1 UNCORRUPT Resets the storage area's corruption indication flag (FILID_ CORRUPT_FLG), allowing you to use the uncorrupted sections of a corrupted storage area. Storage areas are most often corrupted by attempting an SQL (not RdbALTER) roll back with one or more storage areas opened in batch-update transaction mode. The UNCORRUPT command allows you to access a database that is in an uncertain condition. Accordingly, the following message is displayed when you enter the command: BEWARE ATTEMPTING TO UNCORRUPT A STORAGE AREA WITHOUT FIRST VERIFYING IT. NOTE Beginning in Oracle Rdb Version 6.0, the capabilities provided through this command are also provided through the RMU Set Corrupt_Pages command. The RdbALTER UNCORRUPT command might be removed in future versions of Oracle Rdb. Therefore, Oracle Corporation recommends that you use the RMU Set Corrupt_Pages command instead of the RdbALTER UNCORRUPT command when these capabilities are needed. Use of the ROLLBACK or the COMMIT command is permitted with the RdbALTER UNCORRUPT command. 2 Format (B)0UNCORRUPT qqqqwq> storage-area-name qqqwq> mq> storage-area-number qj 2 Arguments 3 storage-area-name Specifies a storage area in the current database by storage area name, which is the name defined with the SQL CREATE STORAGE AREA statement. 3 storage-area-number Specifies an area of the current database by the storage area number, which is assigned when the database is created and is given on the first line of a page display. 2 Examples Example 1 The following example resets the corruption indication flag for the EMPIDS_LOW area. RdbALTER> UNCORRUPT EMPIDS_LOW ***** WARNING! ***** BEWARE ATTEMPTING TO UNCORRUPT A STORAGE AREA WITHOUT FIRST VERIFYING IT USING THE RMU/VERIFY COMMAND. AN RdbALTER ROLLBACK COMMAND WILL LEAVE THIS AREA MARKED CORRUPT. Area EMPIDS_LOW now marked uncorrupt.