Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb  —  ACCOUNTING
    The Accounting utility (ACCOUNTING) produces reports of system
    resource use.

    You can use ACCOUNTING qualifiers to:

    o  Produce a number of report formats

    o  Choose how the reports are organized

    o  Choose on which resources you want reports

    You can use the reports to learn more about how the system is
    used and how it performs.

1  –  Usage Summary

    Produces reports of resource use.


      ACCOUNTING  [filespec[,...]]


    Specifies the accounting files you want to process.

    Each file specification can include the percent (%)  and asterisk
    (*)  wildcard characters. If it does not include the device or
    directory, your current default device or directory is used.
    If it does not include the file name or file type, the values
    ACCOUNTNG and DAT are used respectively.

    If you do not specify a file, the command processes the file

2  –  Description

    Use this DCL command to run the Accounting utility:

    $ ACCOUNTING  [filespec[,...]]

    You are returned to DCL level when the command has finished
    processing the specified accounting files.

    By default, the command directs its output to the current
    SYS$OUTPUT device. If you want to direct the output to a file,
    use the /OUTPUT qualifier.

    Requires READ access to the accounting files you specify, and to
    the directories containing them.


    Selects or rejects records for the specified account names.



3.1  –  Description

    The /ACCOUNT qualifier uses the value of the account field to
    select records for processing. This field is present in all
    records except file backward link and file forward link records.

    The /ACCOUNT qualifier selects only records that have the
    specified values in the account field. If you precede the values
    with a minus sign, it selects all records except those with the
    specified values.

    The following table shows the values stored in the account field
    of login failure and system initialization records.

    Value      Description

    <batch>    Batch job login failure
    <det>      Detached process login failure
    <login>    Interactive login failure
    <net>      Network login failure
    <start>    System startup

    Note that when you specify these account field values as
    qualifier values, you must enclose them in quotes. Like all DCL
    commands, the ACCOUNTING command converts strings to uppercase
    unless they are enclosed in quotes.

3.2  –  Examples


      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It
      produces a brief report of all records for the account names
      SALES and QA.


      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It
      produces a full report of all records except for the account
      names SALES and QA.


    Selects or rejects records for DECnet for OpenVMS requests made
    by the specified nodes.



4.1  –  Description

    The /ADDRESS qualifier uses the value of the remote node address
    field to select records for processing. This field is present
    in all records except file backward link and file forward link
    records. For records that contain information about DECnet for
    OpenVMS requests, it contains the address of the node that made
    the request.

    The /ADDRESS qualifier selects only records with the specified
    values in the remote node address field. If you precede the
    values with a minus sign, it selects all records except those
    with the specified values.

    See also the /NODE and /REMOTE_ID qualifiers, which select or
    reject records for DECnet for OpenVMS requests made by specified
    node names and remote IDs respectively.

4.2  –  Example


      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It
      produces a brief report of all records for DECnet for OpenVMS
      requests made by the node with the address 19656. (The decimal
      equivalent of this address is 19.200.)

5    /BEFORE

    Selects all records time-stamped before the specified time.



5.1  –  Description

    All records in an accounting file are time-stamped with the time
    the record was logged in the file.

    The /BEFORE qualifier selects only the records time-stamped
    before the specified time. You can specify an absolute time, a
    delta time, or a combination of the two. If you omit the time,
    00:00 hours on the current day is used.

    See also the /SINCE qualifier, which selects records time-stamped
    at or after a specified time.

5.2  –  Example


      This example produces a brief report of all records time-
      stamped in the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT during November

6    /BINARY

    Copies the selected records to a new file in binary format.



6.1  –  Description

    The /BINARY qualifier specifies that records are output in binary
    format to the file specified by the /OUTPUT qualifier. (/OUTPUT
    is Alpha-only, however.) Use the Accounting utility to process
    this file later.

    See also the /BRIEF, /FULL, and /SUMMARY qualifiers, which
    process the selected records to produce a report.

    You cannot use the /BINARY qualifier with the /BRIEF, /FULL,
    or /SUMMARY qualifiers.

6.2  –  Examples


      This example creates the file MYDISK:[ACCOUNTING]MYACC.DAT.
      It processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT, copying all
      records for the user SMITH to the new file in binary format.


      This example creates two files in the default directory,
      PRINT_INFO.DAT and NOT_PRINT_INFO.DAT. It processes the
      file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT, copying print records to
      PRINT_INFO.DAT and other records to NOT_PRINT_INFO.DAT. These
      records are in binary format.

7    /BRIEF

    Produces a brief report of the selected records.


      /BRIEF (default)

7.1  –  Description

    The /BRIEF qualifier is the default. It produces a brief report
    of the selected records. The report is directed to the current
    SYS$OUTPUT device, unless you use the /OUTPUT qualifier to write
    it to a file. (Note that /OUTPUT is Alpha-only.)

