Library /sys$common/syshlp/SQL$HELP72.HLB  —  Oracle Style Outer Join
    Oracle Rdb supports the SQL Database Language Standard syntax
    for performing outer join between two or more tables, namely
    the LEFT, RIGHT, and FULL OUTER JOIN clauses. Oracle Rdb also
    supports alternative syntax and semantics that conform to
    those available in Oracle RDMS SQL language to enhance the
    compatibility between these two products. The special operator
    (+) can be placed in the WHERE clause to instruct SQL to join
    tables using outer join semantics.

    An outer join extends the result of a simple join. An outer
    join returns all rows that satisfy the join condition and those
    rows from one table for which no rows from the other satisfy the
    join condition. Such rows are not returned by a simple join. To
    write a query that performs an outer join of tables A and B and
    returns all rows from A, apply the outer join operator (+) to all
    columns of B in the join condition. For all rows in A that have
    no matching rows in B, Oracle Rdb returns NULL for any select
    list expressions containing columns of B.

    Outer join queries are subject to the following rules and

    o  The (+) operator can appear only in the WHERE clause and can
       be applied only to a column of a table or view.

    o  If A and B are joined by multiple join conditions, you must
       use the (+) operator in all of these conditions. If you do
       not, Oracle Rdb will return only the rows resulting from a
       simple join, but without a warning or error to advise you that
       you do not have the results of an outer join.

    o  The (+) operator can be applied only to a column, not to an
       arbitrary expression. However, an arbitrary expression can
       contain a column marked with the (+) operator.

    o  A condition containing the (+) operator cannot be combined
       with another condition using the OR logical operator.

    o  A condition cannot use the IN comparison operator to compare a
       column marked with the (+) operator with an expression.

    o  A condition cannot compare any column marked with the (+)
       operator with a subquery.

    If the WHERE clause contains a condition that compares a column
    from table B with a constant, the (+) operator must be applied to
    the column so that Oracle Rdb returns the rows from table A for
    which it has generated NULLs for this column. Otherwise Oracle
    Rdb will return only the results of a simple join.

    In a query that performs outer joins of more than two pairs
    of tables, a single table can be the NULL-generated table for
    only one other table. For this reason, you cannot apply the (+)
    operator to columns of B in the join condition for A and B and
    the join condition for B and C.

1  –  Outer Join Examples

    The examples in this section extend the results of this inner
    join (Equijoin) between EMP and DEPT tables.

    SQL> SELECT ename, job, dept.deptno, dname
    cont>  FROM emp, dept
    cont>  WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno;
     King         President             10   Accounting
     Blake        Manager               30   Sales
     Clark        Manager               10   Accounting
     Jones        Manager               20   Research
     Ford         Analyst               20   Research
     Smith        Clerk                 20   Research
     Allen        Salesman              30   Sales
     Ward         Salesman              30   Sales
     Martin       Salesman              30   Sales
     Scott        Analyst               20   Research
     Turner       Salesman              30   Sales
     Adams        Clerk                 20   Research
     James        Clerk                 30   Sales
     Miller       Clerk                 10   Accounting
    14 rows selected

    The following query uses an outer join to extend the results of
    this Equijoin example above:

    SQL> SELECT ename, job, dept.deptno, dname
    cont>  FROM emp, dept
    cont>  WHERE emp.deptno (+) = dept.deptno;
     King         President             10   Accounting
     Clark        Manager               10   Accounting
     Miller       Clerk                 10   Accounting
     Jones        Manager               20   Research
     Ford         Analyst               20   Research
     Smith        Clerk                 20   Research
     Scott        Analyst               20   Research
     Adams        Clerk                 20   Research
     Blake        Manager               30   Sales
     Allen        Salesman              30   Sales
     Ward         Salesman              30   Sales
     Martin       Salesman              30   Sales
     Turner       Salesman              30   Sales
     James        Clerk                 30   Sales
     NULL         NULL                  40   Operations
    15 rows selected

    In this outer join, Oracle Rdb returns a row containing the
    OPERATIONS department even though no employees work in this
    department. Oracle Rdb returns NULL in the ENAME and JOB columns
    for this row. The join query in this example selects only
    departments that have employees.

    The following query uses an outer join to extend the results of
    the preceding example:

    SQL> SELECT ename, job, dept.deptno, dname
    cont>  FROM emp, dept
    cont>  WHERE emp.deptno (+) = dept.deptno
    cont>     AND job (+) = 'Clerk';
     Miller       Clerk                 10   Accounting
     Smith        Clerk                 20   Research
     Adams        Clerk                 20   Research
     James        Clerk                 30   Sales
     NULL         NULL                  40   Operations
    5 rows selected

    In this outer join, Oracle Rdb returns a row containing the
    OPERATIONS department even though no clerks work in this
    department. The (+) operator on the JOB column ensures that rows
    for which the JOB column is NULL are also returned. If this (+)
    were omitted, the row containing the OPERATIONS department would
    not be returned because its JOB value is not 'CLERK'.

