Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb  —  DCE  DCE_RPC
   The Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service provides connections between
   individual procedures in an application across heterogeneous systems
   in a transparent way.

1  –  Application Commands


   rpc_intro - Introduction to the DCE RPC programmer commands


   DCE RPC provides the following programmer commands:

     +  The idl command invokes the Interface Definition Language
        (IDL) compiler to convert an interface definition, written
        in IDL, to output files.

     +  The uuidgen command creates a UUID string that you assign to
        an object to uniquely distinguish it from other objects.

   See each command's reference page for further information.

   IDL Base Data Types and IDL-to-C

   The following table lists the IDL base data type specifiers.
   Where applicable, the table shows the size of the corresponding
   transmittable type and the type macro emitted by the IDL compiler
   for resulting declarations.

                   Base Data Type Specifiers - rpc_intro
                      Specifier                        Type Macro
           (sign)     (size)      (type)     Size      Emitted by idl
                      small       int        8 bits    idl_small_int
                      short       int        16 bits   idl_short_int
                      long        int        32 bits   idl_long_int
                      hyper       int        64 bits   idl_hyper_int
           unsigned   small       int        8 bits    idl_usmall_int
           unsigned   short       int        16 bits   idl_ushort_int
           unsigned   long        int        32 bits   idl_ulong_int
           unsigned   hyper       int        64 bits   idl_uhyper_int
                                  float      32 bits   idl_short_float
                                  double     64 bits   idl_long_float
                                  char       8 bits    idl_char
                                  boolean    8 bits    idl_boolean
                                  byte       8 bits    idl_byte
                                  void       -         idl_void_p_t
                                  handle_t   -         -

   Note that you can use the idl_ macros in the code you write for an
   application to ensure that your type declarations are consistent with
   those in the stubs, even when the application is ported to another
   platform.   The  idl_ macros are especially useful when passing
   constant values to RPC calls.  For maximum portability, all constants
   passed to RPC calls declared in your network interfaces should be cast
   to the appropriate type because the size of integer constants (like
   the size of the int data type) is unspecified in the C language.

   The idl_ macros are defined in dce/idlbase.h, which is included  by
   header files that the IDL compiler generates.


   Commands: idl

   Messages: OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide.

   Books:  OSF DCE Application Development Guide.

2  –  API Runtime Intro


   rpc_intro - Introduction to the DCE RPC API runtime


   This introduction gives general information about the DCE RPC
   Application Programming Interface (API) and an overview of the
   following parts of the DCE RPC API runtime:

     +  Runtime services

     +  Environment variables

     +  Data types and structures

     +  Permissions required

     +  Frequently used routine arguments

2.1  –  General Information

   The following subsections contain topics, beyond those directly
   related to the RPC API, that application programmers need to know.

   IDL-to-C Mappings

     The Interface Definition Language (IDL) compiler converts an
     interface definition into output files.  The rpc_intro reference
     page in the OSF DCE Command Reference contains a summary of the
     idl command, which invokes the IDL compiler.

     Additional information about the IDL compiler appears in the
     following table, which shows the IDL base types and the IDL-to-C
     mappings.  The following table lists the IDL base data type
     specifiers.  Where applicable, the table shows the size of the
     corresponding transmittable type and the type macro emitted by
     the IDL compiler for resulting declarations.

                    Base Data Type Specifiers - rpc_intro
                       Specifier                        Type Macro
             (sign)     (size)     (type)     Size      Emitted by idl
                         small     int        8 bits    idl_small_int
                         short     int        16 bits   idl_short_int
                         long      int        32 bits   idl_long_int
                         hyper     int        64 bits   idl_hyper_int
            unsigned     small     int        8 bits    idl_usmall_int
            unsigned     short     int        16 bits   idl_ushort_int
            unsigned     long      int        32 bits   idl_ulong_int
            unsigned     hyper     int        64 bits   idl_uhyper_int
                                   float      32 bits   idl_short_float
                                   double     64 bits   idl_long_float
                                   char       8 bits    idl_char
                                   boolean    8 bits    idl_boolean
                                   byte       8 bits    idl_byte
                                   void       -         idl_void_p_t
                                   handle_t   -         -

     Note that you can use the idl_ macros in the code you write for an
     application to ensure that your type declarations are consistent
     with those in the stubs, even when the application is ported to
     another platform.   The idl_  macros are especially useful when
     passing constant values to RPC calls.  For maximum portability,
     all constants passed to RPC calls declared in your network
     interfaces should be cast to the appropriate type because the size
     of integer constants (like the size of the int data type) is
     unspecified in the C language.  The idl_ macros are defined in
     SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]IDLBASE.H, which is included by header
     files that the IDL compiler generates.

   Management Commands for Programmers

     In addition to the idl command for  programmers,  DCE RPC provides
     two management commands for the RPC control program and the DCE
     Host daemon, as follows:

       + The rpccp control program accesses RPCCP, the RPC control
         program.  This program provides a set of commands for
         accessing the operations of the RPC Name Service Interface
         (NSI operations).  RPCCP also supports showing the elements
         of the local endpoint map and removing elements from it.

       You can manage the name service with RPCCP commands or with DCE
       RPC runtime routines.  For example, suppose you want to obtain
       the members of a group.  You can give the show group command to
       RPCCP or you can write an application program that calls the
       following DCE RPC runtime routines:

            - rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_begin()

            - rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_next()

            - rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_done()

       + The dced command starts the DCE Host daemon.  The daemon
         maintains the local endpoint map for RPC servers and looks
         up endpoints for RPC clients.

   See the OSF DCE Administration Reference for more information about
   these two management commands.

2.2  –  Overview of DCE RPC Runtime Services

   The RPC runtime services consist of RPC routines that perform a
   variety of operations.

   Note that the RPC API is thread safe and synchronous cancel safe (in
   the context of POSIX threads).  However, the RPC API is not
   asynchronous cancel safe.  For more information about threads and
   their cancellation,  see the OSF DCE Application Development Guide -
   Core Components.

   The rest of this overview consists of the following items:

     +  An explanation of abbreviations in the names of the RPC runtime

     +  An alphabetical list of DCE RPC runtime routines. With each
        routine name is its description and the type of application
        program that most likely calls the routine.

   An alphabetical list of abbreviations in the names of the DCE RPC
   routines follows.  The list can help you remember the names more
   easily.  For example, consider the routine name
   rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_begin().   Use the next list to expand the name
   to "RPC management endpoint element inquiry begin", which summarizes
   the description "Creates an inquiry context for viewing the elements
   in a local or remote endpoint map.  (Management)."

       auth    - authentication, authorization

       com     - communications

       cs      - character/code set interoperability

       dce     - distributed computing environment

       dflt    - default

       elt     - element

       ep      - endpoint

       exp     - expiration

       fn      - function

       id      - identifier

       idl_es  - IDL encoding services

       if      - interface

       inq     - inquiry

       mbr     - member

       mgmt    - management

       ns      - name service

       protseq - protocol sequence

       rgy     - DCE character and code set registry

       rpc     - remote procedure call

       stats   - statistics

   An alphabetical list of the RPC runtime routines follows.  With each
   routine  name is its description and the type of application program
   that most likely calls the routine.

       Converts international character data from a network code set
       to a local code set. (Client, server).

       Calculates the necessary buffer size for a code set conversion
       from a network code set to a local code set. (Client, server).

       Calculates the necessary buffer size for a code set conversion
       from a local code set to a network code set. (Client, server).

       Converts international character data from a local code set to a
       network code set. (Client, server).

       Maps a local name for a code set to a code set value in the code
       set registry. (Client, server).

       Maps a code set value in the code set registry to a the local
       name for a code set. (Client, server).

       Returns a buffer decoding handle. (Client, server).

       Returns an incremental decoding handle. (Client, server).

       Returns a dynamic buffer encoding handle. (Client, server).

       Returns a fixed buffer encoding handle. (Client, server).

       Returns an incremental encoding handle. (Client, server).

       Frees an IDL encoding services handle. (Client, server).

       Identifies an application encoding operation. (Client, server).

       Returns a copy of a binding handle.  (Client or server).

       Releases binding handle resources.  (Client or server).

       Returns a binding handle from a string representation of a
       binding handle.  (Client or management).

       Returns authentication and authorization information from the
       binding handle for an authenticated client.  (Server).

       Returns authentication and authorization information from a
       server binding handle.  (Client).

       Returns the object UUID from a binding handle. (Client or server).

       Resets a server binding handle so the host remains specified,
       but the server instance on that host is unspecified.  (Client
       or management).

       Converts a client binding handle to a server binding handle.

       Sets authentication and authorization information into a server
       binding handle.  (Client).

       Sets the object UUID value into a server binding handle. (Client).

       Returns a string representation of a binding handle.  (Client,
       server, or management).

       Frees the memory used to store a vector and binding  handles.
       (Client or server).

       Places code set tags into a server binding handle.  (Client).

       Evaluates character set compatibility between a client and a
       server.  (Client).

       Evaluates a server's supported character sets and code sets during
       the server binding selection process. (Client).

       Evaluates a server's supported character sets and code sets during
       the server binding selection process. (Client).

       Retrieves code set tags from a binding handle.  (Client, server).

       Adds to, or replaces, server address information in the local
       endpoint map.  (Server).

       Adds to server address information in the local endpoint map.

       Resolves a partially bound server binding handle into a fully
       bound server binding handle.  (Client or management).

       Removes server address information from the local endpoint map.

       Frees a vector and the interface identifier structures it
       contains.  (Client, server, or management).

       Returns the interface identifier for an interface specification.
       (Client or server).

       Creates an inquiry context for viewing the elements in a local
       or remote endpoint map.  (Management).

       Deletes the inquiry context for viewing the elements in a local
       or remote endpoint map.  (Management).

       Returns one element at a time from a local or remote endpoint
       map.  (Management).

       Removes server address information from a local or remote
       endpoint map.  (Management).

       Returns the communications time-out value in a binding handle.

       Returns the default protection level for an authentication
       service.  (Client or server).

       Returns a vector of interface identifiers of interfaces a server
       offers.  (Client, server, or management).

       Returns a server's principal name.  (Client, server, or

       Returns RPC runtime statistics.  (Client, server, or management).

       Tells whether a server is listening for remote procedure calls.
       (Client, server, or management).

       Establishes an authorization function for processing remote calls
       to a server's management routines.  (Server).

       Sets the lower bound on the time to wait before timing out after
       forwarding a cancel.  (Client).

       Sets the communications time-out value in a binding handle.

       Specifies the stack size for each server thread.  (Server).

       Frees a statistics vector.  (Client, server, or management).

       Tells a server to stop listening for remote procedure calls.
       (Client, server, or management).

       Returns all protocol sequences supported by both the RPC runtime
       and the operating system.  (Client or server).

       Tells whether the specified protocol sequence is supported by
       both the RPC runtime and the operating system.  (Client or

       Establishes a name service database entry with binding handles
       or object UUIDs for a server.  (Server).

       Creates an import context for an interface and an object in the
       name service database.  (Client).

       Deletes the import context for searching the name service
       database.  (Client).

       Returns a binding handle of a compatible server (if found) from
       the name service database.  (Client).

       Returns the name of an entry in the name service database from
       which the server binding handle came.  (Client).

       Creates a lookup context for an interface and an object in the
       name service database.  (Client).

       Deletes the lookup context for searching the name service
       database.  (Client).

       Returns a list of binding handles of one or more compatible
       servers (if found) from the name service database.  (Client).

       Returns a binding handle from a list of compatible server binding
       handles.  (Client).

       Removes the binding handles for an interface, or object UUIDs,
       from an entry in the name service database.  (Server).

       Expands the name of a name service entry.  (Client, server, or

       Creates an inquiry context for viewing the objects of an entry
       in the name service database.  (Client, server, or management).

       Deletes the inquiry context for viewing the objects of an entry
       in the name service database.  (Client, server, or management).

       Returns one object at a time from an entry in the name service
       database.  (Client, server, or management).

       Deletes a group attribute.  (Client, server, or management).

       Adds an entry name to a group;  if necessary, creates the entry.
       (Client, server, or management).

       Creates an inquiry context for viewing group members.  (Client,
       server, or management).

       Deletes the inquiry context for a group.  (Client, server, or

       Returns one member name at a time from a group.   (Client, server,
       or management).

       Removes an entry name from a group.  (Client, server, or

       Adds an evaluation routine to an import context.  (Client).

       Removes multiple binding handles, or object UUIDs, from an entry
       in the name service database.  (Management).

       Creates an entry in the name service database.  (Management).

       Deletes an entry from the name service database.  (Management).

       Returns the list of interfaces exported to an entry in the name
       service database.  (Client, server, or management).

       Frees a code sets array that has been allocated in memory.

       Sets a handle's expiration age for local copies of name service
       data.  (Client, server, or management).

       Returns the application's global expiration age for local copies
       of name service data. (Client, server, or management).

       Reads the code sets attribute associated with an RPC server
       entry in the name service database. (Client).

       Removes an attribute from an RPC server entry in the name
       service database.  (Server, management).

       Adds an attribute to an RPC server entry in the name service
       database.  (Server, management).

       Modifies the application's global expiration age for local copies
       of name service data.  (Client, server, or management).

       Deletes a profile attribute.  (Client, server, or management).

       Adds an element to a profile.  If necessary, creates the entry.
       (Client, server, or management).

       Creates an inquiry context for viewing the elements in a profile.
       (Client, server, or management).

       Deletes the inquiry context for a profile.  (Client, server, or

       Returns one element at a time from a profile.   (Client, server,
       or management).

       Removes an element from a profile.  (Client, server, or

       Returns the type of an object.  (Server).

       Registers an object inquiry function.  (Server).

       Assigns the type of an object.  (Server).

       Frees the memory used by a vector and its protocol sequences.
       (Client or server).

       Gets supported code sets information from the local host.
       (Client, server).

       Gets the maximum number of bytes that a code set uses to encode
       one character.  (Client, server).

       Returns binding handles for communication with a server.

       Returns the manager entry point vector registered for an
       interface.  (Server).

       Tells the RPC runtime to listen for remote procedure calls.

       Registers authentication information with the RPC runtime.

       Registers an interface with the RPC runtime.  (Server).

       Unregisters an interface from the RPC runtime.  (Server).

       Tells the RPC runtime to use all supported protocol sequences
       for receiving remote procedure calls.  (Server).

       Sets the float type in the runtime to the one with which
       the application is being compiled.

       Tells the RPC runtime to use all the protocol sequences and
       endpoints specified in the interface specification for receiving
       remote procedure calls.  (Server).

       Tells the RPC runtime to use the specified protocol sequence
       for receiving remote procedure calls.  (Server).

       Tells the RPC runtime to use the specified protocol sequence
       combined with the specified endpoint for receiving remote
       procedure calls.  (Server).

       Tells the RPC runtime to use the specified protocol sequence
       combined with the endpoints in the interface specification for
       receiving remote procedure calls.  (Server).

       Allocates memory within the RPC stub memory management scheme.
       (Usually server, possibly client).

       Frees memory allocated by the current memory allocation and
       freeing mechanism used by the client stubs. (Client).

       Reclaims the client memory resources for a context handle, and
       sets the context handle to NULL. (Client).

       Releases resources and allocated memory within the RPC stub
       memory management scheme. (Client).

       Enables the stub memory management environment. (Client).

       Frees memory allocated by the rpc_sm_allocate() routine.
       (Usually server, possibly client).

       Gets a thread handle for the stub memory management environment.
       (Usually server, possibly client).

       Sets the memory allocation and freeing mechanism used by the
       client stubs. (Client).

       Sets a thread handle for the stub memory management environment.
       (Usually server, possibly client).

       Exchanges the current memory allocation and freeing
       mechanism used by the client stubs with one supplied by
       the client. (Client).

       Combines the components of a string binding into a string
       binding.  (Client or server).

       Returns, as separate strings, the components of a string
       binding.  (Client or server).

       Frees a character string allocated by the runtime.  (Client,
       server, or management).

       Compares two UUIDs and determines their order.   (Client,
       server, or management).

       Creates a new UUID.  (Client, server, or management).

       Creates a nil UUID.  (Client, server, or management).

       Determines if two UUIDs are equal.  (Client, server, or

       Converts a string UUID to its binary representation.  (Client,
       server, or management).

       Creates a hash value for a UUID.  (Client, server, or

       Determines if a UUID is nil.  (Client, server, or management).

       Converts a UUID from a binary representation to a string
       representation.  (Client, server, or management).

       Converts international character data from a network code set
       to a local code set. (Client, server).

       Calculates the necessary buffer size for a code set conversion
       from a network code set to a local code set. (Client, server).

       Calculates the necessary buffer size for a code set conversion
       from a local code set to a network code set. (Client, server).

       Converts international character data from a local code set to
       a net work code set. (Client, server).

2.3  –  Logical Names

   The RPC Name Service Interface (NSI) routines uses the following
   logical names:

        Designates the default entry in the name service database that
        the import and lookup routines use as the starting point to
        search for binding information for a compatible server.
        Normally, the starting entry is a profile.

        An application that uses a default entry name must define this
        logical name.  The RPC runtime does not provide a default.
        For example, suppose that a client application needs to search
        the name service database for a server binding handle.  The
        application can use the rpc_ns_binding_import_begin() routine
        as part of the search.  If so, the application must specify, to
        the routine's entry_name parameter, the name of the entry in the
        name service database at which to begin the search.  If the
        search is to begin at the entry that the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY
        logical name specifies, then the application must specify the
        value NULL to parameter entry_name in

        Specifies the syntax of the name provided in the
        RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY logical name.  In addition, provides the
        syntax for those RPC NSI routines that allow a default value
        for the name syntax argument.  If the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX
        logical name is not defined, the RPC runtime uses the
        rpc_c_ns_syntax_dce name syntax.  (For the valid name syntaxes
        in this reference page and for the valid syntax values, see the
        table in the description of the frequently used routine argument
        name_syntax, which appears later in this reference page.)

   Optionally, each application defines either or both of the first two
   logical names.  The application can change the value of either one,
   or both, at any time during runtime.

2.4  –  RPC Data Types and Structures

   The following subsections contain the data types and structures used
   by client, server, and management application programs.

   Much of the information in this section is derived from the
   Application Development Guide.  You may want to refer to this book
   as you read this section.  For example, this section contains a
   brief description of a binding handle.  The RPC section of the
   Application Development Guide explains binding handles in detail.
   It also explains concepts related to binding handles, such as
   binding information and string bindings.

2.4.1  –  Binding Handle

   A binding handle is a pointer-size opaque variable containing
   information the RPC runtime uses to manage binding information.
   The RPC runtime uses binding information to establish a client/
   server relationship that allows the execution of remote procedure

   Based on the context where it is created, a binding handle is
   considered a server binding handle or a client binding handle.

   A server binding handle is a reference to the binding information
   necessary for a client to establish a relationship with a specific
   server.  Many RPC API runtime routines return a server binding
   handle that you can use to make a remote procedure call.

   A server binding handle refers to several components of binding
   information.  One is the network address of a server's host system.
   Each server instance has one or more transport addresses
   (endpoints). A well-known endpoint is a stable address on the host,
   while a dynamic endpoint is an address that the RPC runtime requests
   for the server.  Some  transport protocols provide fewer well-known
   endpoints than dynamic endpoints.

   If binding information contains an endpoint, the corresponding
   binding handle is a fully bound binding handle.  If the information
   lacks an endpoint, the binding handle is a partially bound binding

   The RPC runtime creates and provides a client binding handle to a
   called remote procedure as the handle_t parameter.  The client
   binding handle contains information about the calling client.  A
   client binding handle cannot be used to make a remote procedure
   call. A server uses the client binding handle.  The
   rpc_binding_server_from_client() routine converts a client binding
   handle to a server binding handle.  You can use the resulting server
   binding handle to make a remote procedure call.

   For an explanation of making a remote procedure call with
   a partially bound binding handle, see the OSF DCE Application
   Development Guide - Core Components. For an explanation of failures
   associated with such a call, see the explanation of status code
   rpc_s_wrong_boot_time in the OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide.

   Binding information can contain an object UUID.  The default object
   UUID associated with a binding handle is a nil UUID.  Clients can
   obtain a non-nil UUID in various ways, such as from a string
   representation of binding information (a string binding), or by
   importing it.

   The following table contains the RPC runtime routines that operate
   on binding handles.  The table also specifies the type of binding
   handle, client or server, allowed.

                      Client and Server Binding Handles
    Routine                         Input Argument     Output Argument
    rpc_binding_copy()                  Server             Server
    rpc_binding_free()                  Server             None
    rpc_binding_from_string_binding()   None               Server
    rpc_binding_inq_auth_client()       Client             None
    rpc_binding_inq_auth_info()         Server             None
    rpc_binding_inq_object()            Server or client   None
    rpc_binding_reset()                 Server             None
    rpc_binding_server_from_client()    Client             Server
    rpc_binding_set_auth_info()         Server             None
    rpc_binding_set_object()            Server             None
    rpc_binding_to_string_binding()     Server or client   None
    rpc_binding_vector_free()           Server             None
    rpc_ns_binding_export()             Server             None
    rpc_ns_binding_import_next()        None               Server
    rpc_ns_binding_inq_entry_name()     Server             None
    rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next()        None               Server
    rpc_ns_binding_select()             Server             Server
    rpc_server_inq_bindings()           None               Server

   If the input argument type is only a client or only a server, the
   routines return the status code rpc_s_wrong_kind_of_binding when an
   application provides the incorrect binding handle type.

   An application can share a single binding handle across multiple
   threads of execution.  The RPC runtime, instead of the application,
   manages binding handle concurrency control across concurrent remote
   procedure calls that use a single binding handle.  However, the
   client application has responsibility for binding handle concurrency
   control for operations that read or modify a binding handle.  The
   related routines are as follows:

       + rpc_binding_free()

       + rpc_binding_reset()

       + rpc_binding_set_auth_info()

       + rpc_binding_set_object()

       + rpc_ep_resolve_binding()

       + rpc_mgmt_set_com_timeout()

   For example, suppose an application shares a binding handle across
   two threads of execution and it resets the binding handle endpoint
   in one of the threads (by calling rpc_binding_reset()).  The binding
   handle in the other thread is then also reset.  Similarly, freeing
   the binding handle in one thread (by calling rpc_binding_free())
   frees the binding handle in the other thread.

   If you do not want this effect, your application can create a copy
   of a binding handle by calling rpc_binding_copy().  An operation on
   one binding handle then has no effect on the second binding handle.
   Clients and servers can access and set  object  UUIDs  using the
   rpc_binding_inq_object() and rpc_binding_set_object() routines.
   Routines requiring a binding handle as an argument show a data type
   of rpc_binding_handle_t.  Binding handle arguments are passed by

2.4.2  –  Binding Vector

   The binding vector data structure contains a list of binding handles
   over which a server application can receive remote procedure calls.

   The binding vector contains a count member (count), followed by an
   array of binding handle (binding_h) elements.

   The C language representation of a binding vector is as follows:

          typedef struct {
                         unsigned32    count;
                         rpc_binding_handle_t  binding_h[1];
                         } rpc_binding_vector_t;

   The RPC runtime creates binding handles when a server application
   registers protocol sequences. To obtain a binding vector, a server
   application calls the rpc_server_inq_bindings() routine.

   A client application obtains a binding vector of compatible servers
   from the name service database by calling
   rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next().  In both routines, the RPC runtime
   allocates memory for the binding vector.  An application calls the
   rpc_binding_vector_free() routine to free the binding vector.

   An application, when it is finished with an individual binding
   handle in a binding vector, frees the binding handle by calling
   rpc_binding_free().  This routine also sets the corresponding
   pointer in the binding vector to NULL.

   Note that you should not decrement the count field in a binding
   vector structure when you call the rpc_binding_free() routine to
   free an individual binding handle.

   The following routines require a binding vector and show an argument
   data type of rpc_binding_vector_t:

       + rpc_binding_vector_free()

       + rpc_ep_register()

       + rpc_ep_register_no_replace()

       + rpc_ep_unregister()

       + rpc_ns_binding_export()

       + rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next()

       + rpc_ns_binding_select()

       + rpc_server_inq_bindings()

2.4.3  –  Boolean

   Routines that require a Boolean-valued argument or return a Boolean
   value show a data type of boolean32. DCE RPC provides the integer
   constants TRUE (1) and FALSE (0) for use as Boolean values.

2.4.4  –  Code Set

   A code set is a mapping of the members of a character set to
   specific numeric code values.  Different code sets use different
   numeric code values to represent the same character. In general,
   operating systems use string names to refer to the code sets that
   the system supports. It is common for different operating systems
   to use different string names to refer to the same code set.

   Distributed applications that run in a network of heterogeneous
   operating systems need to be able to identify the character sets
   and code sets that client and server machines are using to avoid
   losing data during communications  between  each other.  DCE RPC
   supports transparent automatic conversion for characters that are
   members of the DCE Portable Character Set (DCE PCS) and which are
   encoded in the ASCII and U.S. EBCDIC code sets.  The RPC runtime
   automatically converts DCE PCS characters encoded in ASCII or U.S.
   EBCDIC, if necessary, when they are passed over the network between
   client and server.

   DCE RPC applications that need to transfer character data that is
   outside the DCE PCS character set and ASCII and U.S.  EBCDIC
   encodings (international characters) can use special IDL constructs
   and a set of DCE RPC routines to set up their applications so that
   they can pass this "international" character data with minimal or no
   loss between client and server applications.  An example of such an
   application would be one that used European, Chinese, or Japanese
   characters mapped to EUC, Big5, or SJIS encodings.  Together, the
   IDL constructs and the DCE RPC routines provide a method of
   automatic code set conversion for applications that transfer
   international character data in heterogeneous code set environments.

   DCE provides a mechanism to uniquely identify a code set; this
   mechanism is the code set registry. The code set registry assigns
   a unique identifier to each character set and code set.  Because
   the registry provides code set identifiers that are consistent
   across a network of heterogeneous operating systems, it provides a
   method for clients and servers in a heterogeneous environment to
   use to identify code sets without having to rely on operating
   system specific string names.

   The code set data structure contains a 32-bit hexadecimal value
   (c_set) that uniquely identifies the code set followed by a 16-bit
   decimal value (c_max_bytes) that indicates the maximum number of
   bytes this code set uses to encode one character in this code set.

   The value for c_set is one of the registered values in the code set

   The following routines require a code set value:

       + cs_byte_from_netcs()

       + cs_byte_local_size()

       + cs_byte_net_size()

       + cs_byte_to_netcs()

       + dce_cs_loc_to_rgy()

       + dce_cs_rgy_to_loc()

       + rpc_cs_get_tags()

       + rpc_cs_binding_set_tags()

       + rpc_rgy_get_max_bytes()

       + wchar_t_from_netcs()

       + wchar_t_local_size()

       + wchar_t_net_size()

       + wchar_t_to_netcs()

   In these routines, the code set value shows a data type of
   unsigned32. The RPC stub buffer sizing routines *Lnet_size() and
   *_local_size use the value of c_max_bytes to calculate the size of
   a buffer for code set conversion.

   The C language representation of a code set structure is as follows:

        typedef struct {
                long            c_set;
                short           c_max_bytes;
        } rpc_cs_c_set_t;

   The code set data structure is a member of the code sets array.  –  Code Sets Array

   The code sets array contains the list of the code sets that a
   client or server supports. The structure consists of a version
   number member (version), followed by a count member (count),
   followed by an array of code set data structures (rpc_cs_c_set_t).
   This array is declared to be a conformant array so that its size
   will be determined at runtime.  The count member indicates the
   number of code sets contained in the array.  The first element in
   the code sets array represents the client or server process's
   local code set.

   The second element through the nth element represents one or more
   intermediate code sets that the process can use to transmit
   character data over the network. Client or server processes can
   convert into an intermediate code set when their host system does
   not provide a converter for the other's local code set but does
   provide a converter for the intermediate code set.

   DCE RPC routines for character/code sets compatibility evaluation
   and code set conversion support one intermediate code set, which
   is the ISO 10646 Universal character/code set.  Consequently, DCE
   requires host systems running applications that transfer
   international characters to provide converters for this code set.

   System administrators for machines in internationalized DCE cells
   (that is, cells of machines that run applications that use the DCE
   character/code sets compatibility evaluation and conversion
   functionality) and who want to use other intermediate code sets
   can run the csrc utility and specify that their intermediate code
   set(s) be used in preference to ISO 10646.

   The remaining elements in the array represent other code sets that
   the process's host supports (that is, code sets for which the
   system provides converters).

   The C language representation of a code set structure is as

          typedef struct rpc_codeset_mgmt_t {
                  unsigned32      version;
                  long            count;
                  [size_is(count)] rpc_cs_c_set_t codesets[];
          } rpc_codeset_mgmt_t, *rpc_codeset_mgmt_p_t;

   Client and server applications and DCE RPC routines for automatic
   code set conversion obtain a code sets array by calling the
   routine rpc_rgy_get_codesets(). Server applications user the code
   sets array as input to the rpc_ns_mgmt_set_attribute() routine,
   which registers their supported code sets in the name service
   database.  Client applications look up a server's supported code
   sets in the name service database by calling the routine
   rpc_ns_mgmt_read_codesets() and then use their code sets array to
   evaluate their supported code sets against the code sets that the
   server supports.

   The following DCE RPC routines require a code sets array and show
   an argument data type of rpc_codeset_mgmt_t:

       + rpc_ns_mgmt_read_codesets()

       + rpc_rgy_get_codesets()

   Server applications that use the routine
   rpc_ns_mgmt_set_attribute() to register their supported code sets
   in the name service database also specify the code sets array, but
   show an argument data type of void.  –  Conversion Type

   The conversion type data structure is an enumerated type that RPC
   stub buffer sizing routines return to indicate whether character
   data conversion is necessary and whether or not existing storage
   is sufficient for the stub to store the results of the conversion.
   The conversion type can be one of the following values:

                    No code set conversion is required.

                    Code set conversion can be performed in a single
                    storage area.

                    The converted data must be written to a new
 		   storage area.

   The C language representation of a conversion type structure is as

        typedef enum {
        } idl_cs_convert_t;

2.4.5  –  Endpoint Map Inquiry Handle

   An endpoint map inquiry handle is a pointer-size opaque variable
   containing information the RPC runtime uses to access the elements
   in a local or remote endpoint map.  The description of the
   rpc_ep_register() routine lists the contents of an element.

   The following routines require an endpoint map inquiry handle and
   show an argument data type of rpc_ep_inq_handle_t:

       + rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_begin()

       + rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_done()

       + rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_next()

2.4.6  –  Global Name

   The Name Service Interface (NSI) uses global names for the names of
   name service entries.  A global name includes both a cell name and
   a cell-relative name composed of a directory pathname and a leaf
   name.  For a description of global names, see the OSF DCE
   Administration Guide.  The cell name is assigned to a cell root at
   its creation.  When you specify only a cell-relative name to an NSI
   operation, the NSI automatically expands the name into a global name
   by inserting the local cell name.  Thus, the name of a member in a
   group or in a profile element is always stored as a global name.
   When returning the name of a name service entry or a member, NSI
   operations return global names.

   For example, even when you specify a cell-relative name as the
   member_name parameter to routine rpc_ns_group_mbr_add(), when you
   read that group member (by calling rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_next()),
   you will receive the corresponding global name.

2.4.7  –  IDL Encoding Service Handle

   An IDL encoding service handle is a pointer-size opaque variable
   that points to functions that control how data encoding or decoding
   is performed.  The following routines return an IDL encoding service
   handle and show an argument data type of idl_es_handle_t:

       + idl_es_encode_incremental()

       + idl_es_decode_buffer()

       + idl_es_decode_incremental()

       + idl_es_encode_dyn_buffer()

       + idl_es_encode_fixed_buffer()

   The idl_es_handle_free() and idl_es_inq_encoding_id() routines
   require an IDL encoding service handle.

   Note that in order to use the IDL encoding services, you must
   include a header file that has been generated for an application
   that has used the encode and decode ACF attributes on one or more
   of its operations.

2.4.8  –  Interface Handle and Specification

   An interface handle is a pointer-size opaque variable containing
   information the RPC runtime uses to access the interface
   specification data structure.

   The DCE IDL compiler automatically creates an interface
   specification data structure from each IDL file and creates
   a global variable of type rpc_if_handle_t for the interface

   The DCE IDL compiler places an interface handle declaration in
   the generated interface-name.h file.  The compiler generates this
   include file for each interface.

   Routines requiring the interface handle as an argument show a
   data type of rpc_if_handle_t.

   The form of each interface handle name is as follows:

       + For the client:


       + For the server:



       + The if-name variable is the interface identifier specified
         in the IDL file.

       + The major-version variable is the interface's major-version
         number specified in the IDL file.

       + The minor-version variable is the interface's minor-version
         number specified in the IDL file.

   An example is notes_v1_2_c_ifspec

   The maximum combined length of the interface identifier and
   interface version number is 19 characters.

   Since the major-version and minor-version numbers must each be at
   least 1 character, the interface name can be no more than 17
   characters.  This limits the interface handle name to 31 or fewer

   No concurrency control is required for interface handles.

   The following routines require an interface handle and show an
   argument data type of rpc_if_handle_t:

       + rpc_ep_register()

       + rpc_ep_register_no_replace()

       + rpc_ep_resolve_binding()

       + rpc_ep_unregister()

       + rpc_if_inq_id()

       + rpc_ns_binding_export()

       + rpc_ns_binding_import_begin()

       + rpc_ns_binding_lookup_begin()

       + rpc_ns_binding_unexport()

       + rpc_server_inq_if()

       + rpc_server_register_if()

       + rpc_server_unregister_if()

       + rpc_server_use_all_protseqs_if()

       + rpc_server_use_protseq_if()

2.4.9  –  Interface Identifier

   The interface identifier (id) data structure contains the interface
   UUID and major-version and minor-version numbers of an interface.
   The interface identifier is a subset of the data contained in the
   interface specification structure.

   The C language representation of an interface identifier structure
   is as follows:

          typedef struct {
                         uuid_t      uuid;
                         unsigned16  vers_major;
                         unsigned16  vers_minor;
                         } rpc_if_id_t;

   Routines that require an interface identifier structure show a data
   type of rpc_if_id_t.  In those routines, the application is
   responsible for providing memory for the structure.

   The rpc_if_inq_id() routine returns the interface identifier from an
   interface specification.  The following routines require an
   interface identifier:

       + rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_begin()

       + rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_next()

       + rpc_mgmt_ep_unregister()

       + rpc_ns_mgmt_binding_unexport()

       + rpc_ns_profile_elt_add()

       + rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_begin()

       + rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_next()

       + rpc_ns_profile_elt_remove()

2.4.10  –  Interface Identifier Vector

   The interface identifier (id) vector data structure contains a list
   of interfaces offered by a server.  The interface identifier vector
   contains a count member (count), followed by an array of pointers to
   interface identifiers (rpc_if_id_t).

   The C language representation of an interface identifier vector is
   as follows:

          typedef struct {
                         unsigned32     count;
                         rpc_if_id_t    *if_id[1];
                         } rpc_if_id_vector_t;

   The interface identifier vector is a read-only vector.  To obtain a
   vector of the interface identifiers registered by a server with the
   RPC runtime, an application calls the rpc_mgmt_inq_if_ids() routine.
   To obtain a vector of the interface identifiers exported by a server
   to a name service database, an application calls the
   rpc_ns_mgmt_entry_inq_if_ids() routine.

   The RPC runtime allocates memory for the interface identifier
   vector. The application calls the rpc_if_id_vector_free() routine
   to free the interface identifier vector.

2.4.11  –  Manager Entry Point Vector

   The manager Entry Point Vector (EPV) is an array of pointers to
   remote procedures.

   The DCE IDL compiler automatically generates a manager EPV data
   type, into the header file generated by the IDL compiler, for use
   in constructing manager EPVs. The data type is named as follows:



       + The if-name variable is the interface identifier specified
         in the IDL file.

       + The major-version variable is the interface's major-version
         number specified in the IDL file.

       + The minor-version variable is the interface's minor-version
         number specified in the IDL file.

   By default, the DCE IDL compiler automatically creates and
   initializes a manager EPV.  DCE IDL creates this EPV assuming
   that a manager routine of the same name exists for each
   procedure in the interface (as specified in the IDL file).

   The DCE IDL compiler can define a client Entry Point Vector with
   addresses of local routines.  Client applications can call these
   routines.  For more information about client entry point vectors,
   see the explanation of the -cepv argument in the idl reference

   If the server offers multiple implementations of the same interface,
   the server must create additional manager EPVs, one for each
   implementation.  Each EPV must contain exactly one entry point
   (address of a function) for each procedure defined in the IDL file.
   The server application declares and initializes one manager EPV
   variable of type if-name_vmajor-version_minor-version_epv_t for each
   implementation of the interface.

   The rpc_server_register_if() and rpc_server_inq_if() routines use
   the manager EPV data type and show the manager EPV argument as
   having an rpc_mgr_epv_t data type.

2.4.12  –  Name Service Handle

   A name service handle is a pointer-size opaque variable containing
   information the RPC runtime uses to return the following RPC data
   from the name service database:

       + Server binding handles

       + UUIDs of resources offered by a server

       + Profile members

       + Group members

   The following routines require a name service handle and show an
   argument data type of rpc_ns_handle_t:

       + rpc_ns_binding_import_begin()

       + rpc_ns_binding_import_next()

       + rpc_ns_binding_import_done()

       + rpc_ns_binding_lookup_begin()

       + rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next()

       + rpc_ns_binding_lookup_done()

       + rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_begin()

       + rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_next()

       + rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_done()

       + rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_begin()

       + rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_next()

       + rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_done()

       + rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_begin()

       + rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_next()

       + rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_done()

       + rpc_ns_mgmt_handle_set_exp_age()

   The scope of a name service handle is from a *_begin() routine
   through the corresponding *_done() routine.

   Applications have responsibility for concurrency control of name
   service handles across threads.

2.4.13  –  Protocol Sequence

   A protocol sequence is a character string identifying the network
   protocols used to establish a relationship between a client and
   server.  The protocol sequence contains a set of options that the
   RPC runtime must know about.  The following options are in this set:

       + The RPC protocol used for communications (choices are ncacn
         and ncadg).

       + The format used in the network address supplied in the
         binding (choice is ip).

       + The transport protocol used for communications (choices are
         tcp and udp).

   Because only certain combinations of these options are valid (are
   useful for interoperation), RPC provides predefined strings that
   represent the valid combinations.  RPC applications use only these
   strings.  The following table contains predefined strings
   representing valid protocol sequences.  In the descriptions NCA is
   an abbreviation of Network Computing Architecture.

                            Valid Protocol Sequences
         Protocol Sequence    Description
         ncacn_ip_tcp         NCA Connection over Internet Protocol:
                              Transmission Control Protocol
         ip or ncadg_ip_udp   NCA Datagram over Internet Protocol:
                              User Datagram Protocol
         ncacn_dnet_nsp       NCA Connection over DECnet Phase IV
         ncacn_osi_dna        NCA Connection over DECnet/OSI

   A server application can use a particular protocol sequence only if
   the operating system software supports that protocol.  A server
   chooses to accept remote procedure calls over some or all of the
   supported protocol sequences.

   Client and server applications can determine if a protocol sequence
   is supported by both the RPC runtime and the operating system.  The
   applications make this determination by calling the following

       + rpc_network_inq_protseqs()

       + rpc_network_is_protseq_valid()

   The following routines allow server applications to register
   protocol sequences with the runtime:

       + rpc_server_use_all_protseqs()

       + rpc_server_use_all_protseqs_if()

       + rpc_server_use_protseq()

       + rpc_server_use_protseq_ep()

       + rpc_server_use_protseq_if()

   Those routines requiring a protocol sequence argument show a data
   type of unsigned_char_t *.

   A client can use the protocol sequence strings to construct a string
   binding using the rpc_string_binding_compose() routine.

2.4.14  –  Protocol Sequence Vector

   The protocol sequence vector data structure contains a list of
   protocol sequences over which the RPC runtime can send or receive
   remote procedure calls.  The protocol sequence vector contains a
   count member (count), followed by an array of pointers to protocol
   sequence strings (protseq).  The C language representation of a
   protocol sequence vector is as follows:

          typedef struct {
                         unsigned32       count;
                         unsigned_char_t  *protseq[1];
                         } rpc_protseq_vector_t;

   The protocol sequence vector is a read-only vector.  To obtain a
   protocol sequence vector, a server application calls the
   rpc_network_inq_protseqs() routine. The RPC runtime allocates
   memory for the  protocol sequence vector.  The server application
   calls the rpc_protseq_vector_free() routine to free the protocol
   sequence vector.

2.4.15  –  Statistics Vector

   The statistics vector data structure contains statistics from the
   RPC runtime on a per address space basis.  The statistics vector
   contains a count member (count), followed by an array of
   statistics.  Each array element contains an unsigned32 value.
   The following list describes the statistics indexed by the
   specified constant:

               The number of remote procedure calls received by the

               The number of remote procedure calls initiated by the

               The number of network packets received by the runtime.

               The number of network packets sent by the runtime.

   The C language representation of a statistics vector is as follows:

        typedef struct {
                       unsigned32       count;
                       unsigned32       stats[1];
                       } rpc_stats_vector_t;

   To obtain runtime statistics, an application calls the
   rpc_mgmt_inq_stats() routine.  The RPC runtime allocates memory
   for the statistics vector.  The application calls the
   rpc_mgmt_stats_vector_free() routine to free the statistics vector.

2.4.16  –  String Binding

   A string binding contains the character representation of a binding

   String bindings are a convenient way of representing portions of a
   binding handle.  However, you cannot use string bindings directly
   to make remote procedure calls.  You must first call the routine
   rpc_binding_from_string_binding(), which converts a string binding
   to a binding handle.

   A string binding does not contain all the information from a binding
   handle.  For example, a call to the routine
   rpc_binding_to_string_binding() does not translate the authenti-
   cation information sometimes associated with a binding handle into
   the resulting string binding.

   You can begin the development of a distributed application by having
   its servers communicate their binding information to clients by
   using string bindings.  This communication allows a server to
   establish a client/server relationship without using the local
   endpoint map or the name service database.

   In this case, the server calls none  of  the  rpc_ep_register(),
   rpc_ep_register_no_replace(), and rpc_ns_binding_export() routines.
   Instead, the server calls only routine rpc_server_inq_bindings() to
   obtain a vector of binding handles.  The server obtains binding
   handles one at a time from the vector and calls routine
   rpc_binding_to_string_binding() to convert each binding handle into
   a string binding. The resulting string binding is always fully bound
   and may contain a non-nil object UUID. The server then makes some or
   all of its string bindings available to clients.  One way is placing
   the string bindings in a file to be read by clients or users or
   both. Another way is delivering the string bindings to clients or
   users by means of a file, mail, or paper.

   You can continue the distributed application's development by
   changing the application so that servers use the local endpoint
   map and the name service database to communicate their binding

   To find the server, a client obtains a string binding containing a
   protocol sequence that the client runtime supports and, optionally,
   an object UUID that the client requires.  The client then calls
   routine rpc_binding_from_string_binding() to convert the string
   binding into a server binding handle.

   Other useful routines for working with string bindings are
   rpc_string_binding_compose(), which creates a string binding from
   its component parts, and rpc_string_binding_parse(), which
   separates a string binding into its component parts.

   The two formats of a string binding follow. The four fields
   represent the object UUID, RPC protocol sequence, network address,
   and endpoint and network options of the binding.  A delimiter
   character such as @ (at sign) or : (colon) separates each field.
   A string binding does not contain any white space.

   object-uuid @ rpc-protocol-sequence : nw-addr [endpoint, option ...]


   object-uuid @ rpc-protocol-sequence : nw-addr [endpoint = endpoint,
   option ...]

             This field specifies the UUID of the object operated on
             by the remote procedure that is called with this string
             binding.  The RPC runtime, at the server, maps the
             object's type to a manager Entry Point Vector (EPV) to
             invoke the correct manager routine.  The explanation of
             the routine rpc_server_register_if() discusses mapping
             object UUIDs to manager EPVs.

             This field is optional.  If you do not provide it the RPC
             runtime assumes a nil UUID.

   @         This symbol is the delimiter character for the object UUID
             field.  If you specify an object UUID you must follow it
             with this symbol.

             This field specifies the protocol sequence used for making
             remote procedure calls.  The valid protocol sequences are
             as follows:



             More information about these valid protocol sequences
             appears in the table in the entry on Protocol_Sequence.

             This field is required.

   :         This symbol is the delimiter character for the RPC
             protocol sequence field.

   nw-addr   This field specifies the address (addr) of a host on a
             network (nw) that receives remote procedure calls made
             with this string binding.  The format and content of the
             network address depends on the value of rpc-protocol-
             sequence as follows:

             ncacn_ip_tcp and ncadg_ip_udp

             Specify an Internet address using the common Internet
             address notation or hostname.

             Two examples with common Internet address notation are
    and #  The second example shows
             the use of the optional # (number sign) character.

             An example with a host name is ko.

