Library /sys$common/syshlp/LATCP$HELP.HLB  —  SHOW  LINK  Qualifiers  /COUNTERS
    Displays the device counters kept for the link. The numbers
    displayed represent the values recorded since the last time the
    counters were reset (when the node first started or when the ZERO
    COUNTERS command was used).

    Do not use the /BRIEF or /FULL qualifier with this qualifier.

    Counters Common to CSMA/CD and FDDI Links lists and describes
    counters common to both CSMA/CD (carrier sense, multiple
    access with collision detect) and FDDI (fiber distributed data
    interface) links.

    Table 1 Counters Common to CSMA/CD and FDDI Links

    Counter            Description

    Messages received  The total number of messages received over the
    Multicast          The total number of multicast messages
    messages received  received over the link.
    Bytes received     The total number of bytes of information
                       received over the link.
    Multicast bytes    The total number of multicast bytes received
    received           over the link.
    System buffer      The total number of times no system buffer was
    unavailable        available for an incoming frame.
    Unrecognized       The total number of times a frame was
    destination        discarded because there was no portal with
                       the protocol enabled. This count includes
                       frames received for the physical address only.
    Messages sent      The total number of messages sent over the
    Multicast          The total number of multicast messages sent
    messages sent      over the link.
    Bytes sent         The total number of bytes of information sent
                       over the link.
    Multicast bytes    The total number of bytes of multicast
    sent               messages sent over the link.
    User buffer        The total number of times no user buffer was
    unavailable        available for an incoming frame that passed
                       all filtering.
    Data overrun       The total number of bytes lost on the link's
                       device because the local node's input buffers
                       were full. A nonzero value can indicate noisy
                       lines, a bad device, a busy or poorly tuned
                       system (not enough resources allocated), or
                       a hardware problem with another device on the
                       LAN connection.

    Receive Errors Common to CSMA/CD and FDDI Links lists and
    describes receive errors common to both CSMA/CD and FDDI links.
    These errors, which are included in the display generated by
    the SHOW LINK/COUNTERS command, are represented by flags that
    indicate the error has occurred.

    Table 2 Receive Errors Common to CSMA/CD and FDDI Links

    Flag               Description

    Block check error  CRC error in packet(s) received.
    Framing error      Received frame(s) ended incorrectly.
    Frame too long     Frame(s) received longer than length limits.
    Frame status       CRC error on ring noticed by local FDDI
    error              station (FDDI only).
    Frame length       Frame length too short (FDDI only).

    Transmit Errors Common to CSMA/CD and FDDI Links lists and
    describes transmit errors common to both CSMA/CD and FDDI links.
    These errors, which are included in the display generated by
    the SHOW LINK/COUNTERS command, are represented by flags that
    indicate the error has occurred.

    Table 3 Transmit Errors Common to CSMA/CD and FDDI Links

    Flag               Description

    Excessive          Frame(s) failed to transmit because the
    collisions         collision limit of 16 was reached (CSMA/CD
    Carrier check      Indicates transceiver problem or short circuit
    failures           in cable.
    Short circuit      Short circuit in cable.
    Open circuit       Open circuit in cable.
    Frame too long     Frame(s) too long. Indicates a transmission
                       problem in one of the portals using the link.
    Remote failure to  A remote station failed to defer frame(s)
    defer              transmission. Could indicate a misconfigured
    Transmit underrun  Transmission of a frame was too slow.
                       Indicates a hardware controller error.
    Transmit failure   Frame(s) failed to transmit.

    CSMA/CD Counters lists and describes link counters specific to
    CSMA/CD only.

    Table 4 CSMA/CD Counters

    Counter            Description

    Transmit CDC       The total number of carrier detect check
    failure            errors, that is, the number of times the local
                       node failed to detect that another Ethernet
                       station was already transmitting when the
                       local node began transmitting.
    Messages           Single collision-The total number of times
    transmitted:       a frame was successfully transmitted on the
                       second attempt after a normal collision on the
                       first attempt.

                       Multiple collision-The total number of times
                       a frame was successfully transmitted on the
                       third or later attempt after normal collisions
                       on previous attempts.

                       Initially deferred-The total number of times
                       a frame transmission was deferred on its
                       first attempt. This counter is used to measure
                       Ethernet contention with no collisions.

    FDDI Counters lists and describes link counters specific to FDDI

    Table 5 FDDI Counters

    Counter                Description

    Ring initializations   The total number of times a ring
    initiated              reinitialization was initiated by the
    Ring initializations   The total number of times a ring
    received               reinitialization was initiated by some
                           other link.
    Directed beacons       The number of times the link detected the
    received               directed beacon process. Each invocation
                           of the directed beacon process is counted
                           only once.
    Connections completed  The number of times the station
                           successfully connected to the
    Duplicate tokens       The number of times a duplicate token was
    detected               detected on the link.
    Ring purge errors      The number of times the ring purger
                           received a token while still in the ring
                           purge state.
    LCT rejects            Link Confidence Test rejects. Indicates a
                           problem with communication between station
                           and concentrator.
    Elasticity buffer      Elasticity buffer function errors.
    errors                 Indicates a station on the ring with a
                           transmit clock out of tolerance.
    MAC error count        The number of times the MAC (Media Access
                           Control) changed the E indicator in a
                           frame from R to S.
    Traces initiated       The number of times the PC-trace process
                           was initiated by the link.
    Traces received        The number of times the link was requested
                           to perform the PC-trace process.
    Ring beacons           The number of times the ring beacon
    initiated              process was initiated by the link.
    Link errors            The number of times the Link Error Monitor
                           (LEM) detected an error in a received
                           message. Slow counts are normal.
    Duplicate address      The number of times the link address was a
    test failures          duplicate.
    FCI strip errors       The number of times a Frame Content
                           Independent Strip operation was terminated
                           by receipt of a token.
    LEM rejects            The number of times excessive LEM errors
                           were encountered.
    MAC frame count        The total number of frames (other than
                           tokens) seen by the link.
    MAC lost count         The total number of times a frame (other
                           than a token) was improperly terminated.
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