1 Cond_expr An expression, sometimes called a Boolean expression, that represents the relationship between two value expressions. The value of a conditional expression is either true, false, or null. Conditional expressions can be combined with AND and OR or qualified with NOT. The AND, OR, and NOT operators are called logical operators. 2 Format (B)0conditional-expr = qqwqqq> conditional-expr qq> AND qq> conditional-expr qqqwqq> tqqq> conditional-expr qq> OR qqq> conditional-expr qqqu tqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq> NOT qq> conditional-expr qqqu tqqq> value-expr qq> operator qq> value-expr qqqqqqqqu tqqq> any-clause qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu tqqq> between-clause qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu tqqq> containing-clause qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu tqqq> matching-clause qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu tqqq> missing-clause qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu tqqq> starting-with-clause qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu mqqq> unique-clause qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj 3 value-expr For a complete description of Oracle Rdb value expressions, ask for HELP on Value_expr. 3 ANY (B)0any-clause = qqqqwqqq>qqqqqqqqwqq> ANY qqq> rse qqq> mqqq> NOT qqqj The condition containing ANY is true if the record stream specified by the record selection expression (RSE) includes at least one record. If you add NOT, the condition is true if there are no records in the record stream. 3 BETWEEN (B)0between-clause = qqqq> value-expr qqqqwqqq>qqqqqqwqqq> BETWEEN qqqqk mqq> NOT qqj x lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj mqqq> value-expr qqq> AND qqq> value-expr qqqqqqq> The condition containing BETWEEN is true if the first value expression is between the second and the third value expressions or equal to one of them. 3 CONTAINING (B)0containing-clause = qqq> value-expr qqqwqqqqq>qqqqwqq> CONTAINING qqq> value-expr qqq> mqq> NOT qqj With CONTAINING, the condition is true if the second value expression is found within the first. In most cases, the value expressions in a CONTAINING clause evaluate to text strings, but CONTAINING also operates on numeric data types. NOTE CONTAINING is not case sensitive; it considers uppercase and lowercase forms of the same letter to be a match. If either of the value expressions in a CONTAINING clause is null, the result is null. 3 MATCHING (B)0matching-clause = qqq> value-expr qqqwqqqqq>qqqqwq> MATCHING qqq> match-expr qqqq> mqq> NOT qqj With MATCHING, the condition is true if the match expression matches the value expression. MATCHING uses the following symbols: * Matches any string of zero or more characters % Matches any single character NOTE MATCHING is not case sensitive; it considers uppercase and lowercase forms of the same letter to be a match. If either of the expressions is null, the result is null. 3 MISSING (B)0missing-clause = qqq> db-field qqqqqqqqwqqqq>qqqqqwqq> MISSING qqq> mqq> NOT qqj This condition is true if the value specified by db-field is missing. 3 STARTING_WITH (B)0starting-with-clause = qqq> value-expr qqqwqqqqq>qqqqqwqq> STARTING WITH qqq> value-expr qq> mqq> NOT qqqj If a condition contains STARTING WITH, the condition is true if the first characters of the first string expression match the second string expression. In most cases, the value expressions in a STARTING WITH clause evaluate to text strings, but STARTING WITH also operates on numeric data types. NOTE STARTING WITH is case sensitive; it considers uppercase and lowercase forms of the same letter to be different. If either of the string expressions in a STARTING WITH clause is null, the result is null. 3 UNIQUE (B)0unique-clause = qqqqqqwqqq>qqqqqwq> UNIQUE qqq> rse qqq> mqq> NOT qj The condition containing UNIQUE is true if the record stream specified by the RSE includes only one record. If you add NOT, the condition is true if there is more than one record in the record stream or the record stream is empty.