             If the specified hostname is multihomed, the binding
             handle returned from routine
             rpc_binding_from_string_binding() contains a host address.
             It is the first host address returned from the system
             library call that translates a hostname to a host address
             for the network address format in the protocol sequence.
             To control the host address used, specify the network
             address using the common Internet address notation instead
             of a hostname.

             The network address field is optional.  If you do not
             supply this field, the string binding refers to your
             local host.

   [         This symbol is the delimiter character specifying that
             one endpoint and zero or more options follow.  If the
             string binding contains at least one endpoint, this
             symbol is required.

   endpoint  This field specifies the endpoint, or address of a
             specific server instance on a host, to receive remote
             procedure calls made with this string binding.
             Optionally the keyword endpoint= can precede the
             endpoint specifier.

             The format and content of the endpoint depends on the
             specified protocol sequence as follows:

             ncacn_ip_tcp and ncadg_ip_udp

             Specify an Internet port number.

             An example of an Internet port number is 1025.

             The endpoint field is optional.  For more information
             about endpoints, see the information on binding handles
             in this reference page.

   ,         This symbol is the delimiter character specifying that
             option data follows.  If an option follows, this
             delimiter is required.

   option    This field specifies any options.  Each option is
             specified as option name=option value.

             The format and content of the option depends on the
             specified protocol sequence as follows:

             ncacn_ip_tcp and ncadg_ip_udp

             There are no Internet options.

             The option field is optional.

   ]         This symbol is the delimiter character specifying that
             one endpoint and zero or more options precede.  If the
             string binding contains at least one endpoint, this
             symbol is required.

   The \ (backslash) character is treated as an escape character for
   all string binding fields.

   Examples of valid string bindings follow.  In each example obj-uuid
   represents a UUID in string form.  In other words, the symbol
   obj-uuid can represent the UUID

        obj-uuid@ncacn_ip_tcp:[endpoint=2001]  –  String UUID

   A string UUID contains the character representation of a UUID.

   A string UUID consists of multiple fields of hexadecimal

   Each field has a fixed length, and dashes separate the fields.

   An example of a string UUID follows:


   When you supply a string UUID as an input argument to an RPC
   runtime routine, you can enter the alphabetic hexadecimal
   characters in either uppercase or lowercase letters.  The RPC
   runtime routines that return a string UUID always return the
   hexadecimal characters in lowercase letters.

   The following routines require a string UUID:

       + rpc_string_binding_compose()

       + uuid_from_string()

   The following routines return a string UUID:

       + rpc_string_binding_parse()

       + uuid_to_string()  –  Unsigned Character String

   DCE RPC treats all characters in strings as unsigned characters.
   Those routines  with character string arguments show a data type
   of unsigned_char_t *.  –  UUID Vector

   The UUID vector data structure contains a list of UUIDs.  The
   UUID vector contains a count member (count), followed by an
   array of pointers to UUIDs.

   The C language representation of a UUID vector is as follows:

          typedef struct
              unsigned32    count;
              uuid_t        *uuid[1];
          } uuid_vector_t;

   An application constructs a UUID vector to contain object UUIDs
   to be exported or unexported from the name service database. The
   following routines require a UUID vector and show an argument data
   type of uuid_vector_t:

       + rpc_ep_register()

       + rpc_ep_register_no_replace()

       + rpc_ep_unregister()

       + rpc_ns_binding_export()

       + rpc_ns_binding_unexport()

       + rpc_ns_mgmt_binding_unexport()

2.5  –  Permissions Required

   To use the Name Service Interface (NSI) routines to access entries
   in a Cell Directory Service (CDS) database, you need Access Control
   List (ACL) permissions.  Depending on the NSI operation, you need
   ACL permissions to the parent directory or the CDS object entry
   (the name service entry) or both.

   The ACL permissions are as follows:

     +  To create an entry, you need insert permission to the parent

     +  To read an entry, you need read permission to the CDS object

     +  To write to an entry, you need write permission to the CDS
        object entry.

     +  To delete an entry, you need delete permission either to the
        CDS object entry or to the parent directory.

     +  To test an entry, you need either test permission or read
        permission to the CDS object entry.

   Note that write permission does not imply read permission.

   To find the ACL permissions for the NSI routines whose names begin
   with rpc_ns, see these routines' reference pages.

   The non-NSI routines whose names do not begin with rpc_ns do not
   need ACL permissions, so their reference pages do not specify any.

2.6  –  Frequently Used Routine Parameters

   A few parameters are common to many of the DCE RPC routines.
   These parameters are described fully here and again briefly
   on the specific routine reference pages.

2.6.1  –  binding

   Used as an input or output parameter.

   Returns a binding handle for making remote procedure calls to a

   A client obtains a binding handle by calling one of the following

          + rpc_binding_copy()

          + rpc_binding_from_string_binding()

          + rpc_ns_binding_import_next()

          + rpc_ns_binding_select()

   Creating a binding handle establishes a relationship between a
   client and a server.   However, the relationship does not involve
   any communications between the client and server.  The
   communications occur when a client makes a remote procedure call.

   As an input parameter to a remote procedure call, binding specifies
   a binding handle that refers to binding information.  The client's
   RPC runtime uses this binding information to make a remote procedure
   call to a server.  Server manager routines can extract client
   information from a client binding handle by using the following

          + rpc_binding_inq_auth_client()

          + rpc_binding_inq_object()

          + rpc_binding_to_string_binding()

          + rpc_string_binding_parse()

2.6.2  –  name

   Used as an input/output parameter.

   When used as an input parameter, the value of this  parameter
   depends on the syntax selected in the name_syntax parameter.  If
   it is allowed by the called routine, the value NULL specifies
   that the routine uses the name specified in the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY
   environment variable.  Specifying NULL also has the called routine
   use the name syntax that the environment variable

   For a name_syntax value of rpc_c_ns_syntax_dce, use the DCE naming
   rules to specify parameter name.

   As an output parameter, returns an entry in the name service
   database in the form of a character string that includes a
   terminating null character.  The value of this parameter depends
   on the syntax selected in name_syntax.

   For a name_syntax value of rpc_c_ns_syntax_dce, name is returned
   using the DCE naming syntax.

   The DCE RPC runtime allocates memory for the returned string.  The
   application is responsible for calling the rpc_string_free() routine
   to deallocate the string.

   If an application does not want a returned name string, the
   application usually specifies NULL for this parameter.  The one
   exception is routine rpc_ns_entry_expand_name(); it always
   returns a name string.

2.6.3  –  name_syntax

   Used as an input parameter, an integer value that specifies the
   syntax of an entry name.  When allowed by the called routine, a
   value of rpc_c_ns_syntax_default specifies that the routine uses
   the syntax specified in the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX environment
   variable.  The following table lists the valid syntaxes that
   applications can use in DCE RPC for entries in the name service

                            Valid Name Syntaxes
              Constant                  Value   Description
              rpc_c_ns_syntax_default     0     Default syntax
              rpc_c_ns_syntax_dce         3     DCE

   The name_syntax parameter tells routines how to parse the entry
   name specified in an input name parameter or specifies the syntax
   to use when returning an entry name as an output name parameter.

   If the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX environment variable is not
   defined, the RPC runtime uses the rpc_c_ns_syntax_dce name syntax.

2.6.4  –  string

   Used as an input or output parameter.

   Returns a character string, which always includes the terminating
   null character \0.  The DCE RPC runtime allocates memory for the
   returned string.  The application calls the rpc_string_free()
   routine to deallocate the memory occupied by the string.

   If there is no data for the requested string, the routine returns
   the string \0.  For example, if the string binding passed to
   routine rpc_string_binding_parse() does not contain an object UUID,
   the routine returns \0 as the value of the object UUID string.  The
   application must call the rpc_string_free() routine to deallocate
   the memory occupied by this string.

   If an application does not require a returned output string, the
   application specifies NULL for this parameter.

2.6.5  –  status

   Each routine in the RPC API returns a DCE status code indicating
   whether the routine completed successfully or, if not, why not.
   A return value of rpc_s_ok indicates success.  All other return
   values signify routine failure.  The status codes listed for each
   RPC runtime routine are the most likely, but not necessarily all,
   the status codes that the routine can return.

   The status code argument has a data type of unsigned32.

   To translate a DCE status code to a text message, call the routine

   Note that RPC exceptions are equivalent to RPC status codes.  To
   identify the status code that corresponds to a given exception,
   replace the _x_ string of the exception with the string _s_; for
   example, the exception rpc_x_already_listening is equivalent to
   the status code rpc_s_already_listening.

   For more information about the RPC status codes, see the OSF DCE
   Problem Determination Guide.

2.6.6  –  uuid

   Used as an input or output parameter.

   When you need to specify a nil UUID to a uuid input parameter in
   any of the DCE RPC routines, you can supply the value NULL.


   Books:  OSF DCE Application Development Guide-Introduction & Style
           OSF DCE Application Development Guide-Core Components
           OSF DCE Application Development Guide-Directory Services
           OSF DCE Command Reference

3  –  Application Routines

   These are the RPC application development routines.

3.1  –  cs_byte_from_netcs


   cs_byte_from_netcs - Converts international character data from a
                        network code set to a local code set

   Used by client and server applications.


   #include <dce/codesets_stub.h>

   void cs_byte_from_netcs( rpc_binding_handle_t binding,
                            unsigned32 network_code_set_value,
                            idl_byte *network_data,
                            unsigned32 network_data_length,
                            unsigned32 local_buffer_size,
                            idl_byte *local_data,
                            unsigned32 *local_data_length,
                            error_status_t *status );



       Specifies the target binding handle from which to obtain code set
       conversion information. When called from the client stub, this
       value is the binding handle of a compatible server returned by
       the rpc_ns_binding_import_next() or rpc_ns_binding_select()
       routine. When called from the server stub, this value is a
       pointer to binding information that the client stub passed in
       the RPC call.

       The registered hexadecimal integer value that represents the code
       set that was used to transmit character data over the network.
       In general, the network'' code set is the code set that the client
       application's code sets evaluation routine has determined to be
       compatible for this client and server. When the caller is the
       client stub, this value is the receiving tag. When the caller is
       the server stub, this value is the sending tag.

       A pointer to the international character data that has been
       received, in the network code set encoding.

       The number of idl_byte data elements to be converted. For a
       varying array or a conformant varying array, this value is the
       local value of the length_is variable. For a conformant array,
       this value is the local value of the size_is variable.  For a
       fixed array, the value is the array size specified in the
       interface definition.

       A pointer to the buffer size to be allocated to contain the
       converted data, in units of byte. The value specified in this
       parameter is the local buffer size returned from the
       cs_byte_local_size() routine.


       A pointer to the converted data, in idl_byte format.

       The length of the converted data, in units of idl_byte.  Specify
       NULL if a fixed array is to be converted.

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      The specified code set does not match the code set
                      specified in the sending tag in the binding handle.
                      If this error occurs in the server stub, an
                      exception is raised to the client application.

   When running the host converter, the following errors can occur:



       rpc_s_ss_iconv_error (HP-UX reference platform only)

       rpc_s_ss_no_memory (HP-UX reference platform only)

   When invoked from the server stub, the routine calls the
   dce_cs_loc_to_rgy() routine and the host converter routines.  If
   these routines return an error, an exception is raised to the
   client application.


   The cs_byte_from_netcs() routine belongs to a set of DCE RPC routines
   for use by client and server applications that are transferring
   international character data in a heterogeneous character set and code
   sets environment.

   The cs_byte_from_netcs() routine is one of the DCE RPC stub code set
   conversion routines that RPC stubs use before they marshall or
   unmarshall data to convert international character data to and from
   local and network code sets.

   Client and server stubs call the cs_byte_*_netcs() routines when
   the cs_byte type has been specified as the local data type using
   the cs_char attribute in the attribute configuration file for the
   application. (the cs_byte type is equivalent to the byte type.)

   Client and server stubs call the cs_byte_from_netcs() routine before
   they unmarshall the international character data received from the
   network.  The routine takes a binding handle, a code set value that
   identifies the code set used to transfer international character
   data over the network, the address of the network data, in idl_byte
   format, that may need to be converted, and the data length, in units
   of idl_byte.

   The routine compares the sending code set to the local code set
   currently in use. If the routine finds that code set conversion is
   necessary, (because the local code set differs from the code set
   specified to be used on the network), it determines which host code
   set converter to call to convert the data and then invokes that

   The routine then returns the converted data, in idl_byte format.  If
   the data is a varying, conformant, or conformant varying array, the
   routine also returns the length of the converted data, in units of

   Applications can specify local data types other than cs_byte and
   wchar_t (the local data types for which DCE RPC supplies stub code
   set conversion routines) with the cs_char ACF attribute. In this
   case, the application must also supply local_type_to_netcs() and
   local_type_from_netcs() stub conversion routines for this type.

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: wchar_t_from_netcs

3.2  –  cs_byte_local_size


   cs_byte_local_size - Calculates the necessary buffer size for code
                        set conversion from a network code set to a
                        local code set

   Used by client and server applications.


   #include <dce/codesets_stub.h>

   void cs_byte_local_size( rpc_binding_handle_t binding,
                            unsigned32 network_code_set_value,
                            unsigned32 network_buffer_size,
                            idl_cs_convert_t *conversion_type,
                            unsigned32 *local_buffer_size,
                            error_status_t *status );



       Specifies the target binding handle from which to obtain buffer
       size evaluation information. When called from the client stub,
       this value is the binding handle of a compatible server returned
       by the rpc_ns_binding_import_next() or rpc_ns_binding_select()
       routine. When called from the server stub, this value is a
       pointer to binding information that the client stub passed in
       the RPC call.

       The registered hexadecimal integer value that represents the
       code set used to transmit character data over the network.  In
       general, the "network" code set is the code set that the client
       application's code sets evaluation routine has determined to be
       compatible for this client and server. When the caller is the
       client stub, this value is the receiving tag. When the caller is
       the server stub, this value is the sending tag.

       The size, in units of idl_byte, of the buffer that is allocated
       for the international character data. For a conformant or
       conformant varying array, this value is the network value of the
       size_is variable for the array; that is, the value is the size
       of the unmarshalled string if no conversion is done.


       A pointer to the enumerated type defined in dce/idlbase.h that
       indicates whether data conversion is necessary and whether or
       not the existing buffer is sufficient for storing the results
       of the conversion. The conversion type can be one of the
       following values:

                      No code set conversion is required.

                      Code set conversion can be performed in the
                      current buffer.

                      The converted data must be written to a new buffer.

       A pointer to the buffer size that needs to be allocated to
       contain the converted data, in units of idl_byte. This value
       is to be used as the local value of the size_is variable for
       the array, and is non-NULL only if a conformant or conformant
       varying array is to be unmarshalled.  A value of NULL in this
       parameter indicates that a fixed or varying array is to be

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      The specified code set does not match the code set
                      specified in the sending tag in the binding handle.
                      If this error occurs in the server stub, an
                      exception is raised to the client application.

   When invoked from the server stub, this routine calls the routines
   dce_cs_loc_to_rgy() and rpc_rgy_get_max_bytes().  If either of these
   routines returns an error, the cs_byte_local_size() routine raises
   an exception to the client application.


   The cs_byte_local_size() routine belongs to a set of DCE RPC routines
   for use by client and server applications that are transferring
   international character data in a heterogeneous character set and
   code sets environment.

   The cs_byte_local_size() routine is one of the DCE RPC buffer sizing
   routines that RPC stubs use before they marshall or unmarshall data
   to determine whether or not the buffers allocated for code set
   conversion need to be enlarged to hold the converted data.  The buffer
   sizing routines determine the type of conversion required and
   calculate the size of the necessary buffer (if a new one is required);
   the RPC stub then allocates a buffer of that size before it calls one
   of the code set conversion routines.

   Client and server stubs call the cs_byte_*_size routines when the
   cs_byte type has been specified as the local data type using the
   cs_char attribute in the attribute configuration file for the

   Applications do not call cs_byte_local_size() routine directly.
   Client and server stubs call the routine before they unmarshall any
   data.  The stubs pass the routine a binding handle and a code set
   value that identifies the code set that was used to transfer
   international character data over the network. The stubs also
   specify the network storage size of the data, in units of idl_byte,
   if a conformant or conformant varying array is to be unmarshalled,
   or they specify NULL if a fixed or varying array is to be marshalled.

   When called from a client stub, the cs_byte_local_size() routine
   determines the value of conversion_type from the client and server's
   code set tag information stored in the binding handle by a code sets
   evaluation routine or a tag-setting routine.  If the conversion type
   specified in the handle is idl_cs_new_buffer_convert, the routine sets
   the conversion_type parameter to this value and, if a conformant or
   conformant varying array is to be unmarshalled, calculates a new
   buffer size by multiplying the value of local_buffer_size by the
   c_max_bytes value for the code set specified in
   network_code_set_value. The routine returns the new buffer size in the
   local_buffer_size parameter. The size is specified in units of
   cs_byte, which is the local representation used for international
   character data (and is equivalent to the byte data type). For fixed
   and varying arrays, the routine assumes that network_buffer_size is
   sufficient to store the converted data.

   If the handle information specifies idl_cs_convert_in_place or
   idl_cs_no_convert, the routine assumes that network_buffer_size can
   store the converted data (or that no conversion is necessary) and
   returns idl_cs_convert_in_place (or idl_cs_no_convert) in the
   conversion_type parameter. The routine also returns the value of
   network_buffer_size in local_buffer_size if a conformant or
   conformant varying array is to be marshalled.

   In cases where the binding handle does not contain the results of
   character and code sets evaluation, or where it is being called from
   the server stub, the cs_byte_local_size() routine determines the
   value of conversion_type itself using the local code set value and
   the code set value passed in the network_code_set_value parameter and
   returns the appropriate conversion_type value.  If a conformant or
   conformant varying array is to be unmarshalled, and the routine finds
   that a new buffer is required to hold the converted data, the routine
   calculates the size of this new buffer (by multiplying the value of
   network_buffer_size by the local code set c_max_bytes value) and
   returns the results, in units of cs_byte, in local_buffer_size.

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: cs_byte_net_size

3.3  –  cs_byte_net_size


   cs_byte_net_size - Calculates the necessary buffer size for code
                      set conversion from a local code set to a
                      network code set

   Used by client and server applications.


   #include <dce/codesets_stub.h>

   void cs_byte_net_size( rpc_binding_handle_t binding,
                          unsigned32 network_code_set_value,
                          unsigned32 local_buffer_size,
                          idl_cs_convert_t *conversion_type,
                          unsigned32 *network_buffer_size,
                          error_status_t *status );



       Specifies the target binding handle from which to obtain buffer
       size evaluation information. When called from the client stub,
       this value is the binding handle of a compatible server returned
       by the rpc_ns_binding_import_next() or rpc_ns_binding_select()
       routine. When called from the server stub, this value is a
       pointer to binding information that the client stub passed in
       the RPC call.

       The registered hexadecimal integer value that represents
       the code set to be used to transmit character data over the
       network.  In general, the "network" code set is the code set
       that the client application's code sets evaluation routine has
       determined to be compatible for this client and server. When
       the caller is the client stub, this value is the sending tag.
       When the caller is the server stub, this value is the receiving

       The size, in units of idl_byte, of the buffer that is allocated
       for the international character data.  This value is the local
       value of the size_is variable for the array; that is, the value
       is the size of the marshalled string if no conversion is done.


       A pointer to the enumerated type defined in dce/idlbase.h that
       indicates whether data conversion is necessary and whether or
       not existing storage is sufficient for storing the results of
       the conversion. The conversion type can be one of the following

                      No code set conversion is required.

                      Code set conversion can be performed in the
                      current buffer.

                      The converted data must be written to a new buffer.

       A pointer to the buffer size that needs to be allocated to contain
       the converted data, in units of idl_byte. This value is to be used
       as the network value of the size_is variable for the array, and is
       non-NULL only if a conformant or conformant varying array is to be
       marshalled.  A value of NULL in this parameter indicates that a
       fixed or varying array is to be marshalled.

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      The specified code set does not match the code
                      set specified in the sending tag in the binding
                      handle.  If this error occurs in the server
                      stub, an exception is raised to the client

   When invoked from the server stub, this routine calls the routines
   dcs_cs_loc_to_rgy() and rpc_rgy_get_max_bytes().  If either of
   these routines returns an error, the cs_byte_net_size() routine
   raises an exception to the client application.


   The cs_byte_net_size() routine belongs to a set of DCE RPC routines
   for use by client and server applications that are transferring
   international character data in a heterogeneous character set and
   code sets environment.

   The cs_byte_net_size() routine is one of the DCE RPC buffer sizing
   routines that RPC stubs use before they marshall or unmarshall data
   to determine whether or not the buffers allocated for code set
   conversion need to be enlarged to hold the converted data.  The
   buffer sizing routines determine the type of conversion required
   and calculate the size of the necessary buffer (if a new one is
   required). The RPC stub then allocates a buffer of that size before
   it calls one of the code set conversion routines.

   Client and server stubs call the cs_byte_*_size routines when the
   cs_byte type (which is equivalent to byte) has been specified as
   the local data type using the cs_char attribute in the attribute
   configuration file for the application.  Applications do not call
   the cs_byte_net_size() routine directly.  Client and server stubs
   call the routine before they marshall any data.  The stubs pass the
   routine a binding handle and a code set value that identifies the
   code set to be used to transfer international character data over
   the network. The stubs also specify the local storage size of the
   data, in units of byte.

   When called from a client stub, the cs_byte_net_size() routine
   determines the value of conversion_type from the client and server's
   code set tag information set up the binding handle by a code sets
   evaluation routine or a tag-setting routine. If the conversion type
   specified in the handle is idl_cs_new_buffer_convert, the routine
   sets the conversion_type parameter to this value and, if a
   conformant or conformant varying array is to be marshalled,
   calculates a new buffer size by multiplying the value of
   local_buffer_size by the c_max_bytes value for the code set
   specified in network_code_set_value (the sending tag parameter).

   The routine returns the new buffer size in the network_buffer_size
   parameter. The size is specified in units of cs_byte, which is the
   network representation used for international character data (and
   is equivalent to the byte type). For fixed and varying arrays, the
   routine assumes that local_buffer_size is sufficient to store the
   converted data.

   If the handle information specifies idl_cs_convert_in_place or
   idl_cs_no_convert, the routine assumes that local_buffer_size can
   store the converted data (or that no conversion is necessary) and
   returns idl_cs_convert_in_place (or idl_cs_no_convert) in the
   conversion_type parameter. The routine also returns the value of
   local_buffer_size in network_buffer_size if a conformant or
   conformant varying array is to be marshalled.

   In cases where the binding handle does not contain the results of
   character and code sets evaluation, or where it is being called from
   the server stub, the cs_byte_net_size() routine determines the value
   of conversion_type itself using the local code set value and the
   code set value passed in the network_code_set_value parameter and
   returns the appropriate conversion_type value.  If a conformant or
   conformant varying array is to be marshalled, and the routine finds
   that a new buffer is required to hold the converted data, the routine
   calculates the size of this new buffer (by multiplying the value of
   local_buffer_size by the network code set c_max_bytes value) and
   returns the results, in units of cs_byte, in network_buffer_size.

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: cs_byte_local_size

3.4  –  cs_byte_to_netcs


   cs_byte_to_netcs - Converts international character data from a
                      local code set to a network code set

   Used by client and server applications.


   #include <dce/codesets_stub.h>

   void cs_byte_to_netcs( rpc_binding_handle_t binding,
                          unsigned32 network_code_set_value,
                          idl_byte *local_data,
                          unsigned32 local_data_length,
                          idl_byte *network_data,
                          unsigned32 *network_data_length,
                          error_status_t *status );



       Specifies the target binding handle from which to obtain code
       set conversion information. When called from the client stub,
       this value is the binding handle of a compatible server returned
       by the rpc_ns_binding_import_next() or rpc_ns_binding_select()
       routine. When called from the server stub, this value is a
       pointer to binding information that the client stub passed in
       the RPC call.

       The registered hexadecimal integer value that represents the
       code set to be used to transmit character data over the network.
       In general, the network'' code set is the code set that the
       client application's code sets evaluation routine has determined
       to be compatible for this client and server. When the caller is
       the client stub, this value is the sending tag. When the caller
       is the server stub, this value is the receiving tag.

       A pointer to the international character data to be transmitted,
       in the local code set encoding.

       The number of idl_byte data elements to be converted. For a
       varying array or a conformant varying array, this value is the
       local value of the length_is variable. For a conformant array,
       this value is the local value of the size_is variable.  For a
       fixed array, the value is the array size specified in the
       interface definition.


       A pointer to the converted data, in units of idl_byte.

       A pointer to the length of the converted data, in units of
       idl_byte.  Specify NULL if a fixed or conformant array is to
       be converted.

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      The specified code set does not match the code set
                      specified in the sending tag in the binding handle.
                      If this error occurs in the server stub, an
                      exception is raised to the client application.

   When running the host converter, the following errors can occur:



       rpc_s_ss_iconv_error (HP-UX reference platform only)

       rpc_s_ss_no_memory (HP-UX reference platform only)

   When invoked from the server stub, the routine calls the
   dce_cs_loc_to_rgy() routine and the host converter routines.  If
   these routines return an error, an exception is raised to the
   client application.


   The cs_byte_to_netcs() routine belongs to a set of DCE RPC routines
   for use by client and server applications that are transferring
   international character data in a heterogeneous character set and
   code sets environment.

   The cs_byte_to_netcs() routine is one of the DCE RPC stub code set
   conversion routines that RPC stubs use before they marshall or
   unmarshall data to convert international character data to and from
   local and network code sets.

   Client and server stubs call the cs_byte_*_netcs() routines when
   the cs_byte type has been specified as the local data type using
   the cs_char attribute in the attribute configuration file for the
   application.  (The cs_byte type is equivalent to the byte type.)

   Client and server stubs call the cs_byte_to_netcs() routine before
   they marshall any data. The routine takes a binding handle, a code
   set value that identifies the code set to be used to transfer
   international character data over the network, the address of the
   data to be converted, and the length of the data to be converted,
   in units of idl_byte.

   The routine compares the code set specified as the network code set
   to the local code set currently in use. If the routine finds that
   code set conversion is necessary, (because the local code set differs
   from the code set specified to be used on the network), it determines
   which host code set converter to call to convert the data and then
   invokes that converter.

   The routine then returns the converted data, in idl_byte format.
   If the data is a varying, conformant, or conformant varying array,
   the routine also returns the length of the converted data, in units
   of idl_byte.

   Applications can specify local data types other than cs_byte and
   wchar_t (the local data types for which DCE RPC supplies stub code
   set conversion routines) with the cs_char ACF attribute. In this
   case, the application must also supply local_type_to_netcs() and
   local_type_from_netcs() stub conversion routines for this type.

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: cs_byte_from_netcs

3.5  –  dce_cs_loc_to_rgy


   dce_cs_loc_to_rgy - Maps a local name for a code set to a code set
                       value in the code set registry

   Used by client and server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void dce_cs_loc_to_rgy( idl_char *local_code_set_name,
                           unsigned32 *rgy_code_set_value,
                           unsigned16 *rgy_char_sets_number,
                           unsigned16 **rgy_char_sets_value,
                           error_status_t *status );



       A string that specifies the name that the local host's locale
       environment uses to refer to the code set. The string is a
       maximum of 32 bytes: 31 character data bytes plus a terminating
       NULL character.


       The registered integer value that uniquely identifies the code
       set specified by local_code_set_name.

       The number of character sets that the specified code set encodes.
       Specifying NULL prevents this routine from returning this

       A pointer to an array of registered integer values that uniquely
       identify the character set(s) that the specified code set
       encodes. Specifying NULL prevents this routine from returning
       this parameter. The routine dynamically allocates this value.

       Returns the status code from this routine. This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:








   The dce_cs_loc_to_rgy() routine is a DCE function that maps
   operating system-specific names for character/code set encodings
   to their unique identifiers in the code set registry.

   The routine is currently used by the DCE RPC routines for character
   and code set interoperability, which permit DCE RPC clients and
   servers to transfer international character data in a heterogeneous
   character set and code sets environment.

   The dce_cs_loc_to_rgy() routine takes as input a string that holds
   the host-specific local name'' of a code set and returns the
   corresponding integer value that uniquely identifies that code set,
   as registered in the host's code set registry. If the integer value
   does not exist in the registry, the routine returns the status
   dce_cs_c_unknown. The routine also returns the number of character
   sets that the code set encodes and the registered integer values that
   uniquely identify those character sets.  Specifying NULL in the
   rgy_char_sets_number and  rgy_char_sets_value[] parameters prevents
   the routine from performing the additional search for these values.
   Applications that want only to obtain a code set value from the code
   set registry can specify NULL for these parameters in order to
   improve the routine's performance. If the value is returned from the
   routine, application developers should free the array after it is
   used, since the array is dynamically allocated.

   The DCE RPC code sets compatibility evaluation routines
   rpc_cs_eval_with_universal(), rpc_cs_eval_without_universal(), and
   rpc_cs_character_set_compat_check() use this routine to obtain
   registered integer values for a client and server's supported
   character sets in order to ensure that the server supports a
   character set that is compatible with the client. The DCE RPC stub
   support routines for code set conversion can use this routine to
   obtain the registered code set value that corresponds to the code
   set they are currently using; that is, the local code set specified
   in their host's locale environment. The stub routines for code set
   conversion then compare their local code set value to the code set
   value specified in the sending tag for the call to determine whether
   code set conversion is necessary.

   In general, programmers who are developing RPC applications that
   transfer international characters do not need to call this routine
   directly; the DCE RPC routines provided for code sets evaluation and
   the DCE RPC stub support routines for code set conversion call this
   routine on the client or server application's behalf.

   However, programmers who are developing their own stub support
   routines for code set conversion may want to include this routine in
   their conversion code to map their current locale information to a
   code set value in order to perform local-to-sending tag code set

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Commands: csrc

   Functions: dce_cs_rgy_to_loc

3.6  –  dce_cs_rgy_to_loc


   dce_cs_rgy_to_loc - Maps a code set value in the code set registry
                       to the local name for a code set

   Used by client and server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void dce_cs_rgy_to_loc( unsigned32 *rgy_code_set_value,
                           idl_char **local_code_set_name,
                           unsigned16 *rgy_char_sets_number,
                           unsigned16 **rgy_char_sets_value,
                           error_status_t *status );



       The registered hexadecimal value that uniquely identifies the
       code set.


       A string that specifies the name that the local host's locale
       environment uses to refer to the code set. The string is a
       maximum of 32 bytes: 31 character data bytes and a terminating
       NULL character.

       The number of character sets that the specified code set encodes.
       Specifying NULL in this parameter prevents the routine from
       returning this value.

       A pointer to an array of registered integer values that uniquely
       identify the character set(s) that the specified code set
       encodes.  Specifying NULL in this parameter prevents the routine
       from returning this value. The routine dynamically allocates this

       Returns the status code from this routine. This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:








   The dce_cs_rgy_to_loc() routine is a DCE function that maps a unique
   identifier for a code set in the code set registry to the operating
   system-specific name for the code set, if it exists in the code set

   The routine is currently used by the DCE RPC routines for character
   and code set interoperability, which permit DCE applications to
   transfer international characters in a heterogeneous character and
   code sets environment.

   The dce_cs_rgy_to_loc() routine takes as input a registered integer
   value of a code set and returns a string that holds the operating
   system-specific, or local name, of the code set.

   If the local code set name does not exist in the registry, the
   routine returns the status dce_cs_c_unknown and returns an
   undefined string.

   The routine also returns the number of character sets that the code
   set encodes and the registered integer values that uniquely identify
   those character sets.  Specifying NULL in the rgy_char_sets_number
   and rgy_char_sets_value[] parameters prevents the routine from
   performing the additional search for these values.  Applications
   that want only to obtain a local code set name from the code set
   registry can specify NULL for these parameters in order to improve
   the routine's performance. If the value is returned from the
   routine, application developers should free the rgy_char_sets_value
   array after it is used.

   In general, client and server applications that use the DCE RPC
   character and code set interoperablity features do not need to call
   this routine directly; the DCE RPC stub support routines provided
   for code set conversion call this routine on the client or server
   application's behalf to obtain the string name that matches the
   name of the host code set converter that they will call to perform
   the actual code set conversion.

   However, application programmers who are developing their own RPC
   stub support routines for code set conversion may want to include
   this routine in their conversion code to map code set values sent
   in code set tags into the local names for the code sets so that they
   can locate the correct operating system code set converter.

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Commands: csrc.

   Functions: dce_cs_loc_to_rgy

3.7  –  idl_es_decode_buffer


   idl_es_decode_buffer - Returns a buffer decoding handle to the IDL
                          encoding services


   void idl_es_decode_buffer( idl_byte *encoded_data_buffer,
                              idl_ulong_int buffer_size,
                              idl_es_handle_t *es_handle,
                              error_status_t *status );



        The address of the buffer that contains the data to be decoded.

        The number of bytes of data in the buffer to be decoded.


        Returns the address of an IDL encoding services handle for use
        by a client or server decoding operation.

        Returns the status code from this routine. This status code
        indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
        not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings

        rpc_s_ok       Success.

                       Bad buffer operation.

                       Insufficient memory available to complete


   The IDL encoding services provide client and server RPC applications
   with a method for encoding data types in input parameters into a byte
   stream and decoding data types in output parameters from a byte stream
   without invoking the RPC runtime. Encoding and decoding operations are
   analogous to marshalling and unmarshalling, except that the data is
   stored locally, and is not transmitted over the network. Client and
   server applications can use the IDL encoding services to create
   persistent storage for their data.  Encoding "flattens" complex data
   types into a byte stream for storage on disk, while decoding restores
   the flattened data to complex form.

   The idl_es_decode_buffer() routine belongs to a set of routines that
   return handles to the IDL encoding services for use by client and
   server encoding and decoding operations. The information in the
   handle controls the way in which the IDL encoding services manage
   memory when encoding or decoding data.

   The idl_es_decode_buffer() routine returns a buffer decoding handle,
   which directs the IDL encoding services to decode data from a single
   application-supplied buffer of encoded data.




   Function: idl_es_decode_incremental

3.8  –  idl_es_decode_incremental


   idl_es_decode_incremental - Returns an incremental decoding handle
                               to the IDL encoding services

   Used by client and server applications.


   void idl_es_decode_incremental( idl_void_p_t state,
                                   idl_es_read_fn_t read_fn,
                                   idl_es_handle_t *es_handle,
                                   error_status_t *status );



        Specifies the address of an application-provided data structure
        that coordinates the actions of successive calls to the read_fn
        routine.  The state data structure acts as a communications
        channel between the application and the read_fn routine.


        Specifies the address of a user-provided routine that generates
        a buffer of encoded data for decoding by the IDL encoding
        services. The IDL encoding services call the read_fn routine
        repeatedly until all of the data has been decoded.

        The following C definition for idl_es_read_fn_t illustrates the
        prototype for the read_fn routine:

             typedef void (*idl_es_read_fn_t)
               idl_void_p_t    state,            /* in/out */
               idl_byte        **buffer,         /* in */
               idl_ulong_int   *size,            /* in */

        The idl_es_decode_incremental() routine passes the specified
        state parameter value as input to the read_fn routine.  The
        state data structure is the communications path between the
        application and the read_fn routine. For example, the
        application can use the state parameter to pass in an open
        file pointer from which the read_fn routine is to read encoded

        The buffer parameter specifies the address of the data to be
        decoded; this address must be 8-byte aligned. The size parameter
        specifies the size of the buffer to be decoded, and must be a
        multiple of 8 bytes unless it represents the size of the last
        buffer to be decoded.  The read_fn routine should return an
        exception on error.


        Returns the address of an IDL encoding services handle for use
        by a client or server decoding operation.

        Returns the status code from this routine. This status code
        indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
        not, why not.  The possible status code and its meaning is as

        rpc_s_ok       Success.

                       Insufficient memory available to complete


   The IDL encoding services provide client and server RPC applications
   with a method for encoding data types in input parameters into a byte
   stream and decoding data types in output parameters from a byte stream
   without invoking the RPC runtime. Encoding and decoding operations are
   analogous to marshalling and unmarshalling, except that the data is
   stored locally, and is not transmitted over the network. Client and
   server applications can use the IDL encoding services to create
   persistent storage for their data.  Encoding "flattens" complex data
   types into a byte stream for storage on disk, while decoding restores
   the flattened data to complex form.

   The idl_es_decode_incremental() routine belongs to a set of routines
   that return handles to the IDL encoding services for use by client
   and server encoding and decoding operations. The information in the
   handle controls the way in which the IDL encoding services manage
   memory when encoding or decoding data.

   The idl_es_decode_incremental() routine returns an incremental
   decoding handle, which directs the IDL encoding services to decode
   data by calling the user-supplied read_fn routine, which generates
   a small buffer of encoded data for the IDL encoding services to
   decode. The routine passes the buffer address and size to the IDL
   encoding services, which then decode the buffer. The IDL encoding
   services call the read_fn routine repeatedly until there is no more
   data to decode.




   Functions: idl_es_encode_incremental

3.9  –  idl_es_encode_dyn_buffer


   idl_es_encode_dyn_buffer - Returns a dynamic buffer encoding handle
                              to the IDL encoding services

   Used by client and server applications.


   void idl_es_encode_dyn_buffer( idl_byte **encoded_data_buffer,
                                  idl_ulong_int *buffer_size,
                                  idl_es_handle_t *es_handle,
                                  error_status_t *status );





        The address to which the IDL encoding services will write the
        address of the buffer that contains the encoded data, when the
        encoding process is complete. When the application no longer
        needs the buffer, it should release the memory resource.  See
        the OSF DCE Application Development Guide-Core Components for
        an explanation of how to manage memory when using the IDL
        encoding services.

        The address to which the IDL encoding services will write the
        size of the buffer that contains the encoded data, when the
        encoding process is complete.

        Returns the address of an IDL encoding services handle for use
        by a client or server encoding operation.

        Returns the status code from this routine. This status code
        indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
        not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
        are as follows:

        rpc_s_ok       Success.

                       Bad buffer operation.

                       Insufficient memory available to complete


   The IDL encoding services provide client and server RPC applications
   with a method for encoding data types in input parameters into a byte
   stream and decoding data types in output parameters from a byte stream
   without invoking the RPC runtime. Encoding and decoding operations are
   analogous to marshalling and unmarshalling, except that the data is
   stored locally, and is not transmitted over the network. Client and
   server applications can use the IDL encoding services to create
   persistent storage for their data.  Encoding "flattens" complex data
   types into a byte stream for storage on disk, while decoding restores
   the flattened data to complex form.

   The idl_es_encode_dyn_buffer() routine belongs to a set of routines
   that return handles to the IDL encoding services for use by client
   and server encoding and decoding operations. The information in the
   handle controls the way in which the IDL encoding services manage
   memory when encoding or decoding data.

   The idl_es_encode_dyn_buffer() routine returns a dynamic buffer
   encoding handle, which directs the IDL encoding services to store
   the encoded data in a chain of small buffers, build an additional
   single buffer that contains the encoded data, and pass that buffer's
   address to the application.  Dynamic buffering is the most expensive
   style of IDL encoding services buffering, since two copies of the
   encoded data exist (one in the chain of buffers, and one in the
   single buffer).




   Functions: idl_es_encode_fixed_buffer

3.10  –  idl_es_encode_fixed_buffer


   idl_es_encode_fixed_buffer - Returns a fixed buffer encoding handle
                                to the IDL encoding services


   void idl_es_encode_fixed_buffer( idl_byte  *data_buffer,
                                    idl_ulong_int data_buffer_size,
                                    idl_ulong_int  *encoded_buffer_size,
                                    idl_es_handle_t  *es_handle,
                                    error_status_t  *status  );



        The address of the application-supplied buffer.  This address
        must be 8-byte aligned.

        The size of the application-supplied buffer. The size must be
        a multiple of 8 bytes.


        Returns the address to which the IDL encoding services write
        the size of the encoded buffer when they have completed
        encoding the data.

        Returns the address of an IDL encoding services handle for use
        by a client or server encoding operation.

        Returns the status code from this routine. This status code
        indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
        not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
        are as follows:

        rpc_s_ok       Success.

                       Bad buffer operation.

                       Insufficient memory available to complete


   The IDL encoding services provide client and server RPC applications
   with a method for encoding data types in input parameters into a
   byte stream and decoding data types in output parameters from a byte
   stream without invoking the RPC runtime. Encoding and decoding
   operations are analogous to marshalling and unmarshalling, except
   that the data is stored locally, and is not transmitted over the
   network. Client and server applications can use the IDL encoding
   services to create persistent storage for their data.  Encoding
   "flattens" complex data types into a byte stream for storage on
   disk, while decoding restores the flattened data to complex form.

   The idl_es_encode_fixed_buffer() routine belongs to a set of routines
   that return handles to the IDL encoding services for use by client
   and server encoding and decoding operations.  The information in the
   handle controls the way in which the IDL encoding services manage
   memory when encoding or decoding data.

   The idl_es_encode_fixed_buffer() routine returns a fixed buffer
   encoding handle, which directs the IDL encoding services to encode
   data into a single buffer that the application has provided.  The
   fixed buffer encoding style is useful for applications that need
   only one buffer for their encoding and decoding process.  The buffer
   that the application allocates must be large enough to hold all of
   the encoded data, and must also allocate 56 bytes for each encoding
   operation that the application has defined (this space is used to
   hold per-operation header information.)




   Functions: idl_es_encode_dyn_buffer

3.11  –  idl_es_encode_incremental


   idl_es_encode_incremental - Returns an incremental encoding handle
                               to the IDL encoding services

   Used by client and server applications.


   void idl_es_encode_incremental( idl_void_p_t state,
                                   idl_es_allocate_fn_t allocate_fn,
                                   idl_es_write_fn_t write_fn,
                                   idl_es_handle_t *es_handle,
                                   error_status_t *status );



        Specifies the address of an application-provided data structure
        that coordinates the actions of the allocate_fn and write_fn
        routines.  The state data structure acts as a communications
        channel between the application and the allocate_fn and
        write_fn routines.


        Specifies the address of a user-provided routine that allocates
        an empty buffer.  The encoding stub uses the allocated buffer to
        store encoded data.

        The following C definition for idl_es_allocate_fn_t illustrates
        the prototype for the buffer allocation routine:

             typedef void (*idl_es_allocate_fn_t)
               idl_void_p_t    state,            /* in/out */
               idl_byte        **buffer,         /* out */
               idl_ulong_int   *size,            /* in/out */

        The idl_es_encode_incremental() routine passes the specified
        state parameter value as input to the allocate_fn buffer
        allocation routine.  When the IDL encoding services call the
        allocate_fn routine, the value at the address indicated by
        size represents the buffer size that the IDL encoding services
        have requested the routine to allocate.  When the allocate_fn
        buffer allocation routine allocates the buffer, it writes the
        actual size of the allocated buffer to this parameter; the value
        must be a multiple of eight bytes.  The buffer parameter
        specifies the address of the allocated buffer; this address must
        be 8-byte aligned.  The allocate_fn routine should return an
        exception on error.

        Specifies the address of a user-provided routine that writes the
        contents of a buffer that contains data that has been encoded by
        the IDL encoding services. The IDL encoding services will call
        this routine when the buffer allocated by allocate_fn is full,
        or when all of the application's encoding operation parameters
        have been encoded.

        The following C definition for idl_es_write_fn_t illustrates the
        prototype for the write_fn routine:

             typedef void (*idl_es_write_fn_t)
               idl_void_p_t    state,            /* in/out */
               idl_byte        *buffer,          /* in */
               idl_ulong_int   size,             /* in */

        The idl_es_encode_incremental() routine passes the specified
        state parameter value as input to the write_fn routine.  The
        buffer parameter value is the address of the data that the
        IDL encoding services have encoded. The size parameter value
        is the size, in bytes, of the encoded data.

        The write_fn routine should return an exception on error.


        Returns the address of an IDL encoding services handle for use
        by a client or server encoding operation.

        Returns the status code from this routine. This status code
        indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
        not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
        are as follows:

        rpc_s_ok       Success.

                       Insufficient memory available to complete


   The IDL encoding services provide client and server RPC applications
   with a method for encoding data types in input parameters into a byte
   stream and decoding data types in output parameters from a byte
   stream without invoking the RPC runtime. Encoding and decoding
   operations are analogous to marshalling and unmarshalling, except that
   the data is stored locally, and is not transmitted over the network.
   Client and server applications can use the IDL encoding services to
   create persistent storage for their data.  Encoding "flattens"
   complex data types into a byte stream for storage on disk, while
   decoding restores the flattened data to complex form.

   The idl_es_encode_incremental() routine belongs to a set of routines
   that return handles to the IDL encoding services for use by client
   and server encoding and decoding operations. The information in the
   handle controls the way in which the IDL encoding services manage
   memory when encoding or decoding data.

   The idl_es_encode_incremental() routine returns an incremental
   encoding handle, which directs the IDL encoding services to encode
   data into a chain of small buffers that the user-provided
   allocate_fn routine manages.  The user-provided write_fn routine
   writes the encoded data in these buffers back for access by the

   The state data structure is the communications path between the
   application and the allocate_fn and write_fn routines.  For example,
   the application can build a cache of pre-allocated memory to store
   encoded data, and store pointers to that pre-allocated memory in the
   state data structure.  When invoked by the IDL encoding services to
   allocate a buffer, the allocate_fn routine can search the state data
   structure for a free memory location to use.




