1 SET_SCHEMA Specifies the default schema name for an SQL user session in dynamically prepared and executed or interactive SQL statements until another SET SCHEMA statement is issued. Within one multischema database, tables in different schemas can be used in a single SQL statement; tables in schemas in different databases cannot. If you omit the schema name when you specify an object in a multischema database, SQL uses the default schema name. 2 Environment You can use the SET SCHEMA statement: o In interactive SQL o Embedded in host language programs to be precompiled o As part of a procedure in an SQL module o In dynamic SQL as a statement to be dynamically executed 2 Format SET SCHEMA ---+-> schema-string-literal ------+-> +-> ---------+ +-> --+ schema-string-literal = --> ' --> schema-expression --> ' --> schema-expression = --+------------------------------------------+-+ +------> ------------+-> . -+ | +-> " -> . ->"-+ | | +----------------------------------------+ | +--------------> ------+-> +-> " -> . --> " ----+ 2 Arguments 3 schema-expression Specifies the name of the default schema for a multischema database. If you omit the schema name when you specify an object in a multischema database, SQL uses the default schema name. If you do not specify a default schema name, the default uses the user name of the current user. See the User_Supplied_Names HELP topic for more information on schemas. 3 schema-parameter Specifies a host language variable in precompiled SQL or a formal parameter in an SQL module language procedure that specifies the default schema. The schema parameter must contain a schema expression. 3 schema-parameter-marker Specifies a parameter marker (?) in a dynamic SQL statement. The schema parameter marker refers to a parameter that specifies the default schema. The schema parameter marker must specify a parameter that contains a schema expression. 3 schema-string-literal Specifies a character string literal that specifies the default schema. The schema string literal must contain a schema expression enclosed within single quotation marks. 2 Example Example 1: Setting schema and catalog defaults to create a table in a multischema database In this example, user ELLINGSWORTH attaches to two databases: the default database, personnel, and the multischema corporate_data database with alias CORP. User ELLINGSWORTH attempts to create a table in the corporate_data database, and receives an error message because the default schema is ELLINGSWORTH, which has not been created in the default catalog. User ELLINGSWORTH uses SET SCHEMA and SET CATALOG statements to change the defaults to catalog ADMINISTRATION and schema ACCOUNTING of the corporate_ data database. Use the SHOW DATABASE statement to see the database settings. SQL> ATTACH 'FILENAME personnel'; SQL> ATTACH 'ALIAS CORP FILENAME corporate_data'; SQL> SHOW SCHEMAS; Schemas in database with filename personnel No schemas found Schemas in database CORP "CORP.ADMINISTRATION".ACCOUNTING "CORP.ADMINISTRATION".PERSONNEL "CORP.ADMINISTRATION".RECRUITING "CORP.RDB$CATALOG".RDB$SCHEMA SQL> CREATE TABLE CORP.BUDGET (COL1 REAL); %SQL-F-SCHNOTDEF, Schema "CORP.RDB$CATALOG".CORP is not defined SQL> -- SQL> -- SQL interprets CORP as schema name, and there is no SQL> -- CORP schema in the default database. SQL> -- SQL> -- Add quotation marks to designate qualifier CORP as an alias, SQL> -- not the schema name. SQL> -- SQL> SET QUOTING RULES 'SQL92'; SQL> CREATE TABLE "CORP.BUDGET" (COL1 REAL); %SQL-F-SCHNOTDEF, Schema "CORP.RDB$CATALOG".ELLINGSWORTH is not defined SQL> -- SQL> -- The default schema in the database with alias CORP SQL> -- is the user name ELLINGSWORTH, but there is no SQL> -- schema named ELLINGSWORTH. SQL> -- SQL> -- Set the default schema to ACCOUNTING, and qualify it SQL> -- with a delimited identifier containing the alias CORP and SQL> -- the catalog ADMINISTRATION. Now you can create the SQL> -- table BUDGET within schema ACCOUNTING without qualifying SQL> -- the table name. SQL> -- SQL> SET SCHEMA '"CORP.ADMINISTRATION".ACCOUNTING'; SQL> CREATE TABLE BUDGET (COL1 REAL); SQL> SHOW TABLES; User tables in database with filename personnel CANDIDATES COLLEGES . . . User tables in database with alias CORP "CORP.ADMINISTRATION".ACCOUNTING.BUDGET . . .