DTRHELP.HLB  —  Commands Statements Clauses, DECLARE DOMAIN Command, Arguments

       Is the name of the domain you are declaring.
       It must be a simple name.


       Is the name of a CDD$DATABASE object, defined through CDO using
       the DEFINE DATABASE command, that points to a CDD$RMS_DATABASE
       object. Refer to the Oracle CDD/Repository documentation for more
       information on CDD$RMS_DATABASE objects.

       Is the name of a record type contained in a subschema of the
       specified Oracle CODASYL DBMS database.


       Is the DEC DATATRIEVE definition of the database instance.
       It is a dictionary pathname.


       Is the given name, full dictionary path name, or relative
       dictionary path name of a domain definition at another node
       in a network of computers linked by DECnet. That domain, the
       associated record definition, and the associated data file must
       already exist in the data dictionary at the remote node before
       you can ready the network domain.
       It is a dictionary pathname.


       Specifies the network address.

       If the login procedure used by the remote process does not
       supply the necessary login information (user name, password,
       and, optionally, account name), either the person readying the
       network domain or the network domain definition must supply this

       You can use any of the following formats to specify the network
       address and to provide the best level of access security for your

          node-name"username password [account-name]")

          Examples of this format are:



          When you specify the network address using this format, users
          do not have to supply login information when readying the
          network domain.

          node-name"*.username-prompt *.password-prompt [*.account-prompt]"

          Examples of this format are:


          VAXTWO"*.'user name' *.'password'"

          PDPTWO"*.'user name' *.'password'"

          When you specify the network address using this format, users
          are prompted for login information when they ready the network
          domain. This method provides the best security.


          Two examples of this format are:



          Note that Poor Man's Routing is not accepted in AT clauses.

          When you specify the network address with this format,
          the account used by the remote process must provide login
          information automatically.

       If you prefer, you can combine elements from the first two
       formats. For example, you can explicitly specify the user name
       and specify a prompting value expression for the password:



       Is the name assigned to the relation when the database was


       Is the given name, full dictionary path name, or relative
       dictionary path name of the record definition to be associated
       with the domain. You must enter the permanent or temporary
       definition of this record (with the DEFINE RECORD or the DECLARE
       RECORD commands) before you can ready the domain.


       Is the OpenVMS file specification of the RMS file containing
       the data for the domain. This file must exist when you ready the
       domain. A complete file specification has the following format:



       Is the name of the view being defined.
       It must be a simple name.


       Is either the given name, full dictionary path name, or relative
       dictionary path name of a domain containing records to be
       included in the view. If the domain name is a domain path name,
       it cannot duplicate the name of the view. When specifying more
       than one domain path name, use a comma to separate each name from
       the next.


       Is the level number for a field in the view definition.


       Is the name of a field in the view definition. If field-name is
       followed by an OCCURS FOR clause, field-name has no relationship
       to any field in the domain or domains specified in the RSE.
       Whether or not field-name is the same as the names of any of
       those fields does not matter. If field-name is followed by a
       FROM clause, field-name must be the name of a field in a domain
       specified in the OF domain-name-1 [,...] clause.

    OCCURS FOR rse

       Indicates that the associated field is to be included in the view
       only for those records specified by the RSE. The RSE must contain
       a reference to one of the domains, relations, or Oracle CODASYL
       DBMS records listed in the OF clause.

    FROM domain-name

       Indicates that the definition of the associated field is
       identical to that of the field of the same name in the domain,
       relation, or Oracle CODASYL DBMS record specified by domain-name-
       n. The argument domain-name must be the same as that used in the
       preceding OCCURS FOR clause.

    . (period)

       Ends a field definition.


       Is a form name.


       For VAX TDMS and DEC FMS[TM] forms it is the name of a form
       library. For DECforms[TM] forms it is the form file name,
       which can either be a .FORM or a .EXE file. A complete file
       specification has the following format:



       Is the path name of a record used to send and receive data
       with DECforms.


       It is ignored except in the declaration of a CDD$DATABASE
       domain where it is required to specify the characteristics
       of the related object.

    ; (semicolon)
       Ends the domain definition.
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