    Each line of a brief report corresponds to a record in the
    accounting file. It does not show resources used, but gives the
    information shown in the following table about each record in the
    accounting file.

    Column    Description

    Date/Time When the record was logged in the accounting file.
    Type      The type of the record.
    Subtype   For records of type IMAGE, this is the name of
              the image (the file name portion of its file
              specification). For records of type PROCESS, it is
              the type of the process (BATCH, DETACHED, INTERACTIVE,
              NETWORK, or SUBPROCESS).
    User      The user name. For login failures where the user did
    name      not give a valid user name, this is shown as <login>.
    ID        The process identifier (PID). For print jobs, this is
              the PID of the process that submitted the job.
    Source    The terminal associated with an interactive process or,
              for DECnet for OpenVMS requests, the name of the node
              that issued the request.
    Status    The final exit status code, expressed as a hexadecimal

    To translate the final exit status code into the equivalent
    message text, use the F$MESSAGE lexical function, and precede
    the status code with %X, as in this example:

    $ MESSAGE = F$MESSAGE(%X00000001)
      MESSAGE = "%SYSTEM-S-NORMAL, normal successful completion"

    See also the /BINARY qualifier, which copies the selected records
    to a file, and the /FULL and /SUMMARY qualifiers, which produce
    full and summary reports of the selected records.

    You cannot use the /BRIEF qualifier with the /BINARY, /FULL,
    or /SUMMARY qualifiers.

7.2  –  Example


      This example produces a brief report of all records in the file

8    /ENTRY

    Selects or rejects records for print and batch jobs with the
    specified queue entry numbers.



8.1  –  Description

    The /ENTRY qualifier uses the value of the queue entry number
    field to select records for processing. This field is present
    in all records except file backward link and file forward link
    records. For records that contain information about print or
    batch jobs, it contains the unique entry number assigned to the
    job in the print or batch queue.

    The /ENTRY qualifier selects only records that have the specified
    values in the queue entry number field. If you precede the values
    with a minus sign, it selects all records except those with the
    specified values.

    Each entry-number must be a decimal number of ten digits or less.

    See also the /JOB and /QUEUE qualifiers, which select or reject
    records for print and batch jobs with specified job and queue

8.2  –  Examples

    1.$ ACCOUNTING /ENTRY=(211,212,213)

      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It
      produces a brief report of all records for print or batch jobs
      with a queue entry number of 211, 212, or 213.

    2.$ ACCOUNTING /ENTRY=(-25,50)

      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It
      produces a brief report of all records except those for print
      or batch jobs with a queue entry number of 25 or 50.

9    /FULL

    Produces a full report of the selected records.



9.1  –  Description

    The /FULL qualifier produces a full report of the selected
    records. The report is directed to the current SYS$OUTPUT device,
    unless you use the /OUTPUT qualifier to write it to a file. (Note
    that /OUTPUT is Alpha-only.)

    Full reports display one screen of information for each selected
    record. The information displayed, and the way that it is laid
    out, depend on the type of the record and the data it contains.

    The first line shows the event that caused the record to be
    logged in the accounting file. For example, for a record that
    was logged when an interactive process terminated, the first line
    shows INTERACTIVE Process Termination.

    For subprocesses, the Owner ID field shows the process identifier
    (PID) of the parent process.

    For records that contain information about DECnet for OpenVMS
    requests, the three Remote fields identify the remote user and
    remote node.

    The Processor time field shows the total CPU time used. This
    includes any vector CPU time used. The Vector CPU time field is
    shown only if vector CPU time has been used.

    Vector CPU time is the time that the process was scheduled on a
    vector-present CPU while that process was a vector consumer. Note

    o  When a process is a vector consumer, it accrues vector CPU
       time when it is scheduled, even if it does not issue any
       vector instructions.

    o  Processes that are scalar consumers or marginal vector
       consumers do not accrue vector CPU time, even when they are
       scheduled on vector-present CPUs.

    The privilege is shown as two hexadecimal numbers that represent
    the first and last 32 bits of the 64-bit privilege mask. To
    translate the privilege bit mask into privileges, refer to the
    definitions of the symbols that begin PRV$V_ in the $PRVDEF macro
    in the STARLET library. For example, the $PRVDEF macro defines
    the PRV$V_READALL symbol to equate to 35. This means that READALL
    privilege is represented by bit 35 set in the privilege mask.

    If you are processing only one file and you are displaying it on
    your screen, when you do not want to look at any more records,
    press Ctrl/Z to return to the DCL prompt.

    See also the /BINARY qualifier, which copies the selected records
    to a file, and the /BRIEF and /SUMMARY qualifiers, which produce
    brief and summary reports of the selected records.

    You cannot use the /FULL qualifier with the /BINARY, /BRIEF,
    or /SUMMARY qualifiers.

