Library /sys$common/syshlp/HELPLIB.HLB  —  FORTRAN  Character Sets, DEC Multinational
  The ASCII character set comprises the first half of the DEC
  Multinational Character Set.  The following table represents the
  second half of the DEC Multinational Character Set (characters with
  decimal values 128 through 255).  These characters cannot be output
  on some older terminals and printers.  Note that the characters
  with names are nonprintable.

  To determine the hexadecimal value of an ASCII character, combine
  the values in the column (8-F) and the row (0-F) that relate to the
  character.  For example, the value of the character representing
  the pound sterling sign is A3(hex).

     |     8     9      A   B   C   D   E   F   |
     | 0 |       DCS        °   À       à       |
     | 1 |       PU1    ¡   ±   Á   Ñ   á   ñ   |
     | 2 |       PU2    ¢   ²   Â   Ò   â   ò   |
     | 3 |       STS    £   ³   Ã   Ó   ã   ó   |
     | 4 | IND   CCH            Ä   Ô   ä   ô   |
     | 5 | NEL   MW     ¥   µ   Å   Õ   å   õ   |
     | 6 | SSA   SPA        ¶   Æ   Ö   æ   ö   |
     | 7 | ESA   EPA    §   ·   Ç   ×   ç   ÷   |
     | 8 | HTS          ¨       È   Ø   è   ø   |
     | 9 | HTJ          ©   ¹   É   Ù   é   ù   |
     | A | VTS          ª   º   Ê   Ú   ê   ú   |
     | B | PLD   CSI    «   »   Ë   Û   ë   û   |
     | C | PLU   ST         ¼   Ì   Ü   ì   ü   |
     | D | RI    OSC        ½   Í   Ý   í   ý   |
     | E | SS2   PM             Î       î       |
     | F | SS3   APC        ¿   Ï   ß   ï       |

  The characters with names are defined as follows:

    IND   Index            PU1   Private Use 1
    NEL   Next Line        PU2   Private Use 2
    SSA   Start of         STS   Set Transmit State
            Selected Area
    ESA   End of Selected  CCH   Cancel Character
    HTS   Horizontal Tab   MW    Message Waiting
    HTJ   Horizontal       SPA   Start of Protected
            Tab Set with           Area
    VTS   Vertical Tab     EPA   End of Protected
            Set                    Area
    PLD   Partial Line     CSI   Control Sequence
            Down                   Introducer
    PLU   Partial Line Up  ST    String Terminator
    RI    Reverse Index    OSC   Operating System
    SS2   Single Shift 2   PM    Privacy Message
    SS3   Single Shift 3   APC   Application
    DCS   Device Control
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