1 COPY Copies the contents of the dump file to another file. Format COPY [/qualifier...] output-filespec 2 Parameter output-filespec Name of the device, directory, and file to which SDA copies the dump file. The default file specification is: SYS$DISK:[default-dir]filename.DMP SYS$DISK and [default-dir] represent the disk and directory specified in your last DCL command SET DEFAULT. You must specify a file name. 2 Qualifiers /COLLECT /COLLECT /NOCOLLECT Causes SDA to collect (or not collect) file identification or unwind data from the current system and append it to the copy being created. For more details, see the Description of the COLLECT command in in the VSI OpenVMS System Analysis Tools Manual. /COMPRESS Causes SDA to compress dump data as it is writing a copy. If the dump being analyzed is already compressed, then SDA does a direct COPY, and issues an informational message indicating that it is ignoring the /COMPRESS qualifier. /CONFIRM Causes SDA to prompt for which processes to copy when performing a Partial Dump Copy. This qualifier can only be used when /PARTIAL=PROCESS=option is specified. For each possible process in the set, SDA prompts as follows, where the default response is No and only a single character response is needed otherwise: Copy process "process-name"? (Y/[N]/A/Q): Where the response: YES Includes the process in the copy. NO Excludes the process from the copy. ALL Includes the process and all remaining processes in the copy. QUIT Excludes the process and all remaining processes from the copy. /DECOMPRESS Causes SDA to decompress dump data as it is writing a copy. If the dump being analyzed is already decompressed, then SDA does a direct COPY, and issues an informational message indicating that it is ignoring the /DECOMPRESS qualifier. /LOG Displays information about the progress of the COPY command, for example, the name of the process being copied in a selective dump, or, in the case of COPY/COLLECT on Integrity servers, the name of an image whose unwind data is being appended to the dump copy. /PARTIAL /PARTIAL=(section,...) Causes SDA to copy only the specified sections of the dump. The /PARTIAL qualifier can only be used with a selective system dump (compressed or uncompressed). It is not available for full system dumps or for process dumps. Also, the /PARTIAL qualifier cannot be combined with /COMPRESS, /DECOMPRESS, or /[NO]COLLECT. Such a copy must be performed as two separate COPY commands, and requires exiting from SDA and then re-invoking SDA on the intermediate copy. See the description of Partial Dump Copies in the VSI OpenVMS System Analysis Tools Manual. For an explanation of key processes and key global pages, and the organization of a selective system dump, see the VSI OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems. Multiple sections must be separated by commas. If only one section is given, the parentheses may be omitted. Possible sections are as follows: Table 2-1 Dump Sections PT System Page Table Space S0S1 32-bit System Space S2 64-bit System Space REPLICATED_SYS Replicated System Space (only applies to Alpha systems with RADs enabled) PROCESS=option Process Space for one or more processes. Options are: ALL All processes. This is the default. KEY All key processes. OTHER All other (not key) processes. NAME=(list) Specific named processes (see note below) GLOBAL=option Global Pages. Options are: ALL All global pages mapped by processes. This is the default. KEY All global pages mapped by key processes. OTHER All other (not key) global pages mapped by processes. KEY Equivalent to: PT, S0S1, S2, REPLICATED_SYS, PROCESS = KEY, GLOBAL = KEY OTHER Equivalent to: PROCESS = OTHER, GLOBAL = OTHER SYSTEM Equivalent to: PT, S0S1, S2, REPLICATED_SYS NOTE If /PARTIAL=PROCESS=NAME=(list) is specified: - Multiple process names must be separated by commas. If only one process name is given, the parentheses may be omitted. - Process names can include "%" and "*" wildcards. - The comparison of the given name to actual process names in the dump is performed case-blind, and trailing spaces and tabs are ignored. - Process names can include characters, such as "," and "/". You can enclose the process name in quotes to include some of these special characters in the name you specify, or you can use the "%" wildcard instead of characters.