1 DELETE_DATABASE Deletes one or more databases. When this statement executes, Oracle Rdb deletes the database files associated with the database. If you use the PATHNAME argument, Oracle Rdb deletes the CDD$DATABASE entity in the data dictionary that contains the database definitions. You cannot delete a database when there are users attached to the database, including yourself. That is, issue the DELETE DATABASE statement before you invoke the database. USE THE DELETE DATABASE STATEMENT WITH CARE. When you use this statement, Oracle Rdb deletes the physical database file, which includes all data and all definitions. Example: DELETE DATABASE PATHNAME 'PERSONNEL'. 2 Format (B)0DELETE DATABASE qqqwqqq> PATHNAME qqq> path-name qqwqq> . mqqq> FILENAME qqq> file-spec qqj 3 path-name The full or relative data dictionary path-name for the database directory in which the definitions reside for the database you want to delete. 3 file-spec The OpenVMS file specification for the database file containing the database you want to delete. If you use this qualifier, Oracle Rdb does not delete the database definitions from the data dictionary. 2 More You must have the ADMINISTRATOR privilege to the database to use the DELETE DATABASE statement. 2 Examples Example 1 Delete a database root file, storage area files, and snapshot files: DELETE DATABASE FILENAME 'DISK2:[ACCOUNTING]MF_PERSONNEL'. Example 2 Delete a database and its data dictionary definitions: RDO> DELETE DATABASE PATHNAME 'DISK1:[DICTIONARY]CORP.MIS.PERSONNEL'. This statement deletes: o The RDB file and the SNP file referred to in the data dictionary definition for the database (specified in the DEFINE DATABASE statement) o The data dictionary entity DISK1:[DICTIONARY]CORP.MIS.PERSONNEL