9.2  –  Examples


      This example displays a full report of all the records in the
      file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. This example screen shows a
      record that was logged when an interactive process terminated.
      The interactive process was created when the user JONES at the
      node HQ222 entered a SET HOST command to connect to the local

 INTERACTIVE Process Termination
 Username:         FISH        UIC:               [DOC,FISH]
 Account:          DOC         Finish time:       23-JAN-2000 15:21:23.83
 Process ID:       20A0029B    Start time:        23-JAN-2000 15:19:08.28
 Owner ID:                     Elapsed time:                0 00:02:15.55
 Terminal name:     RTA2:      Processor time:              0 00:00:04.14
 Remote node addr: 63576       Priority:          4
 Remote node name: HQ222       Privilege <31-00>: 00108000
 Remote ID:        JONES       Privilege <63-32>: 00000000
 Queue entry:                  Final status code: 00000001
 Queue name:
 Job name:
 Final status text: %SYSTEM-S-NORMAL, normal successful completion

 Page faults:      2043        Direct IO:              159
 Page fault reads:   68        Buffered IO:            228
 Peak working set:  852        Volumes mounted:          0
 Peak page file:   5512        Images executed:         10
                 Vector CPU time:             0 00:00:0.54
 Press RETURN for Next Record >


      This example creates the output file MYACC.LIS in the default
      directory. It processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT,
      writing a full report of all records to the new output file.

10    /IDENT

    Selects or rejects records for the specified processes.



10.1  –  Description

    The /IDENT qualifier uses the value of the process identifier
    (PID) field to select records for processing. This field is
    present in all records except file backward link and file forward
    link records. For print job records, it contains the PID of the
    process that submitted the job.

    The /IDENT qualifier selects only records that have the specified
    values in the PID field. If you precede the values with a minus
    sign, it selects all records except those with the specified

    Each process-id must be a hexadecimal number of eight digits or

    See also the /OWNER qualifier, which selects or rejects records
    for subprocesses created by specified processes.

10.2  –  Examples

    1.$ ACCOUNTING /IDENT=(25634,045A6B)

      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It
      produces a brief report of all records for processes with a PID
      of 25634 or 045A6B.

    2.$ ACCOUNTING /IDENT=(-25634,045A6B)

      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT.
      It produces a brief report of all records except those for
      processes with a PID of 25634 or 045A6B.

11    /IMAGE

    Selects or rejects records for the specified images.



11.1  –  Description

    The /IMAGE qualifier uses the value of the image name field to
    select records for processing. This field is present only in
    records of type IMAGE, and contains the name of the image.

    Note that the system does not track records of type IMAGE
    by default. To enable the tracking of IMAGE records, use the
    SET ACCOUNTING command.

    The /IMAGE qualifier selects only records that have the specified
    values in the image name field. If you precede the values with
    a minus sign, it selects all records except those with the
    specified values.

    Each image name is a string that gives the file name portion
    of the image file specification. Do not include the device,
    directory, or file type.

11.2  –  Examples


      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It
      produces a brief report of all records for the DIRECTORY.EXE


      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It
      produces a brief report of all records except those for the
      DIRECTORY.EXE image.

12    /JOB

    Selects or rejects records for print and batch jobs with the
    specified job names.



12.1  –  Description

    The /JOB qualifier uses the value of the job name field to select
    records for processing. This field is present in all records
    except file backward link and file forward link records. For
    records that contain information about print and batch jobs, it
    contains the name of the job.

    The /JOB qualifier selects only records that have the specified
    values in the job name field. If you precede the values with
    a minus sign, it selects all records except those with the
    specified values.

    See also the /QUEUE and /ENTRY qualifiers, which select or reject
    records for print and batch jobs with specified queue names and
    queue entry numbers.

12.2  –  Examples


      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It
      produces a brief report of all records for print or batch jobs
      named MYJOB1 or MYJOB2.


      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It
      produces a full report of all records except those for print or
      batch jobs named MYJOB1 or MYJOB2.

13    /LOG

    Outputs informational messages.



13.1  –  Description

    The /LOG qualifier outputs these informational messages to the
    current SYS$OUTPUT device:

    o  For each file processed, the name of the file and the number
       of records selected and rejected from that file

    o  If you use the /SORT qualifier, the total number of records
       merged in the sort (this is the total number of records
       selected from all the files that were processed)

    o  If you process more than one file, the total number of files
       that were processed, and the total number of records selected
       and rejected

13.2  –  Example


               16460 rejected
               16388 rejected
 %ACC-I-MERGE, 599 records to be merged
 %ACC-I-TOTAL, 599 selected, 32848 rejected, 2 input files

      This example processes two accounting files. It writes a brief
      report of all the records for print jobs, sorted in user name
      order, to an output file and displays informational messages
      that tell you which files were processed and how many records
      were selected and rejected.

14    /NODE

    Selects or rejects records for DECnet for OpenVMS requests made
    by the specified nodes.



14.1  –  Description

    The /NODE qualifier uses the value of the remote node name field
    to select records for processing. This field is present in all
    records except file backward link and file forward link records.
    For records that contain information about DECnet for OpenVMS
    requests, it contains the name of the node that made the request.

