Library /sys$common/syshlp/SDA.HLB  —  SHOW  LAN  Qualifiers

1    /ATM

    Specifies that asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) information for
    the LAN be displayed.

2    /CLIENT


    Specifies that information be displayed for the specified client.
    Valid client designators are SCA, DECNET, LAT, MOPRC, TCPIP,
    ENCRY, DTIME, and LTM. The /CLIENT, /DEVICE, and /UNIT qualifiers
    are synonymous and mutually exclusive.


    Specifies that the LAN station block (LSB) and unit control block
    (UCB) counters be displayed.

4    /CSMACD

    Specifies that Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision
    Detect (CSMA/CD) information for the LAN be displayed. By
    default, both CSMA/CD and Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)
    information is displayed.

5    /DEVICE


    Specifies that information be displayed for the specified device,
    unit, or client. For each LAN adapter on the system, there is
    one device and multiple users of that device called, units or
    clients. Device designators are specified in the format XXdn,
    where XX is the type of device, d is the device letter, and n is
    the unit number. The device letter and unit number are optional.
    The first unit, which is always present, is the template unit.
    These are specified as indicated in this example for a DEMNA
    called EX:

       /DEVICE=EX-display all EX devices on the system
       /DEVICE=EXA-display the first EX device only
       /DEVICE=EXA0-display the first EXA unit
       /DEVICE=SCA-display SCA unit
       /DEVICE=LAT-display LAT units

    Valid client names are listed in the /CLIENT=name qualifier.
    The /CLIENT, /DEVICE, and /UNIT qualifiers are synonymous and
    mutually exclusive.

6    /ELAN

    Specifies information from an Emulated LAN (ELAN) that runs over
    an asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) network. The /ELAN qualifier
    displays the LAN Station Block (LSB) address, device state, and
    the LSB fields pertinent to an ELAN for both the parent ATM
    device and the ELAN pseudo-device drivers. It also specifies
    the name, description, parent device, state, and LAN emulation
    client (LEC) attributes of the ELAN.

    The qualifier /ELAN used with the device qualifier
    (/ELAN/DEVICE=ELA) will only display information for the
    specified device or pseudo-device.

7    /ERRORS

    Specifies that the LSB and UCB error counters be displayed.

8    /FDDI

    Specifies that Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)
    information for the LAN be displayed. By default, both CSMA/CD
    and FDDI information is displayed.

9    /FULL

    Specifies that all information from the LAN, LSB, and UCB data
    structures be displayed.


    Specifies internal counters of the drivers by displaying the
    internal counters. If the /INTERNAL qualifier is used with the
    /DEVICE qualifier, the /INTERNAL specifies the internal counters
    of a specific driver.

11    /QUEUES

    Specifies a listing of all queues, whether their status is valid
    or invalid, and all elements of the queues. If the /QUEUES
    qualifier is used with the /DEVICE qualifier, the /QUEUES
    specifies a specific queue.


    Specifies that the information in the source routing table
    maintained by the Token Ring driver be displayed.

13    /SUMMARY

    Specifies that only a summary of LAN information (a list of
    flags, LSBs, UCBs, and base addresses) be printed. This is the


    Specifies that time information (such as start and stop times and
    error times) from the device and unit data structures be printed.
    SDA displays the data in chronological order.

15    /TR

    Specifies that Token Ring information for the LAN be displayed.

16    /UNIT


    Specifies that information be displayed for the specified
    unit. See the descriptions for /CLIENT=name and /DEVICE=name

17    /VCI

    Specifies that information be displayed for the VMS Communication
    Interface Block (VCIB) for each LAN device with an active VCI
    user. If you use the /VCI qualifier with the /DEVICE qualifier,
    the VCIB is only displayed for the specified device.
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