1 DISPLAY_ROOT Displays the current database root file specification or the current recovery-unit journal (.ruj) file specification for a specific user of the database. You can use this statement to be sure you assigned the file specification you intended. The DISPLAY ROOT SPECIFICATION command is the default if no other keyword follows the DISPLAY ROOT command. NOTE Prior to Oracle Rdb Version 6.0, you could use the DISPLAY ROOT command to display an after-image journal (.aij) file specification. This is no longer an option; use the RMU Show After_Journal command instead. 2 Format (B)0DISPLAY ROOT qqwqqqqqqqqqq>qqqqqqqqwqq> tq> * qqqqqqqqqqqqqqu tq> SPECIFICATION qqu mq> USER qwqqq>qqqwqj tq> * qqu mq> n qqj 2 Arguments 3 asterisk * Displays the current database root (.rdb) file specification. 3 SPECIFICATION Displays the current .rdb file specification for the database. 3 USER Displays the current recovery-unit journal (.ruj) file specification for a user of the database. The USER parameter with no qualifier results in all users being displayed; the USER parameter with the * qualifier results in all users being displayed; and the USER parameter with the n qualifier results in a specific user being displayed, where n is a valid user number. 2 Examples Example 1 The following command displays the current .rdb file specification of the database: RdbALTER> DISPLAY ROOT Root file specification is: "DISK1:[RICK.RDB]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1" This command displays the current database root Unique Identifier value. 3 Description To ensure Oracle Rdb database security and integrity, a Unique Identifier has been added to the database root file and the database storage area file and storage area snapshot file headers. The Unique Identifier in the root file must match the Unique Identifier in the storage area file headers or a storage area cannot be accessed from the database root. The Unique Identifier values are displayed both in VMS date format surrounded by quotes and as a hexadecimal number surrounded by parentheses. The values displayed are the Unique Identifier values for the current RMU/ALTER session. The Unique Identifier values will not be written to the root or storage area files until the user ends the current session with the RMU/ALTER "COMMIT" command. If the user ends the current session with the RMU/ALTER "ROLLBACK" command, the Unique Identifier values will not be written to the root or storage area files and the Unique Identifier values in effect at the start of the session just ended will be restored for the new session. Any Unique Identifier values that have been changed during the current session will be displayed as "(marked)" before they are committed or rolled back. To execute the DISPLAY or DEPOSIT ROOT command, the user must be attached to the database which the root and areas belong to, either by specifying the database name when issuing the RMU/ALTER command or by executing the "ATTACH" command from the "RdbALTER>" prompt. 3 Format (B)0DISPLAY ROOT UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER 3 Examples Example 1 The following example shows how to display a unique_identifier value using RMU/ALTER. $ RMU/ALTER MF_PERSONNEL %RMU-I-ATTACH, now altering database "DEVICE:[DIRECTORY]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1" DISPLAY ROOT UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER Root file unique identifier is: "22-OCT-2010 13:49:27.87" (00AA5578688428BB) EXIT Example 2 The following example shows that RMU/ALTER is invoked specifying the database MF_PERSONNEL.RDB. The user then displays the current Unique Identifier value in the database root, creates a new Unique Identifier value in the database root, displays the new Unique Identifier in the root, and finally specifies "commit" to write the new Unique Identifier value to the database root file and ALL database storage area files. The display messages designate the pending new Unique Identifier value as "(marked)" until the user either executes "commit" to write out the new Unique Identifier value or "rollback" to restore the original Unique Identifier value. The user then verifies the database changes. $ RMU/ALTER MF_PERSONNEL %RMU-I-ATTACH, now altering database "DISK:[DIRECTORY]MF_PERSONNEL.RDB;1" DISPLAY ROOT UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER Root file unique identifier is: "22-OCT-2010 13:49:27.87" (00AA5578688428BB) DEPOSIT ROOT UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER = NEW (marked) Root file unique identifier is: "22-OCT-2010 13:49:28.34" (00AA557868CC9F7A) DISPLAY ROOT UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER (marked) Root file unique identifier is: "22-OCT-2010 13:49:28.34" (00AA557868CC9F7A) COMMIT EXIT $ RMU/VERIFY/ALL/NOLOG MF_PERSONNEL