DMU.HLB  —  COPY  qualifiers  /AUDIT

      /AUDIT [= (quoted-string [, quoted-string]...)]

  Use /AUDIT to create history list entries auditing the  copy  in  the
  history  lists of both source and destination dictionary directories,
  subdictionaries, and objects.

  You can include explanatory text in history  list  entries  in  three

   o  By specifying the /AUDIT qualifier.  If  you  include  no  quoted
      string or file-specification, DMU provides a default history list
      entry describing your operation.

   o  By including quoted  strings.   Enclose  each  quoted  string  in
      double  quotation  marks,  and  enclose  the series of strings in
      parentheses.  The parentheses are optional if  you  specify  only
      one quoted string.

   o  By specifying a file whose contents are to  be  included  in  the
      history  list  entry.   The  file specification is a standard VMS
      file specification, and the default file type is .DAT.   You  can
      include  no  more  than 64 input strings in a history list entry.
      DMU ignores any excess.

  With /NOAUDIT, no history list entries are created.  The  default  is
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