Library /sys$common/syshlp/HELPLIB.HLB  —  UIL  Using UIL
  Using the User Interface Language  (UIL)  on  VAX  VMS  is  somewhat
  different  from  using  most VAX VMS compiled languages.  First, you
  describe a user interface by creating a UIL module with one  of  the
  editors  available  on  VAX  VMS (such as the VAX Language-Sensitive
  Editor), and you store this interface description in a file  (called
  a  UIL  specification  file).   The  default  file  type  for  a UIL
  specification file is .UIL.

  Next, you create the application program that uses this interface to
  invoke  the  application's functions.  Your application must include
  Motif Resource Manager (MRM) routines to retrieve  information  from
  the compiled UIL module.

  If, for example, the file INTERFACE.UIL contains your UIL module and
  APPLICATION.C  contains  your  application,  the steps you follow to
  create and use an interface are as follows:

  1.  Create the specification in file INTERFACE.UIL.

  2.  Compile the specification with the UIL compiler, as follows:


      This DCL command creates a User Interface Description (UID) file
      named INTERFACE.UID and a listing file named INTERFACE.LIS.

  3.  Create   and   compile   the   application   program   in   file

  4.  Link the  application  program  APPLICATION.OBJ  using  the  VMS

  5.  Run the application, using the following command:

           $ RUN APPLICATION

      The User Interface Description  (UID)  file,  INTERFACE.UID,  is
      read  directly  by  the application and is NOT linked as part of
      the application.  As a result, you can change the interface  and
      recompile  it  with UIL compiler.  To rerun the application with
      the new interface, you do NOT have to recompile  or  relink  the

  The "VMS DECwindows Guide to  Applications  Programming"  completely
  describes  how  to  create  a  UIL  module  and how your application
  extracts information from the UIL module  to  build  its  interface.
  The  MRM routines are fully described in the "VMS DECwindows Toolkit
  Routines Reference Manual".
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