DTRHELP.HLB  —  Commands Statements Clauses, DEFINE DATABASE Command, Arguments

       Is the Oracle CDD/Repository path name of the relational database
       you want to define. The path name can be either a DMU or a CDO
       style path name.


       Is the name of the database root file. For relational databases,
       the default file type is .RDB; for Oracle CODASYL DBMS, the
       default file type is .ROO. A complete file specification has
       the following format:



       Is the Oracle CDD/Repository path name you choose for the Oracle
       CODASYL DBMS database instance. The path name can be either a DMU
       or a CDO style path name. Although a DMU style path name is still
       accepted, you are recommended to use a CDO path name.


       Is the name of a subschema for the specified schema.


       Is the CDO path name of a Oracle CODASYL DBMS schema.


       Ends the DEFINE DATABASE command.
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