Library /sys$common/syshlp/HELPLIB.HLB  —  ORACLE_RDB72, System Tables, RDB$DATABASE  RDB$FLAGS
    Represents flags for RDB$DATABASE system table.

    Position   Description

    0          If dictionary required.
    1          If ANSI protection used.
    2          If database file is a CDD$DATABASE database.
    3          Reserved for future use.
    4          Reserved for future use.
    5          Reserved for future use.
    6          Multischema is enabled.
    7          Reserved for future use.
    8          System indexes use run length compression.
    9          The optimizer saves workload in RDB$WORKLOAD system
    10         The optimizer is not updating table and index
    11         All metadata changes are disabled.
    12         Oracle Rdb uses database for user and role names.
    13         If security is internal, validate the UIC. If security
               is external then this indicates that persona support is
    14         Synonyms are supported.
    15         Prefix cardinalities are not collected for system
    16         If collecting, use full algorithm for system indexes.
    17         Use sorted ranked index for system indexes.
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