Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb  —  COBOL  miscellaneous_topics

1  –  literals

  A literal is a character-string whose value is specified by:

    1)  the ordered set of characters it contains, or
    2)  a reserved word that is a figurative constant.

  Every literal belongs to one of two types: numeric or nonnumeric.

1.1  –  figurative_constants

  Figurative constants name and refer to specific constant values
  generated by the compiler.  The singular and plural forms of figurative
  constants are equivalent and interchangeable.  The figurative constants
  literal, and symbolic-character.

1.2  –  hexadecimal_literals

  A hexadecimal literal (a HP extension to nonnumeric literals) is
  a character string of 2 to 256 hexadecimal digits.  It is delimited on
  the left by the separator 'X' (or 'x') immediately followed by a
  quotation mark (") or apostrophe ('); on the right it is delimited by a
  matching quotation mark or apostrophe.  The character string consists
  only of pairs of hexadecimal digits representing a value ranging from
  00 to FF; hence, only the characters '0' through '9', 'A' through 'F',
  and 'a' through 'f' are valid.

  The value of a hexadecimal literal is the composite value of the paired
  hexadecimal representations.  The compiler truncates hexadecimal
  literals to a maximum of 128 hexadecimal representations (pairs of
  hexadecimal digits).

  A hexadecimal literal can be used interchangeably wherever a nonnumeric
  literal can appear in VSI COBOL syntax.  (Note that hexadecimal
  literals cannot be used as operands in arithmetic statements.)

1.3  –  nonnumeric_literals

  A nonnumeric literal is a character-string of 0 to 256 characters.  It
  is delimited on both ends by quotation marks (") or apostrophes (').  A
  nonnumeric literal delimited by apostrophes is treated in the same
  manner as a nonnumeric literal delimited by quotation marks.

  The value of a nonnumeric literal is the value of the characters in the
  character-string.  It does not include the quotation marks (or
  apostrophes) that delimit the character-string.  All other punctuation
  characters in the nonnumeric literal are part of its value.

  The compiler truncates nonnumeric literals to a maximum of 256

1.4  –  numeric_literals

  A numeric literal is a character-string of 1 to 33 characters selected
  from the digits 0 through 9, the plus sign, the minus sign, and the
  decimal point.

  The value of a numeric literal is the algebraic quantity represented by
  the characters in the literal.  Its size equals the number of digits in
  the character-string.

1.5  –  floating_point_literals

  A floating point literal is a character-string whose value is specified
  by 4 to 37 characters selected from the digits 0 to 9, the plus sign,
  the minus sign, the decimal point and the letter E (upper or lower

  The value of a floating point literal is the algebraic quantity
  represented by the characters in the literal that precede the "E"
  multiplied by ten raised to the power of the algebraic quantity
  represented by the characters in the literal following the "E".

2  –  meta-language

  The COBOL meta-language describes COBOL syntax.  Meta-language elements
  appear in formats, but they are not part of a source program.

2.1  –  braces

  Braces ({}) indicate that you must select one (but no more than one) of
  the enclosed entries.  If one of the entries contains only reserved
  words that are not key words, that entry is the default option when no
  other entry is selected.

2.2  –  brackets

  Brackets ([]) enclose an optional part of a general format.  When they
  enclose vertically stacked entries, brackets indicate that you can
  select one (but no more than one) of the enclosed entries.

2.3  –  choice_indicators

  If choice indicators, {| |}, enclose part of a general format, you must
  select one or more of the enclosed entries (in any order).  However, no
  entry can be used more than once.

2.4  –  ellipsis

  In general formats, the ellipsis (...) allows repetition of a part of
  the format.

  To determine which part of the format can be repeated:

    1)  Find the ellipsis.
    2)  Scanning to the left, find the first right delimiter, either ]
        or }.
    3)  Continuing to the left, find its logically matching left
        delimiter, either [ or {.

  The ellipsis applies to the part of the format between the matched pair
  of delimiters.

