specify a
       number between 2 and 64 for the buffer-blocks parameter.

       If you specify a value smaller than the size of the largest
       page defined, RMU Restore automatically adjusts the size of
       the buffer to hold the largest page defined. For example, if
       you specify the Local_Buffers=Size=8 qualifier and the largest
       page size for the storage areas in your database is 64 blocks,
       RMU Restore automatically interprets the Local_Buffers=Size=8
       qualifier as though it were a Local_Buffers=Size=64 qualifier.

       The value you specify for the Size option determines the
       number of blocks for each buffer, regardless of whether local
       buffering or global buffering is enabled for the database.

    If you do not specify a Local_Buffers qualifier, the database is
    restored with the values that were in effect when the database
    was backed up.

28.4.21  –  Log


    Specifies whether the processing of the command is reported
    to SYS$OUTPUT. Specify the Log qualifier to request that the
    progress of the restore operation be written to SYS$OUTPUT,
    or the Nolog qualifier to suppress this report. If you specify
    the Log=Brief option, which is the default if you use the Log
    option without a qualifier, the log contains the start and
    completion time of each storage area. If you specify the Log=Full
    option, the log also contains thread assignment and storage area
    statistics messages.

    If you do not specify the Log or the Nolog qualifier, the default
    is the current setting of the DCL verify switch. (The DCL SET
    VERIFY command controls the DCL verify switch.)

28.4.22  –  Master


    Allows you to explicitly state how drives should be used when
    they are to be accessed concurrently. This is a positional
    qualifier that designates a tape drive as a master tape drive.

    When the Master qualifier is used, it must be used on the first
    drive specified. All additional drives become slaves to that
    master until the end of the command line, or until the next
    Master qualifier, whichever comes first.

    If the Master qualifier is used on a drive that does not have
    an independent I/O path (not a hardware master), performance

    If the Master qualifier is not used, and concurrent tape access
    is requested (using the Volumes=n qualifier), RMU Restore uses
    the same automatic configuration procedure it employs with the
    backup operation to select the master drives.

    Using the Master qualifier is an error if you do not specify
    concurrent tape access (you do not specify the Volumes=n
    qualifier). See the description of the Volumes qualifier for
    further information on specifying concurrent tape access.

28.4.23  –  Media Loader


    Use the Media_Loader qualifier to specify that the tape device
    from which RMU Restore is reading the backup file has a loader
    or stacker. Use the Nomedia_Loader qualifier to specify that the
    tape device does not have a loader or stacker.

    By default, if a tape device has a loader or stacker, RMU Restore
    should recognize this fact. However, occasionally RMU Restore
    does not recognize that a tape device has a loader or stacker.
    Therefore, after reading the first tape, RMU Restore issues a
    request to the operator for the next tape, instead of requesting
    the next tape from the loader or stacker. Similarly, sometimes
    RMU Restore behaves as though a tape device has a loader or
    stacker when actually it does not.

    If you find that RMU Restore is not recognizing that your
    tape device has a loader or stacker, specify the Media_Loader
    qualifier. If you find that RMU Restore expects a loader or
    stacker when it should not, specify the Nomedia_Loader qualifier.

28.4.24  –  New Version


    Specifies whether new versions of database files should be
    produced if the destination device and directory contain a
    previous version of the database files.

    If you use the New_Version qualifier, the new database file
    versions are produced. The New_Version qualifier conflicts with
    the Incremental qualifier.

    If you use the Nonew_Version qualifier, the default, an error
    occurs if an old copy exists of any of the database files being

    A restore operation that creates a new database root (.rdb) file
    must always either disable after-image journaling or create a
    new .aij file. Attempting to use a pre-existing .aij file with a
    restored database corrupts the journal and makes future recovery
    from .aij files impossible. The New_Version qualifier cannot and
    does not apply to the .aij file.

28.4.25  –  Nodes Max


    Specifies a new upper limit on the number of VMScluster nodes
    from which users can access the restored database. The Nodes_Max
    qualifier accepts values between 1 and 96 VMScluster nodes. The
    actual maximum is the highest number of VMScluster nodes possible
    in the current version of OpenVMS. The default value is the limit
    defined for the database before it was backed up.

    You cannot specify the Nodes_Max qualifier if you use the
    Incremental or Area qualifier.

28.4.26  –  Online


    Specifies that the restore operation be performed while other
    users are attached to the database. You can specify the online
    qualifier only with the Area or Just_Corrupt qualifier. The pages
    to be restored are locked for exclusive access, so the operation
    is not compatible with any other use of the data in the specified

    The default is the Noonline qualifier.

28.4.27  –  Open Mode


    Allows you to change the mode for opening a database when you
    restore that database. When you specify Open_Mode=Automatic,
    users can invoke the database immediately after it is restored.
    If you specify Open_Mode=Manual, an RMU Open command must be used
    to open the database before users can invoke the database.

    The Open_Mode qualifier also specifies the mode for closing a
    database. If you specify Open_Mode=Automatic, you can also use
    the Close_Wait qualifier to specify a time in minutes before the
    database is automatically closed.

    If you do not specify the Open_Mode qualifier, the database is
    restored with the open mode of the database that was in effect
    when the database was backed up.

28.4.28  –  Options


    Specifies the options file that contains storage area names,
    followed by the storage area qualifiers that you want applied to
    that storage area.

    You can direct RMU Restore to create an options file for use
    with this qualifier by specifying the Restore_Options qualifier
    with the RMU Backup, RMU Dump, and RMU Dump Backup commands. See
    Backup Database, Dump Database, and Dump Backup_File for details.

    If you create your own options file, do not separate the storage
    area names with commas. Instead, put each storage area name on a
    separate line in the file. You can include any or all of the area
    qualifiers in the options file. (See the format help entry under
    this command for the list of Area qualifiers.) You can use the
    DCL line continuation character, a hyphen (-),  or the comment
    character (!)  in the options file. The default file extension is

28.4.29  –  Page Buffers


    Specifies the maximum number of buffers Oracle Rdb uses during
    the RMU Restore operation while the database files are being
    created. The value of the Page_Buffers qualifier can range from
    1 to 5. The default is 3 buffers. Values larger than 3 might
    improve performance, especially during incremental restore

    When RMU Restore enters the stage of reconstructing internal
    structures at the end of the restore operation, a high value
    for the Page_Buffers qualifier can be useful for very large
    databases. However, the cost of using these extra buffers is
    that memory use is high. Thus, the trade-off during a restore
    operation is memory use against performance.

28.4.30  –  Path


    Specifies a data dictionary path into which the database
    definitions be integrated. If you do not specify the Path
    qualifier, RMU Restore uses the CDD$DEFAULT logical name value
    of the user who entered the RMU Restore command.

    If you specify a relative path name, Oracle Rdb appends the
    relative path name you enter to the CDD$DEFAULT value. If the
    cdd-path parameter contains nonalphanumeric characters, you must
    enclose it within quotation marks ("").

    Oracle Rdb ignores the Path qualifier if you use the Nocdd_
    Integrate qualifier or if the data dictionary is not installed
    on your system.

28.4.31  –  Prompt


    Specifies where server prompts are to be sent. When you specify
    Prompt=Automatic, prompts are sent to the standard input device,
    and when you specify Prompt=Operator, prompts are sent to the
    server console. When you specify Prompt=Client, prompts are sent
    to the client system.

28.4.32  –  Recovery


    The Recovery=Aij_Buffers=n qualifier allows you to specify the
    number of recovery buffers to use during an automatic recovery.
    The default value of n is 100 recovery buffers.

    The Recovery qualifier explicitly specifies that RMU Restore
    should attempt an automatic recovery of the .aij files during the
    restore operation.

    Specify either the Recover=Aij_Buffers=n qualifier and the
    Recovery qualifier only if .aij files are being retained. If
    you specify either qualifier in a situation where .aij files
    are not retained (the Aij_Options, After_Journal, or Duplicate
    qualifier has been specified), a warning message is displayed and
    RMU Restore performs the restore operation without attempting to
    recover the .aij files.

    The Norecovery qualifier specifies that RMU Restore should not
    attempt an automatic recovery of the .aij files during the
    restore operation. Specify this qualifier if you want to use
    the RMU Recover command with the Until qualifier or if you intend
    to perform an incremental restore operation.

28.4.33  –  Rewind


    Specifies that the tape that contains the backup file will be
    rewound before processing begins. The Norewind qualifier, the
    default, causes the search for the backup file to begin at the
    current tape position.

    The Rewind and Norewind qualifiers are applicable only to tape
    devices. RMU Restore returns an error message if you use these
    qualifiers and the target device is not a tape device.

28.4.34  –  Root


    Specifies the database root (.rdb) file specification of the
    restored database. See the Usage Notes for information on how
    this qualifier interacts with the Directory, File, and Snapshot
    qualifiers and for warnings regarding restoring database files
    into a directory owned by a resource identifier.

    The Root qualifier is only meaningful when used with a multifile

28.4.35  –  Transaction Mode


    Sets the allowable transaction modes for the database root
    file restored by the restore operation. The primary use of
    this qualifier is when you restore a backup file (of a master
    database) to create a Hot Standby database. Because only read-
    only transactions are allowed on a standby database, you should
    use the Transaction_Mode=Read_Only qualifier setting. This
    setting prevents modifications to the standby database at all
    times, even when replication operations are not active. For more
    information on Hot Standby see the Oracle Rdb7 and Oracle CODASYL
    DBMS: Guide to Hot Standby Databases. The mode-list can include
    one or more of the following transaction modes:

    o  All - Enables all transaction modes

    o  Current - Enables all transaction modes that are set for the
       source database. This is the default transaction mode.

    o  None - Disables all transaction modes

    o  [No]Batch_Update

    o  [No]Read_Only

    o  [No]Exclusive

    o  [No]Exclusive_Read

    o  [No]Exclusive_Write

    o  [No]Protected

    o  [No]Protected_Read

    o  [No]Protected_Write

    o  [No]Read_Write

    o  [No]Shared

    o  [No]Shared_Read

    o  [No]Shared_Write

    Your restore operation must include the database root file.
    Otherwise, RMU Restore returns the CONFLSWIT error when you issue
    an RMU Restore command with the Transaction_Mode qualifier.

    If you specify more than one transaction mode in the mode-list,
    enclose the list in parenthesis and separate the transaction
    modes from one another with a comma. Note the following:

    o  When you specify a negated transaction mode, it indicates
       that a mode is not an allowable access mode. For example, if
       you specify the Noexclusive_Write access mode, it indicates
       that exclusive write is not an allowable access mode for the
       restored database.

    o  If you specify the Shared, Exclusive, or Protected transaction
       mode, Oracle RMU assumes you are referring to both reading and
       writing in that transaction mode.

    o  No mode is enabled unless you add that mode to the list, or
       you use the All option to enable all transaction modes.

    o  You can list one transaction mode that enables or disables a
       particular mode followed by another that does the opposite.

       For example, Transaction_Mode=(Noshared_Write, Shared) is
       ambiguous because the first value disables Shared_Write access
       and the second value enables Shared_Write access. Oracle
       RMU resolves the ambiguity by first enabling the modes as
       specified in the modes-list and then disabling the modes as
       specified in the modes-list. The order of items in the list is
       irrelevant. In the example presented previously, Shared_Read
       is enabled and Shared_Write is disabled.

28.4.36  –  Users Max


    Specifies a new upper limit on the number of users that can
    simultaneously access the restored database. The valid range is
    between 1 and 2032 users. The default value is the value defined
    for the database before it was backed up.

    You cannot specify the Users_Max qualifier if you use the
    Incremental qualifier or the Area qualifier.

28.4.37  –  Volumes

    Volumes = n

    Allows you to specify that concurrent tape access is to be used
    to accelerate the restore operation.

    The Volumes qualifier indicates concurrent tape access and
    specifies the number of tape volumes in the backup file. The
    number of volumes must be specified accurately for the restore
    operation to complete.

    If you are restoring from a multidisk backup file, the value of
    "n" indicates the number of disk devices containing backup files
    needed for the restore operation.

    If you do not specify the Volumes qualifier, the restore
    operation does not use concurrent tape access.

28.4.38  –  Blocks Per Page


    Lets you restore a database with larger mixed page sizes than
    existed in the original database. This creates new free space on
    each page in the storage area file and does not interfere with
    record clustering. RMU Restore ignores this qualifier when it
    specifies an integer less than or equal to the current page size
    of the area.

    You might want to increase the page size in storage areas
    containing hash indexes that are close to full. By increasing
    the page size in such a situation, you prevent the storage area
    from extending.

28.4.39  –  Extension


    Allows you to change the automatic file extension attribute
    when you restore a database. These qualifiers are positional

    Use the Extension=Disable qualifier to disable automatic file
    extension for a storage area.

    Use the Extension=Enable qualifier to enable automatic file
    extension for a storage area.

    If you do not specify the Extension=Disable or Extension=Enable
    qualifier, the storage areas are restored with the automatic file
    extension attributes that were in effect when the database was
    backed up.

28.4.40  –  File


    Requests that the storage area to which this qualifier is applied
    be restored in the specified location.

    This qualifier is not valid for single-file databases. This is a
    positional qualifier.

    See the Usage Notes for information on how this qualifier
    interacts with the Root, Directory, and Snapshot qualifiers and
    for warnings regarding restoring database files into a directory
    owned by a resource identifier.

28.4.41  –  Just Corrupt


    This qualifier replaces the Just_Pages qualifier beginning in
    Oracle Rdb V7.0.

    Allows you to restore the corrupt pages and areas in the
    database as recorded in the corrupt page table (CPT). The CPT
    is maintained in the .rdb file. (Note that if the corrupt page
    table becomes full, the area with the highest number of corrupt
    pages is marked corrupt and the individual pages for that area
    are removed from the CPT.)

    Often, only one or a few pages in the database are corrupted
    due to hardware or software faults. The Just_Corrupt qualifier
    allows you to recover that database in minimal time with minimal
    interference; availability of the uncorrupted data is unaffected.
    It allows you to restrict the restoration to the pages (or areas)
    logged as corrupt in the corrupt page table.

    The Just_Corrupt qualifier is a positional qualifier. If you use
    it in the global position, RMU Restore restores all the corrupt
    pages and all the corrupt areas as logged in the corrupt page
    table. If you use it in the local position, RMU Restore restores
    only the corrupt pages (or the entire area) of the area name it

    It is possible to mix restoration of complete areas and just
    corrupt pages in the same command. The following example restores
    all of AREA_1 (regardless of whether or not it is corrupt), but
    just the corrupt pages (logged to the CPT) in AREA_2.


    Note that when the Just_Corrupt qualifier is used globally, all
    the corrupt pages logged to the CPT for the areas specified
    are restored. For example, the following command restores all
    the corrupt pages logged to the CPT for AREA_1 and AREA_2.
    (However, if one of the areas specified contains no corruptions,
    an informational message is displayed and that area is not


    Restoration of corrupt pages and area can be performed on line.
    Online operations lock only the corrupt pages or areas for the
    duration of the restore operation. The remainder of the storage
    area can be read or updated by an application. When an entire
    area is restored on line, applications are locked out of the
    entire area for the duration of the restore operation.

    There are some restrictions on the use of the Just_Corrupt

    o  The backup file must be a full backup file that contains the
       selected area.

    o  When space area management (SPAM) pages are restored, RMU
       Restore rebuilds the SPAM page using information from the
       range of data pages that the SPAM page manages.

    o  Area bit map (ABM) pages can be restored, but their content
       is not reconstructed. If ABM pages have been corrupted,
       regenerate them with the RMU Repair command.

    o  A by-page restore operation is like a by-area restore
       operation in that after-image journal (AIJ) recovery is
       required to make the restored data consistent with the rest
       of the database.

       Once the pages are restored, access to these restored pages is
       prohibited until they are made consistent. Inconsistent pages
       are stored in the corrupt page table (CPT) and have their
       timestamp field flagged by Oracle Rdb.

    o  You can also use the Just_Corrupt qualifier in a restore
       options file. However, you cannot use any of the following
       qualifiers with the Just_Corrupt qualifier (neither within an
       options file nor on the command line):

       -  Blocks_Per_Page

       -  Extension

       -  File

       -  Incremental

       -  Read_Only

       -  Read_Write

       -  Snapshot

       -  Spams

       -  Thresholds

       You can use the Just_Corrupt qualifier in conjunction with
       the Journal=file qualifier to greatly speed up processing of
       a large tape backup file. When you use the Journal qualifier,
       only those tapes containing corrupt pages, areas, or both, are
       mounted and processed.

28.4.42  –  Just Pages


    This qualifier is replaced with the Just_Corrupt qualifier
    beginning in Oracle Rdb V7.0. See the description of the Just_
    Corrupt qualifier.

28.4.43  –  Read Only

    Use the Read_Only qualifier to change a read/write storage area
    or a write-once storage area to a read-only storage area.

    If you do not specify the Read_Only or the Read_Write qualifier,
    the storage areas are restored with the read/write attributes
    that were in effect when the database was backed up.

    This is a positional qualifier.

28.4.44  –  Read Write

    Use the Read_Write qualifier to change a read-only storage area
    or a write-once storage area to a read/write storage area.

    If you do not specify the Read_Only or the Read_Write qualifier,
    the storage areas are restored with the read/write attributes
    that were in effect when the database was backed up.

    This is a positional qualifier.

28.4.45  –  Snapshot


    If you specify the Allocation parameter, specifies the snapshot
    file allocation size in n pages for a restored area. If you
    specify the File parameter, specifies a new snapshot file
    location for the restored storage area to which it is applied.
    You can specify the Allocation parameter only, the File parameter
    only, or both parameters; however, if you specify the Snapshots
    qualifier, you must specify at least one parameter.

    This is one of the commands used to alter the parameters of the
    restored database from those defined at the time of the database
    backup. Others are /DIRECTORY, /ROOT and /FILE.

    See the Usage Notes for information on how this qualifier
    interacts with the Root, File, and Directory qualifiers.

    The Shapshot qualifier is a positional qualifier. It can be used
    locally or globally, depending on where the qualifier is placed
    on the command line. See Examples 22 and 23.

    To save read/write disk space, you can specify that less space be
    allocated for the storage area's .snp file when it remains as a
    read/write file on a read/write disk. If the keyword Allocation
    is omitted, the original allocation is used. This qualifier is
    not valid for single-file databases.

    You cannot specify an .snp file name for a single-file database.
    When you create an .snp file for a single-file database, Oracle
    Rdb does not store the file specification of the .snp file.
    Instead, it uses the file specification of the database root
    (.rdb) file to determine the file specification of the .snp file.

    If you want to place the .snp file on a different device or
    directory, Oracle Corporation recommends that you create a
    multifile database. However, you can work around the restriction
    by defining a search list for a concealed logical name. (However,
    do not use a nonconcealed rooted logical name to define database
    files; a database created with a non-concealed rooted logical
    name can be backed up, but may not restore correctly when you
    attempt to restore the files to a new directory.)

    To create a database with an .snp file on a different device
    or directory, define a search list by using a concealed logical
    name. Specify the location of the root file as the first item in
    the search list. When you create the database, use the logical
    name for the directory specification. Then, copy the .snp file
    to the second device. The following example demonstrates the

    $ ! Define a concealed logical name.
    $ SQL
    SQL> -- Create the database.
    SQL> --
    $ !
    $ ! Copy the snapshot (.snp) file to the second disk.
    $ !
    $ ! Delete the snapshot (.snp) file from the original disk.

28.4.46  –  Spams


    Enables the space area management (SPAM) pages for the specified
    area. The Nospams qualifier disables the SPAM pages for the
    specified area. The default is to leave the attribute unchanged.
    The Spams and Nospams qualifiers are not allowed for a storage
    area that has a uniform page format. This is a positional

28.4.47  –  Thresholds


    Specifies a storage area's fullness percentage threshold. You
    can adjust SPAM thresholds to improve future space utilization in
    the storage area. Each threshold value represents a percentage of
    fullness on a data page. When a data page reaches the percentage
    of fullness defined by a given threshold value, the space
    management entry for the data page is updated to contain that
    threshold value.

    The Thresholds qualifier applies only to storage areas with a
    mixed page format.

    If you do not use the Thresholds qualifier with the RMU Restore
    command, Oracle Rdb uses the storage area's original thresholds.

    This is a positional qualifier.

    See the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to Database Performance and Tuning for
    more information on setting SPAM thresholds.

28.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Restore command for a database, you must have
       the RMU$RESTORE privilege in the root file access control
       list (ACL) for the database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS

    o  The RMU Restore command provides four qualifiers, Directory,
       Root, File, and Snapshots, that allow you to specify the
       target for the restored files. The target can be just a
       directory, just a file name, or a directory and file name.

       If you use all or some of these four qualifiers, apply them as

       -  Use the Root qualifier to indicate the target for the
          restored database root file.

       -  Use local application of the File qualifier to specify the
          target for the restored storage area or areas.

       -  Use local application of the Snapshots qualifier to specify
          the target for the restored snapshot file or files.

       -  Use the Directory qualifier to specify a default target
          directory. The default target directory is the directory
          to which all files not qualified with the Root, File, or
          Snapshot qualifier are restored. It is also the default
          directory for files qualified with the Root, File, or
          Snapshot qualifier if the target for these qualifiers does
          not include a directory specification.

       Note the following when using these qualifiers:

       -  Global application of the File qualifier when the target
          specification includes a file name causes RMU Restore to
          restore all of the storage areas to different versions
          of the same file name. This creates a database that is
          difficult to manage.

       -  Global application of the Snapshot qualifier when the
          target specification includes a file name causes RMU
          Restore to restore all of the snapshot files to different
          versions of the same file name. This creates a database
          that is difficult to manage.

       -  Specifying a file name or extension with the Directory
          qualifier is permitted, but causes RMU Restore to restore
          all of the files (except those specified with the File
          or Root qualifier) to different versions of the same file
          name. Again, this creates a database that is difficult to

       See Example 17.

    o  When you restore a database into a directory owned by a
       resource identifier, the ACE for the directory is applied
       to the database root file ACL first, and then the Oracle RMU
       ACE is added. This method is employed to prevent database
       users from overriding OpenVMS file security. However, this can
       result in a database which you consider yours, but to which
       you have no Oracle RMU privileges to access. See the Oracle
       Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for details.

    o  If a backup file to tape is created using a single tape
       device, it must be restored using a single tape device; it
       cannot be restored using multiple tape devices.


          An incremental backup file created for a database running
          under one version of Oracle Rdb cannot be applied if
          that database has been restored under another version of
          Oracle Rdb. For example, if you do the following, step 6
          fails with the error message, "XVERREST, Cross version
          RESTORE is not possible for by-area or incremental

          1. Apply a full backup operation to a Version 7.1

          2. Apply updates to the database.

          3. Perform an incremental backup operation on the

          4. Move backup files to a system running Oracle Rdb
             Version 7.2.

          5. Restore the database by using the full backup file.

          6. Attempt to apply the incremental backup file created
             in step 1.

    o  If you apply an incremental backup file, you must specify the
       Norecovery qualifier when you issue a full RMU Restore command
       for the corresponding full backup file.

    o  If you mistakenly attempt to restore a backup file in a
       version of Oracle Rdb that is earlier than the version for
       which the backup file was created, you might receive INVRECTYP
       errors and your operation will probably terminate with an
       access violation (ACCVIO) exception. If you receive this
       error, check the version of the backup file and the version
       of Oracle Rdb you are running. Be sure the environment version
       matches, or is greater than, the version under which the
       backup file was created.

    o  RMU Restore might create an .rdb file and .rda files when it
       starts up. If you specify the Log qualifier, these files will
       be noted in the log file. These are not database files until
       the end of the operation when they have been populated with
       the backed-up contents. Therefore, if the restore operation
       aborts or is stopped using Ctrl/Y, you must delete these
       unpopulated files by using the DCL DELETE command. You know
       which files to delete by the contents of the backup file and
       the form of the command issued, or by examining the output
       in the log file if you specified the Log qualifier. Deleting
       the files usually requires OpenVMS privileges. Until they are
       restored, these files are not a database, and Oracle RMU or
       SQL operations do not function with them.

    o  RMU Restore preserves any area reservations and after-image
       journal (.aij) file reservations that exist in the backed-up

    o  If you restore a database without its root file ACL (using the
       Noacl qualifier with the RMU Restore command, for example),
       a user who wants to create ACL entries for the database must
       have the OpenVMS SECURITY or BYPASS privilege.

    o  The RMU Restore command with the Area and Online qualifiers
       requires exclusive access to the area files being restored.
       The RMU Restore command with the Area, Online, and Just_
       Corrupt qualifiers requires exclusive access to only the pages
       being restored.

    o  There are no restrictions on the use of the Nospams qualifier
       with storage areas that have a mixed page format, but the use
       of the Nospams qualifier typically causes severe performance
       degradation. The Nospams qualifier is useful only where
       updates are rare and batched, and access is primarily by
       database key (dbkey).

    o  The RMU Restore command automatically uses the RMU Convert
       command when restoring the database to a system with a
       more recent version of Oracle Rdb software. When this is
       done, the metadata in the Oracle Rdb database changes and
       invalidates incremental backup files from the previous
       version. By default, no areas are reserved and one .aij file
       is reserved. (You can override the after-image journal default
       reservation by using the Aij_Options qualifier.) See Convert
       for information on the versions of Oracle Rdb that the Convert
       command supports.

    o  Always back up your Oracle Rdb databases as recommended in the
       Oracle Rdb Installation and Configuration Guide just prior to
       installing a newer version of Oracle Rdb software. The last
       backup file made prior to converting to a more recent version
       of Oracle Rdb should be a full and complete backup file.

    o  See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for
       information on the steps RMU Restore follows in tape label
       checking when you restore a database from tape.

    o  RMU Restore might initialize the SPAM thresholds for some data
       pages of some storage areas that have a uniform page format
       to values that are not acceptable to the RMU Verify command.
       This occurs when some of the data pages in a logical area are
       restored before the logical area definition (Area Inventory).
       This is not a frequent occurrence, and when it does happen,
       the consequences are usually cosmetic (the RMU Verify command
       issues a warning message for each page affected). However, if
       many pages are affected, the volume of warnings can cause you
       to overlook a real problem. Moreover, in some cases, this can
       result in additional I/O operations when new data is stored in
       an affected table.

       As a workaround, you can use the RMU Repair command to
       reconstruct the SPAM pages in one or more storage areas. The
       RMU Repair command corrects the condition caused by the RMU
       Restore command as well as other SPAM page corruptions. See
       the help entry for the RMU Repair command for more information
       on the RMU Repair command.

28.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example restores the mf_personnel database from
    the backup file pers_bu.rbf and requests a new version of the
    database file. Because the After_Journal qualifier has been
    specified, automatic recovery will not be attempted.


    The command changes the .aij file location and name to
    AIJ_DISK:[AIJS]PERSAIJ.AIJ, prevents integration with the data
    dictionary, and displays the progress of the restore operation.
    For the storage area, EMP_INFO, the command changes the SPAM
    threshold values to 65%, 75%, and 80%, and increases the number
    of blocks per page to 3 blocks.

    Example 2

    Assume that at 10 A.M., Wednesday, October 25, 2005, a disk
    device hardware failure corrupted all the files on the device,
    including the mf_personnel.rdb file. The following command
    restores the full database backup file (pers_full_oct22.rbf)
    created on the previous Sunday and then restores the incremental
    backup file made on Tuesday. Note that an incremental database
    backup file was created on Monday, but each new incremental
    backup file made since the latest full backup file replaces
    previous incremental backup files made since the last full backup


    At this point, the database is current up until 11:30 P.M.,
    Tuesday, when the last incremental backup file was made of mf_
    personnel. Because after-image journaling is enabled for this
    database, automatic recovery of the .aij file could have been
    employed. However, if the recovery process should fail for
    some reason or, as in this case, the Norecovery qualifier is
    specified, you can still use the RMU Recover command to apply
    the .aij file that contains changes made to the database from
    11:30 P.M., Tuesday, until just before the hardware failure to
    the restored mf_personnel.rdb file and its storage area files.
    For example:

    $ RMU/RECOVER/UNTIL = "25-OCT-2005 09:55:00.00" -

    Example 3

    If a storage area is on a disk that fails, you might want to
    move that storage area to another disk by using the RMU Restore
    command. The following RMU Restore command restores only the
    EMPIDS_OVER storage area from the full backup file of mf_
    personnel, and moves the EMPIDS_OVER storage area and snapshot
    (.snp) file to a new location on the 333$DUA11 disk. The recovery
    operation is only required if the required .aij file has been
    backed up and is no longer in the current aij state.

    $ !
    $ ! Recovery from the after-image journal is automatic.  If
    $ ! automatic recovery is not possible, or if the Norecovery
    $ ! qualifier had been specified, perform the following:
    $ !

    Example 4

    The following example demonstrates how you can use by-area backup
    and restore operations for a single storage area in the mf_
    personnel database. In addition, it demonstrates the use of the
    automatic recovery feature of the RMU Restore command.

    $ !
    $ ! Create an .aij file for the database. Because three
    $ ! .aij files are created, fixed-size .aij
    $ ! journaling will be used.
    $ !
    _$ /ADD=(name=AIJ1, FILE=DISK2:[CORP]AIJ_ONE)   -
    _$ /ADD=(name=AIJ2, FILE=DISK2:[CORP]AIJ_TWO)   -
    %RMU-W-DOFULLBCK, full database backup should be done to
     ensure future recovery

    $ SQL

    SQL> --
    SQL> -- On Monday, define a new row in the DEPARTMENTS table. The
    SQL> -- new row is stored in the DEPARTMENTS storage area.
    SQL> --
    cont>   VALUES ('WLNS', 'Wellness Center', '00188', 0, 0);
    1 row inserted

    SQL> EXIT;

    $ !
    $ ! Assume that you know that the only storage area ever updated in
    $ ! the mf_personnel database on Tuesdays is the SALARY_HISTORY
    $ ! storage area, and you decide that you will create an incremental
    $ ! backup file of just the SALARY_HISTORY storage area on Tuesday.
    $ ! Before you perform the by-area backup operation on the
    $ ! SALARY_HISTORY storage area on Tuesday, you must perform a full
    $ ! and complete backup operation on the mf_personnel database when
    $ ! it is in a known and working state.
    $ !

    $ !

    SQL> --
    SQL> -- On Tuesday, two rows are updated in
    SQL> -- the SALARY_HISTORY storage area.
    SQL> --
    cont>    SET SALARY_END ='20-JUL-2003 00:00:00.00'
    cont>    WHERE SALARY_START='14-JAN-1993 00:00:00.00'
    cont>    AND EMPLOYEE_ID = '00164';
    1 row updated
    cont>    SET SALARY_START ='5-JUL-2000 00:00:00.00'
    cont>    WHERE SALARY_START='5-JUL-1990 00:00:00.00'
    cont>    AND EMPLOYEE_ID = '00164';
    1 row updated

    SQL> EXIT;

    $ !
    $ ! On Tuesday, you create an incremental backup file of the
    $ ! SALARY_HISTORY storage area only. Only the SALARY_HISTORY
    $ ! storage area is included in the by-area backup file.
    $ ! Oracle RMU provides an informational message telling
    $ ! you that not all storage areas in the database are included
    $ ! in the mf_tuesday_partial.rbf backup file.

    %RMU-I-NOTALLARE, Not all areas will be included in
     this backup file
    %RMU-I-LOGLASCOM, Last full and complete backup was dated
     18-JAN-2006 11:19:46.31
    %RMU-I-BCKTXT_00, Backed up root file
    %RMU-I-BCKTXT_03, Starting incremental backup of
     storage area DISK3:[SA}SALARY_HISTORY.RDA;1 at
     18-JAN-2006 11:20:49.29
    %RMU-I-BCKTXT_13, Completed incremental backup of
     storage area DISK3:[SA]SALARY_HISTORY.RDA;1 at
     18-JAN-2006 11:20:49.40
    %RMU-I-COMPLETED, BACKUP operation completed at
     18-JSN-2006 11:20:49.59

    $ !

    SQL> -- Update another row in the SALARY_HISTORY table:
    cont>     SET SALARY_START ='23-SEP-1991 00:00:00.00'
    cont>     WHERE SALARY_START='21-SEP-1981 00:00:00.00'
    cont>     AND EMPLOYEE_ID = '00164';
    1 row updated
    SQL> EXIT;

    $ ! Assume that a disk device hardware error occurs here
    $ ! and only the SALARY_HISTORY storage area and snapshot
    $ ! file is lost. Also assume that the database root (.rdb)
    $ ! file and other storage areas in the database are still
    $ ! fine and do not need to be restored or recovered.
    $ ! Therefore, you do not need to restore the .rdb file or
    $ ! other storage areas from the full and complete backup
    $ ! file. Because only the SALARY_HISTORY storage area was
    $ ! lost, you must do the following:
    $ ! 1) Restore the SALARY_HISTORY storage area and snapshot
    $ !    file from the last full and complete backup file.  Note
    $ !    this operation can be done on line.  Specify the Norecovery
    $ !    qualifier because you still have an incremental restore
    $ !    operation to perform.
    $ ! 2) Restore the SALARY_HISTORY storage area from the last
    $ !    incremental backup file.  Note this operation can be
    $ !    done on line.  This time do not specify the Norecovery
    $ !    qualifier so that the automatic recovery provided by
    $ !    Oracle RMU will be implemented.
    $ !

    %RMU-I-RESTXT_21, Starting full restore of storage area
     DISK1:[USER]SALARY_HISTORY.RDA;1 at 18-JAN-2006 11:25:13.17
    %RMU-I-RESTXT_24, Completed full restore of storage area
     DISK1:[USER]SALARY_HISTORY.RDA;1 at 18-JAN-2006 11:25:13.86
    %RMU-I-RESTXT_01, Initialized snapshot file
    %RMU-I-LOGINIFIL,     contains 100 pages, each page is 2
     blocks long
    %RMU-I-AIJWASON, AIJ journaling was active when the database
     was backed up
    %RMU-I-AIJRECFUL, Recovery of the entire database starts with
     AIJ file sequence 0
    %RMU-I-AIJRECARE, Recovery of area SALARY_HISTORY starts with
     AIJ file sequence 0
    %RMU-I-COMPLETED, RESTORE operation completed at 18-JAN-2006 11:25:14.51

    DISK1:[USER]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1, restore incrementally? [N]:Y
    %RMU-I-RESTXT_22, Starting incremental restore of storage area
     DISK1:[USER]SALARY_HISTORY.RDA;1 at 18-JAN-2006 11:29:35.54
    %RMU-I-RESTXT_25, Completed incremental restore of storage area
     DISK1:[USER]SALARY_HISTORY.RDA;1 at 18-JAN-2006 11:29:35.64
    %RMU-I-RESTXT_01, Initialized snapshot file
    %RMU-I-LOGINIFIL,     contains 100 pages, each page is 2
     blocks long
    %RMU-I-AIJWASON, AIJ journaling was active when the database
     was backed up
    %RMU-I-AIJRECFUL, Recovery of the entire database starts with
     AIJ file sequence 0
    %RMU-I-AIJRECARE, Recovery of area SALARY_HISTORY starts with
     AIJ file sequence 0
    %RMU-I-AIJBADAREA, inconsistent storage area
     DISK1:[USER]SALARY_HISTORY.RDA;1 needs AIJ sequence number 0
    %RMU-I-LOGRECDB, recovering database file
    %RMU-I-AIJAUTOREC, starting automatic after-image journal recovery
    %RMU-I-LOGOPNAIJ, opened journal file DISK2:[CORP]AIJ_ONE.AIJ;17
    %RMU-I-AIJONEDONE, AIJ file sequence 0 roll-forward operations completed
    %RMU-I-LOGRECOVR, 1 transaction committed
    %RMU-I-LOGRECOVR, 0 transactions rolled back
    %RMU-I-LOGRECOVR, 3 transactions ignored
    %RMU-I-AIJNOACTIVE, there are no active transactions
    %RMU-I-AIJSUCCES, database recovery completed successfully
    %RMU-I-AIJALLDONE, after-image journal roll-forward operations completed
    %RMU-I-LOGSUMMARY, total 1 transaction committed
    %RMU-I-LOGSUMMARY, total 0 transactions rolled back
    %RMU-I-LOGSUMMARY, total 3 transactions ignored
    %RMU-I-AIJSUCCES, database recovery completed successfully

    Example 5

    In the following example, the options file specifies that the
    storage area (.rda) files are to be restored to different disks.
    Note that storage area snapshot (.snp) files are restored to
    different disks from one another and from their associated
    storage area (.rda) files; this is recommended for optimal
    performance. (This example assumes that the disks specified for
    each storage area file in options_file.opt are different from
    those where the storage area files currently reside.)












    Example 6

    The following example shows what .aij file sequence to use
    following an RMU Restore command with the Area qualifier if
    automatic recovery fails:

             DEPARTMENTS, JOBS
    %RMU-I-AIJWASON, AIJ journaling was active when the
     database was backed up
    %RMU-I-AIJRECFUL, Recovery of the entire database
     starts with AIJ file  sequence 0

    Example 7

    The following example shows how to move a single-file database to
    a new directory, using the RMU Backup and RMU Restore commands:


    Example 8

    The following example shows how to rename a single-file database
    when you move the database by using the RMU Backup and RMU
    Restore commands:


    Example 9

    The following example causes the database being restored from
    the mf_pers_bck.rbf backup file to have 60 global buffers, with
    a limit of 2 buffers for each database user. Because the Enabled
    option is used, global buffering is in effect for the database
    immediately after it is restored:


    Example 10

    The following command causes the SALARY_HISTORY storage area
    from the database being restored from the mf_pers_bu.rbf backup
    file to be restored as a read-only storage area. None of the
    other database storage areas are modified as part of this restore


    Example 11

    The following example assumes that you are using multiple tape
    drives to perform a large restore operation. By specifying the
    Loader_Synchronization and Volumes qualifiers, this command does
    not require you to load tapes as each completes. Instead, you
    can load tapes on a loader or stacker and the RMU restore process
    will wait until all concurrent tape operations have concluded
    for one set of tape volumes before assigning the next set of tape
    volumes. This example assumes that the backup operation used two
    tape output threads and each thread wrote four tapes.

    This example uses Master qualifiers to indicate that you want the
    $111$MUA0: and $444$MUA2: drives to be master drives.

    Using this example, you would:

    1. Allocate each tape drive.

    2. Manually place tapes BACK01 and BACK05 on the $111$MUA0:
       master drive.

    3. Manually place tapes BACK02 and BACK06 on the $333$MUA2:
       master drive.

    4. Manually place tapes BACK03 and BACK07 on the $222$MUA1: slave

    5. Manually place tapes BACK04 and BACK08 on the $444$MUA3: slave

    6. Mount the first volume (BACK01).

    7. Perform the restore operation.

    8. Dismount the last tape mounted.

    9. Deallocate each tape drive.

    $ ALLOCATE $111$MUA0:
    $ ALLOCATE $222$MUA1:
    $ ALLOCATE $333$MUA2:
    $ ALLOCATE $444$MUA3:
    $ MOUNT/FOREIGN $111$MUA0:
    _$ /LABEL=(BACK01, BACK02, BACK03, BACK04, BACK05,           -
    _$ BACK06, BACK07, BACK08)                                   -
    _$ /VOLUMES=8                                                -
    _$ $111$MUA0:PERS_FULL_MAR30.RBF/MASTER, $222$MUA1:          -
    _$ $333$MUA2:/MASTER, $444$MUA3
    $ DISMOUNT $222$MUA3:
    $ DEALLOCATE $111$MUA0:
    $ DEALLOCATE $222$MUA1:
    $ DEALLOCATE $333$MUA2:
    $ DEALLOCATE $444$MUA3:

    Example 12

    The following example demonstrates the automatic .aij recovery
    mechanism in the RMU Restore command. The example does the

    o  Uses the RMU Set After_Journal command to reserve space for
       four .aij files, adds three .aij files, and enables after-
       image journaling

    o  Performs a backup operation on the database

    o  Performs database update activity, which will be written to an
       .aij file

    o  Determines the database root file is lost

    o  Restores and recovers the database in one RMU Restore command

    $ !
    _$ /ADD=(name=AIJ1, FILE=DISK2:[CORP]AIJ_ONE)   -
    _$ /ADD=(name=AIJ2, FILE=DISK2:[CORP]AIJ_TWO)   -
    %RMU-W-DOFULLBCK, full database backup should be done
     to ensure future recovery
    $ !
    $ ! Back up database, as instructed.
    $ !
    $ !
    $ ! Database update activity occurs.
    $ !

    $! Database is lost.  Issue the RMU Restore command to
    $! restore and recover the database.  Because the Norecovery
    $! qualifier is not specified, Oracle RMU will
    $! automatically attempt to recover the database.
    %RMU-I-AIJRSTAVL, 3 after-image journals available for use
    %RMU-I-AIJRSTMOD, 1 after-image journal marked as "modified"
    %RMU-I-AIJISON, after-image journaling has been enabled
    %RMU-W-DOFULLBCK, full database backup should be done
      to ensure future recovery
    %RMU-I-LOGRECDB, recovering database file
    %RMU-I-AIJAUTOREC, starting automatic after-image
     journal recovery
    %RMU-I-AIJONEDONE, AIJ file sequence 0 roll-forward
     operations completed
    %RMU-I-AIJONEDONE, AIJ file sequence 1 roll-forward
     operations completed
    %RMU-W-NOTRANAPP, no transactions in this journal
     were applied
    %RMU-I-AIJALLDONE, after-image journal roll-forward
     operations completed
    %RMU-I-AIJSUCCES, database recovery completed successfully
    %RMU-I-AIJFNLSEQ, to start another AIJ file recovery,
     the sequence number needed  will be 1

    Example 13

    The following example demonstrates how to restore and recover all
    the corrupt pages and areas in the mf_personnel database. Assume
    that the RMU Show Corrupt_Pages command shows that the JOBS
    storage area is corrupt and that only page 3 in the DEPARTMENTS
    storage area is corrupt. All the other storage areas are neither
    corrupt nor inconsistent. Because the Just_Corrupt qualifier is
    specified in the global position, and mf_personnel.rbf is a full
    backup file, the RMU restore process restores all of the JOBS
    storage area and just page 3 in the DEPARTMENTS storage area.
    If after-image journaling is enabled, automatic recovery will be


    Example 14

    The following example demonstrates how to restore and recover
    specific corruptions in the mf_personnel database. Like example
    12, assume that the RMU Show Corrupt_Pages command shows that
    the JOBS storage area is corrupt and that only page 3 in the
    DEPARTMENTS storage area is corrupt. All the other storage
    areas are neither corrupt nor inconsistent. The backup file,
    mf_partial.rbf, is a by-area backup file containing backups of
    the JOBS, DEPARTMENTS, and SALARY_HISTORY storage areas. In this
    example, the JOBS, DEPARTMENTS, and SALARY_HISTORY areas are
    specified for restoring. Because the SALARY_HISTORY area contains
    no corruptions, an informational message is returned. The RMU
    restore process restores all of the JOBS storage area and just
    page 3 in the DEPARTMENTS storage area. If after-image journaling
    is enabled, automatic recovery will be attempted.

    %RMU-I-RESTXT_20, Storage area DISK1:[AREA]SALARY_HISTORY.RDA;1 is not
      corrupt and will not be restored

    Example 15

    The following example demonstrates how to restore and recover
    specific corruptions in the mf_personnel database along with
    restoring an area that is not corrupt. Like example 13, assume
    that the RMU Show Corrupt_Pages command shows that the JOBS
    storage area is corrupt and that only page 3 in the DEPARTMENTS
    storage area is corrupt. All the other storage areas are neither
    corrupt nor inconsistent. The backup file, mf_personnel.rbf, is a
    full backup file. In this example, the Just_Corrupt qualifier is
    used locally with the DEPARTMENTS storage area.

    The JOBS, DEPARTMENTS, and SALARY_HISTORY areas are specified
    for restoring. Although the SALARY_HISTORY area contains no
    corruptions, an informational message is not returned in this
    case because by specifying the Just_Corrupt qualifier locally
    with DEPARTMENTS, the Restore command is requesting that the RMU
    restore process restore the JOBS and SALARY_HISTORY storage areas
    regardless of corruptions, and the DEPARTMENTS storage area be
    restored to fix corruptions. The RMU restore process restores
    all of the JOBS and SALARY_HISTORY storage areas and just page
    3 in the DEPARTMENTS storage area. If after-image journaling is
    enabled, automatic recovery will be attempted.


    Example 16

    The following example is the same as example 15, except the Just_
    Corrupt qualifier is specified locally with the SALARY_HISTORY
    storage area. Because the SALARY_HISTORY qualifier contains no
    corruptions, an error message is returned:

    %RMU-I-RESTXT_20, Storage area DISK1:[AREA]SALARY_HISTORY.RDA;1 is
     not corrupt and will not be restored

    Example 17

    The following example demonstrates the behavior of the RMU
    Restore command when the Just_Corrupt qualifier is used both
    globally and locally. The global use of the Just_Corrupt
    qualifier overrides an local use of the qualifier. In this case,
    the RMU restore process restores the JOBS, SALARY_HISTORY, and
    DEPARTMENTS storage areas only if they contain corruptions;
    otherwise an error is returned. Assume, like the previous
    examples, that only the JOBS and DEPARTMENTS storage areas
    contain corruptions:

    %RMU-I-RESTXT_20, Storage area DISK1:[AREA]SALARY_HISTORY.RDA;1 is
     not corrupt and will not be restored

28.7  –  Examples (Cont.)

    Example 18

    The following example demonstrates the use of the Directory,
    File, and Root qualifiers. In this example:

    o  The default directory is specified as DISK2:[DIR].

    o  The target directory and file name for the database root file
       is specified with the Root qualifier. The target directory
       specified with the Root qualifier overrides the default
       directory specified with the Directory qualifier. Thus, the
       RMU restore process restores the database root in DISK3:[ROOT]
       and names it COPYRDB.RDB.

    o  The target directory for the EMPIDS_MID storage area is
       DISK4:[FILE]. The RMU restore process restores EMPIDS_MID
       in DISK4:[FILE].

    o  The target file name for the EMPIDS_LOW storage area is
       EMPIDS. Thus, the RMU restore process restores the EMPIDS_LOW
       storage area to the DISK2:[DIR] default directory (specified
       with the Directory qualifier), and names the file EMPIDS.RDA.

    o  The target for the EMPIDS_LOW snapshot file is
       DISK5:[SNAP]EMPIDS.SNP. Thus, the RMU restore process restores
       the EMPIDS_LOW snapshot file to DISK5:[SNAP]EMPIDS.SNP.

    o  All the other storage area files and snapshot files in the mf_
       personnel database are restored in DISK2:[DIR]; the file names
       for these storage areas and snapshot files remain unchanged.


    Example 19

    The following example demonstrates how to restore a database
    such that the newly restored database will allow read-only
    transactions only. After the RMU restore process executes the
    command, the database is ready for you to start Hot Standby
    replication operations. See the Oracle Rdb7 and Oracle CODASYL
    DBMS: Guide to Hot Standby Databases for details on starting Hot
    Standby replication operations.


    Example 20

    The following example uses the Nocommit qualifier while restoring
    a backup file of a database that has a structure level of V7.1 in
    a V7.2 environment.

    Executing RMU for Oracle Rdb V7.2-00
    %RMU-I-AIJRSTAVL, 0 after-image journals available for use
    %RMU-I-AIJISOFF, after-image journaling has been disabled
    %RMU-I-LOGCONVRT, database root converted to current structure level
    %RMU-S-CVTDBSUC, database USER1:[80]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 successfully
    converted from version V7.1 to V7.2
    %RMU-W-USERECCOM, Use the RMU Recover command. The journals are not
    Executing RMU for Oracle Rdb V7.2-00
    %RMU-I-RMUTXT_000, Executing RMU for Oracle Rdb V7.2-00
    Are you satisfied with your backup of RDBVMS_USER1:[V71]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1
    and your backup of any associated .aij files [N]? Y
    %RMU-I-LOGCONVRT, database root converted to current structure level
    RDB;1 to version V7.1

    Example 21

    The following example uses the Close_Wait qualifier to set the
    database close mode to TIMED AUTOMATIC, specifying that the
    database will be closed automatically in 10 minutes.


    Example 22

    The following example demonstrates that /SNAPSHOT=(ALLOCATION=N)
    is a positional qualifier. The behavior is different (local
    or global) depending on the placement of the qualifier on the
    command line. In the following example, it is used both globally
    and locally.


    Directory DBMS_USER3:[JONES.WORK]

    DEPARTMENTS.SNP;1          6
    EMPIDS_LOW.SNP;1       24692
    EMPIDS_MID.SNP;1       24692
    EMPIDS_OVER.SNP;1      24692
    EMP_INFO.SNP;1         24692
    JOBS.SNP;1             24692

    Total of 9 files, 197542 blocks.

    Example 23

    The following example demonstrates how /SNAPSHOT=(ALLOCATION=N)
    can be used to alter the parameters of the restored database from
    those defined at the time of the database backup. /SNAPSHOT is
    ofter used with /FILE: /FILE for the storage area RDA file and
    /SNAPSHOT for the storage area snapshot file.


    In this example, the root would go to one disk, EMPIDS_MID
    would go to another, EMPIDS_LOW to another disk and the snap
    to another disk and both snaps would be allocated the specified
    number of pages. All the other snaps and RDA files would go to
    where /DIRECTORY points (and the snaps would keep their original

28.8  –  Only Root

    Permits you to recover more quickly from the loss of a database
    root (.rdb) file by restoring only the root file. This command is
    not valid for single-file databases.

28.8.1  –  Description

    The RMU Restore Only_Root command rebuilds only the database root
    (.rdb) file from a backup file, produced earlier by an RMU Backup
    command, to the condition the .rdb file was in when the backup
    operation was performed. Use the command qualifiers to update
    the .rdb file. The area qualifiers alter only the .rdb file, not
    the storage areas themselves. Use the area qualifiers to correct
    the restored backup root file so that it contains storage area
    information that was updated since the last backup operation was
    performed on the database. This is useful when you need to match
    the root from an older backup file of your database with the area
    information in the more recent backup file of your database in
    order to have a usable database.

    When the .rdb file is restored by itself, be sure that you
    correctly set the transaction state of the database with the
    Initialize_Tsns qualifier or the Set_Tsn qualifier. If the
    database transaction sequence number (TSN) and commit sequence
    number (CSN) are not set to the same values as those that were
    in the lost .rdb file, there will be an inconsistency in the
    journaling if after-image journaling is enabled. Therefore, you
    cannot recover the database by using journal files created before
    you used either the Initialize_Tsns qualifier or the Set_Tsn
    qualifier in a restore-only-root operation.

    You should set the TSN to a value equal to or greater than the
    value that was in the lost .rdb file. If the TSN is set to a
    lower value than the value stored in the lost database root file,
    the database is corrupted, and it might return incorrect data or
    result in application failures. If the number you have selected
    is less than the Next CSN and Next TSN values, you will receive a
    fatal error message as follows:

    %RMU-F-VALLSSMIN, value (0:40) is less than minimum allowed
     value (0:74) for Set_Tsn=tsn

    After the set TSN and reinitialize TSN operations
    complete, and after you have verified the .rdb
    file, enabled after-image journaling, and the
    new .aij file is created, all .aij records are based on the new
    starting TSN and CSN numbers in the .rdb file.

    Although Oracle Corporation recommends that your backup strategy
    ensures that you maintain a current full and complete database
    backup file, it is possible to restore the database from
    current full by-area backup files only. This is accomplished by
    restoring the root and specifying the Noupdate_Files and Noset_
    Tsn qualifiers. When you specify the Noset_Tsn qualifier, the
    TSN and CSN values on the restored database will be the same as
    those recorded in the backup file. When you specify the Noupdate_
    Files qualifier, the database root is restored but RMU Restore
    Only_Root will not link that restored root to any of the area
    files, nor will it create or update the snapshot (.snp) files. By
    specifying the Noupdate_Files and Noset_Tsn qualifiers with the
    RMU Restore Only_Root command, you can use the following strategy
    to restore your database:

    1. Restore the root from the most recent full by-area backup

    2. Restore the storage areas by applying the by-area backup files
       in reverse order to their creation date.

       Apply the most recent by-area backup file first and the oldest
       by-area backup file last. (Be sure you do not restore any area
       more than once.)

    3. Recover the database by applying the after-image journal
       (.aij) files.

       You can recover the .aij files manually by using the RMU
       Recover command. Or, if the state of your .aij files permits
       it, you can allow RMU Restore Only_Root to automatically
       recover the .aij files by not specifying the Norecovery
       qualifier with the last RMU Restore command you issue. For
       details on the automatic recovery feature of the RMU Restore
       command, see the help entry for the RMU Restore command.
       (The automatic recovery feature is not available for the RMU
       Restore Only_Root command.)

    When you use this strategy, be sure that the first RMU Restore
    command after the RMU Restore Only_Root command includes the
    most recent RDB$SYSTEM storage area. The RDB$SYSTEM storage area
    contains the structures needed to restore the other database
    storage areas. For this reason, Oracle Corporation suggests that
    you back up the RDB$SYSTEM storage area in every by-area backup
    operation you perform.

    See Example 6 in the Examples help entry under this command for a
    demonstration of this method.

    Note that the database backup file must be recent-differences
    between the database and backup file must be known, and the
    number of storage areas must be unchanged since the backup file
    was created. If you have moved a storage area, use the File
    qualifier to show its new location and the Snapshot qualifier
    to indicate the current version of the area's .snp file.


       You must perform a full and complete backup operation
       on your database when the RMU Restore Only_Root command
       completes. Oracle Corporation recommends that you define a
       new after-image journal configuration with the RMU Restore
       Only_Root command by using either the After_Journal or the
       Aij_Options qualifier. This action ensures that the new
       .aij file can be rolled forward in the event that another
       database restore operation becomes necessary.

28.8.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Restore/Only_Root backup-file-spec [storage-area-list]

  Command Qualifiers                     x Defaults
  /Active_IO=max-reads                   x /Active IO=3
  /[No]After_Journal=file-spec           x See description
  /[No]Aij_Options=journal-opts          x See description
  /Directory=directory-spec              x See description
  /[No]Initialize_Tsns                   x /Noinitialize_Tsns
  /Label=(label-name-list)               x See description
  /Librarian[=options]                   x None
  /[No]Log                               x Current DCL verify value
  /[No]Media_Loader                      x See description
  /[No]New_Snapshots                     x /Nonew_Snapshots
  /Nodes_Max=number-cluster-nodes        x Existing value
  /Options=file-spec                     x None
  /[No]Rewind                            x /Norewind
  /Root=root-file-spec                   x Existing value
  /[No]Set_Tsn=Tsn=n,Csn=m)              x See description
  /Transaction_Mode=(modes-list)         x /Transaction_Mode=Current
  /[No]Update_Files                      x /Update_Files
  /Users_Max=number-users                x Existing value

  File or Area Qualifiers                x Defaults
  /[No]Blocks_Per_Page=integer           x /Noblocks_Per_Page
  /File=file-spec                        x See description
  /Read_Only                             x Current value
  /Read_Write                            x Current value
  /Snapshot=(Allocation=n,File=file-spec)x See description
  /[No]Spams                             x Current value
  /Thresholds=(val1[,val2[,val3]])       x Existing area file value

28.8.3  –  Parameters  –  backup-file-spec

    A file specification for the backup file produced by a previous
    RMU Backup command. The default file extension is .rbf.

    Note that you cannot perform a remote restore operation on an
    .rbf file that has been backed up to tape and then copied to
    disk. When copying .rbf files to disk from tape, be sure to copy
    them onto the system on which you will be restoring them.

    Depending on whether you are performing a restore operation
    from magnetic tape, disk, or multiple disks, the backup file
    specification should be specified as follows:

    o  Restoring from magnetic tape

       If you used multiple tape drives to create the backup file,
       the backup-file-spec parameter must be provided with (and only
       with) the first tape drive name. Additional tape drive names
       must be separated from the first and subsequent tape drive
       names with commas, as shown in the following example:


    o  Restoring from multiple or single disk files

       If you used multiple disk files to create the backup file,
       the backup-file-spec parameter must be provided with (and only
       with) the first disk device name. Additional disk device names
       must be separated from the first and subsequent disk device
       names with commas. You must include the Disk_file qualifier.
       For example:


       As an alternative to listing the disk device names on the
       command line (which can exceed the line-limit lenght for a
       command line if you use several devices), you can specify an
       options file in place of the backup-file-spec. For example:


       The contents of devices.opt might appear as follows:


       The backup files referenced from sjuch an options file are:

       DISK3:[DIR3]MFP02.RBF  –  storage-area-list

    This option is a list of storage area names from the database.
    Use it in the following situations:

    o  When you need to change the values for thresholds with the
       Thresholds qualifier or blocks per page with the Blocks_Per_
       Page qualifier

    o  When you need to change the names or version numbers specified
       with the Snapshot or the File qualifier for the restored

    To use the storage-area-list option, specify the storage area
    name, not the system file name for the storage area. By restoring
    the database root only, you save the additional time normally
    needed to restore all the storage areas. Place commas between
    each storage area name in the list.

    If the storage area parameters have changed since the file was
    last backed up, the storage-area-list option updates the .rdb
    file parameters so they agree with the current storage area
    parameters in terms of location and file version.

28.8.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Active IO


    Specifies the maximum number of read operations to the backup
    file that the RMU Restore Only_Root command will attempt
    simultaneously. The value of the Active_IO qualifier can range
    from 1 to 5. The default value is 3.  –  After Journal



       This qualifier is maintained for compatibility with versions
       of Oracle Rdb prior to Version 6.0. You might find it more
       useful to specify the Aij_Options qualifier, unless you are
       only interested in creating extensible .aij files.

    Specifies how RMU Restore Only_Root is to handle after-image
    journaling and .aij file creation, using the following rules:

    o  If you specify the After_Journal qualifier and provide a file
       specification, RMU Restore Only_Root creates a new extensible
       .aij file and enables journaling.

    o  If you specify the After_Journal qualifier but you do not
       provide a file specification, RMU Restore Only_Root creates
       a new extensible .aij file with the same name as the journal
       that was active at the time of the backup operation.

    o  If you specify the Noafter_Journal qualifier, RMU Restore
       Only_Root disables after-image journaling and does not create
       a new .aij file. Note that if you specify the Noafter_Journal
       qualifier, there will be a gap in the sequence of .aij files.
       For example, suppose your database has .aij file sequence
       number 1 when you back it up. If you issue an RMU Restore
       Only_Root command with the Noafter qualifier, the .aij file
       sequence number will be changed to 2. This means that you
       cannot (and do not want to) apply the original .aij file to
       the restored database (doing so would result in a sequence

    o  If you do not specify an After_Journal, Noafter_Journal, Aij_
       Options, or Noaij_Options qualifier, RMU Restore Only_Root
       recovers the journal state (enabled or disabled) and tries to
       reuse the .aij file or files.

       If you choose this option, take great care to either set the
       database root TSN and CSN correctly, or create a full and
       complete backup file of the database. Failure to do so might
       make it impossible for you to recover your database from the
       .aij file should it become necessary.

       However, if the .aij file or files are not available (for
       example, they have been backed up), after-image journaling is

    You cannot use the After_Journal qualifier to create fixed-size
    .aij files; use the Aij_Options qualifier.  –  Aij Options


    Specifies how RMU Restore Only_Root is to handle after-image
    journaling and .aij file creation, using the following rules:

    o  If you specify the Aij_Options qualifier and provide a
       journal-opts file, RMU Restore Only_Root enables journaling
       and creates the .aij file or files you specify for the
       restored database. If only one .aij file is created for the
       restored database, it will be an extensible .aij file. If two
       or more .aij files are created for the database copy, they
       will be fixed-size .aij files (as long as at least two .aij
       files are always available).

    o  If you specify the Aij_Options qualifier, but do not provide a
       journal-opts file, RMU Restore Only_Root disables journaling
       and does not create any new .aij files.

    o  If you specify the Noaij_Options qualifier, RMU Restore Only_
       Root disables journaling and does not create any new .aij

    o  If you do not specify an After_Journal, Noafter_Journal, Aij_
       Options, or Noaij_Options qualifier, RMU Restore Only_Root
       recovers the journaling state (enabled or disabled) and tries
       to reuse the .aij file or files.

       If you choose this option, take great care to either set the
       database root TSN and CSN correctly, or create a full and
       complete backup file of the database. Failure to do so might
       make it impossible for you to recover your database from the
       .aij file should it become necessary.

       However, if the .aij file or files are not available (for
       example, they have been backed up), after-image journaling is

    See Show After_Journal for information on the format of a
    journal-opts-file.  –  Directory


    Specifies the default directory for the database root and the
    default directory for where the root can expect to find the
    database storage areas and snapshot files.

    See the Usage Notes for information on how this qualifier
    interacts with the Root, File, and Snapshot qualifiers and for
    warnings regarding restoring database files into a directory
    owned by a resource identifier.  –  Initialize Tsns


    Initializes all transaction sequence number (TSN) values for
    the entire database by setting the values to zero. Each time a
    transaction is initiated against a database, a TSN is issued.
    The numbers are incremented sequentially over the life of the

    TSN and CSN values are each contained in a quadword with the
    following decimal format:

    high longword : low longword

    The high longword can hold a maximum user value of 32768
    (215) and the low longword can hold a maximum user value of

    4,294,967,295 (232). A portion of the high longword is used by

    Oracle Rdb for overhead.

    When you specify a TSN or CSN, you can omit the high longword and
    the colon if the TSN or CSN fits in the low longword. For example
    0:444 and 444 are both valid input values.

    As your next TSN value approaches the maximum value allowed,
    you should initialize the TSNs. You can determine the next TSN
    and next commit sequence number (CSN) values by dumping the
    database root file, using the RMU Dump command with the Header
    and Option=Debug qualifiers.

    The Initialize_Tsns qualifier takes much more time to execute
    because all TSN values in the database are set to zero, which
    requires writing to every page in the database. When the database
    TSNs are reset, using the Initialize_Tsns qualifier, you should
    use the After_Journal qualifier or the Aij_Options qualifier and
    immediately perform a full database backup operation and create
    a new .aij file. This ensures continuity of journaling and the
    ability to recover the database.

    The default Noinitialize_Tsns qualifier does not initialize the
    database TSNs.

    Note that you cannot use the Initialize_Tsns with the Set_Tsn
    or Noset_Tsn qualifier in the same command. This restriction is
    required because Initialize_Tsns directs RMU Restore Only_Root to
    reset the TSN value to zero, while Set_Tsn directs RMU Restore
    Only_Root to reset the TSN to the value you have indicated,
    and Noset_Tsn leaves the TSN value unchanged. Never use the
    Initialize_Tsns qualifier if Replication Option for Rdb transfers
    have been defined for the database. The Initialize_Tsns qualifier
    does not reset the Replication Option for Rdb transfers.  –  Label


    Specifies the 1- to 6-character string with which the volumes
    of the backup file have been labeled. The Label qualifier is
    applicable only to tape volumes. You must specify one or more
    label names when you use the Label qualifier.

    You can specify a list of tape labels for multiple tapes. If you
    list multiple tape label names, separate the names with commas,
    and enclose the list of names within parentheses.

    In a normal restore operation, the Label qualifier you specify
    with the RMU Restore Only_Root command should be the same Label
    qualifier you specified with the RMU Backup command you used to
    back up your database.

    The Label qualifier can be used with indirect file references.
    See the Indirect-Command-Files help entry for more information.  –  Librarian


    Use the Librarian qualifier to restore files from data archiving
    software applications that support the Oracle Media Management
    interface. The file name specified on the command line identifies
    the stream of data to be retrieved from the Librarian utility. If
    you supply a device specification or a version number it will be

    Oracle RMU supports retrieval using the Librarian qualifier only
    for data that has been previously stored by Oracle RMU using the
    Librarian qualifer.

    The Librarian qualifier accepts the following options:

    o  Trace_file=file-specification

       The Librarian utility writes trace data to the specified file.

    o  Level_Trace=n

       Use this option as a debugging tool to specify the level of
       trace data written by the Librarian utility. You can use a
       pre-determined value of 0, 1, or 2, or a higher value defined
       by the Librarian utility. The pre-determined values are :

       -  Level 0 traces all error conditions. This is the default.

       -  Level 1 traces the entry and exit from each Librarian

       -  Level 2 traces the entry and exit from each Librarian
          function, the value of all function parameters, and the
          first 32 bytes of each read/write buffer, in hexadecimal.

    o  Logical_Names=(logical_name=equivalence-value,...)

       You can use this option to specify a list of process logical
       names that the Librarian utility can use to specify catalogs
       or archives where Oracle Rdb backup files are stored,
       Librarian debug logical names, and so on. See the specific
       Librarian documentation for the definition of logical names.
       The list of process logical names is defined by Oracle RMU
       prior to the start of any Oracle RMU command that accesses the
       Librarian application.

    The following OpenVMS logical names must be defined for use with
    a Librarian utility before you execute an Oracle RMU backup or
    restore operation. Do not use the Logical_Names option provided
    with the Librarian qualifier to define these logical names.


       This logical name must be defined so that the shareable
       Librarian image can be loaded and called by Oracle RMU backup
       and restore operations. The translation must include the file
       type (for example, .exe), and must not include a version
       number. The shareable Librarian image must be an installed
       (known) image. See the Librarian implementation documentation
       for the name and location of this image and how it should be


       This logical name is not required. If it is defined, Oracle
       RMU will display debug tracing information messages from
       modules that make calls to the Librarian shareable image.

    You cannot use device specific qualifiers such as Rewind,
    Density, or Label with the Librarian qualifier because the
    Librarian utility handles the storage meda, not Oracle RMU.  –  Log


    Specifies whether the processing of the command is reported
    to SYS$OUTPUT. Specify the Log qualifier to request that the
    progress of the restore operation be written to SYS$OUTPUT and
    the Nolog qualifier to suppress this report. If you specify
    neither, the default is the current setting of the DCL verify
    switch. (The DCL SET VERIFY command controls the DCL verify
    switch.)  –  Media Loader


    Use the Media_Loader qualifier to specify that the tape device
    from which the backup file is being read has a loader or stacker.
    Use the Nomedia_Loader qualifier to specify that the tape device
    does not have a loader or stacker.

    By default, if a tape device has a loader or stacker, RMU Restore
    Only_Root should recognize this fact. However, occasionally RMU
    Restore Only_Root does not recognize that a tape device has a
    loader or stacker. Therefore, when the first tape has been read,
    RMU Restore Only_Root issues a request to the operator for the
    next tape, instead of requesting the next tape from the loader
    or stacker. Similarly, sometimes RMU Restore Only_Root behaves
    as though a tape device has a loader or stacker when actually it
    does not.

    If you find that RMU Restore Only_Root is not recognizing that
    your tape device has a loader or stacker, specify the Media_
    Loader qualifier. If you find that RMU Restore Only_Root expects
    a loader or stacker when it should not, specify the Nomedia_
    Loader qualifier.  –  New Snapshots


    Allows you to specify whether to create new snapshot (.snp) files
    as part of a Restore Only_Root operation.

    The default is the Nonew_Snapshots qualifier, which causes the
    command to initialize the existing .snp files.

    If you specify the New_Snapshots qualifier, the command creates
    and initializes new .snp files. When you specify the New_
    Snapshots qualifier, you should either delete the existing
    .snp files before the restore operation or purge the .snp files
    afterwards.  –  Nodes Max


    Specifies a new upper limit on the number of VMScluster nodes
    from which users can access the restored database. The Nodes_Max
    qualifier will accept values between 1 and 96 VMScluster nodes.
    The actual maximum is the highest number of VMScluster nodes
    possible in the current version of OpenVMS. The default value is
    the limit defined for the database before it was backed up.  –  Options


    Specifies the options file that contains storage area names,
    followed by the storage area qualifiers that you want applied to
    that storage area.

    You can direct RMU Restore Only_Root to create an options file
    for use with this qualifier by specifying the Restore_Options
    qualifier with the RMU Backup, RMU Dump, and RMU Dump Backup
    commands. See Backup Database, Dump Database, and Dump Backup_
    File for details.

    If you create your own options file, do not separate the storage
    area names with commas. Instead, put each storage area name on
    a separate line in the file. The storage area qualifiers that
    you can include in the options file are: Blocks_Per_Page, File,
    Snapshot, and Thresholds. You can use the DCL line continuation
    character, a hyphen (-),  or the comment character (!) in the
    options file. The default file extension is .opt. See Example 5
    in the Examples help entry under this command.  –  Rewind


    Specifies whether the tape that contains the backup file will
    be rewound before processing begins. The Norewind qualifier, the
    default, causes the search for the backup file to begin at the
    current tape position.

    The Rewind and Norewind qualifiers are applicable only to tape
    devices. RMU Restore Only_Root returns an error message if you
    use these qualifiers and the device is not a tape device.  –  Root


    Requests that the database root (.rdb) be restored to the
    specified location.

    See the Usage Notes for information on how this qualifier
    interacts with the Directory, File, and Snapshot qualifiers and
    for warnings regarding restoring database files into a directory
    owned by a resource identifier.

    The Root qualifier is only meaningful when used with a multifile
    database.  –  Set Tsn

    Set_Tsn=(Tsn=n, Csn=m)

    The Set_Tsn qualifier sets the database transaction sequence
    number (TSN) and commit sequence number (CSN) to the specified
    values. The correct value can be extracted from the original .rdb
    file if it is still accessible, or from the last .aij file if one
    is available. If that fails, you can use a TSN value larger than
    the maximum number of transactions applied to the database since
    it was created, or since TSNs were last initialized.

    The TSN and CSN values do not have to be the same value. However,
    you need to choose new values that are greater than the last
    values assigned to a transaction. Set_Tsn values are expected
    to be multiples of eight. If you specify a value that is not a
    multiple of eight, RMU Restore Only_Root assigns the next highest
    value that is a multiple of eight. (For example, if you specify
    Set_Tsn=(Tsn=90, Csn=90), RMU Restore Only_Root assigns the Next
    TSN a value of 96.)

    The default value for the Set_Tsn qualifier is the TSN and CSN
    values stored in the backup file plus 1,000,000 when TSNs are not
    being initialized. The new TSN and CSN values for most database
    applications should be larger than the number of transactions
    committed since the database was last backed up. Set the TSN
    and CSN values higher than this default increment value plus
    the value in the backup file when needed. You can determine
    the next TSN and CSN values by dumping the .rdb file, using the
    Option=Debug qualifier.

    The TSN and CSN values are each contained in a quadword with the
    following decimal format:

    high longword : low longword

    The high longword can hold a maximum user value of 32768
    (215) and the low longword can hold a maximum user value of

    4,294,967,295 (232). A portion of the high longword is used by

    Oracle Rdb for overhead.

    When you specify a TSN or CSN, you can omit the high longword and
    the colon if the TSN fits in the low longword. For example 0:444
    and 444 are both valid TSN input values.

    The Noset_Tsn qualifier specifies that the root will be restored
    with the same TSN state as was recorded in the backup file.

    When you use the Noset_Tsn qualifier in conjunction with the
    Noupdate_Files qualifier, you can use a backup strategy that uses
    recent by-area full backup files in place of a recent full and
    complete backup file of the entire database. See Example 6 in the
    Examples help entry under this command.

    Note that you cannot use the Initialize_Tsns with the Set_Tsn
    or Noset_Tsn qualifier in the same command. This restriction is
    required because Initialize_Tsns directs RMU Restore Only_Root
    to reset the TSN value to zero, while Set_Tsn directs RMU Restore
    Only_Root to reset the TSN to the value you have indicated, and
    Noset_Tsn leaves the TSN value unchanged.  –  Transaction Mode=(mode-list)


    Sets the allowable transaction modes for the database root file
    created by the restore operation. The mode-list can include one
    or more of the following transaction modes:

    o  All - Enables all transaction modes

    o  Current - Enables all transaction modes that are set for the
       source database. This is the default transaction mode.

    o  None - Disables all transaction modes

    o  [No]Batch_Update

    o  [No]Read_Only

    o  [No]Exclusive

    o  [No]Exclusive_Read

    o  [No]Exclusive_Write

    o  [No]Protected

    o  [No]Protected_Read

    o  [No]Protected_Write

    o  [No]Read_Write

    o  [No]Shared

    o  [No]Shared_Read

    o  [No]Shared_Write

    If you specify more than one transaction mode in the mode-list,
    enclose the list in parenthesis and separate the transaction
    modes from one another with a comma. Note the following:

    o  When you specify a negated transaction mode, for example
       Noexclusive_Write, it indicates that exclusive write is not
       an allowable access mode for the copied database.

    o  If you specify the Shared, Exclusive, or Protected transaction
       mode, Oracle RMU assumes you are referring to both reading and
       writing in that transaction mode.

    o  No mode is enabled unless you add that mode to the list, or
       you use the All option to enable all transaction modes.

    o  You can list one transaction mode that enables or disables a
       particular mode followed by another that does the opposite.
       For example, Transaction_Mode=(Noshared_Write, Shared) is
       ambiguous because the first value disables Shared_Write access
       and the second value enables Shared_Write access. Oracle
       RMU resolves the ambiguity by first enabling the modes as
       specified in the modes-list and then disabling the modes as
       specified in the modes-list. The order of items in the list is
       irrelevant. In the example presented previously, Shared_Read
       is enabled and Shared_Write is disabled.  –  Update Files


    The Update_Files qualifier specifies that the root will be
    restored, and RMU Restore Only_Root will attempt to link that
    restored root to the area files. In addition, the snapshot (.snp)
    file will be updated or created. This is the default.

    The Noupdate_Files qualifier specifies that the restore operation
    will restore the root, but it will not link that restored root
    to any of the area files, nor will it create or update the .snp

    When you use the Noupdate_Files qualifier in conjunction with
    the Noset_Tsn qualifier, you can use a backup strategy that uses
    recent by-area full backup files in place of a recent full and
    complete backup file of the entire database. See Example 6 in the
    Examples help entry under this command  –  Users Max


    Specifies a new upper limit on the number of users that can
    simultaneously access the restored database. The valid range is
    between 1 and 2032 users. The default value is the value defined
    for the database before it was backed up.

28.8.5  –  File or Area Qualifiers


       Use these qualifiers to reconcile the information in the
       database root file with the storage area files on disk.
       These values can get out of synchronization when changes
       have been made to storage areas or snapshot files after the
       backup from which you are restoring the database root file
       was created.

       Setting these parameters updates the data in the root file
       only; it does not change the attributes of the storage areas
       or snapshot files themselves.  –  Blocks Per Page


    Updates the database root file with the number of blocks per
    page for the storage area. Use this qualifier to update the root
    when the blocks per page for a storage area has changed since
    the backup file from which you are restoring was created. This
    qualifier does not change the page size of a storage area itself;
    its purpose is to update the database root file with corrected

    If you use the default, the Noblocks_Per_Page qualifier, RMU
    Restore Only_Root takes the page size for the storage area from
    the page size specified for the database you backed up. This is a
    positional qualifier. This qualifier conflicts with storage areas
    that have a uniform page format.  –  File


    Updates the database root file with the file specification
    for the storage-area-name parameter it qualifies. Use this
    qualifier to update the root when the file specification for a
    storage area has changed since the backup file from which you are
    restoring the root was created. (For example, if you have used
    the RMU Move_Area command since the backup file was created.)
    This qualifier does not change the file specification of the
    storage area it qualifies; its purpose is to update the database
    root file with corrected information. When you specify the File
    qualifier, you must supply a file name.

    See the Usage Notes for information on how this qualifier
    interacts with the Root, Snapshot, and Directory qualifiers.

    This qualifier is not valid for single-file databases. This is a
    positional qualifier.  –  Read Only

    Updates the database root file to reflect the read-only attribute
    for the storage area it qualifies. Use this qualifier to update
    the root when the read/write or read-only attribute has changed
    since the backup file from which you are restoring has changed.
    This qualifier does not change the attribute of the storage area
    it qualifies; its purpose is to update the database root file
    with corrected information.

    If you do not specify the Read_Only or the Read_Write qualifier,
    the storage areas is restored with the read/write attributes that
    were in effect when the database was backed up.  –  Read Write

    Updates the database root file to reflect the read/write
    attribute for the storage area it qualifies. Use this qualifier
    to update the root when the read/write or read-only attribute
    has changed since the backup file from which you are restoring
    has changed. This qualifier does not change the attribute of the
    storage area it qualifies; its purpose is to update the database
    root file with corrected information.

    If you do not specify the Read_Only or the Read_Write qualifier,
    the storage areas is restored with the read/write attributes that
    were in effect when the database was backed up.  –  Snapshot


    Updates the database root file to reflect the snapshot allocation
    or snapshot file specification (or both) for the area it
    qualifies. Use this qualifier to update the root when the
    snapshot attributes have changed since the backup file from which
    you are restoring the database root has changed. This qualifier
    does not change the attributes of the snapshot file it qualifies;
    its purpose is to update the database root file with corrected

    See the Usage Notes for information on how this qualifier
    interacts with the Root, Snapshot, and Directory qualifiers.

    The Snapshot qualifier is a positional qualifier.

    When you do not specify the Snapshot qualifier, RMU Restore Only_
    Root restores snapshot areas according to the information stored
    in the backup file.  –  Spams


    Updates the database root file to reflect the space area
    management (SPAM) information for the storage areas in the
    storage-area-list. Use this qualifier when the setting of SPAM
    pages (enabled or disabled) has changed since the backup file
    from which you are restoring the root was created. This qualifier
    does not change the attributes of the storage area it qualifies;
    its purpose is to update the database root file with corrected

    Use the Spams qualifier to update the root file information
    to indicate that SPAM pages are enabled for the storage areas
    qualified; use the Nospams qualifier to update the root file
    information to indicate that SPAM pages are disabled for the
    storage areas qualified. The default is to leave the attribute
    unchanged from the setting recorded in the backup file. This is a
    positional qualifier.  –  Thresholds


    Updates the database root file to reflect the threshold
    information for the storage areas in the storage-area-list. Use
    this qualifier when the threshold values have changed since the
    backup file from which you are restoring the root was created.
    This qualifier does not change the attributes of the storage area
    it qualifies; its purpose is to update the database root file
    with corrected information.

    This is a positional qualifier.

    The Thresholds qualifier applies only to storage areas with a
    mixed page format.

    If you do not use the Thresholds qualifier with the RMU Restore
    Only_Root command, Oracle Rdb uses the storage area's thresholds
    as recorded in the backup file.

    See the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to Database Performance and Tuning for
    more information on SPAM thresholds.

28.8.6  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Restore Only_Root command for a database, you
       must have the RMU$RESTORE privilege in the root file access
       control list (ACL) for the database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or
       BYPASS privilege.

    o  The RMU Restore Only_Root command provides two qualifiers,
       Directory, and Root, that allow you to specify the target for
       the restored database root file. In addition, the Directory,
       File, and Snapshot file qualifiers allow you to specify a
       target for updates to the database root for the storage
       area and snapshot file locations. The target can be just a
       directory, just a file name, or a directory and file name.

       If you use all or some of these qualifiers, apply them as

       -  Use the Root qualifier to indicate the target for the
          restored database root file.

       -  Use local application of the File qualifier to specify the
          current location of a storage area file if its location
          has changed since the database was backed up. The storage
          area is not affected by this qualifier. This qualifier
          updates the location of the storage area as recorded in the
          database root file.

       -  Use local application of the Snapshots qualifier to specify
          the current location of a snapshot file if its location
          has changed since the database was backed up. The snapshot
          file is not affected by this qualifier. This qualifier
          updates the location of the snapshot file as recorded in
          the database root file.

       -  Use the Directory qualifier to specify a default target
          directory for the root file and as a default directory
          for where the storage areas and snapshot files currently
          reside. The default target directory is where the database
          root file is restored if a directory specification is not
          specified with the Root qualifier. The default directory
          for the storage area and snapshot files is the directory
          specification with which the root file is updated if these
          files are not qualified with the Root, File, or Snapshot
          qualifier. It is also the default directory with which the
          Root file is updated for files qualified with the Root,
          File, or Snapshot qualifier if these qualifiers do not
          include a directory specification.

       Note the following when using these qualifiers:

       -  Global application of the File qualifier when the target
          specification includes a file name causes RMU Restore Only_
          Root to update the file name recorded in the database root
          file for all storage areas to be the same file name.

       -  Global application of the Snapshot qualifier when the
          target specification includes a file name causes RMU
          Restore Only_Root to update the file name recorded in the
          database root file for all snapshot files to be the same
          file name.

       -  Specifying a file name or extension with the Directory
          qualifier is permitted, but causes RMU Restore Only_Root to
          restore the database root file to the named directory and
          file and update the file name recorded in the database root
          file for all the storage areas and snapshot files to be the
          same directory and file specification.

    o  When you restore a database root into a directory owned by
       a resource identifier, the ACE for the directory is applied
       to the database root file ACL first, and then the Oracle RMU
       ACE is added. This method is employed to prevent database
       users from overriding OpenVMS file security. However, this can
       result in a database which you consider yours, but to which
       you have no Oracle RMU privileges to access. See the Oracle
       Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for details.

    o  Only the database parameter values and the storage area
       parameter values for which there are qualifiers can be updated
       in the database root (.rdb) file using the restore-only-root
       operation. All other database and storage area parameter
       values that have changed since the database was last backed
       up must be reapplied to the .rdb file using the SQL ALTER
       DATABASE statement.

    o  There are no restrictions on the use of the Nospams qualifier
       option with storage areas that have a mixed page format,
       but the use of the Nospams qualifier typically causes severe
       performance degradation. The Nospams qualifier is useful only
       where updates are rare and batched, and access is primarily by
       database key (dbkey).

    o  You must set both TSN and CSN values at the same time. You
       cannot set the TSN value lower than the CSN value; however,
       you can set a CSN value higher than the TSN value.

    o  The RMU Restore Only_Root command cannot be used if any
       storage area has been extended since the backup operation
       was done. You can use the RMU Dump Backup command with the
       Option=Root qualifier to determine if this is the case.

28.8.7  –  Examples

    Example 1

    To prevent corruption of your databases, check your CSN and TSN
    values and set them to zero based on when they approach the
    maximum. First, enter an RMU Dump command to display the next
    CSN and next TSN values:

        Sequence Numbers...
          - Transaction sequence number
            Next number is 0:256
            Group size is 0:32
          - Commit sequence number
            Next number is 0:256
            Group size is 0:32

    If the next CSN and the next TSN values are approaching the
    maximum number allowed, you must perform the following operations
    to initialize all TSN and CSN values to the value zero in your
    database. The operation might take some time to execute as it
    writes to every page in the database.

    First, create a backup file for the database. Then restore
    the database and initialize the CSN and TSN values with the
    Initialize_Tsns qualifier. Then, enter an RMU Dump command again
    to examine the next CSN and next TSN values. This example shows
    that both values have been set to zero. If you displayed the
    database pages, you would also notice that all TSN and CSN values
    are set to zero.

        Sequence Numbers...
          - Transaction sequence number
            Next number is 0:0
            Group size is 0:32
          - Commit sequence number
            Next number is 0:0
            Group size is 0:32

    Example 2

    Perform the following to set the TSN and CSN values to a number
    that you select; a number that is greater than or equal to the
    next CSN and next TSN values. If the number you have selected
    is less than the next CSN and next TSN values recorded in the
    database header, you receive an error as follows:

    %RMU-F-TSNLSSMIN, value (0:40) is less than minimum
     allowed value (0:224) for /SET_TSN=TSN
    %RMU-F-FTL_RSTR, Fatal error for RESTORE operation
     at 18-JUN-1997 16:59:19.32

    Enter a number equal to or greater than the next CSN and next TSN
    values recorded in the database header:


    Enter an RMU Dump command to see the next CSN and next TSN

        Sequence Numbers...
          - Transaction sequence number
            Next number is 0:288
            Group size is 0:32
          - Commit sequence number
            Next number is 0:288
            Group size is 0:32
          - Database bind sequence number
            Next number is 0:288

    Example 3

    The following RMU Restore Only_Root command restores the database
    root file from the database backup file (.rbf) to another device:


    The following DIRECTORY command confirms that the MF_
    PERSONNEL.RDB file was restored in the specified directory:


    Directory DXXV9:[BIGLER.TESTING]

    MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1   21-JAN-1991 14:37:36.87

    Total of 1 file.

    Example 4

    Use the File=file-spec qualifier to update the .rdb file with a
    storage area's new location. If you have moved a storage area to
    a new location, use the File qualifier to show its new location
    and the Snapshot qualifier to indicate the current version of
    the area's snapshot (.snp) file. Enter the following RMU commands
    to execute a series of operations that use the File and Snapshot
    qualifiers in a restore-only-root operation to update the .rdb
    file with new information since the database was last backed up.

    Back up the database file:


    Move the area to another directory:


    With the RMU Restore Only_Root command, give the area name, and
    specify both the storage area file specification and its new
    location. Also specify the snapshot (.snp) file with its correct
    version. Note that .snp file version numbers increment with the
    RMU Move_Area command.


    Display the .rdb file header and note that the file is correctly

    The dump of the database root file lists these file


    Verify the .rdb file to be certain that it has been properly
    and completely updated relative to the files and their version
    numbers that comprise the database.


    Example 5

    The following command achieves the same results as the RMU
    Restore Only_Root command in Example 4, but uses an options file
    to specify the current location of the JOBS storage area and the
    associated .snp file.

    $ !

    Example 6

    The following example demonstrates the use of the Noset_Tsn
    qualifier and the Noupdate_Files qualifier to restore a database
    using by-area backup files. In addition, it demonstrates the
    automatic recovery feature of the RMU Restore command.

    $ !
    $ !
    $ ! Create .aij files for the database. Because three .aij files are
    $ ! created, fixed-size after-image journaling will be used.
    $ !
    _$ /ADD=(name=AIJ1, FILE=DISK2:[CORP]AIJ_ONE)   -
    _$ /ADD=(name=AIJ2, FILE=DISK2:[CORP]AIJ_TWO)   -
    %RMU-W-DOFULLBCK, full database backup should be done to
     ensure future recovery
    $ !
    $ !
    $ ! For the purposes of this example, assume the backup operation
    $ ! recommended in the preceding warning message is done, but
    $ ! that the time between this backup operation and the following
    $ ! operations is several months so that this backup file is too
    $ ! old to use in an efficient restore operation.
    $ !
    $ ! Update the DEPARTMENTS table.
    $ !
    $ SQL
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- On Monday, insert a new row in the DEPARTMENTS table. The
    SQL> -- new row is stored in the DEPARTMENTS storage area.
    SQL> --
    cont>   VALUES ('WLNS', 'Wellness Center', '00188', 0, 0);
    1 row inserted
    $ !
    $ ! Perform a by-area backup operation, including half of the
    $ ! storage areas from the mf_personnel database.
    $ !
    %RMU-I-NOTALLARE, Not all areas will be included in
     this backup file
    $ !
    $ ! Update the SALARY_HISTORY table.
    $ !
    $ SQL
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- On Tuesday, one row is updated in the
    SQL> -- SALARY_HISTORY storage area.
    SQL> --
    cont>    SET SALARY_END ='20-JUL-1993 00:00:00.00'
    cont>    WHERE SALARY_START='14-JAN-1983 00:00:00.00'
    cont>    AND EMPLOYEE_ID = '00164';
    1 row updated
    $ !
    $ ! On Tuesday, back up the other half of the storage areas.
    $ !
    %RMU-I-NOTALLARE, Not all areas will be included in this
     backup file
    $ !
    $ ! On Wednesday, perform additional updates.
    $ !
    $ SQL
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Update another row in the SALARY_HISTORY table:
    cont>     SET SALARY_START ='23-SEP-1991 00:00:00.00'
    cont>     WHERE SALARY_START='21-SEP-1981 00:00:00.00'
    cont>     AND EMPLOYEE_ID = '00164';
    1 row updated
    $ !
    $ ! Assume the database is lost on Wednesday.
    $ !
    $ ! Restore the database root from the latest full-area backup file.
    $ !
    %RMU-I-AIJRSTBEG, restoring after-image journal "state" information
    %RMU-I-AIJRSTJRN, restoring journal "AIJ1" information
    %RMU-I-AIJRSTSEQ, journal sequence number is "0"
    %RMU-I-AIJRSTSUC, journal "AIJ1" successfully restored from
     file "DISK2:[CORP]AIJ_ONE.AIJ;1"
    %RMU-I-AIJRSTJRN, restoring journal "AIJ2" information
    %RMU-I-AIJRSTNMD, journal has not yet been modified
    %RMU-I-AIJRSTSUC, journal "AIJ2" successfully restored from
     file "DISK2:[CORP]AIJ_TWO.AIJ;1"
    %RMU-I-AIJRSTJRN, restoring journal "AIJ3" information
    %RMU-I-AIJRSTNMD, journal has not yet been modified
    %RMU-I-AIJRSTSUC, journal "AIJ3" successfully restored from
     file "DISK2:[CORP]AIJ_THREE.AIJ;1"
    %RMU-I-AIJRSTEND, after-image journal "state" restoration complete
    %RMU-I-RESTXT_00, Restored root file
    %RMU-I-AIJRECBEG, recovering after-image journal "state" information
    %RMU-I-AIJRSTAVL, 3 after-image journals available for use
    %RMU-I-AIJRSTMOD, 1 after-image journal marked as "modified"
    %RMU-I-LOGMODSTR,     activated after-image journal "AIJ2"
    %RMU-I-AIJISON, after-image journaling has been enabled
    %RMU-W-DOFULLBCK, full database backup should be done to
     ensure future recovery
    %RMU-I-AIJRECEND, after-image journal "state" recovery complete
    $ !
    $ ! Restore the database areas, starting with the most recent
    $ ! full-area backup file. (If the RDB$SYSTEM area is not in the
    $ ! most recent full-area backup file, however, it must be restored
    $ ! first.) Do not restore any area more than once.
    $ !
    $ ! Specify the Norecovery qualifier since there are additional
    $ ! backup files to apply.
    $ !
    %RMU-I-RESTXT_21, Starting full restore of storage area
     DISK1:[USER]MF_PERS_DEFAULT.RDA;1 at 18-JUN-1997 16:14:40.88
    %RMU-I-RESTXT_21, Starting full restore of storage area
     DISK1:[USER]SALARY_HISTORY.RDA;1 at 18-JUN-1997 16:14:41.28
    %RMU-I-RESTXT_21, Starting full restore of storage area
     DISK1:[USER]JOBS.RDA;1 at 18-JUN-1997 16:14:41.83
    %RMU-I-RESTXT_21, Starting full restore of storage area
     DISK1:[USER]EMP_INFO.RDA;1 at 18-JUN-1997 16:14:42.06
    %RMU-I-RESTXT_21, Starting full restore of storage area
     DISK1:[USER]MF_PERS_SEGSTR.RDA;1 at 18-JUN-1997 16:14:42.27
    %RMU-I-RESTXT_24, Completed full restore of storage area
     DISK1:[USER]JOBS.RDA;1 at 18-JUN-1997 16:14:42.49
    %RMU-I-RESTXT_24, Completed full restore of storage area
     DISK1:[USER]EMP_INFO.RDA;1 at 18-JUN-1997 16:14:42.74
    %RMU-I-RESTXT_01, Initialized snapshot file
    %RMU-I-LOGINIFIL,     contains 100 pages, each page
     is 2 blocks long
    %RMU-I-RESTXT_01, Initialized snapshot file
    %RMU-I-LOGINIFIL,     contains 100 pages, each page
     is 2 blocks long
    %RMU-I-AIJWASON, AIJ journaling was active when
     the database was backed up
    %RMU-I-AIJRECFUL, Recovery of the entire database
     starts with AIJ file sequence 0
    %RMU-I-COMPLETED, RESTORE operation completed
     at 18-JUN-1997 16:14:46.82
    $ !
    $ ! Complete restoring database areas by applying the most
    $ ! recent full-area backup file.  However, do not include
    $ ! the RDB$SYSTEM table because that was already restored
    $ ! in the previous restore operation.  This restore
    $ ! operation will attempt an automatic recovery of the .aij files.
    $ !
    %RMU-I-RESTXT_21, Starting full restore of storage area
     DISK1:[USER]EMPIDS_OVER.RDA;1 at 18-JUN-1997 16:20:05.08
    %RMU-I-RESTXT_21, Starting full restore of storage area
     DISK1:[USER]EMPIDS_MID.RDA;1 at 18-JUN-1997 16:20:05.40
    %RMU-I-RESTXT_21, Starting full restore of storage area
     DISK1:[USER]EMPIDS_LOW.RDA;1 at 18-JUN-1997 16:20:05.91
    %RMU-I-RESTXT_21, Starting full restore of storage area
     DISK1:[USER]DEPARTMENTS.RDA;1 at 18-JUN-1997 16:20:06.01
    %RMU-I-RESTXT_24, Completed full restore of storage area
     DISK1:[USER]EMPIDS_OVER.RDA;1 at 18-JUN-1997 16:20:06.24
    %RMU-I-RESTXT_01, Initialized snapshot file
    %RMU-I-LOGINIFIL,     contains 100 pages, each page
     is 2 blocks long
    %RMU-I-RESTXT_01, Initialized snapshot file
    %RMU-I-LOGINIFIL,     contains 100 pages, each page
     is 2 blocks long
    %RMU-I-AIJWASON, AIJ journaling was active when
     the database was backed up
    %RMU-I-AIJRECFUL, Recovery of the entire database
     starts with AIJ file sequence 0
    %RMU-I-AIJRECARE, Recovery of area DEPARTMENTS starts
     with AIJ file sequence 0
    %RMU-I-AIJRECARE, Recovery of area EMPIDS_LOW starts
     with AIJ file sequence 0
    %RMU-I-AIJRECARE, Recovery of area EMPIDS_MID starts
     with AIJ file sequence 0
    %RMU-I-AIJRECARE, Recovery of area EMPIDS_OVER starts
     with AIJ file sequence 0
    %RMU-I-AIJBADAREA, inconsistent storage area
     DISK1:[USER]DEPARTMENTS.RDA;1 needs AIJ sequence number 0
    %RMU-I-AIJBADAREA, inconsistent storage area
     DISK1:[USER]EMPIDS_LOW.RDA;1 needs AIJ sequence number 0
    %RMU-I-LOGRECDB, recovering database file
    %RMU-I-AIJAUTOREC, starting automatic after-image
     journal recovery
    %RMU-I-LOGOPNAIJ, opened journal file DISK2:[CORP]AIJ_ONE.AIJ;1
    %RMU-I-AIJONEDONE, AIJ file sequence 0 roll-forward
     operations completed
    %RMU-I-LOGRECOVR, 1 transaction committed
    %RMU-I-LOGRECOVR, 0 transactions rolled back
    %RMU-I-LOGRECOVR, 2 transactions ignored
    %RMU-I-AIJNOACTIVE, there are no active transactions
    %RMU-I-AIJSUCCES, database recovery completed successfully
    %RMU-I-AIJALLDONE, after-image journal roll-forward
     operations completed
    %RMU-I-LOGSUMMARY, total 1 transaction committed
    %RMU-I-LOGSUMMARY, total 0 transactions rolled back
    %RMU-I-LOGSUMMARY, total 2 transactions ignored
    %RMU-I-AIJSUCCES, database recovery completed successfully
    %RMU-I-AIJGOODAREA, storage area
     DISK1:[USER]DEPARTMENTS.RDA;1 is now consistent
    %RMU-I-AIJGOODAREA, storage area
     DISK1:[USER]EMPIDS_LOW.RDA;1 is now consistent
    %RMU-I-AIJGOODAREA, storage area
     DISK1:[USER]EMPIDS_MID.RDA;1 is now consistent
    %RMU-I-AIJFNLSEQ, to start another AIJ file recovery,
     the sequence number needed  will be 0
    %RMU-I-COMPLETED, RESTORE operation completed at
     18-JUN-1997 16:20:11.45
    $ !
    $ ! The database is now restored and recovered.  However, if
    $ ! for some reason the automatic .aij file recovery was not
    $ ! possible (for example, if you had backed up the .aij files),
    $ ! apply the .aij files in the same order in
    $ ! which they were created.  That is, if .aij files were backed
    $ ! up each night, apply aij_mon.aij first and aij_tues.aij second.

    Example 7

    The following example demonstrates the use of the Directory,
    File, and Root qualifiers. First, the database is backed up, then
    a couple storage area files and a snapshot file are moved. The
    restore-only-root operation does the following:

    o  The default directory is specified as DISK2:[DIR].

    o  The target directory and file name for the database root file
       is specified with the Root qualifier. The target directory
       specified with the Root qualifier overrides the default
       directory specified with the Directory qualifier. Thus, the
       RMU Restore Only_Root process restores the database root in
       DISK3:[ROOT] and names it COPYRDB.RDB.

    o  The target directory for the EMPIDS_MID storage area is
       DISK4:[FILE]. The RMU Restore Only_Root process updates the
       database root file to indicate that EMPIDS_MID currently
       resides in DISK4:[FILE].

    o  The target for the EMPIDS_MID snapshot file is
       DISK5:[SNAP]EMPIDS_MID.SNP Thus, the RMU Restore Only_
       Root process updates the database root file to indicate
       that the EMPIDS_MID snapshot file currently resides in

    o  The target file name for the EMPIDS_LOW storage area is
       EMPIDS. Thus, the RMU Restore Only_Root process updates
       the database root file to indicate that the EMPIDS_LOW
       storage area currently resides in the DISK2 default directory
       (specified with the Directory qualifier), and the file is
       currently named EMPIDS.RDA.

    o  The target for the EMPIDS_LOW snapshot file is
       DISK5:[SNAP]EMPIDS.SNP. Thus, the RMU Restore Only_
       Root process updates the database root file to indicate
       that the EMPIDS_LOW snapshot file currently resides in

    o  Data for all the other storage area files and snapshot files
       remain unchanged in the database root file.

    $ ! Back up the database:
    $ !
    $ !
    $ ! Move a couple of storage areas and a snapshot file:
    $ !
    $ !
    $ ! Database root is lost.  Restore the root and update the
    $ ! locations of the moved storage areas and snapshot file as
    $ ! recorded in the database root file because the locations
    $ ! recorded in the backup file from which the root is restored
    $ ! are not up-to-date:
    $ !

29  –  Server After Journal

    There are three RMU Server After_Journal commands, as follows:

    o  The RMU Server After_Journal Start command starts the AIJ log
       server (ALS).

    o  The RMU Server After_Journal Stop command stops the ALS.

    o  The RMU Server After_Journal Reopen_Output command allows you
       to close and reopen the output file specified with the RMU
       Server After_Journal Start command.

29.1  –  Reopen Output

    Allows you to close the current AIJ log server (ALS) output file
    for the specified database and open a new one. This allows you to
    see the current contents of the original ALS output file.

29.1.1  –  Description

    The RMU Server After_Journal Reopen_Output command allows you
    to reopen an ALS output file that was previously created with an
    RMU Server After_Journal Start command with the Output qualifier.
    (The ALS output file is opened for exclusive access by the ALS

    Reopening the output file results in the current output file
    being closed and a new output file being created. The new output
    file has the same file name as the original output file, but its
    version number is incremented by one.

    The ALS is an optional process that flushes log data to the
    after-image journal (.aij) file. All database servers deposit
    transaction log data in a cache located in the database global
    section. If the ALS is active, it continuously flushes the log
    data to disk. Otherwise, server processes might block temporarily
    if the cache in the global section is full.

29.1.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Server After_Journal Reopen_Output root-file-spec

29.1.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    Specifies the database root file for which you want to reopen the
    ALS output file.

29.1.4  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Server After_Journal Reopen_Output command for
       a database, you must have RMU$OPEN privilege in the root file
       access control list (ACL) for the database or the OpenVMS
       WORLD privilege.

    o  To issue the RMU Server After_Journal Reopen_Output command
       successfully, the database must be opened. Other users can be
       attached to the database when this command is issued.

    o  To determine whether the ALS is running, use the RMU Show
       Users command.

29.1.5  –  Examples

    Example 1

    In the following example the first Oracle RMU command starts the
    log server and specifies an output file. The second Oracle RMU
    command reopens the ALS output file, so you can view the data
    that is contained in the ALS output file so far.

    $ ! Database updates occur
    $ ! View the ALS.OUT;-1 file:
    $ TYPE ALS.OUT;-1

    16-OCT-1995 13:02:05.21 - Oracle Rdb V7.0-00 database utility started


29.2  –  Start

    Allows you to manually start the AIJ log server (ALS) for the
    specified database and specify a file for the AIJ log server

29.2.1  –  Description

    The ALS is an optional process that flushes log data to the
    after-image journal (.aij) file. All database servers deposit
    transaction log data in a cache located in the database global
    section. If the ALS is active, it continuously flushes the log
    data to disk. Otherwise, server processes might block temporarily
    if the cache in the global section is full. The ALS should be
    started only when AIJ processing is a bottleneck. Typically,
    multiuser databases with medium to high update activity can
    benefit from using the ALS.

    You can start the ALS either manually, using the RMU Server
    After_Journal Start command, or automatically when the database
    is opened (by specifying LOG SERVER IS AUTOMATIC in the SQL ALTER
    DATABASE command). By default, the ALS startup is set to manual.

29.2.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Server After_Journal Start root-file-spec

  Command Qualifier  x Default
  /Output=file-spec  x See description

29.2.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    Specifies the database root file for which you want to start the

29.2.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Output


    Specifies the file for the ALS output file. Use this qualifier
    in anticipation of issuing an RMU Server After_Journal Reopen_
    Output command. By specifying the output file, you will know the
    location of, and therefore can view, the ALS output file.

    By default, the ALS output file is not available to the user.

29.2.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Server After_Journal Start command for a
       database, you must have RMU$OPEN privilege in the root file
       access control list (ACL) for the database or the OpenVMS
       WORLD privilege.

    o  The ALS can be started only if the database is open and if
       after-image journaling is enabled.

    o  The RMU Server After_Journal Start command can be issued while
       users are attached to the database.

    o  If the ALS process stops abnormally, regardless of whether the
       current setting of the ALS is automatic or manual, the only
       way to restart it is to use the RMU Server After_Journal Start

    o  To determine whether the ALS is running, use the RMU Show
       Users command.

    o  Any errors encountered when you try to start the ALS are
       logged in the monitor log file. Use the RMU Show System
       command to find the location of the monitor log file.

29.2.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following Oracle RMU command starts the log server.


29.3  –  Stop

    Allows you to manually stop the AIJ log server (ALS) for the
    specified database.

29.3.1  –  Description

    The ALS is an optional process that flushes log data to the
    after-image journal (.aij) file. All database servers deposit
    transaction log data in a cache located in the database global
    section. If the ALS is active, it continuously flushes the log
    data to disk. Otherwise, server processes might block temporarily
    if the cache in the global section is full.

29.3.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Server After_Journal Stop root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers         Defaults

  /Output=file-name          See description

29.3.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    Specifies the database root file for which you want to stop the

29.3.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Output


    Allows you to specify the file where the operational log is to be
    created. The operational log records the transmission and receipt
    of network messages.

    If you do not include a directory specification with the
    file name, the log file is created in the database root file
    directory. It is invalid to include a node name as part of the
    file name specification.

    Note that all Hot Standby bugcheck dumps are written to the
    corresponding bugcheck dump file; bugcheck dumps are not written
    to the file you specify with the Output qualifier.

29.3.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Server After_Journal Stop command for a
       database, you must have RMU$OPEN privilege in the root file
       access control list (ACL) for the database or the OpenVMS
       WORLD privilege.

    o  To issue the RMU Server After_Journal Stop command
       sucessfully, the database must be open. Other users can be
       attached to the database.

    o  If the ALS process stops abnormally, regardless of whether the
       current setting of the ALS is automatic or manual, the only
       way to restart it is to use the RMU Server After_Journal Start

    o  To determine whether the ALS is running, use the RMU Show
       Users command.

    o  If database replication is active and you attempt to stop
       the database AIJ log server, Oracle Rdb returns an error. You
       must stop database replication before attempting to stop the

29.3.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example stops the log server.


30  –  Server Backup Journal

 There are two RMU Server Backup_Journal commands, as follows:

    o  The RMU Server Backup_Journal Suspend command suspends .aij
       backup operations

    o  The RMU Server Backup_Journal Resume command allows .aij
       backup operations to resume after they have been suspended.

30.1  –  Resume

    Allows you to reinstate the ability to perform AIJ backup
    operations after they have been manually suspended with the RMU
    Server Backup_Journal Suspend command.

30.1.1  –  Description

    When you issue the RMU Server Backup_Journal Suspend command,
    after-image journal (AIJ) backup operations are temporarily
    suspended. Use the RMU Server Backup_Journal Resume command to
    reinstate the ability to backup .aij files.

    The RMU Server Backup_Journal Resume command must be issued from
    the same node from which AIJ backup operations were originally
    suspended. If you attempt to resume AIJ backup operations from
    another database node, the following errors are returned:

    %RDMS-F-CANTRESUMEABS, error resuming AIJ backup operations
    -RDMS-F-ABSNSUSPENDED, AIJ backup operations not suspended
    %RMU-F-FATALRDB, Fatal error while accessing Oracle Rdb.

30.1.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Server Backup_Journal Resume  root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers  x   Defaults
  /[No]Log            x   Current DCL verify value

30.1.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    Specifies the database root file for which you want to resume AIJ
    backup operations.

30.1.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Log


    Specifies whether the processing of the command is reported to
    SYS$OUTPUT. Specify the Log qualifier to request log output and
    the Nolog qualifier to prevent it. If you specify neither, the
    default is the current setting of the DCL verify switch. (The DCL
    SET VERIFY command controls the DCL verify switch.)

30.1.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Server Backup_Journal Resume command for a
       database, you must have RMU$OPEN privilege in the root file
       access control list (ACL) for the database or the OpenVMS
       WORLD privilege.

    o  To determine whether AIJ backup operations have been
       suspended, use the RMU Show Users command.

30.1.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example demonstrates how to reinstate the ability
    to perform backup operations.


30.2  –  Suspend

    Allows you to temporarily suspend .aij backup operations on all
    database nodes. While suspended, you cannot back up .aij files
    manually (with the RMU Backup After_Journal command) nor will the
    AIJ backup server (ABS) perform .aij backup operations.

30.2.1  –  Description

    When you issue the RMU Server Backup_Journal Suspend command,
    after-image journal (AIJ) backup operations are temporarily
    suspended. However, the suspended state is not stored in the
    database root file. Thus, if the node from which the AIJ backup
    operations were suspended fails, then AIJ backup operations by
    the AIJ Backup Server (ABS) are automatically resumed (assuming
    the ABS was running prior to the suspension).

    The purpose of RMU Server Backup_Journal Suspend command is to
    temporarily suspend AIJ backup operations during a period of
    time when backing up .aij files would prevent subsequent commands
    from operating properly. For example, if you have a Hot Standby
    database, the time from when the master database is backed up
    to the time that database replication could commence might be
    long. During this period, .aij backup operations would prevent
    the replication from starting. (See the Oracle Rdb7 and Oracle
    CODASYL DBMS: Guide to Hot Standby Databases for information on
    Hot Standby databases.)

    The solution to this problem is to use the RMU Server Backup_
    Journal Suspend command to suspend AIJ backups from the time
    just prior to beginning the database backup until after database
    replication commences.

    AIJ backup operations are suspended until any of the following
    events occur:

    o  The database is closed on the node from which AIJ backup
       operations were suspended.

    o  The node fails from which AIJ backup operations were

    o  Database replication is started on the node from which AIJ
       backup operations were suspended, as a master database.

    o  AIJ backup operations are explicitly resumed on the node from
       which AIJ backup operations were suspended. (This occurs when
       you issue the RMU Server Backup_Journal Resume command. See
       the Server_Backup_Journal help entry for details.)

30.2.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Server Backup_Journal Suspend root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers     x     Default
  /[No]Log               x     Current DCL verify value

30.2.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    Specifies the database root file for which you want to suspend
    AIJ backup operations.

30.2.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Log


    Specifies whether the processing of the command is reported to
    SYS$OUTPUT. Specify the Log qualifier to request log output and
    the Nolog qualifier to prevent it. If you specify neither, the
    default is the current setting of the DCL verify switch. (The DCL
    SET VERIFY command controls the DCL verify switch.)

30.2.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Server Backup_Journal Suspend command for a
       database, you must have RMU$OPEN privilege in the root file
       access control list (ACL) for the database or the OpenVMS
       WORLD privilege.

    o  To determine whether AIJ backup operations have been
       suspended, use the RMU Show Users command.

30.2.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example first suspends .aij backup operations, then
    issues the RMU Show Users command to confirm that suspension has
    occurred. If you attempt an .aij backup operation, you receive
    the %RMU-F-LCKCNFLCT error message.

     . . .
        * After-image backup operations temporarily suspended
          from this node
     . . .
    %RMU-F-LCKCNFLCT, lock conflict on AIJ backup

31  –  Server Record Cache

    Server Record_Cache Checkpoint
    Allows the database administrator to force the Record Cache
    Server (RCS) process to checkpoint all modified rows from cache
    back to the database.

31.1  –  Description

    When you use row caches, it is possible for a large number
    of database records to be modified in row cache areas. These
    modified records must be written to the physical database files
    on disk at various times, such as backing up or verifying
    the database, or when closing the database. The RMU Server
    Record_Cache Checkpoint command causes the RCS process to
    immediately write all modified records from all row cache areas
    back to the physical database files on disk.

    If there are a large number of modified records to be written
    back to the database, this operation can take a long time.

31.2  –  Format

  (B)0  RMU/Server Record_Cache Checkpoint root-file-spec

    Command Qualifier                  x Defaults
    /[No]Log                           x Current DCL verify value
    /[No]Wait                          x /NoWait

31.3  –  Parameters

31.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    Specifies the database root file for which you want to checkpoint
    all modified rows.

31.4  –  Command Qualifiers

31.4.1  –  Log


    Specifies whether the processing of the command is reported to
    SYS$OUTPUT. Specify the Log qualifier to request log output and
    the Nolog qualifier to prevent it. If you specify neither, the
    default is the current setting of the DCL verify switch. (The DCL
    SET VERIFY command controls the DCL verify switch.)

31.4.2  –  Wait


    Specifies whether the Oracle RMU operation completes right away
    (Nowait) or whether RMU waits for the record cache server to
    complete the checkpoint before returning to the user. The default
    is Nowait.

32  –  Set

32.1  –  After Journal

    Allows you to do any of the following with respect to after-image
    journal (.aij) files:

    o  Enable or disable after-image journaling.

    o  Alter an .aij file (occurs only if .aij file is re-created).

    o  Add, drop, modify, or reserve .aij files.

    o  Suppress the use of an .aij file.

    o  Add AIJ caches.

    o  Set the initial .aij file allocation.

    o  Set the .aij file extent (for extensible journals).

    o  Enable or disable .aij file overwriting.

    o  Send OpenVMS operator communication manager (OPCOM) messages
       when specific after-image journal events occur.

    o  Set the shutdown timeout period.


       Prior to Oracle Rdb Version 6.0, the ability to alter an
       .aij file name was provided through the RdbALTER DEPOSIT
       ROOT command. Beginning with Oracle Rdb Version 6.0, the
       RdbALTER DEPOSIT ROOT command no longer provides this
       capability; use the Alter qualifier with the RMU Set After_
       Journal command instead.

32.1.1  –  Description

    Many of the RMU Set After_Journal functions are also available
    through the use of the following SQL ALTER DATABASE clauses:

       ADD JOURNAL clause
       DROP JOURNAL clause
       ALTER JOURNAL clause

32.1.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Set After_Journal root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers                 x Defaults
  /Add=(keyword[,...])               x No journals added
  /Aij_Options=OptionsFile           x None
  /Allocation=number-blocks          x See description
  /Alter=(keyword[,...])             x No journals altered
  /Backups=(keyword_list)            x See description
  /[No]Cache=file                    x See description
  /Disable                           x None
  /Drop=(Name=name)                  x No journals deleted
  /Enable                            x None
  /Extent=number-blocks              x See description
  /[No]Log                           x Current DCL verify value
  /[No]Notify=(operator-class-list)  x See description
  /[No]Overwrite                     x None
  /Reserve=number-journals           x None
  /Shutdown_Timeout=minutes          x 60 minutes
  /Suppress=(Name=name)              x No journals suppressed
  /Switch_Journal                    x None

32.1.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    Specifies the database root file for which you want to enable
    journaling or set .aij file characteristics.

32.1.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Add

    Add=(keyword, ...)

    Adds an .aij file to the after-image journal file configuration.
    You can add an .aij file while users are attached to the
    database. If you specify the Suppress, Drop, or Alter qualifiers
    in the same RMU Set After_Journal command, they are processed
    before the Add qualifier. The Add qualifier can appear several
    times in the same command.

    Specify an .aij file to add by using the following keywords:

    o  Name=name

       Specifies a unique name for the after-image journal object
       to be added. An after-image journal object is the .aij file
       specification plus all of its attributes, such as allocation,
       extent, and backup file name.

       This keyword is required.

    o  File=file

       Specifies the file for the journal to be added. This keyword
       is required. If you do not provide a full file specification,
       and only the file name, the file is placed in your current
       directory. If more than one journal resides in the same
       directory, each journal must have a unique file name. However,
       each fixed-size journal file should be located on a separate
       device. This minimizes risks associated with journal loss or
       unavailability should a device fail or be brought off line.
       For example, if two or more journal files reside on the same
       failed device, the loss of information or its unavailability
       is far greater than that of a single journal file.

    o  Backup_File=file

       Specifies the file to be used for automatic backup operations.
       This keyword is optional. If you specify a file name, but
       not a file extension, the .aij file extension is used by
       default. If you supply only a file name (not a complete file
       specification), the backed up .aij file is placed in the
       database root file directory.

    o  Edit_Filename=(option)

       Specifies an edit string to apply to the backup file
       when an .aij is backed up automatically. This keyword is
       optional. However, if it is specified, the Backup_File=file
       keyword must be specified also. When you specify the Edit_
       Filename=(options) keyword, the .aij backup file name is
       modified by appending the options you specify.

       See the description of the Edit_Filename keyword for the
       Backups qualifier for a list of the available keyword options.

       This keyword and the options you specify affect the backup
       file name of the .aij file specified with the associated Name
       keyword only. If you want the same edit string applied to all
       backed up .aij files, you might find it more efficient to use
       the Backups qualifier with the Edit_Filename keyword instead
       of the Add qualifier with the Edit_Filename keyword.

       If you use a combination of the Edit_Filename keyword with the
       Add qualifier and the Edit_Filename keyword with the Backups
       qualifier, the Add qualifier keyword takes precedence over the
       Backups qualifier keyword for the named .aij file. In other
       words, the options you specify with Edit_Filename keyword
       to the Backups qualifier are applied to all backed up .aij
       files except those for which you explicitly specify the Edit_
       Filename keyword with the Add qualifier. See Example 6.

       This keyword is useful for creating meaningful file names for
       your backup files and makes file management easier.

    o  Allocation=number-blocks

       Sets the initial size, in disk blocks, of the .aij file. If
       this keyword is omitted, the default allocation is used.
       The minimum valid value is 512, the maximum value is eight
       million. The default is 512.

       See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for guidance
       on setting the allocation size.

    o  Extent=number-blocks

       Specifies the maximum size to extend an .aij file if it is,
       or becomes, an extensible .aij file (in blocks). (If the
       number of available after-image journal files falls to one,
       extensible journaling is employed.)

       If there is insufficient free space on the .aij file device,
       the journal is extended using a smaller extension value than
       specified. However, the minimum, and default, extension size
       is 512 blocks.

       See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for guidance
       on setting the extent size.  –  AIJ Options


    Specifies an options file name. The default extension is .opt.
    The OptionsFile is the same as that generated by an RMU Show
    After_Journal command and is also used by the RMU Copy_Database,
    Move_Area, Restore, and Restore Only_Root commands. The AIJ_
    Options qualifier may be used alone or in combination with other
    RMU Set After_Journal command qualifiers.  –  Allocation


    Sets the default .aij file allocation. You can change the
    allocation while users are attached to the database. If the
    Allocation qualifier is omitted, the default allocation is

    The minimum value you can specify is 512. The default is also

    See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for guidance on
    setting the allocation size.  –  Alter


    Specifies that an after-image journal object be altered.

    You can alter an after-image journal object while users are
    attached to the database. The Alter qualifier can be used
    several times within the same RMU Set After_Journal command.
    If you specify a previously suppressed .aij file with the
    Alter qualifier, that named .aij file is unsuppressed. Oracle
    RMU performs this unsuppress action as soon as the command is

    The changes specified by the Alter qualifier are stored in the
    database root file (and thus are visible in the dump file if you
    issue an RMU Dump command), but the changes are not applied to
    the .aij file until it is re-created (or backed up, in the case
    of the Backup_File= file keyword). A new extensible .aij file is
    re-created, for example, when the following are true:

    o  Fast commit is enabled.

    o  Extensible after-image journaling is being used.

    o  Users are actively updating the database.

    o  You issue an RMU Backup After_Journal command with the
       Noquiet_Point qualifier.

    Backing up an extensible .aij file does not ensure that a new
    .aij file will be created. In most cases, the existing .aij file
    is truncated and reused.

    Specify an after-image journal object to alter by using the
    following keywords:

    o  Name=name

       Specifies the name of the after-image journal object. This
       is a required keyword that must match the name of an existing
       after-image journal object.

    o  File=file

       This option only takes effect if a journal is, or becomes,
       an extensible .aij file and only when that journal is re-
       created. This option allows you to supply a new .aij file
       specification to be used for the extensible .aij file if and
       when it is re-created. This can be used to move the re-created
       .aij file to a new location. If you do not provide a full file
       specification, and only the file name, the file is placed in
       your current directory. See the general description of the
       Alter qualifier for an example of when an extensible .aij file
       is re-created.

       This option cannot be used to move a fixed-size .aij file. To
       move a fixed-size .aij file, you must first create a new .aij
       file and then drop the existing .aij file.

       This keyword is optional.

    o  Backup_File=file

       Specifies a new file to be used for automatic backup

       This keyword is optional.

    o  Edit_Filename=(options)

       Specifies a new edit string to apply to the backup file
       name of the named .aij file when the .aij is backed up
       automatically. This keyword is optional. See the description
       of the Edit_Filename keyword for the Backups qualifier for a
       list of the available keyword options.

    o  Allocation=number-blocks

       Specifies the initial size of the .aij file that is re-created
       if that file is, or becomes, a fixed-size .aij file.

    o  Extent=number-blocks

       Specifies the extent size of the .aij file that is re-created
       if it is, or becomes, extensible.

       See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for guidance
       on setting the extent size.  –  Backups


    Specifies options to control the AIJ backup server. You can
    select one or more of the following keywords:

    o  Automatic

       Specifies that the AIJ backup server will run automatically,
       as required. You cannot specify both the Automatic and Manual
       keywords. If neither the Automatic nor the Manual keyword is
       specified, the backup server state is unchanged.

    o  Manual

       Specifies that the RMU Backup After_Journal command will be
       used to back up the .aij files. The AIJ backup server will
       not run automatically. You cannot specify both Automatic
       and Manual keywords. If neither the Automatic nor the Manual
       keyword is specified, the backup server state is unchanged.

    o  Backup_File=file

       Specifies a default file specification for the AIJ backup
       server to use as the backup file name if no backup file name
       is associated with the .aij file to be backed up.

    o  Nobackup_File

       Specifies that there is no default backup file specification.
       Omission of this keyword retains the current default backup
       file specification.

    o  Edit_Filename=(options)

       The Edit_Filename keyword specifies an edit string to apply
       to .aij files when they are backed up automatically. When
       the Edit_Filename=(options) keyword is used, the .aij backup
       file names are edited by appending any or all of the values
       specified by the following options to the backup file name:

       -  Day_Of_Year

          The current day of the year expressed as a 3-digit integer
          (001 to 366).

       -  Day_Of_Month

          The current day of the month expressed as a 2-digit integer
          (01 to 31).

       -  Hour

          The current hour of the day expressed as a 2-digit integer
          (00 to 23).

       -  Julian_Date

          The number of days passed since 17-Nov-1858.

       -  Minute

          The current minute of the hour expressed as a 2-digit
          integer (00 to 59).

       -  Month

          The current month expressed as a 2-digit integer (01 to

       -  Sequence

          The journal sequence number of the first journal in the
          backup operation.

       -  Vno

          Synonymous with the Sequence option. See the description of
          the Sequence option.

       -  Year

          The current year (A.D.) expressed as a 4-digit integer.

       If you specify more than one option, place a comma between
       each option.

       The edit is performed in the order specified. For example, the
       file backup.aij and the keyword EDIT_FILENAME=(HOUR, MINUTE,
       MONTH, DAY_OF_MONTH, SEQUENCE) creates a file with the name
       backup_160504233.aij when journal 3 is backed up at 4:05 P.M.
       on April 23rd.

       You can make the name more readable by inserting quoted
       strings between each Edit_Filename option. For example, the
       option shown in the following code adds the string "$30_0155-
       2" to the .aij file name if the day of the month is the 30th,
       the time is 1:55 and the version number is 2:


       This keyword is useful for creating meaningful file names for
       your backup files and makes file management easier.

       If you use a combination of the Edit_Filename keyword with
       the Add qualifier and the Edit_Filename keyword with the
       Backups qualifier, the Add qualifier keyword takes precedence
       over the Backups qualifier keyword for the named .aij file.
       In other words, the options you specify with Edit_Filename
       keyword to the Backups qualifier are applied to all .aij back
       up files except those for which you explicitly specify the
       Edit_Filename keyword with the Add qualifier. See Example 6.

    o  Quiet_Point

       Specifies that the after-image journal backup operation is
       to acquire the quiet-point lock prior to performing an .aij
       backup operation for the specified database. This option
       (as with all the other Backup options) affects only the
       database specified in the RMU Set After_Journal command line.
       For information on specifying that the quiet-point lock be
       acquired before any .aij backup operation is performed on a
       system, see the Usage Notes.

    o  Noquiet_Point

       Specifies that the after-image journal backup operation will
       not acquire the quiet-point lock prior to performing an .aij
       backup operation for the specified database. This option (as
       with all the other Backup options) affects only the database
       specified in the RMU Set After_Journal command line. For
       information on specifying that the quiet-point lock will not
       be acquired prior to any .aij backup operations performed on a
       system, see the Usage Notes.  –  Cache


    Specifies an after-image journal cache file specification on a
    solid-state disk. If the Cache qualifier is specified, after-
    image journal caches are enabled. If you specify a file name, but
    not a file extension, the file extension .aij is used by default.

    If the Nocache qualifier is specified, AIJ caches are disabled.
    You can use this qualifier only when users are detached from the

    This file must be written to a solid-state disk. If a solid-state
    disk is not available, after-image journal caching should not be
    used. Unless you are involved in a high performance, high-volume
    environment, you probably do not need the features provided by
    this qualifier.

    You can determine whether the cache file is accessible by
    executing the RMU Dump command with the Header qualifier. If
    caching is enabled, but the cache file is unavailable, the cache
    file is marked inaccessible and after-image journaling continues
    as if caching was disabled. Once the cache file has been marked
    inaccessible, it will remain so marked until either the existing
    cache file is dropped from the database, or a new cache file is
    added to the database (even if this is the same cache file as was
    previously used).

    If this qualifier is omitted, the AIJ cache state remains
    unchanged.  –  Disable


    Disables after-image journaling if it has already been enabled.
    If after-image journaling has already been disabled, this
    qualifier has no effect. You can specify the Disable qualifier
    only when users are detached from the database.

    When the Disable qualifier and other qualifiers are specified
    with the RMU Set After_Journal command, after-image journaling is
    disabled before other requested operations.

    There is no default for the Disable qualifier. If you do not
    specify either the Disable or Enable qualifier, the after-image
    journaling state remains unchanged.  –  Drop


    Specifies that the named after-image journal object be deleted.
    You can drop an after-image journal object while users are
    attached to the database, but the named after-image journal
    object must not be the current .aij file or be waiting to be
    backed up. When the Drop qualifier is specified with the Alter
    or Add qualifiers on the RMU Set After_Journal command, the named
    after-image journal object is dropped before any after-image
    journal objects are altered or added.

