Library /sys$common/syshlp/HELPLIB.HLB  —  RMU72  Analyze  Database  Command Qualifiers

1  –  Areas


    Specifies the storage areas to be analyzed. You can specify each
    storage area by name or by the area's ID number.

    The default, the Areas qualifier, results in analysis of all
    storage areas. You can also specify the Areas=* qualifier to
    analyze all storage areas. If you specify more than one storage
    area, separate the storage area names or ID numbers in the
    storage-area-list parameter with a comma and enclose the list
    in parentheses. If you omit the Areas qualifier, information for
    all the storage areas is displayed.

    You can use the Start and End qualifiers with the Areas
    qualifier to analyze specific pages. If you use the Start and
    End qualifiers when you specify more than one storage area in the
    storage-area-list parameter, the same specified range of pages
    are analyzed in each specified storage area.

    The Areas qualifier can be used with an indirect command file.
    See the Indirect-Command-Files help entry for more information.

2  –  Binary Output


    Allows you to direct the summary results to a binary file, and
    to create a record definition file that is compatible with the
    data dictionary for the binary output file. The binary output
    file can be loaded into an Oracle Rdb database by using the RMU
    Load command with the Record_Definition qualifier for use by a
    user-written management application or procedure. The binary
    output can also be used directly by the user-written application
    or procedure.

    The valid file options are:

    o  File=file-spec

       The File option causes the Analyze command data to be stored
       in an RMS file that contains a fixed-length binary record for
       each storage area and logical area analyzed. The default file
       extension for the binary output file is .unl. The following
       command creates the binary output file analyze_out.unl:


    o  Record_Definition=file-spec

       The Record_Definition option causes the Analyze command
       data record definition to be stored in an RMS file. The
       output file contains the definition in a subset of the data
       dictionary command format, a format very similar to RDO field
       and relation definitions. The default file extension for the
       record definition output file is .rrd. The following command
       creates the output file analyze_out.rrd:


       You can specify both file options in one command by separating
       them with a comma and enclosing them within parentheses, for


    If you specify the Binary_Output qualifier, you must specify
    at least one of the options. The default is the Nobinary_Output
    qualifier, which does not create an output file.

3  –  End


    Specifies the ending page number for the analysis. The default is
    the end of the storage area file.

4  –  Exclude

    Exclude=(System_Records, Metadata)

    Excludes information from the RMU Analyze command output. You
    can specify Exclude=System_Records or Exclude=Metadata, or both.
    If you specify both options, enclose them within parentheses and
    separate each option with a comma.

    When you do not specify the Exclude qualifier, data is provided
    for all the logical areas in the database.

    The options are as follows:

    o  System_Records

       Information on the RDB$SYSTEM_RECORDS logical areas is
       excluded from the Analyze command output.

    o  Metadata

       Information on all the Oracle Rdb logical areas (for example,
       the RDB$SYSTEM_RECORDS and RDB$COLLATIONS_NDX logical areas)
       is excluded from the RMU Analyze command output.

    Data is accumulated for the logical areas excluded with the
    Exclude qualifier, but the data is excluded from the Analyze

    You cannot use the Exclude qualifier and the Lareas qualifier in
    the same RMU Analyze command.

5  –  Lareas


    Specifies the logical areas to be analyzed. Each table in the
    database is associated with a logical area name. The default, the
    Lareas qualifier, results in analysis of all logical areas. You
    can also specify the Lareas=* qualifier to analyze all logical
    areas. If you specify more than one logical area name, separate
    the logical area names in the logical-area-list with a comma and
    enclose the list in parentheses.

    The Lareas qualifier can be used with indirect command files. See
    the Indirect-Command-Files help entry for more information.

6  –  Option


    Specifies the type of information and level of detail the
    analysis will include. Three types of output are available:

    o  Normal

       Output includes only summary information. The Normal option is
       the default.

    o  Full

       Output includes histograms and summary information.

    o  Debug

       Output includes internal information about the data, as well
       as histograms and summary information. In general, use the
       Debug option for diagnostic support purposes. You can also use
       the Debug option to extract data and perform an independent

7  –  Output


    Specifies the name of the file where output will be sent. The
    default file extension is .lis. If you do not specify the Output
    qualifier, the output is sent to SYS$OUTPUT.

8  –  Start


    Specifies the starting page number for the analysis. The default
    is 1.
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