   Functions: idl_es_decode_incremental

3.12  –  idl_es_handle_free


   idl_es_handle_free - Frees an IDL encoding services handle


   void idl_es_handle_free( idl_es_handle_t *es_handle,
                            error_status_t *status );



        The address of the handle whose resources are to be freed.
        The handle is made NULL by this operation.


        Returns the status code from this routine. This status code
        indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
        not, why not.  The possible status code and its meaning is
        as follows:

        rpc_s_ok       Success.


   The idl_es_handle_free routine frees an IDL encoding services handle
   that has been allocated by one of the IDL encoding services handle-
   returning routines.




   Functions: idl_es_decode_buffer

3.13  –  idl_es_inq_encoding_id


   idl_es_inq_encoding_id - Identifies an operation within an interface
                            that has been called to encode data using
                            the IDL encoding services


   void idl_es_inq_encoding_id( idl_es_handle_t  es_handle,
                                rpc_if_id_t *if_id,
                                idl_ulong_int  *op_num,
                                error_status_t  *status );



        A encoding services handle returned by one of the IDL encoding
        services handle-returning routines.


        Returns the interface UUID and version number assigned to the
        interface that defines the operation that encoded the data.
        This information is stored in the IDL encoding services handle
        that is associated with the encoded data.

        Returns the operation number assigned to the operation that
        encoded the data. Operations are numbered in the order in
        which they appear in the interface definition, starting with
        zero (0). The operation number for the operation that encoded
        the data is stored in the IDL encoding services handle that
        is associated with the encoded data.

        Returns the status code from this routine. This status code
        indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
        not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
        are as follows:

        rpc_s_ok       Success.

                       Interface identifier and operation number


   The IDL encoding services provide client and server RPC applications
   with a method for encoding data types in input parameters into a byte
   stream and decoding data types in output parameters from a byte
   stream without invoking the RPC runtime.  Encoding and decoding
   operations are analogous to marshalling and unmarshalling, except
   that the data is stored locally, and is not transmitted over the
   network.  Client and server applications can use the IDL encoding
   services to create persistent storage for their data.  Encoding
   "flattens" complex data types into a byte stream for storage on
   disk, while decoding restores the flattened data to complex form.

   The idl_es_inq_encoding_id() routine returns the identity of an
   operation within an application that has been invoked to encode data
   using the IDL encoding services. Applications can use this routine
   to determine the identity of an encoding operation, for example,
   before calling their decoding operations.




   Functions: idl_es_decode_buffer

3.14  –  rpc_binding_copy


   rpc_binding_copy - Returns a copy of a binding handle

   Used by client or server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_binding_copy( rpc_binding_handle_t source_binding,
                          rpc_binding_handle_t *destination_binding,
                          unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies the server binding handle whose referenced binding
       information is copied.


       Returns the server binding handle that refers to the copied
       binding information.

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Invalid binding handle.

                     Wrong kind of binding for operation.


   The rpc_binding_copy() routine copies the server binding information
   referenced by the binding handle specified in the source_binding
   parameter.  This routine returns a new server binding handle for the
   copied binding information. The new server binding handle is returned
   in the destination_binding parameter.

   Use the rpc_binding_copy() routine if you want a change (made to
   binding information by one thread) not to affect the binding infor-
   mation used by other threads.  The explanation of binding handles in
   the rpc_intro reference page has more detail about this use of
   routine rpc_binding_copy().

   After calling this routine, operations performed on the source_binding
   binding handle do not affect the binding information referenced by the
   destination_binding binding handle. Similarly, operations performed on
   the destination_binding binding handle do not affect the binding
   information referenced by the source_binding binding handle.

   If you want the changes made to binding information by one thread to
   affect the binding information used by other threads, your program
   must share a single binding handle across the threads.  In this case
   the application controls binding handle concurrency.

   When an application is finished using the binding handle specified
   by the destination_binding parameter, the application calls the
   rpc_binding_free() routine to release the memory used by the
   destination_binding binding handle and its referenced binding


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_binding_free

3.15  –  rpc_binding_free


   rpc_binding_free - Releases binding handle resources

   Used by client or server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_binding_free( rpc_binding_handle_t *binding,
                          unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies the server binding handle to free.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Invalid binding handle.

                     Wrong kind of binding for operation.


   The rpc_binding_free() routine frees the memory used by a server
   binding handle and its referenced binding information. Use this
   routine when your application is finished using a server binding
   handle that was dynamically created during program execution.

   If the free-binding operation succeeds, the binding parameter returns
   the value NULL.

   An application can dynamically create binding handles by calling any
   of the following routines:

     +  rpc_binding_copy()

     +  rpc_binding_from_string_binding()

     +  rpc_ns_binding_import_next()

     +  rpc_ns_binding_select()

     +  rpc_server_inq_bindings()


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_binding_copy

3.16  –  rpc_binding_from_string_binding


   rpc_binding_from_string_binding - Returns a binding handle from a
                                     string representation

   Used by client or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_binding_from_string_binding( unsigned_char_t *string_binding,
                                         rpc_binding_handle_t *binding,
                                         unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies a string representation of a binding handle.


       Returns the server binding handle.

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Invalid argument.

                     Invalid endpoint format.

                     Invalid protocol sequence.

                     Invalid string binding.

                     Protocol sequence not supported on this host.

                     Bad UUID version.

                     Invalid format for a string UUID.


   The rpc_binding_from_string_binding() routine creates a server binding
   handle from a string representation of a binding handle.

   The string_binding parameter does not need to contain an object UUID.
   In this case, the returned binding contains a nil UUID.

   If the provided string_binding parameter does not contain an endpoint
   field, the returned binding parameter is a partially bound server
   binding handle.

   If the provided string_binding parameter does contain an endpoint
   field, the returned binding parameter is a fully bound server binding
   handle with a well-known endpoint.

   If the provided string_binding parameter does not contain a host
   address field, the returned binding parameter refers to the local

   To create a string binding, call the rpc_string_binding_compose()
   routine or call the rpc_binding_to_string_binding() routine or
   provide a character string constant.

   When an application finishes using the binding parameter, the
   application calls the rpc_binding_free() routine to release the
   memory used by the binding handle.

   The rpc_intro reference page contains an explanation of partially
   and fully bound binding handles.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_binding_copy

3.17  –  rpc_binding_inq_auth_client


   rpc_binding_inq_auth_client - Returns authentication and authorization
                                 information from the binding handle for
                                 an authenticated client.  This call is
                                 provided only for compatibility with
                                 pre-1.1 DCE applications. DCE Release
                                 1.1 and later applications should use
                                 the rpc_binding_inq_auth_caller() call.

   Used by server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>
   #include <dce/id_base.h>

   void rpc_binding_inq_auth_client( rpc_binding_handle_t binding,
                                     rpc_authz_handle_t *privs,
                                     unsigned_char_t **server_princ_name,
                                     unsigned32 *protect_level,
                                     unsigned32 *authn_svc,
                                     unsigned32 *authz_svc,
                                     unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies the client binding handle from which to return the
       authentication and authorization information.


       Returns a handle to the authorization information for the client
       that made the remote procedure call on binding.
       The server must cast this handle to the data type specified by
       authz_svc.  The following table shows how to cast the return

                      Casts for Authorization Information
     For authz_svc value:   privs contains this data:   Use this cast:
     rpc_c_authz_none       A NULL value.             None
     rpc_c_authz_name       The calling client's      (unsigned_char_t *)
                            principal name.
     rpc_c_authz_dce        The calling client's        (sec_id_pac_t *)
                            privilege attribute

        Note that rpc_c_authz_none is valid only if the authn_svc
        parameter is rpc_c_authn_none.
        The data referenced by this parameter is read-only and should not
        be modified by the server.  If the server wants to preserve any
        of the returned data, it must copy the data into server-allocated
        memory.  Specifying NULL prevents the routine from returning this

       Returns a pointer to the server principal name specified by the
       client that made the remote procedure call on binding.  The
       content of the returned name and its syntax is defined by the
       authentication service in use.
       Specifying NULL prevents the routine from returning this
       parameter. In this case, the caller does not have to call the
       rpc_string_free() routine.

       Returns the protection level requested by the client that made the
       remote procedure call on binding.  The protection level determines
       the degree to which authenticated communications between the
       client and the server are protected. Specifying NULL prevents the
       routine from returning this parameter.  The possible protection
       levels are as follows:

                     Uses the default protection level for the specified
                     authentication service.

                     Performs no protection.

                     Performs protection only when the client establishes
                     a relationship with the server.

                     Performs protection only at the beginning of each
                     remote procedure call when the server receives the

                     Ensures that all data received is from the expected

                     Ensures and verifies that none of the data
                     transferred between client and server has been

                     Performs protection as specified by all of the
                     previous levels and also encrypt each remote
                     procedure call argument value.

       Returns the authentication service requested by the client that
       made the remote procedure call on binding.
       Specifying NULL prevents the routine from returning this
       The possible authentication services are as follows:

                     No authentication.

                     DCE shared-secret key authentication.

                     DCE public key authentication (reserved for future

                     DCE default authentication service.

       Returns the authorization service requested by the client that
       made the remote procedure call on binding.

       Specifying NULL prevents the routine from returning this
       parameter.  The possible authorization services are as follows:

                Server performs no authorization. This is valid only
                if the authn_svc parameter is rpc_c_authn_none.

                Server performs authorization based on the client
                principal name.

                Server performs authorization using the client's DCE
                Privilege Attribute Certificate (PAC) sent to the server
                with each remote procedure call made with binding.
                Generally, access is checked against DCE Access Control
                Lists (ACLs).

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Invalid binding handle.

                     Wrong kind of binding for operation.

                     Binding has no authentication information.


   The rpc_binding_inq_auth_client() routine returns authentication and
   authorization information associated with the client identified by
   binding.  The calling server manager routine can use the returned data
   for authorization purposes.  This call is provided only for
   compatibility with pre-1.1 DCE applications.  DCE Release 1.1 and
   later applications should use the rpc_binding_inq_auth_caller() call.

   The RPC runtime allocates memory for the returned server_princ_name
   parameter.  The server is responsible for calling the
   rpc_string_free() routine for the returned parameter string.

   For applications in which the client side uses the IDL auto_handle
   or implicit_handle attribute, the server side needs to be built with
   the IDL explicit_handle attribute specified in the Attribute
   Configuration File (ACF).  Using explicit_handle provides binding as
   the first parameter to each server manager routine.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_binding_inq_auth_info

3.18  –  rpc_binding_inq_auth_info


   rpc_binding_inq_auth_info - Returns authentication and authorization
                               information from a server binding handle

   Used by client applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>
   #include <dce/sec_login.h>

   void rpc_binding_inq_auth_info(
                           rpc_binding_handle_t binding,
                           unsigned_char_t **server_princ_name,
                           unsigned32 *protect_level,
                           unsigned32 *authn_svc,
                           rpc_auth_identity_handle_t *auth_identity,
                           unsigned32 *authz_svc,
                           unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies the server binding handle from which to return the
       authentication and authorization information.


       Returns a pointer to the expected principal name of the server
       referenced by binding.  The content of the returned name and its
       syntax is defined by the authentication service in use.
       Specifying NULL prevents the routine from returning this
       parameter. In this case, the caller does not have to call the
       rpc_string_free() routine.

       Returns the protection level used for remote procedure calls made
       with binding.  The protection level determines the degree to which
       authenticated communications between the client and the server are
       protected.  Note that the returned level may be different from the
       level specified for protect_level on the call to
       rpc_binding_set_auth_info().  If the RPC runtime or the RPC
       protocol in the bound protocol sequence does not support a
       specified level, the level is automatically upgraded to the next
       higher supported level.

       Specifying NULL prevents the routine from returning this
       parameter. The possible protection levels are as follows:

                     Uses the default protection level for the specified
                     authentication service.

                     Performs no protection.

                     Performs protection only when the client establishes
                     a relationship with the server.

                     Performs protection only at the beginning of each
                     remote procedure call when the server receives the

                     Ensures that all data received is from the expected

                     Ensures and verifies that none of the data
                     transferred between client and server has been

                     Performs protection as specified by all of the
                     previous levels and also encrypt each remote
                     procedure call parameter value.

       Returns the authentication service used for remote procedure calls
       made with binding.
       Specifying NULL prevents the routine from returning this argument.
       The possible authentication services are as follows:

                     No authentication.

                     DCE shared-secret key authentication.

                     DCE public key authentication (reserved for future

                     DCE default authentication service.

       Returns a handle for the data structure that contains the client's
       authentication and authorization credentials.  This parameter must
       be cast as appropriate for the authentication and authorization
       services established via rpc_binding_set_auth_info().
       When using the rpc_c_authn_dce_secret authentication service and
       any authorization service, this value must be a sec_login_handle_t
       obtained from one of the following routines:

         + sec_login_setup_identity()

         + sec_login_get_current_context()

         + sec_login_newgroups()

   These routines are described in Chapter 5 of this manual.
   Specifying NULL prevents the routine from returning this parameter.

       Returns the authorization service used for remote procedure calls
       made with binding.
       Specifying NULL prevents the routine from returning this
       parameter. The possible authorization services are as follows:

                Server performs no authorization.  This is valid only
                if the authn_svc parameter is rpc_c_authn_none.

                Server performs authorization based on the client
                principal name.

                Server performs authorization using the client's DCE
                Privilege Attribute Certificate (PAC) sent to the server
                with each remote procedure call made with binding.
                Generally, access is checked against DCE Access Control
                Lists (ACLs).

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Invalid binding handle.

                     Wrong kind of binding for operation.

                     Binding has no authentication information.


   The rpc_binding_inq_auth_info() routine returns authentication and
   authorization information associated with the specified server binding
   handle.  The calling client associates the authentication and
   authorization data with the server binding handle by a prior call to
   the rpc_binding_set_auth_info() routine.

   The RPC runtime allocates memory for the returned server_princ_name
   parameter.   The  caller is responsible for calling the
   rpc_string_free() routine for the returned parameter string.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_binding_set_auth_info

3.19  –  rpc_binding_inq_object


   rpc_binding_inq_object - Returns the object UUID from a binding handle

   Used by client or server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_binding_inq_object( rpc_binding_handle_t binding,
                                uuid_t *object_uuid,
                                unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies a client or server binding handle.


       Returns the object UUID found in the binding parameter.  The
       object UUID is a unique identifier for an object for which a
       remote procedure call can be made.

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are
       as follows:

       rpc_s_ok     Success.

                    Invalid binding handle.


   The rpc_binding_inq_object() routine obtains the object UUID
   associated with a client or server binding handle.  If no object
   UUID has been associated with the binding handle, this routine
   returns a nil UUID.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_binding_set_object

3.20  –  rpc_binding_reset


   rpc_binding_reset - Resets a server binding handle

   Used by client or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_binding_reset( rpc_binding_handle_t binding,
                           unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies the server binding handle to reset.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Invalid binding handle.

                     Wrong kind of binding for operation.


   The rpc_binding_reset() routine disassociates a server instance from
   the server binding handle specified in the binding parameter.  This
   routine removes the endpoint portion of the server address in the
   binding handle as well as any other server instance information in the
   binding handle.  The host portion of the server address remains
   unchanged.  The result is a partially bound server binding handle.
   This binding handle can rebind to another server instance on the
   previous host when it is later used to make a remote procedure call.
   The rpc_intro reference page contains an explanation of partially and
   fully bound binding handles.

   This routine does not affect any authentication information for the
   binding parameter.

   Suppose that a client can be serviced by any compatible server
   instance  on the host specified in the binding handle.  Then, the
   client can call the rpc_binding_reset() routine before making a
   remote procedure call using the binding handle specified in binding.

   When the client makes the next remote procedure call using the reset
   server binding handle in binding, the client's RPC runtime uses a
   well-known endpoint from the client's interface specification, if any.
   Otherwise, the client's RPC runtime automatically communicates with
   the DCE Host Daemon (dced) on the specified remote host, to obtain the
   endpoint of a compatible server from the local endpoint map.  If a
   compatible server is located, the RPC runtime updates binding with a
   new endpoint.

   However, if a compatible server is not located, the client's remote
   procedure call fails.  If the failed call uses a connection protocol
   (ncacn), it receives the rpc_s_endpoint_not_found status code.  If
   the failed call uses a datagram protocol (ncadg), it receives the
   rpc_s_comm_failure status code.

   If a server application wants to be available to clients making a
   remote procedure call on a reset binding handle, it registers all
   binding handles by calling rpc_ep_register() or
   rpc_ep_register_no_replace().  If, however, the IDL-generated file
   contains endpoint address information, then the application does not
   have to call either of these two routines.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ep_register

3.21  –  rpc_binding_server_from_client


   rpc_binding_server_from_client - Converts a client binding handle
                                    to a server binding handle

   Used by server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_binding_server_from_client(
                   rpc_binding_handle_t client_binding,
                   rpc_binding_handle_t *server_binding,
                   unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies the client binding handle to convert to a server
       binding handle.


       Returns a server binding handle.

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Cannot get peer name.

                     Connection closed.

                     Invalid binding handle.

                     Wrong kind of binding.


   When a remote procedure call arrives at a server, the RPC runtime
   creates a client binding handle to refer to information about the
   calling client (client binding information).  The RPC runtime
   passes the client binding handle to the called remote procedure as
   the first input argument (which uses the handle_t type).

   The rpc_binding_server_from_client() routine converts client binding
   information into server binding information corresponding to the
   client's system.  When calling this routine, the called remote
   procedure specifies the client binding handle, and the routine
   returns a partially bound server binding handle (that is, the newly
   constructed server binding information contains a network address
   for the client's system, but lacks an endpoint).  The server binding
   information also lacks authentication information, but the called
   procedure can add it by calling rpc_binding_set_auth_info().  The
   object UUID from the client binding information remains.

   The rpc_binding_server_from_client() routine is relevant when a
   called remote procedure (the first remote procedure) needs to make
   its own remote procedure call (a nested procedure call) to a second
   remote procedure offered by a server on the system of the client
   that called the first remote procedure (that is, the original
   client).  The partially bound server binding handle returned by the
   rpc_binding_server_from_client() routine ensures that a nested call
   requests the second remote procedure on the original client's system.

   In a multithreaded RPC application, the second remote procedure can
   belong to a server that shares the original client's address space
   (that is, the server and client can operate jointly as a
   server/client instance).  If the original client belongs to a
   server/client instance and the application requires the nested call
   to execute in that instance, the application must guarantee that the
   nested remote procedure call uses one of the instances' endpoints.

   An application can provide this guarantee by meeting any of the
   following conditions:

     +  The interface possesses its own well-known endpoints, and
        the server elects to use these interface-specific endpoints
        (by calling rpc_server_use_protseq_if() or

     +  The server uses server-specific endpoints, and the interface is
        offered by only one server/client instance per system.

        To use server-specific endpoints, a server either requests
        dynamic endpoints (by calling rpc_server_use_protseq() or
        rpc_server_use_all_protseqs()) or specifies its own well-known
        endpoints (by calling rpc_server_use_protseq_ep()).  The server
        must also register its server-specific endpoints in the local
        endpoint map (by calling rpc_ep_register()).

     +  The original client sets an object UUID into the server binding
        information of the first call (by calling
        rpc_binding_set_object()); the object UUID identifies the
        server/client instance.  The client can obtain the object UUID
        from the list of object UUIDs used to register the endpoints of
        the server/client instance. The client must select an object
        UUID that belongs exclusively to its instance.

        Server binding information containing an object UUID impacts
        the selection of a manager for a remote procedure call; see the
        OSF DCE Application Development Guide for a description of
        manager selection.  The object UUID can either identify a
        particular resource offered by the companion server or, used as
        an instance UUID, the object UUID can identify the original
        client's server/client instance.

        The object UUID is passed in the first remote procedure call as
        part of the client binding information and is retained in the
        server binding information.  This server binding information is
        newly constructed by the rpc_binding_server_from_client()
        routine.  When the second remote procedure call arrives at the
        original client's system, the DCE Host daemon uses the object
        UUID to look for associated endpoints in the local endpoint map.
        To ensure that the object UUID is associated with the endpoints
        of the original server/client instance, the server must complete
        the following steps:

         1. Obtain the UUID (for example, by calling uuid_create()).

         2. Specify the UUID as part of registering endpoints for the
            interface of the second remote procedure (by calling
            rpc_ep_register() or rpc_ep_register_no_replace()).

        If the second remote procedure call will be routed to a manager
        of a non-nil type, then the server must also do the following:

         1. Specify the type for the manager that implements that
            interface (by calling rpc_server_register_if()).

         2. Set the object UUID to the same type as the manager (by
            calling rpc_object_set_type()).

     +  The first remote procedure call contains a distinct call argument
        used by the original client to pass server information that
        identifies its server/client instance.

        The first remote procedure call uses this information to route
        the second remote procedure call to the original server/client
        instance.  For example, server information can be as follows:

          - A fully bound string binding that identifies the client's
            server/client instance.  If the first remote procedure
            receives this string binding, calling the
            rpc_binding_server_from_client routine is unnecessary.
            Instead, the first remote procedure requests a server
            binding handle for the string binding (by calling

          - An object UUID that is associated in the endpoint map with
            one or more endpoints of the original server/client instance.
            The client can obtain the object UUID from the list of object
            UUIDs used to register the endpoints of the server/client
            instance.  The client must select an object UUID that belongs
            exclusively to its instance, and pass that UUID as a call
            argument.  After calling the rpc_binding_server_from_client()
            routine, add the object UUID from the call argument to the
            newly constructed server binding information (by calling


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_binding_free

   Books: DCE OSF Application Development Guide.

3.22  –  rpc_binding_set_auth_info


   rpc_binding_set_auth_info - Sets authentication and authorization
                               information for a server binding handle

   Used by client applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>
   #include <dce/sec_login.h>

   void rpc_binding_set_auth_info(
               rpc_binding_handle_t binding,
               unsigned_char_t *server_princ_name,
               unsigned32 protect_level,
               unsigned32 authn_svc,
               rpc_auth_identity_handle_t auth_identity,
               unsigned32 authz_svc,
               unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies the server binding handle for which to set the
       authentication and authorization information.

       Specifies the principal name of the server referenced by binding.
       The content of the name and its syntax is defined by the
       authentication service in use.

       A client that does not know the server principal name can call
       the rpc_mgmt_inq_server_princ_name() routine to obtain the
       principal name of a server that is registered for the required
       authentication service.  Using a principal name obtained in this
       way means that the client is interested in one-way authentication.
       In other words, it means that the client does not care which
       server principal received the remote procedure call request.  The
       server, though, still verifies that the client is who the client
       claims to be.

       Specifies the protection level for remote procedure calls made
       using binding.  The protection level determines the degree to
       which authenticated communications between the client and the
       server are protected by the authentication service specified by

       If the RPC runtime or the RPC protocol in the bound protocol
       sequence does not support a specified level, the level is
       automatically upgraded to the next higher supported level.
       The possible protection levels are as follows:

                    Uses the default protection level for the specified
                    authentication service.  The default protection
                    level for the DCE shared-secret key authentication
                    service is rpc_c_protect_level_pkt_integ.

                    Performs no authentication: tickets are not
                    exchanged, session keys are not established, client
                    PACs or names are not certified, and transmissions
                    are in the clear.  Note that although uncertified
                    PACs should not be trusted, they may be useful for
                    debugging, tracing, and measurement purposes.

                    Performs protection only when the client establishes
                    a relationship with the server.

                    Performs protection only at the beginning of each
                    remote procedure call when the server receives the
                    request.  This level does not apply to remote
                    procedure calls made over a connection-based
                    protocol sequence (that is, ncacn_ip_tcp).  If this
                    level is specified and the binding handle uses a
                    connection-based protocol sequence, the routine uses
                    the rpc_c_protect_level_pkt level instead.

                    Ensures that all data received is from the expected

                    Ensures and verifies that none of the data
                    transferred between client and server has been
                    modified.  This is the highest protection level that
                    is guaranteed to be present in the RPC runtime.

                    Performs protection as specified by all of the
                    previous levels and also encrypt each remote
                    procedure call argument value.  This is the highest
                    protection level, but it may not be available in
                    the RPC runtime.

       Specifies the authentication service to use. The exact level of
       protection provided by the authentication service is specified
       by the protect_level parameter.  The supported authentication
       services are as follows:

                    No authentication:  no tickets are exchanged, no
                    session keys established, client PACs or names are
                    not transmitted, and transmissions are in the clear.
                    Specify rpc_c_authn_none to turn authentication off
                    for remote procedure calls made using binding.

                    DCE shared-secret key authentication.

                    DCE default authentication service.  The current
                    default authentication service is DCE shared-secret
                    key; therefore, specifying rpc_c_authn_default is
                    equivalent to specifying rpc_c_authn_dce_secret.

                    DCE public key authentication (reserved for future

                    Authentication via Microsoft NT Lan Manager (only
                    available on Windows NT and OpenVMS).  This allows
                    OpenVMS applications to authenticate with a Windows
                    NT domain security server.

       Specifies a handle for the data structure that contains the
       client's authentication and authorization credentials
       appropriate for the selected authentication and authorization
       services.  When using the rpc_c_authn_dce_secret authentication
       service and any authorization service, this value must be a
       sec_login_handle_t obtained from one of the following routines:

         + sec_login_setup_identity()

         + sec_login_get_current_context()

         + sec_login_newgroups()

         + rpc_winnt_set_auth_identity

   Specify NULL to use the default security login context for the current
   address space.

       Specifies the authorization service implemented by the server
       for the interface of interest.  The validity and trustworthiness
       of authorization data, like any application data, is dependent on
       the authentication  service and protection level specified.  The
       supported authorization services are as follows:

                 Server performs no authorization.  This is valid only if
                 the authn_svc parameter is rpc_c_authn_none, specifying
                 that no authentication is being performed.

                 Server performs authorization based on the client
                 principal name.   This value cannot be used if authn_svc
                 is rpc_c_authn_none.

                 Server performs authorization using the client's DCE
                 Privilege Attribute Certificate (PAC) sent to the
                 server with each remote procedure call made with
                 binding.   Generally, access is checked against DCE
                 Access Control Lists (ACLs).  This value cannot be
                 used if authn_svc is rpc_c_authn_none.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Invalid binding handle.

                     Wrong kind of binding for operation.

                     Unknown authentication service.

                     Requested authorization service is not supported by
                     the requested authentication service.

                     Requested protection level is not supported.


   The rpc_binding_set_auth_info() routine sets up the specified server
   binding  handle so that it can be used to make authenticated remote
   procedure calls that include authorization information.

   Unless a client calls rpc_binding_set_auth_info() with the parameters
   to set establish authentication and authorization methods, all remote
   procedure calls made on the binding binding handle are unauthenti-
   cated.Some authentication services (authn_svc) may need to
   communicate with the Security service to perform this operation.
   Otherwise, they may receive the rpc_s_comm_failure status.

   The authn_svc parameter specifies the authentication service to use.
   Since currently, there is only one available authentication service
   (DCE shared-secret key), the parameter currently functions to specify
   whether or not rpc calls will be authenticated and client PACs
   certified. If authentication is chosen, the protect_level parameter
   can specify a variety of protection levels, ranging from no
   authentication to the highest level of authentication and encryption.
   If the protect_level parameter is set to rpc_c_protect_level_none, no
   authentication is performed, regardless of the authentication service

   The authz_svc parameter specifies the authorization service to use.
   If no authentication has been chosen (authn_svc of rpc_c_authn_none),
   then no authorization (authz_svc of rpc_c_authz_none) must be chosen
   as well.  If authentication will be performed, you have two choices
   for authorization:  name-based authorization and DCE authorization.
   The use of name based_authorization, which provides a server with a
   client's principal name, is not recommended.  DCE authorization uses
   PACs, a trusted mechanism for conveying client authorization data to
   authenticated servers. PACs are designed to be used with the DCE ACL

   Whether the call actually wakes up in the server manager code or is
   rejected by the runtime depends on following conditions:

     +  If the client specified no authentication, then none is attempted
        by the RPC runtime.The call wakes up in the manager code whether
        the server specified authentication or not.  This permits both
        authenticated and unauthenticated clients to call authenticated
        servers.  When the manager receives an unauthenticated call, it
        needs to make a decision about how to proceed.

     +  If the client specified DCE secret key authentication and the
        server specified no authentication, then the runtime will fail
        the call, and it will never reach the manager routine.

     +  If both client and server specified DCE secret key
        authentication, then authentication will be carried out
        by the RPC runtime transparently.  Whether the call reaches
        the server manager code or is rejected by the runtime
        depends on whether the authentication succeeded.

   Although the RPC runtime is responsible any authentication that is
   carried out, the fact that the runtime will always permit
   unauthenticated clients to reach the manager code means that a
   manager access function typically does need to make an
   authentication check.  When the manager access routine calls
   rpc_binding_inq_auth_client() it needs to check for a status of
   rpc_s_binding_has_no_auth.  In this case, the client has specified
   no authentication and the manager access function needs to make an
   access decision based on this fact.  Note that in such a case, no
   meaningful authentication or authorization information is returned
   from rpc_binding_inq_auth_client().


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_binding_inq_auth_client

3.23  –  rpc_binding_set_object


   rpc_binding_set_object - Sets the object UUID value into a server
                            binding handle.

   Used by client applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_binding_set_object( rpc_binding_handle_t binding,
                                uuid_t *object_uuid,
                                unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies the server binding into which parameter object_uuid is
       set.  Supply NULL to specify a nil UUID for this parameter.

       Specifies the UUID of the object serviced by the server specified
       in the binding parameter. The object UUID is a unique identifier
       for an object for which a remote procedure call can be made.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are
       as follows:

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Invalid binding handle.

                     Wrong kind of binding for operation.


   The rpc_binding_set_object() routine associates an object UUID with
   a server binding handle. This operation replaces the previously
   associated object UUID with the UUID in the object_uuid parameter.

   To set the object UUID to the nil UUID, specify NULL or the nil UUID
   for the object_uuid parameter.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_binding_from_string_binding

3.24  –  rpc_binding_to_string_binding


   rpc_binding_to_string_binding - Returns a string representation of
                                   a binding handle

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_binding_to_string_binding( rpc_binding_handle_t binding,
                                       unsigned_char_t **string_binding,
                                       unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies a client or server binding handle to convert to a
       string representation of a binding handle.


       Returns a pointer to the string representation of the binding
       handle specified in the binding parameter.

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok    Success.

                   Cannot get peer name.

                   Connection closed.

                   Invalid binding handle.


   The rpc_binding_to_string_binding() routine converts a client or
   server binding handle to its string representation.

   The RPC runtime allocates memory for the string returned in the
   string_binding parameter. The application calls the rpc_string_free()
   routine to deallocate that memory.

   If the binding handle in the binding parameter contains a nil object
   UUID, the object UUID field is not included in the returned string.

   To parse the returned string_binding parameter, call


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_binding_from_string_binding

3.25  –  rpc_binding_vector_free


   rpc_binding_vector_free - Frees the memory used to store a vector
                             and binding handles

   Used by client or server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_binding_vector_free( rpc_binding_vector_t **binding_vector,
                                 unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies the address of a pointer to a vector of server binding
       handles.  On return the pointer is set to NULL.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Invalid argument.

                     Invalid binding handle.

                     Wrong kind of binding for operation.


   The rpc_binding_vector_free() routine frees the memory used to store
   a vector of server binding handles. The freed memory includes both
   the binding handles and the vector itself.

   A server obtains a vector of binding handles by calling
   rpc_server_inq_bindings().  A client obtains a vector of binding
   handles by calling rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next().  Call
   rpc_binding_vector_free() if you have used either of these routines.

   The rpc_binding_free() routine frees individual elements of the
   vector. If an element is freed with this routine, the NULL element
   entry replaces it; rpc_binding_vector_free() ignores such an entry.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_binding_free

3.26  –  rpc_cs_binding_set_tags


   rpc_cs_binding_set_tags - Places code set tags into a server binding

   Used by client applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_cs_binding_set_tags( rpc_binding_handle_t *binding,
                                 unsigned32 sending_tag,
                                 unsigned32 desired_receiving_tag,
                                 unsigned16 sending_tag_max_bytes,
                                 error_status_t *status );



       On input, specifies the server binding handle to modify with tag
       information.  This handle is the binding handle returned by the
       rpc_ns_binding_import_next() or rpc_ns_binding_select() routine.
       On output, returns the server binding handle modified with code
       set tag information. The server stub retrieves the tag information
       from the binding handle and uses it to invoke the appropriate
       buffer sizing and code set conversion routines.


       Specifies the code set value for the code set in which client
       data to be sent to the server is to be encoded.  If the client
       is not sending any data, set this value to the client's current
       code set.  This step prevents the code set conversion routine
       from being invoked.

       Specifies the code set value for the code set in which the client
       prefers data to be encoded when sent back from the server.  If
       the client is not planning to receive any data from the server,
       set this value to the server's current code set.  This step
       prevents the code set conversion routine from being invoked.

       Specifies the maximum number of bytes that a code set requires
       to encode one character. The value is the c_max_bytes value
       associated with the code set value (c_set) used as the
       sending_tag value.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:



   The routine can also return status codes generated by the
   rpc_rgy_get_codesets() routine.


   The rpc_cs_binding_set_tags() routine belongs to a set of DCE RPC
   routines for use by client and server applications that are
   transferring international character data in a heterogeneous
   character set and code sets environment.  These routines are used
   to enable "automatic" code set conversion between client and server
   for character representations that are not part of the DCE Portable
   Character Set.

   Client applications use the rpc_cs_binding_set_tags() routine to add
   code sets tag information to the binding handle of a compatible
   server. The tag information specified in the routine is usually
   obtained from a character and code sets evaluation routine (which is
   typically a user-written routine).

   The sending_tag value identifies the code set encoding that the client
   is using to send international character data to the server.  The
   desired_receiving_tag value indicates to the server the code set that
   the client prefers the server to use when sending return international
   character data. The sending_tag_max_bytes value is the number of bytes
   the sending code set uses to encode one character.

   Client applications that use the rpc_cs_eval_with_universal() or
   rpc_cs_eval_without_universal() routines do not need to call this
   routine because these routines set tag information in the server
   binding handle as part of their operation.  Application developers
   who are writing their own character and code sets evaluation routines
   need to include code that sets tags in a server binding handle.  The
   rpc_cs_binding_set_tags() routine provides this function and can be
   used in user-written evaluation routines, or alone if the application
   does not need to perform evaluation.  In this case, the routine
   provides a short cut for application programmers whose applications
   do not need to evaluate for character and code set compatibility.

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_cs_eval_with_universal

3.27  –  rpc_cs_char_set_compat_check


   rpc_cs_char_set_compat_check - Evaluates character set compatibility
                                  between a client and a server.

   Used by client applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_cs_char_set_compat_check(
             unsigned32 client_rgy_code_set_value,
             unsigned32 server_rgy_code_set_value,
             error_status_t *status );



       The registered hexadecimal value that uniquely identifies the code
       set that the client is using as its local code set.

       The registered hexadecimal value that uniquely identifies the code
       set that the server is using as its local code set.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:



   The routine can also return status codes from the dce_cs_rgy_to_loc()


   The rpc_cs_char_set_compat_check() routine belongs to a set of DCE
   RPC routines for use by client and server applications that are
   transferring international character data in a heterogeneous
   character set and code sets environment.

   The rpc_cs_char_set_compat_check() routine provides a method for
   determining character set compatibility between a client and a
   server; if the server's character set is incompatible with that of
   the client, then connecting to that server is most likely not
   acceptable, since massive data loss would result from such a

   The RPC routines that perform character and code sets evaluation use
   the rpc_cs_char_set_compat_check() routine in their character sets
   and code sets compatibility checking procedure. The routine takes the
   registered integer values that represent the code sets that the client
   and server are currently using and calls the code set registry to
   obtain the registered values that represent the character set(s) that
   the specified code sets support. If both client and server support
   just one character set, the routine compares client and server
   registered character set values to determine whether or not the sets
   are compatible. If they are not, the routine returns the status
   message rpc_s_ss_no_compat_charsets.

   If the client and server support multiple character sets, the
   routine determines whether at least two of the sets are compatible.
   If two or more sets match, the routine considers the character sets
   compatible, and returns a success status code to the caller.

   Client and server applications that use the DCE RPC code sets
   evaluation routines rpc_cs_eval_with_universal() and
   rpc_cs_eval_without_universal() do not need to call this routine
   explicitly because these DCE RPC routines call it on their behalf.

   Client applications that do not use the DCE RPC code sets evaluation
   routines can use the rpc_cs_char_set_compat_check() routine in their
   code sets evaluation code as part of their procedure for determining
   character and code set compatibility with a server.

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_cs_eval_with_universal

3.28  –  rpc_cs_eval_with_universal


   rpc_cs_eval_with_universal - Evaluates a server's supported
                                character sets and code sets during
                                the server binding selection process

   Used indirectly by client applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_cs_eval_with_universal( rpc_ns_handle_t binding_handle,
                                    idl_void_p_t eval_args,
                                    idl_void_p_t *context );



       The server binding handle.

       An opaque data type that contains matching criteria that the
       routine uses to perform character and code sets compatibility


       An opaque data type that contains search context to perform
       character and code sets compatibility evaluation.  The routine
       returns the result of the evaluation in a field within context.


   The rpc_cs_eval_with_universal() routine is a DCE RPC character and
   code sets evaluation routine that can be added to an import context.
   The routine provides a mechanism for a client application that is
   passing character data in a heterogeneous character set and code sets
   environment to evaluate a server's character and code sets
   compatibility before establishing a connection with it.

   Client applications do not call rpc_cs_eval_with_universal() directly.
   Instead, they add it to the import context created by the
   rpc_ns_binding_import_begin() routine by calling the routine
   rpc_ns_import_ctx_add_eval() and specifying the routine name and the
   RPC server entry name to be evaluated.  When the client application
   calls the rpc_ns_binding_import_next() routine to import compatible
   binding handles for servers, this routine calls
   rpc_cs_eval_with_universal(), which applies client-server code sets
   compatibility checking as another criteria for compatible binding

   The rpc_cs_eval_with_universal() routine directs the
   rpc_ns_binding_import_next() routine to reject servers with
   incompatible character sets. If client and server character sets
   are compatible, but their supported code sets are not, the routine
   establishes tags that direct the client and/or server stubs to
   convert character data to the user-defined (if any) or default
   intermediate code set, which is the ISO10646 (or "universal") code

   Application programmers need not pay attention to the arguments of
   this routine. They only need to use the rpc_ns_import_ctx_add_eval()
   to set the routine, for example:

        rpc_ns_import_ctx_add_eval( &import_context,
                                    (void *) nsi_entry_name,
                                    &status );

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_cs_eval_without_universal

3.29  –  rpc_cs_eval_without_universal


   rpc_cs_eval_without_universal - Evaluates a server's supported
                                   character sets and code sets
                                   during the server binding
                                   selection process

   Used indirectly by client applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_cs_eval_without_universal( rpc_ns_handle_t binding_handle,
                                       idl_void_p_t eval_args,
                                       idl_void_p_t *context );



       The server binding handle.

       An opaque data type that contains matching criteria that the
       routine uses to perform code sets compatibility evaluation.


           An opaque data type that contains search context to perform
           character and code sets compatibility evaluation.  The
           routine returns the result of the evaluation in a field
           within context.


   The rpc_cs_eval_without_universal() routine is a DCE RPC character
   and code sets evaluation routine that can be added to an import
   context.  The routine provides a mechanism for a client application
   that is passing character data in a heterogeneous character set and
   code sets environment to evaluate a server's character and code sets
   compatibility before establishing a connection with it.

   Client applications do not call rpc_cs_eval_without_universal()
   directly.  Instead, they add it to the import context created by
   the rpc_ns_binding_import_begin() routine by calling the routine
   rpc_ns_import_ctx_add_eval() and specifying the routine name and
   the RPC server entry name to be evaluated.  When the client
   application calls the rpc_ns_binding_import_next() routine to import
   compatible binding handles for servers, this routine calls
   rpc_cs_eval_without_universal(), which applies client-server code
   sets compatibility checking as another criteria for compatible
   binding selection.

   The rpc_cs_eval_without_universal() routine directs the
   rpc_ns_binding_import_next() routine to reject servers with
   incompatible character sets. The routine also directs the
   rpc_ns_binding_import_next() routine to reject servers whose
   supported code sets are incompatible with the client's supported
   code sets; that is, it does not resort to using an intermediate
   code set as a last resort.

   Application programmers need not pay attention to the arguments of
   this routine. They only need to use the rpc_ns_import_ctx_add_eval()
   to set the routine, for example:

        rpc_ns_import_ctx_add_eval( &import_context,
                                    (void *) nsi_entry_name,
                                    &status );

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_cs_get_tags

3.30  –  rpc_cs_get_tags


   rpc_cs_get_tags - Retrieves code set tags from a binding handle

   Used by client and server applications.


   #include <dce/codesets_stub.h>

   void rpc_cs_get_tags( rpc_binding_handle_t binding,
                         boolean32 server_side,
                         unsigned32 *sending_tag,
                         unsigned32 *desired_receiving_tag,
                         unsigned32 *receiving_tag,
                         error_status_t *status );



       Specifies the target binding handle from which to obtain the code
       set tag information. When called from the client stub, this value
       is the binding handle of a compatible server returned by the
       rpc_ns_binding_import_next() or rpc_ns_binding_select() routines.
       When called from the server stub, this value is a pointer to the
       tag information that the client stub passed in the RPC call.

       Indicates whether a client stub or a server stub is calling the

       (Server stub only) Specifies the code set value for the code set
       in which the client prefers data to be encoded when sent back from
       the server. The client stub passes this value in the RPC call.  If
       the routine is retrieving code set tags for an operation that does
       not specify a desired receiving tag parameter (the cs_drtag ACF
       parameter attribute has not been applied to one of the operation's
       parameters), this value is NULL.


       (Client stub only) Specifies the code set value for the code set
       in which client data to be sent to the server is to be encoded.
       If the routine is retrieving code set tags for an operation that
       does not specify a sending tag parameter (the cs_stag ACF
       parameter attribute has not been applied to one of the operation's
       parameters), this value is NULL.

       (Client stub only) Specifies the code set value for the code set
       in which the client prefers to receive data sent back to it from
       the server. If the routine is retrieving code set tags for an
       operation that does not specify a desired receiving tag parameter
       (the cs_drtag ACF parameter attribute has not been applied to one
       of the operation's parameters), this value is NULL.

       (Server stub only) Specifies the code set value for the code set
       in which the server is to encode data to be sent back to the
       client.  If the routine is retrieving code set tags for an
       operation that does not specify a receiving tag parameter (the
       cs_rtag ACF parameter attribute has not been applied to one of
       the operation's parameters), this value is NULL.

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      The server cannot handle the data in the code set
                      that the client has specified. This status code
                      will be returned if the application performs
                      code set compatibility evaluation in the server

                      The result of the client-side evaluation used an
                      invalid code set tag.

   If code set compatibility evaluation is performed, error values
   can also be returned from rpc_rgy_get_codesets(),
   rpc_ns_binding_inq_entry_name(), and rpc_ns_mgmt_read_codesets().


   The rpc_cs_get_tags() routine belongs to a set of DCE RPC routines
   for use by client and server applications that are transferring
   international character data in a heterogeneous character set and
   code sets environment.

   The rpc_cs_get_tags() routine is a DCE RPC routine that RPC stubs can
   use to retrieve the code set values to be used to "tag" international
   character data to be sent over the network. In general, the code set
   values to be used as tags are determined by a character and code sets
   evaluation routine, which is invoked from the client application code.
   However, application programmers can use other methods to establish
   values for code set tags.

   RPC stubs call the rpc_cs_get_tags() routine before they call the
   buffer sizing routines *_net_size() and the code set conversion
   routines _netcs().  The rpc_cs_get_tags() routine provides the stubs
   with code set values to use as input to the buffer sizing routines
   (to determine whether or not buffer storage needs to be allocated for
   conversion) and as input to the code set conversion routines (to
   determine whether conversion is necessary, and if so, which host code
   set converter to invoke).

   Client and server stubs call the rpc_cs_get_tags() routine before
   they marshall any data. When called from the client stub, the boolean
   value server_side is set to FALSE to indicate that the client stub has
   invoked the routine.  The binding handle is the handle to a compatible
   server returned by the rpc_ns_binding_import_next() or
   rpc_ns_binding_select() routines.  If the client has added a code sets
   evaluation routine to the binding import procedure (by calling the
   routine rpc_ns_import_ctx_add_eval()), the binding handle will contain
   the conversion method and the code set values to set for the client's
   sending tag and desired receiving tag.  If the binding handle does not
   contain the results of an evaluation, the rpc_cs_get_tags() routine
   will perform the character/code sets evaluation within the client stub
   and set the client code set tag values itself.