    Each after-image journal object to be deleted is specified by
    the required keyword, Name=name. This specifies the name of the
    after-image journal object to be dropped, which must match the
    name of an existing after-image journal object.  –  Enable


    Enables after-image journaling if it has been disabled. You can
    specify the Enable qualifier only when users are detached from
    the database and at least one unmodified .aij file is available
    (unless you also specify the Overwrite qualifier). After-image
    journaling is enabled after other specified qualifiers have been
    processed.  –  Extent


    Sets the size, in blocks, of the default .aij file extension.
    This qualifier has no effect on fixed-length .aij files. This
    qualifier can be used while users are attached to the database.

    The minimum valid number-blocks value is 512. The default is also

    If the Extent qualifier is omitted, the default extension remains

    See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for guidance on
    setting the extent size.  –  Log


    Specifies whether the processing of the command is reported to
    SYS$OUTPUT. Specify the Log qualifier to request log output and
    the Nolog qualifier to prevent it. If you specify neither, the
    default is the current setting of the DCL verify switch. (The DCL
    SET VERIFY command controls the DCL verify switch.)  –  Notify


    Sets the operator notification state for after-image journaling
    and selects the operators to be notified when the journaling
    state changes. Oracle RMU uses the OpenVMS operator communication
    manager (OPCOM). The following events evoke operator

    o  An error writing to an .aij file.

    o  No .aij file is available for write operations.

    o  The .aij file has been overwritten.

    o  The RMU Backup After_Journal command fails.

    You can use this qualifier while users are attached to the
    database. If you specify the Nonotify qualifier, operator
    notification is disabled. If the qualifier is omitted, the
    operator notification state is unchanged.

    The operator classes follow:

    o  [No]All

       The All operator class broadcasts a message to all terminals
       that are attached to the system or cluster. These terminals
       must be turned on and have broadcast-message reception
       enabled. The Noall operator class inhibits the display of
       messages to the entire system or cluster.

    o  [No]Central

       The Central operator class broadcasts messages to the central
       system operator. The Nocentral operator class inhibits the
       display of messages to the central system operator.

    o  [No]Disks

       The Disks operator class broadcasts messages pertaining to
       mounting and dismounting disk volumes. The Nodisks operator
       class inhibits the display of messages pertaining to mounting
       and dismounting disk volumes.

    o  [No]Cluster

       The Cluster operator class broadcasts messages from the
       connection manager pertaining to cluster state changes. The
       Nocluster operator class inhibits the display of messages from
       the connection manager pertaining to cluster state changes.

    o  [No]Security

       The Security operator class displays messages pertaining to
       security events. The Nosecurity operator class inhibits the
       display of messages pertaining to security events.

    o  [No]Oper1 through [No]Oper12

       The Oper1 through Oper12 operator classes display messages
       to operators identified as OPER1 through OPER12. The Nooper1
       through Nooper12 operator classes inhibit messages from being
       sent to the specified operator.


       Use the Notify qualifier conservatively. Be sure that
       messages regarding a private database are not broadcast
       to an entire system or cluster of users who may not be
       interested in the broadcast information. Similarly, be
       conservative regarding even a clusterwide database. You
       do not want to overload the operators with insignificant
       messages.  –  Overwrite


    The Overwrite qualifier specifies that .aij files can be
    overwritten without first being backed up. The Nooverwrite
    qualifier specifies that only an .aij file that has been backed
    up can be overwritten. You can specify the Nooverwrite qualifier
    only when users are detached from the database. If you do
    not specify either the Overwrite qualifier or the Nooverwrite
    qualifier, the Overwrite characteristic remains unchanged.

    This qualifier is ignored if only one .aij file is available.
    When you specify the Overwrite qualifier, it is only activated
    when two or more .aij files are, or become, available.

    Note that if you use the Overwrite qualifier, you will be unable
    to perform a rollforward from a restored backup file. Most users
    will not want to use the Overwrite qualifier; it is provided for
    layered applications that might want to take advantage of some
    performance features provided by Oracle Rdb that require after-
    image journaling, but where the use of after-image journaling is
    not required for the application to run reliably.  –  Reserve


    Reserves additional space in the after-image journal
    configuration for the specified number of .aij files. You can
    specify the Reserve qualifier only when users are detached from
    the database. If you do not specify the Reserve qualifier, no
    space is reserved for additional .aij files.

    Note that you cannot reserve space in a single-file database for
    .aij files by using this qualifier with the RMU Set After_Journal
    command. After-image journal file reservations for a single-
    file database can be made only when you use the RMU Convert, RMU
    Restore, or RMU Copy_Database commands.

    Note that once you reserve space in the journal configuration
    (using the Reserve=n qualifier), the reservations are permanent.
    There is no way to unreserve this space unless you back up and
    restore the database. Specify fewer reservations with RMU Restore
    command After_Journal qualifier.

    Each reservation uses two blocks of space in the root file and
    the run-time global sections.

    When you reserve journals slots to create additional journals
    for your journal system, the reserve operation is not journaled.
    Therefore, you should perform a full database backup operation to
    ensure database consistency.  –  Shutdown Timeout


    Modifies the after-image journal shutdown time in the event that
    after-image journaling becomes unavailable. The after-image
    journaling shutdown time is the period, in minutes, between
    the point when after-image journaling becomes unavailable and
    the point when the database is shut down. During the after-
    image journaling shutdown period, all database update activity
    is stalled.

    If operator notification has been enabled, operator messages are
    broadcast to all enabled operator classes and to the RMU Show
    Statistics screen at 1-minute intervals.

    To recover from the after-image journaling shutdown state
    and to resume normal database operations, you must make an
    .aij file available for use. You can do this by backing up an
    existing modified journal, or, if you have a journal reservation
    available, by adding a new journal to the after-image journaling
    configuration. If you do not make a journal available before the
    after-image journal shutdown time expires, the database is shut
    down and all active database attaches are terminated.

    The after-image journaling shutdown period is only in effect when
    fixed-size AIJ journaling is used. When a single extensible .aij
    file is used, the default action is to shut down all database
    operations when the .aij file becomes unavailable.

    If you do not specify the Shutdown_Timeout qualifier, the
    database shuts down 60 minutes after the after-image journaling
    configuration becomes unavailable. The maximum value you can
    specify for the Shutdown_Timeout qualifier is 4320 minutes (3
    days).  –  Suppress


    Prevents further use of the named after-image journal object. The
    named after-image journal object must be an existing after-image
    journal object.

    This qualifier is useful when you want to temporarily disallow
    the use of an .aij file. For example, suppose the disk containing
    the next .aij file to use goes off line. You do not want the
    database to attempt to access that file until the disk is back on
    line. Use the Suppress qualifier so the database does not attempt
    to access the specified .aij file. When the disk is back on line,
    use the RMU Set After_Journal command with the Alter qualifier
    to unsuppress the after-image journal object that references this
    .aij file.

    You can specify the Suppress qualifier while users are attached
    to the database, but the .aij file referenced by the after-image
    journal object must not be the current journal or be waiting
    to be backed up. You must back up the referenced .aij file
    before the after-image journal object that references it can
    be suppressed.

    The Suppress qualifier is processed prior to any Drop, Add, or
    Alter qualifiers specified with the same command.  –  Switch Journal


    Changes the currently active .aij file to the next available .aij
    file in a fixed-size after-image journaling configuration.

    In an extensible journal file configuration, the Switch_Journal
    qualifier has no effect and is ignored if specified.

    The Switch_Journal qualifier is useful for forcing a switch to an
    .aij file on another disk when you want to perform maintenance on
    the disk containing the currently active journal file.

    You cannot specify the Switch_Journal qualifier and the Enable
    or the Disable qualifier on the same command line. In addition,
    after-image journaling must be enabled when you issue the Switch_
    Journal qualifier.

    It is seldom necessary to specify this option because normally a
    switch occurs automatically.

32.1.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  You must have the RMU$ALTER, RMU$BACKUP, or RMU$RESTORE
       privilege in the root file access control list (ACL) for the
       database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege to use the
       RMU Set After_Journal command.

    o  Use the RMU Dump command with the Header qualifier to see if
       after-image journaling additions or changes you have made have
       been recorded as you expect. However, note that although the
       AIJ attributes change as you specify, the changed .aij file
       might be flagged as unmodified in the dump of the header. This
       occurs because the transaction containing your changes to the
       .aij file is captured in the current .aij file, not the .aij
       file for which you specified modifications.

    o  When you use RMU Set After_Journal to specify a fixed-size
       journal configuration, specify a different disk for each
       .aij file, if possible. Using this method, you can suppress
       a journal on a given disk if that disk should start to fail.

    o  If the disk fails on which the current .aij file resides,
       Oracle Rdb immediately starts using a new .aij file if your
       journal configuration contains more than one journal. For
       example, if AIJ_DISK1 contains AIJ_ONE, the current .aij file,
       and AIJ_DISK1 fails, Oracle Rdb will immediately start using
       AIJ_TWO, the .aij file on AIJ_DISK2.

    o  Execute a full database backup operation after issuing an RMU
       Set After_Journal command that displays the RMU-W-DOFULLBCK
       warning message (such as a command that includes the Reserve
       or the Enable qualifier).

    o  Use the Alter qualifier to unsuppress an .aij file that has
       been suppressed with the Suppress qualifier.

    o  Use the Backup=(Quiet_Point) qualifier to specify that the
       quiet-point lock must be acquired prior to performing an
       .aij backup operation for the specified database. (Use the
       Backup=(Noquiet_Point) qualifier to specify that the quiet-
       point lock will not be acquired prior to an .aij backup
       operation for the specified database.)

    o  Use the RDM$BIND_ABS_QUIET_POINT logical to specify whether or
       not the quiet-point lock must be acquired prior to performing
       any .aij backup operation on any database on a cluster.

       Define the value for the logical to be 1 to specify that the
       quiet-point lock must be acquired prior to performing .aij
       backup operations; define the value to be 0 to specify that
       the quiet-point lock need not be acquired prior to .aij backup
       operations. You must define this logical in the system table
       on all nodes in the cluster as shown in the following example:


    o  The selection of which journal in a set of fixed-size journal
       files is used by Oracle RMU is unpredictable and depends on
       availability. For example, while a journal is temporarily
       unavailable, it cannot be selected as the next journal file.
       Thus, a journal file might be reused before all journals in
       the set have been used once.

32.1.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command reserves space for three .aij files, adds
    two .aij files to the mf_personnel database, and then enables
    after-image journaling:

    %RMU-W-DOFULLBCK, full database backup should be done to
     ensure future recovery

    Example 2

    The following example demonstrates how to switch the current .aij
    file from DISK1:[DB]AIJ1 to the next available journal file in a
    fixed-size journal configuration, and then suppress the original
    journal in anticipation of maintenance on the disk that contains
    it. The last Oracle RMU command moves AIJ1 to a new disk and
    implicitly unsuppresses it.

        AIJ Journaling...
         - After-image journaling is enabled
          - Database is configured for 5 journals
          - Reserved journal count is 5
          - Available journal count is 3
          - Journal switches to next available when full
          - 1 journal has been modified with transaction data
          - 2 journals can be created while database is active
          - Journal "AIJ1" is current
          - All journals are accessible
    %RMU-I-OPERNOTIFY, system operator notification: Oracle Rdb Database
     USER1:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 Event Notification
    After-image journal 0 switch-over in progress (to 1)

    %RMU-I-OPERNOTIFY, system operator notification: Oracle Rdb Database
     USER1:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 Event Notification
    After-image journal switch-over complete

    %RMU-I-LOGMODSTR,     switching to after-image journal "AIJ2"

    %RMU-I-AIJBCKBEG, beginning after-image journal backup operation
    %RMU-I-OPERNOTIFY, system operator notification: Oracle Rdb Database
     USER1:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 Event Notification
    AIJ backup operation started
    %RMU-I-AIJBCKSEQ, backing up after-image journal sequence number 2
    %RMU-I-LOGBCKAIJ, backing up after-image journal AIJ1 at 10:59:58.83
    %RMU-I-LOGCREBCK, created backup file DISK1:[DB]AIJ1_BCK.AIJ;1
    %RMU-I-OPERNOTIFY, system operator notification: Oracle Rdb Database
     USER1:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 Event Notification
    AIJ backup operation completed

    %RMU-I-AIJBCKEND, after-image journal backup operation completed
    %RMU-I-LOGAIJJRN, backed up 1 after-image journal at 11:00:02.59
    %RMU-I-LOGAIJBLK, backed up 254 after-image journal blocks
     at 11:00:02.59
    %RMU-I-LOGMODSTR,     suppressed after-image journal "AIJ1"
    %RMU-I-LOGMODSTR,     unsuppressed after-image journal "AIJ1"

    Example 3

    The following example turns on the automatic backup server for
    .aij files and defines a default backup file name:


    Example 4

    The following example turns off the automatic backup server for
    .aij files and removes the default backup file name:


    Example 5

    The following example changes the .aij backup file name without
    changing the setting of the AIJ backup server:


    Example 6

    The following example sets a local and a global edit string for
    .aij backup files. When AIJ_ONE is backed up, it is appended with
    the string _LOCAL. When AIJ_TWO or AIJ_THREE are backed up, they
    are appended with the string _GLOBAL. Although it is unlikely
    that you would select these edit strings, they demonstrate the
    behavior of the Edit_Filename keyword when it is used with the
    Backup qualifier (global effect) versus the behavior of the Edit_
    Filename keyword when it is used with the Add qualifier (local

    _$    FILE=DISK1:[AIJS]AIJ_ONE, -
    _$    BACKUP_FILE=AIJ1BCK, -
    _$    EDIT_FILENAME=("_LOCAL")) -
    _$  /ADD=(NAME=AIJ2, -
    _$    FILE=DISK1:[AIJS]AIJ_TWO,  -
    _$    BACKUP_FILE=AIJ2BCK) -
    _$  /ADD=(NAME=AIJ3, -
    _$    BACKUP_FILE=AIJ3BCK) -

    $ !
    $ ! After these .aij files are backed up:
    $ !
    $ DIR .AIJ

32.2  –  AIP

    Allows the user to modify the contents of the AIP (Area Inventory
    Pages) structure. The AIP structure provides a mapping for
    logical areas to physical areas as well describing each of those
    logical areas. Information such as the logical area name, length
    of the stored record, and storage thresholds can now be modified
    using this simple command interface.

32.2.1  –  Description

    This RMU command is used to modify some attributes of an existing
    logical area. It cannot be used to add or delete a logical area.
    This command can be used to correct the record length, thresholds
    and name of a logical area described by an AIP entry. It can also
    be used to rebuild the SPAM pages for a logical area stored in
    UNIFORM page format areas so that threshold settings for a page
    correctly reflect the definition of the table.

    See also the RMU Repair Spam command for information on
    rebuilding SPAM pages for MIXED areas.

32.2.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Set AIP root-file-spec [larea-name]

  Command Qualifiers                    x Defaults
  /Larea=(n [,...])                     x See description
  /Length[=n]                           x See description
  /Log                                  x See description
  /Rebuild_Spams                        x See description
  /Rename_To=new-name                   x See description
  /Threshold=(p,q,r)                    x See description

32.2.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    The file specification for the database root file to be
    processed. The default file extension is .rdb.  –  larea-name

    An optional parameter that allows the logical areas to be
    selected by name. Only those AIP entries are processed.

    Any partitioned index or table will create multiple logical areas
    all sharing the same name. This string may contain standard
    OpenVMS wildcard characters (% and *) so that different names
    can be matched. Therefore, it is possible for many logical areas
    to match this name.

    The value of larea-name may be delimited so that mixed case
    characters, punctuation and various character sets can be used.

32.2.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Larea

    Larea=(n [,...])

    Specifies a list of logical area identifiers. The LAREA qualifier
    and larea-name parameter are mutually exclusive.  –  Length


    Sets the length of the logical area. If no value is provided on
    the RMU Set AIP command, then Oracle Rdb will find the matching
    table and calculate a revised AIP nominal record length and apply
    it to the AIP.  –  Log


    Logs the names and identifiers of logical areas modified by this
    command.  –  Rebuild Spams


    Locate each logical area with the "rebuild-spam" flag set and
    rebuild the SPAM pages.  –  Rename To


    Used to change the logical area name. This qualifier should be
    used with caution as some RMU commands assume a strict mapping
    between table/index names and names of the logical area. This
    command can be used to repair names that were created in older
    versions of Oracle Rdb where the rename table command did not
    propagate the change to the AIP. The value of new-name may be
    delimited so that mixed case, punctuation and various character
    sets can be used.  –  Threshold

    Threshold=(t1 [,t2 [, t3]])

    Changes the threshold on all logical areas specified using
    the Larea qualifier or the larea-name parameter. RMU accepts
    THRESHOLD=(0,0,0) as a valid setting to disable logical area
    thresholds. Values must be in the range 0 through 100. Any
    missing values default to 100.

32.2.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  The database administrator requires RMU$ALTER privilege to run
       the command and the Rdb server also requires SELECT and ALTER
       privilege on the database.

    o  This command supersedes the RMU Repair Initialize=Larea_
       Parameters command that can also change the Thresholds and
       Length for a logical area. This command can be executed
       online, whereas the RMU Repair command must be run offline.

    o  Wildcard names are not permitted with the following qualifiers
       to prevent accidental propagation of values to the wrong
       database objects.

       -  LENGTH qualifier with a value specified,

       -  RENAME_TO qualifier,

       -  and THRESHOLDS qualifier.

    o  RMU Set AIP may be used on a master database configured for
       HOT STANDBY. All AIP changes and SPAM rebuild actions are
       written to the after image journal and will be applied to the
       standby database. This command cannot be applied to a STANDBY

    o  THRESHOLDS for MIXED format areas are physical area attributes
       and are not supported at the logical area (aka AIP) level.
       Therefore, THRESHOLDS can not be applied to MIXED areas and
       specifying logical areas will cause an exception to be raised.

    o  The REBUILD_SPAMS qualifier is only applied to logical areas
       stored in UNIFORM page format storage areas.

    o  This command will implicitly commit any changes with no
       opportunity to undo them using rollback. Access to the
       functionality is controlled by privileges at the RMU and Rdb
       database level. We suggest that RMU Show AIP be used prior to
       any change so that you can compare the results and repeat the
       RMU Set AIP command with corrections if necessary.

       Some wildcard operations are restricted to prevent accidental
       damage to the database. For instance, a wildcard matching
       many objects will be rejected if more than one type of object
       is being changed. If a wildcard selects both table and index
       types then this command will be rejected.

    o  This command is an online command. Each logical area will be
       processed within a single transaction and interact with other
       online users.

    o  When the AIP entry is changed online, any existing users of
       the table or index will start to use the new values if the
       logical areas are reloaded.

    o  Various SQL alter commands will register changes for the AIP
       and these are applied at COMMIT time. RMU Verify and RMU Show
       AIP Option=REBUILD_SPAMS will report any logical areas that
       require SPAM rebuilding. The database administrator can also
       examine the output from the RMU Dump Larea=RDB$AIP command.

    o  How long can the SPAM rebuild be delayed? The fullness of
       some page will have been calculated using the old AIP length
       or THRESHOLD values. Therefore, it might appear that a page
       is full when in fact the revised length will fit on the
       page, or the page may appear to have sufficient free space
       to store a row but once accessed the space is not available.
       By rebuilding SPAM pages, you may reduce I/O during insert
       operations. However, delaying the rebuild to a convenient time
       will not affect the integrity of the database.

    o  The amount of I/O required for Rebuild_Spams depends upon
       the number of pages allocated to the table or index involved.
       Assuming just one logical area is selected then Oracle Rdb
       will read the ABM (Area Bitmap) to locate all SPAM pages in
       that area that reference this logical area. Rdb will then
       read each page in the SPAM interval for that SPAM page and
       recalculate the fullness based on the rows stored on each

32.2.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    RMU will call Rdb for each logical area that requires rebuilding.

    %RMU-I-AIPSELMOD, Logical area id 86, name ACCOUNT_AUDIT selected for
    %RMU-I-AIPSELMOD, Logical area id 94, name DEPARTMENTS_INDEX selected for

    Example 2

    RMU will request that the EMPLOYEES table length be updated
    in the AIP. Oracle Rdb will use the latest table layout to
    calculate the length in the AIP and write this back to the AIP.
    The EMPLOYEES table is partitioned across three storage areas and
    therefore the Log qualifier shows these three logical areas being

    %RMU-I-AIPSELMOD, Logical area id 80, name EMPLOYEES selected for modification
    %RMU-I-AIPSELMOD, Logical area id 81, name EMPLOYEES selected for modification
    %RMU-I-AIPSELMOD, Logical area id 82, name EMPLOYEES selected for modification

    Example 3

    RMU will request that the EMPLOYEES table length be updated
    in the AIP and then the SPAM pages will be rebuilt. This is an
    ONLINE operation. Note: there is an implied relationship between
    the logical area name and the name of the object. This example
    assumes that the EMPLOYEES object is mapped to a UNIFORM page
    format area.


    Example 4

    When Thresholds for an index are modified they will not be
    effective until the SPAM pages are updated (rebuilt) to use these
    new values. The following example shows that index maintenance
    performed by SQL. The SET FLAGS command is used to display
    information about the change. Note that the change is applied at
    COMMIT time and that the SPAM rebuild is deferred until a later
    time. RMU Set AIP is then used to rebuild the SPAM pages.

    $ SQL$
    SQL> set flags 'index_stats';
    SQL> alter index candidates_sorted store in rdb$system (thresholds are (32,56,
    ~Ai alter index "CANDIDATES_SORTED" (hashed=0, ordered=0)
    ~Ai larea length is 215
    ~As locking table "CANDIDATES" (PR -> PU)
    ~Ai: reads: async 0 synch 58, writes: async 8 synch 0
    SQL> commit;
    %RDMS-I-LOGMODVAL,     modified space management thresholds to (32%, 56%, 77%)
    %RDMS-W-REBUILDSPAMS, SPAM pages should be rebuilt for logical area
    %RMU-I-AIPSELMOD, Logical area id 74, name CANDIDATES_SORTED selected for

32.3  –  Audit

    Enables Oracle Rdb security auditing. When security auditing is
    enabled, Oracle Rdb sends security alarm messages to terminals
    that have been enabled as security operators and makes entries
    in the database's security audit journal whenever specified audit
    events are detected.

32.3.1  –  Description

    The RMU Set Audit command is the Oracle Rdb equivalent to the
    DCL SET AUDIT command. Because Oracle Rdb security auditing uses
    many OpenVMS system-level auditing mechanisms, certain auditing
    characteristics (such as /FAILURE_MODE) can only be set and
    modified by using the DCL SET AUDIT command, which requires the
    OpenVMS SECURITY privilege.

32.3.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Set Audit root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers              x Defaults
  /Disable=enable-disable-options x See description
  /Enable=enable-disable-options  x See description
  /[No]Every                      x /Every
  /First                          x Synonym for /Noevery
  /[No]Flush                      x /Noflush
  /Start                          x See description
  /Stop                           x See description
  /Type={Alarm|Audit}             x Alarm and Audit

32.3.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    The file specification of the database root for which auditing
    information will be modified.

32.3.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Disable


    Disables security auditing for the specified audit event classes.
    To disable alarms and audits for all classes, specify the All
    option. You can also selectively disable alarms and audits for
    one or more classes that are currently enabled. You must specify
    at least one class when you specify the Disable qualifier. See
    the Enable qualifier description for a list of the classes you
    can specify with the Disable qualifier.

    When you specify audit classes with the Disable qualifier, the
    events you specify are immediately disabled. For other audit
    events that have not been explicitly disabled with the Disable
    qualifier, records continue to be recorded in the security
    audit journal and alarms continue to be sent to security-enabled
    terminals, as specified.

    When processing the RMU Set Audit command, Oracle Rdb processes
    the Disable qualifier last. If you accidentally specify both
    Enable and Disable for the same event type in the same command,
    the Disable qualifier prevails.  –  Enable


    Enables security auditing for the specified audit event classes.
    To enable alarms and audits for all events, specify the All
    option. You can also selectively enable alarms and audits for
    one or more classes that are currently disabled. You must specify
    at least one class when you specify the Enable qualifier.

    When you specify audit classes with the Enable qualifier, the
    audit events you specify are immediately enabled, so that audit
    events of currently attached users are recorded in the security
    audit journal and alarms are sent to security-enabled terminals,
    as specified.

    With the Enable and Disable qualifiers, you can specify one or
    more of the following six valid class options: All, Daccess,
    Daccess=object-type, Identifier=(identifier-list), Protection,
    and Rmu. If you specify more than one class, separate the classes
    with commas, and enclose the list of classes within parentheses.
    The following list provides a description of each option:

    o  All

       Enables or disables all possible audit event classes.

    o  Daccess

       Enables or disables DACCESS (discretionary access) audit

       A DACCESS audit event occurs whenever a user issues a command
       that causes a check to be made for the existence of the
       appropriate privilege in an access privilege set (APS). To
       monitor access to a particular database object or group of
       objects, use the Daccess=object-type option to specify that a
       DACCESS audit record be produced whenever an attempt is made
       to access the object.

       Specifying the general Daccess option enables or disables the
       general DACCESS audit event type. If DACCESS event auditing is
       enabled and started for specific objects, auditing takes place
       immediately after you issue the RMU Set Audit command with
       the Enable=Daccess qualifier. Auditing starts for any users
       specified in the Identifier=(identifier-list) option who are
       attached to the database when the command is issued.

    o  Daccess=object-type[=(object name)]/Privileges=(privilege-

       Allows you to audit access to database objects by users in the
       Identifier=(identifier-list) option with the privileges you

       A DACCESS type event record indicates the command issued, the
       privilege used by the process issuing the command, and whether
       the attempt to access the object was successful.

       The object-type option enables or disables DACCESS auditing
       for the specified object type. You can specify one or more
       object types in an RMU Set Audit command. The three valid
       object types are:

       -  DATABASE

          When you specify the DATABASE object type, you must use the
          Privileges qualifier to specify one or more privileges to
          be audited for the database. Do not specify an object name
          with the DATABASE object type.

       -  TABLE

          Specify the TABLE option for both tables and views. When
          you specify the TABLE object type, you must specify one or
          more table names with the object name parameter. You must
          also use the Privileges qualifier to specify one or more
          privileges to be audited for the specified tables.

       -  COLUMN

          When you specify the COLUMN object type, you must specify
          one or more column names with the object name parameter.
          Specify the table name that contains the column by using
          the following syntax:


          If you specify more than one column, separate the list
          of table-name.column-names with commas, and enclose the
          list within parentheses. You must also use the Privileges
          qualifier to specify one or more privileges to be audited
          for the specified columns.

       The object name parameter enables or disables DACCESS auditing
       for the specified object or objects. If you specify more than
       one object name, separate the object names with commas, and
       enclose the list of object names within parentheses.

       If you specify one or more object names, you must select one
       or more privileges to audit. Use the Privileges=privilege-list
       qualifier to select the privileges that are to be audited for
       each of the objects in the object name list when the selected
       objects are accessed. The privileges that can be specified
       with the Privileges qualifier are listed in DACCESS Privileges
       for Database Objects.

       Privilege names SUCCESS and FAILURE can be used as a
       convenient way to specify that all successful or failed
       accesses to that object for all privileges should be audited.
       The privilege name All can be used with the Enable or Disable
       qualifier to turn on or turn off auditing for all privileges
       applicable to the object.

       If you specify a privilege that does not apply to an object,
       Oracle Rdb allows it, but will not produce any auditing for
       that privilege. You can specify only SQL privileges with the
       Privileges=(privilege-list) qualifier. The privileges that
       can be specified for each Oracle Rdb object type are shown
       in DACCESS Privileges for Database Objects. The Relational
       Database Operator (RDO) privileges that correspond to
       the SQL privileges are included in DACCESS Privileges for
       Database Objects to help RDO users select the appropriate SQL
       privileges for auditing.

    Table 13 DACCESS Privileges for Database Objects

    SQL          RDO
    Privilege    Privilege      Database   Table/ViColumn

    ALTER        CHANGE         Y          Y       N
    CREATE       DEFINE         Y          Y       N
    DBADM        ADMINISTRATOR  Y          N       N
    DBCTRL       CONTROL        Y          Y       N
    DELETE       ERASE          N          Y       N
    DISTRIBTRAN  DISTRIBTRAN    Y          N       N
    DROP         DELETE         Y          Y       N
    INSERT       WRITE          N          Y       N
    REFERENCES   REFERENCES     N          Y       Y
    SECURITY     SECURITY       Y          N       N
    SELECT       READ           Y          Y       N
    UPDATE       MODIFY         N          Y       Y
    SUCCESS      SUCCESS        Y          Y       Y
    FAILURE      FAILURE        Y          Y       Y
    ALL          ALL            Y          Y       Y

    o  Identifier=(identifier-list)

       Enables or disables auditing of user access to objects listed
       in the Enable=Daccess=object-type qualifier. If you do not
       specify this option, no users are audited for the DACCESS
       event. Any user whose identifier you specify is audited for
       accessing the database objects with the privileges specified.
       You can specify wildcard characters within the identifiers
       to identify groups of users. The [*,*] identifier indicates
       public, and causes all users to be audited. If you specify a
       nonexistent identifier, you receive an error message.

       The order of identifiers in the identifier list is not
       significant. A user is audited if he or she holds any of the
       identifiers specified in the identifier list.

       You can specify user identification code (UIC) identifiers,
       general identifiers, and system-defined identifiers in the
       identifier list. For more information on identifiers, see the
       Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Design and Definition.

       If you specify more than one identifier, separate the
       identifiers with commas, and enclose the identifier list
       within parentheses. UIC identifiers with commas such as
       [RDB,JONES] must be enclosed within quotation marks as


       When you use Identifier=(identifier-list) to specify one or
       more identifiers to be audited, those identifiers are audited
       whenever they access any object for which auditing has been

    o  Protection

       Allows you to audit changes made to access privilege sets
       for database objects by means of the SQL GRANT and REVOKE

    o  Rmu

       Audits the use of Oracle RMU commands by users with the
       privilege to use them.  –  Every


    Sets the granularity of DACCESS event auditing for the database.
    When you specify the Every qualifier, every access check
    for the specified objects using the specified privilege or
    privileges during a database attachment is audited. When you
    specify the Noevery qualifier, each user's first access check
    for the specified audit objects using the specified privilege
    or privileges during a database attachment is audited. The
    First qualifier is a synonym for the Noevery qualifier; the two
    qualifiers can be used interchangeably.

    The default is the Every qualifier.  –  First

    Specifies that when DACCESS event auditing is enabled, each
    user's first access check for the specified audit objects
    using the specified privilege or privileges during a database
    attachment is audited. The First qualifier is a synonym
    for the Noevery qualifier; the two qualifiers can be used
    interchangeably.  –  Flush


    Indicates whether forced writes of audit journal records are
    currently enabled for the database. Forced writes will cause
    Oracle Rdb to write (flush) the audit journal record immediately
    out to disk when the audit record is produced, rather than
    waiting for the audit server to flush the audit records at
    specified intervals of seconds.

    The default is the Noflush qualifier, which flushes audit records
    every interval of seconds. To specify the interval, use the DCL
    command SET AUDIT/INTERVAL=JOURNAL_FLUSH=time.  –  Start

    Starts Oracle Rdb security auditing for the database. The Start
    qualifier by itself starts both security alarms and security
    audit journal records. Also, you can supply the Type=Alarm
    qualifier or the Type=Audit qualifier to start security alarms
    only or security audit journaling only.

    When you specify the Start qualifier, auditing starts immediately
    for all audit event classes that are currently enabled. Any
    subsequent audit events of currently attached users are recorded
    in the security audit journal, or alarms are sent to security-
    enabled terminals, or both, depending on what you have specified
    for your database.  –  Stop

    Stops Oracle Rdb security auditing for the database. The Stop
    qualifier by itself stops both security alarms and security audit
    journal records. Also, you can supply the Type=Alarm qualifier or
    the Type=Audit qualifier to stop security alarms only or security
    audit journaling only.

    When you specify the Stop qualifier, the alarms or audits
    (or both) of all audit event classes are immediately stopped
    (depending on whether you specified the Type=Alarm qualifier,
    the Type=Audit qualifier, or neither). The audit event classes
    previously specified with the Enable qualifier remain enabled,
    and you can start them again by using the Start qualifier.  –  Type


    Specifies that security alarms or security audit journal records
    (or both) be enabled or disabled. The following options are
    available with the Type qualifier:

    o  Alarm

       Causes subsequent qualifiers in the command line (Start, Stop,
       Enable, and Disable) to generate or affect security alarm
       messages that are sent to all terminals enabled as security
       operator terminals.

    o  Audit

       Causes subsequent qualifiers in the command line (Start,
       Stop, Enable, and Disable) to generate or affect security
       audit journal records that are recorded in the security audit
       journal file.

       If you do not specify the Type qualifier with the RMU Set
       Audit command, Oracle RMU enables or disables both security
       alarms and security audit journal records.

32.3.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Set Audit command for a database, you must
       have the RMU$SECURITY privilege in the root file ACL for the
       database or the OpenVMS SECURITY or BYPASS privilege.

    o  Audit journal records collected on a database can be stored
       only in the database from which they were collected. The
       database name specified with the RMU Load command with the
       Audit qualifier identifies to Oracle Rdb both the audit
       records to be loaded and the database into which they are
       to be loaded.

    o  There is very little overhead associated with security
       auditing; no extra disk I/O is involved. Therefore, you need
       not be concerned about the impact to database performance
       should you decide to enable security auditing.

    o  You can use the Daccess=object-type option to enable DACCESS
       checking for specific objects, but the general DACCESS class
       is not enabled until you explicitly enable it by using the
       Enable=Daccess qualifier with the RMU Set Audit command.
       Also, you need to use the Start qualifier with the RMU Set
       Audit command to start the auditing and alarms that have been

    o  Alarms are useful for real-time tracking of auditing
       information. At the moment an alarm occurs, text messages
       regarding the alarm are displayed on security-enabled

       To enable a terminal to receive Oracle Rdb security alarms,
       enter the DCL REPLY/ENABLE=SECURITY command. You must have
       both the OpenVMS SECURITY and OpenVMS OPER privileges to use
       the REPLY/ENABLE=SECURITY command.

    o  Audit records are useful for periodic reviews of security
       events. Audit records are stored in a security audit journal
       file, and can be reviewed after they have been loaded into
       a database table with the RMU Load command with the Audit
       qualifier. Use the DCL SHOW AUDIT/JOURNAL command to determine
       the security audit journal file being used by your database.

    o  The AUDIT class is always enabled for both alarms and audit
       records, but does produce any alarms or audit records until
       auditing is started. The AUDIT class cannot be disabled.

    o  When you specify the Daccess=object-type option and
       one or more other options in an options list, the
       Privileges=(privilege-list) qualifier must begin after the
       closing parenthesis for the options list.

    o  To display the results of an RMU Set Audit command, enter the
       RMU Show Audit command.

    o  You can use the Disable and Enable qualifiers with indirect
       file references. See the Indirect-Command-Files help entry for
       more information.

    o  When the RMU Set Audit command is issued for a closed
       database, the command executes without other users being able
       to attach to the database.

32.3.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    In the following example, the first command enables alarms
    for the RMU and PROTECTION classes. The second command shows
    that alarms for the RMU and PROTECTION classes are enabled but
    not yet started. The AUDIT class is always enabled and cannot
    be disabled. The third command starts alarms for the RMU and
    PROTECTION classes. The fourth command shows that alarms for the
    RMU and PROTECTION classes are enabled and started.

    $ ! Enable alarms for RMU and PROTECTION classes:
    $ !
    $ ! Show that alarms are enabled, but not yet started:
    Security auditing STOPPED for:
        PROTECTION (disabled)
        RMU (disabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        DACCESS (disabled)

    Security alarms STOPPED for:
        PROTECTION (enabled)
        RMU (enabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        DACCESS (disabled)

    Audit flush is disabled

    Audit every access

    Enabled identifiers:

    $ ! Start alarms for the enabled RMU and PROTECTION classes:
    $ !
    $ ! Show that alarms are started for the RMU and PROTECTION classes:
    Security auditing STOPPED for:
        PROTECTION (disabled)
        RMU (disabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        DACCESS (disabled)

    Security alarms STARTED for:
        PROTECTION (enabled)
        RMU (enabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        DACCESS (disabled)

    Audit flush is disabled

    Audit every access

    Enabled identifiers:

    Example 2

    In this example, the first command shows that alarms are started
    and enabled for the RMU class. The second command disables alarms
    for the RMU class. The third command shows that alarms for RMU
    class are disabled.

    $ ! Show that alarms are enabled and started for the RMU class:
    Security auditing STOPPED for:
        PROTECTION (disabled)
        RMU (disabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        DACCESS (disabled)

    Security alarms STARTED for:
        PROTECTION (disabled)
        RMU (enabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        DACCESS (disabled)

    Audit flush is disabled

    Audit every access

    Enabled identifiers:

    $ ! Disable alarms for the RMU class:
    $ !
    $ ! Show that alarms are disabled for the RMU class:
    Security auditing STOPPED for:
        PROTECTION (disabled)
        RMU (disabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        DACCESS (disabled)

    Security alarms STARTED for:
        PROTECTION (disabled)
        RMU (disabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        DACCESS (disabled)

    Audit flush is disabled

    Audit every access

    Enabled identifiers:

    Example 3

    In this example, the first command enables auditing for users
    with the [SQL,USER1] and [RDB,USER2] identifiers. The second
    command shows the enabled identifiers. The third command enables
    DACCESS checks requiring SELECT and INSERT privileges for the
    EMPLOYEES and COLLEGES tables. The fourth command displays the
    DACCESS checks that have been specified for the COLLEGES and
    EMPLOYEES tables. Note that because the general DACCESS type has
    not been enabled, DACCESS for the EMPLOYEES and COLLEGES tables
    is displayed as disabled.

    $ ! Enable auditing for users with the [SQL,USER1] and
    $ ! [RDB,USER2] identifiers:
    $ !
    $ ! Show that [SQL,USER1] and [RDB,USER2] are enabled identifiers:
    Security auditing STOPPED for:
        PROTECTION (disabled)
        RMU (disabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        DACCESS (disabled)

    Security alarms STOPPED for:
        PROTECTION (disabled)
        RMU (disabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        DACCESS (disabled)

    Audit flush is disabled

    Audit every access

    Enabled identifiers:

    $ ! Enable and start DACCESS checks for the SELECT and INSERT
    $ ! privileges for the COLLEGES and EMPLOYEES tables:
    $ !
    $ ! Display the DACCESS checks that are enabled and
    $ ! started for the COLLEGES and EMPLOYEES tables:
    Security auditing STARTED for:
        DACCESS (disabled)
            TABLE : EMPLOYEES
            TABLE : COLLEGES

    Security alarms STARTED for:
        DACCESS (disabled)
            TABLE : EMPLOYEES
            TABLE : COLLEGES

    Example 4

    In this example, the first command enables auditing of the JOBS
    and EMPLOYEES tables for DACCESS checks for users with the
    [SQL,USER1] or BATCH identifier. The Privileges=All qualifier
    specifies that auditing will be produced for every privilege.
    The second command shows that auditing is enabled for users
    with the [SQL,USER1] or BATCH identifier. The third command
    shows that DACCESS checking for the JOBS and EMPLOYEES tables
    for all privileges is specified. The fourth command enables the
    general DACCESS class. The fifth command's output shows that the
    general DACCESS class is now enabled. The sixth command starts
    the auditing that is enabled, and the seventh command shows that
    the enabled auditing is started.

    $ ! Enable DACCESS checks for users with the [SQL,USER1] or
    $ ! BATCH identifier for the JOBS and EMPLOYEES tables:
    $ !
    $ ! Show that auditing is enabled for users with the [SQL,USER1]
    $ ! or BATCH identifiers:
    Security auditing STOPPED for:
        PROTECTION (disabled)
        RMU (disabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        DACCESS (disabled)

    Security alarms STOPPED for:
        PROTECTION (disabled)
        RMU (disabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        DACCESS (disabled)

    Audit flush is disabled

    Audit every access

    Enabled identifiers:

    $ ! Show that DACCESS checking for all privileges for the
    $ ! JOBS and EMPLOYEES tables is enabled:
    Security auditing STOPPED for:
        DACCESS (disabled)
            TABLE : EMPLOYEES
            TABLE : JOBS

    Security alarms STOPPED for:
        DACCESS (disabled)

    $ ! Enable the general DACCESS class:
    $ !
    $ ! Show that the general DACCESS class is enabled:
    Security auditing STOPPED for:
        DACCESS (enabled)
            TABLE : EMPLOYEES
            TABLE : JOBS

    Security alarms STOPPED for:
        DACCESS (enabled)

    $ ! Start the auditing that is enabled:
    $ !
    $ ! Show that the enabled auditing is started:
    Security auditing STARTED for:
        PROTECTION (disabled)
        RMU (disabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        DACCESS (enabled)

    Security alarms STARTED for:
        PROTECTION (disabled)
        RMU (disabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        DACCESS (enabled)

    Audit flush is disabled

    Audit every access

    Enabled identifiers:

    Example 5

    In this example, the first command enables DACCESS checks
    requiring the INSERT privilege for the mf_personnel database,
    for the EMPLOYEES table, and for the EMPLOYEE_ID column of the
    EMPLOYEES table. The second command shows that the DACCESS check
    for the INSERT privilege is enabled for the specified objects.

    $ ! Enable a DACCESS check for the INSERT privilege for the
    $ ! MF_PERSONNEL database, EMPLOYEES table, and EMPLOYEE_ID
    $ ! column of the EMPLOYEES table:
    $ !
    $ ! Show that the DACCESS check for the INSERT privilege is
    $ ! enabled for the specified objects. (The general DACCESS
    $ ! class remains disabled until you issue an
    $ ! RMU/SET AUDIT/ENABLE=Daccess command without specifying
    $ ! any object-type parameter to the Daccess option.
    $ ! See the fourth Oracle RMU command in Example 4.)
    $ !
    Security auditing STOPPED for:
        DACCESS (disabled)
            TABLE : EMPLOYEES

    Security alarms STOPPED for:
        DACCESS (disabled)
            TABLE : EMPLOYEES

    Example 6

    In this example, the first command enables a DACCESS check
    requiring the INSERT privilege for the EMPLOYEES and COLLEGES
    tables, as well as for the EMPLOYEE_ID and LAST_NAME columns of
    the EMPLOYEES table and the COLLEGE_CODE column of the COLLEGES
    table in the mf_personnel database. The second command shows that
    the DACCESS check for the INSERT privilege is enabled for the
    specified objects.

    $ ! Enable a DACCESS check for the INSERT privilege for the
    $ ! column of the EMPLOYEES table, and the COLLEGE_CODE column
    $ ! of the COLLEGES table:
    _$                  COLUMN=(EMPLOYEES.EMPLOYEE_ID, -
    _$                          EMPLOYEES.LAST_NAME, -
    _$                          COLLEGES.COLLEGE_CODE)) -
    $ !
    $ ! Show that the DACCESS check for the INSERT privilege is
    $ ! enabled for the specified objects. (The general DACCESS
    $ ! class remains disabled until you issue an
    $ ! RMU/SET AUDIT/ENABLE=Daccess command without specifying
    $ ! any object-type parameter to the Daccess option.
    $ ! See the fourth Oracle RMU command in Example 4.)
    $ !
    Security auditing STOPPED for:
        DACCESS (disabled)
            TABLE : COLLEGES
            TABLE : EMPLOYEES

    Security alarms STOPPED for:
        DACCESS (disabled)
            TABLE : COLLEGES
            TABLE : EMPLOYEES

32.4  –  Buffer Object

    On a database basis, controls which database objects use the
    OpenVMS Fast I/O and Buffer Objects features.

32.4.1  –  Description

    Use the RMU Set Buffer_Object command to control, on a database
    basis, which database objects use the OpenVMS Fast I/O and Buffer
    Objects features.

32.4.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Set Buffer_Object root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers                  x Defaults
  /Disable=enable-disable-options     x See description
  /Enable=enable-disable-options      x See description
  /[No]Log                            x Current DCL verify value

32.4.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    The root file specification of the database. The default file
    extension is .rdb.

32.4.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Disable


    Disables buffer objects for the specified Oracle Rdb buffers.
    You can specify one or more of the following buffer objects:
    Page, AIJ, RUJ, and Root. Refer to Buffer Object Control for more
    information about these keywords. If you specify more than one
    object, separate the objects with commas, and enclose the list of
    objects within parentheses.  –  Enable


    Enables buffer objects for the specified Oracle Rdb buffers.
    You can specify one or more of the following buffer objects:
    Page, AIJ, RUJ, and Root. Refer to Buffer Object Control for more
    information about these keywords. If you specify more than one
    object, separate the objects with commas, and enclose the list of
    objects within parentheses.

    If you specify the Enable and Disable qualifiers for the same
    buffer object, the Enable option prevails and the buffer object
    state is enabled for the specified object type.

    Table 14 Buffer Object Control

    Object     Keyword   Logical Name



       If a logical is defined as "1" then the corresponding buffer
       will be created as an OpenVMS buffer object.  –  Log


    Specifies whether the processing of the command is reported to
    SYS$OUTPUT. Specify the Log qualifier to request log output and
    the Nolog qualifier to prevent it. If you specify neither, the
    default is the current setting of the DCL verify switch.

32.4.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  The Enable and Disable qualifiers are mutually exclusive.

    o  The RMU Set Buffer_Object command requires exclusive database
       access; that is, the database cannot be open or be accessed by
       other users.

    o  Buffer objects are memory resident and thus reduce the amount
       of physical memory available to OpenVMS for other uses. Buffer
       object use requires that the user be granted the VMS$BUFFER_
       OBJECT_USER rights identifier. The system parameter MAXBOBMEM
       needs to be large enough to allow all buffer objects for all
       users to be created. For further information regarding Fast
       I/O, consult the OpenVMS documentation.

32.4.6  –  Example

    The following example demonstrates enabling ROOT buffer objects
    and disabling PAGE buffer objects. The RMU /DUMP /HEADER command
    is used to validate the change.

              %RMU-I-MODIFIED, Buffer objects state modified
              %RMU-W-DOFULLBCK, full database backup should be done to ensure futur
                    - OpenVMS Alpha Buffer Objects are enabled for
                        Root I/O Buffers

32.5  –  Corrupt Pages

    Allows you to set pages, storage areas, and snapshot files
    as either corrupt or consistent in the corrupt page table
    (CPT). A corrupt page is one that contains meaningless data; an
    inconsistent page is one that contains old data (data that is not
    at the same transaction level as the database root file). Corrupt
    pages are logged to the CPT, which is maintained in the database
    root file. When the CPT becomes full (due to a large number of
    pages being logged), the area containing the most corrupt pages
    is marked as corrupt and the individual corrupt pages for that
    area are removed from the corrupt page table. The Oracle RMU Set
    Corrupt_Pages operation is an offline operation.

    If you reset a page or storage area in the CPT to consistent it
    does not remove any true corruption or inconsistencies. However,
    if you reset a snapshot file in the CPT to consistent, Oracle
    RMU initializes the snapshot file and thus removes any true
    corruption or inconsistency.


       Use the RMU Set Corrupt_Pages command only after you
       fully understand the internal data structure and know the
       information the database should contain. Setting a page
       in a storage area that is truly corrupt or inconsistent to
       consistent does not remove the corruption or inconsistency.
       Setting truly corrupt or inconsistent pages in a storage
       area to consistent and continuing to access those pages can
       result in unrecoverable corruptions to the database.

       The RMU Restore and RMU Recover commands should be used
       first and should be part of your normal operating procedure.


       This command replaces two RdbALTER statements: MAKE
       CONSISTENT and UNCORRUPT. Both the RdbAlter statements,
       MAKE CONSISTENT and UNCORRUPT, are deprecated commands that
       may be removed in future versions.

    When a storage area is restored from backup files on a by-area
    basis, it does not reflect data that has been updated since
    the backup operation. The transaction level of the restored
    area reflects the transaction level of the backup file, not the
    transaction level of the database. Therefore, the transaction
    level of the restored area differs from that of the database.
    Oracle Rdb marks the area by setting a flag in the storage area
    file to inconsistent.

    You can perform a recovery by area to upgrade the transaction
    level of the restored area to that of the database. (After-
    image journaling must be enabled in order to restore by area.)
    If you are certain that no updates have been made to the database
    since the backup operation, you can use the RMU Set Corrupt_Pages
    command to change the setting of the flag from inconsistent to

    In addition, storage areas are corrupted by attempting an SQL
    rollback with one or more storage areas opened in batch-update
    transaction mode.

    The RMU Set Corrupt_Pages command allows you to access a database
    that is in an uncertain condition. Accordingly, the following
    message and question are displayed when you enter it to correct a
    corrupt or inconsistent storage area or storage area page. (This
    message is not displayed if you enter it to correct a corrupt or
    inconsistent snapshot file.)

                  ***** WARNING! *****

    Marking a storage area or page consistent does not
    remove the inconsistencies. Remove any inconsistencies
    or corruptions before you proceed with this action.

    Do you wish to continue? [N]

32.5.1  –  Description

    The RMU Set Corrupt_Pages command allows you to override the
    required RMU Recover command after a by-area restore operation.
    Although Oracle RMU cannot determine when the recover operation
    is superfluous, you might have that knowledge. If you are certain
    of this knowledge, you can abridge the requirement for the
    recover operation by using the RMU Set Corrupt_Pages command
    to set corrupt pages to consistent.

    Similarly, sometimes you might know of a problem that Oracle
    RMU does not recognize. For example, you might find that a page
    contains an index node that causes a bugcheck dump each time it
    is accessed. You can use the RMU Set Corrupt_Pages command to
    mark this page as corrupt and then follow your usual procedure
    for recovering from database corruption.

    Note that the RMU Set Corrupt_Pages command with the Consistent
    qualifier does not make truly corrupt storage area pages usable.
    Corrupt storage area pages detected during normal operation are
    logged in the CPT, and likely have an invalid checksum value.
    The RMU Set Corrupt_Pages command with the Consistent qualifier
    removes the specified pages from the CPT, but the next time a
    user tries to touch that storage area page, it is logged in the
    CPT again because it is still physically corrupt. To correct a
    storage area page that is truly corrupt, you must restore it from
    a backup file.

    The RMU Set Corrupt_Pages command with the Consistent qualifier
    does make truly corrupt or inconsistent pages in a snapshot file
    usable. When you use this command and specify a snapshot file
    with the areas qualifier, Oracle RMU initializes the specified
    snapshot file.

32.5.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Set Corrupt_Pages root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers              x Defaults
  /Area=identity                  x None
  /Consistent                     x None
  /Corrupt                        x None
  /Disk=device                    x None
  /Page=(n,...)                   x None

32.5.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    The file specification of the database root file for which you
    want to set pages or areas to corrupt or consistent.

32.5.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Area


    Specifies a particular storage area file or snapshot file. The
    identity for a storage area can be either the area name (for
    example, EMPIDS_OVER), or a storage area ID number (for example,
    5). The identity for a snapshot file must be the snapshot file
    ID number. Use the RMU Dump command with the Header qualifier to
    display the ID numbers associated with a storage area file or a
    snapshot file.

    When you use the Area qualifier with the Page=(n,...) qualifier,
    the command specifies the named pages in the named storage area
    or snapshot file. When you specify the Area qualifier without the
    Page qualifier, the command specifies all pages of the specified
    storage area or snapshot file.

    The Area qualifier cannot be used with the Disk qualifier.  –  Consistent


    Specifies that the pages, areas, or snapshot files specified with
    the Page, Area, or Disk qualifier are to be considered consistent
    with the remainder of the database.

    If you make a storage area or page in a storage area consistent
    while it is marked in the database as not corrupt, but
    inconsistent, you receive a warning and are required to confirm
    your request to carry out this operation before the operation
    will complete.

    You cannot use the Consistent qualifier with the Corrupt
    qualifier.  –  Corrupt


    Specifies that the pages, areas, or snapshot files specified with
    the Page, Area, or Disk qualifier are to be considered corrupt.

    You cannot use the Corrupt qualifier with the Consistent
    qualifier.  –  Disk


    Specifies all the pages, all the storage areas, and all the
    snapshot files on the named device be set as you indicate with
    the Corrupt or the Consistent qualifier.

    You cannot use the Disk qualifier with the Page or the Area
    qualifier.  –  Page


    Specifies the listed page numbers.

    You must specify the Area qualifier when you use the Page

    You cannot use the Page qualifier with the Disk qualifier.

32.5.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  You must have the RMU$ALTER, RMU$BACKUP, or RMU$RESTORE
       privilege in the root file access control list (ACL) for a
       database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege to use the
       RMU Set Corrupt_Pages command for the database.

    o  You can issue the RMU Set Corrupt_Pages command while users
       are attached to the database.

    o  You must specify either the Corrupt or the Consistent
       qualifier (but not both) when you use the RMU Set Corrupt_
       Pages command.

    o  When you use the RMU Set Corrupt_Pages command to mark a page
       as corrupt or consistent, the database is marked as having
       been altered.

32.5.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command sets storage area EMPIDS_MID in the mf_
    personnel database as corrupt:

    %RMU-I-AREAMARKED, Area 4 was marked corrupt.

    Example 2

    The following command marks EMPIDS_MID as consistent. This is the
    area that was marked as corrupt in Example 1. However, in this
    case, instead of using the storage area name in the Oracle RMU
    command, the storage area identifier is used.


                  ***** WARNING! *****

    Marking a storage area or page consistent does not
    remove the inconsistencies. Remove any inconsistencies
    or corruptions before you proceed with this action.

    Do you wish to continue? [N] Y
    %RMU-I-AREAMARKED, Area 4 was marked consistent .

    Example 3

    The following command marks page 1 in area 3 in the mf_personnel
    database as corrupt. Using the RMU Show Corrupt_Pages command
    confirms that the page has been marked as expected.

    %RMU-I-PAGEMARKED, Page 1 in area 3 was marked corrupt.
    * Oracle Rdb V7.0-00                           3-JUL-1996 17:01:20.62
    * Dump of Corrupt Page Table
    *     Database: USER1:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1

    Entries for storage area EMPIDS_LOW

        Page 1
            - AIJ recovery sequence number is -1
            - Live area ID number is 3
            - Consistency transaction sequence number is 0:0
            - State of page is: corrupt

    * Oracle Rdb V7.0-00                           3-JUL-1996 17:01:20.82
    * Dump of Storage Area State Information
    *     Database: USER1:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1

    All storage areas are consistent.

    Example 4

    The following example sets page 4 of the snapshot file for
    EMPIDS_OVER to consistent. Because Oracle RMU initializes
    snapshot files specified with the Set Corrupt_Pages command,
    the snapshot file is removed from the corrupt page table and is
    now usable.

    %RMU-I-PAGEMARKED, Page 3 in area 14 was marked consistent.

32.6  –  Database

    Allows you to alter the database-allowed transaction modes
    without marking the database as modified.

32.6.1  –  Description

    The RMU /SET command "DATABASE /TRANSACTION_MODE=(...)" allows
    altering of the database-allowed transaction modes without
    marking the database as modified. This command is intended to be
    used to set the transaction modes allowed on a standby database.
    This command requires exclusive database access (the database
    cannot be open or be accessed by other users).

    Because only read-only transactions are allowed on a standby
    database, you may wish to use the TRANSACTION_MODE=READ_ONLY
    qualifier setting on a standby database. This setting prevents
    modifications to the standby database at all times, even when
    replication operations are not active.

    The RMU /SET DATABASE command requires a database specification.
    Valid keywords for the RMU /SET DATABASE /TRANSACTION_MODE=(...)
    qualifier are:

    o  ALL - Enables all transaction modes

    o  CURRENT - Enables all transaction modes that are set in the

    o  NONE - Disables all transaction modes


    o  [NO]READ_ONLY








    o  [NO]SHARED



    If you specify more than one transaction mode in the mode-list,
    enclose the list in parenthesis and separate the transaction
    modes from one another with a comma. Note the following:

    o  When you specify a negated transaction mode, it indicates
       that a mode is not an allowable access mode. For example, if
       you specify the Noexclusive_Write access mode, it indicates
       that exclusive write is not an allowable access mode for the
       restored database.

    o  If you specify the Shared, Exclusive, or Protected transaction
       mode, Oracle RMU assumes you are referring to both reading and
       writing in that transaction mode.

    o  No mode is enabled unless you add that mode to the list or you
       use the All option to enable all transaction modes.

    o  You can list one transaction mode that enables or disables a
       particular mode followed by another that does the opposite.

       ambiguous because the first value disables Shared_Write access
       and the second value enables Shared_Write access. Oracle
       RMU resolves the ambiguity by first enabling the modes as
       specified in the modes-list and then disabling the modes as
       specified in the modes-list. The order of items in the list is
       irrelevant. In the example presented previously, Shared_Read
       is enabled and Shared_Write is disabled.

32.6.2  –  Format

  (B)0    RMU/Set Database /Transaction_Mode=[mode] root-file-spec

32.6.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    Specifies the database root file for which you want to specify
    the database transaction mode.

32.7  –  Galaxy

    Allows you to enable or disable the database utilization of an
    OpenVMS Galaxy configuration without requiring that the database
    be open.

32.7.1  –  Description

    Use this command to enable or disable Galaxy features on an
    Oracle Rdb database. Databases opened on multiple copies of the
    OpenVMS operating system within a Galaxy system can share, in
    memory, database structures including global buffers, row caches,
    and root file objects.

32.7.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Set Galaxy root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers           x  Defaults
  /Disable                     x  See description
  /Enable                      x  See description
  /[No]Log                     x  Current DCL verify value

32.7.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    The root file specification of the database. The default file
    extension is .rdb.

32.7.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Disable

    Specifies that Galaxy features are to be disabled for the
    database.  –  Enable

    Specifies that Galaxy features are to be enabled for the
    database.  –  Log


    Displays a log message at the completion of the RMU Set Galaxy

32.7.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  The Enable and Disable qualifiers are mutually exclusive.

    o  The RMU Set Galaxy command requires exclusive database access;
       that is, the database cannot be open or be accessed by other

32.7.6  –  Example

    The following example enables the Galaxy features for the
    specified database.

    $ RMU /SET GALAXY /ENABLE root-file-spec

32.8  –  Global Buffers

    Allows you to control the database global buffers feature without
    requiring that the database be open.

32.8.1  –  Description

    If you move a database from one system to another, or when memory
    usage or system parameters change, you may have to modify the
    global buffer parameters for a database when it is not possible
    to open the database. This situation could occur, for example, if
    you have insufficient available physical or virtual memory.

    The RMU Set Global_Buffers command allows you to alter some
    of the global buffer-related parameters without opening the
    database. This allows you to reconfigure the database so that
    it can be opened and accessed on the system.

32.8.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Set Global_Buffers root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers                x  Defaults
  /Disabled                         x  None
  /Enabled                          x  None
  /Large_Memory={Enabled|Disabled}  x  None
  /Log                              x  None
  /Number=n                         x  None
  /User_Limit=n                     x  None

32.8.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    Specifies the database root file for which you want to modify the
    global buffers feature.

32.8.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Disabled

    Disables global buffers for the specified database.  –  Enabled

    Enables global buffers for the specified database.  –  Large Memory


    Large_Memory=Enabled enables global buffers in large memory

    Large_Memory=Disabled disables global buffers in large memory
    (VLM).  –  Log

    Displays a log message at the completion of the RMU Set Global_
    Buffers command.  –  Number


    Sets the number of global buffers.  –  User Limit


    Sets the global buffers user limit value.

32.8.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  This command requires exclusive database access (the database
       cannot be open or accessed by other users).

    o  The Enabled and Disabled qualifiers are mutually exclusive.

    o  The Large_Memory=Enabled and Large_Memory=Disabled qualifiers
       are mutually exclusive.

    o  Changes made by the RMU Set Global_Buffers command are not
       journaled. You should make a subsequent full database backup
       to ensure recovery.

    o  When global buffers are set to reside in large memory
       (Large_Memory=Enabled), the process that opens the database
       must be granted the VMS$MEM_RESIDENT_USER rights identifier.
       Oracle Corporation recommends that you use the RMU Open
       command when you utilize this feature.

32.9  –  Logminer

    Allows you to change the LogMiner state of a database.

32.9.1  –  Description

    Use this command to enable or disable LogMiner operations on an
    Oracle Rdb database. When LogMiner is enabled, the Oracle Rdb
    database software writes additional information to the after-
    image journal file when records are added, modified, and deleted
    from the database. This information is used during the unload

32.9.2  –  Format

  (B)0 RMU/Set Logminer root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers           x  Defaults
  /Continuous                  x  /NoContinuous
  /Disable                     x  See description
  /Enable                      x  See description
  /[No]Log                     x  Current DCL verify value

32.9.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    The root file specification of the database. The default file
    extension is .rdb.

32.9.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Continuous


    Enables the database for the Continuous LogMiner feature
    when used in conjunction with the Enable qualifier. Use the
    NoContinuous qualifier with the Enable qualifier to disable use
    of the Continuous LogMiner feature.

    The RMU Set Logminer /Disable command explicitly disables
    the Continuous LogMiner feature as well as the base LogMiner
    functionality. To enable the Continuous LogMiner feature again,
    the entire RMU Set Logminer /Enable /Continuous command must be
    used.  –  Disable

    Specifies that LogMiner operations are to be disabled for the
    database. When LogMiner is disabled, the Oracle Rdb software does
    not journal information required for LogMiner operations. When
    LogMiner is disabled for a database, the RMU Unload After_Journal
    command is not functional on that database.  –  Enable

    Specifies that LogMiner operations are to be enabled for the
    database. When LogMiner is enabled, the Oracle Rdb database
    software logs additional information to the after-image journal
    file. This information allows LogMiner to extract records. The
    database must already have after-image journaling enabled.  –  Log


    Specifies that the setting of the LogMiner state for the database
    be reported to SYS$OUTPUT. The default is the setting of the DCL
    VERIFY flag, which is controlled by the DCL SET VERIFY command.

32.9.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Set Logminer command, you must have the
       RMU$BACKUP, RMU$RESTORE, or RMU$ALTER privilege in the root
       file access control list (ACL) for the database or the OpenVMS
       SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.

    o  The RMU Set Logminer command requires offline access to the
       database. The database must be closed and no other users may
       be accessing the database.

    o  Execute a full database backup operation after issuing an
       RMU Set Logminer command that displays the RMU-W-DOFULLBCK
       warning message. Immediately after enabling LogMiner, you
       should perform a database after-image journal backup using the
       RMU Backup After_Journal command.

32.9.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example enables a database for LogMiner for Rdb


32.10  –  Privilege

    Allows you to modify the root file access control list (ACL) for
    a database.

    A database's root file ACL determines the Oracle RMU commands
    that users can execute for the associated database.

32.10.1  –  Description

    The RMU Set Privilege command allows you to manipulate an entire
    root file ACL, or to create, modify, or delete access control
    entries (ACEs) in a root file ACL. See the Oracle Rdb Guide to
    Database Design and Definition for introductory information on
    ACEs and ACLs.

    Use the RMU Set Privilege command to add ACEs to a root file ACL
    by specifying the ACEs with the Acl qualifier.

    Privileges Required for Oracle RMU Commands shows the privileges
    a user must have to access each Oracle RMU command.

    If the database root file you specify with RMU Set Privilege
    command does not have an ACL, Oracle RMU creates one.

    The RMU Set Privilege command provides the following qualifiers
    to manipulate ACEs and ACLs in various ways:


    By default, any ACEs you add to a root file ACL are placed at
    the top of the ACL. Whenever Oracle RMU receives a request
    for Oracle RMU access for a database that has a root file ACL,
    it searches each entry in the ACL from the first to the last
    for the first match it can find, and then stops searching. If
    another match occurs further down in the root file ACL, it has no
    effect. Because the position of an ACE in a root file ACL is so
    important, you can use the After qualifier to correctly position
    an ACE. When you use the After qualifier, any additional ACEs are
    added after the specified ACE.

    You can delete ACEs from an ACL by including the Delete qualifier
    and specifying the ACEs with the Acl qualifier. To delete all the
    ACEs, include the Delete qualifier and specify the Acl qualifier
    without specifying any ACEs.

    You can copy an ACL from one root file to another by using the
    Like qualifier. The ACL of the root file specified with the Like
    qualifier replaces the ACL of the root file specified with the
    root-file-spec parameter.

    Use the New qualifier to delete all ACEs before adding any ACEs
    specified by the Acl, Like, or Replace qualifiers.

    You can replace existing ACEs in a root file ACL by using the
    Replace qualifier. Any ACEs specified with the Acl qualifier
    are deleted and replaced by those specified with the Replace

    The existing ACE can be abbreviated when you use the Delete,
    Replace, or After qualifiers.

    Use the RMU Set Privilege command with the Edit qualifier to
    invoke the ACL editor. You can specify the following qualifiers
    only when you specify the Edit qualifier also:


    For more information on the ACL editor, see the OpenVMS
    documentation set.

32.10.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Set Privilege root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers                         x  Defaults
  /Acl[=(ace[,...])]                         x  See description
  /Acl_File=filename                         x  See description
  /After=ace                                 x  See description
  /Delete[=All]                              x  See description
  /Edit                                      x  No editor invoked
  /[No]Journal[=file-spec]                   x  /Journal
  /Keep[=(Recovery_Journal)]                 x  See description
  /Like=source-root-file-spec                x  None
  /[No]Log                                   x  /Nolog
  /Mode=[No]Prompt                           x  /Mode=Prompt
  /New                                       x  None
  /[No]Recover[=file-spec]                   x  /Norecover
  /Replace=(ace[,...])                       x  None

32.10.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    The root file for the database whose root file ACL you are

32.10.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Acl


    Specifies one or more ACEs to be modified. When no ACE is
    specified, the entire ACL is affected. Separate multiple ACEs
    with commas. When you include the Acl qualifier, the specified
    ACEs are inserted at the top of the ACL unless you also specify
    the After qualifier. You cannot specify the Acl qualifier and the
    Acl_File qualifier on the same RMU command line.

    The format of an ACE is as follows:

    (Identifier=user-id, Access=access_mask)

    The user-id must be one of the following types of identifier:

    o  A user identification code (UIC) in [group-name,member-name]
       alphanumeric format

    o  A user identification code (UIC) in [group-number,member-
       number] numeric format

    o  A general identifier, such as SECRETARIES

    o  A system-defined identifier, such as DIALUP

    o  Wildcard characters in [*,*] format

    Names are not case sensitive. In addition, the Identifier and
    Access keywords can be abbreviated to one character. For example,
    the following ACE is valid:

    (I=isteward, A=RMU$ALL)

    The access_mask can be any of the following:

    o  One or more of the Oracle RMU privileges listed in the Oracle
       Rdb7 Oracle RMU Reference Manual

       If more than one privilege is specified, a plus sign (+) must
       be placed between the privileges.

    o  The keyword RMU$ALL

       These keywords indicate that you want the user to have all of
       the RMU privileges. (This keyword has no effect on system file

    o  The keyword None

       This keyword indicates that you do not want the user
       to have any RMU or OpenVMS privileges. If you specify
       Acl=(id=username, access=READ+NONE), the specified user will
       have no RMU privileges and no READ privileges for the database
       files.  –  Acl File


    Specifies a file containing a list of ACEs, with one ACE
    specified per line. You can use continuation characters to
    continue an ACE on the next line, and you can include commented
    lines within the file. Within this file, use the dash (-) as a
    continuation character and the exclamation point (!) to indicate
    a comment.

    You cannot specify the Acl_File qualifier and the Acl qualifier
    on the same RMU command line.  –  After


    Indicates that all ACEs specified with the Acl qualifier are to
    be added after the ACE specified with the After qualifier. By
    default, any ACEs added to the ACL are always placed at the top
    of the list.

    You cannot use this qualifier with the Edit qualifier.  –  Delete


    Indicates that the ACEs specified with the Acl qualifier are
    to be deleted. If no ACEs are specified with the Acl qualifier,
    the entire ACL is deleted. If you specify an ACE that was not
    specified with the Acl qualifier, you are notified that the ACE
    does not exist, and the delete operation continues.

    You cannot use this qualifier with the Edit qualifier.  –  Edit


    Invokes the ACL editor and allows you to use the Journal,
    Keep, Mode, or Recover qualifiers. Oracle RMU ignores any other
    qualifiers you specify with the Edit qualifier.

    The RMU Set Privilege command with the Edit qualifier only
    functions off line. If you attempt it on line, an error message
    is generated. This restriction is necessary because the ACL
    editor requests exclusive write access to the database.

    To use the Edit qualifier, the SYS$SHARE:ACLEDTSHR.EXE image
    must be installed at system startup time, or, be installed by
    RMONSTART.COM. Contact your system manager if this image is not
    installed as needed.

    For more information on the ACL editor, see the OpenVMS
    documentation set.  –  Journal


    Controls whether a journal file is created from the editing
    session. By default, a journal file is created if the editing
    session ends abnormally.

    If you omit the file specification, the journal file has the
    same name as the root file and a file type of .tjl. You can use
    the Journal qualifier to specify a journal file name that is
    different from the default. No wildcard characters are allowed in
    the Journal qualifier file-spec parameter.

    You must specify the Edit qualifier to use this qualifier.  –  Keep


    Determines whether the journal file, the recovery file, or both,
    are deleted when the editing session ends. The options are:

    o  Recovery-Saves the journal file used for restoring the ACL.

    o  Journal-Saves the journal file for the current editing

    You can shorten the Journal and Recover options to J and R,
    respectively. If you specify only one option, you can omit the

    You must specify the Edit qualifier to use this qualifier. If you
    specify the Edit qualifier but do not specify the Keep qualifier,
    both the journal file for the current editing session and the
    journal file used for restoring the ACL are deleted when the
    editing session ends.  –  Like


    Indicates that the ACL of the root file specified with the Like
    qualifier is to replace the ACL of the root file specified with
    the root-file-spec parameter of the RMU Set Privilege command.
    Any existing ACEs are deleted before the root file ACL specified
    by the Like qualifier is copied.

    You cannot use this qualifier with the Edit qualifier.  –  Log


    Directs the RMU Set Privilege command to return both the name of
    the root file that has been modified by the command and the ACL
    associated with the database. The default of Nolog suppresses
    this output.

    You cannot use this qualifier with the Edit qualifier.  –  Mode


    Determines whether the ACL editor prompts for field values. By
    default, the ACL editor selects prompt mode.

    You must specify the Edit qualifier to use this qualifier.  –  New


    Indicates that any existing ACE in the ACL of the root file
    specified with RMU Set Privilege is to be deleted. To use the
    New qualifier, you must specify a new ACL or ACE with the Acl,
    Like, or Replace qualifiers.

    You cannot use this qualifier with the Edit qualifier.  –  Recover


    Specifies the name of the journal file to be used in a recovery
    operation. If the file specification is omitted with the Recover
    qualifier, the journal is assumed to have the same name as the
    root file and a file type of .tjl. No wildcard characters are
    allowed with the Recover qualifier file-spec parameter.

    The default is the Norecover qualifier, where no recovery is
    attempted when you invoke the ACL editor to edit a root file ACL.

    You must specify Edit to use this qualifier.  –  Replace


    Deletes the ACEs specified with the Acl qualifier and replaces
    them with those specified with the Replace qualifier. Any ACEs
    specified with the Acl qualifier must exist and must be specified
    in the order in which they appear in the ACL.

    This qualifier cannot be used with the Edit qualifier.

32.10.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  You must have the RMU$SECURITY privilege in the root file ACL
       for a database or the OpenVMS SECURITY or BYPASS privilege
       to use the RMU Set Privilege command for the database. The
       RMU$SECURITY access is VMS BIT_15 access in the ACE. You can
       grant yourself BIT_15 access by using the DCL SET ACL command
       if you have (READ+WRITE+CONTROL) access.

    o  By default, a root file ACL is created for every Oracle Rdb
       database. In some cases, the root file ACL may not allow
       the appropriate Oracle RMU access for the database to all
       Oracle RMU users. In these situations, you must use the RMU
       Set Privilege command to modify the root file ACL to give the
       appropriate Oracle RMU access to Oracle RMU users. Privileges
       Required for Oracle RMU Commands shows the privileges required
       to access each Oracle RMU command.

    o  The root file ACL created by default on each Oracle Rdb
       database controls only a user's Oracle RMU access to the
       database (by specifying privileges that will allow a user or
       group of users access to specific Oracle RMU commands). Root
       file ACLs do not control a user's access to the database with
       SQL statements.

       A user's access to a database with SQL statements is governed
       by the privileges granted to the user in the database ACL
       (the ACL that is displayed using the SQL SHOW PROTECTION ON
       DATABASE command).

    o  If you find that the root file ACL has changed, or is not
       set as expected, it may be because a layered product has
       manipulated the OpenVMS directory or file ACLs. This can
       result in the unintentional alteration of an Oracle RMU access

       For example, Oracle CDD/Repository may use the following ACE:


       If this ACE is propagated to an Oracle Rdb database, such
       as CDD$DATABASE or CDD$TEMPLATE, OpenVMS privileges may be
       required to manage that database. Or, you can use the RMU Set
       Privilege command to change the ACL on the affected database.

    o  If you need to move a database from one system to another, you
       should be aware that the identifiers used in the database's
       root file ACL on the source system are not likely to be
       valid identifiers on the destination system. Thus, if the
       database root file ACL from the source system is moved to the
       destination system without modification, only those users with
       the same identifiers on both systems have the same Oracle RMU
       access to the database on the destination system as they had
       to the database on the source system.

       For example, suppose that the mf_personnel database with the
       following root file ACL is moved from its current system to
       another node. If the database root file ACL is moved without
       modification to the destination node, the users USER, USER2,
       USER3, USER4, and USER5 will not have any Oracle RMU access to
       the database on the destination node unless they have the same
       identities on the destination node.

       Object type: file, Object name:SQL_USER:[USER]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1,
       on 31-MAR-1992 15:48:36.24


    o  The following list describes some ways to move a database from
       one node to another and explains what happens to the original
       root file ACL in each scenario:

       -  RMU Restore command

          First, use the RMU Backup command to back up the database
          on the source node and to create an .rbf file. Then, copy
          the .rbf file from the source node to the destination
          node. When you use the RMU Restore command to re-create
          the database from the source node on the destination node,
          the database on the destination node will have the same
          root file ACL as the database on the source node. If a
          user with the RMU$SECURITY privilege in the root file
          ACL on the source node has the same identifier on the
          destination node, that user can modify the root file ACL
          on the destination node to grant users the privileges they
          need for Oracle RMU access to the database. Otherwise, a
          user with one of the OpenVMS override privileges (SECURITY
          or BYPASS) needs to modify the root file ACL.

       -  RMU Restore command with the Noacl qualifier

          First, use the RMU Backup command to back up the database
          on the source node and to create an .rbf file. Then, copy
          the .rbf file from the source node to the destination
          node. When you use the RMU Restore command with the Noacl
          qualifier to re-create the database from the source node on
          the destination node, the database on the destination node
          is created with an empty root file ACL. A user with one of
          the OpenVMS override privileges (SECURITY or BYPASS) needs
          to modify the root file ACL to grant users the privileges
          they need for Oracle RMU access to the database.

       -  SQL IMPORT statement

          First, use the SQL EXPORT statement on the source node
          to create an .rbr file. Then, copy the .rbr file from the
          source node to the destination node. When you use the SQL
          IMPORT statement on the destination node, the imported
          database is created with the same root file ACL as existed
          on the database on the source node. If a user with the
          RMU$SECURITY privilege in the root file ACL on the source
          node has the same identifier on the destination node, that
          user can modify the root file ACL on the destination node
          to grant users the privileges they need for Oracle RMU
          access to the database. Otherwise, a user with one of the
          OpenVMS override privileges (SECURITY or BYPASS) needs to
          modify the root file ACL to grant users the privileges they
          need for Oracle RMU access to the database.

       -  SQL IMPORT NO ACL statement

          First, use the SQL EXPORT statement on the source node to
          create an .rbr file. Then, copy the .rbr file from the
          source node to the destination node. When you use the
          SQL IMPORT NO ACL statement on the destination node, the
          imported database is created with a root file ACL that
          contains one ACE. The single ACE will grant the OpenVMS
          READ, WRITE, and CONTROL privileges plus all the Oracle RMU
          privileges to the user who performed the IMPORT operation.
          The user who performed the IMPORT operation can modify the
          root file ACL to grant users the privileges they need for
          Oracle RMU access to the database.

32.10.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example assumes that the user with a user
    identification code (UIC) of [SQL,USER] has created the mf_
    test_db database and is therefore the owner of the database.
    After creating the mf_test_db database, the owner displays the
    root file ACL for the database. Then the owner grants Oracle RMU
    privileges to database users. The Oracle RMU privileges granted
    to each type of user depend on the type of Oracle RMU access the
    user needs to the database.

    $! Note that by default the owner (the user with a UIC of [SQL,USER])
    $! is granted all the Oracle RMU privileges in the root file
    $! ACL and no other users are granted any Oracle RMU privileges.

    Object type: file,  Object name: SQL_USER:[USER]MF_TEST_DB.RDB;1,
    on 30-MAR-1996 15:51:55.79

    $! The owner uses the RMU Set Privilege command and the After
    $! qualifier to grant the RMU$ANALYZE, RMU$OPEN, and
    $! RMU$VERIFY privileges to a user with a UIC of [SQL,USER2].
    $! This user will serve as the database administrator for the
    $! mf_test_db database.


    $! Next, the owner grants the RMU$SECURITY privilege to a user with a
    $! UIC of [SQL,USER3].  This gives the user USER3 the ability
    $! to grant other users the appropriate privileges they need for
    $! accessing the database with Oracle RMU commands.  Because both
    $! the database creator and user USER3 have the RMU$SECURITY
    $! privilege, both of them can modify the root file ACL for the
    $! database.

    $! The user with a UIC of [RDB,USER4], who will serve as the database
    $! operator, is granted the RMU$BACKUP, RMU$CONVERT, RMU$DUMP, and
    $! RMU$RESTORE privileges:
    $! The RMU$LOAD and RMU$SHOW privileges are granted to the user
    $! with a UIC of [RDB,USER5]. This user will be writing programs
    $! that load data into the database.

    $! No privileges are granted to all other users.

    $! The RMU/SHOW PRIVILEGE command displays the root file ACL for the
    $! mf_test_db database.

    Object type: file,  Object name: SQL_USER:[USER]MF_TEST_DB.RDB;1,
    on 30-MAR-1996 15:52:17.03


    Example 2

    The following command adds an ACE for the user with a UIC of
    [RDB,USER1] to the root file ACL for the personnel database. This
    ACE grants [RDB,USER1] the RMU$BACKUP privilege for the personnel
    database. The RMU$BACKUP privilege allows user [RDB,USER1]
    to access the RMU Backup, RMU Backup After_Journal, and RMU
    Checkpoint commands for the personnel database.


    Example 3

    The Replace qualifier in the following example causes the ACE
    in the root file ACL for the user with a UIC of [RDB,USER4]
    to be replaced by the ACE specified for the user with a UIC of

    Object type: file,  Object name: SQL_USER:[USER]MF_TEST_DB.RDB;1,
    on 30-MAR-1996 15:52:23.92


    Example 4

    The Delete qualifier in the following example causes the ACE for
    the user with a UIC of [RDB,USER5] to be deleted from the root
    file ACL for the mf_test_db database:

    Object type: file,  Object name: SQL_USER:[USER]MF_TEST_DB.RDB;1,
    on 30-MAR-1996 15:52:29.07


    Example 5

    In the following example, the Like qualifier copies the root file
    ACL from the mf_test_db database to the test_db database. As part
    of this operation, the original root file ACL for the test_db
    database is deleted.

    Object type: file,  Object name: SQL_USER:[USER]TEST_DB.RDB;1,  on
    30-MAR-1996 15:52:31.48

    $ !
    Object type: file,  Object name: SQL_USER:[USER]MF_TEST_DB.RDB;1,
    on 30-MAR-1996 15:52:33.86

    Object type: file,  Object name: SQL_USER:[USER]TEST_DB.RDB;1,  on
    30-MAR-1996 15:52:41.36


    Example 6

    The New qualifier in the following example deletes all the
    existing ACEs and the Acl qualifier specifies a new ACE for the
    root file ACL for the mf_test_db database. Note that after the
    RMU Set Privilege command in this example is issued, only the
    user with a UIC of [SQL,USER2] or a user with an OpenVMS override
    privilege would be able to display the root file ACL for the mf_
    test_db database.

    Object type: file,  Object name: SQL_USER:[USER]MF_TEST_DB.RDB;1,
    on 30-MAR-1996 15:52:44.50


32.11  –  Row Cache

    Allows you to enable or disable the database Row Cache feature
    and to modify certain parameters on a per-cache basis.

32.11.1  –  Description

    You can use the RMU Set Row_Cache command to allow the database
    Row Cache feature to be enabled or disabled without requiring
    that the database be opened.

    You can also use the Alter parameter to make modifications to one
    cache at a time.

32.11.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Set Row_Cache root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers                       x Defaults
  /Alter=(Name=cache-name,option(,...))    x See Description
  /Backing_Store_Location=devdir           x See Description
  /NoBacking_Store_Location                x See Description
  /Disable                                 x None
  /Enable                                  x None
  /[No]Log                                 x Current DCL verify value
  /Sweep_Interval=n                        x See Description
  /[No]Sweep_Interval                      x See Description

32.11.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    Specifies the database root file for which you want to modify the
    Row Cache feature.

32.11.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Alter

    Alter=(Name=cachename,option(, ...))

    Specifies the action to take on the named cache. You must
    specify the cache name and at least one other option. The /Alter
    qualifier may be specified multiple times on the command line.
    Each /Alter qualifier specified operates on one unique cache
    if no wildcard character (% or *) is specified. Otherwise, each
    /Alter operates on all matching cache names.

    o  Name=cachename

       Name of the cache to be modified. The cache must already be
       defined in the database. You must specify the cache name
       if you use the Alter qualifier. This parameter accepts the
       wildcard characters asterisk (*) and percent sign (%).

    o  Backing_Store_Location=devdir

       Specifies the name of the cache-specific default directory to
       which row cache backing file information is written for the
       specified cache. The database system generates a file name
       (row-cache-name.rdc) automatically for each row cache backing
       file it creates when the RCS process starts. Specify a device
       name and directory name; do not include a file specification.
       By default, the location is the directory of the database
       root file unless a database-specific default directory or a
       cache-specific default directory has been set.

    o  NoBacking_Store_Location

       Specifies that there is no cache-specific default directory
       to which row cache backing file information is written for the
       specified cache.

    o  Drop

       Specifies that the indicated row cache is to be dropped
       (deleted) from the database.

    o  Shared_Memory=keyword

       Specifies the shared memory type and parameters for the cache.
       Valid keywords are:

       -  Type=option

          Specify one of the following options:

          *  Process

             Specifies traditional shared memory global section,
             which means that the database global section is located
             in process (P0) address space and may be paged from the
             process working set as needed.

          *  Resident

             Specifies that the database global section is memory
             resident in process (P0) address space using shared
             page tables. This means that the global section is fully
             resident, or pinned, in memory, and uses less physical
             and virtual memory (for process page tables) than a
             traditional shared memory global section.

       -  Rad_Hint=n

          Indicates a request that memory should be allocated from
          the specified OpenVMS Resource Affinity Domain (RAD). This
          keyword specifies a hint to Oracle Rdb and OpenVMS about
          where memory should be physically allocated. It is possible
          that if the requested memory is not available, it will be
          allocated from other RADs in the system. For systems that
          do not support RADs, no Rad_Hint specification is valid.

          The Rad_Hint keyword is valid only when the shared memory
          type is set to Resident. If you set the shared memory type
          to System or Process, you disable any previously defined
          RAD hint.

          Use Norad_Hint to disable the RAD hint.

    o  Slot_Count=n

       Specifies the number of slots in the cache.

    o  Slot_Size=n

       Specifies the size (in bytes) of each slot in the cache.

    o  Snapshot_Slot_Count=n

       Specifies the number of snapshot slots in the cache. A value
       of zero disables the snapshot portion for the specified cache.

    o  Sweep_Interval=n

       Specifies the periodic cache sweep timer interval in seconds.
       Valid values are from 1 to 3600.

    o  NoSweep_Interval

       Disables the periodic cache sweep timer interval.

    o  Working_Set_Count=n

       Specifies the number of working set entries for the cache.
       Valid values are from 1 to 100.  –  Backing Store Location=devdir

    Specifies the name of the database-specific default directory to
    which row cache backing file information is written. The database
    system generates a file name (row-cache-name.rdc) automatically
    for each row cache backing file it creates when the RCS process
    starts up. Specify a device name and directory name; do not
    include a file specification. The file name is the row-cache-name
    specified when creating the row cache. By default, the location
    is the directory of the database root file unless a database-
    specific default directory or a cache-specific default directory
    has been set.  –  Disable

    Disables row caching. Do not use with the Enable qualifier.  –  Enable

    Enables row caching. Do not use with the Disable qualifier.  –  Log


    Specifies whether the processing of the command is reported to
    SYS$OUTPUT. Specify the Log qualifier to request log output and
    the Nolog qualifier to prevent it. If you specify neither, the
    default is the current setting of the DCL verify switch.  –  NoBacking Store Location

    Specifies that there is no database-specific default directory to
    which row cache backing file information is written.

32.11.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  This command requires exclusive database access (the database
       cannot be open or accessed by other users).

    o  The Alter qualifier can be specified multiple times on the
       command line. Each use of the qualifier operates on a unique

    o  Only one value can be supplied with the Rad_Hint keyword. The
       indicated RAD must contain memory.

    o  When shared memory is set to System (with Galaxy enabled) or
       to Resident, then the process that opens the database must be
       granted the VMS$MEM_RESIDENT_USER identifier.

    o  For applications that can be partitioned into one or more
       RADs, the Rad_Hint qualifier allows additional control
       over exactly where memory for caches and global sections
       is allocated. This control can permit increased performance
       if all application processes run in the same RAD, and the
       database and row cache global sections also reside in that
       same RAD.

    o  When Resident shared memory is specified, the global demand-
       zero pages are always resident in memory and are not backed
       up by any file on any disk. The pages are not placed into the
       process's working set list when the process maps to the global
       section and the virtual memory is referenced by the process.
       The pages are also not charged against the process's working
       set quota or against any page-file quota.

    o  To save physical memory, Oracle Rdb generally attempts to
       create and use shared page tables when creating large resident
       global sections.

    o  The total number of rows for any individual cache (the
       combination of live rows and snapshot rows) is limited to

32.11.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example sets the slot count on cache "mycache".


    Example 2

    This command disables all caches.


    Example 3

    The following sample specifies that cache "cache2" should use RAD

    _$ RAD_HINT=2)

    Example 4

    This example drops cache "seacache".


    Example 5

    This example shows multiple uses of the Alter qualifier.

    _$ SLOT_COUNT = 800, WINDOW_COUNT = 25) -

    Example 6

    The following example modifies the database MYDB to set the
    snapshot slot count for the cache EMPL_IDX to 25000 slots and
    disables snapshots in cache for the SALES cache.


    Example 7

    The following example alters two caches:

            /ALTER= (   NAME = RDB$SYS_CACHE,
                        SLOT_COUNT = 800) -
            /ALTER= (   NAME = RESUMES, -
                        SLOT_SIZE=500, -
                        WORKING_SET_COUNT = 15)

    Example 8

    The following command alters caches named FOOD and FOOT (and
    any other cache with a 4 character name with the first three
    characters of "FOO" defined in the database):

            /ALTER= (   NAME = FOO%,

32.12  –  Server

    Allows you to identify output files for several database server

32.12.1  –  Description

    You can use the Set Server/Output command to identify output log
    file names and locations for various database server processes.
    The following table shows valid values for the server-type
    parameter and the corresponding logical name.

    Table 15 Server Types and Logical Names

    Server             type       Logical Name

    AIJ Log Roll-      LRS        RDM$BIND_LRS_OUTPUT_FILE
    Forward Server
    AIJ Log Catch-Up   LCS        RDM$BIND_LCS_OUTPUT_FILE
    Database Recovery  DBR        RDM$BIND_DBR_LOG_FILE
    Row Cache Server   RCS        RDM$BIND_RCS_LOG_FILE

    If the output file specification is empty (Output=""), the
    log file information for that server will be deleted from the

    If an existing logical name specifies an output file name for the
    specified server process, it takes precedence over the file name
    designated in the Set Server/Output command.

32.12.2  –  Format

  (B)0    RMU/Set Server server-type root-file-spec

      Command Qualifiers             x Defaults
      /Log                           x None
      /Output=file-name              x None

32.12.3  –  Parameters  –  server-type

    Identifies the server process for which you want to log output.
    Refer to the Server Types and Logical Names table in the
    Description topic for a list of valid server types and their
    corresponding logical names.  –  root-file-spec

    Specifies the database root file for which you want to specify
    the server process output file.

32.12.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Log

    Displays a log message at the completion of the RMU Set command.  –  Output

    Identifies the output log file for several database server

32.12.5  –  Examples

    Example 1

    This example specifies the output file for the row cache server
    and displays a log message when the procedure finishes.


    Example 2

    This example specifies the output file for the AIJ log server.


    Example 3

    This example deletes the log file information in the database for
    the AIJ log roll-forward server.


    Example 4

    This example specifies the output file for the database recovery


32.13  –  Shared Memory

    Allows you to alter the database shared memory configuration
    without requiring that the database be open.

32.13.1  –  Description

    You can use the RMU Set Shared_Memory command to alter the
    database shared memory configuration without requiring that the
    database be open.

32.13.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Set Shared_Memory root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers              x Defaults
  /[No]Log                        x Current DCL verify value
  /[No]Rad_Hint=n                 x None
  /Type={Process|Resident|System} x None

32.13.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    Specifies the database root file for which you want to modify the
    shared memory configuration.

32.13.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Log


    Specifies whether the processing of the command is reported to
    SYS$OUTPUT. Specify the Log qualifier to request log output and
    the Nolog qualifier to prevent it. If you specify neither, the
    default is the current setting of the DCL verify switch.  –  Rad Hint


    Indicates a request that memory should be allocated from the
    specified OpenVMS Alpha Resource Affinity Domain (RAD). This
    qualifier specifies a hint to Oracle Rdb and OpenVMS about where
    memory should be physically allocated. It is possible that if
    the requested memory is not available, it will be allocated from
    other RADs in the system. For systems that do not support RADs, a
    Rad_Hint value of zero is valid.

    The Rad_Hint qualifier is only valid when the shared memory type
    is set to Resident. If you set the shared memory type to System
    or Process, you disable any previously defined RAD hint.

    Use the Norad_Hint qualifier to disable the RAD hint.


       OpenVMS support for RADs is available only on the
       AlphaServer GS series systems. For more information about
       using RADs, refer to the OpenVMS Alpha Partitioning and
       Galaxy Guide.  –  Type


    If you use the Type qualifier, you must specify one of the
    following options:

    o  Process

       Specifies traditional shared memory global section, which
       means that the database global section is located in process
       (P0) address space and may be paged from the process working
       set as needed.

    o  Resident

       Specifies that the database global section is memory resident
       in process (P0) address space using OpenVMS Alpha shared page
       tables. This means that the global section is fully resident,
       or pinned, in memory, and uses less physical and virtual
       memory (for process page tables) than a traditional shared
       memory global section.

    o  System

       Specifies that the database global section is located in
       OpenVMS Alpha system space, which means that the section is
       fully resident, or pinned, in memory, does not use process
       (P0) address space, and does not affect the quotas of the
       working set of a process.

32.13.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  This command requires exclusive database access (the database
       cannot be open or accessed by other users).

    o  Only one value can be supplied to the Rad_Hint qualifier. The
       indicated RAD must contain memory.

    o  When shared memory is set to System (with Galaxy enabled) or
       to Resident, then the process that opens the database must be
       granted the VMS$MEM_RESIDENT_USER identifier.

    o  For applications that can be partitioned into one or more
       RADs, the Rad_Hint qualifier allows additional control
       over exactly where memory for caches and global sections
       is allocated. This control can permit increased performance
       if all application processes run in the same RAD, and the
       database and row cache global sections also reside in that
       same RAD.

    o  When Resident shared memory is specified, the global demand-
       zero pages are always resident in memory and are not backed
       up by any file on any disk. The pages are not placed into the
       process's working set list when the process maps to the global
       section and the virtual memory is referenced by the process.
       The pages are also not charged against the process's working
       set quota or against any page-file quota.

    o  To save physical memory, Oracle Rdb generally attempts to
       create and use shared page tables when creating large resident
       global sections.

32.13.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example sets the memory type to Resident and
    requests that it be put in RAD 4.


    Example 2

    This example specifies that system space buffers are to be used.


    Example 3

    The following example specifies that process address space shared
    memory is to be used.


33  –  Show

    Displays current information about security audit
    characteristics, version numbers, active databases, active users,
    active recovery-unit files, after-image journal files, area
    inventory pages, corrupt areas and pages, optimizer statistics,
    or database statistics related to database activity on your node.
    Note that, with the exception of the RMU Show Locks and RMU Show
    Users commands, the RMU Show commands display information for
    your current node only in a clustered environment.

    Oracle RMU provides the following Show commands:


    Each show command is described in a separate section.

33.1  –  After Journal

    Displays the after-image journal configuration in the form
    required for the Aij_Options qualifier. You can use the Aij_
    Options qualifier with the RMU Copy_Database, RMU Move_Area,
    RMU Restore, RMU Restore Only_Root, and RMU Set After_Journal

    Optionally, this command initializes the RDM$AIJ_BACKUP_SEQNO,
    SEQNO global process symbols.


       Prior to Oracle Rdb Version 6.0, the ability to display an
       .aij specification was provided through the Rdbalter Display
       Root command. The Rdbalter Display Root command no longer
       provides this capability.

33.1.1  –  Description

    The output of the RMU Show After_Journal command appears in the
    form shown in Output from the RMU Show After_Journal Command.
    This is the form required by the Aij_Options qualifier for the
    RMU Copy_Database, Move_Area, and Restore commands. When you
    issue the RMU Show After_Journal command, you may see fewer items
    than shown in Output from the RMU Show After_Journal Command;
    some options do not appear unless you specified them when you
    created your after image journal file configuration (for example,
    with the RMU Set After_Journal command).

    Figure 1  Output from the RMU Show After_Journal Command

  (B)0Journal [Is] {Enabled | Disabled} -
          [Reserve n] -
          [Allocation [Is] n] -
          [Extent [Is] n] -
          [Overwrite [Is] {Enabled|Disabled}] -
          [Shutdown_Timeout [Is] n] -
          [Notify [Is] {Enabled|Disabled}] -
          [Backups [Are] {Manual|Automatic} -
          [[No]Quiet_Point] [File filename]] -
          [Cache [Is] {Enabled File filename|Disabled}]
  Add [Journal] journal-name -
  ! File file-specification
          File filename -
          [Allocation [Is] n] -
          [Backup_File filename] -
          [Edit_String [Is] (edit-string-options)]

    When you use the output from the Show After_Journal command as a
    template for the Aij_Options qualifier of the RMU Copy_Database,
    Move_Area, and Restore commands, note the following regarding the

    o  As shown in Output from the RMU Show After_Journal Command,
       you can use the DCL continuation character (-)  at the
       end of each line in the Journal and Add clauses. Although
       continuation characters are not required if you can fit each
       clause (Journal or Add clause) on a single line, using them
       might improve readability.

    o  The Journal Is clause must precede the Add clause.

    o  Because the Journal clause and the Add clause are two separate
       clauses, a continuation character should not be used between
       the last option in the Journal clause and the Add clause (or

    o  The journal options file can contain one Journal clause only,
       but it can contain several Add clauses. However, the number of
       Add clauses cannot exceed the number of reservations made for
       .aij files. In addition, if you are enabling journaling, you
       must add at least one journal.

    o  You can specify only one of each option (for example, one
       Extent clause, one Cache clause, and so on) for the Journal Is

    The clauses and options have the following meaning:

    o  Journal Is Enabled

       Enables after-image journaling. At least one Add clause must
       follow. If this option is omitted, the current journaling
       state is maintained.

    o  Journal Is Disabled

       Disables after-image journaling. You can specify other options
       or Add clauses but they do not take effect until journaling
       is enabled. The Add clause is optional. If this option is
       omitted, the current journaling state is maintained.

    o  Reserve n

       Allocates space for an .aij file name for a maximum of n .aij
       files. By default, no reservations are made. Note that you
       cannot reserve space in a single-file database for .aij files
       by using this option with the RMU Move_Area command with the
       Aij_Options qualifier. After-image journal file reservations
       for a single-file database can be made only when you use the
       RMU Convert, RMU Restore, or RMU Copy_Database commands.

    o  Allocation Is n

       Specifies the size (in blocks) of each .aij file. If this
       option is omitted, the default allocation size is 512 blocks.
       The maximum allocation size you can specify is eight million

       See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for guidance
       on setting the allocation size.

    o  Extent Is n

       Specifies the maximum size to extend an .aij journal if it is,
       or becomes, an extensible .aij journal (in blocks). (If the
       number of available after-image journal files falls to one,
       extensible journaling is employed.)

       If there is insufficient free space on the .aij journal
       device, the journal is extended using a smaller extension
       value than specified. However, the minimum, and default,
       extension size is 512 blocks.

       See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for guidance
       on setting the extent size.

    o  Overwrite Is Enabled

       Enables overwriting of journals before they have been backed
       up. If this option is omitted, overwriting is disabled.

       This option is ignored if only one .aij file is available.
       When you specify the Overwrite Is Enabled option it is
       activated only when two or more .aij files are, or become,

    o  Overwrite Is Disabled

       Disables overwriting of journals before they have been backed
       up. If this option is omitted, overwriting is disabled.

    o  Shutdown_Timeout Is n

       Sets the delay from the time a journal failure is detected
       until the time the database aborts all access and shuts itself
       down. The value n is in minutes.

       If this option is omitted, the shutdown timeout is 60 minutes.
       The maximum value you can specify is 4320 minutes.

    o  Notify Is Enabled

       Enables operator notification when the journal state changes.
       If this option is omitted, operator notification is disabled.

    o  Notify Is Disabled

       Disables operator notification when the journal state changes.
       If this option is omitted, operator notification is disabled.

    o  Backups Are Manual

       Automatic backup operations are not enabled. This is the
       default behavior.

    o  Backups Are Automatic [File filename]

       Automatic backup operations are triggered by the filling of
       a journal. The backup file will have the specified file name
       unless a different file name or an edit string is specified in
       the Add clause. If this option is omitted, backup operations
       are manual.

    o  Edit String Is (edit-string-options)

       Specifies a default edit string to apply to the backup file
       when an .aij is backed up automatically. See the description
       of the Edit_Filename keyword in Set After_Journal for a
       description of the available options. An Edit_String that
       appears with the definition of an added journal takes
       precedence over this edit string.

    o  Quiet_Point

       Specifies that the after-image journal backup operation is
       to acquire the quiet-point lock prior to performing an .aij
       backup operation for the specified database.

    o  Noquiet_Point

       Specifies that the after-image journal backup operation will
       not acquire the quiet-point lock prior to performing an .aij
       backup operation for the specified database.

    o  Cache Is Enabled File filename

       Specifies that a journal cache file should be used. The cache
       file must reside on a nonvolatile solid-state disk. If it
       does not, caching is ineffectual. See Set After_Journal
       for information on what happens if the cache file becomes

       By default, caching is disabled.

    o  Cache Is Disabled

       Specifies that a journal cache file should not be used. This
       is the default behavior.

    o  The Add clause or clauses specify the name and location of the
       journal file and the backup file generated by automatic backup
       operations as follows:

       -  Add [Journal] journal-name

          Specifies the name for the after-image journal file
          described in the Journal clause. The journal-name is the
          name of the journal object. A journal object is the journal
          file specification plus all the attributes (allocation,
          extent, and so on) given to it in the journal clause.

       -  ! File file-specification

          Provides the full file specification and version number of
          the .aij file named in the Add clause. This line of output
          is provided because the next line (File filename) provides
          the string that the user entered when he or she created
          the .aij file. For example, if the user entered a file name
          only, and this line of output was not provided, you would
          have to issue the RMU Dump command to determine in which
          directory the file resides.

       -  File filename

          Specifies the file name for the .aij file being added. This
          option is required.

       -  Allocation Is n

          Specifies the size of the .aij file (in blocks). If this
          option is omitted, the default allocation size is 512

          See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for
          guidance on setting the allocation size.

       -  Backup_File filename

          Specifies the backup file name for automatic backup
          operations. Note that it is not valid to specify a Backup_
          File clause in the Add clause if you have specified Backups
          Are Manual in the Journal clause; Oracle RMU returns an
          error if you attempt to do so.

       -  Edit String Is (edit-string-options)

          Specifies an edit string to apply to the backup file when
          the .aij is backed up automatically. See the description
          of the Edit_Filename keyword in Set After_Journal for a
          description of the available keywords.

33.1.2  –  Format

  (B)0    RMU/Show After_Journal root-file-spec

      Command Qualifiers                      x Defaults
      /[No]Backup_Context                     x /Nobackup_Context
      /Output[=file-name]                     x SYS$OUTPUT

33.1.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    The root file specification of the database for which you want
    the after-image journal configuration to be displayed.

33.1.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Backup Context


    The Backup_Context qualifier specifies that the following
    symbols be initialized, unless you have issued a DCL SET


       Contains the sequence number of the last .aij backup file
       written to tape. This symbol has a value identical to RDM$AIJ_
       BACKUP_SEQNO. RDM$AIJ_SEQNO was created prior to Oracle Rdb
       Version 6.0 and is maintained for compatibility with previous
       versions of Oracle Rdb.


       Contains the sequence number of the currently active .aij
       file. A value of -1 indicates that after-image journaling is


       Contains the sequence number of the next .aij file that
       needs to be backed up. This symbol always contains a positive
       integer value (which may be 0).


       Contains the sequence number of the last .aij file available
       for a backup operation, which is different from the current
       sequence number if fixed-size journaling is being used. A
       value of -1 indicates that no journal has ever been backed up.

       If the value of the RDM$AIJ_NEXT_SEQNO symbol is greater than
       the value of the RDM$AIJ_LAST_SEQNO symbol, then no more .aij
       files are currently available for the backup operation.


       Contains the sequence number of the last .aij file backed
       up (completed) by the backup operation. This symbol is set
       at the completion of an .aij backup operation. A value of -
       1 indicates that this process has not yet backed up an .aij


       Contains the number of available .aij files.


       Contains the end of file block number for the current AIJ


       Contains the percent fullness of the current AIJ journal.

    o  RDM$HOT_STANDBY_STATE - Contains the current replication
       state. Possible state strings and the description of each
       state are listed below:

       -  "Inactive" - Inactive

       -  "DB_Bind" - Binding to database

       -  "Net_Bind" - Binding to network

       -  "Restart" - Replication restart activity

       -  "Connecting" - Waiting for LCS to connect

       -  "DB_Synch" - Database synchronization

       -  "Activating" - LSS server activation

       -  "SyncCmpltn" - LRS synchronization redo completion

       -  "Active" - Database replication

       -  "Completion" - Replication completion

       -  "Shutdown" - Replication cleanup

       -  "Net_Unbind" - Unbinding from network

       -  "Recovery" - Unbinding from database

       -  "Unknown" - Unknown state or unable to determine state

    o  RDM$HOT_STANDBY_SYNC_MODE - Contains the current replication
       synchronization mode when replication is active. Possible
       synchronization mode strings are listed below:

       o  "Cold"

       o  "Warm"

       o  "Hot"

       o  "Commit"

       o  "Unknown"

    The Nobackup_Context qualifier specifies that the preceding
    symbols will not be initialized.

    The Nobackup_Context qualifier is the default.

    Note that these are string symbols, not integer symbols, even
    though their equivalence values are numbers. Therefore performing
    arithmetic operations with them produces unexpected results.

    If you need to perform arithmetic operations with these symbols,
    first convert the string symbol values to numeric symbol values
    using the OpenVMS F$INTEGER lexical function. For example:

    _$ - F$INTEGER(RDB$AIJ_NEXT_SEQNO)  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output is sent. The default
    is SYS$OUTPUT. The default output file extension is .lis, if you
    specify only a file name.

33.1.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Show After_Journal command for a database, you
       must have the RMU$BACKUP, RMU$RESTORE, or RMU$VERIFY privilege
       in the root file access control list (ACL) for the database or
       the OpenVMS SYSPRV or OpenVMS BYPASS privilege.

33.1.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example shows the output from the RMU Show After_
    Journal command when one journal is available, which means
    extensible journaling will be used. The commented line is
    generated by the RMU Show After_Journal command to display the
    full file specification for the added .aij file. The next line
    shows the actual file specification entered by the user when he
    or she created the .aij file configuration. In this example, the
    user did not enter a full specification, therefore only the file
    name appears in the uncommented portion of the code.


        RESERVE 1 -
        ALLOCATION IS 512 -
        EXTENT IS 512 -
        FILE AIJ1.AIJ -
        ALLOCATION IS 512

    Example 2

    The following example shows the output from the RMU Show After_
    Journal command when two journal files are enabled, which means
    fixed-size journaling will be used. In this example, the user
    entered a full file specification for the .aij file when the .aij
    file configuration was created. Thus, the commented line and the
    one appearing below it are identical with the exception of the
    file version:


        RESERVE 2 -
        ALLOCATION IS 512 -
        EXTENT IS 512 -
        FILE DISK2:[AIJ]AIJ1.AIJ -
        ALLOCATION IS 512
         ALLOCATION IS 512

    Example 3

    The following example uses the RMU Show After_Journal command
    to show the settings of the symbolic names for the .aij sequence
    numbers before and after the RMU Backup command is executed:


        RESERVE 4 -
        ALLOCATION IS 512 -
        EXTENT IS 512 -
        FILE DISK2:[DB]AIJ_TWO -
        ALLOCATION IS 512
        ALLOCATION IS 512
      RDM$AIJ_COUNT == "2"
      RDM$AIJ_ENDOFFILE == "1"
      RDM$AIJ_FULLNESS == "0"
      RDM$AIJ_LAST_SEQNO = "-1"
      RDM$AIJ_NEXT_SEQNO = "0"

    %RMU-I-LOGBCKAIJ, backing up after-image journal RDM$JOURNAL
    %RMU-I-AIJBCKSEQ, backing up current after-image journal sequence
     number 0

      RDM$AIJ_BACKUP_SEQNO == "-1"
      RDM$AIJ_COUNT == "2"
      RDM$AIJ_ENDOFFILE == "1"
      RDM$AIJ_FULLNESS == "0"
      RDM$AIJ_LAST_SEQNO = "0"
      RDM$AIJ_NEXT_SEQNO = "1"
      RDM$AIJ_SEQNO == "-1"

33.2  –  AIP

    Displays the contents of the AIP (Area Inventory Pages)
    structure. The AIP structure provides a mapping for logical areas
    to physical areas as well as describing each of those logical
    areas. Information such as the logical area name, length of the
    stored record, storage thresholds and other information can be
    displayed using this simple command interface.

33.2.1  –  Description

    The RMU Show AIP command allows the database administrator to
    display details of selected logical areas or all logical areas in
    the database.

33.2.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Show AIP root-file-spec [larea-name]

  Command Qualifiers                    x Defaults
  /Brief                                x See description
  /Larea=(n [,...])                     x See description
  /Parea=(n [,...])                     x See description
  /Option=Rebuild_Spams                 x See description
  /Output=output-filename               x /Output=SYS$OUTPUT
  /Type=type-name                       x See description

33.2.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    The file specification for the database root file to be
    processed. The default file extension is .rdb.  –  larea-name

    An optional parameter that allows the logical areas to be
    selected by name. Only those AIP entries are displayed. This
    parameter is optional and will default to all logical areas being

    Any partitioned index or table will create multiple logical areas
    all sharing the same name. This string may contain standard
    OpenVMS wildcard characters (% and *) so that different names
    can be matched. Therefore, it is possible for many logical areas
    to match this name.

    The value of larea-name may be delimited so that mixed case
    characters, punctuation and various character sets can be used.

33.2.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Brief


    Displays AIP information in a condensed, tabular form (see
    example below).  –  Larea

    Larea=(n [,...])

    Specifies a list of logical area identifiers. The LAREA qualifier
    and larea-name parameter are mutually exclusive. The default
    if neither the LAREA or PAREA qualifiers nor the larea-name
    parameter is specified is to display all AIP entries.  –  Parea

    Parea=(n [,...])

    Specifies a list of physical area identifiers. The PAREA
    qualifier and larea-name parameter are mutually exclusive. The
    default if neither the PAREA or LAREA qualifiers nor the larea-
    name parameter is specified is to display all AIP entries.  –  Option


    Display only those logical areas which have the REBUILD_SPAMS
    flag set.  –  Output

    Output [ = output-filename ]

    This qualifier is used to capture the output in a named file. If
    used, a standard RMU header is added to identify the command and
    database being processed. If omitted, the output is written to
    SYS$OUTPUT and no header is displayed.  –  Type

    Type = type-name

    Legal values for type-name are TABLE, SORTED_INDEX, HASH_INDEX,

    This qualifier is used in conjunction with larea-name to select
    a subset of the AIP entries that may match a name. For instance,
    it is legal in Rdb to create a table and an index with the name
    EMPLOYEES. So using EMPLOYEES/TYPE=TABLE will make the selection
    unambiguous. It also allows simpler wildcarding. Commands using
    *EMPLOYEE*/TYPE=TABLE will process only those tables that match
    and not the associated index logical areas.

33.2.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  The database administrator requires RMU$DUMP privilege as
       this command is closely related to the RMU DUMP LAREA=RDB$AIP

    o  Only AIP entries that are in use are displayed. In contrast,
       the RMU Dump command also displays deleted and unused AIP

33.2.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    This example uses the name of a known database table to display
    details for this single logical area.


    Logical area name JOBS
    Type: TABLE
    Logical area 85 in mixed physical area 7
    Physical area name JOBS
    Record length 41
    Thesholds are (0, 0, 0)
    AIP page number: 151
    ABM page number: 0
    Snapshot Enabled TSN: 64

    Example 2

    The wildcard string "*EMPLOYEE* matches both indices and table
    logical areas, so here we use /TYPE to limit the display to just
    table logical areas. The table EMPLOYEES in the MF_PERSONNEL
    database is partitioned across three storage areas and hence
    there exists three logical areas.


    Logical area name EMPLOYEES
    Type: TABLE
    Logical area 80 in mixed physical area 3
    Physical area name EMPIDS_LOW
    Record length 126
    Thesholds are (0, 0, 0)
    AIP page number: 150
    ABM page number: 0
    Snapshot Enabled TSN: 4800

    Logical area name EMPLOYEES
    Type: TABLE
    Logical area 81 in mixed physical area 4
    Physical area name EMPIDS_MID
    Record length 126
    Thesholds are (0, 0, 0)
    AIP page number: 151
    ABM page number: 0
    Snapshot Enabled TSN: 1504

    Logical area name EMPLOYEES
    Type: TABLE
    Logical area 82 in mixed physical area 5
    Physical area name EMPIDS_OVER
    Record length 126
    Thesholds are (0, 0, 0)
    AIP page number: 151
    ABM page number: 0
    Snapshot Enabled TSN: 1504

    Example 3

    This example shows the REBUILD_SPAMS option used to locate
    logical areas that require SPAM rebuilds. This may occur because
    the stored row length changed size or THRESHOLDS were modified
    for the index or storage map.

    _Logical area name:

    Logical area name ACCOUNT_AUDIT
    Type: TABLE
    Logical area 86 in uniform physical area 1
    Physical area name RDB$SYSTEM
    Record length 12
    Thesholds are (10, 100, 100)
        SPAM pages should be rebuilt
    AIP page number: 151
    ABM page number: 1004
    Snapshot Enabled TSN: 5824

    Logical area name DEPARTMENTS_INDEX
    Logical area 94 in uniform physical area 10
    Physical area name DEPARTMENT_INFO
    Record length 430
    Thesholds are (30, 65, 72)
        SPAM pages should be rebuilt
    AIP page number: 151
    ABM page number: 2
    Snapshot Enabled TSN: 7585

    Example 4

    The /BRIEF qualifier specifies that a condensed tabular output
    format be used. The /PAREA qualifier is used here to specify that
    only logical areas stored in physical areas 4 and 5 are to be

    * Logical Area Name             LArea PArea   Len Type
    RDB$SYSTEM_RECORD                  60     4   215 SYSTEM RECORD
    RDB$SYSTEM_RECORD                  61     5   215 SYSTEM RECORD
    EMPLOYEES_HASH                     79     4   215 HASH INDEX
    EMPLOYEES                          82     4   121 TABLE
    JOB_HISTORY_HASH                   85     4   215 HASH INDEX
    JOB_HISTORY                        88     4    42 TABLE
    DEPARTMENTS_INDEX                  89     5   430 SORTED INDEX
    DEPARTMENTS                        90     5    55 TABLE

    The columns displayed include:

    o  Logical Area Name - Name of the logical area stored in the AIP

    o  LArea - Logical area number stored in the AIP entry

    o  PArea - Physical area number stored in the AIP entry

    o  Len - Object length stored in the AIP entry

    o  Type - Object type stored in the AIP entry. The following
       object types may be displayed:

       o  UNKNOWN - The logical area type is unknown or has not been

       o  TABLE - A data table type

       o  SORTED INDEX - A sorted index type

       o  HASH INDEX - A hashed index type

       o  SYSTEM RECORD - A system record type

       o  LARGE OBJECT - A large object (BLOB) type

33.3  –  Audit

    Displays the set of security auditing characteristics established
    by the RMU Set command with Audit qualifier.

33.3.1  –  Description

    The RMU Show Audit command is the Oracle Rdb equivalent to the
    DCL SHOW AUDIT command. Because Oracle Rdb security auditing uses
    many OpenVMS system-level auditing mechanisms, certain auditing
    characteristics such as /FAILURE_MODE can only be displayed
    using the OpenVMS SHOW AUDIT command, which requires the OpenVMS
    SECURITY privilege.

33.3.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Show Audit root-file-spec

  Command Qualifiers                    x Defaults
  /All                                  x See description
  /Daccess[=object-type[,...]]          x See description
  /Every                                x See description
  /Flush                                x See description
  /Identifiers                          x See description
  /Output[=file-name]                   x /Output=SYS$OUTPUT
  /Protection                           x See description
  /Rmu                                  x See description
  /Type={Alarm|Audit}                   x Alarm and Audit

33.3.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    The root file specification of the database for which you want
    auditing information to be displayed.

33.3.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  All


    Displays all available auditing information for the database,
    including the following: whether security auditing and security
    alarms are started or stopped; types of security events currently
    enabled for alarms and audits; identifiers currently enabled
    for auditing; and whether forced write operations are enabled or
    disabled.  –  Daccess

    Daccess[=object-type[, . . . ]]

    Indicates whether the general DACCESS audit event class is
    currently enabled. Specifying one or more object types with the
    Daccess qualifier displays the object types and their associated
    privileges that are currently enabled for DACCESS event auditing.
    If you specify more than one object type, enclose the list of
    object types within parentheses.

    The valid object types are:

       COLUMN  –  Every


    Displays the current setting for the first or every DACCESS event
    auditing for the database.  –  Flush


    Displays the current setting for forced write operations on audit
    journal records for the database.  –  Identifiers


    Displays the user identification codes (UICs) of the users
    currently enabled for DACCESS event auditing of specified
    objects.  –  Output


    Controls where the output of the command is sent. If you do not
    enter the Output qualifier, or if you enter the Output qualifier
    without a file specification, the output is sent to the current
    process default output stream or device.  –  Protection


    Displays whether auditing is currently enabled for the PROTECTION
    audit event class.  –  Rmu


    Displays whether auditing is currently enabled for the RMU event
    class.  –  Type


    Displays information about security alarms or security auditing.
    If you do not specify the Type qualifier, Oracle RMU displays
    information about both security alarms and security auditing.

33.3.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Show Audit command for a database, you must
       have the RMU$SECURITY privilege in the root file ACL for the
       database or the OpenVMS SECURITY or BYPASS privilege.

    o  If you do not specify any qualifiers with the RMU Show Audit
       command, the currently enabled alarm and audit security events
       are displayed.

    o  Use the RMU Show Audit command to check which auditing
       features are enabled whenever you plan to enable or disable
       audit characteristics with a subsequent RMU Set Audit command.

    o  When the RMU Show Audit command is issued for a closed
       database, the command executes without other users being able
       to attach to the database.

33.3.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command shows that alarms are enabled for the RMU
    and PROTECTION audit classes for the mf_personnel database. Note
    that the display shows that alarms are also enabled for the AUDIT
    audit class. The AUDIT audit class is always enabled and cannot
    be disabled.

    Security auditing STOPPED for:
        PROTECTION (disabled)
        RMU (disabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        ACCESS (disabled)

    Security alarms STOPPED for:
        PROTECTION (enabled)
        RMU (enabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        ACCESS (disabled)

    Audit flush is disabled

    Audit every access

    Enabled identifiers:

    Example 2

    In the following example, the first command enables and starts
    alarms for the RMU audit class for the mf_personnel database.
    Following the first command is the alarm that is displayed on
    a security terminal when the first command is executed. The
    second command displays the auditing characteristics that have
    been enabled and started. The RMU Show Audit command with the
    All qualifier causes the alarm at the end of the example to be
    displayed on the security terminal. Note that security-enabled
    terminals only receive alarms if alarms have been both enabled
    and started.


    %%%%%%%%%%%  OPCOM   8-JUL-1996 09:41:01.19  %%%%%%%%%%%
    Message from user RICK on MYNODE
    Oracle Rdb Security alarm (SECURITY) on MYNODE, system id:      32327
    Database name:          DDV21:[RICK.SQL]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1
    Auditable event:        Auditing change
    PID:                    21212274
    Event time:             8-JUL-1996 09:41:01.17
    User name:              RICK
    Sub status:             RMU required privilege
    Final status:           %SYSTEM-S-NORMAL
    RMU privilege used:     RMU$SECURITY

    Security auditing STOPPED for:
        PROTECTION (disabled)
        RMU (disabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        ACCESS (disabled)

    Security alarms STARTED for:
        PROTECTION (disabled)
        RMU (enabled)
        AUDIT (enabled)
        ACCESS (disabled)

    Audit flush is disabled

    Audit every access

    Enabled identifiers:

    %%%%%%%%%%%  OPCOM   8-JUL-1996 09:43:07.94  %%%%%%%%%%%
    Message from user RICK on MYNODE
    Oracle Rdb Security alarm (SECURITY) on MYNODE, system id:      32327
    Database name:          DDV21:[RICK.SQL]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1
    Auditable event:        Attempted RMU command
    PID:                    21212274
    Event time:              8-JUL-1996 09:43:07.92
    User name:              RICK
    RMU command:            RMU/SHOW AUDIT/ALL MF_PERSONNEL
    Access requested:       RMU$SECURITY
    Sub status:             RMU required privilege
    Final status:           %SYSTEM-S-NORMAL
    RMU privilege used:     RMU$SECURITY

33.4  –  Corrupt Pages

    Indicates which pages, storage areas, or snapshot files are
    corrupt or inconsistent by displaying the contents of the corrupt
    page table (CPT). Corrupt pages are logged to the CPT, which is
    maintained in the database root file.

33.4.1  –  Format

  (B)0    RMU/Show Corrupt_Pages root-file-spec

      Command Qualifiers                      x Defaults
      /Options=({Normal|Debug|Full})          x /Options=(Normal)
      /Output[=file-name]                     x /Output=SYS$OUTPUT

33.4.2  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    The root file specification of the database for which you want
    the corrupt or inconsistent storage areas or snapshot files
    logged to the CPT to be displayed.

33.4.3  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Options


    Specifies the type of information you want displayed, as follows:

    o  Normal

       Displays the active CPT entries and the corrupt or
       inconsistent areas sorted by area and page.

    o  Full

       Displays the same information as Normal plus the disks on
       which the active CPT entries and the corrupt or inconsistent
       areas or snapshot files are stored-sorted by disk, area, and

    o  Debug

       Provides a dump of the entire CPT and lists all the storage

    Options=(Normal) is the default qualifier.  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output is sent. The default
    is SYS$OUTPUT. The default output file extension is .lis, if you
    specify only a file name.

33.4.4  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Show Corrupt_Pages command for a database, you
       must have the RMU$BACKUP, RMU$RESTORE, or RMU$VERIFY privilege
       in the root file access control list (ACL) for the database or
       the OpenVMS SYSPRV or OpenVMS BYPASS privilege.

    o  You can repair and remove a corrupt snapshot file from
       the CPT by issuing the RMU Repair command with the
       Initialize=(Snapshots) qualifier. Using the Repair command
       in this case is faster than performing a restore operation.
       See Repair for details.

33.4.5  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example shows the output from the RMU Show Corrupt_
    Pages command when page 1 in area 3 is marked as corrupt:

    * Oracle Rdb V7.0-00                          8-JUL-1996 13:46:20.77
    * Dump of Corrupt Page Table
    *     Database: USER1:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1

    Entries for storage area EMPIDS_MID

        Page 1
            - AIJ recovery sequence number is -1
            - Area ID number is 3
            - Consistency transaction sequence number is 0:0
            - State of page is: corrupt

    * Oracle Rdb V7.0-00                          8-JUL-1996 13:46:21.17
    * Dump of Storage Area State Information
    *     Database: USER1:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1

    All storage areas are consistent.

33.5  –  Locks

    Displays current information about the OpenVMS locks database on
    your node. It provides information concerning lock activity and
    contention for all active databases.

33.5.1  –  Description

    In a clustered environment, the RMU Show Locks command displays
    detailed lock information for your current node and may display
    information about known remote locks.

    The RMU Show Locks command displays information about process
    locks for all active databases on a specific node. A process
    requesting a lock can have one of three states: owning, blocking,
    or waiting. A process is considered to be owning when the lock
    request is granted. A process is considered to be blocking when
    the lock request is granted and its mode is incompatible with
    other waiting locks. A process is considered to be waiting when
    it is prevented from being granted a lock due to the presence
    of other granted locks whose modes are incompatible with the
    process' requested mode.

    Using the RMU/SHOW LOCKS command can be difficult on systems
    with multiple open databases due to the amount of output and
    difficulty in determining what database a particular lock
    references. The RMU/SHOW LOCKS command, when supplied with a
    root file specification, can be used to additionally filter
    lock displays to a specific database. Note that in some cases
    the RMU/SHOW LOCKS command may be unable to filter locks prior
    to display. And when using the database "LOCK PARTITIONING IS
    ENABLED" feature for a database, the RMU/SHOW LOCKS command with
    a root file specification will be unable to associate area, page,
    and record locks with the specified database because the database
    lock is not the lock tree root for these lock types.

    The values for the Mode qualifier: Blocking and Waiting, can be
    combined with the Process and Lock qualifiers to indicate which
    of the following types of information is displayed:

    o  If the Blocking option is specified, information is displayed
       about processes whose locks are blocking other processes'

    o  If the Waiting option is specified, information is displayed
       about processes whose locks are waiting for other processes'

    o  If the Process qualifier is specified, information is
       displayed for a specified list of processes.

    o  If the Lock qualifier is specified, information is displayed
       for a specified list of locks. When no qualifiers are
       specified, a list of all active locks in the OpenVMS locks
       database is displayed.

