Library /sys$common/syshlp/SQL$HELP72.HLB  —  Predicates
    A predicate specifies a condition that SQL evaluates as true,
    false, or unknown. Predicates are also called conditional
    expressions. You can specify several different types of
    predicates with different conditional operators. The different
    types of predicates are:

    o  Basic

    o  BETWEEN

    o  Complex


    o  EXISTS

    o  IN

    o  IS NULL

    o  LIKE


    o  Quantified

    o  SINGLE


    o  UNIQUE

    When you compare character value expressions, if automatic
    translation has not been enabled, character sets of those value
    expressions must be identical.

    Some predicates have a specific behavior when used with the DEC
    Multinational Character Set (MCS).

    The following list describes multinational character set behavior
    that applies to predicates:

    o  The character ñ is always treated as different from the
       character n, in keeping with the practices of the Spanish
       language. In a similar manner, the character ç is treated the
       same as the character c, in keeping with the practices of the
       French language.

    o  The character ü is treated the same as the character u for
       many languages, but is sorted between the characters x and z
       (with the ys) for Danish, Norwegian, and Finnish languages.

    The following diagram shows the syntax for predicates:

  (B)0predicate =                                              
  qwqwqqqqqqqqwqwq> basic-predicate qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqwqq> 
   x mq> NOT qj tq> between-predicate qqqqqqqqqqqqqqu x    
   x            tq> containing-predicate qqqqqqqqqqqu x    
   x            tq> exists-predicate qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu x    
   x            tq> in-predicate qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu x    
   x            tq> is-null-predicate qqqqqqqqqqqqqqu x    
   x            tq> like-predicate qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu x    
   x            tq> matching-predicate qqqqqqqqqqqqqu x
   x            tq> quantified-predicate qqqqqqqqqqqu x    
   x            tq> single-predicate qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu x    
   x            tq> unique-predicate qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu x
   x            tq> starting-with-predicate qqqqqqqqu x    
   x            mq> (predicate) qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x    
   mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwq AND <qqwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj    
                     mqq OR <qqj


       Except for the IS NULL, EXISTS, and SINGLE operators, if
       either operand in a predicate is null, the value of the
       predicate is unknown.

       You cannot use a value of the LIST OF BYTE VARYING data
       type for either operand in a comparison predicate. For more
       information, see the LIST_OF_BYTE_VARYING HELP topic.

       When you use the DEC_MCS or ASCII character set, SQL
       compares character string literals according to the ASCII
       collating sequence. Therefore, it considers lowercase
       letters to have a greater value than uppercase letters,
       and considers the letters near the beginning of the alphabet
       to have a lesser value than those near the end.

       'a' > 'A'
       'a' > 'Z'
       'a' < 'z'
       'A' < 'z'
       'A' < 'Z'

1  –  Basic Predicate

    A basic predicate compares two values.

  (B)0basic-predicate =                               
  qqqq> value-expr qqwq> = qqwq> value-expr qqqq> 
                     tq> <> qu                    
                     tq> ^= qu                    
                     tq> != qu                    
                     tq> < qqu                    
                     tq> <= qu                    
                     tq> > qqu                    
                     mq> >= qj                    

    See the Value_Expressions HELP topic for details on value

2  –  BETWEEN Predicate

    A BETWEEN predicate compares a value with a range of values.

  (B)0between-predicate =                                         
  qq> value-expr qwqqqqqqqqwq> BETWEEN qwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqk
                  mq> NOT qj            tq> ASYMMETRIC qqu x  
                                        mq> SYMMETRIC qqqj x  
   mq> value-expr AND value-expr qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq>

    See the Value_Expressions HELP topic for details on value

    ASYMMETRIC is the default.

    The BETWEEN predicate is a simpler way of representing conditions
    that can be represented using other conditional operators:

    value1 BETWEEN value2 AND value3

    Using the BETWEEN predicate is the same as using the following
    complex predicate:

    value1 >= value2
    value1 <= value3


    By default, the BETWEEN predicate depends on the ordering of the
    values. i.e. the first value expression needed to be less than
    or equal to the second value expression and was evaluated as
    equivalent to: V0 
    following example.

    SQL> select a from t where a between asymmetric 2 and 4;
    3 rows selected

    The following query returns zero matches because the value
    expressions are out of order.