   On the client side, the output of the routine is the code set value
   that represents the client's sending tag and the code set value that
   represents the client's desired receiving tag. If the conversion
   method is "client makes it right" (CMIR), the sending tag and desired
   receiving tags will be set to the code set value of the server's
   local code set.  If the conversion method is "server makes it right"
   (SMIR), the sending tag and desired receiving tag will be set to the
   client's local code set value. If the conversion method is "receiver
   makes it right" (RMIR), the sending tag is the client's code set, and
   the desired receiving tag is the server's code set.

   When called from the server stub, the boolean value server_side is
   set to TRUE to indicate that the server stub has invoked the routine.
   The binding handle is a pointer to the tag data sent by the client

   The server stub specifies the code set value given in the client's
   desired receiving tag as input to the routine.  The rpc_cs_get_tags()
   routine sets the code set value in desired_receiving_tag to
   receiving_tag and returns this value as output to the server stub.
   The server stub will then use the code set value in receiving_tag as
   the code set to use for data it sends back to the client.

   Application programmers who want their applications to use the
   rpc_cs_get_tags() routine to retrieve code set tag information as
   part of the automatic code set conversion process specify the
   routine name as the argument to the ACF attribute cs_tag_rtn when
   developing their internationalized RPC application.

   Application programmers can also write their own code set tags
   retrieval routine that RPC stubs can call; in this case, they specify
   the name of this routine as the argument to the ACF attribute instead
   of specifying the DCE RPC routine rpc_cs_get_tags().  Application
   programmers can also use the automatic code conversion mechanism, but
   design their applications so that the code set tags are set explicitly
   in the application instead of in the stubs.

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: cs_byte_from_netcs

   Books: OSF DCE Application Development Guide-Core Components.

3.31  –  rpc_ep_register


   rpc_ep_register - Adds to, or replaces, server address information
                     in the local endpoint map

   Used by server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ep_register( rpc_if_handle_t if_handle,
                         rpc_binding_vector_t *binding_vec,
                         uuid_vector_t *object_uuid_vec,
                         unsigned_char_t *annotation,
                         unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies an interface specification to register with the local
       endpoint map.

       Specifies a vector of binding handles over which the server can
       receive remote procedure calls.

       Specifies a vector of object UUIDs that the server offers.  The
       server application constructs this vector.
       Supply the value NULL to indicate there are no object UUIDs to

       Defines a character string comment applied to each cross product
       element added to the local endpoint map.  The string can be up to
       64 characters long, including the NULL terminating character.
       Specify NULL or the string \0 if there is no annotation string.
       The string is used by applications for informational purposes
       only.  The RPC runtime does not use this string to determine
       which server instance a client communicates with, or for
       enumerating endpoint map elements.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Error reading endpoint database.

                     Error creating endpoint database.

                     Cannot perform requested operation.

                     Endpoint map database invalid.

                     Invalid database entry.

                     Update failed.

                     Communications failure.

                     Invalid binding handle.

                     No bindings.

                     Wrong kind of binding for operation.


   The rpc_ep_register() routine adds elements to, or replaces elements
   in, the local host's endpoint map.

   Each element in the local endpoint map logically contains the

     +  Interface ID, consisting of an interface UUID and versions
        (major and minor)

     +  Binding information

     +  Object UUID (optional)

     +  Annotation (optional)

   A server uses this routine, instead of rpc_ep_register_no_replace(),
   when only a single instance of the server runs on the server's host.
   Use this routine if, at any time, no more than one server instance
   offers the same interface UUID, object UUID, and protocol sequence.

   When local endpoint map elements are not replaced, obsolete elements
   accumulate each time a server instance stops running without calling
   rpc_ep_unregister().  Periodically the DCE Host Daemon identifies
   these obsolete elements and removes them.  However, during the time
   between these removals the obsolete elements increase the chance that
   a client will receive endpoints to nonexistent servers.  The client
   then wastes time trying to communicate with these servers before
   obtaining another endpoint.

   Using this routine to replace any existing local endpoint map elements
   reduces the chance that a client will receive the endpoint of a
   nonexistent server instance.

   Suppose an existing element in the local endpoint map matches the
   interface UUID, binding information exclusive of the endpoint, and
   object UUID of an element this routine provides.  The routine changes
   the endpoint map according to the elements' interface major and minor
   version numbers, as shown in the following table:

 Existing Element   Relationship   Provided Element   Routine's Action
 Major version #    Not equal to   Major version #    Ignores minor ver-
                                                      sion number rela-
                                                      tionship and adds
                                                      a new endpoint map
                                                      element.  The
                                                      existing element
                                                      remains unchanged.

 Major version #    Equal to       Major version #    Acts according to
                                                      the minor version
                                                      number relation-

 Minor version #    Equal to       Minor version #    Replaces the end-
                                                      point of the
                                                      existing element
                                                      based on the pro-
                                                      vided information.

 Minor version #    Less than      Minor version #    Replaces the
                                                      existing element
                                                      based on the pro-
                                                      vided information.

 Minor version #    Greater than   Minor version #    Ignores the pro-
                                                      vided information.
                                                      The existing ele-
                                                      ment remains

   For example, suppose under these circumstances that the existing
   interface version number is 1.3 (major.minor) and the provided
   version number is 2.0.  The routine adds a new endpoint map element
   with interface version number 2.0 and does not change the element
   with version number 1.3.  However, if the existing interface version
   number is 1.5 and the provided version number is 1.4, the routine
   does not change the endpoint map.

   A server program calls this routine to register endpoints that have
   been specified by calling any of the following routines:

     +  rpc_server_use_all_protseqs()

     +  rpc_server_use_protseq()

     +  rpc_server_use_protseq_ep()

   A server that calls only the rpc_server_use_all_protseqs_if() or
   rpc_server_use_protseq_if() routines does not need to call this
   routine.  In such cases, the client's runtime uses an endpoint from
   the client's interface specification to fill in a partially bound
   binding handle.  However, it is recommended that you also register
   well-known endpoints that the server specifies (registering endpoints
   from interface definitions is unnecessary).

   If the server also exports to the name service database, the server
   calls this routine with the same if_handle, binding_vec and
   object_uuid_vec parameters as the server uses when calling the
   rpc_ns_binding_export() routine.

   The rpc_ep_register() routine communicates with the DCE Host Daemon
   (dced), which in turn communicates with the local endpoint map.  The
   routine communicates using one of the protocol sequences specified in
   one of the binding handles in binding_vec.  Attempting to register a
   binding that specifies a protocol sequence that the DCE Host daemon
   is not listening on results in the failure of rpc_ep_register().  The
   routine indicates this failure by placing the value rpc_s_comm_failure
   into status.

   For information about how the endpoint map service selects an element
   for an interface ID and an object UUID, see the RPC information in the
   OSF DCE Application Development Guide.  This guide explains how the
   endpoint map service searches for the endpoint of a server that is
   compatible with a client.  If the client supplies a non-nil object
   UUID that is not in the endpoint map, or the client supplies a nil
   object UUID, the search can succeed, but only if the server has
   registered a nil object UUID using the rpc_ep_register() or
   rpc_ep_register_no_replace() routines.  The object_uuid_vec parameter
   can contain both nil and non-nil object UUIDs for the routine to
   place into endpoint map elements.

   For an explanation of how a server can establish a client/server
   relationship without using the local endpoint map, see the explanation
   of a string binding in the rpc_intro reference page.

   This routine creates a cross product from the if_handle, binding_vec
   and object_uuid_vec parameters, and adds each element in the cross
   product as a separate registration in the local endpoint map.  If you
   supply NULL to object_uuid_vec, the corresponding elements in the
   cross product contain a nil object UUID.

   For example, suppose that if_handle has the value ifhand, binding_vec
   has the values b1, b2, b3, and object_uuid_vec has the values u1, u2,
   u3, u4.The resulting 12 elements in the cross product are as follows:

        (ifhand,b1,u1)  (ifhand,b1,u2)  (ifhand,b1,u3)  (ifhand,b1,u4)
        (ifhand,b2,u1)  (ifhand,b2,u2)  (ifhand,b2,u3)  (ifhand,b2,u4)
        (ifhand,b3,u1)  (ifhand,b3,u2)  (ifhand,b3,u3)  (ifhand,b3,u4)

   (An annotation string is part of each of these 12 elements.)


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ep_register_no_replace

   Books: OSF DCE Application Development Guide.

3.32  –  rpc_ep_register_no_replace


   rpc_ep_register_no_replace - Adds to server address information
                                in the local endpoint map

   Used by server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ep_register_no_replace( rpc_if_handle_t if_handle,
                                    rpc_binding_vector_t *binding_vec,
                                    uuid_vector_t *object_uuid_vec,
                                    unsigned_char_t *annotation,
                                    unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies an interface specification to register with the local
       endpoint map.

       Specifies a vector of binding handles over which the server can
       receive remote procedure calls.

       Specifies a vector of object UUIDs that the server offers.  The
       server application constructs this vector.
       Supply the value NULL to indicate there are no object UUIDs to

       Defines a character string comment applied to each cross-product
       element added to the local endpoint map.  The string can be up
       to 64 characters long, including the NULL terminating character.
       Specify NULL or the string \0 if there is no annotation string.
       The string is used by applications for informational purposes
       only. The RPC runtime does not use this string to determine which
       server instance a client communicates with, or for enumerating
       endpoint map elements.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Error reading endpoint database.

                     Error creating endpoint database.

                     Cannot perform requested operation.

                     Endpoint map database invalid.

                     Invalid database entry.

                     Update failed.

                     Communications failure.

                     Invalid binding handle.

                     No bindings.

                     Wrong kind of binding for operation.


   The rpc_ep_register_no_replace() routine adds elements to the local
   host's endpoint map.  The routine does not replace existing elements.
   Otherwise, this routine is identical to rpc_ep_register().

   Each element in the local endpoint map logically contains the

     +  Interface ID, consisting of an interface UUID and versions
        (major and minor)

     +  Binding information

     +  Object UUID (optional)

     +  Annotation (optional)

   A server uses this routine, instead  of  rpc_ep_register(),  when
   multiple instances of the server run on the same host.  Use this
   routine if, at any time, more than one server instance offers the
   same interface UUID, object UUID, and protocol sequence.

   Since this routine does not replace elements, calling servers must
   unregister (that is, remove) themselves before they stop running.
   Otherwise, when local endpoint map elements are not replaced,
   obsolete elements accumulate each time a server instance stops running
   without calling rpc_ep_unregister().  Periodically the DCE Host Daemon
   identifies obsolete elements and removes them from the local endpoint
   map.  However, during the time between these removals, the obsolete
   elements increase the chance that a client will receive endpoints to
   nonexistent servers.The client then wastes time trying to communicate
   with these servers before obtaining another endpoint.

   A server program calls this routine to register endpoints that were
   specified by calling any of the following routines:

     +  rpc_server_use_all_protseqs()

     +  rpc_server_use_protseq()

     +  rpc_server_use_protseq_ep()

   A server that calls  only  the  rpc_server_use_all_protseqs_if() or
   rpc_server_use_protseq_if() routine does not need to call this
   routine.  In such cases, the client's runtime uses an endpoint from
   the client's interface specification to fill in a partially bound
   binding handle.  However, it is recommended that you also register
   well-known endpoints that the server specifies (registering endpoints
   from interface definitions is unnecessary).

   If the server also exports to the name service database, the  server
   calls this routine with the same if_handle, binding_vec and
   object_uuid_vec parameters as the server uses when calling the
   rpc_ns_binding_export() routine.

   The rpc_ep_register_no_replace() routine communicates with the DCE
   Host Daemon (dced), which in turn communicates with the local
   endpoint map.  The routine communicates using one of the protocol
   sequences specified in one of the binding handles in binding_vec.
   Attempting to register a binding that specifies a protocol sequence
   that the DCE Host daemon is not listening on results in the failure
   of rpc_ep_register_no_replace().  The routine indicates this failure
   by placing the value rpc_s_comm_failure into status.

   For information about how the endpoint map service selects an element
   for an interface ID and an object UUID, see the RPC information in the
   OSF DCE Application Development Guide.  This guide explains how the
   endpoint map service searches for the endpoint of a server that is
   compatible with a client.  If the client supplies a non-nil object
   UUID that is not in the endpoint map, or the client supplies a nil
   object UUID, the search can succeed, but only if the server has
   registered a nil object UUID using the rpc_ep_register_no_replace()
   or rpc_ep_register() routine.  The object_uuid_vec parameter can
   contain both nil and non-nil object UUIDs for the routine to place
   into endpoint map elements.

   For an explanation of how a server can establish a client/server
   relationship without using the local endpoint map, see the
   explanation of a string binding in the rpc_intro reference page.

   This routine creates a cross-product from the if_handle, binding_vec
   and object_uuid_vec parameters, and adds each element in the cross-
   product as a separate registration in the local endpoint map.  If you
   supply NULL to object_uuid_vec, the corresponding elements in the
   cross-product contain a nil object UUID.  The rpc_ep_register()
   routine's reference page summarizes the contents of an element in
   the local endpoint map.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ep_register

   Books: OSF DCE Application Development Guide.

3.33  –  rpc_ep_resolve_binding


   rpc_ep_resolve_binding - Resolves a partially bound server binding
                            handle into a fully bound server binding

   Used by client and management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ep_resolve_binding( rpc_binding_handle_t binding,
                                rpc_if_handle_t if_handle,
                                unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies a partially bound server binding handle to resolve
       into a fully bound server binding handle.

       Contains a stub-generated data structure that specifies the
       interface of interest.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     No entries found.

                     Invalid binding handle.

                     Wrong kind of binding for operation.

                     Communications failure while trying to reach the
                     endpoint map.


   An application calls the rpc_ep_resolve_binding() routine to resolve
   a partially bound server binding handle into a fully bound server
   binding handle.

   Resolving binding handles requires an interface UUID and an object
   UUID.  The object UUID can be a nil UUID.  The RPC runtime requests
   the DCE Host Daemon's Endpoint Mapper Service, on the host that the
   binding parameter specifies, to look up an endpoint for a compatible
   server instance.  The Endpoint Mapper Service finds the endpoint by
   looking in the local endpoint map for the interface UUID from the
   if_handle parameter and for the object UUID in the binding parameter.

   The rpc_ep_resolve_binding() routine depends on whether the specified
   binding handle is partially bound or fully bound.  When the
   application specifies a partially bound handle, the routine produces
   the following results:

     +  If no compatible server instances are registered in the local
        endpoint map, the routine returns the ept_s_not_registered
        status code.

     +  If one compatible server instance is registered in the local
        endpoint map, the routine returns a fully bound binding handle
        in binding and the rpc_s_ok status code.

     +  If more than one compatible server instance is registered in the
        local endpoint map, the routine randomly selects one.  It then
        returns the corresponding fully bound binding handle in binding
        and the rpc_s_ok status code.

   When the application specifies a fully bound binding  handle, the
   routine returns the specified binding handle in binding and the
   rpc_s_ok status code.  The routine makes no request of the DCE Host

   In neither the partially bound case nor the fully bound case does the
   routine contact a compatible server instance.

   Using This Routine

   For each server instance, the RPC runtime automatically provides
   routines (the rpc_mgmt_* routines) that form an RPC management
   interface.  If a server instance registers any application-provided
   interfaces, the RPC runtime automatically registers the RPC-provided
   management interface with the local endpoint map for that server

   An application can call rpc_ep_resolve_binding() at any time with
   either a partially  bound  or a fully bound handle.  However,
   applications typically call this routine to avoid calling a routine
   in the management interface with a partially bound handle.

   An application can have a partially bound binding handle at the
   following times:

     +  After importing a binding handle.

     +  After resetting a binding handle.

     +  After converting a string binding without an endpoint to a
        binding handle.

   If an application calls an application-provided remote procedure using
   a partially bound handle, the RPC runtime automatically asks the DCE
   Host daemon to resolve the binding handle into a fully bound handle.
   This fully bound binding handle corresponds to the RPC interface of
   the called remote procedure and the requested object, if any.  The
   application can then use this fully bound handle to make remote
   management calls, so calling the rpc_ep_resolve_binding() routine is

   When a high proportion of all servers in an environment offers the
   same interface, the interface is known as a pervasive one.  The RPC
   management interface is a pervasive interface in all environments
   that use DCE RPC.

   Using this routine to unambiguously locate compatible server
   instances applies to application-pervasive interfaces as well as
   to the RPC management interface.

   Partially Bound Handles with a Non-nil Object UUID

   If the application has a partially bound handle with a non-nil
   object UUID, the application can decide not to call the
   rpc_ep_resolve_binding() routine before calling a procedure in the
   management interface.  In this case the remote management call is
   sent to a server instance, registered on the remote host, that
   offers that object UUID.

   After completing the remote management call, the application has a
   fully bound handle to that server instance.  The server instance that
   the handle specifies probably offers the non-management interfaces of
   interest to the calling application.  However, if you want to be
   certain of obtaining a fully bound handle to a server instance that
   offers the interfaces needed for later remote procedure calls, call
   the rpc_ep_resolve_binding() routine.

   Partially Bound Handles with a Nil Object UUID

   When an application makes a remote procedure or management call using
   a partially bound handle with a nil object UUID, the DCE Host daemon
   searches for a compatible server instance.  The search is based on
   the nil object UUID and the UUID of the interface to which the call

   All server instances that register any RPC interface automatically
   offer the RPC management interface.  When an application makes a
   remote management call using a partially bound handle with a nil
   object UUID, the DCE Host daemon on the remote host cannot
   distinguish among server instances registered in the local endpoint

   When the DCE Host daemon cannot distinguish among these instances it
   selects any server instance.  After completing the remote management
   call, the calling application has a fully bound handle.  However, the
   server instance that the handle represents probably does not offer
   the non-management interfaces that interest the application.

   The remote RPC management routines avoid this ambiguity.  They do
   this by returning the status rpc_s_binding_incomplete if the
   provided binding handle is a partially bound one with a nil object

   An application wanting to contact servers that have exported and
   registered interfaces with a nil object UUID calls routine
   rpc_ep_resolve_binding().  The application obtains a fully bound
   binding handle for calling remote management procedures in a server
   instance that also offers the remote procedures in the application-
   specific interface.

   Note that an application that wants to manage all the server instances
   on a host does not call rpc_ep_resolve_binding().  Instead, the
   application obtains fully bound binding handles for each  server
   instance by calling rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_begin(),
   rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_next(), and rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_done().


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ep_register

3.34  –  rpc_ep_unregister


   rpc_ep_unregister - Removes server address information from the
                       local endpoint map

   Used by server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ep_unregister( rpc_if_handle_t if_handle,
                           rpc_binding_vector_t *binding_vec,
                           uuid_vector_t *object_uuid_vec,
                           unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies an interface specification to remove (that is,
       unregister) from the local endpoint map.

       Specifies a vector of binding handles to remove.

       Specifies a vector of object UUIDs to remove. The server
       application constructs this vector.  This routine removes all
       local endpoint map elements that match the specified if_handle
       parameter, binding_vec parameter, and object UUIDs.
       This is an optional parameter.  The value NULL indicates there
       are no object UUIDs to remove.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Error reading endpoint database.

                     Error creating endpoint database.

                     Cannot perform requested operation.

                     Endpoint map database invalid.

                     Invalid database entry.

                     Update failed.

                     Invalid binding handle.

                     No bindings.

                     Wrong kind of binding for operation.


   The rpc_ep_unregister() routine removes elements from the local host's
   endpoint map.  A server application calls this routine only if the
   server has registered endpoints previously and the server wishes to
   remove that address information from the local endpoint map.

   A server program is able to remove its own local endpoint map elements
   (server address information) based on either of the following:

     +  The interface specification.

     +  The interface specification and the object UUIDs of resources

   The server calls the rpc_server_inq_bindings() routine to obtain the
   required binding_vec parameter.  To remove selected endpoints, the
   server can remove individual elements from binding_vec before calling
   this routine.  (See the explanation of a binding vector in the
   rpc_intro reference page for more information about removing a single
   element from a vector of binding handles.)

   This routine creates a cross product from the if_handle, binding_vec
   and object_uuid_vec parameters and removes each element in the cross
   product from the local endpoint map.   The rpc_ep_register() routine's
   reference page summarizes the contents of a cross product in the local
   endpoint map.

   Servers must always call the rpc_ep_unregister() routine to remove
   their endpoints from the local endpoint map before they exit.
   Otherwise, stale information will be in the local endpoint map.
   However, if a server prematurely removes endpoints (the server is
   not in the process of exiting), clients that do not already have
   fully bound binding handles to the server will not be able to send
   remote procedure calls to the server.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ep_register

3.35  –  rpc_if_id_vector_free


   rpc_if_id_vector_free - Frees a vector and the interface identifier
                           structures it contains

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_if_id_vector_free( rpc_if_id_vector_t **if_id_vector,
                               unsigned32 *status );



         Specifies the address of a pointer to a vector of interface
         information. On return the pointer is set to NULL.


         Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
         indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
         not, why not.  The possible status codes and their explanations
         are as follows:

         rpc_s_ok  Success.

                   Invalid argument.


   The rpc_if_id_vector_free() routine frees the memory used to store
   a vector of interface identifiers.  This includes memory used by the
   interface identifiers and the vector itself.  On return this routine
   sets the if_id_vector parameter to NULL.

   To obtain a vector of interface identifiers, call
   rpc_ns_mgmt_entry_inq_if_ids() or rpc_mgmt_inq_if_ids().  Call
   rpc_if_id_vector_free() if you have used either of these routines.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_if_inq_id

3.36  –  rpc_if_inq_id


   rpc_if_inq_id - Returns the interface identifier for an interface

   Used by client or server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_if_inq_id( rpc_if_handle_t if_handle,
                       rpc_if_id_t *if_id,
                       unsigned32 *status );



        Represents a stub-generated data structure that specifies the
        interface specification to inquire about.


        Returns the interface identifier. The application provides
        memory for the returned data.

        Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
        indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
        not, why not.   The possible status code and its meaning is as



   An application calls the rpc_if_inq_id() routine to obtain a copy of
   the interface identifier from the provided interface specification.

   The returned interface identifier consists of the interface UUID and
   interface version numbers (major and minor) specified in the DCE IDL
   file's interface specification.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_if_id_vector_free

3.37  –  rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_begin


   rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_begin - Creates an inquiry context for viewing
                               the elements in an endpoint map

   Used by management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_begin( rpc_binding_handle_t ep_binding,
                                   unsigned32 inquiry_type,
                                   rpc_if_id_t *if_id,
                                   unsigned32 vers_option,
                                   uuid_t *object_uuid,
                                   rpc_ep_inq_handle_t *inquiry_context,
                                   unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies the host whose local endpoint map elements you receive.
       To receive elements from the same host as the calling application,
       specify NULL.

       To receive local endpoint map elements from another host, specify
       a server binding handle for that host.  You can specify the same
       binding handle you are using to make other remote procedure calls.
       The object UUID associated with this parameter must be a nil UUID.
       If you specify a non-nil UUID, the routine fails with the status
       code ept_s_cant_perform_op.  Other than the host information and
       object UUID, all information in this parameter is ignored.

       Specifies an integer value that indicates the type of inquiry
       to perform on the local endpoint map. The following list shows
       the valid inquiry types:

                    Valid Inquiries on Local Endpoint Maps
 Value                        Description
 rpc_c_ep_all_elts            Returns every element from the local
                              endpoint map.  The if_id, vers_option,
                              and object_uuid parameters are ignored.

 rpc_c_ep_match_by_if         Searches the local endpoint map for
                              those elements that contain the inter-
                              face identifier specified by the if_id
                              and vers_option values.  The object_uuid
                              parameter is ignored.

 rpc_c_ep_match_by_obj        Searches the local endpoint map for
                              those elements that contain the object
                              UUID specified by the object_uuid param-
                              eter.  The if_id and vers_option parame-
                              ters are ignored.

 rpc_c_ep_match_by_both       Searches the local endpoint map for
                              those elements that contain the inter-
                              face identifier and object UUID speci-
                              fied by the if_id, vers_option, and
                              object_uuid parameters.

       Specifies the interface identifier of the local endpoint map
       elements to be returned by the rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_next() routine.

       Use this parameter only when specifying a value of
       rpc_c_ep_match_by_if or rpc_c_ep_match_by_both for the
       inquiry_type parameter.  Otherwise, this parameter is ignored
       and the value NULL can be specified.

       Specifies how the rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_next() routine uses the
       if_id parameter.  Use this parameter only when specifying a
       value of rpc_c_ep_match_by_if or rpc_c_ep_match_by_both for the
       inquiry_type parameter.  Otherwise, this parameter is ignored
       and a 0 (zero) value can be specified.

       The following list presents the valid values for this parameter:

                      Valid values of vers_option
 Value                        Description
 rpc_c_vers_all               Returns local endpoint map elements that
                              offer the specified interface UUID,
                              regardless of the version numbers.  For
                              this value, specify 0 (zero) for both
                              the major and minor versions in if_id.

 rpc_c_vers_compatible        Returns local endpoint map elements that
                              offer the same major version of the
                              specified interface UUID and a minor
                              version greater than or equal to the
                              minor version of the specified interface

 rpc_c_vers_exact             Returns local endpoint map elements that
                              offer the specified version of the
                              specified interface UUID.

 rpc_c_vers_major_only        Returns local endpoint map elements that
                              offer the same major version of the
                              specified interface UUID (ignores the
                              minor version).  For this value, specify
                              0 (zero) for the minor version in if_id.

 rpc_c_vers_upto              Returns local endpoint map elements that
                              offer a version of the specified inter-
                              face UUID less than or equal to the
                              specified major and minor version. (For
                              example, suppose if_id contains V2.0 and
                              the local endpoint map contained ele-
                              ments with the following versions: V1.3,
                              V2.0, and V2.1.  The
                              rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_next routine returns
                              the elements with V1.3 and V2.0.)

       Specifies the object UUID that rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_next() looks
       for in local endpoint map elements.

       This parameter is used only when you specify a value of
       rpc_c_ep_match_by_obj or rpc_c_ep_match_by_both for the
       inquiry_type parameter.  Otherwise, this parameter is ignored
       and you can supply NULL to specify a nil UUID.


       Returns an inquiry context for use with the
       rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_next() and rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_done()

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are
       as follows:

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Invalid inquiry context.

                     Invalid inquiry type.

                     Invalid version option.

                     Wrong kind of binding for operation.


   The rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_begin() routine creates an inquiry context for
   viewing server address information stored in the local endpoint map.

   Using the inquiry_type and vers_option parameters, an application
   specifies which of the following local endpoint map elements are
   returned from calls to the rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_next() routine:

     +  All elements.

     +  Those elements with the specified interface identifier.

     +  Those elements with the specified object UUID.

     +  Those elements with both the specified interface identifier and
        object UUID.

   Before calling the rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_next() routine, the application
   must first call this routine to create an inquiry context.

   After viewing the local endpoint map elements, the application calls
   the rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_done() routine to delete the inquiry context.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ep_register

3.38  –  rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_done


   rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_done - Deletes the inquiry context for viewing
                              the elements in an endpoint map

   Used by management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_done( rpc_ep_inq_handle_t *inquiry_context,
                                  unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies the inquiry context to delete.  (An inquiry context is
       created by calling rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_begin().)
       Returns the value NULL.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      Invalid inquiry context.


   The rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_done() routine deletes an inquiry context.
   The rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_begin() routine created the inquiry context.

   An application calls this routine after viewing local endpoint map
   elements using the rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_next() routine.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_begin

3.39  –  rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_next


   rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_next - Returns one element from an endpoint map

   Used by management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_next( rpc_ep_inq_handle_t inquiry_context,
                                  rpc_if_id_t *if_id,
                                  rpc_binding_handle_t *binding,
                                  uuid_t *object_uuid,
                                  unsigned_char_t **annotation,
                                  unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies an inquiry context.  This inquiry context is returned
       from the rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_begin() routine.


       Returns the interface identifier of the local endpoint map

       Returns the binding handle from the local endpoint map element.
       Specify NULL to prevent the routine from returning this parameter.
       In this case the application does not call the rpc_binding_free()

       Returns the object UUID from the local endpoint map element.
       Specify NULL to prevent the routine from returning this parameter.

       Returns the annotation string for the local endpoint map element.
       If there is no annotation string in the local endpoint map
       element, the string \0 is returned.
       Specify NULL to prevent the routine from returning this argument.
       In this case the application does not call the rpc_string_free()

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Cannot perform the requested operation.

                     Communications failure.

                     Endpoint map database invalid.

                     Fault context mismatch.

                     Invalid inquiry type for this context.

                     Invalid database entry.

                     Invalid argument.

                     Invalid inquiry context.

                     Invalid inquiry type.

                     No more elements.


   The rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_next() routine returns one element from the
   local endpoint map.  Regardless of the selector value specified for
   the inquiry_type parameter in rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_begin(), this
   routine returns all the components of a selected local endpoint map
   element.  The rpc_ep_register() routine's reference page summarizes
   the contents of an element in the local endpoint map.

   An application can view all the selected local endpoint map elements
   by repeatedly calling the rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_next() routine.  When
   all the elements have been viewed, this routine returns an
   rpc_s_no_more_elements status.  The returned elements are unordered.

   If a remote endpoint map contains elements that include a protocol
   sequence that your system does not support, this routine does not
   return the elements.  (A protocol sequence is part of the binding
   information component of an endpoint map element.)  To receive all
   possible elements from a remote endpoint map, your application must
   run on a system that supports the protocol sequences included in
   the elements.

   For example, if your system does not support protocol sequence
   ncacn_ip_tcp and a remote endpoint map contains elements that
   include this protocol sequence, this routine does not return these
   elements to your application.  If your application ran on a system
   that supported protocol sequence ncacn_ip_tcp, this routine would
   return the elements.

   The RPC runtime allocates memory for the returned binding and the
   annotation string on each call to this routine.  The application
   calls the rpc_binding_free() routine for each returned binding and
   the rpc_string_free() routine for each returned annotation string.

   After viewing the local endpoint map's elements, the application must
   call the rpc_mgmt_ep_elt_inq_done() routine to delete the inquiry


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_binding_free

3.40  –  rpc_mgmt_ep_unregister


   rpc_mgmt_ep_unregister - Removes server address information from
                            an endpoint map

   Used by management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_mgmt_ep_unregister( rpc_binding_handle_t ep_binding,
                                rpc_if_id_t *if_id,
                                rpc_binding_handle_t binding,
                                uuid_t *object_uuid,
                                unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies the host whose local endpoint map elements you
       unregister (that is, remove).  To remove elements from the same
       host as the calling application, specify NULL.

       To remove local endpoint map elements from another host, specify
       a server binding handle for that host.  You can specify the same
       binding handle you are using to make other remote procedure calls.
       The object UUID associated with this parameter must be a nil UUID.
       If you specify a non-nil UUID, the routine fails with the status
       code ept_s_cant_perform_op.  Other than the host information and
       object UUID, all information in this parameter is ignored.

       Specifies the interface identifier to remove from the local
       endpoint map.

       Specifies the binding handle to remove.

       Specifies an optional object UUID to remove.
       The value NULL indicates there is no object UUID to consider in
       the removal.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Error reading the endpoint database.

                     Cannot perform the requested operation.

                     Communications failure.

                     Endpoint map database is invalid.

                     Invalid database entry.

                     No entries found.

                     Update failed.

                     Invalid binding handle.

                     No interfaces registered.

                     Wrong kind of binding for operation.


   The rpc_mgmt_ep_unregister() routine unregisters (that is, removes)
   an element from a local endpoint map.  A management program calls
   this routine to remove addresses of servers that are no longer
   available, or to remove addresses of servers that support objects
   that are no longer offered.

   Use this routine cautiously; removing elements from the local endpoint
   map may make servers unavailable to client applications that do not
   already have a fully bound binding handle to the server.

   A management application calls the rpc_mgmt_ep_inq_next() routine to
   view local endpoint map elements. The application can then remove
   the elements using the rpc_mgmt_ep_unregister() routine.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ep_register

3.41  –  rpc_mgmt_inq_com_timeout


   rpc_mgmt_inq_com_timeout - Returns the communications time-out value
                              in a binding handle

   Used by client applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_mgmt_inq_com_timeout( rpc_binding_handle_t binding,
                                  unsigned32 *timeout,
                                  unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies a server binding handle.


       Returns the communications time-out value from the binding

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Invalid binding handle.

                     Wrong kind of binding for operation.


   The rpc_mgmt_inq_com_timeout() routine returns the communications
   timeout value in a server binding handle. The time-out value
   specifies the relative amount of time to spend trying to communicate
   with the server. Depending on the protocol sequence for the
   specified binding handle, the value in timeout acts only as advice
   to the RPC runtime.

   The rpc_mgmt_set_com_timeout reference page explains the time-out
   values returned in timeout.

   To change the timeout value, a client calls


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_mgmt_set_com_timeout

3.42  –  rpc_mgmt_inq_dflt_protect_level


   rpc_mgmt_inq_dflt_protect_level - Returns the default protection level
                                     for an authentication service

   Used by client and server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_mgmt_inq_dflt_protect_level( unsigned32 authn_svc,
                                         unsigned32 *protect_level,
                                         unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies the authentication service for which to return the
       default protection level.
       The supported authentication services are as follows:

                    No authentication.

                    DCE shared-secret key authentication.

                    DCE public key authentication (reserved for future

                    DCE default authentication service.


       Returns the default protection level for the specified
       authentication service.  The protection level determines the
       degree to which authenticated communications between the client
       and the server are protected.  The possible protection levels
       are as follows:

                    Uses the default protection level for the specified
                    authentication service.

                    Performs no protection.

                    Performs protection only when the client establishes
                    a relationship with the server.

                    Performs protection only at the beginning of each
                    remote procedure call when the server receives the

                    Ensures that all data received is from the expected

                    Ensures and verifies that none of the data
                    transferred between client and server has been

                    Performs protection as specified by all of the
                    previous levels and also encrypts each remote
                    procedure call argument value.

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Unknown authentication service.


   The rpc_mgmt_inq_dflt_protect_level() routine returns the default
   protection level for the specified authentication service.

   A client can call this routine to learn the default protection level
   before specifying rpc_c_protect_level_default for the protect_level
   parameter in the rpc_binding_set_auth_info() routine.  If the default
   level is inappropriate, the client can specify a different, explicit

   A called remote procedure within a server application can call
   this routine to obtain the default protection level for a given
   authentication service.  By calling routine
   rpc_binding_inq_auth_client() in the remote procedure, the server
   can obtain the protection level set up by the calling client.  The
   server can then compare the client-specified protection level with
   the default level to determine whether to allow the remote procedure
   to execute.

   Alternatively, a remote procedure can compare the client's protection
   level against a level other than the default level.  In this case
   there is no need for the server's remote procedure to call this


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_binding_inq_auth_client

3.43  –  rpc_mgmt_inq_if_ids


   rpc_mgmt_inq_if_ids - Returns a vector of interface identifiers of
                         interfaces a server offers

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_mgmt_inq_if_ids( rpc_binding_handle_t binding,
                             rpc_if_id_vector_t **if_id_vector,
                             unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies a binding handle. To receive interface identifiers
       from a remote application, specify a server binding handle for
       that application. To receive interface information about your
       own (local) application, specify NULL.

       If the binding handle you supply refers to partially bound binding
       information and the binding information contains a nil object
       UUID, this routine returns the rpc_s_binding_incomplete status
       code. In this case, the DCE Host Daemon (dced) does not know which
       serveR instance to select from the local endpoint map because the
       RPC management interface is automatically registered (by the RPC
       runtime) for all RPC servers.  To avoid this situation, you can
       obtain a fully bound server binding handle by calling the
       rpc_ep_resolve_binding() routine.


       Returns the address of an interface identifier vector.

       Returns the status code from this routine, which indicates
       whether the routine completed successfully or, if not, why
       not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Binding incomplete (no object ID and no endpoint).

                     Communications failure.

                     Invalid argument.

                     Invalid binding handle.

                     Management operation disallowed.

                     No interfaces registered.

                     Wrong kind of binding for operation.

   In addition to the values above, status can return the value of
   parameter status from the application-defined authorization function
   (rpc_mgmt_authorization_fn_t).  The prototype for such a function is
   defined in the authorization_fn parameter listed in the reference page
   for the rpc_mgmt_set_authorization_fn routine.


   An application calls the rpc_mgmt_inq_if_ids() routine to obtain a
   vector of interface identifiers listing the interfaces registered by
   a server with the RPC runtime.

   If a server has not registered any interfaces with the runtime, this
   routine returns a rpc_s_no_interfaces status code and an if_id_vector
   parameter value of NULL.

   The application calls the rpc_if_id_vector_free() routine to release
   the memory used by the vector.

   By default, the RPC runtime allows all clients to remotely call
   this routine.  To restrict remote calls of this routine, a server
   application supplies an authorization function using the
   rpc_mgmt_set_authorization_fn() routine.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ep_resolve_binding

3.44  –  rpc_mgmt_inq_server_princ_name


   rpc_mgmt_inq_server_princ_name - Returns a server's principal name

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_mgmt_inq_server_princ_name(
                                rpc_binding_handle_t binding,
                                unsigned32 authn_svc,
                                unsigned_char_t **server_princ_name,
                                unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies a binding handle.  If a client application wants the
       princi pal name from a server application, supply a server
       binding handle for that server.  For a server application to
       receive a principal name of itself, supply the value NULL.

       If the binding handle you supply refers to partially bound
       binding information and the binding information contains a nil
       object UUID, this routine returns the rpc_s_binding_incomplete
       status code.  In this case the DCE Host Daemon does not know
       which server instance to select from the local endpoint map
       because the RPC runtime automatically registers the RPC
       management interface for all RPC servers.  You can avoid this
       situation by calling rpc_ep_resolve_binding() to obtain a fully
       bound server binding handle.

       Specifies the authentication service for which a principal name
       is returned.  The rpc_binding_set_auth_info reference page, in
       its explanation of the authn_svc parameter, contains a list of
       supported authentication services.


       Returns a principal name.  This name is registered for the
       authentication service in parameter authn_svc by the server
       referenced in parameter binding.  If the server registered
       multiple principal names, only one of them is returned.

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Binding incomplete (no object ID and no endpoint).

                     Communications failure.

                     Management operation disallowed.

                     Unknown authentication service.

                     Wrong kind of binding for operation.

   In addition to the above values, status can return the value of
   parameter status from the application-defined authorization function
   (rpc_mgmt_authorization_fn_t).  The prototype for such a function is
   defined in the authorization_fn parameter in the reference page for


   An application calls the rpc_mgmt_inq_server_princ_name() routine to
   obtain the principal name of a server registered for a specified
   authentication service.

   A client (or management) application uses this routine when it wants
   to allow one-way authentication with the server specified by binding.
   This means that the client does not care which server principal
   receives the remote procedure call request.  However, the server
   verifies that the client is who the client claims to be.  For one-way
   authentication, a client calls this routine before calling

   A server application uses this routine to obtain the principal name
   it registered by calling rpc_server_register_auth_info().

   The RPC runtime allocates memory for the string returned in
   server_princ_name.  The application calls rpc_string_free() to
   deallocate that memory.

   By default, the RPC runtime allows all clients to call this routine
   remotely.  To restrict these calls, a server application supplies an
   authorization function by calling rpc_mgmt_set_authorization_fn().


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_binding_inq_object

3.45  –  rpc_mgmt_inq_stats


   rpc_mgmt_inq_stats - Returns RPC runtime statistics

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_mgmt_inq_stats( rpc_binding_handle_t binding,
                            rpc_stats_vector_t **statistics,
                            unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies a binding handle.  To receive statistics about a remote
       application, specify a server binding handle for that application.
       To receive statistics about your own (local) application, specify
       NULL.  If the binding handle you supply refers to partially bound
       binding information and the binding information contains a nil
       object UUID, this routine returns the rpc_s_binding_incomplete
       status code.  In this case, the DCE Host Daemon does not know
       which server instance to select from the local endpoint map
       because the RPC management interface is automatically registered
       (by the RPC runtime) for all RPC servers.  To avoid this
       situation, you can obtain a fully bound server binding handle by
       calling the rpc_ep_resolve_binding() routine.


       Returns the statistics vector for the server specified by the
       binding parameter.  Each statistic is a value of the type

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Binding incomplete (no object ID and no endpoint).

                     Communications failure.

                     Invalid binding handle.

                     Management operation disallowed.

                     Wrong kind of binding for operation.

   In addition to the above values, status can return the value of
   parameter status from the application-defined authorization function
   rpc_mgmt_authorization_fn_t().  The prototype for such a function is
   defined in the  authorization_fn parameter in the reference page for


   The rpc_mgmt_inq_stats() routine returns statistics from the RPC
   runtime about a specified server.

   The explanation of a statistics vector in the rpc_intro reference
   page lists the elements of the vector.

   The RPC runtime allocates memory for the statistics vector.  The
   application calls the rpc_mgmt_stats_vector_free() routine to
   release the memory that the statistics vector used.

   By default, the RPC runtime allows all clients to remotely call
   this routine.  To restrict remote calls of this routine, a server
   application supplies an authorization function using the
   rpc_mgmt_set_authorization_fn() routine.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ep_resolve_binding

3.46  –  rpc_mgmt_is_server_listening


   rpc_mgmt_is_server_listening - Tells whether a server is listening
                                  for remote procedure calls

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   boolean32 rpc_mgmt_is_server_listening( rpc_binding_handle_t binding,
                                           unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies a server binding handle. To determine if a remote
       application is listening for remote procedure calls, specify a
       server binding handle for that application. To determine if
       your own (local) application is listening for remote procedure
       calls, specify NULL.

       If the binding handle you supply refers to partially bound binding
       information and the binding information contains a nil object
       UUID,this routine returns the rpc_s_binding_incomplete status
       code. In this case, the DCE Host Daemon does not know which server
       instance to select from the local endpoint map because the RPC
       management interface is automatically registered (by the RPC
       runtime) for all RPC servers. To avoid this situation, you can
       obtain a fully bound server binding handle by calling the
       rpc_ep_resolve_binding() routine.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are
       as follows:

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Binding incomplete (no object ID and no endpoint).

                     Communications failure.

                     Invalid binding handle.

                     Management operation disallowed.

                     Wrong kind of binding for operation.

   In addition to the above values, status can return the value of
   parameter status from the application-defined authorization function
   (rpc_mgmt_authorization_fn_t).  The prototype for such a function is
   defined in the authorization_fn parameter in the reference page for


   The rpc_mgmt_is_server_listening() routine determines whether the
   server specified in the binding parameter is listening for remote
   procedure calls.

   This routine returns a value of TRUE if the server is blocked in the
   rpc_server_listen() routine.

   By default, the RPC runtime allows all clients to remotely call
   this routine.  To restrict remote calls of this routine, a server
   application supplies an authorization function using the
   rpc_mgmt_set_authorization_fn() routine.


   Your program must examine the return value of the status parameter
   and the return value of the routine to understand the meaning of the
   routine value.  The following table summarizes the values that this
   routine can return.

           Values Returned by rpc_mgmt_is_server_listening()
 Value Returned     Status Code               Explanation
   TRUE             rpc_s_ok                  The specified server is
                                              listening for remote
                                              procedure calls.

   FALSE            One of the status         The specified server is
                    codes listed for          not listening for remote
                    the status parameter      procedure calls, or the
                                              server cannot be reached.


   Functions: rpc_ep_resolve_binding

3.47  –  rpc_mgmt_set_authorization_fn


   rpc_mgmt_set_authorization_fn - Establishes an authorization function
                                   for processing remote calls to a
                                   server's management routines

   Used by server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_mgmt_set_authorization_fn(
                   rpc_mgmt_authorization_fn_t authorization_fn,
                   unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies a pointer to an authorization function. The RPC server
       runtime automatically calls this function whenever the server
       runtime receives a client request to execute one of the RPC
       management routines.

       Specify NULL to unregister a previously registered authorization
       function.  In this case, the default authorizations (as described
       later) are used.

       The following C definition for rpc_mgmt_authorization_fn_t
       illustrates the prototype for the authorization function:

            typedef boolean32 (*rpc_mgmt_authorization_fn_t)
               rpc_binding_handle_t client_binding,           /* in  */
               unsigned32           requested_mgmt_operation, /* in  */
               unsigned32           *status                   /* out */

       The following table shows the requested_mgmt_operation Values
       passed by the RPC runtime to the authorization function.

              Operation Values Passed to Authorization Function
      Called Remote Routine              requested_mgmt_operation Value
      rpc_mgmt_inq_if_ids()              rpc_c_mgmt_inq_if_ids
      rpc_mgmt_inq_server_princ_name()   rpc_c_mgmt_inq_princ_name
      rpc_mgmt_inq_stats()               rpc_c_mgmt_inq_stats
      rpc_mgmt_is_server_listening()     rpc_c_mgmt_is_server_listen
      rpc_mgmt_stop_server_listening()   rpc_c_mgmt_stop_server_listen


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status code and its meaning is as



   The rpc_mgmt_set_authorization_fn() routine sets up an authorization
   function to control remote access to the calling server's remote
   management routines.

