Library /sys$common/syshlp/RDOHELP72.HLB  —  DEFINE_VIEW, Format
  (B)0DEFINE VIEW qqq> name qqqqqk
           mqq> DESCRIPTION IS /* text */ qqqj     x
       mqq> OF qqq> rse qqqq> . qqqqqqqk
       mqwqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqqqq> name-clause qqq> . qwqk
         x mqq> /* text */ qqqqj                           x x
         mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq<qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x
       mqq> END qqqqwqqqqq>qqqqqqwqqq> VIEW qqqq> .
                    mqq> name qqqj

1  –  name

    Name of the view definition you want to create. When choosing a
    name, follow these rules:

    o  Use a name that is unique among all view and relation names in
       the database.

    o  Use any valid OpenVMS name. However, the name cannot end in a
       dollar sign ($) or underscore (_).

    o  Do not use any Oracle Rdb reserved words.

2  –  rse

    A record selection expression that defines which rows of which
    relations Oracle Rdb includes in the view. Ask for HELP on RSE for a
    complete description of record selection expressions.

3  –  name-clause

    Specifies a field that you want to include in the view.

  (B)0name-clause =

  qqwqqq> context-var . field-name qqqqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqk
    tqqq> local-field-name qq> FROM qq> context-var . field-name qqu x
    mqqq> local-field-name qq> COMPUTED BY qqqq> value-expr qqqqqqqj x
         mwq> dtr-clause qqqqwqj
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