Library /sys$common/syshlp/SQL$HELP72.HLB  —  ATTACH  Arguments

1  –  ALIAS alias

    A part of the attach expression that specifies a name for the
    attach to the database. Specifying an alias lets your program or
    interactive SQL statements refer to more than one database.

    You do not have to specify an alias in the ATTACH statement.
    The default alias in interactive SQL and in precompiled programs
    is RDB$DBHANDLE. In the SQL module language, the default is the
    alias specified in the module header. Using the default alias
    (either by specifying it explicitly in the ATTACH statement or
    by omitting any alias) makes the database part of the default
    environment. Specifying a default database means that statements
    that refer to that database do not need to use an alias.

    If a default alias was already declared, and you specify the
    default alias in the alias clause (or specify any alias that
    was already declared), interactive SQL issues an informational

    In the following example, TESTDB is the first database attached
    and uses the default alias. When no alias is specified for the
    second database attached, SQL tries to assign it the default
    alias but finds that the default alias is already declared.

    SQL> ATTACH 'FILENAME testdb';
    SQL> ATTACH 'FILENAME otherdb';
    This alias has already been declared.
    Would you like to override this declaration (No)? N
    SQL-F-DEFDBDEC, A database has already been declared with the default alias
    Default alias:
        Oracle Rdb database in file testdb
    SQL> ATTACH 'FILENAME otherdb';
    This alias has already been declared.
    Would you like to override this declaration (No)? Y
    Default alias:
        Oracle Rdb database in file otherdb

2  –  attach-expression

    Specifies a database to be added to the environment.

3  –  attach-parameter

    A host language variable in precompiled SQL or a formal parameter
    in an SQL module language procedure that specifies the database
    environment for the connection. The attach parameter must contain
    an attach expression.

4  –  attach-parameter-marker

    A parameter marker, denoted by question marks (?),  in a dynamic
    SQL statement. The attach parameter marker refers to a parameter
    that specifies the database environment for the connection. The
    attach parameter marker must specify a parameter that contains an
    attach expression.

5  –  attach-options

    Specifies characteristics of the particular database attach. You
    can specify more than one of these clauses.

6  –  attach-string-literal

    A character string literal that specifies the database
    environment for the connection. The attach string literal must
    contain an attach expression enclosed in single quotation marks.

7  –  database-options

    By default, the SQL precompiler determines the type of database
    it attaches to from the type of database specified in compiling
    the program.

    For more information on database options, see the Database_
    Options HELP topic.


    Syntax options:


    Controls when the database key of a deleted row can be used again
    by SQL.

    o  The default DBKEY SCOPE IS TRANSACTION means that SQL can
       reuse the database key of a deleted table row (to refer to a
       newly inserted row) as soon as the transaction that deleted
       the original row completes with a COMMIT statement. (If the
       user who deleted the original row enters a ROLLBACK statement,
       then the database key for that row cannot be used again by

       During the connection of the user who entered the ATTACH
       statement, the DBKEY SCOPE IS TRANSACTION clause specifies
       that a database key is guaranteed to refer to the same row
       only within a particular transaction.

    o  The DBKEY SCOPE IS ATTACH clause means that SQL cannot use the
       database key again (to refer to a newly inserted row) until
       all users who have attached with DBKEY SCOPE IS ATTACH have
       detached from the database.

       It only requires one process to attach with DBKEY SCOPE
       IS ATTACH to force all database users to assume this

    o  Oracle Corporation recommends using DBKEY SCOPE IS TRANSACTION
       to prevent excessive consumption of storage area space by
       overhead space needed to support DBKEY SCOPE IS ATTACH, and to
       prevent performance problems when storing new rows.

       During the connection of the user who entered the ATTACH
       statement, the DBKEY SCOPE IS ATTACH clause specifies that
       a database key is guaranteed to refer to the same row until
       the user detaches from the database.

    For more information, see the DBKEY HELP topic.

9  –  DISPLAY CHARACTER SET support-char-set

    Specifies the character set encoding and characteristics expected
    of text strings returned back to SQL from Oracle Rdb.


    A quoted string containing full or partial information needed to
    access a database.

    For an Oracle Rdb database, an attach specification contains the
    file specification of the .rdb file.

    When you use the FILENAME argument, any changes you make to
    database definitions are entered only to the database system
    file, not to the repository. If you specify FILENAME, your
    application attaches to the database with that file name at run

    For information regarding node-spec and file-spec, see Oracle Rdb
    Attach Specifications.

