1 Access_rights Oracle Rdb controls access rights that grant or deny users access to: o Data in an Oracle Rdb database o Oracle Rdb data definition statements o Oracle Rdb utility statements When specifying access rights, remember these rules: o Oracle Rdb denies all access rights not explicitly granted. o Specify only those access rights to which you want to grant access. o If you want to grant all access rights, you can do so by specifying the keyword "ALL" instead of listing all the access rights. o If you want to deny all access rights, you can do so by specifying the keyword "NONE". For tables that define these access rights, ask for Additional Information on DATA_ACCESS, DEF_ACCESS. 2 DATA_ACCESS This table lists the access rights that control access to data. Table 1: Access Right To Grant To Deny ------------------------------------------------ Read data READ NOREAD Store data WRITE NOWRITE Modify data MODIFY NOMODIFY Erase data ERASE NOERASE ------------------------------------------------ 2 DEF_ACCESS This table lists the access rights that control access to database definitions. Access Right To Grant To Deny --------------------------------------------------------------- Define global field, DEFINE NODEFINE relation, or storage map Change global field CHANGE NOCHANGE Delete global field DELETE NODELETE Run two-phase commit DISTRIBTRAN NODISTRIBTRAN transaction on database Define, change, delete CONTROL NOCONTROL database protection [future versions] REFERENCES NOREFERENCES Specify, show, and review SECURITY NOSECURITY the security audit trail [future versions] SHOW NOSHOW Open or close a database ADMINISTRATOR NOADMINISTRATOR Any CHANGE DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR NOADMINISTRATOR option Delete a database ADMINISTRATOR NOADMINISTRATOR --------------------------------------------------------------- This table lists the access rights that control access to relation definitions. Access Right To Grant To Deny -------------------------------------------------------------- Define index or storage DEFINE NODEFINE map Define trigger READ,DEFINE NOREAD,NODEFINE Define view or constraint READ,DEFINE NOREAD,NODEFINE Change relation CHANGE NOCHANGE Delete relation, DELETE NODELETE index, view, constraint, or storage map Define, change, delete CONTROL NOCONTROL protection for relation [Reserved for future SHOW NOSHOW versions] [Reserved for future OPERATOR NOOPERATOR versions] --------------------------------------------------------------