    Use the qualifiers individually or in combination to display the
    required output. See Lock Qualifier Combinations for all possible
    qualifier combinations and the types of output they produce.
    If you do not specify any qualifiers, a complete list of locks
    is displayed. The volume of information from this report can
    be quite large. Therefore, you should use the Output qualifier
    to direct output to a file, instead of allowing the output
    to display to SYS$OUTPUT. Each output contains a heading that
    indicates what qualifiers, if any, were used to generate the

    Table 16 Lock Qualifier Combinations

              Mode           Option
    Object    Argument       Argument      Output

    Process                                Locks for the specified
    Process   Blocking                     Processes blocking the
                                           specified processes
    Process   Waiting                      Processes waiting for the
                                           specified processes
    Process                  All           Process locks for the
                                           specified processes
    Process                  Full          Special process locks for
                                           the specified processes
    Process   Blocking,                    Processes blocking and
              Waiting                      waiting for the specified
    Process   Blocking       Full          Special process locks
                                           blocking the specified
    Process   Waiting        Full          Special process locks
                                           waiting for the specified
    Process   Blocking,      Full          Special process locks
              Waiting                      blocking and waiting for
                                           the specified processes
    Process                  All, Full     Process and special
                                           process locks for the
                                           specified processes
    Lock                                   Locks for the specified
    Lock      Blocking                     Processes blocking the
                                           specified locks
    Lock      Waiting                      Processes waiting for the
                                           specified locks
    Lock                     Full          Special process locks for
                                           the specified locks
    Lock      Blocking       Full          Special process locks
                                           blocking the specified
    Lock      Waiting        Full          Special process locks
                                           waiting for the specified
    Lock      Blocking,                    Processes blocking and
              Waiting                      waiting for the specified
    Lock      Blocking,      Full          Special process locks
              Waiting                      blocking and waiting for
                                           the specified locks
              Blocking                     Lock requests that are
              Waiting                      Lock requests that are
              Blocking,                    Lock requests that are
              Waiting                      blocking and waiting
    Process                                Locks for specified
    Lock                                   processes and locks
    Process   Blocking                     Processes blocking the
    Lock                                   specified processes and
    Process   Waiting                      Processes waiting for the
    Lock                                   specified processes and
    Process   Blocking,                    Processes blocking and
    Lock      Waiting                      waiting for the specified
                                           processes and locks
    Process   Blocking       Full          Special process locks
    Lock                                   blocking the specified
                                           processes and locks
    Process   Waiting        Full          Special process locks
    Lock                                   waiting for the specified
                                           processes and locks
    Process                  All           Process locks for the
    Lock                                   specified processes and
    Process                  Full          Special process locks for
    Lock                                   the specified processes
                                           and locks
    Process   Blocking       Full          Special process locks
    Lock                                   blocking the specified
                                           processes and locks
    Process                  All, Full     Process and special
    Lock                                   process locks for the
                                           specified processes and

    You can display only those processes that you have privilege to
    access. Furthermore, certain special database processes are not
    displayed, unless you specifically indicate that all processes
    are to be displayed. The report heading indicates what qualifiers
    were used to generate the output.

33.5.2  –  Format

  (B)0    RMU/Show Locks [root-file-spec]

      Command Qualifiers                       x Defaults
      /Lock = lock-list                        x None
      /Mode = (mode-list)                      x None
      /Options = (option-list)                 x See description
      /Output[=file-name]                      x /Output=SYS$OUTPUT
      /Process = process-list                  x None
      /Resource-type=resource-type-list        x None

33.5.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    The root file specification of the database for which you want to
    filter lock displays. Optional parameter.

33.5.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Lock


    Displays information for each of the specified locks. When
    combined with the Mode=Blocking qualifier, the Lock qualifier
    displays information about processes whose locks are blocking the
    specified locks. When combined with the Mode=Waiting qualifier,
    the Lock qualifier displays information about processes whose
    lock requests are waiting for the specified locks.

    One or more locks can be specified; if more than one lock is
    specified, they must be enclosed in parentheses and separated
    by commas. The lock identifier is an 8-digit hexadecimal number,
    and must be local to the node on which the RMU Show Locks command
    is issued. To see the lock identifier upon which a process is
    waiting, you can do either of the following:

    o  Invoke the character cell Performance Monitor "Stall Messages"

    o  Invoke the Performance Monitor from your PC and select
       Displays  –  Mode


    Indicates the lock mode to be displayed. If you specify more than
    one option in the mode-list, you must separate the options with
    a comma, and enclose the mode-list in parentheses. The following
    lock mode options are available:

    o  Blocking

       Displays the set of processes whose locks are blocking the
       lock requests of other processes. A process is considered
       to be waiting when it has requested a lock mode that is
       incompatible with existing granted lock modes; in this case,
       the requestor is the waiting process and the grantors are the
       blocking processes.

       The first line of output identifies a process that is waiting
       for a lock request to be granted. All subsequent lines of
       output identify those processes that are preventing the
       lock request from being granted. When multiple processes
       are waiting for the same lock resource, multiple sets of
       process-specific information, one for each waiting process,
       are displayed.

    o  Culprit

       Displays the set of locks for processes that are blocking
       other processes but are themselves not locked. The output
       represents the processes that are the source of database
       stalls and performance degradation.

    o  Waiting

       Displays the set of processes whose lock requests are waiting
       due to incompatible granted locks for other processes. A
       process is considered to be blocking others when it has been
       granted a lock mode that is incompatible with requested lock
       modes; in this case, the "Blocker" is the blocking process and
       the "Waiting" are the waiting processes.

       A requesting process can appear to be waiting for other
       lock requestors. This condition occurs when there are many
       processes waiting on the same lock resource. Depending upon
       the sequence of processes in the wait queue, certain waiting
       processes appear to be blocking other waiting processes
       because, eventually, they will be granted the lock first.

       The first line of output identifies a process that has been
       granted a lock on a resource. All subsequent lines of output
       identify those processes that are waiting for lock requests on
       the same resource to be granted. When multiple processes are
       blocking the same lock resource, multiple sets of process-
       specific information, one for each blocking process, are
       displayed.  –  Options


    Indicates the type of information and the level of detail the
    output will include. If you do not specify the Options qualifier,
    the default output is displayed. If you specify more than one
    type of output for the Options qualifier, you must separate
    the options with a comma, and enclose the options list within
    parentheses. The following options are available:

    o  All

       Used when you want the complete list of process locks; by
       default, lock information for only the specified process is
       displayed. When you specify the All option, information is
       displayed for all other processes that have a need to know
       the lock held by the specific process. This method is an easy
       way to display all of a process' locks and to see what other
       processes are also using the same resource.

       If the Mode qualifier is specified, the Options=(All)
       qualifier is ignored.

    o  Full

       Indicates that special database processes are to be displayed.
       Some special database processes, such as monitors, perform
       work on behalf of a database. These database processes
       frequently request locks that by design conflict with other
       processes' locks; the granting of these locks indicates an
       important database event.

       By default, these special database processes are not displayed
       because they increase the size of the output.  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output is sent. The default
    is SYS$OUTPUT. The default output file extension is .lis, if you
    specify only a file name.  –  Process


    Displays information for each lock held or requested by the
    specified processes when used by itself. When the Process
    qualifier is combined with the Mode=Blocking qualifier,
    information is displayed about processes whose locks are blocking
    lock requests by the specified waiting processes.


       When the Process qualifier is specified without any Options
       qualifier values, all locks for the processes are displayed,
       including owning, blocking, and waiting locks.

    One or more processes can be specified; if more than one process
    is specified, they must be enclosed within parentheses and
    separated by commas. The process identifier is an 8-digit
    hexadecimal number, and must be local to the node on which the
    RMU Show Locks command is issued. The process ID must include all
    eight characters; the node identifier portion of the process ID
    cannot be excluded. To get more information, use the Options=All
    qualifier to display all users using processes' locks.  –  Resource type


    Displays information for each lock held or requested by the
    specified resource type. Only the specific resource types will
    be displayed. This permits, for example, only PAGE or RECORD lock
    types to be selected.

    One or more resouce types can be specified; if more than one
    type is specified, they must be enclosed within parentheses and
    separated by commas.

    The following keywords are allowed with the Resource_type

    Table 17 RESOURCE_TYPE Keywords

    Lock Type
    Name           Keyword(s)

    ACCESS         ACCESS
    ACTIVE         ACTIVE
    AIJDB          AIJDB
    AIJFB          AIJFB
    AIJ            AIJ
    AIPQHD         AIP
    ALS            ALS_ACTIVATION
    CLIENT         CLIENT
    CLOSE          CLOSE
    CLTSEQ         CLTSEQ
    DB             DATABASE
    FILID          FILID
    FRZ            FREEZE
    KROOT          KROOT
    LOGFIL         LOGFIL
    MEMBIT         MEMBIT
    NOWAIT         NOWAIT
    PLN            DBKEY, RECORD, PLN
    PNO            PAGE, PNO
    QUIET          QUIET
    RCACHE         RCACHE
    RO_L1          L1_SNAP_TRUNCATION
    RTUPB          RTUPB
    RUJBLK         RUJBLK
    RW_L2          L2_SNAP_TRUNCATION
    SAC            SNAP_AREA_CURSOR
    SEQBLK         SEQBLK
    TRM            TERMINATION
    TSNBLK         TSNBLK

    The RESOURCE_TYPE qualifier is incompatible with the MODE, LIMIT,
    LOCK and PROCESS qualifiers.

33.5.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Show Locks command for a database, you must
       have the OpenVMS WORLD privilege.

    o  When you specify a list of processes or lock identifiers, make
       sure the processes or locks are local to the node on which the
       RMU Show Locks command is issued.

    o  To display the complete list of locks in the OpenVMS locks
       database, do not specify the Mode=Blocking or Waiting
       qualifier. The volume of information from this report can
       be quite large.

    o  If you have entered an Oracle RMU command and there are no
       locks on your node, you receive the following message:

       %RMU-I-NOLOCKSOUT, No locks on this node with the specified

    o  When you use the RMU Show Locks command to display locks,
       the "requested" and "granted" modes of the given lock are
       displayed. The definitions for the two fields follow:

       -  Requested

          This is the mode for which the process has requested
          the lock. Valid modes are NL, CR, CW, PR, PW, and EX.
          This mode is not guaranteed to be granted; some locks
          are intentionally held in conflicting modes forever (for
          example, the "termination" lock).

       -  Granted

          This is the mode that the process was last granted for
          the lock. Valid modes are NL, CR, CW, PR, PW, and EX.
          Furthermore, if the lock has never been previously granted,
          the lock mode is displayed as NL mode.

       Lock Mode Compatibility shows the compatibility of requested
       and granted lock modes.

    Table 18 Lock Mode Compatibility

                           Mode of Currently Granted Locks

    Mode of
    Lock       NL   CR   CW    PR   PW    EX

    NL         Yes  Yes  Yes   Yes  Yes   Yes
    CR         Yes  Yes  Yes   Yes  Yes   No
    CW         Yes  Yes  Yes   No   No    No
    PR         Yes  Yes  No    Yes  No    No
    PW         Yes  Yes  No    No   No    No
    EX         Yes  No   No    No   No    No
    Key to Lock Modes

        NL-Null Lock
        CR-Concurrent Read
        CW-Concurrent Write
        PR-Protected Read
        PW-Protected Write
        EX-Exclusive Lock
        Yes-Locks compatible
        No-Locks not compatible

    o  If the "requested" and "granted" lock modes differ, then the
       lock requested is currently blocked on either the "wait" or
       "conversion" queue. If the modes are the same, then the lock
       has been granted.

    o  The OpenVMS distributed lock manager does not always
       update the requested lock mode. This means that potentially
       conflicting information can be displayed by the RMU Show Locks

    o  The requested lock mode is updated only under the following

       -  The lock request is for a remote resource.

       -  The lock request is a Nowait request.

       -  The lock request could not be granted due to a lock
          conflict (that is, it was canceled by the application or
          aborted due to lock timeout or deadlock).

       -  The lock request is the first for the resource.

    o  Consider the following RMU Show Locks output:

 Resource Name: page 533
 Granted Lock Count: 1,  Parent Lock ID: 01000B6C,   Lock Access Mode:
 Resource Type:
       Global,  Lock Value Block: 03000000 00000000 00000000 00000002

   -Master Node Info-  --Lock Mode Information--     -Remote Node Info-
 ProcessID Lock ID  SystemID Requested Granted Queue  Lock ID SystemID
 2040021E  0400136A  00010002  EX      CR      GRANT  0400136A 00010002

       In this example, it is ordinarily difficult to explain how
       such a combination of lock modes could occur. Note that the
       CR (concurrent read) mode is on the Grant queue (not the
       Conversion queue).

       Knowledge of the operating environment is necessary to know
       that there was only one node on this system. It turns out that
       two lock requests actually occurred to generate this output,
       in the opposite order of what appears to have occurred.

       The first lock request was for EX (exclusive), which was
       immediately granted. Thus, the Requested and Granted modes
       were updated according to situation 4. Then, the lock was
       demoted from EX to CR mode, which was also immediately
       granted. However, the Requested field was not updated because
       none of the four preceding rules was true, so the Requested
       mode was never updated to reflect the CR lock request.


33.5.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command will output all the locks held by process
    ID 44A047C9. The report text will show the resource on which
    the lock is held, ID information, and lock status (Requested and


33.6  –  Logical Names

    Displays logical names known by various components of Oracle Rdb.

33.6.1  –  Description

    The RMU Show Logical_Names command displays the definitions of
    logical names known by various components of Oracle Rdb. You
    can specify all logical names or just one. The output format is
    similar to that of the DCL SHOW LOGICALS command.

33.6.2  –  Format

  (B)0    RMU/Show Logical_Names [logical-name]

      Command Qualifiers                      x Defaults
      /Output=file-name                       x SYS$OUTPUT
      /Undefined                              x None

33.6.3  –  Parameters  –  logical-name

    Use this option to display the definition of one logical name. If
    you omit the logical name, the definitions of all logical names
    known to Oracle Rdb are displayed.

33.6.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output is to be sent. The
    default is SYS$OUTPUT. The default output file type is .lis, if
    you specify a file name.  –  Undefined

    Use the Undefined qualifier to display a list of both defined and
    undefined logicals.

33.6.5  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example displays defined logical names known to
    Oracle Rdb.

    $ rmu/sho log

    Example 2

    This example displays both defined and undefined logical names.

    $ rmu/sho log /undefined ! Display them all
      "RDMS$AUTO_READY" = Undefined
      "RDM$BIND_ABS_QUIET_POINT" = Undefined
      "RDM$BIND_ABS_PRIORITY" = Undefined
      "RDM$BIND_ABW_ENABLED" = Undefined
      "RDM$BIND_AIJ_ARB_COUNT" = Undefined

33.7  –  Optimizer Statistics

    Displays the current values of the optimizer statistics for
    tables and indexes as stored in the RDB$INDICES, RDB$RELATIONS,
    and the RDB$WORKLOAD system table.

33.7.1  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Show Optimizer_Statistics root-file

  Command Qualifiers            x  Defaults
  /[No]Full                     x  /Nofull
  /[No]Indexes[=(index-list)]   x  /Index
  /[No]Log[=file-name]          x  /Log
  /Statistics[=(options)]       x  /Statistics
  /[No]System_Relations         x  /Nosystem_Relations
  /[No]Tables[=(table-list)]    x  /Tables
  /[No]Threshold[=options]      x  /Nothreshold

33.7.2  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec


    Specifies the database for which optimizer statistics are to be
    displayed. The default file type is .rdb.

33.7.3  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Full


    This qualifier can only be used if table, index, or index prefix
    cardinality statistics are being displayed. If this qualifier is
    specified, the following cardinality information is displayed:

    o  Actual cardinality

       Displays the current table, index, or index prefix cardinality

    o  Stored cardinality

       Displays the table, index, or index prefix cardinality value
       stored in the system relations.

    o  Difference between the stored and actual cardinality values

       This value is negative if the stored cardinality is less than
       the actual cardinality.

    o  Percentage cardinality difference from the actual value

       This value is calculated by dividing the difference between
       the stored and actual cardinality values by the actual
       cardinality value. It is negative if the stored cardinality
       is less than the actual cardinality.

    The default value is Nofull.  –  Indexes



    Specifies the index or indexes for which statistics are to be
    displayed. If you do not specify an index-list, statistics for
    all indexes defined for the tables specified with the Tables
    qualifier are displayed. If you specify an index-list, statistics
    are displayed only for the named indexes. If you specify the
    Noindex qualifier, statistics are not displayed for any indexes.

    The default is the Indexes qualifier without an index-list.  –  Log


    Specifies whether the display of statistics are to be logged.
    Specify the Log qualifier to have the information displayed
    to SYS$OUTPUT. Specify the Log=file-spec qualifier to have the
    information written to a file. The Nolog qualifier is valid
    syntax, but is ignored by Oracle RMU. The default is the Log
    qualifier.  –  Statistics



    Specifies the type of statistics you want to display for the
    items specified with the Tables, System_Relations, and Indexes
    qualifiers. If you specify the Statistics qualifier without
    an options list, all statistics are displayed for the items

    If you specify the Statistics qualifier with an options list,
    Oracle RMU displays the types of statistics described in the
    following list. If you specify more than one option, separate the
    options with commas and enclose the options within parentheses.

    The Statistics qualifier options are:

    o  Cardinality

       Displays the table cardinality for the tables specified with
       the Tables and System_Relations qualifiers and the index and
       index prefix cardinalities for the indexes specified with the
       Indexes qualifier.

    o  Workload

       Displays the Column Group, Duplicity Factor, and Null Factor
       workload statistics for the tables specified with the Tables
       and System_Relations qualifiers.

    o  Storage

       Displays the following statistics:

       -  Table Row Clustering Factor for the tables specified with
          the Tables qualifier

       -  Index Key Clustering Factor, the Index Data Clustering
          Factor, and the Average Index Depth for the indexes
          specified with the Indexes qualifier.  –  System Relations



    The System_Relations qualifier specifies that optimizer
    statistics are to be displayed for system tables (relations)
    and their associated indexes.

    If you do not specify the System_Relations qualifier, or if you
    specify the Nosystem_Relations qualifier, optimizer statistics
    are not displayed for system tables or their associated indexes.

    Specify the Noindex qualifier if you do not want statistics
    displayed for indexes defined on the system tables.

    The default is the Nosystem_Relations qualifier.  –  Tables




    Specifies the table or tables for which optimizer statistics
    are to be displayed. If you specify a table-list, optimizer
    statistics for those tables and their associated indexes are

    If you do not specify the Tables qualifier, or if you specify
    the Tables qualifier but do not provide a table-list, optimizer
    statistics for all tables and their associated indexes in the
    database are displayed.

    If you specify the Notables qualifier, optimizer statistics for
    tables are not displayed.

    Specify the Noindex qualifier if you do not want statistics
    displayed for indexes defined on the specified tables.

    The Tables qualifier is the default.  –  Threshold


    The Threshold qualifier can only be used in conjunction with
    the Full qualifier. If this qualifier is used, an additional
    Threshold column is added to the display. You can specify the
    following options with the Threshold qualifier:

    o  Percent=n

       The value for Percent=n can be an integer value from 0 to 99.
       The default value for n is 0. If Percent=n is not specified
       or if a percent value of 0 is specified, any percentage
       difference from the actual cardinality value is flagged as
       "*over*" in the output column. If a percent value of 1 to
       99 is specified, any percentage difference from the actual
       cardinality value that is greater than the percent value
       specified is flagged as "*over*" in the output column. In the
       report, the Threshold column displays those cardinality values
       in which the percent difference exceeds the specified value.
       If the threshold is not exceeded, the column is blank. If the
       threshold is exceeded, the column shows the string "*over*".

    o  Log={All|Over_Threshold}

       If Log is not specified or if Log=All is specified, all
       cardinality values are displayed. If Log=Over_Threshold is
       specified, only cardinality values that exceed the threshold
       percentage are flagged as "*over*" in the output column.

33.7.4  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Show Optimizer_Statistics command for a
       database, you must have the RMU$ANALYZE or RMU$SHOW privilege
       in the root file access control list (ACL) for the database or
       the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.

    o  Cardinality statistics are automatically maintained by
       Oracle Rdb. Physical storage and Workload statistics are only
       collected when you issue an RMU Collect Optimizer_Statistics
       command. To get information about the usage of Physical
       storage and Workload statistics for a given query, define
       the RDMS$DEBUG_FLAGS logical name to be "O". For example:


       When you execute a query, if workload and physical statistics
       have been used in optimizing the query, you will see a line
       such as the following in the command output:

       ~O: Workload and Physical statistics used

    o  Use the RMU Show Optimizer Statistics command with the
       Statistics=Cardinality/Full/Threshold=n qualifier to identify
       index prefix cardinality drift. This command identifies
       indexes that need to be repaired. Use the RMU Collect
       Optimizer_Statistics command to repair the stored index prefix
       cardinality values.

33.7.5  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command displays all optimizer statistics
    previously collected for the EMPLOYEES table. See Collect_
    Optimizer_Statistics for an example that demonstrates how to
    collect optimizer statistics.



    Optimizer Statistics for table : EMPLOYEES

      Cardinality            : 100
      Row clustering factor  : 0.5100000

      Workload Column group  :      EMPLOYEE_ID
      Duplicity factor       : 1.0000000
      Null factor            : 0.0000000
      First created time     :  3-JUL-1996 10:37:36.43
      Last collected time    :  3-JUL-1996 10:46:10.73

      Workload Column group  : LAST_NAME,   FIRST_NAME,  MIDDLE_INITIAL,
      Duplicity factor       : 1.5625000
      Null factor            : 0.3600000
      First created time     :  3-JUL-1996 10:37:36.43
      Last collected time    :  3-JUL-1996 10:46:10.74

    Index name : EMP_LAST_NAME
      Index Cardinality      : 83
      Average Depth          : 2.0000000
      Key clustering factor  : 0.0481928
      Data clustering factor : 1.1686747
      Segment Column                 Prefix cardinality
        LAST_NAME                       0

    Index name : EMP_EMPLOYEE_ID
      Index Cardinality      : 0
      Average Depth          : 2.0000000
      Key clustering factor  : 0.0100000
      Data clustering factor : 0.9500000
      Segment Column                 Prefix cardinality
        EMPLOYEE_ID                     0

    Index name : EMPLOYEES_HASH
      Index Cardinality      : 0
      Key clustering factor  : 1.0000000
      Data clustering factor : 1.0000000

    Example 2

    The following command displays optimizer statistics for all the
    tables defined in the database. Because the Noindex qualifier
    is specified, no index statistics are displayed. Because the Log
    qualifier is specified with a file specification, the values for
    the optimizer statistics are written to the specified file.

    $ RMU/SHOW OPTIMIZER_STATISTICS mf_personnel.rdb -

    Example 3

    The following example displays the output of a command when
    the Full and Threshold qualifiers are used with the Cardinality
    option. In the example, table XXX has three indexes. Index XXX_
    IDX_FULL has index prefix cardinality collection enabled full
    and the report shows no cardinality drift for this index. Index
    XXX_IDX_APPROX has index prefix cardinality collection enabled,
    and cardinality drift is evident. For the first segment of the
    index (column C1), the stored cardinality is 20% lower than the
    actual cardinality. Since the command specifies a threshold of
    5%, the line is marked "*over*" in the Thresh column. There
    is also cardinality drift for the second segment of the index
    (column C2), index prefix (C1, C2). The third index XXX_IDX_
    NONE has index prefix cardinality collection disabled. This is
    indicated in the report rather than showing the index segments.
    If the report were lengthy, you could write it to a disk file
    and then locate the problem indexes by searching for the string

    $ RMU/SHOW OPTIMIZER/STAT=CARD/FULL/THRESH=(percent=5,log=all) sample.rdb

    Optimizer Statistics for table : XXX

    (Cardinality: Diff=Stored-Actual, Percent=Diff/Actual, Thresh=Percent exceeded)
                                     Table cardinality
        Actual               Stored                Diff             Percent Thresh
        109586               109586                0                0  %

    Index name : XXX_IDX_FULL
    (Cardinality: Diff=Stored-Actual, Percent=Diff/Actual, Thresh=Percent exceeded)
                                     Index cardinality
        Actual               Stored                Diff             Percent Thresh
        109586               109586                0                0  %
                                     Prefix cardinality
        Actual               Stored                Diff             Percent Thresh
      Segment Column : C1
        1425                 1425                  0                0  %
      Segment Column : C2
        31797                31797                 0                0  %
     Segment Column : C3
        0                    0                     0                0  %

    Index name : XXX_IDX_APPROX
    (Cardinality: Diff=Stored-Actual, Percent=Diff/Actual, Thresh=Percent exceeded)
                                     Index cardinality
        Actual               Stored                Diff             Percent Thresh
        109586               109586                0                0  %
                                     Prefix cardinality
        Actual               Stored                Diff             Percent Thresh
      Segment Column : C1
        1425                 1140                 -285             -20 %    *over*
      Segment Column : C2
        31797                30526                -1271            -4  %
      Segment Column : C3
        0                    0                     0                0  %

    Index name : XXX_IDX_NONE
    (Cardinality: Diff=Stored-Actual, Percent=Diff/Actual, Thresh=Percent exceeded)
                                     Index cardinality
        Actual               Stored                Diff             Percent Thresh
        109586               109586                0                0  %
      ***Prefix cardinality collection is disabled***

33.8  –  Privilege

    Allows you to display the root file access control list (ACL) for
    a database.

33.8.1  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Show Privilege root-file-spec

   Command Qualifiers        x  Defaults
   [No]Expand_All            x  /Noexpand_All
   [No]Header                x  /Header

33.8.2  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    The root file specification for the database whose root file
    ACL you are displaying. By default, a file extension of .rdb is

33.8.3  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Expand All


    Specifies that if a user's access mask was defined with the
    RMU$ALL keyword on the RMU Set Privilege command, each of the
    RMU privileges represented by the RMU$ALL keyword is displayed.

    The Noexpand_All qualifier specifies that if a user's access mask
    was defined with the RMU$ALL keyword on the RMU Set Privilege
    command, only the keyword is displayed; the RMU privileges
    represented by the keyword are not displayed.

    The Noexpand_All qualifier is the default.  –  Header


    Specifies that header information is to be displayed. The
    Noheader qualifier suppresses output of header information.

    The Header qualifier is the default.

33.8.4  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Show Privilege command for a database, you must
       have the RMU$SECURITY privilege in the root file ACL for the
       database or the OpenVMS SECURITY or BYPASS privilege.

    o  Although you can use the DCL SHOW ACL command to display the
       root file ACL for a database, the DCL SHOW ACL command does
       not display the names of the Oracle RMU privileges granted to

33.8.5  –  Examples

    Example 1

    In the following example, the RMU Show Privilege command displays
    the root file ACL for the mf_personnel database:

    Object type: file,  Object name: SQL_USER:[USER1]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1,
     on 12-FEB-1996 10:48:23.04


    Example 2

    The following examples demonstrate the difference in output when
    you use the Header and Noheader qualifiers:

    Object type: file,  Object name: RDBVMS_USER:[DB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1,
     on 17-SEP-1998 13:47:20.21


    Example 3

    The following examples demonstrate the difference in output when
    you use the Expand and Noexpand qualifiers:




33.9  –  Statistics

    Opens the Performance Monitor to display, on a character-cell
    terminal, the usage statistics for a database. See the Oracle
    Rdb7 Guide to Database Performance and Tuning for tutorial
    information on how to interpret the Performance Monitor displays.

33.9.1  –  Description

    The Performance Monitor dynamically samples activity statistics
    on a database. You can display the statistics at your terminal
    and can also write them to a formatted binary file.

    The statistics show activity only from the node on which you
    execute the command.

    The Performance Monitor operates in one of three modes: online,
    record, and replay. In online mode, you can display or record
    current activity on a database. In record mode, you can record
    statistics in a binary file. In replay mode, you can examine a
    previously recorded binary statistics file.

    If you use the Input qualifier, the Performance Monitor executes
    in replay mode. In replay mode, this command generates an
    interactive display from a previously recorded binary statistics

    If you do not use the Input qualifier, you must specify a
    database file name. The Performance Monitor then executes in
    online mode. In online mode, the command generates an interactive
    display when you use the Interactive qualifier and can also
    record statistics in a binary file.

    The interactive display is made up of numerous output pages.
    You control the interactive display by means of menus, arrow
    keys, and the Return key to select options. You select an item
    by pressing the arrow keys until the desired item is highlighted,
    then press the Return key.

    Display the Select Display options (by typing D) from the
    Performance Monitor screen to view the available output pages.
    Items in the Display menu followed by this set of characters:
    [->, indicate that a submenu is displayed when you select this

    Once you have selected a display, there are a number of methods
    you can use to navigate through the screens:

    o  To move to the next screen of information, do one of the

       -  Press the right arrow (- > ) keyboard key.

       -  Press the Next Screen keyboard key.

    o  To move to the previous screen of information, do one of the

       -  Press the left arrow (< - ) keyboard key.

       -  Press the Prev Screen keyboard key.

    o  To move forward n number of screens, press the plus (+)
       keyboard key and enter the value n.

    o  To move backward n number of screens, press the minus (-)
       keyboard key and enter the value n.

    o  To move directly from the first screen to the last screen, do
       one of the following:

       -  Press the up arrow (^ ) keyboard key.

       -  Press the plus (+) keyboard key and enter the value 0.

    o  To move directly from the last screen to the first screen, do
       one of the following:

       -  Press the down arrow (v ) keyboard key.

       -  Press the hyphen (-) keyboard key and enter the value 0.

    o  To quickly locate a screen in the current submenu group that
       contains activity, press the space bar on your keyboard.

       This feature works even when you are replaying a binary input
       file. If there is no screen in the current subgroup that has
       activity, the next screen is displayed (as though you had
       used the Next Screen key). The Performance Monitor ignores
       computational screens, such as Stall Messages, Monitor Log,
       and so on, when searching for activity.

    In interactive mode, enter an exclamation point to open the
    Select Tool menu. This menu allows you to switch the database
    for which you are displaying statistics, edit a file, invoke a
    system command, and so on. (The ability to open a new database
    is not available if you specify the Input or Output qualifier.)
    In addition, it provides you the ability to locate a specific
    statistics screen either by name (or portion thereof) or by a
    summary-selection menu. Select the Goto screen or Goto screen
    "by-name" options from the Select Tool menu to use these options.

    In interactive mode, you can pause output scrolling on your
    screen by pressing the P key. Resume output scrolling by pressing
    the P key again.

    An extensive online help facility for the character-cell
    interface is available by doing the following from the
    Performance Monitor screen:

    1. Type H or PF2.

    2. Select the type of help you want (keyboard, screen, or field).

    3. Press the Return key.

    If you select field level help, you must also do the following:

    1. Highlight the field for which you want help information.

    2. Press the Return key.

    All screens regardless of format or display contents have a
    standard format as follows:

    o  First line

       Contains the node name, the utility name and version number,
       and the current system date and time. The current system date
       and time are updated at the specified set-rate interval.

    o  Second line

       Contains the screen refresh rate, in seconds; the current
       screen name; and the elapsed time since the last set-rate
       command, which indicates how long the screen information has
       been collected.

    o  Third line

       Contains the current page number within the screen (screen X
       of Y), the name of the current database, and the statistics
       utility operation mode (online, record, or replay). Online
       mode is the normal database activity displayed in real
       time. Record mode indicates that the database activity being
       displayed is being recorded to an external file specified by
       the Output qualifier. Replay mode indicates that the database
       activity is being displayed from the external file specified
       by the Input qualifier.

    You can display most statistics in either a histogram or a
    columnar chart, although several display pages have special
    formats. By default, the initial interactive display appears
    in histogram mode; by using the Nohistogram qualifier, you can
    direct Oracle RMU to display statistics in tabular numeric mode.

    In addition, you can produce time-plot graphics for individual
    statistical fields.

    Use the Output qualifier to direct statistical output to a file.
    The output is a formatted binary file and does not produce a
    legible printed listing. To read the output, you must use the RMU
    Show Statistics command with the Input qualifier.

    The Nointeractive qualifier suppresses the interactive display.
    Use this qualifier when you want to generate binary statistics
    output but do not want an online display.

    Database statistics are maintained in a global section on each
    system on which Oracle Rdb is running. Statistics are reset to
    zero when you close a database. Running the Performance Monitor
    keeps the database open even when there are no users accessing
    the database.

    The Stall Messages display permits you to display multiple
    screens of information. Access the Stall Messages display by
    selecting Per-Process Information from the Select Display Menu;
    then select the Stall Messages display from the secondary menu.

    If you are displaying the last screen of Stall Messages
    information and the number of stalled processes is reduced such
    that the last screen is empty, you are automatically moved to the
    newest last screen of information when you press the Next Screen
    keyboard key (or the right arrow keyboard key).

    You can also use the Alarm, Notify, and Screen qualifiers to
    simplify monitoring stalled processes. See the description of
    each of these qualifiers for more information.

33.9.2  –  Format

  (B)0   RMU/Show Statistics [root-file-spec]

     Command Qualifiers                         x  Defaults
     /Access_Log                                x  None
     /Alarm=interval                            x  /Alarm=0
     /[No]Broadcast                             x  See description
     /[No]Cluster=[(node-list)]                 x  /Nocluster
     /Configure=file-spec                       x  None
     /[No]Cycle=seconds                         x  /Nocycle
     /Dbkey_Log=file-spec                       x  See description
     /Deadlock_Log=file-spec                    x  None
     /[No]Histogram                             x  /Histogram
     /Hot_Standby_Log                           x  None
     /Input = file-name                         x  See description
     /[No]Interactive                           x  See description
     /Lock_Timeout_Log=file-spec                x  None
     /[No]Log                                   x  See description
     /[No]Logical_Area                          x  /Logical_Area
     /[No]Notify[=([No]All | operator-classes)] x  /Nonotify
     /[No]Opcom_Log=filename                    x  /Noopcom_Log

  (B)0   /Options=keywords                          x  /Options=Base
     /Output=file-spec                          x  See description
     /[No]Prompt_Timeout=seconds                x  /Prompt_Timeout=60
     /Reopen_Interval= minutes                  x  None
     /Reset                                     x  Statistics are no
     /Screen = screen-name                      x  See description
     /Stall_Log = file-spec                     x  Stall messages no
     /Time = integer                            x  /Time = 3
     /Until = date-time                         x  See description

33.9.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    The root file specification of the database on which you
    want statistics. If you use the Input qualifier to supply a
    prerecorded binary statistics file, you cannot specify a database
    file name. If you do not use the Input qualifier, you must
    specify a database file name.

33.9.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Access Log

    Identifies the name of the log file where logical area accesses
    are to be recorded.  –  Alarm


    Establishes an alarm interval (in seconds) for the Stall Messages
    screen from the command line. This is useful when you plan to
    submit the RMU Show Statistics command as a batch job.

    Use this qualifier in conjunction with the Notify qualifier to
    notify an operator or set of operators of stalled processes.

    The default value is 0 seconds, which is equivalent to disabling
    notification.  –  Broadcast


    Specifies whether or not to broadcast messages. The Broadcast
    qualifier is the default, if broadcasting of certain messages
    has been enabled with DCL SET BROADCAST. If broadcasting has
    been disabled with the DCL SET BROADCAST=none command, broadcast
    messages are not displayed, even if you specify the RMU Show
    Statistics command with the Broadcast qualifier.

    Specify the Nobroadcast qualifier if broadcasting has been
    enabled with the DCL SET BROADCAST command but you do not
    want broadcast messages displayed while you are running the
    Performance Monitor.  –  Cluster


    Specifies the list of remote nodes from which statistics
    collection and presentation are to be performed. The collected
    statistics are merged with the information for the current node
    and displayed using the usual statistics screens.

    The following list summarizes usage of the Cluster qualifier:

    o  If the Cluster qualifier is specified by itself, remote
       statistics collection is performed on all cluster nodes on
       which the database is currently open.

    o  If the Cluster=(node-list) qualifier is specified, remote
       statistics collection is performed on the specified nodes
       only, even if the database is not yet open on those nodes.

    o  If the Cluster qualifier is not specified, or the Nocluster
       qualifier (the default) is specified, cluster statistics
       collection is not performed. However, you can still enable
       clusterwide statistics collection online using the Tools menu.

    You can specify up to 95 different cluster nodes with the Cluster
    qualifier. There is a maximum number of 95 cluster nodes because
    Oracle Rdb supports only 96 nodes per database. The current node
    is always included in the list of nodes from which statistics
    collection is to be performed.

    It is not necessary to have the RMU Show Statistics command
    running on the specified remote nodes or to have the database
    open on the remote nodes. These events are automatically handled
    by the feature.

    The following example shows the use of the Cluster qualifier to
    initiate statistics collection and presentation from two remote


    Remote nodes can also be added and removed online at run time.
    Use the Cluster Statistics option located in the Tools menu.
    The Tools menu is displayed by using the exclamation point (!)
    on-screen menu option.

    See the RMU Show Statistic DBA Handbook (available in MetaLink
    if you have a service contract) for information about the Cluster
    Statistics Collection and Presentation feature.  –  Configure


    Specifies the name of a human-readable configuration file to be
    processed by the RMU Show Statistics command. The configuration
    file can be created using any editor, or it can be automatically
    generated from the RMU Show Statistics command using the current
    run-time configuration settings. The default configuration file
    type is .cfg.

    If you specify the Configure=file-spec qualifier, the
    configuration file is processed by the RMU Show Statistics
    command prior to opening the database or the binary input file.
    If you do not specify this qualifier, all of the variables are
    the defaults based on command-line qualifiers and logical names.

    The configuration file is processed in two passes. The first
    pass occurs before the database is opened and processes most
    of the configuration file entries. The second pass occurs after
    the database is opened and processes those variables that are
    database-dependent, such as the CUSTOMER_LINE_n variable.

    See the RMU Show Statistic DBA Handbook (available in MetaLink
    if you have a service contract) for more information about
    configuration files.  –  Cycle


    Directs the Performance Monitor to continually cycle through the
    set of screens associated with the currently selected menu item.
    Each menu is displayed for the number of seconds specified.

    When you specify the Cycle qualifier, you can change screen
    modes or change submenus as desired; cycling through the menus
    associated with your choice continues at whichever menu level is
    currently selected.

    The specified value for the Cycle qualifier must be greater
    than or equal to the value specified for the Time qualifier.
    In addition, if you manually change the refresh rate (using the
    Set_rate onscreen menu option) to a value that is greater than
    the value you specify with the Cycle qualifier, the cycling is
    performed at the interval you specify for the Set_rate.

    If you do not specify the Cycle qualifier, or if you do not
    specify the number of seconds, no screen cycling is performed.  –  Dbkey Log


    Logs the records accessed during a given processing period by the
    various attached processes. The file-spec is the name of the file
    to which all accessed dbkeys are logged.

    The header region of the dbkey log contains four lines. The first
    line indicates that the RMU Show Statistic utility created the
    log file. The second line identifies the database. The third
    line identifies the date and time the dbkey log was created. The
    fourth line is the column heading line.

    The main body of the dbkey log contains six columns. The first
    column contains the dbkey process ID and stream ID. The second
    through sixth columns contain the most recently accessed dbkey
    for a data page, snapshot page, SPAM page, AIP page, and ABM
    page, respectively.

    Only one message per newly accessed dbkey is recorded. However,
    all dbkey values are displayed, even if some of the dbkeys did
    not change.

    The dbkey information is written at the current screen refresh
    rate, determined by the Time qualifier or the Set_rate onscreen
    menu option. Using a larger refresh rate minimizes the size of
    the file but results in a large number of missed dbkey messages.
    Using a smaller refresh rate produces a large log file, but
    contains a much finer granularity of dbkey messages.

    Note that you do not need to display the Dbkey Information screen
    in order to record the dbkey messages to the dbkey log. The
    dbkey log is maintained regardless of which screen, if any, is

    You can use the Dbkey_Log qualifier to construct a dbkey logging
    server, as follows:

    _$ /NOBROADCAST/UNTIL="15:15:00"  –  Deadlock Log


    Records the last deadlock for the processes. There is no method
    to record each lock deadlock as it occurs.

    The file-spec in the qualifier is the name of the file to which
    you want all lock deadlock messages to be logged. The lock
    deadlock messages are written in human-readable format similar
    to the Lock Timeout History and Lock Deadlock History screens.

    The header region of the lock deadlock log contains three lines:

    o  Line 1 indicates that the RMU Show Statistics utility created
       the log file.

    o  Line 2 identifies the database.

    o  Line 3 identifies the date and time the log was created.

    The main body of the stall log contains three columns:

    o  The first column contains the process ID and stream ID that
       experienced the lock deadlock.

    o  The second column contains the time the deadlock occurred;
       however, the date is not displayed.

    o  The third column contains the deadlock message describing the
       affected resource. This message is similar to the originating
       stall message.

    For example:

    2EA00B52:34 14:25:46.14 - waiting for page 5:751 (PR)

    If any lock deadlocks are missed for a particular process
    (usually because the recording interval is too large), the
    number of missed lock deadlocks is displayed in brackets after
    the message. For example:

    2EA00B52:34 14:25:46.14 - waiting for page 5:751 (PR) [1 missed]

    Only one message is logged for each deadlock.

    The lock deadlock messages are written at the specified screen
    refresh rate, determined by specifying the Time qualifier, or
    online using the Set_rate on-screen menu option. Using a larger
    refresh rate minimizes the size of the file, but results in
    a large number of missed deadlock messages. Using a smaller
    refresh rate produces a large log file, but contains a much finer
    granularity of deadlock messages.

    Using the Time=1 or Time=50 qualifier produces a reasonable log
    while minimizing the impact on the system.

    The affected LockID is not displayed, because this is meaningless
    information after the lock deadlock has completed.

    Use the Tools menu (displayed when you press the exclamation
    point (!) key from any screen) to enable or disable the lock
    timeout and lock deadlock logging facility while the RMU Show
    Statistics utility is running. However, note that the lock
    timeout log and lock deadlock log are not available during binary
    file replay.  –  Histogram


    Directs Oracle RMU to display the initial statistics screen in
    the numbers display mode or the graph display mode. The Histogram
    qualifier specifies the graph display mode. The Nohistogram
    qualifier specifies the numbers display mode.

    The Histogram qualifier is the default.  –  Hot Standby Log

    Specifies the name of the Hot Standby log file. The "Start hot
    standby logging" option of the Tools menu (enter !) can be used
    to specify the name of the Hot Standby log file at runtime.  –  Input


    Specifies the prerecorded binary file from which you can read the
    statistics. This file must have been created by an earlier RMU
    Show Statistics session that specified the Output qualifier.

    You cannot specify a database file name with the Input qualifier.
    Also, you must not use the Until, Output, or Nointeractive
    qualifiers with the Input qualifier. However, you can use the
    Time qualifier to change the rate of the display. This will not
    change the computed times as recorded in the original session.
    For example, you can record a session at Time=60. This session
    will gather statistics once per minute.

    You can replay statistics gathered in a file by using the Input
    and Time qualifiers. To replay a file:

    o  Use the Output qualifier to create a file of database

    o  Use the Input and Time qualifiers to view the statistics
       again at a rate that you determine. For example, the command
       file and change the display once per second, thus replaying 10
       hours of statistics in 10 minutes.

    If you do not specify the Input qualifier, you must specify the
    root-file-spec parameter.  –  Interactive


    Displays the statistics dynamically to your terminal. The
    Interactive qualifier is the default when you execute the
    RMU Show Statistics command from a terminal. You can use the
    Nointeractive qualifier with the Output qualifier to generate a
    binary statistics file without generating a terminal display. The
    Nointeractive qualifier is the default when you execute the RMU
    Show Statistics command from a batch job.

    In an interactive session, you can use either the menu interface
    or the predefined control characters to select display options
    (see the Performance Monitor online help for further information
    about the predefined control characters).

    Select menu options by using the up (^ ) and down (v ) arrow keys
    followed by pressing the Return or Enter key. Cancel the menu by
    pressing Ctrl/Z.  –  Lock Timeout Log


    Records the last lock timeout message for the processes. There
    is no method to record each lock timeout as it occurs. The lock
    timeout messages are written in human-readable format.

    The header region of the lock timeout log contains three lines:

    o  Line 1 indicates that the RMU Show Statistics utility created
       the log file.

    o  Line 2 identifies the database.

    o  Line 3 identifies the date and time the log was created.

    The main body of the stall log contains three columns:

    o  The first column contains the process ID and stream ID that
       experienced the lock timeout.

    o  The second column contains the time the timeout occurred;
       however, the date is not displayed.

    o  The third column contains the timeout message describing the
       affected resource. This message is similar to the originating
       stall message.

    For example:

    2EA00B52:34 14:25:46.14 - waiting for page 5:751 (PR)

    If any lock timeouts are missed for a particular process (usually
    because the recording interval is too large), the number of
    missed lock timeouts is displayed in brackets after the message.
    For example:

    2EA00B52:34 14:25:46.14 - waiting for page 5:751 (PR) [1 missed]

    Only one message is logged for each lock timeout.

    The lock timeout messages are written at the specified screen
    refresh rate, determined by specifying the Time qualifier, or
    online using the Set_rate on-screen menu option. Using a larger
    refresh rate minimizes the size of the file, but results in a
    large number of missed lock timeout messages. Using a smaller
    refresh rate produces a large log file, but contains a much finer
    granularity of lock timeout messages.

    Using the Time=1 or Time=50 qualifier appears to produce a
    reasonable log while minimizing the impact on the system.

    The affected LockID is not displayed because this is meaningless
    information after the lock timeout has completed.

    Note that you do not need to be displaying the Lock Timeout
    History or Lock Deadlock History screens to record the stall
    messages to the stall log. These logs are maintained regardless
    of which screen, if any, is displayed.

    Use the Tools menu (displayed when you press the exclamation
    point (!) key from any screen) to enable or disable the lock
    timeout and lock deadlock logging facility while the RMU Show
    Statistics utility is running. However, note that the lock
    timeout log and lock deadlock log are not available during binary
    file replay.  –  Log


    Logs the creation of a binary statistics file to your output
    file. This binary statistics file is created only if you have
    used the Output qualifier. If you use the Nolog qualifier, no
    operations will be logged to your output file.

    The default is the current setting of the DCL verify switch. See
    HELP SET VERIFY in DCL HELP for more information on changing the
    DCL verify switch.

    If you use the Interactive qualifier, the Log qualifier is
    ignored.  –  Logical Area


    Specifies that you want the RMU Show Statistics command to
    acquire the needed amounts of virtual memory to display logical
    area statistics information. The Logical_Area qualifier is the

    By default, the RMU Show Statistics command consumes
    approximately 13,000 bytes of virtual memory per logical area.
    (The number of logical areas is determined by the largest logical
    area identifier - not by the actual number of areas.) This can
    result in the RMU Show Statistics command consuming large amounts
    of virtual memory, even if you do not want to review logical area
    statistics information.

    Use the NoLogical_Area qualifier to indicate that you do not want
    to display logical area statistics information. When you specify
    the NoLogical_Area qualifier, the virtual memory for logical area
    statistics information presentation is not acquired.

    When you specify the NoLogical_Area qualifier, do not also
    specify the Nolog qualifier, as this causes logical area
    statistics information to still be collected.

    The "Logical Area" statistics are not written to the binary
    output file. Conversely, the "Logical Area" statistics screens
    are not available during binary input file replay.

    There is no corresponding configuration variable. This qualifier
    cannot be modified at run time. See the RMU Show Statistic DBA
    Handbook (available in MetaLink if you have a service contract)
    for more information about interpreting logical area screens.  –  Notify






    Notifies the specified system operator or operators when a
    stall process exceeds the specified alarm interval by issuing
    a broadcast message and ringing a bell at the terminal receiving
    the message.

    The valid operator classes are: CENTRAL, CLUSTER, DISKS, OPCOM,
    SECURITY, and OPER1 through OPER12.

    The various forms of the Notify qualifier have the following

    o  If you specify the Notify qualifier without the operator-
       classes parameter, the CENTRAL and CLUSTER operators are
       notified by default.

    o  If you specify the Nonotify or Notify=Noall qualifiers,
       operator notification is disabled.

    o  If you specify the Notify=All qualifier, all operator classes
       are enabled.

    o  If you specify the Notify=operator-classes qualifier, the
       specified classes are enabled. (If you specify more than one
       operator class, enclose the list in parentheses and separate
       each class name with a comma.)

       For example, issuing the RMU Show Statistics command with the
       Notify=(OPER1, OPER2) qualifier sends a notification message
       to system operator classes OPER1 and OPER2 if the Alarm
       threshold is exceeded while monitoring the Stall Messages

    o  When the Notify=OPCOM qualifier is specified with the RMU
       Show Statistics command along with the Alarm and Cluster
       qualifiers, Oracle RMU generates an OPCOM message and delivers
       it to the OPCOM class associated with the Notify qualifier.
       This message alerts the operator to the fact that the process
       has stalled for more than n seconds, where n is the value
       assigned to the Alarm qualifier. The process that has stalled
       may be on any node that is included in the node name list
       assigned to the Cluster qualifier.

    The specified system operator(s) are notified only when the alarm
    threshold is first exceeded. For instance, if three processes
    exceed the alarm threshold, the specified operator(s) are
    notified only once. If another process subsequently exceeds the
    alarm threshold while the other processes are still displayed,
    the specified system operator(s) are not notified.

    However, if the longest-duration stall is resolved and a new
    process then becomes the newest stall to exceed the alarm
    threshold, then the specified system operator(s) will be notified
    of the new process.

    To receive operator notification messages, the following three
    OpenVMS DCL commands must be issued:



    3. $ REPLY /ENABLE=(operator-classes)

    The operator-classes specified in the REPLY /ENABLE command must
    match those specified in the Notify qualifier to the RMU Show
    Statistics command.

    The operator notification message will appear similar to the
    following sample message:

    %%%%%%%%%%%  OPCOM  19-DEC-1994 08:56:39.27  %%%%%%%%%%%
                         (from node MYNODE at 19-DEC-1994 08:56:39.30)
    Message from user SMITH on MYNODE
    Rdb Database USER2:[SMITH.WORK.AIJ]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 Event Notification
    Process 2082005F:1 exceeded 5 second stall: waiting for record 51:60:2  (EX)

    The system operator notification message contains four lines.
    Line 1 contains the OPCOM broadcast header message. Line 2
    identifies the process running the RMU Show Statistics command
    that sent the message. Line 3 identifies the database being
    monitored. Line 4 identifies the process that triggered the
    alarm, including the alarm interval and the stall message.

    To establish an alarm interval for the Stall Messages screen, use
    the Alarm=Interval qualifier.

    If you specify the Nointeractive qualifier, bell notification is
    disabled, but the broadcast message remains enabled.  –  Opcom Log


    Specifies the name of the file where OPCOM messages broadcast by
    attached database processes will be sent.

    When recording OPCOM messages, it is possible to occasionally
    miss a few messages for a specific process. When this occurs, the
    message "n missed" will be displayed in the log file.

    You can record specific operator classes of OPCOM messages if
    you specify the Option=Verbose qualifier. The Option=Verbose
    qualifier records only those messages that can be received by the
    process executing the RMU Show Statistics utility. For example,
    if the process is enabled to receive operator class Central, then
    if you specify Opcom_Log=opcom.log the Option=Verbose qualifier
    records all Central operator messages. Conversely, specifying
    only the Opcom_Log=opcom.log qualifier records all database-
    specific OPCOM messages generated from this node. Because the
    output is captured directly from OpenVMS, the operator-specific
    log file output format is different from the database-specific
    contents. The following example shows the operator-specific log
    file contents for the Cluster and Central operator classes:

     Oracle Rdb X7.1-00 Performance Monitor OPCOM Log
     OPCOM Log created 11-JUN-1999 10:52:07.53
    11-JUN-1999 10:52:23.85)  Message from user RDBVMS on ALPHA4  Oracle Rdb X7.1-00
    Event Notification for Database  _$111$DUA368:[BBENTON.TEST]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1
    AIJ Log Server terminated
    11-JUN-1999 10:52:25.49)  Message from user RDBVMS on ALPHA4  Oracle Rdb X7.1-00
    Event Notification for Database  _$111$DUA368:[BBENTON.TEST]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1
    AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server started
    11-JUN-1999 10:52:26.06)  Message from user RDBVMS on ALPHA4  Oracle Rdb X7.1-00
    Event Notification for Database  _$111$DUA368:[BBENTON.TEST]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1
    AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server failed
    11-JUN-1999 10:54:21.09)  Message from user RDBVMS on ALPHA4  Oracle Rdb X7.1-00
    Event Notification for Database  _$111$DUA368:[BBENTON.TEST.JUNK]T_
    PERSONNEL.RDB;1    AIJ Log Server started
    11-JUN-1999 10:54:21.13)  Message from user RDBVMS on ALPHA4  Oracle Rdb X7.1-00
    Event Notification for Database  _$111$DUA368:[BBENTON.TEST.JUNK]T_
    PERSONNEL.RDB;1    Opening "$111$DUA368:[BBENTON.TEST.JUNK]TEST1.AIJ;2"  –  Options

    The following keywords may be used with the Options qualifier:

    o  [No]All

       Indicates whether or not all collectible statistics (all
       statistics for all areas) are to be collected. The All option
       indicates that all statistics information is to be collected;
       the Noall keyword indicates that only the base statistics
       information is to be collected. You must also specify the
       Output qualifier. Note: Logical Area information is not
       written to the binary output file.

    o  [No]Area

       Indicates whether or not the by-area statistics information
       is to be collected in addition to the base statistics
       information. When you specify the Area or Noarea option, the
       Base statistics are implicitly selected. You must also specify
       the Output qualifier.

       When the Area option is specified, statistics for all existing
       storage areas are written to the binary output file; you
       cannot selectively choose specific storage areas for which
       statistic information is to be collected.

       The size of the by-area statistics output largely depends on
       the total number of storage areas in the database, including
       reserved storage areas. If the database contains a large
       number of storage areas, it may not be advisable to use the
       Options=Area qualifier.

       Before you replay a binary output file that contains by-
       area statistics, specify the following command to format the
       display correctly:


       You can then replay the statistics as follows:

       $ RMU/SHOW STATISTICS/INPUT=main.stats

    o  Base (default)

       Indicates that only the base set of statistics is to be
       collected; this is the default Options option. The base set of
       statistics is identical to the one collected prior to Oracle
       Rdb V6.1. You must also specify the Output qualifier. You
       cannot specify Nobase.

    o  Compress

       Compresses the statistics records written to the output
       file specified by the Output qualifier. While replaying the
       statistics, the RMU Show Statistics command determines if a
       record was written using compression or not. If the record was
       written using compression it is automatically decompressed.

       If compression is used, the resultant binary file can be
       read only by the RMU Show Statistics command. The format and
       contents of a compressed file are not documented or accessible
       to other applications.

    o  Confirm

       Indicates that you wish to confirm before exiting from the
       utility. You can also specify the Confirm option in the
       configuration file using the CONFIRM_EXIT variable. A value
       of TRUE indicates that you want to confirm before exiting the
       utility and a value of FALSE (the default) indicates you do
       not want to confirm before exiting the utility.

    o  Log_Stall_Alarm

       If Log_Stall_Alarm is present when using the Stall_Log
       qualifier to write stall messages to a log file and the
       Alarm qualifier to set an alarm interval, only those stalls
       exceeding the Alarm specified duration are written to the
       stall log output file.

    o  Log_Stall_Lock

       If you use the Stall_Log qualifier to write stall messages to
       a log file, use the Nolog_Stall_Lock option to prevent lock
       information from being written to the log file. If you use or
       omit the Log_Stall_Lock option, lock information is written to
       the log file.

    o  [No]Row_Cache

       Indicates that all row cache related screens and features of
       the RMU Show Statistics facility are to be displayed. NoRow_
       Cache indicates that these features are disabled.

    o  Screen_Name

       Allows you to identify a screen capture by screen name. If you
       issue an RMU Show Statistics command with the Options=Screen_
       Name qualifier, the screen capture is written to a file that
       has the name of the screen with all spaces, brackets, and
       slashes replaced by underscores. The file has an extension of
       .SCR. For example, if you use the Option=Screen_Name qualifier
       and select the Write option on the Screen Transaction
       Duration (Read/Write), the screen is written to a file named

    o  Update

       Allows you to update fields in the Database Dashboard. See
       the Performance Monitor Help or the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to
       Database Performance and Tuning for information about using
       and updating the Database Dashboard. You must have both the
       OpenVMS WORLD and BYPASS privileges to update fields in the
       Database Dashboard.

    o  Verbose

       Causes the stall message logging facility to report a stall
       message at each interval, even if the stall message has been
       previously reported.


          Use of the Options=Verbose qualifier can result in an
          enormous stall messages log file. Ensure that adequate
          disk space exists for the log file when you use this

       You can enable or disable the stall messages logging Verbose
       option at run time by using the Tools menu and pressing the
       exclamation point (!) key.

       You can also specify the Verbose option in the configuration
       file by using the STALL_LOG_VERBOSE variable. Valid keywords
       are ENABLED or DISABLED.

       Lock information is displayed only once per stall, even in
       verbose mode, to minimize the output file size.  –  Output


    Specifies a binary statistics file into which the statistics are
    written. Information in the Stall Messages screen is not recorded
    in this file, however. The information in the Stall Messages
    screen is highly dynamic and thus cannot be replayed using the
    Input qualifier.


       Statistics from the Stall Messages display are not collected
       in the binary output file.

    For information on the format of the binary output file (which
    changed in Oracle Rdb V6.1), see the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to
    Database Performance and Tuning.  –  Prompt Timeout


    Allows you to specify the user prompt timeout interval, in
    seconds. The default value is 60 seconds.

    If you specify the Noprompt_Timeout qualifier or the Prompt_
    Timeout=0, the RMU Show Statistics command does not time out any
    user prompts. Note that this can cause your database to hang.


       Oracle Corporation recommends that you do not use the
       Noprompt_Timeout qualifier or the Prompt_Timeout= 0
       qualifier unless you are certain that prompts will always
       be responded to in a timely manner.

    If the Prompt_Timeout qualifier is specified with a value greater
    than 0 but less than 10 seconds, the value 10 is used. The user
    prompt timeout interval can also be specified using the PROMPT_
    TIMEOUT configuration variable.  –  Reopen Interval


    After the specified interval, closes the current output file and
    opens a new output file without requiring you to exit from the
    Performance Monitor. The new output file has the same name as the
    previous output file, but the version number is incremented by 1.

    This qualifier allows you to view data written to the output file
    while the Performance Monitor is running.

    If there has been no database activity at the end of the
    specified interval, the current output file is not closed and
    a new output file is not created.

    Be careful not to use the DCL PURGE command inadvertently. Also
    note that use of the DCL SET FILE/VERSION_LIMIT command causes
    older versions of the output file to be deleted automatically.

    Use of the Reopen_Interval qualifier is only valid when you also
    specify the Output qualifier.  –  Reset

    Specifies that you want the Performance Monitor to reset your
    display to zero. The Reset qualifier has the same effect as
    selecting the reset option from the interactive screen (except
    when you specify the Reset qualifier, values are reset before
    being initially displayed).

    Note that this qualifier resets the values being displayed to
    your output device only, it does not reset the values in the
    database global section nor does it affect the data collected in
    an output file.

    The default behavior of the Performance Monitor is to display
    each change in values that has occurred since the database was
    opened. To display only the value changes that have occurred
    since the Performance Monitor was invoked, specify the Reset
    qualifier, or immediately select the on-screen reset option when
    statistics are first displayed.

    The Reset qualifier does not affect the values that are written
    to the binary output file (created when you specify the Output
    qualifier). Specify the Reset qualifier when you replay the
    output file if you want the replay to display only the change in
    values that occurred between the time the Performance Monitor was
    invoked (with the Output qualifier) and the monitoring session
    ended.  –  Screen


    Specifies the first screen to be displayed. This is particularly
    useful when you are using the Performance Monitor to
    interactively monitor stalled processes. For example, the
    following command automatically warns the system operator of
    excessive stalls:


    The following list describes the syntax of the screen-name

    o  You can use any unique portion of the desired screen name for
       the screen-name argument. For example, the following has the
       same results as the preceding example:


    o  Except with regards to case, whatever unique portion of the
       screen you supply must be an exact match to the equivalent
       portion of the actual screen name.

       For example Screen="Stall" is equivalent to Screen="STALL";
       however Screen="Stalled" is not.

    o  If the specified screen-name does not match any known screen
       name, the display starts with the Summary IO Statistics screen
       (the default first screen). No error message is produced.

    o  If the screen name contains spaces, enclose the screen-name in

    o  You can not specify the "by-lock" or "by-area" screens.

    If you specify the Nointeractive qualifier, the Screen qualifier
    is ignored.  –  Stall Log


    Specifies that stall messages are to be written to the specified
    file. This can be useful when you notice a great number of stall
    messages being generated, but do not have the resources on hand
    to immediately investigate and resolve the problem. The file
    generated by the Stall_Log qualifier can be reviewed later so
    that the problem can be traced and resolved.

    The stall messages are written to the file in a format similar to
    the Stall Messages screen. Stall messages are written to the file
    at the same rate as the screen refresh rate. (The refresh rate
    is set with the Time qualifier or from within the Performance
    Monitor with the Set_rate on-screen menu option.) Specifying a
    large refresh rate minimizes the size of the file, but results
    in a large number of missed stall messages. Specifying a small
    refresh rate produces a large log file, but contains more of the
    stall messages generated.

    You do not need to be displaying the Stall Messages screen to
    record the stall messages to the log file. The stall log is
    maintained regardless of which screen, if any, is displayed.

    By default, stall messages are not logged to a file.  –  Time


    Specifies the statistics collection interval in seconds. If
    you omit this qualifier, a sample collection is made every 3
    seconds. The integer has a normal range of 1 to 180 (1 second
    to 3 minutes). However, if you specify a negative number for the
    Time qualifier, the RMU Show Statistics command interprets the
    number as hundredths of a second. For example, Time=-20 specifies
    an interval of 20/100 or 1/5 of a second.

    If you are running the RMU Show Statistics command interactively,
    it updates the screen display at the specified interval.

    If you also use the Output qualifier, a binary statistics record
    is written to the output file at the specified interval. A
    statistics record is not written to this file if no database
    activity has occurred since the last record was written.  –  Until


    Specifies the time the statistics collection ends. When this
    point is reached, the RMU Show Statistics command terminates
    and control returns to the system command level. When the
    RMU Show Statistics command is executed in a batch job, the batch
    job terminates at the time specified.

    An example of using the Until qualifier follows:

    $ DEFINE LIB$DT_INPUT_FORMAT "!MAU !DB, !Y4 !H04:!M0:!S0.!C2"
    $ RMU/SHOW STATISTICS /UNTIL="JUNE 16, 1996 17:00:00.00" -

    This stops execution of the RMU Show Statistics command at 5 P.M.
    on June 16, 1996. You can omit the date if you wish to use the
    default of today's date.

    You can use either an absolute or delta value to specify the data
    and time.

    If you do not use the Until qualifier, the RMU Show Statistics
    command continues until you terminate it manually. In an
    interactive session, terminate the command by pressing Ctrl/Z
    or by selecting Exit from the menu. When you are running the RMU
    Show Statistics command with the Nointeractive qualifier from a
    terminal, terminate the command by pressing Ctrl/C or Ctrl/Y and
    then selecting Exit. When you are running the RMU Show Statistics
    command in a batch job, terminate the command by deleting the
    batch job.

33.9.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  Refer to the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to Database Performance and
       Tuning for complete information about the RMU Show Statistics
       command, including information about using formatted binary
       output files from the RMU Show Statistics command.

    o  To use the RMU Show Statistics command for a database, you
       must have the RMU$SHOW privilege in the root file ACL for the
       database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV, BYPASS, or WORLD privilege.

       To use the RMU Show Statistics command to display statistics
       about other users, you must have the OpenVMS WORLD privilege.

       To use the RMU Show Statistics command to update fields in
       the Database Dashboard (specified with the Options=Update
       qualifier), you must have both the OpenVMS WORLD and BYPASS

    o  If a database recovery process is underway, you cannot
       exit the Performance Monitor using Ctrl/Z or "E" from the
       interactive display menu. You must use Ctrl/Y or wait for the
       recovery process to complete. Exiting from the Performance
       Monitor causes Oracle RMU to request several locks; however,
       these locks cannot be granted because the recovery process
       stalls all new lock requests until the recovery is complete.

    o  Since Oracle Rdb V4.1, a number of changes have been made to
       the data structures used for the RMU Show Statistics command.
       If you are having a problem with an application that accesses
       the RMU Show Statistics field structures, recompile your
       application with SYS$LIBRARY:RMU$SHOW_STATISTICS.CDO (or
       RMU$SHOW_STATISTICSnn.CDO in a multiversion environment, where
       nn is the version of Oracle Rdb you are using).

    o  The Oracle Rdb RMU Show Statistics command displays process
       CPU times in excess of 1 day. Because the width of the CPU
       time display is limited, the following CPU time display
       formats are used:

       -  For CPU time values less than 1 day: "HH:MM:SS.CC"

       -  For CPU time values less than 100 days but more than 1 day:
          "DD HH:MM"

       -  For CPU time values more than 100 days: "DDD HH:MM"

    o  The following caveats apply to the Cluster Statistics
       Collection and Presentation feature:

       -  Up to 95 cluster nodes can be specified. However, use
          cluster statistics collection prudently, as the system
          overhead in collecting the remote statistics may be
          substantial depending on the amount of information being
          transmitted on the network.

       -  Cluster statistics are collected at the specified display
          refresh rate. Therefore, set the display refresh rate to
          a reasonable rate based on the number of cluster nodes
          being collected. The default refresh rate of 3 seconds is
          reasonable for most remote collection loads.

       -  If you specify the Cluster qualifier, the list of cluster
          nodes applies to any database accessed during the Show
          Statistics session. When you access additional databases
          using the Switch Database option, the same cluster nodes
          are automatically accessed. However, any nodes that you
          added manually using the Cluster Statistics menu are
          not automatically added to the new database's remote

          In other words, manually adding and deleting cluster nodes
          affects only the current database and does not apply to
          any other database that you may have accessed during the
          session. For example, when you run the Show Statistics
          utility on node ALPHA3 with manually added node BONZAI,
          subsequently switching to BONZAI as the current node will
          not display cluster statistics from node ALPHA3 unless you
          manually add that node. Furthermore, switching back to node
          ALPHA3 as the current node loses the previous collection of
          node BONZAI because it was manually added.

       -  Both DECnet and TCP/IP network protocols are supported.
          By default, the DECnet protocol is used. To explicitly
          specify which network protocol to use, define the RDM$BIND_
          STT_NETWORK_TRANSPORT to DECNET or TCPIP respectively. The
          RDM$BIND_STT_NETWORK_TRANSPORT logical name must be defined
          to the same definition on both the local and cluster nodes.
          The RDM$BIND_STT_NETWORK_TRANSPORT logical name can be
          specified in LNM$FILE_DEV on the local node but must be
          specified in the LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE on all remote nodes.


             There is no command qualifier to specify the network

       -  The Output qualifier continues to work as usual, but when
          in cluster mode writes the cluster statistics information
          to the binary output file.

       -  The Cluster qualifier cannot be specified with the Input
          qualifier. Furthermore, the online selection of cluster
          nodes is not available when you use the Input qualifier.

       -  While the collection and presentation feature is active,
          all on-screen menu options continue to operate as usual.
          This includes the time-plot, scatter-plot, screen pause,
          and various other options.

       -  There is no way to exclude the current node from statistics
          collection. Log in to another node if you want to do this.

       -  The cluster collection of per-process stall information
          automatically detects the binding or unbinding of processes
          to cluster databases. There is no need to manually refresh
          the database information on the current node.

       -  If the database is not currently open on the specified
          node, Oracle RMU still attempts to collect cluster
          statistics. However, you must open the remote database
          prior to regular process attaches.

       -  When you display any of the per-process screens that
          support cluster statistics collection, such as the Stall
          Messages screen, you can zoom in on any of the displayed
          processes to show which node that process is using.

       -  Using the Cluster Statistics submenu from the Tools menu,
          it is also possible to collect statistics from all open
          database nodes using the Collect From Open Database Nodes
          menu option. This option simplifies the DBA's job of
          remembering where the database is currently open. However,
          subsequently opened nodes are not automatically added to
          the collection; these must be manually added.

       -  The cluster statistics collection is an intracluster
          feature in that it works only on the same database, using
          the same device and directory specification used to run the
          initial RMU Show Statistics command (that is, on a shared
          disk). The cluster statistics collection does not work
          across clusters (intercluster).

       -  When you replay a binary output file, the screen header
          region accurately reflects the number of cluster nodes
          whose statistics are represented in the output file.

33.9.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example directs the results of the RMU Show
    Statistics command to an output file:


    Example 2

    The following example formats the binary results created in the
    previous example and produces a readable display:


    Example 3

    The following DCL script shows a complete example of how to
    create an excessive stall notification server using the operator
    notification facility. To execute this script, submit it to any
    queue on the node from which you want to run the script. Supply
    the parameters as follows:

    o  P1 is the database pathname.

    o  P2 is the completion time.

    o  P3 is the set of operators to be notified. You must enclose
       the list of operators in quotes.

    $ VERIFY = F$VERIFY(0)
    $ SET NOON
    $! Get the database name.
    $ IF P1 .EQS. "" THEN INQUIRE P1 "_database"
    $! Get the termination date/time.
    $ IF P2 .EQS. "" THEN INQUIRE P2 "_until"
    $! Get the operator classes.
    $ IF P3 .EQS. "" THEN INQUIRE P3 "_operators"
          /NOINTERACTIVE /UNTIL="''P2'" /ALARM=5 /NOTIFY='P3 -
    $ EXIT

    Example 4

    You can use the Lock_Timeout or Deadlock qualifiers to construct
    a Lock Event Logging server. The following OpenVMS DCL script
    shows how to create a server that logs both lock timeout and
    lock deadlock events on the MF_PERSONNEL database for the next 15


    Example 5

    The following example shows stall log information first with and
    then without the lock information:

    _$ DUA0:[DB]MFP.RDB
     Oracle Rdb X7.1-00 Performance Monitor Stall Log
     Stall Log created  4-SEP-2001 11:27:03.96
    11:27:03.96 0002B8A1:1 11:27:03.67 waiting for record 118:2:2 (PR)
       State... Process.ID Lock.ID. Rq Gr Queue "record 118:2:2"
       Blocker: 000220A7   RND_TST_24716   0F019E52    EX Grant
       Waiting: 0002B8A1   RND_TST_24715   4500C313 PR    Wait
    11:27:03.96 0002B8A8:1 11:27:02.32 waiting for record 101:3:0 (EX)
       State... Process.ID Lock.ID. Rq Gr Queue "record 101:3:0"
       Blocker: 000220AD   RND_TST_24710   0B00176A    PR Grant
       Blocker: 000220A7   RND_TST_24716   52018A3F    PR Grant
       Waiting: 0002B8A8   RND_TST_2474    3C00B5AF EX PR Cnvrt
    11:27:03.96 0002B89C:1 11:27:00.15 waiting for record 114:4:1 (PR)
       State... Process.ID Lock.ID. Rq Gr Queue "record 114:4:1"
       Blocker: 000220A7   RND_TST_24716   180033CC    EX Grant
       Waiting: 0002B89C   RND_TST_2479    110066BA PR    Wait

     Oracle Rdb X7.1-00 Performance Monitor Stall Log
     Stall Log created  4-SEP-2001 11:28:34.68
    11:28:34.69 0002B8B8:1 11:28:33.69 waiting for logical area 146 (PR)
    11:28:34.69 0002B8A8:1 11:28:32.76 waiting for record 114:4:2 (PR)
    11:28:34.69 0002B8B3:1 11:28:33.06 waiting for record 114:4:2 (PR)
    11:28:34.69 0002B8B0:1 11:28:31.96 waiting for record 111:7:7 (EX)

33.10  –  System

    Displays a summary of which databases are in use on a particular
    node, the monitor log file specification, the number of monitor
    buffers available, and if after-image journal (AIJ) backup
    operations have been suspended.

    This command is the same as the RMU Show Users command, except
    that it has no root-file-spec parameter. You can use it to see
    systemwide user information only.

33.10.1  –  Description

    The RMU Show System command displays information about all active
    database users on a particular node.

33.10.2  –  Format

  (B)0   RMU/Show System

     Command Qualifier                  x Default
     /Output[=file-name]                x /Output = SYS$OUTPUT

33.10.3  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output will be sent. The
    default is SYS$OUTPUT. The default output file extension is .lis,
    if you specify only a file name without an extension.

33.10.4  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Show System command, you must have the OpenVMS
       WORLD privilege.

    o  When the database monitor is completely idle, identified in
       the output of the RMU Show Users command by the "no databases
       accessed on this node" message, the number of available
       monitor messages should be 1 less than the maximum. During
       periods of monitor activity, it is normal for the number
       of available monitor buffers to be less than the maximum,
       depending on how much work remains for the monitor to process.

33.10.5  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command lists the file specification for the
    monitor log file and databases currently in use.

    Oracle Rdb V7.0-64 on node NODEA 27-JUN-2002 16:23:43.92
      - monitor started 26-JUN-2002 06:33:07.33 (uptime 1 09:50:36)
      - monitor log filename is "$111$DUA366:[RDMMON_LOGS]RDMMON701_NODEA.LOG"

    database $111$DUA619:[JONES.DATABASES.V70]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1
      - first opened 27-JUN-2002 16:23:42.11 (elapsed 0 00:00:01)
      * database is opened by an operator

        - first opened 26-JUN-2002 23:24:41.55 (elapsed 0 16:59:02)
        * database is opened by an operator
        * After-image backup operations temporarily suspended from this node
        - current after-image journal file is DISK$RDBTEST8:[RDB$TEST_SYSTEM.A70_RMU
        - AIJ Log Server is active
        - 1 active database user

33.11  –  Users

    Displays information about active database users, the monitor
    log file specification, the number of monitor buffers available,
    and if after-image journal (AIJ) backup operations have been
    suspended. It allows you to see the user activity of specified
    databases on a specific node, and identifies the various nodes in
    the VMScluster where the database is currently open and available
    for use. In addition, if you are using Oracle Rdb for OpenVMS
    Alpha, this command indicates whether or not system space global
    sections are enabled.

    If you are interested in information on users for a cluster, use
    the RMU Dump command with the Users qualifier.

33.11.1  –  Description

    The RMU Show Users command displays information about all active
    database users or users of a particular database, the file
    specification for the monitor log file, the number of monitor
    buffers available, and if AIJ backup operations have been

    This command also displays global buffer information for the node
    on which the RMU Show Users command is issued and displays global
    buffer information for the specified database only if global
    buffers are enabled for that database.

33.11.2  –  Format

  (B)0   RMU/Show Users  [root-file-spec]

     Command Qualifier                  x Default
     /Output[=file-name]                x /Output = SYS$OUTPUT

33.11.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    The root file specification of the database for which you want
    information. This parameter is optional. If you specify it, only
    users of that database are shown. Otherwise, all users of all
    active databases on your current node are shown.

33.11.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output will be sent. The
    default is SYS$OUTPUT. The default output file extension is .lis,
    if you specify a file name.

33.11.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Show Users command for a specified database,
       you must have the RMU$SHOW, RMU$BACKUP, or RMU$OPEN privilege
       in the root file access control list (ACL) of the database, or
       the OpenVMS WORLD privilege.

       To use the RMU Show Users command without specifying a
       database, you must have the RMU$SHOW, RMU$BACKUP, or RMU$OPEN
       privilege in the root file ACL of the database or databases,
       and the OpenVMS WORLD privilege.

    o  When the database monitor is completely idle, identified in
       the output of the RMU Show Users command by the "no databases
       accessed on this node" message, the number of available
       monitor messages should be 1 less than the maximum. During
       periods of monitor activity, it is normal for the number
       of available monitor buffers to be less than the maximum,
       depending on how much work remains for the monitor to process.

33.11.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command lists current users information in the file


    Example 2

    The following example shows all active users:


    Oracle Rdb V7.0-64 on node NODEA 27-JUN-2002 16:25:49.64
        - monitor started 26-JUN-2002 06:33:07.33 (uptime 1 09:52:42)
        - monitor log filename is "$DISK1:[LOGS]MON701_NODEA.LOG;12"

    database DISK2:[TEST]M_TESTDB.RDB;3
        - first opened 26-JUN-2002 23:24:41.55 (elapsed 0 17:01:08)
        * database is opened by an operator
        * After-image backup operations temporarily suspended from this node
        - current after-image journal file is DISK3:[TEST1]TEST3.AIJ;2
       - AIJ Log Server is active
        - 1 active database user
        - database also open on these nodes:
        - 23225948:1 - RDM_4 - non-utility server, USER1 - active user
            - image DISK4:[SYS1.SYSCOMMON.][SYSEXE]RDMALS701.EXE;567

33.12  –  Version

    Displays the currently executing Oracle Rdb software version
    number and the version of Oracle Rdb required to access the
    specified database.

33.12.1  –  Description

    This command is useful when you have multiple versions of Oracle
    Rdb running on your system and perhaps multiple databases. If
    the currently executing version of Oracle Rdb is not the version
    required to access the database, change the current version of
    Oracle Rdb to the required version. See Example 3 in the Examples
    help entry under this command.

33.12.2  –  Format

  (B)0   RMU/Show Version [root-file-spec]

     Command Qualifier                 x Default
     /Output[=file-name]               x /Output = SYS$OUTPUT

33.12.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    A database root file specification. The default file extension
    is .rdb. If you do not specify a database root file, RMU Show
    Version displays only the version of Oracle Rdb under which
    Oracle RMU is currently running.

33.12.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output will be sent. The
    default is SYS$OUTPUT. The default output file extension is .lis,
    if you specify a file name.

33.12.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  You do not need any special privileges to use the RMU Show
       Version command.

    o  When the RMU Show Version command executes, it sets the
       following two DCL local symbols:


          Set to the currently executing version of Oracle Rdb


          Set to the version of Oracle Rdb required to access the
          specified database

       If you want to set the DCL symbols, RMU$RDB_VERSION and
       RMU$DATABASE_VERSION, only and do not want the RMU Show
       Version output, specify the null device as the file name with
       the Output qualifier. For example:


         RMU$RDB_VERSION = "7.0"

         RMU$DATABASE_VERSION = "6.1"

33.12.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command displays the current version of Oracle Rdb

    Executing RMU for Oracle Rdb V7.0-64

    Example 2

    The following command displays the current version of Oracle Rdb
    software and the version of Oracle Rdb required to access the mf_
    personnel database:

    Executing RMU for Oracle Rdb V7.0-64
    Database DISK:[MYDIR]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 requires version 7.0

    Example 3

    The following example demonstrates how you might use the RMU Show
    Version command to determine how to access a database that is
    incompatible with the currently executing version of Oracle Rdb:

    $ ! The RMU Show Version command tells you that the currently
    $ ! executing version of Oracle Rdb is Version 7.0, but
    $ ! that mf_personnel requires Version 6.1.
    Executing RMU for Oracle Rdb V7.0-00
    Database DISK:[MYDIR]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 requires version 6.1
    $ ! If you ignore this information and attempt to attach to the
    $ ! database, you receive an error.
    $ SQL
    %SQL-F-ERRATTDEC, Error attaching to database MF_PERSONNEL
    -RDB-F-WRONG_ODS, the on-disk structure of database filename is
     not supported by version of facility being used
    -RDMS-F-ROOTMAJVER, database format 61.0 is not compatible
     with software version 70.0
    SQL> EXIT;
    $ ! Assign the currently executing version of Oracle Rdb to
    $ !
    $ rmu$prev_version := 'rmu$rdb_version'
    $ !
    $ ! Use the RDB$SETVER.COM command file to set the version of
    $ ! Oracle Rdb to the version required by mf_personnel.
    $ ! (For more information on the RDB$SETVER.COM command
    $ ! file, see the Oracle Rdb Installation and Configuration Guide.)
    $ !
    $ !
    $ ! Re-execute the RMU Show Version command to confirm that you have
    $ ! the version of Oracle Rdb set correctly.
    $ !
    Executing RMU for Oracle Rdb V6.1-00
    Database DISK:[MYDIR]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1 requires version 6.1
    $ ! Invoke SQL and attach to the mf_personnel database.
    $ !
    $ SQL
    User tables in database with filename MF_PERSONNEL
         CURRENT_INFO                    A view.
         CURRENT_JOB                     A view.
         CURRENT_SALARY                  A view.
    $ !
    $ !Reset the executing version of Oracle Rdb to the original setting.
    $ !

34  –  Unload

    There are two RMU Unload commands, as follows:

    o  An RMU Unload command without the After_Journal qualifier
       copies the data from a specified table or view of the database
       into either a specially structured file that contains both the
       data and the metadata or into an RMS file that contains data

    o  An RMU Unload command with the After_Journal qualifier
       extracts added, modified, and deleted record contents from
       committed transactions from specified tables in one or more
       after-image journal files.

34.1  –  Database

    Copies the data from a specified table or view of the database
    into one of the following:

    o  A specially structured file that contains both the data and
       the metadata (.unl).

    o  An RMS file that contains data only (.unl). This file is
       created when you specify the Record_Definition qualifier.
       (The Record_Definition qualifier also creates a second file,
       with file extension .rrd, that contains the metadata.)

    Data from the specially structured file can be reloaded by using
    the RMU Load command only. Data from the RMS file can be reloaded
    using the RMU Load command or by using an alternative utility
    such as is offered by DATATRIEVE.

34.1.1  –  Description

    The RMU Unload command copies data from a specified table or view
    and places it in a specially structured file or in an RMS file.
    Be aware that the RMU Unload command does not remove data from
    the specified table; it merely makes a copy of the data.

    The RMU Unload command can be used to do the following:

    o  Extract data for an application that cannot access the Oracle
       Rdb database directly.

    o  Create an archival copy of data.

    o  Perform restructuring operations.

    o  Sort data by defining a view with a sorted-by clause, then
       unloading that view.

    The specially structured files created by the RMU Unload command
    contain metadata for the table that was unloaded. The RMS files
    created by the RMU Unload command contain only data; the metadata
    can be found either in the data dictionary or in the .rrd file
    created using the Record_Definition qualifier. Specify the
    Record_Definition qualifier to exchange data with an application
    that uses RMS files.

    The LIST OF BYTE VARYING (segmented string) data type cannot be
    unloaded into an RMS file; however, it can be unloaded into the
    specially structured file type.

    Data type conversions are valid only if Oracle Rdb supports the

    The RMU Unload command executes a read-only transaction to gather
    the metadata and user data to be unloaded. It is compatible with
    all operations that do not require exclusive access.

34.1.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Unload root-file-spec table-name output-file-name

  Command Qualifiers                                  x Defaults
  /Allocation=n                                       x /Allocation=2048
  /Buffers=n                                          x See description
  /Commit_Every=n                                     x None
  /[No]Compression[=options]                          x /Nocompression
  /Debug_Options={options}                            x See description
  /Delete_Rows                                        x None
  /[No]Error_Delete                                   x See description
  /Extend_Quantity=number-blocks                      x /Extend_Quantity=2048
  /Fields=(column-name-list)                          x See description
  /Flush={Buffer_End|On_Commit}                       x See description
  /[No]Limit_To=n                                     x /Nolimit_To
  /Optimize={options}                                 x None
  /Record_Definition={([No]File|Path)=name,options}   x See description
  /Reopen_Count=n                                     x None
  /Row_Count=n                                        x See description
  /Statistics_Interval=seconds                        x See description
  /Transaction_Type[=(transaction_mode,options...)]   x See description
  /[No]Virtual_Fields[=[No]Automatic,[No]Computed_By] x /Novirtual_Fields

34.1.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    The root file specification of the database from which tables or
    views will be unloaded. The default file extension is .rdb.  –  table-name

    The name of the table or view to be unloaded, or its synonym.  –  output-file-name

    The destination file name. The default file extension is .unl.

34.1.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Allocation


    Enables you to preallocate the generated output file. The
    default allocation is 2048 blocks; when the file is closed it
    is truncated to the actual length used.

    If the value specified for the Allocation qualifier is less
    than 65535, it becomes the new maximum for the Extend_Quantity
    qualifier.  –  Buffers


    Specifies the number of database buffers used for the unload
    operation. If no value is specified, the default value for
    the database is used. Although this qualifier might affect
    the performance of the unload operation, the default number of
    buffers for the database usually allows adequate performance.  –  Commit Every


    Turns the selection query into a WITH HOLD cursor so that the
    data stream is not closed by a commit. Refer to the Oracle Rdb7
    SQL Reference Manual for more information about the WITH HOLD
    clause.  –  Compression


    Data compression is applied to the user data unloaded to the
    internal (interchange) format file. Table rows, null byte vector
    and LIST OF BYTE VARYING data are compressed using either the LZW
    (Lempel-Ziv-Welch) technique or the ZLIB algorithm developed by
    Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler. Table metadata (column names and
    attributes) are never compressed and the resulting file remains
    a structured interchange file. Allowing compression allows the
    result data file to be more compact, using less disk space and
    permitting faster transmission over communication lines. This
    file can also be processed using the RMU Dump Export command.

    The default value is Nocompression.

    This qualifier accepts the following optional keywords (ZLIB is
    the default if no compression algorithm is specified):

    o  LZW

       Selects the LZW compression technique.

    o  ZLIB

       Selects the ZLIB compression technique. This can be modified
       using the LEVEL option.

    o  LEVEL=number

       ZLIB allows further tuning with the LEVEL option that accepts
       a numeric level between 1 and 9. The default of 6 is usually
       a good trade off between result file size and the CPU cost of
       the compression.

    o  EXCLUDE_LIST[=(column-name,...)]

       It is possible that data in LIST OF BYTE VARYING columns is
       already in a compressed format (for instance images as JPG
       data) and therefore need not be compressed by RMU Unload.
       In fact, compression in such cases might actually cause
       the output to grow. The EXCLUDE_LIST option will disable
       compression for LIST OF BYTE VARYING columns. Specific column
       names can be listed, or if omitted, all LIST OF BYTE VARYING
       columns will be excluded from compression.

    Only the user data is compressed. Therefore, additional
    compression may be applied using various third party compression
    tools, such as ZIP. It is not the goal of RMU to replace such

    The qualifier RECORD_DEFINITION (or RMS_RECORD_DEF) is not
    compatible /COMPRESSION. Note that the TRIM option for DELIMITED
    format output can be used to trim trailing spaces from VARCHAR
    data.  –  Debug Options


    The Debug_Options qualifier allows you to turn on certain debug
    functions. The Debug_Options qualifier accepts the following

    o  [NO]TRACE

       Traces the qualifier and parameter processing performed by
       RMU Unload. In addition, the query executed to read the table
       data is annotated with the TRACE statement at each Commit
       (controlled by Commit_Every qualifier). When the logical name
       RDMS$SET_FLAGS is defined as "TRACE", then a line similar to
       the following is output after each commit is performed.

       ~Xt: 2009-04-23 15:16:16.95: Commit executed.

       The default is NOTRACE.

       Debug = TRACE
       * Synonyms are not enabled
       Row_Count = 500
       Message buffer: Len: 13524
       Message buffer: Sze: 27, Cnt: 500, Use: 4 Flg: 00000000
       %RMU-I-DATRECUNL,   3 data records unloaded.


       When the qualifier Record_Definition=Format:CONTROL is used,
       the name of the created unload file is written to the control
       file (.CTL). When the keyword FILENAME_ONLY is specified, RMU
       Unload will prune the output file specification to show only
       the file name and type. The default is NOFILENAME_ONLY.

       -- SQL*Loader Control File
       --   Generated by: RMU/UNLOAD
       --   Version:      Oracle Rdb X7.2-00
       --   On:           23-APR-2009 11:12:46.29
       LOAD DATA
       INFILE 'WS.UNL'
        STATUS_CODE                     POSITION(1:1) CHAR NULLIF (RDB$UL_NB1 = '1')
       ,STATUS_NAME                     POSITION(2:9) CHAR NULLIF (RDB$UL_NB2 = '1')
       ,STATUS_TYPE                     POSITION(10:23) CHAR NULLIF (RDB$UL_NB3 = '1')
       -- NULL indicators
       ,RDB$UL_NB1               FILLER POSITION(24:24) CHAR -- indicator for
       ,RDB$UL_NB2               FILLER POSITION(25:25) CHAR -- indicator for
       ,RDB$UL_NB3               FILLER POSITION(26:26) CHAR -- indicator for
       %RMU-I-DATRECUNL,   3 data records unloaded.

    o  [NO]HEADER

       This keyword controls the output of the header in the control
       file. To suppress the header use NOHEADER. The default is


       These keywords control the text that is output prior to the
       INTO TABLE clause in the control file. The default is APPEND,
       and only one of these options can be specified.  –  Delete Rows

    Specifies that Oracle Rdb delete rows after they have been
    unloaded from the database. You can use this qualifier with the
    Commit_Every qualifier to process small batches of rows.

    If constraints, triggers, or table protection prevent the
    deletion of rows, the RMU Unload operation will fail. The Delete_
    Rows qualifier cannot be used with non-updatable views, those
    containing joins, or aggregates (union or group by).  –  Error Delete


    Specifies whether the unload and record definition files should
    be deleted on error. By default, the RMU Unload command deletes
    the unload and record definition files if an unrecoverable error
    occurs that causes an abnormal termination of the unload command
    execution. Use the Noerror_Delete qualifier to retain the files.

    If the Delete_Rows qualifier is specified, the default for this
    qualifier is Noerror_Delete. This default is necessary to allow
    you to use the unload and record definition files to reload the
    data if an unrecoverable error has occurred after the delete of
    some of the unloaded rows has been committed. Even if the unload
    file is retained, it may not be able to reload the data using the
    RMU Load command if the error is severe enough to prevent the RMU
    error handler from continuing to access the unload file once the
    error is detected.

    If the Delete_Rows qualifier is not specified, the default is
    Error_Delete.  –  Extend Quantity


    Sets the size, in blocks, by which the unload file (.unl) can
    be extended. The minimum value for the number-blocks parameter
    is 1; the maximum value is 65535. If you provide a value for the
    Allocation qualifier that is less than 65535, that value becomes
    the maximum you can specify.

    If you do not specify the Extend_Quantity qualifier, the default
    block size by which .unl files can be extended is 2048 blocks.  –  Fields


    Specifies the column or columns of the table or view to be
    unloaded from the database. If you list multiple columns,
    separate the column names with a comma, and enclose the list
    of column names within parentheses. This qualifier also specifies
    the order in which the columns should be unloaded if that order
    differs from what is defined for the table or view. Changing the
    structure of the table or view could be useful when restructuring
    a database or when migrating data between two databases with
    different metadata definitions. The default is all the columns
    defined for the table or view in the order defined.  –  Flush


    Controls when internal RMS buffers are flushed to the unload
    file. By default, the RMU Unload command flushes any data left
    in the internal RMS file buffers only when the unload file is
    closed. The Flush qualifier changes that behavior. You must use
    one of the following options with the Flush qualifier:

    o  Buffer_End

       The Buffer_End option specifies that the internal RMS buffers
       be flushed to the unload file after each unload buffer has
       been written to the unload file.

    o  On_Commit

       The On_Commit option specifies that the internal RMS buffers
       be flushed to the unload file just before the current unload
       transaction is committed.

    If the Delete_Rows qualifier is specified, the default for this
    qualifier is Flush=On_Commit. This default is necessary to allow
    you to use the unload and record definition files to reload the
    data if an unrecoverable error has occurred after the delete of
    some of the unloaded rows has been committed.

    If the Delete_Rows qualifier is not specified, the default is to
    flush the record definition buffers only when the unload files
    are closed.

    More frequent flushing of the internal RMS buffers will avoid the
    possible loss of some unload file data if an error occurs and the
    Noerror_Delete qualifer has been specified. Additional flushing
    of the RMS internal buffers to the unload file can cause the RMU
    Unload command to take longer to complete.  –  Limit To


    Limits the number of rows unloaded from a table or view. The
    primary use of the Limit_To qualifier is to unload a data sample
    for loading into test databases. The default is the Nolimit_To
    qualifier.  –  Optimize


    Controls the query optimization of the RMU Unload command. You
    must use one or more of the following options with the Optimize

    o  Conformance={Optional|Mandatory}

       This option accepts two keywords, Optional or Mandatory, which
       can be used to override the settings in the specified query

       If the matching query outline is invalid, the
       Conformance=Mandatory option causes the query compile, and
       hence the RMU Unload operation, to stop. The query outline
       will be one which either matches the string provided by
       the Using_Outline or Name_As option or matches the query

       The default behavior is to use the setting within the query
       outline. If no query outline is found, or query outline usage
       is disabled, then this option is ignored.

    o  Fast_First

       This option asks the query optimizer to favor strategies that
       return the first rows quickly, possibly at the expense of
       longer overall retrieval time. This option does not override
       the setting if any query outline is used.

       This option cannot be specified at the same time as the Total_
       Time option.


          Oracle Corporation does not recommend this optimization
          option for the RMU Unload process. It is provided only
          for backward compatibility with prior Rdb releases when
          it was the default behavior.

    o  Name_As=query_name

       This option supplies the name of the query. It is used to
       annotate output from the Rdb debug flags (enabled using the
       logical RDMS$SET_FLAGS) and is also logged by Oracle TRACE.

       If the Using_Outline option is not used, this name is also
       used as the query outline name.

    o  Selectivity=selectivity-value

       This option allows you to influence the Oracle Rdb query
       optimizer to use different selectivity values.

       The Selectivity option accepts the following keywords:

       -  Aggressive - assumes a smaller number of rows is selected
          compared to the default Oracle Rdb selectivity

       -  Sampled - uses literals in the query to perform preliminary
          estimation on indices

       -  Default - uses default selectivity rules

       The following example shows a use of the Selectivity option:


       This option is most useful when the RMU Unlaod command
       references a view definition with a complex predicate.

    o  Sequential_Access

       This option requests that index access be disabled for this
       query. This is particularly useful for RMU Unload from views
       against strictly partitioned tables. Strict partitioning is
       enabled by the PARTITIONING IS NOT UPDATABLE clause on the
       CREATE or ALTER STORAGE MAP statements. Retrieval queries
       only use this type of partition optimization during sequential
       table access.

       This option cannot be specified at the same time as the Using_
       Outline option.

    o  Total_Time

       This option requests that total time optimization be applied
       to the unload query. It does not override the setting if any
       query outline is used.

       In some cases, total time optimization may improve performance
       of the RMU Unload command when the query optimizer favors
       overall performance instead of faster retrieval of the first
       row. Since the RMU Unload process is unloading the entire set,
       there is no need to require fast delivery of the first few

       This option may not be specified at the same time as the Fast_
       First option. The Optimize=Total_Time behavior is the default
       behavior for the RMU Unload command if the Optimize qualifier
       is not specified.

    o  Using_Outline=outline_name

       This option supplies the name of the query outline to be
       used by the RMU Unload command. If the query outline does
       not exist, the name is ignored.

       This option may not be specified at the same time as the
       Sequential_Access option.  –  Record Definition


    Creates an RMS file containing the record structure definition
    for the output file. The record description uses the CDO record
    and field definition format. The default file extension is .rrd.

    If you omit the File=name or Path=name option you must specify an

    The date-time syntax in .rrd files generated by this qualifier
    changed in Oracle Rdb V6.0 to make the .rrd file compatible with
    the date-time syntax support for Oracle CDD/Repository V6.1. The
    RMU Unload command accepts both the date-time syntax generated
    by the Record_Definition qualifier in previous versions of Oracle
    Rdb and the syntax generated in Oracle Rdb V6.0 and later.

    See the help entry for RRD_File_Syntax for more information on
    .rrd files and details on the date-time syntax generated by this

    The options are:

    o  Format=(Text)

       If you specify the Format=(Text) option, Oracle RMU converts
       all data to printable text before unloading it.

    o  Format=Control

       The Format=Control option provides support for SQL*Loader
       control files and portable data files. The output file
       defaults to type .CTL.

       FORMAT=CONTROL implicitly uses a portable data format as TEXT
       rather than binary values. The unloaded data files are similar
       to that generated by FORMAT=TEXT but includes a NULL vector to
       represent NULL values ('1') and non-NULL values ('0').

       The SQL*Loader control file uses this NULL vector to set NULL
       for the data upon loading.

       When FORMAT=CONTROL is used, the output control file and
       associated data file are intended to be used with the Oracle
       RDBMS SQL*Loader (sqlldr) command to load the data into an
       Oracle RDBMS database table. LIST OF BYTE VARYING (SEGMENTED
       STRING) columns are not unloaded.

       only apply to DELIMITED_TEXT format and may not be used in
       conjunction with the CONTROL keyword.

       DATE VMS data is unloaded including the fractional seconds
       precision. However, when mapped to Oracle DATE type in the
       control file, the fractional seconds value is ignored. It
       is possible to modify the generated control file to use the
       TIMESTAMP type and add FF to the date edit mask.


          The RMU Load command does not support loading data using

    o  Format=XML

       The Format=XML option causes the output Record_Definition file
       type to default to .DTD (Document Type Definition). The output
       file defaults to type .XML. The contents of the data file is
       in XML format suitable for processing with a Web browser or
       XML application.

       If you use the Nofile option or do not specify the File or
       Path keyword, the DTD is included in the XML output file
       (internal DTD). If you specify a name with the File or Path
       keyword to identify an output file, the file is referenced as
       an external DTD from within the XML file.

       The XML file contains a single table that has the name of the
       database and multiple rows named <RMU_ROW>. Each row contains
       the values for each column in printable text. If a value is
       NULL, then the tag <NULL/> is displayed. Example 16 shows this


          The RMU Load command does not support loading data using

    o  Format=(Delimited_Text [,delimiter-options])

       If you specify the Format=Delimited_Text option, Oracle RMU
       applies delimiters to all data before unloading it.

       Note that DATE VMS dates are output in the collatable time
       format, which is yyyymmddhhmmsscc. For example, March 20, 1993
       is output as: 1993032000000000.

       If the Format option is not used, Oracle RMU outputs data to
       a fixed-length binary flat file. If the Format=Delimited_Text
       options is not used, VARCHAR(n) strings are padded with blanks
       when the specified string has fewer characters than n so that
       the resulting string is n characters long.

       Delimiter options (and their default values if you do not
       specify delimiter options) are:

       -  Prefix=string

          Specifies a prefix string that begins any column value in
          the ASCII output file. If you omit this option, the column
          prefix will be a quotation mark (").

       -  Separator=string

          Specifies a string that separates column values of a row.
          If you omit this option, the column separator will be a
          single comma (,).

       -  Suffix=string

          Specifies a suffix string that ends any column value in
          the ASCII output file. If you omit this option, the column
          suffix will be a quotation mark (").

       -  Terminator=string

          Specifies the row terminator that completes all the column
          values corresponding to a row. If you omit this option, the
          row terminator will be the end of the line.

       -  Null=string

          Specifies a string, which when found in the database
          column, is unloaded as NULL in the output file.

          The Null option can be specified on the command line as any
          one of the following:

          *  A quoted string

          *  An empty set of double quotes ("")

          *  No string

          The string that represents the null character must be
          quoted on the Oracle RMU command line. You cannot specify a
          blank space or spaces as the null character. You cannot use
          the same character for the Null value and other Delimited_
          Text options.


          The values of each of the strings specified in the
          delimiter options must be enclosed within quotation
          marks. Oracle RMU strips these quotation marks while
          interpreting the values. If you want to specify a
          quotation mark (") as a delimiter, specify a string
          of four quotation marks. Oracle RMU interprets four
          quotation marks as your request to use one quotation
          mark as a delimiter. For example, Suffix = """".

          Oracle RMU reads these quotation marks as follows:

          o  The first quotation mark is stripped from the string.

          o  The second and third quotation mark are interpreted
             as your request for one quotation mark (") as a

          o  The fourth quotation mark is stripped.

          This results in one quotation mark being used as a

          Furthermore, if you want to specify a quotation mark as
          part of the delimited string, you must use two quotation
          marks for each quotation mark that you want to appear in
          the string. For example, Suffix = "**""**" causes Oracle
          RMU to use a delimiter of **"**.

    o  Trim=option

       If you specify the Trim=option keyword, leading and/or
       trailing spaces area removed from each output field. Option
       supports three keywords:

       o  TRAILING - trailing spaces will be trimmed from CHARACTER
          and CHARACTER VARYING (VARCHAR) data that is unloaded.
          This is the default setting if only the TRIM option is

       o  LEADING - leading spaces will be trimmed from CHARACTER and
          CHARACTER VARYING (VARCHAR) data that is unloaded.

       o  BOTH - both leading and trailing spaces will be trimmed.

    When the Record_Definition qualifier is used with load or unload
    operations, and the Null option to the Delimited_Text option
    is not specified, any null values stored in the rows of the
    tables being loaded or unloaded are not preserved. Therefore,
    if you want to preserve null values stored in tables and you are
    moving data within the database or between databases, specify the
    Null option with Delimited_Text option of the Record_Definition
    qualifier.  –  Reopen Count


    The Reopen_Count=n qualifier allows you to specify how many
    records are written to an output file. The output file will
    be re-created (that is, a new version of the file will be
    created) when the record count reaches the specified value.
    The Reopen_Count=n qualifier is only valid when used with the
    Record_Definition or Rms_Record_Def qualifiers.  –  Rms Record Def



    Synonymous with the Record_Definition qualifier. See the
    description of the Record_Definition qualifier.  –  Row Count


    Specifies that Oracle Rdb buffer multiple rows between the Oracle
    Rdb server and the RMU Unload process. The default value for n
    is 500 rows; however, this value should be adjusted based on
    working set size and length of unloaded data. Increasing the row
    count may reduce the CPU cost of the unload operation. For remote
    databases, this may significantly reduce network traffic for
    large volumes of data because the buffered data can be packaged
    into larger network packets.

    The minimum value you can specify for n is 1. The default row
    size is the value specified for the Commit_Every qualifier or
    500, whichever is smaller.  –  Statistics Interval


    Specifies that statistics are to be displayed at regular
    intervals so that you can evaluate the progress of the unload

    The displayed statistics include:

    o  Elapsed time

    o  CPU time

    o  Buffered I/O

    o  Direct I/O

    o  Page faults

    o  Number of records unloaded since the last transaction was

    o  Number of records unloaded so far in the current transaction

    If the Statistics_Interval qualifier is specified, the seconds
    parameter is required. The minimum value is 1. If the unload
    operation completes successfully before the first time interval
    has passed, you receive only an informational message on the
    number of files unloaded. If the unload operation is unsuccessful
    before the first time interval has passed, you receive error
    messages and statistics on the number of records unloaded.

    At any time during the unload operation, you can press Ctrl/T to
    display the current statistics.  –  Transaction Type


    Allows you to specify the transaction mode, isolation level, and
    wait behavior for transactions.

    Use one of the following keywords to control the transaction

    o  Automatic

       When Transaction_Type=Automatic is specified, the transaction
       type depends on the current database settings for snapshots
       (enabled, deferred, or disabled), transaction modes available
       to this user, and the standby status of the database.
       Automatic mode is the default.

    o  Read_Only

       Starts a Read_Only transaction.

    o  Exclusive

       Starts a Read_Write transaction and reserves the table for

    o  Protected

       Starts a Read_Write transaction and reserves the table for

    o  Shared

       Starts a Read_Write transaction and reserves the table for

    Use one of the following options with the keyword Isolation_
    Level=[option] to specify the transaction isolation level:

    o  Read_Committed

    o  Repeatable_Read

    o  Serializable. Serializable is the default setting.

    Refer to the SET TRANSACTION statement in the Oracle Rdb SQL
    Reference Manual for a complete description of the transaction
    isolation levels.

    Specify the wait setting by using one of the following keywords:

    o  Wait

       Waits indefinitely for a locked resource to become available.
       Wait is the default behavior.

    o  Wait=n

       The value you supply for n is the transaction lock timeout
       interval. When you supply this value, Oracle Rdb waits n
       seconds before aborting the wait and the RMU Unload session.
       Specifying a wait timeout interval of zero is equivalent to
       specifying Nowait.

    o  Nowait

       Does not wait for a locked resource to become available.  –  Virtual Fields


    The Virtual_Fields qualifier unloads any AUTOMATIC or COMPUTED
    BY fields as real data. This qualifier permits the transfer of
    computed values to another application. It also permits unloading
    through a view that is a union of tables or that is comprised
    of columns from multiple tables. For example, if there are two
    (a union of EMPLOYEES and RETIRED_EMPLOYEES tables) can be

    The Novirtual_Fields qualifier is the default, which is
    equivalent to the Virtual_Fields=[Noautomatic,Nocomputed_By)

    If you specify the Virtual_Fields qualifier without a keyword,
    all fields are unloaded, including COMPUTED BY and AUTOMATIC
    table columns, and calculated VIEW columns.

    If you specify the Virtual_Fields=(Automatic,Nocomputed_By)
    qualifier or the Virtual_Fields=Nocomputed_By qualifier, data
    is only unloaded from Automatic fields. If you specify the
    Virtual_Fields=(Noautomatic,Computed_By) qualifier or the
    Virtual_Fields=Noautomatic qualifier, data is only unloaded from
    Computed_By fields.

34.1.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Unload command for a database, you must have
       the RMU$UNLOAD privilege in the root file access control
       list (ACL) for the database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS
       privilege. You must also have the SQL SELECT privilege to the
       table or view being unloaded.

    o  For tutorial information on the RMU Unload command, refer to
       the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Design and Definition.

    o  Detected asynchronous prefetch should be enabled to achieve
       the best performance of this command. Beginning with Oracle
       Rdb V7.0, by default, detected asynchronous prefetch is
       enabled. You can determine the setting for your database by
       issuing the RMU Dump command with the Header qualifier.

       If detected asynchronous prefetch is disabled, and you do not
       want to enable it for the database, you can enable it for your
       Oracle RMU operations by defining the following logicals at
       the process level:


       P1 is a value between 10 and 20 percent of the user buffer

    o  You can unload a table from a database structured under
       one version of Oracle Rdb and load it into the same table
       of a database structured under another version of Oracle
       Rdb. For example, if you unload the EMPLOYEES table from
       a mf_personnel database created under Oracle Rdb V6.0, you
       can load the generated .unl file into an Oracle Rdb V7.0
       database. Likewise, if you unload the EMPLOYEES table from
       a mf_personnel database created under Oracle Rdb V7.0, you
       can load the generated .unl file into an Oracle Rdb V6.1
       database. This is true even for specially formatted binary
       files (created with the RMU Unload command without the Record_
       Definition qualifier). The earliest version into which you can
       load a .unl file from another version is Oracle Rdb V6.0.

    o  The Fields qualifier can be used with indirect file
       references. When you use the Fields qualifier with an indirect
       file reference in the field list, the referenced file is
       written to SYS$OUTPUT if you have used the DCL SET VERIFY
       command. See the Indirect-Command-Files help entry for more

    o  To view the contents of the specially structured .unl file
       created by the RMU Unload command, use the RMU Dump Export

    o  To preserve the null indicator in a load or unload operation,
       use the Null option with the Record_Definition qualifier.
       Using the Record_Definition qualifier without the Null option
       replaces all null values with zeros; this can cause unexpected
       results with computed-by columns.

    o  Oracle RMU does not allow you to unload a system table.

    o  The RMU Unload command recognizes character set information.
       When you unload a table, RMU Unload transfers information
       about the character set to the record definition file.

    o  When it creates the record definition file, the RMU Unload
       command preserves any lowercase characters in table and column
       names by allowing delimited identifiers. Delimited identifiers
       are user-supplied names enclosed within quotation marks ("").

       By default, RMU Unload changes any table or column (field)
       names that you specify to uppercase. To preserve lowercase
       characters, use delimited identifiers. That is, enclose the
       names within quotation marks. In the following example, RMU
       Unload preserves the uppercase and lowercase characters in
       "Last_Name" and "Employees":

       $  RMU/UNLOAD/FIELDS=("Last_name",FIRST_NAME) TEST "Employees" -
       _$ TEST.UNL


          The data dictionary does not preserve the distinction
          between uppercase and lowercase identifiers. If you use
          delimited identifiers, you must be careful to ensure that
          the record definition does not include objects with names
          that are duplicates except for the case. For example,
          the data dictionary considers the delimited identifiers
          "Employee_ID" and "EMPLOYEE_ID" to be the same name.

    o  Oracle RMU does not support the multischema naming convention
       and returns an error if you specify one. For example:

       _$ OUTPUT.UNL
       %RMU-E-OUTFILDEL, Fatal error, output file deleted

       When using a multischema database, you must specify the SQL
       stored name for the database object.

       For example, to find the stored name that corresponds to the
       ADMINISTRATION.PERSONNEL.EMPLOYEES table in the corporate_data
       database, issue an SQL SHOW TABLE command, as follows:

           Stored name is EMPLOYEES

       Then to unload the table, issue the following RMU Unload


    o  If the Transaction_Type qualifier is omitted, a Read_Only
       transaction is started against the database. This behavior is
       provided for backward compatibility with prior Rdb releases.
       If the Transaction_Type qualifier is specified without a
       transaction mode, the default value Automatic is used.

    o  If the database has snapshots disabled, Oracle Rdb defaults to
       may be reduced by specifying Transaction_Type=(Automatic), or

    o  If you use a synonym to represent a table or a view, the RMU
       Unload command translates the synonym to the base object
       and processes the data as though the base table or view had
       been named. This implies that the unload interchange files
       (.UNL) or record definition files (.RRD) that contain the
       table metadata will name the base table or view and not use
       the synonym name. If the metadata is used against a different
       database, you may need to use the Match_Name qualifier to
       override this name during the RMU load process.

34.1.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command unloads the EMPLOYEE_ID and LAST_NAME
    column values from the EMPLOYEES table of the mf_personnel
    database. The data is stored in names.unl.

    $ RMU/UNLOAD -
    %RMU-I-DATRECUNL, 100 data records unloaded.

    Example 2

    The following command unloads the EMPLOYEES table from the
    mf_personnel database and places the data in the RMS file,
    names.unl. The names.rrd file contains the record structure
    definitions for the data in names.unl.

    %RMU-I-DATRECUNL, 100 data records unloaded.

    Example 3

    The following command unloads the EMPLOYEE_ID and LAST_NAME
    column values from the EMPLOYEES table of the mf_personnel
    database and accepts the default values for delimiters, as shown
    by viewing the names.unl file:

    %RMU-I-DATRECUNL, 100 data records unloaded.
    $ !
    $ ! TYPE the names.unl file to see the effect of the RMU Unload
    $ ! command.
    $ !

    "00164","Toliver       "
    "00165","Smith         "
    "00166","Dietrich      "
    "00167","Kilpatrick    "
    "00168","Nash          "

    Example 4

    The following command unloads the EMPLOYEE_ID and LAST_NAME
    column values from the EMPLOYEES table of the mf_personnel
    database and specifies the asterisk (*)  character as the string
    to mark the beginning and end of each column (the prefix and
    suffix string):

    _$ PREFIX="*") -
    %RMU-I-DATRECUNL, 100 data records unloaded.
    $ !
    $ ! TYPE the names.unl file to see the effect of the RMU Unload
    $ ! command.
    $ !
    *00164*,*Toliver       *
    *00165*,*Smith         *
    *00166*,*Dietrich      *
    *00167*,*Kilpatrick    *
    *00168*,*Nash          *
    *00169*,*Gray          *
    *00170*,*Wood          *
    *00171*,*D'Amico       *

    Example 5

    The following command unloads all column values from the
    EMPLOYEES table of the mf_personnel database, and specifies the
    Format=Text option of the Record_Definition qualifier. Oracle RMU
    will convert all the data to printable text, as can be seen by
    viewing the text_output.unl file:

    %RMU-I-DATRECUNL, 100 data records unloaded.
    $ !
    $ ! TYPE the text_output.unl file to see the effect of the RMU Unload
    $ ! command.
    $ !
    00164Toliver       Alvin     A146 Parnell Place
    Chocorua            NH03817M19470328000000001
    00165Smith         Terry     D120 Tenby Dr.
    Chocorua            NH03817M19540515000000002
    00166Dietrich      Rick       19 Union Square
    Boscawen            NH03301M19540320000000001

    Example 6

    The following command unloads the EMPLOYEE_ID and LAST_NAME
    column values from the EMPLOYEES table of the mf_personnel
    database and requests that statistics be displayed on the
    terminal at 2-second intervals:

    _$ /STATISTICS_INTERVAL=2             -

    Example 7

    The following example unloads a subset of data from the EMPLOYEES
    table, using the following steps:

    1. Create a temporary view on the EMPLOYEES table that includes
       only employees who live in Massachusetts.

    2. Use an RMU Unload command to unload the data from this view.

    3. Delete the temporary view.

    $ SQL
    cont>       (EMPLOYEE_ID,
    cont>        LAST_NAME,
    cont>        FIRST_NAME,
    cont>        MIDDLE_INITIAL,
    cont>        STATE,
    cont>        STATUS_CODE)
    cont>  AS SELECT
    cont>        E.EMPLOYEE_ID,
    cont>        E.LAST_NAME,
    cont>        E.FIRST_NAME,
    cont>        E.MIDDLE_INITIAL,
    cont>        E.STATE,
    cont>        E.STATUS_CODE
    cont>     FROM EMPLOYEES E
    cont>     WHERE E.STATE='MA';
    SQL> EXIT;

    %RMU-I-DATRECUNL, 9 data records unloaded.

    $ SQL

    Example 8

    The following example shows that null values in blank columns
    are not preserved unless the Null option is specified with the
    Delimited_Text option of the Record_Definition qualifier:

    $ SQL
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Create the NULL_DATE table:
    cont> (COL1 VARCHAR(5),
    cont>  DATE1 DATE,
    cont>  COL2 VARCHAR(5));
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Store a row that does not include a value for the DATE1
    SQL> -- column of the NULL_DATE table:
    cont>            (COL1, COL2)
    cont>    VALUES ('first','last');
    1 row inserted
    SQL> --
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- The previous SQL INSERT statement causes a null value to
    SQL> -- be stored in NULL_DATE:
     COL1    DATE1                     COL2
     first   NULL                      last
    1 row selected
    SQL> --
    SQL> EXIT;
    $ !
    $ ! In the following RMU Unload command, the Record_Definition
    $ ! qualifier is used to unload the row with the NULL value, but
    $ ! the Null option is not specified:
    %RMU-I-DATRECUNL, 1 data records unloaded.
    $ !
    $ ! The null_date.unl file created by the previous unload
    $ ! operation does not preserve the NULL value in the DATE1 column.
    $ ! Instead, the Oracle Rdb default date value is used:
    $ !
    $ ! This time, unload the row in NULL_DATE with the Null option to
    $ ! the Record_Definition qualifier:
    %RMU-I-DATRECUNL,   1 data records unloaded.
    $ !
    "first",*,"last "
    $ SQL
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Delete the existing row from NULL_DATE:
    1 row deleted
    SQL> --
    SQL> EXIT;
    $ !
    $ ! Load the row that was unloaded back into the table,
    $ ! using the null_date.unl file created by the
    $ ! previous RMU Unload command:
    %RMU-I-DATRECREAD,  1 data records read from input file.
    %RMU-I-DATRECSTO, 1 data records stored.
    $ !
    $ SQL
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Display the row stored in NULL_DATE.
    SQL> -- The NULL value stored in the data row
    SQL> -- was preserved by the load and unload operations:
     COL1    DATE1                     COL2
     first   NULL                      last
    1 row selected

    Example 9

    The following example demonstrates the use of the Null="" option
    of the Record_Definition qualifier to signal to Oracle RMU that
    any data that is an empty string in the .unl file (as represented
    by two commas with no space separating them) should have the
    corresponding column in the database flagged as NULL.

    The first part of this example shows the contents of the .unl
    file and the RMU Load command used to load the .unl file. The
    terminator for each record in the .unl file is the number sign
    (#).  The second part of this example unloads unloads the data
    and specifies that any columns that are flagged as NULL should be
    represented in the output file with an asterisk.

    "CHELMSFORD", "MA", "02184", "1960061400000000"#
    "90015","BRADFORD","LEO","B","4 PLACE STREET",, "NASHUA","NH",
    "03030", "1949051800000000"#
    $ !
    _$ TERMINATOR="#", -
    _$ NULL="") -
    %RMU-I-DATRECREAD,  2 data records read from input file.
    %RMU-I-DATRECSTO,   2 data records stored.
    $ !
    $ ! Unload this data first without specifying the Null option:
    _$ TERMINATOR="#") -
    %RMU-I-DATRECUNL,   102 data records unloaded.
    $ !
    $ ! The ADDRESS_DATA_2 field appears as a quoted string:
    "90021","ABUSHAKRA     ","CAROLINE  ","A","5 CIRCLE STREET        ","
                ","CHELMSFORD          ","MA","02184","1960061400000000"#
    $ !
    $ ! Now unload the data with the Null option specified:
    _$ TERMINATOR="#", -
    _$ NULL="*") -
    %RMU-I-DATRECUNL,   102 data records unloaded.
    $ !
    $ ! The value for ADDRESS_DATA_2 appears as an asterisk:
    $ !
    "90021","ABUSHAKRA     ","CAROLINE  ","A","5 CIRCLE STREET       ",*,
    "CHELMSFORD          ","MA","02184","1960061400000000"#

    Example 10

    The following example specifies a transaction for the RMU Unload
    command equivalent to the SQL command SET TRANSACTION READ WRITE


    Example 11

    The following example specifies the options that were the default
    transaction style in prior releases.


    Example 12

    If the database currently has snapshots deferred, it may be more
    efficient to start a read-write transaction with isolation level
    read committed. This allows the transaction to start immediately
    (a read-only transaction may stall), and the selected isolation
    level keeps row locking to a minimum.


    Using a transaction type of automatic adapts to different
    database settings.


    Example 13

    The following example shows the output from the flags STRATEGY
    and ITEM_LIST which indicates that the Optimize qualifier
    specified that sequential access be used, and also that Total_
    Time is used as the default optimizer preference.

    ~H Request Information Item List: (len=11)
    0000 (00000) RDB$K_SET_REQ_OPT_PREF "0"
    0005 (00005) RDB$K_SET_REQ_OPT_SEQ "1"
    000A (00010) RDB$K_INFO_END
    Get     Retrieval sequentially of relation EMPLOYEES
    %RMU-I-DATRECUNL,   100 data records unloaded.

    Example 14

    AUTOMATIC columns are evaluated during INSERT and UPDATE
    operations for a table; for instance, they may record the
    timestamp for the last operation. If the table is being
    reorganized, it may be necessary to unload the data and reload it
    after the storage map and indexes for the table are re-created,
    yet the old auditing data must remain the same.

    Normally, the RMU Unload command does not unload columns marked
    as AUTOMATIC; you must use the Virtual_Fields qualifier with the
    keyword Automatic to request this action.

    $ rmu/unload/virtual_fields=(automatic) payroll_db people people.unl

    Following the restructure of the database, the data can be
    reloaded. If the target columns are also defined as AUTOMATIC,
    then the RMU Load process will not write to those columns. You
    must use the Virtual_Fields qualifier with the keyword Automatic
    to request this action.

    $ rmu/load/virtual_fields=(automatic) payroll_db people people.unl

    Example 15

    This example shows the action of the Delete_Rows qualifier.
    First, SQL is used to display the count of the rows in the table.
    The file PEOPLE.COLUMNS is verified (written to SYS$OUTPUT) by
    the RMU Unload command.

    $ define sql$database db$:scratch
    $ sql$ select count (*) from people;

    1 row selected
    $ rmu/unload/fields="@people.columns" -
        sql$database -
        /record_definition=(file:people,format:delimited) -
        /delete_rows -
        people -
    %RMU-I-DATRECERA,   100 data records erased.
    %RMU-I-DATRECUNL,   100 data records unloaded.

    A subsequent query shows that the rows have been deleted.

    $ sql$ select count (*) from people;

    1 row selected

    Example 16

    The following example shows the output from the RMU Unload
    command options for XML support. The two files shown in the
    example are created by this RMU Unload command:

    $ rmu/unload -
        /record_def=(format=xml,file=work_status) -
        mf_personnel -
        work_status -

    Output WORK_STATUS.DTD file

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!-- RMU Unload for Oracle Rdb V7.1-00 -->
    <!-- Generated: 16-MAR-2001 22:26:47.30 -->


    Output WORK_STATUS.XML file

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!-- RMU Unload for Oracle Rdb V7.1-00 -->
    <!-- Generated: 16-MAR-2001 22:26:47.85 -->

    <!DOCTYPE WORK_STATUS SYSTEM "work_status.dtd">


    <!-- 3 rows unloaded -->

    Example 17

    The following example shows that if the Flush=On_Commit qualifier
    is specified, the value for the Commit_Every qualifier must be
    equal to or a multiple of the Row_Count value so the commits
    of unload transactions occur after the internal RMS buffers are
    flushed to the unload file. This prevents loss of data if an
    error occurs.

     equal or be a multiple of the ROW_COUNT value.
    The COMMIT_EVERY value of 2 is not equal to or a multiple of the ROW_COUNT value
     of 5.
    %RMU-F-FTL_UNL, Fatal error for UNLOAD operation at 27-Oct-2005 08:55:14.06

    Example 18

    The following examples show that the unload file and record
    definition files are not deleted on error if the Noerror_Delete
    qualifier is specified and that these files are deleted on error
    if the Error_Delete qualifier is specified. If the unload file is
    empty when the error occurs, it will be deleted.


    %RMU-E-OUTFILNOTDEL, Fatal error, the output file is not deleted but may not
    be useable,
    50 records have been unloaded.
    -COSI-F-WRITERR, write error
    -RMS-F-FUL, device full  (insufficient space for allocation)


    %RMU-E-OUTFILDEL, Fatal error, output file deleted
    -COSI-F-WRITERR, write error
    -RMS-F-FUL, device full (insufficient space for allocation)

    Example 19

    The following example shows the FORMAT=CONTROL option. This
    command creates a file EMP.CTL (the SQL*Loader control file)
    and EMPLOYEES.DAT in a portable format to be loaded.

        SQL$DATABASE -
        EMPLOYEES -

    Example 20

    The following shows an example of using the COMPRESSION qualifier
    with the RMU Unload command.

    Debug = TRACE
    Compression = LZW
    * Synonyms are not enabled
    Unloading Blob columns.
    Row_Count = 500
    Message buffer: Len: 54524
    Message buffer: Sze: 109, Cnt: 500, Use: 31 Flg: 00000000
    ** compress data: input 2700 output 981 deflate 64%
    ** compress TEXT_VERSION : input 4454499 output 1892097 deflate 58%
    ** compress PDF_VERSION : input 274975 output 317560 deflate -15%
    %RMU-I-DATRECUNL,   30 data records unloaded.

    Example 21

    The following shows an example of using the COMPRESSION qualifier
    with RMU Unload and using the EXCLUDE_LIST option to avoid
    attempting to compress data that does not compress.

    Debug = TRACE
    Compression = LZW
            Exclude column PDF_VERSION
    * Synonyms are not enabled
    Unloading Blob columns.
    Row_Count = 500
    Message buffer: Len: 54524
    Message buffer: Sze: 109, Cnt: 500, Use: 31 Flg: 00000000
    ** compress data: input 2700 output 981 deflate 64%
    ** compress TEXT_VERSION : input 4454499 output 1892097 deflate 58%
    %RMU-I-DATRECUNL,   30 data records unloaded.

34.2  –  After Journal

    Allows you to extract added, modified, committed, and deleted
    record contents from committed transactions from specified tables
    in one or more after-image journal files.

34.2.1  –  Description

    The RMU Unload After_Journal command translates the binary data
    record contents of an after-image journal (.aij) file into an
    output file. Data records for the specified tables for committed
    transactions are extracted to an output stream (file, device,
    or application callback) in the order that the transactions were

    Before you use the RMU Unload After_Journal command, you must
    enable the database for LogMiner extraction. Use the RMU Set
    Logminer command to enable the LogMiner for Rdb feature for the
    database. Before you use the RMU Unload After_Journal command
    with the Continuous qualifier, you must enable the database for
    Continuous LogMiner extraction. See Set Logminer help topic for
    more information.

