1 DELETE Use the DELETE command to delete dictionary directories, subdictionaries, and objects, as well as their history lists and access control lists. Because the children of a dictionary directory or subdictionary are always deleted with their parent, the command has qualifiers to determine whether directories or subdictionaries with children should be deleted. Command Syntax: DELETE [qualifiers] path-name [, path-name]... 2 parameters path-name Specifies the subdictionaries, dictionary directories, or objects to be deleted. You can use the wildcards % and * in the path name. If you use *, DMU deletes every directory and object in the directory, including all versions of an object. You cannot use > or @ except with /HISTORY and /PROTECTION. If you are using a terminal of the VT200 family, you can use 8-bit characters in path names. Type "HELP specify path-name" for further information. 2 privileges o To use the DELETE command, you need PASS_THRU and EXTEND at the parents of the target dictionary directories, subdictionaries, or objects. o To use /ALL or /NOCHECK, you need GLOBAL_DELETE at the target dictionary directories or subdictionaries. o If you do not use /ALL or /NOCHECK, you need either GLOBAL_DELETE or LOCAL_DELETE at the target dictionary directories, subdictionaries, and objects. o If you specify /HISTORY, you need PASS_THRU, LOCAL_DELETE, and SEE privileges on the target sub-dictionaries, dictionaries, and objects. o If you specify /PROTECTION, you need PASS_THRU and CONTROL privileges on the sub-dictionaries, dictionary directories, and objects whose access control lists are to be purged. 2 qualifiers /ALL Syntax: /ALL Use /ALL to delete the specified dictionary directory or subdictionary and all its descendants. Note that /ALL and /CHECK are opposites. If you do not specify /ALL, then /CHECK is the default. /CHECK Syntax: /[NO]CHECK If you specify /CHECK, a dictionary directory or subdictionary is deleted only if it has no children. /CHECK is the default. Use /NOCHECK to delete the specified dictionary directory or subdictionary and all its descendants. Note that /ALL and /CHECK are opposites. /LOG Syntax: /LOG [= file-specification] /NOLOG Use /LOG to create a list of the given names of the dictionary directories, subdictionaries, and objects deleted. However, if you specify /ALL or /NOCHECK to delete a dictionary directory or subdictionary with children, /LOG does not list the names of the deleted children. The file specification is a standard VMS file specification naming the file into which the log is written. The default file type is .LOG. If you use /LOG without specifying a file, DMU writes the log to SYS$OUTPUT. With /NOLOG, no list is created. The default is /NOLOG. /SUBDICTIONARY Syntax: /[NO]SUBDICTIONARY Use /SUBDICTIONARY to delete a subdictionary pointer and the directories and objects in the subdictionary file. Use /NOSUBDICTIONARY to delete a subdictionary pointer, but not the directories and objects in the file to which it points. The subdictionary files themselves are never deleted. If you recreate a subdictionary you deleted earlier with the /NOSUBDICTIONARY qualifier, the new subdictionary again points to the file, and the dictionary directories and objects in the file again become part of the directory hierarchy. The default is /NOSUBDICTIONARY. /TYPE Syntax: /TYPE = (type-specification [, type-specification]...) Use /TYPE to specify a particular type of dictionary directory or object to be deleted. Other types remain undeleted. A type specification names a type, such as DTR$DOMAIN or CDD$RECORD, to be deleted. You can use the wildcard characters % and * in a type specification. The parentheses are optional if you specify only one type. Note that when you delete a subdictionary or dictionary directory, you also delete its descendants. 2 /HISTORY Use the DELETE/HISTORY command to purge history lists. You have the option of specifying the number of entries or the creation date of the earliest entry you wish to save. Command Syntax: DELETE/HISTORY [qualifiers] path-name [,path-name]... 3 privileges You need PASS_THRU, LOCAL_DELETE, and SEE at the target dictionary directories, subdictionaries, or objects. 3 qualifiers /BEFORE Syntax: /BEFORE = time-specification Use /BEFORE to specify the creation time of the oldest history list entry you want to save. All entries made before that time are deleted. Time is specified as the VAX standard time of day: dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.ss. You may omit any of the fields, but you must include the punctuation (hyphen, colon, period) following any leading field you omit. Omitted fields default to the current time of day. You cannot specify both /BEFORE and /KEEP in the same command line. /KEEP Syntax: /KEEP = number Use /KEEP to specify how many history list entries you want to save. DMU then deletes all but that number of the most recent history list entries. You cannot specify both /BEFORE and /KEEP in the same command line. If you do not specify either /BEFORE or /KEEP, the default is /KEEP = 0, and all history list entries are deleted. /TYPE Syntax: /TYPE = (type-specification [, type-specification]...) Use /TYPE to specify a particular type of dictionary directory or object whose history lists you want to purge. A type specification names a type, such as DTR$DOMAIN or CDD$RECORD, whose history list entries are to be deleted. You can use the wildcard characters % and * in a type specification. The parentheses are optional if you specify only one type. 2 /PROTECTION Use DELETE/PROTECTION to delete access control list entries. You can delete the entire list or only those entries you specify. You can also use the SET PROTECTION/EDIT command to delete access control list entries. Command Syntax: DELETE/PROTECTION [qualifiers] path-name [, path-name]... 3 privileges You need PASS_THRU and CONTROL at the target dictionary directory, subdictionary, or object. 3 qualifiers /AUDIT Syntax: /AUDIT [= (quoted-string [, quoted-string]...)] /AUDIT=file-specification /NOAUDIT Use /AUDIT to create history list entries auditing the purge of the access control lists. You can include explanatory text in history list entries in two ways: o By including quoted strings. Enclose each quoted string in double quotation marks, and enclose the series of strings in parentheses. The parentheses are optional if you specify only one quoted string. o By specifying a file whose contents are to be included in the history list entry. The file specification is a standard VMS file specification, and the default file type is .DAT. You can include no more than 64 input strings in a history list entry. DMU ignores any excess. With /NOAUDIT, no history list entries are created. The default is /NOAUDIT. /POSITION Syntax: /POSITION = position-specification Use /POSITION to specify the relative position or positions of the entries you want to delete. The position specification can be any of the following: ALL Indicates all entries. number Indicates only one entry. (number [,number]...) Indicates several entries. You may specify a maximum of 64 entries with the /POSITION qualifier. /TYPE Syntax: /TYPE = (type-specification [, type-specification]...) Use /TYPE to specify a particular type of dictionary directory or object whose access control list entries are to be purged. A type specification names a type, such as DTR$DOMAIN or CDD$RECORD, whose access control lists are to be deleted. You can use the wildcard characters % and * in a type specification. The parentheses are optional if you specify only one type.