Library /sys$common/syshlp/HELPLIB.HLB  —  DCE  DCE_DTS, Application Routines, utc_gmtzone

   utc_gmtzone - Gets the time zone label for GMT


   #include <dce/utc.h>

   int utc_gmtzone( char *tzname,
                    size_t tzlen,
                    long *tdf,
                    int *isdst,
                    utc_t *utc );



       Length of buffer tzname.

       Binary timestamp.  This parameter is ignored.


       Character string long enough to hold the time zone label.

       Longword with differential in seconds east of GMT.  A value of 0
       (zero) is always returned.

       Integer with a value of 0 (zero), indicating that daylight saving
       time is not in effect.  A value of 0 (zero) is always returned.


   The utc_gmtzone() routine gets the time zone label and zero offset
   from GMT. Outputs are always tdf=0 and tzname=GMT.  This routine
   exists for symmetry with the utc_anyzone() and the utc_localzone()
   routines. Use NULL if you want this routine to  use the current time
   for this parameter.


   All of the output parameters are optional.  No value is returned and
   no error occurs if the tzname pointer is NULL.


   0 Indicates that the routine executed successfully (always returned).


   The following example prints out the current time in both local time
   and GMT time.

      utc_t       now;
      struct tm   tmlocal, tmgmt;
      long        tzoffset;
      int         tzdaylight;
      char        tzlocal[80], tzgmt[80];

      /*  Get the current time once, so both conversions use the same
       *   time...

      /*  Convert to local time, using the process TZ environment
       *   variable...
      utc_localtime(&tmlocal,      /* Out: Local time tm structure    */
                    (long *)0,     /* Out: Nanosec of time            */
                    (struct tm *)0,/* Out: Inaccuracy tm structure    */
                    (long *)0,     /* Out: Nanosec of inaccuracy      */
                    (int *)0,      /* Out: TDF of local time          */
                    &now);         /* In:  Current timestamp (ignore) */

      /*   Get the local time zone name, offset from GMT, and current
       *   daylight savings flag...

      utc_localzone(tzlocal,    /* Out: Local time zone name          */
                    80,         /* In:  Length of loc time zone name  */
                    &tzoffset,  /* Out: Loc time zone offset in secs  */
                    &tzdaylight,/* Out: Local time zone daylight flag */
                    &now);      /* In:  Current binary timestamp      */

      /*   Convert to GMT...        */
      utc_gmtime(&tmgmt,           /* Out: GMT tm structure           */
                 (long *)0,        /* Out: Nanoseconds of time        */
                 (struct tm *)0,   /* Out: Inaccuracy tm structure    */
                 (long *)0,        /* Out: Nanoseconds of inaccuracy  */
                 &now);            /* In:  Current binary timestamp   */

      /*   Get the GMT time zone name...        */
      utc_gmtzone(tzgmt,        /* Out: GMT time zone name            */
                  80,           /* In:  Size of GMT time zone name    */
                  (long *)0,    /* Out: GMT time zone offset in secs  */
                  (int *)0,     /* Out: GMT time zone daylight flag   */
                  &now);        /* In:  Current binary timestamp      */
                                /*      (ignore)                      */

      /*   Print out times and time zone information in the following
       *   format:
       *          12:00:37 (EDT) = 16:00:37 (GMT)
       *          EDT is -240 minutes ahead of Greenwich Mean Time.
       *          Daylight savings time is in effect.
        printf("%d:%02d:%02d (%s) = %d:%02d:%02d (%s)\n",
               tmlocal.tm_hour, tmlocal.tm_min, tmlocal.tm_sec, tzlocal,
               tmgmt.tm_hour, tmgmt.tm_min, tmgmt.tm_sec, tzgmt);
        printf( "%s is %d minutes ahead of Greenwich Mean Time\n",
                tzlocal, tzoffset/60 );
        if (tzdaylight != 0)
            printf("Daylight savings time is in effect\n");


   Functions: utc_anyzone
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