    Data records extracted from the .aij file are those records that
    transactions added, modified, or deleted in base database tables.
    Index nodes, database metadata, segmented strings (BLOB), views,
    COMPUTED BY columns, system relations, and temporary tables
    cannot be unloaded from after-image journal files.

    For each transaction, only the final content of a record
    is extracted. Multiple changes to a single record within a
    transaction are condensed so that only the last revision of the
    record appears in the output stream. You cannot determine which
    columns were changed in a data record directly from the after-
    image journal file. In order to determine which columns were
    changed, you must compare the record in the after-image journal
    file with a previous record.

    The database used to create the after-image journal files being
    extracted must be available during the RMU Unload After_Journal
    command execution. The database is used to obtain metadata
    information (such as table names, column counts, record version,
    and record compression) needed to extract data records from the
    .aij file. The database is read solely to load the metadata
    and is then detached. Database metadata information can also
    be saved and used in a later session. See the Save_MetaData and
    Restore_MetaData qualifiers for more information.

    If you use the Continuous qualifier, the database must be opened
    on the node where the Continuous LogMiner process is running. The
    database is always used and must be available for both metadata
    information and for access to the online after-image journal
    files. The Save_MetaData and Restore_MetaData qualifiers are not
    permitted with the Continuous qualifier.

    When one or more .aij files and the Continuous qualifier are
    both specified on the RMU Unload After_Journal command line,
    it is important that no .aij backup operations occur until the
    Continuous LogMiner process has transitioned to online mode
    (where the active online .aij files are being extracted). If you
    are using automatic .aij backups and wish to use the Continuous
    LogMiner feature, Oracle recommends that you consider disabling
    the automatic backup feature (ABS) and use manual .aij backups
    so that you can explicitly control when .aij backup operations

    The after-image journal file or files are processed sequentially.
    All specified tables are extracted in one pass through the
    after-image journal file.

    As each transaction commit record is processed, all modified and
    deleted records for the specified tables are sorted to remove
    duplicates. The modified and deleted records are then written
    to the output streams. Transactions that were rolled back are
    ignored. Data records for tables that are not being extracted are
    ignored. The actual order of output records within a transaction
    is not predictable.

    In the extracted output, records that were modified or added are
    returned as being modified. It is not possible to distinguish
    between inserted and updated records in the output stream.
    Deleted (erased) records are returned as being deleted. A
    transaction that modifies and deletes a record generates only
    a deleted record. A transaction that adds a new record to
    the database and then deletes it within the same transaction
    generates only a deleted record.

    The LogMiner process signals that a row has been deleted by
    placing a D in the RDB$LM_ACTION field. The contents of the
    row at the instant before the delete operation are recorded
    in the user fields of the output record. If a row was modified
    several times within a transaction before being deleted, the
    output record contains only the delete indicator and the results
    of the last modify operation. If a row is inserted and deleted
    in the same transaction, only the delete record appears in the

    Records from multiple tables can be output to the same or to
    different destination streams. Possible output destination
    streams include the following:

    o  File

    o  OpenVMS Mailbox

    o  OpenVMS Pipe

    o  Direct callback to an application through a run-time activated
       shareable image

    Refer to the Using_LogMiner_for_Rdb help topic for more
    information about using the LogMiner for Rdb feature.

34.2.2  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Unload/After_Journal root-file-spec aij-file-name

  Command Qualifiers                  x Defaults
  /Before=date-time                   x None
  /Continuous                         x /NoContinuous
  /Extend_Size=integer                x /Extend_Size=1000
  /Format=options                     x See description
  /Ignore=Old_Version[=table-list]    x /Ignore=Old_Version=all
  /Include=Action=(include-type)      x Include=Action=
                                      x   (NoCommit,Modify,Delete)
  /IO_Buffers=integer                 x /IO_Buffers=2
  /[No]Log                            x Current DCL verify value
  /Options=options-list               x See description
  /Order_AIJ_files                    x /NoOrder_aij_files
  /Output=file-spec                   x /Output=SYS$OUTPUT
  /Parameter=character-strings        x None
  /Quick_Sort_Limit=integer           x /Quick_Sort_Limit=5000
  /Restart=(restart-point)            x None
  /Restore_Metadata=file-spec         x None

  (B)0/Save_Metadata=file-spec            x None
  /Select=selection-type              x /Select=Commit_Transaction
  /Since=date-time                    x None
  /Sort_Workfiles=integer             x /Sort_Workfiles=2
  /Statistics_Interval=integer        x See description
  /[No]Symbols                        x /Symbols
  /Table=(Name=table-name,            x See description
          [table-options ...])        x None
  [No]Trace                           x /Notrace

34.2.3  –  Parameters  –  root-file-spec

    The root file specification of the database for the after-image
    journal file from which tables will be unloaded. The default file
    extension is .rdb.

    The database must be the same actual database that was used to
    create the after-image journal files. The database is required
    so that the table metadata (information about data) is available
    to the RMU Unload After_Journal command. In particular, the names
    and relation identification of valid tables within the database
    are required along with the number of columns in the table and
    the compression information for the table in various storage

    The RMU Unload After_Journal process attaches to the database
    briefly at the beginning of the extraction operation in order to
    read the metadata. Once the metadata has been read, the process
    disconnects from the database for the remainder of the operation
    unless the Continuous qualifier is specified. The Continuous
    qualifier indicates that the extraction operation is to run non-
    stop, and the process remains attached to the database.  –  aij-file-name

    One or more input after-image journal backup files to be used
    as the source of the extraction operation. Multiple journal
    files can be extracted by specifying a comma-separated list
    of file specifications. Oracle RMU supports OpenVMS wildcard
    specifications (using the * and % characters) to extract a
    group of files. A file specification beginning with the at
    (@) character refers to an options file containing a list of
    after-image journal files (rather than the file specification
    of an after-image journal itself). If you use the at character
    syntax, you must enclose the at character and the file name in
    double quotation marks (for example, specify aij-file-name as
    "@files.opt"). The default file extension is .aij.

34.2.4  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Before


    Specifies the ending time and date for transactions to be
    extracted. Based on the Select qualifier, transactions that
    committed or started prior to the specified Before date are
    selected. Information changed due to transactions that committed
    or started after the Before date is not included in the output.  –  Continuous


    Causes the LogMiner process to attach to the database and begin
    extracting records in "near-real" time. When the Continuous
    qualifier is specified, the RMU Unload After_Journal command
    extracts records from the online after-image journal files of the
    database until it is stopped via an external source (for example,
    Ctrl/y, STOP/ID, $FORCEX, or database shutdown).

    A database must be explicitly enabled for the Continuous LogMiner
    feature. To enable the Continuous LogMiner feature, use the RMU
    Set Logminer command with the Enable and Continuous qualifiers;
    to disable use of the Continuous LogMiner feature, use the RMU
    Set Logminer command with the Enable and Nocontinuous qualifiers.

    The output from the Continuous LogMiner process is a continuous
    stream of information. The intended use of the Continuous
    LogMiner feature is to write the changes into an OpenVMS
    mailbox or pipe, or to call a user-supplied callback routine.
    Writing output to a disk file is completely functional with the
    Continuous LogMiner feature, however, no built-in functionality
    exists to prevent the files from growing indefinitely.

    It is important that the callback routine or processing of
    the mailbox be very responsive. If the user-supplied callback
    routine blocks, or if the mailbox is not being read fast enough
    and fills, the RMU Unload After_Journal command will stall. The
    Continuous LogMiner process prevents backing up the after-image
    journal that it is currently extracting along with all subsequent
    journals. If the Continuous LogMiner process is blocked from
    executing for long enough, it is possible that all available
    journals will fill and will not be backed up.

    When a database is enabled for the Continuous LogMiner feature,
    an AIJ "High Water" lock (AIJHWM) is utilized to help coordinate
    and maintain the current .aij end-of-file location. The lock
    value block for the AIJHWM lock contains the location of the
    highest written .aij block. The RMU Unload After_Journal command
    with the Continuous qualifier polls the AIJHWM lock to determine
    if data has been written to the .aij file and to find the highest
    written block. If a database is not enabled for the Continuous
    LogMiner feature, there is no change in locking behavior; the
    AIJHWM lock is not maintained and thus the Continuous qualifier
    of the RMU Unload After_Journal command is not allowed.

    In order to maintain the .aij end-of-file location lock,
    processes that write to the after-image journal file must use
    the lock to serialize writing to the journal. When the Continuous
    LogMiner feature is not enabled, processes instead coordinate
    allocating space in the after-image journal file and can write
    to the file without holding a lock. The Continuous LogMiner
    process requires that the AIJHWM lock be held during the .aij
    I/O operation. In some cases, this can reduce overall throughput
    to the .aij file as it serves to reduce multiple over-lapped I/O
    write operations by multiple processes.

    The Save_Metadata and Restore_Metadata qualifiers are
    incompatible with the Continuous qualifier.  –  Extend Size


    Specifies the file allocation and extension quantity for output
    data files. The default extension size is 1000 blocks. Using a
    larger value can help reduce output file fragmentation and can
    improve performance when large amounts of data are extracted.  –  Format


    If the Format qualifier is not specified, Oracle RMU outputs data
    to a fixed-length binary flat file.

    The format options are:

    o  Format=Binary

       If you specify the Format=Binary option, Oracle RMU does not
       perform any data conversion; data is output in a flat file
       format with all data in the original binary state.

       Output Fields describes the output fields and data types of an
       output record in Binary format.

    Table 19 Output Fields

    Field Name    Data Type      LengthDescription

    ACTION        CHAR (1)       1     Indicates record state.
                                       "M" indicates an insert or
                                       modify action. "D" indicates a
                                       delete action. "E" indicates
                                       stream end-of-file (EOF)
                                       when a callback routine is
                                       being used. "P" indicates
                                       a value from the command
                                       line Parameter qualifier
                                       when a callback routine is
                                       being used (see Parameter
                                       qualifier). "C" indicates
                                       transaction commit information
                                       when the Include=Action=Commit
                                       qualifier is specified.
    RELATION_     CHAR (31)      31    Table name. Space padded to 31
    NAME                               characters.
    RECORD_TYPE   INTEGER        4     The Oracle Rdb internal
                  (Longword)           relation identifier.
    DATA_LEN      SMALLINT       2     Length, in bytes, of the data
                  (Word)               record content.
    NBV_LEN       SMALLINT       2     Length, in bits, of the null
                  (Word)               bit vector content.
    DBK           BIGINT         8     Records logical database key.
                  (Quadword)           The database key is a 3-field
                                       structure containing a 16-
                                       bit line number, a 32-bit
                                       page number and a 16-bit area
    START_TAD     DATE VMS       8     Date/time of the start of the
                  (Quadword)           transaction.
    COMMIT_TAD    DATE VMS       8     Date/time of the commitment of
                  (Quadword)           the transaction.
    TSN           BIGINT         8     Transaction sequence number of
                  (Quadword)           the transaction that performed
                                       the record operation.
    RECORD_       SMALLINT       2     Record version.
    VERSION       (Word)
    Record Data   Varies               Actual data record field
    Record NBV    BIT VECTOR           Null bit vector. There is
                  (array of            one bit for each field in the
                  bits)                data record. If a bit value
                                       is 1, the corresponding field
                                       is NULL; if a bit value is
                                       0, the corresponding field
                                       is not NULL and contains an
                                       actual data value. The null
                                       bit vector begins on a byte
                                       boundary. Any extra bits in
                                       the final byte of the vector
                                       after the final null bit are

    o  Format=Dump

       If you specify the Format=Dump option, Oracle RMU produces an
       output format suitable for viewing. Each line of Dump format
       output contains the column name (including LogMiner prefix
       columns) and up to 200 bytes of the column data. Unprintable
       characters are replaced with periods (.), and numbers and
       dates are converted to text. NULL columns are indicated
       with the string "NULL". This format is intended to assist
       in debugging; the actual output contents and formatting will
       change in the future.

    o  Format=Text

       If you specify the Format=Text option, Oracle RMU converts
       all data to printable text in fixed-length columns before
       unloading it. VARCHAR(n) strings are padded with blanks when
       the specified string has fewer characters than n so that the
       resulting string is n characters long.

    o  Format=(Delimited_Text [,delimiter-options])

       If you specify the Format=Delimited_Text option, Oracle RMU
       applies delimiters to all data before unloading it.

       DATE VMS dates are output in the collatable time format, which
       is yyyymmddhhmmsscc. For example, March 20, 1993 is output as:

       Delimiter options are:

       -  Prefix=string

          Specifies a prefix string that begins any column value in
          the ASCII output file. If you omit this option, the column
          prefix is a quotation mark (").

       -  Separator=string

          Specifies a string that separates column values of a row.
          If you omit this option, the column separator is a single
          comma (,).

       -  Suffix=string

          Specifies a suffix string that ends any column value in
          the ASCII output file. If you omit this option, the column
          suffix is a quotation mark (").

       -  Terminator=string

          Specifies the row terminator that completes all the column
          values corresponding to a row. If you omit this option, the
          row terminator is the end of the line.

       -  Null=string

          Specifies a string that, when found in the database column,
          is unloaded as "NULL" in the output file.

          The Null option can be specified on the command line as any
          one of the following:

          *  A quoted string

          *  An empty set of double quotes ("")

          *  No string

          The string that represents the null character must be
          quoted on the Oracle RMU command line. You cannot specify a
          blank space or spaces as the null character. You cannot use
          the same character for the Null value and other Delimited_
          Text options.


          The values for each of the strings specified in the
          delimiter options must be enclosed within quotation
          marks. Oracle RMU strips these quotation marks while
          interpreting the values. If you want to specify a
          quotation mark (") as a delimiter, specify a string
          of four quotation marks. Oracle RMU interprets four
          quotation marks as your request to use one quotation
          mark as a delimiter. For example, Suffix = """".

          Oracle RMU reads these quotation marks as follows:

          o  The first quotation mark is stripped from the string.

          o  The second and third quotation mark are interpreted
             as your request for one quotation mark (") as a

          o  The fourth quotation mark is stripped.

          This results in one quotation mark being used as a

          Furthermore, if you want to specify a quotation mark as
          part of the delimited string, you must use two quotation
          marks for each quotation mark that you want to appear in
          the string. For example, Suffix = "**""**" causes Oracle
          RMU to use a delimiter of **"**.  –  Ignore


    Specifies optional conditions or items to ignore.

    The RMU Unload After_Journal command treats non-current record
    versions in the AIJ file as a fatal error condition. That is,
    attempting to extract a record that has a record version not the
    same as the table's current maximum version results in a fatal

    There are, however, some very rare cases where a verb rollback
    of a modification of a record may result in an old version of a
    record being written to the after-image journal even though the
    transaction did not actually complete a successful modification
    to the record. The RMU Unload After_Journal command detects the
    old record version and aborts with a fatal error in this unlikely

    When the Ignore=Old_Version qualifier is present, the RMU Unload
    After_Journal command displays a warning message for each
    record that has a non-current record version and the record
    is not written to the output stream. The Old_Version qualifier
    accepts an optional list of table names to indicate that only the
    specified tables are permitted to have non-current record version
    errors ignored.  –  Include


    Specifies if deleted or modified records or transaction commit
    information is to be extracted from the after-image journal. The
    following keywords can be specified:

    o  Commit

       If you specify Commit, a transaction commit record is
       written to each output stream as the final record for each
       transaction. The commit information record is written to
       output streams after all other records for the transaction
       have been written. The default is NoCommit.

       Because output streams are created with a default file name
       of the table being extracted, it is important to specify a
       unique file name on each occurrence of the output stream.
       The definition of "unique" is such that when you write to a
       non-file-oriented output device (such as a pipe or mailbox),
       you must be certain to specify a specific file name on each
       output destination. This means that rather than specifying
       Output=MBA1234: for each output stream, you should use
       Output=MBA1234:MBX, or any file name that is the same on all
       occurrences of MBA1234:.

       Failure to use a specific file name can result in additional,
       and unexpected, commit records being returned. However, this
       is generally a restriction only when using a stream-oriented
       output device (as opposed to a disk file).

       The binary record format is based on the standard LogMiner
       output format. However, some fields are not used in the commit
       action record. The binary format and contents of this record
       are shown in Commit Record Contents. This record type is
       written for all output data formats.

    Table 20 Commit Record Contents

                 Length (in
    Field        bytes)       Contents

    ACTION       1            "C"
    RELATION     31           Zero
    RECORD_TYPE  4            Zero
    DATA_LEN     2            Length of RM_TID_LEN, AERCP_LEN, RM_
                              TID, AERCP
    NBV_LEN      2            Zero
    TID          4            Transaction (Attach) ID
    PID          4            Process ID
    START_TAD    8            Transaction Start Time/Date
    COMMIT_TAD   8            Transaction Commit Time/Date
    TSN          8            Transaction ID
    RM_TID_LEN   4            Length of the Global TID
    AERCP_LEN    4            Length of the AERCP information
    RM_TID       RM_TID_LEN   Global TID
    AERCP        AERCP_LEN    Restart Control Information
    RDB$LM_      12           USERNAME

       When the original transaction took part in a distributed,
       two-phase transaction, the RM_TID component is the Global
       transaction manager (XA or DDTM) unique transaction ID.
       Otherwise, this field contains binary zeroes.

       The AIJ Extract Recovery Control Point (AERCP) information is
       used to uniquely identify this transaction within the scope
       of the database and after-image journal files. It contains
       the .aij sequence number, VBN and TSN of the last "Micro Quiet
       Point", and is used by the Continuous LogMiner process to
       restart a particular point in the journal sequence.

    o  Delete

       If you specify Delete, pre-deletion record contents are
       extracted from the aij file. If you specify NoDelete, no
       pre-deletion record contents are extracted. The default is

    o  Modify

       If you specify Modify, modified or added record contents are
       extracted from the .aij file. If you specify NoModify, then no
       modified or added record contents are extracted. The default
       is Modify.  –  IO Buffers


    Specifies the number of I/O buffers used for output data files.
    The default number of buffers is two, which is generally
    adequate. With sufficiently fast I/O subsystem hardware,
    additional buffers may improve performance. However, using a
    larger number of buffers will also consume additional virtual
    memory and process working set.  –  Log


    Specifies that the extraction of the .aij file is be reported
    to SYS$OUTPUT or the destination specified with the Output
    qualifier. When activity is logged, the output from the Log
    qualifier provides the number of transactions committed or rolled
    back. The default is the setting of the DCL VERIFY flag, which is
    controlled by the DCL SET VERIFY command.  –  Options


    The following options can be specified:

    o  File=file-spec

       An options file contains a list of tables and output
       destinations. The options file can be used instead of, or
       along with, the Table qualifier to specify the tables to be
       extracted. Each line of the options file must specify a table
       name prefixed with "Table=". After the table name, the output
       destination is specified as either "Output=", or "Callback_
       Module=" and "Callback_Routine=", for example:


       You can use the Record_Definition=file-spec option from the
       Table qualifier to create a record definition file for the
       output data. The default file type is .rrd; the default file
       name is the name of the table.

       You can use the Table_Definition=file-spec option from
       the Table qualifier to create a file that contains an SQL
       statement that creates a table to hold transaction data. The
       default file type is .sql; the default file name is the name
       of the table.

       Each option in the Options=File qualifier must be fully
       specified (no abbreviations are allowed) and followed with
       an equal sign (=)  and a value string. The value string must
       be followed by a comma or the end of a line. Continuation
       lines can be specified by using a trailing dash. Comments are
       indicated by using the exclamation point (!)  character.

       You can use the asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%)
       wildcard characters in the table name specification to select
       all tables that satisfy the components you specify. The
       asterisk matches zero or more characters; the percent sign
       matches a single character.

       For table name specifications that contain wild card
       characters, if the first character of the string is a pound
       sign (#),  the wildcard specification is changed to a "not
       matching" comparison. This allows exclusion of tables based
       on a wildcard specification. The pound sign designation is
       only evaluated when the table name specification contains an
       asterisk or percent sign.

       For example, a table name specification of "#FOO%" indicates
       that all table names that are four characters long and do not
       start with the string "FOO" are to be selected.

    o  Shared_Read

       Specifies that the input after-image journal backup files are
       to be opened with an RMS shared locking specification.

    o  Dump

       Specifies that the contents of an input metadata file are to
       be formatted and displayed. Typically, this information is
       used as a debugging tool.  –  Order AIJ Files


    By default, after-image journal files are processed in the order
    that they are presented to the RMU Unload After_Journal command.
    The Order_AIJ_Files qualifier specifies that the input after-
    image journal files are to be processed in increasing order by
    sequence number. This can be of benefit when you use wildcard (*
    or %) processing of a number of input files. The .aij files are
    each opened, the first block is read (to determine the sequence
    number), and the files are closed prior to the sorting operation.  –  Output


    Redirects the log and trace output (selected with the Log and
    Trace qualifiers) to the named file. If this qualifier is not
    specified, the output generated by the Log and Trace qualifiers,
    which can be voluminous, is displayed to SYS$OUTPUT.  –  Parameter


    Specifies one or more character strings that are concatenated
    together and passed to the callback routine upon startup.

    For each table that is associated with a user-supplied callback
    routine, the callback routine is called with two parameters: the
    length of the Parameter record and a pointer to the Parameter
    record. The binary format and contents of this record are shown
    in Parameter Record Contents.

    Table 21 Parameter Record Contents

                 Length (in
    Field        bytes)       Contents

    ACTION       1            "P"
    RELATION     31           Relation name
    RECORD_TYPE  4            Zero
    DATA_LEN     2            Length of parameter string
    NBV_LEN      2            Zero
    LDBK         8            Zero
    START_TAD    8            Zero
    COMMIT_TAD   8            Zero
    TSN          8            Zero
    DATA         ?            Variable length parameter string
                              content  –  Quick Sort Limit


    Specifies the maximum number of records that will be sorted with
    the in-memory "quick sort" algorithm.

    The default value is 5000 records. The minimum value that can be
    specified is 10 and the maximum value is 100,000.

    Larger values specified for the /Quick_Sort_Limit qualifier may
    reduce sort work file IO at the expense of additional CPU time
    and/or memory consumption. A value that is too small may result
    in additional disk file IO. In general, the default value should
    be accepted.  –  Restart


    Specifies an AIJ Extract Restart Control Point (AERCP) that
    indicates the location to begin the extraction. The AERCP
    indicates the transaction sequence number (TSN) of the last
    extracted transaction along with a location in the .aij file
    where a known "Micro-quiet point" exists.

    When the Restart qualifier is not specified and no input after-
    image journal files are specified on the command line, the
    Continuous LogMiner process starts extracting at the beginning
    of the earliest modified online after-image journal file.

    When formatted for text display, the AERCP structure consists of
    the six fields (the MBZ field is excluded) displayed as unsigned
    integers separated by dashes; for example, "1-28-12-7-3202-3202".  –  Restore Metadata


    Specifies that the RMU Unload After_Journal command is to read
    database metadata information from the specified file. The
    Database parameter is required but the database itself is not
    accessed when the Restore_Metadata qualifier is specified. The
    default file type is .metadata. The Continuous qualifier is not
    allowed when the Restore_Metadata qualifier is present.

    Because the database is not available when the Restore_Metadata
    qualifier is specified, certain database-specific actions cannot
    be taken. For example, checks for after-image journaling are
    disabled. Because the static copy of the metadata information is
    not updated as database structure and table changes are made, it
    is important to make sure that the metadata file is saved after
    database DML operations.

    When the Restore_Metadata qualifier is specified, additional
    checks are made to ensure that the after-image journal files
    were created using the same database that was used to create the
    metadata file. These checks provide additional security and help
    prevent accidental mismatching of files.  –  Save Metadata


    Specifies that the RMU Unload After_Journal command is to
    write metadata information to the named file. The Continuous,
    Restore_Metadata, Table, and Options=file qualifiers and the
    aij-file-name parameter are not allowed when the Save_Metadata
    qualifier is present. The default file type is .metadata.  –  Select


    Specifies if the date and time of the Before and Since qualifiers
    refer to transaction start time or transaction commit time.

    The following options can be specified as the selection-type of
    the Select qualifier:

    o  Commit_Transaction

       Specifies that the Before and Since qualifiers select
       transactions based on the time of the transaction commit.

    o  Start_Transaction

       Specifies that the Before and Since qualifiers select
       transactions based on the time of the transaction start.

    The default for date selection is Commit_Transaction.  –  Since


    Specifies the starting time for transactions to be extracted.
    Depending on the value specified in the Select qualifier,
    transactions that committed or started on or after the specified
    Since date are selected. Information from transactions that
    committed or started prior to the specified Since date is not
    included in the output.  –  Sort Workfiles


    Specifies the number of sort work files. The default number
    of sort work files is two. When large transactions are being
    extracted, using additional sort work files may improve
    performance by distributing I/O loads over multiple disk devices.
    Use the SORTWORKn (where n is a number from 0 to 9) logical names
    to specify the location of the sort work files.  –  Statistics Interval


    Specifies that statistics are to be displayed at regular
    intervals so that you can evaluate the progress of the unload

    The displayed statistics include:

    o  Elapsed time

    o  CPU time

    o  Buffered I/O

    o  Direct I/O

    o  Page faults

    o  Number of records unloaded for a table

    o  Total number of records extracted for all tables

    If the Statistics_Interval qualifier is specified, the default
    interval is 60 seconds. The minimum value is one second. If the
    unload operation completes successfully before the first time
    interval has passed, you will receive an informational message
    on the number of files unloaded. If the unload operation is
    unsuccessful before the first time interval has passed, you will
    receive error messages and statistics on the number of records

    At any time during the unload operation, you can press Ctrl/T to
    display the current statistics.  –  Symbols


    Specifies whether DCL symbols are to be created, indicating
    information about records extracted for each table.

    If a large enough number of tables is being unloaded, too many
    associated symbols are created, and the CLI symbol table space
    can become exhausted. The error message "LIB-F-INSCLIMEM,
    insufficient CLI memory" is returned in this case. Specify the
    Nosymbols qualifier to prevent creation of the symbols.

    The default is Symbols, which causes the symbols to be created.  –  Table

    Table=(Name=table-name, table-options)

    Specifies the name of a table to be unloaded and an output
    destination. The table-name must be a table within the database.
    Views, indexes, and system relations may not be unloaded from the
    after-image journal file.

    The asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters
    can be used in the table name specification to select all tables
    that satisfy the components you specify. The asterisk matches
    zero or more characters and the percent sign matches a single

    For table name specifications that contain wild card characters,
    if the first character of the string is a pound sign (#),
    the wildcard specification is changed to a "not matching"
    comparison. This allows exclusion of tables based on a wildcard
    specification. The pound sign designation is only evaluated when
    the table name specification contains an asterisk or percent

    For exmple, a table name specification of "#FOO%" indicates that
    all table names that are four characters long and do not start
    with the string "FOO" are to be selected.

    The following table-options can be specified with the Table

    o  Callback_Module=image-name, Callback_Routine=routine-name

       The LogMiner process uses the OpenVMS library routine
       LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL to activate the specified shareable
       image and locate the specified entry point routine name. This
       routine is called with each extracted record. A final call is
       made with the Action field set to "E" to indicate the end of
       the output stream. These options must be specified together.

    o  Control

       Use the Control table option to produce output files that
       can be used by SQL*Loader to load the extracted data into an
       Oracle database. This option must be used in conjunction with
       fixed text format for the data file. The Control table option
       can be specified on either the command line or in an options

    o  Output=file-spec

       If an Output file specification is present, unloaded records
       are written to the specified location.

    o  Record_Definition=file-spec

       The Record_Definition=file-spec option can be used to create a
       record definition file for the output data. The default file
       type is .rrd; the default file name is the name of the table.

    o  Table_Definition=file-spec

       You can use the Table_Definition=file-spec option to create
       a file that contains an SQL statement that creates a table
       to hold transaction data. The default file type is .sql; the
       default file name is the name of the table.

    Unlike other qualifiers where only the final occurrence of the
    qualifier is used by an application, the Table qualifier can
    be specified multiple times for the RMU Unload After_Journal
    command. Each occurrence of the Table qualifier must specify a
    different table.  –  Trace


    Specifies that the unloading of the .aij file be traced. The
    default is Notrace. When the unload operation is traced, the
    output from the Trace qualifier identifies transactions in the
    .aij file by TSNs and describes what Oracle RMU did with each
    transaction during the unload process. You can specify the Log
    qualifier with the Trace qualifier.

34.2.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Unload After_Journal command for a database,
       you must have the RMU$DUMP privilege in the root file access
       control list (ACL) for the database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or
       BYPASS privilege.

    o  Oracle Rdb after-image journaling protects the integrity
       of your data by recording all changes made by committed
       transactions to a database in a sequential log or journal
       file. Oracle Corporation recommends that you enable after-
       image journaling to record your database transaction activity
       between full backup operations as part of your database
       restore and recovery strategy. In addition to LogMiner for
       Rdb, the after-image journal file is used to enable several
       database performance enhancements such as the fast commit, row
       cache, and hot standby features.

    o  When the Continuous qualifier is not specified, you can only
       extract changed records from a backup copy of the after-image
       journal files. You create this file using the RMU Backup
       After_Journal command.

       You cannot extract from an .aij file that has been optimized
       with the RMU Optimize After_Journal command.

    o  As part of the extraction process, Oracle RMU sorts extracted
       journal records to remove duplicate record updates. Because
       .aij file extraction uses the OpenVMS Sort/Merge Utility
       (SORT/MERGE) to sort journal records for large transactions,
       you can improve the efficiency of the sort operation by
       changing the number and location of the work files used by
       SORT/MERGE. The number of work files is controlled by the
       Sort_Workfiles qualifier of the RMU Unload After_Journal
       command. The allowed values are 1 through 10 inclusive, with
       a default value of 2. The location of these work files can be
       specified with device specifications, using the SORTWORKn
       logical name (where n is a number from 0 to 9). See the
       OpenVMS documentation set for more information on using
       SORT/MERGE. See the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to Database Performance
       and Tuning for more information on using these Oracle Rdb
       logical names.

    o  When extracting large transactions, the RMU Unload After_
       Journal command may create temporary work files. You can
       redirect the .aij rollforward temporary work files to a
       different disk and directory location than the current default
       directory by assigning a different directory to the RDM$BIND_
       AIJ_WORK_FILE logical name in the LNM$FILE_DEV name table.
       This can help to alleviate I/O bottlenecks that might occur on
       the default disk.

    o  You can specify a search list by defining logicals
       RDM$BIND_AIJ_WORK_FILEn, with each logical pointing to
       a different device or directory. The numbers must start
       with 1 and increase sequentially without any gaps. When an
       AIJ file cannot be created due to a "device full" error,
       Oracle Rdb looks for the next device in the search list
       by translating the next sequential work file logical. If
       RDM$BIND_AIJ_WORK_FILE is defined, it is used first.

    o  The RMU Unload After_Journal command can read either a backed
       up .aij file on disk or a backed up .aij file on tape that is
       in the Old_File format.

    o  You can select one or more tables to be extracted from an
       after-image journal file. All tables specified by the Table
       qualifier and all those specified in the Options file are
       combined to produce a single list of output streams. A
       particular table can be specified only once. Multiple tables
       can be written to the same output destination by specifying
       the exact same output stream specification (that is, by using
       an identical file specification).

    o  At the completion of the unload operation, RMU creates a
       number of DCL symbols that contain information about the
       extraction statistics. For each table extracted, RMU creates
       the following symbols:

       -  RMU$UNLOAD_DELETE_COUNT_tablename

       -  RMU$UNLOAD_MODIFY_COUNT_tablename

       -  RMU$UNLOAD_OUTPUT_tablename

       The tablename component of the symbol is the name of the
       table. When multiple tables are extracted in one operation,
       multiple sets of symbols are created. The value for the
       symbols RMU$UNLOAD_MODIFY_COUNT_tablename and RMU$UNLOAD_
       DELETE_COUNT_tablename is a character string containing
       the number of records returned for modified and deleted
       rows. The RMU$UNLOAD_OUTPUT_tablename symbol is a character
       string indicating the full file specification for the output
       destination, or the shareable image name and routine name when
       the output destination is an application callback routine.

    o  When you use the Callback_Module and Callback_Routine option,
       you must supply a shareable image with a universal symbol or
       entry point for the LogMiner process to be able to call your
       routine. See the OpenVMS documentation discussing the Linker
       utility for more information about creating shareable images.

    o  Your Callback_Routine is called once for each output record.
       The Callback_Routine is passed two parameters:

       -  The length of the output record, by longword value

       -  A pointer to the record buffer

       The record buffer is a data structure of the same fields and
       lengths written to an output destination.

    o  Because the Oracle RMU image is installed as a known image,
       your shareable image must also be a known image. Use the
       OpenVMS Install Utility to make your shareable image known.
       You may wish to establish an exit handler to perform any
       required cleanup processing at the end of the extraction.

    o  Segmented string data (BLOB) cannot be extracted using the
       LogMiner process. Because the segmented string data is
       related to the base table row by means of a database key,
       there is no convenient way to determine what data to extract.
       Additionally, the data type of an extracted column is changed
       from LIST OF BYTE VARYING to BIGINT. This column contains
       the DBKEY of the original BLOB data. Therefore, the contents
       of this column should be considered unreliable. However, the
       field definition itself is extracted as a quadword integer
       representing the database key of the original segmented string
       data. In generated table definition or record definition
       files, a comment is added indicating that the segmented string
       data type is not supported by the LogMiner for Rdb feature.

    o  Records removed from tables using the SQL TRUNCATE TABLE
       statement are not extracted. The SQL TRUNCATE TABLE statement
       does not journal each individual data record being removed
       from the database.

    o  Records removed from tables using the SQL ALTER DATABASE
       command with the DROP STORAGE AREA clause and CASCADE keyword
       are not extracted. Any data deleted by this process is not

    o  Records removed by dropping tables using the SQL DROP TABLE
       statement are not extracted. The SQL DROP TABLE statement does
       not journal each individual data record being removed from the

    o  When the RDMS$CREATE_LAREA_NOLOGGING logical is defined, DML
       operations are not available for extraction between the time
       the table is created and when the transaction is committed.

    o  Tables that use the vertical record partitioning (VRP) feature
       cannot be extracted using the LogMiner feature. LogMiner
       software currently does not detect these tables. A future
       release of Oracle Rdb will detect and reject access to
       vertically partitioned tables.

    o  In binary format output, VARCHAR fields are not padded with
       spaces in the output file. The VARCHAR data type is extracted
       as a 2-byte count field and a fixed-length data field. The 2-
       byte count field indicates the number of valid characters in
       the fixed-length data field. Any additional contents in the
       data field are unpredictable.

    o  You cannot extract changes to a table when the table
       definition is changed within an after-image journal file.
       Data definition language (DDL) changes to a table are not
       allowed within an .aij file being extracted. All records in an
       .aij file must be the current record version. If you are going
       to perform DDL operations on tables that you wish to extract
       using the LogMiner for Rdb, you should:

       1. Back up your after-image journal files.

       2. Extract the .aij files using the RMU Unload After_Journal

       3. Make the DDL changes.

    o  Do not use the OpenVMS Alpha High Performance Sort/Merge
       utility (selected by defining the logical name SORTSHR
       to SYS$SHARE:HYPERSORT) when using the LogMiner feature.
       HYPERSORT supports only a subset of the library sort routines
       that LogMiner requires. Make sure that the SORTSHR logical
       name is not defined to HYPERSORT.

    o  The metadata information file used by the RMU Unload After_
       Journal command is in an internal binary format. The contents
       and format are not documented and are not directly accessible
       by other utilities. The content and format of the metadata
       information file is specific to a version of the RMU Unload
       After_Journal utility. As new versions and updates of Oracle
       Rdb are released, you will proably have to re-create the
       metadata information file. The same version of Oracle Rdb must
       be used to both write and read a metadata information file.
       The RMU Unload After_Journal command verifies the format and
       version of the metadata information file and issues an error
       message in the case of a version mismatch.

    o  For debugging purposes, you can format and display the
       contents of a metadata information file by using the
       Options=Dump qualifier with the Restore_Metadata qualifier.
       This dump may be helpful to Oracle Support engineers during
       problem analysis. The contents and format of the metadata
       information file are subject to change.

    o  If you use both the Output and Statistics_Interval qualifiers,
       the output stream used for the log, trace, and statistics
       information is flushed to disk (via the RMS $FLUSH service) at
       each statistics interval. This makes sure that an output file
       of trace and log information is written to disk periodically.

    o  You can specify input backup after-image journal files along
       with the Continuous qualifier from the command line. The
       specified after-image journal backup files are processed in
       an offline mode. Once they have been processed, the RMU Unload
       After_Journal command switches to "online" mode and the active
       online journals are processed.

    o  When no input after-image journal files are specified on the
       command line, the Continuous LogMiner starts extracting at the
       beginning of the earliest modified online after-image journal
       file. The Restart= qualifier can be used to control the first
       transaction to be extracted.

    o  The Continuous LogMiner requires fixed-size circular after-
       image journals.

    o  An after-image journal file cannot be backed up if there
       are any Continuous LogMiner checkpoints in the aij file.
       The Continuous LogMiner moves its checkpoint to the physical
       end-of-file for the online .aij file that it is extracting.

    o  In order to ensure that all records have been written by all
       database users, Continuous LogMiner processes do not switch
       to the next live journal file until it has been written to by
       another process. Live journals SHOULD NOT be backed up while
       the Continuous LogMiner process is processing a list of .aij
       backup files. This is an unsupported activity and could lead
       to the LogMiner losing data.

    o  If backed up after-image journal files are specified on the
       command line and the Continuous qualifier is specified, the
       journal sequence numbers must ascend directly from the backed
       up journal files to the online journal files.

       In order to preserve the after-image journal file sequencing
       as processed by the RMU Unload After_Journal /Continuous
       command, it is important that no after-image journal backup
       operations are attempted between the start of the command and
       when the Continuous LogMiner process reaches the live online
       after-image journals.

    o  You can run multiple Continuous LogMiner processes at one
       time on a database. Each Continuous LogMiner process acts

    o  The Continuous LogMiner reads the live after-image journal
       file just behind writers to the journal. This will likely
       increase the I/O load on the disk devices where the journals
       are located. The Continuous LogMiner attempts to minimize
       unneeded journal I/O by checking a "High Water Mark" lock to
       determine if the journal has been written to and where the
       highest written block location is located.

    o  Vertically partitioned tables cannot be extracted.

34.2.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example unloads the EMPLOYEES table from the .aij
    backup file MFP.AIJBCK.


    Example 2

    The following example simultaneously unloads the SALES,
    STOCK, SHIPPING, and ORDERS tables from the .aij backup files
    MFS.AIJBCK_1-JUL-1999 through MFS.AIJBCK_3-JUL-1999. Note that
    the input .aij backup files are processed sequentially in the
    order specified.

       MFS.AIJBCK_1-JUL-1999, -
       MFS.AIJBCK_2-JUL-1999, -
       MFS.AIJBCK_3-JUL-1999 -

    Example 3

    Use the Before and Since qualifiers to unload data based on a
    time range. The following example extracts changes made to the
    PLANETS table by transactions that committed between 1-SEP-1999
    at 14:30 and 3-SEP-1999 at 16:00.

       /BEFORE = "3-SEP-1999 16:00:00.00" -
       /SINCE = "1-SEP-1999 14:30:00.00"

    Example 4

    The following example simultaneously unloads the SALES and
    STOCK tables from all .aij backup files that match the wildcard
    specification MFS.AIJBCK_1999-07-*. The input .aij backup files
    are processed sequentially in the order returned from the file

       MFS.AIJBCK_1999-07-* -

    Example 5

    The following example unloads the TICKER table from the .aij
    backup files listed in the file called AIJ_BACKUP_FILES.DAT
    (note the double quotation marks surrounding the at (@) character
    and the file specification). The input .aij backup files are
    processed sequentially. The output records are written to the
    mailbox device called MBA127:. A separate program is already
    running on the system, and it reads and processes the data
    written to the mailbox.

       /TABLE = (NAME = TICKER, OUTPUT = MBA127:)

    Example 6

    You can use the RMU Unload After_Journal command followed by RMU
    Load commands to move transaction data from one database into
    a change table in another database. You must create a record
    definition (.rrd) file for each table being loaded into the
    target database. The record definition files can be created by
    specifying the Record_Definition option on the Table qualifier.

      /TABLE = ( NAME = MYTBL, -
                 OUTPUT = MYTBL.DAT, -
      /TABLE = ( NAME = SALE, -
                 OUTPUT=SALE.DAT, -



    Example 7

    You can use an RMS file containing the record structure
    definition for the output file as an input file to the RMU Load
    command. The record description uses the CDO record and field
    definition format. This is the same format used by the RMU Load
    and RMU Unload commands when the Record_Definition qualifier is
    used. The default file extension is .rrd.

    The record definitions for the fields that the LogMiner processs
    writes to the output .rrd file are shown in the following table.
    These fields can be manually appended to a record definition file
    for the actual user data fields being unloaded. The file can be
    used to load a transaction table within a database. A transaction
    table is the output that the LogMiner process writes to a table
    consisting of sequential transactions performed in a database.


    Example 8

    Instead of using the Table qualifier, you can use an Options file
    to specify the table or tables to be extracted, as shown in the
    following example.


    Example 9

    The following example unloads the EMPLOYEES table from the live
    database and writes all change records to the MBA145 device. A
    separate program is presumed to be reading the mailbox at all
    times and processing the records.


    Example 10

    This example demonstrates unloading three tables (EMPLOYEES,
    SALES, and CUSTOMERS) to a single mailbox. Even though the
    mailbox is not a file-oriented device, the same file name is
    specified for each. This is required because the LogMiner process
    defaults the file name to the table name. If the same file name
    is not explicitly specified for each output stream destination,
    the LogMiner process assigns one mailbox channel for each table.
    When the file name is the same for all tables, the LogMiner
    process detects this and assigns only a single channel for all
    input tables.

     /TABLE = (NAME = SALES, OUTPUT = MBX$:) -

    Example 11

    In order to include transaction commit information, the
    /Include =Action =Commit qualifier is specified in this example.
    Additionally, the EMPLOYEES and SALES tables are extracted to two
    different mailbox devices (ready by separate processes). A commit
    record is written to each mailbox after all changed records for
    each transaction have been extracted.


    Example 12

    In this example, multiple input backup after-image journal
    files are supplied. The Order_AIJ_Files qualifier specifies
    that the .aij files are to be processed in ascending order of
    .aij sequence number (regardless of file name). Prior to the
    extraction operation, each input file is opened and the .aij Open
    record is read. The .aij files are then opened and extracted, one
    at a time, by ascending .aij sequence number.

     /TABLE = (NAME = C1, OUTPUT=C1.DAT)
    %RMU-I-UNLAIJFL, Unloading table C1 to DGA0:[DB]C1.DAT;1
    %RMU-I-LOGOPNAIJ, opened journal file DGA0:[DB]ABLE.AIJBCK;1
    %RMU-I-AIJRSTSEQ, journal sequence number is "5"
    %RMU-I-LOGOPNAIJ, opened journal file DGA0:[DB]BAKER.AIJBCK;1
    %RMU-I-AIJRSTSEQ, journal sequence number is "4"
    %RMU-I-LOGOPNAIJ, opened journal file DGA0:[DB]CHARLIE.AIJBCK;1
    %RMU-I-AIJRSTSEQ, journal sequence number is "6"
    %RMU-I-LOGOPNAIJ, opened journal file DGA0:[DB]BAKER.AIJBCK;1
    %RMU-I-AIJRSTSEQ, journal sequence number is "4"
    %RMU-I-AIJMODSEQ, next AIJ file sequence number will be 5
    %RMU-I-LOGOPNAIJ, opened journal file DGA0:[DB]ABLE.AIJBCK;1
    %RMU-I-AIJRSTSEQ, journal sequence number is "5"
    %RMU-I-AIJMODSEQ, next AIJ file sequence number will be 6
    %RMU-I-LOGOPNAIJ, opened journal file DGA0:[DB]CHARLIE.AIJBCK;1
    %RMU-I-AIJRSTSEQ, journal sequence number is "6"
    %RMU-I-AIJMODSEQ, next AIJ file sequence number will be 7
    %RMU-I-LOGSUMMARY, total 7 transactions committed
    %RMU-I-LOGSUMMARY, total 0 transactions rolled back
    ELAPSED: 0 00:00:00.15 CPU: 0:00:00.08 BUFIO: 62 DIRIO: 19 FAULTS: 73
    Table "C1" : 3 records written (3 modify, 0 delete)
    Total : 3 records written (3 modify, 0 delete)

    Example 13

    The SQL record definitions for the fields that the LogMiner
    process writes to the output are shown in the following
    example. These fields can be manually appended to the table
    creation command for the actual user data fields being unloaded.
    Alternately, the Table_Definition qualifier can be used with the
    Table qualifier or within an Options file to automatically create
    the SQL definition file. This can be used to create a transaction
    table of changed data.

    cont> RDB$LM_ACTION          CHAR,
    cont> RDB$LM_RELATION_NAME   CHAR (31),
    cont> RDB$LM_DATA_LEN        SMALLINT,
    cont> RDB$LM_NBV_LEN         SMALLINT,
    cont> RDB$LM_DBK             BIGINT,
    cont> RDB$LM_START_TAD       DATE VMS,
    cont> RDB$LM_COMMIT_TAD      DATE VMS,
    cont> RDB$LM_TSN             BIGINT,

    Example 14

    The following example is the transaction table record definition
    (.rrd) file for the EMPLOYEES table from the PERSONNEL database:



       RDB$LM_ACTION .
       RDB$LM_DATA_LEN .
       RDB$LM_NBV_LEN .
       RDB$LM_DBK .
       RDB$LM_TSN .
       EMPLOYEE_ID .
       LAST_NAME .
       FIRST_NAME .
       ADDRESS_DATA_1 .
       ADDRESS_DATA_2 .
       CITY .
       STATE .
       POSTAL_CODE .
       SEX .
       BIRTHDAY .
       STATUS_CODE .

    Example 15

    The following C source code segment demonstrates the structure
    of a module that can be used as a callback module and routine
    to process employee transaction information from the LogMiner
    process. The routine, Employees_Callback, would be called by the
    LogMiner process for each extracted record. The final time the
    callback routine is called, the RDB$LM_ACTION field will be set
    to "E" to indicate the end of the output stream.

    #include <stdio>
    typedef unsigned char date_type[8];
    typedef unsigned char dbkey_type[8];
    typedef unsigned char tsn_type[8];

    typedef struct {
        unsigned char       rdb$lm_action;
        char                rdb$lm_relation_name[31];
        unsigned int        rdb$lm_record_type;
        unsigned short int  rdb$lm_data_len;
        unsigned short int  rdb$lm_nbv_len;
        dbkey_type          rdb$lm_dbk;
        date_type           rdb$lm_start_tad;
        date_type           rdb$lm_commit_tad;
        tsn_type            rdb$lm_tsn;
        unsigned short int  rdb$lm_record_version;
        char                employee_id[5];
        char                last_name[14];
        char                first_name[10];
        char                middle_initial[1];
        char                address_data_1[25];
        char                address_data_2[20];
        char                city[20];
        char                state[2];
        char                postal_code[5];
        char                sex[1];
        date_type           birthday;
        char                status_code[1];
    } transaction_data;

    void employees_callback (unsigned int data_len, transaction_data
    {    .

    Use the C compiler (either VAX C or DEC C) to compile this
    module. When linking this module, the symbol EMPLOYEES_CALLBACK
    needs to be externalized in the shareable image. Refer to the
    OpenVMS manual discussing the Linker utility for more information
    about creating shareable images.

    On OpenVMS Alpha systems, you can use a LINK command similar to
    the following:


    On OpenVMS VAX systems, you can use a LINK command similar to the


    Example 16

    You can use triggers and a transaction table to construct a
    method to replicate table data from one database to another
    using RMU Unload After_Journal and RMU Load commands. This
    data replication method is based on transactional changes
    to the source table and requires no programming. Instead,
    existing features of Oracle Rdb can be combined to provide this

    For this example, consider a simple customer information table
    called CUST with a unique customer ID value, customer name,
    address, and postal code. Changes to this table are to be
    moved from an OLTP database to a reporting database system on
    a periodic (perhaps nightly) basis.

    First, in the reporting database, a customer table of the same
    structure as the OLTP customer table is created. In this example,
    this table is called RPT_CUST. It contains the same fields as the
    OLTP customer table called CUST.

    cont> CUST_ID               INTEGER,
    cont> CUST_NAME             CHAR (50),
    cont> CUST_ADDRESS          CHAR (50),

    Next, a temporary table is created in the reporting database for
    the LogMiner-extracted transaction data from the CUST table. This
    temporary table definition specifies ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS so
    that data in the temporary table is deleted from memory at each
    transaction commit. A temporary table is used because there is no
    need to journal changes to the table.

    cont> RDB$LM_DATA_LEN       SMALLINT,
    cont> RDB$LM_NBV_LEN        SMALLINT,
    cont> RDB$LM_DBK            BIGINT,
    cont> RDB$LM_START_TAD      DATE VMS,
    cont> RDB$LM_TSN            BIGINT,
    cont> CUST_ID               INTEGER,
    cont> CUST_NAME             CHAR (50),
    cont> CUST_ADDRESS          CHAR (50),

    For data to be populated in the RPT_CUST table in the reporting
    database, a trigger is created for the RDB_LM_RPT_CUST
    transaction table. This trigger is used to insert, update,
    or delete rows in the RPT_CUST table based on the transaction
    information from the OLTP database for the CUST table. The unique
    CUST_ID field is used to determine if customer records are to be
    modified or added.

    cont> -- Modify an existing customer record
    cont>  WHEN (RDB$LM_ACTION = 'M' AND
    cont>                WHERE RPT_CUST.CUST_ID =
    cont>                RDB_LM_RPT_CUST.CUST_ID))
    cont>      (UPDATE RPT_CUST SET
    cont>              RPT_CUST.CUST_NAME = RDB_LM_RPT_CUST.CUST_NAME,
    cont>              RPT_CUST.CUST_ADDRESS =
    cont>              RDB_LM_RPT_CUST.CUST_ADDRESS,
    cont>              RPT_CUST.CUST_POSTAL_CODE =
    cont>              RDB_LM_RPT_CUST.CUST_POSTAL_CODE
    cont>  FOR EACH ROW
    cont> -- Add a new customer record
    cont>  WHEN (RDB$LM_ACTION = 'M' AND NOT
    cont>                WHERE RPT_CUST.CUST_ID =
    cont>                RDB_LM_RPT_CUST.CUST_ID))
    cont>              (RDB_LM_RPT_CUST.CUST_ID,
    cont>               RDB_LM_RPT_CUST.CUST_NAME,
    cont>               RDB_LM_RPT_CUST.CUST_ADDRESS,
    cont>               RDB_LM_RPT_CUST.CUST_POSTAL_CODE))
    cont>  FOR EACH ROW
    cont> -- Delete an existing customer record
    cont>  WHEN (RDB$LM_ACTION = 'D')
    cont>      (DELETE FROM RPT_CUST
    cont>  FOR EACH ROW;

    Within the trigger, the action to take (for example, to add,
    update, or delete a customer record) is based on the RDB$LM_
    ACTION field (defined as D or M) and the existence of the
    customer record in the reporting database. For modifications,
    if the customer record does not exist, it is added; if it does
    exist, it is updated. For a deletion on the OLTP database, the
    customer record is deleted from the reporting database.

    The RMU Load command is used to read the output from the LogMiner
    process and load the data into the temporary table where each
    insert causes the trigger to execute. The Commit_Every qualifier
    is used to avoid filling memory with the customer records in
    the temporary table because as soon as the trigger executes, the
    record in the temporary table is no longer needed.

     /TABLE = (NAME = CUST, -
               OUTPUT = CUST.DAT, -

          /COMMIT_EVERY = 1000

    Example 17

    The following example shows how to produce a control file that
    can be used by SQL*Loader to load the extracted data into an
    Oracle database.

         /FORMAT=TEXT -
         /TABLE=(NAME=TEST_TBL, -
                 OUTPUT=LOGMINER_TEXT.TXT, -

    This example produces the following control file. The control
    file is specific to a fixed length record text file. NULLs are
    handled by using the NULLIF clause for the column definition that
    references a corresponding null byte filler column. There is a
    null byte filler column for each column in the underlying table
    but not for the LogMiner specific columns at the beginning of
    the record. If a column is NULL, the corresponding RDB$LM_NBn
    filler column is set to 1. VARCHAR columns are padded with blanks
    but the blanks are ignored by default when the file is loaded by
    SQL*Loader. If you wish to preserve the blanks, you can update
    the control file and add the "PRESERVE BLANKS" clause.

    -- Control file for LogMiner transaction data 25-AUG-2000 12:15:50.47
    -- From database table "TEST_DB"
    RDB$LM_ACTION                   POSITION(1:1) CHAR,
    RDB$LM_NBV_LEN                  POSITION(51:56) INTEGER EXTERNAL,
    RDB$LM_DBK                      POSITION(57:76) INTEGER EXTERNAL,
    RDB$LM_TSN                      POSITION(105:124) INTEGER EXTERNAL,
    TEST_COL                        POSITION(131:150) CHAR NULLIF RDB$LM_NB1 = 1,

    Example 17

    The following example creates a metadata file for the database
    MFP. This metadata file can be used as input to a later RMU
    Unload After_Journal command.

    %RMU-I-LMMFWRTCNT, Wrote 107 objects to metadata file

    Example 18

    This example uses a previously created metadata information file
    for the database MFP. The database is not accessed during the
    unload operation; the database metadata information is read from
    the file. As the extract operation no longer directly relies on
    the source database, the AIJ and METADATA files can be moved to
    another systems and extracted there.

    %RMU-I-LMMFRDCNT, Read 107 objects from metadata file
    %RMU-I-UNLAIJFL, Unloading table TAB1 to DUA0:[DB]TAB1.DAT;1
    %RMU-I-LOGOPNAIJ, opened journal file DUA0:[DB]AIJ_BACKUP1.AIJ;1
    %RMU-I-AIJRSTSEQ, journal sequence number is "7216321"
    %RMU-I-AIJMODSEQ, next AIJ file sequence number will be 7216322
    %RMU-I-LOGSUMMARY, total 2 transactions committed
    %RMU-I-LOGSUMMARY, total 0 transactions rolled back
     ELAPSED:  0 00:00:00.15 CPU: 0:00:00.01 BUFIO: 11 DIRIO: 5 FAULTS: 28
    Table "TAB1" : 1 record written (1 modify, 0 delete)
    Total : 1 record written (1 modify, 0 delete)

35  –  Verify

    Checks the internal integrity of database data structures.
    The RMU Verify command does not verify the data itself. You
    can verify specific portions of a database or the integrity of
    routines stored in the database by using qualifiers.

    If you specify the RMU Verify command without any qualifiers, a
    database root file verification and full page verification of the
    area inventory page (AIP) and the area bit map (ABM) pages in the
    default RDB$SYSTEM storage area are performed. Also, the snapshot
    files and after-image journals are validated (even if journaling
    has been disabled).

    The RMU Verify command checks space area management (SPAM) pages
    for proper format. The contents of the individual entries are
    verified as the individual data pages are verified. The command
    does not attempt to determine if data within rows is reasonable
    or plausible.

35.1  –  Description

    The RMU Verify command checks the internal integrity of database
    data structures. Oracle Corporation strongly recommends that
    you verify your database following any kind of serious system
    malfunction. You should also verify your database as part of
    routine maintenance, perhaps before performing backup operations.
    You can use the various qualifiers to perform verification of the
    maximum number of database areas in the time available.


       If you use the RMU Convert command with the Nocommit
       qualifier to convert a database created prior to Oracle Rdb
       Version 6.1, and then use the RMU Convert command with the
       Rollback qualifier to revert to the prior database structure
       level, subsequent verify operations might return an RMU-W-
       PAGTADINV warning message. See the Usage_Notes help entry
       under this command for details.

35.2  –  Format

  (B)0   RMU/Verify root-file-spec

     Command Qualifiers                    x Defaults
     /All                                  x See description
     /Areas [ = storage-area-list]         x No Area checking performed
     /Checksum_Only                        x Full page verification
     /[No]Constraints = [(Options)]        x /NoConstraint
     /[No]Data                             x /Data when /Indexes is used
     /End=page-number                      x /End=last-page
     /[No]Functions                        x /Nofunctions
     /Incremental                          x See description
     /Indexes [ = index-list]              x No index checking performed
     /Lareas [ = logical-area-list]        x No LAREA checking performed
     /[No]Log                              x Current DCL verify value
     /Output=file-spec                     x SYS$OUTPUT
     /[No]Root                             x /Root
     /[No]Routines                         x /Noroutines
     /[No]Segmented_Strings                x See description
     /Snapshots                            x No snapshot verification
     /Start=page-number                    x /Start=1
     /Transaction_Type=option              x /Transaction_Type=Protected

35.3  –  Parameters

35.3.1  –  root-file-spec

    The Oracle Rdb database to verify. The default file extension is

35.4  –  Command Qualifiers

35.4.1  –  All


    When you specify the All qualifier, the entire database is
    checked, including any external routines. Specifying the All
    qualifier is equivalent to issuing the list of qualifiers shown
    in the following command:


    If you do not specify the All qualifier, the verification
    requested by the other qualifiers you specify is performed.

    See the Usage Notes entry in this command for the rules that
    determine which qualifiers can be used in combination on the same
    RMU Verify command line.

35.4.2  –  Areas


    Specifies the storage areas of the database to verify. You can
    specify storage areas by name or by the area's ID number. When
    you specify the storage area by name, each storage area name must
    be the name defined in the SQL CREATE STORAGE AREA statement for
    the storage area, not the storage area file name. If you list
    multiple storage areas, separate the storage area names or ID
    numbers with a comma, and enclose the storage area list within
    parentheses. The Areas qualifier with no arguments (or Areas=*)
    directs Oracle RMU to verify all storage areas of the database.
    With a single-file database, if you do not specify a storage area
    name, the RDB$SYSTEM storage area is verified.

    See the Usage Notes entry in this command for the rules that
    determine which qualifiers can be used in combination on the same
    RMU Verify command line.

    The Areas qualifier can be used with indirect file references.
    See the Indirect-Command-Files Help entry for more information.

    When the Areas qualifier is not specified, Oracle RMU does not
    verify any storage areas.

35.4.3  –  Checksum Only


    Specify with the Areas qualifier to perform only checksum
    verification of pages. This reduces the degree of verification
    done on a database page. While the RMU Verify command executes
    faster with the Checksum_Only qualifier than without it, it does
    not verify pages completely. This qualifier allows you to make
    trade-offs between speed of verification and thoroughness of
    verification. For more information on these trade-offs, see the
    Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance.

    If this command finds a problem with a certain page, then that
    page can be verified in depth by using other qualifiers, such as
    Indexes, Areas, or Lareas.

    Note that you can accomplish the same degree of verification
    during a backup operation by specifying the Checksum qualifier
    with the RMU Backup command. The advantage of specifying the
    Checksum qualifier with the RMU Backup command is that the
    checksum operation takes place concurrently with the backup

    See the Usage Notes entry in this command for the rules that
    determine which qualifiers can be used in combination on the same
    RMU Verify command line.

    The default is for full verification of pages.

35.4.4  –  Constraints

    Constraints[=(Tables=(list), Constraints=(list))]

    Specifies which constraints Oracle RMU is to load and execute
    to check the integrity of data in the database. In addition,
    external routines (procedures and functions) referenced by
    constraints are activated and executed. Any exceptions produced
    cause the verify operation to report a failure. See the
    description of the routines qualifier for information on how
    routines are activated and executed.

    The options are as follows:

    o  Tables=(list)

       Specifies the table for which constraints are to be checked.
       If you specify more than one table, separate each table name
       with a comma and enclose the list in parentheses. You can
       specify the wildcard character, the asterisk (*),  instead of
       a table list to indicate that you want constraints checked
       for all tables in the database. This option is useful if you
       issued an RMU Load command with the Noconstraints qualifier.

    o  Constraints=(list)

       Specifies the constraints which you want Oracle RMU to load
       and execute. If you specify more than one constraint, separate
       each constraint name with a comma and enclose the list in
       parentheses. You can specify the wildcard character, the
       asterisk (*),  instead of a constraint list to indicate that
       you want all constraints checked for the database.

    o  (Tables=(list), Constraints=(list))

       You can specify both the Tables and Constraints options to
       specify which combination of tables and constraints you
       want Oracle RMU to verify. If you specify the wildcard
       character, the asterisk (*),  for the Tables option and a
       named constraint or constraints for the Constraint option
       within the same Oracle RMU command line, Oracle RMU verifies
       all constraints.

    See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance for more
    information on verifying constraints.

    See the Usage Notes entry in this command for the rules that
    determine which qualifiers can be used in combination on the same
    RMU Verify command line.

    The default is the Noconstraints qualifier. When you specify
    the Noconstraints qualifier, Oracle RMU does not verify any

35.4.5  –  Data


    Specifies whether consistency checks are made between indexes and
    tables. When you specify the Data qualifier, Oracle RMU checks
    that every row to which an index points is a valid row for the
    table and it checks that every row in a table is pointed to by
    every index defined on the table. See the description of the
    Indexes qualifier for more information on how these comparisons
    are made.

    The Data qualifier is valid only when it is used with the Indexes

    See the Usage Notes entry in this command for the rules that
    determine which qualifiers can be used in combination on the same
    RMU Verify command line.

    The default is the Data qualifier.

35.4.6  –  End


    Specifies the last page to be verified. This qualifier is used in
    conjunction with the Areas and Lareas qualifiers. If you do not
    use the End qualifier, Oracle RMU verifies all pages between the
    first page (or the page specified in the Start qualifier) and the
    last page of the storage area.

    The End qualifier is valid only when you specify the Areas or
    Lareas qualifier.

    See the Usage Notes entry in this command for the rules that
    determine which other qualifiers can be used in combination on
    the same RMU Verify command line.

35.4.7  –  Functions


    This qualifier is synonymous with the Routines qualifier. See the
    description of the Routines qualifier.

35.4.8  –  Incremental


    Directs Oracle RMU to verify database pages that have changed
    since the last full or incremental verification. Oracle RMU
    stores timestamps in the database root file for both full
    and incremental verifications. To determine which pages
    have changed since the last verify operation, Oracle RMU
    compares these timestamps with the page timestamps. The page
    timestamps are updated whenever pages are updated. An incremental
    verification performs the same number of I/O operations as a
    full verification, but the incremental verification takes fewer
    CPU cycles than a full verification, allowing you to perform
    incremental verifications more frequently than you would perform
    full ones. The default is to perform a full verification.


       If you use the Incremental qualifier with the RMU Verify
       command, Oracle Corporation recommends that you use it only
       with the All qualifier and not with any other qualifiers.

       The timestamps in the database root file are updated during
       full and incremental verifications only when the All
       qualifier is specified. Therefore, if you do not specify
       the All qualifier, two successive incremental verifications
       of the same storage area of the database perform the same
       verifications. This means that the second incremental
       verification does not pass over pages verified by the first
       incremental verification, contrary to what you might expect.

    See the Usage Notes entry in this command for the rules that
    determine which qualifiers can be used in combination on the same
    RMU Verify command line.

    If the Incremental qualifier is not specified, all requested
    pages are verified, regardless of the timestamp.

35.4.9  –  Indexes


    Verifies the integrity of all but disabled indexes in the
    database if you specify the Indexes or the Indexes=* qualifier;
    verifies the integrity of a specific index, or of multiple
    indexes if you provide an index list. If you list multiple
    indexes, separate the index names with a comma, and enclose the
    index list within parentheses.

    Beginning with Oracle Rdb V7.0, Oracle RMU uses a new method to
    verify indexes. In prior versions, the verify operation tried
    to retrieve the table row to which the index pointed. Beginning
    with Oracle Rdb V7.0, the verify operation creates a sorted list
    of all dbkeys for a table and a sorted list of all dbkeys in an
    index. By comparing these two lists, the verify operation can
    detect any cases of an index missing an entry for a data row. In
    addition, the verify operation runs faster. This comparison of
    dbkeys occurs at the end of the verify operation. If you specify
    the log qualifier, you see messages similar to the following to
    indicate that the comparison is occurring:

    %RMU-I-IDXVERSTR, Index data verification of logical area
     60 (DEGREES) started.
    %RMU-I-IDXVEREND, Index data verification of logical area
     60 finished.

    In addition, beginning in Oracle Rdb V7.0, when you verify an
    index with the Data qualifier (the default), Oracle RMU also
    verifies the logical areas referenced by the indexes. See Example
    5 in the Examples help entry under this command.

    See the Usage Notes entry in this command for the rules that
    determine which qualifiers can be used in combination on the same
    RMU Verify command line.

    By default, Oracle RMU does not verify indexes.

    The Indexes qualifier can be used with indirect file references.
    See the Indirect-Command-Files Help entry for more information.

35.4.10  –  Lareas


    Specifies the storage area pages allocated to a logical area
    or logical areas that you want verified. If you list multiple
    logical areas, separate the logical area names with a comma,
    and enclose the logical area list within parentheses. The Lareas
    qualifier with no arguments (or Lareas=*) directs Oracle RMU to
    verify all logical areas of the database. When a logical area is
    verified, each page in the area is read and verified sequentially
    starting at the first page.

    If an index name is specified with the Lareas qualifier, the
    index is verified, but it is not verified as a logical area.
    In this case, the first index record is fetched (which could be
    on any page) and the verification follows the structure of the
    index. (For example, if the index record points to other index
    records, then those records are fetched and verified. If the
    index node is a leaf node, then the data record is fetched and
    verified. These data pages might reside in different logical

    Use this qualifier to verify one or more tables.

    See the Usage Notes entry in this command for the rules that
    determine which qualifiers can be used in combination on the same
    RMU Verify command line.

    The Lareas qualifier can be used with indirect file references.
    See the Indirect-Command-Files Help entry for more information.

    By default, Oracle RMU does not verify logical areas.

35.4.11  –  Log


    Specifies whether the processing of the command is reported to
    SYS$OUTPUT. By default, SYS$OUTPUT is your terminal. Specify the
    Log qualifier to request that each verify operation be displayed
    to SYS$OUTPUT and the Nolog qualifier to prevent this display.
    If you specify neither, the default is the current setting of the
    DCL verify switch. (The DCL SET VERIFY command controls the DCL
    verify switch.)

    When you specify the Log qualifier, Oracle RMU displays the time
    taken to verify each database area specified and the total time
    taken for the complete verification operation. The display from
    the Log qualifier is also useful for showing you how much of the
    verification operation is completed.

    See the Usage Notes entry in this command for the rules that
    determine which qualifiers can be used in combination on the same
    RMU Verify command line.

35.4.12  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output will be sent. The
    default is SYS$OUTPUT. When you specify a file name, the default
    output file type is .lis.

    If you specify both the Log qualifier and the Output qualifier,
    the messages produced by the Log qualifier and any error messages
    are directed into the output file specification. If you specify
    only the Output qualifier, only error messages are captured
    in the output file. See the Usage Notes entry in this command
    for the rules that determine which qualifiers can be used in
    combination on the same RMU Verify command line.

35.4.13  –  Root


    Specifies that, in a multifile database, only fields in the
    database root (.rdb) file and all the pointers to the database
    (.rda, .snp, .aij) files are verified. The snapshot (.snp) files
    are validated; that is, only the first page is checked to make
    sure that it is indeed an .snp file and belongs to the database
    being verified. If after-image journaling is enabled, the .aij
    files are validated. The AIP and ABM pages are verified when you
    specify the Root qualifier.

    If you specify the Noroot qualifier, and no other qualifiers,
    only the AIP pages are verified. If you specify the Noroot
    qualifier, and the Areas or the Lareas qualifier, ABM and SPAM
    pages are verified as the other pages in the storage area or
    logical area are verified.

    See the Usage Notes entry in this command for the rules that
    determine which qualifiers can be used in combination on the same
    RMU Verify command line.

    You can specify the Root qualifier for a single-file database.

    The default is the Root qualifier.

35.4.14  –  Routines


    The Routines qualifier verifies the integrity of all routine
    (function and procedure) definitions stored in the database.
    Oracle RMU performs the verification by activating and
    deactivating each external routine, one at a time. Any exceptions
    produced cause the verify operation to report a failure.

    The Routines qualifier verifies that the shareable image is
    located where expected, is accessible, and that the correct entry
    point is at this location. The expected location is that which
    was specified in the SQL CREATE FUNCTION or CREATE PROCEDURE
    statement. If the shareable image is not in the expected
    location, is not accessible, or the entry point is not at the
    expected location, you receive an error message.

    If Oracle RMU is installed with SYSPRV, any external routine
    image for a routine that is registered with client-site binding
    must meet the following criteria or the RMU Verify command cannot
    check for the existence of the entry point for the routine in the

    o  It must be installed.

    o  It must have been specified with an image file specification
       that uses only logicals defined with the DCL /SYSTEM and
       /EXECUTIVE qualifiers.

    In addition, the user issuing the RMU Verify command must have
    OpenVMS SYSPRV in order for the routine to be activated.

    The Noroutines qualifier specifies that routine interface not be

    See the Usage Notes entry in this command for the rules that
    determine which qualifiers can be used in combination on the same
    RMU Verify command line.

    By default, Oracle RMU does not verify any routines.

35.4.15  –  Segmented Strings


    Verifies all list (segmented string) data for each column, in
    each table in any of the two types of storage areas: read/write
    and read-only (on read/write disk devices). When you specify
    the RMU Verify command with the All qualifier, all list data
    (segmented strings) in all tables is verified in the database.
    The Segmented_Strings qualifier can only be used with the Lareas
    qualifier and has the following meanings when used with this

    o  RMU Verify command with the Lareas=* and the Segmented_Strings

       Segmented strings in all tables are verified.

    o  RMU Verify command with the Lareas=(LAREA_1, . . . ,LAREA_N)
       and the Segmented_Strings qualifiers.

       Segmented strings in tables LAREA_1, . . . ,LAREA_N are

       If the Segmented_Strings qualifier is omitted, there is no
       list data verification.

       The Segmented_Strings qualifier verifies all list data in
       each column of each row in the database. The verify operation
       tries to fetch all pointer segments and all data segments from
       the pointer segments, and verifies all header information,
       including the total length of the segment, the number of
       pointer segments, the number of data segments, and the length
       of the longest segment for the list data.

35.4.16  –  Snapshots


    Verifies the snapshot area of the specified storage areas up
    to the page header level. The Snapshots qualifier only performs
    checksum verification of snapshot pages.

    The Snapshots qualifier is valid only when you also specify the
    Areas qualifier.

    See the Usage Notes entry in this command for the rules that
    determine which other qualifiers can be used in combination on
    the same RMU Verify command line.

    The Snapshots qualifier can be used with indirect file
    references. See the Indirect-Command-Files Help entry for more

    By default, Oracle RMU does not verify snapshots.

35.4.17  –  Start


    Specifies the first page to be verified. This qualifier is used
    in conjunction with the Areas and Lareas qualifiers. If you do
    not use the Start qualifier, the verification begins with the
    first page of the storage area.

    The Start qualifier is valid only when you specify the Areas or
    Lareas qualifier also.

    See the Usage Notes entry in this command for the rules that
    determine which other qualifiers can be used in combination on
    the same RMU Verify command line.

35.4.18  –  Transaction Type


    Sets the retrieval lock for the storage areas being verified.

    Use one of the following keywords to control the transaction

    o  Automatic

       When Transaction_Type=Automatic is specified, the transaction
       type depends on the current database settings for snapshots
       (enabled, deferred, or disabled), transaction modes available
       to this user, and the standby status of the database.

    o  Read_Only

       Starts a Read_Only transaction.

    o  Exclusive

       Starts a Read_Write transaction and reserves the table for

    o  Protected

       Starts a Read_Write transaction and reserves the table for
       Protected_Read. Protected mode is the default.

    o  Shared

       Starts a Read_Write transaction and reserves the table for

    Use one of the following options with the keyword Isolation_
    Level=[option] to specify the transaction isolation level:

    o  Read_Committed

    o  Repeatable_Read

    o  Serializable. Serializable is the default setting.

    Refer to the SET TRANSACTION statement in the Oracle Rdb SQL
    Reference Manual for a complete description of the transaction
    isolation levels.

    Specify the wait setting by using one of the following keywords:

    o  Wait

       Waits indefinitely for a locked resource to become available.
       Wait is the default behavior.

    o  Wait=n

       The value you supply for n is the transaction lock timeout
       interval. When you supply this value, Oracle Rdb waits n
       seconds before aborting the wait and the RMU Verify session.
       Specifying a wait timeout interval of zero is equivalent to
       specifying Nowait.

    o  Nowait

       Does not wait for a locked resource to become available.

    See the Usage Notes entry in this command for the rules that
    determine which qualifiers can be used in combination on the same
    RMU Verify command line.

35.5  –  Usage Notes

    o  To use the RMU Verify command for a database, you must have
       the RMU$VERIFY privilege in the root file access control
       list (ACL) for the database or the OpenVMS SYSPRV or BYPASS
       privilege. You must also have the SQL DBADM privilege.

    o  The rules that determine which qualifiers can be used in
       combination on the same RMU Verify command line are as

       -  The Incremental, Log, Output, and Transaction_Type
          qualifiers can be used in combination with any other
          qualifiers on the same RMU Verify command line.

       -  If the All qualifier is specified, the only other
          qualifiers you can specify on the same command line are:

          *  Noroutines (or Nofunctions)

          *  Nosegmented_Strings

       -  If the All qualifier is not specified, then any combination
          of the following qualifiers can be specified on the same
          command line:

          *  Areas

          *  Constraints

          *  [No]Functions

          *  Indexes

          *  Lareas

          *  [No]Root

          *  [No]Routines

       -  You must specify the Areas qualifier to specify the
          Checksum_Only or Snapshots qualifier.

       -  You must specify the Lareas qualifier to specify the
          Segmented_Strings qualifier.

       -  You must specify either the Areas or Lareas qualifier to
          specify the Start and End qualifiers.

       -  You cannot specify the Indexes qualifier on the same RMU
          Verify command line with the Start and End qualifiers.

       -  You must specify the Indexes qualifier to specify the
          [No]Data qualifier.

    o  You can significantly improve the performance of RMU Verify
       for your database by employing the verification strategies
       described in the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance. In
       addition, detected asynchronous prefetch should be enabled to
       achieve the best performance of this command. Beginning with
       Oracle Rdb V7.0, by default, detected asynchronous prefetch
       is enabled. You can determine the setting for your database by
       issuing the RMU Dump command with the Header qualifier.

       If detected asynchronous prefetch is disabled, and you do not
       want to enable it for the database, you can enable it for your
       Oracle RMU operations by defining the following logicals at
       the process level:


       P1 is a value between 10 and 20 percent of the user buffer

    o  If you use the RMU Convert command with the Nocommit qualifier
       to convert a database created prior to Oracle Rdb Version
       6.0, and then use the RMU Convert command with the Rollback
       qualifier to revert to the previous database structure level,
       subsequent RMU Verify commands might produce messages such as
       the following:

         %RMU-W-PAGTADINV, area RDB$SYSTEM, page 1
                           contains incorrect time stamp
                           expected between 14-APR-1992 15:55:25.74
                           and 24-SEP-1993 13:26:06.41, found:

       Beginning in Oracle Rdb Version 6.0, the fast incremental
       backup feature alters the page header of updated SPAM pages to
       record which page ranges have been updated since the previous
       full backup operation. The RMU Verify command in versions
       of Oracle Rdb prior to Version 6.0 does not contain code to
       understand the updated page header and issues the PAGTADINV
       warning when encountering an updated SPAM page header. The
       update page headers are only detected by the RMU Verify
       command and do not affect the run-time operation of Oracle
       Rdb. To correct the updated SPAM pages, you can use the RMU
       Repair command with the Spams qualifier as follows:

       %RMU-W-PAGTADINV, area RDB$SYSTEM, page 1
                         contains incorrect time stamp
                         expected between 14-APR-1992 15:55:25.74
                         and 24-SEP-1993 13:26:06.41, found:
       %RMU-I-FULBACREQ, A full backup of this database should be performed
        after RMU/REPAIR

    o  The RMU Verify command ignores any constraint that has
       been disabled (with the SQL ALTER TABLE enable-disable
       clause) unless you specify the constraint name in the
       Constraints=(Constraints=list) qualifier of the RMU Verify
       command. If the Constraints qualifier is specified without a
       list, disabled constraints are ignored.

       By specifying the name of a disabled constraint in the
       Constraints=(Constraints=list) qualifier, you can check it
       periodically without having to reenable it. You might use
       this to provide a business rule in the database that needs
       checking only occasionally. This is a useful practice if the
       overhead of checking the constraint during operating hours
       is too expensive, or if it is already being enforced by the

    o  The number of work files used by the RMU Verify command is
       controlled by the RDMS$BIND_SORT_WORKFILES logical name. The
       allowable values are 1 through 10 inclusive, with a default
       value of 2. The location of these work files can be specified
       with device specifications, using the SORTWORKn logical
       name (where n is a number from 0 to 9). See the OpenVMS
       documentation set for more information on using SORT/MERGE.
       See the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to Database Performance and Tuning
       for more information on using these Oracle Rdb logical names.

       Because two separate sort streams are used internally by the
       RMU Verify command when the Index qualifier is specified,
       the number of work files specified is used for each stream.
       For example, if RDM$BIND_SORT_WORKFILES is defined to be 10,
       twenty work files are created.

35.6  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command verifies the entire mf_personnel database
    because the All qualifier is specified:


    Example 2

    The following command verifies the storage areas EMPIDS_LOW,
    EMPIDS_MID, and EMPIDS_OVER in the mf_personnel database:


    Example 3

    The following command performs only a checksum verification on
    all the storage areas in the database called large_database. The
    Checksum_Only qualifier quickly detects obvious checksum problems
    with the database. If a checksum problem is found on a page, you
    can dump the page by using the RMU Dump command, and verify the
    appropriate logical areas and indexes.


    Example 4

    The following command verifies the Candidates and Colleges


    Example 5

    The following example displays the behavior of the index
    verification method Oracle RMU employs beginning in Oracle Rdb
    V7.0. The first RMU Verify command shows the log output when the
    command is issued under Oracle Rdb V6.1. The second RMU Verify
    command shows the log output when the command is issued under
    Oracle Rdb V7.0.

    $ SET DEF DB1:[V61]
    %RMU-I-BGNROOVER, beginning root verification
    %RMU-I-ENDROOVER, completed root verification
    %RMU-I-DBBOUND, bound to database "DB1:[V61]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1"
    %RMU-I-OPENAREA, opened storage area RDB$SYSTEM for protected retrieval
    %RMU-I-BGNAIPVER, beginning AIP pages verification
    %RMU-I-ENDAIPVER, completed AIP pages verification
    %RMU-I-BGNABMSPM, beginning ABM pages verification
    %RMU-I-OPENAREA, opened storage area MF_PERS_SEGSTR for protected retrieval
    %RMU-I-ENDABMSPM, completed ABM pages verification
    %RMU-I-BGNNDXVER, beginning verification of index EMP_EMPLOYEE_ID
    %RMU-I-OPENAREA, opened storage area EMPIDS_LOW for protected retrieval
    %RMU-I-OPENAREA, opened storage area EMPIDS_MID for protected retrieval
    %RMU-I-OPENAREA, opened storage area EMPIDS_OVER for protected retrieval
    %RMU-I-ENDNDXVER, completed verification of index EMP_EMPLOYEE_ID
    %RMU-I-CLOSAREAS, releasing protected retrieval lock on all storage areas
    %RMU-S-ENDVERIFY, elapsed time for verification :    0 00:00:09.14
    $ SET DEF DB1:[V70]
    %RMU-I-BGNROOVER, beginning root verification
    %RMU-I-ENDROOVER, completed root verification
    %RMU-I-DBBOUND, bound to database "DB1:[V70]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1"
    %RMU-I-OPENAREA, opened storage area RDB$SYSTEM for protected retrieval
    %RMU-I-BGNAIPVER, beginning AIP pages verification
    %RMU-I-ENDAIPVER, completed AIP pages verification
    %RMU-I-BGNABMSPM, beginning ABM pages verification
    %RMU-I-ENDABMSPM, completed ABM pages verification
    %RMU-I-BGNNDXVER, beginning verification of index EMP_EMPLOYEE_ID
    %RMU-I-OPENAREA, opened storage area EMPIDS_LOW for protected retrieval
    %RMU-I-OPENAREA, opened storage area EMPIDS_MID for protected retrieval
    %RMU-I-OPENAREA, opened storage area EMPIDS_OVER for protected retrieval
    %RMU-I-ENDNDXVER, completed verification of index EMP_EMPLOYEE_ID
    %RMU-I-BSGPGLARE, beginning verification of EMPLOYEES logical area
                      as part of EMPIDS_LOW storage area
    %RMU-I-ESGPGLARE, completed verification of EMPLOYEES logical area
                      as part of EMPIDS_LOW storage area
    %RMU-I-BSGPGLARE, beginning verification of EMPLOYEES logical area
                      as part of EMPIDS_MID storage area
    %RMU-I-ESGPGLARE, completed verification of EMPLOYEES logical area
                      as part of EMPIDS_MID storage area
    %RMU-I-BSGPGLARE, beginning verification of EMPLOYEES logical area
                      as part of EMPIDS_OVER storage area
    %RMU-I-ESGPGLARE, completed verification of EMPLOYEES logical area
                      as part of EMPIDS_OVER storage area
    %RMU-I-IDXVERSTR, Beginning index data verification of logical area 69
    %RMU-I-IDXVEREND, Completed data verification of logical area 69.
    %RMU-I-IDXVERSTR, Beginning index data verification of logical area 70
    %RMU-I-IDXVEREND, Completed data verification of logical area 70.
    %RMU-I-IDXVERSTR, Beginning index data verification of logical area 71
    %RMU-I-IDXVEREND, Completed data verification of logical area 71.
    %RMU-I-CLOSAREAS, releasing protected retrieval lock on all storage areas
    %RMU-S-ENDVERIFY, elapsed time for verification :    0 00:00:11.36

    Example 6

    The following example loads data into a table, verifies
    the table, and then identifies loaded rows that violated a

    Because the Noconstraints qualifier is specified with the RMU
    Load command, data that violates database integrity might be
    added to the database. The second RMU Verify command verifies the
    table that was just loaded and reveals that data that violates
    constraints on the table was indeed loaded.

    An SQL command is issued to determine which rows violated the
    constraint so that they can either be removed from the database,
    or added to the EMPLOYEES table to restore database integrity.
    The final RMU Verify command checks the constraint again to
    ensure that changes made have restored the integrity of the

    $ !
    $ ! Load data into the JOB_HISTORY table of the mf_personnel database.
    $ ! Specify the Noconstraints qualifier:
    $ !
    %RMU-I-DATRECREAD,  18 data records read from input file.
    %RMU-I-DATRECSTO,   18 data records stored.
    $ !
    $ ! Verify the JOB_HISTORY table:
    $ !
    %RMU-W-CONSTFAIL, Verification of constraint "JOB_HISTORY_FOREIGN1"
     has failed.
    $ !
    $ ! Issue SQL statements to determine what the definition of the
    $ ! constraint is and which of the loaded rows violated
    $ ! the constraint.  Then issue an SQL command to insert data that will
    $ ! restore the data integrity of the database:
    $ SQL
     Foreign Key constraint
     Column constraint for JOB_HISTORY.EMPLOYEE_ID
     Evaluated on COMMIT
    cont>           (SELECT *
    cont>          FROM EMPLOYEES AS E
    6 rows selected
    cont> VALUES ('10164', 'Smith');
    cont> VALUES ('10165', 'Frederico');
    cont> VALUES ('10166', 'Watts');
    cont> VALUES ('10167', 'Risley');
    cont> VALUES ('10168', 'Pietryka');
    cont> VALUES ('10169', 'Jussaume');
    $ !
    $ ! Check that data integrity has been restored:
    $ !
    $ !
    $ ! No messages are returned.  Data integrity has been restored.

    Example 7

    The following example creates an external function in which
    the external name is incorrect. When the function is verified,
    Oracle RMU cannot find the entry point and returns an error. The
    external function is then dropped and then re-created correctly.
    The verification now succeeds:

    $ ! Attach to database and create a function.  The external name is
    $ ! mistyped:
    $ !
    SQL> ATTACH 'filename mf_personnel.rdb';
    SQL> create function SQRT (in double precision) returns double precision;
    cont> external name MTH$SORT location 'SYS$SHARE:MTHRTL'
    cont> language GENERAL
    SQL> EXIT;
    $ !
    $ ! Verify the function:
    $ !
    %RMU-E-NOENTRPT,  No entry point found for external routine SQRT.
                           Image name is SYS$SHARE:MTHRTL.
                           Entry point is MTH$SORT.
    $ !
    $ ! Oracle RMU cannot find the entry point.  Drop the
    $ ! function and reenter correctly:
    $ !
    $ SQL
    SQL> ATTACH 'FILENAME mf_personnel.rdb';
    SQL> create function SQRT (in double precision) returns double precision;
    cont> external name MTH$SQRT location 'SYS$SHARE:MTHRTL'
    cont> language GENERAL
    SQL> EXIT;
    $ !
    $ ! Verification is now successful:
    $ !

    Example 8

    The following example demonstrates that the RMU Verify command
    verifies disabled constraints only when you explicitly specify
    the disabled constraint.

    $ SQL
    SQL> -- Disable the EMP_SEX_VALUES constraint.
    SQL> -- Insert a value that violates the EMP_SEX_VALUES constraint.
    cont> VALUES ('99999', 'JICKLING', 'G');
    1 row inserted
    SQL> EXIT;
    $ !
    $ ! The following two verify commands do not return an error
    $ ! because the disabled constraint is not explicitly specified.
    $ !
    $ !
    $ ! The following verify command returns an warning message to
    $ ! inform you that data that violates the disabled constraint
    $ ! has been inserted into the database.
    $ !
    %RMU-W-CONSTFAIL, Verification of constraint "EMP_SEX_VALUES" has failed.

36  –  New Features

    Refer to the release notes for this version of Oracle RMU for all
    new and changed features.

37  –  rrd_file_syntax

    The record definition files (.rrd) used by the RMU Load, RMU
    Unload, and RMU Analyze commands are used to describe the field
    data types and field ordering for binary and delimited text data
    files. The .rrd files contain a simple language similar to that
    accepted by the CDO interface of the Oracle CDD Repository. The
    RMU Unload command automatically generates a record definition
    file from the table definition in the database.

    This appendix describes the .rrd language which is accepted
    by the RMU Load command. It describes a useful subset of the
    language supported by RMU. Clauses from CDO which RMU accepts but
    ignores are not described.

37.1  –  DEFINE FIELD statement

    Each record definition file must include at least one DEFINE
    FIELD statement to describe the data type of a field in the
    unloaded record. This statement has two formats:

    o  a format that defines a new name

       define field name_string datatype is text size is 20 characters.

    o  a format that references another, previously defined, field

       define field first_name based on name_string.

    RMU Unload generates the DEFINE FIELD statement with just
    the DATATYPE clause. The full syntax is shown in DEFINE FIELD

    Figure 2  DEFINE FIELD Statement

  (B)0define-field =                                                         
  DEFINE FIELD <name> qwqqqqqqqqqqqqq> BASED ON <name>  qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwq> . q>
                       mqwqwq> DATATYPE IS qqqqqqq> datatypes qqqqqqwqwqj 
                         x tq> DESCRIPTION IS qqqq> /* comment */ qqu x   
                         x mq> FILLER qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x   
                         mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq <qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj   

    The following example of the DEFINE FIELD statement is more
    complete, showing the use of annotations (DESCRIPTION clause)
    and based-on fields.

    define field name_string
        description is
            /* This a generic string type to be used for based on */
        datatype is text size is 20 characters.
    define field first_name
        based on name_string.
    define field last_name
        based on name_string.

    define record PERSON
        description is
            /* Record which describes the PERSON.DAT RMS file */.

37.2  –  DEFINE RECORD statement

    The DEFINE RECORD statement defines the ordering of the fields
    within the file. A field may only be used once. The name of
    the field is not used for column name matching unless the
    Corresponding qualifier is used with the RMU Load command.

    Figure 3  DEFINE RECORD Statement

  (B)0define-record =                                                          
  DEFINE RECORD <name> qwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwq> . qk 
                        mq> DESCRIPTION IS qqqqq> /* comment */ qqqqj      x 
    lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq  <qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj
    mwq> <fieldname> qq> alignment-clause qqq> . qwqk                        
     mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq <qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x                         
    lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq <qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj                         
    mqq> END qwqqqqqqqqqqqwqwqqqqqqqqqqqqwqq> . qqqqqqqq>                    
              mq> <name> qj mq> RECORD qqj                                   

  (B)0alignment-clause =                                    
   mq> ALIGNED ON qqwq> BYTE qqqqqqwqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqj    
                    tq> WORD qqqqqqu mq> BOUNDARY qj      
                    tq> LONGWORD qqu                      
                    tq> QUADWORD qqu                      
                    mq> OCTAWORD qqj                      

    The ALIGNED ON clause can be used to adjust for alignment added
    explicitly or implicitly by host language applications. For
    instance, on OpenVMS Alpha many 3GL language compilers naturally
    align fields to take advantage of the Alpha processor hardware
    which executes more efficiently when data is well aligned. The
    default is BYTE alignment.

    In the following example, field C is expected to start on a
    quadword boundary, so A is assigned the first longword, the
    second longword is ignored, and finally the C is assigned the
    last longword value.

    define field A datatype is signed longword.
    define field C datatype is signed longword.
    define record RMUTEST.
       A .
       C aligned on quadword boundary.
    end RMUTEST record.

37.2.1  –  Usage notes

    o  When the DCL verify process is enabled using the DCL SET
       VERIFY command or the DCL F$VERIFY lexical function, RMU Load
       writes the .rrd file being processed to SYS$OUTPUT.

    o  There is no equivalent to the VARCHAR or VARYING STRING data
       types in the record definition language because there is
       no support for these types in the OpenVMS Record Management
       Services (RMS) environment.

    o  The VARCHAR or VARYING STRING data type is a two-part type
       with an UNSIGNED WORD (16 bit integer) length prefix with a
       fixed TEXT portion. The length defines the actual data in the

       There is no equivalent to the VARCHAR or VARYING STRING data
       types in the record definition language as this type is not
       supported by the OpenVMS Record Management Services (RMS)

       If you unload a VARCHAR column then it will be converted to
       a fixed length (space padded) TEXT field. However, TEXT to
       VARCHAR load and unload is handled appropriately when using
       the delimited format. In this format RMU Unload only outputs
       the text as specified by the length prefix of the VARCHAR
       column. Likewise, RMU Load uses the length of the delimited
       string to set the length in the database.

    o  If a field is not to be used during the load into the table,
       it can be ignored during the load using the FILLER attribute.
       This allows RMU Load to use a data file which has more fields
       than there are columns in the database table.

    o  The <name> referenced in the END RECORD clause must be the
       same as the name defined by the DEFINE RECORD statement.

    o  The record definition files are not used when the Record_
       definition qualifier is omitted. In this case RMU Unload
       generates a structured internal file format which contains
       both the record definition and the data. This format allows
       the unloading of LIST OF BYTE VARYING columns and NULL values.
       This format is the same as that generated by SQL EXPORT for
       its interchange (.rbr) file. Use the RMU Dump Export command
       to format the contents of this file for display.

       $ rmu/unload mf_personnel employees employees.unl
       $ rmu/dump/export/nodata employees.unl

37.3  –  Additional Data Types

 The data types that are supported by Oracle Rdb are described in
 Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual.

    Figure 4  Data Types

  (B)0datatypes =                                                             
  qqwq> date-time-types qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwq>
    tq> TEXT qq> character-size-clause qq> character-set-clause qqqqqqqqqu  
    tq> F_FLOATING qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu  
    tq> G_FLOATING qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu  
    tq> LEFT SEPARATE NUMERIC qwq> scale-clause qq> numeric-size-clause qu  
    tq> PACKED DECIMAL qqqqqqqqu                                         x  
    tq> UNSIGNED NUMERIC qqqqqqj                                         x  
    mq> SIGNED qwq> BYTE qqqqqwqq> scale-clause qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj  
                tq> WORD qqqqqu                                             
                tq> LONGWORD qu                                             
                mq> QUADWORD qj                                             

  (B)0numeric-size-clause =                           
  qwqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqq> <number> qqwqqqqqqqqqqqwqq> 
   mq> SIZE IS qqj                mq> DIGITS qj    

  (B)0character-size-clause =                                
  qwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwq> <number> qqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqq> 
   mqq> SIZE IS qqqj              mq> CHARACTERS qj    

  (B)0scale-clause =                          
  qqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqq> <number> qqq> 
    mqq> SCALE IS qqqqj                  

  (B)0character-set-clause =                          
   mq> CHARACTER SET IS qqqqqqq> <cset-name> qqj    

    The cset-name is any character set supported by Oracle Rdb. These
    character sets are expanded from release to release. Please refer
    to the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for new character sets and
    more information on the character sets listed below.

    When several character sets are available for the same language
    (such as Kanji and Hanyu), each is based on a different local or
    international standard that differs from the others in format and
    structure. For instance, SHIFT_JIS is widely used with Microsoft
    Windows systems in Japan, but differs in format from the DEC_
    KANJI character set supported by Hewlett Packard Company's
    DECWindows product.

    Table 22 Character sets supported by Oracle RMU Load

    Set            Description

    ARABIC         Arabic characters as defined by the ASMO 449 and
                   ISO9036 standards
    BIG5           A set of characters used by the Taiwan information
    DEC_HANYU      Traditional Chinese characters (Hanyu) as used
                   in Taiwan and defined by standard CNS11643:1986,
                   supplemental characters as defined by DTSCC and
    DEC_HANZI      Chinese (Bopomofo) characters as defined by
                   standard GB2312:1980 and ASCII characters
    DEC_KANJI      Japanese characters as defined by the JIS
                   X0208:1990 standard, Hankaku Katakana characters
                   as defined by JIS X0201:1976 prefixed by SS2
                   (8E hex), user-defined characters, and ASCII
    DEC_KOREAN     Korean characters as defined by standard KS
                   C5601:1987 and ASCII characters
    DEC_MCS        A set of international alphanumeric characters,
                   including characters with diacritical marks
    DEC_SICGCC     Traditional Chinese characters (Hanyu) as used in
                   Taiwan and defined by standard CNS11643:1986 and
    DEVANAGARI     Devanagari characters as defined by the ISCII:1988
    DOS_LATIN1     DOS Latin 1 code
    DOS_LATINUS    DOS Latin US code
    HANYU          Traditional Chinese characters (Hanyu) as used in
                   Taiwan and defined by the standard CNS11643:1986
    HANZI          Chinese (Bopomofo) characters as defined by
                   standard GB2312:1980
    HEX            Translation of text data to and from hexadecimal
    ISOLATINARABIC Arabic characters as defined by the ISO/IEC 8859-
                   6:1987 standard
    ISOLATINCYRILLICyrillic characters as defined by the ISO/IEC
                   8859-5:1987 standard
    ISOLATINGREEK  Greek characters as defined by the ISO/IEC 8859-
                   7:1987 standard
    ISOLATINHEBREW Hebrew characters as defined by the ISO/IEC 8859-
                   8:1987 standard
    KANJI          Japanese characters as defined by the JIS
                   X0208:1990 standard and user-defined characters
    KATAKANA       Japanese phonetic alphabet (Hankaku Katakana), as
                   defined by standard JIS X0201:1976
    KOREAN         Korean characters as defined by standard KS
    SHIFT_JIS      Japanese characters as defined by the JIS
                   X0208:1990 standard using Shift_JIS specific
                   encoding scheme, Hankaku Katakana characters as
                   defined by JIS X0201:1976, and ASCII characters
    TACTIS         Thai characters based on TACTIS (Thai API
                   Consortium/Thai Industrial Standard) which is
                   a combination of ISO 646-1983 and TIS 620-2533
    UNICODE        Unicode characters as described by Unicode
                   Standard and ISO/IEC 10646 transformation format
    UTF8           Unicode characters as described by Unicode
                   Standard and ISO/IEC 10646 UTF-encoding form
    WIN_ARABIC     MS Windows Code Page 1256
                   8-Bit Latin/Arabic
    WIN_CYRILLIC   MS Windows Code Page 1251
                   8-Bit Latin/Cyrillic
    WIN_GREEK      MS Windows Code Page 1253
                   8-Bit Latin/Greek
    WIN_HEBREW     MS Windows Code Page 1255
                   8-Bit Latin/Hebrew
    WIN_LATIN1     MS Windows Code Page 1252
                   8-Bit West European

37.4  –  Date-Time Syntax

    The date-time syntax in .rrd files generated by the RMU
    Unload command with the Record_Definition=(File=file) command
    is compatible with the date-time syntax support of Oracle
    CDD/Repository V6.1 and later versions.

    The date-time data type has the following syntax in the .rrd

  (B)0date-time-types =                        
  qqwq> DATE qwqqqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqq> 
    x         tq> ANSI  qu                 x    
    x         mq> VMS qqqj                 x    
    tq> TIME qqq> scale-clause qqqqqqqqqqqqu
    tq> TIMESTAMP qq> scale-clause qqqqqqqqu
    mq> INTERVAL qqq> interval-qualifier qqj    

  (B)0interval-qualifier =                                      
  qqwq> YEAR qqq> numeric-size-clause qwqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwq>
    x                                  mq> TO MONTH qj                         x
    tq> MONTH qq> numeric-size-clause qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu
    tq> DAY qqqq> numeric-size-clause qwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwu
    x                                  mq> TO qwq> HOUR qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqux
    x                                          tq> MINUTE qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqux
    x                                          mq> SECOND q> scale-clause qqqqjx
    tq> HOUR qqq> numeric-size-clause qwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqu
    x                                  mq> TO qwq> MINUTE qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu x  
    x                                          mq> SECOND q> scale-clause qqqj x
    tq> MINUTE q> numeric-size-clause qwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqu  
    x                                  mq> TO SECOND  qqq> scale-clause qqqqj  x  
    mq> SECOND q> seconds-clause qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj  

  (B)0scale-clause =                          
    mq> SCALE <numeric-literal>  qqj        

  (B)0numeric-size-clause =             
    mqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqq> <numeric-literal>  qqk x 
      mq> SIZE IS qqj                              x x
    lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x
      mq> DIGITS qqj

  (B)0seconds-clause =                             
    mqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqqqqq> <numeric-literal-1> qqqqqqqk  x           
      mqq> SIZE IS qj                                         x  x
       lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj  x
         mq> DIGITS  qqj  mq> SCALE <numeric-literal-2> qqqqj

    Note that SCALE values must be between 0 and -2 and that SIZE IS
    values must be between 2 and 9.

    The following are examples of typical field definitions for date-
    time data types in .rrd files:


38  –  Using LogMiner for Rdb

    Oracle Rdb after-image journal (.aij) files contain a wealth
    of useful information about the history of transactions in a
    database. After-image journal files contain all of the data
    needed to perform database recovery. These files record every
    change made to data and metadata in the database. The LogMiner
    for Rdb feature provides an interface to the data record contents
    of Oracle Rdb after-image journal files. Data records that are
    added, updated, or deleted by committed transactions may be
    extracted (unloaded) from the .aij files in a format suitable
    for subsequent loading into another database or for use by user-
    written application programs.

    Oracle Rdb after-image journaling protects the integrity of your
    data by recording all changes made by committed transactions to a
    database in a sequential log or journal file. Oracle Corporation
    recommends that you enable after-image journaling to record your
    database transaction activity between full backup operations
    as part of your database restore and recovery strategy. The
    after-image journal file is also used to enable several database
    performance enhancements (such as the fast commit, row cache, and
    hot standby features).

    See the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to Database Maintenance for more
    information about setting up after-image journaling.

    To use LogMiner for Rdb, follow these steps:

    1. Enable the database for LogMiner operation using the RMU Set
       Logminer command. See Set Logminer for additional information.

    2. Back up the after-image journal file using the Quiet_Point
       qualifier to the RMU Backup command.

    3. Extract changed records using the RMU Unload After_Journal
       command. See the Unload After_Journal help topic for
       additional information.

38.1  –  Restrictions and Limitations

    The following restrictions exist for the LogMiner for Rdb

    o  Temporary tables cannot be extracted. Modifications to
       temporary tables are not written to the after-image journal
       file and, therefore, are not available to LogMiner for Rdb.

    o  Optimized after-image journal files cannot be used as input
       to the LogMiner for Rdb. Information needed by the RMU Unload
       After_Journal command is removed by the optimization process.

    o  Records removed from tables using the SQL TRUNCATE TABLE
       statement are not extracted. The SQL TRUNCATE TABLE statement
       does not journal each individual data record being removed
       from the database.

    o  Records removed by dropping tables using the SQL DROP TABLE
       statement are not extracted. The SQL DROP TABLE statement does
       not journal each individual data record being removed from the

    o  Tables that use the vertical record partitioning (VRP) feature
       cannot be extracted using LogMiner for Rdb. LogMiner software
       currently does not detect these tables. A future release
       of Oracle Rdb will detect and reject access to vertically
       partitioned tables.

    o  Segmented string data (BLOB) cannot be extracted using
       LogMiner for Rdb. Because the segmented string data is
       related to the base table row by means of a database key,
       there is no convenient way to determine what data to extract.
       Additionally, the data type of an extracted column is changed
       from LIST OF BYTE VARYING to BIGINT. This column contains the
       DBKEY of the original BLOB data. Therefore, the contents of
       this column should be considered unreliable.

    o  COMPUTED BY columns in a table are not extracted. These
       columns are not stored in the after-image journal file.

    o  VARCHAR fields are not space padded in the output file. The
       VARCHAR data type is extracted as a 2-byte count field and a
       fixed-length data field. The 2-byte count field indicates the
       number of valid characters in the fixed-length data field. Any
       additional contents in the data field are unpredictable.

    o  You cannot extract changes to a table when the table
       definition is changed within an after-image journal file.
       Data definition language (DDL) changes to a table are not
       allowed within an .aij file being extracted. All records in an
       .aij file must be the current record version. If you are going
       to perform DDL operations on tables that you wish to extract
       using the LogMiner for Rdb, you should:

       1. Back up your after-image journal files.

       2. Extract the .aij files using the RMU Unload After_Journal

       3. Make the DDL changes.

    o  Do not use the OpenVMS Alpha High Performance Sort/Merge
       utility (selected by defining the logical name SORTSHR to
       SYS$SHARE:HYPERSORT) when using LogMiner for Rdb. HYPERSORT
       supports only a subset of the library sort routines that
       LogMiner requires. Make sure that the SORTSHR logical name
       is not defined to HYPERSORT.

38.2  –  Information Returned

    LogMiner for Rdb appends several output fields to the data
    fields, creating an output record. The output record contains
    fixed-length fields in a binary data format (that is, integer
    fields are not converted to text strings). The data fields
    correspond to the extracted table columns. This information
    may or may not be required by all applications and readers of
    the data. There is currently no available method to restrict or
    reorder the output fields.

    Extracted data field contents are the fields that are actually
    stored in the Oracle Rdb database. COMPUTED BY fields are not
    extracted because they are not stored in the database or in the
    after-image journal file. Segmented string (BLOB) contents are
    not extracted.

    Output Fields describes the output fields and data types of an
    output record.

    Table 23 Output Fields

    Field Name    Data Type      LengthDescription

    ACTION        CHAR (1)       1     Indicates record state.
                                       "M" indicates an insert or
                                       modify action. "D" indicates a
                                       delete action. "E" indicates
                                       stream end-of-file (EOF)
                                       when a callback routine is
                                       being used. "P" indicates
                                       a value from the command
                                       line Parameter qualifier
                                       when a callback routine is
                                       being used (see Parameter
                                       qualifier). "C" indicates
                                       transaction commit information
                                       when the Include=Action=Commit
                                       qualifier is specified.
    RELATION_     CHAR (31)      31    Table name. Space padded to 31
    NAME                               characters.
    RECORD_TYPE   INTEGER        4     The Oracle Rdb internal
                  (Longword)           relation identifier.
    DATA_LEN      SMALLINT       2     Length, in bytes, of the data
                  (Word)               record content.
    NBV_LEN       SMALLINT       2     Length, in bits, of the null
                  (Word)               bit vector content.
    DBK           BIGINT         8     Records logical database key.
                  (Quadword)           The database key is a 3-field
                                       structure containing a 16-
                                       bit line number, a 32-bit
                                       page number and a 16-bit area
    START_TAD     DATE VMS       8     Date-time of the start of the
                  (Quadword)           transaction.
    COMMIT_TAD    DATE VMS       8     Date-time of the commitment of
                  (Quadword)           the transaction.
    TSN           BIGINT         8     Transaction sequence number of
                  (Quadword)           the transaction that performed
                                       the record operation.
    RECORD_       SMALLINT       2     Record version.
    VERSION       (Word)
    Record Data   Varies               Actual data record field
    Record NBV    BIT VECTOR           Null bit vector. There is
                  (array of            one bit for each field in the
                  bits)                data record. If a bit value
                                       is 1, the corresponding field
                                       is NULL; if a bit value is
                                       0, the corresponding field
                                       is not NULL and contains an
                                       actual data value. The null
                                       bit vector begins on a byte
                                       boundary. Any extra bits in
                                       the final byte of the vector
                                       after the final null bit are

38.3  –  Record Definition Prefix

    An RMS file containing the record structure definition for the
    output file can be used as an input file to the RMU Load command
    if extracted data is to be loaded into an Oracle Rdb database.
    The record description uses the CDO record and field definition
    format (this is the format used by the RMU Load and RMU Unload
    commands when the Record_Definition qualifier is used). The
    default file extension is .rrd.

    The record definition for the fields that LogMiner for Rdb
    writes to the output is shown in the following example. These
    fields can be manually appended to a record definition file
    for the actual user data fields being unloaded. Alternately,
    the Record_Definition qualifier can be used with the Table
    qualifier or within an Options file to automatically create the
    record definition file. This can be used to load a transaction
    table within a database. A transaction table is the output that
    LogMiner for Rdb writes to a table consisting of sequential
    transactions performed in a database.


38.4  –  SQL Table Definition Prefix

    The SQL record definition for the fields that LogMiner for Rdb
    writes to the output is shown in the following example. These
    fields can be manually appended to the table creation command
    for the actual user data fields being unloaded. Alternately, the
    Table_Definition qualifier can be used with the Table qualifier
    or within an Options file to automatically create the SQL
    definition file. This can be used to create a transaction table
    of changed data.

    SQL> create table MYLOGTABLE (
    cont> RDB$LM_ACTION          CHAR,
    cont> RDB$LM_RELATION_NAME      CHAR (31),
    cont> RDB$LM_DATA_LEN        SMALLINT,
    cont> RDB$LM_NBV_LEN         SMALLINT,
    cont> RDB$LM_DBK             BIGINT,
    cont> RDB$LM_START_TAD       DATE VMS,
    cont> RDB$LM_COMMIT_TAD      DATE VMS,
    cont> RDB$LM_TSN             BIGINT,

38.5  –  Segmented String Columns

    Segmented string (also called BLOB or LIST OF BYTE VARYING)
    column data is not extracted. However, the field definition
    itself is extracted as a quadword integer representing the
    database key of the original segmented string data. In generated
    table definition or record definition files, a comment is added
    indicating that the segmented string data type is not supported
    by LogMiner for Rdb.

38.6  –  Maintenance

    Lengthy offline application or database maintenance operations
    can pose a significant problem in high-availability production
    environments. The LogMiner for Rdb feature can help reduce the
    length of downtime to a matter of minutes.

    If a back up of the database is used for maintenance operations,
    the application can continue to be modified during lengthy
    maintenance operations. Once the maintenance is complete,
    the application can be shut down, the production system .aij
    file or files can be backed up, and LogMiner for Rdb can be
    used to extract changes made to production tables since the
    database was backed up. These changes can then be applied (using
    an application program or the trigger technique previously
    described) to the new database. Once the new database has been
    updated, the application can be restarted using the new database.

    The sequence of events required would be similar to the

    1. Perform a full online, quiet-point database backup of the
       production database.

    2. Restore the backup to create a new database that will
       eventually become the production database.

    3. Perform maintenance operations on the new database. (Note that
       the production system continues to run.)

    4. Perform an online, quiet-point after-image journal backup of
       the production database.

    5. Use the RMU Unload After_Journal command to unload all
       database tables into individual output files from the .aij
       backup file.

    6. Using either the trigger technique or an application program,
       update the tables in the new database with the changed data.

    7. Shut down the production application and close the database.

    8. Perform an offline, quiet-point after-image journal backup of
       the production database.

    9. Use the RMU Unload After_Journal command to unload all
       database tables into individual output files from the .aij
       backup file.

   10. Using either the trigger technique or an application program,
       update the tables in the new database with the changed data.

   11. Start an online, quiet-point backup of the new database.

   12. Change logical names or the environment to specify the new
       database root file as the production database.

   13. Restart the application on the new database.

    Depending on the amount of application database activity, steps
    4, 5, and 6 can be repeated to limit the amount of data that
    needs to be applied (and the amount of downtime required) during
    the final after-image journal backup and apply stage in steps 8,
    9, and 10.

38.7  –  OpenVMS Pipe

    You can use an OpenVMS pipe to pass data from the RMU Unload
    After_Journal command to another application (for example,
    RMU Load). Do not use any options (such as the Log or Verify
    qualifiers) that could cause LogMiner to send extra output to the
    SYS$OUTPUT device, as that information would be part of the input
    data source stream to the next pipeline segment.

    You may find that the OpenVMS default size of the pipe is too
    small if the records being extracted (including LogMiner fields)
    are larger than 256 bytes. If the pipe is too small, increase
    the SYSGEN parameters MAXBUF and DEFMBXMXMSG, and then reboot the

    The following example uses LogMiner for Rdb to direct output
    to an OpenVMS pipe device and uses RMU Load to read the pipe
    device as the input data record stream. Using the pipeline allows
    parallel processing and also avoids the need for an intermediate
    disk file. Note that you must have created the record definition
    (.rrd) file prior to executing the command.


39  –  Hot Standby

    Oracle Corporation offers an optional Hot Standby software
    solution that you can use to implement a standby database for
    mission-critical and disaster recovery functions.

    A standby database is a second running database that is created
    from and transactionally consistent with the primary or master
    database. Data modifications that are made to the master database
    are made simultaneously to the secondary database. The secondary
    database is sometimes referred to as a hot standby database
    because it is available immediately to pick up application
    processing if the primary database system fails.

    The Hot Standby software prevents your Oracle Rdb database or
    Oracle CODASYL DBMS database from becoming a single point of
    failure by replicating the master database to a standby database.
    The Hot Standby software automatically performs coordinated
    database synchronization and verification with high performance
    and minimal impact on the master system resources.

39.1  –  Replicate After Journal Commands

    This topic provides the syntax and semantics for the following
    Replicate commands and their parameters and qualifiers:

    o  Replicate After_Journal Configure

    o  Replicate After_Journal Reopen_Output

    o  Replicate After_Journal Start

    o  Replicate After_Journal Stop

    These commands are available using either Oracle RMU (the Oracle
    Rdb database management utility) or DBO, the Oracle CODASYL DBMS
    Database Operator utility. This Help utility describes the Oracle
    RMU command syntax only.

39.1.1  –  Configure

    Allows you to preconfigure many of the master and standby
    database attributes (using qualifiers available with the
    Replicate After_Journal Start command) without starting
    replication operations.

    You enter the Replicate After_Journal Configure command:

    o  On the master database to prespecify the Replicate After_
       Journal Start command qualifiers that are valid for the
       master database and store the qualifier settings in the master
       database root file

    o  On the standby database to prespecify the Replicate After_
       Journal Start command qualifiers that are valid for the
       standby database and store the qualifier settings in the
       standby database root file

    Because the database attributes are stored in the respective
    database root files, the settings do not take effect until you
    start replication operations with the Replicate After_Journal
    Start command.  –  Description

    The Replicate After_Journal Configure command is an optional
    command you can use to preconfigure the master and standby
    databases, one database at a time.


       You cannot preconfigure both the master and standby database
       attributes in a single Replicate After_Journal Configure
       command. Moreover, you cannot enter the Replicate After_
       Journal Configure command on the standby database to
       preconfigure master database attributes, or preconfigure
       standby database attributes from the master database.

    You can specify one or more of the following qualifiers when you
    enter the Replicate After_Journal Configure command on the master

    Master Database

    Alt_Remote_Node (1)
    Standby_Root (2)

    Footnote (1): You must also specify the Standby_Root qualifier.
    Footnote (2): You must specify the Standby_Root qualifier the
    first time you configure the master database.

    The master database attributes that you specify are stored in the
    master database root file. (You cannot specify the Wait, NoWait,
    and Output qualifiers on the Replicate After_Journal Configure
    command. You can specify these qualifiers when you invoke the
    Replicate After_Journal Start command.)

    You can specify one or more of the following qualifiers when
    you enter the Replicate After_Journal Configure command on the
    standby database:

    Standby Database

    Master_Root (1)

    Footnote (1): You must specify the Master_Root qualifier the
    first time you configure the standby database.

    The standby database attributes that you specify are stored in
    the standby database root file. (You cannot specify the Wait,
    NoWait, and Output qualifiers on the Replicate After_Journal
    Configure command. You can specify these qualifiers when you
    invoke the Replicate After_Journal Start command.)

    You should use the Replicate After_Journal Configure command if
    you want to:

    o  Preset qualifier values that you typically specify on the
       Replicate After_Journal Start command, but without starting
       replication operations.

       The values you specify become the new default qualifier values
       that are stored in the database root file.

    o  Be able to quickly start replication operations by invoking
       a single Replicate After_Journal Start command on the master

       If you use the Replicate After_Journal Configure command
       to preconfigure the master and standby databases, you can
       start replication for both databases by entering one Replicate
       After_Journal Start command on the master database.

    For example, if you have preconfigured both the master and
    standby databases and then invoke the Replicate After_Journal
    Start command on the master database node, the Hot Standby

    1. Starts replication operations on the master database using
       default qualifier values from the master database root file

    2. Creates the network connection to the standby database

    3. Attaches the master and standby databases to the network

    4. Starts replication operations on the standby database using
       default qualifier values in the standby database root file

    5. Synchronizes committed transactions on the master and standby


          If you have not preconfigured database attributes using
          the Replicate After_Journal Configure command, the Hot
          Standby software uses either the system-supplied defaults
          or the values that you specified on a previous Replicate
          After_Journal Start command.  –  Format

  Command Qualifiers                     x Defaults             x Usage
                                         x                      x
  /Alt_Remote_Node=nodename              x None                 x M
  /Buffers=rollforward-buffer-count      x /Buffers=256         x S
  /Checkpoint=checkpoint-interval        x /Checkpoint=100      x B
  /Connect_Timeout=minutes               x /Connect_Timeout=5   x M
  /Gap_Timeout=minutes                   x /Gap_Timeout=5       x S
  /Governor=[Enabled|Disabled]           x /Governor=Enabled    x S
  /[No]Log                               x /Nolog               x B
  /Master_Root=master-root-file-spec     x None                 x S
  /[No]Online                            x /Noonline            x S
  /[No]Quiet_Point                       x /Noquiet_Point       x M
  /Reset                                 x None                 x B
  /Standby_Root=standby-root-file-spec   x None                 x M
  /Synchronization=[Commit|Hot|Warm|Cold]x /Synchronization=Coldx M
  /Transport={DECnet|TCP/IP}             x None                 x M

  B=Both;M=Master;S=Standby  –  Parameters  –  database-rootfile

    Specifies the name of the target database root file. For example,
    if you want to preconfigure the master database attributes,
    specify the master database root file. Similarly, you can specify
    the standby database root file to preconfigure the standby


       Do not include a node name when you specify the database-
       rootfile parameter. This parameter must specify a locally
       accessible database root file; the parameter cannot include
       a remote file specification.  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Alt Remote Node

    Identifies an available secondary link to the standby database.

    Applicable to:              Master database
    Required or Optional:       Optional
    Default Value:              None

    The Alt_Remote_Node qualifier is used to provide the master
    database with uninterrupted hot standby replication in case of
    network failure where multiple network links are available. It
    can only be used in conjunction with the Standby_Root qualifier,
    which specifies the standby database node name.

    The Alt_Remote_Node qualifier identifies the alternate remote
    node name of the standby database. Following network failure,
    the master database automatically attempts to reconnect to
    the standby database using the alternate remote node name
    information. If the Alt_Remote_Node qualifier is not specified,
    the master database does not automatically attempt to reconnect
    to the standby database using the orginal remote node name
    specified using the Standby_Root qualifier.

    The alternate node name can be the same as the node name
    specified with the Standby_Root qualifier. The node name
    specified by the Alt_Remote_Node qualifier must identify the
    same standby database on the same remote node as originally
    specified using the Standby_Root qualifier. The maximum length
    of the alternate remote node name is 31 characters.

    At run-time, the RDM$BIND_HOT_NETWORK_ALT_NODE logical name
    can be defined in the LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE table to override any
    alternate remote node name information specified at hot standby
    startup. The logical must be specified on all nodes where the
    master database is open.  –  Buffers


    Specifies the number of database buffers available to roll after-
    image journals forward to the standby database.

    Applicable to:   Standby
    Required or      Optional

                     Local          Global Buffers
    Default Value:   4096           4096 or Global Buffer USER LIMIT,
                                    whichever is smaller
    Minimum Value:   2              2
    Maximum Value:   1,048,576      1,048,576 or Gloal Buffer USER
                                    whichever is smaller

    During replication operations, the LRS process on the standby
    node receives after-image journal records from the master
    database and rolls them forward to the standby database.

    You can use the optional Buffers qualifier to override the
    default number of database buffers.

    For optimal performance, you should allocate a sufficient number
    of buffers so that the server process can roll the after-image
    journal records forward with a minimum number of I/O operations.
    To estimate an appropriate number of buffers, use the following
    equation as a starting point:

    (Number of Modified Buffers per Transaction * Number of Users) + 20%

    For example, if the average number of modified buffers per
    transaction is 10 and there are 100 users on the database, then
    the server process needs 1000 buffers at one time. To ensure that
    you have an adequate number of buffers, add another 20 percent
    (200 buffers) for a total of 1200 buffers.

    The number of buffers can impact the time it takes for the LRS
    process to checkpoint. When a checkpoint occurs, the LRS must
    write all modified buffers to disk. For example, if the LRS
    is using 2000 buffers, and it takes one second for 2000 disk
    writes to complete, the LRS will be stalled for one second while
    those writes are being done. This could cause the Hot Standby
    governor to increase the synchronization mode if there is a lot
    of update activity occurring while the LRS is checkpointing. For
    some applications this could impose a practical limitation in the
    number of buffers allocated to the LRS.


       The LRS process on the standby database does not use buffer
       values defined by the following:

       o  DBM$BIND_BUFFERS logical name

       o  RDB_BIND_BUFFERS configuration parameter

       o  RDM$BIND_BUFFERS logical name

    When replication operations are active, you can use the RMU or
    DBO Show Users command to see the current number of database
    buffers allocated. If replication operations are not active or
    if you want to see the buffer value that was set on a previous
    Replicate After_Journal Start command (stored in the database
    root file), you can also use the Header and Dump_Select_Type=Hot_
    Standby qualifiers on the RMU or DBO Dump command.  –  Checkpoint


    Specifies, in terms of processed messages, how frequently the
    Hot Standby servers update information in the database root file.
    This qualifier can be set to different values on the master and
    standby databases.

    Applicable to:              Master and standby database
    Required or Optional:       Optional
    Default Value:              100 messages
    Minimum Value:              1 message
    Maximum Value:              1024 messages

    By default, the Hot Standby servers automatically perform
    checkpoint operations on both the master and standby databases
    after every 100 messages are processed. Checkpoints are essential
    to database availability because they:

    o  Enable the Hot Standby software to restart database
       replication operations more quickly in the event of a failure
       because frequent checkpoints limit the number of transactions
       that must be redone if a process or system fails.

    o  Cause all modified database cache buffers on the standby
       database to be flushed to the disk, making the buffers
       available for access by other users (when online database
       access is enabled).

    o  Improve the redo performance of the database recovery (DBR)

    o  Allow after-image backup operations to back up older after-
       image journals on the master database.


          In addition to performing checkpoint operations specified
          by the Checkpoint qualifier, the replication servers on
          the master database also checkpoint automatically after
          the following events:

          o  After two minutes of inactivity

          o  After a switchover to a new after-image journal (when
             you are using circular after-image journals)

          o  After an AIJ backup operation (when you are using
             extensible after-image journals)

          On the standby database, the LRS process checkpoints
          after two minutes of inactivity if data has been
          processed since the last checkpoint.

          These automatic checkpoints advance the oldest active
          checkpoint indicator to make older after-image journals
          available for backup operations. You cannot change or
          override these checkpoint intervals.

    The default checkpoint interval usually is sufficient to
    effectively maintain synchronization between the master and
    standby database root files. However, you can override the
    default checkpoint interval by specifying the Checkpoint
    qualifier when you start replication on the master database,
    the standby database, or both.

    For example, if you specify the qualifier Checkpoint=300 on the
    standby database, the LRS server process updates information
    in the standby database root file after every 300 messages
    are exchanged between the master and the standby database. The
    following table describes how the frequency of the checkpoint
    operation can affect database synchronization.

    Table 24 Setting the Frequency of Checkpoint Intervals

    If you specify . . .   Then . . .

    A small checkpoint     The Hot Standby software synchronizes the
    interval               database root files more often, but uses
                           less time to restart replication because
                           fewer transactions need to be redone.

    A large checkpoint     The Hot Standby software synchronizes the
    interval               database root files less frequently, but
                           requires more time to restart replication
                           because more transactions must be redone.

    In addition, the value you set for the checkpoint interval:

    o  Controls replication restart in the event of a failure on the
       master database. A side effect of this is that the ABS process
       cannot back up after-image journals that are needed to restart
       replication operations.

    o  Affects how the after-image journals on the master database
       become available for backup.

       Specifying a large value for the checkpoint interval can
       cause after-image journal backup operations to stall until
       the appropriate after-image journal file becomes available for
       a backup operation. This is because the after-image journal
       backup operation cannot back up any after-image journal file
       that is required for process recovery or replication restart.

    o  Affects the reinitialization of after-image journals on the
       standby database.

    o  Affects the manner in which the LRS process on the standby

       -  Releases page locks

       -  Responds to page lock conflict messages from another
          attached database process

       Oracle Corporation recommends that you set a reasonably small
       checkpoint interval for the standby database. Specifying a
       checkpoint interval that is too large can prevent the LRS
       process from responding to requests for pages, and it is
       possible for other processes to become stalled.

    For Oracle Rdb databases, you can monitor the effectiveness of
    the current setting of the Checkpoint qualifier by using the RMU
    Show Statistics command and examining the Checkpoint Information
    display.  –  Connect Timeout


    Specifies the maximum number of minutes that the LCS process on
    the master database waits for a network connection to the LRS
    process on the standby database.

    Applicable to:              Master database
    Required or Optional:       Optional
    Default Value:              5 minutes
    Minimum Value:              1 minute
    Maximum Value:              4320 minutes (3 days)

    When you start replication on the master database (before
    starting it on the standby database):

    1. The Hot Standby software invokes the log catch-up server (LCS)
       process on the master database.

    2. The LCS process invokes its corresponding network AIJSERVER
       process on the standby node.

    3. The AIJSERVER process attempts to create a network connection
       to the LRS process on the standby node.

    By default, the LCS process allows 5 minutes for the AIJSERVER
    to connect to the LRS process. You can override the default
    by specifying the Connect_Timeout qualifier when you start
    replication on the master database. (Note that if you specify
    the Connect_Timeout qualifier, you must specify a time value (in

    The Connect_Timeout qualifier is useful when you start
    replication operations on the master database before you
    start replication on the standby database. This is because the
    Connect_Timeout qualifier allows sufficient time for the network
    connection to be made before the LCS process begins sending
    after-image journal records across the network.


