Library /sys$common/syshlp/HELPLIB.HLB  —  CC  Messages  ARGLISTOOLONG
 Message        <Context> the function call specifies an argument
                list whose length exceeds the VAX architecture limit.
                This call allocates stack space that is never
                deallocated by the called program.

 Description    The OpenVMS VAX Calling Standard requires that the
                called program deallocate the storage allocated for
                its arguments.  This is done by looking at the
                byte-size value that holds the argument list size.
                However, the argument list to this function call
                requires more storage than can be represented in a
                byte.  As a result, the called function will not
                deallocate the proper amount of storage.  This could
                result in unpredictable behavior.

 User Action    Reduce the size of the argument list.
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