DTRHELP.HLB  —  Commands Statements Clauses, REPORT Statement (Report Writer), Arguments

       Specifies the data for your report. To create a record stream for
       your report, enter the appropriate RSE in the REPORT statement.
       You can make reports using data from:

       o  Readied domains

       o  Collections

       o  Lists

       When you omit the RSE, the Report Writer uses the data in
       your current collection for the report. If there is no current
       collection, DEC DATATRIEVE displays the following error message:

       A current collection has not been established.


       Is the file to which you want to write the report. A complete
       file specification has the following format:



       Is the format in which you want the report presented. The
       following formats are supported:

       FormatExplanation                       Output type

       DDIF  The CDA format for page-based     page
             documents. DDIF allows files
             produced by the Report Writer
             to be processed directly,
             for example, by DECwrite,
             DECpresent, or conversion to
             other formats.
       PS    PostScript[R], produced by        page
             conversion from DDIF to obtain
             high quality printout.
       null  The default ASCII format          page
             produced by the Report Writer.
             Format encoded as ASCII
       TEXT  Format encoded as ASCII           page
             characters, with ANSI escape
             sequences that produce certain
             attributes on terminals and
       DTIF  The CDA format for tables. DTIF   table
             allows files produced by the
             Report Writer to be processed
             directly, for example, by
             DECdecision, DECchart, or
             conversion to other formats.


       Is a prompting value expression that allows you to specify a
       file specification when DEC DATATRIEVE processes the report
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