       While the LCS process on the master database waits for the
       replication activity to begin on the standby database, users
       and applications can continue to access and modify data in
       the master database.  –  Gap Timeout


    Specifies the maximum number of minutes that the standby database
    (LRS process) should wait for a gap in the replication data
    sequence to be resolved.

    Applicable to:              Standby database
    Required or Optional:       Optional
    Default Value:              5 minutes
    Minimum Value:              1 minute
    Maximum Value:              4320 minutes (3 days)  –  Governor


    Enables or disables the replication governor.

    Applicable to:              Standby database
    Required or Optional:       Optional
    Default Value:              Governor=Enabled

    The purpose of the replication governor is to coordinate database
    replication operations automatically between the master and the
    standby databases.

    For more information see the Governor qualifier discussion under
    the Replicate_After_Journal_Commands Start Help topic.  –  Log


    Indicates whether or not to log the status of, and information
    about, activities when you start replication operations.

    Applicable to:              Master and standby database
    Required or Optional:       Optional
    Default Value:              Nolog

    If you specify the Log qualifier, output showing the status
    of the replication startup is logged to SYS$OUTPUT on OpenVMS

    Oracle Corporation recommends that you specify the Log qualifier.  –  Master Root


    Identifies the name of the master database root file from
    which the replication servers on the standby database receive
    replication data.

    Applicable to:     Standby database
    Required or        Required the first time you enter the
    Optional:          Replicate After_Journal Start command and
                       any time you specify other Replication
                       Startup qualifiers. Optional on all subsequent
    Default Value:     None.

    You must include the Master_Root qualifier the first time you
    enter the Replicate After_Journal Start command (unless you have
    preconfigured the Master_Root qualifier using the Replication
    After_Journal Configure command). This ensures that the standby
    database uses the master database you specify as the source of
    the replication operations. If you omit the Master_Root qualifier
    on subsequent Replicate After_Journal Start commands, the Hot
    Standby software retrieves the master database name from the
    header information in the database root file.

    Whenever you specify the Master_Root qualifier, you must do the
    following to ensure the command executes successfully:

    o  Specify the name of the master database root file.

       Do not specify the name of the standby database on the Master_
       Root qualifier. Any attempt to use a restored database as a
       master database causes replication startup operations to fail.

    o  Include a node name and directory path for remote network

       You can define a logical name to identify the master node.

    o  Be able to access the master database.

       When the master database node is configured in a VMScluster
       system, the node name you specify with the Master_Root
       qualifier can be any participating node from which the master
       database can be accessed. Cluster aliases are acceptable when
       you use the Master_Root qualifier.

    The master and standby databases communicate using network
    communications (for remote database access) or interprocess
    communications (for local database access) according to how you
    specify the master database name. The following table describes
    how the Hot Standby software chooses the method of communication:

    If . . .               Then . . .

    You include a node     The Hot Standby software uses remote
    name when you specify  network communications to receive the
    the master database    after-image journal log changes, unless
    root file              the specified node is the current node

    You do not include     The Hot Standby software uses local
    a node name when you   interprocess communications to receive
    specify the master     the after-image journal log changes
    database root file

    The Hot Standby software compares and verifies the master
    database (that you specify with the Master_Root qualifier)
    against the standby database (that you specify with the Standby_
    Root qualifier when you start replication operations on the
    master database). This verification ensures that both databases
    are identical transactionally.  –  Online


    Allows or disallows users and applications to be on line
    (actively attached) to the standby database.

    Applicable to:              Standby database
    Required or Optional:       Optional
    Default Value:              Noonline

    Online database access means that database users and applications
    can be actively attached (and perform read-only transactions)
    to the standby database before, during, and after replication

    The default setting (Noonline) disallows applications and
    users from attaching to the standby database during replication
    operations. However, if the standby database is open on another
    node (thus, an ALS process is active on that node), the LRS
    process cannot start replication on the standby database and
    the error message STBYDBINUSE is returned.


       If record caching is enabled on the standby database, the
       Hot Standby software assumes the Online setting. Specifying
       the Noonline qualifier on the Replicate After_Journal Start
       command has no effect. Because record caching requires
       the record cache server to be an online server, you cannot
       override the Online setting.

    Because the Replicate After_Journal Start command fails if you
    enter it on a standby node where read/write transactions are in
    progress (including prestarted read/write transactions), Oracle
    Corporation recommends that you choose the Noonline (default)

    The Online and Noonline qualifiers do not affect access to the
    master database.  –  Quiet Point


    Determines whether or not the log catch-up server (LCS) process
    acquires a transactional quiet point during the database
    synchronization phase of the replication restart procedure.

    Applicable to:              Master database
    Required or Optional:       Optional
    Default Value:              Noquiet_Point

    Oracle Corporation recommends using the Quiet_Point qualifier
    because it makes it easier to restart replication operations.  –  Reset

    Resets previously configured information.

    Applicable to:              Master and standby database
    Required or Optional:       Optional  –  Standby Root


    Identifies the name of the standby database root file to which
    the replication servers on the master database send replication

    Applicable to:     Master database
    Required or        Required the first time you enter the
    Optional:          Replicate After_Journal Start command and
                       any time you specify other Replication Startup
                       qualifiers. Optional on all other invocations.
    Default Value:     None

    You must include the Standby_Root qualifier the first time you
    enter the Replicate After_Journal Start command (unless you have
    preconfigured the Standby_Root qualifier using the Replication
    After_Journal Configure command). This ensures that the master
    database communicates with the standby database you specify
    as the recipient of replication operations. If you omit the
    Standby_Root qualifier on subsequent Replicate After_Journal
    Start commands, the Hot Standby software retrieves the standby
    database name from the header information in the database root

    Whenever you specify the Standby_Root qualifier, you must do the
    following to ensure the command executes successfully:

    o  Specify the name of the standby database root file.

    o  Include a node name and directory path for remote network
       communications. (You can define a logical name to identify the
       master node.)


          When the standby database is configured in a VMScluster
          system, the node name you specify with the Standby_Root
          qualifier cannot be a cluster alias.

    o  Be able to access the standby database.

    o  Ensure that the standby database is opened for access prior to
       starting replication operations on the master database.

       You must open the standby database manually unless you
       preconfigured the standby database. If you preconfigured the
       database, you can start replication on both the master and
       standby databases by entering a single Replicate After_Journal
       Start command on the master database. The master database
       automatically opens the standby database, if necessary.

    The master and standby databases communicate using network
    communications (for remote database access) or interprocess
    communications (for local database access) according to how you
    specify the database name. The following table describes how the
    Hot Standby software chooses the method of communication:

    If . . .               Then . . .

    You specify a node     The Hot Standby software uses remote
    name (for access to a  network communications to ship the after-
    standby database on a  image journal log changes, unless the
    remote node)           specified node is the current node

    You do not specify a   The Hot Standby software uses the
    node name              following communications to ship the
                           after-image journal log changes:

                           o  Local interprocess communications on
                              the local node

                           o  Remote network communications on all
                              other nodes and across the cluster

    The Hot Standby software compares and verifies the master
    database (that you specify with the Master_Root qualifier)
    against the standby database (that you specify with the Standby_
    Root qualifier). The purpose of this verification is to ensure
    that both databases are identical transactionally.  –  Synchronization


    Specifies the degree to which you want to synchronize committed
    transactions on the standby database with committed transactions
    on the master database.

    Applicable to:              Master database
    Required or Optional:       Optional
    Default Value:              Synchronization=Cold

    When you enable replication operations, server processes on the
    master database write transactions to the after-image journal
    for the master database and send them across the network to
    the after-image journal for the standby database. The standby
    database acknowledges the receipt of the transactional message
    and handles after-image journaling depending on the mode you
    have set with the Synchronization qualifier. The following table
    describes the keywords you use to set the synchronization mode.

    Table 25 Keywords for the Synchronization Qualifier

             Equivalence        on
             of Committed       Master   Standby Database
    Keyword  Transactions       Database Recoverability

    Commit   When the standby   Highest  The standby database is
             database                    transactionally identical
             receives the                and recoverable with respect
             AIJ information             to the master database.
             from the master
             database, the
             servers on the
             standby database:

             1. Write it to
                the after-
                image journal
                on the standby

             2. Apply the AIJ
                to the standby

             3. Send a message
                back to
                the master
                the successful
                commit of the

    Hot      When the standby   High     The standby database is
             database                    extremely close to being
             receives the                transactionally identical to
             AIJ information             the master database.
             from the master
             database, the               After-image journal records
             servers on the              in transit are received
             standby database:           and committed. Some restart
                                         processing may be required
             1. Write it to              to synchronize the database.
                the AIJ on the
                standby system

             2. Send a message
                back to
                the master
                applying the
                to the standby

    Warm     When the standby   Medium   The standby database is
             database                    transactionally close to
             receives the                the master database, but the
             AIJ information             databases are not identical.
             from the master
             database, the               There may be transactions
             servers on the              rolled back on the standby
             standby database:           database that have been
                                         committed on the master
             o  Send a message           database.
                back to
                the master
                applying the
                transaction to
                either the AIJ
                or the standby

             o  Might not
                commit after-
                image journal
                records to the

    Cold     When the standby   Low      The standby database is
    (de-     database                    not immediately recoverable
    fault)   receives the                transactionally with respect
             AIJ information             to the master database.
             from the master
             database:                   After-image journal records
                                         in transit could be lost.
             o  The servers
                never return
                a message
                the receipt
                of the AIJ

             o  In failover
                it is
                possible that
                rolled back
                on the standby
                database were
                committed on
                the master

    For each level of database synchronization, you make a trade-off
    between how closely the standby and master databases match each
    other in regard to committed transactions against performance.

    For example, the Synchronization=Cold level provides the fastest
    performance for the master database, but the lowest level of
    master and standby database synchronization. However, in some
    business environments, this trade-off might be acceptable. In
    such an environment, the speed of master database performance
    outweighs the risk of losing recent transactions in the event of
    failover; system throughput has greater financial importance and
    impact than the value of individual aij records (transactions).  –  Transport


    Allows you to specify the network transport. The specified
    transport, DECnet or TCP/IP, is saved in the database.

    Applicable to:              Master database
    Required or Optional:       Optional

    The following example shows the use of this feature:


    o  The first time you configure the standby database, you must
       include the Master_Root qualifier, and you must include the
       Standby_Root qualifier the first time you configure the master

       You must preconfigure the Master_Root or Standby_Root
       qualifiers because these qualifiers identify the "alternate"
       database for the database being configured. These qualifiers
       also identify whether a master or standby database is being
       configured (if the Replicate After_Journal Configure command
       includes the Master_Root qualifier, a standby database is
       being configured). The Master_Root and Standby_Root qualifiers
       are optional on subsequent replication configuration commands
       because the value is stored in the database root file.

    o  You can include a node name with the Master_Root or Standby_
       Root qualifiers.

    o  You cannot invoke the Replicate After_Journal Configure
       command when replication operations are active.

    o  The RMU Backup command with the Continuous qualifier is not
       supported when replication operations are active.

    o  You can override values you define with the Replicate After_
       Journal Configure command (and other the default values stored
       in the database root file) by specifying qualifiers on the
       Replicate After_Journal Start command.

    o  You cannot specify the Output qualifier on the Replicate
       After_Journal Configure command. Therefore, if you need to
       record Hot Standby server information to an output file when
       you start replication operations from the master database,
       specify an output file by:

       -  Including the Output qualifier on the Replicate After_
          Journal Start command

          BIND_LCS_OUTPUT_FILE, or BIND_LRS_OUTPUT_FILE logical name


             If you plan to start replication operations remotely
             (for example, to start replication on the standby
             database from the master database node), you must
             have GROUP, WORLD, and SYSPRV privileges on OpenVMS
             systems.  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example shows how to use the Replicate After_
    Journal Configure command to configure replication attributes
    for the master database:

        /STANDBY_ROOT=REMNOD:::DISK1:[USER]standby_personnel -
        /QUIET_POINT -
        /CHECKPOINT=10 -

39.1.2  –  Reopen Output

    Closes the current informational file and reopens it as a new
    file. You can enter this command on either the master database
    node (to reopen the output file that records LCS information) or
    the standby database node (to reopen the output file that records
    LRS information).  –  Description

    The Hot Standby software dynamically and transparently switches
    from writing to the original output file to the new file. There
    is no need to stop or interrupt database replication operations
    during the transition to the new output file.

    The Replicate After_Journal Reopen_Output command performs the
    following steps to reopen the output file:

    1. Closes the current output file in which information about
       replication operations is recorded.

    2. Reopens the output file by opening a new file using the
       original output file name. On OpenVMS systems, the Hot
       Standby software opens a new output file using the originally
       specified file name and a new version number. Thus, you can
       view the original output file by specifying the older version
       number. If disk space is a problem, relocate the old output
       file to another disk.

    You can enter the Replicate After_Journal Reopen_Output command
    on either the master or standby node as follows:

    Enter the
    command . . .          To reopen the output file for the . . .

    On the master          LCS server on the master database
    database node

    On the standby         LRS server on the standby database
    database node

    You must explicitly enable the ability to write replication
    startup information to an output file by including the Output
    qualifier when you start replication operations (see the
    Replicate_After_Journal_Commands Start command for more
    information), or by specifying the BIND_ALS_OUTPUT_FILE, BIND_
    logical name.

    The Replicate After_Journal Reopen_Output command is useful when:

    o  The output file becomes too large

       For example, as the output file grows over time, you might run
       out of disk space or notice that the database performance is
       slow. You can use the Replicate After_Journal Reopen_Output
       command to free up space on the disk. Once the new output
       file is open, you should relocate the old output file to a new
       location or delete the file.

       If the disk that contains the output file becomes full, the
       Hot Standby software stops writing information to the file
       (and on OpenVMS systems, a message is sent to the system
       operator). Note that replication operations continue, even
       when write I/O to the output file stops.

    o  You want to view the currently open output file

       By using the Replicate After_Journal Reopen_Output command,
       you can capture a snapshot of the output file and examine
       replication operations without interrupting processing. You
       can also view the contents of the current output file using
       the Type command at the OpenVMS system prompt.


          You cannot use the Replicate After_Journal Reopen_Output
          command to change the size or location of the output
          file; the command is intended to create a new version of
          an existing output file.

    o  You want to open an output file for a server process that is
       actively performing replication operations

       Defining a logical name is useful if you omitted the Output
       qualifier when you entered the Replicate After_Journal Start
       command to start replication. You can define a logical name
       to specify an output file while replication operations are
       active. This can be done by defining the appropriate logical
       name, and then invoking the Replicate After_Journal Reopen_
       Output command. This allows you to create an output file so
       the server can start writing to the file. The advantage to
       defining a logical name is that you do not need to stop and
       restart the server.

       Reference: See the Output qualifier discussion under the
       Replicate_After_Journal_Commands Start Help topic.  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Replicate After_Journal Reopen_Output database-rootfile  –  Parameters  –  database-rootfile

    Specifies the name of the master or standby database root file.  –  Usage Notes

    o  To write replication information to an output file, specify
       the Log and Output qualifiers on the Replicate After_Journal
       Start command.

       If you enter the Replicate After_Journal Reopen_Output command
       on a node where logging is not enabled, the Hot Standby
       software ignores the command; it does not return an error
       message if the Replicate After_Journal Reopen_Output command
       does not find an output file.

    o  The Replicate After_Journal Reopen_Output command is
       applicable only to the files that record activities for the
       LCS process or the LRS process. To reopen or view the output
       file that records information about the ALS process, use the
       RMU Server After_Journal Reopen_Output command.

       Reference: For more information about displaying ALS
       information, refer to the Oracle RMU Reference Manual.  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following command example shows how to reopen an output file:


39.1.3  –  Start

    Initiates database replication operations.  –  Description

    To start database replication, you can enter the Replicate After_
    Journal Start command on both the standby node and the master
    node. Although you can initiate replication operations on either
    node, Oracle Corporation recommends that you start replication on
    the standby node before you start it on the master node. This is
    because replication activity does not begin until:

    o  The standby database creates the network connection

    o  The master database attaches to the network connection

    o  The master and standby databases are synchronized with regard
       to committed transactions


       If you used the Replicate After_Journal Configure command
       to preconfigure the master and standby database attributes
       (see the Replicate_After_Journal_Commands Configure Help
       topic), you can invoke a single Replicate After_Journal
       Start command to start replication operations on both the
       master and standby databases.  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Replicate After_Journal Start database-rootfile

  Command Qualifiers                     x Defaults             xUsage
                                         x                      x
  /Alt_Remote_Node=nodename              x None                 x M
  /Checkpoint=checkpoint-interval        x /Checkpoint=100      x B
  /[No]Log                               x /Nolog               x B
  /Output=[log-filename|log-filename_PID]x None                 x B
  /[No]Wait                              x /Wait                x B
  /Connect_Timeout=minutes               x /Connect_Timeout=5   x M
  /[No]Quiet_Point                       x /Noquiet_Point       x M
  /Standby_Root=standby-root-file-spec   x None                 x M
  /Synchronization=[Commit|Hot|Warm|Cold]x /Synchronization=Col x M
  /Buffers=rollforward-buffer-count      x /Buffers=256         x S
  /Gap_Timeout=minutes                   x /Gap_Timeout=5       x S
  /Governor=[Enabled|Disabled]           x /Governor=Enabled    x S
  /Master_Root=master-root-file-spec     x None                 x S
  /[No]Online                            x /Noonline            x S
  /Transport={DECnet|TCP/IP}             x None                 x M

  B=Both; M=Master; S=Standby  –  Starting Replication

    You can start database replication while the master database,
    the standby database, or both databases are on line (open) and
    accessible for active use. There is no need to close either
    database to initiate database replication.

    Applications and users can continue to access data and make
    modifications to the master database whether or not replication
    activity has started. Waiting for the replication activity to
    begin does not inhibit access to, or interrupt modifications on,
    the master database.

    Starting replication is an online operation that can occur while
    the standby database is open. However, database users must
    not actively attach to the standby database prior to starting
    database replication if you perform offline backup operations.

    Replication operations cannot start when these conditions exist:

    o  Any read/write transactions, including prestarted read/write
       transactions, are active on the standby database

    o  Any read-only (snapshot) transactions are running on the
       standby database. The Log Rollforward Server waits until the
       read-only transactions commit.

    o  The row cache feature cannot be active on the standby

       The row cache feature must be identically configured on the
       master and standby databases in the event failover occurs,
       but the row cache feature must not be activated on the standby
       database until it becomes the master.

       To open the hot standby database prior to starting
       replication, use the NoRow_Cache qualifier on the RMU Open
       command to disable the row cache feature.

    o  Any storage area is inconsistent (for example, if you restore
       a storage area from a backup file but you have not rolled
       forward after-image journals to be consistent with the rest of
       the database)


       On OpenVMS systems, if you have preconfigured your Hot
       Standby environment using the Replicate After_Journal
       Configure command and you plan to start replication
       operations remotely (for example, if you want to start
       replication on the standby database from the master
       database node), you must provide the SYSPRV privilege to
       the DBMAIJSERVER or RDMAIJSERVER account.  –  Qualifier Usage

    Some of the qualifiers for the Replicate After_Journal Start
    command are applicable only when you start replication operations
    on the master database node, while others are applicable only to
    the standby database node. The following table categorizes the
    qualifiers according to usage:

    Table 26 Qualifier Usage for the Replicate After_Journal Start

    Master Node        Master and
    Qualifiers         Standby Nodes      Standby Node Qualifiers

    Alt_Remote_Node    Checkpoint         Buffers
    Connect_Timeout    [No]Log            Gap_Timeout
    [No]Quiet_Point    [No]Wait           Governor
    Standby_Root       Output             Master_Root
    Synchronization                       [No]Online

    The Hot Standby software does not allow you to use qualifiers
    that are not valid for the database where you enter the command.
    Therefore, when you enter the Replicate After_Journal Start
    command on the:

    o  Master node - you can specify any of the qualifiers listed in
       the first and second columns of above table

    o  Standby node-you can specify any of the qualifiers listed in
       the last two columns of the above table

    If you use an inapplicable qualifier (for example, if you use
    the Connect_Timeout qualifier when you start replication on the
    standby node), the Hot Standby software returns an error message.


       Whenever you specify a qualifier on the Replicate After_
       Journal Start command line, you must also include the
       Master_Root or Standby_Root qualifier, as appropriate,
       on the command line. For example, to change the value of
       the Synchronization qualifier on a master database node,
       you must specify both the Synchronization and Standby_Root
       qualifiers.  –  Parameters  –  database-rootfile

    Indicates the root file specification for either the master or
    standby database where you want to start database replication.


       Do not include a node name when you specify the database-
       rootfile parameter. This parameter must specify a locally
       accessible database root file; the parameter cannot include
       a remote file specification.

    The following list describes which database root file to specify
    depending on where you enter the command:

    o  When you enter the command, Replicate After_Journal Start
       on the standby node, specify the database root file for the
       Standby database.

    o  When you enter the command, Replicate After_Journal Start on
       the master node, specify the database root file for the Master

    To ensure that the standby database accesses the correct master
    database as the source of replication operations, include the
    Master_Root qualifier on the command line. Similarly, to ensure
    that the master database accesses the correct standby database
    as the target of replication operations, include the Standby_Root
    qualifier on the command line.

    Reference: See the Master_Root and Standby_Root qualifiers
    discussed in this Help topic.  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Alt Remote Node

    Identifies an available secondary link to the standby database.

    Applicable to:              Master database
    Required or Optional:       Optional
    Default Value:              None

    The Alt_Remote_Node qualifier is used to provide the master
    database with uninterrupted hot standby replication in case of
    network failure where multiple network links are available. It
    can only be used in conjunction with the Standby_Root qualifier,
    which specifies the standby database node name.

    The Alt_Remote_Node qualifier identifies the alternate remote
    node name of the standby database. Following network failure,
    the master database automatically attempts to reconnect to
    the standby database using the alternate remote node name
    information. If the Alt_Remote_Node qualifier is not specified,
    the master database does not automatically attempt to reconnect
    to the standby database using the orginal remote node name
    specified using the Standby_Root qualifier.

    The alternate node name can be the same as the node name
    specified with the Standby_Root qualifier. The node name
    specified by the Alt_Remote_Node qualifier must identify the
    same standby database on the same remote node as originally
    specified using the Standby_Root qualifier. The maximum length
    of the alternate remote node name is 31 characters.

    At run-time, the RDM$BIND_HOT_NETWORK_ALT_NODE logical name
    can be defined in the LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE table to override any
    alternate remote node name information specified at hot standby
    startup. The logical must be specified on all nodes where the
    master database is open.

    The RMU Replicate After_Journal Configure/Reset command clears
    previously configured alternate remote node name information.  –  Buffers


    Specifies the number of database buffers available to roll after-
    image journals forward to the standby database.

    Applicable to:   Standby
    Required or      Optional

                     Local          Global Buffers
    Default Value:   4096           4096 or Global Buffer USER LIMIT,
                                    whichever is smaller
    Minimum Value:   2              2
    Maximum Value:   1,048,576      1048576 or Gloal Buffer USER
                                    whichever is smaller

    During replication operations, the LRS process on the standby
    node receives after-image journal records from the master
    database and rolls them forward to the standby database.

    You can use the optional Buffers qualifier to override the
    default number of database buffers.

    For optimal performance, you should allocate a sufficient number
    of buffers so that the server process can roll the after-image
    journal records forward with a minimum number of I/O operations.
    To estimate an appropriate number of buffers, use the following
    equation as a starting point:

    (Number of Modified Buffers per Transaction * Number of Users) + 20%

    For example, if the average number of modified buffers per
    transaction is 10 and there are 100 users on the database, then
    the server process needs 1000 buffers at one time. To ensure that
    you have an adequate number of buffers, add another 20 percent
    (200 buffers) for a total of 1200 buffers.

    The number of buffers can impact the time it takes for the LRS
    process to checkpoint. When a checkpoint occurs, the LRS must
    write all modified buffers to disk. For example, if the LRS
    is using 2000 buffers, and it takes one second for 2000 disk
    writes to complete, the LRS will be stalled for one second while
    those writes are being done. This could cause the Hot Standby
    governor to increase the synchronization mode if there is a lot
    of update activity occurring while the LRS is checkpointing. For
    some applications this could impose a practical limitation in the
    number of buffers allocated to the LRS.


       The LRS process on the standby database does not use buffer
       values defined by the following:

       o  DBM$BIND_BUFFERS logical name

       o  RDB_BIND_BUFFERS configuration parameter

       o  RDM$BIND_BUFFERS logical name

    When replication operations are active, you can use the RMU or
    DBO Show Users command to see the current number of database
    buffers allocated. If replication operations are not active or
    if you want to see the buffer value that was set on a previous
    Replicate After_Journal Start command (stored in the database
    root file), you can also use the Header and Dump_Select_Type=Hot_
    Standby qualifiers on the RMU or DBO Dump command.  –  Checkpoint


    Specifies, in terms of processed messages, how frequently the
    Hot Standby servers update information in the database root file.
    This qualifier can be set to different values on the master and
    standby databases.

    Applicable to:              Master and standby database
    Required or Optional:       Optional
    Default Value:              100 messages
    Minimum Value:              1 message
    Maximum Value:              1024 messages

    By default, the Hot Standby servers automatically perform
    checkpoint operations on both the master and standby databases
    after every 100 messages are processed. Checkpoints are essential
    to database availability because they:

    o  Enable the Hot Standby software to restart database
       replication operations more quickly in the event of a failure
       because frequent checkpoints limit the number of transactions
       that must be redone if a process or system fails.

    o  Cause all modified database cache buffers on the standby
       database to be flushed to the disk, making the buffers
       available for access by other users (when online database
       access is enabled)

    o  Improve the redo performance of the database recovery (DBR)

    o  Allow after-image backup operations to back up older after-
       image journals on the master database


          In addition to performing checkpoint operations specified
          by the Checkpoint qualifier, the replication servers on
          the master database also checkpoint automatically after
          the following events:

          o  After two minutes of inactivity

          o  After a switchover to a new after-image journal (when
             you are using circular after-image journals)

          o  After an AIJ backup operation (when you are using
             extensible after-image journals)

          On the standby database, the LRS process checkpoints
          after two minutes of inactivity if data has been
          processed since the last checkpoint.

          These automatic checkpoints advance the oldest active
          checkpoint indicator to make older after-image journals
          available for backup operations. You cannot change or
          override these checkpoint intervals.

    The default checkpoint interval usually is sufficient to
    effectively maintain synchronization between the master and
    standby database root files. However, you can override the
    default checkpoint interval by specifying the Checkpoint
    qualifier when you start replication on the master database,
    the standby database, or both.

    For example, if you specify the qualifier Checkpoint=300 on the
    standby database, the LRS server process updates information
    in the standby database root file after every 300 messages
    are exchanged between the master and the standby database. The
    following table describes how the frequency of the checkpoint
    operation can affect database synchronization.

    Table 27 Setting the Frequency of Checkpoint Intervals

    If you specify . . .   Then . . .

    A small checkpoint     The Hot Standby software synchronizes the
    interval               database root files more often, but uses
                           less time to restart replication because
                           fewer transactions need to be redone.

    A large checkpoint     The Hot Standby software synchronizes the
    interval               database root files less frequently, but
                           requires more time to restart replication
                           because more transactions must be redone.

    In addition, the value you set for the checkpoint interval:

    o  Controls replication restart in the event of a failure on the
       master database. A side effect of this is that the ABS process
       cannot back up after-image journals that are needed to restart
       replication operations

    o  Affects how the after-image journals on the master database
       become available for backup

       Specifying a large value for the checkpoint interval can
       cause after-image journal backup operations to stall until
       the appropriate after-image journal file becomes available for
       a backup operation. This is because the after-image journal
       backup operation cannot back up any after-image journal file
       that is required for process recovery or replication restart.

    o  Affects the reinitialization of after-image journals on the
       standby database

    o  Affects the manner in which the LRS process on the standby

       -  Releases page locks

       -  Responds to page lock conflict messages from another
          attached database process

       Oracle Corporation recommends that you set a reasonably small
       checkpoint interval for the standby database. Specifying a
       checkpoint interval that is too large can prevent the LRS
       process from responding to requests for pages, and it is
       possible for other processes to become stalled.

    For Oracle Rdb databases, you can monitor the effectiveness of
    the current setting of the Checkpoint qualifier by using the RMU
    Show Statistics command and examining the Checkpoint Information
    display.  –  Connect Timeout


    Specifies the maximum number of minutes that the LCS process on
    the master database waits for a network connection to the LRS
    process on the standby database.

    Applicable to:              Master database
    Required or Optional:       Optional
    Default Value:              5 minutes
    Minimum Value:              1 minute
    Maximum Value:              4320 minutes (3 days)

    When you start replication on the master database (before
    starting it on the standby database):

    1. The Hot Standby software invokes the log catch-up server (LCS)
       process on the master database.

    2. The LCS process invokes its corresponding network AIJSERVER
       process on the standby node.

    3. The AIJSERVER process attempts to create a network connection
       to the LRS process on the standby node.

    By default, the LCS process allows 5 minutes for the AIJSERVER
    to connect to the LRS process. You can override the default
    by specifying the Connect_Timeout qualifier when you start
    replication on the master database. (Note that if you specify
    the Connect_Timeout qualifier, you must specify a time value (in

    The Connect_Timeout qualifier is useful when you start
    replication operations on the master database before you
    start replication on the standby database. This is because the
    Connect_Timeout qualifier allows sufficient time for the network
    connection to be made before the LCS process begins sending
    after-image journal records across the network.


       While the LCS process on the master database waits for the
       replication activity to begin on the standby database, users
       and applications can continue to access and modify data in
       the master database.

    Also, because the Connect_Timeout qualifier waits only for the
    network connection, you might consider using the Wait qualifier
    in addition to the Connect_Timeout qualifier. The Wait qualifier
    causes the Replicate After_Journal Start command to wait for the
    server processes to be activated. See the Wait qualifier in this
    Help topic for additional information.  –  Gap Timeout


    Specifies the maximum number of minutes that the standby database
    (LRS process) should wait for a gap in the replication data
    sequence to be resolved.

    Applicable to:              Standby database
    Required or Optional:       Optional
    Default Value:              5 minutes
    Minimum Value:              1 minute
    Maximum Value:              4320 minutes (3 days)

    If a gap in the replication data sequence is not resolved in the
    period of time allowed, the LRS process:

    1. Assumes that the node sending the message has failed

    2. Terminates replication operations immediately

    You must restart replication operations manually to resolve the
    situation.  –  Governor


    Enables or disables the replication governor.

    Applicable to:              Standby database
    Required or Optional:       Optional
    Default Value:              Governor=Enabled

    The purpose of the replication governor is to coordinate database
    replication operations automatically between the master and the
    standby databases. With the replication governor enabled, you can
    effectively ensure that:

    o  The master and standby databases do not get too far out of
       synchronization with respect to each other

    o  The performance of the master database does not deviate
       greatly from that of the standby database

    o  The peak-time database requirements are handled automatically
       and dynamically by the Hot Standby software

    The replication governor allows the ALS process on the master
    database and the LRS process on the standby database to
    automatically choose the synchronization mode that provides
    the best performance and ensures database replication

    To use the replication governor most effectively, ensure
    the Governor qualifier is Enabled and include the
    Synchronization=Cold qualifier when you start replication
    operations on the standby database. (Also, see the
    Synchronization qualifier discussed later in this Help topic.)

    Oracle Corporation recommends that you set the Synchronization
    qualifier to Cold mode. This setting is most effective because
    of the way the LRS process monitors its replication workload from
    the master database, as described in the following table:

    If . . .               Then . . .

    The replication        The LRS process automatically upgrades
    workload increases at  to a stronger synchronization mode. For
    a rate that prevents   example, if the Synchronization qualifier
    the standby database   was originally set to Cold mode, the LRS
    from keeping up with   would change the synchronization mode to
    the master database    Warm (or higher, as required).

    The replication        The LRS process automatically downgrades
    workload shrinks       or weakens the synchronization mode.
                           However, the synchronization mode is
                           never weaker than the mode (Commit, Hot,
                           Warm, Cold) that you specify with the
                           Synchronization qualifier.

    Because the synchronization mode changes dynamically, the LRS
    process transmits the current synchronization mode to the ALS
    process (on the master database) at every checkpoint interval
    (see the Checkpoint qualifier earlier in this Help topic). For
    example, if the replication governor upgrades the synchronization
    mode from Cold to Warm, the LRS process transmits the information
    to the ALS process. Then, the ALS process uses the stronger mode
    on all subsequent messages to the standby database. (Note that
    the LRS process maintains a different synchronization mode for
    each master database node.)

    Use the RMU Show Statistics command on the master database to
    monitor the dynamically changing synchronization mode required by
    the actual work load, and compare that to the mode you specified
    with the Synchronization qualifier.

    Recommendation: Oracle Corporation recommends that you do not use
    the Governor=Disabled setting until the replication performance
    is well understood and constant. Severe performance deviations on
    the master database could stall or stop the database replication
    operations.  –  Log


    Indicates whether or not to log the status of, and information
    about, activities when you start replication operations.

    Applicable to:              Master and standby database
    Required or Optional:       Optional
    Default Value:              Nolog

    If you specify the Log qualifier, output showing the status
    of the replication startup is logged to SYS$OUTPUT on OpenVMS

    Oracle Corporation recommends that you specify the Log qualifier.

    Also, you can record status information to an output file by
    including the Output qualifier on the Replicate After_Journal
    Start command.

    Reference: See the Output qualifier discussed in this Help topic.  –  Master Root


    Identifies the name of the master database root file from
    which the replication servers on the standby database receive
    replication data.

    Applicable to:     Standby database
    Required or        Required the first time you enter the
    Optional:          Replicate After_Journal Start command and
                       any time you specify other Replication
                       Startup qualifiers. Optional on all subsequent
    Default Value:     None.

    You must include the Master_Root qualifier the first time you
    enter the Replicate After_Journal Start command (unless you have
    preconfigured the Master_Root qualifier using the Replication
    After_Journal Configure command). This ensures that the standby
    database uses the master database you specify as the source of
    the replication operations. If you omit the Master_Root qualifier
    on subsequent Replicate After_Journal Start commands, the Hot
    Standby software retrieves the master database name from the
    header information in the database root file.

    Whenever you specify the Master_Root qualifier, you must do the
    following to ensure the command executes successfully:

    o  Specify the name of the master database root file.

       Do not specify the name of the standby database on the Master_
       Root qualifier. Any attempt to use a restored database as a
       master database causes replication startup operations to fail.

    o  Include a node name and directory path for remote network

       You can define a logical name to identify the master node.

    o  Be able to access the master database.

       When the master database node is configured in a VMScluster
       system, the node name you specify with the Master_Root
       qualifier can be any participating node from which the master
       database can be accessed. Cluster aliases are acceptable when
       you use the Master_Root qualifier.

    The master and standby databases communicate using network
    communications (for remote database access) or interprocess
    communications (for local database access) according to how you
    specify the master database name. The following table describes
    how the Hot Standby software chooses the method of communication:

    If . . .               Then . . .

    You include a node     The Hot Standby software uses remote
    name when you specify  network communications to receive the
    the master database    after-image journal log changes, unless
    root file              the specified node is the current node

    You do not include     The Hot Standby software uses local
    a node name when you   interprocess communications to receive
    specify the master     the after-image journal log changes
    database root file

    The Hot Standby software compares and verifies the master
    database (that you specify with the Master_Root qualifier)
    against the standby database (that you specify with the Standby_
    Root qualifier when you start replication operations on the
    master database). This verification ensures that both databases
    are identical transactionally.  –  Online


    Allows or disallows users and applications to be on line
    (actively attached) to the standby database.

    Applicable to:              Standby database
    Required or Optional:       Optional
    Default Value:              Noonline

    Online database access means that database users and applications
    can be actively attached (and perform read-only transactions)
    to the standby database before, during, and after replication

    The default setting (Noonline) disallows applications and
    users from attaching to the standby database during replication
    operations. However, if the standby database is open on another
    node (thus, an ALS process is active on that node), the LRS
    process cannot start replication on the standby database and
    the error message STBYDBINUSE is returned.


       If record caching is enabled on the standby database, the
       Hot Standby software assumes the Online setting. Specifying
       the Noonline qualifier on the Replicate After_Journal Start
       command has no effect. Because record caching requires
       the record cache server to be an online server, you cannot
       override the Online setting.

    Because the Replicate After_Journal Start command fails if you
    enter it on a standby node where read/write transactions are in
    progress (including prestarted read/write transactions), Oracle
    Corporation recommends that you choose the Noonline (default)

    The Online and Noonline qualifiers do not affect access to the
    master database.  –  Output


    Identifies the name of the file where you want the Hot Standby
    software to create an operational output file (log) for the LCS
    or LRS process:

    o  Specify the Output qualifier on the master database to create
       an output file and collect information about the LCS process.

    o  Specify the Output qualifier on the standby database to create
       an output file and collect information about the LRS process.

    o  Optionally, include "_PID" or "_pid" when you specify the
       output file name. This causes the software to create a unique
       file name because it includes the process identification (PID)

    Applicable to:              Master and standby databases
    Required or Optional:       Optional
    Default Value:              None. If you do not specify the
                                Output qualifier, the Hot Standby
                                software does not record LCS or LRS
                                process activities to an output file.

    The Output qualifier overrides definitions you make with the
    enable replication operations for multiple databases, there will
    be multiple operational output files.

    The purpose of the operational log is to record the transmittal
    and receipt of network messages, and to provide administrative
    and diagnostic information.

    Note the following when you specify the Output qualifier:

    o  You must specify an output file name. When you include "_PID"
       in the output file specification, the command creates a unique
       file name that includes the process identification (PID).

       This command line creates a unique file name, for example,

    o  Do not include a node name designation when you specify the
       output file name.

    o  The default location is the database root file directory. You
       can optionally include a directory name when you specify a
       file name.

    o  The directory containing the output files must be readable and
       writable by all processes.

    o  The default file type is .out

    o  You can display the name of output files that you specify with
       the Output qualifier using the RMU Show Users command (shown
       in Example 7-1). Output file names are not displayed in Show
       Users output for files specified with a logical name.


          All bugcheck dumps are written to a corresponding
          bugcheck dump file. Bugcheck dumps are not written to
          the Output operational log.

    Although it is optional, Oracle Corporation recommends that
    you use the Output qualifier, or a logical name, to collect
    information about the LCS and LRS processes during replication.

    You can also collect information about the ABS, ALS, DBR, and
    AIJSERVER processes by defining a logical name. The following
    table lists the logical names you can define to collect server
    process information to an output file:

    Logical Name           Specifies an output file for the . . .

    BIND_ABS_LOG_FILE      ABS process
    BIND_ALS_OUTPUT_FILE   ALS process (1)
    BIND_DBR_LOG_FILE      DBR process

    Footnote (1):
    You can also collect information about the ALS process to an
    output file by including the Output qualifier on the RMU Server
    After_Journal command. For more information about displaying ALS
    information, refer to the Oracle RMU Reference Manual.

    Defining a logical name is also useful if you omitted the Output
    qualifier when you entered the Replicate After_Journal Start
    command to start replication. You can define a logical name to
    specify an output file while replication operations are active.
    This can be done by defining the appropriate logical name, and
    then invoking the Replicate After_Journal Reopen_Output command.
    This allows you to create an output file so the server can start
    writing to the file without you having to stop and start the
    server.  –  Quiet Point


    Determines whether or not the log catch-up server (LCS) process
    acquires a transactional quiet point during the database
    synchronization phase of the replication restart procedure.

    Applicable to:              Master database
    Required or Optional:       Optional
    Default Value:              Noquiet_Point

    Oracle Corporation recommends using the Quiet_Point qualifier
    because it makes it easier to restart replication operations.  –  Standby Root


    Identifies the name of the standby database root file to which
    the replication servers on the master database send replication

    Applicable to:     Master database
    Required or        Required the first time you enter the
    Optional:          Replicate After_Journal Start command and
                       any time you specify other Replication Startup
                       qualifiers. Optional on all other invocations.
    Default Value:     None

    You must include the Standby_Root qualifier the first time you
    enter the Replicate After_Journal Start command (unless you have
    preconfigured the Standby_Root qualifier using the Replication
    After_Journal Configure command). This ensures that the master
    database communicates with the standby database you specify
    as the recipient of replication operations. If you omit the
    Standby_Root qualifier on subsequent Replicate After_Journal
    Start commands, the Hot Standby software retrieves the standby
    database name from the header information in the database root

    Whenever you specify the Standby_Root qualifier, you must do the
    following to ensure the command executes successfully:

    o  Specify the name of the standby database root file.

    o  Include a node name and directory path for remote network
       communications. (You can define a logical name to identify the
       master node.)


          When the standby database is configured in a VMScluster
          system, the node name you specify with the Standby_Root
          qualifier cannot be a cluster alias.

    o  Be able to access the standby database.

    o  Ensure that the standby database is opened for access prior to
       starting replication operations on the master database.

       You must open the standby database manually unless you
       preconfigured the standby database. If you preconfigured the
       database, you can start replication on both the master and
       standby databases by entering a single Replicate After_Journal
       Start command on the master database. The master database
       automatically opens the standby database, if necessary.

    The master and standby databases communicate using network
    communications (for remote database access) or interprocess
    communications (for local database access) according to how you
    specify the database name. The following table describes how the
    Hot Standby software chooses the method of communication:

    If . . .               Then . . .

    You specify a node     The Hot Standby software uses remote
    name (for access to a  network communications to ship the after-
    standby database on a  image journal log changes, unless the
    remote node)           specified node is the current node

    You do not specify a   The Hot Standby software uses the
    node name              following communications to ship the
                           after-image journal log changes:

                           o  Local interprocess communications on
                              the local node

                           o  Remote network communications on all
                              other nodes and across the cluster

    The Hot Standby software compares and verifies the master
    database (that you specify with the Master_Root qualifier)
    against the standby database (that you specify with the Standby_
    Root qualifier). The purpose of this verification is to ensure
    that both databases are identical transactionally.

    If replication operations are not started on the standby database
    when you invoke the Replicate After_Journal Start command on
    the master database, the Hot Standby software attempts to start
    replication on the standby database using the default replication
    attributes configured in the database root file before starting
    replication on the master database.  –  Synchronization


    Specifies the degree to which you want to synchronize committed
    transactions on the standby database with committed transactions
    on the master database.

    Applicable to:              Master database
    Required or Optional:       Optional
    Default Value:              Synchronization=Cold

    When you enable replication operations, server processes on the
    master database write transactions to the after-image journal
    for the master database and send them across the network to
    the after-image journal for the standby database. The standby
    database acknowledges the receipt of the transactional message
    and handles after-image journaling depending on the mode you have
    set with the Synchronization qualifier.

    Table 28 Keywords for the Synchronization Qualifier

             Equivalence        on
             of Committed       Master   Standby Database
    Keyword  Transactions       Database Recoverability

    Commit   When the standby   Highest  The standby database is
             database                    transactionally identical
             receives the                and recoverable with respect
             AIJ information             to the master database.
             from the master
             database, the
             servers on the
             standby database:

             1. Write it to
                the after-
                image journal
                on the standby

             2. Apply the AIJ
                to the standby

             3. Send a message
                back to
                the master
                the successful
                commit of the

    Hot      When the standby   High     The standby database is
             database                    extremely close to being
             receives the                transactionally identical to
             AIJ information             the master database.
             from the master
             database, the               After-image journal records
             servers on the              in transit are received
             standby database:           and committed. Some restart
                                         processing may be required
             1. Write it to              to synchronize the database.
                the AIJ on the
                standby system

             2. Send a message
                back to
                the master
                applying the
                to the standby

    Warm     When the standby   Medium   The standby database is
             database                    transactionally close to
             receives the                the master database, but the
             AIJ information             databases are not identical.
             from the master
             database, the               There may be transactions
             servers on the              rolled back on the standby
             standby database:           database that have been
                                         committed on the master
             o  Send a message           database.
                back to
                the master
                applying the
                transaction to
                either the AIJ
                or the standby

             o  Might not
                commit after-
                image journal
                records to the

    Cold     When the standby   Low      The standby database is
    (de-     database                    not immediately recoverable
    fault)   receives the                transactionally with respect
             AIJ information             to the master database.
             from the master
             database:                   After-image journal records
                                         in transit could be lost.
             o  The servers
                never return
                a message
                the receipt
                of the AIJ

             o  In failover
                it is
                possible that
                rolled back
                on the standby
                database were
                committed on
                the master

    For each level of database synchronization, you make a trade-off
    between how closely the standby and master databases match each
    other in regard to committed transactions against performance.

    For example, the Synchronization=Cold level provides the fastest
    performance for the master database, but the lowest level of
    master and standby database synchronization. However, in some
    business environments, this trade-off might be acceptable. In
    such an environment, the speed of master database performance
    outweighs the risk of losing recent transactions in the event of
    failover; system throughput has greater financial importance and
    impact than the value of individual aij records (transactions).

    Recommendation: For high-performance applications, Oracle
    Corporation recommends that you do not specify both the
    Synchronization=Cold and the Governor=Disabled qualifiers when
    you start replication on the standby system. This is because
    the master database can possibly outperform the standby database
    during updates. The replication governor should be enabled to
    prevent the master and standby databases from getting too far out
    of synchronization.


       You can define logical names to specify the synchronization
       mode, or to enable or disable the replication governor.  –  Transport


    Allows you to specify the network transport. The specified
    transport, DECnet or TCP/IP, is saved in the database.

    Applicable to:              Master database
    Required or Optional:       Optional

    The following example shows the use of this feature:



    Indicates whether or not the Replicate command should wait for
    activation of the replication server processes before returning
    control to the user.

    Applicable to:              Master and standby databases
    Required or Optional:       Optional
    Default Value:              Wait

    The Wait qualifier has the following effects:

    o  On the master database node-replication waits for activation
       of the server processes on the master database node

    o  On the standby database node-replication waits for activation
       of the server processes on the standby database node

    The following list describes the [No]Wait qualifier:

    o  Wait (default)

       The Replicate command does not return to the user until the
       respective server process has successfully initiated the
       database replication operation. Replication waits indefinitely
       for the activation of the server process, even though
       activation might take substantial time. However, the server
       process might not actually start the replication operation.

    o  Nowait

       Control should be returned to the user as soon as the LCS or
       LRS server process has been invoked by the database monitor.

    You can use the Connect_Timeout qualifier with the Wait qualifier
    to limit the amount of time replication waits for the server
    process to become active.


       You must wait for commands that include the Nowait qualifier
       to complete before you enter another command. This is
       because if the first command fails before the subsequent
       command executes, the second command might receive the
       HOTCMDPEND error. For example:


       If the first command to start replication fails, the startup
       error might be returned to the waiting Replicate After_
       Journal Stop command.  –  Examples

    Example 1

    The following example shows Replicate After_Journal Start
    commands that initiate database replication. The default
    qualifier values are read from the database root file header

        /STANDBY_ROOT=REMNOD::DISK1:[USER]standby_personnel -
        /QUIET -
        /CHECKPOINT=10 -
        /CONNECT_TIMEOUT=1 -
        /LOG -
        /WAIT -

39.1.4  –  Stop

    Terminates database replication operations.  –  Description

    You can enter the command on either the master node or the
    standby node.

    When you enter the command on the master database, replication
    is terminated immediately. Active transactions are handled
    differently depending on whether you specify the Abort qualifier
    or take the default (Noabort).

    When you enter the command on the standby database, replication
    is terminated after any pending after-image journal records are
    completely rolled forward. Any active transactions on the standby
    database are rolled back.

    You can stop database replication while the master database,
    the standby database, or both databases are on line (open) and
    accessible for active use. There is no need to close either
    database to stop database replication.

    If the database is not manually opened on the node where you
    entered the Replicate After_Journal Start command, you must enter
    the Replicate After_Journal Stop command on the node where the
    corresponding replication server is running, or first open the
    database manually.

    When replication operations stop, the Hot Standby software
    automatically restarts the AIJ log server (ALS) processes on
    the standby node.  –  Format

  (B)0RMU/Replicate After_Journal Stop database-rootfile

  Command Qualifiers                   x Defaults
  /[No]Abort[={Forcex | Delprc}]       x /Noabort
  /[No]Log                             x /Nolog
  /[No]Wait                            x /Wait  –  Parameters  –  database-rootfile

    Specifies the database root file for which you want to stop
    replication operations.  –  Command Qualifiers  –  Abort


    Indicates whether pending after-image journal information
    is rolled forward on the standby database before database
    replication operations are shut down. The following list
    describes the qualifiers:

    o  Abort=Delprc

       The Abort=Delprc qualifier closes the database, and recovery
       unit journals (RUJ) are not recovered. The processes and any
       subprocesses of all Oracle Rdb database users are deleted.

    o  Abort=Forcex

       The Abort=Forcex option closes the database, and recovery unit
       journals (RUJ) are recovered and removed.

    o  Abort

       When the Abort qualifier is specified without a keyword,
       database replication shuts down as quickly as possible.
       Any after-image journal information waiting to be rolled
       forward on the standby database is discarded, and all active
       transactions on the standby database are rolled back.

    o  Noabort (default)

       Database replication shuts down after all after-image journal
       information waiting to be rolled forward on the standby
       database is completed. Note that this type of shutdown could
       still result in active transactions being rolled back on the
       standby database.  –  Log


    Enables or disables logging the results of the Replicate After_
    Journal Stop operation.

    Applicable to:              Master and standby databases
    Required or Optional:       Optional
    Default Value:              Nolog

    If you specify the Log qualifier, the log file output is written
    to SYS$OUTPUT on OpenVMS.  –  Wait


    Indicates whether or not the Replicate command should wait for
    activation of the replication server processes before returning
    control to the user.

    Applicable to:              Master and standby databases
    Required or Optional:       Optional
    Default Value:              Wait

    The Wait qualifier has the following effects:

    o  On the master database node-replication waits for deactivation
       of the server processes on the master database node

    o  On the standby database node-replication waits for
       deactivation of the server processes on the standby database

    The following list describes the Wait and Nowait qualifiers:

    o  Wait (default)

       The Replicate command does not return to the user until
       the respective server process has successfully stopped the
       database replication operation. Replication waits indefinitely
       for the termination of the server process, even though
       termination might take substantial time. However, the server
       process might not actually stop the replication operation.

    o  Nowait

       Control should be returned to the user as soon as the LCS or
       LRS server process has been stopped by the database monitor.


       You must wait for commands that include the Nowait qualifier
       to complete before you enter another command. This is
       because if the first command fails before the subsequent
       command executes, the second command might receive the
       HOTCMDPEND error. For example:


       If the first command to start replication fails, the startup
       error might be returned to the waiting Replicate After_
       Journal Stop command.

39.2  –  Privileges

    On OpenVMS systems, you must have the RMU$OPEN privilege in the
    root file ACL for the database or the OpenVMS WORLD privilege to
    use the Replicate commands.

39.3  –  Server Names and Acronyms

    The discussions in Replicate_Commands Help topic sometimes use
    acronyms to refer to the Hot Standby servers. The following table
    shows the server names and their acronyms, and the database where
    each server runs:

    Server                      Acronym        Database

    AIJ log server              ALS            Master
    Log catch-up server         LCS            Master
    Log rollforward server      LRS            Standby
    AIJSERVER                   -              Standby

39.4  –  Default Command Qualifiers

    The Hot Standby software supplies default values for most of the
    master and standby database attributes and maintains them in the
    database root file. Optionally, you can change one or more of the
    database attributes using qualifiers on the Replicate commands.
    When you specify a database attribute, the Hot Standby software
    updates the database root file so that the database root file
    always contains the most up-to-date qualifier values for the

    You can specify database attributes using qualifiers on either of
    the following Replicate commands:

    o  Replicate After_Journal Configure-Preconfigures the master
       and standby database attributes without starting replication
       operations. This optional command allows you to preset
       database attributes that do not take effect until the next
       time you start replication operations using the Replicate
       After_Journal Start command.

    o  Replicate After_Journal Start-Configures database attributes
       at the same time you start replication for a database. If you
       preconfigured your database previously using the Replicate
       After_Journal Configure command, you can override the default
       settings by including one or more qualifiers on the Replicate
       After_Journal Start command.

    Whenever you enter the Replicate After_Journal Start command,
    the Hot Standby software initiates database replication using
    the qualifier values specified on the Replicate After_Journal
    Start command line. If you do not specify qualifier values on the
    command line, the Hot Standby software uses values stored in the
    database root file or the default value for the qualifier.

    Therefore, you do not need to respecify the qualifier values
    except to change a qualifier setting. For example, the following
    command example shows the Replicate After_Journal Start command
    the first time you enter it on the master database node:

         /STANDBY_ROOT=REMNOD::DISK1:[USER]standby_personnel -

    The Hot Standby software saves the qualifier settings in the
    database root file (in this case, the database attributes are
    saved in the master database root file). The next time you start
    replication operations, you could enter the command line without
    the qualifier.

39.5  –  Examples

    The following are examples of the header information from Oracle
    Rdb master and standby database root files:

    Example 1 Header Information from the Master Database Root File

    Hot Standby...
    - Database is currently being replicated as "Master"
        Standby database is "_DISK1:[USER]STANDBY_PERSONNEL.RDB;1"
        Remote node name is "REMNOD"
        Replication commenced on 5-AUG-1996 08:13:30.57
        Synchronization obtained via quiet-point
        Server checkpoint interval is 100 messages
        Server connection-timeout interval is 5 minutes
        Replication synchronization is "hot"

    Example 2 Header Information from the Standby Database Root File

    Hot Standby...
    - Database is currently being replicated as "Standby"
         Master database is "_DISK1:[USER]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1"
         Remote node name is "ORANOD"
         Replication commenced on  5-AUG-1996 08:13:23.91
         Database replication is "online"
         Server checkpoint interval is 100 messages
         Server gap-timeout interval is 5 minutes
         Server buffer count is 256
         Server 2PC transaction resolution is "commit"


40.1  –  ABMBITERR

  inconsistency between spam page <num>  and  bit  <num>  in  area
  bitmap in larea <num> page <num>

  Explanation:  An ABM (Area Bit Map) page may have a bit set  for
  a  SPAM (Space Management) page that does not manage the logical
  area described by that ABM, or the ABM page should  have  a  bit
  set but does not.

  User Action:  Use RMU REPAIR to rebuild the ABM pages.

40.2  –  ABMBITSET

  Bit <num> set in area bitmap for nonexistent SPAM page.
  Corrupt bit is for logical area <num> on page <num>.

  Explanation:  An ABM page can contain more bits than  there  are
  spam  pages  in an area.  This message indicates that an ABM bit
  was set for a non-existent SPAM page.  The logical area and page
  number  in  the  message  identify the page that has the bad bit

  User Action:  User RMU REPAIR to rebuild the ABM page.

40.3  –  ABMFILMBZ

  area bit map page <num> for logical area <num>
  contains a filler field that should be zero
  expected:  0, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The area bit map pages contain some filler  fields
  that  are  reserved  for  future  use.  These should contain all

  User Action:  Correct the error with  RMU  Restore  command  and
  verify the database again.

40.4  –  ABMFRELEN

  area bit map page <num> for logical area <num>
  has an incorrect free space length
  expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The free space count in  the  area  bit  map  page
  contains a bad value.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command and
  verify the database again.

40.5  –  ABMPCHAIN

  larea <str> ABM page <num> points to page <num>

  Explanation:  An error occurred during verification of  the  ABM
  chain  for the logical area.  This message gives one link in the
  ABM page chain before the  error  occurred.   You  may  use  the
  series  of  these  error  messages to reconstruct the entire ABM
  chain up to the point where the error occurred.

  User Action:   Verify  the  page  manually,  and  check  if  the
  database needs to be restored.

40.6  –  ABMVFYPRU

  ABM page chain verification pruned

  Explanation:  An error occurred during verification  of  an  ABM
  page,  so verification will not proceed any further for this ABM

  User Action:  Verify the ABM page manually,  and  check  if  the
  database needs a restore.

40.7  –  ABORT

  operator requested abort on fatal error

  Explanation:  Operation terminated by user's request.

  User Action:

40.8  –  ABORTCNV

  fatal error encountered; aborting conversion

  Explanation:  Errors  were  encountered  that  prevent  the  RMU
  conversion process from proceeding.

  User Action:  Before aborting, RMU Convert should have displayed
  one  or  more error message.  Correct the errors as indicated by
  each error message's user  action  and  rerun  the  RMU  Convert

40.9  –  ABORTVER

  fatal error encountered; aborting verification

  Explanation:  The database is corrupted so badly that no further
  verification is possible.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.10  –  ABSACTIVE

  AIJ backup active or backup operations suspended on this node

  Explanation:  After-image journal backup operations have already
  been suspended from this node.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  AIJ backup operations not suspended on this node

  Explanation:  After-image journal  backup  operations  have  not
  been suspended from this node.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  AIJ backup operations already suspended on this node

  Explanation:  After-image journal backup operations have already
  been suspended from this node.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more

40.13  –  ACCVIO

  access violation on read/write of user address

  Explanation:  A readable parameter is not readable by  the  DBCS
  or a writeable parameter is not writeable by the DBCS.

  User Action:  Pass good parameters to the DBCS.

40.14  –  ACKTIMEOUT

  Network error:  Timeout waiting for Executor acknowledgement.

  Explanation:  The client sent a request to the executor but  did
  not receive an acknowledgement within a specific interval.

  User Action:  Determine that  SQL/Services  is  running  on  the
  server  system  and  then  retry  the operation.  If the problem
  persists,  contact  your  Oracle  support   representative   for

40.15  –  ACLBUFSML

  There is no more space for more ACE entries.

  Explanation:  The space allocated in the root for  RMU's  access
  control  list  is full and cannot be extended either because the
  database is a single-file database or because  the  database  is
  open for other users.

  User Action:  If the database is a multi-file database,  execute
  the command when the database is not open.  If the database is a
  single-file database, then the  only  possible  changes  are  to
  delete existing access control entries and then add new ones.

40.16  –  ACLEMPTY

  Access control list is empty

  Explanation:  The specified database root file has no ACL.

  User Action:  Use the RMU Set Privilege command to create a root
  file ACL for the database.


  Internal error - ACL fetch fail

  Explanation:  The RMU Extract command was unable  to  fetch  the
  access control lists.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for


  journal is for database activation <time>, not <time>

  Explanation:  The activation time and date  stamp  in  the  root
  does not match the activation time and date stamp in the journal
  file.  This journal cannot be applied to this database.

  User Action:  Use the correct journal file or backup file.

40.19  –  AIJACTIVE

  <num> active transaction(s) not yet committed or aborted

  Explanation:  Upon completion of the roll-forward operations for
  the  current  AIJ  file, more than 1 transaction remains active.
  That is, the commit or roll-back information resides in the next
  AIJ  file to be processed.  It is also possible that one or more
  of these active transactions are  prepared  transactions,  which
  may  be  committed  or  aborted  by the recovery operation using
  DECdtm information; in this case, a separate message  indicating
  the number of prepared transactions will be displayed.

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.

40.20  –  AIJALLDONE

  after-image journal roll-forward operations completed

  Explanation:  The after-image journal roll-forward operation has

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.

40.21  –  AIJAUTOREC

  starting automatic after-image journal recovery

  Explanation:  The /AUTOMATIC command qualifier was specified for
  the  after-image  roll-forward  operation,  and the roll-forward
  operation  has  detected  that  automatic  journal  recovery  is
  possible.   This  message  indicates that automatic recovery has

  User Action:  No user action is required.

40.22  –  AIJBADAREA

  inconsistent storage area <str> needs AIJ sequence number <num>

  Explanation:   The  indicated  storage  area  has  been   marked
  inconsistent  with  the rest of the database.  The AIJ file with
  the indicated sequence number is required to  commence  recovery
  of  the  area.   If  the  sequence  number  of  the  AIJ file is
  different than the indicated sequence number,  recovery  of  the
  area will not be performed.

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.

40.23  –  AIJBADPAGE

  inconsistent page  <num>  from  storage  area  <str>  needs  AIJ
  sequence number <num>

  Explanation:  The indicated page has  been  marked  inconsistent
  with  the rest of the database.  The AIJ file with the indicated
  sequence number is required to commence recovery  of  the  page.
  If  the  sequence  number  of the AIJ file is different than the
  indicated sequence number, recovery of  the  area  will  not  be

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.

40.24  –  AIJBCKACT

  AIJ modify operation not allowed; AIJ backup in progress

  Explanation:  An AIJ backup is currently in progress.  While  an
  AIJ  backup  is  in  progress,  AIJ  modify operations (such as,
  disabling AIJ journaling or changing the default  AIJ  filename)
  are not permitted.  If the AIJ backup was prematurely terminated
  by the  user,  another  AIJ  backup  must  complete  before  AIJ
  modifications are permitted.

  User Action:  Allow the AIJ backup to finish  before  attempting
  the  AIJ  modify  operation.   If the AIJ backup was prematurely
  terminated by the user, start another AIJ backup and allow it to
  complete.  The AIJ modify operation will then be possible.

40.25  –  AIJBCKACTV

  journal <str> backup (sequence <num>) already active

  Explanation:  An AIJ backup is already active for the  specified
  journal.   In  most cases, the previously active backup is being
  performed by the background AIJ  backup  server.   This  problem
  only  occurs when using the "by-sequence" AIJ backup option, and
  normally when specifying only a single AIJ sequence number value
  (i.e.  "/SEQUENCE=15").

  User Action:  Let the active backup finish before attempting  to
  start  another  AIJ backup operation, or specify both a starting
  and ending AIJ sequence number (i.e.  "/SEQUENCE=(15,15)").


  invalid AIJ backup sequence numbers (<num> through <num>)

  Explanation:   The  specified  AIJ   backup   sequence   numbers

  User Action:  Specify the sequence numbers in ascending order.

40.27  –  AIJBCKBEG

  beginning after-image journal backup operation

  Explanation:  This is an informational  message  to  inform  the
  user that the after-image backup operation has begun.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

40.28  –  AIJBCKCNFT

  cannot specify a backup filename and use SAME AS JOURNAL option

  Explanation:  An attempt was  made  to  specify  an  after-image
  backup filename and use the BACKUP SAME AS JOURNAL option.

  User Action:  Specify one or the other of the after-image backup
  options, but not both.

40.29  –  AIJBCKCUR

  cannot  backup  current  AIJ  journal  if  no  other  unmodified
  journals exist

  Explanation:  An  attempt  was  made  to  backup  the  "current"
  after-image   journal,   but  no  other  unmodified  after-image
  journals  are  available.   This   situation   occurs   when   a
  "by-sequence"  backup  is performed in the wrong order; that is,
  the current after-image journal was backed up when a  "modified"
  lower sequence after-image journal exists.

  User Action:   Backup  the  lower-sequence  after-image  journal

40.30  –  AIJBCKDIR

  AIJ-backup  filename  "<str>"  does  not  include   device   and

  Explanation:  The AIJ-backup filename specified does not include
  a device and directory.

  User Action:  For maximum protection, you should always  include
  a  device  and  directory  in the AIJ-backup file specification,
  preferably one that is different from both the  database  device
  and AIJ device.

40.31  –  AIJBCKDONE

  AIJ backup completed when accessing unmodified journal <str>

  Explanation:  An attempt  was  made  to  backup  an  after-image
  journal that has not been modified.  This normally occurs when a
  "by-sequence" is done out of order (For instance, sequence 6  is
  backed up, then sequences 5 through 7 are attempted).

  User Action:  In the above example,  the  backup  was  completed
  when  the  previously backed up AIJ sequence  6 was encountered;
  the journal containing sequence  5 was fully and  safely  backed
  up.   Restart  the backup with the next journal requiring backup
  (in the above example, sequence  7).

40.32  –  AIJBCKDSBL

  database contains  no  after-image  journals  that  qualify  for

  Explanation:  An attempt was  made  to  perform  an  after-image
  backup  for  a database that has after-image journaling disabled
  and does not have any journals that qualify  to  be  backed  up.
  This  situation  occurs if there are no after-image journals, or
  all journals are unmodified and do not require backup.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

40.33  –  AIJBCKEND

  after-image journal backup operation completed successfully

  Explanation:  This is an informational  message  to  inform  the
  user   that  the  after-image  backup  operation  has  completed

  User Action:  No user action is required.

40.34  –  AIJBCKFAIL

  the AIJ backup that created the AIJ file did not complete

  Explanation:  It appears  that  the  AIJ  backup  process,  that
  created  the  AIJ  file currently being recovered, failed or was
  prematurely terminated.   When  this  situation  occurs,  it  is
  possible that one or more transactions active at the time of the
  backup failure may not have been recovered completely.

  User Action:  Roll forward  the  next  AIJ  file,  which  should
  contain  the  commit  information for any transactions that were
  not completely recovered.  If there are no more AIJ files to  be
  rolled  forward,  then  all  transactions  have  been completely

40.35  –  AIJBCKFIL

  no after-image journal backup filename specified

  Explanation:  An attempt was made  to  back  up  an  after-image
  journal,  but no backup file name was specified, and the journal
  did not contain a default backup-file name specification.

  User Action:  Specify an after-image journal backup filename, or
  modify  the  journal  to  contain  a  default  backup-file  name

40.36  –  AIJBCKFIX

  cannot perform by-sequence AIJ backup of extensible journals

  Explanation:   An  attempt  has  been  made  to   back   up   an
  "extensible" after-image journal using the "by-sequence" command

  User Action:  Do NOT use  the  "by-sequence"  command  qualifier
  when backing up an extensible AIJ journal.

40.37  –  AIJBCKGAP

  AIJ backup completed after skipping previously backed up journal
  sequence <num>

  Explanation:  An attempt was made  to  back  up  an  after-image
  journal  that  does  not  have  the  next chronological sequence
  number.  This condition normally  occurs  when  a  "by-sequence"
  operation  is  done  out  of order.  For instance, sequence 6 is
  backed up, then sequences 5 through 7 are attempted.

  User Action:  In the above example,  the  backup  was  completed
  when  the  previously backed up AIJ sequence  6 was encountered.
  The journal containing sequence  5 was fully and  safely  backed
  up.   Restart the backup with the next journal requiring back up
  (in the above example, sequence  7).

40.38  –  AIJBCKHARD

  after-image journals cannot be backed up  due  to  unrecoverable
  data loss

  Explanation:  An attempt was made  to  back  up  an  after-image
  journal after loss of AIJ data has occurred.  One or more of the
  following events may have occurred:  1.  An inaccessible journal
  was   deleted.    2.   A  modified  journal  was  deleted  while
  journalling was disabled.  3.  A journal  was  overwritten.   4.
  Journal switch-over failed.

  User  Action:   A  full  database  backup  must  be  immediately
  performed to make the database recoverable again.

40.39  –  AIJBCKINAC

  AIJ backup completed when accessing inaccessible journal <str>

  Explanation:  An attempt  was  made  to  backup  an  after-image
  journal that is not currently accessible.

  User Action:  The specified after-image journal must be  deleted
  or unsuppressed before the backup will be allowed to proceed.

40.40  –  AIJBCKINTR

  invalid  after-image  journal  backup  interval  value   "<num>"

  Explanation:   An  invalid  AIJ  journal  backup  interval   was

  User Action:  The AIJ  journal  backup  interval  specifies  the
  number  of  seconds for which the backup utility will wait.  The
  value must be a positive number, which  may  include  the  value

40.41  –  AIJBCKMOD

  cannot  modify  AIJ  information  while  backup  is  active   or

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to modify after-image  journal
  information while an AIJ backup was in progress.

  User Action:  Wait until the AIJ backup completes.

40.42  –  AIJBCKOVR

  AIJ  backup  not  possible  when  modified  journals  have  been

  Explanation:  An attempt was  made  to  perform  an  after-image
  backup  when  one  or  more of the active AIJ journals have been
  overwritten.   Backing  up  an  AIJ  journal   that   has   been
  overwritten  is not possible, because AIJ data was lost when the
  journal was overwritten, making  the  database  non-recoverable.
  The  resulting  AIJ backup file could not be used for subsequent
  AIJ roll-forward operations.

  User Action:  Perform a full database  backup.   Once  the  full
  database  backup  has been completed, after-image journal backup
  operations will again be possible.

40.43  –  AIJBCKOVRW

  AIJ backup completed when accessing overwritten journal <str>

  Explanation:  An attempt was made  to  back  up  an  after-image
  journal that has been overwritten.

  User Action:  While an after-image journal was in progress,  the
  journal   being   backed   up  was  overwritten.   Consequently,
  data-loss has occurred, and the backup operation cannot continue
  any further.  A full database backup is required.


  /RENAME qualifier invalid when backup filespec also specified

  Explanation:  The /RENAME qualifier cannot be specified when  an
  AIJ backup filename specification is also specified, since these
  are conflicting options.

  User Action:  Specify either the /RENAME qualifier (using "" for
  the  AIJ  backup  filename  specification)  or  the  AIJ  backup
  filename specification, but not both.

40.45  –  AIJBCKSEQ

  backing up after-image journal sequence number <num>

  Explanation:   The  created  after-image  backup  file  will  be
  internally  identified with the indicated sequence number.  When
  AIJ files are rolled  forward,  the  roll-forward  utility  will
  prompt for specific AIJ sequence numbers.  The AIJ file sequence
  number should be included as a component of  any  external  file
  identification information, such as magtape labels.

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.

40.46  –  AIJBCKSTOP

  backup of after-image journal <str> did not complete

  Explanation:  The AIJ backup operation of the identified journal
  did  not  complete,  typically  because  of some previous backup
  failure condition.

  User Action:  Restart the AIJ backup operation after  correcting
  the identified problems.


  journal <str> is busy and AIJ switch-over suspended  -  add  new

  Explanation:  The AIJ switch-over  operation  is  suspended  and
  performing  the  requested  AIJ  backup operation cannot proceed
  because active processes require the specified AIJ  journal  for
  recovery reasons.

  User Action:  It is  necessary  to  add  a  new  journal  before
  performing the AIJ backup operation.

40.48  –  AIJBCKTHRS

  invalid  after-image  journal  backup  threshold  value  "<num>"

  Explanation:   An  invalid  AIJ  journal  backup  threshold  was

  User Action:  The AIJ journal  backup  threshold  specifies  the
  approximate limit on the size of the journal.  The value must be
  a positive number, which may include the value "0".

40.49  –  AIJCCHDIR

  AIJ-cache  file  name  "<str>"  does  not  include  device   and

  Explanation:  The AIJ-cache filename specified does not  include
  a device and directory.

  User Action:  For maximum protection, you should always  include
  a  device  and  directory  in  the AIJ-cache file specification,
  preferably one that is different from both the  database  device
  and AIJ device.

40.50  –  AIJCONFIRM

  Do you wish to  continue  the  roll-forward  operation  of  this
  journal [<char>]:

  Explanation:   Continue  or  terminate  the   AIJ   roll-forward
  operation with the current journal file.

  User Action:  Enter 'YES' to continue the roll-forward operation
  of  the  journal.   Enter  'NO'  to  terminate  the roll-forward
  operation of the journal.  Any response other  then  'YES'  will
  also result in the termination of the roll-forward operation.

40.51  –  AIJCORRUPT

  journal entry <num>/<num> contains <num>!1%Can  AIJBUF  with  an
  invalid  length!2%Can  AIJBL with an invalid length!3%Cthe start
  of a new AIJBL before previous AIJBL is complete!4%Ca new  AIJBL
  that doesn't have the start flag set!%E**!%F

  Explanation:  The journal contains corruption  at  the  location
  indicated (record number / block number).

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.52  –  AIJCORUPT

  The entry for AIJ <str> is marked as being corrupt.

  Explanation:  The specified AIJ file is corrupt.

  User Action:  Remove the journal from the set of journals.

40.53  –  AIJCURSEQ

  specified after-image journal contains sequence number <num>

  Explanation:  The specified  after-image  journal  contains  the
  indicated  sequence  number.   This sequence number must exactly
  match that expected by the roll-forward utility.

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.

40.54  –  AIJDATLOS

  The AIJ file has lost some data.

  Explanation:  An attempt to write data to the AIJ file failed at
  some time.

  User Action:  Verify that you have a full and complete backup of
  the  database  that postdates this journal file.  That backup is
  required to insure recoverability of the database.

40.55  –  AIJDELCUR

  cannot remove the current AIJ journal "<str>"

  Explanation:  An attempt was made  to  remove  the  AIJ  journal
  currently in use.

  User Action:  Disable AIJ journaling first, or try to remove the
  AIJ journal when the journal is no longer in use.

40.56  –  AIJDELMOD

  cannot remove AIJ journal "<str>" until backed up

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to remove an AIJ journal  that
  has not yet been backed up.

  User Action:  Disable AIJ journaling first, or  backup  the  AIJ

40.57  –  AIJDEVDIR

  AIJ filename "<str>" does not include a device/directory

  Explanation:  The after-image journal file name  specified  does
  not include a device and directory.

  User Action:  For maximum protection, you should always  include
  a device and directory in the file specification, preferably one
  that is different from the database device.


  after-image journaling must be enabled for this operation

  Explanation:  You attempted to perform  an  after-image  journal
  operation,  such as a backup of the journal file, for a database
  that has after-image journaling disabled.

  User Action:  Enable after-image journaling for  your  database,
  and try the backup again at some later time.

40.59  –  AIJDSBLCUR

  cannot manually suppress the current AIJ journal "<str>"

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to manually suppress  the  AIJ
  journal currently in use.

  User Action:  Disable AIJ journaling first, or try to unsuppress
  the AIJ journal when the journal is no longer in use.

40.60  –  AIJDSBLMOD

  cannot manually suppress AIJ journal "<str>" until backed up

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to manually  suppress  an  AIJ
  journal that has not yet been backed up.

  User Action:  Disable AIJ journaling first, or  backup  the  AIJ


  duplicate "Hot Standby" server name

  Explanation:  The specified  "Hot  Standby"  server  name  is  a
  duplicate of an existing server name on this node.

  User Action:  Specify another server name.

40.62  –  AIJEMPTY

  AIJ file <str> is empty.

  Explanation:  Every active AIJ file must have an OPEN record  as
  the first record in the file.  The AIJ file named in the message
  has no data in it.

  User Action:  Backup the database, and recreate the AIJ files.

40.63  –  AIJENABLED

  after-image journaling must be disabled

  Explanation:   You  attempted  to  perform  an  operation   that
  requires after-image journaling to be disabled, but the database
  still has after-image journaling enabled.

  User Action:  Disable after-image journaling for  your  database
  and try the operation again.  After the operation has completed,
  you can enable after-image journaling again.

40.64  –  AIJENBOVR

  enabling AIJ journaling would overwrite an existing journal

  Explanation:  Enabling after-image journaling would result in an
  existing AIJ journal being overwritte, which would result in the
  loss of AIJ data, making the database non-recoverable.

  User Action:  Modify the database to allow after-image  journals
  to be overwritten, or add a new AIJ journal.


  continuing with AIJ modification operation

  Explanation:  When an attempt was made to disable AIJ journaling
  or to change the default AIJ filename, the active AIJ file could
  not  be  opened.   This  condition  typically  occurs  only  for
  catastrophic reasons; therefore, the AIJ file is assumed to have
  contained some data records, which are  presumed  to  have  been

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.

40.66  –  AIJFILERS

          <num> error(s) validating after-image journal

  Explanation:   Errors  were  found  during  validation   of   an
  after-image journal file.

  User Action:  Backup your database and create a new  after-image
  journal file.

40.67  –  AIJFNLSEQ

  to start another AIJ file recovery, the sequence  number  needed
  will be <num>

  Explanation:  This message informs the user what  the  next  AIJ
  file  sequence  number  will  be.  AIJ file sequence numbers are
  modified for a variety of reasons (such as,  performing  an  AIJ
  backup, enabling or disabling AIJ logging, etc.).

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.

40.68  –  AIJFULL

  The AIJ files are full

  Explanation:  An attempt to write data to the  AIJ  file  failed
  because the AIJ files are full.

  User Action:  Add new AIJ files if you have some  empty  journal
  file  slots  available  or perform a noquiet-point AIJ backup to
  free some AIJ space.


  storage area <str> is now consistent

  Explanation:   The  indicated  storage  area  has  been   marked
  consistent with the rest of the database.

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.


  page <num> from storage area <str> is now consistent

  Explanation:  The indicated page has been marked consistent with
  the rest of the database.

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.

40.71  –  AIJHRDENB

  cannot unsuppress an AIJ journal that has hard data loss

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to unsuppress an  AIJ  journal
  that  experienced hard data loss.  This is not permitted because
  it would possibly leave the database in a non-recoverable state.

  User Action:  The AIJ journal must be removed.

40.72  –  AIJISOFF

  after-image journaling has been disabled

  Explanation:  After-image journaling  has  been  disabled.   The
  database  is  no  longer  recoverable.  It is highly recommended
  that after-image journaling be re-enabled as soon as possible.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

40.73  –  AIJISON

  after-image journaling has been enabled

  Explanation:  After-image  journaling  has  been  enabled.   All
  subsequent   database   operations  will  be  journaled  to  the
  "current" journal.

  User Action:  A full database backup should be performed.

40.74  –  AIJJRNBSY

  journal <str> is busy and cannot be backed up

  Explanation:  An attempt has been made to back up an after-image
  journal  that  is  currently required for process recovery.  The
  journal is considered to be "busy" until no process requires the
  journal for recovery.

  User Action:  Use the /WAIT command qualifier to  indicate  that
  the  after-image  backup  is to "wait" for the journal to become
  available; that is, the journal  becomes  available  for  backup
  when no more processes require it for recovery.

40.75  –  AIJLSSDONE

  "Hot Standby" has been shutdown

  Explanation:  "Hot Standby" has been terminated.

  User Action:  Restart the database replication operation.

40.76  –  AIJMINSZ

  allocation size is <num> blocks due to suspended AIJ switch-over
  or active replication

  Explanation:  The specified AIJ journal file allocation size was
  overwritten  with  the  optimal size indicated.  This action was
  taken to meet the requirements of the suspended AIJ  switch-over

  User Action:  None.

40.77  –  AIJMODOBS

  cannot use deprecated modification syntax with new AIJ features

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to modify an AIJ journal using
  deprecated  syntax  in a database environment where advanced AIJ
  journaling features are in use.

  User Action:  The enhanced AIJ journal modification syntax  must
  be   used  in  an  environment  where  advanced  AIJ  journaling
  features, such as multiple AIJ journals, are in use.

40.78  –  AIJMODSEQ

  next AIJ file sequence number will be <num>

  Explanation:  This message informs the user what  the  next  AIJ
  file  sequence  number  will  be.  AIJ file sequence numbers are
  modified for a variety of reasons (such as,  performing  an  AIJ
  backup, enabling or disabling AIJ logging, etc.).

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.


  AIJ switch-over suspended - add new journal or backup current

  Explanation:  The AIJ switch-over  operation  is  suspended  and
  performing the requested operation will not succeed and possibly
  result in the database being shutdown.

  User Action:  Add a new AIJ journal or, if possible, backup  the
  existing journals.


  active transactions will be aborted if you terminate recovery

  Explanation:  One or more active transactions will be aborted if
  AIJ recovery is terminated.

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational  only.   This  message  supplements  the AIJNXTSEQ

40.81  –  AIJNAMREQ

  AIJ name or filespec necessary for modify or delete operations

  Explanation:  In order to  modify  or  delete  an  existing  AIJ
  journal, either the AIJ name or the exact filename specification
  are mandatory.

  User Action:  Please specify either the AIJ name  or  the  exact
  filename specification, including VMS version number.


  there are no active transactions

  Explanation:  Upon completion of the roll-forward operations for
  the  current  AIJ  file, no transactions remain active.  The AIJ
  recovery  process  can  be  terminated  without  the   loss   of
  transaction data.

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.


  AIJ contains no transactions that qualify for backup

  Explanation:  An attempt  was  made  to  backup  an  after-image
  journal  file  that does not have any records that qualify to be
  backed  up.   This  situation  occurs  if  the   oldest   active
  checkpoint  record  is  in  the  first  block  of the AIJ.  This
  restriction is necessary to guarantee that all transactions  for
  this  process  will  be  recoverable  in the event of unexpected
  process failure.  This message is applicable only if  the  "fast
  commit" feature is enabled.

  User Action:   The  offending  process(es)  need  to  commit  or
  rollback their current transaction or unbind from the database.


  after-image journaling has not yet been enabled

  Explanation:  The after-image journal roll-forward operation has
  completed,  but  AIJ  logging  has  not  yet been enabled.  This
  message is a reminder to the user  to  enable  AIJ  logging,  if

  User Action:  If AIJ logging is desired, AIJ logging  should  be
  enabled.   Otherwise,  no user action is required.  This message
  is informational only.

40.85  –  AIJNOEXT

  extraction of this journal must start with sequence <num>

  Explanation:  The AIJ file supplied was  created  subsequent  to
  the  expected  AIJ  journal.  Usually, this condition occurs for
  the following reasons:  1) an incorrect AIJ  file  or  VMS  file
  "version"  was  specified,  2)  the  supplied  AIJ  file was not
  created for this database, 3) AIJ logging was disabled and  then
  later  enabled, or 4) a transaction is continued in this journal
  from a previous journal.

  User Action:  This is a fatal condition; extraction of  the  AIJ
  journal CANNOT start with this journal.  You MUST start recovery
  with the AIJ journal indicated by the  preceeding  AIJSEQAFT  or
  AIJSEQPRI message.

40.86  –  AIJNOOVR

  AIJ initialization not possible  when  journals  have  not  been

  Explanation:  An attempt was  made  to  perform  an  after-image
  initialization  when  none  of the active AIJ journals have been
  overwritten.   Resetting  an  AIJ  journal  that  has  not  been
  overwritten  is  not  possible,  because  AIJ data will be lost,
  making the database non-recoverable.

  User Action:  None.

40.87  –  AIJNORCVR

  recovery must start with journal sequence <num>

  Explanation:  The AIJ file supplied was  created  subsequent  to
  the  expected  AIJ  journal.  Usually, this condition occurs for
  the following reasons:  1) an incorrect AIJ  file  or  VMS  file
  "version"  was  specified,  2)  the  supplied  AIJ  file was not
  created for this database, 3) AIJ logging was disabled and  then
  later  enabled, or 4) a transaction is continued in this journal
  from a previous journal.

  User Action:  This is a fatal condition;  recovery  of  the  AIJ
  journal CANNOT start with this journal.  You MUST start recovery
  with the AIJ journal indicated by the  preceeding  AIJSEQAFT  or
  AIJSEQPRI message.

40.88  –  AIJNOTENA

  After-image journaling is not enabled

  Explanation:  Partial "by area" backups are of very limited  use
  if after-image journaling is disabled.

  User Action:  Use the RMU Set After command  or  the  SQL  ALTER
  DATABASE statement to enable after-image journaling.

40.89  –  AIJNOTFND

  expected after-image file <str> not found

  Explanation:  The after-image journal file could not be  opened.
  Either the file has been deleted, renamed, or is corrupted.

  User Action:  Execute an RMU BACKUP operation on  your  database
  and reinitialize a journal file.

40.90  –  AIJNOTON

  AIJ journaling was not active when the database was backed up

  Explanation:  AIJ journaling was not activated when the database
  backup  was  created.   However,  AIJ  journaling  may have been
  activated subsequent to the database backup,  and  AIJ  recovery
  may   be  necessary  to  fully  complete  the  database  restore

  User Action:  None.

40.91  –  AIJNXTFIL

  enter the next AIJ file name, or enter return to terminate:

  Explanation:  Enter the name of another AIJ file  to  be  rolled
  forward.   If  no  AIJ  file  name  is entered, the roll-forward
  operation is terminated.

  User Action:  Enter the name of the next AIJ file to  be  rolled
  forward.   If  you wish to terminate the roll-forward operation,
  simply hit return <CR>.

40.92  –  AIJNXTSEQ

  to continue this AIJ file recovery, the sequence  number  needed
  will be <num>

  Explanation:  This message informs the user what  the  next  AIJ
  file  sequence  number  will  be.  AIJ file sequence numbers are
  modified for a variety of reasons (such as,  performing  an  AIJ
  backup, enabling or disabling AIJ logging, etc.).

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.

40.93  –  AIJONEDONE

  AIJ file sequence <num> roll-forward operations completed

  Explanation:  The roll-forward operations for the AIJ file  with
  the  indicated sequence number have been successfully completed.
  Note that in some cases, no transactions may have been  applied;
  this is normal.

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.

40.94  –  AIJOPTRST

  Optimized AIJ journal will not be applied during restart

  Explanation:   An  optimized  AIJ  was  encountered   during   a
  restarted  AIJ  roll-forward  operation.  Since an optimized AIJ
  journal only contains 1 real transaction,  nothing  in  the  AIJ
  journal  can  be  applied  if  transaction  recovery has not yet
  commenced.  Therefore, the AIJ journal is simply  read  but  not
  applied to the database.

  User Action:  None.

40.95  –  AIJOPTSUC

  AIJ optimization completed successfully

  Explanation:  An AIJ optimization has completed successfully.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

40.96  –  AIJOVRINIT

  overwritten AIJ journal <str> has been re-initialized

  Explanation:    An   "overwritten"   AIJ   journal   has    been
  re-initialized.    This   makes   the  AIJ  journal  immediately
  available for future re-use.

  User Action:  None.

40.97  –  AIJPREPARE

  <num> of the active transactions prepared but not yet  committed
  or aborted

  Explanation:  Upon completion of the roll-forward operations for
  the current AIJ file, more than 1 transaction remains active AND
  prepared.  That is, the commit or roll-back  information  either
  resides  in the next AIJ file to be processed, or the action can
  be determined using  DECdtm  upon  completion  of  the  recovery

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.

40.98  –  AIJQUIETPT

  AIJ quiet-point backup required when commit-to-journal enabled

  Explanation:  You attempted to perform a no-quiet-point back  up
  of  an  after-image  journal  file  when  the  commit-to-journal
  feature was enabled.

  User Action:  Either disable the commit-to-journal  feature,  or
  use the quiet-point AIJ backup mechanism.

40.99  –  AIJRECARE

  Recovery of area <str> starts with AIJ file sequence <num>

  Explanation:  To complete the database  restore  operation,  AIJ
  recovery of the indicated area should be performed starting with
  the AIJ file that contains the indicated  sequence  number.   If
  there  are  no  AIJ  files  to  be  recovered, then the database
  restore operation is complete.

  User Action:  None.

40.100  –  AIJRECBEG

  recovering after-image journal "state" information

  Explanation:  When performing a full database restore operation,
  the  restore utility attempts to recover the "state" information
  of any after-image journals that were available at the  time  of
  the   backup  operation.   Recovering  the  after-image  journal
  information permits  subsequent  "automatic"  (i.e.,  hands-off)
  AIJ-recovery operations.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

40.101  –  AIJRECEND

  after-image journal "state" recovery complete

  Explanation:  The after-image journal "state" recovery operation
  has completed.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

40.102  –  AIJRECESQ

  AIJ roll-forward operations terminated due to sequence error

  Explanation:  Instead of  specifying  another  AIJ  file  to  be
  rolled forward, the AIJ roll-forward operations were prematurely
  terminated because the AIJ files were out of sequence.  In  this
  case,  it  is possible that one or more active transactions were
  aborted by the system.

  User Action:  Redo the RMU/RECOVER with the correct sequence  of
  AIJ  files,  continue  rolling  forward with the next AIJ in the
  correct sequence, or specify /COMMIT=CONTINUE to  continue  with
  the next AIJ file after skipping the missing AIJ file.

40.103  –  AIJRECFUL

  Recovery of the entire database starts with  AIJ  file  sequence

  Explanation:  If you require restoration of the database to  the
  most  recent  state,  AIJ  recovery should be performed starting
  with the AIJ file that contains the indicated  sequence  number.
  If  there  are  no  AIJ files to be recovered, then the database
  restore operation is complete.

  User Action:  None.

40.104  –  AIJRECTRM

  AIJ roll-forward operations terminated at user request

  Explanation:  Instead of  specifying  another  AIJ  file  to  be
  rolled   forward,  the  user  specified  that  AIJ  roll-forward
  operations should be prematurely terminated.  In this  case,  it
  is possible that one or more active transactions were aborted by
  the system.

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.

40.105  –  AIJREMCUR

  cannot remount the current AIJ journal "<str>"

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to  remount  the  AIJ  journal
  currently in use.

  User Action:  Disable AIJ journaling first, or  try  to  remount
  the AIJ journal when the journal is no longer in use.

40.106  –  AIJREMMOD

  cannot remount AIJ journal "<str>" due to hard data loss

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to remount an AIJ journal that
  has experienced data loss.  This is not permitted.

  User Action:  None.

40.107  –  AIJREMOK

  AIJ journal "<str>" is already fully accessible

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to remount an AIJ journal that
  is already fully accessible.

  User Action:  None.

40.108  –  AIJROOSEQ

  starting after-image journal sequence number required is <num>

  Explanation:  The after-image journal sequence number  indicated
  corresponds  to  the  first AIJ file that can be rolled forward.
  If the sequence number of the AIJ file to be rolled forward does
  not exactly match the indicated sequence number, no transactions
  will be applied.

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.

40.109  –  AIJRSTAVL

  <num> after-image journal(s) available for use

  Explanation:  This message indicates the number  of  after-image
  journals  that were successfully restored.  One or more of these
  journals may actually be modified, but all  of  them  are  valid
  after-image journals for the database.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

40.110  –  AIJRSTBAD

  journal is currently marked inaccessible

  Explanation:  The journal  that  is  in  the  process  of  being
  restored  was  marked as being inaccessible.  Consequently, this
  journal cannot be restored.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

40.111  –  AIJRSTBEG

  restoring after-image journal "state" information

  Explanation:  When performing a full database restore operation,
  the  restore utility attempts to restore the "state" information
  of any after-image journals that were available at the  time  of
  the   backup   operation.   Restoring  the  after-image  journal
  information permits  subsequent  "automatic"  (i.e.,  hands-off)
  AIJ-recovery operations.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

40.112  –  AIJRSTDEL

  journal "<str>" filename "<str>" has been removed

  Explanation:  The indicated after-image  journal  could  not  be
  successfully restored.  Therefore, the information regarding the
  journal has been removed from the database.  Note, however, that
  the specified filename was NOT deleted.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

40.113  –  AIJRSTEND

  after-image journal "state" restoration complete

  Explanation:  The  after-image  journal  restore  operation  has

  User Action:  No user action is required.

40.114  –  AIJRSTINC

  after-image journal sequence numbers are incompatible

  Explanation:  The sequence number stored in the  header  of  the
  after-image  journal  does not correspond to the sequence number
  stored in the database.  Typically, this situation occurs if the
  after-image journal was modified or backed up AFTER the database
  backup was made.  As a result, the journal information cannot be
  restored  in  the  database.   However,  the on-disk after-image
  journal  may   be   acceptable   for   subsequent   roll-forward

  User Action:  No user action is required.

40.115  –  AIJRSTJRN

  restoring journal "<str>" information

  Explanation:  The specified after-image  journal  was  available
  when  the  database was originally backed up, and restoration of
  the journal "state" will be attempted.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

40.116  –  AIJRSTMOD

  <num> after-image journal(s) marked as "modified"

  Explanation:  This message indicates the number  of  after-image
  journals  that were successfully restored, but contain data that
  needs to be backed up.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

40.117  –  AIJRSTNMD

  journal has not yet been modified

  Explanation:  The indicated after-image journal has not yet been
  modified,  and  is  available  for  immediate use.  Note that at
  least one unmodified  after-image  journal  is  required  before
  journaling can be enabled.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

40.118  –  AIJRSTROOT

  original database root file "<str>" still exists

  Explanation:  An after-image journal cannot be restored  if  the
  database for which it was originally created still exists.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

40.119  –  AIJRSTSEQ

  journal sequence number is "<num>"

  Explanation:  The indicated after-image journal was successfully
  restored.   This  message  identifies the sequence number of the

  User Action:  No user action is required.

40.120  –  AIJRSTSUC

  journal "<str>" successfully restored from file "<str>"

  Explanation:  The indicated after-image journal was successfully

  User Action:  No user action is required.

40.121  –  AIJSEQAFT

  incorrect AIJ file sequence <num> when <num> was expected

  Explanation:  The AIJ file supplied was  created  subsequent  to
  the  expected  AIJ file.  Usually, this condition occurs for the
  following reasons:   1)  an  incorrect  AIJ  file  or  VMS  file
  "version"  was  specified,  2)  the  supplied  AIJ  file was not
  created for this database, or 3) AIJ logging  was  disabled  and
  then later enabled.

  User Action:  The utility will prompt for confirmation that  the
  supplied  AIJ  file  is  valid.  If AIJ logging was disabled and
  then later enabled without any intervening database  transaction
  activity,   then   confirming  the  AIJ  file  will  permit  the
  roll-forward operation to  continue  applying  all  transactions
  contained  in  the  AIJ file.  Otherwise, the AIJ file should be
  rejected  and  the   correct   AIJ   file   specified.    Should
  confirmation be given for an incorrect AIJ file, no transactions
  will be applied.

40.122  –  AIJSEQBCK

  cannot find an AIJ journal with sequence number <num>

  Explanation:   A  "by-sequence"   after-image   journal   backup
  operation  was  attempted  with  a  sequence number that did not
  currently exist for any known AIJ journal.

  User Action:  Specify a valid AIJ sequence number, or perform  a
  full  AIJ  backup  by  not  specifying the "by-sequence" command

40.123  –  AIJSEQPRI

  AIJ  file  sequence  number  <num>  created  prior  to  expected
  sequence <num>

  Explanation:  The after-image journal supplied was created prior
  to  the  expected  AIJ file.  Usually, this condition occurs for
  the following reasons:  1) an incorrect AIJ  file  or  VMS  file
  "version"  was  specified,  2)  the  supplied  AIJ  file was not
  created for this database, or 3) a database backup was performed
  subsequent to the AIJ backup.

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational   only.    The  AIJ  roll-forward  operation  will
  continue to completion, although no transactions will be applied
  from the AIJ file.


  standby database AIJ signature does not match master database

  Explanation:  The number of AIJ journal slots  ("reserved"),  or
  the specific journal allocation sizes, are not identical on both
  the master and standby databases.

  User Action:  Make sure both the master and standby database AIJ
  journal  configurations  are  identical.   Ensure  that  the AIJ
  journal device "cluster size" is identical on  both  the  master
  and standby databases.

40.125  –  AIJTADINV

  after-image file "<str>",
  contains incorrect time stamp
  expected between <time> and <time>, found:  <time>

  Explanation:  The time stamp on  the  after-image  journal  file
  specifies  a  time later than the current time or a time earlier
  than the time that the database could have been created.  Such a
  time is incorrect.  Verification of the root continues.

  User Action:  Execute an RMU BACKUP operation on  your  database
  and reinitialize a journal file.


  inaccessible AIJ file forced image exit to protect database

  Explanation:  To maintain the integrity  of  the  database,  the
  database  system  has  forced  your image to exit.  An error has
  been encountered with one or more of  the  after-image  journals
  that  could  jeopardize  your  ability  to  recover the database
  should  a  it  become  necessary  to  restore  and  recover  the
  database.   Until  the  journaling  problem has been remedied no
  further updates to the database are allowed.

  User Action:  The RMU or DBO /DUMP/HEADER=JOURNAL  command  will
  display the current state of the journals.  Various remedies are
  possible, depending on the error  encountered.   Contact  Oracle
  Support  if  you  have  questions  on  how  to  fix the problem.
  Typically, disabling and re-enabling journaling is the  simplest
  way  to  restore  operation  of  the database.  This can be done
  using the DBO or RMU SET AFTER command, or from interactive SQL.
  After  the  journaling problem has been resolved a full database
  backup must be done to ensure that the database can be  restored
  and recovered successfully in the future.

40.127  –  AIJVNOSYNC

  AIJ file <str> synchronized with database

  Explanation:   When  recovering  a  database   for   which   AIJ
  journaling  was  enabled,  it  may  be  necessary to synchronize
  information in the AIJ file with  information  in  the  database
  root  file.   This  is  necessary  to ensure that subsequent AIJ
  recovery operations are successful.

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.

40.128  –  AIJWASON

  AIJ journaling was active when the database was backed up

  Explanation:  AIJ journaling was  activated  when  the  database
  backup was created.  Therefore, AIJ recovery may be necessary to
  fully complete the database restore operation.

  User Action:  None.

40.129  –  AIJ_DISABLED

  after-image journaling is being  disabled  temporarily  for  the
  Convert operation

  Explanation:  The user's  database  has  after-image  journaling
  enabled.   Journaling  must  be  disabled  during an RMU convert

  User Action:  Use Rdb to disable after-image journaling  on  the
  database before conversion, or convert the database knowing that
  any  existing  backups  of  the  database  that  exist  will  be
  obsolete!    A   full  backup  must  be  done  immediately  upon
  completion of the RMU Convert command.

40.130  –  AIPBADNXT

  in area inventory page <num> the pointer to the
  next area inventory page <num> does not point to another
  area inventory page, bad page or wrong pointer

  Explanation:  An area inventory page contains a bad  pointer  to
  the  next  area  inventory page.  The page referred to is not an
  AIP page.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command and
  verify the database again.

40.131  –  AIPENTMBZ

  entry <num> in area inventory page <num> has never
  been used, but is not empty.  It should contain all zeroes

  Explanation:  The page contains an entry that is not in use, but
  is not empty.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command and
  verify the database again.

40.132  –  AIPLAREID

  area inventory page <num> entry  <num> contains a
  reference to logical area <num> that is nonexistent

  Explanation:  The AIP page  entry  contains  a  reference  to  a
  logical area of which it is not a part.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command and
  verify the database again.

40.133  –  ALRATTDB

  command not allowed - already attached to a database

  Explanation:  The RMU ALTER ATTACH command is being issued  when
  another database is currently attached.

  User Action:  Issue an RMU ALTER DETACH command to  detach  from
  the  current  database.   Then  reissue  the  RMU  ALTER  ATTACH

40.134  –  ALSACTIVE

  Database replication is active

  Explanation:  Certain database operations, such  as  terminating
  the   AIJ   Log  Server,  cannot  be  performed  while  database
  replication is active.

  User Action:  Terminate database replication and re-attempt  the

40.135  –  ALSNACTIVE

  Database replication is not active

  Explanation:   Database  replication  is  not  active  for   the
  specified database.

  User Action:  Verify that the database is being replicated.

40.136  –  ALSNAVAIL

  "Hot Standby" not available or improperly installed

  Explanation:  "Hot Standby" cannot be started because it has not
  been installed.

  User Action:  Make sure the "Hot  Standby"  component  has  been
  properly installed.

40.137  –  ALSNBEGUN

  database replication has not previously been started

  Explanation:  Database replication has not yet been started  for
  this database.

  User  Action:   You  specified  the  replication-start   command
  without  identifying  the master or standby database.  This type
  of command can only be used when database replication  has  been
  previously started.

40.138  –  ALSNOOUT

  AIJ Log Server does not have an output file

  Explanation:  The AIJ Log Server process does not have an output
  file associated with it.

  User Action:  Use the /OUTPUT qualifier  to  specify  an  output
  filename when the AIJ Log Server process is started.

40.139  –  ALSNRUNNING

  AIJ Log Server process is not active

  Explanation:  The AIJ Log Server process is not running  on  the
  current node.

  User Action:  Verify that the AIJ Log Server has been started.

40.140  –  ALSRUNNING

  AIJ Log Server process is already running

  Explanation:  The  AIJ  Log  Server  process  has  already  been
  started on the current node.

  User Action:  No action is required.

40.141  –  ALTWARN

  ***** WARNING!  *****
  Marking a storage area or page consistent does not
  remove the inconsistencies.  Remove any inconsistencies
  or corruptions before you proceed with this action.

  Explanation:  This command merely changes the  marked  state  of
  the  area  or  page from inconsistent to consistent.  The object
  was originally marked  inconsistent  because  its  contents  are
  potentially  incompatible  with  the  remainder of the database.
  Normal usage is to recover from after image journals  to  return
  the  object  to  consistency.   Changing  the  object's state to
  consistent without actually  updating  its  contents  may  cause
  unexpected  failures  or  wrong  results to be returned when the
  object is used.

  User Action:  Either use recovery from after image  journals  to
  make  the  area  or  page  consistent, or locate and correct any
  inconsistencies before proceeding.  One may also proceed,  as  a
  temporary  measure,  to  evaluate  the  situation, or to provide
  access for corrective action, or until corrective action can  be

40.142  –  AREABUSY

  usage of storage area <str> conflicts with a co-user

  Explanation:  You attempted to ready an  area  that  is  already
  being   accessed  by  another  user,  and  that  usage  mode  is
  incompatible with the usage mode you requested.

  User Action:  Wait until  the  storage  area  you  requested  is
  available,  and  try  again,  or  ready  the  area with the WAIT

40.143  –  AREAEXCL

  Nothing restored for storage area - <str>

  Explanation:  Either the  area  that  was  to  be  restored  was
  excluded  from  the  specified  backup file, or this incremental
  restore contained no data for the area.

  User Action:  If you expected some data to be restored, select a
  backup  that  contains  the  area and restore the area from that
  backup, or restore the entire database from a full  backup  that
  includes all defined areas.

40.144  –  AREAINCON

  area <str> is marked as inconsistent.

  Explanation:  The area has been restored from a backup  but  not

  User Action:  Make the area consistent by using the RMU  Recover

40.145  –  AREAISCRPT

  Area <str> is already marked corrupt.

  Explanation:  You are trying to mark as corrupt an area that  is
  already marked corrupt.

  User Action:  Specify a different area, and  enter  the  command


  /UNTIL qualifier ignored when /AREA qualifier specified

  Explanation:  The  /UNTIL  qualifier  to  the  AIJ  roll-forward
  utility is ignored when the /AREA qualifier is also specified.

  User Action:  None necessary.

40.147  –  AREA_CORRUPT

  storage area <str> is corrupt

  Explanation:  The storage area has been corrupted by an abnormal
  termination of a BATCH UPDATE run unit.  It cannot be readied.

  User Action:  Either try to fix the  problem  by  verifying  the
  area  and  then altering the corrupt pages or reload/restore the

40.148  –  AREA_DELETED

  area is not active or was previously deleted

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to ready an  area  which  does
  not exist.


  storage area <str> is inconsistent

  Explanation:  The storage area has been marked inconsistent with
  the rest of the database.  It cannot be readied.

  User Action:  Recover the area to make it consistent.

40.150  –  AREA_RESTRUCT

  storage area <str> is under restructure

  Explanation:  An attempt was made  to  ready  an  area  that  is
  either   presently   being  or  in  the  recent  past  has  been

  User Action:  See your DBA to have the areas released.

40.151  –  ASCLENGTR

  ASCII length must be greater than 0

  Explanation:  The value supplied as the  ASCII  length  must  be
  greater than 0.

  User Action:  Issue the command with a length greater than 0.

40.152  –  AUDITRECINV

  Invalid record read from audit file, record number <num>.

  Explanation:  An audit file record  is  invalid  and  cannot  be
  loaded.   Correct  the  problem or repeat the load starting from
  the record after the bad record using /SKIP=n  where  n  is  the
  record number in the error message.

40.153  –  AUTH_FAILURE

  Network    authentication/authorization    failure.      Invalid
  username/password  or  client not authorized to access specified

  Explanation:  The convert operation cannot be committed.  Either
  the  convert operation was already committed or the database was
  created using the current version of Oracle Rdb.

  User Action:  Use the RMU Show Version command  to  verify  that
  the  correct  version  of  RMU is executing.  Use the RMU Verify
  command to determine if the database has already been converted.

40.154  –  AUTH_REMEXEC

  Explicit authentication required for remote executor creation

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to create an RMU executor on a
  remote node by a client that was implicitly authenticated.  When
  executing a  parallel  backup  across  a  cluster  the  logicals
  SQL_USERNAME and SQL_PASSWORD must be defined.

  User Action:  Define SQL_USERNAME and SQL_PASSWORD  logicals  to
  be your username and password, respectively.

40.155  –  BACFILCOR

  Backup file is corrupt

  Explanation:  The backup file  is  corrupt,  most  likely  as  a
  result of truncation.

  User Action:  This  error  is  fatal.   No  restoration  of  the
  database is possible using this backup file.

40.156  –  BACFILCOR_01

  Converted  root  is  version   <num>.<num>,   expected   version

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.157  –  BACFILCOR_02

  Unable to read buffer from backup file

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.158  –  BACFILCOR_03

  Unexpected condition after end of volume detected

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.159  –  BACFILCOR_04

  Buffer from backup file is for area <num>, expected area <num>

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.160  –  BACFILCOR_05

  Data page was restored before the data header

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.161  –  BACFILCOR_06

  Data page cannot be restored without data header

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.162  –  BACFILCOR_07

  Unrecognized backup file record type

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.163  –  BACFILCOR_08

  Backup file record type must be subschema or security schema

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.164  –  BACFILCOR_09

  Invalid ID for ACL or name table

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.165  –  BACFILCOR_10

  Page <num> is not in the backup file

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for


  unexpected end of backup file on <str>

  Explanation:  Block read from backup file is  not  from  current
  backup file.  Likely, this is the result of corrupted media from
  an incomplete backup.

  User Action:

40.167  –  BADABMFET

  error fetching ABM page <num> in area <str>

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt to  fetch  the
  given  ABM  page.   This could be because of a corruption in the
  RDB$SYSTEM area.

  User Action:  If there is a corruption that causes  this  error,
  correct  the  error with the RMU Restore command, and verify the
  database again.

40.168  –  BADABMIND

  max set bit index of area bit map page <num>
  for logical area <num> out of range
  expected to be in range 0 :  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The maximum bit set index of the current area  bit
  map page is out of range.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command and
  verify the database again.

40.169  –  BADABMPAG

         error verifying ABM pages

  Explanation:  Errors verifying ABM pages.

  User Action:  Verify  the  logical  area  corresponding  to  the
  corrupt ABM pages.

40.170  –  BADABMPTR

  invalid larea for ABM page <num> in storage area <num>.
  The SPAM page entry for this page is for a different larea.
  SPAM larea_dbid :  <num> page larea_dbid:  <num>.

  Explanation:  The logical area contained in the page tail of  an
  ABM  page  is  different than the logical area indicated for the
  page in the SPAM page.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command and
  verify the database again.

40.171  –  BADACCMOD

  Access mode of <num> is invalid  for  area  <str>  (FILID  entry

  Explanation:  The FILID entry contains an  invalid  access  mode

  User Action:  Restore and recover the database from backup.

40.172  –  BADAIJACE

  after-image journal is electronic cache

  Explanation:  You have  attempted  to  use  the  AIJ  Cache  for
  Electronic  disk  for  an operation which is not supported.  For
  instance, you may have tried to use the electronic cache as  the
  roll-forward journal, which is incorrect.

  User Action:  Do not use the AIJ Cache for Electronic  disk  for
  day-to-day  operations.  Use the disk-based after-image journals
  for all roll-forward or AIJ operations.

40.173  –  BADAIJBCK

  previous AIJ backup did not complete

  Explanation:  It appears  that  the  previous  AIJ  file  backup
  process,  which  was  started on the indicated date/time, either
  failed or was prematurely terminated by the user.

  User Action:  No user action required.  The current  AIJ  backup
  will  backup the complete AIJ file to ensure there is no loss of
  transactions.  The AIJ file created by the failed backup utility
  MUST be preserved; DO NOT discard the AIJ backup file created by
  the failed backup utility.  Even though the AIJ  backup  failed,
  the  AIJ  backup  file  must be used for successful roll-forward

40.174  –  BADAIJFILE

  illegal  after-image  journal  format  or  journal   incorrectly

  Explanation:  The file you specified does not appear  to  be  an
  after-image  journal  file.  For example, when performing an AIJ
  roll-forward  operation  using  an  after-image  journal  on   a
  magnetic   tape,   this  problem  will  occur  if  the  tape  is
  incorrectly mounted.

  User Action:  Check the file name and try again.  Verify that  a
  magnetic tape was correctly mounted.

40.175  –  BADAIJID

  the after-image journal contains a bad identification
  expected:  "<str>", found:  "<str>"

  Explanation:  OPEN record of the  after-image  journal  contains
  the wrong id.

  User Action:  Your after-image journal file cannot  be  used  to
  roll forward your database.  You should backup your database and
  create a new after-image journal file.

40.176  –  BADAIJPN

  There is no name associated with AIJ entry <num>.

  Explanation:  There is an active entry in the table of AIJ files
  in  the  root file, but there is no name associated with the AIJ

  User Action:  Disable journals, then  correct  or  redefine  the
  journals  with  the  RMU  Set After_Journal command or SQL ALTER
  DATABASE statements.  Next, reenable journals and perform a full
  and complete backup to insure future recoverability.

40.177  –  BADAIJSEQ

  AIJ file is incorrect for roll-forward operations

  Explanation:  The specified AIJ file is not the correct file  to
  be  rolled-forward.   Usually,  this  condition  occurs  for the
  following reasons:   1)  an  incorrect  AIJ  file  or  VMS  file
  "version"  was  specified,  2)  the  supplied  AIJ  file was not
  created for this database, or 3) AIJ logging  was  disabled  and
  then later enabled.

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.

40.178  –  BADAIJTYP

  the first block of the after-image file should  be  of  an  OPEN
  expected:  "O", found "<str>"

  Explanation:   The  after-image  journal  file  (AIJ)  does  not
  contain  an  OPEN  record  in  its  first block, and will not be
  usable to roll forward your database.

  User Action:  Execute an RMU BACKUP operation on  your  database
  and reinitialize a journal file.

40.179  –  BADAIJUNTIL

  date specified by /UNTIL (<time>) has not yet been reached

  Explanation:  The date and time specified by the /UNTIL  command
  qualifier  had  not  yet  been  reached when after-image journal
  roll-forward operations were completed.

  User Action:  Another after-image journal, if any, might have to
  be  rolled  forward  to  ensure  that all transactions have been
  applied up to the specified date and time.  If no more AIJ files
  are available, the AIJ roll-forward operations are complete.

40.180  –  BADAIJVER

  after-image journal version is  incompatible  with  the  runtime

  Explanation:  Your after-image journal file was created with  an
  incompatible version of the software.

  User Action:  Your after-image journal file cannot be used  with
  the  version of the software you have installed on your machine.
  Make  sure  you  are  using  the  correct  AIJ  journal,  or  if
  "multi-version"  software  is installed, make sure you are using
  the correct software version.

40.181  –  BADAIPARE

  storage area <str> contains references
  to a logical area reserved for the AIP pages
  Logical area <num>, in storage area <num>

  Explanation:   A  storage  area  other  then  storage   area   1
  references the reserved logical area 16385.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command and
  verify the database again.

40.182  –  BADAIPFET

  error fetching AIP page <num> in area <str>

  Explanation:  An error occurred during a fetch of  an  AIP  page
  from disk.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.183  –  BADAIPPAG

  error verifying the AIP pages

  Explanation:  Because the  AIP  pages  are  used  to  build  the
  information  about the database they must be correct in order to
  pursue the verification.

  User Action:  Restore the database from the last backup.

40.184  –  BADASCTOID

  "<str>" is not a valid user identifier

  Explanation:  An error occurred when  the  rights  database  was
  accessed to translate an identifier name to a binary identifier.

  User Action:  See the secondary  error  message,  and  supply  a
  valid user identifier.

40.185  –  BADBKTDBK

  Area <str>
  Bad  logical  area   DBID   in   hash   bucket   logical   dbkey
  Expected <num>, found <num> (hex).

  Explanation:  An invalid logical area identifier  was  found  in
  the  hash  bucket dbkey.  The id should match that of the hashed
  index currently being verified.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.186  –  BADBKTFLG

  Area <str>
  Flags in hash bucket at logical dbkey <num>:<num>:<num> are  not
  Expected <num>, found <num> (hex).

  Explanation:  The hash bucket  flags  are  not  currently  used.
  They should be zero.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.187  –  BADBKTFRA

  Area <str>
  Tried to read past end of hash bucket fragment.
  Fragment at logical dbkey <num>:<num>:<num> is corrupt.

  Explanation:  The length of the given  hash  bucket  is  greater
  than expected.  The hash bucket is probably corrupt.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.188  –  BADBKTIID

  Area <str>
  Bad   index   DBID   in   hash   bucket   at    logical    dbkey
  Expected <num>, found <num> (hex).

  Explanation:  An invalid storage type identifier  was  found  in
  the  hash  bucket.   The  id  should be that of the hashed index
  currently being verified.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.189  –  BADBKTRDY

  error readying larea <num> for bucket of index <str>

  Explanation:  The logical area corresponding to the hash  bucket
  for the hash index could not be readied.

  User Action:  Check  if  there  are  conflicting  users  of  the
  database.  If so, verify this portion of the database when there
  are no conflicting users.  Rebuild the index if it is corrupt.

40.190  –  BADBLBHDR

  Header information could not be retrieved for segmented string.

  Explanation:  An attempt to get the  statistics  stored  at  the
  beginning of a segmented string failed.

  User Action:  Restore  and  recover  the  storage  area  from  a

40.191  –  BADBLKSIZE

  <str> has inconsistent block size

  Explanation:  Block read from backup file had a different  block
  size than originally written.

  User Action:

40.192  –  BADBNDPRM

  bad bind parameter <str> value "<str>"

  Explanation:  The logical bind parameter value is invalid.

  User  Action:   See  the  secondary  error  message   for   more

40.193  –  BADBNDPRM0

  bad bind parameter

  Explanation:  A logical bind parameter value is invalid.

  User  Action:   See  the  secondary  error  message   for   more
  information.   Because  of  unfortunate  logistics,  no  further
  information is available at this point, check  the  Monitor  log
  for more info.

40.194  –  BADBOUNDS

  value not in range <num> to <num>

  Explanation:  The value of the translated logical name is not in
  the range of acceptable values.

  User Action:  Delete the logical name, or  redefine  it  with  a
  value in the acceptable range.

40.195  –  BADBUFSIZ

  buffer size (<num>) is too small for largest page size (<num>)

  Explanation:  Specified buffer size is too small  to  hold  even
  one page from the storage area with the largest page size.

40.196  –  BADCCHNAM

  record cache "<str>" does not exist

  Explanation:  The specified record cache is not defined  in  the

  User Action:  Please specify a valid record cache name.


  <num> client sequences allocated in the root is less than  <num>
  client sequences defined in RDB$SEQUENCES.

  Explanation:  There is an inconsistency between  the  number  of
  client  sequences  allocated in the database root and the number
  of client sequences defined in the system  table  RDB$SEQUENCES.
  This causes database corruption.


  <num> client sequences allocated in the root is  less  than  the
  maximum client sequence id of <num> in RDB$SEQUENCES.

  Explanation:  There is an inconsistency between  the  number  of
  client  sequences  allocated in the database root and the number
  of client sequences defined in the system  table  RDB$SEQUENCES.
  This causes database corruption.


  <num> client sequences in use in the root does not  equal  <num>
  client sequences defined in RDB$SEQUENCES.

  Explanation:  There is an inconsistency between  the  number  of
  client  sequences  in use in the database root and the number of
  client sequences defined  in  the  system  table  RDB$SEQUENCES.
  This causes database corruption.

40.200  –  BADCPLBIT

  storage area <str> belongs to a single-file database

  Explanation:  The COUPLED bit in  the  FILID  of  this  area  is
  incorrect.  It is currently marked as belonging to a single-file
  database, while there are many areas in the database.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the  RMU  Restore  command,
  and verify the database again.

40.201  –  BADCURAIJ

  The entry that is identified as the current AIJ is not active.

  Explanation:  The entry in the list of AIJ files that is  marked
  as the current AIJ in the root file is not an active entry.

  User Action:  Disable journals, then  correct  or  redefine  the
  journals  with  the  RMU  Set After_Journal command or SQL ALTER
  DATABASE statements.  Finally, reenable journals and  perform  a
  full and complete backup to insure future recoverability.

40.202  –  BADDATA

  error in block <num> of <str> detected during backup

  Explanation:  Corruption of a  block  of  the  backup  file  was

  User Action:  None.  But you  should  investigate  the  possible
  sources of the corruption.

40.203  –  BADDATDEF

  illegal default format for date string

  Explanation:  The logical name, SYS$DATE_INPUT,  represents  the
  default format for a date string.  It is a three-character field
  (MDY,DMY, etc.), in which M = month, D = day, and Y = year.

  User Action:  Redefine the logical name with a legal date-string

40.204  –  BADDBID

  The DBID field for FILID entry number <num> does not
  match its position in the FILID list in the root.
  Instead, the DBID field contains <num>.

  Explanation:  The FILID  list  contains  information  about  all
  areas  in  the database.  The DBID field in an entry for an area
  in the FILID list should match its position in  the  list.   The
  only  exception  is  for inactive entries in the list, where the
  DBID field may contain 0.  This error indicates that  the  entry
  does not contain a valid value in its DBID field.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the database from backup.

40.205  –  BADDBKFET

  Error fetching dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  An error occurred during a fetch of the line  with
  the given dbkey

  User Action:  Verify the page in  question,  and  check  if  the
  database needs to be restored.

40.206  –  BADDBNAME

  can't find database root <str>

  Explanation:  The database root file you specified could not  be

  User Action:  Examine the associated messages to  determine  the
  reason for failure.

40.207  –  BADDBPRO

  <str> file does not belong to
  database <str>
  found references to database <str>

  Explanation:  While validating the prologue page of an  area  it
  was  discovered that it contained references to a database other
  than the one being verified.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.  If this
  error is encountered while performing an  RMU  Convert  command,
  then it indicates that the database file was manually moved from
  its original location.  If  this  is  the  case,  then  its  new
  location  must  be  made known through the use of an RMU Convert
  options file and the RMU Convert command must be rerun using the
  options file.

40.208  –  BADDBTDBK

  Area <str>
  Bad  logical  area   DBID   in   duplicate   hash   node   dbkey
  Expected <num>, found <num> (hex).

  Explanation:  An invalid logical area identifier  was  found  in
  the  duplicate  hash  node  dbkey.  The id should be that of the
  hashed index currently being verified.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.209  –  BADDENSITY

  The specified tape density is invalid for this device

  Explanation:  This tape device does  not  accept  the  specified

  User Action:  Specify a valid tape density for  this  device  or
  use the default density.

40.210  –  BADDHSHDT

  error fetching data record from duplicate hash bucket

  Explanation:  An error occurred during a fetch of a data  record
  from a duplicate hash bucket.

  User Action:  Ascertain if the  index  is  corrupt  by  manually
  verifying  related system records and hash buckets after dumping
  pages of the database.  If the index is corrupt, rebuild it.

40.211  –  BADDSGLEN

  Bad length of data segment in segmented string.
  Expected:  <num> found:  <num>.

  Explanation:  The actual length of a data segment  (found  part)
  of  a  segmented  string  is not equal to the length of the data
  segment stored in the corresponding  pointer  segment  (expected
  part)  of  the  segmented string.  See accompanying messages for
  the segmented string context.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.212  –  BADDSGPSG

  Bad number of data segments found in segmented string
  pointer segment.
  Expected:  <num> found:  <num>.

  Explanation:  The actual number of data segments (found part) in
  a  pointer  segment  of  a  segmented string is greater than the
  number of data segments stored in the pointer segment  (expected
  part).   See  accompanying  messages  for  the  segmented string

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.213  –  BADENDLVL

  Last b-tree level at level <num> had non-null next pointer.
  Last b-tree node points to logical dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:   An  index  verification  error  was  found   when
  verifying  the  next  b-tree  node  of  a b-tree node.  The next
  b-tree node of a b-tree node B at level L is the  next  level  L
  node on the right of b-tree node B.  The rightmost node at level
  L should point to the NULL dbkey.  In this case it pointed to  a
  different dbkey.

40.214  –  BADENTITY

  entity "<str>" does not exist in this database.

  Explanation:  The specified database entity is invalid.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.


  Executor count is out of range.

  Explanation:  The plan file specified either too many or too few
  executors.  For the RMU Load command, there must be at least one
  executor and at most 255 executors.

  User Action:  Specify an appropriate number of executors in  the
  plan file.

40.216  –  BADEXTPCT

  Extend percent value of <num> is invalid for area  <str>  (FILID
  entry <num>)

  Explanation:  The FILID entry contains an invalid extend percent

  User Action:  Restore and recover the database from backup.

40.217  –  BADFIELDID

  Column does not exist in table "<str>".

  Explanation:  The specified column is not in the table.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

40.218  –  BADFILID

  errors in FILID entries, unable to continue the verification

  Explanation:  The errors for some FILID entries are too  serious
  to continue the verification of the database.

  User Action:  Restore the database from the last backup.

40.219  –  BADFILTYP

  database file must have extension "<str>"

  Explanation:  All database files must have  the  specified  file

  User Action:  You might be attempting to access  a  non-database
  file.   If  not,  rename  or  copy the database file to have the
  proper type.

40.220  –  BADFNMAIJ

  after-image journal file contains references to wrong database
  expected:  "<str>", found:  "<str>"

  Explanation:   The  database  root  file  name  stored  in  your
  after-image   journal  file  differs  from  the  database  being
  verified.  This could be caused by the root file being moved  or
  restored  to  a different location.  It also could mean that the
  journal file is being used by other databases.  This could occur
  when  non-system-wide concealed logical names are used to create
  databases or AIJ files.

  User Action:  There is a danger that the AIJ is for  a  database
  other  than the database being verified.  You should backup your
  database and create a new after-image journal file.

40.221  –  BADFRACHN

  area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  unexpected non-secondary fragment

  Explanation:  The current fragment in the  fragment  chain  does
  not  indicate  that  this  is  a  'secondary'  fragment  and the
  'primary' fragment in the chain has  already  been  encountered.
  This  message  is  followed  by  a  line indicating the previous
  record occurrence of the invalid fragment chain.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.222  –  BADFRAEND

  area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  bad last fragment pointer
  expected:  <num>:<num>, found:  <num>:<num>

  Explanation:  The 'final' fragment of  the  fragment  chain  was
  encountered  but  its fragment pointer did not point back to the
  'primary' fragment of the chain.  The chain  has  probably  been
  corrupted;  that is, one of the fragments in the chain points to
  the wrong 'next' fragment.  This message is followed by  a  line
  indicating   the  previous  record  occurrence  of  the  invalid
  fragment chain.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.223  –  BADFRALEN

  area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  bad expanded fragment length
  expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The total record length stored  in  the  'primary'
  fragment  indicated  a  record  length  different from the total
  amount of data in the actual fragment chain.  The  total  record
  length  in  the  primary fragment may be incorrect or one of the
  fragments in the chain may have the wrong length  or  the  chain
  has  been  corrupted; that is, one of the fragments in the chain
  points to the wrong 'next' fragment.  This message  is  followed
  by  a  line  indicating  the  previous  record occurrence of the
  invalid fragment chain.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.224  –  BADFRAPTR

  area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  bad fragment chain pointer
  expected <num> through <num>, found page number <num>

  Explanation:  The page number in the  fragment  pointer  of  the
  fragmented  storage  record  points to a page that is out of the
  page range for the storage area.  This message is followed by  a
  line  indicating  the  previous record occurrence of the invalid
  fragment chain, unless the error  is  detected  in  the  primary
  storage  segment of the chain.  The 'previous segment' line will
  not appear when this same error occurs,  as  the  bad  secondary
  storage segment is verified out of fragment chain context during
  segment verification.  That is, this message will usually  occur
  twice;  once  with  the  'previous  segment'  message  when  the
  fragment chain is  walked  to  collect  the  fragmented  storage
  record together for verification, and once without the 'previous
  segment' message, when the fragment is verified out of  fragment
  chain context.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.225  –  BADFRASEG

  area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  Bad fragment chain.
  Expected fragment does not exist.

