Library /sys$common/syshlp/SQL$HELP72.HLB  —  Errors
  The following topics document messages returned with the SQL facility
  code.  The OpenVMS online files SYS$HELP:SQL$MSG.DOC and
  SYS$HELP:COSI_MSG.DOC contain the same text.  Print those files if
  you need hardcopy SQL message documentation.

  The Appendix on error messages in the SQL Reference Manual describes
  how to use this file and files documenting related error messages
  with other facility codes.



  Column name matches simple function <str>; column value used

  Explanation:  You have given a column the name of a SQL builtin
  function and SQL will use the column value instead of evaluating
  the function.  This ambiguous reference has been resolved in
  favor or the user define name.

  User Action:  This is just a warning.  However, you may want to
  consider changing the column name, adding delimiters ("UID"), or
  qualifying with table, view or correlation name (E.UID).  If the
  function result is desired then you can use an alternate format
  for the function (e.g.  adding the fractional precision
  CURRENT_TIME(2), using an equivalent function CURRENT_UID,
  instead of UIC, or writing a SQL function which has its own
  query scope)


  AIJ backup active or backup operations suspended on this node

  Explanation:  After-image journal backup operations have already
  been suspended from this node.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or look in the
  database monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more


  AIJ backup operations not suspended on this node

  Explanation:  After-image journal backup operations have not
  been suspended from this node.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or look in the
  database monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more


  AIJ backup operations already suspended on this node

  Explanation:  After-image journal backup operations have already
  been suspended from this node.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or look in the
  database monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more

1.5  –  ACCVIO

  access violation on read/write of user address

  Explanation:  A readable parameter is not readable by the DBCS
  or a writeable parameter is not writeable by the DBCS.

  User Action:  Pass good parameters to the DBCS.


  No matching access control entry found

  Explanation:  In a protection command that refers to an existing
  access control entry, you specified identifiers that did not
  match any existing entry.

  User Action:  Use SHOW PROTECTION to see what the access control
  list currently looks like, and correct your command.

1.7  –  ACE_ID_OVFL

  ACE identifier stack overflow during ACE parsing

  Explanation:  You included too many identifiers in an
  expression.  The identifier stack for the access control entry
  (ACE) overflowed during parsing.

  User Action:  Simplify the access control entry that caused the

1.8  –  ACE_ID_UNFL

  ACE identifier stack underflow during ACE parsing

  Explanation:  The access control entry (ACE) identifier stack
  underflowed during ACE parsing.  This happens when identifiers
  are not stored in the stack appropriately.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain the Oracle Rdb interchange file.


  journal is for database activation <time>, not <time>

  Explanation:  The activation time and date stamp in the root
  does not match the activation time and date stamp in the journal
  file.  This journal cannot be applied to this database.

  User Action:  Use the correct journal file or backup file.

1.10  –  ADADISUNS

  Host variable <str> is based on a type that uses discriminamts

  Explanation:  The host variable you referred to is based on a
  type which uses Ada discriminants.  SQL does not support types
  which include discriminants

  User Action:  Use a different type defintion.

1.11  –  ADAVARUNS

  Host variable <str> is based on a record type that uses variants

  Explanation:  The host variable you referred to is based on a
  record type which uses Ada variants.  SQL does not support types
  which include variants.

  User Action:  Use a different type defintion.

1.12  –  AGGIMPLIM

  Too many aggregates or derived columns in query

  Explanation:  Your SQL query has more than 255 aggregate
  functions or has a derived table with more than 255 columns.
  SQL uses an Oracle Rdb facility that is limited to this number
  of instances.

  User Action:  Re-write the query to simplify the expression by
  using a view or views to reduce the complexity of this query

1.13  –  AGGTBLCUR

  Table cursor, <str>, cannot have list cursors because it
  contains an aggregate or UNION

  Explanation:  The table cursor referenced in the WHERE CURRENT
  OF clause of a list list cursor was defined using an aggregate
  or union expression.

  User Action:  Change the table cursor to no specify an aggregate
  or union expression.

1.14  –  AIJACTIVE

  <num> active transaction(s) not yet committed or aborted

  Explanation:  Upon completion of the roll-forward operations for
  the current AIJ file, more than 1 transaction remains active.
  That is, the commit or roll-back information resides in the next
  AIJ file to be processed.  It is also possible that one or more
  of these active transactions are prepared transactions, which
  may be committed or aborted by the recovery operation using
  DECdtm information; in this case, a separate message indicating
  the number of prepared transactions will be displayed.

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This message is
  informational only.


  after-image journal roll-forward operations completed

  Explanation:  The after-image journal roll-forward operation has

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This message is
  informational only.


  starting automatic after-image journal recovery

  Explanation:  The /AUTOMATIC command qualifier was specified for
  the after-image roll-forward operation, and the roll-forward
  operation has detected that automatic journal recovery is
  possible.  This message indicates that automatic recovery has

  User Action:  No user action is required.


  inconsistent storage area <str> needs AIJ sequence number <num>

  Explanation:  The indicated storage area has been marked
  inconsistent with the rest of the database.  The AIJ file with
  the indicated sequence number is required to commence recovery
  of the area.  If the sequence number of the AIJ file is
  different than the indicated sequence number, recovery of the
  area will not be performed.

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This message is
  informational only.


  inconsistent page <num> from storage area <str> needs AIJ
  sequence number <num>

  Explanation:  The indicated page has been marked inconsistent
  with the rest of the database.  The AIJ file with the indicated
  sequence number is required to commence recovery of the page.
  If the sequence number of the AIJ file is different than the
  indicated sequence number, recovery of the area will not be

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This message is
  informational only.

1.19  –  AIJBCKACT

  AIJ modify operation not allowed; AIJ backup in progress

  Explanation:  An AIJ backup is currently in progress.  While an
  AIJ backup is in progress, AIJ modify operations (such as,
  disabling AIJ journaling or changing the default AIJ filename)
  are not permitted.  If the AIJ backup was prematurely terminated
  by the user, another AIJ backup must complete before AIJ
  modifications are permitted.

  User Action:  Allow the AIJ backup to finish before attempting
  the AIJ modify operation.  If the AIJ backup was prematurely
  terminated by the user, start another AIJ backup and allow it to
  complete.  The AIJ modify operation will then be possible.


  journal <str> backup (sequence <num>) already active

  Explanation:  An AIJ backup is already active for the specified
  journal.  In most cases, the previously active backup is being
  performed by the background AIJ backup server.  This problem
  only occurs when using the "by-sequence" AIJ backup option, and
  normally when specifying only a single AIJ sequence number value
  (i.e.  "/SEQUENCE=15").

  User Action:  Let the active backup finish before attempting to
  start another AIJ backup operation, or specify both a starting
  and ending AIJ sequence number (i.e.  "/SEQUENCE=(15,15)").


  invalid AIJ backup sequence numbers (<num> through <num>)

  Explanation:  The specified AIJ backup sequence numbers

  User Action:  Specify the sequence numbers in ascending order.

1.22  –  AIJBCKBEG

  beginning after-image journal backup operation

  Explanation:  This is an informational message to inform the
  user that the after-image backup operation has begun.

  User Action:  No user action is required.


  cannot specify a backup filename and use SAME AS JOURNAL option

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to specify an after-image
  backup filename and use the BACKUP SAME AS JOURNAL option.

  User Action:  Specify one or the other of the after-image backup
  options, but not both.

1.24  –  AIJBCKCUR

  cannot backup current AIJ journal if no other unmodified
  journals exist

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to backup the "current"
  after-image journal, but no other unmodified after-image
  journals are available.  This situation occurs when a
  "by-sequence" backup is performed in the wrong order; that is,
  the current after-image journal was backed up when a "modified"
  lower sequence after-image journal exists.

  User Action:  Backup the lower-sequence after-image journal

1.25  –  AIJBCKDIR

  AIJ-backup filename "<str>" does not include device and

  Explanation:  The AIJ-backup filename specified does not include
  a device and directory.

  User Action:  For maximum protection, you should always include
  a device and directory in the AIJ-backup file specification,
  preferably one that is different from both the database device
  and AIJ device.


  AIJ backup completed when accessing unmodified journal <str>

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to backup an after-image
  journal that has not been modified.  This normally occurs when a
  "by-sequence" is done out of order (For instance, sequence 6 is
  backed up, then sequences 5 through 7 are attempted).

  User Action:  In the above example, the backup was completed
  when the previously backed up AIJ sequence  6 was encountered;
  the journal containing sequence  5 was fully and safely backed
  up.  Restart the backup with the next journal requiring backup
  (in the above example, sequence  7).


  database contains no after-image journals that qualify for

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to perform an after-image
  backup for a database that has after-image journaling disabled
  and does not have any journals that qualify to be backed up.
  This situation occurs if there are no after-image journals, or
  all journals are unmodified and do not require backup.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

1.28  –  AIJBCKEND

  after-image journal backup operation completed successfully

  Explanation:  This is an informational message to inform the
  user that the after-image backup operation has completed

  User Action:  No user action is required.


  the AIJ backup that created the AIJ file did not complete

  Explanation:  It appears that the AIJ backup process, that
  created the AIJ file currently being recovered, failed or was
  prematurely terminated.  When this situation occurs, it is
  possible that one or more transactions active at the time of the
  backup failure may not have been recovered completely.

  User Action:  Roll forward the next AIJ file, which should
  contain the commit information for any transactions that were
  not completely recovered.  If there are no more AIJ files to be
  rolled forward, then all transactions have been completely

1.30  –  AIJBCKFIL

  no after-image journal backup filename specified

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to back up an after-image
  journal, but no backup file name was specified, and the journal
  did not contain a default backup-file name specification.

  User Action:  Specify an after-image journal backup filename, or
  modify the journal to contain a default backup-file name

1.31  –  AIJBCKFIX

  cannot perform by-sequence AIJ backup of extensible journals

  Explanation:  An attempt has been made to back up an
  "extensible" after-image journal using the "by-sequence" command

  User Action:  Do NOT use the "by-sequence" command qualifier
  when backing up an extensible AIJ journal.

1.32  –  AIJBCKGAP

  AIJ backup completed after skipping previously backed up journal
  sequence <num>

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to back up an after-image
  journal that does not have the next chronological sequence
  number.  This condition normally occurs when a "by-sequence"
  operation is done out of order.  For instance, sequence 6 is
  backed up, then sequences 5 through 7 are attempted.

  User Action:  In the above example, the backup was completed
  when the previously backed up AIJ sequence  6 was encountered.
  The journal containing sequence  5 was fully and safely backed
  up.  Restart the backup with the next journal requiring back up
  (in the above example, sequence  7).


  after-image journals cannot be backed up due to unrecoverable
  data loss

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to back up an after-image
  journal after loss of AIJ data has occurred.  One or more of the
  following events may have occurred:  1.  An inaccessible journal
  was deleted.  2.  A modified journal was deleted while
  journalling was disabled.  3.  A journal was overwritten.  4.
  Journal switch-over failed.

  User Action:  A full database backup must be immediately
  performed to make the database recoverable again.


  AIJ backup completed when accessing inaccessible journal <str>

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to backup an after-image
  journal that is not currently accessible.

  User Action:  The specified after-image journal must be deleted
  or unsuppressed before the backup will be allowed to proceed.


  invalid after-image journal backup interval value "<num>"

  Explanation:  An invalid AIJ journal backup interval was

  User Action:  The AIJ journal backup interval specifies the
  number of seconds for which the backup utility will wait.  The
  value must be a positive number, which may include the value

1.36  –  AIJBCKMOD

  cannot modify AIJ information while backup is active or

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to modify after-image journal
  information while an AIJ backup was in progress.

  User Action:  Wait until the AIJ backup completes.

1.37  –  AIJBCKOVR

  AIJ backup not possible when modified journals have been

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to perform an after-image
  backup when one or more of the active AIJ journals have been
  overwritten.  Backing up an AIJ journal that has been
  overwritten is not possible, because AIJ data was lost when the
  journal was overwritten, making the database non-recoverable.
  The resulting AIJ backup file could not be used for subsequent
  AIJ roll-forward operations.

  User Action:  Perform a full database backup.  Once the full
  database backup has been completed, after-image journal backup
  operations will again be possible.


  AIJ backup completed when accessing overwritten journal <str>

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to back up an after-image
  journal that has been overwritten.

  User Action:  While an after-image journal was in progress, the
  journal being backed up was overwritten.  Consequently,
  data-loss has occurred, and the backup operation cannot continue
  any further.  A full database backup is required.


  /RENAME qualifier invalid when backup filespec also specified

  Explanation:  The /RENAME qualifier cannot be specified when an
  AIJ backup filename specification is also specified, since these
  are conflicting options.

  User Action:  Specify either the /RENAME qualifier (using "" for
  the AIJ backup filename specification) or the AIJ backup
  filename specification, but not both.

1.40  –  AIJBCKSEQ

  backing up after-image journal sequence number <num>

  Explanation:  The created after-image backup file will be
  internally identified with the indicated sequence number.  When
  AIJ files are rolled forward, the roll-forward utility will
  prompt for specific AIJ sequence numbers.  The AIJ file sequence
  number should be included as a component of any external file
  identification information, such as magtape labels.

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This message is
  informational only.


  backup of after-image journal <str> did not complete

  Explanation:  The AIJ backup operation of the identified journal
  did not complete, typically because of some previous backup
  failure condition.

  User Action:  Restart the AIJ backup operation after correcting
  the identified problems.


  journal <str> is busy and AIJ switch-over suspended - add new

  Explanation:  The AIJ switch-over operation is suspended and
  performing the requested AIJ backup operation cannot proceed
  because active processes require the specified AIJ journal for
  recovery reasons.

  User Action:  It is necessary to add a new journal before
  performing the AIJ backup operation.


  invalid after-image journal backup threshold value "<num>"

  Explanation:  An invalid AIJ journal backup threshold was

  User Action:  The AIJ journal backup threshold specifies the
  approximate limit on the size of the journal.  The value must be
  a positive number, which may include the value "0".

1.44  –  AIJCCHDIR

  AIJ-cache file name "<str>" does not include device and

  Explanation:  The AIJ-cache filename specified does not include
  a device and directory.

  User Action:  For maximum protection, you should always include
  a device and directory in the AIJ-cache file specification,
  preferably one that is different from both the database device
  and AIJ device.


  Do you wish to continue the roll-forward operation of this
  journal [<char>]:

  Explanation:  Continue or terminate the AIJ roll-forward
  operation with the current journal file.

  User Action:  Enter 'YES' to continue the roll-forward operation
  of the journal.  Enter 'NO' to terminate the roll-forward
  operation of the journal.  Any response other then 'YES' will
  also result in the termination of the roll-forward operation.


  journal entry <num>/<num> contains <num>!1%Can AIJBUF with an
  invalid length!2%Can AIJBL with an invalid length!3%Cthe start
  of a new AIJBL before previous AIJBL is complete!4%Ca new AIJBL
  that doesn't have the start flag set!%E**!%F

  Explanation:  The journal contains corruption at the location
  indicated (record number / block number).

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

1.47  –  AIJCURSEQ

  specified after-image journal contains sequence number <num>

  Explanation:  The specified after-image journal contains the
  indicated sequence number.  This sequence number must exactly
  match that expected by the roll-forward utility.

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This message is
  informational only.

1.48  –  AIJDELCUR

  cannot remove the current AIJ journal "<str>"

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to remove the AIJ journal
  currently in use.

  User Action:  Disable AIJ journaling first, or try to remove the
  AIJ journal when the journal is no longer in use.

1.49  –  AIJDELMOD

  cannot remove AIJ journal "<str>" until backed up

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to remove an AIJ journal that
  has not yet been backed up.

  User Action:  Disable AIJ journaling first, or backup the AIJ

1.50  –  AIJDEVDIR

  AIJ filename "<str>" does not include a device/directory

  Explanation:  The after-image journal file name specified does
  not include a device and directory.

  User Action:  For maximum protection, you should always include
  a device and directory in the file specification, preferably one
  that is different from the database device.


  after-image journaling must be enabled for this operation

  Explanation:  You attempted to perform an after-image journal
  operation, such as a backup of the journal file, for a database
  that has after-image journaling disabled.

  User Action:  Enable after-image journaling for your database,
  and try the backup again at some later time.


  cannot manually suppress the current AIJ journal "<str>"

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to manually suppress the AIJ
  journal currently in use.

  User Action:  Disable AIJ journaling first, or try to unsuppress
  the AIJ journal when the journal is no longer in use.


  cannot manually suppress AIJ journal "<str>" until backed up

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to manually suppress an AIJ
  journal that has not yet been backed up.

  User Action:  Disable AIJ journaling first, or backup the AIJ


  duplicate "Hot Standby" server name

  Explanation:  The specified "Hot Standby" server name is a
  duplicate of an existing server name on this node.

  User Action:  Specify another server name.


  after-image journaling must be disabled

  Explanation:  You attempted to perform an operation that
  requires after-image journaling to be disabled, but the database
  still has after-image journaling enabled.

  User Action:  Disable after-image journaling for your database
  and try the operation again.  After the operation has completed,
  you can enable after-image journaling again.

1.56  –  AIJENBOVR

  enabling AIJ journaling would overwrite an existing journal

  Explanation:  Enabling after-image journaling would result in an
  existing AIJ journal being overwritte, which would result in the
  loss of AIJ data, making the database non-recoverable.

  User Action:  Modify the database to allow after-image journals
  to be overwritten, or add a new AIJ journal.


  continuing with AIJ modification operation

  Explanation:  When an attempt was made to disable AIJ journaling
  or to change the default AIJ filename, the active AIJ file could
  not be opened.  This condition typically occurs only for
  catastrophic reasons; therefore, the AIJ file is assumed to have
  contained some data records, which are presumed to have been

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This message is
  informational only.

1.58  –  AIJFNLSEQ

  to start another AIJ file recovery, the sequence number needed
  will be <num>

  Explanation:  This message informs the user what the next AIJ
  file sequence number will be.  AIJ file sequence numbers are
  modified for a variety of reasons (such as, performing an AIJ
  backup, enabling or disabling AIJ logging, etc.).

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This message is
  informational only.


  storage area <str> is now consistent

  Explanation:  The indicated storage area has been marked
  consistent with the rest of the database.

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This message is
  informational only.


  page <num> from storage area <str> is now consistent

  Explanation:  The indicated page has been marked consistent with
  the rest of the database.

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This message is
  informational only.

1.61  –  AIJHRDENB

  cannot unsuppress an AIJ journal that has hard data loss

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to unsuppress an AIJ journal
  that experienced hard data loss.  This is not permitted because
  it would possibly leave the database in a non-recoverable state.

  User Action:  The AIJ journal must be removed.

1.62  –  AIJISOFF

  after-image journaling has been disabled

  Explanation:  After-image journaling has been disabled.  The
  database is no longer recoverable.  It is highly recommended
  that after-image journaling be re-enabled as soon as possible.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

1.63  –  AIJISON

  after-image journaling has been enabled

  Explanation:  After-image journaling has been enabled.  All
  subsequent database operations will be journaled to the
  "current" journal.

  User Action:  A full database backup should be performed.

1.64  –  AIJJRNBSY

  journal <str> is busy and cannot be backed up

  Explanation:  An attempt has been made to back up an after-image
  journal that is currently required for process recovery.  The
  journal is considered to be "busy" until no process requires the
  journal for recovery.

  User Action:  Use the /WAIT command qualifier to indicate that
  the after-image backup is to "wait" for the journal to become
  available; that is, the journal becomes available for backup
  when no more processes require it for recovery.


  "Hot Standby" has been shutdown

  Explanation:  "Hot Standby" has been terminated.

  User Action:  Restart the database replication operation.

1.66  –  AIJMINSZ

  allocation size is <num> blocks due to suspended AIJ switch-over
  or active replication

  Explanation:  The specified AIJ journal file allocation size was
  overwritten with the optimal size indicated.  This action was
  taken to meet the requirements of the suspended AIJ switch-over

  User Action:  None.

1.67  –  AIJMODOBS

  cannot use deprecated modification syntax with new AIJ features

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to modify an AIJ journal using
  deprecated syntax in a database environment where advanced AIJ
  journaling features are in use.

  User Action:  The enhanced AIJ journal modification syntax must
  be used in an environment where advanced AIJ journaling
  features, such as multiple AIJ journals, are in use.

1.68  –  AIJMODSEQ

  next AIJ file sequence number will be <num>

  Explanation:  This message informs the user what the next AIJ
  file sequence number will be.  AIJ file sequence numbers are
  modified for a variety of reasons (such as, performing an AIJ
  backup, enabling or disabling AIJ logging, etc.).

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This message is
  informational only.


  AIJ switch-over suspended - add new journal or backup current

  Explanation:  The AIJ switch-over operation is suspended and
  performing the requested operation will not succeed and possibly
  result in the database being shutdown.

  User Action:  Add a new AIJ journal or, if possible, backup the
  existing journals.


  active transactions will be aborted if you terminate recovery

  Explanation:  One or more active transactions will be aborted if
  AIJ recovery is terminated.

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This message is
  informational only.  This message supplements the AIJNXTSEQ

1.71  –  AIJNAMREQ

  AIJ name or filespec necessary for modify or delete operations

  Explanation:  In order to modify or delete an existing AIJ
  journal, either the AIJ name or the exact filename specification
  are mandatory.

  User Action:  Please specify either the AIJ name or the exact
  filename specification, including VMS version number.


  there are no active transactions

  Explanation:  Upon completion of the roll-forward operations for
  the current AIJ file, no transactions remain active.  The AIJ
  recovery process can be terminated without the loss of
  transaction data.

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This message is
  informational only.


  AIJ contains no transactions that qualify for backup

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to backup an after-image
  journal file that does not have any records that qualify to be
  backed up.  This situation occurs if the oldest active
  checkpoint record is in the first block of the AIJ.  This
  restriction is necessary to guarantee that all transactions for
  this process will be recoverable in the event of unexpected
  process failure.  This message is applicable only if the "fast
  commit" feature is enabled.

  User Action:  The offending process(es) need to commit or
  rollback their current transaction or unbind from the database.


  after-image journaling has not yet been enabled

  Explanation:  The after-image journal roll-forward operation has
  completed, but AIJ logging has not yet been enabled.  This
  message is a reminder to the user to enable AIJ logging, if

  User Action:  If AIJ logging is desired, AIJ logging should be
  enabled.  Otherwise, no user action is required.  This message
  is informational only.

1.75  –  AIJNOEXT

  extraction of this journal must start with sequence <num>

  Explanation:  The AIJ file supplied was created subsequent to
  the expected AIJ journal.  Usually, this condition occurs for
  the following reasons:  1) an incorrect AIJ file or VMS file
  "version" was specified, 2) the supplied AIJ file was not
  created for this database, 3) AIJ logging was disabled and then
  later enabled, or 4) a transaction is continued in this journal
  from a previous journal.

  User Action:  This is a fatal condition; extraction of the AIJ
  journal CANNOT start with this journal.  You MUST start recovery
  with the AIJ journal indicated by the preceeding AIJSEQAFT or
  AIJSEQPRI message.

1.76  –  AIJNOOVR

  AIJ initialization not possible when journals have not been

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to perform an after-image
  initialization when none of the active AIJ journals have been
  overwritten.  Resetting an AIJ journal that has not been
  overwritten is not possible, because AIJ data will be lost,
  making the database non-recoverable.

  User Action:  None.

1.77  –  AIJNORCVR

  recovery must start with journal sequence <num>

  Explanation:  The AIJ file supplied was created subsequent to
  the expected AIJ journal.  Usually, this condition occurs for
  the following reasons:  1) an incorrect AIJ file or VMS file
  "version" was specified, 2) the supplied AIJ file was not
  created for this database, 3) AIJ logging was disabled and then
  later enabled, or 4) a transaction is continued in this journal
  from a previous journal.

  User Action:  This is a fatal condition; recovery of the AIJ
  journal CANNOT start with this journal.  You MUST start recovery
  with the AIJ journal indicated by the preceeding AIJSEQAFT or
  AIJSEQPRI message.

1.78  –  AIJNXTFIL

  enter the next AIJ file name, or enter return to terminate:

  Explanation:  Enter the name of another AIJ file to be rolled
  forward.  If no AIJ file name is entered, the roll-forward
  operation is terminated.

  User Action:  Enter the name of the next AIJ file to be rolled
  forward.  If you wish to terminate the roll-forward operation,
  simply hit return <CR>.

1.79  –  AIJNXTSEQ

  to continue this AIJ file recovery, the sequence number needed
  will be <num>

  Explanation:  This message informs the user what the next AIJ
  file sequence number will be.  AIJ file sequence numbers are
  modified for a variety of reasons (such as, performing an AIJ
  backup, enabling or disabling AIJ logging, etc.).

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This message is
  informational only.


  AIJ file sequence <num> roll-forward operations completed

  Explanation:  The roll-forward operations for the AIJ file with
  the indicated sequence number have been successfully completed.
  Note that in some cases, no transactions may have been applied;
  this is normal.

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This message is
  informational only.

1.81  –  AIJOPTRST

  Optimized AIJ journal will not be applied during restart

  Explanation:  An optimized AIJ was encountered during a
  restarted AIJ roll-forward operation.  Since an optimized AIJ
  journal only contains 1 real transaction, nothing in the AIJ
  journal can be applied if transaction recovery has not yet
  commenced.  Therefore, the AIJ journal is simply read but not
  applied to the database.

  User Action:  None.

1.82  –  AIJOPTSUC

  AIJ optimization completed successfully

  Explanation:  An AIJ optimization has completed successfully.

  User Action:  No user action is required.


  overwritten AIJ journal <str> has been re-initialized

  Explanation:  An "overwritten" AIJ journal has been
  re-initialized.  This makes the AIJ journal immediately
  available for future re-use.

  User Action:  None.


  <num> of the active transactions prepared but not yet committed
  or aborted

  Explanation:  Upon completion of the roll-forward operations for
  the current AIJ file, more than 1 transaction remains active AND
  prepared.  That is, the commit or roll-back information either
  resides in the next AIJ file to be processed, or the action can
  be determined using DECdtm upon completion of the recovery

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This message is
  informational only.


  AIJ quiet-point backup required when commit-to-journal enabled

  Explanation:  You attempted to perform a no-quiet-point back up
  of an after-image journal file when the commit-to-journal
  feature was enabled.

  User Action:  Either disable the commit-to-journal feature, or
  use the quiet-point AIJ backup mechanism.

1.86  –  AIJRECBEG

  recovering after-image journal "state" information

  Explanation:  When performing a full database restore operation,
  the restore utility attempts to recover the "state" information
  of any after-image journals that were available at the time of
  the backup operation.  Recovering the after-image journal
  information permits subsequent "automatic" (i.e., hands-off)
  AIJ-recovery operations.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

1.87  –  AIJRECEND

  after-image journal "state" recovery complete

  Explanation:  The after-image journal "state" recovery operation
  has completed.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

1.88  –  AIJRECESQ

  AIJ roll-forward operations terminated due to sequence error

  Explanation:  Instead of specifying another AIJ file to be
  rolled forward, the AIJ roll-forward operations were prematurely
  terminated because the AIJ files were out of sequence.  In this
  case, it is possible that one or more active transactions were
  aborted by the system.

  User Action:  Redo the RMU/RECOVER with the correct sequence of
  AIJ files, continue rolling forward with the next AIJ in the
  correct sequence, or specify /COMMIT=CONTINUE to continue with
  the next AIJ file after skipping the missing AIJ file.

1.89  –  AIJRECTRM

  AIJ roll-forward operations terminated at user request

  Explanation:  Instead of specifying another AIJ file to be
  rolled forward, the user specified that AIJ roll-forward
  operations should be prematurely terminated.  In this case, it
  is possible that one or more active transactions were aborted by
  the system.

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This message is
  informational only.

1.90  –  AIJREMCUR

  cannot remount the current AIJ journal "<str>"

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to remount the AIJ journal
  currently in use.

  User Action:  Disable AIJ journaling first, or try to remount
  the AIJ journal when the journal is no longer in use.

1.91  –  AIJREMMOD

  cannot remount AIJ journal "<str>" due to hard data loss

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to remount an AIJ journal that
  has experienced data loss.  This is not permitted.

  User Action:  None.

1.92  –  AIJREMOK

  AIJ journal "<str>" is already fully accessible

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to remount an AIJ journal that
  is already fully accessible.

  User Action:  None.

1.93  –  AIJROOSEQ

  starting after-image journal sequence number required is <num>

  Explanation:  The after-image journal sequence number indicated
  corresponds to the first AIJ file that can be rolled forward.
  If the sequence number of the AIJ file to be rolled forward does
  not exactly match the indicated sequence number, no transactions
  will be applied.

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This message is
  informational only.

1.94  –  AIJRSTAVL

  <num> after-image journal(s) available for use

  Explanation:  This message indicates the number of after-image
  journals that were successfully restored.  One or more of these
  journals may actually be modified, but all of them are valid
  after-image journals for the database.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

1.95  –  AIJRSTBAD

  journal is currently marked inaccessible

  Explanation:  The journal that is in the process of being
  restored was marked as being inaccessible.  Consequently, this
  journal cannot be restored.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

1.96  –  AIJRSTBEG

  restoring after-image journal "state" information

  Explanation:  When performing a full database restore operation,
  the restore utility attempts to restore the "state" information
  of any after-image journals that were available at the time of
  the backup operation.  Restoring the after-image journal
  information permits subsequent "automatic" (i.e., hands-off)
  AIJ-recovery operations.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

1.97  –  AIJRSTDEL

  journal "<str>" filename "<str>" has been removed

  Explanation:  The indicated after-image journal could not be
  successfully restored.  Therefore, the information regarding the
  journal has been removed from the database.  Note, however, that
  the specified filename was NOT deleted.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

1.98  –  AIJRSTEND

  after-image journal "state" restoration complete

  Explanation:  The after-image journal restore operation has

  User Action:  No user action is required.

1.99  –  AIJRSTINC

  after-image journal sequence numbers are incompatible

  Explanation:  The sequence number stored in the header of the
  after-image journal does not correspond to the sequence number
  stored in the database.  Typically, this situation occurs if the
  after-image journal was modified or backed up AFTER the database
  backup was made.  As a result, the journal information cannot be
  restored in the database.  However, the on-disk after-image
  journal may be acceptable for subsequent roll-forward

  User Action:  No user action is required.

1.100  –  AIJRSTJRN

  restoring journal "<str>" information

  Explanation:  The specified after-image journal was available
  when the database was originally backed up, and restoration of
  the journal "state" will be attempted.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

1.101  –  AIJRSTMOD

  <num> after-image journal(s) marked as "modified"

  Explanation:  This message indicates the number of after-image
  journals that were successfully restored, but contain data that
  needs to be backed up.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

1.102  –  AIJRSTNMD

  journal has not yet been modified

  Explanation:  The indicated after-image journal has not yet been
  modified, and is available for immediate use.  Note that at
  least one unmodified after-image journal is required before
  journaling can be enabled.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

1.103  –  AIJRSTROOT

  original database root file "<str>" still exists

  Explanation:  An after-image journal cannot be restored if the
  database for which it was originally created still exists.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

1.104  –  AIJRSTSEQ

  journal sequence number is "<num>"

  Explanation:  The indicated after-image journal was successfully
  restored.  This message identifies the sequence number of the

  User Action:  No user action is required.

1.105  –  AIJRSTSUC

  journal "<str>" successfully restored from file "<str>"

  Explanation:  The indicated after-image journal was successfully

  User Action:  No user action is required.

1.106  –  AIJSEQAFT

  incorrect AIJ file sequence <num> when <num> was expected

  Explanation:  The AIJ file supplied was created subsequent to
  the expected AIJ file.  Usually, this condition occurs for the
  following reasons:  1) an incorrect AIJ file or VMS file
  "version" was specified, 2) the supplied AIJ file was not
  created for this database, or 3) AIJ logging was disabled and
  then later enabled.

  User Action:  The utility will prompt for confirmation that the
  supplied AIJ file is valid.  If AIJ logging was disabled and
  then later enabled without any intervening database transaction
  activity, then confirming the AIJ file will permit the
  roll-forward operation to continue applying all transactions
  contained in the AIJ file.  Otherwise, the AIJ file should be
  rejected and the correct AIJ file specified.  Should
  confirmation be given for an incorrect AIJ file, no transactions
  will be applied.

1.107  –  AIJSEQBCK

  cannot find an AIJ journal with sequence number <num>

  Explanation:  A "by-sequence" after-image journal backup
  operation was attempted with a sequence number that did not
  currently exist for any known AIJ journal.

  User Action:  Specify a valid AIJ sequence number, or perform a
  full AIJ backup by not specifying the "by-sequence" command

1.108  –  AIJSEQPRI

  AIJ file sequence number <num> created prior to expected
  sequence <num>

  Explanation:  The after-image journal supplied was created prior
  to the expected AIJ file.  Usually, this condition occurs for
  the following reasons:  1) an incorrect AIJ file or VMS file
  "version" was specified, 2) the supplied AIJ file was not
  created for this database, or 3) a database backup was performed
  subsequent to the AIJ backup.

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This message is
  informational only.  The AIJ roll-forward operation will
  continue to completion, although no transactions will be applied
  from the AIJ file.


  standby database AIJ signature does not match master database

  Explanation:  The number of AIJ journal slots ("reserved"), or
  the specific journal allocation sizes, are not identical on both
  the master and standby databases.

  User Action:  Make sure both the master and standby database AIJ
  journal configurations are identical.  Ensure that the AIJ
  journal device "cluster size" is identical on both the master
  and standby databases.


  inaccessible AIJ file forced image exit to protect database

  Explanation:  To maintain the integrity of the database, the
  database system has forced your image to exit.  An error has
  been encountered with one or more of the after-image journals
  that could jeopardize your ability to recover the database
  should a it become necessary to restore and recover the
  database.  Until the journaling problem has been remedied no
  further updates to the database are allowed.

  User Action:  The RMU or DBO /DUMP/HEADER=JOURNAL command will
  display the current state of the journals.  Various remedies are
  possible, depending on the error encountered.  Contact Oracle
  Support if you have questions on how to fix the problem.
  Typically, disabling and re-enabling journaling is the simplest
  way to restore operation of the database.  This can be done
  using the DBO or RMU SET AFTER command, or from interactive SQL.
  After the journaling problem has been resolved a full database
  backup must be done to ensure that the database can be restored
  and recovered successfully in the future.

1.111  –  AIJVNOSYNC

  AIJ file <str> synchronized with database

  Explanation:  When recovering a database for which AIJ
  journaling was enabled, it may be necessary to synchronize
  information in the AIJ file with information in the database
  root file.  This is necessary to ensure that subsequent AIJ
  recovery operations are successful.

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This message is
  informational only.

1.112  –  ALIASATTOP

  The ON ALIAS clause must appear in the outermost compound

  Explanation:  You have used the ON ALIAS clause in a compound
  statement that is nested within one or more other compound

  User Action:  Move the ON ALIAS clause to the outermost compound
  statement in the procedure.


  Alias may only be specified in first level name

  Explanation:  An alias was embedded in a quoted identifier after
  the first level.

  User Action:  Change the name to embed the alias at the first
  level of the name.


  Alias may be specified only once

  Explanation:  An alias was embedded in a quoted identifier at
  more than one level in a multilevel name.

  User Action:  Change the name to embed the alias at the first
  level of the name.

1.115  –  ALLSCHROLL

  All databases may be moved only by EXTRACTION ROLLUP transfers

  Explanation:  You have specified *.* in the move tables clause
  of a transfer which was an extraction or replication transfer.

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement with a
  differene MOVE clause.

1.116  –  ALLSCHTAB

  All tables must be moved if all databases are moved

  Explanation:  The move clause must be *.* or xxx.*, not *.xxx.

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement with a
  different MOVE clause.

1.117  –  ALSACTIVE

  Database replication is active

  Explanation:  Certain database operations, such as terminating
  the AIJ Log Server, cannot be performed while database
  replication is active.

  User Action:  Terminate database replication and re-attempt the

1.118  –  ALSNACTIVE

  Database replication is not active

  Explanation:  Database replication is not active for the
  specified database.

  User Action:  Verify that the database is being replicated.

1.119  –  ALSNAVAIL

  "Hot Standby" not available or improperly installed

  Explanation:  "Hot Standby" cannot be started because it has not
  been installed.

  User Action:  Make sure the "Hot Standby" component has been
  properly installed.

1.120  –  ALSNBEGUN

  database replication has not previously been started

  Explanation:  Database replication has not yet been started for
  this database.

  User Action:  You specified the replication-start command
  without identifying the master or standby database.  This type
  of command can only be used when database replication has been
  previously started.

1.121  –  ALSNOOUT

  AIJ Log Server does not have an output file

  Explanation:  The AIJ Log Server process does not have an output
  file associated with it.

  User Action:  Use the /OUTPUT qualifier to specify an output
  filename when the AIJ Log Server process is started.


  AIJ Log Server process is not active

  Explanation:  The AIJ Log Server process is not running on the
  current node.

  User Action:  Verify that the AIJ Log Server has been started.

1.123  –  ALSRUNNING

  AIJ Log Server process is already running

  Explanation:  The AIJ Log Server process has already been
  started on the current node.

  User Action:  No action is required.

1.124  –  ALTNOTOCB

  ALTER TABLE may not be used to change a column to computed

  Explanation:  The ALTER clause of the ALTER TABLE statement was
  used to change an existing column with a data type to a computed

  User Action:  Use the DROP clause of the ALTER TABLE statement
  to drop the existing column and the ADD clause to add a computed

1.125  –  ALTSCHATT

  You cannot use the ALTER DATABASE statement on an attached

  Explanation:  You attempted to alter a database that was already

  User Action:  Either remove the ALTER DATABASE statement or make
  sure the database being altered is not attached.

1.126  –  ALTSOM

  The ALTER statement must alter a valid option

  Explanation:  Nothing was altered as a result of the ALTER
  statement which is not permitted.

  User Action:  Reenter the ALTER statement and specify a valid

1.127  –  AMBHV_DEC

  Host variable <str> was ambiguously defined

  Explanation:  You declared a host variable ambiguously by using
  the same name in two host variable declarations.

  User Action:  Change the name or level of one of the

1.128  –  AMBTYP_DEC

  Host variable <str> was based on an ambiguously defined type

  Explanation:  You declared a host variable which was based on a
  type.  The type is ambiguous because two or more type
  declarations use the same name.

  User Action:  Change the name or scope of one of the

1.129  –  AMB_KEYWORD

  Ambiguous keyword abbreviation

  Explanation:  You used an ambiguous abbreviation.

  User Action:  Specify the entire keyword.

1.130  –  ANODBHAND

  Another database already declared with alias <str>

  Explanation:  You specified in the DECLARE ALIAS or ATTACH
  statement the same alias as in a previous DECLARE DECLARE ALIAS
  or ATTACH statement.

  User Action:  Either issue a DISCONNECT statement and try the
  same ATTACH statement, or enter the DECLARE ALIAS statement
  again with a different alias .


  This statement may only refer to database with ANSI protection

  Explanation:  You tried to execute a SHOW statement which is
  only for ANSI style protections on a database which uses ACL
  style protections.

  User Action:  Only use this statement with ansi style


  This view is non-updatable by ANSI standards

  Explanation:  The way that the view was created violates the
  ANSI requirements for updatableness.  The view is marked
  non-updatable though at this time (version 4.1), the view can
  still be updated.  The violations of the ANSI standard are:  a
  column name used more than once in a select expression and a
  computed-by field

  User Action:  None.  For future compatibility, user may want to
  note if a view is updatable or not

1.133  –  AREABUSY

  usage of storage area <str> conflicts with a co-user

  Explanation:  You attempted to ready an area that is already
  being accessed by another user, and that usage mode is
  incompatible with the usage mode you requested.

  User Action:  Wait until the storage area you requested is
  available, and try again, or ready the area with the WAIT


  /UNTIL qualifier ignored when /AREA qualifier specified

  Explanation:  The /UNTIL qualifier to the AIJ roll-forward
  utility is ignored when the /AREA qualifier is also specified.

  User Action:  None necessary.

1.135  –  AREA_CORRUPT

  storage area <str> is corrupt

  Explanation:  The storage area has been corrupted by an abnormal
  termination of a BATCH UPDATE run unit.  It cannot be readied.

  User Action:  Either try to fix the problem by verifying the
  area and then altering the corrupt pages or reload/restore the

1.136  –  AREA_DELETED

  area is not active or was previously deleted

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to ready an area which does
  not exist.


  storage area <str> is inconsistent

  Explanation:  The storage area has been marked inconsistent with
  the rest of the database.  It cannot be readied.

  User Action:  Recover the area to make it consistent.


  storage area <str> is under restructure

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to ready an area that is
  either presently being or in the recent past has been

  User Action:  See your DBA to have the areas released.

1.139  –  ARGCOUNT

  Procedure <str> expected <num> parameter(s), was passed <num>

  Explanation:  The module language procedure was not passed as
  many parameters as it expected.  This may be because the
  /CONTEXT qualifier was or was not specified when the module was
  compiled, or because the procedure call and procedure
  declaration do not have the same number of parameters.

  User Action:  If a context parameter is being passed, make sure
  that the /CONTEXT qualifier is specified on module compilation.
  Otherwise, make sure that the procedure call and declaration
  specify the same number of parameters.

1.140  –  ARGLISGTR255

  Statement requires an argument list whose length exceeds maximum
  specified by the calling standard

  Explanation:  The OpenVMS Calling Standard allows only 255
  arguments to a procedure.  A procedure call generated by the SQL
  Precompiler or SQL Module Language compiler has exceeded this
  limit.  This may be due to an OPEN ...  USING, FETCH ...  INTO
  or EXECUTE ...  USING/INTO variable list.  Note that the
  SQLSTATE, SQLCA, or SQLCODE must also be passed to generated
  routines, this allows up to 254 user parameters.

  User Action:  Reduce the parameters passed to these statements,
  possibly using SQLDA structures instead which can be arbitrarily

1.141  –  ARIEXPEXP

  Expected arithmetic value expression

  Explanation:  You supplied a predicate where SQL expected to
  find an arithmetic value expression.

  User Action:  You must use an arithmetic value expression in
  this context.

1.142  –  ASSSTRLIT

  Numeric literal is assumed to be text

  Explanation:  You tried to store a numeric literal into a text
  column or compare a numeric literal to a text column.  SQL
  assumes the string is a text literal and converts it for the
  storage or comparison.  Note that each digit in the numeric
  literal, including leading zeroes, is converted to text.  For
  instance, 001 and 1 represent the same number, but are converted
  to different literals ("001" and "1").

  User Action:  None.  However, it is good programming practice to
  convert the numeric literal to a string literal by enclosing it
  in quotes.

1.143  –  ATTMISSING

  invalid or missing attributes

  Explanation:  Internal error -- a required attribute (such as
  the data type in a GLOBAL FIELD clump) is missing.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain a copy of the Oracle Rdb interchange file that caused the

1.144  –  BADAIJACE

  after-image journal is electronic cache

  Explanation:  You have attempted to use the AIJ Cache for
  Electronic disk for an operation which is not supported.  For
  instance, you may have tried to use the electronic cache as the
  roll-forward journal, which is incorrect.

  User Action:  Do not use the AIJ Cache for Electronic disk for
  day-to-day operations.  Use the disk-based after-image journals
  for all roll-forward or AIJ operations.

1.145  –  BADAIJBCK

  previous AIJ backup did not complete

  Explanation:  It appears that the previous AIJ file backup
  process, which was started on the indicated date/time, either
  failed or was prematurely terminated by the user.

  User Action:  No user action required.  The current AIJ backup
  will backup the complete AIJ file to ensure there is no loss of
  transactions.  The AIJ file created by the failed backup utility
  MUST be preserved; DO NOT discard the AIJ backup file created by
  the failed backup utility.  Even though the AIJ backup failed,
  the AIJ backup file must be used for successful roll-forward

1.146  –  BADAIJFILE

  illegal after-image journal format or journal incorrectly

  Explanation:  The file you specified does not appear to be an
  after-image journal file.  For example, when performing an AIJ
  roll-forward operation using an after-image journal on a
  magnetic tape, this problem will occur if the tape is
  incorrectly mounted.

  User Action:  Check the file name and try again.  Verify that a
  magnetic tape was correctly mounted.

1.147  –  BADAIJSEQ

  AIJ file is incorrect for roll-forward operations

  Explanation:  The specified AIJ file is not the correct file to
  be rolled-forward.  Usually, this condition occurs for the
  following reasons:  1) an incorrect AIJ file or VMS file
  "version" was specified, 2) the supplied AIJ file was not
  created for this database, or 3) AIJ logging was disabled and
  then later enabled.

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This message is
  informational only.


  date specified by /UNTIL (<time>) has not yet been reached

  Explanation:  The date and time specified by the /UNTIL command
  qualifier had not yet been reached when after-image journal
  roll-forward operations were completed.

  User Action:  Another after-image journal, if any, might have to
  be rolled forward to ensure that all transactions have been
  applied up to the specified date and time.  If no more AIJ files
  are available, the AIJ roll-forward operations are complete.

1.149  –  BADAIJVER

  after-image journal version is incompatible with the runtime

  Explanation:  Your after-image journal file was created with an
  incompatible version of the software.

  User Action:  Your after-image journal file cannot be used with
  the version of the software you have installed on your machine.
  Make sure you are using the correct AIJ journal, or if
  "multi-version" software is installed, make sure you are using
  the correct software version.

1.150  –  BADARGAVG

  Argument of AVG, STDDEV and VARIANCE must be numeric or interval

  Explanation:  The expression for an AVG, STDDEV and VARIANCE
  function must be numeric or interval.

  User Action:  Change the value expression to contain only
  numeric or interval fields, or remove the function.

1.151  –  BADARGSUM

  Argument of SUM must be numeric or interval

  Explanation:  The expression for an SUM function must be numeric
  or interval.

  User Action:  Change the value expression to contain only
  numeric or interval fields, or remove the function.

1.152  –  BADASCTOID

  "<str>" is not a valid user identifier

  Explanation:  An error occurred when the rights database was
  accessed to translate an identifier name to a binary identifier.

  User Action:  See the secondary error message, and supply a
  valid user identifier.

1.153  –  BADBLOB

  unable to import a list

  Explanation:  Error from Rdb$CREATE_SEGMENTED_STRING.  See the
  following message for more information.

  User Action:  If the nature of the problem is not obvious,
  contact your Oracle support representataive.  Retain a copy of
  the Oracle Rdb interchange file that caused the error.

1.154  –  BADBNDPRM

  bad bind parameter <str> value "<str>"

  Explanation:  The logical bind parameter value is invalid.

  User Action:  See the secondary error message for more

1.155  –  BADBNDPRM0

  bad bind parameter

  Explanation:  A logical bind parameter value is invalid.

  User Action:  See the secondary error message for more
  information.  Because of unfortunate logistics, no further
  information is available at this point, check the Monitor log
  for more info.

1.156  –  BADBOUNDS

  value not in range <num> to <num>

  Explanation:  The value of the translated logical name is not in
  the range of acceptable values.

  User Action:  Delete the logical name, or redefine it with a
  value in the acceptable range.


  BUFFERPOOL clause is not allowed in the CREATE TRANSFER

  Explanation:  You have specified the BUFFERPOOL clause as an
  attribute for the target database in a CREATE TRANSFER

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement without the
  BUFFERPOOL clause.

1.158  –  BADBUFSIZ

  buffer size (<num>) is too small for largest page size (<num>)

  Explanation:  Specified buffer size is too small to hold even
  one page from the storage area with the largest page size.

1.159  –  BADCATALOG

  Catalog <str> not used by this query

  Explanation:  You used a catalog name to qualify a reference to
  a column and that catalog was not specified in the FROM clause
  of the query.

  User Action:  Either remove the catalog name from the
  select-list or specify the same catalog as specified in the FROM
  clause of the query.


  Reference to catalog <str> not permitted within definition of
  catalog <str>

  Explanation:  You specified the name of a catalog other than the
  one being defined.

  User Action:  Remove the catalog name or use the name of the
  catalog being defined.

1.161  –  BADCCHNAM

  record cache "<str>" does not exist

  Explanation:  The specified record cache is not defined in the

  User Action:  Please specify a valid record cache name.

1.162  –  BADCLUMP

  invalid clump type encountered

  Explanation:  Internal error - bad data in the Oracle Rdb
  interchange file.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain a copy of the Oracle Rdb interchange file that caused the


  The LIKE pattern is incompatible with IGNORE CASE

  Explanation:  The use of column names as the pattern string
  cannot be supported if IGNORE CASE is also choosen.

  User Action:  Use UPPER or LOWER functions to translate the
  source string into a consistent case before rather than having
  LIKE ignore case.


  COLLATION SEQUENCE clause is not allowed in the CREATE TRANSFER

  Explanation:  You have specified the COLLATION SEQUENCE clause
  as an attribute for the target database in a CREATE TRANSFER

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement without the

1.165  –  BADCOLQUAL

  The common column name <str> cannot be qualified with a table

  Explanation:  The name given in the error message is a common
  column name which can not be qualified.  The error occurs if
  there are columns with the same name are not specified as join
  columns in a joined table.

  User Action:  Use column renaming to make the column names
  unique or specify the column as a named join column using the
  USING clause.

1.166  –  BADCORATT

  invalid core attribute <num>, <num> in .RBR file

  Explanation:  Internal error - bad data in the Oracle Rdb
  interchange file.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain a copy of the Oracle Rdb interchange file that caused the

1.167  –  BADCTXLEN

  Illegal length value found in context structure

  Explanation:  The LENGTH field of the context structure passed
  to the SQL procedure was illegal.  SQL supports only the global
  tid, which has a length of 16 (symbolically DDTM$S_TID).

  User Action:  Change the HLL code to pass a context structure
  whose only length is 16 (DDTM$S_TID).

1.168  –  BADCTXTYPE

  Illegal type value found in context structure

  Explanation:  The TYPE field of the context structure passed to
  the SQL procedure was illegal.  SQL supports only the

  User Action:  Change the HLL code to pass a context structure
  whose only type is SQLCONTEXT$K_GLOBAL_TID.

1.169  –  BADCTXVER

  Unsupported version of context structure

  Explanation:  The VERSION field of the context structure passed
  to the SQL procedure was unsupported.  SQL supports only the

  User Action:  Change the HLL code to pass a context structure
  whose only version is SQLCONTEXT$K_VERSION1.

1.170  –  BADDATDEF

  illegal default format for date string

  Explanation:  The logical name, SYS$DATE_INPUT, represents the
  default format for a date string.  It is a three-character field
  (MDY,DMY, etc.), in which M = month, D = day, and Y = year.

  User Action:  Redefine the logical name with a legal date-string

1.171  –  BADDBHAND

  Alias <str> not used by this query

  Explanation:  You used an authorization identifier to qualify a
  reference to a column and that authorization identifier was not
  specified in the FROM clause of the query.

  User Action:  Either remove the authorization identifier that
  qualifies the select-list item or specify the same authorization
  identifier as specified in the FROM clause of the query.

1.172  –  BADDBKEY

  DBKEY SCOPE clause is not allowed in the CREATE TRANSFER

  Explanation:  You have specified the DBKEY SCOPE clause as an
  attribute for the target database in a CREATE TRANSFER

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement without the
  DBKEY SCOPE clause.

1.173  –  BADDBNAME

  can't find database root <str>

  Explanation:  The database root file you specified could not be

  User Action:  Examine the associated messages to determine the
  reason for failure.


  DICTIONARY clause is not allowed in the CREATE TRANSFER

  Explanation:  You have specified the DICTIONARY clause as an
  attribute for the target database in a CREATE TRANSFER

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement without the
  DICTIONARY clause.

1.175  –  BADDTFMT

  Date or time format is not set up properly.

  Explanation:  You entered a SHOW DATE FORMAT statement, but
  LIB$DT_FORMAT is not properly defined.

  User Action:  Check the definition of LIB$DT_FORMAT.  If it is a
  process logical, it should be changed.  If it is a group or
  system logical, contact your system manager to change it.


  only one epilogue file clause can be specified per transfer

  Explanation:  You specified more than one epilogue file clause
  in the CREATE TRANSFER statement.  This is not permitted.

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement, specifying
  only one EPILOGUE IS or NOEPILOGUE clause.

1.177  –  BADEPINAM

  invalid epilogue file name

  Explanation:  You entered an invalid epilogue file name.

  User Action:  Refer to the explanation in the user action
  section of the secondary error message.


  EXTENDIBLE clause is not allowed in the CREATE TRANSFER

  Explanation:  You have specified the EXTENDIBLE clause as an
  attribute for the target database in a CREATE TRANSFER

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement without the
  EXTENDIBLE clause.

1.179  –  BADFILEVER

  incompatible .RBR file type

  Explanation:  This version of SQL cannot import a database from
  this Oracle Rdb interchange file.

  User Action:  Use a version of RDO that corresponds to the
  version of RDO that created this file.

1.180  –  BADFILTYP

  database file must have extension "<str>"

  Explanation:  All database files must have the specified file

  User Action:  You might be attempting to access a non-database
  file.  If not, rename or copy the database file to have the
  proper type.

1.181  –  BADFLDTYP

  source fields of target relation <str> field number <num> have
  different types

  Explanation:  In a CREATE TRANSFER statement of an EXTRACTION
  ROLLUP transfer, you have entered MOVE RELATION clauses with the
  same target relation name and specified fields with the same
  names but of different data types in the source databases.

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement by
  specifying fields of the same data type in all the MOVE RELATION
  clauses with the same target relation.

1.182  –  BADIDXMAP

  Columns specified for partitioning do not agree with columns for

  Explanation:  You either named fields to partition a btree index
  in an incorrect order or you named fields to partition a btree
  index that are not part of the index.

  User Action:  Review the statement and specify it again.


  inconsistent page is corrupt -- not found in Corrupt Page Table

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to fetch an inconsistent page.
  Furthermore, the page is probably corrupt, because it is not
  logged in the Corrupt Page Table as an inconsistent page.  This
  page cannot be accessed until it is consistent.

  User Action:  Take the proper action to make the page
  consistent.  For example, perform a RESTORE/RECOVER operation
  for a data or AIP page, or a REPAIR operation for a SPAM or ABM


  INTERVAL clause is not allowed in the CREATE TRANSFER statement.

  Explanation:  You have specified an INTERVAL clause as an
  attribute for the target database in a CREATE TRANSFER

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement without the
  INTERVAL clause.


  Language <str> not properly set up.

  Explanation:  SQL attempted to retrieve month or weekdays from
  the logical name table LNM$LANGUAGE_xxx for language xxx, but
  could not retrieve a value.

  User Action:  Contact the sytem manager to make sure everything
  has been properly set up.

1.186  –  BADLOGFILE

  only one log file clause can be specified per transfer

  Explanation:  You specified more than one log file clause in the
  CREATE TRANSFER statement.  This is not permitted.

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement, specifying
  only one LOG FILE IS or NOLOG clause.

1.187  –  BADLOGNAM

  invalid log file name

  Explanation:  You entered an invalid log file name.

  User Action:  Refer to the explanation in the user action
  section of the secondary error message.

1.188  –  BADMAINT

  Database is an unsupported maintenance release for the current

  Explanation:  The maintainance release number and the version
  number of the database that you just attached to forms an
  unknown combination.

  User Action:  Check to make sure that you are running with the
  correct versions of Oracle Rdb-supported database products for
  the SQL interface to Oracle Rdb.  Correct versions are listed in
  the Oracle Rdb Installation Guide.

1.189  –  BADMETNAM

  Metadata names must end in A - Z or 0 - 9

  Explanation:  The name given in a data manipulation or
  definition statement ended with a dollar sign ($) or underscore
  (_).  These symbols are not allowed.

  User Action:  Specify a valid name.


  field <str> of relation <str> must be moved for view <str>

  Explanation:  You attempted to transfer a view without
  transferring a field to which the view refers.  You must also
  explicitly transfer in the CREATE TRANSFER statement all
  relevant fields of relations to which the view refers.

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement, adding the
  required field to the appropriate MOVE RELATION clause.


  underlying relation <str> of view <str> must also be moved

  Explanation:  You attempted to transfer a view without
  transferring the relations to which the view refers.  You must
  explicitly transfer the relations to which the view refers in
  the CREATE TRANSFER statement.

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement adding the
  required MOVE RELATION clause.


  underlying view <str> of view <str> must also be moved

  Explanation:  You attempted to transfer a view without
  transferring other views that underlie the view you want to
  transfer.  You must explicitly transfer the views to which the
  view refers in the CREATE TRANSFER statement.

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement adding the
  required views to the MOVE VIEW clause.

1.193  –  BADMVRELS

  move-relations-clause is allowed only once in CREATE TRANSFER

  Explanation:  You specified more than one move-relations-clause
  in a CREATE TRANSFER statement.  Possibly you did not separate
  the MOVE RELATION clauses with semicolons.

  User Action:  When you use a CREATE TRANSFER statement, group
  all the MOVE RELATION clauses together and separate them with

1.194  –  BADMVVIEWS

  move-views-clause is allowed only once in CREATE TRANSFER

  Explanation:  You entered more than one move-views-clause in a
  CREATE TRANSFER statement.  Only one move-views-clause is
  allowed in a CREATE TRANSFER statement.

  User Action:  Combine all MOVE VIEWS clauses into one list and
  separate the view names with commas.


  NONEXTENDIBLE clause is not allowed in the CREATE TRANSFER

  Explanation:  You have specified the NONEXTENDIBLE clause as an
  attribute for the target database in a CREATE TRANSFER

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement without the

1.196  –  BADONUSE

  A qualified joined table specifing NATURAL cannot have an an ON
  or USING clause

  Explanation:  The ON or USING clause was not specified for a
  qualified join.  One of these clauses is required.

  User Action:  Specify the ON or USING clause or specify a
  NATURAL, but not both.

1.197  –  BADORIENT

  fetch orientation allowed only for scroll cursors

  Explanation:  You specified a fetch orientation for a fetch
  statement, but the cursor for the fetch statement was not a
  scroll cursor.

  User Action:  Either ignore the clause or use a scroll cursor.


  PAGE FORMAT clause is not allowed in the CREATE TRANSFER

  Explanation:  You have specified a PAGE FORMAT clause as an
  attribute for the target database in a CREATE TRANSFER

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement without the
  PAGE FORMAT clause.

1.199  –  BADPAGNUM

  page <num> is out of valid range (1:<num>) for physical area

  Explanation:  The page number requested does not fall within the
  range of pages that exist in the specified physical storage
  area.  Note that a page number of 4294967295 is equal to -1.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

1.200  –  BADPAGRED

  read requesting physical page <num>:<num> returned page

  Explanation:  The area or page numbers stored on the database
  page do not match the area or page numbers of the DBKEY
  requested to be read from the database.  This usually is caused
  by a hardware problem.

  User Action:

1.201  –  BADPAGSIZ

  page size (<num>) conflicts with existing areas (<num>..<num>)

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to define a new storage area
  with a page size that conflicts with other areas.

  User Action:  Define the area with a page size that is within
  the range specified.

1.202  –  BADPARAM

  <str> (<num>) is out of valid range (<num>..<num>)

  Explanation:  An illegal parameter was specified during creation
  or modification of the database.

  User Action:  Examine your command line for illegal parameter

1.203  –  BADPREPARE

  Cannot use DESCRIBE or EXECUTE on a statement that is not

  Explanation:  Either you attempted to use a DESCRIBE or EXECUTE
  statement which named a statement that was not successfully
  prepared, or you passed a non-zero statement-id to PREPARE which
  is not a valid statement.

  User Action:  Prepare the statement before calling DESCRIBE or
  EXECUTE, or set the statement-id to zero before calling PREPARE.

1.204  –  BADPROCEND

  SQL statement was terminated with an improper statement

  Explanation:  The SQL statement supplied an invalid terminator
  for the host language.  User Action Use the correct statement
  terminator for the host language.  Host Languages have different
  rules about how to terminate an SQL statement.  ADA uses
  semicolon, COBOL uses END-EXEC and FORTRAN uses the end of the


  only one prologue file clause can be specified per transfer

  Explanation:  You specified more than one prologue file clause
  in the CREATE TRANSFER statement.  This is not permitted.

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement, specifying
  only one PROLOGUE IS or NOPROLOGUE clause.

1.206  –  BADPRONAM

  invalid prologue file name

  Explanation:  You entered an invalid prologue file name.

  User Action:  Refer to the explanation in the user action
  section of the secondary error message.


  PROTECTION clause is not allowed in the CREATE TRANSFER

  Explanation:  You have specified the PROTECTION clause as an
  attribute for the target database in a CREATE TRANSFER

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement without the
  PROTECTION clause.

1.208  –  BADQUALJOI

  A qualified joined table requires NATURAL or an ON or USING

  Explanation:  The ON or USING clause was not specified for a
  qualified join.  One of these clauses is required.

  User Action:  Specify the ON or USING clause.


  MOVE RELATION clauses of target relation <str> have different

  Explanation:  In a CREATE TRANSFER statement of an EXTRACTION
  ROLLUP transfer, you have entered a MOVE RELATION clauses with
  the same target relation name but specified a different set of
  fields in each clause.

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement by
  specifying the same set of fields in all the MOVE RELATION
  clauses with the same target relation.


  root file "<str>" no longer has its original name "<str>"

  Explanation:  The current root file name does not match the name
  used when the root file was created.  This could happen if you
  copied or renamed the root file, or if the file was created
  using a concealed logical device name and that logical name is
  no longer defined.

  User Action:  Rename or copy the root file back to its original
  name or location, or redefine the necessary concealed logical
  device name in the system logical name table.

1.211  –  BADRUJVER

  run-unit journal version is incompatible with the runtime system

  Explanation:  Your run-unit journal file was created with an
  incompatible version of the software.

  User Action:  Your run-unit journal file cannot be used with the
  version of the software you have installed on your machine.
  Make sure you are using the correct RUJ journal, or if
  "multi-version" software is installed, make sure you are using
  the correct software version.

1.212  –  BADSCHEMA

  Schema <str> not used by this query

  Explanation:  You used a schema name to qualify a reference to a
  column and that schema was not specified in the FROM clause of
  the query.

  User Action:  Either remove the schema name from the select-list
  or specify the same schema as specified in the FROM clause of
  the query.


  Reference to schema <str> not permitted within definition of
  schema <str>

  Explanation:  You specified the name of a schema other than the
  one being defined.

