Library /sys$common/syshlp/SQL$HELP72.HLB  —  Aggregate Functions
    Aggregate functions calculate a single value for a collection of
    rows in a result table. Aggregate functions are sometimes called
    statistical functions.

    The following notes generally apply to aggregate functions. An
    aggregate function is a single value derived from one or more
    sets of values.

    o  A value expression is used to evaluate a value for each row.
       The aggregate function operates on these values.

    o  Null values are not included when SQL evaluates functions. If
       you specify DISTINCT, redundant values are also not included.
       If you have set the dialect to SQL99, this null elimination
       causes a warning to be returned for the SQLCODE or SQLSTATE.
       See the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for more information
       on SQLSTATE and SQLCODE.

    o  If a function has as its argument a value expression that
       contains a column name that is an outer reference (see Outer_
       References), the value expression cannot include an arithmetic
       operator. (The only cases where an outer reference makes sense
       as the argument to a function is in the subquery of a HAVING
       clause or in a subquery in a select list.)

    o  You cannot nest functions. This means that a value expression
       used as an argument to a function cannot include a function.

    o  The keyword ALL in SUM, AVG, MAX, and MIN has no effect. For
       instance, specifying MAX (ALL EMPLOYEE_ID) is the same as
       saying MAX (EMPLOYEE_ID).

    o  VARIANCE and STDDEV must be passed a single numeric value
       expression and the result is returned as a DOUBLE PRECISION
       value. Use the CAST function to alter the result data type.

    o  VARIANCE, and hence STDDEV, assume that one degree of freedom
       is used in the calculation of the mean (average) and therefore
       the divisor is specified as (n-1). For a large number of
       values in the statistical sample this will not be significant.
       However, for small samples it may not be desirable, so this
       default can be changed for the current session by using the
       SET FLAGS option VARIANCE_DOF(0). Only the values 0 and 1 are

    o  The keywords ALL and DISTINCT are not permitted when using
       the VAR_POP, VAR_SAMP, STDDEV_POP and STDDEV_SAMP statistical

    The FILTER clause is provided for all statistical functions. This
    clause can be used to limit the values included in the COUNT,
    MAX, MIN, SUM, AVG, STDDEV, and VARIANCE functions.

    FILTER can be used to eliminate data from the statistical
    function so that the generated report can process the data in
    a single pass. The following example illustrates how the FILTER
    clause is applied.

    SQL> select
    cont>   max (salary_amount) filter (where salary_end is null),
    cont>   max (salary_amount) filter (where salary_end is not null),
    cont>   min (distinct salary_amount) filter (where salary_end = salary_start),
    cont>   min (distinct salary_amount) filter (where salary_end > salary_start)
    cont> from
    cont>   salary_history
    cont> where
    cont>   employee_id = '00164'
    cont> group by
    cont>   employee_id;

          51712.00        50000.00            NULL        26291.00
    1 row selected

1  –  COUNT Function

    There are three forms of the COUNT function:

    o  COUNT (*)  calculates the number of rows in a result table.
       It is the only function that does not allow a specific column
       name in its argument. The data type of the resulting value
       expression is an integer.

    o  COUNT (value-expr) calculates the number of non-NULL values of
       the value-expr in a result table. The value-expr is evaluated
       for each row and, if non-NULL, the count is incremented or the
       value is counted. The data type of the resulting value is an

    o  COUNT (DISTINCT value-expr) calculates the number of distinct
       values of the specified value-expr in the result table. The
       COUNT DISTINCT function eliminates duplicate values from the
       number it calculates. The value-expr is evaluated for each row
       and, if non-NULL and if different from previously seen values,
       the value is counted. It does not count null values in the
       specified value-expr. The data type of the resulting value is
       an integer.

    If there are no values in the result table to which the COUNT
    function is applied, the COUNT function returns a zero.

2  –  SUM Function

    The SUM function calculates the total of the values specified by
    the value expression in its argument. If there are no rows in the
    result table to which the SUM function is applied, it returns a
    null value.

    The SUM function must refer to a value with a numeric or INTERVAL
    data type. It returns a value of the same general data type
    (fixed- or floating-point) big enough to store the result.

    If your dialect is set to an ANSI/ISO SQL standard, a warning
    message is returned if any of the values is NULL.

3  –  AVG Function

    The AVG function calculates the average of the values specified
    by the value expression in its argument. If there are no rows in
    the result table to which the AVG function is applied, it returns
    a null value.

    The AVG function must refer to a value with a numeric or INTERVAL
    data type. The value it returns is a floating-point data type for
    numeric expressions, or an INTERVAL data type.

    If a value is NULL, the row is treated as missing and, if your
    dialect is set to an ANSI/ISO SQL standard, a warning message is

4  –  MAX Function

    The MAX function calculates the largest of the values specified
    by the value expression in its argument. If there are no values
    in the result table to which the MAX function is applied, it
    returns a null value.

    The MAX function returns a value of the same data type as the
    value in its argument for all data types except LIST OF BYTE

5  –  MIN Function

    The MIN function returns the smallest of the values specified by
    the value expression in its argument. If there are no values in
    the result table to which the MIN function is applied, it returns
    a null value.

    The MIN function returns a value of the same data type as the
    column in its argument for all data types except LIST OF BYTE

6  –  STDDEV Functions

    The STDDEV (standard deviation) function calculates the square
    root of the variance and is expressed in the same units as the
    source expression.

    Oracle Rdb provides the following statistical functions to
    standard deviation:

    o  STDDEV

       This function calculates the standard deviation.


       This function calculates the standard deviation (the square
       root of the variance) for the population. It is equivalent to
       STDDEV with degrees of freedom fixed at 0, that is, SET FLAGS
       'VARIANCE_DOF(0)' which is the default setting.


       This function calculates the standard deviation (the square
       root of the variance) for the subset of sampling of the
       population. It is equivalent to STDDEV with degrees of freedom
       fixed at 1, that is, SET FLAGS 'VARIANCE_DOF(1)' which is the
       default setting. By convention one degree of freedom is used
       when the sampling of the population is performed.

7  –  VARIANCE Functions

    The VARIANCE function calculates the variablity from the mean (or
    average) value.

    Oracle Rdb provides the following variance statistical functions:


       Calculates the variance of the value set.

    o  VAR_POP

       This function calculates the variance for the population. It
       is equivalent to VARIANCE with degrees of freedom fixed at
       0, that is, SET FLAGS 'VARIANCE_DOF(0)' which is the default

    o  VAR_SAMP

       This function calculates the variance for a subset or sampling
       of the population. It is equivalent to VARIANCE with degrees
       of freedom fixed at 1, that is, SET FLAGS 'VARIANCE_DOF(1)'.
       By convention one degree of freedom is used when the sampling
       of the population is performed.
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