  Explanation:  The line number in the  fragment  pointer  of  the
  previous  storage  record  in  the  fragment  chain  points to a
  nonexistent line.  This message is followed by a line indicating
  the previous record occurrence of the invalid fragment chain.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.226  –  BADHDADBK

  Bad  logical  area  DBID  in  hashed  index  data  record  dbkey
  Found <num> (hex).

  Explanation:  During  the  verification  operation,  an  invalid
  logical  area  identifier  was  found  in  the hashed index data
  record dbkey.  The id should match the  relation  on  which  the
  hashed index is defined.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.227  –  BADHSHBKT

  area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  hash bucket DBID differs from expected DBID
  expected:  <num> (hex), found:  <num> (hex)

  Explanation:  The storage record type database  id  for  a  hash
  bucket  is  a  constant  value.  It does not equal this constant
  value in this case.  This could be a corruption  of  the  system
  record pointer cluster or the data record itself.

  User Action:  Rebuild the index if  the  system  record  pointer
  cluster is corrupted.

40.228  –  BADHSHDAT

  error fetching data record from hash bucket <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  An error occurred during a fetch of a data  record
  from a hash bucket.

  User Action:  Ascertain if the  index  is  corrupt  by  manually
  verifying  related system records and hash buckets after dumping
  pages of the database.  If the index is corrupt, rebuild it.

40.229  –  BADIDXREL

  Index <str> either points to a non-existent record or
  has multiple pointers to a record in table <str>.
  The logical dbkey in the index is <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  An index contains a dbkey for  a  record  but  the
  dbkey  is  not a valid one for the relation corresponding to the
  index or the index contains multiple instances of the dbkey.

  User Action:  Recreate the index for the table.

40.230  –  BADIDXVAL

  Statistics API:  The info request row index is not valid

  Explanation:  A statistics API request has been made for  a  row
  that does not exist.

  User Action:  Correct the row index.


  inconsistent page is corrupt -- not found in Corrupt Page Table

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to fetch an inconsistent page.
  Furthermore,  the  page  is  probably corrupt, because it is not
  logged in the Corrupt Page Table as an inconsistent page.   This
  page cannot be accessed until it is consistent.

  User  Action:   Take  the  proper  action  to  make   the   page
  consistent.   For  example,  perform a RESTORE/RECOVER operation
  for a data or AIP page, or a REPAIR operation for a SPAM or  ABM

40.232  –  BADLAREA

  could not ready logical area <num>,
  valid logical areas are between <num> and <num>

  Explanation:  The page contains a reference to  a  logical  area
  that does not exist.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command and
  verify the database again.

40.233  –  BADLIBLOG

  An invalid LIBRARIAN logical name has been specified.

  Explanation:  Incorrect  sytax  was  specified  for  defining  a
  logical name with the LIBRARIAN qualifier.

  User Action:  Repeat the command using the correct logical  name

40.234  –  BADMAXPNO

  unable to read last page (<num>) in file <str>

  Explanation:  The attempt to read the last page of  the  storage
  area  failed.   The  highest initialized page value in the FILID
  could be corrupt.

  User Action:  If the FILID is corrupt, restore the database  and
  verify the database root again.

40.235  –  BADMESSAGE

  Network error:  Bad message detected.

  Explanation:  A bad message was detected; possibly  a  corrupted

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.236  –  BADMETDAT

  Conversion not possible because of nonconforming metadata

  Explanation:  The metadata being converted does not  conform  to
  the  expectations  for  the  version  being  converted.  You can
  receive this error message as a result of a data  corruption  or
  prior unsupported metadata changes.

  User Action:  Use EXPORT - IMPORT to convert this database.

40.237  –  BADMODE

  <str> is an illegal transaction type

  Explanation:  A legal  transaction  type  is  either  EXCLUSIVE,
  PROTECTED,  or  SHARED.  It can be abbreviated down to as little
  as one character.

  User Action:  Use  only  EXCLUSIVE,  PROTECTED,  or  SHARED  for
  transaction type mode.

40.238  –  BADNODEID

  index id invalid for b-tree node <num>:<num>:<num>
  expected:  <num> (hex), found <num> (hex)

  Explanation:  The B-tree node at the given logical dbkey  has  a
  different   index   id  than  expected.   The  index  id  for  a
  nonpartioned index is the same as the logical  area  id  of  the
  index.  The index id for a partioned index is zero.

  User Action:  Rebuild the index and verify the database again.

40.239  –  BADNODLEV

  B-tree node at logical dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>  not  at  correct
  Expected level <num>, found <num>.

  Explanation:  The "next b-tree node" of a b-tree node is not  at
  the  correct  level  in the node's b-tree structure.  Both nodes
  should be at the same level.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.240  –  BADNUMVAL

  <str> is an illegal numeric value for <str>

  Explanation:  A non-numeric character  was  encountered  for  an
  qualifier that takes a numeric value.

  User Action:  Use only numeric characters for  this  qualifier's

40.241  –  BADNXTDBK

  Bad  logical  area  DBID  in  next  b-tree  node  logical  dbkey
  Expected <num>, found <num> (hex).

  Explanation:  An invalid logical area identifier was found in  a
  b-tree  node's  "next  b-tree  node"  dbkey.   The  logical area
  identifier of a b-tree node dbkey and  its  "next  b-tree  node"
  dbkey  should  be  equivalent  (that is, the two nodes should be
  from the same logical area).

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.242  –  BADNXTNOD

  Bad next b-tree node at level <num>.
  Expected b-tree node at logical dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>.
  Found next b-tree node at logical dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  This message tells the user an index  verification
  error  was  found  when  verifying  the  "next b-tree node" of a
  b-tree node.  The "next b-tree node" of a b-tree node B at level
  L is the next level L node on the right of b-tree node B.

  User Action:  Rebuild the corrupted index.

40.243  –  BADPAGFET

  error fetching page <num> in area <str>

  Explanation:  An error occurred during a fetch of  a  page  from

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.244  –  BADPAGNUM

  page <num> is out of valid range  (1:<num>)  for  physical  area

  Explanation:  The page number requested does not fall within the
  range  of  pages  that  exist  in the specified physical storage
  area.  Note that a page number of 4294967295 is equal to -1.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.245  –  BADPAGRAN

  area <str>
  page number <num> out of range
  expected between 1 and <num>

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to fetch the given  page,  but
  the  fetch was not performed, because the page number was out of
  range for the area.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.246  –  BADPAGRED

  read  requesting  physical  page   <num>:<num>   returned   page

  Explanation:  The area or page numbers stored  on  the  database
  page  do  not  match  the  area  or  page  numbers  of the DBKEY
  requested to be read from the database.  This usually is  caused
  by a hardware problem.

  User Action:

40.247  –  BADPAGSIZ

  page size (<num>) conflicts with existing areas (<num>..<num>)

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to define a new  storage  area
  with a page size that conflicts with other areas.

  User Action:  Define the area with a page size  that  is  within
  the range specified.

40.248  –  BADPAGSPM

  Pages-Per-SPAM value of <num> is invalid for area  <str>  (FILID
  entry <num>)

  Explanation:  The FILID entry contains an invalid Pages-Per-SPAM

  User Action:  Restore and recover the database from backup.

40.249  –  BADPARAM

  <str> (<num>) is out of valid range (<num>..<num>)

  Explanation:  An illegal parameter was specified during creation
  or modification of the database.

  User Action:  Examine your command line  for  illegal  parameter

40.250  –  BADPCLCNT

  Bad pointer cluster count in storage record header.
  Expected <num>, found <num>.

  Explanation:  The actual  pointer  cluster  count  field  (found
  part)  in a data record's KODA header portion does not match the
  pointer  cluster  count  expected  for  the  data  record.   See
  accompanying messages for more information.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.251  –  BADPROID

  <str> file contains a bad identifier
  Expected "<str>", found "<str>"

  Explanation:  While validating the prologue page of an area,  it
  was discovered that it contained a bad identifier.

  User Action:  This problem may be corrected, using  RMU  RESTORE
  or  SQL  IMPORT.  If journaling is enabled, you may restore just
  the affected area and recover it.

40.252  –  BADPSGCNT

  Bad number of pointer segments in segmented string.
  Expected:  <num> found:  <num>.

  Explanation:  The actual number of pointer segments (found part)
  of  a  segmented  string  is  greater than the number of pointer
  segments stored in the header (expected part) of  the  segmented
  string.  The segmented string is probably corrupt.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.253  –  BADPSGREC

  Tried to fetch data segments past the end of a
  segmented string pointer segment.

  Explanation:  During fetches of data  segments  from  a  pointer
  segment,  the  end  of  the  pointer  segment storage record was
  unexpectedly encountered.   The  segmented  string  is  probably
  corrupt.   See  accompanying  messages  for the segmented string

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.254  –  BADPTLABM

  ABM flag set in page tail of data page <num>
  expected:  0, found:  1

  Explanation:  The Area Bit Map flag in a data Page Ptail  should
  not  be  set.   This flag is reserved for the Area Bit Map pages
  and should never be set for a data page.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.255  –  BADPTLARE

  invalid larea for uniform data page <num> in storage area <num>
  SPAM larea_dbid:  <num>, page larea_dbid:  <num>

  Explanation:  The logical area database id on the page does  not
  match  the  logical  area  in the SPAM page for a uniform format
  data page.  This could be because of a corrupt page  tail  or  a
  corrupt SPAM page.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.256  –  BADRANGE

  <str> out of range [<num>:<num>]

  Explanation:  The limits are specified  as  [1:<num>]  for  area
  number  and  page  number, and as [0:<num>] for line number, and
  page offset.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

40.257  –  BADRDYMODE

  <str> <str> is an illegal user mode for <str>

  Explanation:   Indicated  user  mode  is  not  allowed  for  the
  specified operation.

  User Action:  Use a legal user mode for the specified operation.

40.258  –  BADREADY

  error readying storage area <str>

  Explanation:  The storage area  could  not  be  readied  in  the
  requested  mode  perhaps  because  of corruption of AIP pages or
  because of a legitimate lock conflict with another user.

  User Action:  Check for possible conflicting users of  the  same
  area.  Try verification in a read-only ready mode.

40.259  –  BADREFDBK

  Invalid reference pointer <num>:<num>:<num> for duplicate B-tree
  node <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  The reference pointer dbkey for a duplicate B-tree
  node  is corrupted.  The reference pointer dbkey must be greater
  than the last duplicate record dbkey.

  User Action:  Ascertain if the  index  is  corrupt  by  manually
  verifying  the  owner node after dumping that page.  Rebuild the
  index if it is corrupt.

40.260  –  BADREQCLASS

  Statistics API:  Unknown request class.

  Explanation:  An unrecognized request class was  passed  to  the
  statistics API.

  User Action:  Correct the request class value.

40.261  –  BADROODBK

  error getting index "<str>" root dbkey

  Explanation:  It was not possible to get the  index  root  dbkey
  from  the  system  relation.   Indexes  cannot  be  verified  if

  User Action:  Rebuild the indexes.


  root file "<str>" no longer has its original name "<str>"

  Explanation:  The current root file name does not match the name
  used  when  the root file was created.  This could happen if you
  copied or renamed the root file, or  if  the  file  was  created
  using  a  concealed logical device name and that logical name is
  no longer defined.

  User Action:  Rename or copy the root file back to its  original
  name  or  location,  or redefine the necessary concealed logical
  device name in the system logical name table.

40.263  –  BADRQSTBUF

  Statistics API:  Bad request buffer.

  Explanation:  A statistics API request buffer  is  not  properly

  User Action:  Correct the API request buffer.

40.264  –  BADRTIMG

  Failed to activate external routine <str>.
  Image name is <str>.
  Entry point is <str>.

  Explanation:  There was an error in attempting  to  activate  an
  image   that  contains  an  external  routine.   The  last  line
  displayed is the error returned.

  User Action:  Check that the image is the correct  one  for  the
  external  routine,  that  the  image is in the correct location,
  that all appropriate logical names have been defined,  and  that
  the  image  can  be  dynamically  activated as defined given the
  current privileges.

40.265  –  BADRUJVER

  run-unit journal version is incompatible with the runtime system

  Explanation:  Your run-unit journal file  was  created  with  an
  incompatible version of the software.

  User Action:  Your run-unit journal file cannot be used with the
  version  of  the  software  you  have installed on your machine.
  Make  sure  you  are  using  the  correct  RUJ  journal,  or  if
  "multi-version"  software  is installed, make sure you are using
  the correct software version.

40.266  –  BADSCOPE

  singular cluster item applied to entire cluster

  Explanation:  A DISPLAY command involving CLUSTER * is  followed
  by singular context; for example, NEXT.  Most often this happens
  because of the context assumed from previous commands.  The same
  portion  of all clusters in a storage record cannot be displayed
  with one command.

  User Action:  You must use multiple commands to display the same
  portion of all clusters in a storage record.

40.267  –  BADSEGCNT

  Bad number of data segments in segmented string.
  Expected:  <num> found:  <num>.

  Explanation:  The actual number of data segments (found part) of
  a  segmented  string is greater than the number of data segments
  stored in the header (expected part) of  the  segmented  string.
  See accompanying messages for the segmented string context.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.268  –  BADSEGLEN

  Bad segmented string length.
  Expected:  <num><num> found:  <num><num> (hex).

  Explanation:  The actual length  (found  part)  of  a  segmented
  string is greater than the length stored in the header (expected
  part) of the segmented string.  See  accompanying  messages  for
  the segmented string context.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.269  –  BADSEGLNG

  Bad longest data segment length of segmented string.
  Expected:  <num> found:  <num>.

  Explanation:  The actual  longest  data  segment  length  (found
  part)  of  a  segmented  string is greater than the longest data
  segment length stored in  the  header  (expected  part)  of  the
  segmented  string.   See accompanying messages for the segmented
  string context.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.270  –  BADSEGTPE

  area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  Storage segment of <num> found in storage segment header
  Expected segmented string type of <num>, found <num>

  Explanation:  A storage  segment  was  found  that  specified  a
  segmented  string  of  the  type identified by the number in the
  first message.  The number stored inside  the  segmented  string
  (that  is  also  used  to identify the type of segmented string)
  must agree with the storage type found  in  the  header  of  the
  storage segment.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the SQL IMPORT statement.  Then verify the database

40.271  –  BADSEGTYP

  Storage segment of <num> found in storage segment header.
  Expected segmented string type of <num>, found <num>.

  Explanation:  A storage  segment  was  found  that  specified  a
  segmented  string  of  the  type identified by the number in the
  first message.  The number stored inside  the  segmented  string
  (that  is  also  used  to identify the type of segmented string)
  must agree with the storage type found  in  the  header  of  the
  storage segment.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the SQL IMPORT statement.  Then verify the database

40.272  –  BADSPAMINT

  spam  interval  (<num>)  is  too  large  for  page  size  (<num>

  Explanation:  The SPAM interval is too large for  the  specified
  page size.

  User Action:  Reduce the SPAM  interval  or  increase  the  page

40.273  –  BADSPMFET

  error fetching SPAM page <num> in area <str>

  Explanation:  An error occurred during a fetch of  a  SPAM  page
  from disk.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.274  –  BADSPMPAG

         errors in SPAM pages

  Explanation:  Some errors occurred during verification  of  SPAM

  User Action:  Verify all the pages in spam range for the corrupt
  spam page.

40.275  –  BADSTAREA

  invalid storage area DBID <num>,
  valid storage areas are between <num> and <num>

  Explanation:  Storage area database ids are expected to be  less
  than  or  equal  to  the  number of areas in the database.  This
  storage area database id is corrupt.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command and
  verify the database again.

40.276  –  BADSTATVER

  statistics input file version is incompatible with the  software

  Explanation:  The binary statistics file specified by the /INPUT
  qualifier  was  created  with  an  incompatible  version  of the

  User Action:  The binary statistics file cannot be used with the
  version of the software you have installed on your machine.

40.277  –  BADSTOVER

  Dbkey <num>:<num>:<num> contains an invalid storage version.
  Expected non-zero value no larger than <num> but found <num>.

  Explanation:  An invalid version number was found for a vertical
  partition  of  a  row.   The  dbkey reported is the dbkey of the
  partition with  the  invalid  version.   Currently,  Oracle  Rdb
  supports  only  one version of a vertical partition; you can not
  change the definition of a partition.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the database  page  containing
  the corrupt record.

40.278  –  BADSTPLEN

  Bad pointer portion length in storage record header.
  Expected <num>, found <num>.

  Explanation:  The actual pointer  portion  length  field  (found
  part)  in a data record's KODA header portion does not match the
  pointer portion  length  expected  for  the  data  record.   See
  accompanying messages for more information.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.279  –  BADSTRTYP

  Bad storage type dbid in storage record header.
  Expected <num>, found <num>.

  Explanation:  The actual storage type database id  (found  part)
  in  a  data  record's  KODA  header  portion  does not match the
  database id expected for  the  data  record.   See  accompanying
  messages for more information.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.280  –  BADSYSRDY

  error readying larea <num> for system record of index <str>

  Explanation:  The  logical  area  corresponding  to  the  system
  record for the hash index could not be readied.

  User Action:  Check  if  there  are  conflicting  users  of  the
  database.  If so, verify this portion of the database when there
  are no conflicting users.  Rebuild the index if it is corrupt.

40.281  –  BADSYSREC

  Area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  system record DBID differs from expected DBID.
  Expected:  <num> (hex), found:  <num> (hex).

  Explanation:  A system record which was needed to locate a  hash
  bucket  was  expected at the given dbkey but was not found.  The
  page from which the record was  fetched  and  the  corresponding
  storage area are probably corrupt.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.282  –  BADTADAIJ

  after-image journal creation version differs from the root
  expected:  <time>, found:  <time>

  Explanation:  The database creation  time  stored  in  the  root
  differs from the time recorded in your after-image journal file.

  User Action:  Your after-image journal file cannot  be  used  to
  roll  forward  your database.  Backup your database and create a
  new after-image journal file.

40.283  –  BADTHSPCT

  Space management thresholds values of <num>,  <num>,  <num>  are
  invalid for area <str> (FILID entry <num>)

  Explanation:  The FILID entry contains invalid space  management
  thresholds values.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the database from backup.

40.284  –  BADVALUE

  invalid value "<str>"

  Explanation:  A parameter was given an illegal value.

  User Action:  Correct error and try again.

40.285  –  BADVERAIJ

  after-image journal version is incompatible with the DBCS
  expected:  <num><num>, found:  <num><num>

  Explanation:  Your after-image journal file was created with  an
  incompatible version of the software.

  User Action:  Your after-image journal file cannot be used  with
  the version of the software you have installed on your machine.

40.286  –  BADVRP2RV

  Primary vertical partition has mismatched record versions  <num>
  and <num>.

  Explanation:  The primary partition of a vertically  partitioned
  record  has  two  copies  of  the  record version number for the
  record.  This message is displayed when the two numbers  do  not

  User Action:  Restore and recover the page  containing  the  bad

40.287  –  BADVRPNDX

  Vertical partition ID for dbkey <num>:<num>:<num> is  stored  as
  The valid vertical partition ID for this logical area is <num>.

  Explanation:  Each logical area containing a vertical  partition
  of a record can contain information for only one of the vertical
  partitions.  This message indicates that a  specified  dbkey  is
  associated with the incorrect partition number.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the page from backup.

40.288  –  BADVRPPTR

  Vertical partition reference <num> points to  an  invalid  dbkey

  Explanation:   The  pointer  for  one  of  the  vertical  record
  partition segments within a row did not contain a valid dbkey.

  User Action:  Verify the  page  in  question,  and  see  if  the
  database needs to be restored.

40.289  –  BADVRPREC

  Dbkey <num>:<num>:<num> is vertically partitioned.

  Explanation:  A record was  found  that  should  not  have  been
  vertically partitioned but was.

  User Action:  Verify the  page  in  question,  and  see  if  the
  database needs to be restored.

40.290  –  BADVRPREF

  Vertical partition <num> at dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>
  does not point back to the correct primary segment
  invalid reference was <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  The pointer to the primary segment from one of the
  secondary  segments  within  a  vertically partitioned record is

  User Action:  Verify the  page  in  question,  and  see  if  the
  database needs to be restored.

40.291  –  BADVRPSEC

  The primary partition at dbkey <num>:<num>:<num> segment <num>
  points to another primary partition at dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  A primary vertical record partition segment should
  only  point  to  secondary  segments,  never  to another primary
  segment.  The specified row points to another primary segment.

  User Action:  Verify the  page  in  question,  and  see  if  the
  database needs to be restored.

40.292  –  BATCONFIRM

  confirmation not allowed in batch

  Explanation:  Confirmation is not permitted in batch mode.

  User Action:  Try again without  CONFIRM,  or  from  interactive

40.293  –  BCKCMDUSED

  The backup command was"<str>".

  Explanation:  Make sure that all the backup set files  specified
  by the backup command have been specified by the restore command

  User Action:  Repeat the restore, specifying all the backup  set
  files in the correct order.

40.294  –  BDAREAOPN

  unable to open file <str> for storage area <str>

  Explanation:  The storage area file corresponding to the storage
  area could not be opened successfully.

  User Action:  Check the error message to make sure the  filename
  is  correct.   If  the  filename  is  not  correct, the FILID is
  corrupt.  In this case, restore the  database,  and  verify  the
  database root again.

40.295  –  BDCLMPPGCNT

  The specified BLOCKS_PER_PAGE value would cause an illegal clump
  page count for storage area <str>

  Explanation:  The  SPAM  clump  page  count  multiplied  by  the
  specified  BLOCKS_PER_PAGE  value  would  be  greater  than  the
  maximum of 64 blocks.  For  uniform  storage  areas,  if  a  new
  blocks_per_page value is specified RMU/RESTORE cannot change the
  clump page count of the backup up database.

  User Action:  Repeat the  restore  with  a  new  BLOCKS_PER_PAGE
  value or without changing the BLOCKS_PER_PAGE value.

40.296  –  BDDATRANG

  day, month, or year field in date string out of range

  Explanation:   The  month  field  must  be  between  1  and   12
  inclusive.   The  day  field must be between 1 and 31 inclusive.
  The year field must be between 0 and 3000 inclusive.

  User Action:   Re-enter  the  DATE  data  item  with  the  error

40.297  –  BDLAREADY

  error readying logical area with dbid <num>

  Explanation:  An error occurred when  an  attempt  was  made  to
  ready  the  given  logical  area.   This  could  be because of a
  corruption in the RDB$SYSTEM area.

  User Action:  Check  if  there  are  conflicting  users  of  the
  database.  If so, verify this portion of the database when there
  are no conflicting users.  If there is a corruption that  causes
  this  error, correct the error with the RMU Restore command, and
  verify the database again.

40.298  –  BDLAREAID

  area inventory page <num> contains a reference
  to a logical area it does not belong
  expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The page contains an entry that is not in use, but
  is not empty.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command and
  verify the database again.

40.299  –  BDLIVDBD

  The live area for snapshot area <str> is not valid.
  Expected a number between 1 and <num>.  Found <num>.

  Explanation:  The FILID entry for each  snapshot  area  contains
  the  FILID  entry  number  for  its  live area.  The area number
  stored for this FILID entry is not in the valid range  of  FILID
  numbers for this database.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the database from backup.

40.300  –  BDLIVDBID

  invalid DBID for single-file database area <str>
  expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The FILID entry contains a database id other  than
  1 for a live area of a single-file database.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command and
  verify the database again.

40.301  –  BDSGLAREA

  Bad logical area DBID in segmented string segment
  logical dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  An invalid logical area identifier was found in  a
  segmented  string data segment dbkey.  See accompanying messages
  for the segmented string context.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.302  –  BDSNAPOPN

  unable to open file <str> for snapshot area <str>

  Explanation:   The  storage  area  file  corresponding  to   the
  snapshot area could not be opened successfully.

  User Action:  Check the error message to make sure the  filename
  is  correct.   If  the  filename  is  not  correct, the FILID is
  corrupt.  In this case, restore the  database,  and  verify  the
  database root again.

40.303  –  BDSNPDBD

  The snapshot area for live area <str> is not valid.
  Expected a number between 1 and <num>.  Found <num>.

  Explanation:  The FILID entry for each live  area  contains  the
  FILID  entry  number  for  its  snapshot  area.  The area number
  stored for this FILID entry is not in the valid range  of  FILID
  numbers for this database.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the database from backup.

40.304  –  BDSNPDBID

  the DBID value of this snap area is wrong
  expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The FILID entry contains a database id other  than
  2 for a snapshot area of a single-file database.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command and
  verify the database again.

40.305  –  BDSPAMRANGE

  illegal space range for current space management page

  Explanation:  The limits of the space range are not in ascending
  order,  or  the range goes past the end of the space information
  for the current space management page.

  User Action:  Try the operation again, putting the range  limits
  in  ascending  order  or  correcting  the  range  so it does not
  reference a space entry outside of  the  space  management  page


  after-image journal file is empty

  Explanation:   An  attempt  was  made  to  back  up   an   empty
  after-image journal file.

  User Action:  Be sure the correct after-image journal  file  was

40.307  –  BLOCKCRC

  software block CRC error

  Explanation:  Media error detected on tape.

  User Action:  None.

40.308  –  BLOCKLOST

  block of <str> lost due to unrecoverable error

  Explanation:  Tape data recovery failed for this block of data.

  User  Action:   The  restored  database  may   be   corrupt   or
  incomplete.  Validate and repair the database before using.

40.309  –  BLRINV

  internal error - BLR string <num> for <str>.<str> is invalid

  Explanation:  An attempt to translate an internal metadata  item

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.310  –  BOUND

  multiple binds are not allowed

  Explanation:  You are already bound to a database.  You can only
  be bound to one database at a time for a given stream.

  User Action:  You can execute an UNBIND statement  and  try  the
  BIND  again,  or  use  the  multiple stream feature to bind to a
  database on another stream.

40.311  –  BREAK

  internal system failure -- database session  attach  information
  not found

  Explanation:  The database session information cannot be  found;
  this may be indicative of a more serious problem.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.312  –  BTRBADDBK

  bad b-tree owner dbkey <num>:<num>:<num> for index <str>

  Explanation:  The owner dbkey  of  a  b-tree  node  is  invalid.
  Further verification of the b-tree is abandoned.

  User Action:  Correct the error by recreating the related index,
  and verify the database again.

40.313  –  BTRBADLFT

  Leftmost edge of interior b-tree node at level <num> must have a
  IKEY of "<str>" found as first entry of dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  The left edge of a b-tree must have a null Ikey at
  each  non-leaf level.  The specified b-tree node was at the left
  edge of the tree and had a non-null Ikey  as  its  first  entry.
  This indicates that the index is corrupt.

  User Action:  Drop and rebuild the index.

40.314  –  BTRDUPCAR

  Inconsistent duplicate cardinality (C1) of !@UQ specified
  for entry <num> at dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>.
  Actual count of duplicates is !@UQ.

  Explanation:   The  cardinality  specified  in   an   entry   is
  inconsistent   with   the  the  cardinality  computed  from  the
  duplicate list for the entry.  This will cause wrong results for
  SQL  queries  like  COUNT(*).   Rebuild the index and verify the
  database again.

40.315  –  BTRENTCAR

  Inconsistent entry cardinality (C1) of !@UQ specified
  for entry <num> at dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>  using  precision  of
  Dbkey <num>:<num>:<num> at level <num> specified  a  cardinality
  of !@UQ.

  Explanation:   The  cardinality  specified  in   an   entry   is
  inconsistent  with  the the cardinality supplied by the targeted
  child in the b-tree.

40.316  –  BTRENTLEN

  B-tree node entry <num> has an invalid data length of <num>.

  Explanation:  An entry in a B-tree node was identified as having
  an  invalid  data length.  A data length is invalid if it is LEQ
  zero for a  entry  containing  duplicates  or  NEQ  zero  for  a
  non-duplicate  entry.   The  data  length  is also invalid if it
  extends beyond the end of the b-tree node.

40.317  –  BTRERPATH

  parent B-tree node of <num>:<num>:<num> is at <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  An error occurred at a lower level in the  B-tree.
  The B-tree node at the given logical dbkey is in the path in the
  B-tree from the root to a node where an error occurred.

  User Action:  Use this information to reconstruct the path  from
  the  root  to  the node where the problem happened and determine
  the location of the problem.  Rebuild the index and  verify  the
  database again.

40.318  –  BTRHEACAR

  Sum of entry cardinalities given as !@UQ; expected !@UQ.

  Explanation:  The cardinality in the ANHD header disagreed  with
  the sum of the cardinalities found in the entries for the node.

40.319  –  BTRINVARE

  area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  storage record <str>,
  b-tree node dbkey contains an invalid logical area id
  expected 1 through <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  Each entry in a b-tree node contains a  compressed
  key  followed by a compressed dbkey.  The logical area id of the
  dbkey of the current entry of the b-tree node is not within  the
  range  of  logical area id numbers computed.  The valid range is
  expected to be 1 through <num>.  Further  verification  of  that
  b-tree  node  is  abandoned.  This message is followed by one or
  two lines.  The first line indicates the parent node of the node
  in  error (unless the parent is the owner record occurrence).  A
  second line indicates the owner record occurrence of the invalid

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.320  –  BTRINVDUP

  Non-zero counts in a duplicate node entry.

  Explanation:  One of the PRE_LEN, SEP_LEN, C1 or C2 counts  were
  non-zero in a duplicate node entry for a b-tree.

40.321  –  BTRINVFLG

  Invalid flags found for b-tree node  entry  <num>.   Flags  were

  Explanation:  An entry in a B-tree node was identified as having
  invalid  flag bits.  This prevents verification of the remainder
  of the b-tree node.

40.322  –  BTRINVPAG

  area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  b-tree node dbkey contains an invalid page number
  expected <num> through <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  Each entry in a b-tree node contains a  compressed
  key  followed  by  a  compressed  dbkey.  The page number of the
  dbkey of the current entry of the b-tree node is not within  the
  range  of  page  numbers for the storage area to which the dbkey
  points.  The valid range is expected  to  be  1  through  <num>.
  Further  verification  of the b-tree is abandoned.  This message
  is followed by one or two lines.  The first line  indicates  the
  parent node of the node in error (unless the parent is the owner
  record occurrence).  A second line indicates  the  owner  record
  occurrence of the invalid b-tree.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.323  –  BTRLEACAR

  Inconsistent leaf cardinality (C2) of !@UQ specified
  for entry <num> at dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>  using  precision  of
  Dbkey <num>:<num>:<num> at level <num> specified  a  cardinality
  of !@UQ

  Explanation:   The  cardinality  specified  in   an   entry   is
  inconsistent  with  the the cardinality supplied by the targeted
  child in the b-tree.

  User Action:  Drop the index and rebuild it.

40.324  –  BTRLENERR

  area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  b-tree node length error
  expected node length <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The length of each b-tree node is stored after the
  expanded  dbkey  of  the owner record occurrence.  The length in
  the b-tree node and the length computed by examining the entries
  within  the  b-tree  node do not agree.  Further verification of
  the b-tree is abandoned.  This message is followed by one or two
  lines.   The first line indicates the parent node of the node in
  error (unless the parent is the  owner  record  occurrence).   A
  second line indicates the owner record occurrence of the invalid

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.325  –  BTRLEXERR

  B-tree node Ikeys not in lexical order
  found key "<str>" in b-tree node at <num>:<num>:<num>
  followed by key "<str>" in b-tree node at <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  Each entry in a b-tree node contains a  compressed
  key followed by a compressed dbkey.  The keys stored in a b-tree
  node must be in ascending lexical order.  The keys stored in the
  current  b-tree  node are out of order.  Further verification of
  the b-tree is abandoned.

  User Action:  Drop and recreate the index, or correct the  error
  with  the  RMU  Restore  command or the SQL IMPORT statement and
  verify the database again.

40.326  –  BTRNODDBK

  Dbkey of B-tree node is <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  This message gives the dbkey of the  B-tree  index
  node  so the integrity of the index can be verified manually, if

  User  Action:   Ascertain  if  index  is  corrupt  by   manually
  verifying  related  index  nodes  after  dumping  pages  of  the
  database.  If the index is corrupt, rebuild the index.

40.327  –  BTRNODMBZ

  B-tree node at logical dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>
  contains a filler field that should be zero
  expected:  0, found:  <num><num> (hex)

  Explanation:  The b-tree node contains a filler  field  that  is
  reserved  for future expansion.  It should contain all zeros but
  does not.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.328  –  BTRPARROO

  root dbkey of b-tree partition in <str> is <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  An  error  occurred  at  a  lower  level  in  this
  partition  of  the  b-tree.   This  error message gives the root
  dbkey of this partition of the b-tree index  to  help  determine
  the point of corruption.

  User Action:  Use this information to reconstruct the path  from
  the  root  to  the node where the problem occurred and determine
  the location of the problem.  Rebuild the index and  verify  the
  database again.

40.329  –  BTRPFXERR

  area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  storage record with prefix key "<str>"
  contains a bad prefix key len, expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The length of the prefix in  the  separator  of  a
  btree node is corrupted.

  User Action:  Rebuild the index and verify the database again.

40.330  –  BTRPRECIS

  Invalid precision of <num><num> (hex) specified for B-tree.

  Explanation:  The precision specified in the root  node  of  the
  B-tree  is  invalid.  A valid precision has the high bit set set
  and the other bits must be greater than zero and  less  than  or
  equal to 100.

40.331  –  BTRROODBK

  root dbkey of B-tree is <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  An error occurred at a lower level in the  B-tree.
  This  error  message gives the root dbkey of the B-tree index to
  help determine the point of corruption.

  User Action:  Use this information to reconstruct the path  from
  the  root  to  the node where the problem occurred and determine
  the location of the problem.  Rebuild the index and  verify  the
  database again.

40.332  –  BTRSTSTYP

  area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  storage record contains a logical area
  that does not match logical area of owner occurrence in b-tree
  owner:  <str>, storage record:  <str>

  Explanation:  Each node of a b-tree, except the terminal  member
  records,  contains  the storage set id number of the indexed set
  type.  This id number should be the same as the storage  set  id
  number  of the pointer cluster in the owner record occurrence of
  the b-tree.  The storage set id number  stored  in  the  current
  b-tree  node is not correct.  Further verification of the b-tree
  is abandoned.  This message is followed by  one  or  two  lines.
  The  first  line  indicates the parent node of the node in error
  (unless the parent is the owner record  occurrence).   A  second
  line  indicates  the  owner  record  occurrence  of  the invalid

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement, and verify the database again.

40.333  –  BTRVFYPRU

  B-tree verification pruned at this dbkey

  Explanation:  An error occurred during a fetch of a B-tree node.
  Verification  will  not  proceed beyond this node down the tree.
  However, verification of other nodes will continue.

  User Action:  Verify the page in  question,  and  check  if  the
  database needs to be restored.

40.334  –  BUFFERSLOST

  all buffers are lost

  Explanation:  This is indicative of an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.335  –  BUFSMLPAG

  The specified BLOCKS_PER_PAGE  <num>  exceeds  the  buffer  size
  <num> for storage area <str>

  Explanation:  The storage area page size  must  not  be  greater
  than the database buffer size.

  User Action:  Repeat the  restore  with  a  new  BLOCKS_PER_PAGE
  value  or  without changing the BLOCKS_PER_PAGE value or with an
  increased buffer size.

40.336  –  BUFTOOBIG

  Network error:  Network buffer too big.

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.337  –  BUFTOOSML

  buffer size (<num>) is smaller than largest page (<num>)

  Explanation:   The  buffer  size  must  be   large   enough   to
  accommodate the largest page size within the database.

  User Action:  Specify a buffer size at least  as  large  as  the
  message indicates.

40.338  –  BUFTRUNC

  response buffer truncated.

  Explanation:  The supplied response buffer is not  large  enough
  to  accommodate  the  results  of the statistics API query.  The
  contents of the returned buffer are valid but incomplete.

  User Action:  Correct the user  program,  and  try  the  request

40.339  –  BUGCHECK

  fatal, unexpected error detected

  Explanation:  A fatal, unexpected  error  was  detected  by  the
  database management system.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.340  –  BUGCHKDMP

  generating bugcheck dump file <str>

  Explanation:  The database  management  system  has  detected  a
  fatal,  unexpected  error,  and  is writing a bugcheck dump file
  with the specified file name.

  User Action:  Please  send  this  bugcheck  dump  file  to  your
  software  specialist,  along  with any other related programs or

40.341  –  BYPAGABM

  "by page"  RESTORE  of  an  ABM  (area  bitmap  page)  page  was

  Explanation:  ABM pages are not backed up, so they  can  not  be
  restored.   The  affected page has been initialized, but the ABM
  chain must be rebuilt to complete the correction of the  corrupt
  ABM page.

  User Action:  Correct ABM pages by using the  ABM  qualifier  of
  the RMU Repair command.  You can do this now.

40.342  –  BYPAGAIP

  "by page" RESTORE of an AIP (area inventory page) was attempted

  Explanation:  Corruptions in the AIP (area  inventory)  may  not
  always be correctable using a "by page" RESTORE operation.

  User Action:  Use the RMU Verify command to verify the database.
  If  the "by page" restore operation was not effective, perform a
  "by area" restore of the entire RDB$SYSTEM storage area.

40.343  –  CABORT

  user entered Control-C to abort  RMU  CONVERT  causing  database

  Explanation:  You entered a CTRL/C to abort a convert operation.
  The database is now corrupt.

  User Action:  Start with a backup of the database.  Use the  RMU
  Convert command again.

40.344  –  CACHEINUSE

  record cache <str> is still referenced by storage area <str>

  Explanation:  Unable to delete record cache because it is  still
  being referenced by one or more storage areas.

  User Action:  Remove the record cache from the affected  storage
  areas first.


  RCS is active on this node and the  database  is  also  open  on
  another node

  Explanation:  The Record Cache Server (RCS) process is active on
  this node and another node has this database open.  The database
  must be closed on all other nodes before it  can  be  closed  on
  this node.


  Cannot create logical area <str>

  Explanation:  Too many logical areas have been  created.   Can't
  create a new one.

  User Action:  Do not attempt to create so  many  logical  areas.

40.347  –  CANTASSMBX

  error assigning a channel to a mailbox

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to  assign  a
  channel to a VMS mailbox.

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more

40.348  –  CANTBINDRT

  error mapping database root file

  Explanation:  An error occurred during mapping to  the  database
  root file.

  User Action:  Examine the associated messages to  determine  the
  reason for failure.

40.349  –  CANTCLOSEDB

  database could not be closed as requested

  Explanation:  The  database  monitor  detected  an  error  while
  attempting to close the database you specified.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more

40.350  –  CANTCREABS

  error creating AIJ backup server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to  create  a
  detached AIJ backup server process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more

40.351  –  CANTCREALS

  error creating AIJ Log Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to  create  a
  detached AIJ Log Server process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more

40.352  –  CANTCREBOB

  error creating Buffer Object

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to create  an
  OpenVMS buffer object.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message(s)   for   more

40.353  –  CANTCREDBR

  error creating database recovery process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to  create  a
  detached database recovery process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more

40.354  –  CANTCREEXEC

  Cannot create executor process.

  Explanation:  The root process could  not  create  one  or  more
  executor processes.

  User Action:  Look at the secondary message that  describes  the
  reason for the process creation failure for further information.

40.355  –  CANTCREGBL

  error creating and mapping database global section

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to  create  a
  map to the database global section.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message(s)   for   more

40.356  –  CANTCRELCS

  error creating AIJ Log Catch-Up Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to  create  a
  detached AIJ Log Catch-Up Server process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more

40.357  –  CANTCRELRS

  error creating AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to  create  a
  detached AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more

40.358  –  CANTCREMBX

  cannot create mailbox

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to  create  a
  mailbox.   Mailboxes  are used for interprocess communication by
  the database management system.

  User Action:  Examine the associated messages to  determine  the
  reason  for  failure.   Usually,  you will have to change one of
  your quotas (most likely, the buffered I/O-byte count  quota  or
  the open-file quota).

40.359  –  CANTCREMON

  unable to start database monitor process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to start  the
  database monitor process.  This is a detached process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) to determine  the
  reason for the failure.

40.360  –  CANTCRERCS

  error creating Record Cache Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to  create  a
  detached Record Cache Server process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more

40.361  –  CANTCREVLM

  error creating or mapping Very Large Memory region

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to create  or
  map a database Very Large Memory (VLM) region.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message(s)   for   more

40.362  –  CANTCVRT

  cannot convert this database version

  Explanation:  Your database is not recognized as one  which  can
  be converted.

  User Action:  Either the database being  converted  has  already
  been  converted,  is  too  old  to  be  converted,  or  is not a
  database.  Check your backups.

40.363  –  CANTCVRTCPT

  Cannot convert a database with CPT entries.

  Explanation:  Your database has  entries  in  the  corrupt  page
  table and cannot be converted.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the corrupt pages, back up the
  database, and then convert it.

40.364  –  CANTDELETE

  error deleting "<str>"

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to delete the
  indicated  file.  You must be able to change the protection on a
  file in order to delete it.

  User Action:  Examine the associated messages to  determine  the
  reason for failure.

40.365  –  CANTFINDAIJ

  cannot locate standby AIJ journal to match master database

  Explanation:  A master database AIJ journal cannot be located on
  the standby database.

  User Action:  You may select an AIJ journal using either the AIJ
  name or the default or current AIJ file specification.  The list
  of valid AIJ journals can be obtained by  dumping  the  database
  header information.


  cannot locate logical area <num> in area inventory page list

  Explanation:  This is an internal error.  A request was made  to
  find  logical  area  information  for the specified logical area
  number but no active AIP entries could be found for that logical
  area number.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.367  –  CANTLCKTRM

  database monitor error establishing termination lock

  Explanation:  The  database  monitor  was  unable  to  assert  a
  request  on the user's image termination lock.  The user's image
  might already have terminated before the  monitor  received  the

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message(s)   for   more


  error mapping to shared memory "<str>"

  Explanation:  An error occurred  while  mapping  to  a  database
  shared memory section.

  User Action:  Examine the associated messages to  determine  the
  reason for failure.

40.369  –  CANTOCDB

  Error encountered while opening or closing database file <str>

  Explanation:  An error occured while trying to openor close  the
  specified database file.

  User Action:  See  previous  error  message  in  the  output  to
  determine what corrective action to take.

40.370  –  CANTOPENDB

  database could not be opened as requested

  Explanation:  The  database  monitor  detected  an  error  while
  attempting to open the database you specified.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more

40.371  –  CANTOPENIN

  error opening input file <str>

  Explanation:  An error occurred  during  opening  of  the  input

  User Action:  Examine the associated messages to  determine  the
  reason for failure.


  error opening AIJ Log Server output file

  Explanation:  An error occurred during opening of  the  AIJ  Log
  Server output file.

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more


  error opening AIJ Log Catch-Up Server output file

  Explanation:  An error occurred during opening of  the  AIJ  Log
  Catch-Up Server output file.

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more


  error opening AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server output file

  Explanation:  An error occurred during opening of  the  AIJ  Log
  Roll-Forward Server output file.

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more


  error opening AIJ log server output file

  Explanation:  An error occurred during  opening  of  log  server
  output file.

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more

40.376  –  CANTOPNROO

  cannot open root file "<str>"

  Explanation:  The named root file could not be opened.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message  or   messages.
  Correct the error and try again.

40.377  –  CANTQIOMBX

  unable to send mail to a mailbox

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to send  mail
  to a mailbox.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) to determine  the
  reason for the failure.

40.378  –  CANTREADDB

  error opening or reading database file

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted  to  open  or
  read from the database file.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message(s)   for   more

40.379  –  CANTREADDBS

  error reading pages <num>:<num>-<num>

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to  read  one
  or  more database pages.  The message indicates the storage-area
  ID number and the page numbers of the first and last pages being

  User Action:  Examine the associated messages to  determine  the
  reason for failure.


  error resuming AIJ backup operations

  Explanation:  An error occurred when  you  attempted  to  resume
  after-image journal backup operations.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  error resuming AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to resume the
  detached AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more

40.382  –  CANTSNAP

  can't ready storage area <str> for snapshots

  Explanation:  Snapshots were last enabled for  this  area  by  a
  transaction  that had not committed before the snapshot started.
  Information to materialize the snapshot is not present.

  User Action:  Restart the snapshot transaction.  If failure of a
  snapshot  transaction  is  critical,  you should ready all areas
  before doing any retrievals.

40.383  –  CANTSPAWN

  error spawning sub-process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted  to  spawn  a

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more


  error starting AIJ backup server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted  to  start  a
  detached AIJ backup server process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  error starting AIJ Log Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted  to  start  a
  detached AIJ Log Server process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  error starting AIJ Log Catch-Up Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to start  the
  detached  AIJ  Log  Catch-Up  Server  process  on the replicated

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  error starting AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to start  the
  detached  AIJ  Log Roll-Forward Server process on the replicated

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  error starting "Hot Standby" Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred while attempting  to  start  the
  detached   "Hot   Standby"  Server  process  on  the  replicated

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  error starting Record Cache Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred while attempting  to  start  the
  detached Record Cache Server process on the indicated database.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more

40.390  –  CANTSTARTTX

  cannot start transaction

  Explanation:  Cannot start a transaction as requested.

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more

40.391  –  CANTSTOPALS

  error stopping AIJ Log Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you  attempted  to  stop  a
  detached AIJ log-server process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more

40.392  –  CANTSTOPLSS

  error stopping "Hot Standby" Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to  stop  the
  detached "Hot Standby" Server process(es).

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more

40.393  –  CANTSTOPRCS

  error stopping Record Cache Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you  attempted  to  stop  a
  detached Record Cache Server process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  error suspending AIJ backup operations

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you  attempted  to  suspend
  after-image journal backup operations.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  error suspending AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you  attempted  to  suspend
  the   detached  AIJ  Log  Roll-Forward  Server  process  on  the
  replicated database.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  look  in  the
  database   monitor   log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG)  for  more


  error writing pages <num>:<num>-<num>

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to write  one
  or  more database pages.  The message indicates the storage-area
  ID number and the page numbers of the first and last pages being

  User Action:  Examine the associated messages to  determine  the
  reason for failure.

40.397  –  CAPTIVEACCT

  captive account -- no DCL commands can be issued

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to issue a DCL command from  a
  captive account.

  User Action:  Do not issue DCL commands from captive accounts or
  modify  the  account  flags  so  that it's possible to spawn DCL

40.398  –  CARDREQFULL

  /FULL can only be used with CARDINALITY statistics

  Explanation:  The /FULL  qualifier  can  only  be  used  if  the
  RMU/SHOW  OPTIMIZER  command is displaying TABLE, INDEX or INDEX

  User Action:  Specify the display of CARDINALITY statistics with
  the /FULL qualifier.

40.399  –  CCHDEVDIR

  Cache directory "<str>" does not include a device/directory

  Explanation:  The specified  record  cache  directory  does  not
  include a device and directory.

  User Action:  Include a device and directory specification.

40.400  –  CDDACCESS

  Could not access the CDD/Plus repository.

  Explanation:  An error was detected while attempting  to  access
  the CDD/Plus repository.

  User Action:  The secondary error (CDD/Plus error) indicates the
  appropriate action.

40.401  –  CDDDEFERR

  The repository record  or  field  definition  retrieved  is  not

  Explanation:  The record or field definition retrieved from  the
  repository  uses attributes or attribute values not supported by
  the load function.

  User Action:  Create a new compatible definition.

40.402  –  CDDNOTFND

  The repository  pathname  did  not  specify  an  entity  in  the

  Explanation:  The entity specified by  the  repository  pathname
  was not found in the repository.

  User Action:  Correct the specified pathname.

40.403  –  CDDNOTUNQ

  The repository pathname did not specify a unique entity  in  the

  Explanation:  More than one entity was found for  the  specified
  repository pathname.

  User Action:  Correct the specified pathname, and check  it  for

40.404  –  CGREXISTS

  Workload column group already exists for table <str>.

  Explanation:  The specified column group already exists for  the
  specified table.

  User Action:  None.

40.405  –  CGRNOTFND

  Workload column group for table <str> not found.

  Explanation:  The specified column group does not exist for  the
  specified table.

  User Action:  Correct the column group and try again.

40.406  –  CGRSNOTFND

  Workload column groups for table <str> not found.

  Explanation:  The specified column groups do not exist  for  the
  specified table.

  User Action:  Correct the column groups and try again.

40.407  –  CHECKSUM

  checksum error - computed <num>, page contained <num>

  Explanation:   The  computed  checksum  for  the  database  page
  disagreed  with  the checksum actually stored on the page.  This
  usually is caused by a hardware problem.

  User Action:  None.

40.408  –  CHKNOTENA

  Transaction checkpointing is not enabled for this database

  Explanation:  This request was ignored because checkpointing  is
  not enabled.

  User Action:  No action is required.

40.409  –  CHKPOWUTL

  Make sure that the Power  Utilities  option  has  been  properly
  installed on your system

  Explanation:  An attempt to execute a parallel  load  or  backup
  operation  was  attempted  but the power utilities have not been
  installed on the system.

  User  Action:   Install  the  power  utilities  and  retry   the

40.410  –  CHMODERR

  Error on call to chmod.

  Explanation:  An error was encountered on the Digital UNIX chmod
  system service call.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.411  –  CLMCIRCAIJ

  Continuous LogMiner  requires  fixed-size  circular  after-image

  Explanation:  The  Continuous  LogMiner  feature  requires  that
  fixed-size circular after-image journals are used.

  User Action:  If Continuous LogMiner features are  required  the
  database  must  be  re-configured  to enable fixed-size circular
  after-image journals.


  Continuous LogMiner has not yet been enabled

  Explanation:  The  Continuous  LogMiner  feature  has  not  been
  enabled on this database.

  User Action:  If Continuous LogMiner features are required,  The
  Continuous LogMiner should be enabled.

40.413  –  CLMPPGCNT

  the clump page count multiplied by the number of blocks
  per page is greater than the maximum of 64 blocks
  Computed:  <num>.  CLUMP_PAGCNT = <num>; PAG_BLKCNT = <num>

  Explanation:  The clump page count multiplied by the  number  of
  blocks  per  page  is  greater  than  the  maximum of 64 blocks.
  Verification of the FILID continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.414  –  CLOSERR

  Network error:  Error closing file.

  Explanation:  An error was encountered on the Digital UNIX  bind
  system service call.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.415  –  CMDTOOLONG

  Command in options file exceeds 1024 characters in length

  Explanation:  a command line from the options file  exceeds  the
  maximum length.

  User Action:  Edit the options file to fix the problem.

40.416  –  CNSTVERER

  verification of constraints is incomplete due to errors.

  Explanation:  An  error  occurred  during  the  verification  of
  constraints which prevented further verification of constraints.
  Other  requested   verifications   were   performed.    Messages
  describing  the error that prevented constraint verification are
  displayed following this message.

  User  Action:   If  the  messages  following  this  message  are
  LOCK_CONFLICT  followed  by  CANTSNAP,  then there was a locking
  conflict between the transaction verifying the constraint (which
  is a read-only transaction) and another transaction which has an
  area  locked  in   exclusive   mode.    Retry   the   constraint
  verification when no exclusive transactions are running.

40.417  –  CNVESTCRD

  Prefix   cardinality   has   been   estimated    for    database
  <str>.RMU/COLLECT  OPTIMIZER_STATISTICS  should  be  run  to get
  actual values.

  Explanation:  The Rdb query  optimzer  uses  prefix  cardinality
  statistics.    Running   RMU/COLLECT  OPTIMIZER_STATISTICS  will
  replace estimated or out of data cardinality values with  actual
  cardinality values.

  User Action:  Run RMU/COLLECT OPTIMIZER_STATISTICS  as  soon  as

40.418  –  CNVNUMDAT

  cannot convert number to a date string

  Explanation:  A quadword DATE data type is not  in  the  correct
  form to be converted to a text string.

  User Action:  Re-enter the DATE data item in the correct format.

40.419  –  COLNOTINSRT

  Failed to insert workload column group for table <str>.

  Explanation:  The specified column group could not  be  inserted
  for the specified table.

  User Action:  Make sure the  database  is  accessible.   Contact
  your  Oracle  support  representative  for  assistance  if  this
  problem persists.

40.420  –  COLNOTINTAB

  Column <str> of table <str> not found.

  Explanation:   The  specified  column  does  not  exist  in  the
  specified table.

  User Action:  Correct the column name and try again.

40.421  –  COLTXT_10

  Workload column group for <str> is not found.

  Explanation:  You specified a non-existent  column  group  on  a
  command line.

  User Action:  Check the spelling of the names and the  order  of
  the column group.

40.422  –  COLTXT_13

  Failed to insert workload column group for <str>

  Explanation:  An attempt to insert a column group  for  a  table

  User Action:  None

40.423  –  COLTXT_50

  Changing <str> area to READ_WRITE.

40.424  –  COLTXT_51

  Changing <str> area to READ_ONLY.

40.425  –  COLTXT_52

  Prefix cardinality

40.426  –  COLTXT_53

  ***Prefix cardinality collection is disabled***

40.427  –  COLTXT_54

  Segment Column :  <str>

40.428  –  COLTXT_55

  Table cardinality

40.429  –  COLTXT_56

  Index cardinality

40.430  –  COLTXT_57

  Actual Stored Diff Percent

40.431  –  COLTXT_58

  Actual Stored Diff Percent Thresh

40.432  –  COLTXT_59

  (Cardinality:  Diff=Stored-Actual, Percent=Diff/Actual)

40.433  –  COLTXT_60

  (Cardinality:      Diff=Stored-Actual,      Percent=Diff/Actual,
  Thresh=Percent exceeded)

40.434  –  COMPLEX

  data conversion error on complex data type

  Explanation:  There would have been loss  of  information  on  a
  complex data type conversion.  The operation was not performed.

  User Action:  Enter another value.

40.435  –  COMROLLAHD

  currently modified area  header  fields  must  be  committed  or
  rolled back

  Explanation:  You attempted to issue  an  EXIT  command  without
  either  committing  or  rolling  back  currently modified header
  fields for area files.

  User  Action:   Issue  a  COMMIT  command   to   write   current
  modifications  back  to  the  database  or a ROLLBACK command to
  ignore all current modifications.  Then issue an EXIT command.

40.436  –  COMROLLAREA

  currently modified area file fields must be committed or  rolled

  Explanation:  You attempted to issue  an  EXIT  command  without
  either  committing or rolling back currently modified fields for
  area files.

  User  Action:   Issue  a  COMMIT  command   to   write   current
  modifications  back  to  the  database  or a ROLLBACK command to
  ignore all current modifications.  Then issue an EXIT command.

40.437  –  COMROLLPAG

  currently modified pages must be committed or rolled back

  Explanation:  You attempted to issue  an  EXIT  command  without
  either  committing  or  rolling back currently modified database

  User  Action:   Issue  a  COMMIT  command   to   write   current
  modifications  back  to  the  database  or a ROLLBACK command to
  ignore all current modifications.  Then issue an EXIT command.

40.438  –  COMROLLROO

  currently modified ROOT fields must be committed or rolled back

  Explanation:  You attempted to issue  an  EXIT  command  without
  either  committing  or rolling back currently modified fields in
  the root file.

  User  Action:   Issue  a  COMMIT  command   to   write   current
  modifications  back  to  the  database  or a ROLLBACK command to
  ignore all current modifications.  Then issue an EXIT command.

40.439  –  COMROOTCOM

  this command

  not  alowed  if  a  DEPOSIT  ROOT  UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER  command is
  currently pending for this RMU/ALTER session.  The DEPOSIT  ROOT
  UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER  command will write the root unique identifier
  to ALL storage area header blocks to insure  database  integrity
  command is redundant.

  User Action:  The user will  have  to  COMMIT  or  ROLLBACK  the
  current  session  before  he can execute the DEPOSIT AREA_HEADER

40.440  –  CONFLSWIT

  conflicting qualifiers <str> and <str>

  Explanation:  The indicated qualifiers can not be used together.

  User Action:  Read the HELP file or documentation to  see  which
  qualifier you need.

40.441  –  CONFOPT

  conflicting options - all options have been disabled

  Explanation:  The command option negated all options.

  User Action:  Correct the RMU command.


  Do you really want to <str> this transaction?  [<char>]:

  Explanation:  Confirm that the user actually wants to  take  the

40.443  –  CONNAMUSE

  Conflicting name usage - Record and Field have the same name

  Explanation:  The RECORD name derived from the RELATION name  is
  identical to the name of a FIELD of that record.

  User Action:  If the .rrd  file  is  to  be  imported  into  the
  repository,  it  must  first  be  edited  to  resolve  the  name
  conflict.  If you do not plan to import into the repository,  no
  action is required.

40.444  –  CONNECTERR

  Error connecting to server.  To correct the most  common  causes
  of  this  problem,  check  that  SQL/Services  is running on the
  server node and that your network is configured for  the  chosen

  Explanation:  An error was encountered  on  the  connect  system
  service call.

  User Action:  To correct the most common causes of this problem,
  check  that  SQL/Services is running on the server node and that
  your network is configured for the chosen transport.

40.445  –  CONNTIMEOUT

  Network error:  Timeout connecting to server.

  Explanation:  The server created a connect context for a client,
  but  it  did  not  complete connect processing within the server
  specified interval.

  User Action:  Determine that  SQL/Services  is  running  on  the
  server system and then retry connecting to the server.

40.446  –  CONSISTENT

  area <str> is already consistent

  Explanation:  You issued an  RMU  command  with  the  intent  of
  making this area consistent.  But it already is consistent.

  User Action:  None.

40.447  –  CONSTFAIL

  Verification of constraint "<str>" has failed.

  Explanation:  The specified  constraint  failed  a  verification
  check.    One   or  more  rows  in  the  database  violate  this
  constraint.  A constraint violation may occur when using the RMU
  Load  command  with  the  Noconstraint  qualifier  or  with  the
  Constraint=Deferred qualifier.

  User Action:  Determine the offending rows and correct  them  to
  remove the constraint violation.

40.448  –  CONSTTRUN

  Too  many  errors:   List  of  constraint  violations  has  been

  Explanation:  Too  many  invalid  constraints  were  identified.
  Over   100   invalid  constraints  were  identified  before  the
  operation was terminated.

  User Action:  Fix the displayed  constraints  and  reverify  the
  database to find additional invalid constraints.

40.449  –  CONTINUED

  <str> contains a continued file - cannot append

  Explanation:  The output tape contains a file which is continued
  on  the next tape volume.  The backup file can not be written on
  this tape unless it is initialized.

  User Action:  Initialize the tape or use another tape.

40.450  –  CONVERR

  data conversion error

  Explanation:  The  database  management  system  was  unable  to
  convert the data item from one data type to another.

  User Action:  Enter another value.

40.451  –  CORPAGPRES

  Corrupt or inconsistent pages are present in area <str>

  Explanation:  The operation can not proceed  because  there  are
  known corrupt or inconsistent pages in the named storage area.

  User Action:  Correct corrupt  pages  (or  areas)  by  executing
  restore  and  recover operations.  Inconsistent pages (or areas)
  can be made consistent with the RMU Recover command.

40.452  –  CORRUPT

  storage area is corrupt, indices cannot be verified
  Indices cannot be verified

  Explanation:  Found corrupted storage area.

  User Action:  Verify the database using the Areas  qualifier  to
  find out which storage area is corrupted.

40.453  –  CORRUPTPG

  Page <num> in area <str> is marked as corrupt.

  Explanation:  The specified page is unreadable.

  User Action:  Use the RMU Restore command to  restore  the  page
  from  a  backup.   Then use the RMU Recover command to apply any
  changes since the last backup.

40.454  –  CORRUPTSP

  Snapshot page <num> for live area <str> is marked as corrupt.

  Explanation:  The specified snapshot page is unreadable.

  User Action:  Use the RMU Repair or the  RMU  Set  Corrupt_Pages
  command to reset the snapshot page.

40.455  –  CORUPTFLG

  area <str> is marked corrupt

  Explanation:  The corrupt flag is set indicating that this  area
  may be corrupt.  This could be caused by an aborted utility or a
  batch update transaction.  Verification of the FILID continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.456  –  CORUPTSNP

  snapshot area <str> is marked corrupt.

  Explanation:  The corrupt flag is set indicating that this  area
  may be corrupt.  Verification of the FILID continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Repair command  and
  verify the database again.

40.457  –  CPTCHNG

  Corrupt Page Table for storage area <str> has changed during  an
  online restore

  Explanation:  During an online RMU Restore  operation  in  which
  the Just_Corrupt qualifier was specified, the Corrupt Page Table
  of a storage area  became  full.   When  a  Corrupt  Page  Table
  becomes full, the storage area is marked as corrupt.

  User  Action:   Repeat  the  online   RMU   Restore   with   the
  Just_Corrupt qualifier.

40.458  –  CPTFULERR

  The corrupt page table has overflowed.

  Explanation:  The maximum number  of  individual  corrupt  pages
  that  can be processed in one RMU Restore or RMU Recover command
  is 127.

  User Action:  Reduce the number of corrupt pages to be processed
  by  restoring  one  or more entire areas to reduce the number of
  corrupt pages that need be recorded.  Or,  restore  and  recover
  the  corrupt  pages  in multiple operations rather than a single

40.459  –  CPTISFULL

  Page <num> in area  <num>  caused  the  corrupt  page  table  to

  Explanation:  You are trying to mark  a  page  corrupt,  but  an
  attempt  to  insert  that  page caused the corrupt page table to
  overflow.  The storage area for this page had the  most  entries
  in  the corrupt page table.  That area was marked as corrupt and
  all entries for corrupt pages in that area were removed from the
  corrupt page table.  Since that entire area is now corrupt, this
  page was not added to the corrupt page table.

  User Action:  Use RMU RESTORE to restore an uncorrupted  version
  of the storage area.

40.460  –  CSIBADPARAM

  Network error:  Invalid parameter.

  Explanation:  This error indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.461  –  CSIREADERR

  Network error:  Error on read.

  Explanation:  An error was encountered while attempting  a  read
  operation.   This  can  happen  because  your  server terminated
  abnormally or there is an internal error.

  User Action:  Check that your server is still running.  If  this
  is  not  the problem, contact your Oracle support representative
  for assistance.


  Network error:  Process should terminate.

  Explanation:  The monitor has sent a terminate message  to  this
  process.  The process should do cleanup work and terminate.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.463  –  CSIWRITERR

  Network error:  Error writing to file.

  Explanation:  An error was encountered while attempting a  write
  operation.   This  can  happen  because  your  server terminated
  abnormally or there is an internal error.

  User Action:  Check that your server is still running.  If  this
  is  not  the problem, contact your Oracle support representative
  for assistance.

40.464  –  CSI_NYI

  Network error:  feature not yet implemented.

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.465  –  CVRTUNS

  The minimum database version that can be  converted  is  version

  Explanation:  Your database version is too old to be converted.

  User Action:  You must convert your database using 2 versions of
  Oracle  Rdb.   First  convert  your  database  using the minimum
  version of Oracle Rdb specified in the error text.  Next convert
  again using the version of Oracle Rdb that reported the original
  error.  For example, Oracle Rdb V7.0 can only convert Oracle Rdb
  databases  V5.1  or  greater.  If you are trying to convert from
  4.2 to 7.0, then you must first convert using Oracle  Rdb  V5.1,
  V6.0  or  V6.1.   Then  you can convert the database again using

40.466  –  DATACMIT

  unjournaled changes made; database may not be recoverable

  Explanation:  Changes have been made to the database  while  AIJ
  journaling  was disabled.  This may result in the database being
  unrecoverable in the event of database failure; that is, it  may
  be impossible to roll-forward the after-image journals, due to a
  transaction mis-match or attempts to modify  objects  that  were
  not journalled.

  User  Action:   IMMEDIATELY  perform  a  full  database  backup.
  Following successful completion of the full database backup, the
  after-image journals may be backed up.

40.467  –  DATAEXCEED

  Data may not be unloaded as unloaded record  length  may  exceed
  the RMS limit of 32767

  Explanation:  The sum of field(s) length exceeds the  RMS  limit
  of 32767.  Data exceeding the limit can't be unloaded.

  User Action:  Make sure sum of field(s) length does  not  exceed

40.468  –  DATATBLCMIT

  logical area <num> marked corrupt; unjournaled changes  made  to
  user-defined object

  Explanation:  Changes have  been  made  to  the  database  while
  AIJ/RUJ  journaling  was disabled.  The specified area cannot be
  properly recovered.

  User Action:  Drop the area.

40.469  –  DATCNVERR

  conversion error in date string

  Explanation:  The date  string  is  not  in  one  of  the  legal
  formats.   As  a result, it cannot be converted to the DATE data

  User Action:  Re-enter the DATE data item in one of the  correct

40.470  –  DATNOTIDX

  Row in table <str> is not in any indexes.
  Logical dbkey is <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  The row with the specified dbkey should  exist  in
  all indexes defined for the table, but it is not in any of them.

  User Action:  Recreate the indexes for the table.

40.471  –  DB700NOTSUP

  <str> a pre-beta test 5  version  of  a  T7.0  database  is  not

  Explanation:  You have attempted to convert a T7.0 database that
  was  created with a version of Oracle Rdb software prior to beta
  test 5 or you have attempted to restore a T7.0 database that was
  backed  up  with  a version of Oracle Rdb software prior to beta
  test 5.  This is not supported.

  User Action:  Do one of the following:  o Recreate the  database
  using  the current version of Oracle Rdb.  o Unload the database
  using the Oracle Rdb T7.0 beta test software and then  load  the
  database  using the current version of Oracle Rdb.  o Export the
  database using the Oracle Rdb T7.0 beta test software  and  then
  import the database using the current version of Oracle Rdb.

40.472  –  DBACTIVE

  database is already being used

  Explanation:  You attempted to open a database that  is  already
  being  used.   You  can  only  open a database that is not being

  User Action:  Wait for all users to finish using  the  database,
  or force the users off by closing the database.

40.473  –  DBBUSY

  database is busy - try again later

  Explanation:  You attempted to access a database  that  is  shut

  User Action:  Wait for the database to become available, and try

40.474  –  DBCRUPT

  database is corrupt

  Explanation:  Your database is not a valid Oracle Rdb  database.
  This  can  happen  if the SQL DEFINE DATABASE statement does not
  terminate normally.

  User Action:  Create your database again.

40.475  –  DBKSTRTYP

  storage type of line <num>:<num>:<num> is <num>

  Explanation:  There is probably some corruption in the line.

  User Action:  Check if the storage type is correct for the  line
  in question.  The storage type for the relations is the relation
  identifier and for indices, it is a constant.

40.476  –  DBMODIFIED

  database has been modified; AIJ roll-forward not possible

  Explanation:  The database  has  been  modified.   Consequently,
  performing  a  "full"  roll forward of an after-image journal is
  not possible, because the transaction integrity of the  database
  would  be  compromised  by such an operation.  Note that the AIJ
  roll-forward utility sometimes converts the /AREA or /PAGE roll-
  forward  operation  into a "full" roll-forward operation, if all
  of the specified objects do not need recovery.   In  this  case,
  this  message  can  be  received  even  when  the /AREA or /PAGE
  qualifiers are explicitly specified by the user.

  User Action:  An after-image  journal  MUST  be  rolled  forward
  BEFORE  any  database  modifications are made.  In addition, "by
  area" and "by page" after-image journal roll forward  operations
  are permitted.

40.477  –  DBNOAIJ

  database does not have AIJ enabled

  Explanation:  You attempted to start an AIJ  log  server  for  a
  database that does not have AIJ enabled.

  User Action:  Enable AIJ for the database, and try again.

40.478  –  DBNOAIJFC

  database does not have AIJ "fast commit" enabled

  Explanation:  You attempted to  start  an  AIJ  Log  Server  for
  database  replication  purposes on a database that does not have
  the AIJ "fast commit" feature enabled.

  User Action:  Enable the  AIJ  "fast  commit"  feature  for  the
  database, and try again.

40.479  –  DBNOGB

  database does not have global buffers enabled

  Explanation:  The database cannot be opened with  the  specified
  global  buffer  parameters  because  the  database does not have
  global buffers enabled.

  User Action:  Retry the open operation without specifying global
  buffer parameters.

40.480  –  DBNOTACTIVE

  database is not being used, or must be manually opened first

  Explanation:  You attempted to close  a  database  that  is  not
  open, or you attempted to access a closed database that requires
  manual open.

  User Action:  There is no need to close the  database  -  it  is
  already  closed.   If  you  are  attempting  to  access a closed
  database that requires manual open, open the database first.

40.481  –  DBNOTOPEN

  database is not open for access

  Explanation:  The database must be  opened  to  allow  users  to
  access it.

  User Action:  Open the database and try again.


  database is open on another node in a mode not  compatible  with
  this node

  Explanation:  Another node has already opened the  database  and
  the  database  uses  some  feature  that  makes it impossible to
  concurrently open the database on this node.   For  example,  if
  Row  Cache  is  enabled,  then  all  nodes must be able to share
  memory (OpenVMS Galaxy).  If global  buffers  are  enabled  then
  every  node  that is a member of the same Galaxy system must use
  the same global buffer parameters when opening the database.

40.483  –  DBRABORTED

  database recovery process terminated abnormally

  Explanation:  A detached database  recovery  process  failed  to
  recover a transaction.

  User Action:  Examine the database  monitor  log  file  and  any
  SYS$SYSTEM:*DBRBUG.DMP bugcheck dump files for more information.

40.484  –  DBRBOUND

  attach not allowed while your process is being recovered

  Explanation:  The database recovery process (DBR)  is  currently
  recovering  an  image  for  your  process.   While  the recovery
  operation is  running,  you  cannot  start  another  image  that
  attempts to attach/bind to the database.

  User  Action:   You  can  attach/bind   to   another   database.
  Otherwise,  you  must  wait for the database recovery process to
  complete recovery of your previous image.

40.485  –  DBSHUTDOWN

  database shutdown is in progress

  Explanation:  The  request  you  made  could  not  be  completed
  because the database is being shut down.

  User  Action:    Examine   the   database   monitor   log   file
  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more information.

40.486  –  DB_CVT_FAIL

  Cannot convert from version V<num>.<num> to V<num>.<num>

  Explanation:  You cannot restore the database unless it  can  be
  converted to the target version of the restore operation.

  User Action:  Restore this  file  with  the  same  or  a  higher
  version  of  Oracle  Rdb  than  was  used  to perform the backup

40.487  –  DEADLOCK

  deadlock on <str>

  Explanation:  The operation you attempted has been forbidden  by
  the  database  management  system because it would have led to a
  system deadlock.

  User Action:  Execute a ROLLBACK or a  COMMIT  to  release  your
  locks, and try the transaction again.

40.488  –  DEFCMPNOCMP

  The  specified  multiple  tape  density   should   be   DEFAULT,

  Explanation:  A multiple tape density value has  been  specified
  for  this  SCSI  or  TA90,  TA90E  or  TA91  tape device that is
  invalid.  A value of COMPACTION, NOCOMPACTION or DEFAULT  should
  have   been  specified  with  the  DATA_FORMAT  qualifier.   The
  incorrect multiple tape density value  will  be  ignored  and  a
  correct value assumed.

  User Action:  Consider specifying  the  DEFAULT,  COMPACTION  or
  NOCOMPACTION   value  for  this  device  using  the  DATA_FORMAT

40.489  –  DEFREADER

  The number of reader threads has been adjusted to <num>.

  Explanation:  The /THREADS value exceeds either  the  number  of
  database  storage  areas  or  is  less  than the number of input
  devices.  The value is being changed to the next possible  valid

  User Action:  None.  To avoid this message specify the number of
  reader threads displayed in this message.

40.490  –  DEFWRITER

  The number of writer threads has been adjusted to <num>.

  Explanation:   The  /WRITER_THREADS  value  exceeds  either  the
  number  of  database  storage  areas  or  the  number  of output
  devices.  This would create writer threads with no work  to  do.
  The value is being changed to the largest possible valid value.

  User Action:  None.  To avoid this message specify the number of
  writer threads displayed in this message.

40.491  –  DELETEFAILS

  Cache file <str> deletion failed

  Explanation:  Attempt made to delete non existing file.

  User Action:  Check for the existence of the cache file.

40.492  –  DELIMQUAL

  Qualifier only valid with delimited text "<str>".

  Explanation:   A  qualifier  that  is  appropriate   only   when
  delimited  text  is  being  used in a record definition has been
  specified  without  also  specifying  the  Format=Delimited_Text

  User Action:  If the record  definition  really  uses  delimited
  text, then specify the Format=Delimited_Text qualifier.

40.493  –  DELPRC

  database attach has been terminated

  Explanation:  The user's attach has been terminated.

  User Action:  This error message indicates that  a  request  was
  made  to eliminate this user's database attach.  The termination
  may have been requested due to a database action such as closing
  the  database  with  the  ABORT=DELPRC option, or potentially an
  unrecoverable error was encountered by the database system  that
  necessitated terminating the user.

40.494  –  DELROWCOM

  equal  or  be a multiple of the ROW_COUNT value.The COMMIT_EVERY
  value of <num> is not equal to or a multiple  of  the  ROW_COUNT
  value of <num>.

  Explanation:    For   DELETE_ROWS   or    FLUSH=ON_COMMIT    the
  COMMIT_EVERY  value must equal or be a multiple of the ROW_COUNT
  value to prevent possible loss of data  written  to  the  unload
  file  if there is an error.  The COMMIT_EVERY value is not equal
  to or a multiple of the ROW_COUNT value.

  User Action:  Specify a COMMIT_EVERY value that is equal to or a
  multiple of the ROW_COUNT value.

40.495  –  DENSITY

  <str> does not support specified density

  Explanation:  The specified tape device  does  not  support  the
  requested tape density.

  User Action:  Specify  a  supported  tape  density  or  use  the
  default for the device.

40.496  –  DEPR_FEATURE

  Deprecated Feature:  <str> (replaced by <str>)

  Explanation:  The qualifier specified will be removed  from  RMU
  in  a  future  release.   It  has  been  replaced  with  another
  qualifier.  The Noareas qualifier for the RMU Move_Areas command
  has been replaced by the All_Areas qualifier because the Noareas
  qualifier was confusing and misleading.

  User Action:  Switch to using the All_Areas qualifier  in  place
  of the No_Areas qualifier.

40.497  –  DIRNOTFND

  directory not found.

  Explanation:  The specified directory  does  not  exist  on  the
  specified device.

  User Action:   Verify  that  the  device  and/or  directory  are
  specified  correctly.   Create  the  directory  if necessary, or
  specify an existing directory.


  The <str> option is temporarily disabled and will be ignored

  Explanation:  The option specified  is  currently  disabled  and
  will be ignored.

  User Action:  Do not specify this option to avoid  this  warning

40.499  –  DLMNOTFND

  <str> (<str>) not found for column <num> of  row  <num>  in  the

  Explanation:   Either  the  prefix,  or  the  suffix,   or   the
  separator, or the terminator was not found.

  User Action:  Correct the input file, and reissue the command.

40.500  –  DOENBLAIJ

  after-image journaling must be enabled to ensure recovery

  Explanation:  After adding an AIJ journal, it  is  necessary  to
  enable  AIJ  journaling (if it is not already enabled).  Failure
  to enable AIJ journaling will result in the AIJ file  being  NOT

  User  Action:   IT  IS  HIGHLY  RECOMMENDED   that   after-image
  journaling be enabled AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

40.501  –  DOFULLBCK

  full database backup should be done to ensure future recovery

  Explanation:   After  enabling  AIJ  journaling,  it  is   often
  necessary  to  perform  a  full (i.e., not incremental) database
  backup.  Failure to backup the database may result  in  the  AIJ
  file NOT being recoverable.

  User Action:  IT IS HIGHLY  RECOMMENDED  that  a  full  database
  backup be performed AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

40.502  –  DO_FULL_BACKUP

  A full backup of this database is recommended upon completion of
  the RMU Convert command

  Explanation:  After-image journaling was disabled during the RMU
  CONVERT.    Any  existing  backups  of  this  database  are  now

  User Action:  Do a full RMU BACKUP of this database.

40.503  –  DSEGDBKEY

  Data segment is at logical dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  This  message  is  issued  when  segmented  string
  context  is  dumped  after  a  possible corruption is found.  It
  reports the logical dbkey of the data  segment  currently  being

  User Action:  This  message  is  informational.   No  action  is

40.504  –  DTYPECVTERR

  data type conversion error

  Explanation:  A conversion error occurred during  formatting  of
  database metadata.

  User Action:  See the secondary message for more information.

40.505  –  DUPAIJFIL

  duplicate AIJ filename "<str>" specified

  Explanation:  A duplicate AIJ file name was specified during AIJ
  journal  addition.   Each  AIJ  file  name is used to identify a
  specific journal and must be unique within a database.

  User Action:  Please specify a unique AIJ filename.

40.506  –  DUPAIJNAM

  duplicate AIJ name "<str>" specified

  Explanation:  A duplicate AIJ  name  was  specified  during  AIJ
  journal  addition.  Each AIJ name is used to identify a specific
  journal and must be unique within a database.

  User Action:  Please specify a unique AIJ name.

40.507  –  DUPBTRDBK

  Dbkey of duplicate node for data node is <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  This message gives  the  dbkey  of  the  duplicate
  node,  so  that  the  integrity  of  the  index  can be verified
  manually, if necessary.

  User Action:  Ascertain if the  index  is  corrupt  by  manually
  verifying  the owner node after dumping that page.  If the index
  is corrupt, rebuild it.

40.508  –  DUPCCHNAM

  record cache "<str>" already exists

  Explanation:  A duplicate record cache name was specified.   The
  name used to identify a cache must be unique within a database.

  User Action:  Please specify a unique record cache name.

40.509  –  DUPEXECNAME

  Executor name "<str>" has already been used.

  Explanation:  In specifying a plan file, the same executor  name
  was used multiple times.

  User Action:  Make each executor name unique.

40.510  –  DUPFILNAM

  same storage area filename <str> for area ids <num> and <num>

  Explanation:  Two storage areas were found pointing to the  same
  physical  filename.   This  situation  can  happen during an RMU
  Convert command if an options file were used and more  than  one
  storage area name was assigned to the same physical filename.

  User Action:  Correct any errors in the convert options file and
  rerun the RMU Convert command.

40.511  –  DUPHSHDBK

  Dbkey   of   duplicate   hash   bucket   for   data   node    is

  Explanation:  This message gives the dbkey of the duplicate hash
  bucket  so  the integrity of the index can be verified manually,
  if necessary.

  User Action:  Ascertain if the  index  is  corrupt  by  manually
  verifying  related system records and hash buckets after dumping
  pages of the database.  If the index is corrupt, rebuild it.

40.512  –  DUPLAREAID

  Logical area id <num> has been specified more than once

  Explanation:  The logical area  id  number  displayed  has  been
  specified more than once.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

40.513  –  DUPNOTFND

  duplicate B-tree node not found at dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  A duplicate B-tree index node was expected at  the
  given  dbkey,  but  was not found.  The pointer to the duplicate
  node in the B-tree is probably corrupt.

  User Action:  Ascertain if the  index  is  corrupt  by  manually
  verifying  related  index  nodes  after  dumping  pages  of  the
  database.  Rebuild the index if it is corrupt.

40.514  –  DUPOWNDBK

  Dbkey of owner of this duplicate node is <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  There is an error with  a  duplicate  node.   This
  message  gives  the dbkey of the owner of the duplicate node, so
  that the integrity of the index can  be  verified  manually,  if

  User Action:  Ascertain if the  index  is  corrupt  by  manually
  verifying  the  owner node after dumping that page.  Rebuild the
  index if it is corrupt.

40.515  –  DUPRELNAM

  same relation name <str> for relation ids <num> and <num>

  Explanation:  Two relations were found with the same name.

  User Action:   If  having  two  relations  with  the  same  name
  indicates  your  database is corrupted, restore the database and
  roll forward.

40.516  –  DUPSTAREA

  same area name <str> for area ids <num> and <num>

  Explanation:  Two storage areas were found with the same name.

  User Action:  Restore the database, roll the  database  forward,
  and verify it again.

40.517  –  DYNPCL

  deposit not allowed, dynamic data item

  Explanation:  You attempted to deposit  a  dbkey  value  into  a
  dynamic data item cluster.

  User Action:  This is not allowed.  Dbkeys are only  allowed  in
  set clusters.

40.518  –  EDTSTRUNC

  filename edits "<str>" truncated

  Explanation:  Internal represenation of filename  edits  limited
  to  a  maximum  of  31  characters.   Specified  filename  edits
  truncated to the maximum of 31 characters.

  User Action:  No action required.  If desired, the filename edit
  specification can be shortened.

40.519  –  EMPTYAIJ

  after-image journal file is empty

  Explanation:  A recovery operation was  attempted  on  an  empty
  after-image  journal  file,  or  the  UNTIL  time  predates  any
  journaled  transactions.   The   former   can   happen   if   no
  transactions  were initiated while after-image journaling was in

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

40.520  –  EMPTYFILE

  <str> file is empty

  Explanation:  The file is empty.

  User Action:  None.


  Encryption algorithm name is missing.

  Explanation:   The   /ENCRYPTION=(ALGORITHM=algorithm_name)   is
  missing.   Action:   Specify  a  valid encryption algorithm with
  your key.


  Specify encryption key name or a key value but not both.

  Explanation:      Either     /ENCRYPTION=(NAME=key-name)     or,
  /ENCRYPTION=(VALUE=key-value)  is  missing  or,  both  have been


  decryption parameters do not match encryption parameters

  Explanation:  The specified parameters  for  decryption  do  not
  match the parameters used for encryption.

  User Action:  Specify the key value and key  algorithm  used  to
  create the save set.


  save set is encrypted, /ENCRYPT must be specified

  Explanation:  Saveset is encrypted and no encryption  parameters

  User Action:  Specify the key value and key  algorithm  used  to
  create the save set.

40.525  –  ENCRYPTUSED

  Encryption key required when future restore performed.

  Explanation:  This backup has  been  encrypted.   Therefore  any
  future  restore  of  this  backup  file  will  require  the same
  encryption key that was used to create this backup file.

  User Action:  Make sure the encryption key used for this  backup
  is saved since it will be required to restore this backup.

40.526  –  ENDEXTRACT

  elapsed time for metadata extract :  <time>

  Explanation:  This message provides the  elapsed  time  for  the
  requested   metadata  to  be  extracted.   This  information  is
  provided to help you schedule extracts from this database in the

40.527  –  ENDVERIFY

  elapsed time for verification :  <time>

  Explanation:  The elapsed time for the complete verification  is
  given  in  this message to help schedule future verifications of
  the database.

40.528  –  ENQFAILURE

  Unable to enqueue lock.

  Explanation:  A lock required by RMU was not granted by the lock

  User Action:  Refer to the secondary message to identify why the
  lock was not granted.  If the secondary message specifies a user
  correctable action (such as EXQUOTA), correct the  problem.   If
  the  secondary  message  specifies  an  internal  error (such as
  ACCVIO),  contact  your  Oracle   support   representative   for


  Network error:  Environment already allocated.

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to initialize the  RMU  client
  environment more than once.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.530  –  ERRDATFET

  error   fetching   data   record   from   B-tree   index    node

  Explanation:  An error occurred during a fetch of a data  record
  from a B-tree node.

  User Action:  Ascertain if the  index  is  corrupt  by  manually
  verifying  related  index  nodes  after  dumping  pages  of  the
  database.  If the index is corrupt, rebuild it.

40.531  –  ERRDET

  an error was detected

  Explanation:   An  "error  level"  (-E-)  error  condition   was
  detected  by  RMU  and  displayed during the execution of an RMU

  User Action:  If possible, run the statement(s) again using  RMU
  and  read  any  additional  RMU error messages to determine what
  caused the error condition.  Then fix the error.

40.532  –  ERRDEVCHO

  Error reading device characteristics for process output.

  Explanation:  An attempt to determine device characteristics  of
  the  output  file  for  the  process  failed with an error.  See
  secondary error for more information.

40.533  –  ERRDPHBKT

  error fetching duplicate hash bucket

  Explanation:  An error occurred during a fetch  of  a  duplicate
  hash bucket.

  User Action:  Ascertain if the  index  is  corrupt  by  manually
  verifying  related system records and hash buckets after dumping
  pages of the database.  If the index is corrupt, rebuild it

40.534  –  ERRDSGFET

  Error fetching data segment from segmented string.

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an  attempt  to  fetch  a
  data segment from a segmented string.  See accompanying messages
  for the segmented string context at the time of the error.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.535  –  ERRDSGHDR

  Errors found verifying a data segment header.

  Explanation:  This messages indicates  that  errors  were  found
  during  verification  of  the  KODA  storage  record header of a
  segmented string's data segment.  See accompanying messages  for
  the specific errors and for the segmented string context.

  User Action:  This  message  is  informational.   No  action  is

40.536  –  ERRDUPFET

  error fetching duplicate B-tree index node

  Explanation:  An error occurred during a fetch  of  a  duplicate
  B-tree node.

  User Action:  Ascertain if the  index  is  corrupt  by  manually
  verifying  related  index  nodes  after  dumping  pages  of  the
  database.  Rebuild the index if it is corrupt.

40.537  –  ERREXCCMD

  Error executing command "<str>".

  Explanation:  The executor encountered an  error  executing  the
  specified command.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message  or   messages.
  Correct the error and try again.

40.538  –  ERREXCPLN

  Error executing plan file <str>.

  Explanation:  The executor encountered an  error  executing  the
  specified plan file.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message  or   messages.
  Correct the error and try again.

40.539  –  ERRFOREIGN

  error opening foreign command file as input

  Explanation:  An error occurred during the reading of a  foreign
  command file.

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more

40.540  –  ERRGATFRG

  error gathering fragmented record at <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  An error occurred when gathering the segments of a
  fragmented  record  were gathered.  Other related error messages
  may give more information.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.541  –  ERRHSHBKT

  error fetching hash bucket

  Explanation:  An error occurred during a hash bucket fetch.

  User Action:  Ascertain if the  index  is  corrupt  by  manually
  verifying  related system records and hash buckets after dumping
  pages of the database.  If the index is corrupt, rebuild it.

40.542  –  ERRMETA

  Error getting metadata <str>.

  Explanation:  An error occurred while getting database metadata.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message  or   messages.
  Correct the error and try again.

40.543  –  ERROPENIN

  error opening <str> as input

  Explanation:  An error occurred during opening of an input file.

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more

40.544  –  ERROPENOUT

  error opening <str> as output

  Explanation:  An error occurred  during  opening  of  an  output

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more

40.545  –  ERRPSGFET

  Error fetching pointer segment of segmented string.

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an  attempt  to  fetch  a
  pointer  segment  from  a  segmented  string.   See accompanying
  messages for the segmented string context at  the  time  of  the

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.546  –  ERRPSGHDR

  Errors found verifying a pointer segment header.

  Explanation:  This messages indicates  that  errors  were  found
  during  verification  of  the  KODA  storage record header of an
  indexed segmented string's pointer  segment.   See  accompanying
  messages  for  the  specific errors and for the segmented string

  User Action:  This  message  is  informational.   No  action  is

40.547  –  ERRRDBIND

  error accessing RDB$INDICES relation

  Explanation:  Unable  to  get  the  list  of  indexes  from  the
  RDB$INDICES  system  relation.   Indexes  cannot  be verified if
  requested.  Very minimal verification can be performed.

  User Action:  Rebuild the indexes.

40.548  –  ERRRDBREL

  error accessing RDB$RELATIONS relation

  Explanation:  It is not possible to  get  information  from  the
  RDB$RELATIONS system relation.  Only minimum verification can be

  User Action:  The database may need to be restored.

40.549  –  ERRRDBSEG

  Error  getting  segmented  string  data  from   system   tables.
  Segmented strings will not be verified.

  Explanation:  It  is  not  possible  to  get  information  about
  segmented  strings  from  the  system tables.  Segmented strings
  will not be verified.

  User Action:  The database may need to be restored.

40.550  –  ERRSEGFET

  Error fetching segmented string's primary segment.

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt to  fetch  the
  primary   (first)   segment   from   a  segmented  string.   See
  accompanying messages for the segmented string  context  at  the
  time of the error.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.551  –  ERRSYSFET

  Error fetching system record.

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt to  fetch  the
  system record.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.552  –  ERRSYSREL

  error accessing some system relations

  Explanation:  It is not possible to get  information  from  some
  system relations.  Only minimum verification can be done.

  User Action:  The database may need to be restored.

40.553  –  ERRWRITE

  error writing file

  Explanation:  An error occurred during a file write.

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more

40.554  –  EXCCGRMAX

  Exceeded maximum limit of columns  for  column  group  in  table

  Explanation:  The maximum number of columns  (15)  in  a  column
  group has been exceeded.

  User Action:  Correct the column group and try again.

40.555  –  EXECDISCONN

  Network error:  Executor needs to be unbound.

  Explanation:  Executor needs to be unbound.

  User Action:  Unbind the executor.

40.556  –  EXECFAIL

  Network error:  Executor failure.

  Explanation:  The executor was unable  to  complete  the  client

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.557  –  EXECPROTERR

  Network error:  Executor protocol violated by API driver.

  Explanation:  The executor protocol has been violated by the API
  driver.   This  error  occurs if the API driver issues a request
  such as receive, send, and so on, before binding to an executor.
  This  error also occurs if the API driver issues unbind twice in
  a row.

  User Action:  Issue requests in the correct order.

40.558  –  EXECUNBOUND

  Network error:  Executor is in an unbound state.

  Explanation:  Executor is in an unbound state.

  User Action:  Bind to the executor.

40.559  –  EXNODECNT

  database cannot be opened on this node  --  maximum  node  count
  (<num>) exceeded

  Explanation:  The  database  cannot  be  opened  on  this  node,
  because  it  has  already  been  opened on the maximum allowable
  number of nodes.

  User Action:  Consider increasing the maximum  number  of  nodes
  configured for the database.

40.560  –  EXPORTCOR

  Export file <str> is corrupt

  Explanation:  The format of the file does not match  the  Oracle
  Rdb   interchange   format  specification.   Either  the  EXPORT
  operation used features not not available  in  this  version  of
  Oracle Rdb, or the file itself has become corrupted.

  User Action:  None.

40.561  –  EXQUOTA

  exceeded quota

  Explanation:  The image could not  proceed  because  a  resource
  quota or limit had been exceeded.

  User Action:  The secondary error message describes the resource
  that  was  exceeded.  If this occurs consistently, increase your

40.562  –  EXTRADATA

  Extra data in row <num> has been ignored.

  Explanation:  A row of a table has been successfully loaded, but
  extraneous data at the end of the delimited text record has been

  User Action:  If it is expected that there are more  columns  of
  data  in the delimited text input file than there are columns in
  the table being loaded,  no  action  is  necessary.   Otherwise,
  check the results of the load and reissue the command.


  "<num>", the number of  reader  threads,  exceeds  "<num>",  the
  numberof output files or master tape devices.

  Explanation:  If restoring from tape devices the number of  tape
  volumes  specified by "/VOLUMES" may exceed the number of MASTER
  tape  devices.   For  "/DISK_FILE"  restores   the   number   of
  "/READER_THREADS" specified may be larger that the the number of
  backup files in the backup set.  For "/LIBRARIAN"  restores  the
  number  of  "/READER_THREADS"  specified may be greater than the
  number of backup files or tape  volumes  in  the  media  manager
  backup set.

  User Action:  Correct any  incorrect  values  specified  by  the
  /READER_THREADS  or  /VOLUMES  qualifiers  if  one  of  them was
  specified on the command line and repeat the restore.  Otherwise
  contact your Oracle support representative for assistance.

40.564  –  EXTSRTSTAT

  Records:<num> Merges:<num> Nodes:<num> WorkAlq:<num>

  Explanation:  During extraction operations, statistics are often
  collected  to  aid  the  user  in tuning.  This message displays

40.565  –  FAILCSETTBL

  A character set information table was not created

  Explanation:  The RMU Extract command could not create  a  table
  containing character set information.

  User Action:  Call the Customer Support Center.

40.566  –  FAILKEYTBL

  An SQL keyword table was not created

  Explanation:  The RMU Extract command could not create  a  table
  containing SQL keywords.

  User Action:  Call the Customer Support Center.

40.567  –  FAILOOKTBL

  The lookup of an SQL keyword failed

  Explanation:  The RMU Extract command was unable to look  up  an
  SQL keyword.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.568  –  FATALERR

  fatal error on <str>

  Explanation:  The operation  was  aborted  because  very  severe
  errors were detected.

  User Action:  Examine the other errors  reported  and  take  the
  appropriate corrective action.

40.569  –  FATALOSI

  Fatal error from the Operating System Interface.

  Explanation:  An unexpected and unhandled error occurred  in  an
  operating system or library function.

  User  Action:   Refer  to  the  operating  system   or   library
  documentation  for  further  explanation and possible corrective

40.570  –  FATALRDB

  Fatal error while accessing Oracle Rdb.

  Explanation:  An unexpected and unhandled error  occurred  while
  accessing  Oracle  Rdb.   The  preceding  messages  describe the

  User Action:  Refer to the Oracle Rdb documentation for  further
  explanation and possible corrective action.

40.571  –  FIDCKSBAD

  this filid contains an invalid checksum
  expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The checksum on  the  FILID  entry  is  incorrect.
  Verification of the FILID continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.572  –  FIDCSMFLG

  the CHECKSUM flag must be set but it is not

  Explanation:  The CHECKSUM flag must be  set.   Verification  of
  the FILID continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.573  –  FIDPNOBAD

  the highest page of a CALC SET is greater than
  the maximum page number of the area
  Maximum page number is <num>, highest page number is <num>

  Explanation:  The highest page number of a CALC SET  is  greater
  than  the  maximum page number of the area.  Verification of the
  FILID continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.574  –  FILACCERR

  error <str> file <str>

  Explanation:  A file-access error occurred.

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more

40.575  –  FILCREERR

  Network error:  Error creating file.

  Explanation:  An error was encountered creating a new file.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message  or   messages.
  Correct the error and try again.

40.576  –  FILELOCK

  file currently locked by another user.

  Explanation:  An attempt  to  open  or  create  a  file  failed.
  Another  user  has the file open in a mode incompatible with the
  attempted access.

  User Action:  Wait until the other user has unlocked  the  file.
  If  the  file cannot be shared, modify the program to detect and
  respond to this condition by waiting.

40.577  –  FILEQUAL

  Qualifier only valid on files "<str>".

  Explanation:  A qualifier that is valid only for backup to files
  is being used with something that is not a file.

  User Action:  Do not use this qualifier, or change the  type  of

40.578  –  FILEXISTS

  the specified file already exists

  Explanation:  An attempt was made  to  create  a  file  but  the
  specified already exists.

  User Action:  If this error  is  returned  while  attempting  to
  perform  an  RMU Backup operation using the Librarian qualifier,
  then it indicates that the backup filename given in the  command
  line  already  exists  in  the  media  manager's storage system.
  Either provide a new unique backup filename or use  the  Replace
  keyword  with  the  Librarian  qualifier  to  instruct the media
  manager to replace the existing backup file with a new one.

40.579  –  FILNOTFND

  file not found

  Explanation:  An error occurred when an attempt was made to open
  a nonexistent storage file.

  User Action:  If a storage file does not exist in  the  expected
  directory,  it must be restored if it was moved accidentally, or
  the database needs to be restored from the last backup.

40.580  –  FILOPNERR

  Network error:  Error opening file.

  Explanation:  An error was encountered opening an existing file.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message  or   messages.
  Correct the error and try again.

40.581  –  FILREADERR

  Network error:  Error reading file.

  Explanation:  An error was encountered reading from a file.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message  or   messages.
  Correct the error and try again.


  standby database storage area signature does  not  match  master

  Explanation:  The number of storage area slots ("reserved"),  or
  the  specific  storage area page size, are not identical on both
  the master and standby databases.

  User Action:  Make sure both the  master  and  standby  database
  storage  area  configurations  are identical.  Do not change any
  storage area page size when restoring the databases.

40.583  –  FLDMUSMAT

  Specified fields must match in  number  and  datatype  with  the
  unloaded data

  Explanation:  The unloaded data can not be  loaded  because  the
  specifications  of the unloaded data and the target relation are

  User Action:  Check the use of the Fields qualifier.

40.584  –  FLDNOTFND

  Referenced global field (<str>) was not defined

  Explanation:   This  field  was  referenced  by   the   relation
  definition but not found in the metadata, or it was specified in
  the command but not referenced by the relation definition.

  User Action:  Validate and correct the database metadata or  the
  Fields qualifier.

40.585  –  FLDNOTUNL

  Referenced global field (<str>) not unloaded

  Explanation:  This field was referenced by the table  definition
  but  not  found  in  the  metadata,  or  it was specified in the
  command but not referenced by the table definition.

  User Action:  Validate and correct the database metadata or  the
  Fields qualifier.

40.586  –  FRACHNPOS

  pointed to by fragment on page <num>, line <num>

  Explanation:  This message is printed  after  a  fragment  chain
  verification  error has occurred indicating the previous storage
  record occurrence of the invalid fragment chain.

40.587  –  FRAOFFPAG

  area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  Offset for the end of the storage record is <num>
  Which is greater than the page size of <num>.

  Explanation:  The location information stored in the line  index
  for  a storage segment indicates that part or all of the storage
  segment is beyond the end of the page.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another

40.588  –  FREEBADBUFF

  attempt to free busy (or free) buffer

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.589  –  FTL_INS_STAT

  Fatal error for INSERT OPTIMIZER_STATISTICS operation at <time>

40.590  –  FULLAIJBKUP

  partially-journaled  changes   made;   database   may   not   be

  Explanation:  Partially-journalled changes have been made to the
  database.   This  may result in the database being unrecoverable
  in the event of database failure; that is, it may be  impossible
  to  roll-forward  the after-image journals, due to a transaction
  mis-match  or  attempts  to  modify  objects   that   were   not
  journalled.   This  condition  typically  occurs  as a result of
  replicating database changes using the Hot Standby feature.

  User Action:   IMMEDIATELY  perform  a  full  (not  by-sequence)
  quiet-point  AIJ  backup  to  clear  the  AIJ journals, followed
  immediately by a full (no-quiet-point allowed) database backup.

40.591  –  FUTURESTATE

  Area <str> represents a future state of the database

  Explanation:  The state of this area is  inconsistent  with  the
  database  and  represents  a  future state of the database.  The
  entire database must be brought forward in time to  this  future

  User Action:  None.

40.592  –  GAPONPAGE

  unaccounted gap on page <num>
  free space end offset :  <num> (hex)
  minimum offset of any line :  <num> (hex)

  Explanation:  A gap was found between the end of free space  and
  the  beginning of the line closest to the beginning of the page.
  This could be caused by the  corruption  of  locked  free  space
  length, free space length, or the line index.

  User Action:   Dump  the  page  in  question  to  determine  the
  corruption.  Restore the database and verify again.


  Do you wish to COMMIT/ABORT/IGNORE this transaction:

  Explanation:  Ask the user whether to  COMMIT/ABORT/IGNORE  this
  blocked transaction.


  Do you wish to COMMIT/ABORT this transaction:

  Explanation:  Ask the user whether to COMMIT/ABORT this  blocked

  User Action:  None.

40.595  –  GOODAIJSEQ

  AIJ file is correct for roll-forward operations

  Explanation:  The specified AIJ file is the correct file  to  be
  rolled forward.

  User Action:  No user  action  is  required.   This  message  is
  informational only.

40.596  –  GTRMAXFLT

  The float value is greater than maximum allowed.

  Explanation:  The float value specified for the named option  is
  too large.

  User Action:  Use a float value that is less  than  the  maximum
  value and try again.

40.597  –  HASHINDID

  error getting the hash indices database id

  Explanation:  It was not  possible  to  get  the  hash  indexes'
  database ids (DBID's).

  User Action:  Rebuild the indexes.

40.598  –  HAZUSAGE

  <str> specified for <str>, Corruption may occur if the value was
  not correct

  Explanation:  The area qualifiers specified in this  command  do
  not agree with the values stored in the root file that was lost.
  RMU displays this message only to  warn  you  that  setting  the
  option   to   an   incorrect   value  may  render  the  database
  inaccessible or otherwise corrupt it.

  User Action:  Specify the option on the command line only if the
  value  for  the  option  has  changed  since the backup file was
  created.  If you are certain  the  value  is  correct,  then  do
  nothing.   Otherwise, determine the correct value for the option
  and repeat the operation using the correct value.

40.599  –  HDRCRC

  software header CRC error

  Explanation:  A media error  was  detected  in  the  tape  block
  header  data.  This can also result from an attempt to process a
  file that was not created by RMU; for example, a OpenVMS  BACKUP

  User Action:  None.

40.600  –  HELMTCNT

  index <str> hash element <num>:<num>:<num> contains a bad
  duplicate node count, expected:  <num>, computed:  <num>

  Explanation:  The count field in the hash index element contains
  a value different then what was computed.

  User Action:  Rebuild the index.

40.601  –  HELMTNEG

  hash element containing 1 entry has a bad dbkey pointer
  expected a positive logical area number, found <num>

  Explanation:  If the data record count is 1,  then  the  logical
  area  database id in the dbkey must be positive.  This indicates
  that the dbkey is pointing to a data record.

  User Action:  Rebuild the index.

40.602  –  HELMTPOS

  hash element containing more  than  1  entry  has  a  bad  dbkey
  expected a negative logical area number, found <num>

  Explanation:  If the data record count is greater than  1,  then
  the  logical  area  database  id  in the dbkey must be negative.
  This condition  indicates  that  the  dbkey  is  pointing  to  a
  duplicate hash bucket.

  User Action:  Rebuild the index.

40.603  –  HIBER

  thread requests hibernate

  Explanation:   The  currently  executing  internal  thread   has
  requested a short term hibernation.

  User Action:   This  state  should  never  be  seen  by  a  user
  application.    It  is  only  used  by  the  internal  threading

40.604  –  HIGHCSNINV

  Highest CSN (<num>:<num>) is higher than the CSN  that  will  be
  assigned next(<num>:<num>).

  Explanation:  The database has a CSN that  is  higher  than  the
  KODA  sequence  number that will assigned as the next CSN.  This
  indicates that the root file is not consistent.

40.605  –  HIGHTSNINV

  Highest active TSN (<num>:<num>) is higher  than  the  TSN  that
  will be assigned next (<num>:<num>).

  Explanation:  The database has a TSN that  is  higher  than  the
  KODA  sequence  number that will assigned as the next TSN.  This
  indicates that the root file is not consistent.

40.606  –  HOTACTVTX

  Active transactions prevent replication startup

  Explanation:  The Log Catch Server (LCS) is unable  to  complete
  the  catch-up phase of replication startup.  Active transactions
  prevented the  LCS  from  acquiring  a  quiet-point  within  the
  specified interval.

  User Action:  Ensure that no extremely long-running  transaction
  are active.  Increase the LCS quiet-point timeout interval.

40.607  –  HOTADDSWTCH

  Hot Standby is active and AIJ  switch-over  suspended  -  backup
  existing journals first

  Explanation:  The AIJ switch-over  operation  is  suspended  and
  performing  the requested AIJ journal creation while Hot Standby
  is active could result in replication being terminated.

  User Action:  It is recommended to backup one or  more  existing
  AIJ journals before creating the new AIJ journal(s).

40.608  –  HOTBCKCONT

  continuous AIJ backup not permitted when replication active

  Explanation:  The "continuous"  AIJ  backup  operatoion  is  not
  permitted when the database replication is active.

  User Action:  Use the AIJ Backup Server (ABS) process when using
  multiple  AIJ  journals,  or  issue  non-continuous  AIJ  backup
  operations when using a single AIJ journal.

40.609  –  HOTCMDPEND

  request cannot be completed due to pending hot standby command

  Explanation:  A Hot Standby command was pervious requested  from
  this  node  using the /NOWAIT qualifier; the command has not yet
  completed.  The command just requested cannot be completed until
  the  Hot  Standby  feature command already active but pending on
  this node has first completed.

  User  Action:   The  requested  Hot  Standby  command  must   be
  completed  prior  to  issuing  this command.  Use the SHOW USERS
  command to indicate the status of the Hot Standby command.

40.610  –  HOTEXCHMSG

  error exchanging replication message

  Explanation:  User Action:

40.611  –  HOTFAILURE

  hot standby failure:  <str>

  Explanation:  A hot standby failure occurred.

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more

40.612  –  HOTLCLCNCT

  error allocating local network connection

  Explanation:  User Action:

40.613  –  HOTMISMATCH

  standby database version does not match master database

  Explanation:  The version time and date  stamp  in  the  standby
  database  root does not match the version time and date stamp in
  master database root.  Also, it may be possible that the standby
  database  was  backed  up and restored, thereby invalidating the
  abaility to be replicated.

  User Action:  Ensure that  the  specified  standby  database  is
  correct and restored from a master database backup file.


  cannot switch from circular  to  extensible  AIJ  journaling  if
  replication active

  Explanation:   User  Action:   Terminate  database   replication


  cannot switch from extensible  to  circular  AIJ  journaling  if
  replication active

  Explanation:  Adding a new AIJ  journal  is  not  allowed  while
  database  replication  is  active,  if  adding the journal would
  activate circular journaling.

  User Action:  Terminate database replication first.

40.616  –  HOTNOONLINE

  attempt to access standby database opened for exclusive access

  Explanation:  An attempt has been made to attach  to  a  standby
  database  for  which replication has been started with exclusive

  User Action:  Stop replication and re-start with "online" access
  to the standby database.

40.617  –  HOTNORC

  record  cache  not  allowed  on  hot  standby  database   during

  Explanation:  The record cache feature must be disabled  on  the
  hot standby database during hot standby replication.

  User Action:  Open (or re-open) the standby  database  with  the

40.618  –  HOTOFFLINE

  standby database opened for exclusive access

  Explanation:  Hot Standby replication has been  started  on  the
  master  database  using  exclusive access.  This occurs when the
  /NOONLINE qualifier is used, or the  /ONLINE  qualifier  is  not
  specified during replication startup.  When the standby database
  is in "exclusive" mode, user  processes  cannot  attach  to  the

  User Action:  If exclusive access is not  desired,  Hot  Standby
  replication  must  be terminated and restarted using the /ONLINE

40.619  –  HOTRECVMSG

  error receiving replication message

  Explanation:  User Action:

40.620  –  HOTREMCNCT

  error allocating remote network connection

  Explanation:  User Action:

40.621  –  HOTREMDELT

  error deleting replication connection

  Explanation:  User Action:

40.622  –  HOTREMDSCT

  error disconnecting from replication server

  Explanation:  User Action:

40.623  –  HOTRWTXACTV

  database  in  use  with   active   or   pre-started   read/write

  Explanation:  Database replication  cannot  be  started  on  the
  standby   database   if  there  are  processes  with  active  or
  pre-started read/write transactions.

  User  Action:   All  read/write  transaction  activity  must  be
  stopped  prior  to  starting database replication on the standby

40.624  –  HOTSEQBCK

  cannot find AIJ journal required to start replication

  Explanation:  Database replication using the Hot Standby feature
  was attempted to be started, but the AIJ journal required by the
  standby database could not be  found  on  the  master  database.
  This  typically  occurs  when  the  AIJ  Backup  Server  ("ABS")
  inadvertantly backs up the AIJ journal on  the  master  database
  following an AIJ switch-over operation.

  User Action:  The journal specified in the  Log  Catchup  Server
  ("LCS")  output  file  must  be  manually  rolled forward on the
  standby database.  Alternately,  the  master  database  must  be
  backed up and restored as the standby database.

40.625  –  HOTSTOPWAIT

  stopping database replication, please wait

  Explanation:   This  message  informs  the  user  that  database
  replication  is  being  stopped  and  to  wait  for  shutdown to
  complete.  Replication shutdown times vary based on  system  and
  network activity.

  User Action:  Wait for database replication to stop.

40.626  –  HOTSVRCNCT

  error connecting to replication server

  Explanation:  User Action:

40.627  –  HOTSVRFIND

  error identifying remote replication server

  Explanation:  User Action:

40.628  –  HOTWRONGDB

  attempt to start replication for wrong master database

  Explanation:  An attempt has been made to start replication on a
  master  database whose standby database is already replicating a
  different master database.  The master root file name  does  not
  match  the  name  used when replication was first started on the
  standby database.  This could happen if you  copied  or  renamed
  the  master database root file, or if the file was created using
  a concealed logical device name and  that  logical  name  is  no
  longer defined.

  User Action:  Ensure that  the  specified  standby  database  is
  correct.  If so, ensure that replication on the standby database
  has been fully terminated; replication termination occassionally
  has  long-duration  shutdown processing to be performed.  If the
  master database rootfile had been moved, rename or copy the root
  file  back  to  its  original  name or location, or redefine the
  necessary concealed logical device name in  the  system  logical
  name table.

40.629  –  HSHINDCNT

  error getting the count of hash indices

  Explanation:  It was not possible  to  get  the  count  of  hash
  indexes, probably because the system relation is corrupted.

  User Action:  Rebuild the indexes.

40.630  –  HSHVFYPRU

  hash index verification pruned at this dbkey

  Explanation:  An error occurred during verification  of  a  hash
  index.   Verification will not proceed any further for this hash

  User Action:  Verify the page in  question,  and  check  if  the
  database needs to be restored.


  Use of HYPERSORT is not  supported  -  SORTSHR  logical  defined

40.632  –  IDXAREVFY

  Logical area <num> (<str>) needs to be
  verified as part of index data verification.

  Explanation:  The Data qualifier was specified and  verification
  of  the  index  that  was created for the named logical area was
  requested but verification of the named the logical area was not

  User Action:  Reissue the RMU Verify  command  with  either  the
  Nodata  qualifier  or with the Larea qualifier listing the named
  logical area.

40.633  –  IDXDATMIS

  Index <str> does not point to a row in table <str>.
  Logical dbkey of the missing row is <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  The row with the specified dbkey should  exist  in
  the named index but it does not.

  User Action:  Recreate the index for the table.

40.634  –  IDXVEREND

  Completed data verification of logical area <num>.

40.635  –  IDXVERSTR

  Beginning index data verification of logical area <num> (<str>).

40.636  –  IGNDSBNDX

  Ignoring disabled index <str>

  Explanation:  The RMU Analyze Index and  RMU  Analyze  Placement
  commands  do  not,  by  default,  process indices which have had
  maintenance disabled.  This message indicates that the specified
  index  will  not  be  analyzed.  If you wish to analyze disabled
  indices, explicitly list the  index  name  on  the  RMU  Analyze
  command  line.   Disabled  indices  should  be  dropped from the
  database, when convenient.

40.637  –  IGNJNL

  <str> journal ignored

  Explanation:  The specific journal is  being  removed  from  the
  recovery list because it does not appear to be required.

  User Action:  None.

40.638  –  IGNORACL

  Ignoring foreign RMU access control list

  Explanation:  A restore operation was performed on a  Windows/NT
  system  using  a  backup  file  created  on either an OpenVMS or
  Digital Unix system.  Alternatively,  a  restore  operation  was
  performed  on  an  OpenVMS or Digital Unix system using a backup
  file created on a Windows/NT system.  In either case, RMU is not
  able  to  restore  the access control list because the format of
  the ACL differs among operating systems.

  User Action:  Use the RMU Set Privilege command to create a root
  file  ACL  for the database that meets the security needs of the
  new platform on which the database was restored.

40.639  –  IGNORSCAN

  [No]Scan qualifier ignored for online full backup operations

  Explanation:  The [No]Scan_Optimization qualifier was  used  for
  an  online  full backup operation.  The purpose of the qualifier
  is to enable or disable  the  recording  of  the  identities  of
  regions  of  the  database that have changed since the last full
  backup.  However, this recording state cannot be changed  during
  an  online full backup.  In order to change the recording state,
  an  offline  full   backup   must   be   performed   using   the
  [No]Scan_Optimization qualifier.

40.640  –  IKEYOVFLW

  compressed IKEY for index "<str>" exceeds 255 bytes

  Explanation:  The current index key (IKEY)  being  stored  in  a
  sorted or hashed index with compression enabled has exceeded the
  255-byte  IKEY-length  limit  during  compression.   With   IKEY
  compression  enabled,  some  IKEYs may actually increase in size
  during compression and potentially exceed the 255-byte limit.

  User Action:  Refer to your reference documention for details on
  controlling   the   maximum   expansion   overhead  during  IKEY
  compression.  Alternatively, recreate the specified  index  with
  compression disabled.

40.641  –  ILLCHAR

  illegal character "<str>" encountered

  Explanation:  A non-alphanumeric character has been detected  in
  the command input stream.

  User Action:  Remove  the  non-alphanumeric  character  and  try

40.642  –  ILLDBKDATA

  illegal dbkey data, <str> out of range [<num>:<num>]

  Explanation:  The area id, page number, or line  number  of  the
  dbkey  specified  in the command is out of range.  The allowable
  limits are specified as [<num>:<num>].

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

40.643  –  ILLDBKFMT

  illegal dbkey format

  Explanation:  The format of the dbkey specified in  the  command
  is        invalid.        The       proper       format       is

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

40.644  –  ILLJOINCTX

  Multiple tables in UPDATE or DELETE action of trigger <str>

  Explanation:  The delete or update actions are performed in  the
  context  of join (CROSS) of multiple database tables.  This type
  of trigger action cannot be extracted in SQL and  is  no  longer
  recommended in RDO.

  User Action:  Recode the join as a single  table  reference  and
  subqueries as described in the Oracle Rdb documentation.

40.645  –  ILLNCHAR

  illegal character found in numeric input

  Explanation:  You specified a number  containing  a  non-numeric

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

40.646  –  ILLNUM

  numeric conversion failed on "<str>"

  Explanation:  A number was expected and a non-numeric token  was

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

40.647  –  ILLSEGTYP

  Illegal segmented string type of <num> found.

  Explanation:  A segmented string was found that contained either
  a secondary chained segment or a secondary pointer segment, when
  a  primary  chained  segment  or  primary  pointer  segment  was

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the SQL IMPORT statement.  Then verify the database

40.648  –  ILLSPAMCODE

  trying to deposit an illegal storage fullness code

  Explanation:  The operation is  trying  to  deposit  an  illegal
  space  code  value  into  a data page entry on the current space
  management page.  The codes range from 0 to 3 inclusive.

  User Action:  Try the operation again using a  value  between  0
  and 3 inclusive.

40.649  –  ILLTIM

  ASCII to binary time conversion failed on "<str>"

  Explanation:  An invalid time format was specified in a  DEPOSIT
  TIME_STAMP   command.    The   proper   format  is  "dd-mmm-yyyy".

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

40.650  –  IMGABORTED

  image aborted at privileged user request

  Explanation:   The  current  image  was   aborted   by   another
  privileged   user,  typically  the  database  administrator,  in
  response to some event that required this action.

  User Action:  Consult the database administrator to identify the
  reason the image was aborted.

40.651  –  INALVAREA

  FILID entry <num> is a snapshot area that points to an  inactive
  live area.

  Explanation:  The FILID entry for each snapshot area contains  a
  pointer to the FILID entry for the live area associated with the
  snapshot area.  The live area associated with the named snapshot
  area is not an active area.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the database from backup.

40.652  –  INASPAREA

  Live area <str> points to a snapshot area that is inactive.

  Explanation:  The FILID entry for  each  live  area  contains  a
  pointer to the FILID entry for the snapshot area associated with
  the live area.  The snapshot area associated with the named live
  area is not an active area.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the database from backup.

40.653  –  INCAPPAREA

  incremental restore of <str> to <time> has already been done

  Explanation:  The database area has already  been  incrementally
  restored to a time beyond the updates in this backup file.

  User Action:  No action is required.  You  may  want  to  delete
  this incremental backup file since it is no longer needed.

40.654  –  INCAPPLIED

  incremental restore to <time> has already been done

  Explanation:   The  database  has  already  been   incrementally
  restored to a time beyond the updates in this backup file.

  User Action:  No action required.  You may want to  delete  this
  incremental backup file since it is no longer needed.

40.655  –  INCFILESPEC

  "<str>" is an incomplete file specification

  Explanation:  All parts of a file specification are not present.
  The  device, directory, file name, file type, and version number
  must all be specified.

  User Action:  Try again using a complete file specification.

40.656  –  INCNSTFLG

  area <str> is marked inconsistent.

  Explanation:  The inconsistent flag is  set  for  the  specified
  area.   This  flag  is  set  when a by-area restore operation is
  executed (the Area qualifier was specified with an  RMU  Restore
  command)  and  the  RMU Restore command determines that the area
  needs to be recovered before it can be made consistent with  the
  rest of the data in the database.

  User Action:   Make  the  database  consistent,  using  the  RMU
  Recover command.

40.657  –  INCONEXECS

  Executors are inconsistent on the '<str>' attribute.

  Explanation:  Some executors specified the  indicated  attribute
  and  other  executors omitted the attribute.  The attribute must
  be specified by all executors or by none of the executors.

  User Action:  Modify the executor definitions to be consistent.

40.658  –  INCVRPCNT

  Vertical  partition   information   is   incorrect   for   dbkey
  Found <num> pointers  for  vertical  partitions  when  expecting

  Explanation:  The first partition of  a  vertically  partitioned
  record  contains  pointers  to  all  vertical partitions of this
  record.  This error is displayed when the number of  pointer  to
  vertical  partitions  in  the  specified dbey does not match the
  number expected.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the page  containing  the  bad

40.659  –  INDDISABL

  Index <str> is disabled.  It will not be verified.

  Explanation:  The index identified  in  the  error  message  was
  listed  as  one  of  the  indices  to be verified in the Indexes
  qualifier to the RMU Verify command,  but  the  index  has  been
  marked  as  disabled.   Disabled  indices  are  never  verified,
  because it is inconsequential if they are corrupt.

  User Action:  When listing indices with the  Indexes  qualifier,
  do not list disabled ones.

40.660  –  INDNOTFND

  index <str> does not exist in this database

  Explanation:  There are no indexes with the given name.

  User Action:  Use the SQL SHOW  INDEX  statement  to  see  which
  indices exist.

40.661  –  INDNTREAD

  cannot ready the RDB$INDICES logical area
  Indices cannot be verified

  Explanation:  Found corrupted storage  area,  logical  area,  or

  User Action:  Rebuild the indices and verify again.

40.662  –  INDTOOLONG

  indirect command is too long (greater than 511 characters)

  Explanation:  The indirect  command  you  entered  is  too  long
  (greater than 511 characters).

  User Action:  Enter a  shorter  RMU  command,  by  either  using
  abbreviations or shorter names.

40.663  –  INSFRPGS

  physical memory has been exhausted

  Explanation:  Physical memory has been exhausted on the machine,
  typically  because  of  an  excessive  number  of  cache  global
  sections, or excessively large cache global section sizes.

  User Action:  If  possible,  increase  the  amount  of  physical
  memory  on  the  machine.   Reduce  the  number  of cache global
  sections, or  reduce  the  size  of  each  active  cache  global
  sections.   Possibly  moving  a  cache from SSB to VLM will also
  solve this problem.  It might be necessary to delete some caches
  to  alleviate  this problem.  Also, re-configuring the operating
  system parameters may be necessary  to  reduce  physical  memory

40.664  –  INTEGDBDIF

  Database filespec must equate to filespec <str> recorded in CDD

  Explanation:  The INTEGRATE database file specification and  the
  file  specification  recorded  with  the  repository definitions
  found at the specified path name refer to different databases.

  User Action:  Reissue the command with a file specification that
  corresponds  to  the  database  referenced in the repository, or
  with a different path name.

40.665  –  INTEGFRFAIL

  attempt to INTEGRATE FROM nonexistent CDD entity <str>

  Explanation:  The repository entity required for INTEGRATE  FROM
  does not exist.

  User Action:  Respecify  a  path  that  points  to  an  existing
  repository entity.

40.666  –  INTERR

  Network error:  Internal error.

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.667  –  INVALFILE

  inconsistent database file <str>

  Explanation:  This database file is inconsistent with  the  root
  file.   This  might  happen  if  you  have  used any unsupported
  methods for backing up or restoring files; for instance, if  you
  used  the  DCL COPY command or the DCL RENAME command.  This can
  also happen if you tried to use an old root file.

  User Action:  Restore your database from last  backup  and  roll
  forward your transactions using the appropriate AIJ file.

40.668  –  INVALLOC

  Unable to allocate tape device <str>.

  Explanation:  An error was encountered allocating a tape.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message  or   messages.
  Correct the error and try again.

40.669  –  INVALREQ

  RMU command is invalid - type HELP for information

  Explanation:  A command was specified which is not known to  the

  User Action:  Type HELP RMU and verify command is valid.

40.670  –  INVAMBIG

  invalid or ambiguous qualifier "<str>"

  Explanation:   A  qualifier   is   incorrect,   misspelled,   or
  abbreviated to the point of making it ambiguous.

  User Action:  Use HELP or the  documentation  to  determine  the
  desired qualifier, and try again.

40.671  –  INVBACFIL

  <str> is not a valid backup file

40.672  –  INVBLKHDR

  invalid block header in backup file

  Explanation:  The header of a block of the backup file does  not
  have a valid format.

  User Action:  None.

40.673  –  INVBLKSIZ

  invalid block size in backup file

  Explanation:  The size of a block in the backup  file  conflicts
  with the size specified when the file was written.

  User Action:  None.

40.674  –  INVCTXHNDL

  invalid context handle specified.

  Explanation:  The context handle specified is not valid.

  User Action:  This error should only occur through a programming
  error.  Correct the error, and try the request again.

40.675  –  INVDBBFIL

  invalid backup file <str>

  Explanation:  The specified file is not a valid database  backup

40.676  –  INVDBHNDL

  invalid database handle specified.

  Explanation:  The database handle specified in a statistics  API
  request is not valid.

  User Action:  This error should only occur through a programming
  error.  Correct the error, and try the request again.

40.677  –  INVDBK

  <num>:<num>:<num> is not a valid dbkey

  Explanation:  An attempt was made  to  fetch  a  record  by  its
  database  key  value,  but the specified page is a SPAM, ABM, or
  AIP.   Alternatively,  the   specified   dbkey   refers   to   a
  non-existing storage area or a system record.

  User Action:  Correct the condition, and try again.

40.678  –  INVDBSFIL

  inconsistent storage area file <str>

  Explanation:  The indicated storage area  file  is  inconsistent
  with  the  root  file.  This might happen if you have improperly
  used any unsupported methods for backing up or  restoring  files
  (for  instance,  COPY  or  RENAME).  This can also happen if you
  tried to use an old root file -- one  whose  storage  area  file
  names have been re-used for another database.

  User Action:  Restore the correct storage-area  file  or  delete
  the obsolete root file.

40.679  –  INVDEFRUJ

  Default  RUJ  filename  "<str>"  does  not   contain   a   valid

  Explanation:   The  default   recovery-unit   journal   filename
  specified  in  the  root  file  does  not contain a valid device
  and/or directory.  This may be detected during an RMU Convert of
  a  database.   In  order  for  the  conversion to complete it is
  necessary for RMU to clear  the  default  recovery-unit  journal
  filename field in the root file.

  User Action:  After the conversion has completed,  use  the  SQL
  ALTER  DATABASE  statement  to  set  a new recovery-unit journal

40.680  –  INVDELTEX

  Invalid delimited text specification.

  Explanation:   The  delimited   text   specification   must   be
  sufficient to identify the individual fields of each record.

  User Action:  Reissue the command with either suffix not null or
  the separator and the terminator not null.

40.681  –  INVDEPOS

  deposit not allowed to that field

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to  deposit  to  an  aggregate
  field; for example, the entire page "*", or the page header.

  User Action:  This is not allowed.  RMU ALTER DEPOSIT statements
  are  only  allowed for simple fields; for example, FREE_SPACE or

40.682  –  INVDEVTYP

  invalid backup device type <str>

  Explanation:  The requested list of backup  devices  contains  a
  device  that either is not supported or is incompatible with the

  User Action:  Correct and reissue the command.

40.683  –  INVDISPL

  unable to display numerics in lengths other than 1, 2, and 4

  Explanation:  An RMU ALTER DISPLAY DATA  statement  specified  a
  length other than BYTE, WORD, or LONGWORD.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.


  Invalid invocation of an executor process.

  Explanation:  An executor process was started incorrectly.