   If a server does not provide an authorization function, the RPC
   runtime controls client application access to the server's remote
   management routines as shown in the next table.  In the table, an
   Enabled authorization allows all clients to execute the remote
   routine and a Disabled authorization prevents all clients from
   executing the remote routine.

            Default Controls for Remote Management Routines
        Remote Routine                     Default Authorization
        rpc_mgmt_inq_if_ids()                     Enabled
        rpc_mgmt_inq_server_princ_name()          Enabled
        rpc_mgmt_inq_stats()                      Enabled
        rpc_mgmt_is_server_listening()            Enabled
        rpc_mgmt_stop_server_listening()         Disabled

   A server can modify the default authorizations by calling
   rpc_mgmt_set_authorization_fn() to specify an authorization
   function.  When an authorization function is provided, the RPC
   runtime automatically calls that function to control the execution
   of all remote management routines called by clients.

   The specified function must provide access control for all of the
   remote management routines.

   If the authorization function returns TRUE, the management routine
   is allowed to execute.  If the authorization function returns FALSE,
   the management routine does not execute, and the called routine
   returns to the client the status code returned from the
   rpc_mgmt_authorization_fn_t function.  However, if the status code
   that the rpc_mgmt_authorization_fn_t function returns is 0 (zero) or
   rpc_s_ok, then the status code rpc_s_mgmt_op_disallowed is returned
   to the client.

   The RPC runtime calls the server-provided authorization function with
   the following two input arguments:

     +  The binding handle of the calling client.

     +  An integer value denoting which management routine the client has

   Using these arguments, the authorization function determines whether
   the calling client is allowed to execute the requested management
   routine.  For example, the authorization function can call
   rpc_binding_inq_auth_client() to obtain authentication and
   authorization information about the calling client and determine if
   that client is authorized to execute the requested management routine.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_mgmt_ep_unregister

3.48  –  rpc_mgmt_set_cancel_timeout


   rpc_mgmt_set_cancel_timeout - Sets the lower bound on the time to
                                 wait before timing out after
                                 forwarding a cancel

   Used by client applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_mgmt_set_cancel_timeout( signed32 seconds,
                                     unsigned32 *status );



       An integer specifying the number of seconds to wait for a
       server to acknowledge a cancel. To specify that a client
       waits an infinite amount of time, supply the value


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status code and its meaning is as



   The rpc_mgmt_set_cancel_timeout() routine resets the amount of time
   the RPC runtime waits for a server to acknowledge a cancel before
   orphaning the call.

   The application specifies either to wait forever or to wait a length
   of time specified in seconds. If the value of seconds is 0 (zero), the
   remote procedure call is immediately orphaned when the RPC runtime
   detects and forwards a pending cancel; control returns immediately to
   the client application. The default value,
   rpc_c_cancel_infinite_timeout, specifies waiting forever for the call
   to complete.

   The value for the cancel time-out applies to all remote procedure
   calls made in the current thread. A multithreaded client that wishes
   to change the time-out value must call this routine in each thread
   of execution.

   For more information about canceled threads and orphaned remote
   procedure calls, see the OSF DCE Application Development Guide.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: pthread_cancel

   Books: OSF DCE Application Development Guide.

3.49  –  rpc_mgmt_set_com_timeout


   rpc_mgmt_set_com_timeout - Sets the communications time-out value
                              in a binding handle

   Used by client applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_mgmt_set_com_timeout( rpc_binding_handle_t binding,
                                  unsigned32 timeout,
                                  unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies the server binding handle whose time-out value is set.

       Specifies a communications time-out value.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Invalid binding handle.

                     Invalid time-out value.

                     Wrong kind of binding for operation.


   The rpc_mgmt_set_com_timeout() routine resets the communications
   time-out value in a server binding handle.  The time-out value
   specifies the relative amount of time to spend trying to communicate
   with the server.  Depending on the protocol sequence for the
   specified binding handle, the timeout value acts only as advice to
   the RPC runtime.

   After the initial relationship is established, subsequent
   communications for the binding handle can revert to not less than
   the default time-outs for the protocol service. This means that after
   setting a short initial time-out, establishing a connection, calls in
   progress are not timed out any sooner than the default.

   The time-out value can be any integer value from 0 (zero) to 10.  Note
   that these values do not represent seconds. They represent a relative
   amount of time to spend to establish a client/server relationship
   (a binding).

   Constants are provided for certain values in the time-out range.  The
   following table lists the binding time-out values, describing the DCE
   RPC predefined values that an application can use for the timeout

                      Predefined Time-Out Values
 Name                           Value     Description
 rpc_c_binding_min_timeout        0       Attempts to communicate for the
                                          minimum amount of time for the
                                          network protocol being used.
                                          This value favors response time
                                          over correctness in determining
                                          whether the server is running.

 rpc_c_binding_default_timeout    5       Attempts to communicate for an
                                          average amount of time for the
                                          network protocol being used.
                                          This value gives equal con-
                                          sideration to response time and
                                          correctness in determining
                                          whether a server is running.
                                          This is the default value.

 rpc_c_binding_max_timeout        9       Attempts to communicate for the
                                          longest finite amount of time
                                          for the network protocol being
                                          used. This value favors
 					 correctness in determining
 					 whether a server is running
  					 over response time.

 rpc_c_binding_infinite_timeout  10       Attempts to communicate

   Note that connection-oriented RPC handles the time-out value
   differently from Datagram RPC.  Because connection-oriented RPC is
   based upon a reliable transport layer, communications time-outs are
   not as significant as they are under datagram protocol.  When
   rpc_mgmt_set_com_timeout() is called on a binding using connection-
  oriented protocol, only the input argument
   rpc_c_binding_infinite_timeout changes the binding's behavior.
   All other values are ignored.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_mgmt_inq_com_timeout

3.50  –  rpc_mgmt_set_server_stack_size


   rpc_mgmt_set_server_stack_size - Specifies the stack size for each
                                    server thread

   Used by server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_mgmt_set_server_stack_size( unsigned32 thread_stack_size,
                                        unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies, in bytes, the stack size allocated for each thread
       created by rpc_server_listen().  This value is applied to all
       threads created for the server.  Select this value based on the
       stack requirements of the remote procedures offered by the server.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok    Success.

                   Invalid argument.

                   Not supported.


   The rpc_mgmt_set_server_stack_size() routine specifies the thread
   stack size to use when the RPC runtime creates call threads for
   executing remote procedure calls.  The max_calls_exec parameter in
   rpc_server_listen() specifies the number of call execution threads

   A server, provided it knows the stack requirements of all the manager
   routines in the interfaces it offers, can call
   rpc_mgmt_set_server_stack_size() to ensure that each call thread has
   the necessary stack size.

   This routine is optional.  When it is used, it must be called before
   the server calls rpc_server_listen().  If a server does not call this
   routine, the default per thread stack size from the underlying threads
   package is used.

   Some thread packages do not support the specification or modification
   of thread stack sizes.  The packages cannot perform such operations or
   the concept of a thread stack size is meaningless to them.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_server_listen

3.51  –  rpc_mgmt_stats_vector_free


   rpc_mgmt_stats_vector_free - Frees a statistics vector

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_mgmt_stats_vector_free( rpc_stats_vector_t **stats_vector,
                                    unsigned32 *status );



         Specifies the address of a pointer to a statistics vector.
         On return, stats_vector contains the value NULL.


         Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
         indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
         not, why not.  The possible status code and its meaning is as



   An application calls rpc_mgmt_stats_vector_free() to release the
   memory used to store a vector of statistics.

   An application calls rpc_mgmt_inq_stats() to obtain a vector of
   statistics.  Follow a call to rpc_mgmt_inq_stats() with a call to


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_mgmt_inq_stats

3.52  –  rpc_mgmt_stop_server_listening


   rpc_mgmt_stop_server_listening - Tells a server to stop listening
                                    for remote procedure calls

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>(

   void rpc_mgmt_stop_server_listening( rpc_binding_handle_t binding,
                                        unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies a server binding handle.  To direct a remote server to
       stop listening for remote procedure calls, specify a server
       binding handle to that server. To direct your own (local) server
       to stop listening for remote procedure calls, specify NULL.

       If the binding handle you supply refers to partially bound binding
       information and the binding information contains a nil object
       UUID, this routine returns the rpc_s_binding_incomplete status
       code. In this case, the DCE Host Daemon does not know which server
       instance to select from the local endpoint map because the RPC
       management interface is automatically registered (by the RPC
       runtime) for all RPC servers.  To avoid this situation, you can
       obtain a fully bound server binding handle by calling


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Binding incomplete (no object ID and no endpoint).

                     Communications failure.

                     Invalid binding handle.

                     Management operation disallowed.

                     Unknown interface.

                     Wrong kind of binding for operation.

   In addition to the above values, status can return the value of
   parameter status from the application-defined authorization function
   rpc_mgmt_authorization_fn_t().  The prototype for such a function is
   defined in the  authorization_fn parameter in the reference page for


   The rpc_mgmt_stop_server_listening() routine directs a server to stop
   listening for remote procedure calls.

   On receiving such a request, the DCE RPC runtime stops accepting new
   remote procedure calls.  Executing calls are allowed to complete.

   After all calls complete, rpc_server_listen() returns to the caller.

   By default, the RPC runtime does not allow any client to remotely
   call this routine.  To allow clients to execute this routine, a
   server application supplies an authorization function using


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ep_resolve_binding

3.53  –  rpc_network_inq_protseqs


   rpc_network_inq_protseqs - Returns all protocol sequences supported
                              by both the RPC runtime and the operating

   Used by client and server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>(

   void rpc_network_inq_protseqs( rpc_protseq_vector_t **protseq_vector,
                                  unsigned32 *status );





           Returns the address of a protocol sequence vector.

   status  Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
           indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
           not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
           are as follows:

           rpc_s_ok                 Success.

           rpc_s_no_protseqs        No supported protocol sequences.


   The rpc_network_inq_protseqs() routine obtains a vector containing
   the protocol sequences supported by the RPC runtime and the operating
   system.  A server chooses to accept remote procedure calls over some
   or all of the supported protocol sequences.  If there are no supported
   protocol sequences, this routine returns the rpc_s_no_protseqs status
   code and the value NULL in the protseq_vector parameter.

   The application calls rpc_protseq_vector_free() to release the memory
   used by the vector.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_network_is_protseq_valid

3.54  –  rpc_network_is_protseq_valid


   rpc_network_is_protseq_valid - Tells whether the specified protocol
                                  sequence is supported by both the RPC
                                  runtime and the operating system

   Used by client and server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>(

   boolean32 rpc_network_is_protseq_valid( unsigned_char_t *protseq,
                                           unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies a string identifier for a protocol sequence.  (See the
       table of valid protocol sequences in the rpc_intro reference page
       for a list of acceptable values.)

       The rpc_network_is_protseq_valid() routine determines whether this
       parameter contains a valid protocol sequence.  If not, the routine
       returns FALSE and the status parameter contains the
       rpc_s_invalid_rpc_protseq status code.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Invalid protocol sequence.

                     Protocol sequence not supported on this host.


   The rpc_network_is_protseq_valid() routine determines whether a
   specified protocol sequence is available for making remote procedure
   calls.  A server chooses to accept remote procedure calls over some
   or all of the supported protocol sequences.

   A protocol sequence is valid if the RPC runtime and the operating
   system support the protocol sequence.  DCE RPC supports the protocol
   sequences pointed to by the explanation of the protseq parameter.

   An application calls rpc_network_inq_protseqs() to obtain all the
   supported protocol sequences.


   This routine can return the following values:

   TRUE    The RPC runtime supports the protocol sequence specified in
           the protseq parameter.  The routine returns the status code
           rpc_s_ok in the status parameter.

   FALSE   The RPC runtime does not support the protocol sequence
           specified in the protseq parameter.


   Functions: rpc_network_inq_protseqs

3.55  –  rpc_ns_binding_export


   rpc_ns_binding_export - Establishes a name service database entry
                           with binding handles or object UUIDs for a

   Used by server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>(

   void rpc_ns_binding_export( unsigned32 entry_name_syntax,
                               unsigned_char_t *entry_name,
                               rpc_if_handle_t if_handle,
                               rpc_binding_vector_t *binding_vec,
                               uuid_vector_t *object_uuid_vec,
                               unsigned32 *status );



       An integer value that specifies the syntax of the entry_name

       To use the syntax specified in the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX
       logical name, provide the value rpc_c_ns_syntax_default.

       Specifies the entry name to which binding handles and object UUIDs
       are exported.  This can be either the global or cell-relative

       Specifies a stub-generated data structure that identifies the
       interface to export. Specifying the value NULL indicates there
       are no binding handles to export (only object UUIDs are exported)
       and the binding_vec parameter is ignored.

       Specifies a vector of server bindings to export. Specify the value
       NULL for this parameter in cases where there are no binding
       handles to export (only object UUIDs are exported).

       Identifies a vector of object UUIDs offered by the server.  The
       server application constructs this vector. NULL indicates there
       are no object UUIDs to export (only binding handles are exported).


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Incomplete name.

                     Invalid binding handle.

                     Invalid name syntax.

                     Name service unavailable.

                     No permission for name service operation.

                     Nothing to export.

                     Unsupported name syntax.

                     Wrong kind of binding for operation.


   The rpc_ns_binding_export() routine allows a server application to
   publicly offer, in the name service database, an interface that any
   client application can use.  A server application can also use this
   routine to publicly offer the object UUIDs of the application's

   To export an interface, the server application calls the routine with
   an interface and the server binding handles that a client can use to
   access the server.

   A server can export interfaces and objects in a single call to this
   routine, or it can export them separately.

   If the entry in the name service database specified by the entry_name
   parameter does not exist, rpc_ns_binding_export() tries to create it.
   In this case a server must have the correct permissions to create the
   entry.  Otherwise, a management application with the necessary
   permissions creates the entry by calling rpc_ns_mgmt_entry_create()
   before the server runs.

   A server is not required to export its interfaces to the name service
   database.  When a server does not export any interfaces, only clients
   that privately know of that server's binding information can access
   its interfaces. For example, a client that has the information needed
   to construct a string binding can call
   rpc_binding_from_string_binding() to create a binding handle for
   making remote procedure calls to a server.

   Before calling rpc_ns_binding_export() to export interfaces (but not
   to export object UUIDs), a server must do the following:

     +  Register one or more protocol sequences with the local RPC
        runtime by calling one of the following routines:

        rpc_server_use_protseq()           rpc_server_use_protseq_ep()
        rpc_server_use_protseq_if()        rpc_server_use_all_protseqs()

     +  Obtain a list of server bindings by calling
        rpc_server_inq_bindings().  The vector returned from
        rpc_server_inq_bindings() becomes the binding_vec parameter
        for this routine.  To prevent a binding from being exported,
        set the selected vector element to the value NULL.
        (See the section on RPC data types and structures in the
        rpc_intro reference page.)

   If a server exports an interface to the same entry in the name
   service database more than once, the second and subsequent calls
   to this routine add the binding information and object UUIDs only
   if they differ  from the ones in the server entry.  Existing data
   is not removed from the entry.

   To remove binding handles and object UUIDs from the name service
   database, a server application calls rpc_ns_binding_unexport() and
   a management application calls rpc_ns_mgmt_binding_unexport().

   For an explanation of how a server can establish a client/server
   relationship without using the name service database, see the
   explanation of a string binding in the rpc_intro reference page.

   In addition to calling this routine, a server that called either
   rpc_server_use_all_protseqs() or rpc_server_use_protseq() must also
   register with the local endpoint map by calling rpc_ep_register() or

   Permissions Required

   You need both read permission and write permission to the CDS object
   entry (the target name service entry).  If the entry does not exist,
   you also need insert permission to the parent directory.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ep_register

3.56  –  rpc_ns_binding_import_begin


   rpc_ns_binding_import_begin - Creates an import context for an
                                 interface and an object in the name
                                 service database

   Used by client applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>(

   void rpc_ns_binding_import_begin( unsigned32 entry_name_syntax,
                                     unsigned_char_t *entry_name,
                                     rpc_if_handle_t if_handle,
                                     uuid_t *obj_uuid,
                                     rpc_ns_handle_t *import_context,
                                     unsigned32 *status );



       An integer value that specifies the syntax of parameter
       entry_name.  To use the syntax specified in the
       RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX logical name, provide the value

       Specifies the entry name where the search for compatible binding
       handles begins.  This can be either the global or cell-relative
       name.  To use the entry name found in the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY
       logical name, supply NULL or a null string (\0) for this
       parameter. When this entry name is used, the RPC runtime
       automatically uses the default name syntax specified in the
       RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX logical name.

       A stub-generated data structure specifying the interface to
       import. If the interface specification has not been exported or
       is of no concern to the caller, specify NULL for this parameter.
       In this case the bindings returned are only guaranteed to be of
       a compatible and supported protocol sequence and, depending on
       the value of parameter obj_uuid, contain the specified object
       UUID.The desired interface may not be supported by the contacted

       Specifies an optional object UUID.

       If you specify NULL or a nil UUID for this parameter, the
       returned binding handles contain one of the object UUIDs that
       the compatible server exported.  If the server did not export
       any object UUIDs, the returned compatible binding handles contain
       a nil object UUID.

       If you specify a non-nil UUID, compatible binding handles are
       returned from an entry only if the server has exported the
       specified object UUID.  Each returned binding handle contains
       the specified non-nil object UUID.


       Returns the name service handle for use with the
       rpc_ns_binding_import_next() and rpc_ns_binding_import_done()

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      Incomplete name.

                      Invalid name syntax.

                      Invalid object.

                      Environment variable not set up.

                      Unsupported name syntax.


   The rpc_ns_binding_import_begin() routine creates an import context
   for importing compatible server binding handles for servers.  These
   servers offer the specified interface and object UUID in the
   respective if_handle and obj_uuid parameters.

   Before calling rpc_ns_binding_import_next(), the client must first
   call this routine to create an import context.  The arguments to
   this routine control the operation of rpc_ns_binding_import_next().

   After importing binding handles, the client calls
   rpc_ns_binding_import_done() to delete the import context.

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ns_binding_import_done

3.57  –  rpc_ns_binding_import_done


   rpc_ns_binding_import_done - Deletes the import context for searching
                                the name service database

   Used by client applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_binding_import_done( rpc_ns_handle_t *import_context,
                                    unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies the name service handle to delete.  (A name service
       handle is created by calling rpc_ns_binding_import_begin().)
       Returns the value NULL.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok    Success.

                   Invalid name service handle.


   The rpc_ns_binding_import_done() routine deletes an import context
   created by calling rpc_ns_binding_import_begin().  This deletion does
   not affect any previously imported bindings.

   Typically, a client calls this routine after completing remote
   procedure calls to a server using a binding handle returned from
   rpc_ns_binding_import_next().  A client program calls this routine
   for each created import context, regardless of the status returned
   from rpc_ns_binding_import_next(), or the success in making remote
   procedure calls.

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ns_binding_import_begin

3.58  –  rpc_ns_binding_import_next


   rpc_ns_binding_import_next - Returns a binding handle of a compatible
                                server (if found) from the name service

   Used by client applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_binding_import_next( rpc_ns_handle_t import_context,
                                    rpc_binding_handle_t *binding,
                                    unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies a name service handle.  This handle is returned from
       the rpc_ns_binding_import_begin() routine.


       Returns a compatible server binding handle.

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      RPC class version mismatch.

                      Name service entry not found.

                      Invalid name service handle.

                      Name service unavailable.

                      No more bindings.

                      No permission for name service operation.

                      Not an RPC entry.


   The rpc_ns_binding_import_next() routine returns one compatible (to
   the client) server binding handle selected at random from the name
   service database.  The server offers the interface and object UUID
   specified by the respective if_handle and obj_uuid parameters in

   A similar routine is rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next(), which returns a
   vector of compatible server binding handles for one or more servers.

   NOTE:  Routine rpc_ns_binding_import_next() calls routine
          rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next() which, in turn, obtains a vector
          of server binding handles from the name service database.
          Next, routine rpc_ns_binding_import_next() randomly selects one
          of the elements from the vector.

   The rpc_ns_binding_import_next() routine communicates only with the
   name service database, not directly with servers.

   The returned compatible binding handle always contains an object UUID.
   Its value depends on the value specified in the obj_uuid parameter of
   the rpc_ns_binding_import_begin() routine, as follows:

     +  If obj_uuid contains a non-nil object UUID, the returned binding
        handle contains that object UUID.

     +  If obj_uuid contains a nil object UUID or NULL, the object UUID
        returned in the binding handle depends on how the server exported
        object UUIDs:

          - If the server did not export any object UUIDs, the returned
            binding handle contains a nil object UUID.

          - If the server exported one object UUID, the returned binding
            handle contains that object UUID.

          - If the server exported multiple object UUIDs, the returned
            binding handle contains one of the object UUIDs, selected in
            an unspecified way.

          Applications should not count on multiple calls to
          rpc_ns_binding_import_next() returning different object UUIDs.
          In particular, note that each name service entry stores server
          address information separately from exported object UUIDs.
          Successive calls to rpc_ns_binding_import_next() using the same
          import context will return exactly one binding for each
          compatible server address, not the cross product of all
          compatible server addresses with all exported UUIDs.  Each
          returned binding will contain one of the exported object
          UUIDs, but applications should not count on any specific
          selection mechanism for these object UUIDs

   The client application can use the returned binding handle to make
   a remote procedure call to the server. If the client fails to
   communicate with the server, it can call the
   rpc_ns_binding_import_next() routine again.

   Each time the client calls rpc_ns_binding_import_next(), the routine
   returns another server binding handle.  The binding handles returned
   are unordered.  Multiple binding handles can refer to different
   protocol sequences from the same server.

   When the search finishes, the routine returns a  status  code  of
   rpc_s_no_more_bindings and returns the value NULL in binding.

   A client application calls rpc_ns_binding_inq_entry_name() to obtain
   the name of the entry in the name service database where the binding
   handle came from.

   The rpc_ns_binding_import_next() routine allocates memory for the
   returned binding parameter. When a client application finishes with
   the binding handle, it must call rpc_binding_free() to deallocate the
   memory.  Each call to rpc_ns_binding_import_next() requires a
   corresponding call to rpc_binding_free().

   The client calls the rpc_ns_binding_import_done() routine after it has
   satisfactorily used one or more returned server binding handles.  The
   rpc_ns_binding_import_done() routine deletes the import context.  The
   client also calls rpc_ns_binding_import_done() if the application
   wants to start a  new  search  for  compatible  servers  (by  calling
   rpc_ns_binding_import_begin()).  The order of binding handles returned
   can be different for each new search.  This means that the order in
   which binding handles  are returned to an application can be different
   each time the application is run.

   Permissions Required

   You need read permission to the specified CDS object entry (the
   starting name service entry) and to any CDS object entry in the
   resulting search path.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ns_binding_import_begin

3.59  –  rpc_ns_binding_inq_entry_name


   rpc_ns_binding_inq_entry_name - Returns the name of an entry in the
                                   name service database from which the
                                   server binding handle came

   Used by client applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_binding_inq_entry_name( rpc_binding_handle_t binding,
                                       unsigned32 entry_name_syntax,
                                       unsigned_char_t **entry_name,
                                       unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies a server binding handle whose entry name in the name
       service database is returned.

       An integer value that specifies the syntax of returned parameter

       To use the syntax specified in the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX
       logical name, provide the value rpc_c_ns_syntax_default.


       Returns the name of the entry in the name service database in
       which binding was found.  The returned name is a global name.

       Specify NULL to prevent the routine from returning this parameter.
       When you specify this value, the client does not need to call

       Returns the status code from this routine, which indicates whether
       the routine completed successfully or, if not, why not.
       The possible status codes and their meanings are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Incomplete name.

                     Invalid binding handle.

                     Invalid name syntax.

                     No entry name for binding.

                     Unsupported name syntax.

                     Wrong kind of binding for operation.


   The rpc_ns_binding_inq_entry_name() routine returns the global name
   of the entry in the name service database from which a binding handle
   for a compatible server came.

   The RPC runtime allocates memory for the string returned in the
   entry_name parameter. Your application calls rpc_string_free() to
   deallocate that memory.

   An entry name is associated only with binding handles returned from
   the rpc_ns_binding_import_next(), rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next(), and
   rpc_ns_binding_select() routines.

   If the binding handle specified in the binding parameter is not
   returned from an entry in the name service database (for example,
   the binding handle is created by calling
   rpc_binding_from_string_binding()), this routine returns the
   rpc_s_no_entry_name status code.

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_binding_from_string_binding

3.60  –  rpc_ns_binding_lookup_begin


   rpc_ns_binding_lookup_begin - Creates a lookup context for an
                                 interface and an object in the name
                                 service database

   Used by client applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_binding_lookup_begin( unsigned32 entry_name_syntax,
                                     unsigned_char_t *entry_name,
                                     rpc_if_handle_t if_handle,
                                     uuid_t *object_uuid,
                                     unsigned32 binding_max_count,
                                     rpc_ns_handle_t *lookup_context,
                                     unsigned32 *status );



       An integer value that specifies the syntax of the entry_name
       parameter.  To use the syntax specified in the
       RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX logical name, provide the value

       Specifies the entry name at which the search for compatible
       binding handles begins.  This can be either the global or cell-
       relative name.  To use the entry name found in the
       RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY logical name, supply NULL or a null string (\0)
       for this parameter.  When this entry name is used, the RPC runtime
       automatically uses the default name syntax specified in the
       RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX logical name.

       A stub-generated data structure specifying the interface to look
       up.  If the interface specification has not been exported or is
       of no concern to the caller, specify NULL for this parameter.
       In this case the bindings returned are only guaranteed to be of
       a compatible and supported protocol sequence and contain the
       specified object UUID.  The desired interface might not be
       supported by the contacted server.

       Specifies an optional object UUID.

       If you specify NULL or a nil UUID for this parameter, the returned
       binding handles contain one of the object UUIDs exported by the
       compatible server.  If the server did not export any object UUIDs,
       the returned compatible binding handles contain a nil object UUID.

       For a non-nil UUID, compatible binding handles are returned from
       an entry only if the server has exported the specified object
       UUID.Each returned binding handle contains the specified non-nil
       object UUID.

       Sets the maximum number of bindings to return in the
       binding_vector parameter of rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next().
       Specify rpc_c_binding_max_count_default to use the default count.


       Returns the name service handle for use with the
       rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next() and rpc_ns_binding_lookup_done()

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      Incomplete name.

                      Invalid name syntax.

                      Invalid object.

                      Environment variable not set up.

                      Unsupported name syntax.


   The rpc_ns_binding_lookup_begin() routine creates a lookup context for
   locating compatible server binding handles for servers.  These servers
   offer the specified interface and object UUID in the respective
   if_handle and object_uuid parameters.

   Before calling rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next(), the client application
   must first create a lookup context by calling
   rpc_ns_binding_lookup_begin().  The parameters to this routine
   control the operation of rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next().

   When finished locating binding handles, the client application calls
   the rpc_ns_binding_lookup_done() routine to delete the lookup context.

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ns_binding_lookup_done

3.61  –  rpc_ns_binding_lookup_done


   rpc_ns_binding_lookup_done - Deletes the lookup context for searching
                                the name service database

   Used by client applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_binding_lookup_done( rpc_ns_handle_t *lookup_context,
                                    unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies the name service handle to delete. (A name service
       handle is created by calling rpc_ns_binding_lookup_begin().)
       Returns the value NULL.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok                         Success.

       rpc_s_invalid_ns_handle          Invalid name service handle.


   The rpc_ns_binding_lookup_done() routine deletes a lookup context
   created by calling rpc_ns_binding_lookup_begin().

   Typically, a client calls this routine after completing remote
   procedure calls to a server using a binding handle returned from
   rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next().  A client program calls this routine
   for each created lookup context, regardless of the status returned
   from rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next(), or success in making remote
   procedure calls.

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ns_binding_lookup_begin

3.62  –  rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next


   rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next - Returns a list of binding handles of
                                one or more compatible servers (if
                                found) from the name service database

   Used by client applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next( rpc_ns_handle_t lookup_context,
                                    rpc_binding_vector_t **binding_vec,
                                    unsigned32 *status );



        Specifies a name service handle. This handle is returned from the
        rpc_ns_binding_lookup_begin() routine.


        Returns a vector of compatible server binding handles.

        Returns the status code from this routine, which indicates
        whether the routine completed successfully or, if not, why not.
        The possible status codes and their meanings are as follows:

        rpc_s_ok       Success.

                       RPC class version mismatch.

                       Name service entry not found.

                       Invalid name service handle.

                       Name service unavailable.

                       No more bindings.

                       No permission for name service operation.

                       Not an RPC entry.


   The rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next() routine returns a vector of
   compatible (to the client) server binding handles.  The servers offer
   the interface and object UUID specified by the respective if_handle
   and object_uuid parameters in rpc_ns_binding_lookup_begin().  The
   number of binding handles that rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next() attempts
   to return is the value of binding_max_count in the
   rpc_ns_binding_lookup_begin() routine.

   A similar routine is rpc_ns_binding_import_next(), which returns one
   compatible server binding handle.

   The rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next() routine communicates only with the
   name service database, not directly with servers.

   This routine traverses entries in the name service database, returning
   compatible server binding handles from each entry.  The routine can
   return multiple binding handles from each entry.  The search operation
   obeys the following rules for traversing the entries:

     +  At each entry visited, the search operation randomly processes
        binding information, then group members, then profile members.
        Profile members with different priorities are returned according
        to their priorities, highest priority first.

     +  The search operation returns members of a group in random order.

     +  The search operation returns members of a profile with the same
        priority in random order.

   If the entry where the search begins (see the entry_name parameter in
   rpc_ns_binding_lookup_begin()) contains binding handles as well as an
   RPC group and/or a profile, rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next() returns the
   binding handles from entry_name before searching the group or profile.
   This means that rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next() can return a partially
   full vector before processing the members of the group or profile.

   Each binding handle in the returned vector always contains an object
   UUID.  Its value depends on the value specified in the object_uuid
   parameter of rpc_ns_binding_lookup_begin() as follows:

     +  If object_uuid contains a non-nil object UUID, each returned
        binding handle contains that object UUID.

     +  If object_uuid contains a nil object UUID or NULL, the object
        UUID returned in each binding handle depends on how the server
        exported object UUIDS:

          - If the server did not export any object UUIDs, each returned
            binding handle contains a nil object UUID.

          - If the server exported one object UUID, each returned
            binding handle contains that object UUID.

          - If the server exported multiple object UUIDs, the returned
            binding handle contains one of the object UUIDs, selected
            in an unspecified way.

          Applications should not count on the binding handles returned
          from a given entry to contain different object UUIDs.  In
          particular, note that each name service entry stores server
          address information separately from exported object UUIDs.
          One or more calls to rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next() will return
          exactly one binding for each compatible server address, not
          the cross product of all compatible server addresses with all
          exported UUIDs.  Each returned binding will contain one of the
          exported object UUIDs, but applications should not count on
          any specific selection mechanism for these object UUIDs

   From the returned vector of server binding handles, the client
   application can employ its own criteria for selecting individual
   binding handles, or the application can call rpc_ns_binding_select()
   to select a binding handle.  The rpc_binding_to_string_binding() and
   rpc_string_binding_parse() routines are useful for a client creating
   its own selection criteria.

   The client application can use the selected binding handle to attempt
   a remote procedure call to the server. If the client fails to
   communicate with the server, it can select another binding handle
   from the vector.  When all the binding handles in the vector are used,
   the client application calls rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next() again.

   Each time the client calls rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next(), the routine
   returns another vector of binding handles.  The binding handles
   returned in each vector are unordered, as is the order in which the
   vectors are returned from multiple calls to this routine.

   When looking up compatible binding handles from a profile, the binding
   handles from entries of equal profile priority are unordered in the
   returned vector.  In addition, the vector returned from a call to
   rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next() contains only compatible binding handles
   from entries of equal profile priority. This means the returned vector
   may be partially full.

   For  example,  if  the  binding_max_count  parameter  value  in
   rpc_ns_binding_lookup_begin() was 5 and rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next()
   finds only three compatible binding handles from profile entries of
   priority 0 (zero), rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next() returns a partially
   full binding vector (with three binding handles).  The next call to
   rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next() creates a new binding vector and begins
   looking for compatible binding handles from profile entries of
   priority 1.

   When the search finishes, the routine returns a  status  code  of
   rpc_s_no_more_bindings and returns the value NULL in binding_vec.

   A client application calls rpc_ns_binding_inq_entry_name() to obtain
   the name of the entry in the name service database where the binding
   handle came from.

   The rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next() routine allocates memory for the
   returned binding_vec.  When a client application finishes with the
   vector, it must call rpc_binding_vector_free() to deallocate the
   memory.  Each call to rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next() requires a
   corresponding call to rpc_binding_vector_free().

   The client calls rpc_ns_binding_lookup_done(), which deletes the
   lookup context.  The client also calls rpc_ns_binding_lookup_done()
   if the application wants to start a new search for compatible
   servers (by calling rpc_ns_binding_lookup_begin()).  The order of
   binding handles returned can be different for each new search. This
   means that the order in which binding handles are returned to an
   application can be different each time the application is run.

   Permissions Required

   You need read permission to the specified CDS object entry (the
   starting name service entry) and to any CDS object entry in the
   resulting search path.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_binding_to_string_binding

3.63  –  rpc_ns_binding_select


   rpc_ns_binding_select - Returns a binding handle from a list of
                           compatible server binding handles

   Used by client applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_binding_select( rpc_binding_vector_t *binding_vec,
                               rpc_binding_handle_t *binding,
                               unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies the vector of compatible server binding handles from
       which a binding handle is selected. The returned binding vector
       no longer references the selected binding handle (returned
       separately in the binding parameter).


       Returns a selected server binding handle.

       Returns the status code from this routine, which indicates whether
       the routine completed successfully or, if not, why not.
       The possible status codes and their meanings are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok    Success.

                   No more bindings.


   The rpc_ns_binding_select() routine randomly chooses and returns a
   server binding handle from a vector of server binding handles.

   Each time the client calls rpc_ns_binding_select(), the routine
   returns another binding handle from the vector.

   When all of the binding handles are returned from the vector, the
   routine returns a status code of rpc_s_no_more_bindings and
   returns the value NULL in binding.

   The select operation allocates storage for the data referenced by the
   returned binding parameter.  When a client finishes with the binding
   handle, it calls rpc_binding_free() to deallocate the storage.  Each
   call to the rpc_ns_binding_select() routine requires a corresponding
   call to rpc_binding_free().

   Instead of using this routine, client applications can select a
   binding handle according to their specific needs.  In this case the
   rpc_binding_to_string_binding() and rpc_string_binding_parse()
   routines are useful to the applications since the routines work
   together to extract the individual fields of a binding handle for

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_binding_free

3.64  –  rpc_ns_binding_unexport


   rpc_ns_binding_unexport - Removes the binding handles for an
                             interface, or object UUIDs, from  an
                             entry in the name service database

   Used by server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_binding_unexport( unsigned32 entry_name_syntax,
                                 unsigned_char_t *entry_name,
                                 rpc_if_handle_t if_handle,
                                 uuid_vector_t *object_uuid_vec,
                                 unsigned32 *status );



       An integer value that specifies the syntax of the entry_name
       parameter.  To use the syntax specified in the
       RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX logical name, provide the value

       Specifies an entry name whose binding handles or object UUIDs are
       removed.  This can be either the global or cell-relative name.

       Specifies an interface specification for the binding handles to be
       removed from the name service database.  The value NULL indicates
       that no binding handles are removed (only object UUIDs are

       Specifies a vector of object UUIDs to be removed from the name
       service database. The application constructs this vector.  The
       value NULL indicates that no object UUIDs are removed (only
       binding handles are removed).


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      RPC class version mismatch.

                      Name service entry not found.

                      Incomplete name.

                      Interface not found.

                      Invalid name syntax.

                      Invalid version option.

                      Name service unavailable.

                      No permission for name service operation.

                      Not all objects unexported.

                      Nothing to unexport.

                      Not an RPC entry.

                      Unsupported name syntax.


   The rpc_ns_binding_unexport() routine allows a server application to
   unexport (that is, remove) one of the following from an entry in the
   name service database:

     +  All the binding handles for an interface.

     +  One or more object UUIDs for a resource or resources.

     +  Both binding handles and object UUIDs.

   The rpc_ns_binding_unexport() routine removes only those binding
   handles that match the interface UUID and the major and minor
   interface version numbers found in the if_handle parameter.  To
   remove multiple versions of an interface, use

   A server application can remove an interface and objects in a single
   call to this routine, or it can remove them separately.

   If rpc_ns_binding_unexport() does not find any binding handles for
   the specified interface, it returns an rpc_s_interface_not_found
   status code and does not remove the object UUIDs, if any are

   If one or more binding handles for the specified interface are found
   and removed without error, rpc_ns_binding_unexport() removes the
   specified object UUIDs, if any.

   If any of the specified object UUIDs are not found,
   rpc_ns_binding_unexport() returns the status code

   A server application, in addition to calling this routine, also calls
   rpc_ep_unregister()  to unregister any endpoints that the server
   previously registered with the local endpoint map.

   Use this routine with caution, only when you expect a server to be
   unavailable for an extended time; for example, when it is permanently
   removed from service.

   Additionally, keep in mind that name service databases are designed to
   be relatively stable.  In replicated name service databases, frequent
   use of rpc_ns_binding_export() and rpc_ns_binding_unexport() causes
   the name  service to remove and replace the same entry repeatedly, and
   can cause performance problems.

   Permissions Required

   You need both read permission and write permission to the CDS object
   entry (the target name service entry).


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ep_unregister

3.65  –  rpc_ns_entry_expand_name


   rpc_ns_entry_expand_name - Expands the name of a name service entry

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_entry_expand_name(  unsigned32 entry_name_syntax,
                                   unsigned_char_t *entry_name,
                                   unsigned_char_t **expanded_name,
                                   unsigned32 *status );



       An integer value that specifies the syntax of the entry_name
       parameter.  To use the syntax specified in the
       RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX logical name, provide a value of

       Specifies the entry name to expand.  This can be either the global
       or cell-relative name.


       Returns a pointer to the expanded version of entry_name.  Do not
       specify NULL since the routine always returns a name string.

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok                     Success.

       rpc_s_incomplete_name        Incomplete name.


   An application calls rpc_ns_entry_expand_name() to obtain a fully
   expanded entry name.

   The RPC runtime allocates memory for the returned expanded_name
   parameter.  The application is responsible for calling
   rpc_string_free() for that returned parameter string.

   The returned and expanded entry name accounts for local name
   translations and differences in locally defined naming schemas.
   For example, suppose the entry in the name service is


   Upon return from rpc_ns_entry_expand_name(),the expanded name could be


   For more information about local names and their expansions, see the
   information on the DCE Directory Service in the OSF DCE Administration

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_string_free

   Books: OSF DCE Administration Guide.

3.66  –  rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_begin


   rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_begin - Creates an inquiry context for viewing
                                   the objects of an entry in the name
                                   service database

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_begin( unsigned32 entry_name_syntax,
                                       unsigned_char_t *entry_name,
                                       rpc_ns_handle_t *inquiry_context,
                                       unsigned32 *status );



       An integer value that specifies the syntax of the entry_name
       parameter.  To use the syntax specified in the
       RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX logical name, provide a value of

       Specifies the entry in the name service database for which object
       UUIDs are viewed.  This can be either the global or cell-relative


       Returns a name service handle for use with the
       rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_next() routine, and with the
       rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_done() routine.

       Returns the status code from this routine, indicating whether the
       routine completed successfully or, if not, why not.
       The possible status codes and their meanings are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      Incomplete name.

                      Invalid name syntax.

                      Unsupported name syntax.


   The rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_begin() routine creates an inquiry context
   for viewing the object UUIDs exported to entry_name.

   Before calling rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_next(), the application must
   first call this routine to create an inquiry context.

   When finished viewing the object UUIDs, the application calls the
   rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_done() routine to delete the inquiry context.

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ns_binding_export

3.67  –  rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_done


   rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_done - Deletes the inquiry context for viewing
                                  the objects of an entry in the name
                                  service database

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_done( rpc_ns_handle_t *inquiry_context,
                                      unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies the name service handle to delete.  (A name service
       handle is created by calling rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_begin().)
       Returns the value NULL.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok    Success.

                   Invalid name service handle.


   The rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_done() routine deletes an inquiry context
   created by calling rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_begin().

   An application calls this routine after viewing exported object UUIDs
   using the rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_next() routine.

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_begin

3.68  –  rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_next


   rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_next - Returns one object at a time from an
                                  entry in the name service database

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_next( rpc_ns_handle_t inquiry_context,
                                      uuid_t *obj_uuid,
                                      unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies a name service handle.  This handle is returned from the
       rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_begin() routine.


       Returns an exported object UUID.

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      RPC class version mismatch.

                      Name service entry not found.

                      Incomplete name.

                      Invalid name service handle.

                      Name service unavailable.

                      No more members.

                      No permission for name service operation.

                      Not an RPC entry.


   The rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_next() routine returns one of the object
   UUIDs exported to an entry in the name service database.  The
   entry_name parameter in the rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_begin() routine
   specified the entry.

   An application can view all of the exported object UUIDs by repeatedly
   calling the rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_next() routine. When all the
   object UUIDs are viewed, this routine returns an rpc_s_no_more_members
   status. The returned object UUIDs are unordered.

   The application supplies the memory for the object UUID returned in
   the obj_uuid parameter.

   After viewing the object UUIDs, the application must call the
   rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_done() routine to delete the inquiry context.

   The order in which rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_next() returns object UUIDs
   can be different for each viewing of an entry.  Therefore, the order
   in which an application receives object UUIDs can be different each
   time the application is run.

   Permissions Required

   You need read permission to the CDS object entry (the target name
   service entry).


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ns_binding_export

3.69  –  rpc_ns_group_delete


   rpc_ns_group_delete - Deletes a group attribute

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_group_delete( unsigned32 group_name_syntax,
                             unsigned_char_t *group_name,
                             unsigned32 *status );



       An integer value that specifies the syntax of the group_name
       parameter.  To use the syntax specified in the
       RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX logical name, provide the integer value

       Specifies the RPC group to delete.  This can be either the global
       or cell-relative name.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      Name service entry not found.

                      Incomplete name.

                      Invalid name syntax.

                      Name service unavailable.

                      No permission for name service operation.

                      Unsupported name syntax.


   The rpc_ns_group_delete() routine deletes the group attribute from the
   specified entry in the name service database.

   Neither the specified entry nor the entries represented by the group
   members are deleted.

   Permissions Required

   You need write permission to the CDS object entry (the target group


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ns_group_member_add

3.70  –  rpc_ns_group_mbr_add


   rpc_ns_group_mbr_add - Adds an entry name to a group; if necessary,
                          creates the entry

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_group_mbr_add( unsigned32 group_name_syntax,
                              unsigned_char_t *group_name,
                              unsigned32 member_name_syntax,
                              unsigned_char_t *member_name,
                              unsigned32 *status );



       An integer value that specifies the syntax of the group_name
       parameter.  To use the syntax specified in the
       RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX logical name, provide

       Specifies the RPC group that receives a new member.  This can be
       either the global or cell-relative name.

       An integer value that specifies the syntax of member_name.
       To use the syntax specified in the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX
       logical name, provide rpc_c_ns_syntax_default.

       Name of the new RPC group member.  This can be either the global
       or cell-relative name.


       Returns the status code from this routine, indicating whether
       the routine completed successfully or, if not, why not.
       The possible status codes and their meanings are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      RPC class version mismatch.

                      Incomplete name.

                      Invalid name syntax.

                      Name service unavailable.

                      No permission for name service operation.

                      Unsupported name syntax.


   The rpc_ns_group_mbr_add() routine adds, to the name service database,
   an entry name as a member to the Name Service Interface (NSI) group
   attribute of an entry.  The group_name parameter specifies the entry.

   If the specified group_name entry does not exist, this routine creates
   the entry with a group attribute and adds the group member specified
   by the member_name parameter. In this case, the application must have
   permission to create the entry. Otherwise, a management application
   with the necessary permissions creates the entry by calling
   rpc_ns_mgmt_entry_create() before the application is run.

   An application can add the entry in member_name to a group before it
   creates the entry itself.

   Permissions Required

   You need both read permission and write permission to the CDS object
   entry (the target group entry).  If the entry does not exist, you
   also need insert permission to the parent directory.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ns_group_mbr_remove

3.71  –  rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_begin


   rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_begin - Creates an inquiry context for viewing
                                group members

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_begin( unsigned32 group_name_syntax,
                                    unsigned_char_t *group_name,
                                    unsigned32 member_name_syntax,
                                    rpc_ns_handle_t *inquiry_context,
                                    unsigned32 *status );



       An integer value that specifies the syntax of the group_name
       parameter.  To use the syntax specified in the
       RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX logical name, provide

       Specifies the name of the RPC group to view.

       An integer value that specifies the syntax of member_name in the
       rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_next() routine.
       To use the syntax specified in the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX
       logical name, provide rpc_c_ns_syntax_default.


