Library /sys$common/syshlp/SDA.HLB  —  VALIDATE  PROCESS  Qualifiers


       /ADDRESS = pcb address

    Specifies the process control block (PCB) address of the process
    to be validated.

2    /HEADER

    Displays only the first 16 bytes of any corrupted free packets

3    /ID

       /ID = nn
       /INDEX = nn

    Specifies the process to be validated by its index into the
    system's list of software process control blocks (PCBs), or by
    its process identification. You can supply the following values
    for nn:

    o  The process index itself.

    o  A process identification (PID) or extended PID longword, from
       which SDA extracts the correct index. The PID or extended PID
       of any thread of a process with multiple kernel threads can
       be specified. Any thread-specific data displayed by further
       commands is for the given thread.

    To obtain these values for any given process, issue the SDA
    command SHOW SUMMARY/THREADS. The /ID=nn and /INDEX=nn qualifiers
    can be used interchangeably.



    Displays only the first n bytes of any corrupted free packets
    found. If you specify /MAXIMUM_BYTES without a value, the default
    is 64 bytes.

5    /NEXT

    Causes SDA to locate the next process in the process list and
    validate that process. If there are no further processes in the
    process list, SDA returns an error.

6    /POOL

       /POOL [= {P0 | P1 | IMGACT | ALL (d)} ]

    (Required) Causes process pool validation to be performed. Use of
    a keyword on the /POOL qualifier allows the user to specify which
    process pool is to be validated (P0, P1, Image Activator Pool, or
    ALL). Default: ALL


    Displays only a summary of the corrupted pool packets found.

8    /SYSTEM

    This qualifier is provided for compatibility with SET
    associated with the system process that can be validated. SDA
    sets its current process context to the system process and
    outputs the text:

    Options ignored for System process: POOL
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