  User Action:  Do not attempt to start an RMU  parallel  executor
  process  by hand.  If this message occurred when an executor was
  started   automatically,    contact    your    Oracle    support
  representative for assistance.


  Invalid executor process version.

  Explanation:   The  version   of   the   executor   process   is
  incompatible  with the version of the RMU process that initiated
  the parallel operation.

  User Action:  Reinstall Oracle Rdb.  If problems still  persist,
  contact your Oracle support representative for assistance.

40.686  –  INVFILATR

  possibly  use  SET  FILE/ATTRIBUTE=(RFM:FIX,LRL:32256)  on  this
  backup file

40.687  –  INVFILEXT

  invalid file extension linkage in <str>

  Explanation:  The relative volume number of the sequential  disk
  file does not match the expected backup volume number.

  User Action:  Take care to mount the sequential disk volumes  in
  the correct order.

40.688  –  INVFILLRL

  possibly use SET FILE/ATTRIBUTE=(LRL:<num>) on this backup file

40.689  –  INVFUNCCODE

  Invalid function code specified.

  Explanation:  An invalid function code was  passed  to  the  RMU
  shareable image.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.690  –  INVHANDLE

  Network error:  Invalid handle.

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.691  –  INVHEADER

  invalid file header record

  Explanation:  An invalid file header record was  read  from  the

  User Action:  Check the file specification and try again.

40.692  –  INVIDLEN

  length  of  <str>  "<str>"  (<num>)  is  outside   valid   range

  Explanation:  The supplied name  for  the  specified  object  is
  outside the valid range for the object.

  User Action:  Respecify the RMU command  using  a  name  with  a
  length within the required range.

40.693  –  INVJOBID

  Network error:  Invalid job ID.

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.694  –  INVLAREANAM

  An invalid logical area name parameter has been specified

  Explanation:  An invalid logical area name has been specified.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

40.695  –  INVLINNUM

  <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  Line number for pointer segment is bad.

  Explanation:  The dbkey contains a line number that is  invalid.
  Either the line is not in use or the line number is greater than
  the number of lines on the page.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement, and verify the database again.

40.696  –  INVMARKOP

  invalid   markpoint   commit/rollback   for   TSN   <num>:<num>,
  MARK_SEQNO <num>

  Explanation:  A fatal, unexpected  error  was  detected  by  the
  database  management  system  during the commit or rollback of a
  markpoint.  This message  indicates  the  "transaction  sequence
  number"  of  the transaction and the "markpoint sequence number"
  of the markpoint that has to be committed or rolled back.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.697  –  INVMOUNT

  Unable to mount tape device <str>.

  Explanation:  An error was encountered mounting a tape.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message  or   messages.
  Correct the error and try again.

40.698  –  INVNTFYCLS

  Invalid operator notification class specified

  Explanation:  The  operater  class  specified  with  the  notify
  qualifier  is not valid for this platform.  All operator classes
  are valid on OpenVMS platforms while only the  console  operator
  class is valid on other platforms.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

40.699  –  INVOBJNAME

  "<str>" contains a character which may be handled incorrectly.

  Explanation:  The object name contains a character that may  not
  be handled correctly.

  User  Action:   Specify  SQL  or  ANSI_SQL  with  the   Language
  qualifier and FULL with the Options qualifier.

40.700  –  INVOPTION

  <str> is an invalid option

  Explanation:  The option specified for the Option  qualifier  is
  incorrect  or  misspelled.   The valid options are Normal, Full,
  and Debug.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

40.701  –  INVPAGAREA

  Aborting command - invalid page <num> in area <str>

  Explanation:  An invalid page has been  detected  in  the  named
  storage  area causing the execution of the current command to be

  User Action:  Run RMU/VERIFY to  get  more  information  on  the
  corrupt  page.   The  database  administrator  should  create  a
  replacement storage area and use ALTER or DROP commands to  move
  other tables and indices out of the affected storage area.  Then
  use DROP STORAGE AREA to remove the unused area.  Alternatively,
  you can use the SQL EXPORT DATABASE and IMPORT DATABASE commands
  to rebuild the whole database.  Then execute  the  command  that
  was aborted.

40.702  –  INVPAGPRM

  allocation parameter <num> overflows when rounded

  Explanation:  the allocation parameter selected, though  it  may
  be  an  allowed  value,  becomes illegal when rounded to make an
  even number of pages in the storage area; i.e.,  the  number  of
  pages  to  actually  be  allocated  is  always a multiple of the
  number of pages per buffer

  User Action:  select a smaller allocation parameter.

40.703  –  INVPROCEED

  Procedure <str> is invalid due to database changes.

  Explanation:  This stored procedure has been invalidated due  to
  changes in database changes referenced by the procedure.

  User Action:  Alter the procedure  definition  so  that  it  can
  access the database correctly.

40.704  –  INVQSTR

  Invalid quoted string (<str>).

  Explanation:  A quoted string value is not delimited by quotes.

  User Action:   Provide  a  quoted  string  delimited  by  double

40.705  –  INVRECEXP

  Error expanding compressed backup file record.

  Explanation:  An error occurred  while  expanding  a  compressed
  record in the backup file.

  User Action:  Backup the database without  compression  enabled.
  Submit a bug report.

40.706  –  INVRECSIZ

  invalid record size in backup file

  Explanation:  The size of a record in the backup file  conflicts
  with the blocking of records in the file.

  User Action:  None.

40.707  –  INVRECTYP

  invalid record type in backup file

  Explanation:  The backup file contains unsupported types of data

  User Action:  None.

40.708  –  INVRELID

  invalid relation id at dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>
  expected relation id <num>, found <num>

  Explanation:   The  page  contains  a  record  with  an  invalid
  relation id.

  User Action:  None.

40.709  –  INVRENAMETO

  An invalid RENAME_TO logical area name has been specified

  Explanation:  An invalid RENAME_TO name has been specified.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

40.710  –  INVREQHDR

  invalid statistics request header.

  Explanation:  The statistics header structure passed in  a  call
  to  rmust_database_info  was  corrupted,  never  initialized, or
  contains an illegal request code.

  User Action:  Correct the  user  program  and  try  the  request

40.711  –  INVRNG

  invalid range, start greater than end, START=<num>, END=<num>

  Explanation:  In a MOVE statement, the starting page offset  was
  greater than the ending page offset.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

40.712  –  INVSETBIT

  maximum set bit index <num> on ABM page <num>
  exceeds the total of <num> SPAM page(s)
  for area <str>

  Explanation:  The maximum set bit  field  of  the  ABM  page  is
  probably corrupt.  Because every bit in the ABM bitvector points
  to a SPAM page, the maximum set  bit  cannot  exceed  the  total
  number of SPAM pages in the area.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.713  –  INVSTR

  strings are only allowed in DATA and TIME_STAMP statements

  Explanation:  A string was specified on a statement other than a
  DATA or TIME_STAMP statement.

  User  Action:   You  can  only  specify  strings  on  DATA   and
  TIME_STAMP statements.

40.714  –  INVSTRUCT

  invalid structure level in backup file

  Explanation:  The structure level version specified in  a  block
  header  in  the  database  backup file indicates either that the
  backup file was created with a format that is incompatible  with
  this  release  of  Oracle  Rdb  RMU  or  that the backup file is
  corrupt, or that there has been  an  error  reading  the  backup

  User Action:  Dump the backup file using RMU/DUMP/BACKUP to  see
  if  there  are  any  errors reading the backup file.  Repeat the
  RMU/RESTORE command after moving the backup file to a  different
  device  to see if the problem is related to a particular device.
  If the problem still occurs repeat the backup to  create  a  new
  backup  file  and  then retry the restore.  If the problem still
  occurs contact Oracle Rdb support.

40.715  –  INVTAPENAM

  Tape devices <str> must end with a colon (:) character.

  Explanation:  A tape device name  was  specified  without  being
  terminated with the colon (:) character.

  User Action:  Correct and reissue the command.

40.716  –  INVVRPNDX

  Invalid vertical partition number in <num>:<num>:<num>.
  Entry <num> is for partition <num> and partition count is <num>.

  Explanation:  The primary partition has an array of  dbkeys  for
  every  vertical  partition  of the record.  Each dbkey is tagged
  with the number of the  partition  it  represents.   This  error
  indicates  that the tag for the specified entry in the array was
  for a partition number  which  is  larger  than  the  number  of
  partitions for the record.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the page of the primary  dbkey
  from backup.

40.717  –  INVVRPUSE

  Multiple references for vertical partition <num>
  in primary segment in dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  The primary partition has an array of  dbkeys  for
  every  vertical  partition  of the record.  Each dbkey is tagged
  with the number of the  partition  it  represents.   This  error
  indicates   that  multiple  dbkeys  are  tagged  with  the  same
  partition number specified in the message.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the page of the primary  dbkey
  from backup.

40.718  –  INV_ROOT

  database file has illegal format

  Explanation:  You attempted to use a file that is not a database

  User Action:  Check the file specification and try again.

40.719  –  IOCTLERR

  Network error:  Error on ioctl.

  Explanation:  An error was encountered on the Digital UNIX ioctl
  system service call.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.720  –  IVCHAN

  invalid or unknown I/O channel

  Explanation:  The  channel  number  cannot  be  located  in  the
  database information.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.721  –  IVORDER

  order of ACEs being modified is incorrect for object <str>

  Explanation:  The ACEs that are to be replaced can not be  found
  in the ACL in the specified order.

  User Action:  Correct the command and try again.

40.722  –  JOB_DONE

  Network job has completed

  Explanation:  The executor has completed the requested job.

  User Action:  None.

40.723  –  LABELERR

  error in tape label processing on <str>

  Explanation:  An error was encountered in the  ANSI  tape  label

  User Action:  If you are attempting an  RMU  RESTORE  operation,
  mount  the  correct  tape.   If you are attempting an RMU BACKUP
  operation, reinitialize this tape.


  Logical area "<str>" name must match  name  of  other  specified
  logical areas

  Explanation:  For the  specifed  options  all  selected  logical
  areas must have the same name.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.


  Logical area name "<str>" contains only wildcard characters

  Explanation:  The logical area name cannot contain only wildcard

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.


  Logical area "<str>" type must match  type  of  other  specified
  logical areas

  Explanation:  For the  specifed  options  all  selected  logical
  areas must be of the same record type.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.


  Last Committed TSN (<num>:<num>) is higher  than  the  TSN  that
  will be assigned next (<num>:<num>).

  Explanation:  The Last  Commit  TSN  is  higher  than  the  KODA
  sequence  number  that  will  assigned  as  the  next TSN.  This
  indicates that the root file is not consistent.

40.728  –  LCKCNFLCT

  lock conflict on <str>

  Explanation:  The operation you attempted failed because another
  run  unit  is  holding  a lock in a mode that conflicts with the
  lock mode you needed.

  User Action:  Wait for  the  other  run  unit  to  finish.   Use
  ROLLBACK  or  COMMIT  to  release  all  your locks and retry the
  transaction, or specify that you want to wait on lock conflicts.

40.729  –  LCNTZERO

  line index entry count is zero - this is invalid

  Explanation:  An RMU ALTER DISPLAY or DEPOSIT LINE m command has
  been issued for a page with no lines.

  User Action:  This is an invalid page; each  mixed  format  page
  must  contain  at least a SYSTEM record.  Create a SYSTEM record
  for the page using DEPOSIT DATA commands.

40.730  –  LCSNOOUT

  AIJ Log Catch-Up Server does not have an output file

  Explanation:  The AIJ Log Catch-Up Server process does not  have
  an output file associated with it.

  User Action:  Use the /OUTPUT qualifier  to  specify  an  output
  filename  when  database  replication  is  started on the master

40.731  –  LDXOFFPAG

  <str>, page <num>
  Line index is larger than free space on the page.

  Explanation:  The page contains a line index that is larger than
  the free space on the page.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement, and verify the database again.

40.732  –  LIBINTERR

  Internal error returned from the LIBRARIAN media manager.

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal error returned  from  a
  call to the LIBRARIAN media management interface.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.733  –  LIKETOMATCH

  LIKE operator converted to  RDO  MATCHING  operator  -  possible
  inconsistent wildcard operators

  Explanation:   RDO  uses  the  MATCHING  operator   which   uses
  different wildcard characters than the SQL LIKE operator.  There
  may be possible differences in execution.

  User Action:  Examine  the  usage  of  the  object,  and  change
  wildcards to be those of RDO.

40.734  –  LINTOOLONG

  Line in record definition file exceeds 1024 characters in length

  Explanation:  A line from the record definition file exceeds the
  maximum length.

  User Action:  Edit the file to fix the problem.

40.735  –  LMCBRETERR

  Callback routine "<str><str>" returned status <num>

40.736  –  LMCRAFTCB

  CALLBACK_ROUTINE must  follow  CALLBACK_MODULE  at  line  <num>:

40.737  –  LMCRORCBREQ

  line <num>:  "<str>"

40.738  –  LMCTLANDRRD

  Cannot specifiy  both  CONTROL  and  RECORD_DEFINITION  at  line
  <num>:  "<str>"

40.739  –  LMCTLREQTXT

  CONTROL  table  option  requires  TEXT  format  at  line  <num>:

40.740  –  LMMFCHK

  Metadata file "<str>" incorrect format

40.741  –  LMMFRDCNT

  Read <num> objects from metadata file "<str>"

40.742  –  LMMFVER

  Metadata file "<str>" version <num>.<num> expected <num>.<num>

40.743  –  LMMFWRTCNT

  Wrote <num> objects to metadata file "<str>"

40.744  –  LMNOENABLED

  LogMiner has not yet been enabled

  Explanation:  The LogMiner feature has not been enabled on  this

  User Action:  If LogMiner features are enabled, LogMiner  should
  be enabled.

40.745  –  LMOPTNOTBL

  No "TABLE=" at line <num>:  "<str>"

40.746  –  LMOPTOORCB

  <num>:  "<str>"

40.747  –  LNGTRLNDX

  line <num> beyond line index on page

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to fetch a  line  on  a  page.
  The  fetch  failed  because  the  line index on that page has no
  entry for the requested line.  The problem is most likely caused
  by an invalid or corrupt pointer in an index.

  User Action:  Rebuild the index if the line is  referenced  from
  an index.

40.748  –  LOADTEMPTAB

  Data cannot be loaded to a temporary table.

  Explanation:  A temporary table cannot be specified for the  RMU
  Load command.

  User Action:  Check  that  the  table  is  not  defined  in  the
  database  as  a global or local temporary table.  The table must
  be defined as a non-temporary table  to  be  able  to  load  the
  table's data.

40.749  –  LOATXT_10


40.750  –  LOATXT_8

  Start <num> executor(s) for GSD "<str>" on Database "<str>".

40.751  –  LOATXT_9

  Message from <str>:

40.752  –  LOCKACL

  Error locking or unlocking root ACL

  Explanation:  The lock  (unlock)  operation  on  the  root  file
  failed.   The  reason  for the failure is given in the secondary
  error message.

  User Action:  Correct the source of the failure and try again.

40.753  –  LOGADDCCH

  added record cache definition "<str>"

  Explanation:   A  new   record   cache   definition   has   been
  successfully added the the database.

40.754  –  LOGAIJBCK

  backed up <num> <str> transaction(s) at <time>

  Explanation:  The specified number of committed  or  rolled-back
  transactions  were  successfully  backed up from the after-image
  journal file.

40.755  –  LOGAIJBLK

  backed up <num> after-image journal block(s) at <time>

  Explanation:  The specified number of blocks  were  successfully
  backed up from the after-image journal file.

  User Action:  No user action is necessary.

40.756  –  LOGAIJJRN

  backed up <num> after-image journal(s) at <time>

  Explanation:  The specified number of after-image journals  were
  successfully backed up during the AIJ backup operation.

  User Action:  No user action is necessary.

40.757  –  LOGCOMPR

  data compressed by !@UQ% (!@UQ <str> in/!@UQ <str> out)

  Explanation:  User action:

40.758  –  LOGCREOPT

  created optimized after-image journal file <str>

  Explanation:  This message  indicates  the  action  taken  on  a
  specific file.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

40.759  –  LOGDELAIJ

  deleted temporary after-image journal file <str>

  Explanation:  This message  indicates  the  action  taken  on  a
  specific file.

40.760  –  LOGDELCCH

  deleted record cache definition "<str>"

  Explanation:  A record cache definition  has  been  successfully
  deleted from the database.

40.761  –  LOGMODCCH

  modifying record cache definition "<str>"

  Explanation:  The parameters for  a  record  cache  are  in  the
  process of being modified.

40.762  –  LOGMODSPM

  modified <num> spam page(s)

  Explanation:  None.

40.763  –  LOGMODSTO

  modifying storage area <str>

  Explanation:  The parameters for  a  storage  area  are  in  the
  process of being modified.

40.764  –  LOGRECOVR

  <num> transaction(s) <str>

  Explanation:  Database recovery was successful.   The  specified
  number of transactions were re-applied to the database, ignored,
  or rolled back.

  User Action:  None.

40.765  –  LOGRECSTAT

  transaction with TSN <num>:<num> <str>

  Explanation:  During roll-forward,  this  message  is  displayed
  every time a transaction is committed, rolled back, or ignored.

40.766  –  LOGRESOLVE

  blocked transaction with TSN <num>:<num> <str>

  Explanation:  When  a  blocked  transaction  is  resolved,  this
  message  is  displayed  every time the transaction is committed,
  rolled back, or ignored.

40.767  –  LOGSUMMARY

  total <num> transaction(s) <str>

  Explanation:  Database recovery was successful.   The  specified
  total  number  of  transactions were re-applied to the database,
  ignored, or rolled back.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

40.768  –  LOOKUP

  error searching for file <str>

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt  to  find  the
  indicated file.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message  or   messages.
  Correct the error and try again.

40.769  –  LRSABORTED

  AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server terminated abnormally

  Explanation:  The LRS process has failed.

  User Action:  Examine the database  monitor  log  file  and  any
  SYS$SYSTEM:*LRSBUG.DMP bugcheck dump files for more information.

40.770  –  LRSNOOUT

  AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server does not have an output file

  Explanation:  The AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server process  does  not
  have an output file associated with it.

  User Action:  Use the /OUTPUT qualifier  to  specify  an  output
  filename  when  database  replication  is started on the standby

40.771  –  LRSSHUTDN

  AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server being shutdown

  Explanation:  The  LRS  process  is  in  final  phase  of  being

  User Action:   Try  starting  Hot  Standby  after  the  AIJ  Log
  Roll-Forward server has completely stopped execution.

40.772  –  LSSMAXFLT

  The float value is smaller than minimum allowed.

  Explanation:  The float value specified for the named option  is
  too small.

  User Action:  Use a float value that is greater than the minimum
  value and try again.

40.773  –  LVAREASNP

  FILID entry <num> is a  snapshot  area  whose  live  area  is  a
  snapshot area.

  Explanation:  The FILID entry for each snapshot area contains  a
  pointer to the FILID entry for the live area associated with the
  snapshot area.  The live area associated with the named snapshot
  area is not a live area.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the database from backup.

40.774  –  MATCHTOLIKE

  MATCHING operator converted to  SQL  LIKE  operator  -  possible
  inconsistent wildcard operators

  Explanation:  SQL uses the LIKE operator  which  uses  different
  wildcard  characters  than the RDO MATCHING operator.  There may
  be possible differences in execution.

  User Action:  Examine  the  usage  of  the  object,  and  change
  wildcards to be those of SQL.

40.775  –  MAXGTRSIZ

  ending page <num> greater than last page <num> of area
  last page in area used as ending page

  Explanation:  The upper limit of a page range  is  greater  than
  the maximum page number in the area.  Therefore, the ending page
  is taken as the last page in the database area.

  User Action:  There is no error here.  There could have  been  a
  typographic error in the command line.

40.776  –  MAXVOLS

  too many volumes in volume set <str>

  Explanation:   The  volume  set  is  larger  than  the   maximum
  supported (999).

  User Action:  A backup using more tapes is not  supported.   Use
  "by area" backups as an alternative.

40.777  –  MBZFREESP

  area <num>, page <num> should  contain  <num>  byte(s)  of  free
  starting at offset <num>

  Explanation:  The page in the indicated  area  contains  a  free
  space that should be zero, but is not.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command and
  verify the database again.

40.778  –  MBZFRESPC

  page <num> should contain <num> byte(s) of free space
  starting at offset <num>

  Explanation:  The page contains a  free  space  that  should  be
  zero, but is not.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command and
  verify the database again.

40.779  –  MFDBONLY

  operation is not allowed on single-file databases

  Explanation:  An  attempt  was  made  to  modify  a  single-file
  database  in  such  a  way  that  the root file would need to be
  expanded.  This type of change is not permitted for  single-file
  databases.   Examples  of database modifications that cause this
  error include the following:  reserving after-image journals  or
  storage areas, adding or deleting storage areas, or changing the
  number of nodes or users.

  User Action:  If you want to create a multifile database from  a
  single-file database, use the EXPORT and IMPORT statements.

40.780  –  MINGTRMAX

  starting page <num> greater than ending page <num>
  area verification is skipped

  Explanation:  The lower limit of the verification page range  is
  greater  than the higher limit of the page range.  Therefore, no
  pages are verified in the storage area.

  User  Action:   Supply  a  valid  page  range,   and   try   the
  verification again.

40.781  –  MINGTRSIZ

  starting page <num> greater than last page <num> of area
  area verification is skipped

  Explanation:  The lower limit of a page range  is  greater  than
  the  maximum page number in the area.  Therefore, no page in the
  area will be verified.

  User  Action:   Supply  a  valid  page  range,   and   try   the
  verification again.

40.782  –  MISMMORDD

  missing either month or day field in date string

  Explanation:  The date string must contain  the  month  and  day
  field.   Otherwise,  it  will  not be converted to the DATE data

  User Action:  Re-enter the DATE data item and specify  both  the
  month and day fields.


  Network error:  Required parameter missing.

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.784  –  MISSVAL

  required value missing for <str>

  Explanation:  The indicated parameter requires a value.

  User Action:  Specify a value for the named  parameter  and  try

40.785  –  MONFLRMSG

  failure message received from the monitor

  Explanation:  An error happened in  the  monitor  process.   The
  user process received the error message.

  User Action:  Examine the monitor log on the node where the user
  program  was  running  to  see  messages relating to the monitor

40.786  –  MONITOR_SYNC

  Could not synchronize with database monitor

  Explanation:  The server needs to synchronize  with  a  database
  monitor but it cannot.

  User Action:  Make sure that the database monitor on the  server
  system  is  running  successfully.   If  appropriate,  have  the
  database monitor and server restarted.

40.787  –  MONMBXOPN

  monitor is already running

  Explanation:  The monitor has already been  started  by  another

  User Action:  No action is required.

40.788  –  MONSTOPPED

  database monitor process is being shut down

  Explanation:  The  request  you  made  could  not  be  completed
  because the database monitor process is being shut down.

  User  Action:    Examine   the   database   monitor   log   file
  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more information.

40.789  –  MOUNTFOR

  <str> must be mounted foreign

  Explanation:  The device on which the backup  file  resides  was
  not mounted as a foreign volume.

  User Action:  Mount the device as a foreign volume  and  reissue
  the command.

40.790  –  MTDSUPPORT

  The specified density cannot  be  translated  to  an  equivalent
  multiple tape density value

  Explanation:   A  multiple  tape  density  value  has  not  been
  specified for this tape device even though multiple tape density
  values are supported for this device.  Since the specified  tape
  density  value  cannot  be  translated to an equivalent multiple
  tape density value, a multiple tape density value  will  not  be
  used for this device.

  User Action:  Consider specifying a multiple tape density  value
  for  this  device using the DATA_FORMAT qualifier instead of the
  DENSITY qualifier or specify a value with the DENSITY  qualifier
  that can be translated to a multiple tape density value.

40.791  –  MUSTBETXT

  Only TEXT fields allowed for delimited text input

  Explanation:  The .rrd file describes a field which  is  not  of
  type TEXT.

  User Action:  Create a new .rrd file with fields of type TEXT.

40.792  –  MUSTRECDB

  database must be closed or recovered

  Explanation:  The operation can be done only on  databases  that
  are closed and recovered.

  User Action:  Use the CLOSE command if an  OPEN  was  performed.
  Recovery,  if  required,  can be forced by opening the database.
  If other users are accessing the database,  you  must  wait  for
  them to finish.

40.793  –  MUSTSPECIFY

  Must specify <str>

  Explanation:  You have entered  a  command  without  a  required

  User Action:  Reissue command, specifying the missing options.

40.794  –  NAMTRUNC

  File name truncated, <str>

  Explanation:  The names of files that are  placed  on  tape  are
  limited to a maximum of 17 characters.

  User Action:  Use a file name of 17 characters or less.

40.795  –  NDXNOTVER

  error getting index information from system relations,
  indices will not be verified, continuing database verification

  Explanation:  During an attempt to read  information  about  the
  indexes from the the system tables, errors were encountered that
  makes it impossible to verify the indexes.

  User Action:  Rebuild the indexes and verify the database again.

40.796  –  NEEDLAREA

  A logical area name or logical area id must be specified

  Explanation:  This  option  requires  a  logical  area  name  or
  logical  area  id.   It  cannot  be  implemented for all logical

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.


  area <str> already has <num> page(s)

  Explanation:  The extension of the specified  storage  area  was
  trivial, as the number of pages before was exactly same.

  User Action:  Check page count of the current  area  allocation.
  (If it should differ)

40.798  –  NETACCERR

  error <str> <str> network <str>

  Explanation:  A network-access error occurred.

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more

40.799  –  NETERROR

  Network error:  <str>

  Explanation:  A network related error has occurred.

  User Action:  None

40.800  –  NOACTION

  This command requires an action to be specified

  Explanation:   No  action  parameters  are  specified  for  this

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

40.801  –  NOAIJDEF

  no default after-image filename available

  Explanation:  A default after-image journal file name cannot  be
  formed,  because  no  journal  file  name  is  presently  in the
  database root.

  User Action:  Enable after-image journaling, and supply  a  name
  for the after-image journal.

40.802  –  NOAIJENB

  cannot enable after-image journaling without any AIJ journals

  Explanation:  An attempt  was  made  to  enable  AIJ  journaling
  although no AIJ journals exist.

  User Action:  Create one or more AIJ  journals  BEFORE  enabling
  AIJ journaling.

40.803  –  NOAIJREM

  cannot remove AIJ journal without disabling journaling first

  Explanation:  An  attempt  was  made  to  remove  the  last  AIJ
  journal.   The  last  AIJ  journal  may  be  removed only IF AIJ
  journaling has been previously disabled.

  User Action:  Disable AIJ journaling first.

40.804  –  NOAIJSERVER

  database replication server is not running or running  on  other

  Explanation:  The database replication  server  process  is  not
  running  on  the  standby  node  specified,  or  has  abnormally
  terminated.  There may also be a problem with the  mailbox  used
  to communicate with the database replication server.

  User Action:  Check the system to determine whether or  not  the
  database  replication server process is actually running on your
  system.  Check the use of cluster aliases,  as  the  replication
  connection  may  have  been  attempted  on  another  node of the
  designated cluster.  If the database replication server  process
  does  not appear to be running, have your database administrator
  start the replication server, and try again.   If  the  database
  replication  server process appears to be running properly, then
  the problem  may  be  related  to  the  mailbox  by  which  user
  processes communicate with the replication server process.  Make
  sure the "server name" specified for both the live  and  standby
  databases  logical  are unique and identical.  On VMS platforms,
  the "server name" is used to create a logical of the  same  name
  that  resides  in  a logical name table accessible to all users,
  typically  the  LNM$PERMANENT_MAILBOX  name   table.    If   the
  replication  server  process  abnormally  terminated, a bugcheck
  dump will normally be produced.  Search the bugcheck dump for  a
  string   of  five  asterisks  (*****)  using  the  SEARCH/WINDOW
  command.  You will see a line with a  format  similar  to  this:
  *****  Exception  at  <address>  :   <database  module  name>  +
  <offset> %facility-severity-text,  <error  text>  The  exception
  line will be followed by one or more additional errors that will
  help you to determine what caused the replication server process
  to  fail.   Typically,  the  problem  is  caused by insufficient
  quotas or system  resources.   However,  other  possible  causes
  include misdefined or undefined filename logicals.  Depending on
  the cause of the problem, take the appropriate action.   If  you
  are  uncertain  of  what  to  do,  contact  your  Oracle support
  representative for assistance.

40.805  –  NOAIJSLOTS

  no more after-image journal slots are available

  Explanation:  The number of after-image  journals  that  can  be
  created  is  "reserved" in advance.  An attempt has been made to
  create more journals than the number reserved.

  User Action:  Either remove an existing AIJ file or reserve more
  AIJ slots before creating additional journals.

40.806  –  NOAREAMATCH

  No storage areas were found on <str>

  Explanation:  No storage areas were found on the specified  disk
  or directory.

  User Action:  Verify the location  of  the  storage  areas,  and
  enter the command again.

40.807  –  NOAREASLOTS

  no more storage area slots are available

  Explanation:  The number of storage areas that can be created is
  "reserved"  in advance.  An attempt has been made to create more
  storage areas than the number reserved.

  User Action:  Either delete an existing storage area, or reserve
  more storage area slots before creating the area(s).


  No areas were moved.

  Explanation:  The RMU Move_Area  command  did  not  specify  any
  areas to be moved.

  User Action:  Specify the areas that  need  to  be  moved  using
  either  an  explicit  parameter,  an options file, the All_Areas
  qualifier or the Root qualifier.

40.809  –  NOASCLEN

  ASCII length not allowed on DEPOSIT

  Explanation:  The RMU ALTER DEPOSIT command does not  allow  the
  ASCII length to be specified.

  User Action:  Issue an RMU ALTER  DEPOSIT  command  without  the
  ASCII length specified.

40.810  –  NOATTACH

  command not allowed - not currently attached to a database

  Explanation:  A command has been issued which requires that  the
  user be attached to a database.

  User Action:  Issue an RMU ALTER ATTACH command to attach (bind)
  to a database.


  VMS AUDIT_SERVER process is not running on this system

  Explanation:  You attempted to generate a database audit record;
  however,  the  VMS  AUDIT_SERVER  process is not running on this

  User Action:  Restart the VMS AUDIT_SERVER process.

40.812  –  NOAUTOREC

  Initialization failure for automatic AIJ recovery

  Explanation:   This  configuration  can  not  perform  automatic
  recovery from the After Image Journals known to the database.

  User Action:  Determine the cause for the failure from the other
  messages  provided and correct the problem.  Manual recovery may
  be successfully substituted.

40.813  –  NOBTRNODE

  B-tree node not found at dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  A B-tree index node  was  expected  at  the  given
  dbkey,  but was not found.  The pointer to the duplicate node in
  the B-tree is probably corrupt.

  User Action:  Ascertain if the  index  is  corrupt  by  manually
  verifying  related  index  nodes  after  dumping  pages  of  the
  database.  If the index is corrupt, rebuild it.

40.814  –  NOCCHSLOTS

  no more record cache slots are available

  Explanation:  The number of record caches that can be  added  is
  "reserved"  in  advance.   An  attempt has been made to add more
  record caches than the number reserved.

  User Action:  Either delete an existing record cache  definition
  or reserve more slots before creating the caches(s).

40.815  –  NOCEGTRRC

  For  segmented  strings  COMMIT_EVERY  must  be  a  multiple  of
  ROW_COUNT,  setting  ROW_COUNT  equal  to  COMMIT_EVERY value of

  Explanation:  Data containing segmented strings cannot be loaded
  if  the  value  specified for COMMIT_EVERY exceeds the ROW_COUNT
  value and the value specified for COMMIT_EVERY is not a multiple
  of  the ROW_COUNT value.  ROW_COUNT is set equal to the value of
  COMMIT_EVERY and the load continues.

  User Action:  If  the  table  being  loaded  contains  segmented
  string  fields and the value of COMMIT_EVERY is greater than the
  value of ROW_COUNT specify a value for COMMIT_EVERY  that  is  a
  multiple of the value of ROW_COUNT.

40.816  –  NOCHAR

  no character after '' in pattern

  Explanation:  A MATCH operation was in progress and the  pattern
  was  exhausted  with  the  pattern  quote  character as the last
  character in the pattern.

  User Action:  Rewrite the expression in error to have the proper

40.817  –  NOCHARSET

  The character set of <str>.<str> is <str>.  It may be ignored.

  Explanation:   Neither  RDO  nor  SQL89  has  any   syntax   for
  specifying  a  character set of a field.  When the character set
  of a field is different from a database default  character  set,
  it  will  be  recognized  as  the  same  as  a  database default
  character set.

  User  Action:   Specify  SQL  or  ANSI_SQL  with  the   Language
  qualifier and specify the Options=Full qualifier.

40.818  –  NOCLSAREA

  attempted to verify a hash index in a storage area
  that is not of mixed area type
  Hash index is <str> and storage area is <str>

  Explanation:  The hash index must be stored in a storage area of
  mixed  type.   Probably  the mixed area flag in the FILID is not
  set, but should be.

  User Action:  Rebuild the index.

40.819  –  NOCOMBAC

  No full and complete backup was ever performed

  Explanation:  The database root file can only be restored from a
  full  and complete (all storage areas included) backup.  Without
  such  a  backup,   error   conditions   may   occur   that   are

  User  Action:   Perform  a  full  and  complete  backup  of  the

40.820  –  NOCOMMAND

  no RMU command specified

  Explanation:  You  entered  RMU  without  specifying  a  command

  User Action:  Enter command with proper command option.


  This tape device does not accept compaction mode - compaction is

  Explanation:   This  tape  device  does  not  accept  the   tape
  compaction  mode.   The specified compaction mode is ignored for
  this device.

  User Action:  None -  the  specified  tape  compaction  mode  is


  RUN LENGTH COMPRESSION for index <str> cannot be  defined  using
  RDO - ignored

  Explanation:  RUN LENGTH COMPRESSION  for  an  index  cannot  be
  represented using RDO.

  User Action:  Use the Language=SQL qualifier of the RMU  Extract
  command to specify RUN LENGTH COMPRESSION for an index.

40.823  –  NOCONFIG

  Unable to load configuration file.

  Explanation:  An error occurred while  loading  the  Oracle  Rdb
  configuration file.

  User  Action:   Check  that  Oracle  Rdb  has   been   installed


  Unable to load configuration file.

  Explanation:  An error occurred during  loading  of  the  user's
  configuration file.

  User Action:  Check that the DBSINIT  environment  variable  has
  been set correctly.

40.825  –  NOCREMBX

  can't create mailbox

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to  create  a
  mailbox.  See the secondary message for more information.

  User Action:  Correct the condition and try again.

40.826  –  NOCURPAG

  there is no current page - use the PAGE or DISPLAY command

  Explanation:  No page has been established as current since  the
  last ROLLBACK.

  User Action:  Use the RMU ALTER  PAGE  or  DISPLAY  commands  to
  establish a current page.

40.827  –  NOCVTCOM

  Database <str> is already at the current structure level.

  Explanation:  The convert operation cannot be committed.  Either
  the  convert operation was already committed or the database was
  created using the current version of Oracle Rdb.

  User Action:  Use the RMU Show Version command  to  verify  that
  the  correct  version  of  RMU is executing.  Use the RMU Verify
  command to determine if the database has already been converted.

40.828  –  NOCVTDB

  Database <str> is already at the current version and  cannot  be

  Explanation:  The database is already at  the  current  version.
  The database will not be converted.

  User Action:  Use the RMU Show Version command  to  verify  that
  the correct version of RMU is executing.

40.829  –  NOCVTROL

  ROLLBACK of CONVERT not possible for <str>

  Explanation:  The  convert  operation  cannot  be  rolled  back.
  Either no conversion was performed, or the convert operation was
  already committed or rolled back.  Most commonly, this indicates
  that  the  database has already been converted or that the wrong
  version of RMU has been executed.

  User Action:  Use the RMU Show Version command  to  verify  that
  the  correct  version  of  RMU is executing.  Use the RMU Verify
  command to determine if the database has already been converted.

40.830  –  NODATANDX

  no data records in index <str>

  Explanation:  A null dbkey was found as  the  root  dbkey  of  a
  B-tree  index.   It  is assumed that there are no records in the
  relation, and hence, the root dbkey is null.

  User Action:  If you know there are records in the relation, the
  index  is  corrupt, and you may rebuild the index.  If there are
  no  records  in  the  index,  however,  this  is  not  an  error

40.831  –  NODATPNDX

  partitioned index <str> in area <str> is empty

  Explanation:  A null dbkey was found as the root dbkey  of  this
  partition  of  a  B-tree index.  It is assumed that there are no
  records in this partition, and hence, the root dbkey is null.

  User Action:  If you know there are records in  this  partition,
  the  index  is corrupt, and you can rebuild the index.  If there
  are no records in the index,  however,  this  is  not  an  error

40.832  –  NODBK

  <num>:<num>:<num> does not point to a data record

  Explanation:  An attempt was made  to  fetch  a  record  by  its
  database-key value, but the record has been deleted.

  User Action:  Correct the condition and try again.


  Network error:  Error looking for node name.

  Explanation:  Named node cannot be found.

  User Action:  Check the following:  - the network is  running  -
  the  node  is  accessible  from  your network - the node name is
  spelled correctly Correct any error found and retry.  If problem
  persists,   contact   your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.834  –  NODEVDIR

  filename does not include device and directory

  Explanation:  The file you specified did not  include  a  device
  and directory.

  User Action:  For maximum protection, you should always  include
  a device and directory in the file specification, preferably one
  that is different from the database device.

40.835  –  NODUPHBKT

  duplicate hash bucket not found at dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  A duplicate hash bucket was expected at the  given
  dbkey,  but  was  not  found.  The pointer to the duplicate hash
  bucket from a primary hash bucket is probably corrupt.

  User Action:  Ascertain if the  index  is  corrupt  by  manually
  verifying  related system records and hash buckets after dumping
  pages of the database.  If the index is corrupt, rebuild it.

40.836  –  NOENTRPT

  No entry point found for external routine <str>.
  Image name is <str>.
  Entry point is <str>.

  Explanation:  The entry point for an external  routine  was  not
  found in the image that is supposed to contain the entry point.

  User Action:  Check the image name and the entry point name  for
  the external routine.

40.837  –  NOEUACCESS

  unable to acquire exclusive access to database

  Explanation:  Exclusive access to the database was not possible.
  Therefore, the requested database operation was not performed.

  User Action:  Try again later.

40.838  –  NOEXTCUR

  cannot extract, AIJ file <str> is the current AIJ

  Explanation:  The current AIJ file cannot be extracted.

  User Action:  Use a backup AIJ file.


  cannot extract - AIJ file <str> does not have LogMiner enabled

  Explanation:  This AIJ file came from a database  that  did  not
  have LogMiner enabled at the time the AIJ file was created.

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This AIJ file  cannot
  be extracted.


  cannot extract - AIJ file <str> backed up via  a  no-quiet-point

  Explanation:   An  AIJ  file,  which  was  backed  up   with   a
  no-quiet-point    backup,    cannot   beextracted,   because   a
  no-quiet-point backup can leave incomplete  transactions  in  an
  AIJ  file.  AIJ extraction cannot handle incomplete transactions
  within an AIJ file.

  User  Action:   No  user  action.   This  AIJ  file  cannot   be

40.841  –  NOEXTOPT

  cannot extract - AIJ file <str> is optimized

  Explanation:  An optimized AIJ file cannot be extracted.

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This AIJ file  cannot
  be extracted.


  cannot extract - AIJ file <str> had its previous AIJ file backed
  up via a no-quiet-point backup

  Explanation:  An AIJ file for which the previous  AIJ  file  was
  backed  up  with  a no-quiet-point backup, cannot be extract.  A
  no-quiet-point backup can leave incomplete  transactions  in  an
  AIJ   file,   and   AIJ   extraction  cannot  handle  incomplete
  transactions within an AIJ file.

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This AIJ file  cannot
  be extracted.

40.843  –  NOEXTUNRES

  cannot extract, AIJ file <str> has unresolved transactions

  Explanation:   The  AIJ  file  being  extracted  has  unresolved
  distributed   transactions.    AIJ   extraction   cannot  handle
  unresolved transactions, so it must abort.

  User Action:   Use  a  complete  AIJ  file  with  no  unresolved
  distributed transactions.

40.844  –  NOFIXCSM

  Checksum on corrupt page <num> was not fixed.

  Explanation:  The page that you are marking  consistent  had  an
  invalid checksum that was not corrected.

  User Action:  Use the RMU Restore command to restore the page to
  a usable state.

40.845  –  NOFULLBCK

  no full backup of this database exists

  Explanation:  An incremental backup of a database is not allowed
  if  a  full  backup  has never been made or if changes have been
  made to the database that require a full backup.

40.846  –  NOHASHBKT

  hash bucket not found at dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  A hash bucket was expected at the given dbkey, but
  was  not  found.  The pointer to the hash bucket from the system
  record is probably corrupt.

  User Action:  Ascertain if the  index  is  corrupt  by  manually
  verifying  related system records and hash buckets after dumping
  pages of the database.  If the index is corrupt, rebuild it.

40.847  –  NOHIDDEN

  Not allowed to modify hidden ACEs

  Explanation:  Access to hidden ACEs  requires  OpenVMS  SECURITY

  User Action:  See your system manager.

40.848  –  NOIDXSTAR

  Index <str> will not be verified because it is not stored  in  a
  live area.

  Explanation:  All indexes should be stored  in  a  storage  area
  that  is  an  active  area.   The metadata for the index you are
  verifying  incorrectly  indicates  that  the  index  is   either
  inactive or in snapshot area.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the database from backup.

40.849  –  NOIMAGE

  Unable to invoke image <str>.

  Explanation:  An error occurred during image invocation  for  an
  RMU command.

  User  Action:   Check  that  Oracle  Rdb  has   been   installed

40.850  –  NOINSEGSPAM

  no line index and no storage segments on a Space Mgmt.  page

  Explanation:  Space management pages are in a  different  format
  than  data  pages.   The  operation was trying to reference this
  space management page in data page format.

  User Action:  Try the operation again using  either  the  proper
  data  page number or the space management page format, depending
  on the intended operation.

40.851  –  NOINTEGRATE

  Root and/or path name is too long to perform a CDD integration

  Explanation:  The sum of the lengths of the root  name  and  the
  path name must be less than 230 characters for this operation.

  User Action:  Use SQL to perform the integration.

40.852  –  NOIOCHAN

  no more I/O channels available on system

  Explanation:  The process has attempted to exceed the number  of
  I/O  channels  that  can  be assigned at one time; this value is
  "per node".

  User Action:  Check  the  VMS  SYSGEN  parameter  CHANNELCNT  to
  ensure   that  it  is  large  enough  to  properly  service  the


  No logical areas match the specified selection parameters

  Explanation:  No logical areas have been found for the specified
  selection parameters.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

40.854  –  NOLCKMGR

  Unable to initialize lock manager.

  Explanation:  An error occurred  during  initialization  of  the
  Oracle Rdb lock manager.

  User  Action:   Check  that  Oracle  Rdb  has   been   installed

40.855  –  NOLIBRARIAN

  Cannot locate LIBRARIAN image

  Explanation:  An operation involving a tape librarian was unable
  to   locate  an  implementation  of  the  Oracle  Media  Manager

  User Action:  Make sure that a media manager image is  installed
  and located at the specified location.

40.856  –  NOLINE

  line <num> is unused or locked

  Explanation:  You attempted to display unused or locked lines.

  User Action:  This is  not  allowed.   Unused  or  locked  lines
  cannot be displayed.

40.857  –  NOLIST

  list of parameter values not allowed - check use of comma (,)

  Explanation:  More than one parameter was specified in  a  comma
  seperated list but the command only excepts one parameter.

  User Action:  Remove the extra parameters.

40.858  –  NOLOADVIR

  Cannot load virtual field <str>.

  Explanation:  Virtual fields cannot be loaded.

  User Action:  Remove the name of the virtual field from the list
  of fields to be loaded by the RMU Load command.

40.859  –  NOLOCKSOUT

  no locks on this node with the specified qualifiers

  Explanation:  No locks were found on the current node that match
  the  specified  command qualifiers.  This usually indicates that
  either no monitors are active on this node, or no databases  are
  currently being accessed on this node.

  User Action:  If databases are active on the node, try  using  a
  less restrictive set of command-qualifiers.

40.860  –  NOMEM

  Network error:  Insufficient virtual memory.

  Explanation:  An operation exhausted the system pool of  dynamic
  memory,  and either the client or server process cannot allocate
  virtual memory.  The system cannot complete the request.

  User Action:  Free the resources you are  holding,  or  increase
  the  existing  pool  of memory.  Take these actions first on the
  server system, and if the problem is not  resolved,  take  these
  actions  on  the  client system.  Most likely, the problem is on
  the server system.

40.861  –  NOMIXASC

  do not mix data types with the ASCII switch

  Explanation:  You attempted an RMU ALTER DEPOSIT operation  with
  different, conflicting data types or radixes.

  User Action:  This is not allowed.  Issue the RMU ALTER  DEPOSIT
  DATA command with compatible data types or radixes.


  monitor home directory is not valid

  Explanation:  The directory from which the monitor  was  invoked
  is  no longer valid.  Typically, this occurs when the monitor is
  invoked by the installation IVP  procedure,  which  subsequently
  deletes  the invocation directory.  However, this can also occur
  during day-to-day operations whenever directories  are  deleted.
  When  the  monitor home directory does not exist, the monitor is
  unable to invoke other server processes, such  as  the  database
  recovery  process  ("DBR")  or  the AIJ Backup Server ("ABS") to
  name a few.  When the monitor home directory does not exist, the
  server processes will be unable to create temporary work files.

  User Action:  Stop the monitor, and  restart  it  from  a  valid

40.863  –  NOMONITOR

  database monitor is not running

  Explanation:  The database monitor process is not running or has
  abnormally  terminated.   There  may  also be a problem with the
  mailbox used to communicate with the database monitor.

  User Action:  Check the system to determine whether or  not  the
  database monitor process is actually running on your system.  If
  the database monitor process does not appear to be running, have
  your  database  administrator  start the monitor, and try again.
  If the database monitor process appears to be running  properly,
  then  the  problem  may  be related to the mailbox by which user
  processes communicate with the monitor process.  Make  sure  the
  logical  <fac>$MAILBOX_CHANNEL  resides  in a logical name table
  accessible to all  users,  typically  the  LNM$PERMANENT_MAILBOX
  name  table.   If  the monitor abnormally terminated, a bugcheck
  dump will normally be written to the monitor  log.   Search  the
  monitor  log  for  a  string of five asterisks (*****) using the
  SEARCH/WINDOW command.  You  will  see  a  line  with  a  format
  similar  to  this:   *****  Exception  at <address> :  <database
  module name> + <offset>  %facility-severity-text,  <error  text>
  The  exception  line  will be followed by one or more additional
  errors that will help you to determine what caused  the  monitor
  process   to   fail.    Typically,  the  problem  is  caused  by
  insufficient  quotas  or  system  resources.    However,   other
  possible   causes   include  misdefined  or  undefined  filename
  logicals.  Depending on the  cause  of  the  problem,  take  the
  appropriate action.  If you are uncertain of what to do, contact
  your Oracle support representative for assistance.

40.864  –  NOMOREGB

  <num> global buffers not available to bind; <num>  free  out  of

  Explanation:  Your  attempt  to  bind  to  the  database  failed
  because  there  are  not  enough  global  buffers  to allow your
  process to bind to the database.

  User Action:  There are four ways  to  alleviate  this  problem.
  1)Try  to  bind to the same database on another node, if you are
  using a VAXcluster.  2)Wait untill another user unbinds from the
  database  and  retry  the bind.  3)Increase the number of global
  buffers used for the database.  4)Decrease the maximum number of
  global  buffers  any  one  user  can use, in order to allow more
  users to bind to the database.  Please see your DBA for help.

40.865  –  NOMPTONLINE

  Online operation cannot  be  performed  if  page  transfers  via
  memory are enabled.

  Explanation:  The backup, copy_database, or  move_area  facility
  is  not  able  to  handle modified database pages which have not
  been  written  to  disk.   This  situation  may  arise  if  page
  transfers via memory are enabled for global buffers.

  User Action:  Either disable page transfers via memory  for  the
  database or perform the operation off line.

40.866  –  NOMSGFILE

  Unable to load message file <str>

  Explanation:  An error occurred while loading a message file.

  User  Action:   Check  that  Oracle  Rdb  has   been   installed


  The specified multiple tape density cannot be translated  to  an
  equivalent tape density value

  Explanation:  A multiple tape density value has  been  specified
  for  this  tape  device but multiple tape density values are not
  supported for this device.  Since the  specified  tape  multiple
  density value cannot be translated to an equivalent tape density
  value, the DEFAULT tape density will be used for this device.

  User Action:  Consider specifying a non  multiple  tape  density
  value for this device using the DENSITY qualifier instead of the
  DATA_FORMAT qualifier or specify a multiple tape  density  value
  with  the  DATA_FORMAT qualifier that can be translated to a non
  multiple tape density value.

40.868  –  NONEGVAL

  "<str>" qualifier is negated - value must not be supplied

  Explanation:  You negated a qualifier and also supplied a value.
  This combination is inconsistent.

  User Action:  Enter the command again,  and  do  not  specify  a
  value for a negated qualifier.

40.869  –  NONODE

  no node name is allowed in the file specification

  Explanation:  A node name was found in the  file  specification.
  Node names cannot be used.

  User Action:  Use a file name without a node specification.

40.870  –  NONODEPCL

  no pointer clusters in a b-tree node

  Explanation:  You cannot try to display a pointer cluster  of  a
  b-tree  node  using  the  CLUSTER  clause.   B-tree nodes do not
  contain pointer clusters.

  User Action:  This is not a realistic RMU  ALTER  command.   Use
  DISPLAY LINE to see the b-tree node.

40.871  –  NOONLREC

  No online RECOVERY possible

  Explanation:  Online operation is not  available  when  recovery
  requires  altering  the  transaction  state of the database as a
  whole.  Online  operation  is  available  when  the  transaction
  states  of  areas  marked inconsistent are to be advanced to the
  state of the database as a whole.

  User Action:  Perform the operation using NOONLINE.


  cannot optimize -- commit-to-journal optimization is enabled

  Explanation:   The  'commit-to-journal'  database  parameter  is
  enabled.   When  this  parameter  is  enabled,  AIJ optimization
  cannot be performed.

  User Action:  Use the original, non-optimized AIJ file if needed
  for  recovery.  As an alternative, disable the commit-to-journal

40.873  –  NOOPTCUR

  cannot optimize -- AIJ file <str> is the current AIJ file

  Explanation:  The current AIJ file cannot be optimized,  because
  the  optimized  AIJ  file would not be equivalent to the current
  AIJ file if more journaling was done after optimization.

  User Action:  Start a new AIJ file, and then  optimize  the  AIJ
  file in question.


  cannot optimize -- AIJ file <str> backed up via a no-quiet-point

  Explanation:   An  AIJ  file,  which  was  backed  up   with   a
  no-quiet-point   backup,   cannot   be   optimized,   because  a
  no-quiet-point backup can leave incomplete  transactions  in  an
  AIJ   file.    AIJ   optimization   cannot   handle   incomplete
  transactions within an AIJ file.

  User  Action:   No  user  action.   This  AIJ  file  cannot   be

40.875  –  NOOPTOPT

  cannot optimize -- AIJ file <str> is already optimized

  Explanation:  An optimized AIJ file cannot be optimized again.

  User Action:  No user action is required.


  cannot optimize -- AIJ file <str>  had  its  previous  AIJ  file
  backed up via a no-quiet-point backup

  Explanation:  An AIJ file for which the previous  AIJ  file  was
  backed  up with a no-quiet-point backup, cannot be optimized.  A
  no-quiet-point backup can leave incomplete  transactions  in  an
  AIJ   file,   and  AIJ  optimization  cannot  handle  incomplete
  transactions within an AIJ file.

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This AIJ file  cannot
  be optimized.

40.877  –  NOOPTUNRES

  cannot optimize -- AIJ file <str> has unresolved transactions,

  Explanation:   The  AIJ  file  being  optimized  has  unresolved
  distributed   transactions.    AIJ  optimization  cannot  handle
  unresolved transactions, so it must abort.

  User Action:  Use the original, non-optimized AIJ file if needed
  for recovery.

40.878  –  NOPARAAUDIT

  Cannot load audit records in parallel.

  Explanation:  Parallel loading is not supported for the RMU Load
  command  with  the  Audit qualifier.  A non-parallel load of the
  audit information will occur.

  User Action:  Do not specify the Parallel and  Audit  qualifiers
  in the same load operation.

40.879  –  NOPARASSTR

  Cannot load segmented strings in parallel.

  Explanation:   Parallel  loading  is  not  supported  for   data
  containing  segmented strings.  A non-parallel load of the audit
  information will occur.

  User Action:  Do not specify the Parallel qualifier when loading
  data files that contain segmented strings.


  Only  one  executor  can  be  specified   for   a   BATCH_UPDATE

  Explanation:  An attempt to execute a  parallel  load  operation
  was  attempted  with multiple execurors and the TRANSACTION_TYPE
  set to BATCH_UPDATE.

  User Action:  Specify another  transaction_type,  do  not  do  a
  parallel load operation, or only specify one executor.

40.881  –  NOPATHNAME

  no CDD pathname was available - using pathname <str>

  Explanation:  No CDD Pathname was available for  this  database,
  so a pathname was derived from the file specification.

  User Action:  None

40.882  –  NOPRIOR

  no PRIOR dbkey in this pointer cluster

  PRIOR  [= <dbkey>] command was issued for a pointer cluster that
  does not contain PRIOR pointers.

  User Action:  This is not allowed.   PRIOR  pointers  cannot  be
  displayed or altered in sets where they are not allowed.

40.883  –  NOPRIV

  no privilege for attempted operation

  Explanation:  You  attempted  an  operation  that  requires  VMS
  privileges, and you do not have those privileges enabled.

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more

40.884  –  NOPRIVERR

  no privileges for attempted operation

  Explanation:   There  are  insufficient   privileges   for   the
  operation to be performed.

  User  Action:   Get  sufficient  privileges   to   perform   the

40.885  –  NORCGTRCE

  For segmented  strings  ROW_COUNT  cannot  exceed  COMMIT_EVERY,
  setting ROW_COUNT equal to COMMIT_EVERY value of <num>.

  Explanation:  Data containing segmented strings cannot be loaded
  if  the  value  specified for ROW_COUNT or the default ROW_COUNT
  value exceeds the value specified for  COMMIT_EVERY.   ROW_COUNT
  is  set  equal  to  the  value  of  COMMIT_EVERY  and  the  load

  User Action:  If  the  table  being  loaded  contains  segmented
  string  fields  specify a value of ROW_COUNT that is equal to or
  less than the value of COMMIT_EVERY.

40.886  –  NORDOALL

  the expression ALL cannot be represented using RDO

  Explanation:  The expression using  the  ALL  predicate  is  not
  supported in RDO.

  User Action:  Use the Language=SQL qualifier of the RMU  Extract

40.887  –  NORDOANSI

  ANSI style protections can not be defined using RDO - ignored

  Explanation:  The database has ANSI-style ACL's which cannot  be
  represented using RDO.

  User Action:  Use the Language=SQL qualifier of the RMU  Extract
  command to extract ANSI protections.


  ANSI style multischema can not be defined using RDO - ignored

  Explanation:  The database has an ANSI-style  multischema  which
  cannot be represented using RDO.

  User Action:  Use the Language=SQL qualifier of the RMU  Extract
  command to extract a multischema database definition.

40.889  –  NORDOVERT

  the expression storage area <str> cannot be represented in RDO

  Explanation:  Indexes cannot  be  vertically  partitioned  using

  User Action:  Use the Language=SQL qualifier of the RMU  Extract

40.890  –  NORDOVRP

  Vertical record partitioning  cannot  be  defined  using  RDO  -

  Explanation:  The  database  has  vertical  record  partitioning
  defined in a storage map which cannot be represented using RDO.

  User Action:  Use the Language=SQL qualifier of the RMU  Extract
  command   to   extract   storage   maps   with  vertical  record

40.891  –  NORELIDACC

  The RDB$REL_REL_ID_NDX index could not be processed

  Explanation:  The RDB$REL_REL_ID_NDX index must  be  scanned  to
  identify  the  valid  relation  record types.  The index, or the
  RDB$DATABASE relation, or the root file is corrupt.

  User Action:  Locate and correct the corruption with RMU  ALTER,
  and  try  again.   Alternatively,  you  can  use the RMU Restore
  command to restore the database from a backup file.

40.892  –  NOREQIDT

  reached internal maximum number of simultaneous timer requests

  Explanation:  All allocated timer  request  ID  slots,  used  to
  uniquely  identify  timers,  are  in use.  Therefore, this timer
  request could not be serviced at this time.

40.893  –  NORTNSRC

  source for <str> "<str>" missing in module "<str>" - routine not

  Explanation:  RMU Extract uses the original SQL source text from
  the  RDB$ROUTINE_SOURCE  column in the RDB$ROUTINES system table
  when you specify the Item=Modules qualifier.   This  source  has
  been removed, probably to restrict users from viewing the source
  for the stored module.

  User Action:  If the module is created by the  RdbWEB  software,
  then  this  is  the  expected  behavior;  regenerate  the module
  instead of using RMU Extract.  If this  is  a  customer  defined
  module, then investigate why the source is missing.

40.894  –  NORTUPB

  no more user slots are available in the database

  Explanation:  The maximum number of users are already  accessing
  your database.

  User Action:  Try again later.

40.895  –  NOSEGUNL

  Table "<str>" contains at least one segmented string column

40.896  –  NOSEQENT

  sequence id <num> has no valid entry in the root file

  Explanation:  Sequence with the sequence id is  present  in  the
  RDB$SEQUENCES  table but does not have a valid entry in the root
  file.  Either the seq is not marked as being used in  root  file
  or the condition minvalue <= next value <= maxvalue is false

40.897  –  NOSEQROW

  sequence id <num> has an entry in the root file but  no  row  in

  Explanation:  Sequence with id indicated has a root  file  entry
  but not corresponding row in the table RDB$SEQUENCES.


  Cannot create shared memory.

  Explanation:  A parallel operation was specified that required a
  global  memory  section  to  be shared among the processes.  The
  memory section could not be created.

  User Action:  Look at the secondary message that  describes  the
  reason for the failure of the shared memory creation.

40.899  –  NOSHUTDOWN

  database shutdown not allowed while backup processes are active

  Explanation:  One or more database or AIJ backup  utilities  are
  active.  Database shutdown is not permitted while these types of
  utilities are active.

  User Action:  Wait for the utilities to  complete,  or  shutdown
  the database using the /ABORT=DELPRC qualifier.

40.900  –  NOSIP

  transaction is not a snapshot transaction

  Explanation:  You have already started a transaction that is not
  a snapshot transaction.

  User Action:  Use COMMIT or ROLLBACK to terminate  your  current
  transaction.   Use READY BATCH RETRIEVAL to start a new snapshot

40.901  –  NOSNAPS

  snapshots are not allowed or not enabled for area <str>

  Explanation:  Snapshots are not allowed or not enabled for  this

  User Action:  This is a normal situation created by the database
  definition  or  by  a change- or modify-database command.  Check
  with your DBA to make sure this situation is desirable.

40.902  –  NOSPACE

  no space available on page for new dbkey

  Explanation:  You issued  an  RMU  ALTER  DEPOSIT  command  that
  requires more space than is available on the page.

  User Action:  Space must be created  by  moving  data  from  the
  current  page  to  other  pages  in the database.  While this is
  difficult, it is not impossible.

40.903  –  NOSRVSUP

  Network error:  the operation is not supported by  this  version
  of the server.

  Explanation:  An operation was requested of the RMU Server which
  it  cannot  perform  because the operation was not available for
  that version of the server.

  User Action:  None.

40.904  –  NOSTATS

  statistics are not enabled for <str>

  Explanation:  An attempt was  made  to  show  statistics  for  a
  database that currently has statistics' collection disabled.

  User Action:  Enable statistics and try again.

40.905  –  NOSUCHACE

  ACE for object <str>, does not exist<str>

  Explanation:  The specified  ACE  could  not  be  found  in  the
  database root file ACL.

  User Action:  Use the RMU Show Privilege command to display  the
  existing  ACEs  in  the  root  file  ACL.  Then try your command
  again, if appropriate.

40.906  –  NOSUCHAIJ

  no such AIJ journal "<str>"

  Explanation:  The specified AIJ journal does not exist  for  the

  User Action:  You may select an AIJ journal using either the AIJ
  name or the default or current AIJ file specification.  The list
  of valid AIJ journals can be obtained by  dumping  the  database
  header information.

40.907  –  NOSUCHUSER

  unknown user "<str>"

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to access information  with  a
  user  name unknown to the database (for example, sending mail to
  the monitor or attempting to execute a database recovery process
  (DBR))  or to access information with a user name unknown to the
  operating system (for example, no record in the UAF file).

  User Action:  Make sure the user name is spelled  correctly  and
  has  been  properly  identified  to  either  the database or the
  operating system.  Do not attempt to run DBR from DCL;  this  is
  not  allowed,  because  the  system  will  automatically  manage
  database recovery.  Be sure the monitor user name  is  correctly

40.908  –  NOSUPPORT

  <str> is not supported on this platform.

  Explanation:  You are trying to use a command or qualifier  that
  is not available on this platform.

40.909  –  NOSYSTREC

  System record not found at logical dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  A system record was expected but not found at  the
  given dbkey.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  RESTORE
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.910  –  NOT1STVOL

  <str> is not the start of a backup volume set

  Explanation:  The mounted volume is not the first of the  volume

  User Action:  Mount the correct volume.

40.911  –  NOTABM

  command not allowed - not ABM page

  Explanation:  The command is being issued on a non-ABM page.

  User Action:  Issue an RMU ALTER  PAGE  command  to  change  the
  context to an ABM page.

40.912  –  NOTABMPAG

  page <num> in area <str> is not an ABM page

  Explanation:  A page in an ABM page chain is not  an  ABM  page.
  This probably indicates a corruption in the RDB$SYSTEM area.

  User Action:  If there is a corruption that causes  this  error,
  correct  the  error with the RMU Restore command, and verify the
  database again.

40.913  –  NOTAIP

  command not allowed - not AIP page

  Explanation:  The RMU ALTER ENTRY command is being issued  on  a
  non-AIP page.

  User Action:  Issue an RMU ALTER  PAGE  command  to  change  the
  context to an AIP page.

40.914  –  NOTALLDAT

  Not all data for database <str> can be loaded from system tables
  - verify continuing.

  Explanation:  Because of database corruption not  all  the  data
  necessary  for verification of the specified database object can
  be loaded.  The verify will continue.

  User Action:  Look for other verify  diagnostics  that  indicate
  the source of this corruption.

40.915  –  NOTALSAUTO

  AIJ Log Server is not automatically invoked by database monitor

  Explanation:  In order to initiate database replication  on  the
  master  database,  it  is  required  that  the AIJ Log Server be
  automatically invoked by the database monitor.

  User Action:  Change the AIJ Log  Server  invocation  mode  from

40.916  –  NOTANSI

  tape is not valid ANSI format

  Explanation:  The tape labels do not conform to ANSI standards.

  User Action:  If you are attempting an  RMU  RESTORE  operation,
  mount  the  correct  tape.   If you are attempting an RMU BACKUP
  operation, reinitialize this tape.

40.917  –  NOTANSI2

  <str> are not supported in ANSI/ISO SQL2 - ignored

  Explanation:  ANSI SQL2 does not support this feature,  so  this
  definition cannot be represented in ANSI SQL2.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented  in  ANSI  SQL2  or use another language to
  extract the definition.

40.918  –  NOTANSI89

  <str> are not supported in ANSI/ISO SQL - ignored

  Explanation:  ANSI SQL-89 does not support this feature, so this
  definition cannot be represented in ANSI SQL.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented  in  ANSI  SQL  or  use another language to
  extract the definition.

40.919  –  NOTBACFIL

  <str> is not a valid backup file

  Explanation:  The backup file specified could not be used.   The
  specification  may  be  in error, or there may be an operational
  error such as an improperly  mounted  tape  or  a  file  damaged
  during  transmission.   If  you  have  issued  the  RMU  Restore
  command, the file format may not be valid.

  User  Action:   Correct  the  backup   file   specification   or
  operational error.  In the case of a disk-format backup file, if
  the OpenVMS file attributes have been damaged or lost, it may be
  possible  to  reset  them  with  a  command  similar to SET FILE

40.920  –  NOTBLKSIZ

  invalid block size in backup file

40.921  –  NOTBOOL

  expression in AND, OR, or NOT was not a Boolean

  Explanation:  The Boolean evaluator was processing an expression
  or  subexpression  of  the form "A AND B", "A OR B", or "NOT A".
  Either the "A" or the "B" expression was not in the proper form.
  The  correct forms are "NOT X", "X EQ Y", "X NE Y", "X LT Y", "X
  GT Y", "X LE Y", "X GE Y", "X CONTAINS Y",  or  "X  MATCHES  Y".
  The  operand  of  NOT, and both sides of AND and OR expressions,
  must be Boolean expressions.

  User Action:  Rewrite the expression to have the proper format.

40.922  –  NOTBOUND

  command not allowed - not currently bound to a database

  Explanation:  A command has been issued which requires that  the
  user be attached to a database.

  User Action:  Issue an RMU ALTER ATTACH command to attach (bind)
  to a database.

40.923  –  NOTCORRUPT

  storage area <str> is not corrupt

  Explanation:  An RMU  ALTER  UNCORRUPT  command  was  issued  to
  uncorrupt  the named storage area but the area was not currently
  marked corrupt.

  User Action:  None.

40.924  –  NOTDBSMGR

  You must run in the dbsmgr account.

  Explanation:  RMU can only be invoked from the dbsmgr account.

  User Action:  Log in as dbsmgr before invoking RMU.

40.925  –  NOTDSKFIL

  filename does not specify disk device type

  Explanation:  A file name was specified which does not reference
  a disk oriented device type.

  User Action:  Check the file name for a proper disk device type.

40.926  –  NOTENCRYPT

  Save set is not encrypted.  Ignoring /ENCRYPT qualifier

  Explanation:  The save set is encrypted and the user specified a
  decryption key.

  User Action:  Remove encryption key from command.

40.927  –  NOTENUFBUF

  requested number of global buffers (<num>)  is  more  than  USER
  LIMIT (<num>)

  Explanation:  The user has requested more  global  buffers  than
  are allowed for a single user.

  User Action:  Either  reduce  the  number  of  requested  global
  buffers or increase the number of global buffers that a user may
  allocate.  See documentation  for  descriptions  of  USER  LIMIT
  clause used when creating and/or opening a database.

40.928  –  NOTEXTENDED

  area <str> cannot be extended to <num> page(s)

  Explanation:  The extension of the specified  storage  area  was
  not  possible.   This condition is possible if the specified new
  size is less than the current  storage  area  allocation.   This
  condition can also occur when attempting to change the size of a
  WORM device.

  User Action:  Specify a new page count that is larger  than  the
  current area allocation.

40.929  –  NOTFIRVOL

  Backup set file number <num>, the first backup file specified,is
  not  the  first  file of the backup set.  Specify all the backup
  set files ordevices in the correct order.

  Explanation:  The first backup set file specified  was  not  the
  first backup set file specified by the backup command.

  User Action:  Repeat the restore, specifying all the backup  set
  files in the correct order.

40.930  –  NOTIMPLYET

  feature is not implemented yet

  Explanation:  You attempted to access a feature  that  has  been
  planned but has not been implemented yet.

  User Action:  Avoid this feature.

40.931  –  NOTINRANGE

  value not within specified range of acceptable values

  Explanation:  The value of the translated logical name is not in
  the range of acceptable values.

  User Action:  Delete the logical name, or  redefine  it  with  a
  value in the acceptable range.

40.932  –  NOTIP

  no transaction in progress

  Explanation:  You attempted to execute a DML verb, but there  is
  no transaction in progress yet.

  User Action:  Execute a READY  statement  before  executing  any
  other DML statements.

40.933  –  NOTLAREA

  "<str>" is not a logical area name

  Explanation:  The logical area name is incorrect or misspelled.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

40.934  –  NOTONABM

  command not allowed on ABM page

  Explanation:  The command is being issued on an ABM page.

  User Action:  Issue a PAGE command to change the  context  to  a
  non-ABM page.

40.935  –  NOTONAIP

  command not allowed on AIP page

  Explanation:  The command is being issued on an AIP page.

  User Action:  Issue an RMU ALTER  PAGE  command  to  change  the
  context to a non-AIP page.

40.936  –  NOTRANAPP

  no transactions in this journal were applied

  Explanation:   This  journal  file  contains  transactions  that
  cannot be applied to the specified backup of the database.

  User Action:  Be sure you are using the correct database  backup
  and journal file.

40.937  –  NOTREQVFY

  not all requested verifications have been performed

  Explanation:   It  is  not  possible  to  access   some   system
  relations.   The database is probably corrupt.  Only some of the
  requested verifications were performed.

  User Action:  The database may need to be restored.

40.938  –  NOTROOT

  not a root file

  Explanation:  The specified file is not a database root file.

  User Action:  Specify a database root file and try again.

40.939  –  NOTSFDB

  This command is not allowed for a single file database

  Explanation:   This  comamnd  is  illegal  for  a  single   file

  User Action:  Only use this command for a multi-file database

40.940  –  NOTSNBLK

  no more user slots are available in the database

  Explanation:  The maximum number of users are already  accessing
  your database.

  User Action:  Try again later.

40.941  –  NOTSPAMPAG

  current page is not a space management page

  Explanation:  The operation is trying  to  access  a  data  page
  using the space management page format.

  User Action:  If you want access to  a  space  management  page,
  then  make  the  current page a space management page and repeat
  the operation.  If the current page is  correct,  then  you  can
  only reference it with the data page format, and a new operation
  is needed.

40.942  –  NOTSQLCONS

  constraints are not supported in SQL  -  syntax  conversion  not
  possible - ignored

  Explanation:  SQL does not support constraints outside of  table
  definitions, so this definition cannot be represented in SQL.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented in SQL or use the Language=RDO qualifier of
  the RMU Extract command to extract the definition.

40.943  –  NOTSTAREA

  storage area <str> does not exist in this database

  Explanation:   The  storage  area  name  is  incorrect.   It  is
  probably misspelled.

  User Action:  Use a valid storage area name.


  The function <str> is not supported for <str>

  Explanation:  This function or qualifier is  not  supported  for
  this version of Rdb.

  User Action:   Repeat  the  command  but  do  not  specify  this
  function or qualifier.


  <str> are not supported in RDO - syntax conversion not  possible
  for <str> <str>.<str>

  Explanation:   RDO  does  not  support  this  feature,  so  this
  definition cannot be represented in RDO.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented in RDO or use the Language=SQL qualifier of
  the RMU Extract command to extract the definition.


  non-system concealed device name in filename

  Explanation:  A concealed device name must  be  defined  in  the
  system logical table.

  User Action:  If the device  name  has  to  be  concealed,  then
  define it in the system logical table.

40.947  –  NOTUNLFIL

  Input file was not created by RMU UNLOAD

  Explanation:   The  input  file  does  not  contain  the  header
  information recorded by the RMU Unload command.

  User Action:  Check to see that the correct file was specified.

40.948  –  NOTVRPREC

  Dbkey <num>:<num>:<num> is not vertically partitioned.

  Explanation:   A  record  was  found  that  should   have   been
  vertically partitioned but was not.

  User Action:  Verify the  page  in  question,  and  see  if  the
  database needs to be restored.

40.949  –  NOTVRPSEC

  Vertical partition <num> points  to  non-partitioned  record  at

  Explanation:  The primary vertically partitioned segment  points
  to a secondary record that is not vertically partitioned.

  User Action:  Verify the  page  in  question,  and  see  if  the
  database needs to be restored.

40.950  –  NOTWRMHOL

  Expected a WORM hole in WORM storage area <str>
  at page <num>.

  Explanation:  A WORM storage area page, beyond the  area's  last
  initialized page, is not a WORM hole.  It should be a WORM hole,
  because it should have never been written to.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement, and verify the database again.

40.951  –  NOTZEREOF

  Storage area <str> is not a WORM storage area.
  It should have a logical end-of-file of zero.
  Logical end-of-file is <num>.

  Explanation:  A storage area not having the WORM property has  a
  non-zero  logical  end-of-file.   Non-WORM  areas must have zero
  logical end-of-files.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement, and verify the database again.

40.952  –  NOT_BOUND

  database is not bound

  Explanation:  You have not bound to a database yet, or you  have
  unbound the database and have not bound to another one yet.

  User Action:  Bind to a database before continuing.

40.953  –  NOT_FULL

  area <str> is not marked as full

  Explanation:  You issued an RMU ALTER MAKE NOT FULL  command  to
  unmark the full flag of the named storage area, but the area was
  not currently marked as full.

  User Action:  None.

40.954  –  NOT_LARDY

  area for <num>:<num>:<num> not in proper ready mode

  Explanation:  You attempted to access a logical area  for  which
  you have not declared your intentions.

  User Action:  Retry a ready operation later.

40.955  –  NOT_READY

  storage area <str> not readied

  Explanation:  You attempted to access an area for which you have
  not declared your intentions.

  User Action:  If the area is included in your subschema, you can
  use the READY statement to prepare it for processing.

40.956  –  NOT_UPDATE

  storage area <str> not readied in update usage mode

  Explanation:  You attempted to modify the contents  of  an  area
  without having declared your intentions.

  User Action:  If you have not readied  the  area  yet,  you  can
  READY  for  UPDATE.   If  you  have already readied it, you must
  abort your transaction by executing a ROLLBACK  before  you  can

40.957  –  NOUSER

  invalid user number

  Explanation:  The ROOT USER command references a user that  does
  not exist.

  User Action:  Issue the command, referencing a valid user.

40.958  –  NOVERENT

  Unable to verify external routine <str>.
  Image name is <str>.
  Entry point is <str>.

  Explanation:  RMU cannot verify that the external routine can be
  activated.   This  message  will  be  displayed  if RMU has been
  installed with privileges (this is  the  default  configuration)
  and  either  of  the following conditions exists:  1.  The image
  for the external routine can be located via /SYSTEM logicals but
  is  not  installed  with the VMS INSTALL utility.  2.  The image
  for the external routine can be located but not via only /SYSTEM

  User Action:  Specify the image location in the external routine
  using  system- wide executive-mode logical names and install the
  image as a known image.  Alternately, retry the verify operation
  using a non privileged RMU.

40.959  –  NOWILD

  no wild cards are allowed in the file specification

  Explanation:  Wild-card characters ("*" and "%") cannot be  used
  in that file specification.

  User  Action:   Use  a  file  specification  without   wild-card

40.960  –  NOWORMSPT

  WORM areas are not supported

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to declare an area  as  having
  the  WORM  attribute.   At this time, there is no longer support
  for this attribute.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.961  –  NOWRMAREA

  No WORM areas found with journaling disabled.

  Explanation:  You are executing the RMU Repair command with  the
  Worm_Segments  qualifier.   You  specified  no arguments for the
  Areas qualifier, and the database does not have any  WORM  areas
  with journaling disabled.

  User Action:  Verify that you are using the correct database.

40.962  –  NOWRMFLD

  No segmented string fields found for relation <str>.

  Explanation:  You are executing the RMU Repair command with  the
  Worm_Segments  qualifier and you listed a relation that does not
  have any segmented string fields.

  User Action:  Verify that you are  listing  the  relations  that
  have  segmented  string fields that may have had segments stored
  in the WORM areas that is in need of recovery.

40.963  –  NO_EXEC

  No executor processes are available at this time.

  Explanation:  No executor processes  are  available  to  process
  your requests at this time.

  User Action:  Try again later.

40.964  –  NO_REQUEST

  Network error:  Request buffer was not available.

  Explanation:  Request buffer was not available.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.965  –  NPARQUAL

  Qualifier not valid for parallel operation "<str>".

  Explanation:  An qualifier was specified that cannot be used for
  parallel operations.

  User Action:  Remove this qualifier or do not attempt a parallel

40.966  –  NTSNPFCON

  Field CONSISTENT is not valid for snapshot files

  Explanation:  The field that  you  were  trying  to  display  or
  deposit does not exist for a snapshot area.

  User Action:  This is not a legal RMU ALTER  command.   You  can
  only display and deposit legal snapshot fields.

40.967  –  NTSNPFNF

  Field NOT FULL is not valid for snapshot files

  Explanation:  The field that  you  were  trying  to  display  or
  deposit does not exist for a snapshot area.

  User Action:  This is not a legal RMU ALTER  command.   You  can
  only display and deposit legal snapshot fields.

40.968  –  NTSNPFUNC

  Field UNCORRUPT is not valid for snapshot files

  Explanation:  The field that  you  were  trying  to  display  or
  deposit does not exist for a snapshot area.

  User Action:  This is not a legal RMU ALTER  command.   You  can
  only display and deposit legal snapshot fields.

40.969  –  OLAPONPAG

  unexpected overlap on page <num>
  free space end offset :  <num> (hex)
  minimum offset of any line :  <num> (hex)

  Explanation:  An overlap was found between the end of free space
  and  the  beginning  of the line closest to the beginning of the
  page.  This could be caused by the  corruption  of  locked  free
  space length, free space length, or the line index.

  User Action:   Dump  the  page  in  question  to  determine  the
  corruption.  Restore the database and verify again.

40.970  –  OPERCLOSE

  database operator requested database shutdown

  Explanation:  Your  program  has  been  terminated  because  the
  database operator shut down the database you were using.

  User Action:  Try again later after  the  database  shutdown  is

40.971  –  OPERFAIL

  error requesting operator service

  Explanation:  Communication  with  the  operator  through  OPCOM

  User Action:  Correct the problem  with  OPCOM  or  reissue  the
  command interactively.

40.972  –  OPERNOTIFY

  system operator notification:  <str>

  Explanation:  The indicated message  was  sent  to  one  of  the
  configured system operators.

  User Action:  Examine the  indicated  message  and  perform  the
  appropriate operation.

40.973  –  OPERSHUTDN

  database operator requested monitor process shutdown

  Explanation:  Your  program  has  been  terminated  because  the
  database operator shut down the database monitor process.

  User Action:  Try again later after  the  database  shutdown  is

40.974  –  OPNFILERR

  error opening file <str>

  Explanation:  An error occurred when an attempt was made to open
  a  file.  Either the the file does not exist, or you do not have
  sufficient privileges to perform the operation.

  User Action:  Make sure the file exists.  If  the  file  exists,
  you need to get sufficient privileges to access the file.

40.975  –  OPNSNPARE

  opened snapshot area <str> for <str> <str>

  Explanation:  The indicated storage area has been opened, either
  because  it  is  the current storage area being verified, or set
  chain  verification  has  been  specified  and  a  storage   set
  occurrence  requires  opening the storage area to verify the set

40.976  –  OPTDDLREC

  TSN  <num>:<num>  contains  DDL  information  that   cannot   be

  Explanation:  The identified transaction contains an AIJ  record
  with  DDL  information.  DDL information cannot be optimized and
  forces a flush of the accumulated SORT information.  Too many of
  these  operations  limit  the  effectiveness  of  the  resulting
  optimized  after-image  journal   and   decrease   the   overall
  optimization performance.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

40.977  –  OPTEXCMAX

  TSN <num>:<num> record size <num> exceeds maximum  <num>  record

  Explanation:  The identified transaction contains an AIJ  record
  whose  size  exceeds  the  maximum  specified  sort record size.
  During AIJ optimization, fixed-length data records are passed to
  the  sort  utility.  By default, the size of the sort records is
  1548 bytes in length, which is also the maximum  value  allowed.
  The sort record length affects the amount of disk space required
  to complete the AIJ optimization operation.   The  size  of  the
  record  passed  to  the  sort  utility can be adjusted using the

  User Action:  If possible, increase the size of the sort  record
  using the <fac>$BIND_OPTIMIZE_AIJ_RECLEN logical.

40.978  –  OPTEXCSRT

  AIJ record count exceeded specified <num> sort threshold

  Explanation:  The number of AIJ records processed  exceeded  the
  maximum      sort      threshold      specified      by      the
  <fac>$BIND_OPT_SORT_THRESHOLD logical name.  This is not a fatal

  User Action:  None.  Use  of  the  <fac>$BIND_OPT_SORT_THRESHOLD
  may  reduce  the  sort work file disk space required for the AIJ
  optimization operation.  However, this may result  in  a  larger
  output file.

40.979  –  OPTEXCTXN

  TSN <num>:<num> error count exceeded <num> failure threshold

  Explanation:  The number of AIJ  optimize  errors  exceeded  the
  transaction     error     threshold     specified     by     the
  <fac>$BIND_OPT_TXN_THRESHOLD logical name.  This is not a  fatal

  User Action:  None.  The remainder of the  transaction  contents
  are  written  directly  to  the  optimized AIJ file.  Use of the
  <fac>$BIND_OPT_TXN_THRESHOLD logical name may actually  increase
  the AIJ optimize operation performance as the number of required
  sort operations is reduced.   However,  this  may  result  in  a
  larger output file.

40.980  –  OPTINCONSIS

  optimized AIJ file is inconsistent with the database

  Explanation:  The database and/or some areas within the database
  are  not  consistent  with  the  optimized  AIJ  file.  The last
  transaction committed to the database and/or  to  some  database
  areas  is  not the same as the last transaction committed to the
  database at the time the optimized AIJ file's original AIJ  file
  was created.  To use an optimized AIJ file for recovery, it must
  be consistent with the database and all areas.

  User Action:  Use the original, non-optimized AIJ file to do the

40.981  –  OPTIONERR

  error processing option <str>

  Explanation:  An internal error was  detected  while  processing
  this option.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for
  assistance.   You  will need to provide the command which caused
  this error.

40.982  –  OPTLIN

  <num> :  <str>


  cannot do by-area recovery with an optimized AIJ file

  Explanation:  A recover-by-area operation was attempted with  an
  optimized AIJ file.  Optimized AIJ files do not support recovery
  by area, so the recovery operation was aborted.

  User Action:  Use the original, non-optimized AIJ file to do the
  by area recovery.


  cannot do a /RECOVER/UNTIL with an optimized AIJ file

  Explanation:  A recover operation specifying an "until" time  is
  not  allowed  with  an  optimized  AIJ  file.   No  recovery  is
  performed if this condition is specified.

  User Action:  Use the original, non-optimized AIJ file to do the
  /RECOVER/UNTIL operation.

40.985  –  OPTRECLEN

  AIJ optimization record length was <num> characters in length

  Explanation:  During AIJ optimization, fixed-length data records
  are  passed  to  the  sort utility.  By default, the size of the
  sort records is 1548 bytes in length, which is also the  maximum
  value  allowed.   The  sort  record length affects the amount of
  disk space required to complete the AIJ optimization  operation.
  The  size  of  the  record  passed  to  the  sort utility can be
  adjusted using the <fac>$BIND_OPTIMIZE_AIJ_RECLEN logical.  This
  message  indicates  the size of the largest AIJ record passed to
  the sort utility that was less than or equal to the maximum sort
  record length.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

40.986  –  OPTSRTSTAT

  <str>:  <num>

  Explanation:  During  optimization  operations,  statistics  are
  often  collected  to  aid  the  user  in  tuning.   This message
  displays a single statistic.

40.987  –  OPTSYNTAX

  Syntax error in options file   <str>'<str>'<str>

  Explanation:  A command from  the  options  file  has  a  syntax

  User Action:  Edit the file and fix the indicated command.

40.988  –  OUTFILDEL

  Fatal error, output file deleted

  Explanation:  A non  recoverable  error  was  encountered.   The
  output file was deleted.

  User Action:  Locate and correct  the  source  of  the  original


  Fatal error, the output file is  not  deleted  but  may  not  be
  useable,<num> records have been unloaded.

  Explanation:  A non  recoverable  error  was  encountered.   The
  output  file  was  not deleted.  However, depending on the error
  the output file may not be useable.

  User Action:  Locate and correct  the  source  of  the  original

40.990  –  OVERFLOW

  data conversion overflow

  Explanation:  A loss of information would  have  occurred  on  a
  data item transformation.  The operation was not performed.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try the operation again.

40.991  –  PAGBADARE

  area <str>, page <num>
  maps incorrect storage area
  expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The storage area id number on the database page is
  not  the  storage  area  id number of the storage area currently
  being verified.  Verification of the page continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.992  –  PAGCKSBAD

  area <str>, page <num>
  contains an invalid checksum
  expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:   The  checksum   on   the   page   is   incorrect.
  Verification of the page continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.993  –  PAGECNSTNT

  Page <num> is already consistent.

  Explanation:  You are trying to set a page as consistent when it
  is not marked corrupt.

  User Action:  Specify a different page, and  enter  the  command

40.994  –  PAGERRORS

         <num> page error(s) encountered
         <num> page header format error(s)
         <num> page tail format error(s)
         <num> area bitmap format error(s)
         <num> area inventory format error(s)
         <num> line index format error(s)
         <num> segment format error(s)
         <num> space management page format error(s)
         <num> difference(s) in space management of data page(s)

  Explanation:  This message indicates how many page format errors
  were  encountered  while scanning a particular storage area that
  has space management pages.  Data  pages  which  contain  format
  errors will not have storage segments verified.


  Database must be off-line to assign a page size of <num> to area

  Explanation:  The page size specified for this  area  is  larger
  than  the buffer size supported by the database.  To accommodate
  the larger page size, the buffer size of the database would have
  to  grow.   The  buffer  size  cannot  be  changed for an online

  User Action:  Either settle for a smaller page size  or  perform
  the operation off line.

40.996  –  PAGFLUBAD

  area <str>, page <num>
  (free space+locked free space+line index) length
  greater than the expected size
  expected less than <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The sum of the number  of  bytes  of  all  storage
  records  mapped  by  all  the entries in the line index plus the
  number of bytes of free space,  both  locked  and  unlocked,  is
  larger   than  expected.   Further  verification  of  the  page,
  including segment and  set  occurrence  chain  verification,  is

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.997  –  PAGFRSODD

  area <str>, page <num>
  has odd locked free space
  found:  <num> bytes

  Explanation:  Free  space  should  be  word-aligned.   The  page
  header   indicates  byte-aligned  locked  free  space.   Further
  verification of the page, including segment and  set  occurrence
  chain verification, is abandoned.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.998  –  PAGINCON

  area <str>, page <num>
  page is marked as inconsistent.

  Explanation:  The page has been restored but not recovered.

  User Action:  Make the page consistent by using the RMU  Recover

40.999  –  PAGINCONSIS

  page is inconsistent

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to fetch an inconsistent page.
  This page cannot be accessed until it is consistent.

  User  Action:   Take  the  proper  action  to  make   the   page
  consistent.   For  example,  perform a RESTORE/RECOVER operation
  for a data or AIP page, or a REPAIR operation for a SPAM or  ABM

40.1000  –  PAGISCRPT

  Page <num> is already marked corrupt.

  Explanation:  You are trying to mark as corrupt a page  that  is
  already marked corrupt.

  User Action:  Specify a different page, and  enter  the  command

40.1001  –  PAGLILINV

  area <str>, page <num>
  has a line index length greater than the expected size
  expected less than <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The maximum available space on  a  given  database
  page  is  (page  length  - length of page header - length of one
  line index entry - length of line index count).  The  number  of
  entries  specified  in  the  line  index count multiplied by the
  length of an  individual  line  index  entry  indicates  a  size
  greater  than  this  maximum.  Further verification of the page,
  including segment and  set  occurrence  chain  verification,  is

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.1002  –  PAGLIXBIG

  area <str>, page <num>
  line index maps a total length greater than the expected size
  expected less than <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The sum of the number  of  bytes  of  all  storage
  records  mapped  by  all the entries in the line index is larger
  than expected.  Further  verification  of  the  page,  including
  segment and set occurrence chain verification, is abandoned.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.1003  –  PAGLIXFRS

  area <str>, page <num>
  line index entry <num> maps free space at offset <num> (hex)

  Explanation:  The line index entry specifies an offset  that  is
  partially or totally allocated to either locked or unlocked free
  space on the page.  Further verification of the page,  including
  segment and set occurrence chain verification, is abandoned.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.1004  –  PAGLIXHOL

  area <str>, page <num>
  line <num>, line <num>
  hole of <num> bytes

  Explanation:  Storage records are  stored  contiguously  on  the
  database  page.   A  hole  between  two  storage  records, space
  claimed by neither storage record, is indicated by the specified
  line  index  entries.   The  line  index  or  one or both of the
  storage records is incorrect.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.1005  –  PAGLIXODD

  area <str>, page <num>
  line index entry <num> has an odd offset
  found offset <num>

  Explanation:  Storage records  on  a  database  page  should  be
  word-aligned.   The  line  index  entry indicates a byte-aligned
  storage record.  Further verification  of  the  page,  including
  segment and set occurrence chain verification, is abandoned.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.1006  –  PAGLIXOVL

  area <str>, page <num>
  line <num>, line <num>
  overlap of <num> bytes

  Explanation:  Storage records are  stored  contiguously  on  the
  database page.  An overlap of two storage records, space claimed
  by both storage records, is  indicated  by  the  specified  line
  index  entries.   The  line  index or one or both of the storage
  records is incorrect.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.1007  –  PAGLIXSML

  area <str>, page <num>
  line index entry <num>, length too small
  expected at least <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The line index entry specifies  a  storage  record
  length  that  is  smaller  than  the  length  of one database id
  number.  Storage records must be at least  this  long.   Further
  verification  of  the page, including segment and set occurrence
  chain verification, is abandoned.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.1008  –  PAGLUBAD

  area <str>, page <num>
  has free space (locked+unlocked) greater than expected
  expected no more than <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The maximum available space on  a  given  database
  page  is  (page  length  - length of page header - length of one
  line index entry - length of line index count).  The total  free
  space  on  the  page,  indicated  by  the  sum of the locked and
  unlocked free space,  is  greater  than  this  amount.   Further
  verification  of  the page, including segment and set occurrence
  chain verification, is abandoned.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.1009  –  PAGPAGRAN

  area <str>, page <num>
  page number out of range
  expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The page number on the database page is not within
  the  range  of valid page numbers for the storage area stated in
  the storage schema.  Verification of the page continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.1010  –  PAGPAGSEQ

  area <str>, page <num>
  page number out of sequence
  expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The page number on the database  page  is  not  +1
  greater  than  the  preceding  page number.  Verification of the
  page continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.1011  –  PAGSYSREC

  area <str>, page <num>
  system record contains an invalid database ID
  expected:  <num> (hex), found:  <num> (hex)

  Explanation:   This  verification  is  performed  here  only  if
  OPT=PAGES  is  specified.   Otherwise,  it  is  performed during
  segment verification.  The SYSTEM record id was not found in the
  system record on this page.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.1012  –  PAGTADINV

  area <str>, page <num>
  contains incorrect time stamp
  expected between <time>
  and <time>, found:  <time>

  Explanation:  The time stamp on the page specifies a time  later
  than  the  time  that  the  verification  began.  Such a time is
  incorrect.  Verification of the page continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.1013  –  PAGTADZER

  area <str>, page <num>
  contains zero time stamp

  Explanation:  The time stamp on  the  page  is  zero,  that  is,
  17-NOV-1858 00:00:00.00.  Verification of the page continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.1014  –  PAGUFSODD

  area <str>, page <num>
  has odd unlocked free space
  found:  <num> bytes

  Explanation:  Free  space  should  be  word-aligned.   The  page
  header  indicates  byte-aligned  unlocked  free  space.  Further
  verification of the page, including segment and  set  occurrence
  chain verification, is abandoned.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.1015  –  PARTDTXNERR

  error when trying to participate in a distributed transaction

  Explanation:  The process  was  unable  to  participate  in  the
  DECdtm distributed transaction, because of a DECdtm error.  This
  error is returned in the secondary error message.

  User Action:  Look at the  secondary  error  message,  make  the
  necessary correction, and try the operation again.

40.1016  –  PARTLVFY

  continuing partial verification

  Explanation:   It  was  not  possible  to  access  some   system
  relations.   The  database  is probably corrupt.  As much of the
  requested verification will be performed as is possible.

  User Action:  You may need to restore the database.

40.1017  –  PARTNDCNT

  error getting the count of partitioned indices

  Explanation:   It  was  not  possible  to  get  the   count   of
  partitioned  indices,  probably  because  the RDB$INDICES system
  relation is corrupted.

  User Action:  Rebuild the indexes.

40.1018  –  PBCKMISSA

  Executor count is greater than number of storage areas.

  Explanation:   The  number  of  executors   specified   by   the
  Executor_Count  qualifier  is greater than the number of storage
  areas included in the backup operation.   The  unused  executors
  are ignored.

  User Action:  Decrease the number of executors.

40.1019  –  PBCKMISTD

  Executor count is greater than number of  tape  drives  or  disk

  Explanation:   The  number  of  executors  specified  with   the
  Executor_Count  qualifier  is  greater  than  the number of tape
  drives or disk directories listed with the backup file parameter
  for  a  parallel  backup command.  For this error, a tape master
  and its  slave  are  considered  one  tape  drive.   The  unused
  executors are ignored.

  User Action:  Decrease the number of executors or add more  tape
  drives or disk directories to the operation.

40.1020  –  PBCKXTRND

  Executor count is less than number of nodes specified.

  Explanation:   The  number  of  executors  specified  with   the
  Executor_Count qualifier is less than the number of nodes listed
  with the Node qualifier for  a  parallel  backup  command.   The
  extra node names specified are ignored,

  User Action:  Increase the number of  executors  or  reduce  the
  number of nodes in the node list.

40.1021  –  PCNTZERO

  line <num> has no pointer clusters

  Explanation:  You issued an RMU ALTER DISPLAY or DEPOSIT LINE  m
  CLUSTER n command for a record with no clusters.

  User Action:  This is not allowed.  Clusters cannot be displayed
  or deposited into if the storage record has no clusters.

40.1022  –  PGSPAMENT

  area <str>, page <num>
  the fullness value for this data page does not match
  the threshold value in the space management page
  expected:  <num>, computed:  <num>

  Explanation:  The data page's percentage fullness falls  outside
  of  the  range  of  percentage  fullness represented by the data
  page's space management page code.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the   SQL  IMPORT  statement  and  verify  the  database  again.
  Alternatively, the RMU Repair command may be used with the  SPAM
  qualifier  to  correct  this  problem.  Please note that the RMU
  Repair command should not be used unless you have a backup  copy
  or  an  exported  copy  of the database.  Because the RMU Repair
  command does  not  write  its  transactions  to  an  after-image
  journal  file, a repaired database cannot be rolled forward in a
  recovery process.  Therefore, Oracle Corporation recommends that
  a  full  and  complete  database backup be performed immediately
  after using the RMU Repair command.

40.1023  –  PGSPMCLST

  area <str>, page <num>
  the <num>% fullness value for this data page does not fall
  within the <num>-<num>% range found on the space management page

  Explanation:  The data page's percentage  fullness  of  a  mixed
  area   falls   outside  of  the  range  of  percentage  fullness
  represented by the data page's space management page code.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the   SQL  IMPORT  statement  and  verify  the  database  again.
  Alternatively, the RMU Repair command may be used with the  SPAM
  qualifier  to  correct  this  problem.  Please note that the RMU
  Repair command should not be used unless you have a backup  copy
  or  an  exported  copy  of the database.  Because the RMU Repair
  command does  not  write  its  transactions  to  an  after-image
  journal  file, a repaired database cannot be rolled forward in a
  recovery process.  Therefore, Oracle Corporation recommends that
  a  full  and  complete  database backup be performed immediately
  after using the RMU Repair command.

40.1024  –  PLNBADMAS

  Executor <str> cannot be a coordinator executor.

  Explanation:  The  Coordinator  keyword  was  specified  for  an
  executor other than the first executor.

  User Action:  Remove  the  Coordinator  keyword  for  the  named
  executor  or  move  the named executor to the first entry of the
  executor list.

40.1025  –  PLNBADSA

  Storage area <str> does not exist in the database.

  Explanation:  The named storage area was specified  for  backup,
  but it does not exist in the database.

  User Action:  Remove the storage area from the plan file.

40.1026  –  PLNDRVMAS

  Drive <str> is the first drive in the list and must be a master.

  Explanation:  The first drive in a  list  of  drives  is  not  a
  master drive.

  User Action:  Either specify the Master qualifier to  the  named
  drive  or make another drive the first drive in the list of tape

40.1027  –  PLNDUPSA

  Storage area <str> is listed multiple times in the plan.

  Explanation:  The named storage area is listed multiple times in
  the plan file.

  User Action:  Make sure the storage area appears  only  once  in
  the plan file.

40.1028  –  PLNDUPTAP

  Drive <str> is listed multiple times in the plan.

  Explanation:  A tape drive has been listed in multiple places in
  the plan file.

  User Action:  Make sure the named drive appears only once  among
  all of the tape drives specified in the tape drive lists.

40.1029  –  PLNLABELS

  Labels cannot be specified for the plan and for the executors.

  Explanation:  Tape labels were specified for the  entire  backup
  operation  and  for  each tape drive.  A plan can specify either
  labels for the entire backup operation, or labels for  the  tape
  drives, but not both.

  User Action:  Remove either the label list for the operation  or
  the label lists for the tape drives.

40.1030  –  PLNMASDIR

  First  executor  in  backup  plan  cannot   be   assigned   disk

  Explanation:  The coordinator executor in the backup  plan  file
  does not write to disk.  Therefore,it should not be assigned any
  disk directories.

  User Action:  Remove the disk directory list from the definition
  of the coordinator executor.

40.1031  –  PLNMASNOD

  First executor in backup plan cannot be assigned to a node.

  Explanation:  The first executor in a backup plan always runs on
  the node where the plan file is being read and executed.

  User Action:  Remove the node name from the first executor.

40.1032  –  PLNMASSA

  First executor in backup plan cannot be assigned areas.

  Explanation:  The coordinator executor in  a  backup  plan  does
  backup  any  areas.   Therefore,  it  should not be assigned any
  storage areas.

  User Action:  Remove the storage area list from  the  definition
  of the coordinator executor.

40.1033  –  PLNMASSLV

  First executor in backup plan cannot be a worker executor.

  Explanation:  The first executor in a backup plan  must  be  the
  coordinator executor.  It is followed by worker executors only.

  User Action:  Move the coordinator executor the beginning of the
  list of executors.

40.1034  –  PLNMASTD

  First executor in backup plan cannot be assigned tape drives.

  Explanation:  The coordinator executor in the backup  plan  file
  does not write to tape.  Therefore,it should not be assigned any
  tape drives.

  User Action:  Remove the tape drive list from the definition  of
  the coordinator executor.

40.1035  –  PLNMISEXE

  No executors listed in backup plan.

  Explanation:  A list of executors is  missing  from  the  backup
  plan file.

  User Action:  Use the List_Plan and Parallel qualifiers with the
  RMU Backup command to generate a plan file.

40.1036  –  PLNMISMAS

  First executor in backup plan is not the coordinator executor.

  Explanation:  The first executor of backup plan must  always  be
  the  coordinator executor.  The subsequent executors must all be
  worker executors.

  User Action:  Move the declaration of the  coordinator  executor
  to the beginning of the list of executors.

40.1037  –  PLNMISRBF

  No backup file specified in backup plan.

  Explanation:  The backup plan file name is missing from the plan

  User Action:  Add the name of the backup file to the plan file.

40.1038  –  PLNMISRT

  No database specified in backup plan.

  Explanation:  The database root file is  not  specified  in  the
  plan file.

  User Action:  Add the name of the database to the plan file.

40.1039  –  PLNMISSLV

  Executor <str> should be a worker executor.

  Explanation:  The worker keyword must be  used  for  all  listed
  executors except the first.

  User Action:  Add the worker keyword to the  named  executor  or
  make the named executor the coordinator executor by moving it to
  the first entry in the list.

40.1040  –  PLNNOSLV

  There are no worker executors in the plan.

  Explanation:  The plan has no worker executors.

  User Action:  Add worker executors to the plan file.

40.1041  –  PLNSAMIS

  Executor <str> has no storage areas assigned to it.

  Explanation:  The named executor  requires  a  list  of  storage
  areas to backup.

  User Action:  Add a list of storage area to the named executor.

40.1042  –  PLNSLVDIR

  Executor <str> has no disk directories assigned.

  Explanation:   The  named  executor  requires  a  list  of  disk

  User Action:  Add a  list  of  disk  directories  to  the  named

40.1043  –  PLNSLVLAB

  Labels must be assigned to all tape drives or none.

  Explanation:  Some of the tape drives have been assigned a  list
  of labels while other drives have not.

  User Action:  Either assign labels to all drives are to none  of
  the drives.

40.1044  –  PLNSLVTD

  Executor <str> has no tape drives assigned.

  Explanation:  The named executor requires a list of tape drives.

  User Action:  Add a list of tape drives to the named executor.

40.1045  –  PLNSYNTAX

  Syntax error in plan file      <str>'<str>'<str>.

  Explanation:  An option in the plan file has a syntax error.

  User Action:  Edit the file and fix the indicated option.

40.1046  –  PLNTDMORS

  Drive <str> must be either a master or slave.

  Explanation:  A tape drive has been given both  the  master  and
  the slave attribute or has not been given either attribute.

  User Action:  Make sure the tape drive has either the master  or
  slave attribute.

40.1047  –  PLNTOOLONG

  Option in plan file exceeds 1024 characters in length.

  Explanation:  An option  line  in  the  plan  file  exceeds  the
  maximum length.

  User Action:  Edit the plan file to fix the problem.

40.1048  –  POSERROR

  error positioning <str>

  Explanation:  Tape device rejected the attempt to set  the  tape
  characteristics, or positioning.

  User Action:  Correct the device or media problem,  and  reissue
  the command.

40.1049  –  POSITERR

  error positioning <str>

  Explanation:  Tape device rejected the attempt to set  the  tape
  characteristics, or positioning.

  User Action:  Correct the device or media problem,  and  reissue
  the command.

40.1050  –  POSSCALE

  positive scale not possible in SQL - <str>.<str>

  Explanation:  SQL does not allow a positive scale.  For example,
  DATATYPE SIGNED LONGWORD SCALE 2 cannot be represented in SQL.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented in SQL or use the Language=RDO qualifier of
  the RMU Extract command to extract the definition.

40.1051  –  PREMEOF

  premature end of file encountered in <str>

  Explanation:  A  premature  end-of-file  was  encountered  while
  reading the specified file.

40.1052  –  PREMEOFOPT

  Unexpected end of file on restore options file

  Explanation:   The  last  line  of  the  options  file   was   a
  continuation line.

  User Action:  Edit the options file to fix the problem.

40.1053  –  PREMEOFPLN

  Unexpected end of file on plan file.

  Explanation:  The last line of the plan file was a  continuation

  User Action:  Edit the plan file to fix the problem.

40.1054  –  PREM_EOF

  Unexpected end of file on record definition file

  Explanation:  The last line of the file was a continuation line.

  User Action:  Edit the file to fix the problem.

40.1055  –  PREVACL

  Restoring the root ACL over a pre-existing ACL.        This is a
  normal condition if you are using the CDO utility.

  Explanation:  The creation of the database also created an  ACL,
  either  by propagation from a previous version of the root or by
  propagation of default ACEs from the directory  ACL.   This  ACL
  may  supersede  the access rights being restored from the backup
  file, and it may be necessary  to  use  the  RMU  Set  Privilege
  command to establish the desired access rights for the database.

  User Action:  Use the RMU Show Privilege command to examine  the
  restored  access rights.  If they are not what you want, correct
  them by using the RMU Set Privilege command.  In extreme  cases,
  OpenVMS  privilege  may  be required to correct the problem.  If
  the problem is caused by default ACEs in a directory ACL you may
  consider altering them or propagating RMU access to these ACEs.

40.1056  –  PROCPLNFIL

  Processing plan file <str>.

  Explanation:  User action:

40.1057  –  PROTOCOL

  Network error:  Protocol error.

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.1058  –  PSEGDBKEY

  Pointer segment is at logical dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  This message is used when  dumping  the  segmented
  string context after a possible corruption is found.  It reports
  the  logical  dbkey  of  the  pointer  segment  currently  being

  User Action:  This  message  is  informational.   No  action  is

40.1059  –  QIOXFRLEN

  data transfer length error - expected <num>, actual <num>

  Explanation:  The expected data-transfer length was not equal to
  the actual data-transfer length.

  User Action:  This is usually caused by a hardware problem.

40.1060  –  QUIETPT

  waiting for database quiet point at <time>

  Explanation:  The user is waiting for the quiet lock in order to
  force a database quiet point.

  User Action:  None.

40.1061  –  QUIETPTREL

  released database quiet point at <time>

  Explanation:  The database quiet point lock has been released.

  User Action:  None.

40.1062  –  RCLMAREA

  Reclaiming area <str>

40.1063  –  RCSABORTED

  record cache server process terminated abnormally

  Explanation:  A detached  record  cache  server  process  failed

  User Action:  Examine the database  monitor  log  file  and  any
  SYS$SYSTEM:*RCSBUG.DMP bugcheck dump files for more information.

40.1064  –  RCSMANYNODES

  database node count exceeds record cache maximum of "1"

  Explanation:  The record cache feature can  only  be  used  when
  after-image  journaling is enabled, the "Fast Commit" feature is
  enabled, and the maximum node count is set to "1".

  User Action:  Alter the database to  set  the  maximum  database
  node count to "1".

40.1065  –  RCSRQSTFAIL

  request to Record Cache Server failed

  Explanation:  User submitted a request  the  RCS  process  which
  failed  either during the submission process or, for synchronous
  requests, possibly during the execution of the request.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or  the  database
  monitor  log  file  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) or any RCS log file in
  root file's directory  or  any  SYS$SYSTEM:*RCSBUG.DMP  bugcheck
  dump files for more information.

40.1066  –  RDBSYSTEMREQ

  The <str> <str> <str> storage area(s) must also be specified for
  the restore.

  Explanation:  This error can occur during an incremental by-area
  restore  operation when the RDB$SYSTEM and/or the default and/or
  the list segment storage areas are not included in the  list  of
  storage  areas  to  be  restored.   If  incremental changes have
  occured to any of these three storage areas and these areas  are
  not  restored  then  tables  in  the  database affected by these
  changes will appear to be corrupted.

  User  Action:   Rerun  the  restore  operation   including   the
  requested storage areas in the list of storage areas to restore.

40.1067  –  RDYBTRNOD

  ready needed for B-tree node at <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  An attempt to ready the logical area corresponding
  to  a  B-tree  index  node  failed.  This could be because of an
  invalid logical area in a dbkey in the index.

  User Action:  Check  if  there  are  conflicting  users  of  the
  database.  If so, verify this portion of the database when there
  are no conflicting users.  Rebuild the index if it is corrupt.

40.1068  –  RDYDUPBTR

  ready needed for duplicate B-tree node at <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  An attempt to ready the logical area corresponding
  to  a duplicate B-tree index node failed.  This could be because
  of an invalid logical area in a dbkey in the index.

  User Action:  Check  if  there  are  conflicting  users  of  the
  database.  If so, verify this portion of the database when there
  are no conflicting users.  Rebuild the index if it is corrupt.

40.1069  –  RDYHSHBKT

  ready needed for hash bucket at <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  An attempt to ready the logical area corresponding
  to  a  hash  bucket failed.  This could be because of an invalid
  logical area in a dbkey in the system record.

  User Action:  Check  if  there  are  conflicting  users  of  the
  database.  If so, verify this portion of the database when there
  are no conflicting users.  Rebuild the index if it is corrupt.

40.1070  –  RDYHSHDAT

  Area <str>
  Could not ready logical area for data records  of  hashed  index

  Explanation:  The logical area for the data records of the given
  hashed  index could not be readied.  This could be the result of
  an error, such as the specification of an invalid  logical  area
  identifier  or  of  another user accessing the logical area in a
  conflicting access mode.

  User Action:  Check  if  there  are  conflicting  users  of  the
  database.  If so, verify this portion of the database when there
  are no conflicting users.  Otherwise, try correcting  the  error
  with  the  RMU  Restore  command  or  the  SQL IMPORT statement.
  Follow-up with another verification of the database.

40.1071  –  RDYSEGSTR

  ready needed for segmented string at <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  An attempt to ready the logical area corresponding
  to  a  segmented  string  failed.   This  could be because of an
  invalid logical area in a dbkey in data record or because  of  a
  lock conflict with other users in the database.

  User Action:  Check  if  there  are  conflicting  users  of  the
  database.  If so, verify this portion of the database when there
  are no conflicting users.  If there are no conflicting users  of
  the  database, correct the error with the RMU Restore command or
  the SQL IMPORT statement, and verify the database again.

40.1072  –  READACLER

  Error reading ACL for <str>

  Explanation:  An error occurred when the ACL  was  accessed  for
  the  database  root file.  The secondary error message gives the
  reason for the failure.

  User Action:  Correct the problem and try again.

40.1073  –  READBLOCK

  error reading block <num> of <str>

  Explanation:  A media error was detected during  an  attempt  to
  read from the backup file.

  User Action:  None.

40.1074  –  READERR

  error reading <str>

  Explanation:  Media error was detected while reading the  backup

  User Action:  None.

40.1075  –  READERRS

  excessive error rate reading <str>

  Explanation:  Excessively  large  number  of  read  errors  were
  encountered on this tape volume.

  User Action:  Check for media and/or drive maintenance problems.

40.1076  –  READYDATA

  ready needed for data record at <num>:<num>:<num>

  Explanation:  An attempt to ready a logical  area  corresponding
  to  a  data  record failed.  This could be because of an invalid
  logical area in a dbkey in the index.

  User Action:  Check  if  there  are  conflicting  users  of  the
  database.  If so, verify this portion of the database when there
  are no conflicting users.  If the index is corrupt, rebuild it.

40.1077  –  READYDSEG

  Could not ready logical area <num> for a data segment.

  Explanation:  The logical area for  a  segmented  string's  data
  segment  could  not  be readied.  This could be the result of an
  error, such as, the specification of  an  invalid  logical  area
  identifier,  or  of another user accessing the logical area in a
  conflicting access mode.   See  accompanying  messages  for  the
  segmented string context at the time of the error.

  User Action:  Check  if  there  are  conflicting  users  of  the
  database.  If so, verify this portion of the database when there
  are no conflicting users.  Otherwise, try correcting  the  error
  with  the  RMU  Restore  command  or  the  SQL IMPORT statement.
  Follow-up with another verification of the database.

40.1078  –  READYPSEG

  Could not ready logical area <num> for a pointer segment.

  Explanation:  The logical area for a segmented string's  pointer
  segment  could  not  be readied.  This could be the result of an
  error, such as the specification  of  an  invalid  logical  area
  identifier,  or  of another user accessing the logical area in a
  conflicting access mode.   See  accompanying  messages  for  the
  segmented string context at the time of the error.

  User Action:  Check  if  there  are  conflicting  users  of  the
  database.  If so, verify this portion of the database when there
  are no conflicting users.  Otherwise, try correcting  the  error
  with  the  RMU  Restore  command  or  the  SQL IMPORT statement.
  Follow-up with another verification of the database.

40.1079  –  READ_ONLY

  read-only area <str> must be readied in RETRIEVAL mode only

  Explanation:  A read-only area can be readied in RETRIEVAL  mode

  User Action:  Ready this area for retrieval  or  make  the  area

40.1080  –  REBLDSPAM

  Space management (SPAM) pages should be rebuilt for
  logical area <str>,
  logical area id <num>

  Explanation:  The SPAM pages  for  the  indicated  logical  area
  should  be  rebuilt  since  the  logical  area thresholds and/or
  record length have been modified.

  User Action:  Use RMU/SET AIP /REBUILD_SPAM to rebuild the  SPAM
  pages   for   all   logical   areas   that  have  been  changed.
  Alternately, explicitly name the mentioned logical  area  id  or
  name on the RMU/SET AIP command to rebuild just that area.

40.1081  –  REBUILDSPAMS

  SPAM pages should be rebuilt for logical area <str>

  Explanation:  Modifications have been made to the  logical  area
  parameters  that  may  have made the SPAM thresholds inaccurate.
  The RMU utility should be used to rebuild the SPAM pages for the
  logical area.

40.1082  –  RECBADVER

  Invalid row version found at logical dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>.
  Expected a non-zero version not greater than <num>, found <num>.

  Explanation:  Each change to a table definition  creates  a  new
  version  for  the  table Whenever a row is added to a table, the
  current version number is stored  as  part  of  the  row.   This
  message indicates that the row stored at the specified dbkey has
  a version which is larger than the maximum  version  number  for
  the row.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the page from backup.

40.1083  –  RECDEFSYN

  Syntax error in record definition file <str>'<str>'<str>

  Explanation:  A line from the file has a syntax error.

  User Action:  Edit the file to fix the indicated line.

40.1084  –  RECFAILED

  fatal, unexpected roll-forward  error  detected  at  AIJ  record

  Explanation:  A fatal, unexpected  error  was  detected  by  the
  database  management  system  during  the roll forward of an AIJ
  file.  This typically is caused by a  corrupt  AIJ  file  or  by
  applying an AIJ file out of sequence.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for
  assistance.   Note  that  the indicated AIJ record number can be
  used to quickly locate the  offending  information  in  the  AIJ
  journal   using   the  appropriate  DUMP/AFTER_JOURNAL/START=XXX
  command; it is recommended that when dumping the AIJ  file,  you
  use  a  starting  record number that is several records prior to
  the indicated record, because the actual cause  of  the  problem
  may be in preceding AIJ records.

40.1085  –  RECLASTTSN

  last successfully processed transaction was TSN <num>:<num>

  Explanation:  A fatal, unexpected  error  was  detected  by  the
  database  management  system  during  the roll forward of an AIJ
  file.  This message indicates the "transaction sequence  number"
  of  the  last  transaction  successfully  processed  by  the AIJ
  roll-forward utility.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for
  assistance.   Information  concerning the identified transaction
  TSN can be obtained  by  dumping  the  AIJ  journal,  using  the

40.1086  –  RECSMLVRP

  Primary vertical partition at <num>:<num>:<num> is too small.

  Explanation:  The specified record is not big enough to hold the
  VRP  information  that the primary segment of a VRP record needs
  to hold.  This information contains  the  dbkeys  of  the  other
  vertical partitions for the record.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the page of the primary  dbkey
  from backup.

40.1087  –  RECUNTIL

  work-around:  roll forward AIJ using /UNTIL="<time>" qualifier

  Explanation:  A fatal, unexpected  error  was  detected  by  the
  database  management  system  during  the roll forward of an AIJ
  file.  However,  one  or  more  transactions  were  successfully
  rolled  forward  up to the date indicated in the message.  Using
  the /UNTIL qualifier on  the  roll-forward  command  produces  a
  database  that  is  transaction  consistent  up to the indicated

  User Action:  Issue  the  AIJ  roll-forward  command  using  the
  indicated /UNTIL qualifier.

40.1088  –  RECVERDIF

  Record at dbkey <num>:<num>:<num> in table "<str>" version <num>
  does not match current version

  Explanation:  The specified record in  the  after-image  journal
  was  found  with a record version number that is not the same as
  the current highest  version  of  the  record  in  the  database
  metadata.  This may be caused by changes to the table definition
  while the  LogMiner  is  running  or  during  the  span  of  the
  after-image journal that is being unloaded.

  User Action:  The LogMiner does not handle different versions of
  table metadata during an unload operation.  The correct sequence
  of events when using the  LogMiner  and  making  table  metadata
  changes  is  to  unload  all of the AIJ files, then shutdown the
  LogMiner  (if  needed),  make  the  metadata  changes  and  then
  re-start  unloading form the after-image journal.  This sequence
  ensures that the LogMiner always processes records that  are  of
  the current metadata version.

40.1089  –  REFSYSREL

  table <str> references a system relation field <str> and can not
  be exported

  Explanation:  A table cannot be exported when  it  references  a
  system relation field

  User Action:  Remove the unsupported usage  and  try  again,  or
  compensate  for  the warning by editing the output file from the
  RMU Extract command.  The preferred  action  is  to  remove  the
  unsupported usage, even if you decide not to use the RMU Extract

40.1090  –  RELMAXIDBAD

  ROLLING BACK CONVERSION - Relation ID exceeds maximum <num>  for
  system table <str>.

  Explanation:  New relation ids  cannot  be  assigned  to  system
  tables  since  the  maximum  database relation id value has been

  User Action:  Please contact your Oracle support representative.

40.1091  –  RELNOTFND

  Relation (<str>) not found

  Explanation:  The specified relation or view was not found.

  User Action:  Correct the relation or view specification.

40.1092  –  REQCANCELED

  request canceled

  Explanation:  The executing  request  was  canceled.   This  can
  occur  if  a  query  limit  was  specified  and exceeded, or the
  request was canceled by an external source such as  the  RMU  or

40.1093  –  RESINCOMP

  Not all storage areas have been restored, the  database  may  be

  Explanation:  One or more storage areas could not be restored.

  User Action:  You may be able to attach to the restored database
  and  access  some  of  your  storage  areas.  Make sure you have
  specified all tape save sets or directories and/or all rbf files
  that  were  specified  in the backup command.  Use RMU/VERIFY to
  find any  missing  or  incomplete  storage  areas.   Repeat  the
  restore  command  including  all  tape  save sets or directories
  and/or all rbf files that were specified in the backup command.

40.1094  –  RESTART

  restarted recovery after ignoring <num> committed transaction(s)

  Explanation:  The specified number of committed transactions did
  not  apply  to  this database root.  All subsequent transactions
  were applied.

  User Action:  None.

40.1095  –  RMUNOTSUC

  RMU command finished with exit status of <num>.

  Explanation:  An RMU command that was executing in a  subprocess
  exited with a exit status indicating non-success.

40.1096  –  RMUSIG

  RMU command terminated with signal number <num>.

  Explanation:  An RMU command that was executing in a sub-process
  was terminated with the specified signal number.

40.1097  –  ROOCKSBAD

  root "<str>",
  contains an invalid checksum
  expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The  checksum  on  the  root  file  is  incorrect.
  Verification of the root continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.1098  –  ROOERRORS

          <num> error(s) encountered in root verification

  Explanation:  Errors found while verifying files associated with
  the root, as well as the root file itself.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.1099  –  ROOMAJVER

  root major version is incompatible with the software version

  Explanation:  Your database was  created  with  an  incompatible
  version of the software.

  User Action:  Your database cannot be used with the  version  of
  the software you have installed on your machine.

40.1100  –  ROOTADINV

  root "<str>",
  contains incorrect time stamp
  expected between <time> and <time>, found:  <time>

  Explanation:  The time stamp on the root file specifies  a  time
  later  than  the  current time or earlier than the time at which
  the database could have possibly been created.  Such a  time  is
  incorrect.  Verification of the root continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.1101  –  ROOTADZER

  root "<str>",
  contains zero time stamp

  Explanation:  The time stamp on the root file is zero, that  is,
  17-NOV-1858 00:00:00.00.  Verification of the root continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.1102  –  ROOTMAJVER

  database format <num>.<num>  is  not  compatible  with  software
  version <num>.<num>

  Explanation:  Your database was  created  with  an  incompatible
  version of the software.

  User Action:  Your database cannot be used with the  version  of
  the software you have installed on your machine.

40.1103  –  ROOT_CORRUPT

  database has been corrupted and must be restored from backup

  Explanation:  The  database  has  been  corrupted  and  must  be
  restored from a full database backup.

  User Action:  Restore the database from the latest full database
  backup,  apply  any  incremental  backups  that might exist, and
  roll-forward ("recover") the corresponding after-image journal.

40.1104  –  ROOVERLAP

  root block  <num>  is  multiply  allocated  to  data  structures
  "<str>" and "<str>"

  Explanation:  A blocks in the database root file is assigned  to
  more than one root file data structure.

  User Action:  Restore database  from  backups  and  recover  the
  database from journals.

40.1105  –  RRDFILRQD

  The  File  keyword  is  required  with   the   Record_Definition
  qualifier .

  Explanation:  The Record_Definition qualifier must  include  the
  File  option  and  a file specification.  This file receives the
  record definition for the unloaded data.

  User Action:  Reissue the command, specifying a file to  receive
  the record definition.  Specify a file name with the File option
  to the Record_Definition qualifier.

40.1106  –  RRDFPTHRQD

  Either the File or  Path  option  must  be  specified  with  the
  Record_Definition qualifier.

  Explanation:   The  Record_Definition  qualifier  must   include
  either  the  File  or  Path  option, but not both.  The file (or
  path) contains the description of the data to be loaded.

  User Action:  Reissue the command using either the  File  option
  to  specify  the  file  name  or  the Path option to specify the
  repository path name.

40.1107  –  RTAIJMSMTCH

  AIJ references root file "<str>" - expected "<str>"

40.1108  –  RTNERR

  Call to routine <str> failed

  Explanation:  A call to the routine failed with  the  additional
  error message.

40.1109  –  RUJDEVDIR

  RUJ filename "<str>" does not include a device/directory

  Explanation:  The RUJ filename you specified did not  include  a
  device and directory.

  User Action:  For maximum protection, you should always  include
  a device and directory in the file specification, preferably one
  that is different from the database device.

40.1110  –  RUJTOOBIG

  RUJ file size may not exceed 8,000,000 disk blocks

  Explanation:  The transaction attempted to extend the  RUJ  file
  size  beyond  8  million  disk blocks.  This transaction will be
  rolled back (note that due to the size  of  the  RUJ  file,  the
  rollback operation may take a very long time).

  User Action:  Reduce the number of records being modified by the
  transaction;   commit   more   often   or  use  a  BATCH  UPDATE

40.1111  –  SAMEAREANAME

  storage area name <str> is already in use

  Explanation:  The storage area name that  is  being  created  is
  already  existing.   An  attempt has been made to create another
  storage area with the same name.

  User Action:  Use different storage area name to avoid conflict.

40.1112  –  SAMROOTMATCH

  identical root file "<str>" specified

  Explanation:  The specified master and replicated database  root
  file names are identical; this is not allowed.

  User Action:  Specify the rootfile name of a replicated database
  that was created from the backup of the master database.

40.1113  –  SCRIPTFAIL

  Network error:  Error executing script file.

  Explanation:  The executor encountered an  error  executing  the
  specified script file.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  secondary  message  or   messages.
  Correct the error and try again.

40.1114  –  SCRNOTFOUND

  specified screen could not be found

  Explanation:  The specified screen name was  not  found  in  the
  SHOW STATS utility.

  User Action:  Check the spelling, or use the  menu-based  screen
  selection option of the Notepad facility.

40.1115  –  SEGNOTPRM

  <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  Primary segment not found for segmented string.

  Explanation:  The segment identified in the error message should
  be  the  primary  segment of a segmented string, but a secondary
  segment was found.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.1116  –  SEGNULEND

  Finished search with <num> fields changed to NULL.

  Explanation:  The RMU  Repair  command  with  the  Worm_Segments
  command has finished looking for missing segmented strings.

40.1117  –  SEGRECDBK

  Data record is at logical dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  This message is used when dumping segmented string
  context  after  a  possible corruption is found.  It reports the
  logical dbkey of the data record  whose  segmented  strings  are
  currently being verified.

  User Action:  This  message  is  informational.   No  action  is

40.1118  –  SEGSETNU2

  Dbkey of parent record is <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  This is the  dbkey  of  the  parent  record  of  a
  segmented string that has been set to NULL.

40.1119  –  SEGSETNUL

  Segmented string at <num>:<num>:<num> cannot be accessed.

  Explanation:  The segmented  string  with  the  specified  dbkey
  cannot be accessed and will be set to null.

40.1120  –  SEGSHORT

  Segmented string fragment is too short.

  Explanation:  The primary fragment of a chained segmented string
  is  too  short to contain the pointer to the next segment in the
  chain.  A segment of a segmented string will never be stored  in
  a  fragment that small.  Subsequent messages will give the dbkey
  of the segment.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement, and verify the database again.

