Library /sys$common/syshlp/SDA.HLB  —  SHOW  DEVICE
    Displays a list of all devices in the system and their associated
    data structures, or displays the data structures associated with
    a given device or devices.


      SHOW DEVICE  [ device-name[:] | /ADDRESS=ucb-address | /BITMAP

                   | /CDT=cdt_address | /CHANNELS | /HOMEPAGE | /PDT

                   | /UCB=ucb-address]

1  –  Parameter


    Device or devices for which data structures are to be displayed.
    The following table lists several uses of the device-name

    To display the
    structures for:        Take the following action:

    All devices in the     Do not specify a device-name (for example,
    system                 SHOW DEVICE).

    A single device        Specify an entire device-name (for
                           example, SHOW DEVICE VTA20).

    All devices of a       Specify only the device type and
    certain type on a      controller designation (for example, SHOW
    single controller      DEVICE RTA or SHOW DEVICE RTB).

    All devices of a       Specify only the devicetype (for example,
    certain type on any    SHOW DEVICE RT).

    All devices whose      Specify the character or character string
    names begin with a     (for example, SHOW DEVICE D).
    certain character or
    character string

    All devices on a       Specify only the node name or HSC name
    single node or HSC     (for example, SHOW DEVICE GREEN$).

    All devices with a     Specify the allocation class including
    certain allocation     leading and trailing $, for example, SHOW
    class                  DEVICE $63$.

    A colon (:) at the end of a device name is optional.


       All qualifiers specific to Memory Channel (CHANNELS,
       HOMEPAGE, and PDT) are disabled for OpenVMS Integrity server

2  –  Qualifiers

2.1    /ADDRESS


    Indicates the device for which data structure information is
    to be displayed by the address of its unit control block (UCB).
    The /ADDRESS qualifier is an alternate method of supplying a
    device name to the SHOW DEVICE command. If both the device-name
    parameter and the /ADDRESS qualifier appear in a single SHOW
    DEVICE command, SDA responds only to the parameter or qualifier
    that appears first. /ADDRESS is functionally equivalent to /UCB.

2.2    /BITMAP

    Displays information about data structures related to Write
    Bitmap (WBM). Bitmaps are used by Host-Base Volume Shadowing
    (HBVS) for the implementation of Mini Copy and Host-Based
    Minimerge (HBMM). If the /BITMAP qualifier is specified with a
    device that is not an HBVS virtual unit, the error NOSUCHDEV is

    A device name must be specified. If SHOW DEVICE/BITMAP DS is
    entered, bitmaps for all HBVS virtual units are displayed.

2.3    /CDT


    Identifies the device by the address of its Connector Descriptor
    Table (CDT). This applies to cluster port devices only.

2.4    /CHANNELS

    Displays information on active Memory Channel channel blocks.
    This qualifier is ignored for devices other than Memory Channel.

2.5    /HOMEPAGE

    Displays fields from the Memory Channel Home Page. This qualifier
    is ignored for devices other than Memory Channel.

2.6    /PDT

    Displays the Memory Channel Port Descriptor Table. This qualifier
    is ignored for devices other than Memory Channel.

2.7    /UCB


    See the description of /ADDRESS, which is functionally equivalent
    to /UCB.
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