    The /NODE qualifier selects only records that have the specified
    values in the remote node name field. If you precede the values
    with a minus sign, it selects all records except those with the
    specified values.

    Do not include the double colon (::)  after the name of the node.

    See also the /ADDRESS and /REMOTE_ID qualifiers, which select or
    reject records for DECnet for OpenVMS requests made by specified
    node addresses and remote IDs respectively.

14.2  –  Examples


      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It
      produces a full report of all records for DECnet for OpenVMS
      requests made by the node HQ291.

    2.$ ACCOUNTING /NODE=(-HQ222,HQ223)

      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It
      produces a brief report of all records except those for DECnet
      for OpenVMS requests made by the nodes HQ222 or HQ223.

15    /OUTPUT

    Specifies the output file.

    Requires read and write access to the directory in which the
    output file is created.



15.1  –  Description

    The /OUTPUT qualifier creates the specified output file and
    writes the report or copies the selected records to that file.

    If you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier, or you use the /OUTPUT
    qualifier and omit the file specification, the report or selected
    records are output to the current SYS$OUTPUT device.

    If the file specification does not include the device or
    directory name, your current default device or directory is used.
    If you omit the file name, the file name of the first input file
    is used (the first file listed in the parameter to the ACCOUNTING
    command). If you omit the file type, the default file type is
    .LIS if you are producing reports, and .DAT if you are copying

15.2  –  Examples


      This example creates the output file MYFILE1.NEW in the default
      directory. It processes two accounting files, MYFILE1.DAT and
      MYFILE2.DAT, sorting their records in user name order, then
      copies these records to the new output file.


      This example creates the output file
      MYDISK:[ACCOUNTING]STAT.LIS, and writes a full report of all
      the records in MYFILE1.NEW to the new output file.

16    /OWNER

    Selects or rejects records for subprocesses created by the
    specified processes.



16.1  –  Description

    The /OWNER qualifier uses the value of the process owner field
    to select records for processing. This field is present in all
    records except file backward link and file forward link records.
    For a subprocess, this field contains the process identifier
    (PID) of the process that created it.

    The /OWNER qualifier selects only records that have the specified
    values in the process owner field. If you precede the values
    with a minus sign, it selects all records except those with the
    specified values.

    Each owner-process-id must be a hexadecimal number of eight
    digits or less.

    See also the /IDENT qualifier, which selects or rejects records
    for specified processes.

16.2  –  Example

  $ ACCOUNTING /OWNER=(25634,045A6B)

      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It
      produces a brief report of all records for subprocesses created
      by processes with a PID of 25634 or 045A6B.


    Selects or rejects records for the specified priority.



17.1  –  Description

    The /PRIORITY qualifier uses the value of the priority field
    to select records for processing. This field is present in all
    records except file backward link and file forward link records.
    For print and batch job records, this field contains the priority
    of the job in the print or batch queue. For other records, it
    contains the base process priority.

    The /PRIORITY qualifier selects only records that have the
    specified values in the priority field. If you precede the values
    with a minus sign, it selects all records except those with the
    specified values.

    Each priority must be a decimal number.

17.2  –  Example


      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It
      produces a brief report of all records for processes with a
      base priority of 3 and for print and batch jobs with a queue
      priority of 3.

18    /PROCESS

    Selects or rejects records for the specified types of process.



18.1  –  Keyword


    Specifies which types of process you want to select or reject.
    The following table shows the keywords available:

    Keyword        Type of Process

    BATCH          Batch process
    DETACHED       Detached process
    INTERACTIVE    Interactive process
    NETWORK        Network process
    SUBPROCESS     Subprocess of any of the other process types

18.2  –  Description

    The /PROCESS qualifier uses the value of the process type field
    to select records for processing. This field is present only
    in records of type IMAGE and type PROCESS. For records of type
    IMAGE, this field contains the type of the process in which the
    image was executed.

    The /PROCESS qualifier selects only records that match the
    specified types of process. If you precede the list with a minus
    sign, it selects all records except those for the specified types
    of process.

    See also the /TYPE qualifier, which selects or rejects specified
    types of record.

18.3  –  Example


      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It
      produces a full report of the resources used by images running
      in interactive processes.

19    /QUEUE

    Selects or rejects records for print or batch jobs executed by
    the specified queues.



19.1  –  Description

    The /QUEUE qualifier uses the value of the queue name field
    to select records for processing. This field is present in all
    records except file backward link and file forward link records.
    For records that contain information about print or batch jobs,
    it contains the name of the queue that executed the job.

    The /QUEUE qualifier selects only records that have the specified
    values in the queue name field. If you precede the values with
    a minus sign, it selects all records except those with the
    specified values.

    See also the /JOB and /ENTRY qualifiers.

19.2  –  Example


      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It
      produces a brief report of all records for jobs executed by the
      SYS$MYNODE_BATCH queue.