    SQL> SELECT ename, job, dept.deptno, dname
    cont>  FROM emp, dept
    cont>  WHERE emp.deptno (+) = dept.deptno
    cont>     AND job = 'Clerk';
     Miller       Clerk                 10   Accounting
     Smith        Clerk                 20   Research
     Adams        Clerk                 20   Research
     James        Clerk                 30   Sales
    4 rows selected

    This example shows four outer join queries on the CUSTOMERS,
    ORDERS, LINEITEMS, and PARTS tables. These tables are shown here:

    SQL> SELECT custno, custname
    cont>  FROM customers
    cont>  ORDER BY custno;
               1   Angelic Co
               2   Believable Co
               3   Cables R Us
    3 rows selected
    SQL> SELECT orderno, custno, orderdate
    cont>  FROM orders
    cont>  ORDER BY orderno;
            9001             1   1999-10-13
            9002             2   1999-10-13
            9003             1   1999-10-20
            9004             1   1999-10-27
            9005             2   1999-10-31
    5 rows selected
    SQL> SELECT orderno, lineno, partno, quantity
    cont>  FROM lineitems
    cont>  ORDER BY orderno, lineno;
         ORDERNO        LINENO        PARTNO      QUANTITY
            9001             1           101            15
            9001             2           102            10
            9002             1           101            25
            9002             2           103            50
            9003             1           101            15
            9004             1           102            10
            9004             2           103            20
    7 rows selected
    SQL> SELECT partno, partname
    cont>  FROM parts
    cont>  ORDER BY partno;
             101   X-Ray Screen
             102   Yellow Bag
             103   Zoot Suit
    3 rows selected

    The customer Cables R Us has placed no orders, and order number
    9005 has no line items.

    The following outer join returns all customers and the dates they
    placed orders. The (+) operator ensures that customers who placed
    no orders are also returned:

    SQL> SELECT custname, orderdate
    cont>  FROM customers, orders
    cont>  WHERE customers.custno = orders.custno (+)
    cont>  ORDER BY customers.custno, orders.orderdate;
     Angelic Co           1999-10-13
     Angelic Co           1999-10-20
     Angelic Co           1999-10-27
     Believable Co        1999-10-13
     Believable Co        1999-10-31
     Cables R Us          NULL
    6 rows selected

    The following outer join builds on the result of the previous
    one by adding the LINEITEMS table to the FROM clause, columns
    from this table to the select list, and a join condition joining
    this table to the ORDERS table to the where_clause. This query
    joins the results of the previous query to the LINEITEMS table
    and returns all customers, the dates they placed orders, and the
    part number and quantity of each part they ordered. The first (+)
    operator serves the same purpose as in the previous query. The
    second (+) operator ensures that orders with no line items are
    also returned:

    SQL> SELECT custname, orderdate, partno, quantity
    cont>  FROM customers, orders, lineitems
    cont>  WHERE customers.custno = orders.custno (+)
    cont>     AND orders.orderno = lineitems.orderno (+)
    cont>  ORDER BY customers.custno, orders.orderdate, lineitems.partno;
     Angelic Co          1999-10-13                     101                  15
     Angelic Co          1999-10-13                     102                  10
     Angelic Co          1999-10-20                     101                  15
     Angelic Co          1999-10-27                     102                  10
     Angelic Co          1999-10-27                     103                  20
     Believable Co       1999-10-13                     101                  25
     Believable Co       1999-10-13                     103                  50
     Believable Co       1999-10-31                    NULL                NULL
     Cables R Us         NULL                          NULL                NULL
    9 rows selected

    The following outer join builds on the result of the previous
    one by adding the PARTS table to the FROM clause, the PARTNAME
    column from this table to the select list, and a join condition
    joining this table to the LINEITEMS table to the where_clause.
    This query joins the results of the previous query to the PARTS
    table to return all customers, the dates they placed orders, and
    the quantity and name of each part they ordered. The first two
    (+) operators serve the same purposes as in the previous query.
    The third (+) operator ensures that rows with NULL part numbers
    are also returned:

    SQL> SELECT custname, orderdate, quantity, partname
    cont>  FROM customers, orders, lineitems, parts
    cont>  WHERE customers.custno = orders.custno (+)
    cont>     AND orders.orderno = lineitems.orderno (+)
    cont>     AND lineitems.partno = parts.partno (+)
    cont>  ORDER BY customers.custno, orders.orderdate, parts.partno;
     Angelic Co           1999-10-13                         15   X-Ray Screen
     Angelic Co           1999-10-13                         10   Yellow Bag
     Angelic Co           1999-10-20                         15   X-Ray Screen
     Angelic Co           1999-10-27                         10   Yellow Bag
     Angelic Co           1999-10-27                         20   Zoot Suit
     Believable Co        1999-10-13                         25   X-Ray Screen
     Believable Co        1999-10-13                         50   Zoot Suit
     Believable Co        1999-10-31                       NULL   NULL
     Cables R Us          NULL                             NULL   NULL
    9 rows selected

2  –  Oracle Server Predicate

    The following notes apply when you use the Oracle server

    o  If tables A and B are joined by multiple join conditions, then
       the plus (+) operator must be used in all these conditions.

    o  The plus operator can be applied only to a column, not to an
       arbitrary expression. However, an arbitrary expression can
       contain a column marked with the plus operator.

    o  A condition containing the plus operator cannot be combined
       with another condition using the OR logical operator.

    o  A condition cannot use the IN comparison operator to compare a
       column marked with the plus operator to another expression.

    o  A condition cannot compare a column marked with the plus
       operator to a subquery.

    o  If the WHERE clause contains a condition that compares a
       column from table B to a constant, then the plus operator
       must be applied to the column such that the rows from table A
       for which Oracle Rdb has generated NULLs for this column are

    o  In a query that performs outer joins of more than two pairs
       of tables, a single table can only be the null-generated table
       for one other table. For this reason, you cannot apply the
       plus operator to the column of table B in the join condition
       for tables A and B and the join condition for tables B and C.
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