  User Action:  Remove the schema name or use the name of the
  schema being defined.


  SEGMENTED STRING clause is not allowed in the CREATE TRANSFER

  Explanation:  You have specified the SEGMENTED STRING clause as
  an attribute for the target database in a CREATE TRANSFER

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement without the


  SNAPSHOT_FILENAME clause is not allowed in the CREATE TRANSFER

  Explanation:  You have specified a SNAPSHOT_FILENAME clause as
  an attribute for the target database in a CREATE TRANSFER

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement without the

1.216  –  BADSPAMINT

  spam interval (<num>) is too large for page size (<num>

  Explanation:  The SPAM interval is too large for the specified
  page size.

  User Action:  Reduce the SPAM interval or increase the page

1.217  –  BADSTATVER

  statistics input file version is incompatible with the software

  Explanation:  The binary statistics file specified by the /INPUT
  qualifier was created with an incompatible version of the

  User Action:  The binary statistics file cannot be used with the
  version of the software you have installed on your machine.


  STOGROUP clause is not allowed in the CREATE TRANSFER statement.

  Explanation:  You have specified the STOGROUP clause as an
  attribute for the target database in a CREATE TRANSFER

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement without the
  STOGROUP clause.

1.219  –  BADSUPLVL

  Attached database has unknown support level

  Explanation:  The database you just attached to has an unknown
  support level.

  User Action:  Check to make sure that you are using Oracle
  Rdb-supported database products for the SQL interface to Oracle


  THRESHOLDS clause is not allowed in the CREATE TRANSFER

  Explanation:  You have specified a THRESHOLDS clause as an
  attribute for the target database in a CREATE TRANSFER

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement without the
  THRESHOLDS clause.

1.221  –  BADVERNUM

  Attached database has unsupported version number

  Explanation:  The database you just attached to has a version
  number that is not supported by this version of SQL.

  User Action:  Check to make sure that you are running with the
  correct versions of Oracle Rdb-supported database products for
  the SQL interface to Oracle Rdb.  Correct versions are listed in
  the Oracle Rdb Installation Guide.

1.222  –  BAD_ARRAY

  Host variable <str> contains an array syntax error in its

  Explanation:  The named variable is defined as a C array, but is
  either missing the closing "]" or contains a non-numeric

  User Action:  Correct the syntax of the declaration and
  recompile the program.

1.223  –  BAD_CDD_DEF

  CDD$DEFAULT is not valid, repository default is now CDD$TOP.

  Explanation:  Your logical name CDD$DEFAULT is not acceptable to
  the repository.  The repository will be used, but your default
  is set to CDD$TOP.

  User Action:  Define a valid CDD$DEFAULT.

1.224  –  BAD_DB

  Repository description of current database is corrupt

  Explanation:  The repository description of the schema is
  missing the RDB$INSTANCE node.

  User Action:  Verify that the database itself has not been
  corrupted.  If it has, recreate the database.

1.225  –  BAD_LENGTH

  Negative length specified for column <str>

  Explanation:  You specified a length for a character or varchar
  column that was less than zero.

  User Action:  Change the length to a positive number.

1.226  –  BAD_LENGTH1

  Negative length specified for parameter <num>

  Explanation:  You specified a length of less than zero for the

1.227  –  BAD_LEVEL

  CONSISTENCY LEVEL <num> is illegal

  Explanation:  Only values 2 and 3 are allowed for consistency

  User Action:  Enter 2 for concurrency; enter 3 for consistency

1.228  –  BAD_NAME

  Identifiers and names may not exceed 31 characters in length

  Explanation:  The name given in a data manipulation or data
  definition statement was longer than the permitted limit.

  User Action:  For data definition statements, specify a shorter
  name.  For data manipulation statements, consult your database
  design specifications to find the correct name.


  Invalid precision specified for column <str>

  Explanation:  The precision specified for a DECIMAL or NUMERIC
  column is less than or equal to zero.  Or, the precision
  specified for a FLOAT column was less than zero or greater than
  15.  Or the precision contained a decimal point.

  User Action:  Change the precision to a valid value.

1.230  –  BAD_SCALE

  Negative scale specified for column "<str>"

  Explanation:  The scale specified for this column is less than
  zero.  This data type only allows zero or positive scale values.

  User Action:  Change the scale to a positive number or zero.

1.231  –  BAD_TOKEN

  <str> is not a valid SQL language element

  Explanation:  The indicator string is neither a predefined
  language element (i.e.  a keyword, delimiter or operator) not a
  valid SQL name.

  User Action:  Use a valid SQL language element.

1.232  –  BAD_TXN_STATE

  Invalid transaction state.  Transaction already started.

  Explanation:  A SET TRANSACTION statement was executed, but it
  was not the first statement executed in the transaction.

  User Action:  Make the SET TRANSACTION statement the first
  statement to be executed.

1.233  –  BAD_VERSION

  This database system does not support this statement

  Explanation:  This statement uses a DSRI feature which is not
  supported by all versions of all DSRI database systems.  You
  tried to execute this statement        using a version of a
  database system which does not support this feature.

  User Action:  Use a simpler statement, or a different base
  system version.

1.234  –  BASROWDEL

  Row containing list has been deleted

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to fetch or insert into a list
  cursor where the row containing the list has been deleted.

  User Action:  Do not delete the row containing the list or
  simply close the list cursor.

1.235  –  BDDATRANG

  day, month, or year field in date string out of range

  Explanation:  The month field must be between 1 and 12
  inclusive.  The day field must be between 1 and 31 inclusive.
  The year field must be between 0 and 3000 inclusive.

  User Action:  Re-enter the DATE data item with the error

1.236  –  BINSCAFAC

  Host variable <str> has a binary scale factor

  Explanation:  The host variable is a PL/I fixed binary data type
  with a nonzero binary scale factor.  SQL supports only decimal
  scale factors.

  User Action:  Either change the scale factor to zero, or change
  the data type to fixed decimal.

1.237  –  BIT_FIELD

  Host variable <str> is a bit field which is illegal in SQL

  Explanation:  The named variable is defined as a C bit field.
  Such fields are not legal in SQL statements.

  User Action:  Use a different variable.


  after-image journal file is empty

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to back up an empty
  after-image journal file.

  User Action:  Be sure the correct after-image journal file was

1.239  –  BOG_DYN_NAME

  Invalid name for dynamic statement or cursor

  Explanation:  The user passed either a zero length string, no
  string or a variable not of data type text for a dynamic
  statement name or dynamic cursor name.

  User Action:  Pass a string that has a non-zero length.

1.240  –  BOOEXPEXP

  Expected a predicate

  Explanation:  Either a numeric or string value expression was
  found where SQL expected a predicate.

  User Action:  You must use a predicate in this context.

1.241  –  BOUND

  multiple binds are not allowed

  Explanation:  You are already bound to a database.  You can only
  be bound to one database at a time for a given stream.

  User Action:  You can execute an UNBIND statement and try the
  BIND again, or use the multiple stream feature to bind to a
  database on another stream.

1.242  –  BREAK

  internal system failure -- database session attach information
  not found

  Explanation:  The database session information cannot be found;
  this may be indicative of a more serious problem.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

1.243  –  BUFTOOSML

  buffer size (<num>) is smaller than largest page (<num>)

  Explanation:  The buffer size must be large enough to
  accommodate the largest page size within the database.

  User Action:  Specify a buffer size at least as large as the
  message indicates.

1.244  –  BUGCHECK

  fatal, unexpected error detected

  Explanation:  A fatal, unexpected error was detected by the
  database management system.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

1.245  –  BUGCHK

  There has been a fatal error.  Please contact your Oracle
  support representative.  <str>

  Explanation:  A fatal error has occurred.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representataive with
  information about the circumstances under which the bug

1.246  –  BUGCHKDMP

  generating bugcheck dump file <str>

  Explanation:  The database management system has detected a
  fatal, unexpected error, and is writing a bugcheck dump file
  with the specified file name.

  User Action:  Please send this bugcheck dump file to your
  software specialist, along with any other related programs or

1.247  –  CABORT

  User entered Control-C to abort statement

  Explanation:  You typed a Control-C to abort the current

  User Action:  None.

1.248  –  CACHEINUSE

  record cache <str> is still referenced by storage area <str>

  Explanation:  Unable to delete record cache because it is still
  being referenced by one or more storage areas.

  User Action:  Remove the record cache from the affected storage
  areas first.


  RCS is active on this node and the database is also open on
  another node

  Explanation:  The Record Cache Server (RCS) process is active on
  this node and another node has this database open.  The database
  must be closed on all other nodes before it can be closed on
  this node.


  Cannot create logical area <str>

  Explanation:  Too many logical areas have been created.  Can't
  create a new one.

  User Action:  Do not attempt to create so many logical areas.

1.251  –  CANTASSMBX

  error assigning a channel to a mailbox

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to assign a
  channel to a VMS mailbox.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message for more

1.252  –  CANTBINDRT

  error mapping database root file

  Explanation:  An error occurred during mapping to the database
  root file.

  User Action:  Examine the associated messages to determine the
  reason for failure.


  database could not be closed as requested

  Explanation:  The database monitor detected an error while
  attempting to close the database you specified.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or look in the
  database monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more

1.254  –  CANTCREABS

  error creating AIJ backup server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to create a
  detached AIJ backup server process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or look in the
  database monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more

1.255  –  CANTCREALS

  error creating AIJ Log Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to create a
  detached AIJ Log Server process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or look in the
  database monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more

1.256  –  CANTCREBOB

  error creating Buffer Object

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to create an
  OpenVMS buffer object.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) for more

1.257  –  CANTCREDBR

  error creating database recovery process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to create a
  detached database recovery process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or look in the
  database monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more

1.258  –  CANTCREGBL

  error creating and mapping database global section

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to create a
  map to the database global section.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) for more

1.259  –  CANTCRELCS

  error creating AIJ Log Catch-Up Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to create a
  detached AIJ Log Catch-Up Server process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or look in the
  database monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more

1.260  –  CANTCRELRS

  error creating AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to create a
  detached AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or look in the
  database monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more

1.261  –  CANTCREMBX

  cannot create mailbox

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to create a
  mailbox.  Mailboxes are used for interprocess communication by
  the database management system.

  User Action:  Examine the associated messages to determine the
  reason for failure.  Usually, you will have to change one of
  your quotas (most likely, the buffered I/O-byte count quota or
  the open-file quota).

1.262  –  CANTCREMON

  unable to start database monitor process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to start the
  database monitor process.  This is a detached process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) to determine the
  reason for the failure.

1.263  –  CANTCRERCS

  error creating Record Cache Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to create a
  detached Record Cache Server process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or look in the
  database monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more

1.264  –  CANTCREVLM

  error creating or mapping Very Large Memory region

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to create or
  map a database Very Large Memory (VLM) region.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) for more

1.265  –  CANTDELETE

  error deleting "<str>"

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to delete the
  indicated file.  You must be able to change the protection on a
  file in order to delete it.

  User Action:  Examine the associated messages to determine the
  reason for failure.


  Value expressions may not be moved by CREATE TRANSFER

  Explanation:  The user entered a value expression in the select
  list of a select expression in the move tables clause of the
  CREATE TRANSFER statement.  This is not allowed.

  User Action:  Move only columns using CREATE TRANSFER.  Use a
  prologue file to define a view on the target database which
  computes the value expression from the columns moved.


  cannot locate standby AIJ journal to match master database

  Explanation:  A master database AIJ journal cannot be located on
  the standby database.

  User Action:  You may select an AIJ journal using either the AIJ
  name or the default or current AIJ file specification.  The list
  of valid AIJ journals can be obtained by dumping the database
  header information.


  cannot locate logical area <num> in area inventory page list

  Explanation:  This is an internal error.  A request was made to
  find logical area information for the specified logical area
  number but no active AIP entries could be found for that logical
  area number.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

1.269  –  CANTLCKTRM

  database monitor error establishing termination lock

  Explanation:  The database monitor was unable to assert a
  request on the user's image termination lock.  The user's image
  might already have terminated before the monitor received the

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) for more


  error mapping to shared memory "<str>"

  Explanation:  An error occurred while mapping to a database
  shared memory section.

  User Action:  Examine the associated messages to determine the
  reason for failure.

1.271  –  CANTOPENDB

  database could not be opened as requested

  Explanation:  The database monitor detected an error while
  attempting to open the database you specified.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or look in the
  database monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more

1.272  –  CANTOPENIN

  error opening input file <str>

  Explanation:  An error occurred during opening of the input

  User Action:  Examine the associated messages to determine the
  reason for failure.


  error opening AIJ Log Server output file

  Explanation:  An error occurred during opening of the AIJ Log
  Server output file.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message for more


  error opening AIJ Log Catch-Up Server output file

  Explanation:  An error occurred during opening of the AIJ Log
  Catch-Up Server output file.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message for more


  error opening AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server output file

  Explanation:  An error occurred during opening of the AIJ Log
  Roll-Forward Server output file.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message for more


  error opening AIJ log server output file

  Explanation:  An error occurred during opening of log server
  output file.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message for more

1.277  –  CANTQIOMBX

  unable to send mail to a mailbox

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to send mail
  to a mailbox.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) to determine the
  reason for the failure.

1.278  –  CANTREADDB

  error opening or reading database file

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to open or
  read from the database file.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) for more


  error reading pages <num>:<num>-<num>

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to read one
  or more database pages.  The message indicates the storage-area
  ID number and the page numbers of the first and last pages being

  User Action:  Examine the associated messages to determine the
  reason for failure.


  error resuming AIJ backup operations

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to resume
  after-image journal backup operations.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or look in the
  database monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more


  error resuming AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to resume the
  detached AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or look in the
  database monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more

1.282  –  CANTSNAP

  can't ready storage area <str> for snapshots

  Explanation:  Snapshots were last enabled for this area by a
  transaction that had not committed before the snapshot started.
  Information to materialize the snapshot is not present.

  User Action:  Restart the snapshot transaction.  If failure of a
  snapshot transaction is critical, you should ready all areas
  before doing any retrievals.

1.283  –  CANTSPAWN

  error spawning sub-process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to spawn a

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message for more


  error starting AIJ backup server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to start a
  detached AIJ backup server process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or look in the
  database monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more


  error starting AIJ Log Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to start a
  detached AIJ Log Server process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or look in the
  database monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more


  error starting AIJ Log Catch-Up Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to start the
  detached AIJ Log Catch-Up Server process on the replicated

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or look in the
  database monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more


  error starting AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to start the
  detached AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server process on the replicated

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or look in the
  database monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more


  error starting "Hot Standby" Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred while attempting to start the
  detached "Hot Standby" Server process on the replicated

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or look in the
  database monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more


  error starting Record Cache Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred while attempting to start the
  detached Record Cache Server process on the indicated database.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or look in the
  database monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more


  cannot start transaction

  Explanation:  Cannot start a transaction as requested.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message for more


  error stopping AIJ Log Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to stop a
  detached AIJ log-server process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or look in the
  database monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more


  error stopping "Hot Standby" Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to stop the
  detached "Hot Standby" Server process(es).

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or look in the
  database monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more


  error stopping Record Cache Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to stop a
  detached Record Cache Server process.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or look in the
  database monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more


  error suspending AIJ backup operations

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to suspend
  after-image journal backup operations.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or look in the
  database monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more


  error suspending AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server process

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to suspend
  the detached AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server process on the
  replicated database.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or look in the
  database monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more


  error writing pages <num>:<num>-<num>

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to write one
  or more database pages.  The message indicates the storage-area
  ID number and the page numbers of the first and last pages being

  User Action:  Examine the associated messages to determine the
  reason for failure.

1.297  –  CANT_MOVE

  <str> already exists in <str>

  Explanation:  The object or schema named by the first parameter
  could not be moved to the schema or catalog named by the second
  parameter, because there is already an object or schema by that

  User Action:  Move the object or schema to a different schema or
  catalog, or don't move it at all.


  captive account -- no DCL commands can be issued

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to issue a DCL command from a
  captive account.

  User Action:  Do not issue DCL commands from captive accounts or
  modify the account flags so that it's possible to spawn DCL

1.299  –  CASENODTP

  CASE expression must have a data type

  Explanation:  The CASE expression does not have a data type
  because all of the results are NULL or of an unknown type.

  User Action:  Assign a data type to at least one result.

1.300  –  CASENOTFND

  CASE statement has no WHEN clause for selector

  Explanation:  There was no WHEN or ELSE clause to handle the
  selector that was specified.

  User Action:  Add WHEN clauses to handle expected selector
  values and an ELSE clause to handle unexpected selector values.


  Duplicate literal in WHEN clause of CASE statement

  Explanation:  The same literal or NULL value was used more than
  once in the WHEN clause(s) of the same CASE statement.

  User Action:  Remove the WHEN clause(s) containing the duplicate


  CAST cannot operate on a structure

  Explanation:  You attempted to perform a CAST on a non-scalar
  variable, stucture, or array.

  User Action:  Do not attempt this.

1.303  –  CATNOTDEF

  Catalog <str> is not defined

  Explanation:  The specified catalog does not exist in the
  specified database.

  User Action:  Check the spelling of the catalog name and ensure
  that it is the name of a catalog in the specified database.

1.304  –  CAT_EXISTS

  Catalog <str> already exists

  Explanation:  You attempted to create a catalog in the specified
  database with the name of an existing catalog in that database.

  User Action:  Choose a different name for the new catalog.

1.305  –  CCHDEVDIR

  Cache directory "<str>" does not include a device/directory

  Explanation:  The specified record cache directory does not
  include a device and directory.

  User Action:  Include a device and directory specification.

1.306  –  CDDERR

  Error occurred during attempt to use repository.  Repository
  will not be used

  Explanation:  An error occurred when SQL attempted to access the

  User Action:  Refer to following repository messages for more

1.307  –  CDDUNKPROT

  Unknown repository protocol <str>

  Explanation:  The protocol in the repository was not correct.

  User Action:  Try to recreate the repository.  If the repository
  is still corrupt, contact your Oracle support representative.
  Try invoking it with the file name.

1.308  –  CDDVERERR

  Found repository core_level <num> was expecting <num>

  Explanation:  The core_level in the repository was not correct.

  User Action:  Try to recreate the repository.  If the repository
  is still corrupt, contact your Oracle support representative.
  Try invoking it with the file name.

1.309  –  CDDVERSTR

  Error reading CDD version string - Defaulting to newest CDD

  Explanation:  There was a problem calling cdd$version to get the
  version.  The newest CDD version is the default and the bits for
  the newest CDD version are set.

  User Action:

1.310  –  CHAR_SET_USED

  Domain was a non-MCS CHARACTER data type

  Explanation:  This message is used as a subcode to
  SQL$_DOMNOTBCK.  It indicates that the offending domain was a

  User Action:  If the columns defined using this domain contain
  only MCS data, change the domain to reflect that fact.
  Otherwise, the database cannot be exported WITH NO EXTENSIONS
  until this domain is removed completely.

1.311  –  CHECKOPTRO

  You specified WITH CHECK OPTION for read only view <str>

  Explanation:  You specified the WITH CHECK OPTION for a view
  which is based on a read only select expression.  You should
  specify the WITH CHECK OPTION only for a read write view.

  User Action:  Remove the WITH CHECK OPTION clause from this view
  definition, or make the select expression specify an updatable
  select expression.

1.312  –  CHECKSUM

  checksum error - computed <num>, page contained <num>

  Explanation:  The computed checksum for the database page
  disagreed with the checksum actually stored on the page.  This
  usually is caused by a hardware problem.

  User Action:  None.

1.313  –  CHGINDMAP

  This index was previously specified with a STORE clause.
  Continue?  [N]

  Explanation:  You are specifying an ALTER INDEX statement
  without a STORE clause, which places the index into the
  RDB$SYSTEM storage area.  The index was previously specified as
  being stored in a different area.  SQL is confirming whether you
  want the index placed in the RDB$SYSTEM storage area.

  User Action:  An affirmative reply (Y or YES) causes the
  operation to continue.  A negative reply (a carriage return, N,
  or NO) terminates the operation.


  Terminating operation at user's request

  Explanation:  See above.

  User Action:  None.

1.315  –  CHRUNIBAD

  Number of octets is not an integral number of characters

  Explanation:  When defining a column or domain, you specified a
  size that is interpreted as a number of octets.  The number of
  octets is not an integral number of characters.

  User Action:  Change the units to characters or specify the
  correct number of octets.

1.316  –  CHR_TOO_SHO

  Character length of <str> <str> is too short

  Explanation:  The character string length is too short to
  contain all possible converted data already stored in the

  User Action:  None.  This is a warning message only.

1.317  –  CHR_TOO_SMA

  The string length of <str> <str> is too small

  Explanation:  The length of the character string is too small to
  handle all possible numeric data that might already be stored in
  the table.

  User Action:  None.  This is a warning message only.

1.318  –  CIRCTYPE

  Host variable <str> is based on a type which was used in its own

  Explanation:  You referred to a host variable which is based on
  a type.  The type was not validly defined because it was based
  on itself.

  User Action:  Fix the type definition.


  Structure field <str> is a circular definition

  Explanation:  The definition of a structure is circular because
  one of the elements has a reference to the structure itself.

  User Action:  Recode the structure declaration without
  referencing the structure itself.

1.320  –  CLAUSENAL

  <str> is not permitted in <str>

  Explanation:  The specified clause is not supported in this

  User Action:  Remove the clause from the statement reported in
  the error message

1.321  –  CLMCIRCAIJ

  Continuous LogMiner requires fixed-size circular after-image

  Explanation:  The Continuous LogMiner feature requires that
  fixed-size circular after-image journals are used.

  User Action:  If Continuous LogMiner features are required the
  database must be re-configured to enable fixed-size circular
  after-image journals.


  Continuous LogMiner has not yet been enabled

  Explanation:  The Continuous LogMiner feature has not been
  enabled on this database.

  User Action:  If Continuous LogMiner features are required, The
  Continuous LogMiner should be enabled.

1.323  –  CLOSERR

  error detected when closing .RBR file

  Explanation:  See the message that follows for details.

  User Action:  In the absence of other error messages, the
  database has probably been imported successfully.  If the error
  occurred during an EXPORT operation, the file is not likely to
  be usable in a later IMPORT.

1.324  –  CMDINTR

  this statement is not allowed in a transaction

  Explanation:  You entered a statement that cannot be used when a
  transaction is outstanding.

  User Action:  Commit or rollback the transaction and try the
  statement again.

1.325  –  CMDLN_TOO_LONG

  The command line is too long.  Please shorten the command

  Explanation:  The command line specified for UNIX sqlpre or
  sqlmod is too long.

  User Action:  Use a shorter command line by moving files or
  changing their path so that directory specifications for files
  can be simplified or eliminated.

1.326  –  CMPBYINVW

  view <str> cannot be transferred because of invalid computed
  field <str> in relation <str>

  Explanation:  In a CREATE TRANSFER statement, you are attempting
  to move a view which references a COMPUTED_BY field which
  contains an unsupported value expression.

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement and omit
  the view that contains the COMPUTED_BY field that uses the
  unsupported value expression.  Refer to the CREATE TRANSFER
  statement in the Replication Option for Rdb Handbook for
  information on what value expressions are supported for a
  COMPUTED_BY field.


  Column <str> in table <str> may not be moved without column

  Explanation:  You included a column to be transferred that
  relies upon another column in the table.  This column must also
  be moved.

  User Action:  Re-enter the transfer definition including all
  necessary columns.

1.328  –  CMPBYWNRL

  Invalid computed field <str> will not be transferred from
  relation <str>

  Explanation:  In a CREATE TRANSFER statement, you are attempting
  to move a view which references a COMPUTED_BY field that
  contains an unsupported value expression.

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement and omit
  the view which contains the COMPUTED_BY field that uses the
  unsupported value expression.  Refer to the CREATE TRANSFER
  statement in the Replication Option for Rdb Handbook for
  information on what value expressions are supported for a
  COMPUTED_BY field.

1.329  –  CMPBYWNVW

  view <str> will not transfer invalid computed field <str> from
  relation <str>

  Explanation:  In a CREATE TRANSFER statement, you are attempting
  to move a view which references a COMPUTED_BY field which
  contains an unsupported value expression.

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement and omit
  the view that contains the COMPUTED_BY field that uses the
  unsupported value expression.  Refer to the CREATE TRANSFER
  statement in the Replication Option for Rdb Handbook for
  information on what value expressions are supported for a
  COMPUTED_BY field.

1.330  –  CNTSPNSUB

  Cannot spawn subprocess

  Explanation:  The preprocessor was unable to spawn a subprocess
  to compile the program.

  User Action:  Read the next message and determine what to do.

1.331  –  CNVNUMDAT

  cannot convert number to a date string

  Explanation:  A quadword DATE data type is not in the correct
  form to be converted to a text string.

  User Action:  Re-enter the DATE data item in the correct format.

1.332  –  COAL1ARG

  The <str> function requires more arguments than you have

  Explanation:  The function named in the message requires more
  values that were supplied.  For instance, COALESCE, NVL, LEAST
  and GREATEST require two or more arguments.

  User Action:  Please check the documentation and adjust the
  function call.

1.333  –  COLEXISTS

  Column <str> is named more than once in table <str>

  Explanation:  You attempted to create a table or view with using
  a column name more than once.

  User Action:  Choose a different name for each column.

1.334  –  COLLSTINV

  A column list is not allowed in an INSERT LIST CURSOR statement

  Explanation:  A column list was supplied for an INSERT LIST
  CURSOR statement.

  User Action:  Remove the column list.

1.335  –  COLL_EXISTS

  Collating sequence <str> already exists

  Explanation:  You attempted to create a collating sequence in
  the specified schema with the name of an existing collating
  sequence in that schema.

  User Action:  Choose a different name for the new collating

1.336  –  COLNOTFUN

  Column <str> named outside a aggregate function in a SELECT with

  Explanation:  In select expressions with a HAVING clause but
  without a GROUP BY clause, you cannot directly name columns in
  the select list or HAVING clause.  You can refer to them only as
  aggregate function arguments, or in a WHERE clause.

  User Action:  Either make the column named in the message an
  aggregate function argument, or if it is in a HAVING clause,
  change the HAVING clause to a WHERE clause.

1.337  –  COLNOTNUL

  Column <str>.<str> cannot be UNIQUE because it can contain

  Explanation:  You specified a column using the UNIQUE
  constraint.  The column may contain nulls.  This is not legal
  because two rows cannot contain the NULL values in this column.

  User Action:  Define the named field as NOT NULL.

1.338  –  COLNOTSS

  Column <str> is not a list field

  Explanation:  The column specified in a SEGSTR.CREATE or
  SEGSTR.OPEN statement must be a list field.  This column is not.

  User Action:  Specify a column whose data type is list

1.339  –  COLNOTUPD

  Column <str> is not included in the FOR UPDATE clause of cursor

  Explanation:  The SQL interface to Oracle Rdb provides the FOR
  UPDATE clause on a cursor definition for DB2 compatablity.  The
  clause is entirely optional.  If a FOR UPDATE clause is
  specified on the cursor and an UPDATE statement that uses the
  CURRENT OF clause with that cursor changes a column which is not
  one of the columns included in the FOR UPDATE clause of the
  DECLARE CURSOR statement, you will get this warning message.

  User Action:  No action is required.  This message will not
  effect the execution of the statement.

1.340  –  COLNOTVAL

  The column CHECK constraint cannot refer to the column <str>

  Explanation:  The CHECK constraint cannot refer to the column
  because the constraint is defined only for a column, not the
  entire table.

  User Action:  Refer to the only that column for which this CHECK
  constraint is being defined or define the CHECK constraint for
  the entire table.


  Parameter name colons are disabled and therefore illegal

  Explanation:  When the /ANSI_PARAMETERS qualifier is used, the
  module processor requires that all parameter declarations and
  references be prefixed by colons.  When the /NOANSI_PARAMETERS
  qualifier is used (it is the default), the colon prefix is not

  User Action:  Remove colons from your parameter declarations and


  Parameter name colons are enabled and therefore required

  Explanation:  When the /ANSI_PARAMETERS qualifier is used, the
  module processor requires that all parameter declarations and
  references be prefixed by colons.  When the /NOANSI_PARAMETERS
  qualifier is used (it is the default), the colon prefix is not

  User Action:  Add colons to your parameter declarations and


  Collating sequence <str> is not defined

  Explanation:  The specified collating sequence does not exist in
  the specified schema.

  User Action:  Check the spelling of the collating sequence name
  and ensure that it is the name of a collating sequence in the
  specified schema.

1.344  –  COMPBYONLY

  Column "<str>" has no value expression - invalid for outline

  Explanation:  The CREATE OUTLINE ...  ON COLUMN clause only
  operates on COMPUTED BY, AUTOMATIC columns of tables, computed
  columns of a view definition, or column DEFAULT values

  User Action:  Examine the table or view definition and apply the
  command to computed column, or one with a DEFAULT value.

1.345  –  COMPLEX

  data conversion error on complex data type

  Explanation:  There would have been loss of information on a
  complex data type conversion.  The operation was not performed.

  User Action:  Enter another value.


  <str> in relation <str> will not be transferred

  Explanation:  You entered a SELECT FIELDS ALL clause in the
  CREATE TRANSFER statement to move a relation that contains a
  COMPUTED_BY field using a value expression that is unsupported.
  The CREATE TRANSFER statement is accepted with all the fields of
  this MOVE RELATION clause except the specified COMPUTED_BY field
  that is unsupported.

  User Action:  Refer to the CREATE TRANSFER statement in the
  Replication Option for Rdb Handbook for information on what
  value expressions are supported.


  Host language module will be compiled using <str>

  Explanation:  The host language module, which is generated from
  the embedded SQL source, will be compiled using a qualifier
  which was not specified by the user.  This is to ensure the
  intended semantics of the generated code.

  User Action:  Depending on the qualifier specified, this message
  may be supressed by explicitly specifying that this qualifier
  should be used.

1.348  –  COMTOOLON

  Command line longer than <num> character maximum

  Explanation:  You typed a command line longer than the current
  maximum line length.

  User Action:  Break up the command line with continuation lines.
  There is no practical limit on the total length of all
  continuation lines in a single command.

1.349  –  CONALREXI

  Constraint name <str> already exists in this database or schema

  Explanation:  You requested that a constraint be named with the
  name of an existing constraint.

  User Action:  Choose a different name.

1.350  –  CONCHAILL

  Cannot begin program with continuation character

  Explanation:  Apparently the COBOL program starts with a
  continuation character.

  User Action:  Correct the source text and resubmit the job.

1.351  –  CONDICREQ

  Conflicting repository requirements

  Explanation:  You specified both the DICTIONARY IS REQUIRED and

  User Action:  Change the ALTER DATABASE statement to include
  only one type of DICTIONARY REQUIRED option.

1.352  –  CONFLATTR

  conflicting attributes specified:  <str> and <str>

  Explanation:  The two attributes you specified may not be used
  together in the same statement.

  User Action:  Choose one of the attributes, or alter the
  definition to combine legal attributes.  For instance, a SORTED
  index does not support the DUPLICATES ARE COMPRESSED clause, so
  either remove that clause or change the index to TYPE IS SORTED

1.353  –  CONFLQUAL

  conflicting qualifiers specified:  <str> and <str>

  Explanation:  The two qualifiers you specified may not be used

  User Action:  Choose one of the qualifiers


  Conflicting specified attribute.  "<str>" are conflicting

  Explanation:  An attribute was specified in a conflicting

  User Action:  Remove conflicts and try the statement again.


  Expected alias "<str>" (found "<str>") for table in reserving

  Explanation:  The ON ...  USING clause of SET and DECLARE
  TRANSACTION has already specified the ALIAS for the tables.

  User Action:  Either use the alias specified by the ON clause,
  or omit the alias from the table specification.


  Do you really want to <str> this transaction?  [<char>]:

  Explanation:  Confirm that the user actually wants to take the

1.357  –  CONLYOPT

  The LENGTH and AS clause for INCLUDE are only for embedded C

  Explanation:  You used either the LENGTH or AS clause on an
  INCLUDE FROM DICTIONARY statement.  These options are available
  only to embedded C programs.

  User Action:  The LENGTH clause is germaine only to C programs.
  The AS clause must be accomplished by having two distinct
  records in the CDD.

1.358  –  CONNAMEXI

  Connection named "<str>" already exists

  Explanation:  A connection with the name given already exists.

  User Action:  Pass the name of a connection that doesn't exist.

1.359  –  CONNOTDEF

  Constraint <str> is not defined in database or schema

  Explanation:  The specified constraint does not exist in the
  current database or schema.

  User Action:  Declare the correct database or set the correct
  schema.  Check the constraint name for correct spelling.  Check
  the constraint definition to make sure you did not specify a
  term where the constraint name was expected.

1.360  –  CONNOTSUP

  <str> is a constant host variable

  Explanation:  You referred to a host variable which was declared
  as a constant.  Constant declarations are not supported.

  User Action:  Either specify the constant as a literal, or use a
  host variable with that value.

1.361  –  CONREAATT

  Conflicting READ ONLY Attributes

  Explanation:  You specified both READ ONLY and READ WRITE in an

  User Action:  Re-enter the statement with either READ ONLY or
  READ WRITE, not both.

1.362  –  CONSNAATT

  Conflicting snapshot attributes

  Explanation:  The CREATE DATABASE statement contained what could
  be conflicting snapshot options.

  User Action:  Either remove the SNAPSHOT DISABLED clause from
  the root file parameters, or remove the SNAPSHOT clause from the
  storage area parameters.

1.363  –  CONSTNOUPD

  Variable "<str>" is declared CONSTANT - assignment not allowed

  Explanation:  The named variable was declared with the CONSTANT
  keyword which indicates that it should not be changed within the
  scope of this compound statement.  This variable is the target
  or GET GIAGNOSTICS statement or CALL output parameter.

  User Action:  Check that the correct variable is used in this

1.364  –  CONTCHRILL

  String "<str>" can not be used as a continuation character

  Explanation:  You specified a SET CONTINUE CHARACTER with a
  string that was not one character in width, or the character is
  not a terminating character and is therefore ambiguous.

  User Action:  Revise the character used for this purpose.

1.365  –  CONTPREQ

  P characters must be contiguous in an edit string

  Explanation:  More than one P characters are permitted in an
  edit string, but they must all be contiguous.  This edit string
  contained more than one P characters that are not contiguous.

  User Action:  Make the P characters contiguous.

1.366  –  CONTRIACT

  The trigger actions on trigger <str> and trigger <str> conflict

  Explanation:  You cannot have two triggers which will be
  triggered for the same event on the same table.  These two
  triggers would both be triggered by the same event.

  User Action:  Combine the two triggers into a single trigger.

1.367  –  CONVARDEF

  Column qualifier <str> is already defined

  Explanation:  You either specified the same alias more than once
  in a select expression or did not specify an alias in a select
  expression that joins a table with itself.

  User Action:  Either use unique aliases or introduce an alias.


  Column <str> in table <str> is not allowed in the target of an

  Explanation:  You specified a column which is in a table not
  allowed in this context.  For UPDATE statements, the column
  being updated must be in the table in UPDATE statement.

  User Action:  Make sure the the column is named correctly, and
  any qualifier is correct.

1.369  –  CONVARUND

  Column qualifier <str> is not defined

  Explanation:  You qualified a column name with an alias or table
  not specified in the FROM clause of the select expression.

  User Action:  Make sure the qualifier you used matches an alias
  or table specified in the FROM clause.

1.370  –  CONVERR

  data conversion error

  Explanation:  The database management system was unable to
  convert the data item from one data type to another.

  User Action:  Enter another value.

1.371  –  CORNAMREQ

  A correlation name is required for a derived table

  Explanation:  When specifying a derived table, you failed to
  specify a correlation name.

  User Action:  Please specify a correlation name.

1.372  –  CORREFFUN

  Correlated references in aggregate functions must not be in

  Explanation:  You cannot use a correlated reference that is part
  of a value expression containing comparison operators, when the
  value expression is itself an argument to an aggregate function.
  For example, SUM(corr_reference + 5).

  User Action:  Reformulate the select expression to avoid using a
  correlated reference in this manner.

1.373  –  CRE_CACHE_ERR

  CREATE CACHE statement only valid as part of a CREATE DATABASE

  Explanation:  The CREATE CACHE statement is only valid as part
  of the CREATE DATABASE statement.

  User Action:  Place the CREATE CACHE statement in the CREATE
  DATABASE statement.

1.374  –  CRE_ERR_SCH

  CREATE <str> statement only valid as part of a CREATE DATABASE

  Explanation:  This CREATE statement is not valid in this
  context.  It can only be used after attaching to the database,
  or as part of the CREATE DATABASE statement.  It is not valid in
  a schema or catalog.

  User Action:  Specify the CREATE statement in the CREATE
  DATABASE statement.

1.375  –  CRE_STO_ERR_SCH

  CREATE STORAGE AREA statement only valid as part of a CREATE
  DATABASE statement

  Explanation:  The CREATE STORAGE AREA statement is only valid as
  part of the CREATE DATABASE statement.

  User Action:  Place the CREATE STORAGE statement in the CREATE
  DATABASE statement.

1.376  –  CRE_SYN_ERR_SCH

  CREATE SYNONYM statement only valid as part of a CREATE DATABASE

  Explanation:  The CREATE SYNONYM statement is only valid as part
  of the CREATE DATABASE statement.  It is not valid in a schema
  or catalog.

  User Action:  Specify the CREATE SYNONYM statement in the CREATE
  DATABASE statement.


  character set <str> does not contain ASCII

  Explanation:  You specified a character set that does not
  contain ASCII characters where one is necessary.

  User Action:  Specify a character set that contains ASCII.

1.378  –  CSETSYN

  invalid syntax in character set clause for variable <str>

  Explanation:  There was something wrong with the syntax of the
  CHARACTER SET clause for the named variable declaration.

  User Action:  Correct the syntax error and try again.

1.379  –  CS_ERR

  Error retrieving collating sequence <str>

  Explanation:  SQL could not retrieve the specified collating
  sequence; see the message that follows.

  User Action:  Correct the problem and try the operation again.

1.380  –  CTXIGNORED

  <str> ignored due to setting of <str> logical name

  Explanation:  Either "USING CONTEXT" or "CONTEXT qualifier" will
  be named first.  In the precompiler and module language
  processor respectively, the named feature will be ignored
  because the logical name named in the message was defined as

  User Action:  If you want to migrate the application without the
  use of context items (i.e.  2PC/DDTM), no action is required.
  To use a distributed transaction, you must change the definition
  of the logical name to "FALSE" or deassign it.


  This statement not allowed in procedure in CONTEXT list

  Explanation:  A procedure that was mentioned in the
  /CONTEXT=(proc,proc) list contains a statement which may not
  receive a context parameter.

  User Action:  Remove the specified procedure name from the list.
  Using /CONTEXT=ALL is permitted, since those statements which
  may not receive a context parameter will not.

1.382  –  CURALRDCL

  Statement already declared as cursor <str>

  Explanation:  The statement id passed into a declare cursor
  procedure was already declared as the cursor named in the
  message.  Each statement can create only one cursor.

  User Action:  Declare another statement to create a unique
  statement id for each cursor.

1.383  –  CURALROPE

  Cursor <str> was already open

  Explanation:  You opened a cursor that was already open.  An
  implicit close will be done on the cursor and the cursor

  User Action:  None.

1.384  –  CURNAMEXI

  Cursor name <str> has already been declared

  Explanation:  You cannot use the same name in more than one
  DECLARE CURSOR statement.

  User Action:  Change the name of this cursor.

1.385  –  CURNOTOPE

  Cursor <str> is not opened

  Explanation:  You named a cursor that was not open in a FETCH
  statement, CLOSE statement, or in the WHERE CURRENT OF clause of
  an UPDATE or DELETE statement.

  User Action:  Issue an OPEN statement for the cursor before
  naming it in any of those statements.  Close the cursor only
  once after opening it.

1.386  –  CUROFNOT

  CURRENT OF cursor-name is allowed only in DECLARE LIST CURSOR,
  UPDATE and DELETE statements

  Explanation:  The CURRENT OF cursor-name clause is used to
  modify or delete the current record in a cursor.  It has no
  meaning in the WHERE clause of a select expression except in
  declare list cursor.

  User Action:  Replace the WHERE CURRENT OF clause with a WHERE
  predicate clause that specifies the record you wish to select.


  CURRENT OF clause references cursor not in FOR loop

  Explanation:  The CURRENT OF clause of an UPDATE or DELETE
  statement specifies a cursor that is not specified in the FOR

  User Action:  Use a cursor which is part of the FOR loop.

1.388  –  CUROFREQ

  CURRENT OF cursor-name is required

  Explanation:  In a positioned INSERT statement, the WHERE clause
  must be WHERE CURRENT OF cursor-name.

  User Action:  Restrict usage of to only WHERE CURRENT OF

1.389  –  CUROFSTA

  CURRENT OF clause cannot refer to cursor based on prepared

  Explanation:  The CURRENT OF clause of an UPDATE or DELETE
  statement specifies a cursor based on a prepared statement.
  Because the prepared statements are generated at run time, you
  cannot precompile UPDATE or DELETE statements that refer to
  cursors based on them.

  User Action:  Use a cursor which is based on an embedded SELECT
  statement (which is known at compile time), or dynamically
  execute the UPDATE or DELETE statement so it can be interpreted
  at run time.

1.390  –  CURSTMTTXN

  Cursor statements must be executed in the same transaction

  Explanation:  The statement was executed in the wrong
  transaction.  A cursor statement, such as FETCH, INSERT
  (positioned), UPDATE (positioned), DELETE (positioned), OPEN
  (list cursor) must be executed in the same transaction as the
  OPEN statement of the cursor to which the statement refers.

  User Action:  If a context structure was used for the OPEN
  statement, the same one must be used for the statements which
  operate on the cursor.  If no context structure was used for the
  OPEN statement, no context structure may be used for the
  statements which operate on the cursor.

1.391  –  CURTWOOPEN

  Cursor <str> has two open procedures

  Explanation:  There are two open procedures for this cursor.  A
  module can only have one procedure which opens a particular

  User Action:  Remove one of the procedures which opens this
  cursor.  Call the remaining procedure more than one time.

1.392  –  CURUSEINV

  USING clause not allowed for this cursor

  Explanation:  An OPEN or FETCH statement can specify a USING
  clause only for cursors based on a statement named in a PREPARE
  statement.  The cursor specified in this OPEN or FETCH statement
  is not.

  User Action:  Remove the USING clause from the OPEN or FETCH

1.393  –  DATACMIT

  unjournaled changes made; database may not be recoverable

  Explanation:  Changes have been made to the database while AIJ
  journaling was disabled.  This may result in the database being
  unrecoverable in the event of database failure; that is, it may
  be impossible to roll-forward the after-image journals, due to a
  transaction mis-match or attempts to modify objects that were
  not journalled.

  User Action:  IMMEDIATELY perform a full database backup.
  Following successful completion of the full database backup, the
  after-image journals may be backed up.


  logical area <num> marked corrupt; unjournaled changes made to
  user-defined object

  Explanation:  Changes have been made to the database while
  AIJ/RUJ journaling was disabled.  The specified area cannot be
  properly recovered.

  User Action:  Drop the area.

1.395  –  DATCNVERR

  conversion error in date string

  Explanation:  The date string is not in one of the legal
  formats.  As a result, it cannot be converted to the DATE data

  User Action:  Re-enter the DATE data item in one of the correct

1.396  –  DATCONERR

  Data conversion error for string '<str>'

  Explanation:  An error occurred during data conversion.  Refer
  to next message.

  User Action:  The secondary message should clarify the problem.

1.397  –  DATEADDILL

  Operands of date/time addition are incorrect

  Explanation:  You used an addition operator with two operands
  which were not of the correct data types.

  User Action:  Change the expression to use a different operator
  or operands.

1.398  –  DATEDIGNEQ

  Date/time expressions with different interval leading digits
  precision are not comparable

  Explanation:  You attempted to compare or perform an arithmetic
  operation on two date/time expressions with different interval
  leading digits precisions.  These expressions are considered not
  comparable, and therefore this operation is not allowed.

  User Action:  Use different operands or use the CAST function to
  change the interval leading digits precision of one of the

1.399  –  DATEDIVILL

  Operands of date/time division are incorrect

  Explanation:  You used an division operator with two operands
  which were not of the correct data types.

  User Action:  Change the expression to use a different operator
  or operands.

1.400  –  DATEEQLILL

  Operands of date/time comparison are incompatible

  Explanation:  You used a comparison operator with two operands
  which were not of compatible data types.

  User Action:  Change the expression to use a different operator
  or operands.


  DATE VMS used instead of TIMESTAMP

  Explanation:  This database does not support the datetime data
  types.  DATE VMS will be used instead of TIMESTAMP.

  User Action:  Upgrade attached database or remove TIMESTAMP from

1.402  –  DATEMULILL

  Operands of date/time multiplication are incorrect

  Explanation:  You used an multiplication operator with two
  operands which were not of the correct data types.

  User Action:  Change the expression to use a different operator
  or operands.

1.403  –  DATEOPR

  Illegal date operator

  Explanation:  Used an invalid operator in a date expression

  User Action:  remove expression

1.404  –  DATESCANEQ

  Date/time expressions with different fractional seconds
  precision are not comparable

  Explanation:  You attempted to compare or perform an arithmetic
  operation on two date/time expressions with different fractional
  seconds precisions.  These expressions are considered not
  comparable, and therefore this operation is not allowed.

  User Action:  Use different operands or use the CAST function to
  change the fractional seconds precision of one of the operands.

1.405  –  DATESUBILL

  Operands of date/time subtraction are incorrect

  Explanation:  You used an subtraction operator with two operands
  which were not of the correct data types.

  User Action:  Change the expression to use a different operator
  or operands.

1.406  –  DATETIMES

  This database does not support date/time data types

  Explanation:  You executed a query that requires use of the
  date/time types and arithmetic support.  However, the source
  database does not have those capabilities.

  User Action:  Upgrade the database to a more recent version of
  Oracle Rdb


  Date/time leading precision for <str> must be in the range of 1
  and 9

  Explanation:  The scale supplied with the DATE TIME data type
  must be between 2 and 9 inclusive.

  User Action:  Supply a legal date time leading precision.

1.408  –  DATETIM_PREC

  Date/time leading precision for <str> declared twice

  Explanation:  The leading precision for a DATETIME data type was
  declared more than once.  This is typical of a declaration of

  User Action:  Supply a legal date time scale


  Date/time scale for <str> must be less than or equal to <num>

  Explanation:  The scale supplied with the DATE TIME data type
  must be less than or equal to six.

  User Action:  Supply a legal date time scale.

1.410  –  DATIM_SCALE

  Date/time scale for <str> must be positive

  Explanation:  The scale supplied with the DATE TIME data type
  must be greater than or equal to zero.

  User Action:  Supply a legal date time scale.

1.411  –  DATNOTSUP

  Date data type not supported in this context

  Explanation:  The output of a date value to the language file is
  not supported.

  User Action:  Do not use dates in this manner.

1.412  –  DATTYPUNK

  Data type unknown.  Expression cannot use only host variables

  Explanation:  An assignment or a predicate must have at least
  one database field or literal.

  User Action:  You must use a database variable or literal in the


  Async batch write clean buffers is <num>

  Explanation:  Batch write clean buffer count as found in the
  interchange file.

  User Action:  None.


  Async batch write clean buffers was <num>, now is <num>

  Explanation:  Batch write clean buffer count as found in the
  interchange file.  New value was specified by user.

  User Action:  None.

1.415  –  DBABWISN

  Asynchronous Batch Write is DISABLED

  Explanation:  Asynchronous Batch Write is DISABLED in
  newly-created database.  Value either specified by user or found
  in the interchange file.

  User Action:  None.

1.416  –  DBABWISY

  Asynchronous Batch Write is ENABLED

  Explanation:  Asynchronous Batch Write is ENABLED in
  newly-created database.  Value either specified by user or found
  in the interchange file.

  User Action:  None.

1.417  –  DBABWMAXIS

  Async batch write max buffers is <num>

  Explanation:  Batch write max buffer count as found in the
  interchange file.

  User Action:  None.


  Async batch write max buffers was <num>, now is <num>

  Explanation:  Batch write max buffer count as found in the
  interchange file.  New value was specified by user.

  User Action:  None.

1.419  –  DBABWWASN

  Asynchronous Batch Write was DISABLED, now is ENABLED

  Explanation:  Asynchronous Batch Write was DISABLED as found in
  the interchange file.  New value was specified by user.

  User Action:  None.

1.420  –  DBABWWASY

  Asynchronous Batch Write was ENABLED, now is DISABLED

  Explanation:  Asynchronous Batch Write was ENABLED as found in
  the interchange file.  New value was specified by user.

  User Action:  None.

1.421  –  DBACTIVE

  database is already being used

  Explanation:  You attempted to open a database that is already
  being used.  You can only open a database that is not being

  User Action:  Wait for all users to finish using the database,
  or force the users off by closing the database.


  Journal shutdown minutes was <num>

  Explanation:  Shutdown minutes as found in the interchange file.

  User Action:  None.


  Async prefetch depth buffers is <num>

  Explanation:  Number of prefetch buffers as found in the
  interchange file.

  User Action:  None.


  Async prefetch depth buffers was <num>, now is <num>

  Explanation:  Number of prefetch buffers as found in the
  interchange file.  New value was specified by user.

  User Action:  None.

1.425  –  DBAPFISN

  Asynchronous Prefetch is DISABLED

  Explanation:  Asynchronous Prefetch is DISABLED in newly-created
  database.  Value either specified by user or found in the
  interchange file.

  User Action:  None.

1.426  –  DBAPFISY

  Asynchronous Prefetch is ENABLED

  Explanation:  Asynchronous Prefetch is ENABLED in newly-created
  database.  Value either specified by user or found in the
  interchange file.

  User Action:  None.

1.427  –  DBAPFWASN

  Asynchronous Prefetch was DISABLED, now is ENABLED

  Explanation:  Asynchronous Prefetch was DISABLED as found in the
  interchange file.  New value was specified by user.

  User Action:  None.

1.428  –  DBAPFWASY

  Asynchronous Prefetch was ENABLED, now is DISABLED

  Explanation:  Asynchronous Prefetch was ENABLED as found in the
  interchange file.  New value was specified by user.

  User Action:  None.

1.429  –  DBBUSY

  database is busy - try again later

  Explanation:  You attempted to access a database that is shut

  User Action:  Wait for the database to become available, and try

1.430  –  DBCLWASOFF


  Explanation:  You overrode the original setting of the carry
  over locks during an import

  User Action:  None.

1.431  –  DBCLWASON


  Explanation:  You overrode the original setting of the carry
  over locks during an import.

  User Action:  None.


  Syntax error in database environment specification

  Explanation:  The database environment specification in a
  CONNECT statement is syntactically incorrect.  The sub-error
  returns more specific information.

  User Action:  Correct the syntax error and retry execution of
  the statement.


  Journal fast commit TRANSACTION INTERVAL is <num>

  Explanation:  Journal fast commit TRANSACTION interval as found
  in the interchange file.

  User Action:  None.


  Journal fast commit TRANSACTION INTERVAL was <num> now is <num>

  Explanation:  User Action:  None.

1.435  –  DBFCISOFF

  Commit to journal optimization is DISABLED

  Explanation:  Commit to journal optimization is disabled.

  User Action:  None.

1.436  –  DBFCISON

  Commit to journal optimization is ENABLED

  Explanation:  Commit to journal optimization is enabled.

  User Action:  None.

1.437  –  DBFCWASON

  Commit to journal optimization was ENABLED

  Explanation:  Commit to journal optimization was found in the
  interchange file.  Feature DISABLED during import.

  User Action:  None.


  Database global buffer page transfer is via DISK

  Explanation:  Global buffer pages transfer by DISK.  The value
  was either specified by you or was found in the interchange

  User Action:  None.


  Database global buffer page transfer is via MEMORY

  Explanation:  Global buffer pages transfer by MEMORY.  The value
  was either specified by you or was found in the interchange

  User Action:  None.


  Database global buffer page transfer was via DISK, now via

  Explanation:  Global buffer pages transfer by DISK as found in
  the interchange file.  A new value was specified.

  User Action:  None.


  Database global buffer page transfer was via MEMORY, now via

  Explanation:  Global buffer pages transfer by MEMORY as found in
  the interchange file.  A new value was specified.

  User Action:  None.

1.442  –  DBHANDUNK

  <str> is not the alias of a known database

  Explanation:  You specified an unknown alias to qualify a table
  or view name in a select expression.

  User Action:  Check the query and the DECLARE ALIAS statements
  in your module or any ATTACH statement make sure the alias names

1.443  –  DBHDLREQ

  db handle should be specified for EXTRACTION ROLLUP transfers

  Explanation:  In a CREATE TRANSFER statement of an EXTRACTION
  ROLLUP transfer, you are attempting to move a relation without
  specifying the database handle of the source database.

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement by
  specifying the database handle of the source database for each
  of the move-relation-clauses.

1.444  –  DBINUSE

  Database cannot be dropped because it is currently in use.

  Explanation:  You issued a DROP DATABASE statement, but another
  user is attached the same database.

  User Action:  Wait for other users to detach from the database.
  If the database is in use, however, one would question the
  wisdom of trying to delete it.  Remember that patience is a


  Commit to journal optimization is Disabled

  Explanation:  Commit to journal optimization DISABLED in
  newly-created database.  Value either specified by user or found
  in the interchange file.

  User Action:  None.


  Commit to journal optimization is Enabled

  Explanation:  Commit to journal optimization ENABLED in
  newly-created database.  Value was either specified by user or
  found in the interchange file.

  User Action:  None.


  Commit to journal optimization was Disabled

  Explanation:  Commit to journal optimization was DISABLED in the
  interchange file.  You specified a new value.

  User Action:  None.


  Commit to journal optimization was Enabled

  Explanation:  Commit to journal optimization was ENABLED in the
  interchange file.  You specified a new value.

  User Action:  None.

1.449  –  DBKAMBIG

  DBKEY reference is ambigous

  Explanation:  You made an unqualified reference to DBKEY in a
  context where there is more than one source of a dbkey.

  User Action:  Add a table qualifier to the DBKEY reference.

1.450  –  DBKBIGVAR

  The DBKEY for table <str> is <num> bytes, variable <str> must be
  the same size or larger

  Explanation:  The variable you are using with the DBKEY is not
  the same size as the dbkey.

  User Action:  Use a variable that is the same size as the dbkey.

1.451  –  DBKCHRVAR

  DBKEY is compatible only with character variables

  Explanation:  The variable you are using with the DBKEY is not a
  character variable.

  User Action:  Use a variable of type CHAR or VARCHAR.

1.452  –  DBKNOCTX

  DBKEY isn't valid in this context

  Explanation:  You have specified the value DBKEY in a value
  expression where a DBKEY does not exist.

  User Action:  Remove the reference to DBKEY.

1.453  –  DBKTOOBIG

  The DBKEY for table <str> is <num> bytes, host variable <str>
  must be the same size or larger.

  Explanation:  The host variable you are using with the DBKEY is
  not the same size as the dbkey.

  User Action:  Allocate a host variable which is the correct


  LOCK TIMEOUT is <num> second(s)

  Explanation:  Lock timeout interval as found in the interchange

  User Action:  None.


  LOCK TIMEOUT INTERVAL was <num> now is <num> second(s)

  Explanation:  Lock timeout interval as found in the interchange

  User Action:

1.456  –  DBLOCKISN

  Lock Partitioning is DISABLED

  Explanation:  Lock Partitioning is DISABLED in newly-created
  database.  Value either specified by user or found in the
  interchange file.

  User Action:  None.

1.457  –  DBLOCKISY

  Lock Partitioning is ENABLED

  Explanation:  Lock Partitioning is ENABLED in newly-created
  database.  Value either specified by user or found in the
  interchange file.

  User Action:  None.

1.458  –  DBLOCKWASN

  Lock Partitioning was DISABLED, now is ENABLED

  Explanation:  Lock Partitioning was DISABLED as found in the
  interchange file.  New value was specified by user.

  User Action:  None.

1.459  –  DBLOCKWASY

  Lock Partitioning was ENABLED, now is DISABLED

  Explanation:  Lock Partitioning was ENABLED as found in the
  interchange file.  New value was specified by user.

  User Action:  None.

1.460  –  DBMODIFIED

  database has been modified; AIJ roll-forward not possible

  Explanation:  The database has been modified.  Consequently,
  performing a "full" roll forward of an after-image journal is
  not possible, because the transaction integrity of the database
  would be compromised by such an operation.  Note that the AIJ
  roll-forward utility sometimes converts the /AREA or /PAGE roll-
  forward operation into a "full" roll-forward operation, if all
  of the specified objects do not need recovery.  In this case,
  this message can be received even when the /AREA or /PAGE
  qualifiers are explicitly specified by the user.

  User Action:  An after-image journal MUST be rolled forward
  BEFORE any database modifications are made.  In addition, "by
  area" and "by page" after-image journal roll forward operations
  are permitted.

1.461  –  DBNAMCONF

  Two databases share the alias name <str>, but their handle
  addresses differ (<num> vs.  <num>)

  Explanation:  An application linked against a shared image has
  declared a database with same alias as the shared image, but the
  two databases don't share the same handle address.

  User Action:  Either choose a different alias name or link the
  images with PSECT attributes GBL,NOSHR for the DB handle PSECTs.

1.462  –  DBNOAIJ

  database does not have AIJ enabled

  Explanation:  You attempted to start an AIJ log server for a
  database that does not have AIJ enabled.

  User Action:  Enable AIJ for the database, and try again.

1.463  –  DBNOAIJFC

  database does not have AIJ "fast commit" enabled

  Explanation:  You attempted to start an AIJ Log Server for
  database replication purposes on a database that does not have
  the AIJ "fast commit" feature enabled.

  User Action:  Enable the AIJ "fast commit" feature for the
  database, and try again.

1.464  –  DBNOGB

  database does not have global buffers enabled

  Explanation:  The database cannot be opened with the specified
  global buffer parameters because the database does not have
  global buffers enabled.

  User Action:  Retry the open operation without specifying global
  buffer parameters.


  database is not being used, or must be manually opened first

  Explanation:  You attempted to close a database that is not
  open, or you attempted to access a closed database that requires
  manual open.

  User Action:  There is no need to close the database - it is
  already closed.  If you are attempting to access a closed
  database that requires manual open, open the database first.


  The required database alias is not part of the current

  Explanation:  A SQL statement references a DSRI request that is
  compiled against a database alias that is not attached in the
  current connection.

  User Action:  Specify the necessary alias in the connect
  statement or execute an SQL statement that does not reference
  the alias.

1.467  –  DBNOTOPEN

  database is not open for access

  Explanation:  The database must be opened to allow users to
  access it.

  User Action:  Open the database and try again.


  database is open on another node in a mode not compatible with
  this node

  Explanation:  Another node has already opened the database and
  the database uses some feature that makes it impossible to
  concurrently open the database on this node.  For example, if
  Row Cache is enabled, then all nodes must be able to share
  memory (OpenVMS Galaxy).  If global buffers are enabled then
  every node that is a member of the same Galaxy system must use
  the same global buffer parameters when opening the database.

1.469  –  DBRABORTED

  database recovery process terminated abnormally

  Explanation:  A detached database recovery process failed to
  recover a transaction.

  User Action:  Examine the database monitor log file and any
  SYS$SYSTEM:*DBRBUG.DMP bugcheck dump files for more information.

1.470  –  DBRBOUND

  attach not allowed while your process is being recovered

  Explanation:  The database recovery process (DBR) is currently
  recovering an image for your process.  While the recovery
  operation is running, you cannot start another image that
  attempts to attach/bind to the database.

  User Action:  You can attach/bind to another database.
  Otherwise, you must wait for the database recovery process to
  complete recovery of your previous image.

1.471  –  DBSCOPCONF

  Two databases share the same alias name, but their scopes differ

  Explanation:  You are attempting to override a LOCAL alias with
  a GLOBAL alias or the reverse.

  User Action:  Make the scope of the alias (GLOBAL or LOCAL)
  match the alias it overrides or choose a different alias name.

1.472  –  DBSHUTDOWN

  database shutdown is in progress

  Explanation:  The request you made could not be completed
  because the database is being shut down.

  User Action:  Examine the database monitor log file
  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more information.

1.473  –  DBSPAMISN

  Incremental Backup Scan Optim does not use SPAM pages

  Explanation:  Incremental Backup disabled use of SPAM pages in
  newly-created database.  Value either specified by user or found
  in the interchange file.

  User Action:  None.

1.474  –  DBSPAMISY

  Incremental Backup Scan Optim uses SPAM pages

  Explanation:  Incremental Backup enabled use of SPAM pages in
  newly-created database.  Value either specified by user or found
  in the interchange file.

  User Action:  None.

1.475  –  DBSPAMWASN

  Incremental Backup did not use SPAM pages, now they are ENABLED

  Explanation:  Incremental Backup disabled use of SPAM pages as
  found in the interchange file.  New value was specified by user.

  User Action:  None.

1.476  –  DBSPAMWASY

  Incremental Backup used SPAM pages, now they are Disabled

  Explanation:  Incremental Backup enabled use of SPAM pages as
  found in the interchange file.  New value was specified by user.

  User Action:  None.


  Syntax error in database specification

  Explanation:  The database specification in an ATTACH statement
  is syntactically incorrect.  The sub-error returns more specific

  User Action:  Correct the syntax error and retry execution of
  the statement.

1.478  –  DBTRISTMT

  Triggered statement is not in the same database as the trigger

  Explanation:  You specified a triggered statement which uses a
  different database than the database the trigger is a part of.
  This is not legal.

  User Action:  Specify only triggered actions which execute in
  the database in which the trigger is defined.

1.479  –  DB_EXISTS

  The repository pathname, <str>, chosen for the database name
  already exists

  Explanation:  The repository path name chosen for the database
  name already exists in the current directory.

  User Action:  Use another, unique repository path name.

1.480  –  DB_HANDEC

  Handle already declared

  Explanation:  You declared a database handle via ACMS.  This
  interferes with defining a handle through the dynamic interface.

  User Action:  You should not specify another handle.

1.481  –  DB_HANDEC2

  Handle already declared

  Explanation:  You have declared a database handle via ACMS.
  This interferes with defining a handle through the dynamic
  interface.  This also interferes with declaring multiple
  database handles.

