1 SET There are several SET subcommands. Select the one you want from the choices below. 2 ENVIRONMENT Defines the nodes or cluster to which subsequent commands apply. Requires OPER or SETPRV privilege on all nodes in the target environment. Format SET ENVIRONMENT 3 Qualifiers /CLUSTER Specifies that all subsequent commands apply to all nodes in the cluster. By default, the management environment is the local cluster. Specify a nonlocal cluster by naming one cluster member with the /NODE qualifier. /NODE /NODE=(node1,node2,...) Specifies that SYSMAN execute subsequent commands on the given DECnet nodes. If accompanied by the /CLUSTER qualifier, the environment becomes the cluster where the given DECnet node is a member. A node name can be a system name, cluster alias, or logical name. However, before you can use logical names to define the command environment, you must set up the logical name table SYSMAN$NODE_TABLE. For more information about defining the SYSMAN logical name table, see the VSI OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. /USERNAME /USERNAME=username Specifies that this user name should be used for access control purposes on another node. You can use this qualifier only in conjunction with the /CLUSTER or /NODE qualifiers. SYSMAN uses the current user name if none is supplied. SYSMAN prompts for a password whenever you specify a new user name. NOTE The account specified must have only a primary password. Accounts with secondary passwords are not supported. 3 Description The SET ENVIRONMENT command defines the target nodes or cluster for subsequent commands. When invoked, the system management environment is the local node where you are running SYSMAN. You can change the environment to any other nodes in the cluster, the entire cluster, or any nodes or cluster available through DECnet. Designate an OpenVMS Cluster environment with the /CLUSTER qualifier. When specifying a nonlocal cluster, also include the /NODE qualifier to identify the cluster. If your environment consists of Vax, Alpha, and Integrity server nodes, see the DO command for information about creating logicals to manage each platform as an environment. You can display the current environment with the command SHOW ENVIRONMENT. To adjust privileges and defaults for the current environment, use the SET PROFILE command. An environment exists until you exit from SYSMAN or establish another command context with the SET ENVIRONMENT command. 3 Examples 1.SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT/CLUSTER %SYSMAN-I-ENV, Current command environment: Clusterwide on local cluster Username ALEXIS will be used on nonlocal nodes This command defines the command environment as the local cluster. SYSMAN confirms the new environment. 2.SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT/NODE=NODE21/CLUSTER Remote Password: %SYSMAN-I-ENV, Current command environment: Clusterwide on remote node NODE21 Username ALEXIS will be used on nonlocal nodes This command establishes a management environment on the cluster where NODE21 is a member. SYSMAN prompts for a password because it is a nonlocal environment. 3.SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT/NODE=(NODE21,NODE22,NODE23) %SYSMAN-I-ENV, Current command environment: Individual nodes: NODE21,NODE22,NODE23 Username ALEXIS will be used on nonlocal nodes This command defines the management environment to be three individual nodes. 4.$ CREATE/NAME_TABLE/PARENT=LNM$SYSTEM_DIRECTORY - _$ SYSMAN$NODE_TABLE $ DEFINE LAVCS SYS1,SYS2,SYS3,SYS4/TABLE=SYSMAN$NODE_TABLE $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSMAN SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT/NODE=(LAVCS) %SYSMAN-I-ENV, Current command environment: Individual nodes: SYS1,SYS2,SYS3,SYS4 Username ALEXIS will be used on nonlocal nodes The commands in this example set up the logical name table SYSMAN$NODE_TABLE, define a logical name (LAVCS), and use the logical name to define the command environment. 2 PROFILE Temporarily modifies a user's current privileges and default device and directory. Format SET PROFILE 3 Qualifiers /DEFAULT /DEFAULT=device:[directory] Specifies the default disk device and directory name that the system should use in this environment to locate and catalog files. /PRIVILEGES /PRIVILEGES=(priv1,priv2...) Specifies the privileges to add to the current privileges. Any enhanced privileges must be authorized. /VERIFY /VERIFY /NOVERIFY (default) Specifies whether you want DCL verification (both procedure and image) for future DO commands. 3 Description The SET PROFILE command modifies process attributes for the current management environment. After considering the privilege requirements of commands that you intend to use in an environment, you can add or delete current privileges, if they are authorized. You can also set a new default device and directory, as well as use the SET PROFILE/[NO]VERIFY command to control DCL command verification in SYSMAN. Other attributes of your process remain constant. The profile is in effect until you change it, reset the environment, or exit from SYSMAN. The VSI OpenVMS System Manager's Manual discusses profile changes in more detail. 3 Examples 1.SYSMAN> SET PROFILE/DEFAULT=WORK1:[ALEXIS] This command changes the default device and directory in the user account to directory ALEXIS on device WORK1. 2.SYSMAN> SET PROFILE/PRIVILEGES=(SYSPRV,CMKRNL)/VERIFY This command makes the authorized privileges, SYSPRV and CMKRNL, part of the current privileges, and turns on DCL verification. The privileges remain in effect until the environment changes, you enter another SET PROFILE command, or you exit. 2 TIMEOUT Establishes the amount of time SYSMAN waits for a node to respond. Once the time limit expires, SYSMAN proceeds to execute the command on the next node in the environment. Format SET TIMEOUT time 3 Parameter time Specifies a delta time value, which has the following format: hh:mm:ss[.cc.] This is the amount of time that SYSMAN waits for a node to respond. SYSMAN waits indefinitely-by default it has no timeout period. Refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual for a description of delta time values. 3 Example SYSMAN> SET TIMEOUT 00:00:30 %SYSMAN-I-TIMEVAL, timeout value is 00:00:30 SYSMAN> CONFIGURATION SHOW TIME System time on node NODE21: 19-JUN-2002 14:22:33 %SYSMAN-I-NODERR, error returned from node NODE22 %SMI-E-TIMEOUT, remote operation has timed out System time on node NODE23: 19-JUN-2002 14:23:15 This command establishes a timeout period of 30 seconds. Because NODE22 did not respond within 30 seconds, SYSMAN displays an error message and proceeds to execute the command on the next node in the environment.