1 Motif DEC DATATRIEVE provides a working interface to DECwindows Motif. If you are working in a workstation environment and have DECwindows Motif installed on your system, you can take advantage of certain DECwindows Motif features that provide you with an easy way to: o Scroll through the content of your DEC DATATRIEVE session o Invoke command files o Open and close log sessions o Navigate through the Oracle CDD/Repository dictionary structure and perform expand, contract, edit, extract, show, execute, and ready actions upon appropriate objects o Set certain DEC DATATRIEVE setup parameters o Display information on DEC DATATRIEVE objects and sources in a separate Show window, which can remain on your screen throughout your DEC DATATRIEVE session o Display help on DEC DATATRIEVE-specific topics in a separate DECterm window that can remain on your screen throughout your DEC DATATRIEVE session o Display DEC DATATRIEVE graphics in a separate DECterm window that can remain on your screen throughout your DEC DATATRIEVE session For tutorial information on using the DECwindows Motif interface to DEC DATATRIEVE, see the DEC DATATRIEVE DECwindows Motif Help library. 2 Invoking Before you can invoke DEC DATATRIEVE in a DECwindows Motif environment, you must be running DECwindows Motif software on your workstation. You may also find that to run DEC DATATRIEVE software on your workstation, the following conditions should be met: o The logical DECW$DISPLAY should be pointing to the node on which you want to display DEC DATATRIEVE. o The logical DTR$NOWINDOWS must be undefined or be assigned a value other than true. o The Security item of the Customize menu of your Session Manager window should recognize the node on which you want to display your DEC DATATRIEVE session. These are described in more detail in the DEC DATATRIEVE Guide to Interfaces or in the DECwindows Motif documentation. You can then invoke DEC DATATRIEVE with either of the following commands: o The DCL command RUN SYS$SYSTEM:DTR32xx.EXE (where xx represents the 1- to 26-character suffix appended at installation). You can also use any symbols that you have already defined to represent this command. o The DATATRIEVE command. This command takes the following format: DATATRIEVE [qualifier [...]] ["DATATRIEVE-command-string"] The optional qualifiers to the DATATRIEVE command include the following: /INTERFACE = {DECWINDOWS} {CHARACTER_CELL} Specifies the display interface to be used by DEC DATATRIEVE. If your default environment is the command-line interface, then CHARACTER_CELL is the default. If your system is properly defined to invoke the DEC DATATRIEVE interface to DECwindows Motif, the default is DECWINDOWS. This qualifier is useful if you are working in a DECwindows Motif environment and you want to submit a DEC DATATRIEVE command procedure from a foreign command line. Normally if your system is defined to invoke the DECwindows Motif interface and you try to execute a DEC DATATRIEVE command from a foreign command line, the DEC DATATRIEVE main application window appears on your screen. By using the DCL DATATRIEVE command with the /INTERFACE=CHARACTER_CELL qualifier, you can enter the command on a foreign command line and the main application window will not be displayed. /[NO]DEBUG Specifies whether DEC DATATRIEVE should display special debug messages. The default is NODEBUG. /VARIANT = image-suffix Indicates the 1- to 26-character suffix applied to a DEC DATATRIEVE image upon installation to uniquely identify that image. This qualifier is needed only if you invoke a DEC DATATRIEVE image that was not selected as the default image at installation time. If the default image you are running includes a suffix and you want to run an image that does not include a suffix, use the /VARIANT qualifier alone, as in the following example: $ DATATRIEVE/VARIANT The DCL DATATRIEVE command can also take a DEC DATATRIEVE command or statement as an argument. This allows you to execute a DEC DATATRIEVE command, statement, or procedure without entering interactive DEC DATATRIEVE. If the DATATRIEVE-command-string contains more than one word, it must be placed in quotation marks. You can abbreviate the DCL DATATRIEVE command to the shortest form that is unique among other DCL commands.