Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb  —  CMS  CREATE  LIBRARY
    Creates one or more new CMS libraries in one or more existing
    empty directories. You can have only one CMS library in each


          CREATE LIBRARY  directory-specification[,...] "remark"

1  –  Restrictions

    o  You cannot specify both the /AFTER and the /BEFORE qualifiers
       on the same command line.

2  –  Command Parameters


    Specifies one or more valid OpenVMS directories. Each directory must
    not contain any files. A directory that is to be used as a CMS
    library cannot be your current default directory. If you specify
    more than one OpenVMS directory, you must separate the directory
    specifications with commas. Wildcards are not allowed.


    Specifies a character string for the creation remark of the new
    library to be logged in the history file with this command. The
    remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark was entered, a
    null remark ("") is logged in the history file.

3  –  Description

    The CREATE LIBRARY command builds CMS control files in a
    directory so that it can be used as a CMS library. After you have
    established a library with the CREATE LIBRARY command, you can
    issue CMS commands to manipulate the library. When you issue the
    CREATE LIBRARY command, your current CMS library is automatically
    set to the library or libraries specified. You can use CREATE
    LIBRARY only once on a library.

    You can create more than one library at a time by specifying the
    CREATE LIBRARY command with more than one directory specification.
    The directory specifications must be separated by commas.

    When you execute this command, CMS defines a logical name that
    begins with CMS$. These names are used by subsequent CMS commands.
    You should not define logical names beginning with CMS$ because
    this prefix is reserved for use by CMS.

4  –  Qualifiers

4.1    /AFTER[=directory-specification]

    Instructs CMS to insert new libraries into the existing library
    search list immediately following the existing specified
    directory. The specified directory must be in the existing
    library search list. If you omit the directory specification,
    CMS automatically adds the libraries (in the order you specify) to
    the end of the list. You cannot specify both /AFTER and /BEFORE on
    the same command line. If neither /AFTER or /BEFORE is specified,
    the CREATE LIBRARY command's library list supersedes any existing
    search list.

4.2    /BEFORE[=directory-specification]

    Instructs CMS to insert new libraries into the existing library
    search list immediately in front of the existing specified
    directory. The specified directory must be in the existing
    library search list. If you omit the directory specification, CMS
    automatically adds the libraries (in the order you specify) to the
    front of the list. You cannot specify both /AFTER and /BEFORE on
    the same command line. If neither /AFTER nor /BEFORE is specified,
    the CREATE LIBRARY command's library list supersedes any existing
    search list.

4.3    /CONCURRENT (D)

    Specifies whether elements in a library can have multiple
    reservations by setting the concurrent attribute on the library.
    Use /NOCONCURRENT to disallow multiple reservations.
    Use MODIFY LIBRARY to change this attribute on an existing library.


    Instructs CMS to create a directory to contain the library if the
    directory does not already exist. /NOCREATE_DIRECTORY is the default.


    Used to create a CMS library that allows the use of extended file
    names. This qualifier is only available on OpenVMS V7.2 and later.
    Use /NOEXTENDED_FILENAMES to create a CMS library that does not allow
    the use of extended file names. /NOEXTENDED_FILENAMES is the default.
    Use MODIFY LIBRARY to change this attribute on an existing library.

4.6    /KEEP

    Instructs CMS to not delete all versions of a file used to create
    a new element or generation.  /NOKEEP is the default.
    Use MODIFY LIBRARY to change this attribute on an existing library.

4.7    /LOG (D)

    Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
    on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
    successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
    /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
    warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
    of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.
    Use MODIFY LIBRARY to change this attribute on an existing library.


    Used to create a CMS library that allows the use of long variant names.
    Use /NOLONG_VARIANT_NAMES to create a CMS library that does not allow
    the use of long variant names. /NOLONG_VARIANT_NAMES is the default.
    Use MODIFY LIBRARY to change this attribute on an existing library.

4.9    /REFERENCE_COPY=directory-specification

    Specifies a valid OpenVMS directory to be used for reference copies
    of library elements. The directory cannot be a CMS library, nor
    should it be a subdirectory of a CMS library directory. If you use
    the CREATE LIBRARY command to create a search list of more than
    one library, you should specify a reference copy directory for
    each library in the search list. If you specify only one reference
    copy directory for more than one library, CMS creates one library
    for the entire search list, not one library for each library in
    the search list. Wildcards are not allowed.
    /NOREFERENCE_COPY is the default.
    Use MODIFY LIBRARY to change this attribute on an existing library.

4.10    /REVISION_TIME[=option]

    Controls whether CMS uses the original file revision time or the
    file storage time when a file is retrieved from the CMS library.
    The options field can contain of the following keywords:

       ORIGINAL (D)

    Use the ORIGINAL keyword to indicate that the original revision
    time of files placed in a CMS library should be restored unchanged
    upon their retrieval.  This is the default behavior.

    Use the STORAGE-TIME keyword to indicate that the time when a file
    was stored in a CMS library (through a CREATE ELEMENT or REPLACE
    transaction) should be substituted for its original revision time
    upon retrieval.
    Use MODIFY LIBRARY to change this attribute on an existing library.

5  –  Examples

    (1) CMS> CREATE LIBRARY [RELEASE.CMSLIB] "follows development library"
        %CMS-S-CREATED, CMS Library DISKX:[RELEASE.CMSLIB] created

      This command creates a CMS library in the subdirectory
      [RELEASE.CMSLIB]. The library does not contain any elements
      yet. Subsequent CMS commands refer to the library contained
      in [RELEASE.CMSLIB] until the user logs out or issues a SET
      LIBRARY or another CREATE LIBRARY command.

             [DOC.FNL.CMSLIB] "creating doc lib"

      This example creates three CMS libraries in the subdirectories
      sets the library search list to the three libraries, in that
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