DMU.HLB  —  SHOW  versions
  You can specify the version of a dictionary object in several ways:

  Specification      Result           Example

  Absolute        DMU operates on    SALARY_RANGE;2
  version         the object with
  number+         the specified
                  version number

  Relative        DMU operates on    SALARY_RANGE;-1
  version         the object a
  number+         specified number
                  of versions
                  below the
                  highest version

  Wildcard        DMU operates on    SALARY_RANGE;_*
  version         all versions of
  number+         the object

  Semicolon       DMU operates on    SALARY_RANGE;
  without a       the highest
  version         version of the
  number+         object

  No semicolon    DMU operates on    SALARY_RANGE
  or version      the highest
  number++        version of the

  + You cannot use this specification with DMU PURGE.
  ++ If you use this specification with DMU LIST, DMU operates on all
  children in the directory.
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