  User Action:  You should not specify another handle.

1.482  –  DB_HANLON

  The alias must be a 32-bit longword

  Explanation:  Aliases that are passed from a program must be
  32-bit longwords passed by descriptor.

  User Action:  Define the alias to be a 32-bit longword.
  Examples:  For COBOL:  01 AUTHID PIC S9(9) COMP.  For FORTRAN:

1.483  –  DB_IN_TXN

  Authorization identifier <str> is already part of this

  Explanation:  You specified an authorization identifier twice
  within in the transaction parameters of SET TRANSACTION or

  User Action:  Specify the authorization identifier only once.

1.484  –  DCLBEFEXE

  DECLARE TRANSACTION and DECLARE ALIAS must be before executable

  Explanation:  DECLARE TRANSACTION and DECLARE ALIAS must come
  before the first executable statement in a program.  An
  executable statement is a statement such as SELECT, INSERT,
  UPDATE, OR CREATE.  To avoid this error, put all DECLARE ALIAS
  and DECLARE TRANSACTION statements in a context file, if

  User Action:  Move all DECLARE TRANSACTION statements and
  DECLARE ALIAS statements before all executable statements.  You
  should specify all DECLARE ALIAS statements before the first

1.485  –  DCLDATBEF

  DECLARE ALIAS must be before other DECLARE statements

  Explanation:  All DECLARE ALIAS statements must come before any
  in a program.

  User Action:  Move all DECLARE ALIAS statements before other
  DECLARE statements.

1.486  –  DDALERR

  Replication Option for Rdb fatal error

  Explanation:  You entered a Replication Option for Rdb statement
  that failed.

  User Action:  Refer to the explanation in the user action
  section of the secondary error message.

1.487  –  DDALFMTUNK

  Replication Option for Rdb ACK file format not understood

  Explanation:  The format of the ACK file was not as expected by

  User Action:  See the system manager to check for compatibility
  between versions of SQL and DDAL.  If not incompatible, contact
  your Oracle support representative.

1.488  –  DDALNOTINS

  Replication Option for Rdb not installed

  Explanation:  The Replication Option for Rdb (previously called
  DEC Data Distributor) product is not installed on the system.

  User Action:  See the system manager to install the product.

1.489  –  DDLPARAM

  You referred to parameter <str> in a DDL statement

  Explanation:  You specified a parameter in a DDL statement such
  as a CREATE VIEW or CREATE TRIGGER statement.  This is not

  User Action:  Remove the parameter specification.

1.490  –  DDNOTSUPP

  Installed version of repository does not support this SQL

  Explanation:  The version of the repository on your system does
  not contain the necessary SQL support.

  User Action:  Upgrade the version of repository on your system.
  Alternatively, do not access the repository with this version of

1.491  –  DEADLOCK

  deadlock on <str>

  Explanation:  The operation you attempted has been forbidden by
  the database management system because it would have led to a
  system deadlock.

  User Action:  Execute a ROLLBACK or a COMMIT to release your
  locks, and try the transaction again.

1.492  –  DECCURINTO

  DECLARE CURSOR statement cannot include an INTO clause

  Explanation:  You specified an INTO clause in the select
  expression in the DECLARE CURSOR statement.  It should go in the
  FETCH statement or in a singleton select statement.

  User Action:  Remove the INTO clause.

1.493  –  DEFCONMOD

  Command line specified default constraint evaluation mode is off

  Explanation:  Your command line specified (either explicitly or
  by default) that the constraint mode when you start a
  transaction is OFF; that is, that by default, constraints will
  not be evaluated until a COMMIT is executed.  The ANSI and ISO
  SQL standards require that the constraint mode when you start a
  transaction be ON; that is, that constraints be evaulated at the
  end of every SQL statement.

  User Action:  If it is important to have standard behavior in
  your program, and you have constraints in your database, you
  should specify the /CONSTRAINT_MODE=ON in the module language
  command line or /SQLOPTIONS=(CONSTRAINT_MODE=ON) in the
  precompiler command line.

1.494  –  DEFDBDEC

  A database has already been declared with the default alias

  Explanation:  You attempted to attach a database using the
  default alias when there already was a one.  In interactive SQL,
  you get this error only if you choose not to override the
  current default database.

  User Action:  Include an alias which has not been declared in
  the DECLARE ALIAS or ATTACH statement.

1.495  –  DEFLT_DBSRC

  Defaulting to the .dbsrc file in the home directory

  Explanation:  SQL is unable to use the value specified for the
  .dbsrc file, therefore, SQL is defaulting to the .dbsrc file in
  the your home directory.

  User Action:

1.496  –  DEFLT_SQLINI

  Defaulting to the sqlini.sql file in the pwd

  Explanation:  SQL is unable to use the value specified for the
  sqlini.sql file, therefore, SQL is defaulting to the sqlini.sql
  file in the present working directory.

  User Action:

1.497  –  DEFVALINC

  You specified a default value for <str> which is inconsistent
  with its data type

  Explanation:  The value specified for the default value must
  have the same type (i.e.  both character, both exact numeric,
  both approximate numeric or both dates) as the column or domain
  for which it is the default.  It must also be small enough to
  fit into column or domain.

  User Action:  Replace the specified value with a value that is
  compatible with the column.


  Default values are not allowed for COMPUTED BY or AUTOMATIC
  INSERT columns

  Explanation:  You specified a default value for a COMPUTED BY
  column, or an AUTOMATIC AS or AUTOMATIC INSERT AS column for
  which defaults are not supported.

  User Action:  Remove the default clause from this definition.

1.499  –  DEFVALUNS

  Default values are not supported for the data type of <str>

  Explanation:  You specified a default value for a data type
  (such as segmented string) for which defaults are not supported.

  User Action:  Remove the default clause from this definition.

1.500  –  DEGMODSPC

  Only one degree mode may be specified for a transaction

  Explanation:  You specified both concurrency options
  TRANSACTION statement.

  User Action:  Specify only one option in your DECLARE
  TRANSACTION statement.

1.501  –  DELBACKUP

  EXPORT errors, interchange file deleted

  Explanation:  The export that you were performing could not be
  successfully completed.

  User Action:  Determine why the export failed and correct that


  Cache file <str> deletion failed

  Explanation:  Attempt made to delete non existing file.

  User Action:  Check for the existence of the cache file.


  DELETE LIST cannot reference dynamic table cursor, <str>

  Explanation:  A precompiled DELETE LIST statement references a
  table cursor that is dynamic.

  User Action:  The DELETE LIST statement for the dynamic cursor
  should be PREPAREd and EXECUTEd.

1.504  –  DELPRC

  database attach has been terminated

  Explanation:  The user's attach has been terminated.

  User Action:  This error message indicates that a request was
  made to eliminate this user's database attach.  The termination
  may have been requested due to a database action such as closing
  the database with the ABORT=DELPRC option, or potentially an
  unrecoverable error was encountered by the database system that
  necessitated terminating the user.

1.505  –  DEPIMPCAS

  Implicit cascading may not be supported in a future version

  Explanation:  On a DROP TABLE, SQL will currently drop all
  indexes, views triggers and constraints which reference the
  table.  In a future release, these objects will only be dropped
  if you specify CASCADE.  On a DROP VIEW, SQL will currently drop
  all views which references that view.  In a future release, they
  will only be dropped if you specify CASCADE.

  User Action:  If you want these objects to be deleted, specify
  the CASCADE option on the drop.

1.506  –  DEPR_ANSI_PARM

  NOANSI_PARAMETERS is the default.  Future versions may require

  Explanation:  None.



1.508  –  DEPR_DQUOTES

  " used instead of ' for string literal

  Explanation:  Double quotes were used to delimit a string
  literal.  This usage is deprecated.  Single quotes are the
  correct delimiters for string literals

  User Action:  Use single quotes for string literals; double
  quotes have a special usage, denoting identifiers that bypass
  reserved word checking

1.509  –  DEPR_FEATURE

  Deprecated Feature:  <str>

  Explanation:  The syntax indicated is a deprecated feature.  It
  may not be supported in a future version of SQL.

  User Action:  Please look in the SQL Reference Manual appendix
  of deprecated features and replace this syntax with the syntax
  that has superceded it.


  inheritance of DESC qualifier

  Explanation:  Default inheritance of previous item order
  direction is deprecated.  A future release will make unqualified
  items default to ASCENDING.

1.511  –  DEP_FEATURE

  Deprecated Feature

  Explanation:  The syntax indicated is a deprecated feature.  It
  may not be supported in a future version of SQL.

  User Action:  Please look in the SQL Reference Manual appendix
  of deprecated features and replace this syntax with the syntax
  that has superceded it.

1.512  –  DIC_DB_CHG1

  A repository definition used by database <str> has changed

  Explanation:  This database refers to a definition in the
  repository that has changed.

  User Action:  Use the INTEGRATE statement to resolve any

1.513  –  DIC_DB_CHG2

  Use the INTEGRATE statement to resolve any differences between
  the repository and the database

  Explanation:  The data definitions in the repository no longer
  match the definitions in the database file.

  User Action:  Use the INTEGRATE statement to resolve any

1.514  –  DIFFDEFINV

  The invoker is not the definer, <str>

  Explanation:  The RESTRICT_INVOKER option was specified at
  compile time to ensure ANSI semantic behavior.  This requires
  that only the same user who compiles a module (the definer) may
  be the user who executes it (the invoker).

  User Action:  Recompile the module.  If it is not important that
  ANSI semantics be maintained, do not specify the
  RESTRICT_INVOKER option; any user will be able to execute a
  program linked with this module.  If ANSI semantics must be
  maintained, make sure that the user who will be the invoker also
  compiles the program.  Alternatively, a module language
  AUTHORIZATION clause specifies who the definer is, and may be
  used by one user to compile a module for another.


  Views and tables must be moved from the same database

  Explanation:  The user entered a move tables clause specifying a
  database with a different as the database named in the move
  views clause.

  User Action:  Enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement with a move
  views clause whose database is the same as the one in the move
  tables clause.

1.516  –  DIGNUMPIC

  more than 31 digits in a numeric edit string

  Explanation:  The edit string generates more than 31 digits.

  User Action:  Reduce the number of digits in this numeric
  picture string.

1.517  –  DISABLED_OSF

  <str> is disabled on OSF

  Explanation:  This feature was not part of the SQL port to OSF.
  This feature may be ported in a future release.  It is currently
  unavailable on OSF.

  User Action:  Do not use this feature.

1.518  –  DOENBLAIJ

  after-image journaling must be enabled to ensure recovery

  Explanation:  After adding an AIJ journal, it is necessary to
  enable AIJ journaling (if it is not already enabled).  Failure
  to enable AIJ journaling will result in the AIJ file being NOT

  User Action:  IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that after-image
  journaling be enabled AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

1.519  –  DOFULLBCK

  full database backup should be done to ensure future recovery

  Explanation:  After enabling AIJ journaling, it is often
  necessary to perform a full (i.e., not incremental) database
  backup.  Failure to backup the database may result in the AIJ
  file NOT being recoverable.

  User Action:  IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that a full database
  backup be performed AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.


  Domain constraint must be NOT DEFERRABLE

  Explanation:  You tried to specify that a domain constraint's
  evaluation is DEFERRABLE either by explicit syntax or by taking
  the default evaluation.

  User Action:  Either specify NOT DEFERRABLE or choose a dialect
  that defaults to the NOT DEFERRABLE constraint evaluation.


  A name for a domain constraint is not allowed

  Explanation:  You tried to specify the name of a domain
  constraint which is not allowed at this time.

  User Action:  Do not specify a name for a domain constraint.

1.522  –  DOMNOTBCK

  Domain <str> cannot be exported WITH NO EXTENSIONS

  Explanation:  This domain cannot be exported when NO EXTENSIONS
  is specified.  It is of a data type which was not supported
  before Rdb 4.1 in any fashion.  The secondary message will
  describe exactly which data type was used.

  User Action:  If the interchange file will not be used to create
  a database in prior versions of Oracle Rdb, Oracle Rdb
  Engineering would recommend restarting the EXPORT specifying
  WITH EXTENSIONS.  Otherwise, change the affected domain to a
  type which was supported in earlier versions or remove it

1.523  –  DOM_INVALID

  collating sequence invalid for non-text domain <str>

  Explanation:  A collating sequence was defined on a non-text
  domain.  The domain definition is invalid.

  User Action:  None.

1.524  –  DPBFMTUNK

  Replication Option for Rdb DPB buffer not understood

  Explanation:  The format of the DPB buffer from the ACK file was
  not as expected by SQL.

  User Action:  See the system manager to check for compatibility
  between versions of SQL and DDAL.  If not incompatible, contact
  your Oracle support representative.

1.525  –  DROP_COLDOM

  Column <str> in table <str> is being altered to remove domain

  Explanation:  When you issue the DROP SCHEMA or DROP CATALOG
  statement and specify the CASCADE behavior, SQL drops all of the
  domains in that schema or catalog.  If one of the columns in a
  table outside of the schema or catalog references one of those
  domains, it is altered in such a way that it no longer depends
  on the domain being deleted.

  User Action:  None.

1.526  –  DROP_COLL

  Collating sequence <str> is also being dropped

  Explanation:  When you issue the DROP SCHEMA or DROP CATALOG
  statement and specify CASCADE behavior, SQL drops all of the
  objects in that schema or catalog and all of the objects
  referenced by any objects being dropped.  This informational
  message is simply to indicate which objects are being dropped.

  User Action:  None.

1.527  –  DROP_DOM

  Domain <str> is also being dropped

  Explanation:  When you issue the DROP SCHEMA or DROP CATALOG
  statement and specify CASCADE behavior, SQL drops all of the
  objects in that schema or catalog and all of the objects
  referenced by any objects being dropped.  This informational
  message is simply to indicate which objects are being dropped.

  User Action:  None.


  Function <str> is also being dropped

  Explanation:  When you issue the DROP SCHEMA or DROP CATALOG
  statement and specify the CASCADE clause, SQL drops all of the
  objects in that schema or catalog and all of the objects
  referenced by any objects being dropped.  This informational
  message indicates which objects are being dropped.

  User Action:  None.

1.529  –  DROP_IDX

  Index <str> is also being dropped.

  Explanation:  When you issue the DROP TABLE statement, SQL also
  drops all indexes that use that table.  Also, when you issue the
  DROP SCHEMA or DROP CATALOG statement and specify CASCADE
  behavior, SQL drops all of the objects in that schema or catalog
  and all of the objects referenced by any objects being dropped.
  This message notifies you which indices those are.  It is
  informational only.

  User Action:  None.

1.530  –  DROP_MODULE

  Module <str> is also being dropped

  Explanation:  When you issue the DROP SCHEMA or DROP CATALOG
  statement and specify the CASCADE clause, SQL drops all of the
  objects in that schema or catalog and all of the objects
  referenced by any objects being dropped.  This informational
  message indicates which objects are being dropped.

  User Action:  None.

1.531  –  DROP_OUTLINE

  Query Outline <str> is also being dropped

  Explanation:  When you issue the DROP SCHEMA or DROP CATALOG
  statement and specify CASCADE behavior, SQL drops all of the
  objects in that schema or catalog and all of the objects
  referenced by any objects being dropped.  This informational
  message is simply to indicate which objects are being dropped.

  User Action:  None.


  Procedure <str> is also being dropped

  Explanation:  When you issue the DROP SCHEMA or DROP CATALOG
  statement and specify the CASCADE clause, SQL drops all of the
  objects in that schema or catalog and also drops all of the
  objects referenced by any of the objects being dropped.  This
  informational message indicates which objects are being dropped.

  User Action:  None.


  Sequence <str> is also being dropped

  Explanation:  When you issue the DROP SCHEMA or DROP CATALOG
  statement and specify the CASCADE clause, SQL drops all of the
  objects in that schema or catalog and all of the objects
  referenced by any objects being dropped.  This informational
  message indicates which objects are being dropped.

  User Action:

1.534  –  DROP_STOMAP

  VIA clause on storage map <str> is also being dropped.

  Explanation:  When you issue the DROP TABLE statement, SQL also
  drops the the index for that table.  In order to drop the index,
  any via clauses which reference the index must be delete so the
  index can be dropped.  The message is informational only.

  User Action:  None.

1.535  –  DROP_STORMAP

  Storage map <str> is also being dropped

  Explanation:  When you issue the DROP SCHEMA or DROP CATALOG
  statement and specify CASCADE behavior, SQL drops all of the
  objects in that schema or catalog and all of the objects
  referenced by any objects being dropped.  This informational
  message is simply to indicate which objects are being dropped.

  User Action:  None.

1.536  –  DROP_TABLE

  Table <str> is also being dropped

  Explanation:  When you issue the DROP SCHEMA or DROP CATALOG
  statement and specify CASCADE behavior, SQL drops all of the
  objects in that schema or catalog and all of the objects
  referenced by any objects being dropped.  This informational
  message is simply to indicate which objects are being dropped.

  User Action:  None.

1.537  –  DROP_TRIG

  Trigger <str> is also being dropped.

  Explanation:  When you issue the DROP TABLE statement, SQL also
  drops all triggers that use that table.  Also, when you issue
  the DROP SCHEMA or DROP CATALOG statement and specify CASCADE
  behavior, SQL drops all of the objects in that schema or catalog
  and all of the objects referenced by any objects being dropped.
  This message notifies you which triggers SQL is dropping.  The
  message is informational only.

  User Action:  None.

1.538  –  DROP_VIEW

  View <str> is also being dropped.

  Explanation:  When you issue the DROP TABLE statement, SQL also
  drops all views that use that table.  Also, when you issue the
  DROP SCHEMA or DROP CATALOG statement and specify CASCADE
  behavior, SQL drops all of the objects in that schema or catalog
  and all of the objects referenced by any objects being dropped.
  This message notifies you which views those are.  It is
  informational only.

  User Action:  None.


  Date or time format must be less than 999.

  Explanation:  You entered a DATE or TIME value greater than 999
  in the SET DATE FORMAT statement.

  User Action:  Enter a value less than or equal to 999.

1.540  –  DTONCEEACH

  You can specify DATE or TIME only once each.

  Explanation:  You entered entered DATE date-number twice or TIME
  time-number twice in the SET DATE FORMAT statement.

  User Action:  Enter nothing, or enter DATE, TIME, or one of each

1.541  –  DUPAIJFIL

  duplicate AIJ filename "<str>" specified

  Explanation:  A duplicate AIJ file name was specified during AIJ
  journal addition.  Each AIJ file name is used to identify a
  specific journal and must be unique within a database.

  User Action:  Please specify a unique AIJ filename.

1.542  –  DUPAIJNAM

  duplicate AIJ name "<str>" specified

  Explanation:  A duplicate AIJ name was specified during AIJ
  journal addition.  Each AIJ name is used to identify a specific
  journal and must be unique within a database.

  User Action:  Please specify a unique AIJ name.

1.543  –  DUPCCHNAM

  record cache "<str>" already exists

  Explanation:  A duplicate record cache name was specified.  The
  name used to identify a cache must be unique within a database.

  User Action:  Please specify a unique record cache name.

1.544  –  DUPFLDDEF

  field <str> has different definitions in relations <str> and

  Explanation:  In a CREATE TRANSFER statement of an EXTRACTION
  ROLLUP transfer, you are attempting to move a field which does
  not have the same definition in all the source databases.  Since
  we cannot have two definitions of a field in the target
  database, the CREATE TRANSFER command is invalid.

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement by
  including only one definition of the field mentioned above or by
  changing all the definitions of this field into the same type.

1.545  –  DUPL_SRC_FILE

  Source file already specified, found <str>

  Explanation:  A source file has already been supplied.  A second
  source file has been specified.

  User Action:  Remove or correct the second source file.

1.546  –  DUPPROCNAM

  <str> is a duplicate procedure name

  Explanation:  There are two procedures in this module with this

  User Action:  Change the name of one of the procedures.

1.547  –  DUPREFACT

  Duplicate <str> referential action

  Explanation:  You specified two update or two delete actions on
  a referential constraint.  This is not supported.

  User Action:  Remove one of the referential actions.

1.548  –  DUPVAR

  Variable <str> is already defined

  Explanation:  You defined a SQL variable for which there was
  already a declaration.

  User Action:  Either use the variable, or specify the name of a
  variable which is not already defined.

1.549  –  DUPVARPROC

  Variable <str> is already defined as a parameter

  Explanation:  You defined a SQL variable for which there was
  already a parameter declaration.

  User Action:  Specify the name of a variable which is not
  already declared as a parameter

1.550  –  DWNGRDCLS

  Option <str> is not supported by this version and has been
  downgraded to <str>

  Explanation:  The listed option is not supported by this Rdb or
  CDD version, the command is attempted using supported option.

  User Action:  In many cases the downgraded c;lause may succeed,
  if not then you must use an alternate clause that is supported.
  Note that CDD Repository does not support CASCADE for all
  objects and so DROP may fail if attached by PATHNAME.  Try
  attaching by FILENAME and repeating the operation.

1.551  –  DYNHVVER

  Compiled SQL data structures not recognized by runtime SQL

  Explanation:  Your application was compiled using a version of
  SQL that uses data structures unrecognized by the running
  version of SQL.

  User Action:  Re-compile the program under the original version
  of SQL or use the running version of SQL.

1.552  –  DYNSIZARR

  Host variable <str> is an array whose bounds are determined at

  Explanation:  The SQL precompilers do not support references to
  arrays whose bounds are determined at run time
  (dynamically-sized arrays).

  User Action:  Assign the value in the dynamically-sized array to
  a field which is not in a dynamically-sized array before using
  it in an SQL statement.

1.553  –  EDITUSING

  The EDIT USING clause may only be used in interactive SQL

  Explanation:  The EDIT USING clause is only supported by the
  interactive SQL interface.

  User Action:  Rewrite the query without the EDIT USING clause.

1.554  –  EDTSTRUNC

  filename edits "<str>" truncated

  Explanation:  Internal represenation of filename edits limited
  to a maximum of 31 characters.  Specified filename edits
  truncated to the maximum of 31 characters.

  User Action:  No action required.  If desired, the filename edit
  specification can be shortened.

1.555  –  EMPMSGVEC

  Empty message vector returned.  Please contact your Oracle
  support representative

  Explanation:  The database system returned an empty message
  vector and nothing can be determined about the success or
  failure of the SQL statement for which the message vector was
  returned.  This is a database system software error.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain the source of the program which caused this error.

1.556  –  EMPTYAIJ

  after-image journal file is empty

  Explanation:  A recovery operation was attempted on an empty
  after-image journal file, or the UNTIL time predates any
  journaled transactions.  The former can happen if no
  transactions were initiated while after-image journaling was in

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

1.557  –  EMPTYFILE

  <str> file is empty

  Explanation:  The file is empty.

  User Action:  None.

1.558  –  END

  End of input

  Explanation:  No more input was given to SQL.

  User Action:  None.

1.559  –  ENUM_VAR

  Host variable <str> is an enum variable which is illegal in SQL

  Explanation:  The named variable is defined as a C enum
  variable.  Such fields are not legal in SQL statements.

  User Action:  Use a different variable.

1.560  –  ERRATTDEC

  Error attaching to database <str>

  Explanation:  An ATTACH, DECLARE ALIAS or CONNECT statement
  specified an invalid or nonexistent file specification or
  repository path name.  See the messages following this message
  for more information.

  User Action:  Change the statement to specify a valid file
  specification or path name.

1.561  –  ERRATTDEF

  Could not use database file specified by <str>

  Explanation:  If you do not issue an explicit DECLARE ALIAS,
  ATTACH or CONNECT statement, SQL uses the database file
  specified by the logical name SQL$DATABASE.  Because the logical
  name SQL$DATABASE is not defined or does not refer to a valid
  database, SQL could not attach to a database.  See the messages
  following this message for more information.

  User Action:  Explicitly declare a schema before executing any
  statements which require a database, or define the logical name
  SQL$DATABASE to specify the database file you wish to use.

1.562  –  ERRCRESCH

  Error creating database filename <str>

  Explanation:  There was an error creating the database.

  User Action:  Correct the CREATE DATABASE statement and try

1.563  –  ERRDET

  An error was detected

  Explanation:  This is the exit status for a preprocessor when an
  error was detected.

  User Action:  Correct the error in the host language program and
  resubmit the job to the preprocessor.

1.564  –  ERRFOREIGN

  error opening foreign command file as input

  Explanation:  An error occurred during the reading of a foreign
  command file.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message for more

1.565  –  ERRINCPATH

  Error including record at pathname "<str>"

  Explanation:  An error was reported trying to include a record
  from the repository.

  User Action:  Correct the pathname in the include from
  repository statement.

1.566  –  ERROPENIN

  error opening <str> as input

  Explanation:  An error occurred during opening of an input file.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message for more

1.567  –  ERROPENOUT

  error opening <str> as output

  Explanation:  An error occurred during opening of an output

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message for more

1.568  –  ERRSYMDEL

  Error symbol deleted

  Explanation:  When parsing an SQL statement, the parser
  encountered an error.  The message for that error appeared prior
  to this message.  In an attempt to recover from that error SQL
  deleted the token it found, and generated this message to help
  you understand any additional messages that follow.

  User Action:  None.  This is an informational message only.

1.569  –  ERRSYMREP

  Error symbol replaced by <str>

  Explanation:  When parsing an SQL statement, the parser
  encountered an error.  The message for that error appeared prior
  to this message.  In an attempt to recover from that error, SQL
  replaced the token it found with the specified token, and
  generated this message to help you understand any additional
  messages that follow.

  User Action:  None.  This is an informational message only.

1.570  –  ERRWRITE

  error writing file

  Explanation:  An error occurred during a file write.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message for more

1.571  –  ES_ILL_RPT

  repeat count in edit string is not numeric

  Explanation:  The user specified an edit string that contained a
  repeat count that was not a number, for example, X(9) is legal,
  but X(a) is not.

  User Action:  Specify only numeric values for repeat counts.

1.572  –  EVACLAUNS

  EVALUATING clause ignored

  Explanation:  The DECLARE TRANSACTION statement in SQL does not
  support the EVALUATING clause to specify when the database
  system evaluates constraints.  Constraints are evaluated as
  specified in their definitions.

  User Action:  Issue the DECLARE TRANSACTION statement without
  the EVALUATING clause.

1.573  –  EXESELSTA

  Attempted to EXECUTE a SELECT statement

  Explanation:  You used a prepared SELECT statement in an EXECUTE
  statement.  In dynamic SQL, the only way to process prepared
  SELECT statements is through cursors.

  User Action:  Define a cursor based on the statement you tried
  to execute, and use the cursor in OPEN and FETCH statements.
  Otherwise, use non-SELECT statements only in EXECUTE statements.

1.574  –  EXNODECNT

  database cannot be opened on this node -- maximum node count
  (<num>) exceeded

  Explanation:  The database cannot be opened on this node,
  because it has already been opened on the maximum allowable
  number of nodes.

  User Action:  Consider increasing the maximum number of nodes
  configured for the database.


  Expecting numeric value in declaration

  Explanation:  Parsing the data declaration for this variable
  indicated that a numeric value was expected and not received.

  User Action:  Check the declaration of the variable.


  Expecting right parentheses in declaration

  Explanation:  While parsing the data declaration for this
  variable, a right parentheses was expected but not found.

  User Action:  Check the declaration of this variable.

1.577  –  EXPNUMLIT

  Expected a numeric literal

  Explanation:  A numeric literal was expected in this context.

  User Action:  Correct the syntax.

1.578  –  EXPQUEXPR

  A query expression was expected

  Explanation:  SQL expected a query expression.  You entered
  something else.

  User Action:  Enter a query expression.

1.579  –  EXP_CDD_NODATA

  Exporting a repository with NODATA is not allowed

  Explanation:  You used the NODATA option when exporting a
  repository database.

  User Action:  You cannot use the NODATA option when exporting
  data dictionaries.  The repository cannot use the resulting
  database.  Use the DATA option and try again.

1.580  –  EXP_CDD_NOEXT

  Exporting a repository with NOEXTENSIONS is not allowed

  Explanation:  You used the NOEXTENSIONS option when exporting a
  repository database.

  User Action:  You cannot use the NOEXTENSIONS option when
  exporting data dictionaries.  The repository cannot use the
  resulting database.  Use the EXTENSIONS option and try again.

1.581  –  EXP_CONVERT

  Domain <str> converted from TINYINT to SMALLINT

  Explanation:  This domain may not be exported directly when NO
  EXTENSIONS is specified.  The domain (and all columns defined
  using this domain) will be of data type SMALLINT in any database
  created from this interchange file.

  User Action:  If using IMPORT and EXPORT to move data to a much
  older version of Oracle Rdb or to ELN, keep in mind that the
  data types have changed and that some errors may occur since
  only data has been converted, and objects (such as constraints)
  which refer to that data have not.  Otherwise, Oracle Rdb
  Engineering would recommend restarting the EXPORT specifying


  Database Creator <str> is not defined as an user - IMPORT may

  Explanation:  The database creator does not have a profile
  entry.  It is suggested that the database creator be defined.
  One can do this by specifying the CREATE USER statement.

  User Action:  This is a warning that the named user should be
  defined.  It may be advisable to perform a CREATE USER for the
  database creator and then export the database.  If not, the
  subsequent IMPORT may fail.

1.583  –  EXQUOTA

  exceeded quota

  Explanation:  The image could not proceed because a resource
  quota or limit had been exceeded.

  User Action:  The secondary error message describes the resource
  that was exceeded.  If this occurs consistently, increase your


  Stored name "<str>" is ignored in a single schema database

  Explanation:  You specified a STORED NAME clause and this is not
  a multischema database.

  User Action:  None needed.  The STORED NAME is ignored.


  Stored name <str> already exists in this database

  Explanation:  You attempted to create an object with an stored
  name which is already in use by an object of the same type.

  User Action:  Choose a different stored name for the object or
  omit the STORED NAME clause and allow SQL to provide a default
  stored name for you.

1.586  –  EXTRADATA

  unexpected data at the end of the .RBR file

  Explanation:  Internal error - found more data than expected in
  the Oracle Rdb interchange file.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain a copy of the Oracle Rdb interchange file that caused the


  Only one database allowed by EXTRACTION and REPLICATION

  Explanation:  You have specified tables to be moved which come
  from more than one database.

  User Action:  Use multiple transfers to move tables from
  multiple databases.

1.588  –  EXTSRTSTAT

  Records:<num> Merges:<num> Nodes:<num> WorkAlq:<num>

  Explanation:  During extraction operations, statistics are often
  collected to aid the user in tuning.  This message displays

1.589  –  FCNALREXI

  function <str> already exists in this schema or database

  Explanation:  The specified function or procedure already exists
  in the specified database.  This could be caused by another
  procedure or an external function with the same name.  Remember
  that procedure names are scoped to the schema not the module.

  User Action:  Check the spelling of the function or procedure
  name and ensure that it is a unique function or procedure in the
  specified database.

1.590  –  FCNNOTDEF

  function <str> is not defined

  Explanation:  The specified function or procedure does not exist
  in the specified database.

  User Action:  Check the spelling of the function or procedure
  name and ensure that it is the name of a function or procedure
  in the specified database.

1.591  –  FCNNOTEXT

  SHOW PROTECTION and SHOW PRIVILEGES are invalid on SQL functions

  Explanation:  The specified routine is an SQL function.  Because
  the GRANT and REVOKE statements are only allowed on the module
  level, you cannot specify the SHOW PROTECTION or SHOW PRIVILEGES
  statements on a SQL function.

  User Action:  Specify the SHOW PROTECTION or SHOW PRIVILEGES
  statements on the stored module.

1.592  –  FETNOTDON

  A fetch has not been done yet for cursor <str>

  Explanation:  You named a cursor in a CURRENT OF clause of an
  UPDATE or DELETE statement but you did not issue a FETCH
  statement for that cursor.

  User Action:  Issue a FETCH statement for the cursor.

1.593  –  FIELD_EXISTS

  Domain <str> already exists in this database or schema

  Explanation:  You requested that a domain be named with the name
  of an existing domain.

  User Action:  Choose a different name.

1.594  –  FILACCERR

  error <str> file <str>

  Explanation:  A file-access error occurred.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message for more


  standby database storage area signature does not match master

  Explanation:  The number of storage area slots ("reserved"), or
  the specific storage area page size, are not identical on both
  the master and standby databases.

  User Action:  Make sure both the master and standby database
  storage area configurations are identical.  Do not change any
  storage area page size when restoring the databases.

1.596  –  FINNOSES

  FINISH is not compatible with sessions

  Explanation:  FINISH is not only deprecated, but cannot be used
  with sessions since the semantics aren't compatible.



  Computed column may not reference a foreign key

  Explanation:  You specified a foreign key constraint for a
  computed column, which does not support this constraint.

  User Action:  Remove the foreign key constraint from this

1.598  –  FLDAMBIG

  Column <str> is not unique in tables in the FROM clause

  Explanation:  The specified column exists in more than one of
  the tables specified in the FROM clause.

  User Action:  Qualify the column name in the select list with
  the table name or an alias.

1.599  –  FLDASREC

  Param <str> included repository field as record definition

  Explanation:  SQL module compiler allows a repository field in a
  record definition for a module parameter declaration.
  Processing continues without any errors.

  User Action:  Include the correct repository record definition
  for the module parameter definition if that supports the clarity
  of the code.

1.600  –  FLDNOTBCK

  Column <str>.<str> defined in terms of missing domain <str>

  Explanation:  The base field for a local field is not defined.
  The database cannot be exported if any columns refer to
  non-existant domains.

  User Action:  This is caused by an inconsistency in the
  database.  Try to recover the missing global field.

1.601  –  FLDNOTCRS

  Column <str> was not found in the tables in current scope

  Explanation:  The specified column does not exist in the tables
  specified in the current scope.

  User Action:  Check the select expression:  you may have
  mistyped the column name or specified the wrong table name or
  alias to qualify the column name.

1.602  –  FLDNOTDEF

  Column <str> is not defined in table <str>

  Explanation:  The specified column does not exist in the table

  User Action:  Check the select expression:  you may have
  mistyped the column name or specified the wrong table name or
  alias to qualify the column name.


  <str> is not a column in table, <str>

  Explanation:  The column you specified is not part of the named

  User Action:  Check the table definition for the correct column
  name or specify another table.

1.604  –  FLUINPBUF

  Indirect command file buffer flushed for Control-C

  Explanation:  You typed Control-C while executing an indirect
  command file.

  User Action:  None.


  Column <str> in table <str> does not match assumed <str> data

  Explanation:  You implicitly declared the named column with
  numeric, character or date data type when using it in a forward
  reference.  When the named table was eventually created, the
  actual column declaration did not match the implicit one.

  User Action:  Change the forward declaration or the column
  declaration so that the two have the same basic data type.


  Column <str> in table <str> does not match <str> of forward

  Explanation:  You implicitly declared the named column when
  using it in a forward reference.  When the named table was
  eventually created, the actual column declaration did not match
  the implicit one.

  User Action:  Change the forward declaration or the column
  declaration so that the two match in data type, length and


  Column <str> in forward reference of table <str> not declared

  Explanation:  You implicitly declared the named column when
  using it in a forward reference.  When the named table was
  eventually created, the column was not declared.

  User Action:  Change the forward declaration or the actual table
  declaration so that the table contains all of the columns found
  in the forward declaration.


  Variable "<str>" is a FOR loop counter - assignment not allowed

  Explanation:  The named variable was used by the FOR counted
  loop which makes it a CONSTANT for the duration of the loop
  body.  This variable is the target of a SET, INSERT...RETURNING,
  or CALL output parameter.

  User Action:  Check that the correct variable is used in this
  statement.  If you need to update the loop counter, replace the
  FOR IN loop with a WHILE loop.


  FOR statement variable "<str>" is read only

  Explanation:  (a) If the variable is on a FOR cursor loop then
  this variable and the select list value names are considered
  constant (i.e.  read only) within the FOR body.  (b) If the
  variable is on a FOR counted loop then this variable needs to be
  updated by the FOR loop but can not be changed because it is
  declared as CONSTANT.

  User Action:  (a) Use the UPDATE ...  WHERE CURRENT OF statement
  to update rows fetched by the FOR cursor loop.  (b) Change the
  variable declaration to be UPDATABLE or use another variable
  name for the loop

1.610  –  FORPASLEN

  Host variable <str> is an unsupported passed-length variable

  Explanation:  The host variable declaration uses the FORTRAN
  passed-length (*) feature which is not supported.

  User Action:  Either change the declaration so that only
  supported attributes are used, or move the data to another
  variable which uses only supported attributes.


  Forward referenced table <str> not declared

  Explanation:  You used the named table in a forward reference.
  This table was never created.

  User Action:  Change the CREATE DATABASE statement to include
  the definition of all forward declared tables.


  partially-journaled changes made; database may not be

  Explanation:  Partially-journalled changes have been made to the
  database.  This may result in the database being unrecoverable
  in the event of database failure; that is, it may be impossible
  to roll-forward the after-image journals, due to a transaction
  mis-match or attempts to modify objects that were not
  journalled.  This condition typically occurs as a result of
  replicating database changes using the Hot Standby feature.

  User Action:  IMMEDIATELY perform a full (not by-sequence)
  quiet-point AIJ backup to clear the AIJ journals, followed
  immediately by a full (no-quiet-point allowed) database backup.


  Label of function was not declared

  Explanation:  You attempted to reference an undeclared label.

  User Action:  Reference a label which has been declared.

1.614  –  FUNCNORET

  A function was specified without a RETURNS clause

  Explanation:  If a function is specified, you must also specify
  a RETURNS clause.

  User Action:  Reenter the function using a RETURNS clause.

1.615  –  FUN_ARGCOUNT

  Function <str> expected <num> parameter(s), was passed <num>

  Explanation:  The function was not passed as many parameters as

  User Action:  Specify the correct number of parameters in either
  the function definition or the invocation.

1.616  –  FUN_VAR

  Host variable <str> is a function which is illegal in SQL

  Explanation:  The named variable is defined as a C function.
  Functions references are not supported in SQL statements.

  User Action:  Use a different variable.

1.617  –  GARBLED

  interchange file is corrupt

  Explanation:  Internal error - probably mismatched BEGIN and END

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain a copy of the Oracle Rdb interchange file that caused the

1.618  –  GETCRESEG

  Attempt to get from a created list

  Explanation:  You attempted to do a SEGSTR.GET using a handle
  returned by a SEGSTR.CREATE statement.  You can only do
  SEGSTR.PUTs using the handle returned by create.

  User Action:  Specify the correct handle


  Do you wish to COMMIT/ABORT/IGNORE this transaction:

  Explanation:  Ask the user whether to COMMIT/ABORT/IGNORE this
  blocked transaction.


  Do you wish to COMMIT/ABORT this transaction:

  Explanation:  Ask the user whether to COMMIT/ABORT this blocked

  User Action:  None.

1.621  –  GFLOAT

  <str> does not support G_FLOAT

  Explanation:  /G_FLOAT was specified for a language such as
  COBOL which does not support the G_FLOAT data type.

  User Action:  Unless you are taking the G_FLOAT number and
  passing it to a language which understands G floating numbers,
  you probably want to reprecompile without the /G_FLOAT
  qualifier.  If you use it from this language, the compiled code
  will think it is a different number than the database system


  Pragma Linker_Options ("<str>");

  Explanation:  Used in interface file generation in precompiler

  User Action:  None.

1.623  –  GOODAIJSEQ

  AIJ file is correct for roll-forward operations

  Explanation:  The specified AIJ file is the correct file to be
  rolled forward.

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This message is
  informational only.


  GREATEST or LEAST expression must have a data type

  Explanation:  The GREATEST and LEAST expression does not have a
  data type because all of the results are NULL or of an unknown

  User Action:  Assign a data type to at least one result.

1.625  –  HEXSTREVE

  A hexadecimal string must have an even number of digits

  Explanation:  A hexadecimal string must have an even number of
  digits.  This is because it takes two hexadecimal digits to
  represent each ASCII character.

  User Action:  Enter a hexadecimal number with an even number of

1.626  –  HIBER

  thread requests hibernate

  Explanation:  The currently executing internal thread has
  requested a short term hibernation.

  User Action:  This state should never be seen by a user
  application.  It is only used by the internal threading

1.627  –  HI_ORD_LOS

  Increasing the scale of <str> <str> may result in the loss of
  high order digits

  Explanation:  Changing the data type and/or increasing the scale
  of a column may result in the loss of significant digits of the
  data already stored in that column.

  User Action:  None.  This is a warning message only.

1.628  –  HNDL_INIT

  Command line switch conflicts with database handle declaration;
  handle will be initialized

  Explanation:  The database handle declaration is either GLOBAL
  or LOCAL (both of which are always initialized) and either
  command line.  For this declaration, the command line switch
  will be ignored and the handle will be initialized.

  User Action:  Change the database handle declaration to

1.629  –  HOLDATTOP

  The WITH HOLD clause must appear in the outermost compound

  Explanation:  You have used the WITH HOLD clause in a compound
  statement that is nested within one or more other compound

  User Action:  Move the WITH HOLD clause to the outermost
  compound statement in the procedure.

1.630  –  HOTACTVTX

  Active transactions prevent replication startup

  Explanation:  The Log Catch Server (LCS) is unable to complete
  the catch-up phase of replication startup.  Active transactions
  prevented the LCS from acquiring a quiet-point within the
  specified interval.

  User Action:  Ensure that no extremely long-running transaction
  are active.  Increase the LCS quiet-point timeout interval.


  Hot Standby is active and AIJ switch-over suspended - backup
  existing journals first

  Explanation:  The AIJ switch-over operation is suspended and
  performing the requested AIJ journal creation while Hot Standby
  is active could result in replication being terminated.

  User Action:  It is recommended to backup one or more existing
  AIJ journals before creating the new AIJ journal(s).

1.632  –  HOTBCKCONT

  continuous AIJ backup not permitted when replication active

  Explanation:  The "continuous" AIJ backup operatoion is not
  permitted when the database replication is active.

  User Action:  Use the AIJ Backup Server (ABS) process when using
  multiple AIJ journals, or issue non-continuous AIJ backup
  operations when using a single AIJ journal.

1.633  –  HOTCMDPEND

  request cannot be completed due to pending hot standby command

  Explanation:  A Hot Standby command was pervious requested from
  this node using the /NOWAIT qualifier; the command has not yet
  completed.  The command just requested cannot be completed until
  the Hot Standby feature command already active but pending on
  this node has first completed.

  User Action:  The requested Hot Standby command must be
  completed prior to issuing this command.  Use the SHOW USERS
  command to indicate the status of the Hot Standby command.

1.634  –  HOTEXCHMSG

  error exchanging replication message

  Explanation:  User Action:

1.635  –  HOTFAILURE

  hot standby failure:  <str>

  Explanation:  A hot standby failure occurred.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message for more

1.636  –  HOTLCLCNCT

  error allocating local network connection

  Explanation:  User Action:


  standby database version does not match master database

  Explanation:  The version time and date stamp in the standby
  database root does not match the version time and date stamp in
  master database root.  Also, it may be possible that the standby
  database was backed up and restored, thereby invalidating the
  abaility to be replicated.

  User Action:  Ensure that the specified standby database is
  correct and restored from a master database backup file.


  cannot switch from circular to extensible AIJ journaling if
  replication active

  Explanation:  User Action:  Terminate database replication


  cannot switch from extensible to circular AIJ journaling if
  replication active

  Explanation:  Adding a new AIJ journal is not allowed while
  database replication is active, if adding the journal would
  activate circular journaling.

  User Action:  Terminate database replication first.


  attempt to access standby database opened for exclusive access

  Explanation:  An attempt has been made to attach to a standby
  database for which replication has been started with exclusive

  User Action:  Stop replication and re-start with "online" access
  to the standby database.

1.641  –  HOTNORC

  record cache not allowed on hot standby database during

  Explanation:  The record cache feature must be disabled on the
  hot standby database during hot standby replication.

  User Action:  Open (or re-open) the standby database with the

1.642  –  HOTOFFLINE

  standby database opened for exclusive access

  Explanation:  Hot Standby replication has been started on the
  master database using exclusive access.  This occurs when the
  /NOONLINE qualifier is used, or the /ONLINE qualifier is not
  specified during replication startup.  When the standby database
  is in "exclusive" mode, user processes cannot attach to the

  User Action:  If exclusive access is not desired, Hot Standby
  replication must be terminated and restarted using the /ONLINE

1.643  –  HOTRECVMSG

  error receiving replication message

  Explanation:  User Action:

1.644  –  HOTREMCNCT

  error allocating remote network connection

  Explanation:  User Action:

1.645  –  HOTREMDELT

  error deleting replication connection

  Explanation:  User Action:

1.646  –  HOTREMDSCT

  error disconnecting from replication server

  Explanation:  User Action:


  database in use with active or pre-started read/write

  Explanation:  Database replication cannot be started on the
  standby database if there are processes with active or
  pre-started read/write transactions.

  User Action:  All read/write transaction activity must be
  stopped prior to starting database replication on the standby

1.648  –  HOTSEQBCK

  cannot find AIJ journal required to start replication

  Explanation:  Database replication using the Hot Standby feature
  was attempted to be started, but the AIJ journal required by the
  standby database could not be found on the master database.
  This typically occurs when the AIJ Backup Server ("ABS")
  inadvertantly backs up the AIJ journal on the master database
  following an AIJ switch-over operation.

  User Action:  The journal specified in the Log Catchup Server
  ("LCS") output file must be manually rolled forward on the
  standby database.  Alternately, the master database must be
  backed up and restored as the standby database.


  stopping database replication, please wait

  Explanation:  This message informs the user that database
  replication is being stopped and to wait for shutdown to
  complete.  Replication shutdown times vary based on system and
  network activity.

  User Action:  Wait for database replication to stop.

1.650  –  HOTSVRCNCT

  error connecting to replication server

  Explanation:  User Action:

1.651  –  HOTSVRFIND

  error identifying remote replication server

  Explanation:  User Action:

1.652  –  HOTWRONGDB

  attempt to start replication for wrong master database

  Explanation:  An attempt has been made to start replication on a
  master database whose standby database is already replicating a
  different master database.  The master root file name does not
  match the name used when replication was first started on the
  standby database.  This could happen if you copied or renamed
  the master database root file, or if the file was created using
  a concealed logical device name and that logical name is no
  longer defined.

  User Action:  Ensure that the specified standby database is
  correct.  If so, ensure that replication on the standby database
  has been fully terminated; replication termination occassionally
  has long-duration shutdown processing to be performed.  If the
  master database rootfile had been moved, rename or copy the root
  file back to its original name or location, or redefine the
  necessary concealed logical device name in the system logical
  name table.

1.653  –  HVNOTDECL

  Host variable <str> was not declared

  Explanation:  Every host variable that is used in an SQL
  statement in a program must been declared in the host language.

  User Action:  Declare the specified variable using a supported

1.654  –  HV_NOT_IN

  Host variable, <str>, not within scope of BEGIN DECLARE and END
  DECLARE section

  Explanation:  Your program referred to a variable that was
  declared outside of the BEGIN DECLARE and END DECLARE

  User Action:  Either move the desired host variable declaration
  to be within this section or remove the BEGIN DECLARE and END
  DECLARE statement.  You can also ignore this warning message.
  BEGIN DECLARE and END DECLARE are only for standard complicance.

1.655  –  IDMISSING

  an alias or a filename is required to create a database

  Explanation:  The user specified an IMPORT or a CREATE DATABASE
  statement without specifying an authorization ID or a filename.
  One of is required.

  User Action:  Specify the missing parameter and try the
  operation again.

1.656  –  IGNCTXBLK

  Context structure is being ignored

  Explanation:  You are passing a context structure to a platform
  that does not support this construct.  The context structure
  will be ignored on this platform.

  User Action:  Your application may depend on some external
  control agent (such as DECdtm) and may not function properly
  without this external agent, therefore, your application may
  have to be written to deal with the lack of this agent on the
  target platform.

1.657  –  IKEYOVFLW

  compressed IKEY for index "<str>" exceeds 255 bytes

  Explanation:  The current index key (IKEY) being stored in a
  sorted or hashed index with compression enabled has exceeded the
  255-byte IKEY-length limit during compression.  With IKEY
  compression enabled, some IKEYs may actually increase in size
  during compression and potentially exceed the 255-byte limit.

  User Action:  Refer to your reference documention for details on
  controlling the maximum expansion overhead during IKEY
  compression.  Alternatively, recreate the specified index with
  compression disabled.

1.658  –  ILLBEGIN

  file <str> is corrupt or not an Oracle Rdb interchange file

  Explanation:  SQL IMPORT can recreate databases only from the
  Oracle Rdb interchange file.  This file is not a Oracle Rdb
  interchange file.

  User Action:  Try the operation again with the correct file

1.659  –  ILLCHAR

  Illegal character detected

  Explanation:  An illegal character has been detected.

  User Action:  Use only valid characters.

1.660  –  ILLCOMPREC

  RECORD or structure may not be compared

  Explanation:  You included the name of a RECORD parameter or
  structure variable in a comparison.  This is not allowed.

  User Action:  Compare individual fields of records or structures
  with other values.

1.661  –  ILLDATLEN

  An invalid SQLLEN(<num>) was found for a date field in the SQLDA

  Explanation:  You passed in a date column in a SQLDA with a
  SQLLEN that was not 8.

  User Action:  Set the SQLLEN to 8 for date columns in the



  Explanation:  The DROP ALL CONSTRAINTS clause only works for the
  ALTER DOMAIN statement and not the ALTER TABLE statement.

  User Action:  DROP the individual constraints by name.

1.663  –  ILLEXEIMM

  Illegal EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement type

  Explanation:  You tried to issue a statement that is not allowed

  User Action:  Use PREPARE and a full EXECUTE statement for these

1.664  –  ILLFLOLEN

  An invalid SQLLEN(<num>) was found for a FLOAT field in the

  Explanation:  You passed in an SQLDA with a SQLTYPE FLOAT SQLLEN
  that was invalid.  Only 4, 8, and 16 are legal floating-point

  User Action:  Set the SQLLEN to 4, 8, or 16, depending on the
  length of the floating-point variable passed.


  Fractional seconds precision may not be specified in this

  Explanation:  You entered fractional seconds precision in a
  context in which it was not allowed.  TIME and TIMESTAMP
  literals may not include explicit fractional seconds precision;
  it is implied from the time string or timestamp string itself.

  User Action:  Remove the fractional seconds precision.

1.666  –  ILLFROM

  Repository definitions may not be included using FROM within

  Explanation:  You cannot use the FROM PATHNAME clause within a
  CREATE DATABASE statement.

  User Action:  Create the database first, then include the

1.667  –  ILLHEXNUM

  Illegal hexadecimal number.

  Explanation:  The format of a hexadecimal number is X'ffff',
  where ffff may be up to 16 hexadecimal digits.  A hexadecimal
  digit is a numeric digit (0 to 9) or an A, B, C, D, E, or F.
  The letters may be upper or lower case.  There must be an even
  number of digits.

  User Action:  Enter a proper hexadecimal number.  Make sure that
  the trailing apostrophe is included.

1.668  –  ILLINTLEN

  An invalid SQLLEN(<num>) was found for a integer column in the

  Explanation:  You passed in an integer column in a SQLDA with a
  SQLLEN that was invalid.  For SQLTYPE of INTEGER, SQLLEN must be
  4.  For SQLTYPE of SMALLINT, SQLLEN must be 2.

  User Action:  Set the SQLLEN to 2 for SMALLINT, or 4 for

1.669  –  ILLNCHAR

  illegal character found in numeric input

  Explanation:  You specified a number containing a non-numeric

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

1.670  –  ILLPICSTR

  illegal character <str> in edit string

  Explanation:  An edit string contained the illegal character
  specified in the message.

  User Action:  Change the edit string to not have that character.

1.671  –  ILLSTRCONT

  Illegal string continuation

  Explanation:  Your program has illegal string continuation.

  User Action:  In COBOL, to continue a string you must do three
  things:  1) not end the string with a quote on the initial line;
  2) insert a continuation character (-) in the first column of
  the next line; and, 3) start the continued string with a quote
  as the first nonblank character after the continuation character
  (this quote is ignored).

1.672  –  ILLSUBQRY

  Scalar subqueries are illegal in this context

  Explanation:  Subqueries are illegal in domain constraint
  definitions and within the FILTER clause for an aggregate.

  User Action:  Do not use subqueries in this context.  If
  necessary call a SQL stored function which can include the

1.673  –  IMGABORTED

  image aborted at privileged user request

  Explanation:  The current image was aborted by another
  privileged user, typically the database administrator, in
  response to some event that required this action.

  User Action:  Consult the database administrator to identify the
  reason the image was aborted.

1.674  –  IMPLNOTDBI

  Feature supported only in the Distributed Option for Rdb

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to create or alter an object,
  such as a link or a partitioned view, in a non-Distributed
  Option for Rdb database which does not support this type.

  User Action:  Check which is the default database, and whether
  the database in question has been accessed with '/TYPE =

1.675  –  IMPL_DIM

  Host variable <str> is defined with an implicit dimension.

  Explanation:  The named variable is defined using the C feature
  of determining the dimension of an array from its
  initialization.  Such variables are not legal in SQL statements.

  User Action:  Define the array variable using an
  explicitly-sized array.


  Cache <str> not dropped - check spelling of the cache name

  Explanation:  IMPORT could not process a DROP CACHE clause
  because the named cache was not defined in the database or

  User Action:  Check that you have spelled the cache name

1.677  –  IMP_CACHE_AREA

  Importing cache:  <str>

  Explanation:  The named cache area is being imported from the
  interchange file.

  User Action:  None


  CREATE and DROP CACHE <str> specified

  Explanation:  You have specified a CREATE and DROP CACHE clause
  using the same cache name.

  User Action:  Specify either the CREATE CACHE or a DROP CACHE

1.679  –  IMP_CACHE_DEL

  Definition of cache <str> deleted

  Explanation:  You have specified that the cache be dropped on

  User Action:  None

1.680  –  IMP_CACHE_OVR

  Definition of cache <str> overridden

  Explanation:  You have specified a new definition of cache on
  IMPORT which supercedes the definition in the interchange file.

  User Action:  None


  CREATE CACHE <str> specified twice

  Explanation:  You have specified a CREATE CACHE clause twice
  using the same name.

  User Action:  Specify a cache name only once.

1.682  –  IMP_CDD_NODATA

  Importing a repository with NODATA is not allowed

  Explanation:  You used the NODATA option when importing a
  repository database.

  User Action:  You cannot use the NODATA option when importing
  data dictionaries.  The repository cannot use the resulting
  database.  Use the DATA option and try again.

1.683  –  IMP_DDLWARN

  warnings reported while importing or creating object <str>

  Explanation:  Warnings were issued during the import of the
  named object.  This may indicate that the object is valid but
  may not be optimal.  For instance, the new definition on the
  IMPORT command line might duplicate an existing index
  definition, or specify a node size that would not fit in the
  associated row cache.

  User Action:  Check the messages which follow for the warning
  information and take appropriate action if necessary.


  index <str> not created - check spelling of the table name

  Explanation:  IMPORT could not process a CREATE INDEX clause
  because the named table was not defined in the database or

  User Action:  Check that you spelled the table name correctly.


  index <str> not dropped - check spelling of the index name

  Explanation:  IMPORT could not process a DROP INDEX clause
  because the named index was not defined in the database or

  User Action:  Check that you spelled the index name correctly.


  DEFINE and DELETE INDEX <str> specified

  Explanation:  The user specified a DEFINE and DELETE INDEX using
  the same name.

  User Action:  Specify a either a DEFINE or a DELETE INDEX.

1.687  –  IMP_IDX_TWICE

  DEFINE INDEX <str> specified twice

  Explanation:  The user specified a DEFINE INDEX twice using the
  same name.

  User Action:  Specify a INDEX name only once.


  storage area <str> not dropped - check spelling of the storage
  area name

  Explanation:  IMPORT could not process a DROP STORAGE AREA
  clause because the named storage area was not defined in the
  database or schema.

  User Action:  Check that you spelled the storage area name


  Storage area was READ ONLY, now set to READ WRITE

  Explanation:  The interchange file specified that this storage
  area was READ ONLY.  This has not been reflected in the new

  User Action:  Use the syntax available in the ALTER STORAGE AREA
  statement to change the access mode of this area after the
  IMPORT operation has completed.


  storage map <str> not created - check spelling of the table name

  Explanation:  IMPORT could not process a CREATE STORAGE MAP
  clause because the named table was not defined in the database.

  User Action:  Check that you spelled the table name correctly.


  storage map <str> not dropped - check spelling of the storage
  map name

  Explanation:  IMPORT could not process a DROP STORAGE MAP clause
  because the named storage map was not defined in the database or

  User Action:  Check that you spelled the storage map name


  DEFINE and DELETE STORAGE AREA <str> specified

  Explanation:  The user specified a DEFINE and DELETE STORAGE
  AREA using the same name.

  User Action:  Specify a either a DEFINE or a DELETE STORAGE


  DEFINE and DELETE STORAGE MAP <str> specified

  Explanation:  The user specified a DEFINE and DELETE STORAGE MAP
  using the same name.

  User Action:  Specify a either a DEFINE or a DELETE STORAGE


  DEFINE STORAGE MAP <str> specified twice

  Explanation:  The user specified a DEFINE STORAGE MAP twice
  using the same name.

  User Action:  Specify a STORAGE MAP name only once.

1.695  –  IMP_STO_TWICE

  DEFINE STORAGE AREA <str> specified twice

  Explanation:  The user specified a DEFINE STORAGE AREA twice
  using the same name.

  User Action:  Specify a STORAGE AREA name only once.

1.696  –  IMP_TRA_BEG

  Starting <str> definition <str>

  Explanation:  Importing Relation/Index/Constraint info message.

  User Action:  None.

1.697  –  IMP_TRA_END

  Completed <str>.  DIO = <num>, CPU = <str>, FAULTS = <num>

  Explanation:  Text for Import Tracing.

  User Action:  None.

1.698  –  INCCSASS

  Incompatible character set assignment between <str> and <str>

  Explanation:  An assignment between two different character sets
  in not allowed because of incompatibilities of the character

  User Action:  Use character fields with the same or compatible
  character sets.

1.699  –  INCCSCMP

  Incompatible character set comparision between <str> and <str>

  Explanation:  Comparision between two different character sets
  in not allowed because of incompatibilities of the character

  User Action:  Use character fields with the same or compatible
  character sets.

1.700  –  INCCSCON

  Incompatible character set concatenation between <str> and <str>

  Explanation:  Concatenation between two different character sets
  in not allowed because of incompatibilities of the character

  User Action:  Use character fields with the same or compatible
  character sets.

1.701  –  INCNOTREC

  <str> is not a repository record definition

  Explanation:  The repository path name in an INCLUDE FROM
  DICTIONARY statement must specify a repository record
  definition.  The repository object specified is not a record

  User Action:  Change the path name to the path name for a record
  definition, or remove the INCLUDE statement.

1.702  –  INC_DAT_TYP

  Altering <str> <str> to an incompatible data type may cause data

  Explanation:  Altering a column to a data type that is
  incompatible with the old data type might cause data already
  stored in that column to appear lost.

  User Action:  None.  This is a warning message only.

1.703  –  INDEXTS

  There is another index named, <str>, in this database or schema

  Explanation:  This message is printed during an IMPORT operation
  if the backup file contains multiple definitions of an index.
  Duplicate definitions may indicate corruption of the
  interchange, or improper operation during the EXPORT operation.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representataive.
  Retain a copy of the Oracle Rdb interchange file that caused the
  error.  Subsequent definitions of the index should be ignored
  during the IMPORT operation; your database may not be currupt.

1.704  –  INDFIXINT

  Indicator variable <str> is not an unscaled fixed numeric

  Explanation:  You must declare indicator variables as the host
  language equivalent of an unscaled integer data type.

  User Action:  Declare the indicator variable as an unscaled
  integer host variable.

1.705  –  INDIC_OVFLOW

  Indicator parameter is too small to hold source string size

  Explanation:  The indicator parameter holds the size of the
  source string if the target is too small.  The storage unit
  chosen for the indicator was not large enough to hold the size
  of the requested string.

  User Action:  Evaluate your use of indicator parameters.

1.706  –  INDNOTDEF

  Index <str> is not defined in this database or schema

  Explanation:  The specified index does not exist in the current
  database or schema.

  User Action:  Declare the proper schema.  Spell the index name
  correctly.  You may have specified an expression where an index
  name was expected.

1.707  –  INDSHOINT

  Indicator variable <str> is not a SMALLINT

  Explanation:  Indicator variables in the dynamic interface
  should be declared as the host language equivalent a SMALLINT
  data type.

  User Action:  In COBOL, declare indicator variables as PIC S9(4)
  COMP.  In FORTRAN, declare indicator variables as INTEGER*2.  In
  PL/I, declare indicator variables as FIXED(15) BINARY.

1.708  –  IND_EXISTS

  Index <str> already exists in this database or schema

  Explanation:  You attempted to create an index with the name of
  an existing index

  User Action:  In the precompiler and module language, this is
  just a warning.  If the index exists when you execute the
  statement, you will get a fatal error.  If you expect to drop
  the index before you execute this statement, then you do not
  need to make any changes.  In interactive, dynamic and runtime
  for precompiled and module language programs, this is a fatal
  error.  You must choose a different name.

1.709  –  INFODET

  An informational was detected

  Explanation:  This is the exit status for a preprocessor when an
  informational was detected.

  User Action:  Correct the error in the host language program and
  resubmit the job to the preprocessor or ignore the

1.710  –  INPUTERROR

  Error reading input file

  Explanation:  There was an error reading from the module
  language or precompiler source file.  SQL will display a
  secondary status message.

  User Action:  Act upon the secondary status message.  See the
  system manager, if necessary.

1.711  –  INSCOLALR

  Column <str> appears more than once in the INSERT column list

  Explanation:  You specified the same column name more than once
  in an INSERT statement.  Columns can only appear once.

  User Action:  Remove one occurrence of all columns which appear
  more than once.

1.712  –  INSCURDYN

  cursor <str> for positioned insert statement is dynamic

  Explanation:  An embedded positioned insert statement refers to
  an insert cursor that is dynamic.

  User Action:  You must execute immediate the positioned insert
  statement or make the insert cursor static.

1.713  –  INSEXPVAL

  Table "<str>" has <num> updatable column(s) but was passed <num>

  Explanation:  An INSERT statement without a column list was
  passed the wrong number of values compared to the updatable
  columns of the table.

