Library /sys$common/syshlp/HELPLIB.HLB  —  RMU72  Extract  Command Qualifiers, Options

    This qualifier is used to change the output of the RMU Extract
    command. This qualifier is not applied to output created by the
    Items=Unload, Items=Load, Items=Security, or the Items=Verify

    The following options can be specified with the Options

    o  Audit_Comment

       Annotates the extracted objects with the creation and last
       altered timestamps as well as the username of the creator. The
       date and time values are displayed using the current settings
       of SYS$LANGUAGE and LIB$DT_FORMAT. Noaudit_Comment is the

    o  Cdd_Constraints

       Specifies that tables extracted by pathname include all
       constraints. The Option=Nocdd_Constraints qualifier is
       equivalent to the Option=Defer_Constraints qualifier
       for tables with a pathname. This option is ignored if
       Item=Noconstraints is specified.

       When you specify the Cdd_Constraints option and the
       Dictionary_References option, the RMU Extract command does
       not generate ALTER TABLE statements to add constraints,
       but instead assumes they will be inherited from the data

       When you use the Nocdd_Constraints option and the Dictionary_
       References option, the RMU Extract command generates ALTER
       TABLE statements to add FOREIGN KEY and CHECK constraints
       after all base tables have been created.

    o  Cdd_References

       This option is an alias for Dictionary_References.

    o  Column_Volume

       Directs the RMU Extract command to output the table, column,
       and column segmented string cardinalities based on sorted
       indexes. Note that this qualifier must be used in combination
       with the Items=Volume qualifier. If the Items=Volume qualifier
       is omitted, cardinalities are not displayed.

       RMU Extract generates data of the following type:

       Volume for schema MF_PERSONNEL
           Default volatility is 5;
           Table WORK_STATUS all is 3;
           Table EMPLOYEES all is 100;
               Column EMPLOYEE_ID all is 100;
               Column LAST_NAME all is 83;
           Table RESUMES all is 3;
               List RESUME
                   Cardinality IS 3
                       Number of segments is 3
                       Average length of segments is 24;

    o  Debug

       Dumps the internal representation for SQL clauses such as
       MAPS during processing. The keyword Debug cannot be specified
       with the keywords Normal or Full in the same Options qualifier

    o  Defer_Constraints

       Forces all constraints to be defined (using an ALTER TABLE
       statement) after all tables have been extracted. This option
       is ignored if Item=Noconstraints is specified.

       If Option=Nodefer_Constraints is specified, all constraints
       are generated with the CREATE TABLE statement. If neither
       Option=Defer_Constraints nor Option=Nodefer_Constraints is
       specified, the default behavior is to generate NOT NULL,
       UNIQUE, and PRIMARY KEY constraints with the CREATE TABLE
       statement, and generate CHECK and FOREIGN KEY constraints in a
       subsequent ALTER TABLE statement.

    o  Dictionary_References

       Directs the RMU Extract command to output definitions for
       domains (fields) and tables (relations) that reference data
       dictionary path names rather than using the information
       contained in the Oracle Rdb system tables. In addition to
       the database statements, this option also displays the data
       dictionary path name stored in the database. Refer to Example
       8 in the Examples help entry under this command for an example
       of using this option.

       If neither the Option=Dictionary_References qualifier nor the
       Option=Nodictionary_References qualifier is specified, then
       Oracle RMU examines the RDB$RELATIONS and RDB$FIELDS system
       tables to determine whether or not any domains or tables refer
       to the data dictionary. If references are made to the data
       dictionary, then the Option=Dictionary_References qualifier is
       the default. Otherwise, it is assumed that the data dictionary
       is not used, and the default is the Option=Nodictionary_
       References qualifier.

       The Nodictionary_References keyword causes all references to
       the data dictionary to be omitted from the output. This is
       desirable if the database definition is to be used on a system
       without the data dictionary or in a testing environment.

       If the Items=Database and Option=Nodictionary_References
       qualifiers are selected, the data dictionary path name stored
       in the system table is ignored. For SQL, the NO PATHNAME
       clause is generated, and for RDO, the clause DICTIONARY IS
       NOT USED is generated.

