DTRHELP.HLB  —  Commands Statements Clauses, Wombat
       Wombats are native Australian or Tasmanian mammals. Like many
       other antipodean animals, they have strange* reproductive
       habits (less so than the platypus which lays green eggs and is
       a monotreme). They also have constantly growing incisors allowing
       (nay, encouraging) them to chew on bark, wood, softer rocks,
       etc. (Wombats are friendly, loyal, nocturnal, and not overly
       intelligent. Sir Everard Home reports, "In captivity it is as
       a rule amiable, the amiability being possibly associated with
       stupidity." He probably woke it from a nap.)

       * strange to us-they wouldn't have it any other way.

       The family Vombatidae is divided into two groups: the naked nosed
       and the hairy nosed wombats. The naked nosed group constitutes
       the genus Vombatuis (or Phascolomis) and includes the Tasmanian
       wombat (V. Ursinus) from Tasmania and Flinders Island and the
       common Wombat (V. hirsutus) from south east Australia. These have
       coarse, harsh, blackish brown fur, a naked area on the muzzle,
       and short ears.

       The hairy nosed group contains Lasiorhinus latifrons from south
       Australia and wombatula gillespiei from southern Queensland.
       These species have silky grizzled gray fur, a hairy muzzle, and
       larger ears. The consequences of all this to wombat society is
       further complicated by the question of who has more ribs.

1  –  Advanced

       Wombats, particular

       Dante Gabriel Rossetti had a wombat who slept (during the day) in
       an epergne on the dining room table. He (the wombat) reappeared
       as a dormouse in Rev. Dodgson's book.

       Wombats, uses of

       live-conversation piece, alarm clock (third shift) dead-doormats;
       for food, see Wombats, food?

       Wombats, food

       grass, bark, leaves, fungi


       Who knows? ...clearly someplace wombats sleep.


       Include bandicoots (which should be rabbits), koalas (which
       should be bears), tasmanian wolves (which should be coyotes),
       and wombats (which should be lethargic badgers). Pogo was a

       Sexual habits

       These are of interest only to other wombats, and then only
       between April and June.

       Wombats, prehistoric

       Pleistocene Giant Wombat was as large as a rhinoceros.

       Wombats, food?

       Would you want to eat a doormat that ate bark and fungus?
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