       Returns a name service handle for use with the
       rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_next() and rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_done()

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      Incomplete name.

                      Invalid name syntax.

                      Unsupported name syntax.


   The rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_begin() routine creates an inquiry context
   for viewing the members of an RPC group.

   Before calling rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_next(), the application must first
   call this routine to create an inquiry context.

   When finished viewing the RPC group members, the application calls
   the rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_done() routine to delete the inquiry context.

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ns_group_mbr_add

3.72  –  rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_done


   rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_done - Deletes the inquiry context for a group

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_done( rpc_ns_handle_t *inquiry_context,
                                   unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies the name service handle to delete.  (A name service
       handle is created by calling rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_begin().)
       Returns the value NULL.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok                        Success.

       rpc_s_invalid_ns_handle         Invalid name service handle.


   The rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_done() routine deletes an inquiry context
   created by calling rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_begin().

   An application calls this routine after viewing RPC group members
   using the rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_next() routine.

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_begin

3.73  –  rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_next


   rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_next - Returns one member name at a time from
                               a group

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_next( rpc_ns_handle_t inquiry_context,
                                   unsigned_char_t **member_name,
                                   unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies a name service handle.  This handle is returned from the
       rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_begin() routine.


       Returns a pointer to a (global) RPC group member name.
       The syntax of the returned name is specified by the
       member_name_syntax parameter in rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_begin().
       Specify NULL to prevent the routine from returning this parameter.
       In this case, the application does not call rpc_string_free().

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      RPC class version mismatch.

                      Name service entry not found.

                      Invalid name service handle.

                      Name service unavailable.

                      No more members.

                      No permission for name service operation.

                      Not an RPC entry.


   The rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_next() routine returns one member of
   the RPC group specified by the group_name parameter in the
   rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_begin() routine.

   An application can view all the members of an RPC group by calling the
   rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_next() routine repeatedly.  When all the group
   members have been viewed, this routine returns an
   rpc_s_no_more_members status. The returned group members are

   On each call to this routine that returns a member name (as a global
   name), the RPC runtime allocates memory for the returned member_name.
   The application calls rpc_string_free() for each returned member_name

   After viewing the RPC group's members, the application must call the
   rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_done() routine to delete the inquiry context.

   Permissions Required

   You need read permission to the CDS object entry (the target group


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_begin

3.74  –  rpc_ns_group_mbr_remove


   rpc_ns_group_mbr_remove - Removes an entry name from a group

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_group_mbr_remove( unsigned32 group_name_syntax,
                                 unsigned_char_t *group_name,
                                 unsigned32 member_name_syntax,
                                 unsigned_char_t *member_name,
                                 unsigned32 *status );



       An integer value that specifies the syntax of the group_name
       parameter.  To use the syntax specified in the
       RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX logical name, provide

       Specifies the RPC group from which to remove member_name.  This
       can be either the global or cell-relative name.

       An integer value that specifies the syntax of member_name.
       To use the syntax specified in the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX
       logical name, provide rpc_c_ns_syntax_default.

       Specifies the member to remove from the Name Service Interface
       (NSI) group attribute in the group_name entry.  This member can
       be either the global or cell-relative name.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      Name service entry not found.

                      Group member not found.

                      Incomplete name.

                      Invalid name syntax.

                      Name service unavailable.

                      No permission for name service operation.

                      Unsupported name syntax.


   The rpc_ns_group_mbr_remove() routine removes a member from the NSI
   group attribute in the group_name entry.

   Permissions Required

   You need both read permission and write permission to the CDS object
   entry (the target group entry).


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ns_group_mbr_add

3.75  –  rpc_ns_import_ctx_add_eval


   rpc_ns_import_ctx_add_eval - Adds an evaluation routine to an import

   Used by client applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_import_ctx_add_eval( rpc_ns_handle_t *import_context,
                                    unsigned32 function_type,
                                    rpc_ns_handle_t *eval_args,
                                    void *eval_func,
                                    void *free_func,
                                    error_status_t *status );



       The name service handle obtained from the
       rpc_ns_binding_import_begin() routine.

       The type of evaluation function. This value currently must be

       An opaque data type that data used by the evaluation routine.
       Client applications adding a DCE RPC code sets evaluation routine
       (rpc_cs_eval_with_universal() or rpc_cs_eval_without_universal())
       specify the server's NSI entry name in this parameter.

       A function pointer to the evaluation routine to be called from
       the rpc_ns_binding_import_next() routine.  The void declaration
       for eval_func means that the function does not return a value.
       Client applications adding a DCE RPC code sets evaluation routine
       (rpc_cs_eval_with_universal() or rpc_cs_eval_without_universal())
       specify the routine name in this parameter.

       A function pointer to a routine that is invoked from
       rpc_ns_binding_import_done() and which performs application-
       specific cleanup. Client applications adding a DCE RPC code sets
       evaluation routine (rpc_cs_eval_with_universal() or
       rpc_cs_eval_without_universal()) specify NULL in this parameter.


       Returns the name service handle which contains the
       rpc_ns_binding_import_next() and rpc_ns_binding_import_done()

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      The RPC runtime could not allocate heap storage.

                      The import_context parameter was not valid.


   The rpc_ns_import_ctx_add_eval() routine adds an evaluation routine to
   an import context created by the rpc_ns_binding_import_begin()
   routine. The evaluation routine adds additional criteria to that used
   by rpc_ns_binding_import_next() (that is, protocol and interface
   information) for importing compatible server binding handles.  Client
   applications call the rpc_ns_import_ctx_add_eval() routine once for
   each evaluation routine to be added to an import context (if there are
   multiple evaluation routines to be set up.)

   If the user-specified evaluation routine needs to perform special
   cleanup functions, such as deleting a temporary file from a disk,
   use the free_func parameter to specify the cleanup routine to be
   called from rpc_ns_binding_import_done().

   For DCE 1.1, client applications that transfer international character
   data in a heterogeneous character set and code set environment use the
   rpc_ns_import_ctx_add_eval() routine to add one or more code sets
   evaluation routines to the import context returned by the
   rpc_ns_binding_import_begin() routine.  When the client application
   calls the rpc_ns_binding_import_next() routine to import compatible
   binding handles for servers, this routine calls the code sets
   evaluation routine, which applies client-server character set and
   code sets compatibility checking as another criteria for compatible
   binding selection.

   The code sets compatibility evaluation routine specified can be one
   of the following:

       A DCE RPC code sets evaluation routine that evaluates character
       set and code sets compatibility between client and server. If
       client and server character sets are compatible, but their
       supported code sets are not, the routine sets code set tags that
       direct the client and/or server stubs to convert character data
       to either user-defined intermediate code sets (if they exist) or
       the DCE intermediate code set, which is the ISO 10646
       (or "universal") code set.

       A DCE RPC code sets evaluation routine that evaluates
       character set and code sets compatibility between client and
       server.  If client and server character sets are compatible,
       but their supported code sets are not, the routine attempts to
       return the message rpc_s_no_compat_codesets to the
       rpc_ns_binding_import_next() routine.

       A user-written code sets evaluation routine. Application
       developers writing internationalized DCE applications can develop
       their own code sets evaluation routines for client-server code
       sets evaluation if the DCE-supplied routines do not meet their
       application's needs.


   Client applications that add evaluation routines to server binding
   import context cannot use the automatic binding method to bind to a

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_cs_eval_with_universal

3.76  –  rpc_ns_mgmt_binding_unexport


   rpc_ns_mgmt_binding_unexport - Removes multiple binding handles, or
                                  object UUIDs, from an entry in the
                                  name service database

   Used by management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_mgmt_binding_unexport( unsigned32 entry_name_syntax,
                                      unsigned_char_t *entry_name,
                                      rpc_if_id_t *if_id,
                                      unsigned32 vers_option,
                                      uuid_vector_t *object_uuid_vec,
                                      unsigned32 *status );



       An integer value that specifies the syntax of the
       entry_name parameter.  To use the syntax specified
       in the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX logical name, provide

       Specifies an entry name whose binding handles or object UUIDs are
       removed.  This can be either the global or cell-relative name.

       Specifies an interface identifier for the binding handles to be
       removed from the name service database.  The value NULL indicates
       that no binding handles are removed (only object UUIDs are

       Specifies how the rpc_ns_mgmt_binding_unexport() routine uses the
       vers_major and the vers_minor fields of the if_id parameter.

   The following table presents the accepted values for this parameter:

           Uses of vers_major and vers_minor fields of if_id
 Value                                Description
 rpc_c_vers_all                       Unexports (removes) all bindings
                                      for the interface UUID in if_id,
                                      regardless of the version
                                      numbers.  For this value,
                                      specify 0 (zero) for both the
                                      major and minor versions in if_id.

 rpc_c_vers_compatible                Removes those bindings for the
                                      interface UUID in if_id with the
                                      same major version as in if_id,
                                      and with a minor version greater
                                      than or equal to the minor ver-
                                      sion in if_id.

 rpc_c_vers_exact                     Removes those bindings for the
                                      interface UUID in if_id with the
                                      same major and minor versions as
                                      in if_id.

 rpc_c_vers_major_only                Removes those bindings for the
                                      interface UUID in if_id with the
                                      same major version as in if_id
                                      (ignores the minor version).
                                      For this value, specify 0 (zero)
                                      for the minor version in if_id.

 rpc_c_vers_upto                      Removes those bindings that
                                      offer a version of the specified
                                      interface UUID less than or
                                      equal to the specified major and
                                      minor version. (For example, if
                                      if_id contains V2.0 and the name
                                      service entry contains binding
                                      handles with the versions V1.3,
                                      V2.0, and V2.1, the rpc_ns_mgmt-
                                      _binding_unexport() routine
                                      removes the binding handles with
                                      V1.3 and V2.0.)

       Specifies a vector of object UUIDs to be removed from the name
       service database.  The application constructs this vector.  The
       value NULL indicates that no object UUIDs are removed (only
       binding handles are removed).


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      Name service entry not found.

                      Incomplete name.

                      Interface not found.

                      Invalid name syntax.

                      Invalid version option.

                      Name service unavailable.

                      No permission for name service operation.

                      Not all objects unexported.

                      Nothing to unexport.

                      Not an RPC entry.

                      Unsupported name syntax.


   The rpc_ns_mgmt_binding_unexport() routine allows a management
   application to unexport (that is, remove) one of the following from
   an entry in the name service database:

     +  All the binding handles for a specified interface UUID, qualified
        by the interface version numbers (major and minor).

     +  One or more object UUIDs of resources.

     +  Both binding handles and object UUIDs of resources.

   A management application can remove an interface and objects in a
   single call to this routine, or it can remove them separately.

   If the rpc_ns_mgmt_binding_unexport() routine does not find any
   binding handles for the specified interface, the routine returns
   an rpc_s_interface_not_found status and does not remove the object
   UUIDs, if any are specified.

   If one or more binding handles for the specified interface are found
   and removed without error, rpc_ns_mgmt_binding_unexport() removes the
   specified object UUIDs, if any.

   If  any  of  the   specified   object   UUIDs   are   not   found,
   rpc_ns_mgmt_binding_unexport() returns the rpc_not_all_objs_unexported
   status code.

   A management application, in addition to calling this routine, also
   calls the rpc_mgmt_ep_unregister() routine to remove any servers that
   have registered with the local endpoint map.

   Use this routine with caution, only when you expect a server to be
   unavailable for an extended time; for example, when it is permanently
   removed from service.

   Additionally, keep in mind that name service databases are designed to
   be relatively stable.  In replicated name service databases, frequent
   use of the rpc_ns_binding_export() and rpc_ns_mgmt_binding_unexport()
   routines causes the name service to remove and replace the same entry
   repeatedly, and can cause performance problems.

   Permissions Required

   You need both read permission and write permission to the CDS object
   entry (the target name service entry).


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_mgmt_ep_unregister

3.77  –  rpc_ns_mgmt_entry_create


   rpc_ns_mgmt_entry_create - Creates an entry in the name service

   Used by management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_mgmt_entry_create( unsigned32 entry_name_syntax,
                                  unsigned_char_t *entry_name,
                                  unsigned32 *status );



       An integer value that specifies the syntax of the entry_name
       parameter.  To use the syntax specified in the
       RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX logical name, provide

       Specifies the name of the entry to create.  This can be either
       the global or cell-relative name.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      Name service entry already exists.

                      Incomplete name.

                      Invalid name syntax.

                      Name service unavailable.

                      No permission for name service operation.

                      Unsupported name syntax.


   The rpc_ns_mgmt_entry_create() routine creates an entry in the name
   service database.

   A management application can call rpc_ns_mgmt_entry_create() to create
   an entry in the name service database for use by another application
   that does not itself have the necessary name service permissions to
   create an entry.

   Permissions Required

   You need both read permission and write permission to the CDS object
   entry (the target name service entry).  You also need insert
   permission to the parent directory.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ns_mgmt_entry_delete

3.78  –  rpc_ns_mgmt_entry_delete


   rpc_ns_mgmt_entry_delete - Deletes an entry from the name service

   Used by management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_mgmt_entry_delete( unsigned32 entry_name_syntax,
                                  unsigned_char_t *entry_name,
                                  unsigned32 *status );



       An integer value that specifies the syntax of the entry_name
       parameter.  To use the syntax specified in the
       RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX logical name, provide

       Specifies the name of the entry to delete.  This can be either the
       global or cell-relative name.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      Name service entry not found.

                      Incomplete name.

                      Invalid name syntax.

                      Name service unavailable.

                      No permission for name service operation.

                      Not an RPC entry.

                      Unsupported name syntax.


   The rpc_ns_mgmt_entry_delete() routine removes an RPC entry from the
   name service database.

   Management applications use this routine only when an entry is no
   longer needed, such as when a server is permanently removed from
   service.  If the entry is a member of a group or profile, it must
   also be deleted from the group or profile.

   Use this routine cautiously.  Since name service databases are
   designed to be relatively stable, the frequent use of
   rpc_ns_mgmt_entry_delete() can result in the following difficulties:

     +  Performance problems
        Creating and deleting entries in client or server applications
        causes the name service to remove and replace the same entry
        repeatedly in the name service database, which can lead to
        performance problems.

     +  Lost entry updates
        When multiple applications access a single entry through
        different replicas of a name service database, updates to the
        entry can be lost.  In this situation, if one application
        deletes the entry and another application updates the entry
        before the replicas are synchronized, the delete operation
        takes precedence over the update operation.  When the replicas
        are synchronized, the update is lost because the entry is
        deleted from all replicas.

   Permissions Required

   You need read permission to the CDS object entry (the target  name
   service entry).  You also need delete permission to the CDS object
   entry or to the parent directory.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ns_mgmt_entry_create

3.79  –  rpc_ns_mgmt_entry_inq_if_ids


   rpc_ns_mgmt_entry_inq_if_ids -  Returns the list of interfaces
                                   exported to an entry in the name
                                   service database

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_mgmt_entry_inq_if_ids( unsigned32 entry_name_syntax,
                                      unsigned_char_t *entry_name,
                                      rpc_if_id_vector_t **if_id_vec,
                                      unsigned32 *status );



       An integer value that specifies the syntax of argument entry_name.
       To use the syntax specified in the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX
       logical name, provide rpc_c_ns_syntax_default.

       Specifies the entry in the name service database for which an
       interface identifier vector is returned.  This can be either the
       global or cell-relative name.


       Returns the address of the interface identifier vector.

       Returns the status code from this routine, indicating whether the
       routine completed successfully or, if not, why not.

       The possible status codes and their meanings are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      Name service entry not found.

                      Incomplete name.

                      Invalid name syntax.

                      Name service unavailable.

                      No interfaces were exported to entry.

                      No permission for name service operation.

                      Unsupported name syntax.


   The rpc_ns_mgmt_entry_inq_if_ids() routine returns an interface
   identifier vector containing the interfaces of binding handles
   exported to argument entry_name.

   This routine uses an expiration age of 0 (zero) to cause an immediate
   update of the local copy of name service data.  The
   rpc_ns_mgmt_inq_exp_age() routine's reference page contains an
   explanation of the expiration age.

   The application calls rpc_if_id_vector_free() to release memory used
   by the returned vector.

   Permissions Required

   You need read permission to the CDS object entry (the target name
   service entry).


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_if_id_vector_free

3.80  –  rpc_ns_mgmt_free_codesets


   rpc_ns_mgmt_free_codesets - Frees a code sets array that has been
                               allocated by the RPC runtime

   Used by client and server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_mgmt_free_codesets( rpc_codeset_mgmt_p_t *code_sets_array,
                                   error_status_t *status );



       A pointer to a code sets array that has been allocated by a
       call to the rpc_ns_mgmt_read_codesets() routine or the
       rpc_rgy_get_codesets() routine.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok       Success.


   The rpc_ns_mgmt_free_codesets() routine belongs to a set of DCE RPC
   routines for character and code set interoperability. These routines
   permit client and server applications to transfer international
   character data in a heterogeneous character set and code sets

   The rpc_ns_mgmt_free_codesets() routine frees from the client
   application's memory a code sets array allocated by a client call to
   the rpc_ns_mgmt_read_codesets() or the rpc_rgy_get_codesets()
   routines. The routine frees from a server application's memory a
   code sets array allocated by a server call to the
   rpc_rgy_get_codesets() routine.

   Client applications use the rpc_ns_mgmt_read_codesets() routine to
   retrieve a server's supported code sets in order to evaluate them
   against the code sets that the client supports. Clients and servers
   use the rpc_rgy_get_codesets() routine to get their supported code
   sets from the code set registery.  Clients and servers use the
   rpc_ns_mgmt_free_codesets() routine to free the memory allocated to
   the code sets array as part of their cleanup procedures.

   Permissions Required



   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ns_mgmt_read_codesets

3.81  –  rpc_ns_mgmt_handle_set_exp_age


   rpc_ns_mgmt_handle_set_exp_age - Sets a handle's expiration age for
                                    local copies of name service data

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_mgmt_handle_set_exp_age( rpc_ns_handle_t ns_handle,
                                        unsigned32 expiration_age,
                                        unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies the name service handle for which you supply an
       expiration age.  An RPC Name Service Interface (NSI) inquiry
       begin operation returns a name service handle.  An example is
       the operation that rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_begin() performs; it
       returns a name service handle in its inquiry_context parameter.

       This integer value specifies the expiration age, in seconds, of
       local name service data. This data is read by all RPC NSI next
       routines that use the specified ns_handle parameter.  An example
       is the rpc_ns_entry_object_inq_next() routine; it accepts a name
       service handle in its inquiry_context parameter.  An expiration
       age of 0 (zero) causes an immediate update of the local name
       service data.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok                     Success.

       rpc_s_invalid_ns_handle      Invalid name service handle.


   The rpc_ns_mgmt_handle_set_exp_age() routine sets an expiration age
   for a specified name service handle (in ns_handle).  The expiration
   age is the amount of time, in seconds, that a local copy of data from
   a name service attribute can exist, before a request from the
   application for the attribute requires updating the local copy.
   When an application begins running, the RPC runtime specifies
   a random value of between 8 and 12 hours as the default expiration
   age.  The default is global to the application.  An expiration age
   applies only to a specific name service handle and temporarily
   overrides the current global expiration age.

   Normally, avoid using this routine; instead, rely on the application's
   global expiration age.

   A handle's expiration age is used exclusively by RPC NSI next
   operations (which read data from name service attributes). A next
   operation normally starts by looking for a local copy of the
   attribute data being requested by an application. In the absence of
   a local copy, the next operation creates one with fresh attribute
   data from the name service database. If a local copy already exists,
   the operation compares its actual age to the expiration age being
   used by the application (which in this case is the expiration age
   set for the name service handle). If the actual age exceeds the
   handle's expiration age, the operation automatically tries to update
   the local copy with fresh attribute data. If updating is impossible,
   the old local data remains in place and the next operation fails,
   returning the rpc_s_name_service_unavailable status code.

   The scope of a handle's expiration age is a single series of RPC NSI
   next operations.  The rpc_ns_mgmt_handle_set_exp_age() routine
   operates as follows:

    1.  An RPC NSI begin operation, such as the one performed by
        rpc_ns_group_mbr_inq_begin() creates a name service handle.

    2.  A call to rpc_ns_mgmt_handle_set_exp_age() creates an expiration
        age for the handle.

    3.  A series of corresponding RPC NSI next operations for the name
        service handle uses the handle's expiration age.

    4.  A corresponding RPC NSI done operation for the name service
        handle deletes both the handle and its expiration age.

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   Use this routine with extreme caution.

   Setting the handle's expiration age to a small value causes the RPC
   NSI next operations to frequently update local data for any name
   service attribute requested by your application.  For example, setting
   the expiration age to 0 (zero) forces the next operation to update
   local data for the name service attribute requested by your
   application. Therefore, setting a small expiration age for a name
   service handle can create performance problems for your application.
   Also, if your application is using a remote server with the name
   service database, a small expiration age can adversely affect network
   performance for all applications.

   Limit the use of this routine to the following types of situations:

     +  When you must always get accurate name service data. For example,
        during management operations to update a profile, you may need to
        always see the profile's current contents. In this case, before
        beginning to inquire about a profile, your application must call
        rpc_ns_mgmt_handle_set_exp_age() and specify 0 (zero) for the
        expiration_age parameter.

     +  When a request using the default expiration age fails, and your
        application needs to retry the operation.  For example, a client
        application using import must first try to obtain bindings using
        the application's default expiration age.  However, sometimes the
        import-next operation returns either no binding handles or an
        insufficient number of them.  In this case, the client can retry
        the import operation and, after rpc_ns_binding_import_begin()
        terminates, include a rpc_ns_mgmt_handle_set_exp_age() routine
        that specifies 0 (zero) for the expiration_age parameter.  When
        the client calls the import-next routine again, the small
        expiration age for the name service handle causes the import-next
        operation to update the local attribute data.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ns_binding_import_begin

3.82  –  rpc_ns_mgmt_inq_exp_age


   rpc_ns_mgmt_inq_exp_age - Returns the application's global expiration
                             age for local copies of name service data

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_mgmt_inq_exp_age( unsigned32 *expiration_age,
                                 unsigned32 *status );





       Returns the default expiration age (in seconds). All the RPC Name
       Service Interface (NSI) read operations (all the next operations)
       use this value.

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status code and its meaning is as follows:

       rpc_s_ok              Success.


   The rpc_ns_mgmt_inq_exp_age() routine returns the global expiration
   age that the application is using.  The expiration_age parameter
   represents the amount of time, in seconds, that a local copy of data
   from a name service attribute can exist before a request from the
   application for the attribute requires updating the local copy.  When
   an application begins running, the RPC runtime specifies a random
   value of between 8 and 12 hours as the default expiration age.  The
   default is global to the application.

   The RPC NSI next operations, which read data from name service
   attributes, use an expiration age.  A next operation normally starts
   by looking for a local copy of the attribute data that an application
   requests.  In the absence of a local copy, the next operation creates
   one with fresh attribute data from the name service database. If a
   local copy already exists, the operation compares its actual age to
   the expiration age being used by the application.  If the actual age
   exceeds the expiration age, the operation automatically tries to
   update the local copy with fresh attribute data from the name service
   database. If updating is impossible, the old local data remains in
   place and the next operation fails, returning the
   rpc_s_name_service_unavailable status code.

   Applications normally use only the default expiration age. For special
   cases, an application can substitute a user-supplied global expiration
   age for the default by calling rpc_ns_mgmt_set_exp_age().  The
   rpc_ns_mgmt_inq_exp_age() routine returns the current global
   expiration age, whether it is a default or a user-supplied value.

   An application can also override the global expiration age temporarily
   by calling rpc_ns_mgmt_handle_set_exp_age().

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ns_mgmt_handle_set_exp_age

3.83  –  rpc_ns_mgmt_read_codesets


   rpc_ns_mgmt_read_codesets - Reads the code sets attribute associated
                               with an RPC server entry in the name
                               service database.

   Used by client applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_mgmt_read_codesets( unsigned32 entry_name_syntax,
                                   unsigned_char_t *entry_name,
                                   rpc_codeset_mgmt_p_t *code_sets_array,
                                   error_status_t *status );



       An integer value that specifies the syntax of the
       entry_name parameter.  To use the syntax specified in
       the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX logical name, provide

       Specifies the name of the RPC server entry in the name service
       database from which to read the code sets attribute. The name can
       be either the global or cell-relative name.


       A code sets array that specifies the code sets that the RPC server

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as









   The rpc_ns_mgmt_read_codesets() routine belongs to a set of DCE RPC
   routines for character and code set interoperability. These routines
   permit client and server applications to transfer international
   character data in a heterogeneous character set and code sets

   The rpc_ns_mgmt_read_codesets() routine reads the code sets attribute
   associated with an RPC server entry in the name service database.  The
   routine takes the name of an RPC server entry and returns a code sets
   array that corresponds to the code sets that this RPC server supports.

   Client applications use the rpc_ns_mgmt_read_codesets() routine to
   retrieve a server's supported code sets in order to evaluate them
   against the code sets that the client supports. Client applications
   that use the evaluation routines rpc_cs_eval_with_universal() and
   rpc_cs_eval_without_universal() do not need to call this routine
   explicitly, because these code sets evaluation routines call it on
   the client's behalf. Application developers who are writing their own
   character and code set evaluation routines may need to include
   rpc_ns_mgmt_read_codesets() in their user-written evaluation routines.

   Permissions Required

   You need read permission to the target RPC server entry (which is a
   CDS object).


   No value is returned.


   Functions: dce_cs_rgy_to_loc

3.84  –  rpc_ns_mgmt_remove_attribute


   rpc_ns_mgmt_remove_attribute - Removes an attribute from an RPC
                                  server entry in the name service

   Used mainly by server applications; can also be used by management


   #include <dce/rpc.h>
   #include <dce/nsattrid.h>

   void rpc_ns_mgmt_remove_attribute( unsigned32 entry_name_syntax,
                                      unsigned_char_t *entry_name,
                                      uuid_t *attr_type,
                                      error_status_t *status );



       An integer value that specifies the syntax of the
       entry_name parameter.  To use the syntax specified in
       the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX logical name, provide

       Specifies the name of the RPC server entry in the name service
       database from which the attribute will be removed. The name can be
       either the global or cell-relative name.  If you are using this
       routine to remove a code sets attribute from an RPC server entry
       in the Cell Directory Service database, then this parameter
       specifies the CDS name of the server entry that contains the code
       sets attribute to be removed.

       A UUID that specifies the attribute type. For DCE 1.1, this value
       must be rpc_c_attr_codesets.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      The routine cannot find the RPC server entry
                      specified in the call in the name service database.

                      The routine cannot expand the RPC server entry name
                      specified in the call.

                      The name syntax specified in the call is not valid.

                      The attribute type specified in the call does not
                      match that of the attribute to be removed from the
                      name service database.

                      The routine was unable to communicate with the name

                      The routine's caller does not have the proper
                      permission for an NSI operation.


   The rpc_ns_mgmt_remove_attribute() routine belongs to a set of DCE RPC
   routines for use by client and server applications that are
   transferring international character data in a heterogeneous character
   set and code sets environment.

   The rpc_ns_mgmt_remove_attribute() routine is designed to be a generic
   routine for removing an attribute from an RPC server entry in the name
   service database.  The routine removes the attribute from the
   specified RPC server entry in the name service database.  The routine
   does not remove the RPC server entry.

   For DCE 1.1, you use rpc_ns_mgmt_remove_attribute() in your
   application server initialization routine or signal handling routine
   to remove a code sets attribute from the server's entry in the Cell
   Directory Service database as part of the server cleanup procedure
   carried out prior to the server's termination.

   A management application can call rpc_ns_mgmt_remove_attribute() to
   remove an attribute from an RPC server entry in the name service
   database on behalf of an application that does not itself have the
   necessary name service permissions to remove one.

   Permissions Required

   You need write permission to the target RPC server entry (which is a
   CDS object).


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ns_mgmt_read_codesets

3.85  –  rpc_ns_mgmt_set_attribute


   rpc_ns_mgmt_set_attribute - Adds an attribute to an RPC server entry
                               in the name service database.

   Used mainly by server applications; can also be used by management


   #include <dce/rpc.h>
   #include <dce/nsattrid.h>
   void rpc_ns_mgmt_set_attribute( unsigned32 entry_name_syntax,
                                   unsigned_char_t *entry_name,
                                   uuid_t *attr_type,
                                   void *attr_value,
                                   error_status_t *status );



       An integer value that specifies the syntax of the
       entry_name parameter.  To use the syntax specified in
       the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX logical name, provide

       Specifies the name of the RPC server entry in the name service
       database with which the attribute will be associated.  The name
       can be either the global or cell-relative name.  If you are using
       this routine to add a code sets attribute to an RPC server entry
       in the name service database, then this parameter specifies the
       name of the server entry with which the code sets attribute will
       be associated.

       A UUID that specifies the attribute type. For DCE 1.1, this value
       must be rpc_c_attr_codesets.

       An opaque data structure that specifies the attribute value to be
       stored in the name service database. If you are using this routine
       to add a code sets attribute to an RPC server entry, you must cast
       the representation of the code set data from the data type
       rpc_codeset_mgmt_p_t to the data type void*.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      The name syntax specified in the call is not valid.

                      The attribute type specified in the call does not
                      match that of the attribute to be added to the name
                      service database.

                      The routine was unable to allocate memory to encode
                      the value.

                      The routine was unable to communicate with the name

                      The routine's caller does not have the proper
                      permission for an NSI operation.


   The rpc_ns_mgmt_set_attribute() routine belongs to a set of DCE
   RPC routines for use by client and server applications that are
   transferring international character data in a heterogeneous
   character set and code sets environment.

   The rpc_ns_mgmt_set_attribute() routine is designed to be a generic
   routine for adding an attribute to an RPC server entry in the name
   service database. The routine takes an attribute type and a pointer
   to the value, and stores the attribute value in the name service

   For DCE 1.1, you use rpc_ns_mgmt_set_attribute() in your application
   server initialization routine to add a code sets attribute to the
   server's entry in the Cell Directory Service database (which the
   initialization routine has created with the rpc_ns_binding_export()
   routine).  Because CDS stores integer values in little-endian format,
   the rpc_ns_mgmt_set_attribute() routine also encodes the code sets
   attribute value into an endian-safe format before storing it in the
   name service database.

   A management application can call rpc_ns_mgmt_set_attribute() to add
   an attribute to an RPC server entry in the name service database on
   behalf of an application that does not itself have the necessary name
   service permissions to add one.

   Permissions Required

   You need both read permission and write permission to the target RPC
   server entry (which is a CDS object). You also need insert permission
   to the parent directory.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ns_mgmt_read_codesets

3.86  –  rpc_ns_mgmt_set_exp_age


   rpc_ns_mgmt_set_exp_age - Modifies the application's global expiration
                             age for local copies of name service data

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_mgmt_set_exp_age( unsigned32 expiration_age,
                                 unsigned32 *status );



       An integer value that specifies the default expiration age, in
       seconds, for local name service data.  This expiration age applies
       to all RPC name service interface (NSI) read operations (all the
       next operations).  An expiration age of 0 (zero) causes an
       immediate update of the local name service data.  To reset the
       expiration age to an RPC-assigned random value between 8 and 12
       hours, specify a value of rpc_c_ns_default_exp_age.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status code and its meaning is as follows:

       rpc_s_ok            Success.


   The rpc_ns_mgmt_set_exp_age() routine modifies the global expiration
   age that the application is using.  The expiration_age parameter
   represents the amount of time, in seconds, that a local copy of data
   from a name service attribute can exist before a request from the
   application for the attribute requires updating the local copy.  When
   an application begins running, the RPC runtime specifies a random
   value of between 8 and 12 hours as the default expiration age.  The
   default is global to the application.

   Normally, you should avoid using this routine; instead, rely on the
   default expiration age.

   The RPC NSI next operations, which read data from name service
   attributes, use an expiration age.  A next operation normally starts
   by looking for a local copy of the attribute data that an application
   requests.  In the absence of a local copy, the next operation creates
   one with fresh attribute data from the name service database.  If a
   local copy already exists, the operation compares its actual age to
   the expiration age being used by the application.  If the actual age
   exceeds the expiration age, the operation automatically tries to
   update the local copy with fresh attribute data from the name service
   database.  If updating is impossible, the old local data remains in
   place and the next operation fails, returning the
   rpc_s_name_service_unavailable status code.

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   Use this routine with extreme caution.

   Setting the expiration age to a small value causes the RPC NSI next
   operations to frequently update local data for any name service
   attribute that your application requests.  For example, setting the
   expiration age to 0 (zero) forces all next operations to update local
   data for the name service attribute that your application has
   requested. Therefore, setting small expiration ages can create
   performance problems for your application.  Also, if your application
   is using a remote server with the name service database, a small
   expiration age can adversely affect network performance for all


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ns_mgmt_handle_set_exp_age

3.87  –  rpc_ns_profile_delete


   rpc_ns_profile_delete - Deletes a profile attribute

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_profile_delete( unsigned32 profile_name_syntax,
                               unsigned_char_t *profile_name,
                               unsigned32 *status );



       An integer value that specifies the syntax of the
       profile_name parameter.  To use the syntax specified in
       the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX logical name, provide

       Specifies the name of the profile to delete.  This can be either
       the global or cell-relative name.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      Name service entry not found.

                      Incomplete name.

                      Invalid name syntax.

                      Name service unavailable.

                      No permission for name service operation.

                      Unsupported name syntax.


   The rpc_ns_profile_delete() routine deletes the profile attribute from
   the specified entry in the name service database (the profile_name

   Neither the specified entry nor the entry names included as members in
   each profile element are deleted.

   Use this routine cautiously; deleting a profile may break a hierarchy
   of profiles.

   Permissions Required

   You need write permission to the CDS object entry (the target profile


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ns_profile_elt_add

3.88  –  rpc_ns_profile_elt_add


   rpc_ns_profile_elt_add - Adds an element to a profile; if necessary,
                            creates the entry

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_profile_elt_add( unsigned32 profile_name_syntax,
                                unsigned_char_t *profile_name,
                                rpc_if_id_t *if_id,
                                unsigned32 member_name_syntax,
                                unsigned_char_t *member_name,
                                unsigned32 priority,
                                unsigned_char_t *annotation,
                                unsigned32 *status );



       An integer value that specifies the syntax of the
       profile_name parameter.  To use the syntax specified
       in the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX logical name, provide

       Specifies the RPC profile that receives a new element.  This can
       be either the global or cell-relative name.

       Specifies the interface identifier of the new profile element.
       To add or replace the default profile element, specify NULL.

       An integer value that specifies the syntax of
       member_name.  To use the syntax specified in the
       RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX logical name, provide

       Specifies the entry in the name service database to include in
       the new profile element.  This can be either the global or cell-
       relative name.

       An integer value (0 to 7) that specifies the relative priority
       for using the new profile element during the import and lookup
       operations.  A value of 0 (zero) is the highest priority.  A
       value of 7 is the lowest priority.  Two or more elements can have
       the same priority.  When adding the default profile member, use
       a value of 0 (zero).

       Specifies an annotation string that is stored as part of the new
       profile element. The string can be up to 17 characters long.
       Specify NULL or the string \0 if there is no annotation string.
       The string is used by applications for informational purposes
       only. For example, an application can use this string to store
       the interface name string (specified in the IDL file).
       DCE RPC does not use this string during lookup or import
       operations, or for enumerating profile elements.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      RPC class version mismatch.

                      Incomplete name.

                      Invalid name syntax.

                      Invalid profile element priority.

                      Name service unavailable.

                      No permission for name service operation.

                      Unsupported name syntax.


   The rpc_ns_profile_elt_add() routine adds an element to the profile
   attribute of the entry in the name service database specified by the
   profile_name parameter.

   If the profile_name entry does not exist, this routine creates the
   entry with a profile attribute and adds the profile element specified
   by the if_id, member_name, priority, and annotation parameters. In
   this case, the application must have permission to create the entry.
   Otherwise, a management application with the necessary permissions
   creates the entry by calling rpc_ns_mgmt_entry_create() before the
   application is run.

   If an element with the specified member name and interface identifier
   are already in the profile, this routine updates the element's
   priority and annotation string using the values provided in the
   priority and annotation parameters.

   An application can add the entry in the member_name parameter to a
   profile before it creates the entry itself.

   Permissions Required

   You need both read permission and write permission to the CDS object
   entry (the target profile entry).  If the entry does not exist, you
   also need insert permission to the parent directory.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_if_inq_id

3.89  –  rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_begin


   rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_begin - Creates an inquiry context for
                                  viewing the elements in a profile

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_begin( unsigned32 profile_name_syntax,
                                      unsigned_char_t *profile_name,
                                      unsigned32 inquiry_type,
                                      rpc_if_id_t *if_id,
                                      unsigned32 vers_option,
                                      unsigned32 member_name_syntax,
                                      unsigned_char_t *member_name,
                                      rpc_ns_handle_t *inquiry_context,
                                      unsigned32 *status );



       An integer value that specifies the syntax of the
       profile_name parameter.  To use the syntax specified
       in the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX logical name, provide

       Specifies the name of the profile to view.  This can be either
       the global or cell-relative name.

       An integer value that specifies the type of inquiry to perform
       on the profile. The following table describes the valid inquiry

                     Valid Values of inquiry_type
 Value                             Description
 rpc_c_profile_default_elt         Searches the profile for the
                                   default profile element, if any.
                                   The if_id, vers_option, and
                                   member_name parameters are ignored.

 rpc_c_profile_all_elts            Returns every element from the pro-
                                   file.  The if_id, vers_option, and
                                   member_name parameters are ignored.

 rpc_c_profile_match_by_if         Searches the profile for those ele-
                                   ments that contain the interface
                                   identifier specified by the if_id
                                   and vers_option values.  The
                                   member_name parameter is ignored.

 rpc_c_profile_match_by_mbr        Searches the profile for those ele-
                                   ments that contain the member name
                                   specified by the member_name param-
                                   eter.  The if_id and vers_option
                                   parameters are ignored.

 rpc_c_profile_match_by_both       Searches the profile for those ele-
                                   ments that contain the interface
                                   identifier and member name speci-
                                   fied by the if_id, vers_option, and
                                   member_name parameters.

       Specifies the interface identifier of the profile elements to be
       returned by rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_next().  This parameter is used
       only when specifying a value of either rpc_c_profile_match_by_if
       or rpc_c_profile_match_by_both for the inquiry_type parameter.
       Otherwise, this parameter is ignored and you can specify the value

       Specifies how rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_next() uses the if_id
       parameter.  This parameter is used only when specifying a value
       of either rpc_c_profile_match_by_if or rpc_c_profile_match_by_both
       for the inquiry_type parameter.  Otherwise, this parameter is
       ignored and you can specify the value 0 (zero).

   The following table describes the valid values for this parameter:

                  Valid Values of vers_option
 Value                             Description
 rpc_c_vers_all                    Returns profile elements that offer
                                   the specified interface UUID,
                                   regardless of the version numbers.
                                   For this value, specify 0 (zero)
                                   for both the major and minor ver-
                                   sions in if_id.

 rpc_c_vers_compatible             Returns profile elements that offer
                                   the same major version of the
                                   specified interface UUID and a
                                   minor version greater than or equal
                                   to the minor version of the speci-
                                   fied interface UUID.

 rpc_c_vers_exact                  Returns profile elements that offer
                                   the specified version of the speci-
                                   fied interface UUID.

 rpc_c_vers_major_only             Returns profile elements that offer
                                   the same major version of the
                                   specified interface UUID (ignores
                                   the minor version).  For this
                                   value, specify 0 (zero) for the
                                   minor version in if_id.

 rpc_c_vers_upto                   Returns profile elements that offer
                                   a version of the specified inter-
                                   face UUID less than or equal to the
                                   specified major and minor version.
                                   (For example, if if_id contains
                                   V2.0 and the profile contains ele-
                                   ments with the versions V1.3, V2.0,
                                   and V2.1,
                                   returns the elements with V1.3 and

       An integer value that specifies the syntax of the member_name
       parameter in this routine and the syntax of the member_name
       parameter in rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_next().  To use the syntax
       specified in the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX logical name, provide

       Specifies the member name that rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_next()
       looks for in profile elements.  This can be either the global
       or cell-relative name.  This parameter is used only when
       specifying a value of either rpc_c_profile_match_by_mbr or
       rpc_c_profile_match_by_both for the inquiry_type parameter.
       Otherwise, this parameter is ignored and you specify the value


       Returns a name service handle for use with the
       rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_next() and rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_done()

       Returns the status code from this routine, indicating indicates
       whether the routine completed successfully or, if not, why not.
       The possible status codes and their meanings are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      Incomplete name.

                      Invalid inquiry type.

                      Invalid name syntax.

                      Invalid version option.

                      Unsupported name syntax.


   The rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_begin() routine creates an inquiry context
   for viewing the elements in a profile.

   Using the inquiry_type and vers_option parameters, an application
   specifies which of the following profile elements will be returned
   from calls to rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_next():

     +  The default element.

     +  All elements.

     +  Those elements with the specified interface identifier.

     +  Those elements with the specified member name.

     +  Those elements with both the specified interface identifier and
        member name.

   Before calling rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_next(), the application must
   first call this routine to create an inquiry context.

   When finished viewing the profile elements, the application calls
   the rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_done() routine to delete the inquiry

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_if_inq_id

3.90  –  rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_done


   rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_done - Deletes the inquiry context for a

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_done( rpc_ns_handle_t *inquiry_context,
                                     unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies the name service handle to delete.  (A name service
       handle is created by calling rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_begin().)
       Returns the value NULL.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok                     Success.

       rpc_s_invalid_ns_handle      Invalid name service handle.


   The rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_done() routine deletes an inquiry context
   created by calling rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_begin().

   An application calls this routine after viewing profile elements
   using the rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_next() routine.

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_begin

3.91  –  rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_next


   rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_next - Returns one element at a time from
                                 a profile

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_next( rpc_ns_handle_t inquiry_context,
                                     rpc_if_id_t *if_id,
                                     unsigned_char_t **member_name,
                                     unsigned32 *priority,
                                     unsigned_char_t **annotation,
                                     unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies a name service handle.  This handle is returned from
       the rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_begin() routine.


       Returns the interface identifier of the profile element.

       Returns a pointer to the profile element's member name.  The name
       is a global name.  The syntax of the returned name is specified by
       the member_name_syntax parameter in
       rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_begin(). Specify NULL to prevent the
       routine from returning this parameter. In this case the
       application does not call rpc_string_free().

       Returns the profile element priority.

       Returns the annotation string for the profile element. If there
       is no annotation string in the profile element, the string \0 is
       returned.  Specify NULL to prevent the routine from returning
       this parameter.  In this case the application does not need to
       call the rpc_string_free() routine.

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      RPC class version mismatch.

                      Name service entry not found.

                      Incomplete name.

                      Invalid name service handle.

                      Name service unavailable.

                      No more elements.

                      No permission for name service operation.

                      Not an RPC entry.


   The rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_next() routine returns one element from
   the profile specified by the profile_name parameter in the
   rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_begin() routine.

   The selection criteria for the element returned are based on the
   inquiry_type parameter in the rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_begin() routine.
   The rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_next() routine returns all the components
   (interface identifier, member name, priority, annotation string) of
   a profile element.

   An application can view all the selected profile entries by
   repeatedly calling the rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_next() routine.
   When all the elements have been viewed, this routine returns an
   rpc_s_no_more_elements status code.  The returned elements are

   On each call to this routine that returns a profile element, the
   DCE RPC runtime allocates memory for the returned member_name (which
   points to a global name) and annotation strings.  The application is
   responsible for calling the rpc_string_free() routine for each
   returned member_name and annotation string.

   After viewing the profile's elements, the application must call the
   rpc_ns_profile_elt_inq_done() routine to delete the inquiry context.

   Permissions Required

   You need read permission to the CDS object entry (the target profile


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ns_profile_elt_begin

3.92  –  rpc_ns_profile_elt_remove


   rpc_ns_profile_elt_remove - Removes an element from a profile

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ns_profile_elt_remove( unsigned32 profile_name_syntax,
                                   unsigned_char_t *profile_name,
                                   rpc_if_id_t *if_id,
                                   unsigned32 member_name_syntax,
                                   unsigned_char_t *member_name,
                                   unsigned32 *status );



       An integer value that specifies the syntax of the
       profile_name parameter.  To use the syntax specified
       in the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX logical name, provide

       Specifies the profile from which to remove an element.  This
       can be either the global or cell-relative name.

       Specifies the interface identifier of the profile element to be
       removed.  Specify NULL to remove the default profile member.

       An integer value that specifies the syntax of member_name.  To
       use the syntax specified in the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX logical
       name, provide rpc_c_ns_syntax_default.

       Specifies the name service entry name in the profile element to
       remove.  This can be either the global or cell-relative name.
       When if_id is NULL, this argument is ignored.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      Name service entry not found.

                      Incomplete name.

                      Invalid name syntax.

                      Name service unavailable.

                      No permission for name service operation.

                      Profile element not found.

                      Unsupported name syntax.