2.5  –  lowercase_words

  Lowercase words are generic terms.  They indicate entries the
  programmer must provide.  Lowercase words can represent COBOL words,
  literals, PICTURE character-strings, comment-entries, function
  arguments,  or complete
  syntactical entries.

2.6  –  special-character_words

  The following special-character words are not underlined in general
  formats but are required where they appear:

      colon      (:)            single (=) and double (==) equal signs

      period     (.)            left (() or right ()) parenthesis

      plus sign  (+)            left (<) or right (>) angle bracket

      minus sign (-)            single (*) and double (**) asterisk

      slash      (/)

2.7  –  uppercase_words

  Underlined uppercase words are key words.  A key word is required and
  must be spelled correctly when it is included in the source program.

  Uppercase words not underlined are optional.  They serve only to
  improve the source program's readability.

3  –  program_components

  A COBOL program is made up of a number of different components.  These
  are listed alphabetically.

3.1  –  clause

  A subdivision of a COBOL sentence; an ordered set of consecutive COBOL
  character-strings that specifies an attribute of an entry.

3.2  –  contained_program

  A COBOL source program that is directly or indirectly contained in
  another COBOL source program.

3.3  –  division

  A division is a collection of one or more sections or paragraphs.  Each
  of the four divisions consists of a division header and division body.

  A division header identifies and marks the beginning of a division.  It
  is a specific combination of reserved words followed by a separator

3.4  –  end_of_program

  The end of a COBOL source program is indicated either by the end of
  that program's Procedure Division or by the END PROGRAM header.

  Format -

   END PROGRAM program-name

    must contain 1 to 31 characters and follow the rules for user-defined
    words.  It must be identical to a program-name declared in a
    preceding PROGRAM-ID paragraph.

3.5  –  paragraph

  A paragraph consists of a paragraph header or paragraph-name (depending
  on the division) followed by zero, one, or more entries (or sentences).

  A paragraph header is a reserved word followed by a separator period.
  Paragraph headers identify paragraphs in the Identification and
  Environment Divisions.

  A paragraph-name is a user-defined word followed by a separator period.
  Paragraph-names identify Procedure Division paragraphs.

3.6  –  phrase

  An ordered set of one or more consecutive COBOL character-strings that
  forms part of a clause or procedural statement.

3.7  –  program_organization

    [ environment-division ]
    [ data-division ]
    [ procedure-division ]
    [ source-program ] ...
    [ end-program-header ]

3.8  –  section

  A section is a set of zero, one, or more paragraphs or entries (called
  a section body) that follows a section header and related section body.

  A section header identifies and marks the beginning of a section in the
  Environment, Data, and Procedure Divisions.  In the Environment and
  Data Divisions, a section header is a specific combination of reserved
  words followed by a separator period.  In the Procedure Division, a
  section header is a user-defined word followed by the word SECTION (and
  an optional segment-number).  A separator period always follows a
  section header.

3.9  –  sentence

  A sequence of one or more statements, the last of which ends with a
  separator period.

3.10  –  separators

  A separator delimits character-strings.  It can be one character or two
  contiguous characters.  The following characters are recognized as

      space      ( )            quotation mark         (")
      comma      (,)            apostrophe             (')
      semicolon  (;)            pseudo-text delimiter  (==)
      period     (.)            horizontal tab
      colon      (:)            left (() or right ()) parenthesis

3.11  –  source-program

  represents a contained (nested) COBOL source program.  It begins with
  the Identification Division, a COPY statement or a REPLACE statement.
  It ends with the END PROGRAM header or the end of the Procedure

3.12  –  statement

  In the Procedure Division, a syntactically valid combination of words
  and symbols that begins with a verb.

