1 ERASE Erases records from a relation. Before using the ERASE statement, you must start a read/write transaction and establish a record stream using a context variable with a FOR statement or a START_ STREAM statement. You cannot erase records from a view that was formed with a WITH, REDUCED, or CROSS clause of an RDO record selection expression. Also, you cannot erase records from a view that was formed with a UNION clause of an SQL select expression. Example: RDO> START_TRANSACTION READ_WRITE RESERVING cont> COLLEGES FOR EXCLUSIVE WRITE RDO> FOR C IN COLLEGES cont> ERASE C cont> END_FOR RDO> COMMIT 2 Format (B)0ERASE q> context-var qwqqqqqqq>qqqqqwq> mq> on-error qj 3 context-var A temporary name specified in an RSE for name recognition. You must define the context variable in a START_STREAM statement or in a FOR loop. Request HELP on RSE for more information. 3 on-error The ON ERROR clause, which specifies a host language statement or Oracle Rdb data manipulation statement to be performed if an Oracle Rdb error occurs. Request HELP on ON_ERROR for more information. 2 More You need the Oracle Rdb READ and ERASE privileges to the relation and the Oracle Rdb ERASE privilege to the database to use the ERASE statement. You cannot erase records from a view that was formed with one of the following clauses: o WITH clause of an RDO record selection expression o REDUCED TO clause of an RDO record selection expression o CROSS clause of an RDO record selection expression o UNION clause of an SQL select expression Prior to Version 4.1, Oracle Rdb allowed you to erase rows from a table that was directly joined with other tables. Beginning with Version 4.1, Oracle Rdb returns an error message if you try to erase a row under these conditions. For example, Oracle Rdb will return the error, $RDMS-E-JOIN_CTX_UPD, relation EMPLOYEES is part of a join, cannot be updated, when you try to execute the following query: FOR E IN EMPLOYEES CROSS D IN DEGREES OVER EMPLOYEE_ID WITH D.DEGREE= 'MA' ERASE E END_FOR In the preceding query, if an employee has two MA degrees, the same employee row will be joined to two different degree rows. Therefore, Oracle Rdb will try to delete the same row twice. The previous update query can be reworded into an equivalent form to achieve the desired results as follows: FOR E IN EMPLOYEES WITH (ANY D IN DEGREES WITH D.EMPLOYEE_ID = E.EMPLOYEE_ID) ERASE E END_FOR The rows can now be erased because the EMPLOYEES table is no longer directly joined to the DEGREES table. The use of this query guarantees that an employee row will not be deleted more than once. Note that some examples in the Guide to Using RDO, RDBPRE, and RDML will no longer work with the update rules created in Oracle Rdb Version 4.1. To run these examples, rewrite them using the ANY subquery mentioned previously. 2 Examples Example 1 Assume you wish to erase all the records in the COLLEGES relation: RDO> START_TRANSACTION READ_WRITE RESERVING cont> COLLEGES FOR EXCLUSIVE WRITE RDO> FOR C IN COLLEGES ERASE C END-FOR RDO> PRINT COUNT OF C IN COLLEGES 0 RDO> COMMIT This statement uses the loop established by the FOR statement and erases all the records from the COLLEGES relation.