    Copies the rejected records to a new file.

    Requires read and write access to the directory in which the
    specified file is created.



20.1  –  Description

    The /REJECTED qualifier creates the specified file, then copies
    the records that do not match your selection criteria to this
    file in binary format. Use the Accounting utility to process this
    file later.

    If the file specification does not include the device or
    directory name, your current default device or directory is used.
    If you omit the file name, the file name of the first input file
    is used (the first file listed in the parameter to the ACCOUNTING
    command). If you omit the file type, .REJ is used.

20.2  –  Example


      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It
      creates two files, PRINT_INFO.DAT and NOT_PRINT_INFO.DAT, in
      the default directory. It copies print job records to PRINT_
      INFO.DAT and all other records to NOT_PRINT_INFO.DAT.

21    /REMOTE_ID

    Selects or rejects records for DECnet for OpenVMS requests made
    by the specified remote IDs.



21.1  –  Description

    The /REMOTE_ID qualifier uses the value of the remote ID field
    to select records for processing. This field is present in all
    records except file backward link and file forward link records.
    For records that contain information about DECnet for OpenVMS
    requests, this field contains a string that identifies the user
    who made the request. If the remote process was on an OpenVMS
    node, this is the user name of the user at the remote node.

    The /REMOTE_ID qualifier selects only records that have the
    specified values in the remote ID field. If you precede the
    values with a minus sign, it selects all records except those
    with the specified values.

    See also the /NODE and /ADDRESS qualifiers, which select or
    reject records for DECnet for OpenVMS requests made by nodes
    with specified names and addresses respectively.

21.2  –  Example


      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT.
      It produces a full report of all the records for DECnet for
      OpenVMS requests made by user SMITH at the node HQ223.

22    /REPORT

    Specifies the resources that you want to summarize in a summary



22.1  –  Keyword


    Specifies the resources that you want to summarize in the report.
    The following table shows the keywords available.

    Keyword         Description           How Summarized

    BUFFERED_IO     Number of buffered    Total
    DIRECT_IO       Number of direct      Total
    ELAPSED,        Elapsed time          Total
    EXECUTION       Number of images run  Total
                    by the process
    FAULTS          Number of hard and    Total
                    soft page faults
    GETS            Number of GETs from   Total
                    the file that was
    PAGE_FILE       Page file usage       Maximum
    PAGE_READS      Number of hard page   Total
    PAGES           Number of pages       Total
    PROCESSOR       Total CPU time used   Total
    QIOS            Number of QIOs to     Total
                    the printer
    RECORDS         Number of accounting  Total
                    file records
    VECTOR_         Vector CPU time       Total
    PROCESSOR       used (see the
                    description of the
                    /FULL qualifier for
                    further details)
    VOLUMES         Number of volumes     Total
    WORKING_SET     Working set size      Maximum

    The RECORDS keyword is the default if you omit either the
    keywords or the /REPORT qualifier. It gives the total number
    of records for each summary key value.

22.2  –  Description

    The /REPORT qualifier specifies the resources that you want to
    summarize in a summary report. The resources are summarized,
    either as totals or maximum values, for each summary key value
    specified by the /SUMMARY qualifier.

    When a record is processed that does not contain the specified
    resource field, a default value of 0 is used. For example, if you
    use the PAGES keyword to summarize the total pages printed, the
    value of 0 is used for each record that is not of type PRINT.

    Note that the resource usage data stored in records of type IMAGE
    is a subset of the data stored in records of type PROCESS. For
    example, the CPU time stored in a record of type PROCESS includes
    the CPU time used by the images executed by that process. To
    make sure that you do not count the same resource data twice when
    you are summarizing process resources by totals, use the /TYPE
    qualifier to exclude records of type IMAGE.

    You cannot use the /REPORT qualifier without the /SUMMARY

22.3  –  Examples


      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It
      produces a summary report that shows for each image the number
      of times it was executed and the total CPU time consumed.


      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It
      produces a summary report that shows the total number of images
      executed by each user. Notice the use of the /TYPE qualifier to
      exclude records of type IMAGE to avoid double counting.

23    /SINCE

    Selects all records time-stamped at or after the specified time.



23.1  –  Description

    All records in an accounting file are time-stamped with the time
    the record was logged in the file.

    The /SINCE qualifier selects only the records time-stamped on or
    after the specified time. You can specify an absolute time, delta
    time, or a combination of the two. If you omit the time, 00:00
    hours on the current day is used.

    See also the /BEFORE qualifier, which selects records time-
    stamped before a specified time.

23.2  –  Example


      This example produces a brief report of all records
      time-stamped at or after 5-JAN-2000 in the file

24    /SORT

    Sorts the selected records.



24.1  –  Keyword


    Specifies the sort key.

    The following table shows the keywords available. You can specify
    up to ten sort fields.