    SQL> select a from t where a between asymmetric 4 and 2;
    0 rows selected


    This alternate format for BETWEEN allows simpler comparision of
    unordered value expressions, as can be seen in these examples
    which return the same results. This comparision is equivalent to:

    For example:

    SQL> select a from t where a between symmetric 2 and 4;
    3 rows selected
    SQL> select a from t where a between symmetric 4 and 2;
    3 rows selected

    Note that NOT BETWEEN operation also changes when using SYMMETRIC

    This first query using ASYMMETRIC returns all values not in the
    specified range.

    SQL> select a from t where a not between asymmetric 2 and 4;
    2 rows selected

    In this next query the range values is out of order and the
    BETWEEN predicate returns an empty set of matches, and therefore
    NOT BETWEEN returns all rows in the example table.

    SQL> select a from t where a not between asymmetric 4 and 2;
    5 rows selected

    Contrast this to SYMMETRIC which returns the same set of values
    for either ordering of values:

    SQL> select a from t where a not between symmetric 2 and 4;
    2 rows selected
    SQL> select a from t where a not between symmetric 4 and 2;
    2 rows selected

3  –  Complex Predicate

    A complex predicate combines any number of predicates with the
    Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT. Boolean operators are also
    called logical operators.

  (B)0complex-predicate =                                      
  qwqwqqqqqqqqwqwqq> complex-predicate qwqqqwqqqqqqqqqqq> 
   x mq> NOT qj mqq> predicate qqqqqqqqqj   tq> AND qwqk  
   x                                        mq> OR qqj x  

    When nesting predicates, you must enclose them in parentheses.
    SQL evaluates parts of a complex predicate in this order:

    1. Predicates enclosed in parentheses

       If there are nested predicates in parentheses, the innermost
       predicate is evaluated first.

    2. Predicates preceded by NOT

    3. Predicates combined with AND

    4. Predicates combined with OR

    The following tables summarize how SQL evaluates predicates
    combined with Boolean operators. Such tables are often called
    truth tables.

    Table 4 Boolean Operator: AND

    A              B              A AND B

    True           False          False
    True           True           True
    False          False          False
    False          True           False
    True           Unknown        Unknown
    False          Unknown        False
    Unknown        True           Unknown
    Unknown        False          False
    Unknown        Unknown        Unknown

    Table 5 Boolean Operator: OR

    A              B              A OR B

    True           False          True
    True           True           True
    False          False          False
    False          True           True
    True           Unknown        True
    False          Unknown        Unknown
    Unknown        True           True
    Unknown        False          Unknown
    Unknown        Unknown        Unknown

    Table 6 Boolean Operator: NOT

    A       NOT A

    True    False
    False   True
    Unknown Unknown


       The fact that NOT A is evaluated as unknown when A is
       unknown can be confusing in queries that refer to tables
       with null values. It means that a NOT predicate is not
       necessarily evaluated as true for all rows of a column for
       which the same predicate without NOT is evaluated as false.
       In other words, the result of a query that contains NOT A
       is not necessarily the complement of the result of the same
       query that contains only A.

4  –  CONTAINING Predicate

    A CONTAINING predicate tests whether or not the string expression
    specified in the second value expression is contained within the
    string expression specified by the first.

  (B)0containing-predicate =                                     
  qqq> value-expr qwqqqqqqqwq> CONTAINING qq> value-expr qq> 
                   m> NOT qj                                 

    The CONTAINING predicate is not case sensitive.

    The CONTAINING predicate is sensitive to diacritical markings
    used in any Multinational Character Set. Therefore, a matches a,
    but neither matches á, à, ä, Á, À, Â and so on.

    In Spanish, ch and ll are treated as if they were unique single

    If you use a collating sequence, the CONTAINING predicate
    will not be sensitive to diacritical markings used in any
    Multinational Character Set.

5  –  EXISTS Predicate

    An EXISTS predicate tests whether or not the result table
    specified in a column select expression is empty.

  (B)0exists-predicate =                   
  qqq> EXISTS ( select-expr ) qqqqqqq> 

    If the result table specified in the select expression has one or
    more rows, SQL evaluates the EXISTS predicate as true. Otherwise,
    the predicate is false. An EXISTS predicate cannot be unknown.

    Because it only checks for the existence of rows, an EXISTS
    predicate does not require that the result table from its column
    select expression be a single column wide (see Column_Select_
    Expressions for details on column select expressions). For
    EXISTS predicates, an asterisk (*)  wildcard in the column select
    expression can refer to a multicolumn table .

6  –  IN Predicate

    An IN predicate compares a value with another value or a
    collection of values.

