DTRHELP.HLB  —  Commands Statements Clauses, READY Command, Arguments

       Is the dictionary path name of a domain to which you want access
       or the domain table whose access option you want to change.


       Is the name of a node and an optional access control string.

       A node name is a 1- to 6-character name that identifies the
       location on the network. Examples are BIGSYS and LILSYS.

       An access control string indicates a particular account on the
       remote node. It consists of a user name, followed by one or more
       blanks or tabs, a password, and an optional account name.

       The following three node specifications are valid:


       On DECnet links to some non-OpenVMS systems, you can use the UIC
       number in place of the user name. For example:

       BIGSYS"[240,240] RYLE"
       BIGSYS"[240,240] RYLE KANT"

       In the examples, the remote node is BIGSYS the user name is
       MORRISON, the UIC is [240,240], the password is RYLE, and the
       account name is KANT.

       You can also use a prompting value expression to prompt the user
       for the user name, password, account name, or UIC. Use single
       quotation marks for the prompt string. For example:

       CON>     BIGSYS"*.'username' *.'password'"
       Enter username: MORRISON
       Enter password:


       Is a name you use if you include the AS clause in the READY
       command to refer to the domain, relation, or Oracle CODASYL DBMS
       record specified. You use the alias in place of the given name
       of the domain, relation, or Oracle CODASYL DBMS record where the
       syntax of a statement calls for that domain, relation, or Oracle
       CODASYL DBMS record name. If you are using an alias for a domain
       name, do not use the alias in full or relative dictionary path


       Is the Oracle CDD/Repository path name defined for the DEC
       DATATRIEVE definition of the Oracle CODASYL DBMS, Oracle Rdb,
       VAX Rdb/ELN, or DEC DB Integrator Gateway database, or for the
       relational database definition created by Oracle Rdb. It can also
       be a CDD$DATABASE object. If you ready a Oracle CODASYL DBMS or
       relational database without specifying any relation or record
       names, DEC DATATRIEVE readies all relations or records in the
       database. READY accepts both DMU and CDO style path names.


       Is the name assigned to the relation when the relational
       database was created. The relation name can be the name of a
       view relation.


       Is the name assigned to the Oracle CODASYL DBMS record when the
       database was created.


       Are the options you can select to control the access of other
       users to a domain, relation, or Oracle CODASYL DBMS record you
       ready. The specific constraints are explained in Access Options:

       Table 1-6 Access Options

       Option     Access Constraints

       SNAPSHOT   SNAPSHOT is a READ access for databases that takes a
                  "picture" of the database when it is readied. In order
                  to have SNAPSHOT access, all relations or records
                  pertaining to the database must be readied with
                  SNAPSHOT access. Any other user can access the same
                  database with any access mode and option. In general,
                  you do not see other users' changes until the end
                  of the transaction. If you use SNAPSHOT with another
                  option, such as CONCURRENCY, you may see other users'
                  changes, depending on the database system. SNAPSHOT is
                  the default for relational databases, relations, and
                  domains based on relational sources.
       PROTECTED  Any other user can have only READ access to records in
                  the domain or relation. No other user can have WRITE,
                  MODIFY, or EXTEND access to the records in the domain
                  or relation. This option is the default for domains
                  containing records from RMS files and for all view
       SHARED     Any other user can have access to the domain,
                  database, relation, or Oracle CODASYL DBMS record
                  at the same time, in any access mode. This option
                  is the default for Oracle CODASYL DBMS domains,
                  Oracle CODASYL DBMS databases, and Oracle CODASYL
                  DBMS records.
       EXCLUSIVE  No other user can have access to the domain, database,
                  relation, or Oracle CODASYL DBMS record at the same
                  time, in any access mode. If the domain is based on
                  a RMS file, the file containing the data is locked by


       Are the options you can select to request a mode of access to a
       domain, database, relation, or Oracle CODASYL DBMS record. When
       using Format 1, whether you get that mode of access is determined
       by privileges assigned to you in the access control list of the
       domain. When using Format 2, whether you get that mode of access
       is determined by privileges assigned to you in the access control
       list of the database definition.

       When you are using either Format 1 or Format 2 and you are
       accessing a Oracle CODASYL DBMS or relational database, you must
       also have appropriate privileges in the Oracle CODASYL DBMS,
       Oracle Rdb or VAX Rdb/ELN access control lists to request the
       access mode you select. For Oracle CODASYL DBMS, you need access
       to the schema, subschema, record and DEC DATATRIEVE database
       definitions in the data dictionary.


       Are the options you can select to determine whether you can
       see changes made by other users to the data you are accessing.
       CONSISTENCY guarantees that while you are accessing data, you do
       not see updates made by other users.

       CONCURRENCY allows you to see other users' updates to the data
       you are accessing.

