Library /sys$common/syshlp/HELPLIB.HLB  —  CDSA  CDSA_API, DL Authenticate
   DL_Authenticate, CSSM_DL_Authenticate - Provide authentication
                                           credentials (CDSA)

   # include <cssm.h>

        CSSM_RETURN CSSMAPI CSSM_DL_Authenticate
        (CSSM_DL_DB_HANDLE DLDBHandle,
        CSSM_DB_ACCESS_TYPE AccessRequest,
        const CSSM_ACCESS_CREDENTIALS *AccessCred)
        CSSM_RETURN CSSMDLI DL_Authenticate
        (CSSM_DL_DB_HANDLE DLDBHandle,
        CSSM_DB_ACCESS_TYPE AccessRequest,
        const CSSM_ACCESS_CREDENTIALS *AccessCred)

   Common Security Services Manager library (CDSA$INCSSM300_SHR.EXE)

   DLDBHandle (input)
           The handle pair that describes the add-in data storage
           library module used to perform this function and the data
           store to which access is being requested. If the form of
           authentication being requested is authentication to the DL
           module in general, then the data store handle must be NULL.

   AccessRequest (input)
           An indicator of the requested access mode for the data store
           or DL module in general.

   AccessCred (input)
           A pointer to the set of one or more credentials being presented
           for authentication by the caller. The credentials can apply to
           the DL module in general or to a particular data store managed
           by this service module. The credentials required for creating
           new data stores is defined by the DL and recorded in a record
           in the MDS Primary DL relation. The required set of credentials
           to access a particular data store is defined by the DbInfo
           record containing meta-data for the specified data store.

           The credentials structure can contain multiple types of
           credentials, as required for multi-factor authentication.
           The credential data can be an immediate value, such as a
           passphrase, PIN, certificate, or template of user-specific
           data, or the caller can specify a callback function the DL
           can use to obtain one or more credentials.

   This function allows the caller to provide authentication credentials
   to the DL module at a time other than data store creation, deletion,
   open, import, and export. AccessRequest defines the type of access to
   be associated with the caller. If the authentication credential applies
   to access and use of a DL module in general, then the data store handle
   specified in the DLDBHandle must be NULL. When the authorization
   credential is to apply to a specific data store, the handle for that
   data store must be specified in the DLDBHandle pair.

   A CSSM_RETURN value indicating success or specifying a particular
   error condition. The value CSSM_OK indicates success. All other
   values represent an error condition.

   Errors are described in the CDSA technical standard.  See CDSA.



   Intel CDSA Application Developer's Guide (see CDSA)

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