  User Action:  Pass the correct number of values for this table.
  COMPUTED BY, AUTOMATIC AS and IDENTITY columns are considered
  read-only and should not be supplied values.

1.714  –  INSFRPGS

  physical memory has been exhausted

  Explanation:  Physical memory has been exhausted on the machine,
  typically because of an excessive number of cache global
  sections, or excessively large cache global section sizes.

  User Action:  If possible, increase the amount of physical
  memory on the machine.  Reduce the number of cache global
  sections, or reduce the size of each active cache global
  sections.  Possibly moving a cache from SSB to VLM will also
  solve this problem.  It might be necessary to delete some caches
  to alleviate this problem.  Also, re-configuring the operating
  system parameters may be necessary to reduce physical memory

1.715  –  INSVALSPEC

  insert value is not a value specification or NULL

  Explanation:  You used a value expression in the VALUES clause
  of an INSERT statement which was not a value specification or
  NULL.  The ANSI standard does not support this.

  User Action:  If ANSI standard behavior is important for your
  program then replace this value expression with one which fits
  the rules for value specification or NULL.

1.716  –  INS_INTO_RO

  List cursor <str> cannot insert into READ ONLY table cursor

  Explanation:  The list cursor named is an INSERT ONLY cursor
  while the table cursor that it references is a READ ONLY cursor.

  User Action:  The table cursor that the list cursor is based on
  must either be an INSERT ONLY or UPDATE cursor.

1.717  –  INS_MUST_INS

  List cursor <str> cannot fetch from INSERT ONLY table cursor

  Explanation:  The list cursor named is a READ ONLY cursor, but
  the table cursor is an INSERT CURSOR which won't allow FETCHes.

  User Action:  The list cursor must be an INSERT ONLY list cursor
  or the table cursor must be an INSERT or UPDATE cursor.


  Domain was an INTERVAL data type

  Explanation:  This message is used as a subcode to
  SQL$_DOMNOTBCK.  It indicates that the offending domain was a
  new subtype of DATE.  Specifically, INTERVAL data is not stored
  in the previous (ADT) format and cannot be interpreted in the
  same fashion.

  User Action:  The database cannot be exported WITH NO EXTENSIONS
  until this domain is removed completely.

1.719  –  INTIGNSYS

  Interval option ignored for system relation area

  Explanation:  The storage area that contain the system relations
  must have UNIFORM page formats.  Either through the use of the
  defaults, or by directly specifing the INTERVAL option, SQL has
  been told to apply the INTERVAL option for the area containing
  the system relations.  SQL is ignoring that option.

  User Action:  None.  This is an informational message.  The user
  might want to change the command if it originated in a command
  file.  This may avoid confusion later.

1.720  –  INTNOTQUAL

  Interval expression not qualified

  Explanation:  An interval value expression was produced by the
  subtraction of two datetime value expressions, but no interval
  qualifier was specified.

  User Action:  Specify a valid interval qualifier for the

1.721  –  INTNOTSYS

  Interval option not valid for system relation area

  Explanation:  The storage area for RDB$SYSTEM was defined to
  have the interval option.  This is not allowed for RDB$SYSTEM.

  User Action:  Remove the interval option from the command and
  try again.

1.722  –  INTONOTALW

  INTO clause is not allowed in this context

  Explanation:  The INTO clause may only be used for a single
  table or view.  It may not be used with a wildcard table or view

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement without
  specifying an INTO clause or name the tables and views
  individually, each with its own INTO clause.


  The table name specified in the INTO clause must not be

  Explanation:  The user entered INTO xxx.yyy for an extraction
  rollup transfer.

  User Action:  Re-enter the statement without the 'xxx.'

1.724  –  INTQUALINV

  Interval qualifier not valid for this expression

  Explanation:  An interval qualifier was specified for a value
  expression where such a qualifier is illegal.  An interval
  qualifier may only be specified for an interval expression
  yielded by subtracting two datetime value expressions.

  User Action:  Remove the interval qualifier.

1.725  –  INTVALLOW

  Interval value must be at least 256

  Explanation:  The specified interval value for space management
  pages is too small.  The minimum value is 256 pages.

  User Action:  Change the interval value for space management
  pages on the CREATE DATABASE statement to a legal value.

1.726  –  INTVALOVR

  Interval value overwritten to 256 pages

  Explanation:  The specified interval value for space management
  pages is too small.  The minimum value is 256 pages.  SQL
  overwrote the specified value with 256.

  User Action:  Change the interval value for space management
  pages on the CREATE DATABASE statement to a legal value.

1.727  –  INVACCTYP

  A function was specified whose parameter access mode is not IN

  Explanation:  If a function is specified, you must specify the
  parameter access mode IN.

  User Action:  Reenter the function with parameter access mode

1.728  –  INVACL

  Invalid Access Control List entry

  Explanation:  The syntax of the access control list entry string
  is not valid.

  User Action:  Correct the syntax of the access control list

1.729  –  INVARRSUB

  Host variable <str> defined with illegal use of subscripts

  Explanation:  The named host variable uses subscripts in a way
  that is illegal for the C compiler.  Most likely the use is
  through a typedef that is defined as an array.

  User Action:  Use a different variable or redefine the type
  structure of the program.

1.730  –  INVATTVAL

  Invalid attribute value.  "<str>" attribute has an invalid value

  Explanation:  You specified an attribute with an invalid value.

  User Action:  Change the offending value and try the statement

1.731  –  INVBLRID

  BLR identification is invalid

  Explanation:  You tried to specify that a BLR ID that is either
  not exactly 32 hexadecimal characters long or contains
  characters other than '0' through '9' or 'A' through 'F'.

  User Action:  Only specify valid hexadecimal characters and
  ensure that the string size is exactly 32 hexadecimal characters

1.732  –  INVBUFRCNT

  Invalid APF or ABW negative buffer count specified

  Explanation:  An invalid APF/ABW buffer parameter of zero (0) or
  less was specified.

  User Action:  Specify an APF/ABW buffer parameter greater than
  zero (0).

1.733  –  INVCHAINP

  Invalid character in input

  Explanation:  The input contains an illegal or unrecognizable

  User Action:  Correct the source text and resubmit the job.


  Invalid character in numeric string

  Explanation:  The string appears to be a numeric literal.
  However, it contains one or more illegal characters.

  User Action:  Correct the source text and resubmit the job.

1.735  –  INVCOLLST

  The degree of the column list does not match the degree of the
  result table

  Explanation:  The list of column names you specified in a view
  definition or derived table contain a different number of names
  than the number of value expressions in the select list of the
  definition's SELECT expression.  There must be a strict
  one-to-one correspondence between the two lists.

  User Action:  Specify the same number of column names in the
  column list as value expressions in the select list.

1.736  –  INVCOLSPC

  Column names must be qualified by table names.

  Explanation:  You must qualify the column name in a COMMENT ON
  COLUMN statement with a table name.

  User Action:  Specify the column name as

1.737  –  INVCOMLIN

  Invalid command line

  Explanation:  You specified extra parameters or invalid command
  line syntax in a module language compiler command line.

  User Action:  Specify only supported command line options.

1.738  –  INVCONS

  unable to import constraint <str>

  Explanation:  Internal error - the named constraint will not
  appear in the recreated database.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain a copy of the Oracle Rdb interchange file that caused the
  error.  In the meantime, you can redefine this constraint

1.739  –  INVCORRSL

  Invalid select list in a UNION query - repeated column <str>

  Explanation:  There are two columns with the same name in one of
  the select lists in the UNION CORRESPONDING or UNION NATURAL
  query expression.

  User Action:  Either remove one of the columns with the same
  name from the select list, or match columns to be combined in
  the UNION by position rather than name.

1.740  –  INVCSET

  character set in declaration for variable <str> doesn't exist

  Explanation:  You specified a character set that does not exist.
  For lack of a better choice, the module default character set is

  User Action:  Specify a character set that exists.

1.741  –  INVDATCON

  Invalid conversion between DATE column <str> and host variable

  Explanation:  Only binary dates can be compared or assigned to
  or from DATE columns.

  User Action:  Use a date declaration for the host variable to be
  used with the date field:  in COBOL, use S9(11)V9(7) COMP; in
  PL/I, use CHAR(8) or BYTE_FIELD(8); in FORTRAN, use CHARACTER*8.

1.742  –  INVDBK

  <num>:<num>:<num> is not a valid dbkey

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to fetch a record by its
  database key value, but the specified page is a SPAM, ABM, or
  AIP.  Alternatively, the specified dbkey refers to a
  non-existing storage area or a system record.

  User Action:  Correct the condition, and try again.

1.743  –  INVDBKREF

  Invalid DBKEY reference

  Explanation:  You can refer to dbkeys only on the right hand
  side of an assignment or in an equals Boolean.

  User Action:  Remove the invalid dbkey reference.

1.744  –  INVDBSFIL

  inconsistent storage area file <str>

  Explanation:  The indicated storage area file is inconsistent
  with the root file.  This might happen if you have improperly
  used any unsupported methods for backing up or restoring files
  (for instance, COPY or RENAME).  This can also happen if you
  tried to use an old root file -- one whose storage area file
  names have been re-used for another database.

  User Action:  Restore the correct storage-area file or delete
  the obsolete root file.


  Invalid declaration statement in module <str>

  Explanation:  The module named in the error message contains a
  declaration statement that is invalid for a stored module.

  User Action:  Use only the subset of declarations valid for
  stored modules.

1.746  –  INVDEFACC

  A DEFAULT clause for parameters is only valid with the IN
  parameter access mode

  Explanation:  If a DEFAULT clause is specified, you must specify
  the parameter access mode IN.

  User Action:  Reenter the routine with parameter access mode IN.

1.747  –  INVESCVAL

  Invalid escape clause value

  Explanation:  The value specified in the escape clause of a LIKE
  predicate must be a single character string value.

  User Action:  Specify a valid value expression in the escape

1.748  –  INVEXTCALL

  External procedure "<str>" must be CALLed within a compound

  Explanation:  The referenced procedure is external and therefore
  may not be CALLed within a simple statement.

  User Action:  Use a compound statement to CALL the external

1.749  –  INVFLD

  unable to import field <str>

  Explanation:  Internal error - the named field will not appear
  in the recreated database.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain a copy of the Oracle Rdb interchange file that caused the

1.750  –  INVFLT

  Encountered invalid floating point value

  Explanation:  The floating point value cannot be represented
  with the specified floating point type.

  User Action:  Change the field type to accomodate the floating
  point value or do not use the offending value.

1.751  –  INVFUNREF

  Invalid aggregate function reference

  Explanation:  You cannot include in the WHERE clause (or in any
  subqueries of the WHERE clause) aggregate functions that use
  columns of tables in the FROM clause as their argument.

  User Action:  Change your select expression to eliminate
  aggregate functions with this type of argument.

1.752  –  INVGBCOL

  GROUP BY anything but a column is illegal

  Explanation:  You have tried to specify something other than a
  column reference in a GROUP BY list.

  User Action:  Specify only columns in the GROUP BY list.


  unable to import granted profile for grantee <str>

  Explanation:  Internal error:  the named granted profile has
  been lost.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain the Oracle Rdb interchange file that caused the error.

1.754  –  INVHEADER

  invalid file header record

  Explanation:  An invalid file header record was read from the

  User Action:  Check the file specification and try again.

1.755  –  INVHVDECL

  Host variable <str> was invalidly declared.

  Explanation:  Every host variable that is used in an SQL
  statement in a program must be declared in the host language
  using the supported subset of declaration syntax for the
  language.  Not using the supported subset causes this error.
  Another way this message can be generated is to use an indicator
  variable that is not a signed word (for example, in COBOL:  PIC
  S9(4) COMP).

  User Action:  Use host variable declaration syntax for this
  variable that is supported by SQL.

1.756  –  INVIEWATTR

  the clause "<str>" is not a valid attribute for view "<str>"

  Explanation:  You tried to alter a view using the ALTER TABLE
  syntax, but the clause is not supported by ALTER VIEW.

  User Action:  Correct the syntax.

1.757  –  INVINDEX

  unable to import index <str>

  Explanation:  Internal error - the named index will not appear
  in the recreated database.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain a copy of the Oracle Rdb interchange file that caused the
  error.  In the meantime, you can recreate this index explicitly.

1.758  –  INVINTMOD

  Size modifier for INTEGER parameters must be 4 or 8

  Explanation:  You specified a size other than 4 or 8 bytes for
  the size of a modifier on a Module Language INTEGER parameter.

  User Action:  Specify either 4 or 8 bytes.

1.759  –  INVINTOTAR

  target for an INTO clause must be a variable or parameter

  Explanation:  The INTO clause of a FETCH, SELECT, INSERT or
  UPDATE statement must be an updatable variable or parameter.

  User Action:  Correct the statement to use the correct target
  for the assignment.  A common error is to omit the leading :
  from a parameter, as such it may appear to SQL that this is a
  reference to a column with the same name.

1.760  –  INVINTQUAL

  Invalid interval qualifier

  Explanation:  An interval value expresssion yielded an interval
  that could not be presented by the interval qualifier specified
  in the value expression.

  User Action:  Examine the data types of the expression and the
  interval qualifier to determine where the discrepency lies.  For
  example, the subtraction of two time value expressions cannot be
  qualified by YEAR TO MONTH.

1.761  –  INVLENHV

  Only a numeric variable may be used receive the length

  Explanation:  You used a variable which was not numeric.  This
  is not supported.

  User Action:  Either omit the argument to receive the length, or
  use a numeric

1.762  –  INVMAPVAL

  Invalid Mapping Value Specified:  "<str>"

  Explanation:  The MAPPING VALUES limits specified has an
  out-of-range number.  Each limit specified must be in the range
  of the smallest negative to largest positive 32 bit integer.

  User Action:  Specify a number for each limit of the range which
  is in range -1073741824 through 1073741823

1.763  –  INVMARKOP

  invalid markpoint commit/rollback for TSN <num>:<num>,
  MARK_SEQNO <num>

  Explanation:  A fatal, unexpected error was detected by the
  database management system during the commit or rollback of a
  markpoint.  This message indicates the "transaction sequence
  number" of the transaction and the "markpoint sequence number"
  of the markpoint that has to be committed or rolled back.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

1.764  –  INVMODULE

  unable to import module <str>

  Explanation:  Internal error:  the named module has been lost.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain the Oracle Rdb interchange file that caused the error.


  Invalid node size parameter specified

  Explanation:  You specified an invalid node size.  It was either
  less than or equal to zero or greater than 32768.

  User Action:  Review the command and specify a node size within
  the above range (but big enough to meet the implementation

1.766  –  INVNUMLIT

  <str> is an invalid numeric literal

  Explanation:  An invalid numeric literal was specified which
  could not be converted to a numeric value.  This is usually
  because it is to big to fit into any VMS data type without
  losing significance.

  User Action:  Change the literal to be a valid numeric literal.


  Invalid numeric string precision (<num>), maximum precision is

  Explanation:  You specified a precision for a NUMERIC, UNSIGNED
  NUMERIC, or DECIMAL field that exceeded the maximum.

  User Action:  Specify a precision that is less than the maximum.

1.768  –  INVOBJFIL

  Invalid object file <str> specified

  Explanation:  SQL uses the same directory specification and file
  name for any files it creates (such as the language files) as
  that specified in the /OBJECT qualifier on the command line.
  You specified a nonexistent or invalid file specification for
  the /OBJECT qualifier.

  User Action:  Use a valid object file specification with the
  /OBJECT qualifier.

1.769  –  INVOKE_ERR

  Cannot invoke image <str>

  Explanation:  The main sqlpre/sqlmod image cannot be invoked.

  User Action:  Check the installation and make sure that the main
  image is in the correct location and can be executed by the

1.770  –  INVORDNUM

  ORDER BY number is less than 1 or exceeds count of select-list

  Explanation:  The number in the ORDER BY clause, used to specify
  which expression from the select list to sort by, is bigger than
  the number of items in the select list or it is below 1.

  User Action:  Use a number which corresponds to an item in the
  sort list.

1.771  –  INVOUTL

  Outline <str> is marked as invalid and is not imported

  Explanation:  The outline is marked as invalid and is not
  imported.  The import operation will continue.

  User Action:

1.772  –  INVOUTTAR

  parameter <str> has an invalid target for assignment

  Explanation:  The named parameter must return a value, but is
  called with a specification not capable of receiving a value.

  User Action:  Specify the name of a parameter or variable to
  receive the value.

1.773  –  INVPAGPRM

  allocation parameter <num> overflows when rounded

  Explanation:  the allocation parameter selected, though it may
  be an allowed value, becomes illegal when rounded to make an
  even number of pages in the storage area; i.e., the number of
  pages to actually be allocated is always a multiple of the
  number of pages per buffer

  User Action:  select a smaller allocation parameter.


  unable to import parameter <str>

  Explanation:  Internal error:  the named parameter will not
  appear in the recreated database.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain the Oracle Rdb interchange file that caused the error.

1.775  –  INVPARTPRD

  invalid predicate in partition <str>

  Explanation:  The WHERE clause specifying which rows to chose
  from a partition in a partitioned view is specified incorrectly.
  The condition must be of the form:  WHERE column-name comp
  literal or column-name IS NULL or column-name BETWEEN literal
  and literal or OTHERWISE, where comp is either <, <=, =, >=, or

  User Action:  Check that the column-name specified is that of
  the partitioning column and that the comparison operator is in
  the list above.


  Invalid percent fill parameter specified

  Explanation:  You specified an invalid percent fill parameter.
  It was either less than or equal to zero or greater than 100.

  User Action:  Review the command and specify a percent fill
  parameter within the above range.

1.777  –  INVPICN

  PIC N and CHARACTER SET specified for <str>.  What does this

  Explanation:  You declared the variable with both a character
  set and N as the picture character.

  User Action:  Use either PIC N or CHARACTER SET PIC X, but not

1.778  –  INVPRIV

  Invalid privilege for this object

  Explanation:  You used the ENTRY keyword with the GRANT
  statement.  ENTRY is supported for REVOKE only.  Or, a GRANT or
  REVOKE statement specified for a database privilege which is
  valid only for tables, or specified for a table a privilege
  which is valid only for a database.

  User Action:  Do not use ENTRY with GRANT.  Or, make sure that
  the privileges you specify in GRANT or REVOKE are valid for the
  object (database or table) named.


  Invalid privilege names specified in message file

  Explanation:  The names specified in PRIV_NAMES0 and PRIV_NAMES1
  are incorrect.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.


  unable to import procedure <str>

  Explanation:  Internal error:  the named procedure has been

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain the Oracle Rdb interchange file that caused the error.

1.781  –  INVPROCRET

  A procedure was specified with a RETURNS clause

  Explanation:  If a procedure is specified, you cannot specify a
  RETURNS clause.

  User Action:  Reenter the procedure without using a RETURNS

1.782  –  INVPROFILE

  unable to import profile <str>

  Explanation:  Internal error:  the named profile has been lost.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain the Oracle Rdb interchange file that caused the error.


  <str> "<str>" is not defined

  Explanation:  The specified user, role or profile does not exist
  in the specified database.

  User Action:  Please check that name exists in this database.

1.784  –  INVPROXY

  Invalid user for proxy

  Explanation:  Proxies cannot be defined for the PUBLIC or
  DEFAULT user.

  User Action:  There is no need for such proxies.  Users for whom
  there is no explicit proxy defined will acquire the access
  information contained in the containing link definition.

1.785  –  INVQUAL

  Invalid qualifier <str> specified on command line

  Explanation:  You specified invalid command qualifiers in a
  module language compiler command line.

  User Action:  Specify only supported command line qualifiers

1.786  –  INVREFCLA

  Invalid referencing clause

  Explanation:  You specified a referencing clause on a trigger
  which is not for update.  The referencing clause is only valid
  if the trigger is invoked on updates.

  User Action:  Remove the referencing clause.

1.787  –  INVRELVIEW

  unable to import table or view <str>

  Explanation:  Internal error - the named relation or view (and
  its data) has been lost.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain a copy of the Oracle Rdb interchange file that caused the

1.788  –  INVRNG

  Invalid range.  You specified <str>.  Valid range is from !@SQ
  to !@SQ

  Explanation:  You specified a value that was out of range.

  User Action:  Use a number that is in the specified range.

1.789  –  INVRTOSTM

  Invalid SQL statement with the Runtime license

  Explanation:  You referred to an interactive SQL statement that
  is not valid with your currently installed license for Oracle

  User Action:  Upgrade your license to get full functionality
  from the interactive SQL interface.

1.790  –  INVSEGVAL

  Value for a list segment must be either a parameter or literal

  Explanation:  The value for a list segment was something other
  than a literal string or a parameter.

  User Action:  Replace the value with one of the two valid
  parameters types.

1.791  –  INVSELLIS

  Select list cannot mix columns and aggregate functions without

  Explanation:  The select list in a select expression without a
  GROUP BY clause cannot include both aggregate functions and
  column references which are not within aggregate functions.

  User Action:  Either add a GROUP BY clause, remove the aggregate
  function references, or remove the column references that are
  not in aggregate functions.

1.792  –  INVSELSTAR

  * is not allowed in this context

  Explanation:  You specified a column wildcard (* or p.*) in a
  context where wildcards are not supported, such as outside a
  select list or in a select list for a select expression
  containing a HAVING clause but no GROUP BY (in such a case, you
  cannot specify columns, either, unless they are an argument to
  an aggregate function).

  User Action:  Replace the wildcard with the column name you want
  to use.


  unable to import sequence <str>

  Explanation:  Internal error:  the named sequence has been lost.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain the Oracle Rdb interchange file that caused the error.

1.794  –  INVSQLCODE

  SQLCODE has an invalid data type

  Explanation:  SQLCODE must be declared as a signed longword.
  The declaration of SQLCODE in this program is a different data

  User Action:  Change the data type of SQLCODE.


  SQLSTATE has an invalid data type

  Explanation:  SQLSTATE must be declared as a 5 character string.
  The declaration of SQLSTATE in this program is a different data

  User Action:  Change the data type of SQLSTATE.


  SQLSTATE has a length that is too short

  Explanation:  SQLSTATE must be declared as a 5 character string.
  The declaration of SQLSTATE in this program is less than 5

  User Action:  Change the length of SQLSTATE.

1.797  –  INVSSCONV

  Invalid conversion for list column <str>

  Explanation:  You attempted to do an assignment using a list.

  User Action:  Do not use lists.

1.798  –  INVSSHAN

  Invalid segmented string handle

  Explanation:  The host variable supplied to hold a segmented
  string handle must be at least 4 bytes long.

  User Action:  Specify a larger host variable.

1.799  –  INVSTRLEN

  Host variable <str> is defined as CHAR[1] and cannot be used in
  SQL statements.

  Explanation:  The named variable is defined as CHAR[1].  The
  length of character variables used in SQL statements must be at
  least 2 since SQL always includes a NULL terminator.

  User Action:  Use a different variable.

1.800  –  INVSYNONYM

  unable to import synonym <str>

  Explanation:  Internal error:  the named synonym has been lost.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain the Oracle Rdb interchange file that caused the error.

1.801  –  INVTRG

  Unable to IMPORT trigger <str>

  Explanation:  This is an internal error.  The named trigger will
  not appear in the recreated database.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain a copy of the Oracle Rdb interchange file that caused the
  error.  In the meantime, you can redefine this trigger

1.802  –  INVTRISTMT

  Invalid triggered statement

  Explanation:  You specified a statement or clause in a triggered
  statement list which is not supported.  Examples of such
  statements are:  -     any statement other than DELETE, INSERT,
  UPDATE, ROLLBACK or error statement.  -        a WHERE CURRENT
  OF clause in an UPDATE or DELETE statement.  - a RETURNING
  clause on an INSERT statement.

  User Action:  Remove the invalid statement or clause

1.803  –  INVTYPE

  Host variable <str> is based on an invalid type

  Explanation:  The host variable you referred to is based on a
  type which is either not a supported type definition or was
  invalidally declared.

  User Action:  Use a different type defintion.

1.804  –  INVUSERAS

  The AS clause is invalid with user PUBLIC

  Explanation:  You can not specify a value for PUBLIC.

  User Action:  Do not specify the AS clause when creating the
  username PUBLIC


  Alias.PUBLIC is invalid in this statement

  Explanation:  When an alias name is specified in this statement,
  you cannot specify alias_name.PUBLIC.

  User Action:  Do not attach to the database via an alias when
  the username is PUBLIC.

1.806  –  INVUSEROPT

  The IDENTIFIED clause is not valid for user PUBLIC

  Explanation:  If the username is PUBLIC, the IDENTIFIED clause
  is not valid.

  User Action:  Remove the IDENTIFIED clause when referencing

1.807  –  INVVALLIS

  The value list must have as many items as the column list

  Explanation:  An INSERT statement must have as many values in
  the value list as there are in the column list.  You specified
  the wrong number of items.  Note that if there are any host
  structures in the value list, they will be expanded to include
  their elementary items.  In that case, to get the number of
  items in the value list, you must count the elementary items for
  all the host variables.

  User Action:  Enter the correct number of values.

1.808  –  INVVARREF

  Variable "<str>" is illegal in this context

  Explanation:  It is illegal to create a database object based on
  a variable definition.  Specifically, when using a COMPUTED BY
  clause to define a column using CREATE or ALTER TABLE the
  COMPUTED BY clause cannot reference a previously declared

  User Action:  Change the COMPUTED BY clause so that it does not
  reference a declared variable.

1.809  –  INV_PARAM_VAL

  Invalid parameter value passed between the program and module

  Explanation:  The value of an input host language parameter or
  an output parameter from the module falls outside the supported
  set of values.

  User Action:  Verify the parameter values and datatypes .

1.810  –  INV_ROOT

  database file has illegal format

  Explanation:  You attempted to use a file that is not a database

  User Action:  Check the file specification and try again.

1.811  –  INV_TBL_DCL

  Invalid use of declared local temporary table <str>

  Explanation:  A declared local temporary table my not be used in
  this context.  A scratch table defined using DECLARE LOCAL
  TEMPORARY TABLE may not be the target of an ALTER TABLE, or DROP
  TABLE statement.  In addition the declared name may not be
  referenced by base table constraint, a view definition or
  similar stored metadata object.  The DECLARE LOCAL TEMPORARY
  TABLE clause may only appear a SQL Module Language or
  Pre-compiler source as part of a CREATE MODULE statement.

  User Action:  Do not reference the scratch table name in a DDL
  statement or use the DECLARE LOCAL TEMPORARY TABLE in an
  unsupported context.

1.812  –  INV_TBL_USE

  Invalid use of created temporary table <str>

  Explanation:  A temporary table cannot be referenced in a
  constraint on a persistent base table or in a SET TRANSACTION
  statement.  A global temporary table cannot be referenced in a
  constraint on a local temporary table.

  User Action:  There is no need to reserve a temporary table
  since each user session has its own copy of the data.

1.813  –  IOERROR

  an unexpected I/O error occurred

  Explanation:  Unable to read any more of the Oracle Rdb
  interchange file part of the database may be imported.

  User Action:  Correct the problem indicated by the message that
  follows this message and try the operation again.

1.814  –  ISAFUNC

  <str> is a function, not a procedure

  Explanation:  The name object is a function, but is being used
  as a procedure.

  User Action:  Functions must be invoked as a value_expression.

1.815  –  ISAPROC

  <str> is a procedure, not a function

  Explanation:  The named object is a procedure, but is being used
  as a function.

  User Action:  Procedures must be invoked with a CALL statement.

1.816  –  IVCHAN

  invalid or unknown I/O channel

  Explanation:  The channel number cannot be located in the
  database information.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

1.817  –  JOITOOBIG

  Query joins too many tables

  Explanation:  A join contained too many tables.

  User Action:  Rewrite the query to use fewer tables.

1.818  –  JUNONLIN

  Extraneous characters found after the end of the statement

  Explanation:  You typed extra characters after the end of the

  User Action:  Check statement syntax for correct statement

1.819  –  KEYTOIDENT

  Nonstandard -- You used a keyword as an identifier

  Explanation:  You specified an SQL keyword in a place where it
  is not a valid keyword, but where an identifier may be
  specified.  The keyword will be used as an identifier.

  User Action:  None.  This is an informational message.  However,
  note that you will not be able to specify this identifier in any
  context where the keyword may appear.


  Label <str> was already declared

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to declare a label that has
  already been declared.

  User Action:  Declare a label with a unique name.


  Ending label does not match beginning label

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to use an ending label that
  did not match the beginning label.

  User Action:  Use an ending label that matches the beginning


  Label <str> was not declared

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to reference an undeclared

  User Action:  Reference a label which has been declared.


  ITERATE requires label "<str>" to be on a looping statement

  Explanation:  ITERATE must reference the label of a looping
  statement such as a WHILE, LOOP, REPEAT, or FOR loop.  The label
  used, or defaulted, is the label of some other statement.

  User Action:  Correct the label referenced so that it is that of
  a looping statement or use an explicit label from a looping

1.824  –  LANFILEXT

  <str> is the language file extension, please use another

  Explanation:  The input file type you specified to the
  precompiler is the same file type as the output file type.

  User Action:  Rename the file with the default file
  specifications and run the precompiler again.  Refer to the
  default file specifications in the Guide to Using SQL.

1.825  –  LANSWIVAL

  Value not allowed on the language qualifier

  Explanation:  The SQL precompiler requires a language qualifier
  (such as /COBOL) to specify the host language.  However, you
  specified a value with that qualifier (such as COBOL=3), which
  is not allowed.

  User Action:  Remove the value from the language qualifier.


  <str> does not pass the data type for parameter <str> by

  Explanation:  The language specified in the LANGUAGE clause of
  the module will not support the data type specified for this
  parameter by descriptor.  However, you can build a descriptor as
  a record and pass the descriptor.  Hence, this is only a

  User Action:  If you did not intend to pass the data type by
  descriptor, change the passing mechanism in the SQL module and
  in the host language.

1.827  –  LANUNSDTP

  <str> does not support the data type for parameter <str>

  Explanation:  The language specified in the LANGUAGE clause of
  the module does not support the data type specified for this

  User Action:  If you did not intend to use a data type the
  language does not support, change the data type to one the
  language supports.  If you know the language does not support
  the data type, you can use it anyway.  This is is only a warning

1.828  –  LCKCNFLCT

  lock conflict on <str>

  Explanation:  The operation you attempted failed because another
  run unit is holding a lock in a mode that conflicts with the
  lock mode you needed.

  User Action:  Wait for the other run unit to finish.  Use
  ROLLBACK or COMMIT to release all your locks and retry the
  transaction, or specify that you want to wait on lock conflicts.

1.829  –  LCKTMOUTIS

  LOCK TIMEOUT INTERVAL is <num> second(s)

  Explanation:  Used in import

  User Action:  None.

1.830  –  LCSNOOUT

  AIJ Log Catch-Up Server does not have an output file

  Explanation:  The AIJ Log Catch-Up Server process does not have
  an output file associated with it.

  User Action:  Use the /OUTPUT qualifier to specify an output
  filename when database replication is started on the master

1.831  –  LENMISMAT

  Truncating right hand side string for assignment to column <str>

  Explanation:  You executed an INSERT or UPDATE statement, and
  the string you assigned to a text column is longer than the
  column's definition.

  User Action:  The message is just a warning.  You can issue an
  UPDATE statement to change the value stored or a ROLLBACK
  statement to terminate the transaction and cancel the INSERT

1.832  –  LIMFIXINT

  LIMIT TO must specify an unscaled fixed numeric

  Explanation:  The "n" in LIMIT TO n ROWS must be a literal,
  parameter or host variable of an unscaled fixed numeric data

  User Action:  Change the LIMIT TO clause to use an unscaled
  fixed numeric data type for the row limit, n.


  Input line was too long

  Explanation:  The module language or procompiler source file
  contained a line which was too long for the input buffer.

  User Action:  Split the offending line into two or more
  different lines.

1.834  –  LISTNOTVAL

  List data type is not valid for parameter or variable

  Explanation:  It is illegal to define a parameter or variable
  with a data type of list

  User Action:  Use another data type.

1.835  –  LIT_EXCEPT

  Truncation of a numeric value at compiletime

  Explanation:  SQL encountered an error trying to convert a
  numeric literal in the precompiler or module compiler to the
  data type of the field it was used with.

  User Action:  Change either the literal or field so that the
  literal can be assigned to the field


  LogMiner has not yet been enabled

  Explanation:  The LogMiner feature has not been enabled on this

  User Action:  If LogMiner features are enabled, LogMiner should
  be enabled.

1.837  –  LOBCONVERT

  specified <str> data type converted to <str>

  Explanation:  The datatype LONG is synonymous with CLOB; The
  datatype LONG RAW is synonymous with BLOB;

  User Action:  None.  This is an informational message only.

1.838  –  LOCALNEVER

  Local routine "<str>" is never called

  Explanation:  The USAGE IS LOCAL routine is not called by any
  SQL code in the module.  It there can never be use any

  User Action:  Check to make sure this was intended.

1.839  –  LOCALRTN

  "<str>" is a local routine and may not be called here

  Explanation:  The referenced function or procedure was declared
  with USAGE IS LOCAL and therefore can only be called within the
  module that contains it.

  User Action:  Redefine the routine as USAGE IS GLOBAL or call an
  alternate global routine.

1.840  –  LOGADDCCH

  added record cache definition "<str>"

  Explanation:  A new record cache definition has been
  successfully added the the database.

1.841  –  LOGAIJBCK

  backed up <num> <str> transaction(s) at <time>

  Explanation:  The specified number of committed or rolled-back
  transactions were successfully backed up from the after-image
  journal file.

1.842  –  LOGAIJBLK

  backed up <num> after-image journal block(s) at <time>

  Explanation:  The specified number of blocks were successfully
  backed up from the after-image journal file.

  User Action:  No user action is necessary.

1.843  –  LOGAIJJRN

  backed up <num> after-image journal(s) at <time>

  Explanation:  The specified number of after-image journals were
  successfully backed up during the AIJ backup operation.

  User Action:  No user action is necessary.

1.844  –  LOGCREOPT

  created optimized after-image journal file <str>

  Explanation:  This message indicates the action taken on a
  specific file.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

1.845  –  LOGDELAIJ

  deleted temporary after-image journal file <str>

  Explanation:  This message indicates the action taken on a
  specific file.

1.846  –  LOGDELCCH

  deleted record cache definition "<str>"

  Explanation:  A record cache definition has been successfully
  deleted from the database.

1.847  –  LOGMODCCH

  modifying record cache definition "<str>"

  Explanation:  The parameters for a record cache are in the
  process of being modified.

1.848  –  LOGMODSPM

  modified <num> spam page(s)

  Explanation:  None.

1.849  –  LOGMODSTO

  modifying storage area <str>

  Explanation:  The parameters for a storage area are in the
  process of being modified.

1.850  –  LOGRECOVR

  <num> transaction(s) <str>

  Explanation:  Database recovery was successful.  The specified
  number of transactions were re-applied to the database, ignored,
  or rolled back.

  User Action:  None.

1.851  –  LOGRECSTAT

  transaction with TSN <num>:<num> <str>

  Explanation:  During roll-forward, this message is displayed
  every time a transaction is committed, rolled back, or ignored.

1.852  –  LOGRESOLVE

  blocked transaction with TSN <num>:<num> <str>

  Explanation:  When a blocked transaction is resolved, this
  message is displayed every time the transaction is committed,
  rolled back, or ignored.

1.853  –  LOGSUMMARY

  total <num> transaction(s) <str>

  Explanation:  Database recovery was successful.  The specified
  total number of transactions were re-applied to the database,
  ignored, or rolled back.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

1.854  –  LOOK_FOR

  Syntax error, looking for <str>, found <str> instead

  Explanation:  The syntax expected a specific keyword, but you
  entered another.

  User Action:  Check the syntax and re-enter the correct keyword.

1.855  –  LOOK_FOR_CON


  Explanation:  This message lists syntactically legitimate

  User Action:  Consider options from the list.

1.856  –  LOOK_FOR_FIN

         found <str> instead

  Explanation:  Last of three messages generated by syntax errors,
  this message shows the invalid syntax that SQL encountered.

  User Action:  Re-enter the statement, or use EDIT to correct it.

1.857  –  LOOK_FOR_STMT

  Syntax error, looking for a valid SQL statement, found <str>

  Explanation:  SQL did not find the beginning of a statement
  where it expected one.

  User Action:  Supply a valid statement.

1.858  –  LOOK_FOR_STT

  Syntax error, looking for:

  Explanation:  The syntax expected one of several valid
  possibilities, list follows.

  User Action:  Consider options from the list in the next


  Syntax error, looking for <str>, found <str> instead

  Explanation:  This is issued with a SQL-F-BUGCHK because it
  indicates that a severe error has occurred in the syntax tables.

  User Action:  Record the exact command line as typed, (use EDIT
  to write it to a file) and contact your Oracle support


  Identifer <str> contains illegal characters

  Explanation:  You supplied lower case letters in a delimited
  (double-quoted) identifier.  This is not currently supported by

  User Action:  Change lower case letters to upper case in
  delimited identifiers.

1.861  –  LOW_ORD_LOS

  Reducing the scale of <str> <str> may result in the loss low
  order precision

  Explanation:  Altering the scale of a column may result in the
  perceived loss of data stored in that column due to rounding.

  User Action:  None.  This is a warning message.

1.862  –  LRSABORTED

  AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server terminated abnormally

  Explanation:  The LRS process has failed.

  User Action:  Examine the database monitor log file and any
  SYS$SYSTEM:*LRSBUG.DMP bugcheck dump files for more information.

1.863  –  LRSNOOUT

  AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server does not have an output file

  Explanation:  The AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server process does not
  have an output file associated with it.

  User Action:  Use the /OUTPUT qualifier to specify an output
  filename when database replication is started on the standby

1.864  –  LRSSHUTDN

  AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server being shutdown

  Explanation:  The LRS process is in final phase of being

  User Action:  Try starting Hot Standby after the AIJ Log
  Roll-Forward server has completely stopped execution.

1.865  –  LSTCURSTA

  Cursor statement has active list cursor statements

  Explanation:  You executed a RELEASE statement on a a cursor
  statement while list cursors defined based on that cursor exist.

  User Action:  Release all of the list cursor statements before
  executing this statement.


  The FILENAME clause may only be used on an INSERT LIST CURSOR

  Explanation:  The INSERT ...  FILENAME clause is only supported
  by the interactive SQL interface and must be used on an INSERT

  User Action:  Rewrite the INSERT as a DECLARE of a table and
  list cursor, and then use INSERT ...  FILENAME for the list
  cursor.  This will read the file and load it into the LIST OF
  BYTE VARYING column.

1.867  –  LSTNOTNUL

  List column must be NULL to insert a new list

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to insert a new list into an
  existing list.

  User Action:  First delete the list with the DELETE LIST

1.868  –  LSTREFAMB

  Column referenced in List Cursor is ambiguous in Table Cursor

  Explanation:  The field specified in the list cursor select
  statement was mentioned in more than one select expression in
  the table cursor definition.

  User Action:  Specify a table cursor where the list reference
  isn't ambiguous.

1.869  –  MAXDISEXC

  The maximum number of DISTINCT expressions (<num>) was exceeded

  Explanation:  You have exceeded the maximum number of
  expressions permitted in the DISTINCT clause.

  User Action:  SQL will ignore the remaining expressions.  In
  most cases this will be suffient to generate a correctly reduced
  row set.  However, you should examine the query and rewrite it
  if necessary.


  Maximum number of columns for table in SELECT * is <num>

  Explanation:  You used the column wildcard (*) in the select
  list for a table that has too many columns.

  User Action:  Name a subset of the columns explicitly in the
  select expression.

1.871  –  MAXNESEXC

  Maximum allowed statement nesting level exceeded

  Explanation:  You exceeded the maximum allowed nesting of

  User Action:  Reduce the nesting level.

1.872  –  MAXOCTEXC

  The maximum number of octets was exceeded.

  Explanation:  You have exceeded the maximum number of octete
  permitted in the CHAR or VARCHAR string.

  User Action:  Reduce the size of this CHAR or VARCHAR string to
  keep the total number of octets within limit.

1.873  –  MAXORDEXC

  The maximum number of ORDER BY expressions (<num>) was exceeded

  Explanation:  You have exceeded the maximum number of
  expressions permitted in the ORDER BY clause.

  User Action:  SQL will ignore the remaining expressions.  In
  most cases this will be suffient to generate a correctly ordered
  set.  However, you should examine the query and rewrite it if

1.874  –  MAXRELEXC

  Maximum number of tables allowed in SELECT exceeded

  Explanation:  You exceeded the maximum number of tables allowed
  in the FROM clause of a select expression.

  User Action:  Reduce the number of tables named in the FROM

1.875  –  MFDBONLY

  operation is not allowed on single-file databases

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to modify a single-file
  database in such a way that the root file would need to be
  expanded.  This type of change is not permitted for single-file
  databases.  Examples of database modifications that cause this
  error include the following:  reserving after-image journals or
  storage areas, adding or deleting storage areas, or changing the
  number of nodes or users.

  User Action:  If you want to create a multifile database from a
  single-file database, use the EXPORT and IMPORT statements.

1.876  –  MINGTRMAX

  Minimum mapping value greater than maximum value

  Explanation:  You have supplied a minimum mapping value that is
  larger than the maximum mapping value.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try the command again.


  Operand of unary minus must be interval

  Explanation:  You used a unary minus operator with a datetime
  operand.  Only intervals and numerics may be negated.

  User Action:  Change the expression to use a different operator
  or operand.

1.878  –  MIN_SNPSZ

  SNAPSHOT file ALLOCATION is set to the minimum value of <num>

  Explanation:  User specified a snapshot allocation of less than
  the Oracle Rdb minimum.  The user specified value is being
  replaced with the minimum value.

  User Action:  Change the statement to specify a valid snapshot
  allocation, or take the default.

1.879  –  MISMMORDD

  missing either month or day field in date string

  Explanation:  The date string must contain the month and day
  field.  Otherwise, it will not be converted to the DATE data

  User Action:  Re-enter the DATE data item and specify both the
  month and day fields.

1.880  –  MISPAREN

  Misplaced closing parenthesis

  Explanation:  You have entered a query expression clause before
  closing the parenthesis of a search-condition.  The parentheses
  are balanced, however, are misplaced.

  User Action:  Move the closing parenthesis to the proper place.

1.881  –  MISREQVAL

  <str> must have a value

  Explanation:  No value was specified for a qualifier that was
  which must have a value.

  User Action:  Correct the command line syntax error, specifying
  a value for the qualifier.


  The schema name or authorization clause was missing

  Explanation:  The CREATE SCHEMA statement requires either a
  schema name or authorization clause.  Neither was specified.

  User Action:  Reenter the CREATE SCHEMA statement making sure to
  include a schema name or authorization clause.

1.883  –  MIXTABLIS

  Incorrect STORE CLAUSE type for this storage map

  Explanation:  You specified a LIST storage clause when altering
  a table storage map or a TABLE storage map option when altering
  a LIST storage map.

  User Action:  Only try to change attributes which are
  appropriate for the kind of storage map you are altering

1.884  –  MLTDFNRTN

  Routine <str> is multiply defined

  Explanation:  A routine name was seen more than once in a Pascal
  program but the previous declaration was not marked as FORWARD.

  User Action:  Remove the duplication of routine names and


  Module "<str>" only contains local routines - invalid module

  Explanation:  A USAGE IS LOCAL routine can only be called from
  within the module scope.  This module definition is invalid
  because there is no GLOBAL routine than can be used to access
  the local definitions.

  User Action:  Correct the definition of this module so that it
  is a valid definition.

1.886  –  MODALREXI

  module <str> already exists in the schema or database

  Explanation:  The specified module already exists in the
  specified database.

  User Action:  Check the spelling of the module name and ensure
  that it is a unique module name in the specified database.

1.887  –  MODNOTDEF

  module <str> is not defined

  Explanation:  The specified module does not exist in the
  specified database.

  User Action:  Check the spelling of the module name and ensure
  that it is the name of a module in the specified database.


  <str> not valid for routine "<str>" - used in CREATE MODULE only

  Explanation:  You used a routine attribute in CREATE FUNCTION or
  CREATE PROCEDURE that is only valid for a routine within a
  CREATE MODULE statement.

  User Action:  Correct the definition by removing this clause.

1.889  –  MODTOOOLD

  Module not compatible with session

  Explanation:  The SQL module (either Module Language or Embedded
  SQL) containing the procedure returning the error was compiled
  prior to Rdb V4.1 and is trying to participate in a session
  other than the implicit session.

  User Action:  Recompile the module containing the procedure and
  relink the application.

1.890  –  MONFLRMSG

  failure message received from the monitor

  Explanation:  An error happened in the monitor process.  The
  user process received the error message.

  User Action:  Examine the monitor log on the node where the user
  program was running to see messages relating to the monitor

1.891  –  MONMBXOPN

  monitor is already running

  Explanation:  The monitor has already been started by another

  User Action:  No action is required.

1.892  –  MONSTOPPED

  database monitor process is being shut down

  Explanation:  The request you made could not be completed
  because the database monitor process is being shut down.

  User Action:  Examine the database monitor log file
  (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) for more information.

1.893  –  MOVENOCOLS

  Relation <str> has no valid columns to move

  Explanation:  None of the fields for the specified relation
  could be moved.  Each of those invalid fields caused a warning
  message to be displayed, but with no valid fields remaining, the
  transfer definition may not proceed.

  User Action:  Re-enter the transfer definition with one or more
  valid columns.


  SIGNAL statement requires a 5 character string literal

  Explanation:  In order to use the SIGNAL statement within a
  compound statement, you must specify a 5 character string

  User Action:  Specify a 5 character string literal when using
  the SIGNAL statement.

1.895  –  MSP_FUNC_NORET

  You must specify a RETURN statement with a stored function

  Explanation:  A RETURN statement is required in a stored

  User Action:  Specify a RETURN statement in your module

1.896  –  MSP_LIKE_XLATE

  Translation of LIKE pattern string not supported in a compound

  Explanation:  A search condition within a compound statement
  references LIKE which must be translated to a BLR$K_MATCHES.
  The pattern string must be translated from the LIKE special
  characters to the MATCHES characters.  This cannot be done by
  the database system involved.

  User Action:  For Oracle Rdb systems, use the UPPER statement to
  convert characters to upper case and perform the LIKE statement
  on the result.  For non-Oracle Rdb systems, this string must be
  a compiletime literal.


  DEFAULT clause required for variable "<str>" - CONSTANT or CHECK
  clause used

  Explanation:  A variable declared as CONSTANT must be assigned
  an initial value using the DEFAULT (also =) clause.  An initial
  value must also be assigned to a variable when the CHECK clause
  is applied.

  User Action:  Specify the a DEFAULT clause for this variable.


  OPTIMIZE FOR clause not supported in a compound statement

  Explanation:  A select specification specified an OPTIMIZE FOR
  clause.  This clause is not supported for statements within a
  compound statement.

  User Action:  The optimization for a multistatement procedure
  should always be TOTAL_TIME.

1.899  –  MSP_RET_NOFUNC

  A RETURN statement is only valid if a function is defined

  Explanation:  A function must be defined in order for the RETURN
  statement to be valid.

  User Action:  Define an SQL function within a stored module and
  then specify the RETURN statement.

1.900  –  MSP_RET_NOMOD

  A RETURN statement is only valid within a stored module

  Explanation:  A RETURN statement is permitted only within a
  stored module.

  User Action:  Reenter the RETURN statement within a stored

1.901  –  MSP_RET_NO_INTO

  A RETURNING clause must have an INTO clause in a compound

  Explanation:  The INTO clause was omitted from the RETURNING
  clause in a compound statement.

  User Action:  Add the INTO clause to the RETURNING clause.

1.902  –  MSP_SELECT_1_ONLY

  Only singleton select statements are allowed in a compound

  Explanation:  The INTO clause was omitted from an interactive
  SELECT statement.

  User Action:  Add the INTO clause to the SELECT statement.

1.903  –  MSP_USER_XLATE

  Translation of USER not supported in a compound statement

  Explanation:  A value expression refers to the literal USER.
  However, the database system doesn't support BLR$K_USER.

  User Action:  For Oracle Rdb systems, upgrade the system to a
  current version of Oracle Rdb.  For non-Oracle Rdb systems, this
  string must be a compiletime literal.


  <str> clause is not supported for procedures

  Explanation:  This clause is only supported for external
  functions and stored SQL functions.

  User Action:  Reenter your procedure definitions without using
  this clause.

1.905  –  MULDIMARR

  Host variable <str> is a multi-dimensioned array

  Explanation:  The SQL precompilers do not support references to
  multi-dimensioned arrays.

  User Action:  Assign the value in the multi-dimensioned array to
  a field which is not in a multi-dimensioned array before using
  it in an SQL statement or passing it into a module language

1.906  –  MULSPECATR

  Attribute is specified redundantly

  Explanation:  You specified a field attribute more than once.
  Because SQL can not determine which attribute to use, it rejects

  User Action:  Respecify the definition without the redundant


  Only one Ada Language variant can be specified in a PRAGMA

  Explanation:  A Module PRAGMA clause can specify at most one Ada
  language variant keyword.  SQL interface.

  User Action:  Rewrite the PRAGMA clause with a single Ada
  language variant keyword.


  Multiple specified attribute.  "<str>" was specified more than

  Explanation:  An attribute was specified more than once in a
  conflicting manner.

  User Action:  Remove conflicts and try the statement again.

1.909  –  MULT_STRUCT

  Host variable <str> is based on a structure defined more than

  Explanation:  The named host variable is based on a structure
  that is defined more than once in the file being precompiled.
  Either the user defined the structure more than once in a single
  C procedure (which is illegal in any C program), or there is
  more than one procedure that defines the structure (legal in C,
  but the SQL C precompiler does not recognize that the structures
  are in two different procedures and generates this error).

1.910  –  MUL_UIC

  Multiple UIC in ACL entry

  Explanation:  You used more than one user identification code
  (UIC) in an ACL entry.

  User Action:  Use only one UIC in ACL entry.

1.911  –  MUSTRECDB

  database must be closed or recovered

  Explanation:  The operation can be done only on databases that
  are closed and recovered.

  User Action:  Use the CLOSE command if an OPEN was performed.
  Recovery, if required, can be forced by opening the database.
  If other users are accessing the database, you must wait for
  them to finish.


  <str> cannot be a target for more than one move clause

  Explanation:  The user entered a transfer with more than one
  move clause specifying the named target as the target.  Note
  that even if an into clause is not specified, the target name,
  taken from the source table name, must be unique.

  User Action:  Re-enter the statement making sure that tables
  specified in INTO clauses are unique and do not duplicate names
  of source tables without INTO clauses.

1.913  –  MVRELABSNT

  No MOVE RELATION clause is specified in an EXTRACTION ROLLUP

  Explanation:  In a CREATE TRANSFER statement of an EXTRACTION
  ROLLUP transfer, you have not specified any MOVE RELATION

  User Action:  Since a MOVE RELATIONS ALL clause is not allowed
  in this context, you have to explicitly specify the MOVE
  RELATION clauses.  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement by
  specifying the MOVE RELATION clauses explicitly.

1.914  –  NAMCONF

  the database pathname <str> is the same as another repository

  Explanation:  The name chosen for the database is the same as
  another repository entity of a different type.

  User Action:  Choose a different name.

1.915  –  NAME_IN_USE

  Cannot use name "<str>" - name in use by synonym

  Explanation:  A synonym exists for another object name.

  User Action:  Please choose another name.

1.916  –  NAMTOOBIG

  The name <str> is longer than the <num> character maximum

  Explanation:  You specified a name which is longer than the
  maximum supported length for names in this context.

  User Action:  Use a shorter name.


  area <str> already has <num> page(s)

  Explanation:  The extension of the specified storage area was
  trivial, as the number of pages before was exactly same.

  User Action:  Check page count of the current area allocation.
  (If it should differ)

1.918  –  NEG_DIM

  Host variable <str> has a negative dimension.

  Explanation:  The size of this array is less than or equal to

  User Action:  Only use positive dimensions.

1.919  –  NESFUNINV

  Aggregate functions may not be nested

  Explanation:  Functions cannot contain other functions in their
  arguments.  For example, AVG(COUNT(DISTINCT(CITY)) is illegal.

  User Action:  Do not nest aggregate functions.

1.920  –  NESINCFIL

  Cannot include file <str> from another included file

  Explanation:  You attempted to nest INCLUDE file-spec
  statements.  Source code files specified in an INCLUDE file-spec
  statement cannot themselves contain nested INCLUDE file-spec

  User Action:  Move the INCLUDE statement to the main program.

1.921  –  NESQRYEXP

  Column select expression was expected

  Explanation:  You supplied something besides a column select
  expression where SQL expected one.

  User Action:  Correct the syntax error.

1.922  –  NETACCERR

  error <str> <str> network <str>

  Explanation:  A network-access error occurred.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message for more

1.923  –  NO1ST

  LIMIT TO clause is not valid in an INSERT or LIST CURSOR

  Explanation:  It is illegal to specify a LIMIT TO clause in an

  User Action:  Remove the LIMIT TO clause.

1.924  –  NOAGGALL

  aggregate expressions are not allowed in MOVE RELATION clauses

  Explanation:  You entered a MOVE RELATION clause that contained
  an aggregate expression.  The MOVE RELATION clause only allows
  an operator, literal value, or field name.

  User Action:  Check the Replication Option for Rdb Handbook for
  details on the MOVE RELATION clause.  Re-enter the CREATE
  TRANSFER statement with a correct MOVE RELATION clause.

1.925  –  NOAIJDEF

  no default after-image filename available

  Explanation:  A default after-image journal file name cannot be
  formed, because no journal file name is presently in the
  database root.

  User Action:  Enable after-image journaling, and supply a name
  for the after-image journal.

1.926  –  NOAIJENB

  cannot enable after-image journaling without any AIJ journals

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to enable AIJ journaling
  although no AIJ journals exist.

  User Action:  Create one or more AIJ journals BEFORE enabling
  AIJ journaling.

1.927  –  NOAIJREM

  cannot remove AIJ journal without disabling journaling first

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to remove the last AIJ
  journal.  The last AIJ journal may be removed only IF AIJ
  journaling has been previously disabled.

  User Action:  Disable AIJ journaling first.


  database replication server is not running or running on other

  Explanation:  The database replication server process is not
  running on the standby node specified, or has abnormally
  terminated.  There may also be a problem with the mailbox used
  to communicate with the database replication server.

  User Action:  Check the system to determine whether or not the
  database replication server process is actually running on your
  system.  Check the use of cluster aliases, as the replication
  connection may have been attempted on another node of the
  designated cluster.  If the database replication server process
  does not appear to be running, have your database administrator
  start the replication server, and try again.  If the database
  replication server process appears to be running properly, then
  the problem may be related to the mailbox by which user
  processes communicate with the replication server process.  Make
  sure the "server name" specified for both the live and standby
  databases logical are unique and identical.  On VMS platforms,
  the "server name" is used to create a logical of the same name
  that resides in a logical name table accessible to all users,
  typically the LNM$PERMANENT_MAILBOX name table.  If the
  replication server process abnormally terminated, a bugcheck
  dump will normally be produced.  Search the bugcheck dump for a
  string of five asterisks (*****) using the SEARCH/WINDOW
  command.  You will see a line with a format similar to this:
  ***** Exception at <address> :  <database module name> +
  <offset> %facility-severity-text, <error text> The exception
  line will be followed by one or more additional errors that will
  help you to determine what caused the replication server process
  to fail.  Typically, the problem is caused by insufficient
  quotas or system resources.  However, other possible causes
  include misdefined or undefined filename logicals.  Depending on
  the cause of the problem, take the appropriate action.  If you
  are uncertain of what to do, contact your Oracle support
  representative for assistance.

1.929  –  NOAIJSLOTS

  no more after-image journal slots are available

  Explanation:  The number of after-image journals that can be
  created is "reserved" in advance.  An attempt has been made to
  create more journals than the number reserved.

  User Action:  Either remove an existing AIJ file or reserve more
  AIJ slots before creating additional journals.

1.930  –  NOALTER

  No attributes specified for ALTER <str>

  Explanation:  The user specified an ALTER DOMAIN statement or an
  ALTER TABLE ALTER column-name clause without specifying any

  User Action:  Specify something to change.

1.931  –  NOANYALL

  ANY and UNIQUE are not allowed in a MOVE RELATION clause

  Explanation:  You entered a MOVE RELATION clause containing ANY
  or UNIQUE.  The MOVE RELATION clause only allows an operator,
  literal value, or field name.

  User Action:  Check the Replication Option for Rdb for details
  on the MOVE RELATION clause.  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER
  statement with a correct MOVE RELATION clause.


  no more storage area slots are available

  Explanation:  The number of storage areas that can be created is
  "reserved" in advance.  An attempt has been made to create more
  storage areas than the number reserved.

  User Action:  Either delete an existing storage area, or reserve
  more storage area slots before creating the area(s).


  VMS AUDIT_SERVER process is not running on this system

  Explanation:  You attempted to generate a database audit record;
  however, the VMS AUDIT_SERVER process is not running on this

  User Action:  Restart the VMS AUDIT_SERVER process.


  BATCH UPDATE is not allowed without setting of <str> logical

  Explanation:  BATCH UPDATE transactions are not allowed with 2PC
  turned on.  2PC is only turned off by setting the logical name
  named in the message to "TRUE".

  User Action:  If you want to migrate the application without the
  use of of context items (i.e.  2PC/DDTM) and allowing BATCH
  UPDATE transactions, define the logical name to "TRUE".
  Otherwise, you should change the BATCH UPDATE option to another
  transaction option.

1.935  –  NOBATUPD

  BATCH_UPDATE is not supported in the SQL interface to Oracle Rdb

  Explanation:  A DECLARE TRANSACTION statement specified the
  BATCH_UPDATE transaction mode.  The SQL interface to Oracle Rdb
  does not support BATCH_UPDATE.

  User Action:  Replace BATCH_UPDATE with READ_WRITE reserving the
  tables you want to update with EXCLUSIVE WRITE locking.

1.936  –  NOBCKFIL

  export file <str> not created

  Explanation:  An error has occurred during creation of the
  EXPORT file.

  User Action:  Follow actions directed by the corresponding RMS

1.937  –  NOBCKTRNS

  you cannot EXPORT a database from within a transaction

  Explanation:  You typed EXPORT from inside a transaction.

  User Action:  End the transaction and try again.


  BATCH UPDATE not allowed in procedure with CONTEXT parameter

  Explanation:  Your source contains a SET TRANSACTION statement
  in a procedure which will have a context parameter added to it.
  This is not allowed.

  User Action:  Change the transaction options to use something
  other than BATCH UPDATE or compile the module without the
  /CONTEXT=ALL qualifier or remove the name of this procedure from
  the list of procedures to receive a context parameter.


  BATCH UPDATE not allowed in statement with USING CONTEXT

  Explanation:  Your source contains a SET TRANSACTION statement
  with a USING CONTEXT clause.  This is not allowed.

  User Action:  Change the transaction options to use something
  other than BATCH UPDATE or remove the USING CONTEXT clause from
  the statement.

1.940  –  NOCASING

  <str> not supported for character set <str> - ignored

  Explanation:  The predicate LIKE ...  IGNORE CASE, and functions
  UPPER and LOWER require character sets that include upper and
  lower case characters.  This character does not support this

  User Action:  This is a warning and the function or clause will
  be discarded by SQL.  This character set does not require IGNORE
  CASE, UPPER or LOWER functions.  They can be removed from the

1.941  –  NOCATRES

  Unable to import catalog <str>

  Explanation:  Could not import this catalog.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain the Oracle Rdb interchange file that caused the error.

1.942  –  NOCAT_DECL

  The table "<str>" cannot be qualified by a catalog name "<str>"

  Explanation:  A local temporary table (DECLARE LOCAL TEMPORARY
  TABLE) is not associated with a catalog and schema, but with its
  containing module.

  User Action:  The correct way to refer to the local temporary
  table is alias-name.MODULE.table-name.  Note that alias-name is

1.943  –  NOCCHSLOTS

  no more record cache slots are available

  Explanation:  The number of record caches that can be added is
  "reserved" in advance.  An attempt has been made to add more
  record caches than the number reserved.

  User Action:  Either delete an existing record cache definition
  or reserve more slots before creating the caches(s).

1.944  –  NOCDD

  There is no repository on this system.  Specify FILENAME in the

  Explanation:  You declared or attach to a database with a
  repository path name, but there is no repository running on this
  system.  You must declare or attach to the database using a file

  User Action:  Declare or attach to the database by file name.

1.945  –  NOCDDALT

  There is no repository on this system.  Specify FILENAME in the
  ALTER DATABASE statement

  Explanation:  You altered a database with a repository path
  name, but there is no repository running on this system.  You
  must alter a database using a file name.

  User Action:  Alter the database with the database file name.

1.946  –  NOCDDRES

  The repository will not be updated

  Explanation:  You cannot store the database information in the
  repository.  See the following message.

  User Action:  Correct the problem and try the operation again.

1.947  –  NOCDDUPDAT

  Database invoked by filename, the repository will not be updated

  Explanation:  You issued a data definition statement after
  invoking by file name

  User Action:  This is a warning.  You can ROLLBACK and invoke
  the database by specifying the path name.  This ensures that
  data definitions are updated both in the repository and in the
  database itself.

1.948  –  NOCHAR

  no character after '' in pattern

  Explanation:  A MATCH operation was in progress and the pattern
  was exhausted with the pattern quote character as the last
  character in the pattern.

  User Action:  Rewrite the expression in error to have the proper

1.949  –  NOCMPBYRES

  computed field <str> in relation <str> not imported

  Explanation:  You specified a computed field in your database
  that could not be imported.  Perhaps the field references other
  fields and relations that were deleted from the database by an
  older version of the software that would have permitted such a

  User Action:  You must investigate the problem further.  The
  table should have been properly imported except for the listed

1.950  –  NOCMPINTDY

  Day-time intervals are not compatible with year-month intervals

  Explanation:  You tried to compare a value of type INTERVAL
  day-time (which may include the fields DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, or
  SECOND) with a value of type INTERVAL year-month (which may
  include the fields YEAR or MONTH).  These two types are not

  User Action:  Use the CAST function and compare values of the
  same interval class.