40.1121  –  SEGSTRDBK

  Segmented string is at logical dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  This message is used when dumping segmented string
  context  after  a  possible corruption is found.  It reports the
  logical dbkey of the  first  segment  of  the  segmented  string
  currently being verified.

  User Action:  This  message  is  informational.   No  action  is

40.1122  –  SEQINVAL

  client sequence id <num> does not have a valid value

  Explanation:  The sequence with id indicated, has the next value
  in  the  root  file  which  is  either  >  the max value for the
  sequence or < min value.

40.1123  –  SEQTBLFUL

  sequence table is full

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to create a  sequence  but  no
  room   remains  in  the  Rdb  root  file  for  further  sequence
  definitions.  Initially only 32 sequences can be  created  in  a
  new or converted database.

  User Action:  Use the ALTER DATABASE statement to  increase  the
  size  of  the  sequences  table  with the RESERVE ...  SEQUENCES
  clause.  Note that the value entered will be rounded to the next
  highest  multiple  of 32 so that a full page in the root file is


  Network error:  Error on setsockopt call.

  Explanation:  An error  was  encountered  on  the  Digital  UNIX
  setsockopt system service call.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.1125  –  SETWIDTH

  error setting width of terminal

  Explanation:  An error occurred during the  parsing  of  a  file

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more

40.1126  –  SEVERRDET

  a severe error was detected

  Explanation:  A severe error was detected by RMU  and  displayed
  during the execution of an RMU statement.

  User Action:  If possible, run the statement(s) again using RMU,
  and  read  any  additional  RMU error messages to determine what
  caused the severe error condition.  Then fix the error.

40.1127  –  SFDBMOV

  A single-file database requires the "ROOT=file" qualifier

  Explanation:  The RDB$SYSTEM  area  of  a  single-file  database
  cannot be moved independently of the root file.

  User Action:  Either use the OpenVMS  COPY  command  to  move  a
  single-file database, or specify the Root qualifier with the RMU
  Move_Area command.

40.1128  –  SHORTBLOCK

  backup file block too short

  Explanation:  Media or device error on backup file  resulted  in
  an incomplete read of a block of data.

  User Action:  None.

40.1129  –  SIP

  transaction is a snapshot transaction

  Explanation:  You have already started a transaction that  is  a
  snapshot transaction.

  User Action:  Use READY BATCH RETRIEVAL to ready  the  area  for
  the snapshot transaction or use COMMIT to terminate the snapshot

40.1130  –  SKIPLAVFY

  logical area <str> not verified

  Explanation:  An error occurred that  prevents  verification  of
  the logical area.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the  RMU  Restore  command,
  and verify the database again.

40.1131  –  SNAPFULL

  snapshot area too full for operation

  Explanation:  You attempted to store a record in  the  database,
  because  there  was  an  active  reader and the snapshot area in
  which the record would go is too full.

  User Action:  Modify the snapshot area extend parameter to allow
  snapshot area extension.

40.1132  –  SNPAREALV

  The snapshot area for live area <str> (FILID entry <num>)  is  a
  live area.

  Explanation:  The FILID entry for  each  live  area  contains  a
  pointer to the FILID entry for the snapshot area associated with
  the live area.  The snapshot area associated with the named live
  area is not a snapshot area.

  User Action:  Restore and recover the database from backup.

40.1133  –  SNPBADARE

  Snapshot page for area <str>, page <num>
  maps incorrect storage area.
  Expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The storage area ID number on the snapshot page is
  not  the  storage area ID number of the corresponding live area.
  Verification of the page continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Repair command with
  the Initialize=Snapshots qualifier.

40.1134  –  SNPCKSBAD

  page for snapshot area <str>, page <num>
  contains an invalid checksum.
  Expected:  <num>, found:  <num>.

  Explanation:  The checksum on the snapshot  page  is  incorrect.
  Verification of the page continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU  Set  Corrupt_Pages
  command  or the RMU Repair command with the Initialize=Snapshots

40.1135  –  SNPCOUPLD

  the COUPLED flag is set indicating that this is
  the live area of a single file database, but the SNAP flag is
  also set for a SNAPSHOT, contradicting the previous flag

  Explanation:  The COUPLED flag is set indicating  that  this  is
  the  live  area  of a single-file database, but the SNAP flag is
  also set  for  a  SNAPSHOT,  contradicting  the  previous  flag.
  Verification of the FILID continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.1136  –  SNPFILERS

  <num> error(s) validating SNAP file

  Explanation:  Errors found while validating a SNAP file.

  User Action:  Restore a backup of your database.

40.1137  –  SNPPAGRAN

  Snapshot page for area <str>, page <num>
  page number out of range.
  Expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The page number on the snapshot page is not within
  the  range  of valid page numbers for the storage area as stated
  in the storage schema.  Verification of the page continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Repair command with
  the Initialize=Snapshots qualifier.

40.1138  –  SNPPAGSEQ

  Snapshot page for area <str>, page <num>
  page number out of sequence.
  Expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The page number on the snapshot page  is  not  one
  greater  than  the  preceding  page number.  Verification of the
  page continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Repair command with
  the Initialize=Snapshots qualifier.

40.1139  –  SNPSHTWRM

  is a snapshot area and cannot be a WORM area.

  Explanation:  The SNAPS flag is set indicating that  this  is  a
  snapshot   area,   but  the  WORM  flag  is  set;  this  setting
  contradicts the previous flag, because snapshot areas cannot  be
  WORM areas.  Verification of the FILID continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement, and verify the database again.

40.1140  –  SNPTADINV

  Snapshot page for area <str>, page <num>
  contains incorrect time stamp.
  Expected between <time>
  and <time>, found:  <time>

  Explanation:  The time stamp on the snapshot  page  specifies  a
  time  later  than  the time that the verification began.  Such a
  time is incorrect.  Verification of the page continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Repair command with
  the Initialize=Snapshots qualifier.

40.1141  –  SNPTADZER

  snapshot page for area <str>, page <num>
  contains zero time stamp/

  Explanation:  The time stamp on  the  page  is  zero,  that  is,
  17-NOV-1858 00:00:00.00.  Verification of the page continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Repair command with
  the Initialize=Snapshots qualifier.

40.1142  –  SOCKETERR

  Network error:  Socket error.

  Explanation:  An error  was  encountered  on  the  Digital  UNIX
  socket system service call.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.1143  –  SORTOPERR

  a VMS SORT/MERGE operation was unsuccessful

  Explanation:    A    VMS    SORT/MERGE    operation    completed
  unsuccessfully.  See the secondary message for information about
  what operation failed.

  User Action:  Fix the VMS SORT/MERGE problem, and try again.

40.1144  –  SPAMFRELN

  area <str>, page <num>
  error in space management page's free space length
  expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The space  management  page's  locked  free  space
  count  is  different than what it should be.  Because no data is
  stored on this page the free space count should remain constant.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.1145  –  SPAMLOKLN

  area <str>, page <num>
  error in space management page's locked free space length
  expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  The space  management  page's  locked  free  space
  count  is  different than what it should be.  Because no data is
  stored on this page the locked free space  count  should  remain
  constant at zero.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.1146  –  SPAMNOTDIS

  cannot disable SPAMs for uniform area <str>

  Explanation:    Only   mixed-format   areas   can   have   SPAMs

  User Action:  Do not  enable/disable  SPAMs  for  uniform-format


  cannot enable SPAMs for READ_ONLY area <str>

  Explanation:  Read-only areas cannot be modified to  have  SPAMs
  enabled, because this involves rebuilding the SPAM pages.

  User Action:  Change the area to be read write.

40.1148  –  SPAMNOTWRM

  cannot enable SPAMs for WORM area <str>

  Explanation:  WORM areas cannot have SPAMs enabled.

  User Action:  Do not enable SPAMs for WORM areas.

40.1149  –  SPAMNZERO

  area <str>, page <num>
  unused space on this space management page is not empty

  Explanation:  After the space management page's  array  of  data
  page entries, the rest of the page should be empty (zero).

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.1150  –  SPMERRORS

  <num> error(s) verifying SPAM pages for <str> storage area

  Explanation:  Errors found while verifying spam pages.

  User Action:  Restore a backup of your database.

40.1151  –  SRVRSHUTDOWN

  Server process is being shut down

  Explanation:  The Server process is currently being  shut  down,
  but has not yet terminated.

  User Action:  Issue the server startup command later.

40.1152  –  SSNOTINROOT

  <str> is not in the root file

  Explanation:  The DDCB you specified is not in  the  root  file.
  You  can see which DDCBs a root file has by issuing the DBO/DUMP

  User Action:  Add the DDCB to your root  file  (DBO/MODIFY),  or
  check your bind sequence and try again.

40.1153  –  STALL

  asynchronous operation requires a stall

  Explanation:  The operation has not completed yet.

  User Action:  Check the event flag  and  I/O  status  block  for
  final completion, and contact your Oracle support representative
  for assistance.

40.1154  –  STAREAFUL

  storage area <str> is full

  Explanation:  You attempted to store a record in  the  database,
  but the storage area in which the record would go is full.  This
  condition can be  caused  by  the  storage  area  being  set  to
  disallow being extended or when the ABM pages are at their limit
  and cannot map a new extension for the storage area.

  User Action:  Modify the storage area extend parameter to  allow
  storage  area  extension if it is disabled, or increase the page
  size or redistribute objects across other storage areas to  free
  up existing space.

40.1155  –  STATBUFSML

  Statistics API:  Output buffer too small.

  Explanation:  A tag-length-value set is too large for the output
  buffer for a statistics API request.

  User Action:  Allocate a larger output buffer for returned data.

40.1156  –  STATNODEACTV

  node is already actively collecting statistics

  Explanation:  A node was  specified  that  is  already  actively
  collecting statistics for this SHOW STATISTIC utility session.

  User Action:  Make sure the node name is spelled  correctly  and
  has been properly identified.

40.1157  –  STATNODEUNKN

  node is not actively collecting statistics

  Explanation:   A  node  was  specified  that  is  NOT   actively
  collecting statistics for this SHOW STATISTIC utility session.

  User Action:  Make sure the node name is spelled  correctly  and
  has been properly identified.

40.1158  –  STATNOMATCH

  no logical area names match specified wildcard pattern

  Explanation:  No logical areas (tables, indexes, etc) match  the
  specified  wildcard  pattern.   Possibly the wildcard characters
  ("*" and/or "%") were not specified, which results in an  "exact
  match" pattern.

  User Action:  Use a different wildcard pattern.  Remember to use
  the "*" for "zero or more" and "%" for "exactly one".

40.1159  –  STBYDBINUSE

  standby database cannot be exclusively accessed for replication

  Explanation:  There are one or  more  application  processes  or
  database servers accessing the standby database.

  User  Action:   Make  sure  there  are  no  active   application
  processes or database servers accessing the standby database, on
  any node of the cluster.

40.1160  –  STTREMCNCT

  error allocating remote statistics network connection

  Explanation:  None.

40.1161  –  STTSVRFIND

  error identifying remote statistics server

  Explanation:  None.

40.1162  –  SWOPNNOTCOMP

  database is open on another node with incompatible software

  Explanation:  Incompatible Rdb software exists in  this  OpenVMS
  Galaxy  system  and is attempting to open a database in a Galaxy
  shared environment.  Identical versions of Rdb are  required  in
  order  to  access  a  database from multiple nodes in an OpenVMS
  Galaxy environment.

40.1163  –  SYNTAX

  syntax error near "<str>"

  Explanation:  A syntax error was detected in the  command  input

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

40.1164  –  SYNTAXEOS

  syntax error at end of statement

  Explanation:  A syntax error was detected in the  command  input

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

40.1165  –  SYSRDONLY

  write access is not allowed if RDB$SYSTEM is read-only

  Explanation:  BATCH UPDATE and EXCLUSIVE UPDATE  access  do  not
  update  the  snapshot  files.   The  fact that snapshots are not
  being maintained is recorded in  the  RDB$SYSTEM  area.   Hence,
  RDB$SYSTEM may not be READ_ONLY.

  User  Action:   Use  another  UPDATE  access  mode,  or   change

40.1166  –  SYSRECCPC

  Area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  pointer cluster <num> in this system record is corrupt.

  Explanation:  When expanding the hash bucket and  system  record
  pointers  in  the  given pointer cluster, an attempt was made to
  fetch data beyond the pointer  cluster  structure.   The  system
  record is probably corrupt.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.1167  –  SYSRECDYN

  Area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  Pointer cluster <num> not found in this system record.

  Explanation:  Expected to find a pointer cluster structure,  but
  did not.  The system record is probably corrupt.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.1168  –  SYSRECHKY

  Area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  inconsistent hash index DBIDs in pointer cluster <num>.
  Hash index DBID in system record is <num> (hex).
  Hash index DBID in hash bucket dbkey is <num> (hex).

  Explanation:  The ID which is stored in a pointer cluster should
  be  the  same  as  the logical area ID of the index, because the
  pointers in the cluster point to hash index nodes.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.1169  –  SYSRECID

  area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  non-system storage record type on line 0
  expected:  <num>, found:  <num>

  Explanation:  Line 0 of  every  database  page  must  contain  a
  SYSTEM record.  This page did not.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.1170  –  SYSRECNPC

  Area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  number of hash buckets field in system record does not match
  the number of hash buckets verified.
  Expected:  <num>, found:  <num>.

  Explanation:  The number of hash buckets  field  in  the  system
  record  was not consistent with the number of hash buckets found
  and verified.  The system record is probably corrupt.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.1171  –  SYSRECOKY

  Area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  expanded owner dbkey in PCL  <num>  is  not  the  system  record
  Expanded owner logical dbkey is <num>:<num>:<num>.
  System record logical dbkey is <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  The system record dbkey expanded  from  the  given
  pointer  cluster  should  be that of the system record currently
  being verified.  The system record is probably corrupt.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.1172  –  SYSRECPCL

  Area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  the length, <num>, of PCL <num> in this system record is greater
  than expected.

  Explanation:  The length of the given pointer cluster  structure
  is  greater  than  expected.   The  system  record  is  probably

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.1173  –  SYSRECPPL

  Area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  this system record's pointer portion length field is corrupt.
  Expected:  <num>, found:  <num>.

  Explanation:  The number of bytes of pointer cluster  structures
  field  in  the  system  record is not consistent with the actual
  number of bytes found.  This system record is probably corrupt.

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.1174  –  SYSRECZER

  Area <str>, page <num>, line <num>
  no PCLs found within this system record.

  Explanation:  No pointer cluster structures were  found  in  the
  system  record,  but the system record is not empty.  The system
  record is probably corrupt (it should be empty).

  User Action:  Try correcting the  error  with  the  RMU  Restore
  command  or  the  SQL  IMPORT statement.  Follow-up with another
  verification of the database.

40.1175  –  TABLMORE1

  Only one table can be specified for a column group.

  Explanation:  If a column group is specified, only the table for
  that column group can be specified.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

40.1176  –  TABNOTFND

  Table <str> is not found in this database.

  Explanation:   The  specified  table  does  not  exist  in   the

  User Action:  Correct the table name and try again.

40.1177  –  TADMISMATCH

  journal is for database version <time>, not <time>

  Explanation:  The version time and date stamp in the  root  does
  not  match  the version time and date stamp in the journal file.
  This journal cannot be applied to this database.

  User Action:  Use the correct journal file or backup file.

40.1178  –  TAPEACCEPT

  Tape label <str> preserved on <str> at <time>

  Explanation:  The ACCEPT_LABELS qualifier was  specified  and  a
  tape  volume  is  being written in such a way as to preserve its

40.1179  –  TAPEFULL

  <str> is full

  Explanation:  Tape is positioned at the  End  Of  Tape.   A  new
  backup file can not be written on this tape.

  User Action:  Use another tape or reinitialize this one.

40.1180  –  TAPEQUAL

  Qualifier only valid for tape devices "<str>"

  Explanation:  A qualifier that is valid only for  tape  devices,
  is  being  used with a device that is not a tape, or with a tape
  that is not mounted with the DCL /FOREIGN qualifier.

  User Action:  Do not use this qualifier, or make sure  that  the
  tape is mounted with the DCL /FOREIGN qualifier before executing
  the RMU command.

40.1181  –  TBLSPCTWC

  Table "<str>" specified more than once

40.1182  –  TERMINATE

  database recovery failed -- access to database denied by monitor

  Explanation:  To maintain the integrity  of  the  database,  the
  monitor  forced  your  image exit because an unrecoverable error
  has been detected.

  User Action:  Look  for  a  file  named  SYS$SYSTEM:*DBRBUG.DMP.
  This  is  a DataBase Recovery process bugcheck dump.  Search the
  file  for  a  string  of  five  asterisks  (*****)   using   the
  SEARCH/WINDOW  command.   You  will  see  a  line  with a format
  similar to this:  *****  Exception  at  <address>  :   <database
  module  name>  +  <offset> %facility-severity-text, <error text>
  The exception line will be followed by one  or  more  additional
  errors  that will help you to determine what caused the recovery
  process to fail.  Possible causes include:  low quotas,  missing
  Recovery-Unit   Journal   (RUJ)   files,  or  filename  logicals
  misdefined or undefined.  Depending on the cause of the problem,
  take  the  appropriate  action.  If you are uncertain of what to
  do, contact your Oracle support representative for assistance.

40.1183  –  TIMEOUT

  timeout on <str>

  Explanation:  A lock request has been canceled by  the  database
  management  system  because  the  request  could  not be granted
  within the user-specified timeout period.

  User Action:  Execute a ROLLBACK or a  COMMIT  to  release  your
  locks, and try the transaction again.

40.1184  –  TOKTOOBIG

  token "<str>" is too long

  Explanation:  A token that is longer than the allowed number  of
  characters was detected in the command input stream.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.


  The specified number of output parameters exceeds the number  of
  storage areas.

  Explanation:  The number of output parameters specified  exceeds
  the  number  of  storage  areas in the database to be backed up.
  This would cause backup files to be written  that  contained  no

  User Action:  Re-enter the backup command specifying a number of
  output  parameters  which  does not exceed the number of storage
  areas to be backed up.

40.1186  –  TOOFEWENT

  Interior  b-tree  node  at  level   <num>   at   logical   dbkey
  <num>:<num>:<num> has 0 entries.

  Explanation:  B-tree nodes above level one must have a fanout of
  at least 1.  The specified b-tree node has 0 entries.

40.1187  –  TOOMANYEXECS

  <num> executors were requested, but only <num> executors will be

  Explanation:  For a parallel load operation, the user  requested
  more  executors  than  there  area  storage areas for the table.
  Only one executor per storage area is used.

  User Action:  Do not  specify  more  executors  than  there  are
  storage areas within the table.

40.1188  –  TOOMANYVALS

  too many option values specified

  Explanation:  You specified too many values for an option.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

40.1189  –  TRAN_IN_PROG

  transaction in progress

  Explanation:  You attempted an operation that  is  allowed  only
  when you have no transaction in progress.

  User Action:  Complete your transaction by executing a COMMIT or

40.1190  –  TRMTYPUNK

  terminal type is unknown or not supported

  Explanation:   The  terminal   type   is   either   unknown   or

  User Action:  Utilize a support terminal type.  If the  terminal
  type  is unknown to the operating system, a SET TERMINAL/INQUIRE
  command may help.

40.1191  –  TRUE

  condition value is true

  Explanation:  None.

40.1192  –  TRUNCATION

  data conversion truncation error

  Explanation:  You attempted an operation that would  cause  loss
  of information on a data-item movement.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

40.1193  –  TSNLSSMIN

  value  (<num>:<num>)  is  less  than   minimum   allowed   value
  (<num>:<num>) for <str>.

  Explanation:  The TSN value you specified for the  named  option
  is too small.

  User Action:  Use a value that is greater than the minimum value
  and try again.

40.1194  –  TSNMISMATCH

  cannot synchronize database due to transaction commit mismatch

  Explanation:   Attempting  to   synchronize   the   master   and
  replicated  databases failed because the last commit transaction
  sequence numbers in the database do not match exactly.

  User Action:  Restart the database replication operation.

40.1195  –  TSNSALLAREA

  /INIT_TSNS can only be specified for all storage areas

  Explanation:   RMU/REPAIR/INITIALIZE=TSNS  cannot  be  specified
  with  a  specific  list  of  storage  areas  since  TSNs must be
  initialized on pages in all areas of the database.

  User Action:  Respecify the command for all storage  areas  (the

40.1196  –  TYPENOTTABLE

  Logical area <num>, <str>, is not of type table - /LENGTH cannot
  be used

  Explanation:   Action  "/LENGTH"  with  no  value  can  not   be
  performed on a logical area of type "TABLE".

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

40.1197  –  UNCORTAIL

  Pages <num>-<num> in area <str> have  an  uncorrectable  logical
  area assignment

  Explanation:  The affected pages should all be assigned  to  the
  same logical area, but they are not.

  User Action:  You can correct the problem by  performing  either
  an  RMU  RESTORE  operation  or  an  SQL IMPORT operation on the
  database.  The problem can also be manually corrected  with  the
  RMU ALTER utility.

40.1198  –  UNDERFLOW

  data conversion underflow

  Explanation:  You attempted an operation that would  cause  loss
  of information on a data-item movement.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

40.1199  –  UNEXPAPIERR

  Statistics API:  Unexpected error.

  Explanation:  An unexpected error has occurred during a call  to
  the statistics API.

  User Action:  Check that the error is not due to bad data  being
  passed  to  the  statistics API and that calls to the statistics
  API are being used correctly.  If the  problem  is  not  in  the
  client  application,  contact your Oracle support representative
  for assistance.

40.1200  –  UNEXPDELIM

  Unexpected delimiter encountered (<str>) in row <num> of input

  Explanation:  A column  of  data  has  an  unexpected  delimiter
  embedded within it.

  User Action:  Correct the input file, and reissue the command.

40.1201  –  UNEXPEOL

  Unexpected end of line encountered in row <num>.

  Explanation:  A line of input does not have enough data.

  User Action:  Correct the input file and reissue the command.


  Unexpected termination by executor <str> (exit code = <num>.)

  Explanation:  An executor process unexpectedly terminated  prior
  to the completion of the parallel operation.

  User Action:  Look at the  last  error  message  issued  by  the
  executor to determine the cause of the termination.

40.1203  –  UNFREEZE

  database freeze over

  Explanation:  A database freeze or a  cluster  failover  was  in
  effect, but is no longer.

  User Action:  None.


  BLOCKS PER PAGE cannot be changed for uniform storage area <str>

  Explanation:  The number of BLOCKS PER PAGE can only be  changed
  for  mixed  storage  areas  and  this  storage area is a uniform
  storage area.

  User Action:  None - the BLOCKS PER PAGE setting will be changed
  for  the  mixed  storage  areas  but not for the uniform storage

40.1205  –  UNKCSETID

  Unknown character set id !SD

  Explanation:  The RDB$FIELD_SUB_TYPE contained a value which  is
  not supported by Oracle Rdb.

  User Action:  No action is required.

40.1206  –  UNKCSNAME

  unknown collating sequence <str>

  Explanation:  The collating sequence  referenced  by  the  field
  could not be fully translated.

  User Action:  No action is required.

40.1207  –  UNKDTYPE

  unknown data type <num>

  Explanation:  The RDB$FIELD_TYPE contained a value which is  not
  supported by Oracle Rdb.

  User Action:  No action is required.

40.1208  –  UNKEXTRTN

  Unexpected error trying to verify external routine <str>.

  Explanation:  An  unexpected  error  occurred  while  trying  to
  verify  the  specified external routine.  A second error message
  is displayed indicating the type of error that occurred.

  User Action:  Delete and redefine the external routine, and  try
  the verify operation again.  If the error persists, contact your
  Oracle support representative for assistance.

40.1209  –  UNKHASHTYPE

  Unexpected HASH ALGORITHM value  of  <num>  for  index  <str>  -

  Explanation:  The HASH ALGORITHM value specified for this hashed
  index  is  not  supported for the RDO language or is illegal for
  the SQL language.

  User Action:  Specify the Language=SQL qualifier  with  the  RMU
  Extract  command  if  this  error  occurs  when the Language=RDO
  qualifier is specified with the RMU Extract  command.   If  this
  error  occurs when the Language=SQL qualifier is specified, then
  contact your Oracle support representative for assistance.

40.1210  –  UNKIDXFLG

  unknown value (<num>) for RDB$FLAGS in <str>

  Explanation:  The value of RDB$FLAGS is not within the  expected

  User Action:  No Action is required.

40.1211  –  UNKIDXVAL

  unknown value (<num>) for RDB$UNIQUE_FLAG in <str>

  Explanation:  During an attempt to  decode  RDB$UNIQUE_FLAG,  an
  unknown value was detected.

  User Action:  No action is required.

40.1212  –  UNKLANGUAGE

  External routine <str> references an unknown language.

  Explanation:   An  unsupported  external   language   has   been
  specified for this external routine.

  User Action:  Redefine the routine, specifying a valid  external

40.1213  –  UNKN_ABS

  unknown AIJ backup server process -- ABS image  not  invoked  by
  database monitor

  Explanation:  An attempt to bind to the database was made by  an
  after-image  backup server process (ABS) that was not created by
  the database monitor; this would happen if  the  ABS  image  was
  invoked from DCL by the user instead of the monitor.

  User Action:  DO NOT attempt to execute the ABS image from  DCL.
  If so configured, the database monitor will automatically invoke
  the after-image backup server  process  to  perform  after-image
  journal backup operations.

40.1214  –  UNKN_ALS

  unknown AIJ Log Server -- ALS  image  not  invoked  by  database

  Explanation:  An attempt to bind to the database was made by  an
  AIJ  Log  Server  process  (ALS)  that  was  not  created by the
  database monitor; this would happen if the ALS image was invoked
  from DCL by the user instead of the monitor.

  User Action:  DO NOT attempt to execute the ALS image from  DCL.
  If so configured, the database monitor will automatically invoke
  the after-image  logging  server  process  to  perform  database
  journaling activities.

40.1215  –  UNKN_DBR

  unknown database recovery process -- DBR image  not  invoked  by
  database monitor

  Explanation:  An attempt to bind to the database was made  by  a
  database  recovery  process  (DBR)  that  was not created by the
  database monitor; this would happen if the DBR image was invoked
  from DCL by the user instead of the monitor.

  User Action:  DO NOT attempt to execute the DBR image from  DCL.
  The  database  monitor will invoke the database recovery process
  to perform database recovery.

40.1216  –  UNKN_LCS

  unknown AIJ Log Catch-Up Server -- image not invoked by database

  Explanation:  An attempt to bind to the database was made by  an
  AIJ  Log  Catch-Up  Server  process  that was not created by the
  database monitor; this would happen  if  the  server  image  was
  invoked from DCL by the user instead of the monitor.

  User Action:  DO NOT attempt to execute the  server  image  from
  DCL.   Use  the  appropriate startup syntax to invoke the server

40.1217  –  UNKN_LRS

  unknown AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server  --  image  not  invoked  by
  database monitor

  Explanation:  An attempt to bind to the database was made by  an
  AIJ  Log Roll-Forward Server process that was not created by the
  database monitor; this would happen  if  the  server  image  was
  invoked from DCL by the user instead of the monitor.

  User Action:  DO NOT attempt to execute the  server  image  from
  DCL.   Use  the  appropriate startup syntax to invoke the server

40.1218  –  UNKN_RCS

  unknown Record Cache Server -- RCS image not invoked by database

  Explanation:  An attempt to bind to the database was made  by  a
  Record  Cache  Server  process (RCS) that was not created by the
  database monitor; this would happen if the RCS image was invoked
  from DCL by the user instead of the monitor.

  User Action:  DO NOT attempt to execute the RCS image from  DCL.
  If so configured, the database monitor will automatically invoke
  the Record Cache Server process to perform  database  journaling

40.1219  –  UNKPERCFILL

  Unexpected PERCENT FILL value of <num> for index <str> - ignored

  Explanation:  The PERCENT FILL value is a percentage,  but  this
  value falls outside the range 0 to 100.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.1220  –  UNKSUBTYPE

  unknown segmented string sub-type <num>

  Explanation:  This sub-type is user-defined.

  User Action:  No action is required.

40.1221  –  UNLAIJCB

  Unloading table <str> to <str><str>

40.1222  –  UNLAIJFL

  Unloading table <str> to <str>

40.1223  –  UNLFORMAT

  Incompatible organization in the input file

  Explanation:  This file either was not created by the RMU Unload
  command, or it has been corrupted.

  User Action:  Create another UNL file or recover this one from a

40.1224  –  UNLTEMPTAB

  Data cannot be unloaded from a temporary table.

  Explanation:  A temporary table cannot be specified for the  RMU
  Unload command.

  User Action:  Check  that  the  table  is  not  defined  in  the
  database  as  a global or local temporary table.  The table must
  be defined as a non-temporary table to be  able  to  unload  the
  table's data.

40.1225  –  UNRECDBSERR

  Network error:  Unrecognized DBS error.

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.1226  –  UNSARITH

  expression includes unsupported arithmetic operation

  Explanation:  The Boolean evaluator was processing an expression
  or   sub-expression   that  contained  an  arithmetic  operator.
  Arithmetic operators are not supported.

  User Action:   Rewrite  the  expression  in  error  without  the
  arithmetic operator.

40.1227  –  UNSBIGINT

  BIGINT not supported in ANSI SQL - converted to DECIMAL(18)  for

  Explanation:   ANSI  SQL  does  not  support  a  BIGINT  (SIGNED
  QUADWORD) data type, so this definition cannot be represented in

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented  in  ANSI  SQL  or  use another language to
  extract the definition.

40.1228  –  UNSCASE

  CASE expression not supported in RDO - ignored for <str>.<str>

  Explanation:  RDO does not support the CASE expression, so  this
  definition cannot be represented in RDO.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented in RDO or use the Language=SQL qualifier of
  the RMU Extract command to extract the definition.

40.1229  –  UNSCOMP

  unsupported data comparison

  Explanation:  You attempted an operation that would compare  two
  incommensurate data items.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.


  COMPUTED BY not supported in ANSI SQL - ignored for <str>.<str>

  Explanation:  This definition cannot be represented in ANSI SQL,
  because ANSI SQL does not support the COMPUTED BY function.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented  in  ANSI  SQL  or  use another language to
  extract the definition.

40.1231  –  UNSCONV

  unsupported data conversion

  Explanation:  You attempted an operation that would  cause  loss
  of information on a data-item movement.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

40.1232  –  UNSDEF2VALUE

  DEFAULT clause not supported in RDO - ignored for <str>.<str>

  Explanation:  RDO does not support the DEFAULT clause,  so  this
  definition cannot be represented in RDO.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented in RDO or use the Language=SQL qualifier of
  the RMU Extract command to extract the definition.

40.1233  –  UNSFLDUSE

  Unsupported usage of global field <str> in relation <str>

  Explanation:   System  global  fields  should  not  be  used  in
  user-defined relations.

  User Action:  No action  is  required.   However,  it  would  be
  prudent  to correct this and to avoid using system global fields
  in user-defined relations in the future.

40.1234  –  UNSFUNCT

  External routines are not supported in RDO.

  Explanation:   RDO  does  not  support  external  routines,   so
  external routines cannot be represented in RDO.

  User Action:  Use the Language=SQL qualifier of the RMU  Extract
  command to extract the definition.

40.1235  –  UNSMISSVALUE

  MISSING_VALUE  clause  not  supported  in  SQL  -  ignored   for

  Explanation:  SQL does not support the MISSING VALUE clause,  so
  this definition cannot be represented in SQL.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented in SQL or use the Language=RDO qualifier of
  the RMU Extract command to extract the definition.

40.1236  –  UNSMODULE

  Stored procedures are not supported in RDO.

  Explanation:  RDO does not support stored procedures, so  stored
  procedures cannot be represented in RDO.

  User Action:  Use the Language=SQL qualifier of the RMU  Extract
  command to extract the definition.

40.1237  –  UNSPOSITION

  POSITION function not available in RDO - ignored for <str>.<str>

  Explanation:  This definition  cannot  be  represented  in  RDO,
  because RDO does not support the POSITION function.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented in RDO or use the Language=SQL qualifier of
  the RMU Extract command to extract the definition.

40.1238  –  UNSSCALE

  numeric  scale  not  supported  in  ANSI  SQL  -   ignored   for

  Explanation:  ANSI  SQL  does  not  support  numeric  scale  for
  SMALLINT or INTEGER, so this definition cannot be represented in

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented  in  ANSI  SQL  or  use another language to
  extract the definition.

40.1239  –  UNSSUBSTR

  SUBSTRING  function  not  available  in  RDO   -   ignored   for

  Explanation:  This definition  cannot  be  represented  in  RDO,
  because RDO does not support the SUBSTRING function.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented in RDO or use the Language=SQL qualifier of
  the RMU Extract command to extract the definition.

40.1240  –  UNSSUPDAT

  Unsupported data type:  <num>

  Explanation:  A column in this table uses  an  unsupported  data

  User Action:  Convert the column to a supported data type.

40.1241  –  UNSTINYINT

  TINYINT not supported in ANSI SQL - converted  to  SMALLINT  for

  Explanation:  ANSI SQL does not support a TINYINT (SIGNED  BYTE)
  data type, so this definition cannot be represented in ANSI SQL.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented  in  ANSI  SQL  or  use another language to
  extract the definition.

40.1242  –  UNSTRANS

  TRANSLATE  function  not  available  in  RDO   -   ignored   for

  Explanation:  This definition  cannot  be  represented  in  RDO,
  because RDO does not support the TRANSLATE function.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented in RDO or use the Language=SQL qualifier of
  the RMU Extract command to extract the definition.

40.1243  –  UNSTRIM

  TRIM function not available in RDO - ignored for <str>.<str>

  Explanation:  This definition  cannot  be  represented  in  RDO,
  because RDO does not support the TRIM function.

  User Action:  Alter the definition so that it can be represented
  in  RDO  or  use  the  Language=SQL qualifier of the RMU Extract
  command to extract the definition.

40.1244  –  UNSVALIDIF

  VALID IF clause not supported in SQL - ignored for <str>.<str>

  Explanation:  SQL does not support the VALID IF clause, so  this
  definition cannot be represented in SQL.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented in SQL or use the Language=RDO qualifier of
  the RMU Extract command to extract the definition.

40.1245  –  UNSVARCHAR

  VARCHAR not  support  in  ANSI  SQL  -  converted  to  CHAR  for

  Explanation:  ANSI SQL does not support a VARCHAR data type,  so
  this  definition cannot be represented in ANSI SQL.  VARCHAR has
  been converted to CHAR of the same size.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented  in  ANSI  SQL  or  use another language to
  extract the definition.


  WITH CHECK OPTION not available in RDO - ignored for <str>

  Explanation:  RDO does not support CHECK  WITH  OPTION  so  this
  constraint cannot be represented in RDO.

  User Action:  You may decide to alter the definition so that  it
  can  be  represented in RDO or use the Language=SQL qualifier of
  the RMU Extract command to extract the definition.

40.1247  –  UNTILTAD

  recovery /UNTIL date and time is "<time>"

  Explanation:  The specified date and time are being used for the
  after-image journal roll-forward operation.

40.1248  –  UNTSTR

  unterminated character string <str>

  Explanation:  An unterminated character string has been detected
  in  the  command input stream.  Character strings must be wholly
  contained on one command line and must  be  enclosed  in  quotes

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

40.1249  –  UPDACLERR

  Error updating the ACL for <str>

  Explanation:  The attempt to update the ACL failed.  The  reason
  for the failure is given in the secondary error message.

  User Action:  Correct the source of the failure, and then update
  the ACL to the desired content.

40.1250  –  UPDPRECRD

  Updating sorted index prefix cardinalities as estimated values.

  Explanation:  The  RMU  Analyze  Cardinality  command  estimates
  index    prefix   cardinalities   when   actual   sorted   index
  cardinalities  are  updated.   It  then  updates  them  in   the
  RDB$INDEX_SEGMENTS   system   tables   so   that   index  prefix
  cardinalities will remain up-to-date.


  Updates  have  been  performed  since  the  last  FULL  RESTORE.
  Aborting  the  INCREMENTAL  RESTORE to prevent possible database

  Explanation:  For BATCH mode incremental restores where the user
  is  not  prompted to allow him to abort the restore operation if
  updates have been performed since  the  last  FULL  RESTORE  the
  restore  is  aborted to avoid possible database corruption do to
  the updates conflicting with the incremental restore.

  User Action:  Do the incremental restore  using  the  /NOCONFIRM
  qualifier or do not do the incremental restore to avoid possible
  database corruption or restore the database from the  last  full
  restore,  immediately  do  the incremental restore, and redo any
  database changes that are not in the incremental restore.


  Updates  have  been  performed  since  the  last  FULL  RESTORE.
  Consider   verifying   your   database   for  possible  database

  Explanation:  Updates have been performed since  the  last  full
  RESTORE.   These updates may cause database corruption do to the
  updates conflicting with the incremental restore.

  User Action:  Immediately verify the  database  if  there  is  a
  possibility  that  the  updates made since the last FULL RESTORE
  conflict with the changes made by the incremental restore.

40.1253  –  USERCORRUPT

  This database has  been  corrupted  by  bypassing  the  recovery

  Explanation:  RMU ALTER  was  used  to  enable  access  to  this
  database  without  performing  the  required recovery procedure.
  The database may contain structural and logical inconsistencies.

  User Action:  Restore this database from a backup  file  created
  before the corruption occurred.

40.1254  –  USERECCOM

  Use the RMU Recover command.  The journals are not available.

  Explanation:  This form of the  RMU  Restore  command  will  not
  preserve  the  journal  configuration.   Consequently it can not
  recover from those journals.

  User Action:   Use  the  RMU  Recover  command  to  perform  the
  recovery from journal backups.

40.1255  –  USEUNOPTAIJ

  please use original  unoptimized  AIJ  file  for  this  recovery

  Explanation:  The requested recovery operation is not compatible
  with  an  optimized  AIJ file.  See the accompanying message for
  the cause of the incompatability.

  User Action:  Use the original, non-optimized AIJ file to do the

40.1256  –  VALANDSTAR

  value(s) and * are not allowed

  Explanation:  A specified qualifier does not take a value.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

40.1257  –  VALGTRMAX

  value (<num>) is greater than maximum allowed value (<num>)  for

  Explanation:  The value you specified for the named qualifier is
  too large.

  User Action:  Use a value that is less than  the  maximum  value
  and try again.

40.1258  –  VALLSSMIN

  value (<num>) is less than minimum  allowed  value  (<num>)  for

  Explanation:  The value you specified for the named qualifier is
  too small.

  User Action:  Use a value that is greater than the minimum value
  and try again.

40.1259  –  VERB_COMMIT

  constraint <str> in table <str> will be evaluated at commit time

  Explanation:  There is no conversion for 'check  on  update'  to
  SQL.  The constraint will be evaluated at commit time.

  User Action:  None.

40.1260  –  VERMISMATCH

  Client version is incompatible with server.

  Explanation:  Client application is not compatible  with  server
  software version.

  User Action:  Install a version of the client  application  that
  is compatible with the server software version.

40.1261  –  VFYALTIND

  index is from the database's previous version metadata.

  Explanation:  The index currently being verified is part of  the
  database's  previous  version  metadata.   See  the accompanying
  message for the name of the index.   This  message  should  only
  appear when verifying a database converted using the RMU Convert
  command with the Nocommit qualifier.

40.1262  –  VFYALTREL

  logical area is from the database's previous version metadata.

  Explanation:  The logical area currently being verified is  part
  of   the   database's   previous   version  metadata.   See  the
  accompanying message for the name of  the  logical  area.   This
  message  should  only appear when verifying a database converted
  using the RMU Convert command with the Nocommit qualifier.

40.1263  –  VIEWNOVER

  views cannot be verified

  Explanation:  You have attempted to verify a view.

  User Action:  Specify a table name.

40.1264  –  VRPBADCOLS

  Invalid column list  for  vertical  partition  <num>  for  table

  Explanation:  The column list for the vertical record  partition
  had an unrecognizable format.

40.1265  –  VRPDBKMIS

  No reference for vertical partition <num> found
  in primary segment in dbkey <num>:<num>:<num>.

  Explanation:  The primary partition has an array of  dbkeys  for
  every  vertical  partition  of the record.  Each dbkey is tagged
  with the number of the  partition  it  represents.   This  error
  indicates that no dbkeys are tagged with the specified partition

  User Action:  Restore and recover the page of the primary  dbkey
  from backup.

40.1266  –  VRPDUPDEF

  Duplicate default vertical partitions for table <str>.

  Explanation:  More than one default  vertical  record  partition
  (partitions  with  a  NULL  column  list)  were  found  for  the
  specified table.

40.1267  –  VRPPRISEG

  Primary   segment   for   vertical   partition   is   at   dbkey

  Explanation:  Identifies the primary  VRP  segment  for  several

40.1268  –  WAITIDLEBUF

  wait attempted on idle buffer

  Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic error.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

40.1269  –  WAITOFF

  Waiting for offline access to <str>

  Explanation:  The database is either opened or otherwise in use,
  and  the  offline operation can not proceed until this access is
  terminated.   If  the  database  remains  inaccessible  for  two
  minutes, the RMU operation will be terminated.

  User Action:  Determine if the database is opened  (possibly  on
  another cluster node) or being accessed by another RMU user, and
  then free up the database or reissue the RMU  command  when  the
  database is offline.

40.1270  –  WAITUNFRZ

  waiting for unfreeze to ready logical area <num>

  Explanation:  A database freeze or a  cluster  failover  is  (or
  was)  in  effect.   An  attempt  will  be  made  to wait for the
  appropriate locks.  This situation  was  discovered  because  an
  attempt  to  ready  the  specified  logical area without waiting

  User Action:  This message could indicate that the  verification
  process  is  waiting  on  a  logical  area  lock that some other
  process is holding.  You can determine this by  looking  at  the
  stall  statistics.  If this is the case, you can decide to abort
  the verification process or the process holding the  conflicting
  lock,  or let the verification wait until the other user holding
  the logical area lock completes its transaction.

40.1271  –  WASBOOL

  expression in CONTAINS or MATCHES was a Boolean

  Explanation:  The Boolean evaluator was processing an expression
  or  sub-expression  of the form "A CONTAINS B" or "A MATCHES B".
  Either the "A" or the "B" expression was a Boolean of  the  form
  "NOT X", "X EQ Y", "X NE Y", "X LT Y", "X GT Y", "X LE Y", "X GE
  Y", "X CONTAINS Y", or "X MATCHES Y".  Neither side of  CONTAINS
  and MATCHES expressions are allowed to be Boolean expressions.

  User Action:  Rewrite the expression to have the proper format.

40.1272  –  WIDTHRANGE

  WIDTH was specified with a value outside the range 60..512

  Explanation:  The Option=Width:N qualifier allows values in  the
  range 60 to 512.

  User Action:  Reexecute the command with a value in the  allowed

40.1273  –  WORMCANT

  Qualifier not valid for WORM devices "<str>".

  Explanation:  A qualifier was specified that cannot be used  for
  WORM devices.

  User Action:  Do not use this qualifier, or make sure the device
  is not a WORM device.

40.1274  –  WRITEBLOCK

  error writing block <num> of <str>

  Explanation:  Media or device error detected while  writing  the
  backup file.

  User Action:  Consider repeating the  operation  with  different
  media and/or different tape drives.

40.1275  –  WRITEERR

  error writing <str>

  Explanation:  Media error was detected while writing the  backup

  User Action:  None.

40.1276  –  WRITERRS

  excessive error rate writing <str>

  Explanation:  An excessively large number of write  errors  were
  encountered on this tape volume.

  User Action:  Check for media and or drive maintenance problems.

40.1277  –  WRMBADEOF

  WORM storage area <str> has a bad logical end-of-file.
  It should be greater than or equal to the
  last initialized page.
  Logical end-of-file is <num>.
  Last initialized page is <num>.

  Explanation:  A WORM storage area was found  to  have  its  last
  initialized page greater than its logical end-of-file.  This can
  never be true.  The last initialized page must be less  than  or
  equal to the logical end-of-file.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement, and verify the database again.

40.1278  –  WRMCANTREAD

  error reading WORM pages <num>:<num>-<num>

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to  read  one
  or  more  WORM pages.  The message indicates the storage area ID
  number and the page numbers of the first and  last  pages  being

  User Action:  Examine the associated messages to  determine  the
  reason  for  failure.   One  possible  cause  for  this error is
  disabling logging for the WORM area and  subsequently  restoring
  that area from an earlier backup.

40.1279  –  WRMDEVFUL

  WORM device full for area <str>

  Explanation:  The area is marked as "WORM device full,"  because
  a previous attempt to extend this WORM area failed.

  User Action:  Consider adding more areas to the storage  map  or
  moving the WORM area to a higher capacity WORM device.

40.1280  –  WRMFLDST

  Searching field <str> in relation <str>.

  Explanation:  The RMU  Repair  command  with  the  Worm_Segments
  qualifier  is  beginning  to  look in the specified field in the
  specified relation for segmented strings that are missing.

40.1281  –  WRMISUNIF

  <str> is a WORM storage area  and  cannot  be  a  uniform-format

  Explanation:  The WORM flag is set indicating  that  this  is  a
  WORM  storage  area  but the MIXED_FMT_FLG flag is not set; this
  setting contradicts the previous flag, because WORM  areas  must
  be mixed-format.  Verification of the FILID continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.1282  –  WRMNOTMIX

  cannot add WORM attribute to uniform format area <str>

  Explanation:  WORM areas should be mixed-format areas only.

  User  Action:    Examine   your   command   line   for   illegal

40.1283  –  WRMNOTRWR

  <str> is a WORM storage area and cannot be READ-ONLY.

  Explanation:  The WORM flag is set indicating  that  this  is  a
  WORM  storage  area, but the READ_ONLY flag is set; this setting
  contradicts the previous flag , because  WORM  areas  cannot  be
  READ-ONLY.  Verification of the FILID continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.1284  –  WRMRDONLY

  cannot add WORM attribute to READ_ONLY area <str>

  Explanation:   WORM  areas  cannot  also  have   the   read-only

  User  Action:    Examine   your   command   line   for   illegal

40.1285  –  WRMRELEND

  Finished search for segmented strings in relation <str>.

  Explanation:  The RMU  Repair  command  with  the  Worm_Segments
  qualifier  has  finished the search for missing segmented string
  fields in the specified relation

40.1286  –  WRMRELST

  Starting search for segmented strings in relation <str>.

  Explanation:  The RMU  Repair  command  with  the  Worm_Segments
  qualifier  is  beginning  to  look in the specified relation for
  segmented strings that are missing.

40.1287  –  WRMSPMENA

  <str> is a WORM storage area and cannot have SPAMs enabled.

  Explanation:  The WORM flag is set indicating  that  this  is  a
  WORM  storage  area,  but  the  SPAMS_DISABLED  flag is not set,
  contradicting the previous flag, because WORM  areas  must  have
  SPAMS disabled.  Verification of the FILID continues.

  User Action:  Correct the error with the RMU Restore command  or
  the SQL IMPORT statement and verify the database again.

40.1288  –  WRNGDBBTYP

  <str> <str>

  Explanation:  The specified backup file is not  of  the  correct

40.1289  –  WRNGDBROOT

  This backup file cannot be used with the specified database

  Explanation:  When a by-area restore operation or an incremental
  restore  operation  is  performed  on  an existing database, the
  database must either be the original database  that  was  backed
  up,  or  it must be recreated from a full and complete backup of
  the original database.

  User  Action:   Perform  the  operation  again,  specifying  the
  correct database.

40.1290  –  WRNGINCAREA

  wrong incremental backup.  Last full  backup  of  <str>  was  at
  <time>, not <time>

  Explanation:  This incremental backup file was created against a
  full  backup  of  the  area  that is different from the one that
  restored the area.

  User Action:  Either this incremental  backup  file  is  out  of
  date,  or you must restore the full backup that this incremental
  backup was generated against.

40.1291  –  WRNGINCBCK

  wrong incremental backup.  Last full backup was at  <time>,  not

  Explanation:  This incremental backup file was created against a
  different full backup of the database than the one that restored
  the database.

  User Action:  Either this incremental backup file is out of date
  or you must restore the full backup that this incremental backup
  was generated against.


  The specified plan type is unsupported for this operation.

  Explanation:  A plan was supplied that was inappropriate for the
  current operation.  (For example, a backup plan was supplied for
  a load operation).

  User  Action:   Modify  the  plan  type  to  match  the  current

40.1293  –  WRONGVOL

  <str> is not the next volume in the set

  Explanation:  The wrong  relative  volume  was  mounted  on  the

  User  Action:   The  volumes  must  be  mounted  in  the   order

40.1294  –  XFERDEF

  A Replication Option for Rdb  transfer  is  defined.   Requested
  operation is prohibited.

  Explanation:  A Replication Option for Rdb transfer is currently
  defined.   The  requested operation would cause this transfer to
  fail; consequently, the operation is prohibited.

  User Action:  Delete any transfers before repeating the request.

40.1295  –  XIDNOTFOUND

  specified XID could not be found in the database

  Explanation:  The specified XID was not found in  the  database.
  Either  the  XID  was  never  in the unresolved state, or it has
  since been resolved with the resolution that had  been  supplied

  User Action:  Check the appropriate transaction manager log  for
  more information.

40.1296  –  XPR_STACK_OVFL

  expression forces too many levels of recursion/stack overflow

  Explanation:  You provided an expression which forces  too  many
  levels of recursion, which resulted in stack overflow.

  User  Action:   The  expression  should  be  rewritten  to   use
  parentheses  and  therefore cause fewer levels of recursion.  It
  may also be possible to increase the size of the stack.

40.1297  –  XVERREST

  Cross version RESTORE is not possible for by-area or incremental

  Explanation:  A by-area restore operation is not permitted  from
  a  backup  created  under  an  earlier  software  version.  This
  function requires recovery from the after  image  journal  file,
  and  that  is  not  possible  across  versions.   An incremental
  restore operation is not permitted from a backup  created  under
  an  earlier  software  version.  The full restore operation that
  preceded this request performed an implicit  convert  operation.
  This  updates  the  database  and  invalidates  the  incremental
  restore operation.

  User Action:  If this operation can not be avoided, the recovery
  must be performed under the version that the backup was created.
  That usually will require a full restore operation, and possibly
  an  incremental  restore  operation  and  a  recover  operation.
  Updates made under the current software version will be lost.


41.1  –  ABKEYW

  ambiguous qualifier or keyword - supply more characters

  Explanation:  Too few characters were used to truncate a keyword
  or qualifier name to make the keyword or qualifier name unique.

  User Action:  Reenter the command.     Specify  at  least   four
  characters of the keyword or qualifier name.

41.2  –  ABNEXIT

  process has exited abnormally

  Explanation:  The process that is being  looked  at  has  exited
  with some exit status.

  User Action:  Check to see why the process exited.

41.3  –  ABORT


  Explanation:  A database procedure has unexpectedly  aborted  or
  returned an error in an unexpected way.

  User Action:  Retry the operation.     If  the  error  persists,
  contact your Oracle support representative for assistance.

41.4  –  ABSENT

  entity or value absent from command string

  Explanation:  This message indicates that the entity  value  has
  not been specified in the command line.

  User Action:  No action is required.

41.5  –  ABSTIMREQ

  absolute time required - delta time supplied

  Explanation:  A delta time is passed  to  the  routine  when  an
  absolute time is required.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.6  –  ABVERB

  ambiguous command verb - supply more characters

  Explanation:  Too few characters were used to truncate a command
  name to make the command name unique.

  User Action:  Reenter the command.     Specify  at  least   four
  characters of the command name.

41.7  –  ACCESS_ERR

  an error was returned by the access function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'access' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages  for  'access'
  to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.

41.8  –  ACCVIO

  access violation

  Explanation:   A  readable  parameter  cannot  be  read,  or   a
  writeable parameter cannot be written.

  User Action:  Pass the appropriate parameters.

41.9  –  ACLEMPTY

  access control list is empty

  Explanation:  There are no access control entries in the  access
  control list.

  User Action:  Do  not  perform  this  command  when  the  access
  control list is empty.

41.10  –  AMBDATTIM

  ambiguous date-time

  Explanation:  The date-time  input  string  did  not  match  the
  specified input format.

  User Action:  Correct  the  date-time  input  string  and  input
  format for date and time values.

41.11  –  ARITH

  arithmetic exception

  Explanation:   An  'arithmetic  exception'  was  raised  as   an
  exception  in  response  to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.  Integer overflow,  Integer  divide
  by   0,  Floating  overflow,  Floating  divide  by  0,  Floating
  underflow, Floating  invalid  operation,  and  Floating  inexact
  result are specific conditions producing this signal.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.12  –  AUTHNOTOWN

  the authentication file is not owned by root

  Explanation:  The authentication file has the wrong owner.

  User Action:  Contact the system or  database  administrator  to
  verify      and/or      correct     the     owner     of     the
  /usr/lib/dbs/sql/version /lib/cosi_authenticate program.


  the authentication file does not have the correct protection set

  Explanation:  The authentication file has the wrong protection.

  User Action:  Contact the system or  database  administrator  to
  verify     and/or     correct     the    protection    of    the
  /usr/lib/dbs/sql/version /lib/cosi_authenticate program.

41.14  –  BADAUTH

  there is a problem with the authentication file

  Explanation:  The authentication file does not exist, or it  has
  the wrong owner or protection.

  User Action:  Contact the system or  database  administrator  to
  verify and/or correct the existence, owner, or protection of the
  /usr/lib/dbs/sql/version /lib/cosi_authenticate program.


  invalid remote node name specification for network

  Explanation:  You specified a remote node name that  contains  a
  quoted string when using TCP/IP transport.

  User Action:  Either check the remote node  name  for  validity,
  and  remove  any  quoted strings, or change the transport to use
  DECnet as the network transport.

41.16  –  BADPARAM

  bad parameter value

  Explanation:  A value specified for a  system  function  is  not

  User Action:  This error message indicates a possible  error  in
  the  use  of  operating  system services by the database system.
  Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance.

41.17  –  BADVMSVER

  operating system version is not supported

  Explanation:  The current version of Operating System is  higher
  than the version supported by Oracle Rdb.

  User Action:  Contact your Customer service center.   There  may
  be  a  future version of Oracle Rdb that supports your Operating
  System version.

41.18  –  BAD_CODE

  corruption in the query string

  Explanation:  An illegal entry was found in the query string.

  User Action:   If  you  called  Rdb,  check  the  query  string.
  Otherwise,   contact  your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.19  –  BAD_KEY

  invalid key specification

  Explanation:  The key field size, position, data type, or  order
  is  incorrect  within  the key definition.  Positions start at 1
  and cannot be greater than the maximum record size.  Record size
  must  be  less than or equal to 32,767 for character data; 1, 2,
  4, 8, or 16 for binary data; and less than or equal  to  31  for

  User Action:  Check the command string key specifiers.

41.20  –  BAD_LRL

  record length (<num>)  greater  than  specified  longest  record

  Explanation:  While  reading  the  input  file,  the  sort  code
  encountered  a  record  longer  than  the specified LRL (longest
  record length specified in bytes).  The record will be truncated
  to the LRL and sorted.

  User Action:  Reexecute the sort command with a longer LRL.

41.21  –  BAD_MERGE

  number of work files must be between 0 and 10

  Explanation:  The number of work files used was either less than
  0 or greater than 10.

  User Action:  Specify the correct  number  of  work  files,  and
  retry the sort/merge operation.

41.22  –  BAD_SRL

  record length (<num>) is too short to contain keys

  Explanation:  A record passed to  sort/merge  is  too  short  to
  contain  all  the keys.  The record is discarded, and processing

  User Action:  Check your input records and key specification.

41.23  –  BAD_TYPE

  invalid sort process specified

  Explanation:  One of the following sort type codes was passed to
  the  routine  package:   - Less than one or greater than four if
  file I/O - Not equal to one if record I/O - An invalid key  word
  in  command PROCESS Legal values are 1 through 4 for file I/O; 0
  for record I/O; and RECORD,  TAG,  INDEX,  or  ADDRESS  for  the
  PROCESS command parameter.

  User Action:  Specify a different sorting process.

41.24  –  BUFFEROVF

  output buffer overflow

  Explanation:  The service completed  successfully.   The  buffer
  length  field  in  an  item descriptor specified an insufficient
  value.  The buffer was not large enough to  hold  the  requested

  User Action:  Provide a larger buffer, or perform  another  read
  request to access the remainder of the message.

41.25  –  BUGCHECK

  internal consistency failure

  Explanation:  A fatal, unexpected  error  was  detected  by  the
  database management system.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for
  assistance.  You will need to include any bugcheck dump files.

41.26  –  CANCEL

  operation canceled

  Explanation:  The lock conversion request has been canceled, and
  the  lock  has  been  granted  at  its previous lock mode.  This
  condition value is returned under the following  conditions:   a
  lock  request results in queueing a lock conversion request, the
  request has not been  granted  yet  (it  is  in  the  conversion
  queue),  and,  in  the  interim, the unlock service is called to
  cancel  this  lock  conversion.   Note  that  if   the   waiting
  conversion  request is granted BEFORE the unlock call can cancel
  the conversion, the unlock call  returns  CANCELGRANT,  and  the
  conversion request returns NORMAL.

  User Action:  This error message indicates a possible  error  in
  the    locking   protocols.    Contact   your   Oracle   support
  representative for assistance.


  cannot cancel a granted lock

  Explanation:  The service to unlock a lock was called to  cancel
  a  pending  lock  request; however, before the request to unlock
  could be completed, the lock was granted.

  User Action:  This error message indicates a possible  error  in
  the    locking   protocols.    Contact   your   Oracle   support
  representative for assistance.


  cannot open help library

  Explanation:  The help utility could not open the requested help

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.29  –  CANTASSMBX

  error assigning a channel to a mailbox

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt  to  assign  a
  channel to a VMS mailbox.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.

41.30  –  CANTCREMBX

  cannot create mailbox

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt  to  create  a
  mailbox.   Mailboxes  are used for interprocess communication by
  the database management system on VMS.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.  Usually, you will have to change one of
  your quotas (most likely, the buffered I/O byte count  quota  or
  the open file quota).

41.31  –  CANTSPAWN

  error creating sub-process

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an  attempt  to  spawn  a

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.


  captive account - can't create sub-process

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an  attempt  to  enter  a
  SPAWN command from a captive account on VMS.

  User Action:  Do not  use  the  SPAWN  command  from  a  captive

41.33  –  CHOWN_ERR

  an error was returned by the chown function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'chown' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages for 'chown' to
  interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.

41.34  –  CLOSEERR

  cannot close file

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt to  close  the
  specified file.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.

41.35  –  COMMA

  requested value is terminated by a comma

  Explanation:  The returned  value  is  terminated  by  a  comma,
  implying that additional values are in the list.

  User Action:  No action is required.

41.36  –  CONCAT

  requested value is terminated by a plus sign

  Explanation:  The returned value is  concatenated  to  the  next
  value  with  a plus sign, implying that additional values are in
  the list.

  User Action:  No action is required.

41.37  –  CONFLICT

  illegal combination of command elements - check documentation

  Explanation:  Two or more qualifiers,  keywords,  or  parameters
  that cannot be used in combination were used in the same command

  User Action:  Remove the offending element.

41.38  –  CONNECFAIL

  connect over network timed-out or failed

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt to establish a
  network connection.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.


  In cosi_last_chance handler in image  <str>.Unhandled  exception
  code was 0x<num>.Exception occurred at <str> = 0x<num>!.

  Explanation:  An exception occurred which  was  not  handled  by
  another exception handler.  Cosi exits the process.

  User Action:  Check the  message  information  and  the  bugheck
  dump,  if  one was written, to determine the cause of the error.
  If necessary, contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.40  –  CREATED

  file/section did not exist - was created

  Explanation:  The service completed successfully.  The specified
  global section did not previously exist and has been created.

  User Action:  No action is required.


  Error encountered while creating a filemapping object

  Explanation:  A system error was encountered  while  creating  a
  filemapping object

  User Action:  Examine the secondary  message  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.


  Error encountered while creating mutex

  Explanation:  A system error was encountered  while  creating  a
  mutex object

  User Action:  Examine the secondary  message  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.

41.43  –  CREATERR

  cannot create file

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt to  close  the
  specified file.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.

41.44  –  CREAT_ERR

  an error was returned by the creat function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'creat' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages for 'creat' to
  interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.


  invalid or undefined character set

  Explanation:  The character set specified is not known.

  User Action:  Check the character set name and/or identifier  to
  ensure that they are valid.

41.46  –  CVTASSTS

  Status from CVTAS routine is <num>

  Explanation:  Actual status value from convert operation.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  program  counter   (PC)   location
  displayed  in  the message.  Check the program listing to verify
  that operands or variables are specified correctly.

41.47  –  CVTUNGRANT

  cannot convert an ungranted lock

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to convert a lock that is  not
  granted.   (Only  locks  that  are  granted  can be converted to
  another lock mode.)

  User Action:  This error message indicates a possible  error  in
  the    locking   protocols.    Contact   your   Oracle   support
  representative for assistance.

41.48  –  DEADLOCK

  deadlock detected

  Explanation:  The system detected a set of processes waiting for
  locks  in  a  circular fashion (deadlock).  This lock request is
  denied in order to break the deadlock.

  User Action:  Recovery from a deadlock is application  specific.
  One common action is for the program to rollback the transaction
  and retry.  Deadlocks should be infrequent in properly  designed

41.49  –  DECOVF

  decimal overflow

  Explanation:  During an arithmetic operation,  a  decimal  value
  exceeds the largest representable decimal number.  The result of
  the operation is set to the correctly signed  least  significant

  User Action:  No action is required.

41.50  –  DEFAULTED

  entity present by default in command string

  Explanation:  The specified entity is not explicitly present  in
  the command line, but is present by default.

  User Action:  No action is required.

41.51  –  DEFFORUSE

  default format used - could not determine user's preference

  Explanation:   Translation  of  RDB_DT_FORMAT  failed,  and  the
  native standard representation is used.

  User Action:  Examine and make corrections  to  the  environment
  variable RDB_DT_FORMAT.

41.52  –  DELETERR

  error deleting file

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt to delete  the
  specified file.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages  to  determine  the
  reason  for  the failure.  You may have to change the protection
  on a file before you can delete it.

41.53  –  DESSTROVF

  destination string overflow

  Explanation:  The destionation string is shorter than the source
  string when the string is copied during datatype conversion.

  User Action:  Examine the length of the destination  string  and
  make  sure  the  length  is at least equal to or longer than the
  source string.

41.54  –  DIFSIZ

  different message size received from expected

  Explanation:  The message size set by VMS system when message is
  put  in the buffer and the size computed by the monitor (message
  header + the message length) are different.  This can be  caused
  by a multi- user environment, e.g.  5.1 image tries to attach to
  6.1 monitor.

  User Action:  Rollback/Abort

41.55  –  DIRECT

  invalid directory syntax - check brackets and other delimiters

  Explanation:  The directory name in a file specification entered
  for  a  command contains an illegal character, or a command that
  expects a  directory  name  string  did  not  find  a  directory
  delimiter in the specified parameter.

  User Action:  Examine the directory name, correct the  directory
  syntax, and reenter the command.

41.56  –  DIRNAME_ERR

  an error was returned by the dirname function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'dirname' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages for  'dirname'
  to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.

41.57  –  DNF

  directory not found

  Explanation:  The specified directory  does  not  exist  on  the
  specified device.

  User Action:   Verify  that  the  device  and/or  directory  are
  specified  correctly.   Create  the  directory  if necessary, or
  specify an existing directory.

41.58  –  DT_FRACMBZ

  fractional seconds precision must be zero for this sub-type

  Explanation:  The date/time data type supplied a sub-type  which
  does not allow a fractional seconds precision to be supplied.

  User Action:  This appears to be an error in the code  generated
  by   SQL.    Contact  your  Oracle  support  representative  for
  assistance.   You  will  need  to  provide  the  statement  that
  produced this error.

41.59  –  DT_PRECMBZ

  interval leading field precision must be zero for this sub-type

  Explanation:  The date/time data type supplied a sub-type  which
  does  not  allow  a  leading  interval  field  precision  to  be

  User Action:  This appears to be an error in the code  generated
  by   SQL.    Contact  your  Oracle  support  representative  for
  assistance.   You  will  need  to  provide  the  statement  that
  produced this error.

41.60  –  DUP_OUTPUT

  output file has already been specified

  Explanation:  The output file argument in  the  routine  package
  was passed more than once.

  User Action:  Check the file  arguments,  and  verify  that  the
  output file was specified only once.

41.61  –  EF_ALRFRE

  event flag already free

  Explanation:  An event flag that is already free is being freed.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.62  –  EF_RESSYS

  event flag reserved to system

  Explanation:  The specified event flag is  reserved  for  system

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.63  –  ENDDIAGS

  completed with diagnostics

  Explanation:  The operation completed with diagnostics.

  User Action:   Correct  the  conditions  that  resulted  in  the
  diagnostics, and retry the operation.

41.64  –  ENDOFFILE

  end of file

  Explanation:  An end-of-file condition was encountered during an
  I/O operation.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.

41.65  –  ENGLUSED

  English used - could not determine user's language

  Explanation:    Translation   of   the   environment    variable
  RDB_LANGUAGE failed.  English is being used.

  User Action:  Examine RDB_LANGUAGE.        Verify    that    the
  environment variable is defined.

41.66  –  EOFERR

  error determining size of file

  Explanation:  An error occurred when  an  attempt  was  made  to
  determine the size of the specified file.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.

41.67  –  ERRFOREIGN

  error opening foreign command file as input

  Explanation:   An  error  occurred  when  a  foreign  (indirect)
  command file was read.

  User  Action:   Examine   the   secondary   message   for   more

41.68  –  EVLWRTERR

  error writing to the Event Log

  Explanation:  This general message indicates an error  during  a
  write to the NT Event Log.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages  to  determine  the
  reason  for the failure.  Make sure that the EventLog service is
  running and that the Event Log is not full.

41.69  –  EXAIOQUOTA

  exceeded aio quota

  Explanation:  The program could  not  proceed  because  the  AIO
  quota on the system has been exceeded.

  User Action:  Either increase the AIO quota  on  the  system  or
  reduce the AIO quota consumption by Oracle Rdb servers.

41.70  –  EXASTQUOTA

  exceeded AST quota

  Explanation:  The program could  not  proceed  because  the  AST
  quota for the Rdb system has been exceeded.

  User Action:  Increase the maximum number of  users  allowed  on
  the  system  by  modifying the RDBLCK_MAX_USERS parameter in the
  rdblck.conf configuration file.

41.71  –  EXC_OSF

  exception sub facility <num>, code <num>, <num> param(s) (17XA)

  Explanation:  The unrecognized  exception  with  the  given  sub
  facilkity  number,  code  and  optional parameters was raised in
  response to an arithmetic or software condition.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.72  –  EXC_OSF0

  exception Internal, code <num>, <num> param(s) (17XA)

  Explanation:  An 'Internal' exception with the  given  code  and
  optional  parameters  was raised in response to an arithmetic or
  software condition.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.73  –  EXC_OSF1

  exception Facility End, code <num>, <num> param(s) (17XA)

  Explanation:  A 'Facility End' exception with the given code and
  optional  parameters  was raised in response to an arithmetic or
  software condition.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.74  –  EXC_OSF2

  exception All, code <num>, <num> param(s) (17XA)

  Explanation:  A 'Wildcard' exception with  the  given  code  and
  optional  parameters  was raised in response to an arithmetic or
  software condition.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.75  –  EXC_OSF4

  exception ADA User, code <num>, <num> param(s) (17XA)

  Explanation:  An 'ADA user' exception with the  given  code  and
  optional  parameters  was raised in response to an arithmetic or
  software condition.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.76  –  EXC_OSF5

  exception PL1 User, code <num>, <num> param(s) (17XA)

  Explanation:  A 'Pl1 user' exception with  the  given  code  and
  optional  parameters  was raised in response to an arithmetic or
  software condition.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.77  –  EXC_OSF6

  exception C++ User, code <num>, <num> param(s) (17XA)

  Explanation:  A 'C++ user' exception with  the  given  code  and
  optional  parameters  was raised in response to an arithmetic or
  software condition.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.78  –  EXC_OSF7

  exception C++ User Exit, code <num>, <num> param(s) (17XA)

  Explanation:  A 'C++ Exit Path' exception with  the  given  code
  and  optional parameters was raised in response to an arithmetic
  or software condition.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.79  –  EXC_OSF8

  exception C++ User Other, code <num>, <num> param(s) (17XA)

  Explanation:  A 'C++ Other' exception with the  given  code  and
  optional  parameters  was raised in response to an arithmetic or
  software condition.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.80  –  EXC_OSF9

  exception C User, code <num>, <num> param(s) (17XA)

  Explanation:  An 'C User' exception  with  the  given  code  and
  optional  parameters  was raised in response to an arithmetic or
  software condition.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry  the  operation.   BASEs 3811-3849 Reserved for future OSF
  exception types

41.81  –  EXDEPTH

  exceeded allowed depth

  Explanation:  Either a programming error  has  occurred  or  the
  resource  name  tree  does  not  have  enough  depth.   The lock
  management services allow a certain depth to the  resource  name

  User Action:  This error message indicates a possible  error  in
  the    locking   protocols.    Contact   your   Oracle   support
  representative for assistance.

41.82  –  EXENQLM

  exceeded enqueue quota

  Explanation:  The process's ENQLM quota was exceeded.

  User Action:  Increase the ENQLM quota, and retry the operation.


  exceeded global page file limit

  Explanation:  The attempt to allocate a global  section  with  a
  page  file  backing store failed because the systemwide limit on
  these pages is exceeded.

  User Action:  Delete some similar sections  or  ask  the  system
  manager  to  increase the SYSGEN parameter GBLPAGFIL.  Then, try
  the operation again.


  exceeded RDBLCK_LOCK_COUNT quota

  Explanation:   The  program  could  not  proceed   because   the
  RDBLCK_LOCK_COUNT  quota  for  the  Oracle  Rdb  system has been

  User Action:  Increase the lock count on the system by modifying
  the RDBLCK_LOCK_COUNT parameter in the rdblck.conf configuration


  exceeded RDBLCK_MAX_PROCESS quota

  Explanation:   The  program  could  not  proceed   because   the
  RDBLCK_MAX_PROCESS  quota  for  the  Oracle  Rdb system has been

  User Action:  Increase  the  process  count  on  the  system  by
  modifying  the  RDBLCK_MAX_PROCESS  parameter in the rdblck.conf
  configuration file.

41.86  –  EXQUOTA

  exceeded quota

  Explanation:  The program could not proceed because  a  resource
  quota or limit had been exceeded.

  User Action:  The secondary error message describes the resource
  that  was  exceeded.   If this occurs consistently, increase the
  appropriate quota.


  exceeded RDBLCK_RESOURCE_COUNT quota

  Explanation:   The  program  could  not  proceed   because   the
  RDBLCK_RESOURCE_COUNT  quota  for the Oracle Rdb system has been

  User Action:  Increase the  resource  count  on  the  system  by
  modifying the RDBLCK_RESOURCE_COUNT parameter in the rdblck.conf
  configuration file.

41.88  –  EXTENDERR

  error extending file

  Explanation:  An error occurred when the size of  the  specified
  file was extended.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.


  exceeded RDBLCK_MAX_USERS quota

  Explanation:   The  program  could  not  proceed   because   the
  RDBLCK_MAX_USERS  quota  for  the  Oracle  Rdb  system  has been

  User Action:  Increase the maximum number of  users  allowed  on
  the  system  by  modifying the RDBLCK_MAX_USERS parameter in the
  rdblck.conf configuration file.

41.90  –  FATINTERR

  fatal internal error

  Explanation:  An unexpected internal error has occurred.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.91  –  FCSFOP

  file already open

  Explanation:  A file was already opened when it was not expected
  to  be.   This  indicates  a  general  logic error in the system
  database code.

  User Action:  Retry the operation.     If  the  error  persists,
  contact your Oracle support representative for assistance.

41.92  –  FILACCERR

  error <str> file <str>

  Explanation:  This general message  indicates  an  error  during
  file access.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.


  mapping object specified already exists

  Explanation:  The file mapping object specified by a name  while
  creating it, already exists.

  User Action:  Change the  name  of  the  mapping  object  to  be

41.94  –  FILESYN

  syntax error parsing file

  Explanation:  This  general  message  indicates  an  error  that
  occurs during parsing of a file name (local or remote).

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.

41.95  –  FILOPENERR

  error opening file <str>

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt  to  open  the
  indicated file.

  User  Action:   Check  the  attributes  and  protection  of  the
  relevant  file  and  of the associated directories.  Verify that
  the file exists at the time it is needed.

41.96  –  FILREADERR

  error reading file <str>

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt  to  read  the
  indicated file.

  User  Action:   Check  the  attributes  and  protection  of  the
  relevant file and of the associated directories.


  error writing file <str>

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt  to  write  to
  the indicated file.

  User  Action:   Check  the  attributes  and  protection  of  the
  relevant  file  and  of the associated directories.  Verify that
  sufficient disk space is available at the time that the file  is
  written to.

41.98  –  FLK

  file currently locked by another user

  Explanation:  An attempt  to  open  or  create  a  file  failed.
  Another  user  has the file open in a mode incompatible with the
  attempted access.

  User Action:  Wait until the other user has unlocked  the  file.
  If  the  file cannot be shared, modify the program to detect and
  respond to this condition by waiting.

41.99  –  FLTDENORM

  conversion to IEEE floating is denormalized

  Explanation:  Conversion to IEEE float is a denormalized value.

  User Action:  You can force a denormalized IEEE output value  to
  zero  by  passing  a  CVT_FORCE_DENORM_TO_ZERO  parameter to the
  cosi_cvt_ftof routine.

41.100  –  FLTDIV

  floating point division exception

  Explanation:  An arithmetic exception condition  occurred  as  a
  result of a floating point division operation.

  User  Action:   Modify  the  query   to   prevent   a   possible
  divide-by-zero operation from occurring.

41.101  –  FLTEXC

  floating point exception

  Explanation:  An arithmetic exception condition  occurred  as  a
  result  of  a  floating point operation.  This may result from a
  divide-by-zero operation or a floating point overflow.

  User Action:  Modify the query to prevent  a  possible  floating
  point divide-by-zero or overflow from occurring.

41.102  –  FLTINF

  conversion to IEEE floating is infinite

  Explanation:  Conversion to IEEE float is an infinite value.

  User Action:  You can force IEEE infinite to max float value  by
  passing    a   CVT_FORCE_INF_TO_MAX_FLOAT   parameter   to   the
  cosi_cvt_ftof routine.  This will force a positive IEEE infinite
  output  value  to  +max_float and force a negative IEEE infinite
  output value to -max_float.

41.103  –  FLTINV

  invalid floating conversion

  Explanation:   The  float  conversion  result  is   either   ROP
  (Reserved   Operand),   NaN  (Not  a  Number),  or  the  closest

  User  Action:   Make   sure   the   float   conversion   routine
  cosi_cvt_ftof  is  invoked  with  the  proper  range of floating

41.104  –  FLTINX

  Float Inexact Result

  Explanation:  An arithmetic exception condition  occurred  as  a
  result of a floating point inexact result.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  program  counter   (PC)   location
  displayed  in  the message.  Check the program listing to verify
  that operands or variables are specified correctly.

41.105  –  FLTNAN

  Float Not a Number

  Explanation:  An arithmetic exception condition  occurred  as  a
  result of a floating Not-a-Number (NaN) value.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  program  counter   (PC)   location
  displayed  in  the message.  Check the program listing to verify
  that operands or variables are specified correctly.

41.106  –  FLTOVF

  floating overflow

  Explanation:  An arithmetic exception condition  occurred  as  a
  result of a floating point overflow.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  program  counter   (PC)   location
  displayed  in  the message.  Check the program listing to verify
  that operands or variables are specified correctly.

41.107  –  FLTUND

  floating underflow

  Explanation:  An arithmetic exception condition  occurred  as  a
  result of a floating point underflow.

  User  Action:   Examine  the  program  counter   (PC)   location
  displayed  in  the message.  Check the program listing to verify
  that operands or variables are specified correctly.

41.108  –  FNF

  file not found

  Explanation:  The specified file does not exist.

  User Action:  Check the file specification and verify  that  the
  directory,   file   name,  and  file  type  were  all  specified

41.109  –  FORMAT

  invalid or corrupt media format

  Explanation:  The media or disk file is in an invalid format.

  User  Action:   This  message  indicates  a  media  or  hardware
  problem.   Check  the  system error log and consult the hardware
  support group for further information.  Reinstalling Oracle  Rdb
  will  resolve  the  problem.   However,  if  the error regularly
  occurs, faulty hardware is almost certainly the cause.

41.110  –  FORMATERR

  error in formatting output

  Explanation:  An error occurred during formatting of output to a
  terminal or a file.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.

41.111  –  GETPWNAM_ERR

  an error was returned by the getpwnam function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'getpwnam' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages for 'getpwnam'
  to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.


  illegal initialization component

  Explanation:  The format for the data and time formatting string
  for one of the fields is illegal.

  User Action:  Check your data and time format string to be  used
  for displaying date and time strings.

41.113  –  ILLEFC

  illegal event flag cluster

  Explanation:  An event flag number specified in a system service
  call is greater than 127.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.114  –  ILLFORMAT

  illegal format - too many or not enough fields

  Explanation:  An invalid date and time format string was given.

  User Action:  Examine the date/time format string,  and  correct

41.115  –  ILLINISTR

  illegal initialization string

  Explanation:  An incorrect initialization string  is  passed  to
  date and time formatting services.

  User Action:  Verify that the initialization string  begins  and
  ends with the same delimiter character.

41.116  –  ILLSTRCLA

  illegal string class

  Explanation:  The class code found  in  the  class  field  of  a
  descriptor is not a supported string class code.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.117  –  ILLSTRPOS

  illegal string position

  Explanation:  The service completed successfully.  However,  one
  of  the  character-position  parameters to a string manipulation
  routine pointed to  a  character-position  that  is  before  the
  beginning  of  the  input string or that is after the end of the
  input string.

  User Action:  Ensure that any  character-position  parameter  is
  greater  than  zero  and less than or equal to the length of the
  input string.

41.118  –  ILLSTRSPE

  illegal string specification

  Explanation:  The service completed  successfully,  except  that
  the  character-position  parameters  specifying a substring of a
  string parameter were inconsistent because the ending  character
  position  is  less than the starting character position.  A null
  string is used for the substring.

  User Action:  The application program  should  verify  that  the
  starting  character  positions  are  less  than  or equal to the
  ending character positions.

41.119  –  IMGABORTED

  image aborted at privileged user request

  Explanation:   The  current  image  was   aborted   by   another
  privileged   user,  typically  the  database  administrator,  in
  response to some event that required this action.

  User Action:  Consult the database administrator to identify the
  reason the image was aborted.

41.120  –  INCDATTIM

  incomplete date-time - missing fields with no defaults

  Explanation:  An incomplete date or time parameter was supplied.

  User Action:  Examine the date/time value and the data and  time
  format string.  Correct the input data/ time value.

41.121  –  INPCONERR

  input conversion error

  Explanation:  There is an invalid character in the input string;
  or  the  output value is not within the range of the destination
  data type.

  User  Action:   Correct  the  input  string,   or   change   the
  destination data type.

41.122  –  INP_FILES

  too many input files specified

  Explanation:  More than 10 input files were listed.

  User Action:  Reduce the number of input files or  combine  them
  so that no more than 10 input files are listed.

41.123  –  INSEF

  insufficient event flags

  Explanation:  There were insufficient event flags.     There
  were no more event flags available for allocation.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.124  –  INSFARG

  insufficient call arguments

  Explanation:  An internal coding error (insufficient  number  of
  arguments) occurred.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.125  –  INSFMEM

  insufficient dynamic memory

  Explanation:  A command or image exhausted the  system  pool  of
  dynamic memory, and the system cannot complete the request.

  User Action:  Free the resources you are  holding,  or  increase
  the existing pool of memory.

41.126  –  INSFPRM

  missing command parameters - supply all required parameters

  Explanation:  A command cannot be executed because one  or  more
  required parameters are missing from the command.

  User Action:  Correct the  command  by  supplying  all  required

41.127  –  INSFSYSRES

  insufficient system resources

  Explanation:  The  operating  system  did  not  have  sufficient
  resources to process the request.

  User  Action:   Examine  secondary  error   message   for   more

41.128  –  INTOVF

  integer overflow

  Explanation:   Either  the  library  routine  or  the   hardware
  detected an integer overflow.

  User Action:  Choose a  destination  data  type  with  a  larger

41.129  –  INT_OVERFLOW

  Arithmetic exception:  Integer Overflow

  Explanation:  Attempt to use a number which  was  too  great  in
  magnitude to be used in the manner intended.

  User Action:  Review the problem and change  the  data  or  data
  format accordingly.

41.130  –  INVARG

  invalid argument(s)

  Explanation:  An invalid argument is specified  to  an  internal

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.131  –  INVARGORD

  invalid argument order

  Explanation:  The ordering of the  arguments  is  invalid.   The
  caller  specified  the  the  data  and  time values in the wrong

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.132  –  INVCLADSC

  invalid class in descriptor

  Explanation:  An unsupported class of descriptor is specified.

  User Action:  Retry the operation specifying a  supported  class
  of descriptor.

41.133  –  INVCLADTY

  invalid class data type combination in descriptor

  Explanation:  An unsupported class and data type  of  descriptor
  is specified.

  User Action:  Ensure that both the class and data type specified
  are supported.

41.134  –  INVCVT

  invalid data type conversion

  Explanation:  1.  source value is negative and destination  data
  type is unsigned, or 2.  possible bad parameter, such as invalid
  input/output type, invalid option value, or 3.  float over/under
  flow  (on  ALPHA/VMS),  or  4.   positive/Negative  Infinity (on
  ALPHA/VMS), or 5.  reserved operand error.

  User Action:  Ensure that the source value is positive  and  the
  destination  data  type  is signed, or the parameters are passed
  correctly, or contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.135  –  INVDTYDSC

  invalid data type in descriptor

  Explanation:  An unsupported data type is specified.

  User Action:  Retry the operation specifying  a  supported  data

41.136  –  INVENTITY

  invalid command line entity specified

  Explanation:  An invalid qualifier or parameter was found on the
  command line.

  User Action:  Reenter the command line using the correct syntax.

41.137  –  INVFILNAM

  invalid character found in file name

  Explanation:  A non-ASCII character was found  in  a  file  name
  used in a command.

  User Action:  Examine the  file  name,  correct  the  name,  and
  reenter the command.

41.138  –  INVKEY

  invalid keyword

  Explanation:  There was an unrecognized keyword in  the  command

  User Action:  Reenter the command using the correct syntax.

41.139  –  INVNBDS

  invalid numeric byte data string

  Explanation:  There is an invalid character in the input, or the
  value  is  outside  the  range  that  can  be represented by the
  destination, or the numeric byte date string  (NBDS)  descriptor
  is  invalid.  This error is also signaled when the array size of
  an  NBDS  is  larger  than  65,535  bytes  or   the   array   is

  User Action:  Specify a valid NBDS.

41.140  –  INVREQTYP

  invalid request type

  Explanation:  This message is associated with an internal status
  code returned from the command interpreter result parse routine.
  The message indicates a  request  to  perform  an  unimplemented

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.141  –  INVSTRDES

  invalid string descriptor

  Explanation:  A string descriptor passed to  a  general  library
  procedure did not contain a valid CLASS field.

  User Action:  Locate the call to the  library  that  caused  the
  error,   and  initialize  the  field  to  the  proper  class  of

41.142  –  INVWRKBLK

  invalid request type

  Explanation:  This message is associated with an internal status
  code returned from the command interpreter result parse routine.
  The message indicates that  the  parser  encountered  a  corrupt
  internal data structure.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.143  –  INV_PRECISION

  invalid interval leading field precision for datetime

  Explanation:  The data definition language requested an interval
  leading field precision which is outside the supported range.

  User Action:   Correct  the  definition  so  that  the  interval
  leading field precision is within the legal range.

41.144  –  INV_SCALE

  invalid fractional seconds precision for datetime

  Explanation:   The  data   definition   language   requested   a
  fractional  seconds precision for a TIME, TIMESTAMP, or INTERVAL
  definition which is outside the correct range.

  User Action:  Correct the  definition  so  that  the  fractional
  seconds precision is within the legal range.

41.145  –  INV_SUB_TYPE

  invalid sub_type in definition

  Explanation:  The data definition language requested a  sub-type
  which was not recognized.

  User Action:  Correct the definition so  that  the  sub-type  is
  within the legal range.

41.146  –  IO_ERROR

  IO error while reading help file

  Explanation:  An IO error occured while reading a help library.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.147  –  IVACL

  invalid access control list entry syntax

  Explanation:  You have specified syntax for  an  access  control
  list entry that is not acceptable.

  User Action:  Specify a valid access control list entry  syntax.
  For  RMU,  this  will  typically  be  of  the  form:   (IDENT  =
  identifier, ACCESS = privilege+privilege+...)

41.148  –  IVBUFLEN

  invalid buffer length

  Explanation:  The length of the  buffer  supplied  was  invalid.
  The  length  of the resource name provided to the system service
  to acquire a lock was more than 31 characters, or an I/O message
  was too large to handle.

  User Action:  This error message indicates a possible  error  in
  the  use  of  operating  system  services.   Contact your Oracle
  support representative for assistance.

41.149  –  IVDEVNAM

  invalid device name

  Explanation:  A device name contains invalid characters,  or  no
  device is specified.

  User Action:  Verify that the device name is specified correctly
  and is suitable for the requested operation.

41.150  –  IVKEYW

  unrecognized keyword - check validity and spelling

  Explanation:  There is an unrecognized keyword  in  the  command

  User Action:  Reenter the command using the correct syntax.

41.151  –  IVLOCKID

  invalid lock id

  Explanation:  The lock identification specified in the  call  to
  the  lock  or  unlock request is not a valid lock identification
  for that process.

  User Action:  This error message indicates a possible  error  in
  the    locking   protocols.    Contact   your   Oracle   support
  representative for assistance.

41.152  –  IVLOGNAM

  invalid logical name

  Explanation:  A name string exceeds the maximum length permitted
  or has a length of 0.

  User  Action:   Check  that  the  character  string  descriptors
  pointing to name strings indicate the correct lengths.

41.153  –  IVMODE

  invalid mode for requested function

  Explanation:  The caller does not have the privilege to  perform
  the operation.

  User Action:  This error message indicates a possible  error  in
  the  use  of  operating  system primitives.  Contact your Oracle
  support representative for assistance.

41.154  –  IVQLOC

  invalid qualifier location - place after a parameter

  Explanation:  A qualifier that can be used  only  to  qualify  a
  parameter  value  in  a  command is placed following the command

  User Action:  Reenter the command.     Place    the    qualifier
  following the parameter value it qualifies.

41.155  –  IVQUAL

  unrecognized qualifier - check validity, spelling, and placement

  Explanation:   A  qualifier  is  spelled   incorrectly   or   is
  improperly placed in the command line.

  User Action:  Correct the command line.

41.156  –  IVTILDEUSER

  invalid user name found in the file specification

  Explanation:  The user name specified after a ~ (tilde)  in  the
  specified  file  is not a vailid user name, and therefore cannot
  be used to get to a home directory.

  User Action:  Verify that the user name is specified  correctly,
  and correct any spelling errors.

41.157  –  IVTIME

  invalid date or time

  Explanation:  A time value specified in a system service call is
  invalid.   Either a delta time is greater than 10,000 days, or a
  calculated absolute time is less than the system date and time.

  User Action:  Check for a programming error.   Verify  that  the
  call to the service is coded correctly.

41.158  –  IVVERB

  unrecognized command verb - check validity and spelling

  Explanation:  The first word on the command line is not a  valid

  User Action:  Check the spelling of the command name and reenter
  the command.

41.159  –  KEYAMBINC

  key specification is ambiguous or inconsistent

  Explanation:  Duplicate key  parameters  were  specified  for  a
  single KEY qualifier.

  User  Action:   Specify  each  key  parameter  only  once.   For
  multiple keys, use a KEY qualifier for each key.

41.160  –  KEYED

  mismatch between sort/merge keys and primary file key

  Explanation:  An empty indexed file was created with  a  primary
  key  that  does  not  match the sort key.  The sort operation is
  less efficient than it is when the two keys match.

  User Action:  For greater efficiency, create a new indexed  file
  or change the sort key.

41.161  –  KEY_LEN

  invalid key length, key number <num>, length <num>

  Explanation:  The key size is incorrect for the  data  type,  or
  the total key size is greater than 32,767.

  User Action:  Specify the correct key field size.  Size must  be
  less  than or equal to 32,767 for character data; 1, 2, 4, 8, or
  16 for binary data; and less than or equal to 31 for decimal.
  Also, only ascending or descending order is allowed.

41.162  –  LIB_NOT_OPEN

  help library not open

  Explanation:  An attempt was  made  to  access  a  help  library
  without opening it first.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.163  –  LM_EXCEEDED

  licensed product has exceeded current license limits

  Explanation:  The number of active license  units  has  exceeded
  the current limits.

  User Action:  Reduce the number of active users of the product.


  producer argument isn't DEC

  Explanation:  The producer name for the product does  not  match
  with the license installed on the system.

  User Action:  Check the license installed on the system.

41.165  –  LM_INVALID_DATE

  license is invalid for this product date

  Explanation:  The date of the product  release  does  not  match
  with the date of the license installed.

  User Action:  Check the installed license.

41.166  –  LM_INVALID_VERS

  license is invalid for this product version

  Explanation:  The version of the product does not match with the
  license on the system.

  User Action:  Check the installed license.

41.167  –  LM_NOLICENSE

  operation requires software license

  Explanation:  A license for the software does not exist.

  User Action:  Please install the license for the product.


  not in license reserve list

  Explanation:  This user is not in the  list  of  reserved  users
  (for a user-based license).

  User Action:  Please add the user to the list of reserved users.

41.169  –  LM_TERMINATED

  license has terminated

  Explanation:  The license for the product has been terminated.

  User Action:  Please renew your license or install a new one.

41.170  –  LOADFAILURE

  unable to dynamically load or unload image

  Explanation:  The  system  is  unable  to  dynamically  load  an
  executable image.

  User Action:  Ensure that the relevent  image  is  available  on
  your system.


  invalid image filename

  Explanation:  The filename supplied for  dynamic  image  loading
  was improperly specified or contains illegal characters.

  User Action:  Correct the filename.


  invalid secure image filespec

  Explanation:  The file specification supplied  for  secure  EXEC
  mode logical translation contains illegal characters or does not
  reference an existing image.

  User Action:  Ensure that the file specification is correct  and
  that the specified image exists.

41.173  –  LOADSYMBOL

  unable to look up symbol in dynamically loaded image

  Explanation:  The system is unable to look  up  a  symbol  in  a
  dynamically loaded image.

  User Action:  Ensure that the relevent  image  is  available  on
  your system and that the image is intact (not corrupt).


  unable to dynamically load uninstalled image

  Explanation:   The  system  is  unable  to  dynamically  load  a
  shareable  image  into  the process with the main image which is
  installed execute_only or privileged.  The  new  image  must  be
  installed  and  any  associated  filespec  must  reference  only
  /SYSTEM/EXEC logicals.

  User Action:  Ensure that the relevent  image  is  installed  on
  your system and that the proper logicals are used in the related

41.175  –  LOCNEG

  entity explicitly and locally negated in command string

  Explanation:  The specified qualifier is present in its  negated
  form (prefixed with no) and is used as a local qualifier.

  User Action:  No action is required.

41.176  –  LOCPRES

  entity value is locally present in command string

  Explanation:  The specified qualifier is present and is used  as
  a local qualifier.

  User Action:  No action is required.

41.177  –  LRL_MISS

  longest record length must be specified

  Explanation:  If a record I/O interface  subroutine  package  is
  selected, the longest record length (LRL) must be passed to sort
  in the call.

  User Action:  Specify the LRL.


  Error encountered while mapping a view of the file

  Explanation:  A system error was  encountered  while  mapping  a
  view of the file into the virtual address space.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary  message  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.

41.179  –  MAXPARM

  too many parameters - reenter command with fewer parameters

  Explanation:  A command contained more than the  maximum  number
  of  parameters  allowed.   This  error  can be caused by leaving
  blanks on a command line where a special character, for example,
  a comma or plus sign, is required.

  User Action:  Determine the reason for the  error,  and  correct
  the syntax of the command.

41.180  –  MKDIR_ERR

  an error was returned by the mkdir function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'mkdir' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages for 'mkdir' to
  interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.

41.181  –  MODIFYERR

  error extending or truncating file

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt to modify  the
  size of the specified file.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.

41.182  –  MSGNOTFND

  message not in system message file

  Explanation:  The relevant message was not found in the  message
  file, or the message system was not properly initialized.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.183  –  MUTEXEXISTS

  mutex object specified already exists

  Explanation:  The mutex object specified while creating  already

  User Action:  Change the name of the mutex object to be unique.

41.184  –  NAMTOOLON

  piece of pathname too long - respecify

  Explanation:  The user-supplied file specification is  too  long
  (greater than 255 characters).

  User  Action:   Reenter  the  file  name  with  fewer  than  255

41.185  –  NEGATED

  entity explicitly negated in command string

  Explanation:  The specified qualifier or keyword is  present  in
  its negated form (prefixed with NO).

  User Action:  No action is required.

41.186  –  NEGSTRLEN

  negative string length

  Explanation:  The service completed successfully, except that  a
  length  parameter  to  a  string  routine  had a negative value.
  Lengths of strings must always be  positive  or  zero;  zero  is

  User Action:   Verify  that  all  parameters  containing  string
  lengths do not contain negative numbers.

41.187  –  NEGTIM

  a negative time was computed

  Explanation:   The  computed  time  was  less  than   the   date

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.188  –  NFS

  file specification on an NFS mounted device is not allowed

  Explanation:  An NFS mounted device was referenced in  the  file
  specification.  NFS mounted devices are not supported.

  User Action:  Use a file name that does  not  reference  an  NFS
  mounted device.


  ACLs not supported on selected object

  Explanation:  ACLs are not supported for the specified object.

  User Action:  Make sure that you have  correctly  specified  the

41.190  –  NOCCAT

  parameter concatenation not allowed - check use of plus (+)

  Explanation:  A command that accepts either a single-input value
  for  a  parameter or a list of input values separated by commas,
  contains multiple values concatenated by plus signs ( + ).

  User  Action:   Reenter  the  command   with   a   single   file
  specification.   If  necessary,  enter the command once for each

41.191  –  NOCOMD

  no command on line - reenter with alphabetic first character

  Explanation:  A command begins with a nonalphabetic character.

  User Action:  Reenter the command with an  alphabetic  character
  at the beginning.

41.192  –  NODEVDIR

  filename does not include device and/or directory

  Explanation:  The file specification you made did not include  a
  device and directory.

  User Action:  Include a device  and/or  directory  in  the  file

41.193  –  NODUPEXC

  equal-key  routine  and  no-duplicates  option  cannot  both  be

  Explanation:  Both an equal-key  routine  and  the  SOR$M_NODUPS
  option  were  specified  when  only  one  or the other option is

  User Action:   Specify  either  the  equal-key  routine  or  the
  no-duplicates option.

41.194  –  NOENTRY

  access control entry not found

  Explanation:  You have specified an access  control  entry  that
  does not exist in the access control list.

  User Action:  Add the desired access control entry to the access
  control  list,  or  specify a different access control entry for
  your command.

41.195  –  NOKEYW

  qualifier name is missing - append the name to the delimiter

  Explanation:  A qualifier delimiter is present on a command  but
  is not followed by a qualifier keyword name.

  User Action:  Reenter the command specifying  the  qualifier  or
  removing the qualifier delimiter.

41.196  –  NOLIST

  list of parameter values not allowed - check use of comma (,)

  Explanation:  A command that accepts only a single  input  value
  for a parameter contains multiple values separated by commas.

  User Action:  Reenter the command.     Specify  only  one  file.
  If necessary, enter the command once for each file specified.

41.197  –  NOLOCKID

  no lock identification available

  Explanation:  The system's lock  identification  table  is  full
  when a call to acquire a lock is made.

  User Action:  Increase  the  size  of  the  lock  identification
  table.   If  the  problem  persists, contact your Oracle support
  representative for assistance.

41.198  –  NOLOGNAM

  no logical name match

  Explanation:  A specified logical name does not exist.

  User Action:  Verify the spelling of the logical name.

41.199  –  NOMEMRESID

  requires rights identifier VMS$MEM_RESIDENT_USER

  Explanation:  Attempt to create a memory-resident global section
  without having the VMS$MEM_RESIDENT_USER identifier.

  User Action:  Enable the  VMS$MEM_RESIDENT_USER  identifier  for
  the process.

41.200  –  NOMOREACE

  access control list is exhausted

  Explanation:  There are no more access control  entries  in  the
  access control list.

  User Action:  Do not perform this command when there are no more
  access control entries in the access control list.

41.201  –  NOMORELOCK

  no more locks

  Explanation:  No lkid argument  was  specified,  or  the  caller
  requested  a wildcard operation by specifying a value of 0 or -1
  for the lkidadr argument.  The service that provides information
  about locks, however, has exhausted the locks about which it can
  return information.  This is an alternate success status.

  User Action:  No action is required.

41.202  –  NONAME

  file name specified where not permitted

41.203  –  NONEXPR

  nonexistent process

  Explanation:   The  process  name  or  the  process   identifier
  specified is invalid.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.204  –  NOPAREN

  value improperly delimited - supply parenthesis

  Explanation:  A value supplied as part of a parenthesized  value
  list  for  a  parameter,  qualifier,  or  keyword  is  missing a
  delimiting parenthesis.

  User Action:  Reenter the command with the missing parenthesis.

41.205  –  NOPRIV

  no privilege for attempted operation

  Explanation:  You do  not  have  the  appropriate  privilege  to
  perform this operation.

  User Action:  See your database administrator, and  request  the
  appropriate privilege for the attempted operation.

41.206  –  NOQUAL

  qualifiers not allowed - supply only verb and parameters

  Explanation:  A command that has no qualifiers is specified with
  a qualifier.

  User Action:  Reenter the command.     Do   not   specify    any

41.207  –  NORECATTRS

  missing record specification

  Explanation:  A fatal, internal error has occurred.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.208  –  NORECSIZE

  record size not specified

  Explanation:  A fatal, internal error has occurred.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.209  –  NOSHMEM

  operation requires SHMEM privilege

  Explanation:  A command requested a function that requires SHMEM
  privilege; the current process does not have this privilege.

  User Action:  See your database administrator, and  request  the
  SHMEM privilege for the attempted operation.

41.210  –  NOSPACE

  maximum file size exceeded or file system full

  Explanation:  A file update operation could  not  be  completed.
  The  file system is full, or the file exceeds the system-allowed

  User Action:  Make space available on the device in question.

41.211  –  NOSUCHDEV

  no such device available

  Explanation:  The specified device does not exist on the system.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.

41.212  –  NOSUCHID

  unknown rights identifier

  Explanation:  The rights identifier that you have specified does
  not exist on this system.

  User Action:  Specify only valid (known) rights identifiers.

41.213  –  NOSUCHNET

  no such network available

  Explanation:  A DECnet connection was attempted on a system that
  does not support DECnet, or a TCP/IP connection was attempted on
  a system that does not support TCP/IP.

  User Action:  Do not attempt to use a  network  that  cannot  be

41.214  –  NOSUCHNODE

  remote node is unknown

  Explanation:  An attempt to make a network access failed because
  the remote node name does not exist or cannot be accessed.

  User Action:  Check the remote node name for validity.  If  this
  error  occurs  when  you use a valid node name, see your network


  specified object does not exist

  Explanation:   You  are  trying  to  get  or  set  the  security
  attributes (probably ACLs) for an object that does not exist.

  User Action:  Make sure that you have  correctly  specified  the

41.216  –  NOSUCHSEC

  named shared memory section does not exist

  Explanation:  An attempt to map a shared memory section  failed,
  because the the shared memory section does not exist.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.217  –  NOSUCHSRV

  network service is unknown at remote node

  Explanation:  An  attempt  to  make  a  network  access  failed,
  because the service is not registered in the services database.

  User Action:  See your network administator.

41.218  –  NOTALLPRIV

  not all requested privileges authorized

  Explanation:  You have requested a privilege for which  you  are
  not authorized.

  User  Action:   Request  only  privileges  for  which  you   are

41.219  –  NOTDISKFILE

  file is not a disk file

  Explanation:  A file name was specified which does not reference
  a disk- oriented device type.

  User Action:  Check the file name for a proper disk device type.

41.220  –  NOTINITED

  COSI facility not initialized

  Explanation:  An internal intialization error occurred.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.221  –  NOTNEG

  qualifier or keyword not negatable - remove "NO" or omit

  Explanation:  The word "no" preceded a qualifier or keyword, but
  the qualifier or keyword cannot be specified as a negative.

  User Action:  Reenter the qualifier or keyword in a  non-negated

41.222  –  NOTNETDEV

  not a network communication device

  Explanation:  An attempt to be a network  service  provider  has
  failed,  because  the  process  was  not  started  by the DECnet
  spawner or inetd daemon.

  User Action:  Check for a programming error.   Verify  that  the
  device   specified   in   the  queue  I/O  request  is  a  valid
  communications device.

41.223  –  NOTQUEUED

  request not queued

  Explanation:  The lock request was  made  with  a  flag  setting
  indicating  that if the request cannot be granted synchronously,
  it should be ignored.

  User Action:  Wait and retry the operation.


  non-system concealed device name in filename

  Explanation:  Concealed device names  must  be  defined  in  the
  system logical table.

  User Action:  If the device name has to be concealed, define  it
  in  the  system  logical  table  (LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE)  or  in  the
  cluster-wide system logical name table (LNM$SYSCLUSTER_TABLE).

41.225  –  NOTYPE

  file type specified where not permitted

41.226  –  NOVALU

  value not allowed - remove value specification

  Explanation:  A qualifier or keyword  that  does  not  accept  a
  value is specified with a value.

  User Action:  Reenter the  command  omitting  a  value  for  the
  qualifier or keyword.

41.227  –  NOVER

  file version specified where not permitted

41.228  –  NOWILD

  wild card specified where not permitted

  Explanation:  One or  more  of  these  filename  components  was
  specified in a context in which it is not allowed.

  User Action:  Review the command used and correct it.

41.229  –  NO_SUCH_TOPIC

  topic does not exist in help library

  Explanation:  Help was asked for a topic that does not exist  in
  the help library.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.230  –  NO_WRK

  work files required - cannot do sort in memory as requested

  Explanation:    The   work-files=0   qualifier   is   specified,
  indicating  the  data  would  fit in memory, but the data is too

  User Action:  Either increase the working set  quota,  or  allow
  the sort utility to use two or more work files.  If this message
  accompanies the MSGHLP error, SORTERR, see  the  description  of
  that message for more information.

41.231  –  NULFIL

  missing or invalid file specification - respecify

  Explanation:   The   command   interpreter   expected   a   file
  specification, but no file specification was entered.

  User Action:  Reenter the command.     Place      the       file
  specification in the proper position.

41.232  –  NUMBER

  invalid numeric value - supply an integer

  Explanation:  A numeric value is specified for  a  command  that
  expects  values in certain radices or interprets values within a
  particular context.  For example, the number 999 is entered when
  an  octal value is required, or an alphabetic value is specified
  in a context that requires a numeric value.

  User Action:  Reenter the command using legal values.

41.233  –  NUMELEMENTS

  number of elements incorrect for component

  Explanation:  An incorrect number of elements were specified for
  initialization of data and time format.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.234  –  NUM_KEY

  too many keys specified

  Explanation:  Up to 255 key definitions are allowed.  Either too
  many  key definitions have been specified or the NUMBER value is

  User   Action:    Check   your   command   string   key    field

41.235  –  NYI

  functionality is not yet implemented

  Explanation:  The functionality has not yet been implemented.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.236  –  ONEDELTIM

  at least one delta time is required

  Explanation:  The DATE and TIME services require at least one of
  the inputs to be a delta time.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.237  –  ONEVAL

  list of values not allowed - check use of comma (,)

  Explanation:  A qualifier, keyword, or  parameter  that  accepts
  only a single value is specified with multiple values.

  User Action:  Reenter the command specifying only one value.

41.238  –  OPENERR

  cannot open file

  Explanation:  An error occurred during  an  attempt  to  open  a

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.


  Error encountered while opening a file mapping object

  Explanation:  A system error was  encountered  while  opening  a
  filemapping object

  User Action:  Examine the secondary  message  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.


  Error encountered while opening mutex

  Explanation:  A system error was encountered while opening mutex

  User Action:  Examine the secondary  message  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.

41.241  –  OPEN_ERR

  an error was returned by the open function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'open' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages for 'open'  to
  interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.

41.242  –  OUTCONERR

  output conversion error

  Explanation:  The result would have  exceeded  the  fixed-length

  User Action:  Increase the length of  the  fixed-length  string,
  and retry the operation.

41.243  –  OUTSTRTRU

  output string truncated

  Explanation:    The   source   and   destination   strings   are
  character-coded  text  datum,  and the destination string cannot
  contain all of the output string.  The result is truncated.

  User Action:  No action is required.

41.244  –  PARMDEL

  invalid parameter delimiter - check use of special characters

  Explanation:  A command contains an invalid character  following
  the  specification  of  a  parameter, or an invalid character is
  present in a file specification.

  User Action:   Check  the  command  string  for  a  spelling  or
  grammatical error.  Reenter the command.

41.245  –  PARNOTGRANT

  parent lock must be granted

  Explanation:  A programming error occurred  because  an  attempt
  was  made  to  create a sublock under a parent lock that was not

  User Action:  This error message indicates a possible  error  in
  the    locking   protocols.    Contact   your   Oracle   support
  representative for assistance.

41.246  –  PRESENT

  entity value is present in command string

  Explanation:  You do  not  have  the  appropriate  privilege  to
  perform this operation.

  User Action:  See your database administrator, and  request  the
  appropriate privilege for the attempted operation.

41.247  –  PROTERR

  Error encountered during attempt to modify protection of a file

  Explanation:  An error was  encountered  during  an  attempt  to
  modify the protection of a file.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary  message  to  determine  the
  reason  for  the  failure.   You  may  not  have  the  necessary
  privileges to modify the protection for that file.

41.248  –  PTHTOOLON

  file path length too long - respecify

  Explanation:  The user-supplied file specification is  too  long
  (greater than 255 characters).

  User Action:  Reenter the file name with fewer characters.

41.249  –  PWDEXPIRED

  password has expired

  Explanation:  The authentication of the user has failed  because
  a  password  provided has expired and a new password is required
  to complete the request.

  User Action:  The password for this user has expired and  a  new
  password  is required.  See your database administrator for help
  on changing your password.

41.250  –  READERR

  read error

  Explanation:  An error occurred during a read from a mailbox  or

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.

41.251  –  READ_ERR

  an error was returned by the read function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'read' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages for 'read'  to
  interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.

41.252  –  REMOTE

  remote file specification is not allowed

  Explanation:  A node name was found in the  file  specification.
  Node names cannot be used.

  User Action:  Use a file name without a node specification.

41.253  –  RESINUSE

  requested resource already in use

  Explanation:  Specified resource (event flag, message  facility,
  etc.) is in use.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.254  –  RETRY

  retry operation

  Explanation:  This status is returned  if  the  lock  management
  services  are  performing  some internal re-building of the lock
  tables when the caller requests a lock.

  User Action:  This error message indicates a possible  error  in
  the    locking   protocols.    Contact   your   Oracle   support
  representative for assistance.

41.255  –  RNF

  record not found

  Explanation:  A requested record could not be  located.   Either
  the record was never written or it has been deleted.

  User Action:  Modify the program, if necessary,  to  detect  and
  respond to the condition.

41.256  –  RSLOVF

  buffer overflow - specify fewer command elements

  Explanation:  The command buffer has overflowed.

  User Action:  Specifiy fewer command elements.

41.257  –  RTNERROR

  unexpected error status from user-written routine

  Explanation:  A user-written  comparison  or  equal-key  routine
  returned an unexpected error status.

  User Action:  Correct your comparison or equal-key routine.

41.258  –  SETEUID_ERR

  an error was returned by the seteuid function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'seteuid' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages for  'seteuid'
  to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.

41.259  –  SETREUID_ERR

  an error was returned by the setreuid function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'setreuid' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages for 'setreuid'
  to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.

41.260  –  SETUID_ERR

  an error was returned by the setuid function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'setuid' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages  for  'setuid'
  to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.

41.261  –  SHMATERR

  Error encountered during attach to shared memory

  Explanation:  A system error was encountered during an attach to
  a  shared  memory  segment  that  is  used  for  concurrency and
  synchronization operations.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary  message  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.

41.262  –  SHMCTLERR

  Error encountered while controlling shared memory

  Explanation:  A system error was encountered while controlling a
  shared  memory  region  that  was  created  for  concurrency and
  synchronization operations.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary  message  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.

41.263  –  SHMDTERR

  Error encountered during detach from shared memory

  Explanation:  A system error was  encountered  during  a  detach
  from  a  shared  memory segment that is used for concurrency and
  synchronization operations.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary  message  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.

41.264  –  SHMGETERR

  Error encountered while creating shared memory

  Explanation:  A system error was encountered during creation  of
  a  shared  memory  segment  that  is  used  for  concurrency and
  synchronization operation.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary  message  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.

41.265  –  SIGEXIT

  process has died due to some signal

  Explanation:  The process that is being looked at has  died  due
  to some signal.

  User Action:  Check to see why the process died.

41.266  –  SIGNAL

  signal number <num>, code <num>

  Explanation:  The unrecognized signal  specified  by  the  given
  number  was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic
  or software condition specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.267  –  SIGNAL1

  signal SIGHUP, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'hangup' signal was raised as  an  exception  in
  response  to  the  arithmetic or software condition specified by
  the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.268  –  SIGNAL10

  signal SIGBUS, code <num>, PC=!XA

  Explanation:   A  'hardware  fault'  signal  was  raised  as  an
  exception  in  response  to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.269  –  SIGNAL11

  signal SIGSEGV, code <num>

  Explanation:  An 'invalid memory reference' signal was raised as
  an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.270  –  SIGNAL12

  signal SIGSYS, code <num>

  Explanation:  An 'invalid system call' signal was raised  as  an
  exception  in  response  to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.271  –  SIGNAL13

  signal SIGPIPE, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'write to  pipe  with  no  readers'  signal  was
  raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software
  condition specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.272  –  SIGNAL14

  signal SIGALRM, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'time out  (alarm)'  signal  was  raised  as  an
  exception  in  response  to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.273  –  SIGNAL15

  signal SIGTERM, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'termination' signal was raised as an  exception
  in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by
  the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.274  –  SIGNAL16

  signal SIGURG, code <num>

  Explanation:  An 'urgent condition'  signal  was  raised  as  an
  exception  in  response  to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.  SIGIOINT (printer to backend error
  signal) is another name for this signal.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.275  –  SIGNAL17

  signal SIGSTOP, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'stop' signal was  raised  as  an  exception  in
  response  to  the  arithmetic or software condition specified by
  the given code.  This exception is not expected to  occur  since
  the SIGSTOP signal cannot be caught.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.276  –  SIGNAL18

  signal SIGTSTP, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'terminal stop character' signal was  raised  as
  an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.277  –  SIGNAL19

  signal SIGCONT, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'continue stopped process' signal was raised  as
  an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.278  –  SIGNAL2

  signal SIGINT, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'terminal interrupt character' signal was raised
  as  an  exception  in  response  to  the  arithmetic or software
  condition specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.279  –  SIGNAL20

  signal SIGCHLD, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'change in status of child' signal was raised as
  an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.280  –  SIGNAL21

  signal SIGTTIN, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'background read from control  tty'  signal  was
  raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software
  condition specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.281  –  SIGNAL22

  signal SIGTTOU, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'background write to  control  tty'  signal  was
  raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software
  condition specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.282  –  SIGNAL23

  signal SIGIO, code <num>

  Explanation:  An 'asynchronous I/O'  signal  was  raised  as  an
  exception  in  response  to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.  SIGAIO (base lan i/o), SIGPTY (pty
  i/o), and SIGPOLL (STREAMS i/o) are other names for this signal.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.283  –  SIGNAL24

  signal SIGXCPU, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'CPU time limit exceeded' signal was  raised  as
  an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.284  –  SIGNAL25

  signal SIGXFSZ, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'file size limit exceeded' signal was raised  as
  an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.285  –  SIGNAL26

  signal SIGVTALRM, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'virtual time alarm' signal  was  raised  as  an
  exception  in  response  to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.286  –  SIGNAL27

  signal SIGPROF, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'profiling time alarm' signal was raised  as  an
  exception  in  response  to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.287  –  SIGNAL28

  signal SIGWINCH, code <num>

  Explanation:  A ;terminal window size change' signal was  raised
  as  an  exception  in  response  to  the  arithmetic or software
  condition specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.288  –  SIGNAL29

  signal SIGINFO, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'status request from keyboard' signal was raised
  as  an  exception  in  response  to  the  arithmetic or software
  condition  specified  by  the   given   code.    SIGPWR   (Power
  Fail/Restart) is another name for this signal.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.289  –  SIGNAL3

  signal SIGQUIT, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'terminal quit character' signal was  raised  as
  an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.290  –  SIGNAL30

  signal SIGUSR1, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'user defined' signal was raised as an exception
  in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by
  the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.291  –  SIGNAL31

  signal SIGUSR2, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'user defined' signal was raised as an exception
  in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by
  the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry  the  operation.   BASEs 3881-3899 Reserved for future OSF
  signal types

41.292  –  SIGNAL4

  signal SIGILL, code <num>, PC=!XA

  Explanation:   An  'illegal  hardware  instruction'  signal  was
  raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software
  condition specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.293  –  SIGNAL5

  signal SIGTRAP, code <num>, PC=!XA

  Explanation:   A  'hardware  fault'  signal  was  raised  as  an
  exception  in  response  to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.  Decimal overflow,  Decimal  divide
  by  0,  Decimal  invalid  operand, Assertion error, Null pointer
  error, Stack overflow, String  length  error,  Substring  error,
  Range   error,  and  Subscript  [n]  range  error  are  specific
  conditions producing this signal.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.294  –  SIGNAL6

  signal SIGABRT, code <num>

  Explanation:   An  'abnormal  termination  (abort)'  signal  was
  raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software
  condition  specified  by  the   given   code.    SIGIOT   (abort
  (terminate)  process)  and  SIGLOST  are  other  names  for this

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.295  –  SIGNAL7

  signal SIGEMT, code <num>

  Explanation:   A  'hardware  fault'  signal  was  raised  as  an
  exception  in  response  to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.296  –  SIGNAL8

  signal SIGFPE, code <num>, PC=!XA

  Explanation:  An 'arithmetic exception' signal was raised as  an
  exception  in  response  to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.  Integer overflow,  Integer  divide
  by   0,  Floating  overflow,  Floating  divide  by  0,  Floating
  underflow, Floating invalid operation, Floating inexact  result,
  and  Reserved  Operand  are  specific  conditions producing this

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.297  –  SIGNAL9

  signal SIGKILL, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'termination' signal was raised as an  exception
  in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by
  the given code.  This exception is not expected to  occur  since
  the SIGKILL signal cannot be caught.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of  the  error  condition  and
  retry the operation.

41.298  –  SSCANF_ERR

  an error was returned by the sscanf function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'sscanf' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages  for  'sscanf'
  to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.

41.299  –  STABLEEXC

  equal-key routine and stable option cannot both be specified

  Explanation:  Both an equal-key  routine  and  the  SOR$M_STABLE
  option was specified when only one or the other is allowed.

  User Action:  Specify either the equal-key routine or the stable

41.300  –  STAT_ERR

  an error was returned by the stat function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'stat' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages for 'stat'  to
  interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.

41.301  –  STDOUTERR

  error writing to stdout

  Explanation:  This general message indicates an error  during  a
  write to STDOUT.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.

41.302  –  STRTOOLON

  string argument is too long - shorten

  Explanation:  A string did not fit into the specified  receiving
  area, resulting in lost trailing characters.

  User  Action:   Correct  your  program  to  increase  the   area
  specified to receive the string.

41.303  –  STRTRU

  string truncated

  Explanation:  A string did not fit into the specified  receiving
  area, resulting in lost trailing characters.

  User  Action:   Correct  your  program  to  increase  the   area
  specified to receive the string.

41.304  –  SUBLOCKS

  cannot dequeue a lock with sublocks

  Explanation:  A programming error occurred  because  an  attempt
  was made to unlock a lock that had sublocks under it.

  User Action:  This error message indicates a possible  error  in
  the    locking   protocols.    Contact   your   Oracle   support
  representative for assistance.

41.305  –  SUPERSEDE

  logical name superseded

  Explanation:  The logical name has been created and a previously
  existing logical name with the same name has been deleted.

  User Action:  No action is required.

41.306  –  SYNCH

  synchronous successful completion

  Explanation:  This alternate success  code  indicates  that  the
  requested operation completed synchronously and as expected.

  User Action:  No action is required.

41.307  –  SYSTEM_ERR

  an error was returned by the system function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'system' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages  for  'system'
  to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.

41.308  –  TIMETRU

  time hundreths of seconds truncated

  Explanation:   A  time  was  specified  that  had  hundreths  of
  seconds.  This is not supported on.

  User Action:  Do  not  specify  hundreths  of  seconds  in  time

41.309  –  TKNOVF

  command element is too long - shorten

  Explanation:  The command element buffer has overflowed.

  User Action:  Shorten the command element and retry.

41.310  –  TRU


  Explanation:  An attempt was made to place more characters  into
  a  string  than it could contain.  The value is truncated on the
  right to fit.

  User Action:  Do not exceed the maximum string  length.   Ignore
  this error if right truncation is acceptable.

41.311  –  TRUNCERR

  error truncating file

  Explanation:  An error occurred during truncation of the size of
  the specified file.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.

41.312  –  UNDOPTION

  undefined option flag was set

  Explanation:  Only those option flags used by SORT MERGE can  be
  set.   All  other  bits in the longword are reserved and must be

  User Action:  Correct your specification file.

41.313  –  UNEXPERR

  unexpected system error

  Explanation:  Some unexpected error occurred during execution of
  the software.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for

41.314  –  UNKNOWN_USER

  unknown user

  Explanation:  An  authentication  routine  cannot  identify  the

  User Action:  Use the USER and USING clauses to specify a  valid

41.315  –  UNLINK_ERR

  an error was returned by the unlink function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'unlink' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages  for  'unlink'
  to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.


  Error encountered while unmapping a view of file

  Explanation:  A system error was encountered while  unmapping  a
  view of the file from the virtual address space.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary  message  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.

41.317  –  UNRFORCOD

  unrecognized format code

  Explanation:  The format code is not recognized.

  User Action:  Examine the format string for invalid format code.
  The format string may be supplied in the environment variable or
  it can be hard-coded.


  unsupported hardware CPU count

  Explanation:  The system CPU count (number of processors in  the
  computer) is not supported by this version.

  User Action:  Contact your Customer service center.   There  may
  be a version that supports your configuration.

41.319  –  UNSUPP_HW_EV6

  unsupported hardware DECchip 21264 or variant

  Explanation:   The  hardware  DECchip  21264  or  variant   (EV6
  microprocessor) is not supported by this version.

  User Action:  Contact your Customer service center.   There  may
  be a version that supports your hardware.

41.320  –  UNSUPP_HW_EV7

  unsupported hardware DECchip 21364 or variant

  Explanation:   The  hardware  DECchip  21364  or  variant   (EV7
  microprocessor) is not supported by this version.

  User Action:  Contact your Customer service center.   There  may
  be a future version that supports your hardware.

41.321  –  UNSUPP_HW_EVX

  unsupported hardware DECchip variant

  Explanation:  The hardware DECchip variant microprocessor is not
  supported by this version.

  User Action:  Contact your Customer service center.   There  may
  be a version that supports your hardware.

41.322  –  UNSUPP_HW_I64

  unsupported hardware processor model

  Explanation:  The Intel Itanium processor family or model is not
  supported by this version.

  User Action:  Contact your Customer service center.   There  may
  be a version that supports your hardware.

41.323  –  VALNOTVALID

  value block is not valid

  Explanation:  This warning message is returned if the caller has
  specified  the  VALBLK flag in the flags argument to the service
  to request locks.  Note that  the  lock  has  been  successfully
  granted despite the return of this warning message.

  User Action:  This error message indicates a possible  error  in
  the    locking   protocols.    Contact   your   Oracle   support
  representative for assistance.

41.324  –  VALREQ

  missing qualifier or keyword value - supply all required values

  Explanation:  A keyword or qualifier that requires a  value  was
  specified without a value.

  User Action:  Specify the required value, and retry the command.

41.325  –  VASFULL

  virtual address space full

  Explanation:  An attempt to map a section of a file or a  shared
  memory  region  failed  because  (1) there is not enough address
  space to map all the bytes, or (2) the  specific  address  range
  specified is already allocated.

  User Action:  Contact your  Oracle  support  representative  for


  Error encountered while reserving/commiting pages

  Explanation:  A system error was encountered while commiting  or
  reserving a block of pages in the virtual address space

  User Action:  Examine the secondary  message  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.


  Error encountered while releasing/de-commiting pages

  Explanation:  A system error was encountered while  de-commiting
  or releasing a block of pages in the virtual address space

  User Action:  Examine the secondary  message  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.

41.328  –  WAITPID_ERR

  an error was returned by the waitpid function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'waitpid' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages for  'waitpid'
  to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.

41.329  –  WASCLR

  normal successful completion

  Explanation:  The specified event flag was previously 0.

  User Action:  No action is required.

41.330  –  WASSET

  normal successful completion

  Explanation:  The specified event flag was previously 1.

  User Action:  No action is required.

41.331  –  WORK_DEV

  work file <str> must be on random access local device

  Explanation:  Work files must be  specified  for  random  access
  devices  that  are  local  to the CPU on which the sort is being
  performed (that is, not on a node in a network).  Random  access
  devices are disk devices.

  User Action:  Specify the correct device.

41.332  –  WRITERR

  write error

  Explanation:  An error occurred during a write  operation  to  a
  file, mailbox, or socket.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages  to  determine  the
  reason for the failure.

41.333  –  WRITE_ERR

  an error was returned by the write function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'write' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages for 'write' to
  interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.

41.334  –  WRONGSTATE

  invalid state for requested operation

  Explanation:  A software protocol error has occurred.  The error
  might  be  a  value  specified for a system function that is not
  valid at this time or a function that cannot  be  used  at  this
  time.   For  example, the error could be an attempt to read from
  an I/O channel that is closed.  The identical read call would be
  valid after the channel was open.

  User Action:  Determine the system call that returned the error.
  Verify that the service is being called correctly.

41.335  –  WRONUMARG

  wrong number of arguments, <num>, to <str>

  Explanation:   A  string  facility  entry  is  called  with   an
  incorrect number of arguments.

  User Action:  A user who  calls  the  string  facility  directly
  should check the argument list in the call.


  extended value block is not valid

  Explanation:  This warning occurs as the result of a programming
  decision.   The  program read the Extended Lock Value Block, but
  the previous writer  wrote  a  Short  Lock  Value  Block.   This
  warning  message  is  returned  if  the caller has specified the
  XVALBLK flag in the flags argument to  the  service  to  request
  locks.  Note that the lock has been successfully granted despite
  the return of this warning message.

  User Action:  This error message indicates a possible  error  in
  the    locking   protocols.    Contact   your   Oracle   support
  representative for assistance.
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