1 RELEASE Releases all resources used by a prepared dynamic SQL statement and prevents the prepared statement from executing again. The RELEASE statement is a dynamic SQL statement. Dynamic SQL lets programs accept or generate SQL statements at run time, in contrast to SQL statements that are part of the source code for precompiled programs or SQL module language procedures. Unlike precompiled SQL or SQL module language statements, such dynamically executed SQL statements are not necessarily part of a program's source code, but can be generated while the program is running. Dynamic SQL is useful when you cannot predict the type of SQL statement your program will need to process. 2 Environment You can use the RELEASE statement: o Embedded in host language programs to be precompiled o As part of a procedure in an SQL module 2 Format (B)0RELEASE qw> <statement-name> qqqqqqqqwq>   m> <statement-id-parameter> j  2 Arguments 3 statement-name Specifies the name of a prepared statement or a statement name assigned in a PREPARE statement. A single set of dynamic SQL statements (PREPARE, DESCRIBE, EXECUTE, dynamic DECLARE CURSOR) can handle any number of dynamically executed statements. You can supply either a parameter or a compile-time statement name to identify the statement to be executed. Specifying a parameter lets SQL supply identifiers to programs at run time. Use an integer parameter to contain the statement identifier returned by SQL or a character string parameter to contain the name of the statement that you pass to SQL. If you use parameters, statements that refer to the prepared statement (DESCRIBE, EXECUTE, DECLARE CURSOR) must also use those parameters instead of the explicit statement name. 3 statement-id-parameter Specifies the name of a prepared statement or a statement name assigned in a PREPARE statement. A single set of dynamic SQL statements (PREPARE, DESCRIBE, EXECUTE, dynamic DECLARE CURSOR) can handle any number of dynamically executed statements. You can supply either a parameter or a compile-time statement name to identify the statement to be executed. Specifying a parameter lets SQL supply identifiers to programs at run time. Use an integer parameter to contain the statement identifier returned by SQL or a character string parameter to contain the name of the statement that you pass to SQL. If you use parameters, statements that refer to the prepared statement (DESCRIBE, EXECUTE, DECLARE CURSOR) must also use those parameters instead of the explicit statement name. 2 Example Example 1: Using the RELEASE statement The following fragment from a COBOL program shows using a RELEASE statement to release resources from a prepared SELECT statement: . . . FETCHES. DISPLAY "Here's the row we stored:" EXEC SQL PREPARE STMT FROM 'SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE EMPLOYEE_ID = "99999"' END-EXEC EXEC SQL DECLARE C CURSOR FOR STMT END-EXEC EXEC SQL OPEN C END-EXEC . . . EXEC SQL FETCH C INTO :EMP_ID:EMP_ID_IND, :LNAME:LNAME_IND, :FNAME:FNAME_IND, :MID_INIT:MID_INIT_IND, :ADDR_1:ADDR_1_IND, :ADDR_2:ADDR_2_IND, :CITY:CITY_IND, :STATE:STATE_IND, :P_CODE:P_CODE_IND, :SEX:SEX_IND, :BDATE:BDATE_IND, :S_CODE:S_CODE_IND END-EXEC DISPLAY EMP_ID," ", FNAME," ", MID_INIT," ", LNAME," ", ADDR_1," ", ADDR_2," ", CITY," ", STATE," ", P_CODE," ", SEX," ", BDATE," ", S_CODE. PERFORM CHECK EXEC SQL CLOSE C END-EXEC. PERFORM CHECK. EXEC SQL RELEASE STMT END-EXEC. PERFORM CHECK. . . .