   The rpc_ns_profile_elt_remove() routine removes a profile element
   from the profile specified by profile_name.  Unless if_id is NULL,
   the member_name parameter and the if_id parameter must match the
   corresponding profile element attributes exactly for an element to
   be removed.  When if_id is NULL, the default profile element is
   removed, and the member_name argument is ignored.

   The routine removes the reference to the entry specified by
   member_name from the profile; it does not delete the entry itself.

   Use this routine cautiously; removing elements from a profile may
   break a hierarchy of profiles.

   Permissions Required

   You need both read permission and write permission to the CDS object
   entry (the target profile entry).


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ns_profile_delete

3.93  –  rpc_object_inq_type


   rpc_object_inq_type - Returns the type of an object

   Used by server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_object_inq_type( uuid_t *obj_uuid,
                             uuid_t *type_uuid,
                             unsigned32 *status );



        Specifies the object UUID whose associated type UUID is returned.
        Supply NULL to specify a nil UUID for this parameter.


        Returns the type UUID corresponding to the object UUID supplied
        in the obj_uuid parameter.  Specifying NULL here prevents the
        return of a type UUID. An application, by specifying NULL here,
        can determine from the value returned in status whether obj_uuid
        is registered.  This determination occurs without the application
        specifying an output type UUID variable.

        Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
        indicates  whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
        why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

        rpc_s_ok                  Success.

        rpc_s_object_not_found    Object not found.

        uuid_s_bad_version        Bad UUID version.


   A server application calls the rpc_object_inq_type() routine to obtain
   the type UUID of an object.

   If the object is registered with the RPC runtime using the
   rpc_object_set_type() routine, the registered type is returned.

   Optionally, an application can maintain an object/type registration
   privately.  In this case, if the application provides an object
   inquiry function (see the rpc_object_set_inq_fn reference page), the
   RPC runtime uses that function to determine an object's type.

   The table below shows how rpc_object_inq_type() obtains the returned
   type UUID.

                 Rules for Returning an Object's Type
 Was object UUID        Was an object inquiry
 registered (using      function registered(using
 rpc_object_set_type)?  rpc_object_set_inq_fn)?    Return Value
          Yes                    Ignored           Returns the object's
                                                   registered type UUID.

          No                       Yes             Returns the type UUID
                                                   returned from calling
                                                   the inquiry function.

          No                       No              Returns the nil UUID.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_object_set_inq_fn

3.94  –  rpc_object_set_inq_fn


   rpc_object_set_inq_fn - Registers an object inquiry function

   Used by server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_object_set_inq_fn( rpc_object_inq_fn_t inquiry_fn,
                               unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies a pointer to an object type inquiry function. When an
       application calls the rpc_object_inq_type() routine and the RPC
       runtime finds that the specified object is not registered, the
       runtime automatically calls the rpc_object_inq_type() routine to
       determine the object's type.  Specify NULL to remove a previously
       set inquiry function.

       The following C language definition for rpc_object_inq_fn_t
       illustrates the prototype for this function:

            typedef void (*rpc_object_inq_fn_t)
                        uuid_t       *object_uuid,  /* in  */
                        uuid_t       *type_uuid,    /* out */
                        unsigned32   *status        /* out */

       The returned type_uuid and status values are returned as the
       output arguments from the rpc_object_inq_type() routine.
       If you specify NULL, the rpc_object_set_inq_fn() routine
       unregisters (that is, removes) a previously registered object
       type inquiry function.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status code and its meaning is as

       rpc_s_ok    Success.


   A server application calls rpc_object_set_inq_fn() to specify a
   function to determine an object's type.  If an application privately
   maintains object/type registrations, the specified inquiry function
   returns the type UUID of an object from that registration.

   The RPC runtime automatically calls the inquiry function when the
   application calls rpc_object_inq_type() and the object was not
   previously registered by rpc_object_set_type().  The RPC runtime
   also automatically calls the inquiry function for every remote
   procedure call it receives if the object was not previously


   Use this routine with caution.  When the RPC runtime automatically
   calls this routine in response to a received remote procedure call,
   the inquiry function can be called from the context of runtime
   internal threads with runtime internal locks held.  The inquiry
   function should not block or at least not block for long (for example,
   the inquiry function should not perform a remote procedure call).
   Also, the inquiry function must not unwind because of an exception.
   In general, the inquiry function should not call back into the RPC
   runtime.  It is legal to call rpc_object_set_type() or any of the
   uuid_* routines.  Failure to comply with these restrictions will
   result in undefined behavior.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_object_inq_type

3.95  –  rpc_object_set_type


   rpc_object_set_type - Registers the type of an object with the RPC

   Used by server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_object_set_type( uuid_t *obj_uuid,
                             uuid_t *type_uuid,
                             unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies an object UUID to associate with the type UUID in the
       type_uuid  parameter.  Do not specify NULL or a nil UUID.

       Specifies the type UUID of the obj_uuid parameter.  Specify
       an argument value of NULL or a nil UUID to reset the object
       type to the default association of object UUID/nil type UUID.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok                      Success.

       rpc_s_already_registered      Object already registered.

       rpc_s_invalid_object          Invalid object.

       uuid_s_bad_version            Bad UUID version.


   The rpc_object_set_type() routine assigns a type UUID to an object

   By default, the RPC runtime assumes that the type of all objects
   is nil.  A server program that contains one implementation of an
   interface (one manager entry point vector) does not need to call
   this routine, provided that the server registered the interface with
   the nil type UUID (see the rpc_server_register_if reference page).

   A server program that contains multiple implementations of an
   interface (multiple manager entry point vectors; that is, multiple
   type UUIDs) calls this routine once for each object UUID the server
   offers.  Associating each object with a type UUID tells the RPC
   runtime which manager entry point vector (interface implementation)
   to use when the server receives a remote procedure call for a non-nil
   object UUID.

   The RPC runtime allows an application to set the type for an
   unlimited number of objects.

   To remove the association between an object UUID and its type UUID
   (established by calling this routine), a server calls this routine
   again and specifies the value NULL or a nil UUID for the type_uuid
   parameter.  This resets the association between an object UUID and
   type UUID to the default.

   A server cannot register a nil object UUID.  The RPC runtime
   automatically registers the nil object UUID with a nil type UUID.
   Attempting to set the type of a nil object UUID will result in the
   routine's returning the status code rpc_s_invalid_object.

   Servers that want to maintain their own object UUID to type UUID
   mapping can use rpc_object_set_inq_fn() in place of, or in addition
   to, rpc_object_set_type().


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_object_set_inq_fn

3.96  –  rpc_protseq_vector_free


   rpc_protseq_vector_free - Frees the memory used by a vector and its
                             protocol sequences

   Used by client or server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_protseq_vector_free( rpc_protseq_vector_t **protseq_vector,
                                 unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies the address of a pointer to a vector of protocol
       sequences.  On return the pointer is set to NULL.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status code and its meaning is as follows:

       rpc_s_ok              Success.


   The rpc_protseq_vector_free() routine frees the memory used to store
   a vector of protocol sequences.  The freed memory includes both the
   protocol sequences and the vector itself.

   Call rpc_network_inq_protseqs() to obtain a vector of protocol
   sequences.  Follow a call to rpc_network_inq_protseqs() with a call
   to rpc_protseq_vector_free().


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_network_inq_protseqs

3.97  –  rpc_rgy_get_codesets


   rpc_rgy_get_codesets - Gets supported code sets information from the
                          local host

   Used by client and server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_rgy_get_codesets( rpc_codeset_mgmt_p_t *code_sets_array,
                              error_status_t *status );



   No input is required.


       An integer array that specifies the code sets that the client's
       or server's host environment supports. Each array element is an
       integer value that uniquely identifies one code set.

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as






   The rpc_rgy_get_codesets() routine belongs to a set of DCE RPC
   routines for use by client and server applications that are
   transferring international character data in a heterogeneous
   character set and code sets environment.

   The rpc_rgy_get_codesets() routine examines the locale environment of
   the host on which the client or server process is running to determine
   the local code set currently in use by the client or server process
   and the set of supported code set conversion routines that exist on
   the host into which the client or server process can convert if
   necessary. It then reads the code sets registry on the local host to
   retrieve the unique identifiers associated with these supported code

   The routine returns a code sets array. The set of values returned in
   this structure correspond to the process's local code set and the code
   sets into which processes that run on this host can convert.  The
   array also contains, for each code set, the maximum number of bytes
   that code set uses to encode one character (c_max_bytes).

   Server applications use the rpc_rgy_get_codesets() routine in their
   initialization code to get their host's supported character and code
   sets values in order to export them into the name service database
   with rpc_ns_mgmt_set_attribute().

   Client applications use the rpc_rgy_get_codesets() routine during the
   server binding selection process to retrieve the supported character
   and code sets at their host in order to evaluate them against the
   character and code sets that a server supports.  Client applications
   that use the evaluation routines rpc_cs_eval_with_universal() and
   rpc_cs_eval_without_universal() do not need to call this routine
   explicitly, because these code sets evaluation routines call it on
   the client's behalf.  Application developers who are writing their
   own character and code set evaluation routines may need to include
   rpc_rgy_get_codesets() in their user-written evaluation routines.

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Commands: csrc(8dce).

   Functions: rpc_ns_mgmt_read_codesets

3.98  –  rpc_rgy_get_max_bytes


   rpc_rgy_get_max_bytes - Gets the maximum number of bytes that a
                           code set uses to encode one character from
                           the code set registry on a host

   Used by client and server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_rgy_get_max_bytes( unsigned32 rgy_code_set_value,
                               unsigned16 *rgy_max_bytes,
                               error_status_t *status );



       The registered hexadecimal value that uniquely identifies the
       code set.


       The registered decimal value that indicates the number of bytes
       this code set uses to encode one character.

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as







   The rpc_rgy_get_max_bytes() routine belongs to a set of DCE RPC
   routines for use by client and server applications that are
   transferring international character data in a heterogeneous
   character set and code sets environment.

   The rpc_rgy_get_max_bytes() routine reads the code set registry on the
   local host. It takes the specified registered code set value, uses it
   as an index into the registry, and returns the decimal value that
   indicates the number of bytes that the code set uses to encode one

   The DCE RPC stub support routines for buffer sizing use the
   rpc_rgy_get_max_bytes() routine as part of their procedure to
   determine whether additional storage needs to be allocated for
   conversion between local and network code sets.  The DCE RPC stub
   support routines call the rpc_rgy_get_max_bytes() routine once to
   get the rgy_max_bytes value for the code set to be used to transfer
   the data over the network (the "network" code set) then call the
   routine again to get the rgy_max_bytes value of their local code set.
   The stubs then compare the two values to determine whether or not
   additional buffers are necessary or whether the conversion can be
   done "in place".

   Client and server applications that use the DCE RPC buffer sizing
   routines byte_net_size(), byte_local_size(), wchar_t_net_size(), and
   wchar_t_local_size() do not need to call this routine explicitly
   because these DCE RPC stub support routines call it on their behalf.
   Application programmers who are developing their own stub support
   routines for buffer sizing can use the rpc_rgy_get_max_bytes() routine
   in their code to get code set max_byte information for their user-
   written buffer sizing routines.

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Commands: csrc.

   Functions: dce_cs_loc_to_rgy

3.99  –  rpc_server_inq_bindings


   rpc_server_inq_bindings - Returns binding handles for communications
                             with a server

   Used by server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_server_inq_bindings( rpc_binding_vector_t **binding_vector,
                                 unsigned32 *status );





             Returns the address of a vector of server binding handles.

   status    Returns the status code from this routine.  This status
             code indicates whether the routine completed successfully
             or, if not, why not.

             The possible status codes and their meanings are as follows:

             rpc_s_ok                Success.

             rpc_s_no_bindings       No bindings.


   The rpc_server_inq_bindings() routine obtains a vector of server
   binding handles.  Binding handles are created by the RPC runtime
   when a server application calls any of the following routines to
   register protocol sequences:

     +  rpc_server_use_all_protseqs()

     +  rpc_server_use_all_protseqs_if()

     +  rpc_server_use_protseq()

     +  rpc_server_use_protseq_ep()

     +  rpc_server_use_protseq_if()

   The returned binding vector can contain binding handles with dynamic
   endpoints and binding handles with well-known endpoints, depending on
   which of the preceding routines the server application called.  The
   rpc_intro reference page contains an explanation of dynamic and well-
   known endpoints.

   A server uses the vector of binding handles for exporting to the name
   service, for registering with the local endpoint map, or for
   conversion to string bindings.

   If there are no binding handles (no registered protocol sequences),
   this routine returns the rpc_s_no_bindings status code and returns
   the value NULL to the binding_vector parameter.

   The server is responsible for calling the rpc_binding_vector_free()
   routine to deallocate the memory used by the vector.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_binding_vector_free

3.100  –  rpc_server_inq_if


   rpc_server_inq_if - Returns the manager entry point vector registered
                       for an interface

   Used by server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_server_inq_if( rpc_if_handle_t if_handle,
                           uuid_t *mgr_type_uuid,
                           rpc_mgr_epv_t *mgr_epv,
                           unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies the interface specification whose manager Entry Point
       Vector (EPV) pointer is returned in the mgr_epv parameter.

       Specifies a type UUID for the manager whose EPV pointer is
       returned in the mgr_epv parameter.  Specifying the value NULL
       (or a nil UUID) has this routine return a pointer to the manager
       EPV that is registered with if_handle and the nil type UUID of
       the manager.


       Returns a pointer to the manager EPV corresponding to if_handle
       and mgr_type_uuid.

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok                 Success.

       rpc_s_unknown_if         Unknown interface.

       rpc_s_unknown_mgr_type   Unknown manager type.


   A server application calls the rpc_server_inq_if() routine to
   determine the manager EPV for a registered interface and type UUID
   of the manager.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_server_register_if

3.101  –  rpc_server_listen


   rpc_server_listen - Tells the RPC runtime to listen for remote
                       procedure calls

   Used by server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_server_listen( unsigned32 max_calls_exec,
                           unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies the maximum number of concurrent executing remote
       procedure calls.  Use the value rpc_c_listen_max_calls_default
       to specify the default value.

       Also, the five rpc_server_use_*protseq* routines limit (according
       to their max_call_requests parameter) the number of concurrent
       remote procedure call requests that a server can accept.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Server already listening.

                     Maximum calls value too small.

                     No protocol sequences registered.


   The rpc_server_listen() routine makes a server listen for remote
   procedure calls.  DCE RPC allows a server to simultaneously process
   multiple calls.  The max_calls_exec parameter specifies the maximum
   number of concurrent remote procedure calls the server executes.
   Each remote procedure call executes in a call execution thread.
   The implementation of the RPC architecture determines whether it
   reuses call execution threads for the execution of subsequent remote
   procedure calls or, instead, it creates a new thread for each
   execution of a subsequent remote procedure call.

   The following conditions affect the number of concurrent remote
   procedure calls that a server can process:

     +  Sufficient network resources must be available to accept
        simultaneous call requests arriving over a particular protocol
        sequence.  The value of max_call_requests in the five
        rpc_server_use_*protseq* routines advises the RPC runtime about
        the runtime's request of network resources.

     +  Enough call threads must be available to execute the simultaneous
        call requests once they have been accepted.  The value of
        max_calls_exec in rpc_server_listen() specifies the number of
        call threads.

   These conditions are independent of each other.

   A server application that specifies a value for max_calls_exec greater
   than 1 is responsible for concurrency control among the remote
   procedures since each executes in a separate thread.

   If the server receives more remote procedure calls than it can execute
   (more calls than the value of max_calls_exec), the RPC runtime accepts
   and queues additional remote procedure calls until a call execution
   thread is available.  From the client's perspective, a queued remote
   procedure call appears the same as one that the server is actively
   executing.  A client call remains blocked and in the queue until any
   one of the following events occurs:

     +  The remote procedure call is assigned to an available call
        execution thread and the call runs to completion.

     +  The client no longer can communicate with the server.

     +  The client thread is canceled and the remote procedure call does
        not complete within the cancel time-out limits.

   The implementation of the RPC architecture determines the amount of
   queuing it provides.

   The RPC runtime continues listening for remote procedure calls (that
   is, the routine does not return to the server) until one of the
   following events occurs:

     +  One of the server application's manager routines calls

     +  A client is allowed to, and makes, a remote
        rpc_mgmt_stop_server_listening() call to the server.

   On receiving a request to stop listening, the RPC runtime stops
   accepting new remote procedure calls for all registered interfaces.
   Executing calls and existing queued calls are allowed to complete.

   After all calls complete, rpc_server_listen() returns to the caller,
   which is a server application.

   For more information about a server's listening for and handling
   incoming remote procedure calls, refer to the OSF DCE Application
   Development Guide.  It also contains information about canceled


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_mgmt_server_stop_listening

   Books: OSF DCE Application Development Guide.

3.102  –  rpc_server_register_auth_info


   rpc_server_register_auth_info - Registers authentication information
                                   with the RPC runtime

   Used by server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_server_register_auth_info(
                  unsigned_char_t *server_princ_name,
                  unsigned32 authn_svc,
                  rpc_auth_key_retrieval_fn_t get_key_fn,
                  void *arg,
                  unsigned32 *status );



        Specifies the principal name to use for the server when
        authenticating remote procedure calls using the service
        specified by authn_svc.  The content of the name and its
        syntax is defined by the authentication service in use.

        Specifies the authentication service to use when the server
        receives a remote procedure call request.  The following
        authentication services are supported:

                    No authentication.

                    DCE shared-secret key authentication.

                    Microsoft NT Lan Manager authentication.

                    DCE public key authentication (reserved for future

                    DCE default authentication service.

        Specifies the address of a server-provided routine that returns
        encryption keys.

        The following C definition for rpc_auth_key_retrieval_fn_t
        illustrates the prototype for the encryption key acquisition

             typedef void (*rpc_auth_key_retrieval_fn_t)
               void            *arg,               /* in */
               unsigned_char_t *server_princ_name, /* in */
               unsigned32      key_type,           /* in */
               unsigned32      key_ver,            /* in */
               void            **key,              /* out */
               unsigned32      *status             /* out */

        The RPC runtime passes the server_princ_name parameter value
        specified on the call to rpc_server_register_auth_info(), as
        the server_princ_name parameter value, to the get_key_fn key
        acquisition routine.  The RPC runtime automatically provides a
        value for the key version (key_ver) parameter.  For a key_ver
        value of 0 (zero), the key acquisition routine must return the
        most recent key available.  The routine returns the key in the
        key parameter.  The key_type parameter specifies a Kerberos
        encryption key type.  Because currently the DCE supports only
        DES encryption, this parameter can be ignored.

        If the key acquisition routine, when called from the
        rpc_server_register_auth_info() routine, returns a status other
        than rpc_s_ok, the rpc_server_register_auth_info() routine fails
        and returns the error status to the calling server.

        If the key acquisition routine, when called by the RPC runtime
        while authenticating a client remote procedure call request,
        returns a status other than rpc_s_ok, the request fails and the
        RPC runtime returns the error status to the client.

   arg  Specifies an argument to pass to the get_key_fn key acquisition
        routine, if specified.  (See the description of the get_key_fn
        parameter for details.)

        Specify NULL for arg to use the default key table file,

        The calling server must be privileged to access this file.
        If arg is a key table file name, the file must have been
        created with the ktadd command.  If the specified key table
        file resides in DCE$LOCAL:[KRB5], you can supply only the file
        name. If the file does not reside in DCE$LOCAL:[KRB5], you must
        supply the full pathname.  You must prepend the file's absolute
        pathname with the prefix FILE:.


        Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
        indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
        not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
        are as follows:

        rpc_s_ok      Success.

                      Unknown authentication service.

                      authn_svc is rpc_c_authn_default and a non-null
                      value was supplied for get_key_fn parameter.


   The rpc_server_register_auth_info() routine registers an authenti-
   cation service to use for authenticating remote procedure calls
   to a particular server principal.  A server calls this routine once
   for each authentication service and principal name combination that
   it wants to register.

   The authentication service specified by a client (using the
   rpc_binding_set_auth_info() routine) must be one of the authentication
   services registered by the server.  If it is not, the client's remote
   procedure call request fails with an rpc_s_unknown_authn_service
   status code.

   The following table shows the RPC runtime behavior for acquiring
   encryption keys for each supported authentication service.  Note that
   if authn_svc is rpc_c_authn_default, then get_key_fn must be NULL.

            RPC Key Acquisition for Authentication Services
 authn_svc            get_key_fn   arg        Runtime Behavior
 rpc_c_authn_default     NULL      NULL       Uses the default method of
                                              encryption key acquisition
                                              from the default key
 rpc_c_authn_default     NULL      non-NULL   Uses the default method of
                                              encryption key acquisition
                                              from the specified key
 rpc_c_authn_default     non-NULL  Ignored    Error returned.
 rpc_c_authn_none        Ignored   Ignored    No authentication
 rpc_c_authn_dce_secret  NULL      NULL       Uses the default method of
                                              encryption key acquisition
                                              from the default key table.
 rpc_c_authn_dce_secret  NULL      non-NULL   Uses the default method of
                                              encryption key acquisition
                                              from the specified key
 rpc_c_authn_dce_secret  non-NULL  NULL       Uses the specified encryp-
                                              tion key acquisition
       					     routine to obtain keys
                                              from the default key table.
 rpc_c_authn_dce_secret  non-NULL  non-NULL   Uses the specified encryp-
                                              tion key acquisition
                                              routine to obtain keys from
                                              the specified key table.
 rpc_c_authn_winnt       Ignored   Ignored    Uses the default method of
                                              encryption key acquisition
                                              from the default key table.
 rpc_c_authn_dce_public  Ignored   Ignored    (Reserved for future use.)


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_binding_set_auth_info

3.103  –  rpc_server_register_if


   rpc_server_register_if - Registers an interface with the RPC runtime

   Used by server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_server_register_if( rpc_if_handle_t if_handle,
                                uuid_t *mgr_type_uuid,
                                rpc_mgr_epv_t mgr_epv,
                                unsigned32 *status );



       An IDL-generated data structure specifying the interface to

       Specifies a type UUID to associate with the mgr_epv parameter.
       Specifying the value NULL (or a nil UUID) registers the
       if_handle with a nil type UUID.

       Specifies the manager routines' entry point vector.  To use the
       IDL-generated default entry point vector, specify NULL.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     An interface with the given type of UUID is already


   The rpc_server_register_if() routine registers a server interface
   with the RPC runtime. A server can register an unlimited number of
   interfaces.  Once registered, an interface is available to clients
   through any binding handle of the server, provided that the binding
   handle is compatible for the client.

   A server must provide the following information to register an

     +  An interface specification, which is a data structure generated
        by the IDL compiler. The server specifies the interface
        specification of the interface using the if_handle parameter.

     +  A type UUID and manager Entry Point Vector (EPV), a data pair
        that determines which manager routine executes when a server
        receives a remote procedure call request from a client.
        The server specifies the type UUID and EPV using the
        mgr_type_uuid and mgr_epv parameters, respectively.  Note that
        when a non-nil type UUID is specified, the server must also call
        the rpc_object_set_type() routine to register objects of this
        non-nil type.

   A server that only offers a single manager for an interface calls
   rpc_server_register_if() once for that interface.  In the simple case
   where the single manager's entry point names are the same as the
   operation names in the IDL interface definition, the IDL-generated
   default manager EPV for the interface may be used.  The value NULL in
   mgr_epv specifies the default manager EPV.

   Note that if a server offers multiple implementations of an interface,
   the server code must register a separate manager entry point vector
   for each interface implementation.

   Rules for Invoking Manager Routines

   The RPC runtime dispatches an incoming remote procedure call to a
   manager that offers the requested RPC interface.  When multiple
   managers are registered for an interface, the RPC runtime must
   select one of them.  To select a manager, the RPC runtime uses the
   object UUID specified by the call's binding handle.

   The following table summarizes the rules applied for invoking manager

                   Rules for Invoking Manager Routines
 Object    Has Server     Has Server
 UUID      Set Type of    Set Type for
 of Call¹  Object UUID?²  Manager EPV³      Dispatching Action
 Nil   Not applicable(4)  Yes     Uses the manager with the nil type

 Nil   Not applicable(4)  No      Error (rpc_s_unknown_mgr_type). Rejects
                                  the remote procedure call.

 Non-nil       Yes        Yes     Uses the  manager  with  the same type

 Non-nil       No        Ignored  Uses the manager with the nil type
 				 UUID. If  no  manager  with the nil
                                  type UUID, error
 				 (rpc_s_unknown_mgr_type).  Rejects
                                  the remote procedure call.

 Non-nil       Yes         No     Error (rpc_s_unknown_mgr_type). Rejects
                                  the remote procedure call.

   ¹ This is the object UUID found in a binding handle for a remote

   ² By calling rpc_object_set_type() to specify the type UUID for an

   ³ By calling rpc_server_register_if() using the same type UUID.

   4 The nil object UUID is always automatically assigned the nil
     type UUID.  It is illegal to specify a nil object UUID in

   For more information about registering server interfaces and invoking
   manager routines, refer to the OSF DCE Application Development Guide.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_binding_set_object

   Books: OSF DCE Application Development Guide.

3.104  –  rpc_server_unregister_if


   rpc_server_unregister_if - Removes an interface from the RPC runtime

   Used by server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_server_unregister_if( rpc_if_handle_t if_handle,
                                  uuid_t *mgr_type_uuid,
                                  unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies an interface specification to unregister (remove).

       Specify NULL to remove all interfaces previously registered with
       the type UUID value given in the mgr_type_uuid parameter.

       Specifies the type UUID for the manager Entry Point Vector (EPV)
       to remove. This needs to be the same value as provided in a call
       to the rpc_server_register_if() routine.

       Specify NULL to remove the interface given in the if_handle
       parameter for all previously registered type UUIDs.

       Specify a nil UUID to remove the IDL-generated default manager
       EPV. In this case all manager EPVs registered with a non-nil
       type UUID remain registered.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok                     Success.

       rpc_s_unknown_if             Unknown interface.

       rpc_s_unknown_mgr_type       Unknown manager type.


   The rpc_server_unregister_if() routine removes the association between
   an interface and a manager Entry Point Vector (EPV).

   Specify the manager EPV to remove by providing, in the mgr_type_uuid
   parameter, the type UUID value specified in a call to the
   rpc_server_register_if() routine.  Once removed, an interface is no
   longer available to client applications.

   When an interface is removed, the RPC runtime stops accepting new
   calls for that interface.  Executing calls (on that interface) are
   allowed to complete.

   The table below summarizes the actions of this routine.

                    Rules for Removing an Interface
 if_handle      mgr_type_uuid       Action
 non-NULL       non-NULL            Removes the manager EPV associated
                                    with the specified parameters.

 non-NULL       NULL                Removes all manager EPVs associated
                                    with parameter if_handle.

 NULL           non-NULL            Removes all manager EPVs associated
                                    with parameter mgr_type_uuid.

 NULL           NULL                Removes all manager EPVs.

   Note that when both of the parameters if_handle and mgr_type_uuid are
   given the value NULL, this call has the effect of preventing the
   server from receiving any new remote procedure calls since all the
   manager EPVs for all interfaces have been removed.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_server_register_if

3.105  –  rpc_server_use_all_protseqs


   rpc_server_use_all_protseqs - Tells the RPC runtime to use all
                                 supported protocol sequences for
                                 receiving remote procedure calls

   Used by server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_server_use_all_protseqs( unsigned32 max_call_requests,
                                     unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies the maximum number of concurrent remote procedure call
       requests that the server can accept.

       The RPC runtime guarantees that the server can accept at least
       this number of concurrent call requests.  The actual number of
       these requests can be greater than the value of
       max_call_requests and can vary for each protocol sequence.

       Use the value rpc_c_protseq_max_reqs_default to specify the
       default parameter value.

       Note that in this version of DCE RPC, any number you specify is
       replaced by the default value.

       Also, the rpc_server_listen() routine limits (according to its
       max_calls_exec parameter) the amount of concurrent remote
       procedure call execution.  See the rpc_server_listen
       reference page for more information.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
       not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
       are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok     Success.

                    Cannot create socket.

                    Exceeded maximum number of network descriptors.

                    No supported protocol sequences.


   The rpc_server_use_all_protseqs() routine registers all supported
   protocol sequences with the RPC runtime.  A server must register at
   least one protocol sequence with the RPC runtime to receive remote
   procedure call requests.

   For each protocol sequence registered by a server, the RPC runtime
   creates one or more binding handles.  Each binding handle contains a
   dynamic endpoint that the RPC runtime and operating system generated.

   The max_call_requests parameter allows you to specify the maximum
   number of concurrent remote procedure call requests the server

   After registering protocol sequences, a server typically calls the
   following routines:

                 Obtains a vector containing all of the server's binding

                 Registers the binding handles with the local endpoint

                 Registers the binding handles with the local endpoint

                 Places the binding handles in the name service database
                 for access by any client.

                 Frees the vector of server binding handles.

                 Registers with the RPC runtime those interfaces that the
                 server offers.

                 Enables the reception of remote procedure calls.

   To register protocol sequences selectively, a server calls one of the
   following routines:

   rpc_server_use_protseq()            rpc_server_use_all_protseqs_if()
   rpc_server_use_protseq_if()         rpc_server_use_protseq_ep()

   For an explanation of how a server can establish a client/server
   relationship without using the local endpoint map or the name service
   database, see the information on string bindings in the rpc_intro
   reference page.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_binding_from_string_binding

3.106  –  rpc_server_use_all_protseqs_if


   rpc_server_use_all_protseqs_if - Tells the RPC runtime to use all
                                    the protocol sequences and endpoints
                                    specified in the interface
                                    specification for receiving remote
                                    procedure calls

   Used by server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_server_use_all_protseqs_if( unsigned32 max_call_requests,
                                        rpc_if_handle_t if_handle,
                                        unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies the maximum number of concurrent remote procedure call
       requests that the server can accept.

       The RPC runtime guarantees that the server can accept at least
       this number of concurrent call requests.  The actual number of
       these requests can be greater that the value of max_call_requests
       and can vary for each protocol sequence.

       Use the value rpc_c_protseq_max_reqs_default to specify the
       default parameter value.

       Note that in this version of DCE RPC, any number you specify is
       replaced by the default value.

       Also, the rpc_server_listen() routine limits (according to its
       max_calls_exec parameter) the amount of concurrent remote
       procedure call execution.  See the rpc_server_listen reference
       page for more information.

       Specifies an interface specification containing the protocol
       sequences and their corresponding endpoint information to use in
       creating binding handles.  Each created binding handle contains a
       well-known (non-dynamic) endpoint contained in the interface


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Maximum concurrent calls too large.

                     Cannot bind to socket.

                     Cannot create socket.

                     Cannot inquire endpoint from socket.

                     Invalid interface handle.

                     Exceeded maximum number of network descriptors.

                     No supported protocol sequences.


   The rpc_server_use_all_protseqs_if() routine registers all protocol
   sequences and associated endpoint address information provided in the
   IDL file with the RPC runtime.  A server must register at least one
   protocol sequence with the RPC runtime to receive remote procedure
   call requests.

   For each protocol sequence registered by a server, the RPC runtime
   creates one or more binding handles.  Each binding handle contains
   the well-known endpoint specified in the IDL file.

   The max_call_requests parameter allows you to specify the maximum
   number of concurrent remote procedure call requests the server

   If you want to register selected protocol sequences specified in the
   IDL, your server uses rpc_server_use_protseq_if().

   The explanation of rpc_server_use_all_protseqs() contains a list of
   the routines a server typically calls after calling this routine.
   (However, a server that uses only rpc_server_use_all_protseqs_if()
   does not subsequently call rpc_ep_register() or
   rpc_ep_register_no_replace().)  For an explanation of how a server
   can establish a client/server relationship without using the local
   endpoint map or the name service database, see the information on
   string bindings in the rpc_intro reference page.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_binding_vector_free

3.107  –  rpc_server_use_protseq


   rpc_server_use_protseq - Tells the RPC runtime to use the specified
                            protocol sequence for receiving remote
                            procedure calls

   Used by server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_server_use_protseq( unsigned_char_t *protseq,
                                unsigned32 max_call_requests,
                                unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies a string identifier for the protocol sequence to
       register with the RPC runtime.  (For a list of string identifiers,
       see the table of valid protocol sequences in the rpc_intro(3rpc)
       reference page.)

       Specifies the maximum number of concurrent remote procedure call
       requests that the server can accept.

       The RPC runtime guarantees that the server can accept at least
       this number of concurrent call requests.  The actual number of
       these requests can be greater than the value of max_call_requests
       and can vary for each protocol sequence.

       Use the value rpc_c_protseq_max_reqs_default to specify the
       default parameter value.

       Note that in this version of DCE RPC, any number you specify is
       replaced by the default value.

       Also, rpc_server_listen() limits (according to its max_calls_exec
       parameter) the amount of concurrent remote procedure call
       execution. See the rpc_server_listen reference page for more


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok     Success.

                    Cannot create socket.

                    Invalid protocol sequence.

                    Exceeded maximum number of network descriptors.

                    Protocol sequence not supported on this host.


   The rpc_server_use_protseq() routine registers a single protocol
   sequence with the RPC runtime.  A server must register at least one
   protocol sequence with the RPC runtime to receive remote procedure
   call requests.  A server can call this routine multiple times to
   register additional protocol sequences.

   For each protocol sequence registered by a server, the RPC runtime
   creates one or more binding handles.  Each binding handle contains a
   dynamic endpoint that the RPC runtime and operating system generated.

   The max_call_requests parameter allows you to specify the maximum
   number of concurrent remote procedure call requests the server

   A server calls rpc_server_use_all_protseqs() to register all protocol

   The explanation of the rpc_server_use_all_protseqs() routine contains
   a list of the routines a server typically calls after calling this
   routine.  For an explanation of how a server can establish a
   client/server relationship without using the local endpoint map or
   the name service database, see the information on string bindings in
   the rpc_intro reference page.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_binding_vector_free

3.108  –  rpc_server_use_protseq_ep


   rpc_server_use_protseq_ep - Tells the RPC runtime to use the specified
                               protocol sequence combined with the
                               specified endpoint for receiving remote
                               procedure calls

   Used by server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_server_use_protseq_ep( unsigned_char_t *protseq,
                                   unsigned32 max_call_requests,
                                   unsigned_char_t *endpoint,
                                   unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies a string identifier for the protocol sequence to
       register with the RPC runtime.  (For a list of string
       identifiers, see the table of valid protocol sequences in the
       rpc_intro(3rpc) reference page.

       Specifies the maximum number of concurrent remote procedure call
       requests that the server can accept.

       The RPC runtime guarantees that the server can accept at least
       this number of concurrent call requests.  The actual number of
       these requests can be greater than the value of max_call_requests
       and can vary for each protocol sequence.

       Use the value rpc_c_protseq_max_reqs_default to specify the
       default parameter value.

       Note that in this version of DCE RPC, any number you specify is
       replaced by the default value.

       Also, rpc_server_listen()  limits (according to its max_calls_exec
       parameter) the amount of concurrent remote procedure call
       execution. See the rpc_server_listen reference page for more

       Specifies address information for an endpoint. This information
       is used in creating a binding handle for the protocol sequence
       specified in the protseq parameter.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Maximum concurrent calls too large.

                     Cannot bind to socket.

                     Cannot create socket.

                     Invalid endpoint format.

                     Invalid protocol sequence.

                     Exceeded maximum number of network descriptors.

                     Protocol sequence not supported on this host.


   The rpc_server_use_protseq_ep() routine registers a protocol sequence
   and its specified endpoint address information with the RPC runtime.
   A server must register at least one protocol sequence with the RPC
   runtime to receive remote procedure call requests.  A server can call
   this routine multiple times to register additional protocol sequences
   and endpoints.

   For each protocol sequence registered by a server, the RPC runtime
   creates one or more binding handles.  Each binding handle contains
   the well-known endpoint specified in the endpoint parameter.

   The max_call_requests parameter allows you to specify the maximum
   number of concurrent remote procedure call requests the server

   The explanation of rpc_server_use_all_protseqs() contains a list of
   the routines a server typically calls after calling this routine.
   For an explanation of how a server can establish a client/server
   relationship without using the local endpoint map or the name service
   database, see the information on string bindings in the rpc_intro
   reference page.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_binding_vector_free

3.109  –  rpc_server_use_protseq_if


   rpc_server_use_protseq_if - Tells the RPC runtime to use the specified
                               protocol sequence combined with the
                               endpoints in the interface specification
                               for receiving remote procedure calls

   Used by server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_server_use_protseq_if( unsigned_char_t *protseq,
                                   unsigned32 max_call_requests,
                                   rpc_if_handle_t if_handle,
                                   unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies a string identifier for the protocol sequence to
       register with the RPC runtime.  For a list of string
       identifiers, see the table of valid protocol sequences in the
       rpc_intro(3rpc) reference page.

       Specifies the maximum number of concurrent remote procedure call
       requests that the server can accept.

       The RPC runtime guarantees that the server can accept at least
       this number of concurrent call requests.  The actual number of
       these requests can be greater than the value of max_call_requests
       and can vary for each protocol sequence.

       Use the value rpc_c_protseq_max_reqs_default to specify the
       default parameter value.

       Note that in this version of DCE RPC, any number you specify is
       replaced by the default value.

       Also, the rpc_server_listen() routine limits (according to its
       max_calls_exec parameter) the amount of concurrent remote
       procedure call execution.  See the rpc_server_listen reference
       page for more information.

       Specifies an interface specification whose endpoint information
       is used in creating a binding for the protocol sequence specified
       in the protseq parameter.  Each created binding handle contains a
       well-known (nondynamic) endpoint contained in the interface


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok      Success.

                     Maximum concurrent calls too large.

                     Cannot bind to socket.

                     Invalid endpoint format.

                     Invalid protocol sequence.

                     Exceeded maximum number of network descriptors.

                     Protocol sequence not supported on this host.


   The rpc_server_use_protseq_if() routine registers one protocol
   sequence with the RPC runtime, including its endpoint address
   information as provided in the specified IDL file.

   A server must register at least one protocol sequence with the RPC
   runtime to receive remote procedure call requests.  A server can call
   this routine multiple times to register additional protocol sequences.

   For each protocol sequence registered by a server, the RPC runtime
   creates one or more binding handles.  Each binding handle contains
   the well-known endpoint specified in the IDL file.

   The max_call_requests parameter allows you to specify the maximum
   number of concurrent remote procedure call requests the server

   To register all protocol sequences from the IDL, a server calls the
   rpc_server_use_all_protseqs_if() routine.

   The explanation of rpc_server_use_all_protseqs() contains a list of
   the routines a server typically calls after calling this routine.
   However, a server that uses only rpc_server_use_protseq_if() does not
   subsequently call rpc_ep_register() or rpc_ep_register_no_replace().
   For an explanation of how a server can establish a client/server
   relationship without using the local endpoint map or the name service
   database, see the information on string bindings in the rpc_intro
   reference page.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_binding_vector_free

3.110  –  rpc_set_local_float_drep


   rpc_set_local_float_drep - Sets the float type in the runtime to
                              the one with which the application is
                              being compiled


   #include <dce/rpc.h>
   void rpc_set_local_float_drep (unsigned8 float_drep,
                                   unsigned32 *status);



                 The parameter should always be passed as using the
                 macro "RPC_APPLICATION_FLOAT_TYPE". This macro will
                 be define to 0 or 1 based on the compilation option
                 specified for the float type.


                 The routine will always return "rpc_s_ok" status.


   The routine rpc_set_local_float_drep allows the RPC application
   to set the floating point type being used by the application
   Only G_FLOAT and IEEE_FLOAT floating types are supported. This
   routine if used,should be placed before any other API calls to
   the RPC runtime. The first parameter float_drep should be passed
   using the macro RPC_APPLICATION_FLOAT_TYPE that is defined in
   IDLBASE.H header file. This macro will be set to appropriate value
   based on the /FLOAT compilation option.

   This routine can be used only on Alpha and I64 and will not be
   supported on VAX.


   No value is returned.

3.111  –  rpc_sm_allocate


   rpc_sm_allocate - Allocates memory within the RPC stub memory
                     management scheme


   #include <rpc.h>
   idl_void_p_t rpc_sm_allocate ( unsigned long size,
                                  unsigned32 *status );



   size      Specifies, in bytes, the size of memory to be allocated.


   status    Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
             indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
             not, why not.

             Possible status codes and their meanings include:

             rpc_s_ok      Success.


   Applications call rpc_sm_allocate to allocate memory within the RPC
   stub memory management scheme.  Before a call to this routine, the
   stub memory management environment must have been established.  For
   manager code that is called from the stub, the stub itself normally
   establishes the necessary environment. When rpc_sm_allocate is used
   by code that is not called from the stub, the application must
   establish the required memory management environment by calling

   When the stub establishes the memory management environment, the stub
   itself frees any memory allocated by rpc_sm_allocate.  The application
   can free such memory before returning to the calling stub by calling

   When the application establishes the memory management environment,
   it must free any memory allocated, either by calling rpc_sm_free or
   by calling rpc_sm_disable_allocate.

   Multiple threads may call rpc_sm_allocate and rpc_sm_free to manage
   the same memory within the stub memory management environment.  To do
   so, the threads must share the same stub memory management thread
   handle.  Applications pass thread handles from thread to thread by
   calling rpc_sm_get_thread_handle and rpc_sm_set_thread_handle.


   A pointer to the allocated memory.


   Functions: rpc_sm_free

3.112  –  rpc_sm_client_free


   rpc_sm_client_free - Frees memory returned from a client stub


   #include <rpc.h>
   void rpc_sm_client_free ( idl_void_p_t node_to_free,
                             unsigned32 *status );



             Specifies a pointer to memory returned from a client stub.


   status    Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
             indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
             not, why not.

             Possible status codes and their meanings include:

             rpc_s_ok      Success.


   The rpc_sm_client_free routine releases memory allocated and returned
   from a client stub. The thread calling rpc_sm_client_free must have
   the same thread handle as the thread that made the RPC call.
   Applications pass thread handles from thread to thread by calling
   rpc_sm_get_thread_handle and rpc_sm_set_thread_handle.

   This routine enables a routine to deallocate dynamically allocated
   memory returned by an RPC call without knowledge of the memory
   management environment from which it was called.




   Functions: rpc_sm_free

3.113  –  rpc_sm_destroy_client_context


   rpc_sm_destroy_client_context - Reclaims the client memory resources
                                   for a context handle, and sets the
                                   context handle to null


   #include <rpc.h>
   void rpc_sm_destroy_client_context(
                  idl_void_p_t p_unusable_context_handle,
                  unsigned32 *status );



             Specifies the context handle that can no longer be accessed.


   status    Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
             indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
             not, why not.

             Possible status codes and their meanings include:

             rpc_s_ok      Success.


   The rpc_sm_destroy_client_context routine is used by client
   applications to reclaim the client resources used in maintaining
   an active context handle.  Applications call this routine after a
   communications error makes the context handle unusable.  When the
   rpc_sm_destroy_client_context routine reclaims the memory resources,
   it also sets the context handle to null.



3.114  –  rpc_sm_disable_allocate


   rpc_sm_disable_allocate - Releases resources and allocated memory
                             within the stub memory management scheme


   #include <rpc.h>
   void rpc_sm_disable_allocate ( unsigned32 *status );



   status    Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
             indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
             not, why not.

             Possible status codes and their meanings include:

             rpc_s_ok      Success.


   The rpc_sm_disable_allocate routine releases all resources acquired
   by a call to rpc_sm_enable_allocate, and any memory allocated by calls
   to rpc_sm_allocate after the call to rpc_sm_enable_allocate was made.

   The rpc_sm_enable_allocate and rpc_sm_disable_allocate routines must
   be used in matching pairs.


   Functions: rpc_sm_allocate

3.115  –  rpc_sm_enable_allocate


   rpc_sm_enable_allocate - Enables the stub memory managment environment


   #include <rpc.h>
   void rpc_sm_enable_allocate( unsigned32 *status );



   status    Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
             indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
             not, why not.

             Possible status codes and their meanings include:

             rpc_s_ok      Success.


   Applications can call rpc_sm_enable_allocate to establish a stub
   memory management environment in cases where one is not established
   by the stub itself.  A stub memory management environment must be
   established before any calls are made to rpc_sm_allocate.  For server
   manager code called from the stub, the stub memory management
   environment is normally established by the stub itself.  Code that is
   called from other contexts needs to call rpc_sm_enable_allocate
   before calling rpc_sm_allocate.

   For a discussion of how spawned threads acquire a stub memory
   management environment, see the rpc_sm_get_thread_handle and
   rpc_sm_set_thread_handle reference pages.




   Functions: rpc_sm_allocate

3.116  –  rpc_sm_free


   rpc_sm_free - Frees memory allocated by the rpc_sm_allocate routine


   #include <rpc.h>
   void rpc_sm_free ( idl_void_p_t node_to_free,
                      unsigned32 *status );



             Specifies a pointer to memory allocated by rpc_sm_allocate.


   status    Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
             indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
             not, why not.

             Possible status codes and their meanings include:

             rpc_s_ok      Success.