       If the Items qualifier specifies Domain or Table, and the
       Option qualifier specifies Nodictionary_References, the
       output definition includes all attributes stored in the system

    o  Disable_Objects

       Requests that all disabled objects be written to the RMU
       Extract output file as disabled (see the description for the
       Omit_Disabled option). Disable_Objects is the default.

       The Nodisable_Objects option displays the objects but omits
       the disabling syntax.

    o  Domains

       The Nodomains option is used to eliminate the domain name
       from within metadata objects. The domain name is replaced
       by the underlying data type. This option is designed for use
       with tools that do not recognize this SQL:1999 SQL language

       Effect on /Language=SQL output:

          The default is Option=Domains.

          A SQL script generated when Option=Nodomains was specified
          does not include the domain name in the CREATE TABLE column
          definition, CREATE FUNCTION or CREATE PROCEDURE parameter
          definitions, or any value expression which uses the CAST
          function to convert an expression to a domain data type
          (such as the CREATE VIEW and CREATE TRIGGER statements).

          The output generated by the RMU Extract command for
          functions and procedures in the CREATE MODULE statement
          is not affected by the Option=Nodomains option because it
          is based on the original source SQL for the routine body
          which is not edited by the RMU Extract command.

       Effect on /Language=ANSI_SQL output:

          The default is Option=Nodomains when the Option=Normal
          qualifier is specified or is the default. The RMU Extract
          command does not generate a list of domain definitions even
          if the Items=Domains or Items=All qualifier is used. If
          you want the generated script to include a list of domain
          definitions, use the Options=Domains qualifier:


          Use the Option=Full qualifier to have the use of domains
          included in the syntax generated for SQL:1999.

    o  Filename_Only

       Causes all file specifications extracted from the database to
       be truncated to only the file name. The use of this qualifier
       allows for easier relocation of the new database when you
       execute the created procedure.

    o  Full

       Specifies that if metadata that cannot be translated from the
       language that defined the database to the equivalent construct
       in the language specified with the Language qualifier (for
       example, DEFAULT for SQL and the language selected was
       RDO) then the metadata is displayed in comments, or Oracle
       RMU attempts to create a translation that most closely
       approximates the original construct.

       Nofull is identical to the Normal option.

    o  Group_Table

       Specifies that indexes and storage maps are to be extracted
       and grouped by table. The table is extracted first, than any
       PLACEMENT VIA index, then any storage map, and finally all
       other indexes.

       When the Group_Table qualifier is combined with the
       Option=Match qualifier, you can select a table and its related
       storage map and indexes.

       The default behavior is Nogroup_Table, which means that items
       are extracted and grouped by type.

    o  Header

       Specifies that the script header and section headers are
       included in the extract. This is the default. Because the
       header has an included date, specifying Noheader to suppress
       the header may allow easier comparison with other database
       extractions when you use the OpenVMS DIFFERENCES command.

    o  Limit_Volume=nn

       Specifies the maximum amount of data to be scanned for
       segmented fields. The RMU Extract command stops scanning when
       the limit nn is reached. The number of segments and average
       length of segments are calculated from the data that was
       scanned. Limit_Volume=1000 is the default.

       Nolimit_Volume specifies that a full scan for segmented
       strings should be done.

    o  Match:match-string

       The Match option allows selection of wildcard object names
       from the database. The match string can contain the standard
       SQL wildcard characters: the percent sign (%) to match any
       number of characters, and the underscore (_) to match a single
       character. In addition, the backslash (\) can be used to
       prefix these wildcards to prevent them from being used in
       matching. If you are matching a literal backslash, use the
       backslash twice, as shown in the following example:


       The match string defaults to the percent sign (%) so that all
       objects are selected. To select those objects that start with
       JOB, use the qualifier Option=Match:"JOB%".

       From the mf_personnel database, this command displays the
       definitions for the domains JOB_CODE_DOM and JOB_TITLE_DOM,
       the tables JOBS and JOB_HISTORY, the index JOB_HISTORY_HASH,
       and the storage maps JOBS_MAP and JOB_HISTORY_MAP.