    Keyword          Sorts on This Field

    ACCOUNT          Account
    ADDRESS          Address of the node that made the DECnet for
                     OpenVMS request
    BUFFERED_IO      Number of buffered I/Os
    DIRECT_IO        Number of direct I/Os
    ELAPSED          Elapsed time
    ENTRY            Print or batch job queue entry number
    EXECUTION        Number of images run by the process
    FAULTS           Number of hard and soft page faults
    FINISHED         Time record was logged in the accounting file
    GETS             Number of GETs from the file that was printed
    IDENT            Process identifier (PID)
    IMAGE            Image name (sorts only on file name portion of
                     the image file specification)
    JOB              Name of print or batch job
    NODE             Name of the node that made the DECnet for
                     OpenVMS request
    OWNER            PID of parent process
    PAGE_FILE        Peak page file usage
    PAGE_READS       Number of hard page faults
    PAGES            Number of pages printed
    PRIORITY         Base process priority, or print or batch queue
    PROCESS          Type of process
    PROCESSOR        Total CPU time used
    QIOS             Number of QIOs to the printer
    QUEUE            Name of print or batch queue
    QUEUED           Time print job was queued
    STARTED          Start time
    STATUS           Final exit status code
    TERMINAL         Terminal name
    TYPE             Type of record
    UIC              User identification code
    USER             User name at local node
    VECTOR_          Vector CPU time (see the description of the
    PROCESSOR        /FULL qualifier for further details)
    VOLUMES          Number of volumes mounted
    WORKING_SET      Peak working set size

    For each keyword, see the description of the corresponding
    Accounting utility qualifier or the table in the /TYPE qualifier
    section for details of the types of record in which the
    corresponding field is present.

24.2  –  Description

    The /SORT qualifier merges the selected records from each
    input file (each file listed in the parameter to the ACCOUNTING
    command) and sorts them using the specified sort key. The records
    are sorted according to the value of the first sort field in the
    list, and when two or more records have the same value in this
    field, they are sorted by the value of the second sort field in
    the list, and so on.

    The records are sorted in ascending order of the sort field
    value. If the keyword is preceded by a minus sign, the records
    are sorted in descending order.

    When you use the /SORT qualifier, records are rejected if they do
    not contain the sort field. For example, /SORT=IMAGE rejects all
    records that are not of type IMAGE, because the image name field
    is only present in records of type IMAGE. Similarly, /SORT=PAGES
    rejects all records except those for print jobs.

    You cannot use the /SORT qualifier with the /SUMMARY qualifier.

24.3  –  Examples


      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It
      produces a brief report of all the records for print jobs and
      displays them in user name order.

      The following example shows the report that is produced:

 Date / Time           Type  Subtype Username     ID      Source  Status
  4-JAN-2000 09:53:05  PRINT         BROWN        20A00193        00040001
 13-JAN-2000 13:36:04  PRINT         BROWN        20A00442        00000001
 13-JAN-2000 12:42:37  PRINT         BROWN        20A00442        00000001
 13-JAN-2000 14:43:56  PRINT         DECNET_MAIL  20A00456        00000001
 14-JAN-2000 19:39:01  PRINT         DECNET_MAIL  20A00265        00000001
 14-JAN-2000 20:09:03  PRINT         DECNET_MAIL  20A00127        00000001
 14-JAN-2000 20:34:45  PRINT         DECNET_MAIL  20A00127        00000001
 14-JAN-2000 11:23:34  PRINT         FISH         20A0032E        00040001
 14-JAN-2000 16:43:16  PRINT         JONES        20A00070        00040001
 14-JAN-2000 09:30:21  PRINT         SMITH        20A00530        00040001


      This example processes two files, MYFILE1.DAT and MYFILE2.DAT,
      to produce a full report of records of type IMAGE, sorted in
      image name order. It creates the file NON_IMAGE.DAT, and copies
      all records except those of type IMAGE to that file. Notice
      that no selection qualifiers are used, and so all records are
      selected for processing. When the records are sorted, records
      that do not contain an image name are rejected.

25    /STATUS

    Selects or rejects records with the specified final exit status



25.1  –  Description

    The /STATUS qualifier uses the value of the final status code
    field to select records for processing. This field is present
    in all records except records of type USER, file backward link
    records, and file forward link records.

    The /STATUS qualifier selects only records that have the
    specified values in the final status code field. If you precede
    the values with a minus sign, it selects all records except those
    with the specified values.

    See the description of the /BRIEF qualifier for details of how to
    convert a final exit status code to the equivalent message text.

    Each status-code must be a hexadecimal number of eight digits or

25.2  –  Example


      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It
      produces a brief report of all records with a final exit status
      code of 10D38064.

26    /SUMMARY

    Produces a summary report of the selected records.



