1 SET Assigns a value to a system parameter in the SYSGEN work area. This command does not modify parameter files, the current system parameter file on disk, or the active system; for information about performing these modifications, see the WRITE command. Format SET parameter-name value 2 Parameters parameter-name Specifies the name of a system parameter. If you enter a period (.), it is interpreted as a request for the system parameter specified in the last SET or SHOW command. See the description of the SHOW parameter-name command for an example of the use of the period in place of a parameter name. value Usually specifies an integer or the keyword DEFAULT. Integer values must be within the defined minimum and maximum values for the parameter unless the SYSGEN command DISABLE CHECKS was specified. The keyword DEFAULT specifies the default value for the parameter. You can display the maximum, minimum, and default values for any parameter with the SYSGEN command SHOW parameter- name. You can specify values for certain SYSGEN parameters in hexadecimal or octal radixes and for others as an ASCII string. To specify a value in octal or hexadecimal, precede the value with %O or %X, respectively. To specify a value in ASCII, enclose the value string in quotation marks (" "). 2 Qualifiers None. 2 Examples 1.SYSGEN> SET PFCDEFAULT 20 This command assigns a value of 20 to the PFCDEFAULT parameter. 2.SYSGEN> SET GBLSECTIONS DEFAULT This command assigns the default value (40) to the GBLSECTIONS parameter. 2 /OUTPUT Establishes a file to be used for output during the session. By default the output is written to SYS$OUTPUT, but you can use SET/OUTPUT to designate a disk file. At any time you can direct the output back to SYS$OUTPUT by using the SET/OUTPUT=SYS$OUTPUT command. Format SET/OUTPUT[=] file-spec 3 Parameter file-spec The name of the output file. The default file type is .LIS. The equal sign (=) is optional. 3 Example SYSGEN> SET/OUTPUT=PARAMS.LIS SYSGEN> SHOW/ALL SYSGEN> SHOW/SPECIAL SYSGEN> EXIT In this example, output is directed to the file PARAMS.LIS to capture a complete list of all the system parameters (including the SPECIAL parameters reserved for VSI use) and their values. 2 /STARTUP Names the site-independent startup command procedure to be associated with a parameter file for subsequent bootstrap operations. Format SET/STARTUP file-spec 3 Parameter file-spec The file specification of a startup command procedure on the system disk (maximum of 31 characters). The initial site- independent startup command procedure (as named in the software distribution kit) is SYS$SYSTEM:STARTUP.COM. 3 Example SYSGEN> SET/STARTUP SYS$SYSTEM:XSTARTUP.COM This command assigns SYS$SYSTEM:XSTARTUP.COM as the current site-independent startup command procedure.