Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb  —  CMS  RETRIEVE  ARCHIVE
    Retrieves one or more generations from one or more archive files.


          RETRIEVE ARCHIVE  file-expression

1  –  Command Parameters


    Specifies the name of the archive file. The file expression can be
    a file-name.type specification, a wildcard expression, or a list
    of these separated by commas.

2  –  Description

    The RETRIEVE ARCHIVE command retrieves one or more generations of
    an element from one or more archive files.  By default, CMS
    retrieves the highest numbered generation from the archive file
    and places a copy of the generation in your default directory
    with the same file name and type as the element whose generation
    was originally deleted (unless you specify another name or location
    with the /OUTPUT qualifier).  You can indicate a specific generation
    to be retrieved with the /GENERATION qualifier.  CMS creates one
    file for each retrieved generation.  You do not need to have a
    library currently set to use this command, because the RETRIEVE
    ARCHIVE command does not interact with the CMS library.

3  –  Qualifiers

3.1    /CONFIRM

    Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

    When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
    prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
    CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
    or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type
    any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an
    acceptable response.

    CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.

3.2    /GENERATION[=generation-expression]

    Specifies a particular generation to be retrieved from the archive
    file. If you omit /GENERATION, CMS retrieves the highest numbered
    generation in the archive file.

3.3    /LOG (D)

    Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
    on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
    successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
    /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
    warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
    of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.

3.4    /OUTPUT[=file-specification]

    Directs CMS to write output to the specified file. If you omit the
    /OUTPUT qualifier (or if you specify /OUTPUT but do not provide a
    file specification), CMS creates a file with the same name as the
    archived element and the file type .CMS_ARCHIVE.

    If you retrieve generations from more than one archive file and
    you do not specify wildcards in the output file specification, CMS
    creates successive versions of the file indicated by /OUTPUT.

4  –  Example

    %CMS-S-RETRIEVED, generation 2A3 of element

      This command retrieves generation 2A3 from the file SAMPLE.CMS_
      ARCHIVE in your default directory. CMS names generation 2A3
      to its original element name SAMPLE.PAS and places it in your
      default directory.
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