26.1  –  Keyword


    Specifies the summary key. The following table lists keywords:

    Keyword      Description

    ACCOUNT      Account
    DATE         Date
    DAY          Day of month (1-31)
    HOUR         Hour of day (0-23)
    IMAGE        Image name (file name portion of image file
    JOB          Name of print or batch job
    MONTH        Month of year (1-12)
    NODE         Name of the node that issued the DECnet for OpenVMS
    PROCESS      Process type
    QUEUE        Print or batch job queue name
    TERMINAL     Terminal name
    TYPE         Record type
    UIC          User identification code
    USER         User name
    WEEKDAY      Day of week (0=Sunday, 1=Monday, and so on)
    YEAR         Year

    If you omit these keywords, the user name is used as the summary

26.2  –  Description

    The /SUMMARY qualifier produces a summary report of the selected
    records. The report is directed to the current SYS$OUTPUT device,
    unless you use the /OUTPUT qualifier to write it to a file.

    Summary reports give statistical summaries of the resources
    specified by the /REPORT qualifier for each value of the summary
    key specified by the /SUMMARY qualifier. If you omit the /REPORT
    qualifier, the summary report gives the total number of records
    processed for each summary key value.

    The first line of the summary report shows the time span of the
    data processed (when the first and last records processed were
    logged in the input files), with a title in the middle. You can
    use the /TITLE qualifier to specify your own title.

    The next few lines of the report are column headings. There
    is one column for each summary_item, then one column for each
    resource specified by the /REPORT qualifier. The columns are laid
    out in the same left-to-right sequence as the equivalent keywords
    in the /SUMMARY and /REPORT qualifiers.

    The rest of the report uses one line for each summary key value.
    It gives a summary of the resources associated with that summary
    key value. The data is sorted in ascending order of the summary
    key value.

    See also the /BINARY qualifier, which copies the selected records
    to a file, and the /BRIEF and /FULL qualifiers, which produce
    brief and full reports of the selected records.

    You cannot use the /SUMMARY qualifier with the /BINARY, /BRIEF,
    or /FULL qualifiers.

26.3  –  Examples


      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT.
      It processes all the print job records and produces a summary
      report that shows, for each user, the total number of pages
      printed and the number of records that were added together to
      produce this total. This is an example of the report that is

 From: 12-JAN-2000 15:55  VAX/VMS Accounting Report  To: 15-JAN-2000 15:17

        Username         Pages    Total
                       Printed  Records
        BROWN              115        2
        CROW                 3        1
        CUTHBERT            20        4
        FOSTER              46        1
        SMITH               50        3
        WHITE               50        7


      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It
      produces a summary report that shows the total CPU time used by
      each image. This is an example of the report that is produced:

 From: 12-JAN-2000 15:55  VAX/VMS Accounting Report  To: 15-JAN-2000 15:17
        Image name     Processor        Total
                          Time        Records
                       0 00:09:09.83       51
        ACC            0 00:01:36.72       99
        AUTHORIZE      0 00:00:04.17        8
        CDU            0 00:00:33.25       21
        COPY           0 00:00:05.97       30
        DELETE         0 00:00:02.79       12
        DIRECTORY      0 00:00:09.67       38
        DUMP           0 00:00:04.51        3
        EDT            0 00:00:05.85        7
        LOGINOUT       0 00:04:03.48       75
        NETSERVER      0 00:00:00.63       23
        SHOW           0 00:00:04.80       22


    Selects or rejects records for interactive sessions at the
    specified terminals.



27.1  –  Description

    The /TERMINAL qualifier uses the value of the terminal name field
    to select records for processing. This field is present in all
    records except file backward link and file forward link records.
    For records that contain information about interactive sessions,
    this field contains the name of the terminal associated with the

    The /TERMINAL qualifier selects only records that have the
    specified values in the terminal name field. If you precede the
    values with a minus sign, it selects all records except those
    with the specified values.

    Give the terminal name as the standard device name and include
    the colon (:).

27.2  –  Example


      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It
      produces a brief report of all records for interactive sessions
      at the terminal TTB3.

28    /TITLE

    Specifies the title shown on the first line of a summary report.



28.1  –  Description

    The /TITLE qualifier specifies the title shown in the center of
    the first line of summary reports. The title is truncated if it
    is too long. For reports displayed on your screen, the title is
    truncated if it is longer than (W-56) characters, where W is the
    width (in characters) of your screen.

28.2  –  Example

  $ ACCOUNTING /SUMMARY=IMAGE /TITLE="June Accounting Report"

      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It
      produces a summary report that shows the number of times each
      image was executed. The title "June Accounting Report" appears
      at the top of the report.

29    /TYPE

    Selects or rejects the specified types of record.



29.1  –  Keyword


    Specifies the types of record that you want to select or reject.
    The following table shows the keywords available.