       The match string can be quoted as shown if the string contains
       spaces or other punctuation characters used by DCL or other
       command language interfaces. Most object names are space
       filled; therefore, follow the match string with the percent
       sign (%) to match all trailing spaces.

       The Match option can be used in conjunction with the Item
       qualifier to extract specific tables, indexes, and so on,
       based on their name and type.

       If Group_Table is specified, the match name is assumed
       to match a table name; all indexes for that table will be
       extracted when the Items=Index qualifier is specified.

    o  Multischema

       Displays the SQL multischema names of database objects. It is
       ignored by the Relational Database Operator (RDO).

       The Nomultischema option displays only the SQL single-schema
       names of database objects.

    o  Normal

       Includes only the specific source language code used to define
       the database. This is the default.

       In addition, this option propagates RDO VALID IF clauses as
       column CHECK constraints with the attribute NOT DEFERRABLE
       when the Language specification is SQL or ANSI_SQL. When an
       RDO VALID IF clause is converted, Oracle RMU generates error
       messages similar to the following in your log file:

       %RMU-W-UNSVALIDIF, VALID IF clause not supported in SQL - ignored
        for DEGREE.
       %RMU-I-COLVALIDIF, changed VALID IF clause on domain DEGREE to
        column check constraint for DEGREES.DEGREE

       The first message is a warning that the VALID IF clause could
       not be added to the domain definition because the VALID IF
       clause is not supported by SQL. The second message is an
       informational message that tells you the VALID IF clause was
       changed to a column check constraint.

    o  Omit_Disabled

       Causes all disabled objects to be omitted from the output
       of the RMU Extract command. This includes indexes that have
       triggers and constraints.

       The Noomit_Disabled option causes all disabled objects to be
       included in the output from the RMU Extract command. Noomit_
       Disabled is the default.

    o  Order_By_Name

       Order_by_Name displays the storage area, cache, and journal
       names for the items Database, Alter_Database (also known as
       Change_Database), and Import in alphabetic order by the ASCII
       collating sequence.

       Noorder_By_Name displays the storage area, cache, and journal
       names for the items Database, Alter_Database, and Import
       in approximate definition order. The default ordering is
       approximate because a DROP STORAGE AREA, DROP CACHE, or
       DROP JOURNAL statement frees a slot that can be reused, thus
       changing the order. Noorder_By_Name is the default.

       You can use the logical name RDMS$BIND_SORT_WORKFILES to
       allocate work files, if needed.


          If the identifier character set for the database is not
          MCS or ASCII, then this option is ignored. Characters
          from other character sets do not sort appropriately under
          the ASCII collating sequence.

    o  Synonyms

       Causes the synonyms to be extracted immediately after the
       referenced object, as shown in the following excerpt from an
       output file created using the Item=Table qualifier:

         create table HISTORICAL_JOB_INFORMATION (
                    CHAR (15),
                JOB_TITLE TITLE,
                    default NULL);
            create synonym JOBHIST
                for table HISTORICAL_JOB_INFORMATION;

       Because synonyms can be referenced from almost any database
       object, if you keep the definitions close to the target object
       you can eliminate occurrences of undefined symbols during
       script execution. The default is Option=Synonyms.

       Use the Option=Nosynonyms qualifier to disable the display
       of CREATE SYNONYM statements. The synonyms referenced in
       database objects such as module, procedure, trigger, and table
       definitions are still extracted.

    o  Volume_Scan

       Directs the RMU Extract command to perform queries to
       calculate the cardinality of each table, if both the
       Items=Volume and Options=Volume_Scan qualifiers are specified.
       The default is Options=Novolume_Scan, in which case the
       approximate cardinalities are read from the RDB$RELATIONS
       system table. The Options=Volume_Scan option is ignored if the
       Items=Volume qualifier is not selected.

    o  Width=n

       Specifies the width of the output files. You can select values
       from 60 to 512 characters. The default of 80 characters is
       appropriate for most applications.
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