1.951  –  NOCOLALL

  <str> interpreted as column name where none are allowed

  Explanation:  An expression included a string SQL interpreted as
  a column name where a column name does not make sense.  For
  example, specifying a column name in the VALUES clause of an
  INSERT statement generates this error.  Or, omitting quotes
  around a string literal can also generate this error.

  User Action:  Replace the string with a quoted literal or host
  variable, or use a different form of the statement which will
  allow column names.


  Vertical row partitioning requires COLUMNS clauses

1.953  –  NOCOLLST

  Specifying a column list is incompatible with WHERE CURRENT OF

  Explanation:  It is illegal to specify both a column list and

  User Action:  Remove one of the clauses.

1.954  –  NOCOLNAM

  This view definition must explicitly list column names

  Explanation:  You must specify names for all the columns in a
  view if the select expression in the view definition uses
  aggregate functions or arithmetic expressions to create columns
  not in the source tables.

  User Action:  Explicitly name each coulumn in the view

1.955  –  NOCOLRES

  Unable to import collating sequence <str>

  Explanation:  SQL could not import this collating sequence.  See
  the following message.

  User Action:  Correct the problem and try the operation again.

1.956  –  NOCONNAM

  Cannot create <str> constraint name for table <str>

  Explanation:  SQL tried to create a unique name for a CHECK type
  constraint on the named table.  SQL could not generate a unique
  name for this table.

  User Action:  You can either delete all CHECK constraints for
  this table and then recreate all of the constraints or you can
  specify the DIAGNOSTIC parameter to give the constraint an
  explicit name.

1.957  –  NOCONRES

  unable to import constraint <str>

  Explanation:  Could not import this constraint -- see the
  message that follows.

  User Action:  Correct the problem and try the operation again.

1.958  –  NOCORRCOL

  There are no matching columns in the corresponding select lists

  Explanation:  You specified a UNION CORRESPONING query
  expression in which there were no corresponding columns in the
  two select lists.  There must be at least one column which

  User Action:  Either omit the CORRESPONDING keyword, or specify
  at least one pair of columns which match.

1.959  –  NOCPRIRES

  Unable to import privileges on column <str>.<str> for <str>

  Explanation:  SQL could not import these privileges -- see the
  message that follows.

  User Action:  Correct the problem and try the operation again.

1.960  –  NOCREMBX

  can't create mailbox

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to create a
  mailbox.  See the secondary message for more information.

  User Action:  Correct the condition and try again.

1.961  –  NOCSET

  character set <str> does not exist

  Explanation:  You specified a character set that does not exist.
  For lack of a better choice, the database default character set
  is assumed.

  User Action:  Specify a character set that exists.

1.962  –  NOCUROF

  A list specification must have a WHERE CURRENT OF clause

  Explanation:  A list specification requires a WHERE CURRENT OF
  clause and one wasn't specified.

  User Action:  Specify the WHERE CURRENT OF clause.

1.963  –  NODATDIV

  No DATA DIVISION found in COBOL program.

  Explanation:  Every COBOL program that uses embedded SQL must
  have a DATA DIVISION statement.  None was found in your input

  User Action:  Add a DATA DIVISION statement to your program.

1.964  –  NODATRES

  remaining data for this relation will be ignored

  Explanation:  An error occurred while you attempted to store the
  data; see the following message.

  User Action:  Correct the problem and try the operation again.

1.965  –  NODBFILE

  Alias <str> is missing a declaration

  Explanation:  You have declared an alias as EXTERNAL in every
  module in your application (thus, no filename is provided at

  User Action:  Change one module to declare the alias as GLOBAL.

1.966  –  NODBHALW

  database handles are not allowed in a MOVE RELATION clause

  Explanation:  You specified a database handle for the record
  selection expression (RSE) in a MOVE RELATION clause.  Inside a
  MOVE RELATION clause, database handles are not allowed for the

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement omitting
  the database handle name.

1.967  –  NODBK

  <num>:<num>:<num> does not point to a data record

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to fetch a record by its
  database-key value, but the record has been deleted.

  User Action:  Correct the condition and try again.

1.968  –  NODBKALL

  database key references are not allowed in a MOVE RELATION

  Explanation:  You entered a MOVE RELATION clause that contained
  a database key or a host variable.  The MOVE RELATION clause
  only allows an operator, literal value, or field name.

  User Action:  Check the Replication Option for Rdb for details
  on the MOVE RELATION clause.  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER
  statement with a correct MOVE RELATION clause.


  DBKEY can't be returned for a derived-table

  Explanation:  You attempted to return a dbkey from a derived
  table which is not allowed.

  User Action:  Return only fields from the derived table.

1.970  –  NODBKGRO

  There is no DBKEY for a row in a result table with a GROUP BY

  Explanation:  A SELECT expression with a group by clause
  requested the DBKEY.  There is no DBKEY for a row in a grouped

  User Action:  Remove the DBKEY reference.

1.971  –  NODBNAME

  A database name was not specified on a DECLARE ALIAS or ATTACH

  Explanation:  You issued a DECLARE ALIAS or ATTACH statement
  that did not specify a database by file specification or
  repository path name.

  User Action:  Check the syntax of the DECLARE ALIAS or ATTACH

1.972  –  NODBSINTXN

  No databases specified for this transaction

  Explanation:  You executed an embedded SET TRANSACTION, but none
  of the aliases declared at compiletime were present in the
  current environment.

  User Action:  Issue a dynamic SET TRANSACTION statement to pick
  up dynamically attached aliases in the environment.

1.973  –  NODECLMOD

  DECLARE MODULE is valid only in plan files

  Explanation:  A Module Language module contains a DECLARE MODULE
  statement.  In Module Language, DECLARE MODULE is restricted to
  plan files.

  User Action:  Put the DECLARE MODULE statement in a plan file.


  Default connection is not attached.

  Explanation:  The default connection must be attached for this
  operation to succeed.

  User Action:  Attach to the default connection.

1.975  –  NODEFDB

  There is no default database

  Explanation:  You specified a table name without an alias but
  there is no default database.

  User Action:  Either attach a default database, or include the
  alias for a database you have attached in the table name.

1.976  –  NODELSYS

  System tables and views may not be deleted

  Explanation:  A system table or view was specified in a DROP
  TABLE or DROP VIEW statememt.

  User Action:  Check the spelling of the name of the object.

1.977  –  NODEVDIR

  filename does not include device and directory

  Explanation:  The file you specified did not include a device
  and directory.

  User Action:  For maximum protection, you should always include
  a device and directory in the file specification, preferably one
  that is different from the database device.

1.978  –  NODISTINCT

  DISTINCT columns are not valid in an INSERT or LIST CURSOR

  Explanation:  It is illegal to specify DISTINCT in an INSERT or

  User Action:  Remove the DISTINCT clause.

1.979  –  NODROPPROC

  Procedure <str> is within a stored module and cannot be dropped

  Explanation:  The specified procedure is a stored procedure and
  cannot be dropped.  Only external procedures can be dropped.

  User Action:  Drop the stored module if you wish to drop the


  Catalog <str> may not be dropped

  Explanation:  The named catalog may not be dropped because it
  contains system relations.

  User Action:  Drop individual schemas or objects instead of this


  Schema <str> may not be dropped

  Explanation:  The named schema may not be dropped because it
  contains system relations.

  User Action:  Drop individual objects instead of this schema.


  view <str> cannot be specified more than once in a transfer

  Explanation:  You have specified a view name in both a
  move-relations-clause and in a move-views-clause.

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement by
  specifying the view either in a move-relations-clause or in a
  move-views-clause but not in both.

1.983  –  NOENTRYPT

  Older SQL version not compatible with compiled SQL

  Explanation:  1 - You tried to run an SQL program with a version
  of SQL that is older than the version with which it was
  compiled.  The program also required SQL features not available
  from the older version of SQL.  -OR- 2 - You tried to run an SQL
  program with a shareable image without installing RDB$SHR or

  User Action:  1 - Re-compile the program under the older version
  of SQL or run it under the newer version.  -OR- 2 - Install
  RDB$SHR or SQL$INT images.

1.984  –  NOEUACCESS

  unable to acquire exclusive access to database

  Explanation:  Exclusive access to the database was not possible.
  Therefore, the requested database operation was not performed.

  User Action:  Try again later.

1.985  –  NOEXTCUR

  cannot extract, AIJ file <str> is the current AIJ

  Explanation:  The current AIJ file cannot be extracted.

  User Action:  Use a backup AIJ file.


  cannot extract - AIJ file <str> does not have LogMiner enabled

  Explanation:  This AIJ file came from a database that did not
  have LogMiner enabled at the time the AIJ file was created.

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This AIJ file cannot
  be extracted.


  cannot extract - AIJ file <str> backed up via a no-quiet-point

  Explanation:  An AIJ file, which was backed up with a
  no-quiet-point backup, cannot beextracted, because a
  no-quiet-point backup can leave incomplete transactions in an
  AIJ file.  AIJ extraction cannot handle incomplete transactions
  within an AIJ file.

  User Action:  No user action.  This AIJ file cannot be

1.988  –  NOEXTOPT

  cannot extract - AIJ file <str> is optimized

  Explanation:  An optimized AIJ file cannot be extracted.

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This AIJ file cannot
  be extracted.


  cannot extract - AIJ file <str> had its previous AIJ file backed
  up via a no-quiet-point backup

  Explanation:  An AIJ file for which the previous AIJ file was
  backed up with a no-quiet-point backup, cannot be extract.  A
  no-quiet-point backup can leave incomplete transactions in an
  AIJ file, and AIJ extraction cannot handle incomplete
  transactions within an AIJ file.

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This AIJ file cannot
  be extracted.

1.990  –  NOEXTUNRES

  cannot extract, AIJ file <str> has unresolved transactions

  Explanation:  The AIJ file being extracted has unresolved
  distributed transactions.  AIJ extraction cannot handle
  unresolved transactions, so it must abort.

  User Action:  Use a complete AIJ file with no unresolved
  distributed transactions.

1.991  –  NOFILLIST

  SQL does not support lists of files

  Explanation:  You specified a list of module language files on
  the module language command line, or a list of context files on
  the precompiler command line.  SQL does not support lists of

  User Action:  Specify only one language file and one context
  file on a command line.

1.992  –  NOFLDRES

  unable to import domain <str>

  Explanation:  Could not import this domain.  See the following

  User Action:  Correct the problem and try the operation again.

1.993  –  NOFLOAT

  <str> has no floating point qualifiers

  Explanation:  The language does not support a command line
  qualifier such as /FLOAT or /G_FLOAT

  User Action:  The qualifier has no effect on the source language
  compiler but may be needed for Dynamic SQL SQLDA parameters.

1.994  –  NOFOR_UPD

  FOR UPDATE clause is ignored in this context

  Explanation:  You specified a FOR UPDATE clause on a SELECT
  statement that ignores the FOR UPDATE clause.

  User Action:  Remove the FOR UPDATE clause from the SELECT


  FIRST clause is not allowed in MOVE RELATION clause of a
  REPLICATION transfer

  Explanation:  In the MOVE RELATION clause of a REPLICATION
  TRANSFER definition you have entered a FIRST clause.

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement without the
  FIRST clause in the MOVE RELATION clause.

1.996  –  NOGROUP

  GROUP BY clause is not valid in an INSERT or LIST CURSOR

  Explanation:  It is illegal to specify a GROUP BY clause in an

  User Action:  Remove the GROUP BY clause.

1.997  –  NOIDXRES

  unable to import index <str>

  Explanation:  Could not import this index.  See the following

  User Action:  Correct the problem and try the operation again.

1.998  –  NOIMPTXN

  no implicit transaction to commit or rollback

  Explanation:  The commit or rollback statement was used without
  there being a valid implicit transactin outstanding.  Explicit
  transactions must be terminated via DDTM.

  User Action:  Do not use the commit or rollback statement unless
  there is an implicit transaction outstanding.

1.999  –  NOINCDIC

  The INCLUDE statement with the FROM DICTIONARY clause is not
  supported in <str>

  Explanation:  The INCLUDE statement with the FROM DICTIONARY
  clause is not supported for languages which do not have an
  equivalent statement in the language.  An example of this is

  User Action:  Remove the INCLUDE statement with FROM DICTIONARY

1.1000  –  NOINCLEXT

  You cannot use the EXTERNAL keyword with the INCLUDE statement
  in this host language; EXTERNAL keyword ignored

  Explanation:  SQL does not support the use of INCLUDE EXTERNAL
  statements in this host language.

  User Action:  Remove the EXTERNAL keyword from the INCLUDE

1.1001  –  NOIOCHAN

  no more I/O channels available on system

  Explanation:  The process has attempted to exceed the number of
  I/O channels that can be assigned at one time; this value is
  "per node".

  User Action:  Check the VMS SYSGEN parameter CHANNELCNT to
  ensure that it is large enough to properly service the

1.1002  –  NOITEMDEF

  unable to define item "<str>" from command line

  Explanation:  Could not define an item from the command line.
  See the following messages which will report the reason for the

  User Action:  Correct the problem and try the operation again.

1.1003  –  NOJOINHERE

  outer join operator (+) not allowed in this context

  Explanation:  Outer join operator (+) can only appear in the
  WHERE clause not in the select list.  Oracle7 has the same
  rules, but generates no compiler error.

  User Action:  Rewrite the query.

1.1004  –  NOJOINTBL

  A joined table specification is required within parentheses

  Explanation:  Within a table-reference, parentheses denote a
  joined table or a derived table.  This set of parentheses does
  not specify a correlation name so it must be a joined table
  However, no joined table specification was found.

  User Action:  Specify a joined table specification.

1.1005  –  NOLANGFIL

  No input file specified

  Explanation:  You did not specify a file for the precompiler.

  User Action:  Enter the precompiler command line again,
  specifying a file this time.

1.1006  –  NOLICENSE

  No license found

  Explanation:  This system is not licensed for the SQL
  programming interface

  User Action:  Install a valid license and try again.

1.1007  –  NOLISTQUAL

  /MACHINE qualifier requires /LIST

  Explanation:  The /MACHINE qualifier was specified on the
  command line without specifying the /LIST qualifier.  /LIST is
  required with /MACHINE

  User Action:  Add the /LIST qualifer to the command line.

1.1008  –  NOLOCKSOUT

  no locks on this node with the specified qualifiers

  Explanation:  No locks were found on the current node that match
  the specified command qualifiers.  This usually indicates that
  either no monitors are active on this node, or no databases are
  currently being accessed on this node.

  User Action:  If databases are active on the node, try using a
  less restrictive set of command-qualifiers.

1.1009  –  NOMAPIMPO

  Mapping Values on CREATE INDEX within an IMPORT is not supported

  Explanation:  The data type of the columns used in the index
  must be checked for validation of the mapping values.  Since the
  tables do not exist at this time, their data types cannot be

  User Action:  Remove the mapping values from the create index
  and apply them after the import is complete.

1.1010  –  NOMAPRES

  unable to import storage map <str>

  Explanation:  Could not import this storage map.  See the
  following message.

  User Action:  Correct the problem and try the operation again.

1.1011  –  NOMATCHKEY

  <str> has no matching UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint

  Explanation:  You specified a referenced column list which does
  not match the columns specified as the key for any UNIQUE or
  PRIMARY KEY constraint.  The referenced column list must be an
  exact match for the key of such a constraint.

  User Action:  Specify a referenced column list that matches a
  key for a UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY column, or define a UNIQUE or
  PRIMARY KEY constraint that matches the referenced column list
  you specified.

1.1012  –  NOMBLR_V2

  MBLR Version 2 required for preserving upper and lower case

  Explanation:  Submessage for UNSUPVER.  You have used a lower
  case name, but the database does not support it.  This is most
  likely to be from a CREATE statement on a remote node running a
  version of Rdb earlier than V4.2.

  User Action:  Upgrade the remote node or use upper case names.

1.1013  –  NOMLTIMV

  attempt to move the relation <str> multiple times

  Explanation:  You attempted to specify the same relation name
  more than once in the MOVE clause of a CREATE TRANSFER
  statement.  In a CREATE TRANSFER statement, you cannot move the
  same relation more than once.

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement omitting
  the duplicate MOVE RELATION clause.

1.1014  –  NOMLTIMVIEW

  attempt to move the view <str> multiple times

  Explanation:  You attempted to move the named view more than
  once in a CREATE TRANSFER statement.  This action is not

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement, specifying
  each view only once.

1.1015  –  NOMODFIL

  No module file specified on command line

  Explanation:  A module language compiler command line must
  include the name of a module file to compile.  This command line
  did not.

  User Action:  Repeat the command line with the name of a module
  file you wish to compile.

1.1016  –  NOMODRES

  unable to import module <str>

  Explanation:  Internal error:  the named module has been lost.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain the Oracle Rdb interchange file that caused the error.


  monitor home directory is not valid

  Explanation:  The directory from which the monitor was invoked
  is no longer valid.  Typically, this occurs when the monitor is
  invoked by the installation IVP procedure, which subsequently
  deletes the invocation directory.  However, this can also occur
  during day-to-day operations whenever directories are deleted.
  When the monitor home directory does not exist, the monitor is
  unable to invoke other server processes, such as the database
  recovery process ("DBR") or the AIJ Backup Server ("ABS") to
  name a few.  When the monitor home directory does not exist, the
  server processes will be unable to create temporary work files.

  User Action:  Stop the monitor, and restart it from a valid

1.1018  –  NOMONITOR

  database monitor is not running

  Explanation:  The database monitor process is not running or has
  abnormally terminated.  There may also be a problem with the
  mailbox used to communicate with the database monitor.

  User Action:  Check the system to determine whether or not the
  database monitor process is actually running on your system.  If
  the database monitor process does not appear to be running, have
  your database administrator start the monitor, and try again.
  If the database monitor process appears to be running properly,
  then the problem may be related to the mailbox by which user
  processes communicate with the monitor process.  Make sure the
  logical <fac>$MAILBOX_CHANNEL resides in a logical name table
  accessible to all users, typically the LNM$PERMANENT_MAILBOX
  name table.  If the monitor abnormally terminated, a bugcheck
  dump will normally be written to the monitor log.  Search the
  monitor log for a string of five asterisks (*****) using the
  SEARCH/WINDOW command.  You will see a line with a format
  similar to this:  ***** Exception at <address> :  <database
  module name> + <offset> %facility-severity-text, <error text>
  The exception line will be followed by one or more additional
  errors that will help you to determine what caused the monitor
  process to fail.  Typically, the problem is caused by
  insufficient quotas or system resources.  However, other
  possible causes include misdefined or undefined filename
  logicals.  Depending on the cause of the problem, take the
  appropriate action.  If you are uncertain of what to do, contact
  your Oracle support representative for assistance.

1.1019  –  NOMOREGB

  <num> global buffers not available to bind; <num> free out of

  Explanation:  Your attempt to bind to the database failed
  because there are not enough global buffers to allow your
  process to bind to the database.

  User Action:  There are four ways to alleviate this problem.
  1)Try to bind to the same database on another node, if you are
  using a VAXcluster.  2)Wait untill another user unbinds from the
  database and retry the bind.  3)Increase the number of global
  buffers used for the database.  4)Decrease the maximum number of
  global buffers any one user can use, in order to allow more
  users to bind to the database.  Please see your DBA for help.

1.1020  –  NOMOVESYS

  System relations may not be moved

  Explanation:  A system relation was specified in the MOVE TABLES

  User Action:  Reenter the transfer definition without the system

1.1021  –  NOMVRALL

  MOVE RELATIONS ALL clause is not allowed in an EXTRACTION ROLLUP

  Explanation:  In a CREATE TRANSFER statement of an EXTRACTION
  ROLLUP transfer, you have specified a MOVE RELATIONS ALL clause.

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement by
  specifying each relation explicitly in a MOVE RELATION clause.

1.1022  –  NOMVVROL

  MOVE VIEWS clause is not allowed in an EXTRACTION ROLLUP

  Explanation:  In a CREATE TRANSFER statement of an EXTRACTION
  ROLLUP transfer, you have specified a MOVE VIEWS clause.

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement without the
  MOVE VIEWS clause.

1.1023  –  NONCONARR

  Noncontiguous arrays not supported.

  Explanation:  You have passed a parameter that is a
  noncontiguous array to the module language.  SQL does not
  support noncontiguous arrays.

  User Action:  Use contiguous arrays to pass data to the module

1.1024  –  NONODE

  no node name is allowed in the file specification

  Explanation:  A node name was found in the file specification.
  Node names cannot be used.

  User Action:  Use a file name without a node specification.

1.1025  –  NONOVAL

  Negated qualifiers may not have values

  Explanation:  You specified a value for a qualifier that was
  preceded by NO.

  User Action:  Correct the command line syntax error, removing NO
  or the value.


  An INTO clause is only allowed on a singleton select

  Explanation:  An INTO clause is not allowed on a query

  User Action:  Remove the INTO clause and reissue the SQL

1.1027  –  NONSTAAMB

  Host variable <str> is ambiguous in the host file

  Explanation:  The ANSI and ISO SQL standards require that host
  variable names be unique in the entire file being preprocessed.
  The SQL interface to Oracle Rdb only requires it to be unique in
  its language scope.  This host variable is not unique in the

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard features
  in your program, you should change the name of this host
  variable to make it unique in the file.


  Nonstandard omission of colons in module lang parameters

  Explanation:  The /ANSI_PARAMS qualifier was not used to enforce
  the use of colons in module language parameters.  Using the
  default /NOANSI_PARAMS does not conform to the ANSI-89 standard.

  User Action:  If it is important to have your program conform to
  ANSI standard semantics, use the appropriate qualifier to
  enforce use of colons.

1.1029  –  NONSTACAS

  Nonstandard use of lowercase

  Explanation:  This token contains lowercase characters.  The
  ANSI and ISO SQL standards only supports lowercase character in
  quoted strings.

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard syntax in
  your program, you should correct this syntax.

1.1030  –  NONSTACOB

  COBOL file is not ANSI format

  Explanation:  The file being processed by the COBOL SQL
  precompiler is not in ANSI format, or, if it is in ANSI format,
  you did not specified the /ANSI switch.  The ANSI and ISO SQL
  standards require that all precompiled COBOL programs be in ANSI

  User Action:  If it is important to have your program in a
  standard format, you should convert your program to ANSI format.
  See the COBOL Reference Manual for a definition of what ANSI and
  TERMINAL formats are and how to convert between them.

1.1031  –  NONSTACOL

  Column <str> has a nonstandard data type

  Explanation:  You referred to a column whose data type is not
  included in the ANSI and ISO SQL standards.

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard features
  in your program, you should change the data types of these
  columns to be an standard data type.


  Nonstandard qualifier used with column name

  Explanation:  Additional qualifiers were supplied with a column
  name.  In certain statements the standard does not allow column
  names to be qualified.

  User Action:  If it is important to have your program conform to
  ANSI standard semantics, remove the extra qualifiers.

1.1033  –  NONSTACON

  The standard does not permit this data type conversion

  Explanation:  You are comparing, assigning or unioning to
  expressions with different data types.  These two expressions
  must be converted to a common data type.  The ANSI and ISO SQL
  standards do not support this conversion.

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard features
  in your program, you should change your statement to use
  supported conversions.

1.1034  –  NONSTACUC

  The standard requires columns merged by UNION be identical

  Explanation:  The ANSI and ISO SQL standards require that
  columns which are being merged into a single result column by a
  UNION clause must have identical definitions; that is, they must
  have the same data type, length, scale, and so on.  The column
  pointed to is not identical to the column with which it is being

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard features
  in your program, you should change the data types of these
  columns to be identical, or remove the UNION from your program.

1.1035  –  NONSTACUR

  Cursor <str> has a nonstandard type

  Explanation:  You referred to a cursor of a type not included in
  the ANSI and ISO SQL standards.

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard features
  in your program, you should not use this type of cursor.

1.1036  –  NONSTADEF

  Significant digits of default clause literal will be lost

  Explanation:  Differences in scale between the datatype of the
  column and the default value cause significant digits of the
  default clause value to be lost.  The ANSI/ISO standard requires
  that no significant digits be lost.

  User Action:  To be ANSI conformant, make sure the default value
  does not lose significant digits.

1.1037  –  NONSTADIS

  The standard only permits one DISTINCT clause in a select

  Explanation:  You entered a select expression which either has
  two aggregate functions with DISTINCT clauses, or has a DISTINCT
  clause for the entire select list and a DISTINCT in an aggregate
  function.  The ANSI and ISO SQL standards do not support
  multiple distinct clauses.

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard features
  in your program, you should remove one of the distinct clauses.

1.1038  –  NONSTADTP

  Nonstandard data type

  Explanation:  The data type indicated or the data type of the
  column indicated is not included in the current ANSI and ISO
  standards for SQL.

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard syntax in
  your program, you should remove this syntax.

1.1039  –  NONSTADYN

  The SQL standard does not include the dynamic interface

  Explanation:  The syntax indicated is not included in the
  current ANSI and ISO standards for SQL.  The standard does not
  define the dynamic interface.

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard syntax in
  your program, you should remove this syntax.

1.1040  –  NONSTAHV

  Host variable <str> has a nonstandard declaration

  Explanation:  The ANSI and ISO SQL standards only require that a
  small subset of host language data declarations be supported.
  The declaration for this host variable uses language features
  which the standards do not require.

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard features
  in your program, you should change the definition of this host


  Invoker not restricted to definer

  Explanation:  The /RESTRICT_INVOKER or
  /SQLOPTIONS=RESTRICT_INVOKER qualifier was not used to restrict
  the invoker to be the definer of a module.  That is, any user
  may invoke this module, but in order to conform to ANSI, only
  the definer of the module may invoke it.  The definer is
  considered to be the user who compiles a module or the user
  specified by the AUTHORIZATION clause of the module language.

  User Action:  If it is important to have your program conform to
  ANSI standard semantics, use the appropriate qualifier to
  invoker restricting.

1.1042  –  NONSTAMOD

  The SQL standard does not include Module Language

  Explanation:  Module language is not allowed in the standard
  that is being flagged.

  User Action:  Do not use module language.

1.1043  –  NONSTANAM

  Nonstandard name

  Explanation:  This name is not a valid name in the ANSI and ISO
  SQL standards.  It is either longer than 18 characters or
  contains a $.

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard syntax in
  your program, you should remove this syntax.

1.1044  –  NONSTAOKW

  Nonstandard syntax -- required keyword or clause omitted

  Explanation:  The syntax indicated is not included in the
  current ANSI and ISO standards for SQL.  The standard requires a
  clause or keyword which is optional in the SQL interface to
  Oracle Rdb.  You have omitted that clause or keyword.

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard syntax in
  your program, you should remove this syntax.

1.1045  –  NONSTAPHY

  The SQL standard does not specify the physical database

  Explanation:  The syntax indicated is not included in the
  current ANSI and ISO standards for SQL.  The standard does not
  define physical objects.

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard syntax in
  your program, you should remove this syntax.

1.1046  –  NONSTAQUO

  Nonstandard quote character

  Explanation:  This informational message is generated by either
  of two situations:  - The ANSI and ISO SQL standards require the
  single quotation mark (') character.  You used the double
  quotation mark (") character.  - ANSI requires continuation be
  done by language rules, which in COBOL means the first character
  on the line being continued must be a double quotation mark (").
  You used a single quotation mark (').

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard syntax in
  your program, correct this syntax.

1.1047  –  NONSTARSW

  <str> is a SQL reserved keyword:  its use as an identifier is

  Explanation:  According to SQL89 and SQL92, no nondelimited
  (unquoted) identifier can be a SQL reserved keyword.  If a SQL
  keyword must be used, it must be delimited by double quotes.
  This bypasses keyword checking in the scanner.

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard features
  in your program, change the identifier so that it is not a SQL
  keyword.  If the identifier must be the same as a SQL keyword,
  delimit it with double quotes (e.g.  DOUBLE becomes "DOUBLE")

1.1048  –  NONSTASCL

  Nonstandard scale.  Your scale (<num>) exceeds the precision

  Explanation:  The scale specfied exceeds the precision.  The
  current ANSI and ISO standards for SQL require a scale less than
  or equal to the precision.

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard syntax in
  your program, you should have scale less than or equal to

1.1049  –  NONSTASM

  The SQL standard does not include schema manipulation

  Explanation:  The syntax indicated is not included in the
  current ANSI and ISO standards for SQL.  The standard does not
  define the schema manipulation language.

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard syntax in
  your program, you should remove this syntax.

1.1050  –  NONSTASYN

  Nonstandard syntax

  Explanation:  The syntax indicated is not included in the
  current ANSI and ISO standards for SQL.

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard syntax in
  your program, you should remove this syntax.

1.1051  –  NONSTASYN89

  Nonstandard SQL89 syntax

  Explanation:  The syntax specified is not included in the ANSI
  and ISO standards for SQL89.

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard syntax in
  your program, remove this syntax.

1.1052  –  NONSTASYN92E

  Nonstandard SQL92 Entry-level syntax

  Explanation:  The syntax specified is not included in the ANSI
  and ISO standards for SQL92 Entry-level.

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard syntax in
  your program, remove this syntax.

1.1053  –  NONSTASYN92F

  Nonstandard SQL92 Full-level syntax

  Explanation:  The syntax specified is not included in the ANSI
  and ISO standards for SQL92 Full-level.

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard syntax in
  your program, remove this syntax.

1.1054  –  NONSTASYN92I

  Nonstandard SQL92 Intermediate-level syntax

  Explanation:  The syntax specified is not included in the ANSI
  and ISO standards for SQL92 Intermediate-level.

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard syntax in
  your program, remove this syntax.

1.1055  –  NONSTASYN92T

  Nonstandard SQL92 Transitional-level syntax

  Explanation:  The syntax specified is not included in the ANSI
  and ISO standards for SQL92 Transitional-level.

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard syntax in
  your program, remove this syntax.

1.1056  –  NONSTATXN

  The SQL standard does not specify how to control transaction

  Explanation:  The syntax indicated is not included in the
  current ANSI and ISO standards for SQL.  The standard does not
  specify how transaction characteristics are to be defined.

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard syntax in
  your program, you should remove this syntax.

1.1057  –  NONSTAUNI

  The standard only permits UNION outside of subqueries in DECLARE

  Explanation:  You have included a UNION in a context in which
  the ANSI and ISO SQL standards do not support.  Only DECLARE
  CURSOR statements may have a UNION in the standard.

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard features
  in your program, you should remove this UNION clause.

1.1058  –  NONSTAVIA

  Nonstandard feature for integration with Digital(tm) products

  Explanation:  The syntax indicated is not included in the
  current ANSI and ISO standards for SQL.  This is a feature which
  is provided for compatability with Digital(tm) products such as

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard syntax in
  your program, you should remove this syntax.

1.1059  –  NONSUPPKEY

  <str> option <str> not supported

  Explanation:  The precompiler does not support the value
  supplied with the specified qualifier.

  User Action:  Omit the qualifier or choose a different value.

1.1060  –  NOOJFORMED

  no outer join has been formed -- outer join operator (+) ignored

  Explanation:  A column was marked with the outer join operator
  (+) and compared to a simple expression that doesn't contain
  another table and column reference.  Since no outer join has
  been formed between two tables Oracle Rdb will ignore the outer
  join notation.

  User Action:  If this Boolean expression appears before other
  AND comparisions then you should reorder the AND expressions so
  that comparisions with literal values and other simple
  expressions appear last.

1.1061  –  NOONUSING

  The ON clause is illegal within a compound statement

  Explanation:  The ON clause was specified in a SET TRANSACTION
  statement within a compound statement.  This clause is illegal
  because the compound statement must be in a single database.

  User Action:  Do not use the ON clause within a compound
  statement.  Issue the SET TRANSACTION statement outside of the
  compound statement.

1.1062  –  NOOPENCUR

  There is no OPEN procedure for cursor <str>

  Explanation:  There are no OPEN procedures for this cursor.  A
  module must have exactly one procedure which opens a particular

  User Action:  Add a procedure which opens this cursor.


  cannot optimize -- commit-to-journal optimization is enabled

  Explanation:  The 'commit-to-journal' database parameter is
  enabled.  When this parameter is enabled, AIJ optimization
  cannot be performed.

  User Action:  Use the original, non-optimized AIJ file if needed
  for recovery.  As an alternative, disable the commit-to-journal

1.1064  –  NOOPTCUR

  cannot optimize -- AIJ file <str> is the current AIJ file

  Explanation:  The current AIJ file cannot be optimized, because
  the optimized AIJ file would not be equivalent to the current
  AIJ file if more journaling was done after optimization.

  User Action:  Start a new AIJ file, and then optimize the AIJ
  file in question.


  cannot optimize -- AIJ file <str> backed up via a no-quiet-point

  Explanation:  An AIJ file, which was backed up with a
  no-quiet-point backup, cannot be optimized, because a
  no-quiet-point backup can leave incomplete transactions in an
  AIJ file.  AIJ optimization cannot handle incomplete
  transactions within an AIJ file.

  User Action:  No user action.  This AIJ file cannot be

1.1066  –  NOOPTOPT

  cannot optimize -- AIJ file <str> is already optimized

  Explanation:  An optimized AIJ file cannot be optimized again.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

1.1067  –  NOOPTPOS

  Optimizer clauses are not legal in positioned statements

  Explanation:  You have specified one of the optimizer clauses in
  a positioned update or delete statement.  This is meaningless
  and is, therefore, ignored.

  User Action:  You can remove the clause or choose to ignore this


  cannot optimize -- AIJ file <str> had its previous AIJ file
  backed up via a no-quiet-point backup

  Explanation:  An AIJ file for which the previous AIJ file was
  backed up with a no-quiet-point backup, cannot be optimized.  A
  no-quiet-point backup can leave incomplete transactions in an
  AIJ file, and AIJ optimization cannot handle incomplete
  transactions within an AIJ file.

  User Action:  No user action is required.  This AIJ file cannot
  be optimized.

1.1069  –  NOOPTTRI

  Optimizer clauses are not legal in trigger statements

  Explanation:  You have specified one of the optimizer clauses in
  a data manipulation statement within a trigger.  The optimizer
  clause is not supported in triggers, and is ignored.

  User Action:  You can remove the clause or choose to ignore this

1.1070  –  NOOPTUNRES

  cannot optimize -- AIJ file <str> has unresolved transactions,

  Explanation:  The AIJ file being optimized has unresolved
  distributed transactions.  AIJ optimization cannot handle
  unresolved transactions, so it must abort.

  User Action:  Use the original, non-optimized AIJ file if needed
  for recovery.

1.1071  –  NOORDER

  ORDER BY clause is not valid in an INSERT or LIST CURSOR

  Explanation:  It is illegal to specify a ORDER BY clause in an

  User Action:  Remove the ORDER BY clause.

1.1072  –  NOORINJOIN

  outer join operator (+) not allowed in operand of OR or IN

  Explanation:  Outer join operator (+) not allowed in operand of
  OR or IN The (+) notation must not be specified in an OR
  expression, unless the expression is parenthesized or appears in
  some type of sub-expression.

  User Action:  Rewrite the predicate.

1.1073  –  NOOUTLRES

  Unable to IMPORT outline <str>

  Explanation:  Internal error:  the named outline has been lost.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain the Oracle Rdb interchange file that caused the error.

1.1074  –  NOPARTCOL

  partitioning column <str> not in view

  Explanation:  A name for partitioning a view was specified which
  is not in the list of columns.

  User Action:  Check the spelling of the partitioning column and
  of the column names of the view.

1.1075  –  NOPASQLDA

  SQLDA is not supported in Pascal

  Explanation:  The Pascal precompiler does not support the SQLDA
  data structure or the dynamic interface.

  User Action:  Remove all references to SQLDA in your program.
  If the SQL Dynamic interface is required with Pascal, use the
  SQL module language.

1.1076  –  NOPGPRES

  unable to import granted profile for grantee <str>

  Explanation:  Internal error:  the named Granted PROFILE has
  been lost.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain the Oracle Rdb interchange file that caused the error.


  The physical multischema attribute was not specified for the

  Explanation:  You attempted to attach to a database using
  multischema naming but the database was not physically enabled
  for it.

  User Action:  Either ALTER the database and enable multischema
  or do not attempt to attach it for multischema naming.

1.1078  –  NOPOSCUR

  Positioned (cursor) insert not allowed in compound or stored

  Explanation:  Insert cursor is not allowed in a begin ...  end
  block or CREATE MODULE statement

  User Action:  Recode the module to use a FOR loop to process the


  No precompiler selected

  Explanation:  You invoked the precompiler without specifying the
  language option desired.

  User Action:  Specify a switch or file extension.

1.1080  –  NOPREPCONN

  This statement may not be prepared within a shared connection

  Explanation:  You have attempted to prepare a statement that
  would change the connection or the files attached to in the
  current connection.  This is not allowed within a shared

  User Action:  Do not prepare statements that effect the
  connection from with in a shared connection.

1.1081  –  NOPRFRES

  unable to import profile <str>

  Explanation:  Internal error:  the named PROFILE has been lost.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain the Oracle Rdb interchange file that caused the error.

1.1082  –  NOPRIMKEY

  Table <str> has no primary key

  Explanation:  You omitted the referenced column list in a
  referential constraint for which the referenced table has no
  PRIMARY KEY.  If the referenced table has no primary key, you
  must specify a column list which matches the columns in a UNIQUE

  User Action:  Add a referenced column list, or define a PRIMARY
  KEY for the referenced table.

1.1083  –  NOPRIV

  no privilege for attempted operation

  Explanation:  You attempted an operation that requires VMS
  privileges, and you do not have those privileges enabled.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message for more

1.1084  –  NOPROC

  SQL statements must follow a procedure declaration

  Explanation:  SQL statements must come after a procedure
  statement.  This statement was found before any procedure

  User Action:  Put your SQL statements inside a procedure.

1.1085  –  NOPRVMVIEW

  insufficient privilege to transfer the view <str>

  Explanation:  You attempted to transfer the named view without
  READ privilege on the view.  You must have READ privilege on the
  view to be able to transfer the view in a CREATE TRANSFER

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement excluding
  the named view.  Check the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for
  details on PROTECTION statements.

1.1086  –  NOPRVMVREL

  insufficient privilege to transfer the relation <str>

  Explanation:  You specified a relation for which you do not have
  READ privilege.  You must have READ privilege on the relation to
  transfer the relation in a CREATE TRANSFER statement.

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement excluding
  the named relation.  Check the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual
  for details on PROTECTION statements.  Also consult your
  database administrator.

1.1087  –  NOPRVREPLI

  insufficient privilege to CREATE a replication transfer

  Explanation:  You attempted to CREATE a replication transfer
  without CREATE privilege on the source database.  To CREATE a
  replication transfer, you must have CREATE privilege on the
  source database.

  User Action:  Check the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual for
  details on PROTECTION statements.  See your database
  administrator to obtain CREATE privilege.

1.1088  –  NOPRVROLMVR

  insufficient privilege to transfer the relation <str>.<str>

  Explanation:  You specified a relation for which you do not have
  READ privilege in the specified database.  You must have READ
  privilege on the relation to transfer the relation in a CREATE
  TRANSFER statement.

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement excluding
  the named relation.  Check the Oracle Rdb SQL Reference Manual
  for details on PROTECTION statements.  Also consult your
  database administrator.

1.1089  –  NOQUALNM

  Column name must be qualified by at least a table name

  Explanation:  You queried SQL to show protection on a column
  name but did not indicate the table in which the column resides.

  User Action:  Reenter the statement qualifing the column name
  with the table name.

1.1090  –  NORDBPRIV

  GRANT or REVOKE specified only unsupported privileges

  Explanation:  A GRANT or REVOKE statement specified only
  unsupported DB2 privileges.  It has no effect.

  User Action:  None.  SQL ignores the statement.  However, to
  avoid this message, either remove the statement or add some
  supported privileges to it.

1.1091  –  NOREDINREPT

  REDUCE clause is not allowed in MOVE RELATION clause of a
  REPLICATION transfer

  Explanation:  In the MOVE RELATION clause of a REPLICATION
  TRANSFER definition you have entered a REDUCE clause.

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement without the
  REDUCE clause in the MOVE RELATION clause.

1.1092  –  NORELFOU

  No relation found for map <str>

  Explanation:  The map name given has no table in the database or

  User Action:  Use the correct map name.

1.1093  –  NORELRES

  unable to import table <str>

  Explanation:  Could not import this table.  See the following

  User Action:  Correct the problem and try the operation again.

1.1094  –  NOREMVER

  remote node or version number is not allowed in a log file name

  Explanation:  You used a node name or a version number in the
  log file specification of a CREATE TRANSFER statement.

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement using a log
  file specification that does not contain a node name or a
  version number.

1.1095  –  NOREPSQLDA

  Cannot represent using SQLDA

  Explanation:  An SQLDA was used, and either the length of the
  derived column name was greater than 30 octets, the data type
  was DATETIME or INTERVAL, or the data type was character and the
  character set was not the default one-octet character set or the
  maximum length in octets excedes 32767.

  User Action:  Use an SQLDA2 or change the code to conform to the
  limitations of an SQLDA.

1.1096  –  NOREQIDT

  reached internal maximum number of simultaneous timer requests

  Explanation:  All allocated timer request ID slots, used to
  uniquely identify timers, are in use.  Therefore, this timer
  request could not be serviced at this time.

1.1097  –  NORESET

  Parser unable to reset parse stack

  Explanation:  A syntactic error occurred and the parser spent
  too much time trying to recover the parse stack.  In the past,
  some of these recoveries seemed to be in an infinite loop,
  though they do terminate eventually.

  User Action:  Previous syntactic errors were diagnosed.  Correct
  them and retry the compilation.

1.1098  –  NORETURN

  Specifying a RETURNING clause is incompatible with a positioned
  insert statement

  Explanation:  It is illegal to specify a RETURNING clause with a
  positioned insert.

  User Action:  Remove the RETURNING clause.

1.1099  –  NOROCOL

  Read only column expressions are not allows in an INSERT or LIST

  Explanation:  A column expression specified something other than
  a simple column reference such as an expression.

  User Action:  Limit usage to only column names.

1.1100  –  NORTNPRIV

  GRANT and REVOKE are invalid on routines in a stored module

  Explanation:  The specified routine was created as part of a
  CREATE MODULE statement.  Privileges are managed at the module
  level for such routines.

  User Action:  Use GRANT or REVOKE on the module to change the
  privileges for any SQL or external routines in that module.

1.1101  –  NORTNRES

  unable to import routine <str>

  Explanation:  Internal error:  the named routine has been lost.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain the Oracle Rdb interchange file that caused the error.

1.1102  –  NORTPARM

  <str> is not declared in procedure <str>

  Explanation:  You used the parameter as a runtime parameter for
  a filename or pathname in a DECLARE SCHEMA statement.  Such
  parameters must be declared in every procedure in the module,
  and must be character data types.  You did not declare this
  paramter in this procedure.

  User Action:  Declare the parameter as a character variable in
  the procedure.  The use of DECLARE SCHEMA is deprecated and
  should be changed to use DECLARE ALIAS and connect.

1.1103  –  NORTUPB

  no more user slots are available in the database

  Explanation:  The maximum number of users are already accessing
  your database.

  User Action:  Try again later.

1.1104  –  NOSCHALT

  Nothing altered in ALTER DATABASE statement

  Explanation:  There was nothing altered in the ALTER DATABASE

  User Action:  Remove the query or modify it to alter database

1.1105  –  NOSCHRES

  Unable to import schema <str>

  Explanation:  Could not import this schema.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain the Oracle Rdb interchange file that caused the error.


  list storage area <str> is not defined

  Explanation:  You specified a storage area in the LIST STORAGE
  AREA clause that does not exist.

  User Action:  Specify a storage area which is already defined in
  the CREATE DATABASE statement.

1.1107  –  NOSELALL

  SELECT FIELDS ALL clause is not allowed in an EXTRACTION ROLLUP

  Explanation:  In a CREATE TRANSFER statement of an EXTRACTION
  ROLLUP transfer, you have specified a SELECT FIELDS ALL clause.

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement by
  specifying each field explicitly in the SELECT FIELDS clause.

1.1108  –  NOSELXPR

  Specifying a SELECT expression is incompatible with a positioned
  insert statement

  Explanation:  It is illegal to specify a SELECT expression with
  a positioned insert.

  User Action:  Specify only a VALUES clause.

1.1109  –  NOSEQENT

  sequence id <num> has no valid entry in the root file

  Explanation:  Sequence with the sequence id is present in the
  RDB$SEQUENCES table but does not have a valid entry in the root
  file.  Either the seq is not marked as being used in root file
  or the condition minvalue <= next value <= maxvalue is false

1.1110  –  NOSEQRES

  unable to import sequence <str>

  Explanation:  Internal error:  the named sequence has been lost.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain the Oracle Rdb interchange file that caused the error.

1.1111  –  NOSEQROW

  sequence id <num> has an entry in the root file but no row in

  Explanation:  Sequence with id indicated has a root file entry
  but not corresponding row in the table RDB$SEQUENCES.

1.1112  –  NOSHUTDOWN

  database shutdown not allowed while backup processes are active

  Explanation:  One or more database or AIJ backup utilities are
  active.  Database shutdown is not permitted while these types of
  utilities are active.

  User Action:  Wait for the utilities to complete, or shutdown
  the database using the /ABORT=DELPRC qualifier.

1.1113  –  NOSIP

  transaction is not a snapshot transaction

  Explanation:  You have already started a transaction that is not
  a snapshot transaction.

  User Action:  Use COMMIT or ROLLBACK to terminate your current
  transaction.  Use READY BATCH RETRIEVAL to start a new snapshot

1.1114  –  NOSNAPS

  snapshots are not allowed or not enabled for area <str>

  Explanation:  Snapshots are not allowed or not enabled for this

  User Action:  This is a normal situation created by the database
  definition or by a change- or modify-database command.  Check
  with your DBA to make sure this situation is desirable.


  SORT clause is not allowed in MOVE RELATION clause of a
  REPLICATION transfer

  Explanation:  In the MOVE RELATION clause of a REPLICATION
  TRANSFER definition you have entered a SORT clause.

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement without the
  SORT clause in the MOVE RELATION clause.

1.1116  –  NOSPRIRES

  Unable to import database privileges for <str>

  Explanation:  SQL could not import these privileges; see the
  message that follows.

  User Action:  Correct the problem and try the operation again.

1.1117  –  NOSQLCA

  No INCLUDE SQLCA statement was specified

  Explanation:  Every precompiled SQL program must have an INCLUDE
  SQLCA statement in it.  This program did not have one.

  User Action:  Add an INCLUDE SQLCA statement.

1.1118  –  NOSQLCODE

  Neither SQLCA, SQLCODE nor SQLSTATE were declared

  Explanation:  All precompiled SQL programs must include a
  definition for an SQL status variable.  This can be done by
  specifying an INCLUDE SQLCA statement or by defining an integer
  host variable name SQLCODE or by defining a 5 character SQLSTATE
  variable.  This program did none of the above.

  User Action:  Add either an SQLCODE variable or an INCLUDE SQLCA
  statement or an SQLSTATE variable.

1.1119  –  NOSTATS

  statistics are not enabled for <str>

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to show statistics for a
  database that currently has statistics' collection disabled.

  User Action:  Enable statistics and try again.

1.1120  –  NOSTRDEF

  Host variable <str> is based on an undefined structure

  Explanation:  The FORTRAN RECORD host variable declaration uses
  a structure name which has not be declared.

  User Action:  Either change the name of the structure this host
  variable is based on, or define a structure with that name.

1.1121  –  NOSTRNAM

  RECORD host variable <str> does not specify a structure name

  Explanation:  The FORTRAN RECORD host variable declaration does
  not specify the structure name which the record is based on.

  User Action:  Add the name of the structure this host variable
  is based on.

1.1122  –  NOSUCHAIJ

  no such AIJ journal "<str>"

  Explanation:  The specified AIJ journal does not exist for the

  User Action:  You may select an AIJ journal using either the AIJ
  name or the default or current AIJ file specification.  The list
  of valid AIJ journals can be obtained by dumping the database
  header information.

1.1123  –  NOSUCHCON

  There is no active connection with the name "<str>"

  Explanation:  A connection with the name given does not exist.

  User Action:  Pass the name of a known connection.

1.1124  –  NOSUCHCUR

  Cursor <str> has not been declared

  Explanation:  You must declare a cursor before you refer to it
  in an OPEN, CLOSE, FETCH, UPDATE, or DELETE statement.

  User Action:  Declare the cursor, or use the name of a cursor
  which is already declared.


  Format DATE <num> does not exist

  Explanation:  You entered DATE date-number where the logical
  LIB$DATE_FORMAT_nnn does not exist.

  User Action:  Contact system manager to install the date
  formats.  Make sure that these logical names are defined in EXEC
  mode as required by the OpenVMS documentation.

1.1126  –  NOSUCHLANG

  Language <str> does not exist.

  Explanation:  You entered SET LANGUAGE statement, but the
  logical name table LNM$LANGUAGE_xxx does not exist.

  User Action:  Contact your system manager to make sure
  everything has been set up properly; the language may not be

1.1127  –  NOSUCHPROC

  Procedure <str> in CONTEXT list not defined

  Explanation:  The value of the /CONTEXT qualifier specified a
  procedure which was not defined in the body of the module.

  User Action:  Either add the procedure to the module or omit the
  offending procedure name from the /CONTEXT qualifier value list.

1.1128  –  NOSUCHSTMT

  <str> is not the name of an prepared statement

  Explanation:  A prepared statement with the name given does not

  User Action:  Pass the name of a known statement.


  Format TIME <num> does not exist

  Explanation:  You entered TIME time-number where the logical
  LIB$TIME_FORMAT_nnn does not exist.

  User Action:  Contact system manager to install the date/time
  formats.  Make sure that these logical names are defined in EXEC
  mode as required by the OpenVMS documentation.

1.1130  –  NOSUCHUSER

  unknown user "<str>"

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to access information with a
  user name unknown to the database (for example, sending mail to
  the monitor or attempting to execute a database recovery process
  (DBR)) or to access information with a user name unknown to the
  operating system (for example, no record in the UAF file).

  User Action:  Make sure the user name is spelled correctly and
  has been properly identified to either the database or the
  operating system.  Do not attempt to run DBR from DCL; this is
  not allowed, because the system will automatically manage
  database recovery.  Be sure the monitor user name is correctly

1.1131  –  NOSUPREPLI

  replication transfer is not supported for this source database

  Explanation:  You attempted to create a replication transfer on
  a source database that is not a Oracle Rdb database.
  Replication transfers can be created only for Oracle Rdb
  databases.  For other databases you can create only extraction

  User Action:  If your source database is not a Oracle Rdb
  database, create an extraction transfer.

1.1132  –  NOSYNRES

  unable to import synonym <str>

  Explanation:  Internal error:  the named synonym has been lost.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain the Oracle Rdb interchange file that caused the error.

1.1133  –  NOTALSAUTO

  AIJ Log Server is not automatically invoked by database monitor

  Explanation:  In order to initiate database replication on the
  master database, it is required that the AIJ Log Server be
  automatically invoked by the database monitor.

  User Action:  Change the AIJ Log Server invocation mode from

1.1134  –  NOTAVIEW

  <str> is not a view

  Explanation:  The name you specified in a MOVE VIEWS clause is
  not the name of a view.

  User Action:  Retype the CREATE TRANSFER command with the
  correct view name.

1.1135  –  NOTBOOL

  expression in AND, OR, or NOT was not a Boolean

  Explanation:  The Boolean evaluator was processing an expression
  or subexpression of the form "A AND B", "A OR B", or "NOT A".
  Either the "A" or the "B" expression was not in the proper form.
  The correct forms are "NOT X", "X EQ Y", "X NE Y", "X LT Y", "X
  GT Y", "X LE Y", "X GE Y", "X CONTAINS Y", or "X MATCHES Y".
  The operand of NOT, and both sides of AND and OR expressions,
  must be Boolean expressions.

  User Action:  Rewrite the expression to have the proper format.

1.1136  –  NOTCATOBJ

  The object "<str>" cannot be qualified by a catalog name "<str>"

  Explanation:  The object cannot be associated with a catalog and
  schema, but only with its containing database.

  User Action:  The correct way to refer to the object is
  alias-name.object-name.  Note that the alias-name is optional.

1.1137  –  NOTDB2

  "<str>" is a DB2 feature not supported by the SQL interface to
  Oracle Rdb.

  Explanation:  This is a feature supported by DB2 that the SQL
  interface to Oracle Rdb does not support.

  User Action:  Remove references to this feature.

1.1138  –  NOTDB2DUR

  Labelled durations are a DB2 feature not supported by SQL.

  Explanation:  The SQL interface to Oracle Rdb does not support
  labelled durations.

  User Action:  Remove references to labelled durations.

1.1139  –  NOTDB2FN

  DB2 function not supported by SQL.

  Explanation:  This is a function supported by DB2 that the SQL
  interface to Oracle Rdb does not support.

  User Action:  Remove references to this function.

1.1140  –  NOTDSKFIL

  filename does not specify disk device type

  Explanation:  A file name was specified which does not reference
  a disk oriented device type.

  User Action:  Check the file name for a proper disk device type.

1.1141  –  NOTENUFBUF

  requested number of global buffers (<num>) is more than USER
  LIMIT (<num>)

  Explanation:  The user has requested more global buffers than
  are allowed for a single user.

  User Action:  Either reduce the number of requested global
  buffers or increase the number of global buffers that a user may
  allocate.  See documentation for descriptions of USER LIMIT
  clause used when creating and/or opening a database.

1.1142  –  NOTEXTENDED

  area <str> cannot be extended to <num> page(s)

  Explanation:  The extension of the specified storage area was
  not possible.  This condition is possible if the specified new
  size is less than the current storage area allocation.  This
  condition can also occur when attempting to change the size of a
  WORM device.

  User Action:  Specify a new page count that is larger than the
  current area allocation.

1.1143  –  NOTFOUND

  No rows were found for this statement

  Explanation:  No rows were found for an UPDATE or DELETE
  statement, or a query produced an empty table.

  User Action:  None.  This is a warning message.

1.1144  –  NOTGROFLD

  Column <str> cannot be referred to in the select list, ORDER BY,
  or HAVING clause because it is not in the GROUP BY clause

  Explanation:  In the select list and HAVING clauses of select
  expressions containing the GROUP BY clause, you can refer only
  to those columns named in the GROUP BY clause.

  User Action:  Either add the column named in the message to the
  GROUP BY clause, or delete from the select list or HAVING

1.1145  –  NOTHVDECL

  <str> is not a host variable

  Explanation:  The object referenced as a host variable was not a
  host variable.

  User Action:  Refer to a host variable.

1.1146  –  NOTIMPLYET

  feature is not implemented yet

  Explanation:  You attempted to access a feature that has been
  planned but has not been implemented yet.

  User Action:  Avoid this feature.

1.1147  –  NOTIMPSES

  Implicit session required for rollback or commit

  Explanation:  You called a procedure that tried to commit or
  rollback the implicit session's implicit transaction when the
  current session was one other than the implicit session.  This
  could be accomplished by calling a procedure that does a
  rollback or commit that was compiled without session support or
  from an RDML/RdbPRE module.

  User Action:  Define an SQL module procedure to Rollback or
  Commit and compile with session support enabled.

1.1148  –  NOTINPARAM

  Parameter <str> is referenced as an IN parameter, but declared
  as OUT

  Explanation:  The parameter named in the message was declared
  with an explicit parameter mode, but its usage conflicts with
  the declaration.

  User Action:  Make the parameter INOUT or change the usage in
  the procedure.

1.1149  –  NOTINRANGE

  value not within specified range of acceptable values

  Explanation:  The value of the translated logical name is not in
  the range of acceptable values.

  User Action:  Delete the logical name, or redefine it with a
  value in the acceptable range.

1.1150  –  NOTINSCUR

  Cursor <str> is not an INSERT ONLY cursor

  Explanation:  In a positioned INSERT statement, the cursor named

  User Action:  Restrict usage of INSERT statements to INSERT ONLY

1.1151  –  NOTINTBLCUR

  Column, <str>, not specified in table cursor, <str>

  Explanation:  The list column specifed for a list cursor wasn't
  specified in the related table cursor.

  User Action:  Modify the table cursor to add the list column to
  the select list or modify the list cursor to use a different

1.1152  –  NOTIP

  no transaction in progress

  Explanation:  You attempted to execute a DML verb, but there is
  no transaction in progress yet.

  User Action:  Execute a READY statement before executing any
  other DML statements.

1.1153  –  NOTLISTCOL

  Column <str> is not of data type LIST

  Explanation:  The column named in the error message has a data
  type other than LIST.

  User Action:  Specify a column with the proper data type.

1.1154  –  NOTLSTCUR

  Cursor <str> is not a list cursor

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to use a list INSERT statement
  into a table cursor.

  User Action:  Use the INSERT INTO CURSOR statement.

1.1155  –  NOTOUTPARAM

  Parameter <str> is referenced as an OUT parameter, but declared
  as IN

  Explanation:  The parameter named in the message was declared
  with an explicit parameter mode, but its usage conflicts with
  the declaration.

  User Action:  Make the parameter INOUT or change the usage in
  the procedure.

1.1156  –  NOTPRIRES

  Unable to import privileges on table <str> for <str>

  Explanation:  SQL could not import these privileges -- see the
  message that follows.

  User Action:  Correct the problem and try the operation again.

1.1157  –  NOTRANAPP

  no transactions in this journal were applied

  Explanation:  This journal file contains transactions that
  cannot be applied to the specified backup of the database.

  User Action:  Be sure you are using the correct database backup
  and journal file.

1.1158  –  NOTRGRES

  Unable to IMPORT trigger <str>

  Explanation:  SQL could not import this trigger; see the message
  that follows.

  User Action:  Correct the problem and try the operation again.

1.1159  –  NOTROOT

  not a root file

  Explanation:  The specified file is not a database root file.

  User Action:  Specify a database root file and try again.

1.1160  –  NOTROWNUM

  ROWNUM is not available in this context

  Explanation:  You have used ROWNUM and have violated one of the
  restrictions.  The restrictions are, ROWNUM:  can only be used
  in ORACLE LEVEL1 dialect can only be used in a comparison of
  select expression predicate cannot be used with a LIMIT TO
  clause cannot appear more than once in the predicate of a WHERE
  clause can only appear in SELECT statements cannot be compared
  to a column cannot be used in a compound statement cannot appear
  on either side of an OR boolean operator cannot be selected or
  used in a function call

  User Action:  Re-issue the query and adhere to the restrictions.


  You cannot override a database attach with different scopes

  Explanation:  The database scope (GLOBAL or LOCAL) in an ATTACH
  statement differs from the one already attached with the same
  alias.  The scope of the both aliases must be the same.

  User Action:  Either choose a different alias or specify the
  same scope for the new database.

1.1162  –  NOTSAMETBL

  List cursor <str> is based on a different than table cursor

  Explanation:  The table cursor named in the message references a
  table cursor that is based on a different table from the LIST

  User Action:  Base the list cursor on a table cursor that
  references that same table.

1.1163  –  NOTSNBLK

  no more user slots are available in the database

  Explanation:  The maximum number of users are already accessing
  your database.

  User Action:  Try again later.


  non-system concealed device name in filename

  Explanation:  A concealed device name must be defined in the
  system logical table.

  User Action:  If the device name has to be concealed, then
  define it in the system logical table.

1.1165  –  NOTTBLCUR

  Cursor <str> is not a table cursor

  Explanation:  You must declare list cursor to be the current of
  a table cursor.  The cursor specified in the WHERE CURRENT OF
  clause is another list cursor.

  User Action:  Reference a table cursor.

1.1166  –  NOTUSEIND

  Cannot use indicator variables in WHERE or HAVING

  Explanation:  You cannot use indicator variables in WHERE
  clauses or HAVING clauses.

  User Action:  Use the NULL keyword to test if a value is null.

1.1167  –  NOTYPES

  Domain reference in column <str> is illegal in a DECLARE TABLE

  Explanation:  You referred to a user defined domain in a DECLARE
  TABLE statement.  All domains in the DECLARE TABLE statement
  must be SQL predefined types.

  User Action:  Substitute the predefined equivalent of the user
  defined domain.

1.1168  –  NOT_A_DB

  <str> is not the name of a DSRI-compliant database

  Explanation:  You supplied the name of a database that does not
  exist under this repository directory, or you supplied a name
  that is not a DSRI-compliant database.

  User Action:  Supply the name of a valid database.

1.1169  –  NOT_BOUND

  database is not bound

  Explanation:  You have not bound to a database yet, or you have
  unbound the database and have not bound to another one yet.

  User Action:  Bind to a database before continuing.

1.1170  –  NOT_CDD_DB

  Database was not declared using PATHNAME.  Repository access is

  Explanation:  You tried to include a repository entity in the
  schema, but the database itself is not using the repository.

  User Action:  Attach to the database using PATHNAME.

1.1171  –  NOT_LARDY

  area for <num>:<num>:<num> not in proper ready mode

  Explanation:  You attempted to access a logical area for which
  you have not declared your intentions.

  User Action:  Retry a ready operation later.

1.1172  –  NOT_READY

  storage area <str> not readied

  Explanation:  You attempted to access an area for which you have
  not declared your intentions.

  User Action:  If the area is included in your subschema, you can
  use the READY statement to prepare it for processing.


  The <str> being defined must be in the same database as the
  <str> it references

  Explanation:  When creating an item, the item was named as part
  of one database, but it was being created from items of another
  database.  For example, trying to create an index in one
  database from a table in another database generates this error.

  User Action:  Create the item naming only items from the same

1.1174  –  NOT_SCH_ID

  Alias <str> not permitted within definition of database <str>

  Explanation:  You specified an alias of a database that was
  other than the one for the database being defined.

  User Action:  Create defintions only for a single database in a
  CREATE DATABASE statement.  Use the standalone CREATE statements
  for accessing other databases.

1.1175  –  NOT_UPDATE

  storage area <str> not readied in update usage mode

  Explanation:  You attempted to modify the contents of an area
  without having declared your intentions.

  User Action:  If you have not readied the area yet, you can
  READY for UPDATE.  If you have already readied it, you must
  abort your transaction by executing a ROLLBACK before you can

1.1176  –  NOUNION

  UNION or derived table not valid in an INSERT or LIST CURSOR

  Explanation:  It is illegal to specify a UNION expression or a
  derived table as the target for an INSERT CURSOR.