              Type of
    Keyword   Record   Description of Record

    FILE      FILE_BL  File backward link. This is the first record
                       in the accounting file. It is logged when the
                       file is created, and contains the name of the
                       previous accounting file.
              FILE_FL  File forward link. This is the last record
                       in the file. It is logged when the file is
                       closed, and contains the name of the next
                       accounting file.
    IMAGE     IMAGE    Image termination. It contains details of the
                       resources used by the image.
    LOGFAIL   LOGFAIL  Failed attempt to log in. It contains details
                       of the resources used by the login attempt.
    PRINT     PRINT    Print job termination. It contains details of
                       the resources used by the print job.
    PROCESS   PROCESS  Process termination. It contains details of
                       the resources used by the process. Note that
                       this includes the resources used by the images
                       executed by that process.
    SYSINIT   SYSINIT  System booted. It contains details of
                       resources used to boot the system.
    UNKNOWN            Record not recognized as one of the other
                       types in this table.
    USER      USER     Record logged by a program calling the $SNDJBC
                       system service to send an accounting message.

29.2  –  Description

    All records in an accounting file contain a type field that
    contains the type of the record.

    The /TYPE qualifier selects the specified types of record. If you
    precede the list with a minus sign, it selects all records except
    those specified.

    See also the /PROCESS qualifier, which selects or rejects records
    for particular types of process.

29.3  –  Example


      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It
      produces a brief report of all records for print jobs.


      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It
      produces a brief report of all records except those for print

30    /UIC

    Selects or rejects records for the specified UICs.



30.1  –  Description

    The /UIC qualifier uses the value of the UIC field to select
    records for processing. This field is present in all records
    except file backward link and file forward link records. It
    contains the value [SYSTEM] for login failure records where the
    user did not give a valid user name.

    The /UIC qualifier selects only records that have the specified
    values in the UIC field. If you precede the values with a minus
    sign enclosed in parentheses and followed by a comma, all records
    except those with the specified values are selected.

    You can specify the UIC in numeric or alphanumeric format, and
    can use the asterisk (*)  wildcard character.

30.2  –  Examples

    1.$ ACCOUNTING /UIC=([360,*],[ADMIN,COTTON])

      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT.
      It produces a brief report of all records for users in group
      number 360 or users whose UIC is [ADMIN,COTTON].

31    /USER

    Selects or rejects records for the specified user names.


      /USER=([-]user name[,...])

31.1  –  Description

    The /USER qualifier uses the value of the user name field to
    select records for processing. This field is present in all
    records except file backward link and file forward link records.
    It contains the value <login> for login failure records where the
    user did not give a valid user name.

    The /USER qualifier selects only records that have the specified
    values in the user name field. If you precede the values with
    a minus sign, it selects all records except those with the
    specified values.

31.2  –  Examples


      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It
      produces a brief report of all records for the user SMITH.


      This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It
      produces a brief report of all the records except for those of
      the users SMITH and JONES.

32    /WIDE

    Changes the width of Buffered I/O and Direct I/O fields in a
    report from 8 to 10 characters.

    When used with the /BRIEF qualifier, it increases the SOURCE
    field length to 9 characters resulting in a total display
    width of 81 characters for both interactive and non-interactive
    processes. By default, the display of the SOURCE field is
    truncated to 8 characters, which results in a total display
    width of 80 characters.



32.1  –  Description

    This qualifier corrects a problem that users have had with
    ACCOUNTING reports: the Buffered I/O and Direct I/O fields were
    too small and displayed asterisks (*)  when numbers exceeded 8

    The /WIDE qualifier changes the widths of the Buffered I/O and
    Direct I/O fields in reports to 10 characters.

    When used with the /BRIEF qualifier, it displays the trailing
    colon of long device names in the SOURCE field.

    The /WIDE qualifier in conjunction with /BRIEF qualifier is
    used to display 9 characters of the SOURCE field. The /WIDE
    qualifier extends the width of display to 81 characters
    irrespective of the current terminal width and the type of
    process, that is, whether the process is interactive,
    non-interactive, or batch process.

32.2  –  Examples


               MM    TOTAL    PROCESSOR       DIRECT   BUFFERED
                    RECORDS     TIME             I/O       I/O
               01      2043  19 06:52:40.97  532675222 551986091
               02      1767   9 00:14:34.00  183290432 420000532


      Without the /WIDE qualifier, the Direct I/O or Buffered I/O
      fields print ***** if the field overflows. With the /WIDE
      qualifier, these fields print correctly.


      Date / Time      Type     Subtype     Username      ID     Source   Status
  3-FEB-2011 19:03:59 PROCESS INTERACTIVE SYSTEM       00001314 MBA9997:  00002BD4
  3-FEB-2011 19:03:59 PROCESS INTERACTIVE SYSTEM       00001315 MBA10000: 00002BD4
  3-FEB-2011 19:03:59 PROCESS INTERACTIVE SYSTEM       00001316 MBA10003: 00002BD4

      If the /WIDE qualifier is not in conjunction with /BRIEF qualifier,
      the ":" in the SOURCE field is not displayed when the number
      of characters in the field exceeds 8 characters. With the /WIDE
      qualifier, it displays the complete SOURCE field for large devices.
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