Library /sys$common/syshlp/RDOHELP72.HLB  —  PLACE
    Returns the dbkey of a specified record. The PLACE statement
    lets you determine the target page number for records that are
    to be loaded into the database. The PLACE statement is similar in
    syntax to the STORE statement. However, the PLACE statement does
    not actually store a record.

    The PLACE statement can result in significant performance
    improvements in database load procedures that specify the
    PLACEMENT VIA INDEX clause for a hashed index. Use it only with
    records for which a hashed index has been defined.

    The PLACE statement is valid only in RDO and in Callable RDO.

1  –  Format

  (B)0PLACE q> context-var qq>IN qqwqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqqwqq> relation-name qqk
                               mq>db-handle q> . qj                    x
  mqq> USING qqqwqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqk
                mqq> on-error qqqj        x
  mwqwq> context-var . field-name qqq> = qqq> value-expr qqqwqqqwqqqqqk
   x mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq ; <qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj   x     x
   mqqq> context-var . * qqqqqqqqqq> = qq> record-descr qqqqqqqqj     x
   tq> GET qq> host-var qq> = qq> context-var qq> . qq> RDB$DB_KEY qu x
   mq> PRINT qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq> context-var qq> . qq> RDB$DB_KEY qj x
  mqq> END_PLACE qqqqqq>

1.1  –  context-var

    A valid context variable.

1.2  –  db-handle

    A host language variable used to refer to the database.

1.3  –  relation-name

    The name of the relation into which the value would be stored.

1.4  –  on-error

    The ON ERROR clause, which specifies a host language statement or
    Oracle Rdb data manipulation statement to be performed if an Oracle Rdb
    error occurs.

1.5  –  field-name

    The names of the fields that appear in the index referenced in
    the DEFINE STORAGE MAP statement's PLACEMENT VIA INDEX clause.
    All index segments must be specified or the results of the PLACE
    statement will be of little use. Field-names not used in the
    index, if listed, will be ignored.

1.6  –  value-expr

    A valid Oracle Rdb value expression that specifies the value that
    would be stored.

1.7  –  record-descr

    A valid data dictionary record descriptor matching all the fields
    of the relation. You can use a host language statement to include
    the relation definition in your program. Each field of the record
    descriptor must match exactly the field names and data types
    of the fields in the Oracle Rdb relation referenced by the context

1.8  –  host-var

    A user-defined host language variable, into which you may
    store the dbkey of the record that would be stored. Use the
    GET...RDB$DB_KEY construct to assign the value of the dbkey to
    the host language variable.

2  –  More

    You must have the Oracle Rdb WRITE privilege to the database and
    relation to use the PLACE statement.

3  –  Example

    The PLACE statement returns the dbkey of the specified record in
    the following example:

    cont>     USING E.EMPLOYEE_ID = "94789"
    cont>     PRINT E.RDB$DB_KEY
    cont>  END_PLACE
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