  User Action:  Limit usage to only a single table.

1.1177  –  NOVAL_TRIG

  NOVALIDATE must not be specified when enabling Triggers

  Explanation:  In the ALTER TABLE statement, if you specify
  enable novalidate, you cannot specify triggers.  If you wish to
  enable triggers, do not specify either VALIDATE or NOVALIDATE.

  User Action:  Respecify the ALTER TABLE statement

1.1178  –  NOVIERES

  unable to import view <str>

  Explanation:  Could not import this view -- see the message that

  User Action:  Correct the problem and try the operation again.


  view <str> is not allowed in MOVE RELATION clause of a
  REPLICATION transfer

  Explanation:  In the MOVE RELATION clause of a REPLICATION
  TRANSFER definition you have specified a view.

  User Action:  Re-enter the CREATE TRANSFER statement without the
  view in the MOVE RELATION clause.  The view definition can be
  moved by specifying the view in the MOVE VIEWS clause.

1.1180  –  NOWHERE

  WHERE clause is not valid in an INSERT or LIST CURSOR

  Explanation:  It is illegal to specify a WHERE clause in an

  User Action:  Remove the WHERE clause.

1.1181  –  NOWILD

  no wild cards are allowed in the file specification

  Explanation:  Wild-card characters ("*" and "%") cannot be used
  in that file specification.

  User Action:  Use a file specification without wild-card

1.1182  –  NOWORMSPT

  WORM areas are not supported

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to declare an area as having
  the WORM attribute.  At this time, there is no longer support
  for this attribute.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

1.1183  –  NO_CDDACC

  No access to the repository.

  Explanation:  Access is not permitted to the repository.
  Previous error message should indicate the reason.

  User Action:  Correct problem from previous error message.

1.1184  –  NO_COMMAND

  An empty command string was passed to PREPARE.

  Explanation:  A null command string was passed to PREPARE.

  User Action:  Pass a string to PREPARE that is not empty.

1.1185  –  NO_DCLTXN

  You cannot declare a transaction while a transaction is active.

  Explanation:  There is a currently transaction in progress.  You
  cannot declare a transaction while a transaction is in progress.

  User Action:  Commit or rollback the current transaction before
  issuing another DECLARE TRANSACTION statement.

1.1186  –  NO_DECIMAL

  <str> is being converted from DECIMAL to <str>.

  Explanation:  DECIMAL is not a supported data type.  SQL
  converts DECIMAL columns and types to a supported data type.

  User Action:  None.  This is an informational message only.

1.1187  –  NO_DESCENDING

  DSRI does not support descending index segments

  Explanation:  You specified that a descending index segment;
  DSRI does not support descending index segments.

  User Action:  Remove the DESC clause from the index

1.1188  –  NO_DMLPLAN

  You can only use DECLARE statements in a context file.

  Explanation:  You can only include DECLARE statements in a
  context file.  These statements include DECLARE TRANSACTION,

  User Action:  Remove everything but DECLARE statements from the
  context file.

1.1189  –  NO_DTYPE

  Definition requires an unsupported data type

  Explanation:  Submessage for UNSUPVER.  The definition requires
  the use of a data type not supported by the database system.
  This is most likely to be from a CREATE statement on a remote
  node running a version of Rdb earlier than V4.2.

  User Action:  Upgrade the remote node or use only supported data

1.1190  –  NO_ENDCOM

  No comment terminator found

  Explanation:  A PL/I begin comment was found (/*) and no
  corresponding end comment (*/) was found before the end of the

  User Action:  Insert the comment terminator.

1.1191  –  NO_ENDEXEC

  An EXEC SQL flag was found before the previous END-EXEC flag.

  Explanation:  The previous SQL statement was missing its
  END-EXEC flag.  Every COBOL SQL statement must be preceded by
  EXEC SQL and be terminated by END-EXEC.  A period may optionally
  follow the 'END-EXEC' flag.

  User Action:  Add an END-EXEC flag to the previous SQL
  statement.  Make sure that the END-EXEC flag has no embedded
  spaces, and that there is no COBOL terminator period before the
  END-EXEC flag.

1.1192  –  NO_FILFND

  File <str> not found for input to the SQL processor

  Explanation:  Attempted to open a nonexistent file.

  User Action:  Check the file specified.  Supply complete file

1.1193  –  NO_HDRPLAN

  Module header is not legal in a plan file

  Explanation:  You have put the module header in a plan file.

  User Action:  Use DECLARE MODULE in the plan file and put the
  module header in the module.

1.1194  –  NO_INCFND

  Could not find file <str> named in INCLUDE statement

  Explanation:  You attempted to include a nonexistent file.

  User Action:  Check the file specification in the INCLUDE
  statement.  Supply a complete file specification.  Note that the
  default file extension is .SQL.

1.1195  –  NO_NUMBER

  <str> is being converted from NUMBER to <str>

  Explanation:  The NUMBER format is supported by Rdb by being
  converted to another underlying data type.  Support includes
  limiting the precision limits (values 1 through 18 only).
  NUMBER without precision and scale, or with precision greatre
  than 18 will default to DOUBLE PRECISON.

  User Action:  None.  This is an informational message only.

1.1196  –  NO_NUMERIC

  <str> is being converted from NUMERIC to <str>.

  Explanation:  NUMERIC is not a supported data type.  The SQL
  interface to Oracle Rdb converts NUMERIC columns or types to a
  supported data type.

  User Action:  None.  This is an informational message only.

1.1197  –  NO_PLNFND

  Context file <str> was not found for input to the precompiler

  Explanation:  Attempted to open a nonexistent context file.

  User Action:  Check the file specified.  Supply a complete file

1.1198  –  NO_SQLDA

  The SQLDA cannot be used in this language

  Explanation:  You cannot use the PREPARE...INTO and DESCRIBE
  statements in this language.

  User Action:  Remove references to the SQLDA from this module

1.1199  –  NO_STMTB4HDR

  Statements not allowed before MODULE header

  Explanation:  You entered some declare statements before a
  MODULE header in a Module Language Program.

  User Action:  Put the statements in a plan file or following the
  MODULE header.

1.1200  –  NO_SUCH_FIELD

  Domain <str> does not exist in this database or schema

  Explanation:  You specified a domain that does not exist in the
  database or schema.

  User Action:  Check database or schema entity definitions for
  the valid type names.

1.1201  –  NO_SUCH_TYPE

  Type "<str>" does not exist in this database or schema

  Explanation:  You specified a type that does not exist in the
  database or schema.

  User Action:  Check database or schema entity definitions for
  the valid type names.

1.1202  –  NO_SYS_CONFIG

  SQL cannot load the system configuration file

  Explanation:  The UNIX system configuration file cannot be
  loaded.  It is possible that it might not exist.

  User Action:  Check the installation and make sure the system
  configuration file is installed.

1.1203  –  NO_TRIGGER_VALS

  The values in the row are not available for this trigger

  Explanation:  You tried to refer to the values in the row that
  was changed in a trigger action.  The values are not available
  in an action if action does not specify FOR EACH ROW or is
  triggered at a time when values are not supported.

  User Action:  Rewrite your trigger so that values are available
  or there are no references to the values.

1.1204  –  NO_TXNOUT

  No transaction outstanding

  Explanation:  You attempted to terminate a transaction with a
  COMMIT or a ROLLBACK when no transaction was outstanding.  SQL
  does not start a transaction when you issue a DECLARE
  TRANSACTION, but waits until it encounters the first statement
  that requires a transaction.

  User Action:  Execute a statement that requires a transaction
  before issuing COMMIT or ROLLBACK.  All statements except
  DROP DATABASE require transactions.

1.1205  –  NO_UNSNUMERIC

  <str> is being converted from UNSIGNED NUMERIC to <str>.

  Explanation:  UNSIGNED NUMERIC is not a supported data type.
  The SQL interface to Oracle Rdb converts NUMERIC columns or
  types to a supported data type.

  User Action:  None.  This is an informational message only.

1.1206  –  NO_USER_CONFIG

  SQL cannot load the user configuration file <str>

  Explanation:  The UNIX user configuration file cannot be loaded.
  It is possible that it might not exist.

  User Action:  Check that the user configuration file exists and
  can be accessed.

1.1207  –  NSEGBLR

  unable to recover BLR string

  Explanation:  Attempt to import a BLR list with more than one

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain a copy of the Oracle Rdb interchange file that caused the

1.1208  –  NULLNOIND

  Tried to store null into host variable with no indicator

  Explanation:  Null values can only be stored in host variables
  which have indicator variables.

  User Action:  Add an indicator variable to the host variable
  reference or make sure that no null values can be returned to

1.1209  –  NULLUSRPWD

  A username and/or password was expected on the command line.
  Null is being used

  Explanation:  In a DECLARE ALIAS statement the DEFAULT keyword
  was used in place of the actual username or password.  The
  necessary qualifiers were not provided in the compilation
  command line, so a null is being used.

  User Action:  Compile the module again and provide the necessary
  username and/or password qualifiers.  For SQL$MOD use
  /USERNAME=username /PASSWORD=password.  For SQL$PRE use

1.1210  –  NULL_COMP_COL

  Computed Column <str> in table <str> is invalid - drop cascade

  Explanation:  When you DROP an object and specify CASCADE, SQL
  drops or marks as invalid objects referencing it.  Any computed
  column in another table that references the dropped table, is
  now invalid.  This informational message indicates the column
  that was affected.

  User Action:  Rollback the DROP ...  CASCADE operation or
  redefined the missing object.

1.1211  –  NUMCMPTXT

  Numeric column will be compared with string literal as text

  Explanation:  You tried to compare a text literal with a numeric
  column.  The numeric column is converted to text and the
  comparison is made from left-to-right, character by character.
  This can lead to unexpected results.  For example, the
  comparison N between "0001" and "0999", no matter what N is,
  will never be true, because N is converted to text without a
  leading zero and compared alphabetically with the two string

  User Action:  None, as long as you understand the semantics of
  the operation.  You should be aware that the comparison will
  take place between text values.

1.1212  –  NUMHVSNOT

  Number of host variables passed (<num>) does not match number of
  parameters (<num>)

  Explanation:  The number of host variables you passed in to an
  EXECUTE, OPEN, or FETCH statement does not match the number of
  parameter markers (question marks) in the PREPARE statement's
  command string.

  User Action:  Make sure the number of host variables matches the
  number of parameter markers in the PREPARE statement.  There are
  two ways to pass in host variables.  One, explicitly pass in a
  list of host variables in a USING list.  Or two, pass in an
  SQLDA in a USING DESCRIPTOR clause.  If you are using an SQLDA,
  you must specify in the SQLDA SQLN field the number of SQLVAR
  structures you have initialized to point to your variables.

1.1213  –  NUMITESEL

  Number of items selected does not match number of items in the
  INTO clause

  Explanation:  A SELECT statement must have as many values in the
  select list as there are in the INTO clause.

  User Action:  Enter the same number of columns in the select
  list and the INTO clause.  If you are using 'SELECT *', check
  the columns that are defined in the selected table.

1.1214  –  NUMXPREXP

  A numeric expression was expected

  Explanation:  A numeric literal, a numeric host variable, was
  expected but something else was found.

  User Action:  Correct the syntax error.

1.1215  –  NUM_TO_DATE

  Numeric data in <str> <str> cannot be converted to a date data

  Explanation:  Oracle Rdb will not allow numeric data types to be
  converted to date.

  User Action:  Do not try it again.

1.1216  –  OBJECT_EXISTS

  Object <str> already exists

  Explanation:  The object exists in the specified database.

  User Action:  Please check that name exists in this database.

1.1217  –  OBJNOTEXI

  The object <str> does not exist in this schema or database

  Explanation:  The specified object does not exist in the
  database.  The objects checked were tables, views, procedures,
  functions, domains, modules, types, sequences, and synonyms.

  User Action:  Create the object first then recreate the synonym.

1.1218  –  ONEDBINMOD

  Only one alias is legal in this module

  Explanation:  This statement declares more than one alias in a
  module.  This is illegal because it requires the use of a
  database facility that cannot cross databases.

  User Action:  Remove the offending statement or additional alias

1.1219  –  ONEEPERM

  only one E character is permitted in an edit string

  Explanation:  An edit string contains more than one E character.
  Only one is allowed.

  User Action:  Redefine the edit string with only one E

1.1220  –  ONEJOIN

  a predicate may reference only one outer-joined table

  Explanation:  A predicate may reference only one outer-joined
  table The (+) notation, may only be specified on the columns of
  one table in a predicate for a given join.  Multiple joins may
  exist in a predicate.

  User Action:  Rewrite the predicate.


  a table may be outer joined to at most one other table

  Explanation:  A table may be outer joined to at most one other
  table.  When multiple joins are being expressed, the (+)
  notation may only be specified on columns of a table being
  compared to the columns of exactly one other table.

  User Action:  Rewrite the predicate.

1.1222  –  ONETXNMOD

  Only one DECLARE TRANSACTION statement is allowed per module

  Explanation:  You can use only one DECLARE TRANSACTION statement
  in a preprocessed module.  It must occur before the first
  executable statement (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, CREATE, etc.).

  User Action:  Only use one DECLARE TRANSACTION statement in a

1.1223  –  ONLFIRPRE

  Only the first file in the list will be precompiled

  Explanation:  You specified a list of files to be processed.
  This list will be passed along to the compiler with the first
  file replaced by the generated language file.  However, only the
  first file in the list will be precompiled.

  User Action:  If more than one of the files has SQL statements,
  they must be precompiled in separate command lines.  If you want
  only the first file precompiled, then no user action is

1.1224  –  ONLFIRVAR

  Only first variable in qualified variable expression

  Explanation:  COBOL allows only the first variable in a
  qualification to be an array.  The preprocessors do not
  recognize the arrays of arrays constructs in FORTRAN, COBOL or

  User Action:  Rewrite the query and check the appropriate
  language reference manual.

1.1225  –  ONLONEDB

  Only one database can be referred to in this statement

  Explanation:  You cannot use objects from more than one database
  in a SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE or CREATE statement.  You can,
  however, refer to tables from one database in an INSERT
  statement and refer to tables in another database in the SELECT
  which provides the values for that INSERT statement if the
  insert statement is not part of a trigger definition.

  User Action:  Use separate statements for multiple database

1.1226  –  ONLONETRN

  Only one transaction allowed at a time

  Explanation:  Only one transaction is allowed at a time.  Note
  that SQL starts a transaction, even if none was previously
  declared, on the first data manipulation statement.

  User Action:  Issue a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement to terminate
  the transaction, then declare another.

1.1227  –  ONLVALLST

  Only a value list is valid in an INSERT LIST CURSOR statement

  Explanation:  The only valid expression is a value list.

  User Action:  Use only a VALUES expression.

1.1228  –  ONLY1LIST

  Only one list column may be specified

  Explanation:  The list specification specifies more than one
  column in the SELECT list.  List cursors are limited to
  processing only a single list.

  User Action:  DECLARE a separate list cursor for each list.

1.1229  –  ONLY1TBL

  Only one table may be specified in an INSERT or LIST CURSOR

  Explanation:  It is illegal to specify more than one table in an

  User Action:  Limit usage to specifying only a single table.


  Only one PSECT statement per module is supported

  Explanation:  The PSECT directive may only be used once per

  User Action:  Decide which PSECT statement is really desired and
  delete all others.

1.1231  –  OPENERR

  unable to open <str> as the interchange file

  Explanation:  Could not access the Oracle Rdb interchange file.

  User Action:  Correct the problem indicated by subsequent
  messages and try the operation again.

1.1232  –  OPERCLOSE

  database operator requested database shutdown

  Explanation:  Your program has been terminated because the
  database operator shut down the database you were using.

  User Action:  Try again later after the database shutdown is

1.1233  –  OPERNOTIFY

  system operator notification:  <str>

  Explanation:  The indicated message was sent to one of the
  configured system operators.

  User Action:  Examine the indicated message and perform the
  appropriate operation.

1.1234  –  OPERSHUTDN

  database operator requested monitor process shutdown

  Explanation:  Your program has been terminated because the
  database operator shut down the database monitor process.

  User Action:  Try again later after the database shutdown is

1.1235  –  OPRSTK_OVRFLO

  Operator stack overflow

  Explanation:  The internal limit of the parsing operator stack
  was exceeded.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain the the query that caused the error.

1.1236  –  OPTDDLREC

  TSN <num>:<num> contains DDL information that cannot be

  Explanation:  The identified transaction contains an AIJ record
  with DDL information.  DDL information cannot be optimized and
  forces a flush of the accumulated SORT information.  Too many of
  these operations limit the effectiveness of the resulting
  optimized after-image journal and decrease the overall
  optimization performance.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

1.1237  –  OPTEXCMAX

  TSN <num>:<num> record size <num> exceeds maximum <num> record

  Explanation:  The identified transaction contains an AIJ record
  whose size exceeds the maximum specified sort record size.
  During AIJ optimization, fixed-length data records are passed to
  the sort utility.  By default, the size of the sort records is
  1548 bytes in length, which is also the maximum value allowed.
  The sort record length affects the amount of disk space required
  to complete the AIJ optimization operation.  The size of the
  record passed to the sort utility can be adjusted using the

  User Action:  If possible, increase the size of the sort record
  using the <fac>$BIND_OPTIMIZE_AIJ_RECLEN logical.

1.1238  –  OPTEXCSRT

  AIJ record count exceeded specified <num> sort threshold

  Explanation:  The number of AIJ records processed exceeded the
  maximum sort threshold specified by the
  <fac>$BIND_OPT_SORT_THRESHOLD logical name.  This is not a fatal

  User Action:  None.  Use of the <fac>$BIND_OPT_SORT_THRESHOLD
  may reduce the sort work file disk space required for the AIJ
  optimization operation.  However, this may result in a larger
  output file.

1.1239  –  OPTEXCTXN

  TSN <num>:<num> error count exceeded <num> failure threshold

  Explanation:  The number of AIJ optimize errors exceeded the
  transaction error threshold specified by the
  <fac>$BIND_OPT_TXN_THRESHOLD logical name.  This is not a fatal

  User Action:  None.  The remainder of the transaction contents
  are written directly to the optimized AIJ file.  Use of the
  <fac>$BIND_OPT_TXN_THRESHOLD logical name may actually increase
  the AIJ optimize operation performance as the number of required
  sort operations is reduced.  However, this may result in a
  larger output file.

1.1240  –  OPTIMATTOP

  The OPTIMIZE clause must appear in the outermost compound

  Explanation:  You have used the OPTIMIZE clause in a compound
  statement that is nested within one or more other compound

  User Action:  Move the OPTIMIZE clause to the outermost compound
  statement in the procedure.

1.1241  –  OPTINCONSIS

  optimized AIJ file is inconsistent with the database

  Explanation:  The database and/or some areas within the database
  are not consistent with the optimized AIJ file.  The last
  transaction committed to the database and/or to some database
  areas is not the same as the last transaction committed to the
  database at the time the optimized AIJ file's original AIJ file
  was created.  To use an optimized AIJ file for recovery, it must
  be consistent with the database and all areas.

  User Action:  Use the original, non-optimized AIJ file to do the


  cannot do by-area recovery with an optimized AIJ file

  Explanation:  A recover-by-area operation was attempted with an
  optimized AIJ file.  Optimized AIJ files do not support recovery
  by area, so the recovery operation was aborted.

  User Action:  Use the original, non-optimized AIJ file to do the
  by area recovery.


  cannot do a /RECOVER/UNTIL with an optimized AIJ file

  Explanation:  A recover operation specifying an "until" time is
  not allowed with an optimized AIJ file.  No recovery is
  performed if this condition is specified.

  User Action:  Use the original, non-optimized AIJ file to do the
  /RECOVER/UNTIL operation.

1.1244  –  OPTRECLEN

  AIJ optimization record length was <num> characters in length

  Explanation:  During AIJ optimization, fixed-length data records
  are passed to the sort utility.  By default, the size of the
  sort records is 1548 bytes in length, which is also the maximum
  value allowed.  The sort record length affects the amount of
  disk space required to complete the AIJ optimization operation.
  The size of the record passed to the sort utility can be
  adjusted using the <fac>$BIND_OPTIMIZE_AIJ_RECLEN logical.  This
  message indicates the size of the largest AIJ record passed to
  the sort utility that was less than or equal to the maximum sort
  record length.

  User Action:  No user action is required.

1.1245  –  OPTSRTSTAT

  <str>:  <num>

  Explanation:  During optimization operations, statistics are
  often collected to aid the user in tuning.  This message
  displays a single statistic.

1.1246  –  ORAROWNUM

  ROWNUM only available in ORACLE LEVEL1 dialect

  Explanation:  You have used ROWNUM outside of the ORACLE LEVEL1

  User Action:  Set your dialect to ORACLE LEVEL1 and re-issue the

1.1247  –  OTHPARTEX

  duplicate otherwise partition <str> defined

  Explanation:  This partitioned view already has a default

  User Action:  Remove one of the partitions or redefine one of
  their conditions.

1.1248  –  OUTLNOTDEF

  query outline <str> is not defined

  Explanation:  The specified query outline does not exist in the
  specified database.

  User Action:  Check the spelling of the query outline name and
  ensure that it is the name of a query outline in the specified

1.1249  –  OUTL_EXISTS

  query outline <str> already exists

  Explanation:  A query outline with the name given already

  User Action:  Pass the name of a query outline that doesn't

1.1250  –  OVERFLOW

  data conversion overflow

  Explanation:  A loss of information would have occurred on a
  data item transformation.  The operation was not performed.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try the operation again.

1.1251  –  PAGINCONSIS

  page is inconsistent

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to fetch an inconsistent page.
  This page cannot be accessed until it is consistent.

  User Action:  Take the proper action to make the page
  consistent.  For example, perform a RESTORE/RECOVER operation
  for a data or AIP page, or a REPAIR operation for a SPAM or ABM


  Parameter name required for stored routines

  Explanation:  A parameter name is required when defining a
  parameter within a stored routine.  A parameter name is not
  required when defining a parameter within an external routine
  and/or an external routine defined within a stored module.

  User Action:  Redefine the routine and when defining a
  parameter, specify the parameter name.

1.1253  –  PARAMNOTSTR

  Parameter <str> in procedure <str> must be a character parameter

  Explanation:  You used the parameter as a runtime parameter for
  a filename or pathname in a DECLARE SCHEMA statement.  Such
  parameters must be declared in every procedure in the module,
  and must be character data types.  The parameter in this
  procedure is not a character data type

  User Action:  Declare the parameter as a character variable in
  the procedure.  The use of DECLARE SCHEMA is deprecated and
  should be changed to use DECLARE ALIAS and connect.

1.1254  –  PARAMQUAL

  Parameters must not be qualified

  Explanation:  A reference to a parameter included qualifiers.
  You cannot qualify parameters.

  User Action:  Define the parameter in the procedure, or use a
  parameter name which is defined in the procedure.

1.1255  –  PARBADCLA

  Parameter <str> passed by invalid descriptor class (<num>)

  Explanation:  The parameter was passed to a module language
  procedure by descriptor when parameter checking was enabled and
  the class of the descriptor was not a supported descriptor

  User Action:  Correct the argument in the host language program

1.1256  –  PARBADDAT

  Parameter <str> has invalid data type:  <num> declared, <num>

  Explanation:  The parameter was passed to a module language
  procedure with a different data type than it was declared in the
  procedure.  The codes for the data type as declared and as
  passed are specified in the message.  The codes are from the
  DSC$B_DTYPE from the descriptor.  See the "Introduction to VMS
  System Routines" manual for these codes.

  User Action:  Make the parameter agree in the module and the
  host language.

1.1257  –  PARBADLEN

  Parameter <str> has invalid length:  <num> declared, <num>

  Explanation:  The parameter was passed to a module language
  procedure with a different length than it was declared in the
  procedure.  The error message indicates the length of the
  parameter as declared in the module, and the length of the
  parameter passed at run-time.

  User Action:  Make the parameter agree in the module and the
  host language.

1.1258  –  PARBADSCA

  Parameter <str> has invalid scale:  <num> declared, <num>

  Explanation:  The parameter was passed to a module language
  procedure with a different scale than it was declared in the
  procedure.  The error message indicates the scale of the
  parameter as declared in the module, and the scale of the
  parameter passed at run-time.

  User Action:  Make the parameter agree in the module and the
  host language.

1.1259  –  PARBINSCA

  Parameter <str> has a binary scale factor

  Explanation:  The parameter was passed to a module language
  procedure with a binary scale factor.  SQL supports only decimal
  scale factors.

  User Action:  Either do not use a scale factor, or use a data
  type with which your language uses decimal scale factors.  For
  example, PL/I uses binary scale factors with fixed binary data
  and decimal scale factors with fixed decimal data.  If you want
  to use scale factors, use fixed decimal.  Be sure to change the
  module to agree with the new data type.

1.1260  –  PARMLISTREQ

  FETCH LIST statements require a parameter list

  Explanation:  The FETCH LIST statement requires that the user
  explicitly specify a parameter list.

  User Action:  Specify the parameter list.

1.1261  –  PARSE_INIT

  SQL cannot parse either the command line or the DBSINIT
  environment variable

  Explanation:  The format of either the command line or the
  DBSINIT environment variable is invalid.

  User Action:  Check the formats of both the command line and the
  DBSINIT environment variable.


  Parse stack overflow

  Explanation:  The internal limit of the parsing stack were

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain the the query that caused the error.

1.1263  –  PARTDTXNERR

  error when trying to participate in a distributed transaction

  Explanation:  The process was unable to participate in the
  DECdtm distributed transaction, because of a DECdtm error.  This
  error is returned in the secondary error message.

  User Action:  Look at the secondary error message, make the
  necessary correction, and try the operation again.


  No Pascal program was found

  Explanation:  No Pascal program was found in the input
  preprocessor file.  The embedded SQL statements can only be
  processed within a program block.

  User Action:  Add a program block around the SQL statements.

1.1265  –  PASRECUNS

  Host variable <str> is based on a record type that is

  Explanation:  The host variable you referred to is based on a
  record type which is unsupported.

  User Action:  Use a different type defintion.

1.1266  –  PASVARUNS

  Host variable <str> is based on a record type that uses variants

  Explanation:  The host variable you referred to is based on a
  record type which uses Pascal variants.  SQL does not support
  types which include variants.

  User Action:  Use a different type definition.

1.1267  –  PATH_NAM_REQ

  PATHNAME clause necessary when the repository is required

  Explanation:  When you create a database using the DICTIONARY IS
  REQUIRED clause, then you must also specify the PATHNAME clause.

  User Action:  Change the CREATE DATABASE statement to either add
  the the PATHNAME clause or to remove the DICTIONARY IS REQUIRED

1.1268  –  PHYBACDAT

  it was physically exported on <str>

  Explanation:  Information about the Oracle Rdb interchange file.

  User Action:  None.

1.1269  –  PKCONSNOTCB

  Computed column may not be a primary key

  Explanation:  You specified a primary key constraint for a
  computed column, which does not support this constraint.

  User Action:  Remove the primary key constraint from this

1.1270  –  PKGNAMCHG

  The SQL package name has been changed from <str> to <str>

  Explanation:  The name of the Ada source file is used to
  generate the name of a SQL package.  Because the SQL package
  name is not a legal Ada name, the package name is changed to a
  legal Ada name.

  User Action:  If the SQL package name and declaration file must
  be the same name as the Ada source file, then change the name of
  the Ada source file.  If not, no user action is required.

1.1271  –  PKNOTNULL

  Column <str> is used in a primary or unique key but permits NULL

  Explanation:  You specified a column in a primary or unique key
  definition which permits NULL values.  The current ANSI and ISO
  SQL standards require that only fields for which NOT NULL is
  specified may be included in a primary or unique key.

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard syntax in
  your program, you should either remove the column from the
  primary or unique key, or add the NOT NULL attribute to the

1.1272  –  PREC_SPEC_TWICE

  Precision specified twice in declaration

  Explanation:  Parsing the data declaration for this variable
  indicated that the precision was specified twice.

  User Action:  Check the declaration of this variable.  Pay
  particular attention to the area surrounding the precision

1.1273  –  PREFORSTR

  The host variable in the PREPARE FROM clause must be a string.

  Explanation:  A host variable in the FROM clause of a PREPARE
  statement must have a string data type.

  User Action:  In COBOL declare the variable to be PIC X(n).  In
  PL/I declare the variable to be CHAR(n).  In FORTRAN, declare
  the variable to be CHARACTER XYZ*n.

1.1274  –  PREMATURE_EOF

  Statement is syntactically incomplete

  Explanation:  You entered a syntactically incomplete statement.

  User Action:  Complete the statement before typing "RETURN".

1.1275  –  PREMEOF

  premature end of file encountered in <str>

  Explanation:  A premature end-of-file was encountered while
  reading the specified file.


  This statement may not be prepared with a context structure

  Explanation:  A PREPARE or EXECUTE IMMEDIATE with an embedded
  USING CONTEXT clause or in a module language procedure with a
  context parameter was passed a statement which may not be
  prepared with a context structure.

  User Action:  If you are using a precompiled program, remove the
  USING CONTEXT clause.  If you are calling a module language
  procedure, either remove the procedure name from the
  /CONTEXT=(...) list or, if /CONTEXT=ALL is used, pass a zero as
  the address of the context structure or fill the distributed TID
  portion of the context structure with zeroes.

1.1277  –  PRESS_RET

  Press RETURN for more:

  Explanation:  Used in online HELP display paging

  User Action:

1.1278  –  PRESTAOPE

  Cannot prepare or release statement name used by an open cursor

  Explanation:  You declared a cursor based on a prepared
  statement name and opened the cursor.  While that cursor was
  still open, you tried to prepare or release the same statement

  User Action:  Close the cursor or end the transaction before
  using a PREPARE or RELEASE statement with the same statement

1.1279  –  PRIKEYEXI

  Table <str> already has a primary key

  Explanation:  You specified a primary key definition for a table
  which already had one.  A table can have only one primary key.

  User Action:  Remove the primary key definition from the
  statement, or delete the existing primary key before executing
  the statement.


  Value assigned to <str> in the routine "<str>" truncated during

  Explanation:  When calling a function or procedure you passed a
  character string value which was longer than could be held by
  the parameter.  SQL will therefore truncate the value during
  assignment to the parameter.

  User Action:  This is just a warning.  However, you should
  probably correct the strings length (possibly using the CAST
  function), or adjust the routine definition to avoid loss of

1.1281  –  PROCALREXI

  procedure <str> already exists in this schema or database

  Explanation:  The specified function or procedure already exists
  in the specified database.  This could be caused by another
  procedure or an external function with the same name.  Remember
  that procedure names are scoped to the schema not the module.

  User Action:  Check the spelling of the function or procedure
  name and ensure that it is a unique function or procedure in the
  specified database.

1.1282  –  PROCNOCA

  Procedure <str> has neither an SQLCA nor SQLCODE parameter

  Explanation:  A module language procedure must have either an
  SQLCA or an SQLCODE parameter declared.  This procedure had

  User Action:  Add either an SQLCODE or SQLCA parameter.

1.1283  –  PROCNOTDEF

  procedure <str> is not defined

  Explanation:  The specified function or procedure does not exist
  in the specified database.

  User Action:  Check the spelling of the function or procedure
  name and ensure that it is the name of a function or procedure
  in the specified database.

1.1284  –  PROCNOTEXT

  SHOW PROTECTION and SHOW PRIVILEGES are invalid on stored

  Explanation:  The specified routine is a stored procedure.
  Because the GRANT and REVOKE statements are only allowed on the
  module level, you cannot SHOW PROTECTION or SHOW PRIVILEGES on a
  stored procedure.

  User Action:  Specify the SHOW PROTECTION or SHOW PRIVLEGES
  statements on the stored module.

1.1285  –  PROCSTATWO

  Procedure <str> has more than one SQLCA or SQLCODE parameter

  Explanation:  A module language procedure must have either an
  SQLCA or an SQLCODE parameter declared.  This procedure had more
  than one.

  User Action:  Remove an SQLCODE or SQLCA parameter.

1.1286  –  PRPSELINTO

  Preprocessed SELECT statements must include an INTO clause

  Explanation:  A preprocessed SELECT statement needs a place to
  put the data it retrieves.  An INTO clause is required to
  specify where to put the data.

  User Action:  Add an INTO clause to the SELECT statement.


  Data type unknown due to previous errors

  Explanation:  Due to previous errors, the precompiler or module
  language compiler does not understand either side of an

  User Action:  Correct errors previously reported, and recompile.

1.1288  –  PTR_VAR

  Host variable <str> is a pointer variable which is illegal in
  SQL statements.

  Explanation:  The named variable is defined as a C pointer
  variable.  These variables are currently not supported by the C

  User Action:  Use a different variable.

1.1289  –  PUTOPESEG

  Attempt to put to an opened list

  Explanation:  You attempted to do a SEGSTR.PUT using a handle
  returned by a SEGSTR.OPEN statement.  You can only do
  SEGSTR.GETs using the handle returned by open.

  User Action:  Specify the correct handle

1.1290  –  QIOXFRLEN

  data transfer length error - expected <num>, actual <num>

  Explanation:  The expected data-transfer length was not equal to
  the actual data-transfer length.

  User Action:  This is usually caused by a hardware problem.

1.1291  –  QUAINVVAL

  An invalid value <str> was specified for <str>

  Explanation:  You specified an invalid value for a command line

  User Action:  Correct the command line syntax error.


  A qualified name is not allowed in this context

  Explanation:  A qualified name was entered by the user where a
  non-qualified name was required.

  User Action:  Reenter the statement omitting the illegal name

1.1293  –  QUALVALPOS

  The value of the <str> qualifier must be a positive number

  Explanation:  The value of the specified qualifier must be a
  positive number.  A negative number was specified.

  User Action:  Change the qualifier to specify a positive value.

1.1294  –  QUANOVAL

  The <str> qualifier does not take a value

  Explanation:  You specified a value for a command line qualifier
  which cannot have a value.

  User Action:  Correct the command line syntax error.

1.1295  –  QUERYCAN

  Query cancelled at user's request

  Explanation:  The query was cancelled at the user's request.

  User Action:  No action required.  If the query was cancelled
  due to its complexity, try a simpler query.

1.1296  –  QUERYLIMPOS

  Query limit must be a positive number

  Explanation:  The limit of the number of rows or the number of
  seconds must be positive.

  User Action:  Change the SET statement of compiler qualifiers to
  specify a positive value.

1.1297  –  QUETOOBIG

  Query or routine contains too many table references

  Explanation:  A query expression, trigger actions, procedures or
  function definition involves too many tables, views or table
  expressions in joins and unions.

  User Action:  Rewrite the query to use fewer tables.  Creating
  views to define intermediate unions and joins may solve the
  problem.  For stored routines break the routine into small
  routines and use the CALL statement to execute parts of the

1.1298  –  QUIETPT

  waiting for database quiet point at <time>

  Explanation:  The user is waiting for the quiet lock in order to
  force a database quiet point.

  User Action:  None.

1.1299  –  QUIETPTREL

  released database quiet point at <time>

  Explanation:  The database quiet point lock has been released.

  User Action:  None.

1.1300  –  RCSABORTED

  record cache server process terminated abnormally

  Explanation:  A detached record cache server process failed

  User Action:  Examine the database monitor log file and any
  SYS$SYSTEM:*RCSBUG.DMP bugcheck dump files for more information.


  database node count exceeds record cache maximum of "1"

  Explanation:  The record cache feature can only be used when
  after-image journaling is enabled, the "Fast Commit" feature is
  enabled, and the maximum node count is set to "1".

  User Action:  Alter the database to set the maximum database
  node count to "1".

1.1302  –  RCSRQSTFAIL

  request to Record Cache Server failed

  Explanation:  User submitted a request the RCS process which
  failed either during the submission process or, for synchronous
  requests, possibly during the execution of the request.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message(s) or the database
  monitor log file (SYS$SYSTEM:*MON.LOG) or any RCS log file in
  root file's directory or any SYS$SYSTEM:*RCSBUG.DMP bugcheck
  dump files for more information.

1.1303  –  RDBVMSONL

  Operation supported for Oracle Rdb databases only

  Explanation:  You issued a GRANT or REVOKE statement on a
  non-Oracle Rdb database.  The SQL interface to Oracle Rdb
  supports GRANT and REVOKE for Oracle Rdb databases only.

  User Action:  Do not issue any GRANT or REVOKE statements with
  this database.

1.1304  –  RDONDB

  You are compiling against a read only database <str>

  Explanation:  The database specified for use during compilation
  is currently read only.  This module cannot be executed if the
  run time environment is also read only.

  User Action:  Alter the database to be read write, put in a
  declare transaction read only statement, or execute this against
  a different database which is not read only.

1.1305  –  READ_ONLY

  read-only area <str> must be readied in RETRIEVAL mode only

  Explanation:  A read-only area can be readied in RETRIEVAL mode

  User Action:  Ready this area for retrieval or make the area

1.1306  –  REANOWRT

  A READ_ONLY transaction can not specify write locks.

  Explanation:  The transaction was specified as READ_ONLY but a
  table in the RESERVING clause was locked for write access.  This
  is a conflict of access modes.

  User Action:  Declare the transaction READ_WRITE or use a read
  lock.  Note that the default is always READ_WRITE.

1.1307  –  REAONLATT

  You specified other attributes in addition to READ ONLY

  Explanation:  You specified other attributes in addition to READ
  ONLY in the ALTER STORAGE AREA clause.  If you specify READ
  ONLY, you cannot include other attributes in the same statement.

  User Action:  Specify the other attributes in separate ALTER
  DATABASE statements.


  SPAM pages should be rebuilt for logical area <str>

  Explanation:  Modifications have been made to the logical area
  parameters that may have made the SPAM thresholds inaccurate.
  The RMU utility should be used to rebuild the SPAM pages for the
  logical area.

1.1309  –  RECEXCMAX

  size of edit string exceed internal data structure limits

  Explanation:  The length of an edit string exceeds the size of
  the internal data structures that used to represent it.

  User Action:  Temporarily reduce the size of the edit string and
  contact your Oracle support representative.  Retain a
  description of the table and domains that produce this error.

1.1310  –  RECFAILED

  fatal, unexpected roll-forward error detected at AIJ record

  Explanation:  A fatal, unexpected error was detected by the
  database management system during the roll forward of an AIJ
  file.  This typically is caused by a corrupt AIJ file or by
  applying an AIJ file out of sequence.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for
  assistance.  Note that the indicated AIJ record number can be
  used to quickly locate the offending information in the AIJ
  journal using the appropriate DUMP/AFTER_JOURNAL/START=XXX
  command; it is recommended that when dumping the AIJ file, you
  use a starting record number that is several records prior to
  the indicated record, because the actual cause of the problem
  may be in preceding AIJ records.

1.1311  –  RECLASTTSN

  last successfully processed transaction was TSN <num>:<num>

  Explanation:  A fatal, unexpected error was detected by the
  database management system during the roll forward of an AIJ
  file.  This message indicates the "transaction sequence number"
  of the last transaction successfully processed by the AIJ
  roll-forward utility.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for
  assistance.  Information concerning the identified transaction
  TSN can be obtained by dumping the AIJ journal, using the

1.1312  –  RECUNTIL

  work-around:  roll forward AIJ using /UNTIL="<time>" qualifier

  Explanation:  A fatal, unexpected error was detected by the
  database management system during the roll forward of an AIJ
  file.  However, one or more transactions were successfully
  rolled forward up to the date indicated in the message.  Using
  the /UNTIL qualifier on the roll-forward command produces a
  database that is transaction consistent up to the indicated

  User Action:  Issue the AIJ roll-forward command using the
  indicated /UNTIL qualifier.

1.1313  –  REFKEYCOL

  Referencing column <str> and corresponding referenced column
  <str> do not match

  Explanation:  A referencing column and its corresponding
  referenced column must have the same data type, size and scale.
  These columns differ in one of these attributes.

  User Action:  Specify a referential constraint where the columns
  all match.

1.1314  –  REFKEYNUM

  Constraint column lists must have the same number of columns

  Explanation:  The referencing column list and the referenced
  column list (explicit or implicit) must have the same number of
  columns.  This is not true for this referential constraint

  User Action:  The number of columns for the REFERENCES (aka
  FOREIGN KEY) constraint must be the same as the referenced
  PRIMARY KEY, or the listed column list.

1.1315  –  RELNOTDCL

  Table <str> has not been declared in module or environment

  Explanation:  The local temporary table has not been declared,
  or its declaration is not valid in this context.

  User Action:  Declare the local temporary table (DECLARE LOCAL
  TEMPORARY TABLE) in the module header.

1.1316  –  RELNOTDEF

  Table <str> is not defined in database or schema

  Explanation:  The specified table does not exist in the current
  database or schema.

  User Action:  Declare the correct database or schema.  Spell the
  table name correctly.  You may have specified a name other than
  a table name.

1.1317  –  REL_EXISTS

  Table <str> already exists in this database or schema

  Explanation:  You attempted to create a table with the name of
  an existing table

  User Action:  Choose a different name.

1.1318  –  REMNOTALW

  a remote source database is not allowed to be replicated

  Explanation:  You were attached to a database on a remote node
  when you tried to create a replication mode transfer using the
  CREATE TRANSFER statement.

  User Action:  Create an extraction transfer instead of a
  replication mode transfer.



  Explanation:  You specified the REORGANIZE clause in a statement
  other than ALTER STORAGE MAP.

  User Action:  Remove the REORGANIZE clause.

1.1320  –  REPCOLNAM

  Column name <str> appears twice in the column list

  Explanation:  A column name is repeated in a column list where
  unique names are required.

  User Action:  Specify only unique names.

1.1321  –  REQCANCELED

  request canceled

  Explanation:  The executing request was canceled.  This can
  occur if a query limit was specified and exceeded, or the
  request was canceled by an external source such as the RMU or

1.1322  –  REQ_ARG

  Switch <str> requires an argument

  Explanation:  An argument is required for the specified switch,
  and none was supplied.

  User Action:  Use an argument.

1.1323  –  REQ_VAL_ARG

  Switch <str> requires a valid argument

  Explanation:  The argument for the specified switch is invalid.

  User Action:  Use a valid argument.

1.1324  –  RESABORT

  terminating the IMPORT operation

  Explanation:  The IMPORT operation has been aborted; see the
  messages preceding this one.

  User Action:  None.

1.1325  –  RESERVED_WORD

  <str> is a keyword.  It cannot be used as a name

  Explanation:  You entered a keyword where a name was expected.

  User Action:  Specify a unique name instead of the keyword.

1.1326  –  RESTART

  restarted recovery after ignoring <num> committed transaction(s)

  Explanation:  The specified number of committed transactions did
  not apply to this database root.  All subsequent transactions
  were applied.

  User Action:  None.


  ANSI identifier checking is OFF

  Explanation:  Identifiers are not checked for keyword status:
  see above for full explanation.  No keyword checking is the
  standard behavior in SQL89.  This checking behavior is turned on
  by the SET ANSI IDENTIFIERS ON statement and turned off by the


  ANSI identifier checking is ON

  Explanation:  Identifiers are checked for keyword status:  if
  they are keywords in SQL89 or SQL92 then they are flagged as
  such.  This checking behavior is turned on by the SET ANSI
  IDENTIFIERS ON statement and turned off by the SET ANSI
  IDENTIFIERS OFF statement.

1.1329  –  RES_KEYWORD

  <str> is a reserved word in SQL and cannot be used as an

  Explanation:  The identifier is a SQL keyword and cannot be used
  as an identifier

  User Action:  Use an identifier that is not in the set of valid
  SQL keywords

1.1330  –  RES_WORD_AS_IDENT

  Keyword <str> used as an identifier

  Explanation:  You used a ANSI keyword as an identifier.

  User Action:  Use ANSI QUOTING rules and double quotes.

1.1331  –  RETRYPOS

  The retry count must be positive

  Explanation:  The count specified in the RETRY clause of the
  CREATE SCHEDULE statement must be positive.

  User Action:  Re-enter the schedule definition with a positive
  retry count.

1.1332  –  RET_NO_POS

  A RETURNING clause cannot be used with a positioned UPDATE

  Explanation:  A RETURNING clause was used with a
  positioned-UPDATE statement.

  User Action:  Use either a searched-UPDATE statement or the
  FETCH statement to fetch the cursor after the update.

1.1333  –  REVENTANS

  REVOKE ENTRY is not supported for databases with ANSI privileges

  Explanation:  You executed a REVOKE ENTRY statement in a
  database that has ANSI style privileges.  There are no entries
  in ANSI style privileges so this is not supported.

  User Action:  Execute the statement again specifying the
  privileges you would like to revoke.

1.1334  –  REVOKE_ALL_R

  ALL must be specified for REVOKE ALL ROLES

  Explanation:  REVOKE ALL ROLES must be specified to revoke all
  roles from an user or role.

  User Action:  Correct the syntax of the REVOKE statement

1.1335  –  ROOMAJVER

  root major version is incompatible with the software version

  Explanation:  Your database was created with an incompatible
  version of the software.

  User Action:  Your database cannot be used with the version of
  the software you have installed on your machine.

1.1336  –  ROOTMAJVER

  database format <num>.<num> is not compatible with software
  version <num>.<num>

  Explanation:  Your database was created with an incompatible
  version of the software.

  User Action:  Your database cannot be used with the version of
  the software you have installed on your machine.

1.1337  –  ROOT_CORRUPT

  database has been corrupted and must be restored from backup

  Explanation:  The database has been corrupted and must be
  restored from a full database backup.

  User Action:  Restore the database from the latest full database
  backup, apply any incremental backups that might exist, and
  roll-forward ("recover") the corresponding after-image journal.

1.1338  –  ROOVERLAP

  root block <num> is multiply allocated to data structures
  "<str>" and "<str>"

  Explanation:  A blocks in the database root file is assigned to
  more than one root file data structure.

  User Action:  Restore database from backups and recover the
  database from journals.

1.1339  –  RTAIJMSMTCH

  AIJ references root file "<str>" - expected "<str>"

1.1340  –  RTCSASS_C2C

  Cannot convert from character to character in the specified
  character set

  Explanation:  A runtime conversion from character to character
  was specified, but the character sets weren't compatible.  Use
  Action:  Choose a different character set for the target.

1.1341  –  RTCSASS_C2N

  Cannot convert from character in the specified character set to

  Explanation:  A runtime conversion from character to numeric was
  specified, but the character set of the character field doesn't
  support ASCII.

  User Action:  Choose a different character set for the target.

1.1342  –  RTCSASS_D2C

  Cannot convert from date to character in the specified character

  Explanation:  A runtime conversion from date to character was
  specified, but the character set of the character field doesn't
  support ASCII.

  User Action:  Choose a different character set for the target.

1.1343  –  RTCSASS_N2C

  Cannot convert from numeric to character in the specified
  character set

  Explanation:  A runtime conversion from numeric to character was
  specified, but the character set of the character field doesn't
  support ASCII.

  User Action:  Choose a different character set for the target.

1.1344  –  RTNALREXI

  function or procedure <str> already exists in this schema or

  Explanation:  The specified function or procedure already exists
  in the specified database.  This could be caused by another
  procedure or an external function with the same name.  Remember
  that procedure names are scoped to the schema not the module.

  User Action:  Check the spelling of the function or procedure
  name and ensure that it is a unique function or procedure in the
  specified database.

1.1345  –  RTNATTRSAID

  <str> clause is not valid for stored routines

  Explanation:  For stored routines the specified clause is
  illegal syntax.

  User Action:  Reenter the definition an omit this clause.

1.1346  –  RTNMECHSAID

  Passing mechanism is ignored for stored routines

  Explanation:  For stored routines, a passing mechanism is
  ignored.  A passing mechanism is acceptable for external
  routines, and external routines defined within a stored module.

  User Action:  This is just a warning.  However, you may wish to
  redefine the stored routine without specifying the passing

1.1347  –  RTNNOTDEF

  function or procedure <str> is not defined

  Explanation:  The specified function or procedure does not exist
  in the specified database.

  User Action:  Check the spelling of the function or procedure
  name and ensure that it is the name of a function or procedure
  in the specified database.

1.1348  –  RUJDEVDIR

  RUJ filename "<str>" does not include a device/directory

  Explanation:  The RUJ filename you specified did not include a
  device and directory.

  User Action:  For maximum protection, you should always include
  a device and directory in the file specification, preferably one
  that is different from the database device.

1.1349  –  RUJTOOBIG

  RUJ file size may not exceed 8,000,000 disk blocks

  Explanation:  The transaction attempted to extend the RUJ file
  size beyond 8 million disk blocks.  This transaction will be
  rolled back (note that due to the size of the RUJ file, the
  rollback operation may take a very long time).

  User Action:  Reduce the number of records being modified by the
  transaction; commit more often or use a BATCH UPDATE


  storage area name <str> is already in use

  Explanation:  The storage area name that is being created is
  already existing.  An attempt has been made to create another
  storage area with the same name.

  User Action:  Use different storage area name to avoid conflict.

1.1351  –  SAME_CONTEXT

  context number <num> already used

  Explanation:  You have used a context number that has already
  been used within the same query.

  User Action:  Select a new context number that has not already
  been used within the query


  identical root file "<str>" specified

  Explanation:  The specified master and replicated database root
  file names are identical; this is not allowed.

  User Action:  Specify the rootfile name of a replicated database
  that was created from the backup of the master database.

1.1353  –  SCHCATMULTI

  Schemas and catalogs may only be referenced with multischema

  Explanation:  You used a statement that referred to a logical
  schema or catalog but multischema was not enabled.  This is not

  User Action:  Enable multischema using the SET MULTISCHEMA ON
  statement in interactive or dynamic SQL, the MULTISCHEMA option
  of the /SQLOPTION qualifier in the precompiler, or the
  /MULTISCHEMA qualifier in the module processor.

1.1354  –  SCHNOABSTIM

  EVERY or RETRY EVERY must not specify an absolute time

  Explanation:  You entered an absolute time for the EVERY or
  RETRY EVERY clause of the CREATE SCHEDULE statement.

  User Action:  Use a delta time or, for the EVERY clause, use a
  day of the week, DAY, WEEK, or MONTH.

1.1355  –  SCHNOTDEF

  Schema <str> is not defined

  Explanation:  The specified schema does not exist in the
  specified catalog.

  User Action:  Check the spelling of the schema name and ensure
  that it is the name of a schema in the specified catalog.

1.1356  –  SCH_EXISTS

  Schema <str> already exists

  Explanation:  You attempted to create a schema in the specified
  catalog with the name of an existing schema in that catalog.

  User Action:  Choose a different name for the new schema.

1.1357  –  SCRNOTFOUND

  specified screen could not be found

  Explanation:  The specified screen name was not found in the
  SHOW STATS utility.

  User Action:  Check the spelling, or use the menu-based screen
  selection option of the Notepad facility.

1.1358  –  SEGAREERR

  List area <str> referred to but not defined

  Explanation:  The CREATE DATABASE statement indicated that lists
  must be stored in a specific storage area, but that storage area
  was never created.

  User Action:  Change the CREATE DATABASE statement to include a
  CREATE STORAGE AREA statement with the name referred to by the
  LIST clause.

1.1359  –  SEGSTREXP

  Cannot use a list in an expression

  Explanation:  You attempted to use a list column in an
  expression.  Segmented strings may be used only in expressions
  using the NULL operator.

  User Action:  Remove the operations on the list from the DML

1.1360  –  SELLISTSUB

  Select list contains a subquery

  Explanation:  Subqueries in select lists are not allowed in the
  standard being flagged.

  User Action:  Remove the subquery from the select list.

1.1361  –  SELMORVAL

  The result of a singleton select returned more than 1 value

  Explanation:  A singleton select statement (SELECT...INTO) may
  only return 1 row of values.  The result table for this
  singleton select contains more than one row.

  User Action:  Either embed the SELECT statement (without the
  INTO clause) in a DECLARE CURSOR statement and process it with
  OPEN and FETCH statements, or modify the SELECT statement so it
  will return only one row.

1.1362  –  SEQALREXI

  Sequence <str> already exists in the schema or database

  Explanation:  The specified sequence already exists in the
  specified database.

  User Action:  Check the spelling of the sequence name and ensure
  that it is a unique sequence name in the specified database.

1.1363  –  SEQINVAL

  client sequence id <num> does not have a valid value

  Explanation:  The sequence with id indicated, has the next value
  in the root file which is either > the max value for the
  sequence or < min value.

1.1364  –  SEQNOTDEF

  Sequence <str> is not defined

  Explanation:  The specified sequence does not exist in the
  specified database.

  User Action:  Check the spelling of the sequence name and ensure
  that it is the name of a sequence in the specified database.

1.1365  –  SEQPCOLREF

  invalid pseudo column reference "<str>" for sequence "<str>"

  Explanation:  Sequences allow just two names for the pseudo
  columns CURRVAL and NEXTVAL.  It is likely that the name used in
  the query was mistyped, or a sequence name was used instead of a
  table reference.

  User Action:  Correct the spelling of the pseudo column name, or
  use a table and column reference.

1.1366  –  SEQTBLFUL

  sequence table is full

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to create a sequence but no
  room remains in the Rdb root file for further sequence
  definitions.  Initially only 32 sequences can be created in a
  new or converted database.

  User Action:  Use the ALTER DATABASE statement to increase the
  size of the sequences table with the RESERVE ...  SEQUENCES
  clause.  Note that the value entered will be rounded to the next
  highest multiple of 32 so that a full page in the root file is

1.1367  –  SESNOTENA

  This module is not capable of handling multiple sessions

  Explanation:  The procedure contains a session-oriented command,
  but the compiled module doesn't support sessions.

  User Action:  Choose the /SESSION or SQLOPTION=(SESSION) when
  compiling the module in question.

1.1368  –  SETTRASLI

  SET TRANSACTION statement specifies conflicting options

  Explanation:  The SET TRANSACTION statement specified READ ONLY
  and some other incompatible attribute, such as Isolation Level

  User Action:  Do not specify incompatible attributes.

1.1369  –  SETWIDTH

  error setting width of terminal

  Explanation:  An error occurred during the parsing of a file

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message for more

1.1370  –  SEVERRDET

  A severe error was detected

  Explanation:  This is the exit status for a preprocessor when a
  severe error is detected.

  User Action:  Fix the error.

1.1371  –  SF_NOCOMMIT

  A COMMIT statement is not permitted within an SQL function

  Explanation:  A COMMIT statement is valid within a stored
  procedure but not within an SQL function.

  User Action:  Define an SQL function without a COMMIT statement.

1.1372  –  SF_NOROLLBACK

  A ROLLBACK statement is not permitted within an SQL function

  Explanation:  A ROLLBACK statement is valid within a stored
  procedure but not within an SQL function.

  User Action:  Define an SQL function without a ROLLBACK


  a SAVEPOINT control statement is not permitted within a SQL
  function definition

  Explanation:  Neither a SAVEPOINT, ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT nor SET
  TRANSACTION statement is permitted within an SQL function.
  These statements may only be used in a SQL stored procedure, or
  an anonymous compound statement (also known as a multi-statement

  User Action:  Define the SQL function without any SAVEPOINT
  control statements.

1.1374  –  SF_NOSETTRANS

  A SET TRANSACTION statement is not permitted within a SQL
  function definition

  Explanation:  Neither a SET TRANSACTION nor a START TRANSACTION
  statement is permitted within an SQL function.

  User Action:  These statements may only be used in a SQL stored
  procedure, or an anonymous compound statement (also known as a
  multi-statement procedure).

  User Action:  Define the SQL function without any TRANSACTION
  control statements.

1.1375  –  SHAREDCONNS

  Shared connections exist.  The default connection may not be

  Explanation:  There are existing shared connections.  The
  default connection cannot be disconnected until all shared
  connections are disconnected.

  User Action:  Disconnect all shared connections before
  attempting to disconnect the default connection.


  size of index key is <num>

  Explanation:  Used to display the number of characters used in
  the key for an index.  The size of index key is the minimum
  length for the column used for the key.

  User Action:  None.

1.1377  –  SHINDMAPVAL

  mapping values <str> to <str>

  Explanation:  Uses values from <low> to <high> to minimize space
  needed for index node.

  User Action:  None.

1.1378  –  SHINDMAPVAL2

  this space for hire

  Explanation:  Uses values from <low> to <high> to minimize space
  needed for index node.

  User Action:  None.

1.1379  –  SHOFLAGMIA

  The MIA flagger mode is ON

  Explanation:  Used in SHOW FLAGGER [MODE]

  User Action:  None.

1.1380  –  SHOFLAGSQL89

  The SQL89 flagger mode is ON

  Explanation:  Used in SHOW FLAGGER [MODE]

  User Action:  None.

1.1381  –  SHOFLAGSQL92E

  The SQL92 Entry-level flagger mode is ON

  Explanation:  Used in SHOW FLAGGER [MODE]

  User Action:  None.

1.1382  –  SHOFLAGSQL92F

  The SQL92 Full-level flagger mode is ON

  Explanation:  Used in SHOW FLAGGER [MODE]

  User Action:  None.

1.1383  –  SHOFLAGSQL92I

  The SQL92 Intermediate-level flagger mode is ON

  Explanation:  Used in SHOW FLAGGER [MODE]

  User Action:  None.

1.1384  –  SHOFLAGSQL92T

  The SQL92 Transitional-level flagger mode is ON

  Explanation:  Used in SHOW FLAGGER [MODE]

  User Action:  None.

1.1385  –  SIP

  transaction is a snapshot transaction

  Explanation:  You have already started a transaction that is a
  snapshot transaction.

  User Action:  Use READY BATCH RETRIEVAL to ready the area for
  the snapshot transaction or use COMMIT to terminate the snapshot

1.1386  –  SMA_DAT_TYP

  Altering <str> <str> to a smaller data type may cause data loss

  Explanation:  Altering a column to a smaller data type might
  cause data already stored in that column to appear lost.

  User Action:  None.  This is a warning message only.

1.1387  –  SNAPFULL

  snapshot area too full for operation

  Explanation:  You attempted to store a record in the database,
  because there was an active reader and the snapshot area in
  which the record would go is too full.

  User Action:  Modify the snapshot area extend parameter to allow
  snapshot area extension.

1.1388  –  SORTOPERR

  a VMS SORT/MERGE operation was unsuccessful

  Explanation:  A VMS SORT/MERGE operation completed
  unsuccessfully.  See the secondary message for information about
  what operation failed.

  User Action:  Fix the VMS SORT/MERGE problem, and try again.

1.1389  –  SPACREQ

  A space is required before file specification

  Explanation:  A space is required to parse the begining of the
  file specification.

  User Action:  Run the preprocessor again and include a space
  before the file specification.

1.1390  –  SPAMNOTDIS

  cannot disable SPAMs for uniform area <str>

  Explanation:  Only mixed-format areas can have SPAMs

  User Action:  Do not enable/disable SPAMs for uniform-format


  cannot enable SPAMs for READ_ONLY area <str>

  Explanation:  Read-only areas cannot be modified to have SPAMs
  enabled, because this involves rebuilding the SPAM pages.

  User Action:  Change the area to be read write.

1.1392  –  SPAMNOTWRM

  cannot enable SPAMs for WORM area <str>

  Explanation:  WORM areas cannot have SPAMs enabled.

  User Action:  Do not enable SPAMs for WORM areas.

1.1393  –  SPANOTVAL

  Space management options not valid on areas with uniform page

  Explanation:  Space management options of thresholds, interval
  or both were specified for an area with a uniform page formats.

  User Action:  Remove the space management option(s) from the
  storage area with uniform page format, or change the storage
  area with the specified space managment option(s) to have mixed
  page format.

1.1394  –  SPCALLVER

  procedure <str> is not callable by this version of SQL

  Explanation:  The stored procedure named in the error message is
  not in the proper format or was written by a version of SQL that
  does not recognize stored procedures.

  User Action:  Redefine the procedure using SQL or use a more
  current version of SQL to compile the CALL statement.

1.1395  –  SPELLCORR

  identifier <str> replaced with <str>

  Explanation:  A keyword was misspelled, but the error has been
  corrected by SQL.

  User Action:  None required, unless the correction was not the
  intended keyword.

1.1396  –  SQLCHSCALE

  An invalid SQLCHRONO_SCALE value of <num> was found in the SQLDA

  Explanation:  You passed in an SQLDA with a illegal

  User Action:  You must enter a valid SQLCHRONO_SCALE value in
  every SQLCHRONO_SCALE field in the prepared command string that
  SQLD indicates is necessary.  For datetime values, this is is a
  value indicating the subtype of the datetime.

1.1397  –  SQLDANOT

  SQLDA not large enough (<num>) to handle number of parameters

  Explanation:  The SQLDA passed to PREPARE or DESCRIBE is not
  large enough to handle all of the parameters in the associated
  PREPARE command string.

  User Action:  Allocate an SQLDA to be large enough to have one
  SQLVAR for each input or output parameter ('?') in the PREPARE
  command string.  Then set SQLN to indicate the number of SQLVARs
  in the SQLDA.

1.1398  –  SQLDATA

  An SQLDATA field in the SQLDA was not initialized

  Explanation:  You passed in an SQLDA with a SQLDATA value of
  zero in one of the SQLVAR blocks.

  User Action:  You must enter nonzero values in every SQLDATA
  field in the prepared command string that SQLD indicates is

1.1399  –  SQLLEN

  An invalid SQLLEN value of <num> was found in the SQLDA

  Explanation:  You passed in an SQLDA with a illegal SQLLEN

  User Action:  You must enter a valid SQLLEN value in every
  SQLLEN field in the prepared command string that SQLD indicates
  is necessary.  For interval values, this is is a value
  indicating the subtype of the interval.

1.1400  –  SQLNOIND

  Indicator parameters are not allowed in LANGUAGE SQL modules

  Explanation:  A procedure in a module, whose language is SQL,
  specified an indicator variable.

  User Action:  LANGUAGE SQL parameters inherently support NULL
  values.  Omit the indicator reference.

1.1401  –  SQLRTERROR

  An error was detected at runtime

  Explanation:  An error occurred at runtime.  This message
  precedes other messages which are also displayed.

  User Action:  Take the action displayed by the other messages.

1.1402  –  SQLTYPE

  An invalid SQLTYPE value of <num> was found in the SQLDA

  Explanation:  You passed in an SQLDA with a illegal SQLTYPE

  User Action:  You must enter a valid SQLTYPE value in every
  SQLTYPE field in the prepared command string that SQLD indicates
  is necessary.