  (B)0in-predicate =                                                      
  qq> value-expr wqqqqqqqqwq> IN wq> value-expr qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwq> 
                 mq> NOT qj      mq> ( qwwq> value-expr  qqwwq> ) j   
                                        xmq> select-expr qqjx         
                                        mqqqqqqqqqq , <qqqqqj         

    All forms of the IN predicates can be represented using other
    conditional operators.

    o  value-expr IN value-expr

       is the same as

       value-expr IN (value-expr)

       which is the same as the basic predicate

       value-expr = value-expr

       (as long as the value expression on the right is not a host
       structure that expands to more than one parameter)

    o  value-expr IN (value-expr1, value-expr2, value-expr3)

       is the same as the complex predicate

       value-expr = value-expr1
       value-expr = value-expr2
       value-expr = value-expr3

       (in this case, any of the value expressions on the right can
       be a host structure that expands to more than one parameter)

    o  value-expr IN (col-select-expr1, val-expr2, col-select-expr3)

       is the same as the quantified predicate

       value-expr = ANY (col-select-expr1)
       value-expr = val-expr2
       value-expr = ANY (col-select-expr3)

       (in this case, any of the value expressions on the right can
       be a host structure that expands to more than one parameter)

7  –  IS NULL Predicate

    An IS NULL predicate tests for null values in value expressions.

  (B)0is-null-predicate =                              
  qqqq> value-expr qqq> IS qwqqqqqqqqwq> NULL qqq> 
                            mq> NOT qj             

    See the Value_Expressions HELP topic for details on value

    SQL never evaluates an IS NULL predicate as unknown; it is always
    true or false. If the value expression is null, SQL evaluates
    the predicate as true. If the value expression is not null, the
    predicate is false.

    Use an IS NULL predicate to retrieve rows with null values in
    particular columns. An IS NULL predicate is the only way to
    construct a query that includes rows in a result table by testing
    whether or not particular columns in the rows have null values.
    Other constructions such as NOT LIKE or <> (not equal) do not
    include rows with null values in their result tables.

8  –  LIKE Predicate

    A LIKE predicate searches character string literals for pattern
    matches. The LIKE predicate is case sensitive; it considers
    uppercase and lowercase forms of the same character to be
    different characters.

    Because the LIKE predicate is case sensitive, searches for
    uppercase characters do not include lowercase characters in
    any Multinational Character Set. The reverse is also true. For
    example, LIKE "Ç" will retrieve a different set of records than
    LIKE "ç".

    The LIKE predicate is sensitive to diacritical markings used
    in any Multinational Character Set. Therefore, a matches a, but
    neither matches á, à, ä, Á, À, Â and so on.

    In Spanish, ch and ll are treated as if they are unique single
    letters. For example, if a domain is defined with the collating
    sequence SPANISH, then LIKE "c%" will not retrieve the word char
    but will retrieve the word cat.

    The LIKE predicate has this form:

  (B)0like-predicate =                                     
  qqq> value-expr  qwqqqqqqwq> LIKE qqqqq> <pattern> k 
                    m> NOT j                         x 
          x tq> ESCAPE <escape-character> qu x         
          x mq> IGNORE CASE qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x         

  (B)0pattern =                    
  qqqq> char-value-expr qqqq>  

  (B)0escape-character =                  
  qqqq> char-value-expr qqqqqqqqqqqq> 

    SQL interprets the value-expr argument as a character string
    and compares it to the pattern. The pattern must be a value
    expression with a text data type.

    Within the pattern, the percent sign (%),  underscore (_), and
    escape characters have special meaning.

    o  The percent sign represents any string of characters,
       including no characters at all. The percent sign is a wildcard

    o  The underscore represents any single character.

    o  An escape character causes SQL to interpret a wildcard
       character as itself to search for character strings containing
       the wildcard character. The value of the escape character must
       be 1 character in length.

       The following table explains the valid sequences allowed for
       escape characters.

    Table 7 Escape Character Sequences

    Character in Pattern   Character Matched

    %                      any string
    _                      any character
    escape-character %     %
    escape-character _     _
    escape-character       escape-character

       You can only specify the percent sign, underscore, or the
       escape-character itself. Any other character is invalid and an
       error is returned.

    All other characters represent themselves.

9  –  MATCHING Predicate

    A MATCHING predicate searches character string literals for
    pattern matches. The pattern string accepts the following pattern

    o  * Matches any string of zero or more characters

    o  % Matches any single character

  (B)0matching-predicate =                                 
  qqq> value-expr  qwqqqqqqwq> MATCHING qqqqqq> <pattern>
                    m> NOT j                        

  (B)0pattern =                    
  qqqq> char-value-expr qqqq>  

    Usage Notes

    o  If either of the expressions is null, the result is null.

    o  MATCHING predicate is not case sensitive; it considers
       uppercase and lowercase forms of the same character to be a

    o  The MATCHING predicate is not sensitive to diacritical
       markings used in the DEC Multinational Character Set.

