Library /sys$common/syshlp/PE$HELP.HLB  —  PE command, VC
    Displays PEDRIVER virtual circuit data.  Each VC is NISCACP
    communications path between the local system and a remote
    system comprised of a set of channels.


      PE VC

1  –  Parameters


2  –  Qualifiers

2.1    /ALL


    Includes all VC data.

2.2    /COUNTERS


    Includes VC counter data.

2.3    /SUMMARY


    Includes VC summary data.  This is the default if not other
    selection is made.

2.4    /VC


    Includes specific VCs (set of LAN communication paths between two
    nodes).  The default is all VCs included.  VC names are displayed by
    the PE VC command.  Each VC name may be preceded by "NO" to
    exclude the VC.

    /VC=ALL includes all VCs.  /VC=NOVCn, equivalent to /VC=(ALL,NOVCn),
    includes all VCs except VCn.  /VC=VCn, equivalent to /VC=(NOALL,VCn)
    selects only VCn.

2.5    /n


    Includes page number n.

3  –  Example


    Displays VC error counters for all VCs whose name (remote node name)
    starts with FOO.
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