3.13  –  word

  A character-string of not more than 31 characters that forms one of the

    A COBOL word that names a mechanism provided to determine
    the value of a function.
  reserved word
    A COBOL word specified in the list of words that can appear in a
    COBOL program.  A reserved word cannot appear in a program as a
    user-defined word or system-name.
    A COBOL word that has already been defined by the implementor to
    refer to the program's operating environment.
    A character (or a sequence of characters) in a COBOL library, source
    program, pseudo-text, or dictionary that is subject to certain
  user-defined word
    A COBOL word that must appear in the source program to satisfy the
    format of a clause or statement.
    A word that causes the compiler or object program to take action.

4  –  source_reference_format

  The VSI COBOL compiler recognizes two source program formats: ANSI and

4.1  –  ANSI format

  ANSI format conforms to the American National Standard COBOL reference
  format.  It describes COBOL programs in terms of character positions on
  an input line.  A source program line has 80 character positions:

    Margin  L         C     A          B           R
            |         |     |          |           |
    column  |  1 - 6  |  7  |  8 - 11  |  12 - 72  |  73 - 80  |
                 |       |       |           |           |
                 |       |    Area A      Area B     Identification Area
                 |       |
                 |  Indicator Area
             Sequence Number Area

  The compiler expects ANSI format only when the command line includes
  the /ANSI_FORMAT qualifier.

4.2  –  terminal_format

  The VSI COBOL terminal format shortens program preparation time and
  reduces storage space for source programs.  There is no sequence number
  or identification area, and the indicator area is combined with Area A.

5  –  special_registers

  Compiler-generated storage areas primarily used to store information
  relating to specific COBOL features.  There are four types: (1) Report
  Writer, (2) Record Management, (3) Database Management, and (4) X/Open

5.1  –  1 DB-CONDITION

  A database special register whose value indicates either a successful
  condition or an exception condition.


  A database special register containing the subschema user ID number
  (UID) of the record type of the current record of the run unit.  It
  contains zero if there is no current record of the run unit.


  A database special register containing the name of the record type of
  the current record of the run unit.  It contains spaces if there is no
  current record of the run unit.

5.4  –  4 DB-KEY

  A database special register that holds the dbkey of the record accessed
  by the last FETCH, STORE or FIND statement. This special register can
  be used to fine tune storage strategies in the database.

5.5  –  5 DB-UWA

  A database special register containing the user work area (UWA). The
  UWA is the record delivery area that is used by the DBCS to make data
  items available to your program.


  A special register whose value points to the current position in the
  page body.

5.7  –  7 LINE-COUNTER

  A Report Writer special register whose value points to the current line
  in the current page.

5.8  –  8 PAGE-COUNTER

  A Report Writer special register whose value points to the current page
  in a report.


  A Record Management Services (RMS) exception condition register
  containing the name of the file causing the exception condition.
  This register is implicitly associated with the file most recently
  operated on by an I/O statement.

5.10  –  10 RMS-CURRENT-STS

  A Record Management Services (RMS) exception condition register. It
  contains the primary RMS status value of an I-O operation. This
  register is implicitly associated with the file most recently
  operated on by an I/O statement. RMS-CURRENT-STV is the secondary

5.11  –  11 RMS-CURRENT-STV

  A Record Management Services (RMS) exception condition register. It
  contains the secondary RMS status value of an I-O operation. This
  register  is implicitly associated with the file most recently
  operated on by an I/O statement. RMS-CURRENT-STS is the primary value.

5.12  –  12 RMS-FILENAME

  A Record Management Services (RMS) exception condition register
  containing the name of the file causing the exception condition.
  At any point in time, this register must be explicitly associated
  with a particular file.

5.13  –  13 RMS-STS

  A Record Management Services (RMS) exception condition register. It
  contains the primary RMS status value of an I-O operation. At any
  point in time, this register must be explicitly associated with a
  particular file. RMS-STV is the secondary value.

5.14  –  14 RMS-STV

  A Record Management Services (RMS) exception condition register. It
  contains the secondary RMS status value of an I-O operation. At any
  point in time, this register must be explicitly associated with a
  particular file. RMS-STS is the primary value.

5.15  –  15 RETURN-CODE

  A special register that may be used to set a return value for a calling
  program or to retreive the value returned from a called program.
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