    The following example shows the use of the MATCHING clause.

    SQL> select last_name
    cont> from employees
    cont> where last_name matching '%on*';
    2 rows selected

10  –  Quantified Predicate

    A quantified predicate compares a value with a collection of
    values. It has the same form as a basic predicate except that the
    second operand must be a column select expression preceded by an
    ALL, ANY, or SOME comparison operator.

  (B)0quantified-predicate =                                           
  qq> value-expr qqwq> = qqwqwq> ALL qqwq> ( col-select-expr ) qq> 
                   tq> <> qu tq> ANY qqu                           
                   tq> ^= qu mq> SOME qj                           
                   tq> != qu                                       
                   tq> < qqu
                   tq> <= qu
                   tq> > qqu                                       
                   mq> >= qj                                       

    The following table describes the value of the result based on
    the comparison of values for the quantified predicate.

    Table 8 Quantified Predicate Result Table

    Comparison of Values        Result

    ALL Quantifier

    If all comparisons are      True
    If any comparisons are      False
    If no comparisons are       True
    Otherwise                   Unknown

    SOME and ANY Quantifiers

    If any comparisons are      True
    If all comparisons are      False
    If no comparisons are       True
    Otherwise                   Unknown

11  –  SINGLE Predicate

    The SINGLE predicate tests whether or not the result table
    specified in the column select expression has exactly one row.
    If it has exactly one row, SQL evaluates the SINGLE predicate as
    true. If the result table has zero rows or more than one row, the
    predicate is false.

    SQL evaluates the NOT SINGLE predicate as true if the result
    table specified in the select expression has zero rows or more
    than one row.

    The SINGLE and NOT SINGLE predicates cannot be unknown.

    The SINGLE predicate has the following form:

  (B)0single-predicate =                    
  qqq> SINGLE qq> ( select-expr ) qqqqq>

    Because it checks only for the existence of rows, a SINGLE
    predicate does not require that the result table from its column
    select expression be a single column wide (see Column_Select_
    Expressions for details on column select expressions). For
    SINGLE predicates, an asterisk (*)  wildcard in the column select
    expression can refer to a multicolumn table (as in the following

12  –  STARTING WITH Predicate

    The STARTING WITH predicate tests whether or not the first
    characters of the first value expression match those specified
    in the second value expression. The STARTING WITH predicate has
    the following form:

  (B)0starting-with-predicate =                                   
  qq> value-expr qwqqqqqqwq> STARTING WITH qq> value-expr qq> 
                  m NOT qj                                    

    Because the STARTING WITH predicate is case sensitive, it
    searches for uppercase characters and does not include lowercase
    characters for the DEC Multinational Character Set; the reverse
    is also true. For example, STARTING WITH 'Ç' retrieves a set of
    records different from those retrieved by STARTING WITH 'ç'.

    The STARTING WITH predicate is sensitive to diacritical markings
    used in any Multinational Character Set. Therefore, a matches a,
    but neither matches á, à, ä, Á, À, Â and so on.

    In Spanish, ch and ll are treated as if they were unique
    single characters. For example, if a domain is defined with
    the collating sequence SPANISH, then STARTING WITH 'c' does not
    retrieve the word char, but retrieves the word cat.

13  –  UNIQUE Predicate

    The UNIQUE predicate is used to determine if duplicate rows exist
    in the result table of a column select expression. Note that the
    UNIQUE predicate (in compliance with the SQL language standard)
    ignores rows with a NULL column value and ensures uniqueness for
    the other column values. Contrast this with the SINGLE predicate,
    which considers a single column value of NULL as a match for any
    other NULL value in the same column.

  (B)0unique-predicate =                                
  qqq> UNIQUE qqq> ( col-select-expr ) qqq> 

    If any two rows in the expression are equal to one another, the
    UNIQUE predicate evaluates to false.

    The following example determines those cities in which one and
    only one employee from the EMPLOYEES database lives.

    cont> WHERE UNIQUE
     LAST_NAME        CITY
     Harrison         Boston
     Smith            Bristol
     McElroy          Cambridge
     Kilpatrick       Marlow
     Sciacca          Munsonville
     Vormelker        Rochester
     Dement           Sanbornton
     Babbin           Sanbornville
     Keisling         Twin Mountain
     Ziemke           Winnisquam
     Johnston         Wolfeboro
    11 rows selected
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