1 SET (B)0SET wq> COMMAND qwq> EXECUTE qqqqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwq> x mq> NOEXECUTE qqj x tq> DATE_FORMAT wq> DATE date-number wqqqqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqqwqu x x mq> TIME time-number qj x x mq> TIME time-number wqqqqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqqwqu x mq> DATE date-number qj x tq> DICTIONARY qqq> path-name qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu tq> EDIT qqqwqq> KEEP qqq> n qqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu x tqq> NOKEEP qqqqqqqu x x mqq> PURGE qqqqqqqqj x tq> LANGUAGE language-name qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu tq> LINE_LENGTH qqqq> n qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu tq> OUTPUT qqqqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu x mqq> file-spec qqqj x tq> NOOUTPUT qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu tq> RADIX_POINT radix-char qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu tq> VERIFY qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu mq> NOVERIFY qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj Changes the characteristics of RDO terminal sessions. You can control: o The execution of RDO data manipulation statements o The display format for date values o The number of statements to be included in the editing buffer o The language to be used for date and time input and display o The line length for RDO output (limited to 512 bytes) o The default directory in the data dictionary o The file in which the session is recorded o The character representing the radix point in output displays o The display of statements from a command file 2 More If you have invoked a database, you have the necessary privileges to use the SET statement. 2 COMMAND Specifies whether data manipulation queries you enter in an RDO session are executed (SET COMMAND EXECUTE) or not executed (SET COMMAND NOEXECUTE). SET COMMAND EXECUTE is the default. 3 EXECUTE Instructs RDO to execute the data manipulation statements you issue in an interactive RDO session. The SET COMMAND EXECUTE statement is available only in RDO. 3 NOEXECUTE Instructs RDO not to execute the data manipulation statements you issue in an interactive RDO session. You can use the NOEXECUTE option in conjunction with RDMS$DEBUG_FLAGS to examine the estimated cost and access strategy associated with a query. Although the query will not be executed, the access strategies will still be displayed. See the Oracle Rdb Guide to Database Maintenance and Performance for information on using RDMS$DEBUG_ FLAGS. The SET COMMAND EXECUTE statement is available only in RDO. 2 DATE_FORMAT Specifies the output display format for date values. The date- number argument corresponds to numbers in the date format logical names used in the OpenVMS Run-Time Library routines. Example: RDO> SET DATE_FORMAT DATE 6 2 DICTIONARY Changes your default data dictionary to the path name you specify. Example: RDO> SET DICTIONARY 'DISK1:[DICTIONARY]CORP.DEPT3' 2 EDIT Controls the size of the editing buffer that you create when you use the EDIT statement with a wildcard as the parameter: SET EDIT KEEP n Keep the previous n statements. Default: 20. SET EDIT NOKEEP Do not save previous commands as they are typed. SET EDIT PURGE Continue to save commands, but purge buffer now 2 LANGUAGE Changes the language to be used in date and time input and display. Valid entries for the language-name argument are the names of the collating sequences used by the OpenVMS National Character Set Utility. Example: RDO> SET LANGUAGE FRENCH 2 LINE_LENGTH_n Sets the line length for RDO output. Use this option to specify an alternate width when output is going to a file or alternate output device. You can specify any number for n up to 512. You can put a pair or set of SET LINE_LENGTH statements into a nested FOR loop to change the line length during the loop. 2 OUTPUT Names the default target for output. The default file type is LIS. If you specify SET OUTPUT with a file name, RDO writes its output to a log file that you specify. The output is also written to SYS$OUTPUT, which is usually the terminal. If you do not specify a file name, RDO writes the output only to SYS$OUTPUT. The log file contains both statements and results. SET OUTPUT lets you check the results of command procedures run in batch mode. Example: RDO> SET OUTPUT DISK2:[DEPT3]PERSONNEL.LOG 2 NOOUTPUT Closes the log file you named in the SET OUTPUT statement. 2 RADIX_POINT Changes the output displaying the radix point to the specified character. The radix point is the symbol that separates units from decimal fractions. For example, in the number 98.6, the period is the radix point. Example: RDO> SET RADIX_POINT , 2 VERIFY If you specify SET VERIFY, RDO displays indirect command files at your terminal as you run them. If you specify SET NOVERIFY, RDO does not display indirect command files. NOVERIFY is the default setting.