1 FINISH Explicitly declares a database closed when you are done working with it. FINISH with no parameter also commits all active transactions. It is recommended that you use FINISH before exiting from a program. Example: 999-EOJ. IF BAD-FLAG = 1 THEN &RDB& ROLLBACK ELSE &RDB& COMMIT &RDB& FINISH CLOSE JOBHST-FILE. STOP RUN. 2 More If you have invoked a database, you have the necessary privileges to use the FINISH statement. When you use INVOKE to declare databases and then use the START_ TRANSACTION statement, the Oracle Rdb preprocessors automatically attach your process to all the databases you have invoked. This involves some overhead and record locking. If the FINISH statement occurs explicitly in the run-time flow of the program, Oracle Rdb detaches from the database mentioned in the FINISH. If another START_TRANSACTION occurs, Oracle Rdb attaches to the databases again. Therefore, if your program uses databases sequentially, you can use FINISH to close each database as you are finished working with it. In this way, Oracle Rdb attaches only the databases you need at any one time. 2 Format (B)0FINISH qqqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqq> mqwq> db-handle qwqqj mqq> on-error qqqj mqqqqq ,