       CONSISTENCY is the DEC DATATRIEVE default for the first ready of
       a relational source.

       Once you specify CONSISTENCY or CONCURRENCY, that option becomes
       the default until you change the option in a subsequent ready or
       you finish the database.

       Multi-User Access to Domains Based on RMS Files summarizes the
       effects of various combinations of access options and access
       modes for domains based on RMS files.

       Table 1-7 Multi-User Access to Domains Based on RMS Files

                     Another User  Your
                     Can Then      Effect
       You Ready a   Ready the     on Other
       Domain        Domain        Users      Other Users'Effect on You

       EXCLUSIVE     No access.    No one     No effect.
       READ                        else can
       EXCLUSIVE                   read the
       WRITE                       file.
       PROTECTED     PROTECTED     No one     No effect.
       READ          READ          else can
                     SHARED READ   write
                                   to the
       PROTECTED     SHARED READ   No one     No effect.
       WRITE                       else can
                                   to the
       SHARED READ   PROTECTED     No one     Users with WRITE access
                     READ          with       may change records you are
                     PROTECTED     WRITE      reading or have read.
                     WRITE         access
                     SHARED READ   can
                     SHARED WRITE  select
       SHARED WRITE  SHARED READ   No one     You cannot write to the
                     SHARED WRITE  else can   selected record of any
                                   modify     other user. You cannot
                                   your       write to the target record
                                   selected   of a MODIFY or ERASE
                                   record     statement entered by
                                   or the     a SHARED WRITE user. A
                                   target     SHARED WRITE user can also
                                   record     write to a record you have
                                   of your    just modified.
                                   or ERASE
                                   You can
                                   modify a
                                   has just

       When two applications try to access the same domain based on a
       RMS file, RMS may lock a record that DEC DATATRIEVE needs to
       access. DEC DATATRIEVE then tries for 12 seconds to access the
       record. At the end of this period, DEC DATATRIEVE takes one of
       two actions, depending on whether SET LOCK_WAIT is in effect.

       o  If SET NO LOCK_WAIT is in effect, you receive an RMS$_RLK
          message: "Target record currently locked by another stream."
          Then DEC DATATRIEVE aborts the statement. SET NO LOCK_WAIT is
          the default.

       o  If SET LOCK_WAIT is in effect, DEC DATATRIEVE turns control
          over to RMS to wait for the record. You cannot use CTRL/C
          to cancel the wait. RMS waits until the record is released,
          or, in case of deadlock, you receive the RMS deadlock error

       The LOCK_WAIT setting applies to all sources, including Oracle
       CODASYL DBMS and relational databases which are readied after the
       SET LOCK_WAIT command is issued. NO LOCK_WAIT was selected as the
       default for DATATRIEVE because it is the RMS default. However,
       NO LOCK_WAIT is not always the recommended mode for relational
       access. LOCK_WAIT is required for DEC DB Integrator Gateway.

       Multi-User Access to Oracle CODASYL DBMS, Oracle Rdb, and VAX
       Rdb/ELN Sources summarizes the effects of various combinations of
       access options and access modes for Oracle CODASYL DBMS domains
       and Oracle Rdb or VAX Rdb/ELN domains and relations.

       Table 1-8 Multi-User Access to Oracle CODASYL DBMS, Oracle Rdb,
                 and VAX Rdb/ELN Sources

       You Ready     User Can
       a Domain,     Then Ready
       Database,     the Domain,
       Relation,     Database,     Your
       Oracle        Oracle        Effect
       CODASYL       CODASYL       on Other
       DBMS Record   DBMS Record   Users      Other Users' Effect on You

       EXCLUSIVE     No access.    No one     No effect.
       READ                        else can
       EXCLUSIVE                   read the
       WRITE                       realm
                                   or rela-
       PROTECTED     PROTECTED     No one     No effect.
       READ          READ          else can
                     SHARED READ   write
                                   to the
                                   or rela-
       PROTECTED     SHARED READ   No one     You may encounter read
       WRITE                       else can   locks other users have put
                                   write      on a record when you try
                                   to the     to modify it.
                                   or re-
                                   may en-
       SHARED READ   PROTECTED     A SHARED   You may encounter write
                     READ          WRITE      locks during another
                     PROTECTED     user       user's transaction.
                     WRITE         may have
                     SHARED READ   to wait
                     SHARED WRITE  until
       SNAPSHOT for  With any      No         You do not see changes
       Oracle Rdb    access and    effect     other users make to the
       or VAX Rdb    mode.         on         database until a COMMIT or
       /ELN domains                users.     ROLLBACK is performed.
       and Oracle
       SHARED WRITE  SHARED READ   Other      You may encounter read and
                     SHARED WRITE  users      write locks during another
                                   may en-    user's transaction.
                                   read and
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