1.1403  –  SQLVARASIND

  declared variables are not supported as indicator parameters

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to use a variable as an
  indicator variable.  This is not supported.

  User Action:  Use the IS NULL operator to test the variable for
  null or non null values.  Use a host variable or module language
  parameter as an indicator for another host variable or

1.1404  –  SQLVARNOIND

  indicator parameters are not supported for declared variables

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to use a variable with an
  INDICATOR.  This is not supported.  Variables declared within a
  compound statement or in a module automatically support the NULL
  attribute and therefore do not require a separate NULL indicator

  User Action:  Remove the INDICATOR variable and simply use the
  declared variable.  Use the IS NULL operator to test the
  variable for null or non null values.


  Server process is being shut down

  Explanation:  The Server process is currently being shut down,
  but has not yet terminated.

  User Action:  Issue the server startup command later.

1.1406  –  SSNOTINROOT

  <str> is not in the root file

  Explanation:  The DDCB you specified is not in the root file.
  You can see which DDCBs a root file has by issuing the DBO/DUMP

  User Action:  Add the DDCB to your root file (DBO/MODIFY), or
  check your bind sequence and try again.

1.1407  –  SSTOOBIG

  The segmented string ID for column <str> is <num> bytes, host
  variable must be the same size or larger.

  Explanation:  The host variable you are using with the DBKEY is
  not the same size as the dbkey.

  User Action:  Allocate a host variable which is the correct

1.1408  –  STALL

  asynchronous operation requires a stall

  Explanation:  The operation has not completed yet.

  User Action:  Check the event flag and I/O status block for
  final completion, and contact your Oracle support representative
  for assistance.

1.1409  –  STANOTDEF

  The '<str>' statement has not been defined

  Explanation:  You attempted to use a statement name in an
  EXECUTE or a DESCRIBE statement that had not been used in a
  PREPARE statement.

  User Action:  Prepare a statement name before using it in an
  EXECUTE or a DESCRIBE statement.

1.1410  –  STANOTSEL

  Cursor can only be used with prepared SELECT statements

  Explanation:  You attempted to declare a cursor based on a
  prepared statement that was not a SELECT statement.  Cursors can
  be based only on SELECT statements.

  User Action:  Use EXECUTE to execute this statement.

1.1411  –  STAREAFUL

  storage area <str> is full

  Explanation:  You attempted to store a record in the database,
  but the storage area in which the record would go is full.  This
  condition can be caused by the storage area being set to
  disallow being extended or when the ABM pages are at their limit
  and cannot map a new extension for the storage area.

  User Action:  Modify the storage area extend parameter to allow
  storage area extension if it is disabled, or increase the page
  size or redistribute objects across other storage areas to free
  up existing space.

1.1412  –  STAREQCOL

  The standard requires a column in this context

  Explanation:  The ANSI and ISO SQL standards require that you
  specify a column which is not in an expression in this context.

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard features
  in your program, you should change your querry to use a column

1.1413  –  STARNOTALL

  Invalid use of asterisk - expected column name

  Explanation:  You attempted to use the column wildcard (*) where
  SQL requires an explicit column name.

  User Action:  Supply the names of the columns to be referenced.

1.1414  –  STAROCUR

  Nonstandard update of read-only cursor <str>

  Explanation:  In the ISO and ANSI standards for SQL, a cursor is
  read-only if it includes an ORDER BY clause.  Read-only cursors
  cannot be used in UPDATE or DELETE statements.

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard features
  in your program, you should change the cursor to not include the
  ORDER by clause, or not use it in an UPDATE or DELETE statement.


  node is already actively collecting statistics

  Explanation:  A node was specified that is already actively
  collecting statistics for this SHOW STATISTIC utility session.

  User Action:  Make sure the node name is spelled correctly and
  has been properly identified.


  node is not actively collecting statistics

  Explanation:  A node was specified that is NOT actively
  collecting statistics for this SHOW STATISTIC utility session.

  User Action:  Make sure the node name is spelled correctly and
  has been properly identified.

1.1417  –  STATNOMATCH

  no logical area names match specified wildcard pattern

  Explanation:  No logical areas (tables, indexes, etc) match the
  specified wildcard pattern.  Possibly the wildcard characters
  ("*" and/or "%") were not specified, which results in an "exact
  match" pattern.

  User Action:  Use a different wildcard pattern.  Remember to use
  the "*" for "zero or more" and "%" for "exactly one".

1.1418  –  STATWOCUR

  Cannot declare a second cursor based on statement <str>

  Explanation:  A prepared statement can only have one cursor
  based on it.  You tried to declare a second cursor based on the
  same prepared statement name used in a previous DECLARE CURSOR

  User Action:  Remove one of the cursor definitions from your
  program or base the second cursor on a different statement name.

1.1419  –  STBYDBINUSE

  standby database cannot be exclusively accessed for replication

  Explanation:  There are one or more application processes or
  database servers accessing the standby database.

  User Action:  Make sure there are no active application
  processes or database servers accessing the standby database, on
  any node of the cluster.

1.1420  –  STMSGOVR

  Parameters for procedure <str> are too large for stored message

  Explanation:  The aggregate size of the parameters for a stored
  procedure exceeds 64K which is a current implementation limit.

  User Action:  Reduce the number or size of the parameters.

1.1421  –  STMTALREXI

  <str> is the name of an existing dynamic statement

  Explanation:  Another prepared statement name with the name
  given does not exist.

  User Action:  Pass the name that does not match an existing
  statement name.


  The embedded SQL statement is not within the program block

  Explanation:  The embedded SQL statement is either before the
  program statement or after the last end statement.

  User Action:  Move the embedded SQL statement between the
  program statement and the last end statement.


  Storage Map "<str>" has multiple STORE clauses

  Explanation:  Only one STORE clause is allowed per storage map
  definition.  (This assumes a non-vertical row partitioning
  storage map definition.)

  User Action:  Specify only one STORE clause if you're not
  specifying vertical row partitioning.

1.1424  –  STOCOLERR

  Differing column count for USING and WITH LIMIT clauses

  Explanation:  The number of columns specified for the USING
  clause is different from the number of literal values specified
  in the WITH LIMIT list.

  User Action:  The STORAGE MAP or INDEX definition requires the
  same number of literal values as there are columns in the USING
  clause.  Either correct the list of columns in the USING clause,
  or the number of literals in the WITH LIMIT OF clause.

1.1425  –  STOCOLUKN

  Column "<str>" in the USING clause does not exist in table

  Explanation:  A column that did not exist in the table was used
  in the CREATE STORAGE MAP statement.

  User Action:  Specify a valid column name.


  Storage map <str> is not defined

  Explanation:  The specified storage map does not exist in the
  specified schema.

  User Action:  Check the spelling of the storage map name and
  ensure that it is the name of a storage map in the specified

1.1427  –  STOMAP_EXISTS

  Storage map <str> already exists

  Explanation:  You attempted to create a storage map in the
  specified schema with the name of an existing storage map in
  that schema.

  User Action:  Choose a different name for the new storage map.

1.1428  –  STOTABUKN

  Table "<str>" referenced in storage map does not exist in this
  database or schema.

  Explanation:  The table named in the CREATE STORAGE MAP
  statement can not be found the database or schema.

  User Action:  Specify a valid table name.

1.1429  –  STRARRAY

  Host variable <str> is either a structure array or in a
  structure array

  Explanation:  The SQL precompilers do not support references to
  fields in a structure array (a host structure defined as an

  User Action:  Assign the value in the structure array to a field
  which is not in a structure array before using it in an SQL

1.1430  –  STRCVTNUM

  String literal will be converted to numeric

  Explanation:  You tried to store a text literal into a numeric
  column.  The string literal will be converted to a numeric data
  type, if possible.

  User Action:  None.  However, if the string literal cannot be
  converted to a numeric data type, an error will result.

1.1431  –  STRINXPR

  Host structure <str> used in a value expression

  Explanation:  SQL statements can only refer to a host structure
  in contexts where the host structure can be expanded to a list
  of values.  A value expression requires a single value, so host
  structures cannot be used there.

  User Action:  Replace the host structure with an elementary

1.1432  –  STRLITEXP

  A string literal was expected

  Explanation:  A string literal was expected but something else
  was found.

  User Action:  Correct the syntax error.


  String literal missing closing quote

  Explanation:  The string in a user assignment statement is
  missing a closing quote.

  User Action:  Insert one or more quotes as appropriate.

1.1434  –  STRMORELE

  The <str> structure has more elements than the <str> indicator

  Explanation:  The specified structure has more elements than the
  indicator vector it is associated with.

  User Action:  Make the indicator vector larger.

1.1435  –  STRTOOBIG

  String literal is too big

  Explanation:  You entered a string literal with a length greater
  than 1024 characters.  The length of a string literal must be
  less than or equal to 1024 characters.  A likely cause of this
  error is an unmatched quote mark.

  User Action:  Put missing quote marker, or use a string literal
  with no more than 1024 characters.

1.1436  –  STRTOOLON

  String expression must not be longer than <num> octets

  Explanation:  The string expression must be shorter than the
  specified length.  For example a database filespec must be less
  than 255 octets.

  User Action:  Specify a shorter string expression.

1.1437  –  STRVALTRUNC

  string value in "<str>" will be truncated to maximum length of
  <num> octets

  Explanation:  Rdb supports strings up to 65535 octets in length.
  Even though you declared this host variable in excess of this
  length only the first 65535 octets will be used if the variable
  is passed to a SQL statement.  Applications which expect to pass
  more than 65535 bytes to Rdb need to be corrected.

  User Action:  Reduce the length to a value less than or equal to
  65535 to eliminate the warning.  The application may need to be
  changes to check for this limit.

1.1438  –  STRXPREXP

  A string expression was expected

  Explanation:  A string literal, a character host variable, or
  USER was expected but something else was found.  (Note that USER
  is not permitted in EXECUTE IMMEDIATE, and specifying it will
  also generate this message.)

  User Action:  Correct the syntax error.

1.1439  –  STTREMCNCT

  error allocating remote statistics network connection

  Explanation:  None.

1.1440  –  STTSVRFIND

  error identifying remote statistics server

  Explanation:  None.

1.1441  –  SUBNOGB

  Subqueries in basic predicates cannot use GROUP BY

  Explanation:  A subquery used in a basic predicate, such as
  WHERE CITY = (SELECT ...), cannot contain the GROUP BY clause.
  The ANSI standard does not support this.

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard SQL
  statements in your program, remove the GROUP BY clause or change
  the predicate to include ANY or ALL.


  Atomic compounds may contain only atomic compounds

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to use the NOT ATOMIC clause
  in a compound which is contained in a compound that specifies
  ATOMIC.  Atomic compounds may contain only atomic compounds.

  User Action:  Use the ATOMIC clause for all sub-compounds of an
  atomic compound.

1.1443  –  SUBTOOVAL

  Column select expression specifies too many columns

  Explanation:  A column select expression may only fetch one
  value unless it is in an EXISTS predicate.  This means any
  column select expression that uses the column wildcard (*) must
  have only one-column tables in its FROM clause.

  User Action:  If you specified more than one column explicitly,
  remove all but one.  If you used a wildcard, explicitly name a
  single column instead.

1.1444  –  SWITCH_REQ

  Switch required, found <str>

  Explanation:  A command line switch is required.

  User Action:  Supply a valid switch.


  database is open on another node with incompatible software

  Explanation:  Incompatible Rdb software exists in this OpenVMS
  Galaxy system and is attempting to open a database in a Galaxy
  shared environment.  Identical versions of Rdb are required in
  order to access a database from multiple nodes in an OpenVMS
  Galaxy environment.

1.1446  –  SYM_EXP

  One of the following symbols was expected:

  Explanation:  You typed an unexpected keyword.

  User Action:  Type a correct keyword.

1.1447  –  SYNALREXI

  Synonym <str> already exists in the database

  Explanation:  The specified synonym already exists in the
  specified database.

  User Action:  Check the spelling of the synonym name and ensure
  that it is a unique synonym name in the specified database.

1.1448  –  SYNNOTDEF

  Synonym <str> is not defined

  Explanation:  The specified synonym does not exist in the
  specified database.

  User Action:  Check the spelling of the synonym name and ensure
  that it is the name of a synonym in the specified database.

1.1449  –  SYNTAX_ERR

  Syntax error

  Explanation:  A syntax error was detected in a your SQL

  User Action:  Correct the syntax error and try the statement

1.1450  –  SYSPAGFOR

  Page format for system relations cannot be MIXED

  Explanation:  The system relations for Oracle Rdb must be placed
  in an area that contains the uniform page format.

  User Action:  Either create a separate storage area for
  RDB$SYSTEM or change the default page format to uniform.

1.1451  –  SYSPAGUNI

  Page format for system relations being changed to UNIFORM

  Explanation:  The storage area that contain the system relations
  must have UNIFORM page formats.  Either through the use of the
  defaults, or by directly specifing PAGE FORMAT IS MIXED, SQL has
  been told to use MIXED page format for the area containing the
  system relations.  SQL is overriding that to UNIFORM pages.

  User Action:  None.  This is an informational message.  The user
  might want to change the command if it originated in a command
  file.  This may avoid confusion later.

1.1452  –  SYSRDONLY

  write access is not allowed if RDB$SYSTEM is read-only

  Explanation:  BATCH UPDATE and EXCLUSIVE UPDATE access do not
  update the snapshot files.  The fact that snapshots are not
  being maintained is recorded in the RDB$SYSTEM area.  Hence,
  RDB$SYSTEM may not be READ_ONLY.

  User Action:  Use another UPDATE access mode, or change

1.1453  –  S_ABW_DISABLED

         Asynchronous Batch Write is Disabled

  Explanation:  Used in show commands

  User Action:

1.1454  –  S_ABW_ENABLED

         Asynchronous Batch Write is Enabled (clean buffers <num>,
  max buffers <num>)

  Explanation:  Used in show commands

  User Action:

1.1455  –  S_APF_DISABLED

         Asynchronous Prefetch is Disabled

  Explanation:  Used in show commands

  User Action:

1.1456  –  S_APF_ENABLED

         Asynchronous Prefetch is Enabled (depth is <num>)

  Explanation:  Used in show commands

  User Action:

1.1457  –  S_ENTRY

  Entry Point is:  <str>

  Explanation:  Used in SHOW FUNCTION and SHOW PROCEDURE

  User Action:

1.1458  –  S_GB_PGVIADSK

                  page transfer via disk)

  Explanation:  Used in SHOW commands

  User Action:  None.

1.1459  –  S_GB_PGVIAMEM

                  page transfer via memory)

  Explanation:  Used in show commands

  User Action:  None.

1.1460  –  S_INCR_BACKUP

         Incremental Backup Scan Optim uses SPAM pages

  Explanation:  Used in show commands

  User Action:

1.1461  –  S_LOCATION

  External Location is:  <str>

  Explanation:  Used in SHOW FUNCTION and SHOW PROCEDURE

  User Action:

1.1462  –  S_LOCK_DISABLED

         Lock Partitioning is DISABLED

  Explanation:  Used in show commands

  User Action:

1.1463  –  S_LOCK_ED

         Reserving table <str> for exclusive data definition

  Explanation:  Used in SHOW TRANSACTION statement.

  User Action:

1.1464  –  S_LOCK_ENABLED

         Lock Partitioning is ENABLED

  Explanation:  Used in show commands

  User Action:

1.1465  –  S_LOCK_PD

         Reserving table <str> for protected data definition

  Explanation:  Used in SHOW TRANSACTION statement.

  User Action:

1.1466  –  S_LOCK_SD

         Reserving table <str> for shared data definition

  Explanation:  Used in SHOW TRANSACTION statement.

  User Action:

1.1467  –  S_NOINCR_BACKUP

         Incremental Backup Scan Optim does not use SPAM pages

  Explanation:  Used in show commands

  User Action:

1.1468  –  S_SHUTDOWN_MINS

         Shutdown Time is <num> minutes

  Explanation:  Used in show commands

  User Action:

1.1469  –  TADMISMATCH

  journal is for database version <time>, not <time>

  Explanation:  The version time and date stamp in the root does
  not match the version time and date stamp in the journal file.
  This journal cannot be applied to this database.

  User Action:  Use the correct journal file or backup file.

1.1470  –  TBLCOLAFT

  You specified both COLUMN and TABLE privileges with a POSITION
  or AFTER clause

  Explanation:  You specified both COLUMN and TABLE privileges in
  a GRANT or REVOKE statement with a POSITION or AFTER clause.
  Unless the ACLs are identical on both the column and the table,
  this could produce misleading results.

  User Action:  Specify the column and table privileges in
  separate GRANT or REVOKE statements.

1.1471  –  TBLCURDYN

  List cursor <str> cannot reference dynamic table cursor, <str>

  Explanation:  The list cursor named in the message references a
  table cursor that is dynamic.

  User Action:  The list cursors for the table cursor must also be

1.1472  –  TBLNOPRIM

  The table does not contain a Primary Key

  Explanation:  The table does not contain a primary key.
  Therefore there is nothing to enable/disable.

  User Action:  Do not specify primary key if there is none.

1.1473  –  TBLNOTCUR

  Table <str> is not included in cursor <str>

  Explanation:  An UPDATE or DELETE statement that uses the
  CURRENT OF clause must name the same table specified in the

  User Action:  Either change the UPDATE or DELETE statement to
  use the table specified in the cursor, or use a cursor declared
  for the table you specified.

1.1474  –  TBLREF_SELXPR

  Correlation Name or select expression expected

  Explanation:  Either a select expression or a correlation name
  is expected.

  User Action:  Either add a correlation name or a select
  expression.  Check parenthesis as they may not be matched

1.1475  –  TERMINATE

  database recovery failed -- access to database denied by monitor

  Explanation:  To maintain the integrity of the database, the
  monitor forced your image exit because an unrecoverable error
  has been detected.

  User Action:  Look for a file named SYS$SYSTEM:*DBRBUG.DMP.
  This is a DataBase Recovery process bugcheck dump.  Search the
  file for a string of five asterisks (*****) using the
  SEARCH/WINDOW command.  You will see a line with a format
  similar to this:  ***** Exception at <address> :  <database
  module name> + <offset> %facility-severity-text, <error text>
  The exception line will be followed by one or more additional
  errors that will help you to determine what caused the recovery
  process to fail.  Possible causes include:  low quotas, missing
  Recovery-Unit Journal (RUJ) files, or filename logicals
  misdefined or undefined.  Depending on the cause of the problem,
  take the appropriate action.  If you are uncertain of what to
  do, contact your Oracle support representative for assistance.

1.1476  –  THRESHIGNO

  Threshold clause with no specific storage area found in

  Explanation:  You did not specify a storage area for the
  threshold clause.

  User Action:  Please specify the storage area(s) or remove the
  threshold clause.

1.1477  –  THRIGNSYS

  Threshold options ignored for system relation area

  Explanation:  The storage area that contain the system relations
  must have UNIFORM page formats.  Either through the use of the
  defaults, or by directly specifing THRESHOLD options, SQL has
  been told to apply threshold options for the area containing the
  system relations.  SQL is ignoring those options.

  User Action:  None.  This is an informational message.  The user
  might want to change the command if it originated in a command
  file.  This may avoid confusion later.

1.1478  –  THRNOTALL

  Threshold buffers is not a valid option for Async Prefetch

  Explanation:  The THRESHOLD option is only valid with DETECTED

  User Action:  If you want the ASYNC PREFETCH feature, remove the
  feature, you must specify the DETECTED keyword and include the
  THRESHOLD syntax.

1.1479  –  THRNOTSYS

  Theshold option not valid for system relation area

  Explanation:  The storage area for RDB$SYSTEM was defined to
  have threshold options.  This is not allowed for RDB$SYSTEM.

  User Action:  Remove the threshold option from the command and
  try again.

1.1480  –  TIMEOUT

  timeout on <str>

  Explanation:  A lock request has been canceled by the database
  management system because the request could not be granted
  within the user-specified timeout period.

  User Action:  Execute a ROLLBACK or a COMMIT to release your
  locks, and try the transaction again.

1.1481  –  TOKINSBEF

  <str> inserted before error symbol

  Explanation:  When parsing an SQL statement, the parser
  encountered an error.  The message for that error appeared prior
  to this message.  In an attempt to recover from that error, SQL
  inserted the specified token before the token that generated the
  error, and generated this message to help you understand any
  additional messages that follow.

  User Action:  None.  This is an informational message only.

1.1482  –  TOKTOOBIG

  Symbol name is too big

  Explanation:  You entered a symbol (token) name with a length
  greater than 32.  The length of a symbol name must be less than
  or equal to 32 characters.

  User Action:  Use a symbol with no more than 32 characters.

1.1483  –  TOOBIGBLR

  Request BLR is too large to execute

  Explanation:  Your request is too large to compile.

  User Action:  Break the DML statement into smaller parts.


  Too many levels of naming used without multischema

  Explanation:  The user entered the name of an object which was
  qualified with too many names.  When multischema is disabled
  (the default), table names may be qualified only by a schema
  name; column names may be qualified only by a schema and table

  User Action:  In order to qualify a schema name, table name or
  column name with an additonal name for the catalog, multischema
  must be enabled using the MULTISCHEMA compiler option or the SET
  MULTISCHEMA statement in interactive or dynamic.

1.1485  –  TOOMANYTBL

  Table cursor, <str>, references more than one table

  Explanation:  The table cursor named in the message references
  more than one table.

  User Action:  Base the list on a table cursor that references
  only single table.


  Too many command line switches have been specified

  Explanation:  You have specified too many switches on the
  command line for UNIX sqlpre or sqlmod.

  User Action:  Use fewer switches.

1.1487  –  TRAACT

  A database cannot be attached while a transaction is active

  Explanation:  You issued an ATTACH statement while a transaction
  was still in progress.

  User Action:  You must either COMMIT or ROLLBACK the current
  transaction or wait until the current transaction is terminated
  before attaching another database.

1.1488  –  TRAACT_1

  A database cannot be created or altered while a transaction is

  Explanation:  You issued a CREATE DATABASE or an ALTER DATABASE
  statement while a transaction was still in progress.

  User Action:  You must either COMMIT or ROLLBACK the current
  transaction or wait until the current transaction is terminated
  before creating another database or altering an exsisting one.

1.1489  –  TRAACT_2

  ROLLBACK or COMMIT the transaction

  Explanation:  You are attempting an operation that cannot be
  executed while the current transaction is still in progress.

  User Action:  You must either COMMIT or ROLLBACK the current
  transaction or wait until the current transaction is terminated
  before attempting the new database activity.

1.1490  –  TRAACT_3

  A database cannot be dropped while a transaction is active

  Explanation:  You issued a DROP DATABASE statement while a data
  manipulation transaction was still in progress.

  User Action:  COMMIT or ROLLBACK the transaction, start a new
  transaction, and reissue the DROP DATABASE statement.


  Database parameters are only allowed for new database

  Explanation:  You used one of the database parameter clauses in
  a transfer definition in which you used the TO EXISTING clause.
  Database parameters are only allowed with the TO NEW FILENAME

  User Action:  Use the TO NEW FILENAME clause or omit the
  database parameters in the transfer definition.

1.1492  –  TRAHDLINV

  Transaction handle data type invalid, must be 32-bit longword

  Explanation:  You specified a transaction handle that was not a
  32-bit longword.

  User Action:  You must use !VAL and 32-bit longword variable.

1.1493  –  TRAMODSPC

  Only one transaction mode may be specified for a transaction

  Explanation:  You specified both the READ_WRITE and READ_ONLY
  transaction modes in a DECLARE TRANSACTION statement.

  User Action:  Specify either transaction mode, not both, for a
  single database.  You can specify different transaction modes
  for different databases in a single DECLARE TRANSACTION
  statement, however.

1.1494  –  TRANOTOWNER

  This transfer is not the owner of <str> <str>

  Explanation:  The transfer definition attempts to create an
  object which already exists in the target database and which is
  not owned by this transfer.  That is, it was not created by this

  User Action:  If the objects are not expected to exist in the
  target database when the transfer will be executed, the WITHOUT
  CHECKING option will avoid this error.  Otherwise, those objects
  must be dropped in the target database before the transfer may
  be created.


  DISTINCT is not allowed in queries moved by replication

  Explanation:  The user entered the DISTINCT keyword in a query
  as part of a CREATE TRANSFER statement which defined a
  replication transfer.

  User Action:  Re-enter the statement without the DISTINCT

1.1496  –  TRANSFGRPBY

  GROUP BY is not allowed in queries moved by CREATE TRANSFER

  Explanation:  The user entered a GROUP BY clause in a query as
  part of a CREATE TRANSFER statement.

  User Action:  Re-enter the statement without the GROUP BY


  HAVING is not allowed in queries moved by CREATE TRANSFER

  Explanation:  The user entered a HAVING clause in a query as
  part of a CREATE TRANSFER statement.

  User Action:  Re-enter the statement without the HAVING clause.


  Subqueries are not allowed in queries moved by CREATE TRANSFER

  Explanation:  The user entered a subquery in a query as part of
  a CREATE TRANSFER statement.

  User Action:  Re-enter the statement without the subquery.


  ALL keyword must be specified for union in CREATE TRANSFER

  Explanation:  The user failed to enter the ALL keyword after the
  UNION keyword in the select expression as part of a CREATE
  TRANSFER statemetn.

  User Action:  Re-enter the statement with UNION ALL, not just

1.1500  –  TRAN_IN_PROG

  transaction in progress

  Explanation:  You attempted an operation that is allowed only
  when you have no transaction in progress.

  User Action:  Complete your transaction by executing a COMMIT or

1.1501  –  TRATOEXEXTR

  Existing target database is not allowed for this transfer type

  Explanation:  You used the TO EXISTING clause in a REPLICATION
  or EXTRACTION ROLLUP transfer definition.  This is only allowed
  transfers must create a new database.

  User Action:  Use the EXTRACTION transfer type or the TO NEW
  FILENAME clause in the transfer definition.

1.1502  –  TRATOEXPRIV

  Insufficient privilege to create tables in target database

  Explanation:  You used to the TO EXISTING clause specifying a
  database for which you do not have the CREATETAB privilege.

  User Action:  Use the TO NEW FILENAME clause, specify an
  existing target database for which you have the CREATETAB
  privilege, or obtain

1.1503  –  TRATOEXRDB

  Existing target database must be a Oracle Rdb database if WITH
  CHECKING is specified.

  Explanation:  You used the TO EXISTING clause specifying a
  database that is not an Oracle Rdb database and did not specify
  the WITH NO CHECKING clause.  The default is WITH CHECKING,
  however, this can only be used with Oracle Rdb databases.

  User Action:  Use the WITH NO CHECKING clause in the transfer

1.1504  –  TREE_OVRFLO

  Tree storage overflow

  Explanation:  The internal limit of the Abstract Syntax Tree
  (AST) nodes was exceeded.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative.
  Retain the query that caused the error.

1.1505  –  TRIGNOTDEF

  Trigger <str> is not defined

  Explanation:  The specified trigger does not exist in the
  specified schema.

  User Action:  Check the spelling of the trigger name and ensure
  that it is the name of a trigger in the specified schema.

1.1506  –  TRIG_EXISTS

  Trigger <str> already exists

  Explanation:  You attempted to create a trigger in the specified
  schema with the name of an existing trigger in that schema.

  User Action:  Choose a different name for the new trigger.

1.1507  –  TRMTYPUNK

  terminal type is unknown or not supported

  Explanation:  The terminal type is either unknown or

  User Action:  Utilize a support terminal type.  If the terminal
  type is unknown to the operating system, a SET TERMINAL/INQUIRE
  command may help.

1.1508  –  TRNNOTBLS

  No tables were found in the database or schema

  Explanation:  The user entered MOVE TABLES *, but no tables were

  User Action:  Re-enter the transfer definition for a schema
  which contains tables.

1.1509  –  TRNNOVIEWS

  No views were found in the database or schema

  Explanation:  The user entered MOVE VIEWS *, but no views were

  User Action:  Re-enter the transfer definition for a schema
  which contains views, or omit the MOVE VIEWS clause.

1.1510  –  TRUE

  condition value is true

  Explanation:  None.

1.1511  –  TRUNCATION

  data conversion truncation error

  Explanation:  You attempted an operation that would cause loss
  of information on a data-item movement.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

1.1512  –  TRUNCPARAM

  routine <str> expects between <num> and <num> parameter(s)

  Explanation:  You may truncate the procedure or function
  parameter list when those parameters are IN parameters.  They
  will then use the defined DEFAULT or be passed as NULL.  In this
  case you passed too few parameters.

  User Action:  Specify the correct number of parameters upon

1.1513  –  TRUNCPARAM0

  routine <str> expects no parameters

  Explanation:  This routine expected no parameters.

  User Action:  Correct the routine definition, or remove the
  parameter list.

1.1514  –  TRUNCPARAM1

  routine <str> expects <num> parameter(s)

  Explanation:  You passed more parameters than was expected by
  this routine.

  User Action:  Specify the correct number of parameters upon

1.1515  –  TRUN_STORE

  String truncated during assignment to a column

  Explanation:  The character string cannot be assigned to a
  column because the string is too long.  This error is only
  signaled if the truncated portion of the character string
  contains non-blank characters.

  User Action:  Enter a shorter character string or alter the
  database column so that it is large enough to hold the full
  source string and recompile.

1.1516  –  TSNMISMATCH

  cannot synchronize database due to transaction commit mismatch

  Explanation:  Attempting to synchronize the master and
  replicated databases failed because the last commit transaction
  sequence numbers in the database do not match exactly.

  User Action:  Restart the database replication operation.

1.1517  –  TWOIMPTXN

  Attempt to declare second implicit transaction handle

  Explanation:  An application linked against a shared image has
  more than one implicit transaction handle (PSECT
  RDB$TRANSACTION_HANDLE).  You altered the PSECT attributes
  during linking of the shared image to create two different
  transaction handles.

  User Action:  Don't alter the PSECT attributes of the

1.1518  –  TXNINATOMIC

  Transaction statements not allowed in atomic blocks

  Explanation:  You have used a transaction statement (SET
  TRANSACTION, COMMIT, ROLLBACK) in a compound statement that
  specifies ATOMIC.

  User Action:  Use transaction statements only in non-atomic


  Transaction statements not allowed in FOR loops

  Explanation:  You have used a transaction statement (SET

  User Action:  You cannot use transaction statements in FOR

1.1520  –  TXNNOTLONG

  Transaction handle is not a 32-bit longword.

  Explanation:  Transaction handles must be defined using a 32-bit
  longword data type.

  User Action:  Use a 32-bit longword to declare the transaction
  handle:  In COBOL, use PICTURE S9(9) COMP.  In PL/I, use FIXED


  Transaction handle parameter ignored

  Explanation:  Transaction handles currently are not supported.

  User Action:  None; this is an informational message.

1.1522  –  TYPE_EXISTS

  User defined type "<str>" already exists

  Explanation:  A user defined type with the given name already

  User Action:  Use a different name when creating this type.

1.1523  –  UDCURDEL

  Cursor in fetch, update or delete, positioned on a deleted

  Explanation:  You attempted to perform a positioned UPDATE or
  DELETE on a row that has already been deleted or you attempted
  to fetch a row that no longer exists.

  User Action:  Do not attempt to FETCH, UPDATE or DELETE this row

1.1524  –  UKN_ALT_OPT

  Unknown ALTER DATABASE option

  Explanation:  The ALTER DATABASE statement contains an option
  that is not understood.

  User Action:  Re-enter the statement with the syntax supported
  by this version of SQL.

1.1525  –  UNAOBTDSR

  Unable to obtain database dsri level

  Explanation:  SQL was unable to obtain the database information
  needed to establish its level of DSRI compliance.

  User Action:  Make sure that all individual databases are DSRI

1.1526  –  UNBCLSFIL

  Unable to close file <str>

  Explanation:  SQL was unable to close an open file.  A problem
  such as running out of disk space or a hardware failure may be
  the cause.

  User Action:  Correct the problem with the hardware resource.

1.1527  –  UNBDECFIL

  Unable to create declarations file <str>

  Explanation:  SQL attempted to open a DECLARATIONS file but
  could not.

  User Action:  Include a valid directory specification and valid
  declarations name.

1.1528  –  UNBTMPFIL

  Unable to open a temporary file called <str>

  Explanation:  SQL attempted to open a temporary file.  It was
  either in the default directory or the directory specified with
  the /OBJ compile switch.

  User Action:  Include a valid directory specification with
  protection level that allows temporary files to created in it.

1.1529  –  UNBWRTFIL

  Unable to write to file <str>

  Explanation:  SQL was unable to write to an open file.  A
  problem such as running out of disk space or a hardware failure
  may be the cause.

  User Action:  Correct the problem with the hardware resource.

1.1530  –  UNDEFVAR

  Variable <str> is not defined

  Explanation:  You referenced a host variable which is not

  User Action:  Either define the variable, or specify the name of
  a variable which is already defined.

1.1531  –  UNDERFLOW

  data conversion underflow

  Explanation:  You attempted an operation that would cause loss
  of information on a data-item movement.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

1.1532  –  UNDPARAM

  Parameter <str> is not declared in procedure <str>

  Explanation:  This error is generated in two situations.  In the
  first, a procedure referred to a parameter which was not
  declared in the procedure.  In the second, you used a column in
  a context where it could be a parameter reference and an
  indicator variable was specified (or a comma omitted).

  User Action:  Define the parameter in the procedure, or use a
  parameter name which is defined in the procedure.


  Computed column may not have UNIQUE constraint

  Explanation:  You specified a unique constraint for a computed
  column, which does not support this constraint.

  User Action:  Remove the unique constraint from this definition.

1.1534  –  UNIKEYEXI

  Column <str> is already part of a unique key

  Explanation:  You specified a unique key definition for a column
  which is already mentioned in a unique key.  A column may only
  be mentioned in one unique key.

  User Action:  Enter the unique key definition without the column
  which was part of another unique key.


  Unions are only allowed by EXTRACTION ROLLUP transfers

  Explanation:  You have specified for an EXTRACTION or
  REPLICATION transfer a query which is a union.

  User Action:  Use multiple select expressions to achieve the
  desired result.

1.1536  –  UNIQNODUP

  The index <str> cannot be unique and have a duplicates clause

  Explanation:  An index cannot be defined as UNIQUE and specify

  User Action:  Remove either the UNIQUE syntax or the DUPLICATES

1.1537  –  UNISELLIS

  The standard requires the select lists of the selects for UNION
  to have the same number of columns

  Explanation:  The select lists of the two select expressions in
  this UNION have a different number of elements.  The ANSI and
  ISO SQL standards require that they have the same number of

  User Action:  If it is important to have only standard features
  in your program, you should change your selects to have the same
  number of items in the select list.

1.1538  –  UNKN_ABS

  unknown AIJ backup server process -- ABS image not invoked by
  database monitor

  Explanation:  An attempt to bind to the database was made by an
  after-image backup server process (ABS) that was not created by
  the database monitor; this would happen if the ABS image was
  invoked from DCL by the user instead of the monitor.

  User Action:  DO NOT attempt to execute the ABS image from DCL.
  If so configured, the database monitor will automatically invoke
  the after-image backup server process to perform after-image
  journal backup operations.

1.1539  –  UNKN_ALS

  unknown AIJ Log Server -- ALS image not invoked by database

  Explanation:  An attempt to bind to the database was made by an
  AIJ Log Server process (ALS) that was not created by the
  database monitor; this would happen if the ALS image was invoked
  from DCL by the user instead of the monitor.

  User Action:  DO NOT attempt to execute the ALS image from DCL.
  If so configured, the database monitor will automatically invoke
  the after-image logging server process to perform database
  journaling activities.

1.1540  –  UNKN_DBR

  unknown database recovery process -- DBR image not invoked by
  database monitor

  Explanation:  An attempt to bind to the database was made by a
  database recovery process (DBR) that was not created by the
  database monitor; this would happen if the DBR image was invoked
  from DCL by the user instead of the monitor.

  User Action:  DO NOT attempt to execute the DBR image from DCL.
  The database monitor will invoke the database recovery process
  to perform database recovery.

1.1541  –  UNKN_LCS

  unknown AIJ Log Catch-Up Server -- image not invoked by database

  Explanation:  An attempt to bind to the database was made by an
  AIJ Log Catch-Up Server process that was not created by the
  database monitor; this would happen if the server image was
  invoked from DCL by the user instead of the monitor.

  User Action:  DO NOT attempt to execute the server image from
  DCL.  Use the appropriate startup syntax to invoke the server

1.1542  –  UNKN_LRS

  unknown AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server -- image not invoked by
  database monitor

  Explanation:  An attempt to bind to the database was made by an
  AIJ Log Roll-Forward Server process that was not created by the
  database monitor; this would happen if the server image was
  invoked from DCL by the user instead of the monitor.

  User Action:  DO NOT attempt to execute the server image from
  DCL.  Use the appropriate startup syntax to invoke the server

1.1543  –  UNKN_RCS

  unknown Record Cache Server -- RCS image not invoked by database

  Explanation:  An attempt to bind to the database was made by a
  Record Cache Server process (RCS) that was not created by the
  database monitor; this would happen if the RCS image was invoked
  from DCL by the user instead of the monitor.

  User Action:  DO NOT attempt to execute the RCS image from DCL.
  If so configured, the database monitor will automatically invoke
  the Record Cache Server process to perform database journaling

1.1544  –  UNKTYPE

  <str> is based on an unknown type

  Explanation:  You referred to a host variable which was based on
  a host language the SQL precompiler does not support.

  User Action:  Base the host variable on a host language the SQL
  precompiler supports.


  Unknown command line switch:  <str>

  Explanation:  The specified command line switch is not
  recognized and invalid for UNIX sqlpre or sqlmod.

  User Action:  Remove the switch from the command line.

1.1546  –  UNMATEND

  Unmatched end

  Explanation:  The Pascal precompiler found more END statements
  than BEGIN statements.  The scope for all variable declaration
  and usage is at the global level.  This is caused by an error in
  the precompiler or an error in your program.

  User Action:  Investigate if it is a error in your program.  If
  it is an error in the precompiler, then please contact your
  Oracle support representative.

1.1547  –  UNSARITH

  expression includes unsupported arithmetic operation

  Explanation:  The Boolean evaluator was processing an expression
  or sub-expression that contained an arithmetic operator.
  Arithmetic operators are not supported.

  User Action:  Rewrite the expression in error without the
  arithmetic operator.

1.1548  –  UNSCOMP

  unsupported data comparison

  Explanation:  You attempted an operation that would compare two
  incommensurate data items.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

1.1549  –  UNSCOMPBY

  <str>.<str> is not supported in this context

  Explanation:  You included the COMPUTED_BY field named in this
  error message in the SELECT FIELDS clause of a DEFINE TRANSFER
  statement.  This COMPUTED_BY field uses a value expression that
  is unsupported.

  User Action:  Re-enter the DEFINE TRANSFER statement and omit
  the COMPUTED_BY field that uses the unsupported value
  expression.  Refer to the DEFINE TRANSFER statement in the
  Replication Option for Rdb Handbook for information on what
  value expressions are supported.

1.1550  –  UNSCONV

  unsupported data conversion

  Explanation:  You attempted an operation that would cause loss
  of information on a data-item movement.

  User Action:  Correct the error and try again.

1.1551  –  UNSDATASS

  Unsupported date/time assignment from <str> to <str>

  Explanation:  You attempted an unsupported assignment between

  User Action:  Check the documentation for valid date
  assignments.  The two dates must be comparable.  A secondary
  error message may provide a more precise reason for the error.
  The CAST function might be an appropriate workaround for a data
  type mismatch.

1.1552  –  UNSDATATYPE

  Host variable <str> is an unsupported data type

  Explanation:  The host variable declaration uses a COMPLEX or
  REAL*16 FORTRAN data type.  These data types are not supported.

  User Action:  Either change the declaration so that only
  supported data types are used, or move the data to another data
  item which only uses supported data types.

1.1553  –  UNSDATCVT

  Unsupported DATE conversion

  Explanation:  You tried to ALTER a column with a datatype of
  DATE to a numeric datatype.  This is unsupported.

  User Action:

1.1554  –  UNSDATXPR

  Unsupported date expression

  Explanation:  You attempted an operation on a date that is not

  User Action:  Check the documentation for valid date
  expressions.  If you are using the preprocessors, you might be
  able to work around the limitation by using a temporary

1.1555  –  UNSDB2PRIV

  Unsupported DB2 privilege ignored

  Explanation:  A GRANT or REVOKE statement specified a DB2
  privilege which the SQL interface to Oracle Rdb does not

  User Action:  None.  SQL ignores the unsupported privileges.

1.1556  –  UNSDECLDTYP

  Unsupported datatype in DECLARE variable statement

  Explanation:  The data type for the DECLARE variable statement
  is not supported.  This applies to the interactive DECLARE
  variable statement and the multistatement procedure DECLARE
  variable statement.  This message is also generated if the
  DECLARE variable statement uses a DOMAIN whose data type is

  User Action:  Declare the variable with a supported data type or
  supported domain data type.

1.1557  –  UNSDSCCLA

  Unsupported descriptor class <num>

  Explanation:  The class of the descriptor in an input parameter
  is not supported by the SQL interface to Oracle Rdb.

  User Action:  Use class S, D, DS, or VS.

1.1558  –  UNSDTPCVT

  Unsupported data type conversion

  Explanation:  A dynamic SQL program tried to get SQL to perform
  a data type conversion which it does not support.  For example,
  a date field was fetched into a numeric field.  The SQL dynamic
  interface does not support conversions from date to numeric.

  User Action:  Change the data type used to pass data to or from
  the dynamic interface to a data type which can be converted to
  the data type of the data in the database.

1.1559  –  UNSFIXINT

  <str> must specify an unscaled fixed numeric

  Explanation:  The specified quantity must be a fixed numeric
  literal, parameter, or host variable.  This could be the
  position or length of a SUBSTRING.

  User Action:  Change the quantity to be an unscaled fixed
  numeric data type.  If the message specifies SUBSTRING, change
  the position or length of the SUBSTRING to be an unscaled fixed
  numeric data type.

1.1560  –  UNSIGNED_VAR

  Host variable <str> is an unsigned variable which is illegal is
  SQL statements.

  Explanation:  The named variable is defined as an C unsigned
  variable.  Unsigned variables are illegal in SQL statements.

  User Action:  Use a signed version of this variable in the SQL

1.1561  –  UNSINTXPR

  Unsupported interval expression

  Explanation:  You attempted an operation that is not supported
  on an interval value expression.

  User Action:  Check the documentation for valid interval
  expressions.  The FOR cursor loop requires that all intervals be
  single field.  e.g.  INTERVAL DAY

1.1562  –  UNSLOBASS

  Unsupported data type conversion from <str> to <str>

  Explanation:  You attempted an unsupported conversion.

  User Action:  LIST OF BYTE VARYING types may not be converted to
  the target type that was given.  Revise the application to
  perform the conversion in a different way.

1.1563  –  UNSNUMXPR

  Unsupported numeric expression

  Explanation:  You attempted an operation that is not supported
  on a numeric value expression.  For example:  numeric = numeric
  || numeric;

  User Action:  Check the documentation for valid numeric
  expressions.  If you are using the preprocessors, you might be
  able to work around the limitation by using a temporary

1.1564  –  UNSPLIATT

  Host variable <str> uses an unsupported PLI attribute

  Explanation:  The host variable declaration uses a PLI attribute
  which is not supported.

  User Action:  Either change the declaration so that only
  supported attributes are used, or move the data to another data
  item which only uses supported attributes.

1.1565  –  UNSSTRXPR

  Unsupported string expression

  Explanation:  You attempted an operation on a string that is not
  supported.  For example:  string = string + string;

  User Action:  Check the documentation for valid string
  expressions.  If you are using the preprocessors, you might be
  able to work around the limitation by using a temporary

1.1566  –  UNSSUPDAT

  Unsupported data type requested

  Explanation:  You requested input or output of an unsupported
  data type from the dynamic interface.

  User Action:  You should review the data types of the variables
  in the dynamic statement and change the offending data type to a
  supported data type.

1.1567  –  UNSUPCDD

  Feature is not supported for version of CDD

  Explanation:  You are attempting to use a feature that requires
  version 5.4 or higher of CDD.

  User Action:  Refrain from using this feature or upgrade to at
  least CDD V5.4.

1.1568  –  UNSUPOP

  Operation supported for read-write databases only

  Explanation:  You attempted to perform data definition or
  updates on an Rdb Transparent Gateway to DB2 or Rdb Transparent
  Gateway to Oracle database.  Rdb Transparent Gateway to DB2 or
  Rdb Transparent Gateway to Oracle databases are read-only.

  User Action:  Do not issue any CREATE, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE
  statements with an Rdb Transparent Gateway to DB2 or Rdb
  Transparent Gateway to Oracle database.

1.1569  –  UNSUPVER

  Operation is unsupported for version of database.

  Explanation:  You tried to do something with a pre-V3.1 database
  that requires version 3.1 or higher.  This can happen when
  Rdb/Remote is used to access a database of a different version
  than that of the database system.

  User Action:  Convert the database to the current version of Rdb
  or do not attempt the operation that caused the problem.

1.1570  –  UNTERM_C_STR

  Missing null terminator for C string

  Explanation:  C strings must be terminated with the null
  terminator.  The string in this program was not terminated

  User Action:  Change the string to terminate properly.

1.1571  –  UNTILTAD

  recovery /UNTIL date and time is "<time>"

  Explanation:  The specified date and time are being used for the
  after-image journal roll-forward operation.

1.1572  –  UNTSTR

  Unterminated string found

  Explanation:  The matching quote (" or ') for a string was not

  User Action:  Re-enter statement with matching quote character.

1.1573  –  UPDCOLPRIV

  UPDATE(column-name) privilege is not supported

  Explanation:  UPDATE(column-name) is a DB2 privilege not
  supported by the SQL interface to Oracle Rdb.  UPDATE privilege
  will be granted on the entire table.

  User Action:  None.

1.1574  –  UPDINSCUR

  Cursor <str> is an INSERT ONLY cursor

  Explanation:  The cursor referenced in the statement was defined
  as INSERT ONLY.  Thus, UPDATE, FETCH and DELETE statements are

  User Action:  Either change either the cursor declaration to
  UPDATE, or do not attempt to update the cursor.

1.1575  –  UPDREACUR

  Cursor <str> is read-only

  Explanation:  A cursor is read-only if it includes a DISTINCT
  phrase, a aggregate function, a GROUP BY, HAVING, or UNION, or
  more than one table in its FROM clause.  Read-only cursors
  cannot include FOR UPDATE clauses and cannot be used in UPDATE
  or DELETE statements.

  User Action:  Either change whatever made the cursor read-only,
  or do not attempt to update the cursor.

1.1576  –  USERALREXI

  User <str> already exists in the database

  Explanation:  The specified user already exists in the specified

  User Action:  Check the spelling of the user name and ensure
  that it is a unique name of a user in the specified database.

1.1577  –  USERINVIEW

  USER literals are not permitted in DDL statements

  Explanation:  SQL cannot store a USER literal in a ddl object
  such as a view or a constraint.

  User Action:  You must either explicitly specify the user name
  as string literal in the select list of the view definition, or
  specify USER in a query outside of the view definition.

1.1578  –  USERNOTDEF

  User <str> is not defined

  Explanation:  The specified user does not exist in the specified

  User Action:  Check the spelling of the name of the user and
  ensure that it is the name of a user in the specified database.

1.1579  –  USEUNOPTAIJ

  please use original unoptimized AIJ file for this recovery

  Explanation:  The requested recovery operation is not compatible
  with an optimized AIJ file.  See the accompanying message for
  the cause of the incompatability.

  User Action:  Use the original, non-optimized AIJ file to do the


  USING CONTEXT is not allowed for this statement

  Explanation:  Your source contains a USING CONTEXT clause with a
  statement that does not allow that clause.

  User Action:  Remove the USING CONTEXT clause from the

1.1581  –  USINGCTXREQ

  USING CONTEXT is required for this statement

  Explanation:  Your source doesn't contains a USING CONTEXT
  clause with a statement that requires one.

  User Action:  Add the USING CONTEXT clause for the statement.

1.1582  –  USRDEFTYP

  Host variable <str> is of an unknown user defined type

  Explanation:  The named variable is of a user defined type that
  wasn't defined within the pre-compilation unit.  User defined
  types must be defined in the same pre-compilation unit for them
  to be legal.

  User Action:  Use a different variable or include the type
  definition in the pre-compilation unit.

1.1583  –  VAL_TRIG

  VALIDATE must not be specified when enabling Triggers

  Explanation:  In the ALTER TABLE statement, if you specify
  enable validate, you cannot specify triggers.  If you wish to
  enable triggers, do not specify either VALIDATE or NOVALIDATE.

  User Action:  Respecify the ALTER TABLE statement

1.1584  –  VARNOTUSED

  Variable "<str>" was declared but never used

  Explanation:  This variable was declared by the module, or
  routine but was never referenced.

  User Action:  SQL will eliminate this declaration.  This is just
  an informational message to aid in application development.

1.1585  –  VECNOTIND

  Host variable <str> is a vector but is not used as an indicator

  Explanation:  The host variable is defined as a vector
  (one-dimensional array).  SQL only allows references to vectors
  if they are used as indicator variables for host structures
  (such indicator variables are also called indicator structures
  or indicator vectors).

  User Action:  Either change the host variable declaration so it
  is not an array, or move the data from the array to a variable
  that is not an array.

1.1586  –  VEWNOTDEF

  View <str> is not defined in database or schema

  Explanation:  The specified view does not exist in the current
  database or schema.

  User Action:  Attach the proper database schema.  Spell the view
  name correctly.  You may have specified an expression where a
  view name was expected.

1.1587  –  VOID_HV

  Host variable <str> is of type void, which is illegal in SQL

  Explanation:  The named variable is defined as a C variable of
  datatype 'void'.  These variables are currently not supported by
  the C precompiler.

  User Action:  Use a different variable or specify a supported


  Storage Map "<str>" specified STORE COLUMNS after a STORE

  Explanation:  In a vertical row partitioned storage map, all the
  STORE COLUMNS clauses must precede the optional catch all STORE

  User Action:  Specify the STORE COLUMNS clauses first, then if
  desired a single STORE clause.

1.1589  –  WAIMODSPC

  Only one wait mode may be specified for a transaction

  Explanation:  You specified both wait modes in a DECLARE
  TRANSACTION statement.

  User Action:  Specify either WAIT or NOWAIT, not both, in a

1.1590  –  WARDET

  A warning was detected

  Explanation:  This is the exit status for a preprocessor when an
  warning was detected.

  User Action:  Correct the error in the host language program and
  resubmit the job to the preprocessor.

1.1591  –  WARNINGCB

  column attributes and data will be lost on commit

  Explanation:  You used the ALTER statement to change a column
  into a computed column.  Because of the way this is implemented,
  all attributes and data existing before the ALTER statement will
  be lost when you issue a COMMIT statement.

  User Action:  If this behavior is unexpected, use the ROLLBACK
  statement to undo the effects of the ALTER statement.

1.1592  –  WASBOOL

  expression in CONTAINS or MATCHES was a Boolean

  Explanation:  The Boolean evaluator was processing an expression
  or sub-expression of the form "A CONTAINS B" or "A MATCHES B".
  Either the "A" or the "B" expression was a Boolean of the form
  "NOT X", "X EQ Y", "X NE Y", "X LT Y", "X GT Y", "X LE Y", "X GE
  Y", "X CONTAINS Y", or "X MATCHES Y".  Neither side of CONTAINS
  and MATCHES expressions are allowed to be Boolean expressions.

  User Action:  Rewrite the expression to have the proper format.

1.1593  –  WHYTWICE

  Column <str> is specified more than once in the column list of a

  Explanation:  You specified the same column more than once in
  the column list of a UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY or FOREIGN KEY
  constraint.  Alternatively, you specified the column in more
  than one NOT NULL constraint.

  User Action:  Specify each column only once.  Check the CREATE
  or ALTER TABLE command and remove the redundant reference.

1.1594  –  WILDALLWILD

  Wildcard may not be followed by non-wildcard

  Explanation:  A CREATE TRANSFER statement was entered with a
  MOVE TABLES clause which specified a wildcard followed by a
  non-wildcard.  For example, A.*.*.B is not allowed; A.*.*.* is

  User Action:  Change the MOVE TABLES clause to make use of
  wildcarding at all subsequent levels once wildcarding has begun.

1.1595  –  WISHLIST

  Feature not implemented yet

  Explanation:  The action you requested requires a feature that
  is not implemented in the current version of the product.

  User Action:  Do not request such an action.

1.1596  –  WISH_LIST

  Feature not yet implemented - <str>

  Explanation:  The action you requested requires a feature that
  is not implemented in the current version of this product.

  User Action:  Try to work around the unimplemented feature.

1.1597  –  WRICIRREF

  A subquery in an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement referenced
  the subject table

  Explanation:  You tried to use the same table in an INSERT,
  UPDATE or DELETE statement both as the target and in a subquery.
  The current ANSI and ISO SQL standards do not permit this.

  User Action:  If it is important to use only standard features
  in your program, you should remove the subquery which references
  the subject table.

1.1598  –  WRMCANTREAD

  error reading WORM pages <num>:<num>-<num>

  Explanation:  An error occurred when you attempted to read one
  or more WORM pages.  The message indicates the storage area ID
  number and the page numbers of the first and last pages being

  User Action:  Examine the associated messages to determine the
  reason for failure.  One possible cause for this error is
  disabling logging for the WORM area and subsequently restoring
  that area from an earlier backup.

1.1599  –  WRMDEVFUL

  WORM device full for area <str>

  Explanation:  The area is marked as "WORM device full," because
  a previous attempt to extend this WORM area failed.

  User Action:  Consider adding more areas to the storage map or
  moving the WORM area to a higher capacity WORM device.

1.1600  –  WRMNOTMIX

  cannot add WORM attribute to uniform format area <str>

  Explanation:  WORM areas should be mixed-format areas only.

  User Action:  Examine your command line for illegal

1.1601  –  WRMRDONLY

  cannot add WORM attribute to READ_ONLY area <str>

  Explanation:  WORM areas cannot also have the read-only

  User Action:  Examine your command line for illegal

1.1602  –  WRONGARGS

  procedure <str> called with wrong number of argument

  Explanation:  The named procedure was called with the wrong
  number of arguments.

  User Action:  Call the procedure with the right number of

1.1603  –  XIDNOTFOUND

  specified XID could not be found in the database

  Explanation:  The specified XID was not found in the database.
  Either the XID was never in the unresolved state, or it has
  since been resolved with the resolution that had been supplied

  User Action:  Check the appropriate transaction manager log for
  more information.

1.1604  –  XPR_STACK_OVFL

  expression forces too many levels of recursion/stack overflow

  Explanation:  You provided an expression which forces too many
  levels of recursion, which resulted in stack overflow.

  User Action:  The expression should be rewritten to use
  parentheses and therefore cause fewer levels of recursion.  It
  may also be possible to increase the size of the stack.

1.1605  –  ZABORT

  User entered Control-Z to abort statement

  Explanation:  You typed a Control-Z to abort the current

  User Action:  None.

1.1606  –  ZEROLENCHAR

  Nonstandard character string length

  Explanation:  A zero (0) length string was specified

  User Action:  A zero (0) length string is not supported by the
  standard specified.  Specify a length of 1, or do not use the

1.1607  –  ZEROSIZE

  Size value is zero.

  Explanation:  You have supplied a zero value in a context that
  does not allow such a value.  You specified SIZE IS 0 for an
  index key compression in CREATE INDEX statement, INCREMENT BY 0
  with a 0 for the increment-by parameter in a CREATE TABLE or
  ALTER TABLE statement.

  User Action:  Use a non-zero value.  SIZE IS requires a value
  great than zero, sequences and IDENTITY require any value except


  COSI$MSG COSI error messages

2.1  –  ABKEYW

  ambiguous qualifier or keyword - supply more characters

  Explanation:  Too few characters were used to truncate a keyword
  or qualifier name to make the keyword or qualifier name unique.

  User Action:  Reenter the command.     Specify at least four
  characters of the keyword or qualifier name.

2.2  –  ABNEXIT

  process has exited abnormally

  Explanation:  The process that is being looked at has exited
  with some exit status.

  User Action:  Check to see why the process exited.

2.3  –  ABORT


  Explanation:  A database procedure has unexpectedly aborted or
  returned an error in an unexpected way.

  User Action:  Retry the operation.     If the error persists,
  contact your Oracle support representative for assistance.

2.4  –  ABSENT

  entity or value absent from command string

  Explanation:  This message indicates that the entity value has
  not been specified in the command line.

  User Action:  No action is required.


  absolute time required - delta time supplied

  Explanation:  A delta time is passed to the routine when an
  absolute time is required.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

2.6  –  ABVERB

  ambiguous command verb - supply more characters

  Explanation:  Too few characters were used to truncate a command
  name to make the command name unique.

  User Action:  Reenter the command.     Specify at least four
  characters of the command name.

2.7  –  ACCESS_ERR

  an error was returned by the access function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'access' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages for 'access'
  to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.

2.8  –  ACCVIO

  access violation

  Explanation:  A readable parameter cannot be read, or a
  writeable parameter cannot be written.

  User Action:  Pass the appropriate parameters.

2.9  –  ACLEMPTY

  access control list is empty

  Explanation:  There are no access control entries in the access
  control list.

  User Action:  Do not perform this command when the access
  control list is empty.

2.10  –  AMBDATTIM

  ambiguous date-time

  Explanation:  The date-time input string did not match the
  specified input format.

  User Action:  Correct the date-time input string and input
  format for date and time values.

2.11  –  ARITH

  arithmetic exception

  Explanation:  An 'arithmetic exception' was raised as an
  exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.  Integer overflow, Integer divide
  by 0, Floating overflow, Floating divide by 0, Floating
  underflow, Floating invalid operation, and Floating inexact
  result are specific conditions producing this signal.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.


  the authentication file is not owned by root

  Explanation:  The authentication file has the wrong owner.

  User Action:  Contact the system or database administrator to
  verify and/or correct the owner of the
  /usr/lib/dbs/sql/version /lib/cosi_authenticate program.


  the authentication file does not have the correct protection set

  Explanation:  The authentication file has the wrong protection.

  User Action:  Contact the system or database administrator to
  verify and/or correct the protection of the
  /usr/lib/dbs/sql/version /lib/cosi_authenticate program.

2.14  –  BADAUTH

  there is a problem with the authentication file

  Explanation:  The authentication file does not exist, or it has
  the wrong owner or protection.

  User Action:  Contact the system or database administrator to
  verify and/or correct the existence, owner, or protection of the
  /usr/lib/dbs/sql/version /lib/cosi_authenticate program.


  invalid remote node name specification for network

  Explanation:  You specified a remote node name that contains a
  quoted string when using TCP/IP transport.

  User Action:  Either check the remote node name for validity,
  and remove any quoted strings, or change the transport to use
  DECnet as the network transport.

2.16  –  BADPARAM

  bad parameter value

  Explanation:  A value specified for a system function is not

  User Action:  This error message indicates a possible error in
  the use of operating system services by the database system.
  Contact your Oracle support representative for assistance.

2.17  –  BADVMSVER

  operating system version is not supported

  Explanation:  The current version of Operating System is higher
  than the version supported by Oracle Rdb.

  User Action:  Contact your Customer service center.  There may
  be a future version of Oracle Rdb that supports your Operating
  System version.

2.18  –  BAD_CODE

  corruption in the query string

  Explanation:  An illegal entry was found in the query string.

  User Action:  If you called Rdb, check the query string.
  Otherwise, contact your Oracle support representative for

2.19  –  BAD_KEY

  invalid key specification

  Explanation:  The key field size, position, data type, or order
  is incorrect within the key definition.  Positions start at 1
  and cannot be greater than the maximum record size.  Record size
  must be less than or equal to 32,767 for character data; 1, 2,
  4, 8, or 16 for binary data; and less than or equal to 31 for

  User Action:  Check the command string key specifiers.

2.20  –  BAD_LRL

  record length (<num>) greater than specified longest record

  Explanation:  While reading the input file, the sort code
  encountered a record longer than the specified LRL (longest
  record length specified in bytes).  The record will be truncated
  to the LRL and sorted.

  User Action:  Reexecute the sort command with a longer LRL.

2.21  –  BAD_MERGE

  number of work files must be between 0 and 10

  Explanation:  The number of work files used was either less than
  0 or greater than 10.

  User Action:  Specify the correct number of work files, and
  retry the sort/merge operation.

2.22  –  BAD_SRL

  record length (<num>) is too short to contain keys

  Explanation:  A record passed to sort/merge is too short to
  contain all the keys.  The record is discarded, and processing

  User Action:  Check your input records and key specification.

2.23  –  BAD_TYPE

  invalid sort process specified

  Explanation:  One of the following sort type codes was passed to
  the routine package:  - Less than one or greater than four if
  file I/O - Not equal to one if record I/O - An invalid key word
  in command PROCESS Legal values are 1 through 4 for file I/O; 0
  for record I/O; and RECORD, TAG, INDEX, or ADDRESS for the
  PROCESS command parameter.

  User Action:  Specify a different sorting process.

2.24  –  BUFFEROVF

  output buffer overflow

  Explanation:  The service completed successfully.  The buffer
  length field in an item descriptor specified an insufficient
  value.  The buffer was not large enough to hold the requested

  User Action:  Provide a larger buffer, or perform another read
  request to access the remainder of the message.

2.25  –  BUGCHECK

  internal consistency failure

  Explanation:  A fatal, unexpected error was detected by the
  database management system.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for
  assistance.  You will need to include any bugcheck dump files.

2.26  –  CANCEL

  operation canceled

  Explanation:  The lock conversion request has been canceled, and
  the lock has been granted at its previous lock mode.  This
  condition value is returned under the following conditions:  a
  lock request results in queueing a lock conversion request, the
  request has not been granted yet (it is in the conversion
  queue), and, in the interim, the unlock service is called to
  cancel this lock conversion.  Note that if the waiting
  conversion request is granted BEFORE the unlock call can cancel
  the conversion, the unlock call returns CANCELGRANT, and the
  conversion request returns NORMAL.

  User Action:  This error message indicates a possible error in
  the locking protocols.  Contact your Oracle support
  representative for assistance.


  cannot cancel a granted lock

  Explanation:  The service to unlock a lock was called to cancel
  a pending lock request; however, before the request to unlock
  could be completed, the lock was granted.