11  –  literal-user-auth

    Specifies the user name and password to enable access to
    databases, particularly remote databases

    This literal lets you explicitly provide user name and password
    information in the attach expression.

    When you use Oracle Rdb for OpenVMS to attach to a database in
    the same cluster, you do not have to explicitly specify the user
    name and password. Oracle Rdb implicitly authenticates the user
    whenever the user attaches to a database.

    However, when you use Oracle Rdb for OpenVMS to attach to a
    database on a remote node, you must use one of the methods
    provided by Oracle Rdb to access the database.

    You can use one of the following methods to attach to a database
    on a remote OpenVMS node.

    o  Explicitly provide the user name and password in the ATTACH

    o  Explicitly provide the user name and password in the
       configuration file RDB$CLIENT_DEFAULTS.DAT. The following
       example shows how to include the information in the
       configuration file:

       ! User name to be used for authentication

       ! Password to be used for authentication

    o  Use a DECnet proxy account on the remote system system.

    o  Embed the user name and password in the file specification.

    o  Use the RDB$REMOTE default account.

    For information on proxy accounts, embedding the user name in
    the file specification or using the RDB$REMOTE account, see the
    Oracle Rdb Guide to SQL Programming.


    Syntax options:


    The MULTISCHEMA IS ON clause enables multischema naming for the
    duration of the database attach. The MULTISCHEMA IS OFF clause
    disables multischema naming for the duration of the database
    attach. On attach, multischema naming defaults to the setting
    specified during database definition.

    You can use multischema naming only when attached to a database
    that was created with the multischema attribute. If you specify
    the MULTISCHEMA IS ON clause with a database that was not created
    with the multischema attribute, SQL returns an error message, as
    shown in the following example:

    %SQL-F-NOPHYSMULSCH, The physical multischema attribute was not specified for
    the database


    A full or relative repository path name that specifies the
    source of the database definitions. When you use the PATHNAME
    argument, any changes you make to database definitions are
    entered in both the repository and the database system file.
    Oracle Rdb recommends using the PATHNAME argument if you have the
    repository on your system and you plan to use any data definition

    If you specify PATHNAME, your application attaches to the
    database file name extracted from the repository.


    Syntax options:


    Specifies whether Oracle Rdb enables or disables prestarted

    Use the PRESTARTED TRANSACTIONS ARE OFF clause only if your
    application uses a server process that is attached to the
    database for long periods of time and causes the snapshot file
    to grow excessively. If you use the PRESTARTED TRANSACTIONS
    ARE OFF clause, Oracle Rdb uses additional I/O because each SET
    TRANSACTION statement must reserve a transaction sequence number

    For most applications, Oracle Rdb recommends that you enable
    prestarted transactions. The default is PRESTARTED TRANSACTIONS
    ARE ON. If you use the PRESTARTED TRANSACTIONS ARE ON clause or
    do not specify the PRESTARTED TRANSACTIONS clause, the COMMIT
    or ROLLBACK statement for the previous read/write transaction
    automatically reserves the TSN for the next transaction and
    reduces I/O.

    You can define the RDMS$BIND_PRESTART_TXN logical name to define
    the default setting for prestarted transactions outside of an
    application. The PRESTARTED TRANSACTION clause overrides this
    logical name. For more information, see the Oracle Rdb7 Guide to
    Database Performance and Tuning. See also the ALTER and CREATE


    Restricts access to the database. This allows you to access the
    database but locks out all other users until you disconnect from
    the database. Setting restricted access to the database requires
    DBADM privileges.

    The default is NO RESTRICTED ACCESS if not specified.


    Syntax options:


    The ROWID keyword is a synonym for the DBKEY keyword. See the
    DBKEY_SCOPE argument for more information.

17  –  USER username

    A character string literal that specifies the operating system
    user name that the database system uses for privilege checking.
    Because the user name literal is within the quoted attach-
    string, you must enclose the user name within two sets of single
    quotation marks in interactive SQL.

    This clause also sets the value of the SYSTEM_USER value

18  –  USING password

    A character string literal that specifies the user's password for
    the user name specified in the USER clause. Because the password
    literal is within the quoted attach-string, you must enclose
    surround the password within two sets of single quotation marks
    in interactive SQL.
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