  User Action:  This error message indicates a possible error in
  the locking protocols.  Contact your Oracle support
  representative for assistance.


  cannot open help library

  Explanation:  The help utility could not open the requested help

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for


  error assigning a channel to a mailbox

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt to assign a
  channel to a VMS mailbox.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages to determine the
  reason for the failure.


  cannot create mailbox

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt to create a
  mailbox.  Mailboxes are used for interprocess communication by
  the database management system on VMS.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages to determine the
  reason for the failure.  Usually, you will have to change one of
  your quotas (most likely, the buffered I/O byte count quota or
  the open file quota).

2.31  –  CANTSPAWN

  error creating sub-process

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt to spawn a

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages to determine the
  reason for the failure.


  captive account - can't create sub-process

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt to enter a
  SPAWN command from a captive account on VMS.

  User Action:  Do not use the SPAWN command from a captive

2.33  –  CHOWN_ERR

  an error was returned by the chown function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'chown' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages for 'chown' to
  interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.

2.34  –  CLOSEERR

  cannot close file

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt to close the
  specified file.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages to determine the
  reason for the failure.

2.35  –  COMMA

  requested value is terminated by a comma

  Explanation:  The returned value is terminated by a comma,
  implying that additional values are in the list.

  User Action:  No action is required.

2.36  –  CONCAT

  requested value is terminated by a plus sign

  Explanation:  The returned value is concatenated to the next
  value with a plus sign, implying that additional values are in
  the list.

  User Action:  No action is required.

2.37  –  CONFLICT

  illegal combination of command elements - check documentation

  Explanation:  Two or more qualifiers, keywords, or parameters
  that cannot be used in combination were used in the same command

  User Action:  Remove the offending element.


  connect over network timed-out or failed

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt to establish a
  network connection.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages to determine the
  reason for the failure.


  In cosi_last_chance handler in image <str>.Unhandled exception
  code was 0x<num>.Exception occurred at <str> = 0x<num>!.

  Explanation:  An exception occurred which was not handled by
  another exception handler.  Cosi exits the process.

  User Action:  Check the message information and the bugheck
  dump, if one was written, to determine the cause of the error.
  If necessary, contact your Oracle support representative for

2.40  –  CREATED

  file/section did not exist - was created

  Explanation:  The service completed successfully.  The specified
  global section did not previously exist and has been created.

  User Action:  No action is required.


  Error encountered while creating a filemapping object

  Explanation:  A system error was encountered while creating a
  filemapping object

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message to determine the
  reason for the failure.


  Error encountered while creating mutex

  Explanation:  A system error was encountered while creating a
  mutex object

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message to determine the
  reason for the failure.

2.43  –  CREATERR

  cannot create file

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt to close the
  specified file.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages to determine the
  reason for the failure.

2.44  –  CREAT_ERR

  an error was returned by the creat function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'creat' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages for 'creat' to
  interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.


  invalid or undefined character set

  Explanation:  The character set specified is not known.

  User Action:  Check the character set name and/or identifier to
  ensure that they are valid.

2.46  –  CVTASSTS

  Status from CVTAS routine is <num>

  Explanation:  Actual status value from convert operation.

  User Action:  Examine the program counter (PC) location
  displayed in the message.  Check the program listing to verify
  that operands or variables are specified correctly.


  cannot convert an ungranted lock

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to convert a lock that is not
  granted.  (Only locks that are granted can be converted to
  another lock mode.)

  User Action:  This error message indicates a possible error in
  the locking protocols.  Contact your Oracle support
  representative for assistance.

2.48  –  DEADLOCK

  deadlock detected

  Explanation:  The system detected a set of processes waiting for
  locks in a circular fashion (deadlock).  This lock request is
  denied in order to break the deadlock.

  User Action:  Recovery from a deadlock is application specific.
  One common action is for the program to rollback the transaction
  and retry.  Deadlocks should be infrequent in properly designed

2.49  –  DECOVF

  decimal overflow

  Explanation:  During an arithmetic operation, a decimal value
  exceeds the largest representable decimal number.  The result of
  the operation is set to the correctly signed least significant

  User Action:  No action is required.

2.50  –  DEFAULTED

  entity present by default in command string

  Explanation:  The specified entity is not explicitly present in
  the command line, but is present by default.

  User Action:  No action is required.

2.51  –  DEFFORUSE

  default format used - could not determine user's preference

  Explanation:  Translation of RDB_DT_FORMAT failed, and the
  native standard representation is used.

  User Action:  Examine and make corrections to the environment
  variable RDB_DT_FORMAT.

2.52  –  DELETERR

  error deleting file

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt to delete the
  specified file.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages to determine the
  reason for the failure.  You may have to change the protection
  on a file before you can delete it.

2.53  –  DESSTROVF

  destination string overflow

  Explanation:  The destionation string is shorter than the source
  string when the string is copied during datatype conversion.

  User Action:  Examine the length of the destination string and
  make sure the length is at least equal to or longer than the
  source string.

2.54  –  DIFSIZ

  different message size received from expected

  Explanation:  The message size set by VMS system when message is
  put in the buffer and the size computed by the monitor (message
  header + the message length) are different.  This can be caused
  by a multi- user environment, e.g.  5.1 image tries to attach to
  6.1 monitor.

  User Action:  Rollback/Abort

2.55  –  DIRECT

  invalid directory syntax - check brackets and other delimiters

  Explanation:  The directory name in a file specification entered
  for a command contains an illegal character, or a command that
  expects a directory name string did not find a directory
  delimiter in the specified parameter.

  User Action:  Examine the directory name, correct the directory
  syntax, and reenter the command.

2.56  –  DIRNAME_ERR

  an error was returned by the dirname function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'dirname' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages for 'dirname'
  to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.

2.57  –  DNF

  directory not found

  Explanation:  The specified directory does not exist on the
  specified device.

  User Action:  Verify that the device and/or directory are
  specified correctly.  Create the directory if necessary, or
  specify an existing directory.

2.58  –  DT_FRACMBZ

  fractional seconds precision must be zero for this sub-type

  Explanation:  The date/time data type supplied a sub-type which
  does not allow a fractional seconds precision to be supplied.

  User Action:  This appears to be an error in the code generated
  by SQL.  Contact your Oracle support representative for
  assistance.  You will need to provide the statement that
  produced this error.

2.59  –  DT_PRECMBZ

  interval leading field precision must be zero for this sub-type

  Explanation:  The date/time data type supplied a sub-type which
  does not allow a leading interval field precision to be

  User Action:  This appears to be an error in the code generated
  by SQL.  Contact your Oracle support representative for
  assistance.  You will need to provide the statement that
  produced this error.

2.60  –  DUP_OUTPUT

  output file has already been specified

  Explanation:  The output file argument in the routine package
  was passed more than once.

  User Action:  Check the file arguments, and verify that the
  output file was specified only once.

2.61  –  EF_ALRFRE

  event flag already free

  Explanation:  An event flag that is already free is being freed.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

2.62  –  EF_RESSYS

  event flag reserved to system

  Explanation:  The specified event flag is reserved for system

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

2.63  –  ENDDIAGS

  completed with diagnostics

  Explanation:  The operation completed with diagnostics.

  User Action:  Correct the conditions that resulted in the
  diagnostics, and retry the operation.

2.64  –  ENDOFFILE

  end of file

  Explanation:  An end-of-file condition was encountered during an
  I/O operation.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages to determine the
  reason for the failure.

2.65  –  ENGLUSED

  English used - could not determine user's language

  Explanation:  Translation of the environment variable
  RDB_LANGUAGE failed.  English is being used.

  User Action:  Examine RDB_LANGUAGE.     Verify that the
  environment variable is defined.

2.66  –  EOFERR

  error determining size of file

  Explanation:  An error occurred when an attempt was made to
  determine the size of the specified file.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages to determine the
  reason for the failure.


  error opening foreign command file as input

  Explanation:  An error occurred when a foreign (indirect)
  command file was read.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message for more

2.68  –  EVLWRTERR

  error writing to the Event Log

  Explanation:  This general message indicates an error during a
  write to the NT Event Log.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages to determine the
  reason for the failure.  Make sure that the EventLog service is
  running and that the Event Log is not full.


  exceeded aio quota

  Explanation:  The program could not proceed because the AIO
  quota on the system has been exceeded.

  User Action:  Either increase the AIO quota on the system or
  reduce the AIO quota consumption by Oracle Rdb servers.


  exceeded AST quota

  Explanation:  The program could not proceed because the AST
  quota for the Rdb system has been exceeded.

  User Action:  Increase the maximum number of users allowed on
  the system by modifying the RDBLCK_MAX_USERS parameter in the
  rdblck.conf configuration file.

2.71  –  EXC_OSF

  exception sub facility <num>, code <num>, <num> param(s) (17XA)

  Explanation:  The unrecognized exception with the given sub
  facilkity number, code and optional parameters was raised in
  response to an arithmetic or software condition.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.72  –  EXC_OSF0

  exception Internal, code <num>, <num> param(s) (17XA)

  Explanation:  An 'Internal' exception with the given code and
  optional parameters was raised in response to an arithmetic or
  software condition.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.73  –  EXC_OSF1

  exception Facility End, code <num>, <num> param(s) (17XA)

  Explanation:  A 'Facility End' exception with the given code and
  optional parameters was raised in response to an arithmetic or
  software condition.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.74  –  EXC_OSF2

  exception All, code <num>, <num> param(s) (17XA)

  Explanation:  A 'Wildcard' exception with the given code and
  optional parameters was raised in response to an arithmetic or
  software condition.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.75  –  EXC_OSF4

  exception ADA User, code <num>, <num> param(s) (17XA)

  Explanation:  An 'ADA user' exception with the given code and
  optional parameters was raised in response to an arithmetic or
  software condition.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.76  –  EXC_OSF5

  exception PL1 User, code <num>, <num> param(s) (17XA)

  Explanation:  A 'Pl1 user' exception with the given code and
  optional parameters was raised in response to an arithmetic or
  software condition.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.77  –  EXC_OSF6

  exception C++ User, code <num>, <num> param(s) (17XA)

  Explanation:  A 'C++ user' exception with the given code and
  optional parameters was raised in response to an arithmetic or
  software condition.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.78  –  EXC_OSF7

  exception C++ User Exit, code <num>, <num> param(s) (17XA)

  Explanation:  A 'C++ Exit Path' exception with the given code
  and optional parameters was raised in response to an arithmetic
  or software condition.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.79  –  EXC_OSF8

  exception C++ User Other, code <num>, <num> param(s) (17XA)

  Explanation:  A 'C++ Other' exception with the given code and
  optional parameters was raised in response to an arithmetic or
  software condition.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.80  –  EXC_OSF9

  exception C User, code <num>, <num> param(s) (17XA)

  Explanation:  An 'C User' exception with the given code and
  optional parameters was raised in response to an arithmetic or
  software condition.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.  BASEs 3811-3849 Reserved for future OSF
  exception types

2.81  –  EXDEPTH

  exceeded allowed depth

  Explanation:  Either a programming error has occurred or the
  resource name tree does not have enough depth.  The lock
  management services allow a certain depth to the resource name

  User Action:  This error message indicates a possible error in
  the locking protocols.  Contact your Oracle support
  representative for assistance.

2.82  –  EXENQLM

  exceeded enqueue quota

  Explanation:  The process's ENQLM quota was exceeded.

  User Action:  Increase the ENQLM quota, and retry the operation.


  exceeded global page file limit

  Explanation:  The attempt to allocate a global section with a
  page file backing store failed because the systemwide limit on
  these pages is exceeded.

  User Action:  Delete some similar sections or ask the system
  manager to increase the SYSGEN parameter GBLPAGFIL.  Then, try
  the operation again.


  exceeded RDBLCK_LOCK_COUNT quota

  Explanation:  The program could not proceed because the
  RDBLCK_LOCK_COUNT quota for the Oracle Rdb system has been

  User Action:  Increase the lock count on the system by modifying
  the RDBLCK_LOCK_COUNT parameter in the rdblck.conf configuration


  exceeded RDBLCK_MAX_PROCESS quota

  Explanation:  The program could not proceed because the
  RDBLCK_MAX_PROCESS quota for the Oracle Rdb system has been

  User Action:  Increase the process count on the system by
  modifying the RDBLCK_MAX_PROCESS parameter in the rdblck.conf
  configuration file.

2.86  –  EXQUOTA

  exceeded quota

  Explanation:  The program could not proceed because a resource
  quota or limit had been exceeded.

  User Action:  The secondary error message describes the resource
  that was exceeded.  If this occurs consistently, increase the
  appropriate quota.


  exceeded RDBLCK_RESOURCE_COUNT quota

  Explanation:  The program could not proceed because the
  RDBLCK_RESOURCE_COUNT quota for the Oracle Rdb system has been

  User Action:  Increase the resource count on the system by
  modifying the RDBLCK_RESOURCE_COUNT parameter in the rdblck.conf
  configuration file.

2.88  –  EXTENDERR

  error extending file

  Explanation:  An error occurred when the size of the specified
  file was extended.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages to determine the
  reason for the failure.


  exceeded RDBLCK_MAX_USERS quota

  Explanation:  The program could not proceed because the
  RDBLCK_MAX_USERS quota for the Oracle Rdb system has been

  User Action:  Increase the maximum number of users allowed on
  the system by modifying the RDBLCK_MAX_USERS parameter in the
  rdblck.conf configuration file.

2.90  –  FATINTERR

  fatal internal error

  Explanation:  An unexpected internal error has occurred.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

2.91  –  FCSFOP

  file already open

  Explanation:  A file was already opened when it was not expected
  to be.  This indicates a general logic error in the system
  database code.

  User Action:  Retry the operation.     If the error persists,
  contact your Oracle support representative for assistance.

2.92  –  FILACCERR

  error <str> file <str>

  Explanation:  This general message indicates an error during
  file access.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages to determine the
  reason for the failure.


  mapping object specified already exists

  Explanation:  The file mapping object specified by a name while
  creating it, already exists.

  User Action:  Change the name of the mapping object to be

2.94  –  FILESYN

  syntax error parsing file

  Explanation:  This general message indicates an error that
  occurs during parsing of a file name (local or remote).

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages to determine the
  reason for the failure.


  error opening file <str>

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt to open the
  indicated file.

  User Action:  Check the attributes and protection of the
  relevant file and of the associated directories.  Verify that
  the file exists at the time it is needed.


  error reading file <str>

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt to read the
  indicated file.

  User Action:  Check the attributes and protection of the
  relevant file and of the associated directories.


  error writing file <str>

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt to write to
  the indicated file.

  User Action:  Check the attributes and protection of the
  relevant file and of the associated directories.  Verify that
  sufficient disk space is available at the time that the file is
  written to.

2.98  –  FLK

  file currently locked by another user

  Explanation:  An attempt to open or create a file failed.
  Another user has the file open in a mode incompatible with the
  attempted access.

  User Action:  Wait until the other user has unlocked the file.
  If the file cannot be shared, modify the program to detect and
  respond to this condition by waiting.

2.99  –  FLTDENORM

  conversion to IEEE floating is denormalized

  Explanation:  Conversion to IEEE float is a denormalized value.

  User Action:  You can force a denormalized IEEE output value to
  zero by passing a CVT_FORCE_DENORM_TO_ZERO parameter to the
  cosi_cvt_ftof routine.

2.100  –  FLTDIV

  floating point division exception

  Explanation:  An arithmetic exception condition occurred as a
  result of a floating point division operation.

  User Action:  Modify the query to prevent a possible
  divide-by-zero operation from occurring.

2.101  –  FLTEXC

  floating point exception

  Explanation:  An arithmetic exception condition occurred as a
  result of a floating point operation.  This may result from a
  divide-by-zero operation or a floating point overflow.

  User Action:  Modify the query to prevent a possible floating
  point divide-by-zero or overflow from occurring.

2.102  –  FLTINF

  conversion to IEEE floating is infinite

  Explanation:  Conversion to IEEE float is an infinite value.

  User Action:  You can force IEEE infinite to max float value by
  passing a CVT_FORCE_INF_TO_MAX_FLOAT parameter to the
  cosi_cvt_ftof routine.  This will force a positive IEEE infinite
  output value to +max_float and force a negative IEEE infinite
  output value to -max_float.

2.103  –  FLTINV

  invalid floating conversion

  Explanation:  The float conversion result is either ROP
  (Reserved Operand), NaN (Not a Number), or the closest

  User Action:  Make sure the float conversion routine
  cosi_cvt_ftof is invoked with the proper range of floating

2.104  –  FLTINX

  Float Inexact Result

  Explanation:  An arithmetic exception condition occurred as a
  result of a floating point inexact result.

  User Action:  Examine the program counter (PC) location
  displayed in the message.  Check the program listing to verify
  that operands or variables are specified correctly.

2.105  –  FLTNAN

  Float Not a Number

  Explanation:  An arithmetic exception condition occurred as a
  result of a floating Not-a-Number (NaN) value.

  User Action:  Examine the program counter (PC) location
  displayed in the message.  Check the program listing to verify
  that operands or variables are specified correctly.

2.106  –  FLTOVF

  floating overflow

  Explanation:  An arithmetic exception condition occurred as a
  result of a floating point overflow.

  User Action:  Examine the program counter (PC) location
  displayed in the message.  Check the program listing to verify
  that operands or variables are specified correctly.

2.107  –  FLTUND

  floating underflow

  Explanation:  An arithmetic exception condition occurred as a
  result of a floating point underflow.

  User Action:  Examine the program counter (PC) location
  displayed in the message.  Check the program listing to verify
  that operands or variables are specified correctly.

2.108  –  FNF

  file not found

  Explanation:  The specified file does not exist.

  User Action:  Check the file specification and verify that the
  directory, file name, and file type were all specified

2.109  –  FORMAT

  invalid or corrupt media format

  Explanation:  The media or disk file is in an invalid format.

  User Action:  This message indicates a media or hardware
  problem.  Check the system error log and consult the hardware
  support group for further information.  Reinstalling Oracle Rdb
  will resolve the problem.  However, if the error regularly
  occurs, faulty hardware is almost certainly the cause.

2.110  –  FORMATERR

  error in formatting output

  Explanation:  An error occurred during formatting of output to a
  terminal or a file.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages to determine the
  reason for the failure.

2.111  –  GETPWNAM_ERR

  an error was returned by the getpwnam function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'getpwnam' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages for 'getpwnam'
  to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.


  illegal initialization component

  Explanation:  The format for the data and time formatting string
  for one of the fields is illegal.

  User Action:  Check your data and time format string to be used
  for displaying date and time strings.

2.113  –  ILLEFC

  illegal event flag cluster

  Explanation:  An event flag number specified in a system service
  call is greater than 127.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

2.114  –  ILLFORMAT

  illegal format - too many or not enough fields

  Explanation:  An invalid date and time format string was given.

  User Action:  Examine the date/time format string, and correct

2.115  –  ILLINISTR

  illegal initialization string

  Explanation:  An incorrect initialization string is passed to
  date and time formatting services.

  User Action:  Verify that the initialization string begins and
  ends with the same delimiter character.

2.116  –  ILLSTRCLA

  illegal string class

  Explanation:  The class code found in the class field of a
  descriptor is not a supported string class code.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

2.117  –  ILLSTRPOS

  illegal string position

  Explanation:  The service completed successfully.  However, one
  of the character-position parameters to a string manipulation
  routine pointed to a character-position that is before the
  beginning of the input string or that is after the end of the
  input string.

  User Action:  Ensure that any character-position parameter is
  greater than zero and less than or equal to the length of the
  input string.

2.118  –  ILLSTRSPE

  illegal string specification

  Explanation:  The service completed successfully, except that
  the character-position parameters specifying a substring of a
  string parameter were inconsistent because the ending character
  position is less than the starting character position.  A null
  string is used for the substring.

  User Action:  The application program should verify that the
  starting character positions are less than or equal to the
  ending character positions.

2.119  –  IMGABORTED

  image aborted at privileged user request

  Explanation:  The current image was aborted by another
  privileged user, typically the database administrator, in
  response to some event that required this action.

  User Action:  Consult the database administrator to identify the
  reason the image was aborted.

2.120  –  INCDATTIM

  incomplete date-time - missing fields with no defaults

  Explanation:  An incomplete date or time parameter was supplied.

  User Action:  Examine the date/time value and the data and time
  format string.  Correct the input data/ time value.

2.121  –  INPCONERR

  input conversion error

  Explanation:  There is an invalid character in the input string;
  or the output value is not within the range of the destination
  data type.

  User Action:  Correct the input string, or change the
  destination data type.

2.122  –  INP_FILES

  too many input files specified

  Explanation:  More than 10 input files were listed.

  User Action:  Reduce the number of input files or combine them
  so that no more than 10 input files are listed.

2.123  –  INSEF

  insufficient event flags

  Explanation:  There were insufficient event flags.     There
  were no more event flags available for allocation.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

2.124  –  INSFARG

  insufficient call arguments

  Explanation:  An internal coding error (insufficient number of
  arguments) occurred.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

2.125  –  INSFMEM

  insufficient dynamic memory

  Explanation:  A command or image exhausted the system pool of
  dynamic memory, and the system cannot complete the request.

  User Action:  Free the resources you are holding, or increase
  the existing pool of memory.

2.126  –  INSFPRM

  missing command parameters - supply all required parameters

  Explanation:  A command cannot be executed because one or more
  required parameters are missing from the command.

  User Action:  Correct the command by supplying all required

2.127  –  INSFSYSRES

  insufficient system resources

  Explanation:  The operating system did not have sufficient
  resources to process the request.

  User Action:  Examine secondary error message for more

2.128  –  INTOVF

  integer overflow

  Explanation:  Either the library routine or the hardware
  detected an integer overflow.

  User Action:  Choose a destination data type with a larger

2.129  –  INT_OVERFLOW

  Arithmetic exception:  Integer Overflow

  Explanation:  Attempt to use a number which was too great in
  magnitude to be used in the manner intended.

  User Action:  Review the problem and change the data or data
  format accordingly.

2.130  –  INVARG

  invalid argument(s)

  Explanation:  An invalid argument is specified to an internal

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

2.131  –  INVARGORD

  invalid argument order

  Explanation:  The ordering of the arguments is invalid.  The
  caller specified the the data and time values in the wrong

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

2.132  –  INVCLADSC

  invalid class in descriptor

  Explanation:  An unsupported class of descriptor is specified.

  User Action:  Retry the operation specifying a supported class
  of descriptor.

2.133  –  INVCLADTY

  invalid class data type combination in descriptor

  Explanation:  An unsupported class and data type of descriptor
  is specified.

  User Action:  Ensure that both the class and data type specified
  are supported.

2.134  –  INVCVT

  invalid data type conversion

  Explanation:  1.  source value is negative and destination data
  type is unsigned, or 2.  possible bad parameter, such as invalid
  input/output type, invalid option value, or 3.  float over/under
  flow (on ALPHA/VMS), or 4.  positive/Negative Infinity (on
  ALPHA/VMS), or 5.  reserved operand error.

  User Action:  Ensure that the source value is positive and the
  destination data type is signed, or the parameters are passed
  correctly, or contact your Oracle support representative for

2.135  –  INVDTYDSC

  invalid data type in descriptor

  Explanation:  An unsupported data type is specified.

  User Action:  Retry the operation specifying a supported data

2.136  –  INVENTITY

  invalid command line entity specified

  Explanation:  An invalid qualifier or parameter was found on the
  command line.

  User Action:  Reenter the command line using the correct syntax.

2.137  –  INVFILNAM

  invalid character found in file name

  Explanation:  A non-ASCII character was found in a file name
  used in a command.

  User Action:  Examine the file name, correct the name, and
  reenter the command.

2.138  –  INVKEY

  invalid keyword

  Explanation:  There was an unrecognized keyword in the command

  User Action:  Reenter the command using the correct syntax.

2.139  –  INVNBDS

  invalid numeric byte data string

  Explanation:  There is an invalid character in the input, or the
  value is outside the range that can be represented by the
  destination, or the numeric byte date string (NBDS) descriptor
  is invalid.  This error is also signaled when the array size of
  an NBDS is larger than 65,535 bytes or the array is

  User Action:  Specify a valid NBDS.

2.140  –  INVREQTYP

  invalid request type

  Explanation:  This message is associated with an internal status
  code returned from the command interpreter result parse routine.
  The message indicates a request to perform an unimplemented

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

2.141  –  INVSTRDES

  invalid string descriptor

  Explanation:  A string descriptor passed to a general library
  procedure did not contain a valid CLASS field.

  User Action:  Locate the call to the library that caused the
  error, and initialize the field to the proper class of

2.142  –  INVWRKBLK

  invalid request type

  Explanation:  This message is associated with an internal status
  code returned from the command interpreter result parse routine.
  The message indicates that the parser encountered a corrupt
  internal data structure.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for


  invalid interval leading field precision for datetime

  Explanation:  The data definition language requested an interval
  leading field precision which is outside the supported range.

  User Action:  Correct the definition so that the interval
  leading field precision is within the legal range.

2.144  –  INV_SCALE

  invalid fractional seconds precision for datetime

  Explanation:  The data definition language requested a
  fractional seconds precision for a TIME, TIMESTAMP, or INTERVAL
  definition which is outside the correct range.

  User Action:  Correct the definition so that the fractional
  seconds precision is within the legal range.

2.145  –  INV_SUB_TYPE

  invalid sub_type in definition

  Explanation:  The data definition language requested a sub-type
  which was not recognized.

  User Action:  Correct the definition so that the sub-type is
  within the legal range.

2.146  –  IO_ERROR

  IO error while reading help file

  Explanation:  An IO error occured while reading a help library.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

2.147  –  IVACL

  invalid access control list entry syntax

  Explanation:  You have specified syntax for an access control
  list entry that is not acceptable.

  User Action:  Specify a valid access control list entry syntax.
  For RMU, this will typically be of the form:  (IDENT =
  identifier, ACCESS = privilege+privilege+...)

2.148  –  IVBUFLEN

  invalid buffer length

  Explanation:  The length of the buffer supplied was invalid.
  The length of the resource name provided to the system service
  to acquire a lock was more than 31 characters, or an I/O message
  was too large to handle.

  User Action:  This error message indicates a possible error in
  the use of operating system services.  Contact your Oracle
  support representative for assistance.

2.149  –  IVDEVNAM

  invalid device name

  Explanation:  A device name contains invalid characters, or no
  device is specified.

  User Action:  Verify that the device name is specified correctly
  and is suitable for the requested operation.

2.150  –  IVKEYW

  unrecognized keyword - check validity and spelling

  Explanation:  There is an unrecognized keyword in the command

  User Action:  Reenter the command using the correct syntax.

2.151  –  IVLOCKID

  invalid lock id

  Explanation:  The lock identification specified in the call to
  the lock or unlock request is not a valid lock identification
  for that process.

  User Action:  This error message indicates a possible error in
  the locking protocols.  Contact your Oracle support
  representative for assistance.

2.152  –  IVLOGNAM

  invalid logical name

  Explanation:  A name string exceeds the maximum length permitted
  or has a length of 0.

  User Action:  Check that the character string descriptors
  pointing to name strings indicate the correct lengths.

2.153  –  IVMODE

  invalid mode for requested function

  Explanation:  The caller does not have the privilege to perform
  the operation.

  User Action:  This error message indicates a possible error in
  the use of operating system primitives.  Contact your Oracle
  support representative for assistance.

2.154  –  IVQLOC

  invalid qualifier location - place after a parameter

  Explanation:  A qualifier that can be used only to qualify a
  parameter value in a command is placed following the command

  User Action:  Reenter the command.     Place the qualifier
  following the parameter value it qualifies.

2.155  –  IVQUAL

  unrecognized qualifier - check validity, spelling, and placement

  Explanation:  A qualifier is spelled incorrectly or is
  improperly placed in the command line.

  User Action:  Correct the command line.


  invalid user name found in the file specification

  Explanation:  The user name specified after a ~ (tilde) in the
  specified file is not a vailid user name, and therefore cannot
  be used to get to a home directory.

  User Action:  Verify that the user name is specified correctly,
  and correct any spelling errors.

2.157  –  IVTIME

  invalid date or time

  Explanation:  A time value specified in a system service call is
  invalid.  Either a delta time is greater than 10,000 days, or a
  calculated absolute time is less than the system date and time.

  User Action:  Check for a programming error.  Verify that the
  call to the service is coded correctly.

2.158  –  IVVERB

  unrecognized command verb - check validity and spelling

  Explanation:  The first word on the command line is not a valid

  User Action:  Check the spelling of the command name and reenter
  the command.

2.159  –  KEYAMBINC

  key specification is ambiguous or inconsistent

  Explanation:  Duplicate key parameters were specified for a
  single KEY qualifier.

  User Action:  Specify each key parameter only once.  For
  multiple keys, use a KEY qualifier for each key.

2.160  –  KEYED

  mismatch between sort/merge keys and primary file key

  Explanation:  An empty indexed file was created with a primary
  key that does not match the sort key.  The sort operation is
  less efficient than it is when the two keys match.

  User Action:  For greater efficiency, create a new indexed file
  or change the sort key.

2.161  –  KEY_LEN

  invalid key length, key number <num>, length <num>

  Explanation:  The key size is incorrect for the data type, or
  the total key size is greater than 32,767.

  User Action:  Specify the correct key field size.  Size must be
  less than or equal to 32,767 for character data; 1, 2, 4, 8, or
  16 for binary data; and less than or equal to 31 for decimal.
  Also, only ascending or descending order is allowed.

2.162  –  LIB_NOT_OPEN

  help library not open

  Explanation:  An attempt was made to access a help library
  without opening it first.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

2.163  –  LM_EXCEEDED

  licensed product has exceeded current license limits

  Explanation:  The number of active license units has exceeded
  the current limits.

  User Action:  Reduce the number of active users of the product.


  producer argument isn't DEC

  Explanation:  The producer name for the product does not match
  with the license installed on the system.

  User Action:  Check the license installed on the system.


  license is invalid for this product date

  Explanation:  The date of the product release does not match
  with the date of the license installed.

  User Action:  Check the installed license.


  license is invalid for this product version

  Explanation:  The version of the product does not match with the
  license on the system.

  User Action:  Check the installed license.

2.167  –  LM_NOLICENSE

  operation requires software license

  Explanation:  A license for the software does not exist.

  User Action:  Please install the license for the product.


  not in license reserve list

  Explanation:  This user is not in the list of reserved users
  (for a user-based license).

  User Action:  Please add the user to the list of reserved users.


  license has terminated

  Explanation:  The license for the product has been terminated.

  User Action:  Please renew your license or install a new one.


  unable to dynamically load or unload image

  Explanation:  The system is unable to dynamically load an
  executable image.

  User Action:  Ensure that the relevent image is available on
  your system.


  invalid image filename

  Explanation:  The filename supplied for dynamic image loading
  was improperly specified or contains illegal characters.

  User Action:  Correct the filename.


  invalid secure image filespec

  Explanation:  The file specification supplied for secure EXEC
  mode logical translation contains illegal characters or does not
  reference an existing image.

  User Action:  Ensure that the file specification is correct and
  that the specified image exists.

2.173  –  LOADSYMBOL

  unable to look up symbol in dynamically loaded image

  Explanation:  The system is unable to look up a symbol in a
  dynamically loaded image.

  User Action:  Ensure that the relevent image is available on
  your system and that the image is intact (not corrupt).


  unable to dynamically load uninstalled image

  Explanation:  The system is unable to dynamically load a
  shareable image into the process with the main image which is
  installed execute_only or privileged.  The new image must be
  installed and any associated filespec must reference only
  /SYSTEM/EXEC logicals.

  User Action:  Ensure that the relevent image is installed on
  your system and that the proper logicals are used in the related

2.175  –  LOCNEG

  entity explicitly and locally negated in command string

  Explanation:  The specified qualifier is present in its negated
  form (prefixed with no) and is used as a local qualifier.

  User Action:  No action is required.

2.176  –  LOCPRES

  entity value is locally present in command string

  Explanation:  The specified qualifier is present and is used as
  a local qualifier.

  User Action:  No action is required.

2.177  –  LRL_MISS

  longest record length must be specified

  Explanation:  If a record I/O interface subroutine package is
  selected, the longest record length (LRL) must be passed to sort
  in the call.

  User Action:  Specify the LRL.


  Error encountered while mapping a view of the file

  Explanation:  A system error was encountered while mapping a
  view of the file into the virtual address space.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message to determine the
  reason for the failure.

2.179  –  MAXPARM

  too many parameters - reenter command with fewer parameters

  Explanation:  A command contained more than the maximum number
  of parameters allowed.  This error can be caused by leaving
  blanks on a command line where a special character, for example,
  a comma or plus sign, is required.

  User Action:  Determine the reason for the error, and correct
  the syntax of the command.

2.180  –  MKDIR_ERR

  an error was returned by the mkdir function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'mkdir' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages for 'mkdir' to
  interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.

2.181  –  MODIFYERR

  error extending or truncating file

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt to modify the
  size of the specified file.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages to determine the
  reason for the failure.

2.182  –  MSGNOTFND

  message not in system message file

  Explanation:  The relevant message was not found in the message
  file, or the message system was not properly initialized.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for


  mutex object specified already exists

  Explanation:  The mutex object specified while creating already

  User Action:  Change the name of the mutex object to be unique.

2.184  –  NAMTOOLON

  piece of pathname too long - respecify

  Explanation:  The user-supplied file specification is too long
  (greater than 255 characters).

  User Action:  Reenter the file name with fewer than 255

2.185  –  NEGATED

  entity explicitly negated in command string

  Explanation:  The specified qualifier or keyword is present in
  its negated form (prefixed with NO).

  User Action:  No action is required.

2.186  –  NEGSTRLEN

  negative string length

  Explanation:  The service completed successfully, except that a
  length parameter to a string routine had a negative value.
  Lengths of strings must always be positive or zero; zero is

  User Action:  Verify that all parameters containing string
  lengths do not contain negative numbers.

2.187  –  NEGTIM

  a negative time was computed

  Explanation:  The computed time was less than the date

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

2.188  –  NFS

  file specification on an NFS mounted device is not allowed

  Explanation:  An NFS mounted device was referenced in the file
  specification.  NFS mounted devices are not supported.

  User Action:  Use a file name that does not reference an NFS
  mounted device.


  ACLs not supported on selected object

  Explanation:  ACLs are not supported for the specified object.

  User Action:  Make sure that you have correctly specified the

2.190  –  NOCCAT

  parameter concatenation not allowed - check use of plus (+)

  Explanation:  A command that accepts either a single-input value
  for a parameter or a list of input values separated by commas,
  contains multiple values concatenated by plus signs ( + ).

  User Action:  Reenter the command with a single file
  specification.  If necessary, enter the command once for each

2.191  –  NOCOMD

  no command on line - reenter with alphabetic first character

  Explanation:  A command begins with a nonalphabetic character.

  User Action:  Reenter the command with an alphabetic character
  at the beginning.

2.192  –  NODEVDIR

  filename does not include device and/or directory

  Explanation:  The file specification you made did not include a
  device and directory.

  User Action:  Include a device and/or directory in the file

2.193  –  NODUPEXC

  equal-key routine and no-duplicates option cannot both be

  Explanation:  Both an equal-key routine and the SOR$M_NODUPS
  option were specified when only one or the other option is

  User Action:  Specify either the equal-key routine or the
  no-duplicates option.

2.194  –  NOENTRY

  access control entry not found

  Explanation:  You have specified an access control entry that
  does not exist in the access control list.

  User Action:  Add the desired access control entry to the access
  control list, or specify a different access control entry for
  your command.

2.195  –  NOKEYW

  qualifier name is missing - append the name to the delimiter

  Explanation:  A qualifier delimiter is present on a command but
  is not followed by a qualifier keyword name.

  User Action:  Reenter the command specifying the qualifier or
  removing the qualifier delimiter.

2.196  –  NOLIST

  list of parameter values not allowed - check use of comma (,)

  Explanation:  A command that accepts only a single input value
  for a parameter contains multiple values separated by commas.

  User Action:  Reenter the command.     Specify only one file.
  If necessary, enter the command once for each file specified.

2.197  –  NOLOCKID

  no lock identification available

  Explanation:  The system's lock identification table is full
  when a call to acquire a lock is made.

  User Action:  Increase the size of the lock identification
  table.  If the problem persists, contact your Oracle support
  representative for assistance.

2.198  –  NOLOGNAM

  no logical name match

  Explanation:  A specified logical name does not exist.

  User Action:  Verify the spelling of the logical name.

2.199  –  NOMEMRESID

  requires rights identifier VMS$MEM_RESIDENT_USER

  Explanation:  Attempt to create a memory-resident global section
  without having the VMS$MEM_RESIDENT_USER identifier.

  User Action:  Enable the VMS$MEM_RESIDENT_USER identifier for
  the process.

2.200  –  NOMOREACE

  access control list is exhausted

  Explanation:  There are no more access control entries in the
  access control list.

  User Action:  Do not perform this command when there are no more
  access control entries in the access control list.

2.201  –  NOMORELOCK

  no more locks

  Explanation:  No lkid argument was specified, or the caller
  requested a wildcard operation by specifying a value of 0 or -1
  for the lkidadr argument.  The service that provides information
  about locks, however, has exhausted the locks about which it can
  return information.  This is an alternate success status.

  User Action:  No action is required.

2.202  –  NONAME

  file name specified where not permitted

2.203  –  NONEXPR

  nonexistent process

  Explanation:  The process name or the process identifier
  specified is invalid.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

2.204  –  NOPAREN

  value improperly delimited - supply parenthesis

  Explanation:  A value supplied as part of a parenthesized value
  list for a parameter, qualifier, or keyword is missing a
  delimiting parenthesis.

  User Action:  Reenter the command with the missing parenthesis.

2.205  –  NOPRIV

  no privilege for attempted operation

  Explanation:  You do not have the appropriate privilege to
  perform this operation.

  User Action:  See your database administrator, and request the
  appropriate privilege for the attempted operation.

2.206  –  NOQUAL

  qualifiers not allowed - supply only verb and parameters

  Explanation:  A command that has no qualifiers is specified with
  a qualifier.

  User Action:  Reenter the command.     Do not specify any

2.207  –  NORECATTRS

  missing record specification

  Explanation:  A fatal, internal error has occurred.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

2.208  –  NORECSIZE

  record size not specified

  Explanation:  A fatal, internal error has occurred.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

2.209  –  NOSHMEM

  operation requires SHMEM privilege

  Explanation:  A command requested a function that requires SHMEM
  privilege; the current process does not have this privilege.

  User Action:  See your database administrator, and request the
  SHMEM privilege for the attempted operation.

2.210  –  NOSPACE

  maximum file size exceeded or file system full

  Explanation:  A file update operation could not be completed.
  The file system is full, or the file exceeds the system-allowed

  User Action:  Make space available on the device in question.

2.211  –  NOSUCHDEV

  no such device available

  Explanation:  The specified device does not exist on the system.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages to determine the
  reason for the failure.

2.212  –  NOSUCHID

  unknown rights identifier

  Explanation:  The rights identifier that you have specified does
  not exist on this system.

  User Action:  Specify only valid (known) rights identifiers.

2.213  –  NOSUCHNET

  no such network available

  Explanation:  A DECnet connection was attempted on a system that
  does not support DECnet, or a TCP/IP connection was attempted on
  a system that does not support TCP/IP.

  User Action:  Do not attempt to use a network that cannot be

2.214  –  NOSUCHNODE

  remote node is unknown

  Explanation:  An attempt to make a network access failed because
  the remote node name does not exist or cannot be accessed.

  User Action:  Check the remote node name for validity.  If this
  error occurs when you use a valid node name, see your network


  specified object does not exist

  Explanation:  You are trying to get or set the security
  attributes (probably ACLs) for an object that does not exist.

  User Action:  Make sure that you have correctly specified the

2.216  –  NOSUCHSEC

  named shared memory section does not exist

  Explanation:  An attempt to map a shared memory section failed,
  because the the shared memory section does not exist.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

2.217  –  NOSUCHSRV

  network service is unknown at remote node

  Explanation:  An attempt to make a network access failed,
  because the service is not registered in the services database.

  User Action:  See your network administator.

2.218  –  NOTALLPRIV

  not all requested privileges authorized

  Explanation:  You have requested a privilege for which you are
  not authorized.

  User Action:  Request only privileges for which you are


  file is not a disk file

  Explanation:  A file name was specified which does not reference
  a disk- oriented device type.

  User Action:  Check the file name for a proper disk device type.

2.220  –  NOTINITED

  COSI facility not initialized

  Explanation:  An internal intialization error occurred.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

2.221  –  NOTNEG

  qualifier or keyword not negatable - remove "NO" or omit

  Explanation:  The word "no" preceded a qualifier or keyword, but
  the qualifier or keyword cannot be specified as a negative.

  User Action:  Reenter the qualifier or keyword in a non-negated

2.222  –  NOTNETDEV

  not a network communication device

  Explanation:  An attempt to be a network service provider has
  failed, because the process was not started by the DECnet
  spawner or inetd daemon.

  User Action:  Check for a programming error.  Verify that the
  device specified in the queue I/O request is a valid
  communications device.

2.223  –  NOTQUEUED

  request not queued

  Explanation:  The lock request was made with a flag setting
  indicating that if the request cannot be granted synchronously,
  it should be ignored.

  User Action:  Wait and retry the operation.


  non-system concealed device name in filename

  Explanation:  Concealed device names must be defined in the
  system logical table.

  User Action:  If the device name has to be concealed, define it
  in the system logical table (LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE) or in the
  cluster-wide system logical name table (LNM$SYSCLUSTER_TABLE).

2.225  –  NOTYPE

  file type specified where not permitted

2.226  –  NOVALU

  value not allowed - remove value specification

  Explanation:  A qualifier or keyword that does not accept a
  value is specified with a value.

  User Action:  Reenter the command omitting a value for the
  qualifier or keyword.

2.227  –  NOVER

  file version specified where not permitted

2.228  –  NOWILD

  wild card specified where not permitted

  Explanation:  One or more of these filename components was
  specified in a context in which it is not allowed.

  User Action:  Review the command used and correct it.

2.229  –  NO_SUCH_TOPIC

  topic does not exist in help library

  Explanation:  Help was asked for a topic that does not exist in
  the help library.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

2.230  –  NO_WRK

  work files required - cannot do sort in memory as requested

  Explanation:  The work-files=0 qualifier is specified,
  indicating the data would fit in memory, but the data is too

  User Action:  Either increase the working set quota, or allow
  the sort utility to use two or more work files.  If this message
  accompanies the MSGHLP error, SORTERR, see the description of
  that message for more information.

2.231  –  NULFIL

  missing or invalid file specification - respecify

  Explanation:  The command interpreter expected a file
  specification, but no file specification was entered.

  User Action:  Reenter the command.     Place the file
  specification in the proper position.

2.232  –  NUMBER

  invalid numeric value - supply an integer

  Explanation:  A numeric value is specified for a command that
  expects values in certain radices or interprets values within a
  particular context.  For example, the number 999 is entered when
  an octal value is required, or an alphabetic value is specified
  in a context that requires a numeric value.

  User Action:  Reenter the command using legal values.


  number of elements incorrect for component

  Explanation:  An incorrect number of elements were specified for
  initialization of data and time format.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

2.234  –  NUM_KEY

  too many keys specified

  Explanation:  Up to 255 key definitions are allowed.  Either too
  many key definitions have been specified or the NUMBER value is

  User Action:  Check your command string key field

2.235  –  NYI

  functionality is not yet implemented

  Explanation:  The functionality has not yet been implemented.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

2.236  –  ONEDELTIM

  at least one delta time is required

  Explanation:  The DATE and TIME services require at least one of
  the inputs to be a delta time.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

2.237  –  ONEVAL

  list of values not allowed - check use of comma (,)

  Explanation:  A qualifier, keyword, or parameter that accepts
  only a single value is specified with multiple values.

  User Action:  Reenter the command specifying only one value.

2.238  –  OPENERR

  cannot open file

  Explanation:  An error occurred during an attempt to open a

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages to determine the
  reason for the failure.


  Error encountered while opening a file mapping object

  Explanation:  A system error was encountered while opening a
  filemapping object

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message to determine the
  reason for the failure.


  Error encountered while opening mutex

  Explanation:  A system error was encountered while opening mutex

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message to determine the
  reason for the failure.

2.241  –  OPEN_ERR

  an error was returned by the open function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'open' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages for 'open' to
  interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.

2.242  –  OUTCONERR

  output conversion error

  Explanation:  The result would have exceeded the fixed-length

  User Action:  Increase the length of the fixed-length string,
  and retry the operation.

2.243  –  OUTSTRTRU

  output string truncated

  Explanation:  The source and destination strings are
  character-coded text datum, and the destination string cannot
  contain all of the output string.  The result is truncated.

  User Action:  No action is required.

2.244  –  PARMDEL

  invalid parameter delimiter - check use of special characters

  Explanation:  A command contains an invalid character following
  the specification of a parameter, or an invalid character is
  present in a file specification.

  User Action:  Check the command string for a spelling or
  grammatical error.  Reenter the command.


  parent lock must be granted

  Explanation:  A programming error occurred because an attempt
  was made to create a sublock under a parent lock that was not

  User Action:  This error message indicates a possible error in
  the locking protocols.  Contact your Oracle support
  representative for assistance.

2.246  –  PRESENT

  entity value is present in command string

  Explanation:  You do not have the appropriate privilege to
  perform this operation.

  User Action:  See your database administrator, and request the
  appropriate privilege for the attempted operation.

2.247  –  PROTERR

  Error encountered during attempt to modify protection of a file

  Explanation:  An error was encountered during an attempt to
  modify the protection of a file.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message to determine the
  reason for the failure.  You may not have the necessary
  privileges to modify the protection for that file.

2.248  –  PTHTOOLON

  file path length too long - respecify

  Explanation:  The user-supplied file specification is too long
  (greater than 255 characters).

  User Action:  Reenter the file name with fewer characters.

2.249  –  PWDEXPIRED

  password has expired

  Explanation:  The authentication of the user has failed because
  a password provided has expired and a new password is required
  to complete the request.

  User Action:  The password for this user has expired and a new
  password is required.  See your database administrator for help
  on changing your password.

2.250  –  READERR

  read error

  Explanation:  An error occurred during a read from a mailbox or

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages to determine the
  reason for the failure.

2.251  –  READ_ERR

  an error was returned by the read function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'read' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages for 'read' to
  interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.

2.252  –  REMOTE

  remote file specification is not allowed

  Explanation:  A node name was found in the file specification.
  Node names cannot be used.

  User Action:  Use a file name without a node specification.

2.253  –  RESINUSE

  requested resource already in use

  Explanation:  Specified resource (event flag, message facility,
  etc.) is in use.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

2.254  –  RETRY

  retry operation

  Explanation:  This status is returned if the lock management
  services are performing some internal re-building of the lock
  tables when the caller requests a lock.

  User Action:  This error message indicates a possible error in
  the locking protocols.  Contact your Oracle support
  representative for assistance.

2.255  –  RNF

  record not found

  Explanation:  A requested record could not be located.  Either
  the record was never written or it has been deleted.

  User Action:  Modify the program, if necessary, to detect and
  respond to the condition.

2.256  –  RSLOVF

  buffer overflow - specify fewer command elements

  Explanation:  The command buffer has overflowed.

  User Action:  Specifiy fewer command elements.

2.257  –  RTNERROR

  unexpected error status from user-written routine

  Explanation:  A user-written comparison or equal-key routine
  returned an unexpected error status.

  User Action:  Correct your comparison or equal-key routine.

2.258  –  SETEUID_ERR

  an error was returned by the seteuid function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'seteuid' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages for 'seteuid'
  to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.

2.259  –  SETREUID_ERR

  an error was returned by the setreuid function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'setreuid' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages for 'setreuid'
  to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.

2.260  –  SETUID_ERR

  an error was returned by the setuid function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'setuid' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages for 'setuid'
  to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.

2.261  –  SHMATERR

  Error encountered during attach to shared memory

  Explanation:  A system error was encountered during an attach to
  a shared memory segment that is used for concurrency and
  synchronization operations.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message to determine the
  reason for the failure.

2.262  –  SHMCTLERR

  Error encountered while controlling shared memory

  Explanation:  A system error was encountered while controlling a
  shared memory region that was created for concurrency and
  synchronization operations.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message to determine the
  reason for the failure.

2.263  –  SHMDTERR

  Error encountered during detach from shared memory

  Explanation:  A system error was encountered during a detach
  from a shared memory segment that is used for concurrency and
  synchronization operations.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message to determine the
  reason for the failure.

2.264  –  SHMGETERR

  Error encountered while creating shared memory

  Explanation:  A system error was encountered during creation of
  a shared memory segment that is used for concurrency and
  synchronization operation.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message to determine the
  reason for the failure.

2.265  –  SIGEXIT

  process has died due to some signal

  Explanation:  The process that is being looked at has died due
  to some signal.

  User Action:  Check to see why the process died.

2.266  –  SIGNAL

  signal number <num>, code <num>

  Explanation:  The unrecognized signal specified by the given
  number was raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic
  or software condition specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.267  –  SIGNAL1

  signal SIGHUP, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'hangup' signal was raised as an exception in
  response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by
  the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.268  –  SIGNAL10

  signal SIGBUS, code <num>, PC=!XA

  Explanation:  A 'hardware fault' signal was raised as an
  exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.269  –  SIGNAL11

  signal SIGSEGV, code <num>

  Explanation:  An 'invalid memory reference' signal was raised as
  an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.270  –  SIGNAL12

  signal SIGSYS, code <num>

  Explanation:  An 'invalid system call' signal was raised as an
  exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.271  –  SIGNAL13

  signal SIGPIPE, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'write to pipe with no readers' signal was
  raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software
  condition specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.272  –  SIGNAL14

  signal SIGALRM, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'time out (alarm)' signal was raised as an
  exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.273  –  SIGNAL15

  signal SIGTERM, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'termination' signal was raised as an exception
  in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by
  the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.274  –  SIGNAL16

  signal SIGURG, code <num>

  Explanation:  An 'urgent condition' signal was raised as an
  exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.  SIGIOINT (printer to backend error
  signal) is another name for this signal.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.275  –  SIGNAL17

  signal SIGSTOP, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'stop' signal was raised as an exception in
  response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by
  the given code.  This exception is not expected to occur since
  the SIGSTOP signal cannot be caught.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.276  –  SIGNAL18

  signal SIGTSTP, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'terminal stop character' signal was raised as
  an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.277  –  SIGNAL19

  signal SIGCONT, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'continue stopped process' signal was raised as
  an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.278  –  SIGNAL2

  signal SIGINT, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'terminal interrupt character' signal was raised
  as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software
  condition specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.279  –  SIGNAL20

  signal SIGCHLD, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'change in status of child' signal was raised as
  an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.280  –  SIGNAL21

  signal SIGTTIN, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'background read from control tty' signal was
  raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software
  condition specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.281  –  SIGNAL22

  signal SIGTTOU, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'background write to control tty' signal was
  raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software
  condition specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.282  –  SIGNAL23

  signal SIGIO, code <num>

  Explanation:  An 'asynchronous I/O' signal was raised as an
  exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.  SIGAIO (base lan i/o), SIGPTY (pty
  i/o), and SIGPOLL (STREAMS i/o) are other names for this signal.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.283  –  SIGNAL24

  signal SIGXCPU, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'CPU time limit exceeded' signal was raised as
  an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.284  –  SIGNAL25

  signal SIGXFSZ, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'file size limit exceeded' signal was raised as
  an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.285  –  SIGNAL26

  signal SIGVTALRM, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'virtual time alarm' signal was raised as an
  exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.286  –  SIGNAL27

  signal SIGPROF, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'profiling time alarm' signal was raised as an
  exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.287  –  SIGNAL28

  signal SIGWINCH, code <num>

  Explanation:  A ;terminal window size change' signal was raised
  as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software
  condition specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.288  –  SIGNAL29

  signal SIGINFO, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'status request from keyboard' signal was raised
  as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software
  condition specified by the given code.  SIGPWR (Power
  Fail/Restart) is another name for this signal.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.289  –  SIGNAL3

  signal SIGQUIT, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'terminal quit character' signal was raised as
  an exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.290  –  SIGNAL30

  signal SIGUSR1, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'user defined' signal was raised as an exception
  in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by
  the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.291  –  SIGNAL31

  signal SIGUSR2, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'user defined' signal was raised as an exception
  in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by
  the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.  BASEs 3881-3899 Reserved for future OSF
  signal types

2.292  –  SIGNAL4

  signal SIGILL, code <num>, PC=!XA

  Explanation:  An 'illegal hardware instruction' signal was
  raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software
  condition specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.293  –  SIGNAL5

  signal SIGTRAP, code <num>, PC=!XA

  Explanation:  A 'hardware fault' signal was raised as an
  exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.  Decimal overflow, Decimal divide
  by 0, Decimal invalid operand, Assertion error, Null pointer
  error, Stack overflow, String length error, Substring error,
  Range error, and Subscript [n] range error are specific
  conditions producing this signal.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.294  –  SIGNAL6

  signal SIGABRT, code <num>

  Explanation:  An 'abnormal termination (abort)' signal was
  raised as an exception in response to the arithmetic or software
  condition specified by the given code.  SIGIOT (abort
  (terminate) process) and SIGLOST are other names for this

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.295  –  SIGNAL7

  signal SIGEMT, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'hardware fault' signal was raised as an
  exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.296  –  SIGNAL8

  signal SIGFPE, code <num>, PC=!XA

  Explanation:  An 'arithmetic exception' signal was raised as an
  exception in response to the arithmetic or software condition
  specified by the given code.  Integer overflow, Integer divide
  by 0, Floating overflow, Floating divide by 0, Floating
  underflow, Floating invalid operation, Floating inexact result,
  and Reserved Operand are specific conditions producing this

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.297  –  SIGNAL9

  signal SIGKILL, code <num>

  Explanation:  A 'termination' signal was raised as an exception
  in response to the arithmetic or software condition specified by
  the given code.  This exception is not expected to occur since
  the SIGKILL signal cannot be caught.

  User Action:  Eliminate the cause of the error condition and
  retry the operation.

2.298  –  SSCANF_ERR

  an error was returned by the sscanf function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'sscanf' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages for 'sscanf'
  to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.

2.299  –  STABLEEXC

  equal-key routine and stable option cannot both be specified

  Explanation:  Both an equal-key routine and the SOR$M_STABLE
  option was specified when only one or the other is allowed.

  User Action:  Specify either the equal-key routine or the stable

2.300  –  STAT_ERR

  an error was returned by the stat function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'stat' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages for 'stat' to
  interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.

2.301  –  STDOUTERR

  error writing to stdout

  Explanation:  This general message indicates an error during a
  write to STDOUT.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages to determine the
  reason for the failure.

2.302  –  STRTOOLON

  string argument is too long - shorten

  Explanation:  A string did not fit into the specified receiving
  area, resulting in lost trailing characters.

  User Action:  Correct your program to increase the area
  specified to receive the string.

2.303  –  STRTRU

  string truncated

  Explanation:  A string did not fit into the specified receiving
  area, resulting in lost trailing characters.

  User Action:  Correct your program to increase the area
  specified to receive the string.

2.304  –  SUBLOCKS

  cannot dequeue a lock with sublocks

  Explanation:  A programming error occurred because an attempt
  was made to unlock a lock that had sublocks under it.

  User Action:  This error message indicates a possible error in
  the locking protocols.  Contact your Oracle support
  representative for assistance.

2.305  –  SUPERSEDE

  logical name superseded

  Explanation:  The logical name has been created and a previously
  existing logical name with the same name has been deleted.

  User Action:  No action is required.

2.306  –  SYNCH

  synchronous successful completion

  Explanation:  This alternate success code indicates that the
  requested operation completed synchronously and as expected.

  User Action:  No action is required.

2.307  –  SYSTEM_ERR

  an error was returned by the system function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'system' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages for 'system'
  to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.

2.308  –  TIMETRU

  time hundreths of seconds truncated

  Explanation:  A time was specified that had hundreths of
  seconds.  This is not supported on.

  User Action:  Do not specify hundreths of seconds in time

2.309  –  TKNOVF

  command element is too long - shorten

  Explanation:  The command element buffer has overflowed.

  User Action:  Shorten the command element and retry.

2.310  –  TRU


  Explanation:  An attempt was made to place more characters into
  a string than it could contain.  The value is truncated on the
  right to fit.

  User Action:  Do not exceed the maximum string length.  Ignore
  this error if right truncation is acceptable.

2.311  –  TRUNCERR

  error truncating file

  Explanation:  An error occurred during truncation of the size of
  the specified file.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages to determine the
  reason for the failure.

2.312  –  UNDOPTION

  undefined option flag was set

  Explanation:  Only those option flags used by SORT MERGE can be
  set.  All other bits in the longword are reserved and must be

  User Action:  Correct your specification file.

2.313  –  UNEXPERR

  unexpected system error

  Explanation:  Some unexpected error occurred during execution of
  the software.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for

2.314  –  UNKNOWN_USER

  unknown user

  Explanation:  An authentication routine cannot identify the

  User Action:  Use the USER and USING clauses to specify a valid

2.315  –  UNLINK_ERR

  an error was returned by the unlink function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'unlink' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages for 'unlink'
  to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.


  Error encountered while unmapping a view of file

  Explanation:  A system error was encountered while unmapping a
  view of the file from the virtual address space.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message to determine the
  reason for the failure.

2.317  –  UNRFORCOD

  unrecognized format code

  Explanation:  The format code is not recognized.

  User Action:  Examine the format string for invalid format code.
  The format string may be supplied in the environment variable or
  it can be hard-coded.


  unsupported hardware CPU count

  Explanation:  The system CPU count (number of processors in the
  computer) is not supported by this version.

  User Action:  Contact your Customer service center.  There may
  be a version that supports your configuration.

2.319  –  UNSUPP_HW_EV6

  unsupported hardware DECchip 21264 or variant

  Explanation:  The hardware DECchip 21264 or variant (EV6
  microprocessor) is not supported by this version.

  User Action:  Contact your Customer service center.  There may
  be a version that supports your hardware.

2.320  –  UNSUPP_HW_EV7

  unsupported hardware DECchip 21364 or variant

  Explanation:  The hardware DECchip 21364 or variant (EV7
  microprocessor) is not supported by this version.

  User Action:  Contact your Customer service center.  There may
  be a future version that supports your hardware.

2.321  –  UNSUPP_HW_EVX

  unsupported hardware DECchip variant

  Explanation:  The hardware DECchip variant microprocessor is not
  supported by this version.

  User Action:  Contact your Customer service center.  There may
  be a version that supports your hardware.

2.322  –  UNSUPP_HW_I64

  unsupported hardware processor model

  Explanation:  The Intel Itanium processor family or model is not
  supported by this version.

  User Action:  Contact your Customer service center.  There may
  be a version that supports your hardware.


  value block is not valid

  Explanation:  This warning message is returned if the caller has
  specified the VALBLK flag in the flags argument to the service
  to request locks.  Note that the lock has been successfully
  granted despite the return of this warning message.

  User Action:  This error message indicates a possible error in
  the locking protocols.  Contact your Oracle support
  representative for assistance.

2.324  –  VALREQ

  missing qualifier or keyword value - supply all required values

  Explanation:  A keyword or qualifier that requires a value was
  specified without a value.

  User Action:  Specify the required value, and retry the command.

2.325  –  VASFULL

  virtual address space full

  Explanation:  An attempt to map a section of a file or a shared
  memory region failed because (1) there is not enough address
  space to map all the bytes, or (2) the specific address range
  specified is already allocated.

  User Action:  Contact your Oracle support representative for


  Error encountered while reserving/commiting pages

  Explanation:  A system error was encountered while commiting or
  reserving a block of pages in the virtual address space

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message to determine the
  reason for the failure.


  Error encountered while releasing/de-commiting pages

  Explanation:  A system error was encountered while de-commiting
  or releasing a block of pages in the virtual address space

  User Action:  Examine the secondary message to determine the
  reason for the failure.

2.328  –  WAITPID_ERR

  an error was returned by the waitpid function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'waitpid' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages for 'waitpid'
  to interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.

2.329  –  WASCLR

  normal successful completion

  Explanation:  The specified event flag was previously 0.

  User Action:  No action is required.

2.330  –  WASSET

  normal successful completion

  Explanation:  The specified event flag was previously 1.

  User Action:  No action is required.

2.331  –  WORK_DEV

  work file <str> must be on random access local device

  Explanation:  Work files must be specified for random access
  devices that are local to the CPU on which the sort is being
  performed (that is, not on a node in a network).  Random access
  devices are disk devices.

  User Action:  Specify the correct device.

2.332  –  WRITERR

  write error

  Explanation:  An error occurred during a write operation to a
  file, mailbox, or socket.

  User Action:  Examine the secondary messages to determine the
  reason for the failure.

2.333  –  WRITE_ERR

  an error was returned by the write function

  Explanation:  An error was returned by the 'write' function.

  User Action:  Please refer to the reference pages for 'write' to
  interpret the meaning of the errno returned by this function.

2.334  –  WRONGSTATE

  invalid state for requested operation

  Explanation:  A software protocol error has occurred.  The error
  might be a value specified for a system function that is not
  valid at this time or a function that cannot be used at this
  time.  For example, the error could be an attempt to read from
  an I/O channel that is closed.  The identical read call would be
  valid after the channel was open.

  User Action:  Determine the system call that returned the error.
  Verify that the service is being called correctly.

2.335  –  WRONUMARG

  wrong number of arguments, <num>, to <str>

  Explanation:  A string facility entry is called with an
  incorrect number of arguments.

  User Action:  A user who calls the string facility directly
  should check the argument list in the call.


  extended value block is not valid

  Explanation:  This warning occurs as the result of a programming
  decision.  The program read the Extended Lock Value Block, but
  the previous writer wrote a Short Lock Value Block.  This
  warning message is returned if the caller has specified the
  XVALBLK flag in the flags argument to the service to request
  locks.  Note that the lock has been successfully granted despite
  the return of this warning message.

  User Action:  This error message indicates a possible error in
  the locking protocols.  Contact your Oracle support
  representative for assistance.
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