   Applications call rpc_sm_free to release memory allocated by

   When the stub allocates memory within the stub memory management
   environment, manager code called from the stub can also use
   rpc_sm_free to release memory allocated by the stub.

   The thread calling rpc_sm_free must have the same thread handle
   as the thread that allocated the memory with rpc_sm_allocate.
   Applications pass thread handles from thread to thread by calling
   rpc_sm_get_thread_handle and rpc_sm_set_thread_handle.



   Functions: rpc_sm_allocate

3.117  –  rpc_sm_get_thread_handle


   rpc_sm_get_thread_handle - Gets a thread handle for the stub memory
                              management environment


   #include <rpc.h>
   rpc_sm_thread_handle_t rpc_sm_get_thread_handle( unsigned32 *status );



   status  Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
           indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
           not, why not.

           Possible status codes and their meanings include:

           rpc_s_ok      Success.


   Applications call rpc_sm_get_thread_handle to get a thread handle
   for the current stub memory management environment. A thread that
   is managing memory within the stub memory managment scheme calls
   pc_sm_get_thread_handle to get a thread handle for its current stub
   memory management environment.  A thread that calls
   rpc_sm_set_thread_handle with this handle, is able to use the same
   memory management environment.

   When multiple threads call rpc_sm_allocate and rpc_sm_free to manage
   the same memory, they must share the same thread handle.  The thread
   that established the stub memory management environment calls
   rpc_sm_get_thread_handle to get a thread handle before spawning new
   threads that will manage the same memory.  The spawned threads then
   call rpc_sm_set_thread_handle with the handle provided by the parent

   Typically, rpc_sm_get_thread_handle is called by a server manager
   routine before it spawns additional threads.  Normally the stub sets
   up the memory management environment for the manager routine.  The
   manager calls rpc_sm_get_thread_handle to make this environment
   available to the spawned threads.

   A thread may also use rpc_sm_get_thread_handle and
   rpc_sm_set_thread_handle to save and restore its memory
   management environment.


   A thread handle.


   Functions:  rpc_sm_allocate

3.118  –  rpc_sm_set_client_alloc_free


   rpc_sm_set_client_alloc_free - Sets the memory allocation and freeing
                                  mechanisms used by the client stubs


    #include <rpc.h>
    void rpc_sm_set_client_alloc_free (
                   idl_void_p_t (*p_allocate) (unsigned long size),
                   void (*p_free) (idl_void_p_t ptr),
                   unsigned32 *status );



           Specifies a memory allocator routine.

   p_free  Specifies a memory free routine.  This routine is used to free
           memory allocated with the routine specified by p_allocate.


   status  Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
           indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
           not, why not.

           Possible status codes and their meanings include:

           rpc_s_ok      Success.


   The rpc_sm_set_client_alloc_free routine overrides the default
   routines that the client stub uses to manage memory.

   The default memory management routines are ISO malloc and ISO free
   except when the remote call occurs within manager code in which case
   the default memory management routines are rpc_sm_allocate and



   Functions: rpc_sm_allocate

3.119  –  rpc_sm_set_thread_handle


   rpc_sm_set_thread_handle - Sets a thread handle for the stub memory
                              management environment


   #include <rpc.h>
   void rpc_sm_set_thread_handle ( rpc_sm_thread_handle_t id,
                                   unsigned32 *status );



   id      Specifies a thread handle returned by a call to


   status  Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
           indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
           not, why not.

           Possible status codes and their meanings include:

           rpc_s_ok      Success.


   An application thread calls rpc_sm_set_thread_handle to set a thread
   handle for memory management within the stub memory management
   environment.  A thread that is managing memory within the stub memory
   managment scheme calls rpc_sm_get_thread_handle to get a thread handle
   for its current stub memory management environment.  A thread that
   calls rpc_sm_set_thread_handle with this handle is able to use the
   same memory management environment.

   When multiple threads call rpc_sm_allocate and rpc_sm_free to manage
   the same memory, they must share the same thread handle.  The thread
   that established the stub memory management environment calls
   rpc_sm_get_thread_handle to get a thread handle before spawning new
   threads that will manage the same memory.  The spawned threads then
   call rpc_sm_set_thread_handle with the handle provided by the parent

   Typically, rpc_sm_set_thread_handle is called by a thread spawned by
   a server manager routine.  Normally the stub sets up the memory
   management environment for the manager routine and the manager calls
   rpc_sm_get_thread_handle to get a thread handle.  Each spawned thread
   then calls rpc_sm_get_thread_handle to get access to the manager's
   memory management environment.

   A thread may also use rpc_sm_get_thread_handle and
   rpc_sm_set_thread_handle to save and restore its memory
   management environment.



   Functions: rpc_sm_get_thread_handle

3.120  –  rpc_sm_swap_client_alloc_free


   rpc_sm_swap_client_alloc_free - Exchanges the current memory
                                   allocation and freeing mechanism
                                   used by the client stubs with one
                                   supplied by the client


   #include <rpc.h>
   void rpc_sm_swap_client_alloc_free (
                 idl_void_p_t (*p_allocate) (unsigned long size),
                 void (*p_free) (idl_void_p_t ptr),
                 idl_void_p_t (**p_p_old_allocate) (unsigned long size),
                 void (**p_p_old_free) (idl_void_p_t ptr),
                 unsigned32 *status );



             Specifies a new memory allocation routine.

   p_free    Specifies a new memory free routine.


             Returns the memory allocation routine in use before the
             call to this routine.

             Returns the memory free routine in use before the call to
             this routine.

   status    Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
             indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
             not, why not.

             Possible status codes and their meanings include:

             rpc_s_ok      Success.


   The rpc_sm_swap_client_alloc_free routine exchanges the current
   allocate and free mechanisms used by the client stubs for routines
   supplied by the caller.



   Functions: rpc_sm_allocate

3.121  –  rpc_ss_allocate


   rpc_ss_allocate - Allocates memory within the RPC stub memory
                     management scheme

   Used by server or possibly by client applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   idl_void_p_t rpc_ss_allocate( idl_size_t size );



   size      Specifies, in bytes, the size of memory to be allocated.

   Note that in ANSI standard C environments, idl_void_p_t is defined as
   void * and in other environments is defined as char *.


   Usually, the rpc_ss_allocate() routine is used in the manager code
   that is called from a server stub.  Memory allocated by
   rpc_ss_allocate is released by the server stub after marshalling
   any output parameters at the end of the remote call in which the
   memory was allocated.  If you want to release memory allocated by
   rpc_ss_allocate() before returning from the manager code use

   You can also use rpc_ss_free() in manager code to release memory
   pointed to by a full pointer (ptr) in an input parameter.

   When the server uses rpc_ss_allocate(), the server stub creates the
   environment the routine needs.  If the parameters of the operation
   include any pointers other than those used for passing parameters by
   reference, the environment is set up automatically.

   If you need to use rpc_ss_allocate() in a manager code routine that
   does not have a pointer in any of its parameters, use an ACF and apply
   the enable_allocate attribute to the relevant operation.  This causes
   the generated server stub to set up the necessary environment.

   Note that memory allocated by allocators other than rpc_ss_allocate()
   is not released when the operation on the server side completes

   If you want to use rpc_ss_allocate() outside the code called from a
   server stub, you must first create an environment for it by calling

   See the OSF DCE Application Development Guide for more information.


   A pointer to the allocated memory.

   An exception, rpc_x_no_memory, when no memory is available for


  Functions:  rpc_ss_free

3.122  –  rpc_ss_bind_authn_client


   rpc_ss_bind_authn_client - Authenticates a client's identity to a
                              server from a client stub


   #include <rpc.h>
   void rpc_ss_bind_authn_client( rpc_binding_handle_t *binding,
                                  if_handle_t if_handle,
                                  error_status_t *status );



   binding   A pointer to the server binding handle for the remote
             procedure call to which the routine will add
             authentication and authorization context.


             A stub-generated data structure that specifies the interface
             of interest. The routine can use this parameter to resolve a
             partial binding or to distinguish between interfaces.


   status    Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
             indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
             not, why not.

             Possible status codes and their meanings include:


                         Directs the client stub not to look for another
                         server binding.


   The rpc_ss_bind_authn_client() routine is a DCE-supplied binding
   callout routine for use with the binding_callout ACF interface

   The binding_callout attribute enables applications to specify the
   name of a routine that the client stub will call automatically to
   modify a server binding handle with additional information before
   it initiates a remote procedure call.  This attribute is especially
   useful for applications using the automatic binding method, where
   it is the client stub that obtains the binding handle, rather than
   the application code.  The binding_callout attribute provides these
   applications with a way to gain access to a server binding handle
   from the client stub, since the handle is not accessible from the
   application code.

   Applications can specify rpc_ss_bind_authn_client() to the
   binding_callout ACF interface attribute in order to authenticate
   the client's identity to a server from the client stub before the
   remote procedure call to the server is initiated.  This routine
   performs one-way authentication: the client does not care which
   server principal receives the remote procedure call request, but
   the server verifies that the client is who the client claims to be.

   The routine sets the protection level used, the authentication
   identity, and the authentication service used to their default
   values; see the rpc_binding_set_auth_info reference pages for more
   information on these default values.  It sets the authorization
   service to perform authorization based on the client's principal name.

   Applications can also specify user-written binding callout routines
   with the binding_callout attribute to modify server binding handles
   from client stubs with other types of information.  See the OSF DCE
   Application Development Guide-Core Components for more information on
   using the binding_callout ACF attribute.



   Functions: rpc_binding_set_auth_info

   Books: OSF DCE Application Development Guide-Introduction & Style
          OSF DCE Application Development Guide-Core Components

3.123  –  rpc_ss_client_free


   rpc_ss_client_free - Frees memory returned from a client stub

   Used by client applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ss_client_free( idl_void_p_t node_to_free );



         Specifies a pointer to memory returned from a client stub.


   The rpc_ss_client_free() routine releases memory allocated and
   returned from a client stub. The thread calling rpc_ss_client_free()
   must have the same thread handle as the thread that made the RPC call.

   This routine enables a routine to deallocate dynamically allocated
   memory returned by an RPC call without knowledge of the memory
   management environment from which it was called.

   Note that while this routine is always called from client code, the
   code can be executing as part of another server.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_ss_free

3.124  –  rpc_ss_destroy_client_context


   rpc_ss_destroy_client_context - Reclaims the client memory resources
                                   for the context handle, and sets the
                                   context handle to NULL

   Used by client applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ss_destroy_client_context( void *p_unusable_context_handle );



                Specifies the context handle that can no longer be


   The rpc_ss_destroy_client_context() routine is used by the client
   application to reclaim the client resources used in maintaining an
   active context handle. Only call this after a communications error
   makes the context handle unusable.  When
   rpc_ss_destroy_client_context() reclaims the memory resources, it
   also sets the context handle to null.


   No value is returned.

   The rpc_ss_destroy_client_context() routine raises no exceptions.

3.125  –  rpc_ss_disable_allocate


   rpc_ss_disable_allocate - Releases resources and allocated memory

   Used by client applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ss_disable_allocate( void );


   The rpc_ss_disable_allocate() routine releases (disables) all
   resources acquired by a call to rpc_ss_enable_allocate(), and any
   memory allocated by calls to rpc_ss_allocate() after the call to
   rpc_ss_enable_allocate() was made.

   The rpc_ss_enable_allocate() and rpc_ss_disable_allocate() routines
   must be used in matching pairs.

   For information about rules for using memory management routines, see
   the OSF DCE Application Development Guide.


   Functions:  rpc_ss_allocate

   Books: OSF DCE Application Development Guide

3.126  –  rpc_ss_enable_allocate


   rpc_ss_enable_allocate - Enables the allocation of memory by the
                            rpc_ss_allocate() routine when not in
                            manager code

   Used by client applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ss_enable_allocate( void );


   In sophisticated servers, it may be necessary to call manager code
   routines from different environments.  This occurs, for example, when
   the application is both a client and a server of the same interface.
   Therefore, a manager code routine may need to be called both by the
   application code and by the stub code.  If code, other than manager
   code, calls the rpc_ss_allocate() routine, it must first call
   rpc_ss_enable_allocate() to initialize the memory management
   environment that rpc_ss_allocate() uses.

   For information about rules for using memory management routines, see
   the OSF DCE Application Development Guide.


   An exception, rpc_x_no_memory, when there is insufficient memory
   available to set up necessary data structures.


  Functions:  rpc_ss_allocate

   Books: OSF DCE Application Development Guide

3.127  –  rpc_ss_free


   rpc_ss_free - Frees memory allocated by the rpc_ss_allocate() routine

   Used by server or possibly by client applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ss_free( idl_void_p_t node_to_free );



          Specifies a pointer to memory allocated by rpc_ss_allocate().

   Note that in ANSI standard C environments, idl_void_p_t is defined
   as void * and in other environments is defined as char *.


   The rpc_ss_free() routine releases memory allocated by
   rpc_ss_allocate().  The thread calling rpc_ss_free() must have
   the same thread handle as the thread that allocated the memory
   with rpc_ss_allocate().  Use it only in an environment where
   rpc_ss_allocate() is used.

   If the manager code allocates memory with rpc_ss_allocate() and the
   memory is not released by rpc_ss_free() during manager code execution,
   then the server stub automatically releases the memory when the
   manager code completes execution and returns control to the stub.

   Manager code can also use rpc_ss_free() to release memory that is
   pointed to by a full pointer in an input parameter.

   For information about rules for using memory management routines,
   see the OSF DCE Application Development Guide.


   Functions: rpc_ss_allocate

   Books: OSF DCE Application Development Guide

3.128  –  rpc_ss_get_thread_handle


   rpc_ss_get_thread_handle - Gets a thread handle for the manager code
                              before it spawns additional threads, or
                              for the client code when it becomes a

   Used by server or possibly by client applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   rpc_ss_thread_handle_t  rpc_ss_get_thread_handle( void );


   The rpc_ss_get_thread_handle() routine is used by a server manager
   thread when it spawns additional threads.  To spawn additional threads
   that are able to perform memory management, the server manager code
   calls rpc_ss_get_thread_handle() and passes the thread handle to each
   spawned thread.  Each spawned thread that uses rpc_ss_allocate() and
   rpc_ss_free() for memory management must first call
   rpc_ss_set_thread_handle(), using the handle obtained by the original
   manager thread.

   The rpc_ss_get_thread_handle() routine can also be used when a
   program changes from being a client to being a server.  The program
   gets a handle on its environment as a client by calling
   rpc_ss_get_thread_handle().  When the program reverts to being a
   client it re-establishes the client environment by calling
   rpc_ss_set_thread_handle(), supplying the previously obtained handle
   as a parameter.


   A thread handle.


   This function determines the thread handle, creates a thread, and
   passes the thread handle to the thread so it can share the memory
   management environment of the calling thread.

        #include <pthread.h>
        #include <idlbase.h>

        pthread_t Launch_thread(
            int (*routine_to_launch)(pthread_addr_t th)
            rpc_ss_thread_handle_t th = rpc_ss_get_thread_handle();
            pthread_t t;

             * Create the thread and pass to it the thread handle
             * so it can use rpc_ss_set_thread_handle.
            pthread_create( &t,
                            (pthread_addr_t)th );

            return t;


   Functions:  rpc_ss_allocate

3.129  –  rpc_ss_set_client_alloc_free


   rpc_ss_set_client_alloc_free - Sets the memory allocation and
                                  freeing mechanism used by the client
                                  stubs, thereby overriding the default
                                  routines the client stub uses to
                                  manage memory for pointed-to nodes

   Used by client applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ss_set_client_alloc_free(
               idl_void_p_t (*p_allocate)(idl_size_t size),
               void (*p_free)(idl_void_p_t *ptr) );



         Specifies a pointer to a routine that has the same procedure
         declaration as the malloc() routine and that is used by the
         client stub to allocate memory.

         Specifies a pointer to a routine that has the same procedure
         declaration as the free() routine and that is used to free
         memory that was allocated using the routine pointed at by

   Note that in ANSI standard C environments, idl_void_p_t is defined
   as void * and in other environments is defined as char *.


   The rpc_ss_set_client_alloc_free() routine overrides the default
   routines that the client stub uses to manage memory for pointed-to
   nodes.  The default memory management routines are malloc() and
   free(), except when the remote call occurs within manager code, in
   which case the default memory management routines are
   rpc_ss_allocate() and rpc_ss_free().

   For information about rules for using memory management routines,
   see the OSF DCE Application Development Guide.


   An exception, rpc_x_no_memory, when there is insufficient memory
   available to set up necessary data structures.


   Functions: rpc_ss_allocate

   Books: OSF DCE Application Development Guide

3.130  –  rpc_ss_set_thread_handle


   rpc_ss_set_thread_handle - Sets the thread handle for either a newly
                              created spawned thread or for a server
                              that was formerly a client and is ready
                              to be a client again

   Used by server or possibly by client applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ss_set_thread_handle( rpc_ss_thread_handle_t id );



   id   A thread handle returned by a call to rpc_ss_get_thread_handle().


   The rpc_ss_set_thread_handle() routine is used by a thread spawned
   in the manager code to associate itself with the main RPC manager
   thread.  Each spawned thread that uses rpc_ss_allocate() and
   rpc_ss_free() for memory management must call
   rpc_ss_set_thread_handle(), using the handle that the main RPC
   manager thread obtained through rpc_ss_get_thread_handle().

   The rpc_ss_set_thread_handle() routine can also be used by a program
   that originally was a client, then became a server, and is now
   reverting to a client.  The program must re-establish the client
   environment by calling the rpc_ss_set_thread_handle() routine,
   supplying the handle it received (through rpc_ss_get_thread_handle())
   prior to becoming a server, as a parameter.


   An exception, rpc_x_no_memory, when there is insufficient memory
   available to set up necessary data structures.


   When this function is invoked within a spawned thread, its argument
   is the thread handle of the calling thread. This example assumes the
   data passed to the thread consists of only the middle thread.

        #include <pthread.h>
        #include <dce/idlbase.h>

         int helper_thread (pthread_addr_t th)
              * Set the memory management environment to match
              * the parent environment.
              * Real work of this thread follows here ...


   Functions: rpc_ss_get_thread_handle

   Books: OSF DCE Application Development Guide

3.131  –  rpc_ss_swap_client_alloc_free


   rpc_ss_swap_client_alloc_free - Exchanges the current memory
                                   allocation and freeing mechanism
                                   used by the client stubs with one
                                   supplied by the client

   Used by client applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_ss_swap_client_alloc_free(
           idl_void_p_t (*p_allocate)(idl_size_t size),
           void (*p_free)(idl_void_p_t ptr),
           idl_void_p_t (**p_p_old_allocate)(idl_size_t size),
           void (**p_p_old_free)(idl_void_p_t ptr) );



         Specifies a pointer to a routine that has the same procedure
         declaration as the malloc() routine and that is used for
         allocating client stub memory.

         Specifies a pointer to a routine that has the same procedure
         declaration as the free() routine and that is used for freeing
         client stub memory.


         Specifies a pointer to a pointer to a routine that has the same
         procedure declaration as the malloc() routine. A pointer to the
         routine that was previously used to allocate client stub memory
         is returned in this parameter.

         Specifies a pointer to a pointer to a routine that has the same
         procedure declaration as the free() routine. A pointer to the
         routine that was previously used to free client stub memory is
         returned in this parameter.

   Note that in ANSI standard C environments, idl_void_p_t is defined
   as void * and in other environments is defined as char *.


   The rpc_ss_swap_client_alloc_free() routine exchanges the current
   client allocate and free mechanism used by the client stubs for one
   supplied by the caller. If it is appropriate for the client code
   called by an application to use a certain memory allocation and
   freeing mechanism, regardless of its caller's state, the client code
   can swap its own mechanism into place on entry, replacing its
   caller's mechanism. It can then swap the caller's mechanism back
   into place prior to returning.

   For information about rules for using memory management routines,
   see the OSF DCE Application Development Guide.


   An exception, rpc_x_no_memory, is returned when there is insufficient
   memory available to set up necessary data structures.


   Functions: rpc_ss_allocate

   Books: OSF DCE Application Development Guide

3.132  –  rpc_string_binding_compose


   rpc_string_binding_compose - Combines the components of a string
                                binding into a string binding

   Used by client or server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_string_binding_compose( unsigned_char_t *obj_uuid,
                                    unsigned_char_t *protseq,
                                    unsigned_char_t *network_addr,
                                    unsigned_char_t *endpoint,
                                    unsigned_char_t *options,
                                    unsigned_char_t **string_binding,
                                    unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies a NULL-terminated string representation of an object

       Specifies a NULL-terminated string representation of a protocol

       Specifies a NULL-terminated string representation of a network

       Specifies a NULL-terminated string representation of an endpoint.

       Specifies a NULL-terminated string representation of network


       Returns a pointer to a NULL-terminated string representation of
       a binding handle.

       Specify NULL to prevent the routine from returning this argument.
       In this case the application does not call rpc_string_free().

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status code and its meaning is as follows:

       rpc_s_ok            Success.


   The rpc_string_binding_compose() routine combines string binding
   handle components into a string binding handle.

   The RPC runtime allocates memory for the string returned in the
   string_binding parameter. The application calls  rpc_string_free()
   to deallocate that memory.

   Specify NULL or provide a null string (\0) for each input string
   that has no data.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_binding_from_string_binding

3.133  –  rpc_string_binding_parse


   rpc_string_binding_parse - Returns, as separate strings, the
                              components of a string binding

   Used by client or server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_string_binding_parse( unsigned_char_t *string_binding,
                                  unsigned_char_t **obj_uuid,
                                  unsigned_char_t **protseq,
                                  unsigned_char_t **network_addr,
                                  unsigned_char_t **endpoint,
                                  unsigned_char_t **network_options,
                                  unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies a NULL-terminated string representation of a binding.


       Returns a pointer to a NULL-terminated string representation
       of an object UUID.  Specify NULL to prevent the routine from
       returning this parameter.  In this case the application does
       not call rpc_string_free().

       Returns a pointer to a NULL-terminated string representation
       of a protocol sequence.  Specify NULL to prevent the routine
       from returning this parameter.  In this case the application
       does not call rpc_string_free().

       Returns a pointer to a NULL-terminated string representation
       of a network address.  Specify NULL to prevent the routine
       from returning this parameter.  In this case the application
       does not call rpc_string_free().

       Returns a pointer to a NULL-terminated string representation of
       an endpoint.  Specify NULL to prevent the routine from returning
       this parameter. In this case the application does not call

       Returns a pointer to a NULL-terminated string representation of
       network options.  Specify NULL to prevent the routine from
       returning this parameter.  In this case the application does
       not call rpc_string_free().

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok                        Success.

       rpc_s_invalid_string_binding    Invalid string binding.


   The rpc_string_binding_parse() routine parses a string representation
   of a binding handle into its component fields.

   The RPC runtime allocates memory for each component string the
   routine returns.  The application calls rpc_string_free() once for
   each returned string to deallocate the memory for that string.

   If any field of the string_binding field is empty,
   rpc_string_binding_parse() returns the empty string in the
   corresponding output parameter.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_binding_from_string_binding

3.134  –  rpc_string_free


   rpc_string_free - Frees a character string allocated by the runtime

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void rpc_string_free( unsigned_char_t **string,
                         unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies the address of the pointer to the character string to
       free.  The value NULL is returned.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status code and its meaning is as follows:

       rpc_s_ok             Success.


   The rpc_string_free() routine deallocates the memory occupied by a
   character string returned by the RPC runtime.

   An application must call this routine once for each character string
   allocated and returned by calls to other RPC runtime routines.  The
   names of these routines appear at the end of this reference page.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: dce_error_inq_text

3.135  –  uuid_compare


   uuid_compare - Compares two UUIDs and determines their order

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/uuid.h>

   signed32 uuid_compare( uuid_t *uuid1,
                          uuid_t *uuid2,
                          unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies a pointer to a UUID. This UUID is compared with the UUID
       specified in uuid2.  Use the value NULL to specify a nil UUID for
       this parameter.

       Specifies a pointer to a UUID. This UUID is compared with the UUID
       specified in uuid1.  Use the value NULL to specify a nil UUID for
       this parameter.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       uuid_s_ok                 Success.

       uuid_s_bad_version        Bad UUID version.


   The uuid_compare() routine compares two UUIDs and determines their
   order.  A nil UUID is considered the first element in order.  The
   order of UUIDs is defined by the RPC architecture and is not a
   temporal (related to time) ordering.  Comparing two specific UUIDs
   always returns the same result regardless of the implementation or
   system architecture.

   You can use this routine to sort data with UUIDs as a key.


   Returns one of the following constants:

   -1  The uuid1 parameter precedes the uuid2 parameter in order.

    0  The uuid1 parameter is equal to the uuid2 parameter in order.

    1  The uuid1 parameter follows the uuid2 parameter in order.

   Note that a value of 0 (zero) has the same meaning as if
   uuid_equal(&uuid1, &uuid2) returned a value of TRUE.

   A nil UUID is the first UUID in order.  This means the following:

     +  If uuid1 is NULL and uuid2 is non-nil, the routine returns -1.

     +  If uuid1 is NULL and uuid2 is NULL, the routine returns 0.

     +  If uuid1 is non-nil and uuid2 is NULL, the routine returns 1.


   Functions: uuid_equal

3.136  –  uuid_create


   uuid_create - Creates a new UUID

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/uuid.h>

   void uuid_create( uuid_t *uuid,
                     unsigned32 *status );





       Returns the new UUID.

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       uuid_s_ok  Success.

                  Cannot get network interface device configuration.

                  Cannot get Ethernet hardware address.

                  Cannot create socket.


   The uuid_create() routine creates a new UUID.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: uuid_create_nil

3.137  –  uuid_create_nil


   uuid_create_nil - Creates a nil UUID

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/uuid.h>

   void uuid_create_nil( uuid_t *nil_uuid,
                         unsigned32 *status );





        Returns a nil UUID.

        Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
        indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
        not, why not.  The possible status code and its meaning is as

        uuid_s_ok              Success.


   The uuid_create_nil() routine creates a nil UUID.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: uuid_create

3.138  –  uuid_equal


   uuid_equal - Determines if two UUIDs are equal

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/uuid.h>

   boolean32 uuid_equal( uuid_t *uuid1,
                         uuid_t *uuid2,
                         unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies a pointer to a UUID. This UUID is compared with the
       UUID specified in uuid2.  Supply the value NULL to specify a nil
       UUID for this parameter.

       Specifies a pointer to a UUID. This UUID is compared with the
       UUID specified in uuid1.  Supply the value NULL to specify a nil
       UUID for this parameter.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       uuid_s_ok             Success.

       uuid_s_bad_version    Bad UUID version.


   The uuid_equal() routine compares two UUIDs and determines if they
   are equal.


   The possible return values and their meanings are as follows:

   TRUE    The uuid1 parameter is equal to the uuid2 parameter.
           Parameter status contains the status code uuid_s_ok.

   FALSE   The uuid1 parameter is not equal to the uuid2 parameter.


   Functions: uuid_compare

3.139  –  uuid_from_string


   uuid_from_string - Converts a string UUID to its binary representation

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/uuid.h>

   void uuid_from_string( unsigned_char_t *string_uuid,
                          uuid_t *uuid,
                          unsigned32 *status );



         Specifies a string representation of a UUID.  Supply the value
         NULL or the null string (\0) to specify a nil UUID.


   uuid  Returns the binary form of the UUID specified by the string_uuid
         parameter into the address specified by this parameter.

         Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
         indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
         not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
         are as follows:

         uuid_s_ok    Success.

                      Bad UUID version.

                      Invalid format for a string UUID.


   An application calls the uuid_from_string() routine to convert a
   string UUID to its binary representation.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: uuid_to_string

3.140  –  uuid_hash


   uuid_hash - Creates a hash value for a UUID

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/uuid.h>

   unsigned16 uuid_hash( uuid_t *uuid,
                         unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies the UUID for which a hash value is created.  Supply
       NULL to specify a nil UUID for this parameter.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       uuid_s_ok                 Success.

       uuid_s_bad_version        Bad UUID version.


   The uuid_hash() routine generates a hash value for a specified UUID.

   Note that the return value for a single uuid value may differ across


   Returns a hash value for the specified UUID.

3.141  –  uuid_is_nil


   uuid_is_nil - Determines if a UUID is nil

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/uuid.h>

   boolean32 uuid_is_nil( uuid_t *uuid,
                          unsigned32 *status );



       Specifies a UUID to test as a nil UUID.  Supply NULL to specify
       a nil UUID for this parameter.


       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       uuid_s_ok             Success.

       uuid_s_bad_version    Bad UUID version.


   The uuid_is_nil() routine determines whether the specified UUID is a
   nil UUID. This routine yields the same result as if an application did
   the following:

     +  Called the uuid_create_nil() routine.

     +  Called the uuid_equal() routine to compare the returned nil
        UUID to the UUID specified in the uuid parameter.


   The possible return values and their meanings are as follows:

   TRUE    The uuid parameter is a nil UUID.  Parameter status contains
           the status code uuid_s_ok.

   FALSE    The uuid parameter is not a nil UUID.


   Functions: uuid_compare

3.142  –  uuid_to_string


   uuid_to_string - Converts a UUID from a binary representation to
                    a string representation

   Used by client, server, or management applications.


   #include <dce/uuid.h>

   void uuid_to_string( uuid_t *uuid,
                        unsigned_char_t **string_uuid,
                        unsigned32 *status );



   uuid  Specifies a UUID in its binary format.  Supply NULL to specify
         a nil UUID for this parameter.


         Returns a pointer to the string representation of the UUID
         specified in the uuid parameter.  Specify NULL for this
         parameter to prevent the routine from returning this

         Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
         indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if
         not, why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings
         are as follows:

         uuid_s_ok               Success.

         uuid_s_bad_version      Bad UUID version.


   The uuid_to_string() routine converts a UUID from its binary
   representation to its string representation.

   The RPC runtime allocates memory for the string returned in the
   string_uuid parameter. The application calls rpc_string_free() to
   deallocate that memory.  It is not necessary to call
   rpc_string_free() when you supply NULL for the string_uuid


   No value is returned.


   Functions: rpc_string_free

3.143  –  wchar_t_from_netcs


   wchar_t_from_netcs - Converts international character data from a
                        network code set to a local code set

   Used by client and server applications.


   #include <dce/codesets_stub.h>

   void wchar_t_from_netcs( rpc_binding_handle_t binding,
                            unsigned32 network_code_set_value,
                            idl_byte *network_data,
                            unsigned32 network_data_length,
                            unsigned32 local_buffer_size,
                            wchar_t *local_data,
                            unsigned32 *local_data_length,
                            error_status_t *status );



       Specifies the target binding handle from which to obtain code set
       conversion information. When called from the client stub, this
       value is the binding handle of a compatible server returned by the
       rpc_ns_binding_import_next() or rpc_ns_binding_select() routine.
       When called from the server stub, this value is a pointer to
       binding information that the client stub passed in the RPC call.

       The registered hexadecimal integer value that represents the code
       set that was used to transmit character data over the network.
       In general, the "network" code set is the code set that the
       client application's code sets evaluation routine has determined
       to be compatible for this client and server.  When the caller is
       the client stub, this value is the receiving tag.  When the
       caller is the server stub, this value is the sending tag.

       A pointer to the international character data that has been
       received, in the network code set encoding.

       The number of byte data elements to be converted. This is the
       size of the byte string that was sent through the network.

       A pointer to the buffer size to be allocated to contain the
       converted data, in units of wchar_t. The value specified in
       this parameter is the local buffer size returned by the
       wchar_t_local_size() routine.


       A pointer to the converted data, in wchar_t format.

       The length of the converted data, in units of wchar_t.  Specify
       NULL if a fixed array is to be converted.

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      The specified code set does not match the code set
                      specified in the sending tag in the binding handle.
                      If this error occurs in the server stub, an
                      exception is raised to the client application.

   When the routine is running the host converter routines, the following
   errors can be returned:



       rpc_s_ss_iconv_error (HP-UX reference platform only)

       rpc_s_ss_no_memory (HP-UX reference platform only)

   When invoked from the server stub, this routine calls the
   dce_cs_loc_to_rgy() routine and the host converter routines.  If
   one of these routines returns an error, an exception is raised to
   the client application.


   The wchar_t_from_netcs() routine belongs to a set of DCE RPC routines
   for use by client and server applications that are transferring
   international character data in a heterogeneous character set and code
   sets environment.

   The wchar_t_from_netcs() routine is one of the DCE RPC stub code set
   conversion routines that RPC stubs use before they marshall or
   unmarshall data to convert international character data to and from
   local and network code sets.

   Client and server stubs call the wchar_t_*_netcs routines when the
   wchar_t type has been specified as the local data type using the
   cs_char attribute in the attribute configuration file for the

   Client and server stubs call the wchar_t_from_netcs() routine before
   they unmarshall the international character data received from the
   network.  The routine takes a binding handle, a code set value that
   identifies the code set used to transfer international character data
   over the network, the address of the network data, in idl_byte format,
   that may need to be converted, and the data length, in units of

   The routine compares the sending code set to the local code set
   currently in use. If the routine finds that code set conversion is
   necessary, (because the local code set differs from the code set
   specified to be used on the network), it determines which host code
   set converter to call to convert the data and then invokes that

   The routine then returns the converted data, in wchar_t format.  If
   the data is a varying, conformant, or conformant varying array, the
   routine also returns the length of the converted data, in units of

   Applications can specify local data types other than cs_byte and
   wchar_t (the local data types for which DCE RPC supplies stub code
   set conversion routines) with the cs_char ACF attribute. In this
   case, the application must also supply local_type_to_netcs() and
   local_type_from_netcs() stub conversion routines for this type.

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: cs_byte_from_netcs

3.144  –  wchar_t_local_size


   wchar_t_local_size - Calculates the necessary buffer size for code
                        set conversion from a network code set to a
                        local code set

   Used by client and server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void wchar_t_local_size( rpc_binding_handle_t binding,
                            unsigned32 network_code_set_value,
                            unsigned32 network_buffer_size,
                            idl_cs_convert_t *conversion_type,
                            unsigned32 *local_buffer_size,
                            error_status_t *status );



       Specifies the target binding handle from which to obtain buffer
       size evaluation information. When called from the client stub,
       this value is the binding handle of a compatible server returned
       by the rpc_ns_binding_import_next() or rpc_ns_binding_select()
       routine.  When called from the server stub, this value is a
       pointer to binding information that the client stub passed in
       the RPC call.

       The registered hexadecimal integer value that represents the code
       set used to transmit character data over the network.  In general,
       the "network" code set is the code set that the client
       application's code sets evaluation routine has determined to be
       compatible for this client and server.  When the caller is the
       client stub, this value is the receiving tag.  When the caller
       is the server stub, this value is the sending tag.

       The size, in units of idl_byte, of the buffer that is allocated
       for the international character data, For a conformant or
       conformant varying array, this value is the network value of the
       size_is variable for the array; that is, the value is the size of
       the unmarshalled string if no conversion is done.


       A pointer to the enumerated type defined in dce/idlbase.h that
       indicates whether data conversion is necessary and whether or not
       the existing buffer is sufficient for storing the results of the
       conversion. Since idl_byte to wchar_t conversion always takes
       place, and idl_byte and wchar_t require a different number of
       bytes, the conversion type is always idl_cs_new_buffer_convert,
       which means that the converted data must be written to a new

       A pointer to the buffer size that needs to be allocated to contain
       the converted data, in units of wchar_t.  This value is to be used
       as the local value of the size_is variable for the array, and is
       non-NULL only if a conformant or conformant varying array is to be
       unmarshalled.  A value of NULL in this parameter indicates that a
       fixed or varying array is to be unmarshalled.

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.

       The possible status codes and their meanings are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok   Success.

                  The specified code set does not match the code set
                  specified in the sending tag in the binding handle.
                  If this error occurs in the server stub, an exception
                  is raised to the client application.

   When invoked from the server stub, this routine calls the routines
   dce_cs_loc_to_rgy() and rpc_rgy_get_max_bytes().  If either of these
   routines returns an error, the wchar_t_local_size() routine raises an
   exception to the client application.


   The wchar_t_local_size() routine belongs to a set of DCE RPC routines
   for use by client and server applications that are transferring
   international character data in a heterogeneous character set and
   code sets environment.

   The wchar_t_local_size() routine is one of the DCE RPC buffer sizing
   routines that RPC stubs use before they marshall or unmarshall data
   to determine whether or not the buffers allocated for code set
   conversion need to be enlarged to hold the converted data.  The buffer
   sizing routines determine the type of conversion required and
   calculate the size of the necessary buffer (if a conformant or
   conformant varying array is to be marshalled).  The RPC stub then
   allocates a buffer of that size before it calls one of the code set
   conversion routines.

   Client and server stubs call the wchar_t_*_size routines when the
   wchar_t type has been specified as the argument to the cs_char
   attribute in the attribute configuration file for the application.
   Applications do not call wchar_t_local_size() routine directly.
   Client and server stubs call the routine before they unmarshall any
   data.  The stubs pass the routine a binding handle and a code set
   value that identifies the code set that was used to transfer
   international character data over the network. The stubs also
   specify the network storage size of the data, in units of idl_byte.

   When called from a client stub, the wchar_t_local_size() routine
   determines the value of conversion_type from conversion method and
   tag information set up in the binding handle by a code sets
   evaluation routine or a tag-setting routine.  Since idl_byte to
   wchar_t require different numbers of bytes to encode one character
   unit, the routine always sets the value to idl_cs_new_buffer_convert,
   which means that the converted data must be written to a new buffer.
   The routine sets the conversion_type parameter to this value and, if
   a conformant or conformant varying array is to be unmarshalled,
   calculates a new buffer size by dividing the value of
   network_buffer_size by the number of bytes required to encode one
   wchar_t unit.  The routine returns the new buffer size in the
   local_buffer_size parameter. The size is specified in units of
   wchar_t, which is the local representation used for international
   character data.

   In cases where the binding handle does not contain the results of
   character and code sets evaluation, or where it is being called from
   the server stub, the wchar_t_local_size() routine determines the
   value of conversion_type itself using the local code set value and
   the code set value passed in the network_code_set_value parameter
   and returns the appropriate conversion_type value.  If a conformant
   or conformant varying array is to be unmarshalled, the routine
   calculates the size of this new buffer (by multiplying the value of
   network_buffer_size by dividing the value of network_buffer_size by
   the number of bytes required to encode one wchar_t unit, and returns
   the results, in units of wchar_t, in local_buffer_size.

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: byte_net_size

3.145  –  wchar_t_net_size


   wchar_t_net_size - Calculates the necessary buffer size for code set
                      conversion from a local code set to a network code

   Used by client and server applications.


   #include <dce/rpc.h>

   void wchar_t_net_size( rpc_binding_handle_t binding,
                          unsigned32 network_code_set_value,
                          unsigned32 local_buffer_size,
                           idl_cs_convert_t *conversion_type,
                          unsigned32 *network_buffer_size,
                          error_status_t *status );



       Specifies the target binding handle from which to obtain buffer
       size evaluation information. When called from the client stub,
       this value is the binding handle of a compatible server returned
       by the rpc_ns_binding_import_next() or rpc_ns_binding_select()
       routine.  When called from the server stub, this value is a
       pointer to binding infor mation that the client stub passed in
       the RPC call.

       The registered hexadecimal integer value that represents the code
       set to be used to transmit character data over the network.  In
       general, the "network" code set is the code set that the client
       application's code sets evaluation routine has determined to be
       compatible for this client and server.  When the caller is the
       client stub, this value is the sending tag.  When the caller is
       the server stub, this value is the receiving tag.

       The size, in units of wchar_t, of the buffer that is allocated
       for the international character data.  This value is the local
       value of the size_is variable for the array; that is, the value
       is the size of the marshalled string if no conversion is done.


       A pointer to the enumerated type defined in dce/idlbase.h that
       indicates whether data conversion is necessary and whether or
       not the existing buffer is sufficient for storing the results of
       the conversion.  Because wchar_t to cs_byte conversion always
       takes place, and because wchar_t and cs_byte are different units,
       the conversion type returned is always idl_cs_new_buffer_convert,
       which means that the converted data must be written to a new

       A pointer to the buffer size that needs to be allocated to contain
       the converted data, in units of idl_byte. This value is to be used
       as the network value of the size_is variable for the array, and is
       non-NULL only if a conformant or conformant varying array is to be
       marshalled.  A value of NULL in this parameter indicates that a
       fixed or varying array is to be marshalled.

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.

       The possible status codes and their meanings are as follows:

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                  The specified code set does not match the code set
                  specified in the sending tag in the binding handle.
                  If this error occurs in the server stub, an exception
                  is raised to the client application.

   When invoked from the server stub, this routine calls the routines
   dcs_cs_loc_to_rgy() and rpc_rgy_get_max_bytes().  If either of these
   routines returns an error, the wchar_t_net_size() routine raises an
   exception to the client application.


   The wchar_t_net_size() routine belongs to a set of DCE RPC routines
   for use by client and server applications that are transferring
   international character data in a heterogeneous character set and
   code sets environment.

   The wchar_t_net_size() routine is one of the DCE RPC buffer sizing
   routines that RPC stubs use before they marshall or unmarshall data
   to determine whether or not the buffers allocated for code set
   conversion need to be enlarged to hold the converted data.  The
   buffer sizing routines determine the type of conversion required
   and calculate the size of the necessary buffer (if a conformant or
   conformant varying array is to be marshalled).  The RPC stub then
   allocates a buffer of that size before it calls one of the code set
   conversion routines.

   Client and server stubs call the wchar_t_*_size routines when the
   wchar_t type has been specified as the local data type with the
   cs_char attribute in the attribute configuration file for the
   application.  Applications do not call the wchar_t_net_size() routine
   directly.  Client and server stubs call the routine before they
   marshall any data.  The stubs pass the routine a binding handle and a
   code set value that identifies the code set to be used to transfer
   international character data over the network. The stubs also specify
   the local storage size of the data, in units of wchar_t.

   When called from a client stub, the wchar_t_net_size routine
   determines the value of conversion_type from conversion method and
   tag information set up in the binding handle by a code sets
   evaluation routine or a tag-setting routine.  Since wchar_t and
   idl_byte are completely different data types, the routine always
   sets the value to idl_cs_new_buffer_convert.  The routine sets the
   conversion_type parameter to this value and, if a conformant or
   conformant varying array is to be marshalled, calculates a new
   buffer size by multiplying the value of local_buffer_size by the
   byte size for wchar_t.  The routine returns the new buffer size in
   the network_buffer_size parameter. The size is specified in units
   of idl_byte, which is the network representation used for
   international character data.

   In cases where the binding handle does not contain the results of
   character and code sets evaluation, or where it is being called from
   the server stub, the wchar_t_net_size routine determines the value of
   conversion_type itself using the local code set value and the code set
   value passed in the network_code_set_value parameter, and returns the
   appropriate conversion_type value.  If a conformant or conformant
   varying array is to be marshalled, and the routine finds that a new
   buffer is required to hold the converted data, the routine calculates
   the size of this new buffer (by multiplying the value of
   local_buffer_size by sizeof(wchar_t); that is, the number of bytes
   required to encode one wchar_t data type, returns the results, in
   units of idl_byte, in network_buffer_size.

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: byte_local_size

3.146  –  wchar_t_to_netcs


   wchar_t_to_netcs - Converts international character data from a local
                      code set to a network code set

   Used by client and server applications.


   #include <dce/codesets_stub.h>

   void wchar_t_to_netcs( rpc_binding_handle_t binding,
                          unsigned32 network_code_set_value,
                          wchar_t *local_data,
                          unsigned32 local_data_length,
                          idl_byte *network_data,
                          unsigned32 *network_data_length,
                          error_status_t *status );



       Specifies the target binding handle from which to obtain code set
       conversion information. When called from the client stub, this
       value is the binding handle of a compatible server returned by the
       rpc_ns_binding_import_next() or rpc_ns_binding_select() routine.
       When called from the server stub, this value is a pointer to
       binding information that the client stub passed in the RPC call.

       The registered hexadecimal integer value that represents the code
       set to be used to transmit character data over the network.  In
       general, the "network" code set is the code set that the client
       application's code sets evaluation routine has determined to be
       compatible for this client and server.  When the caller is the
       client stub, this value is the sending tag.  When the caller is
       the server stub, this value is the receiving tag.

       A pointer to the international character data to be transmitted,
       in the local code set encoding.

       The number of wchar_t data elements to be converted. For a
       varying array or a conformant varying array, this value is the
       local value of the length_is variable.  For a conformant array,
       this value is the local value of the size_is variable.  For a
       fixed array, the value is the array size specified in the
       interface definition.


       A pointer to the converted data, in idl_byte format.

       A pointer to the length of the converted data, in units of
       idl_byte.  Specify NULL if a fixed or conformant array is to
       be converted.

       Returns the status code from this routine.  This status code
       indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not,
       why not.  The possible status codes and their meanings are as

       rpc_s_ok       Success.

                      The specified code set does not match the code set
                      specified in the sending tag in the binding handle.
                      If this error occurs in the server stub, an
                      exception is raised to the client application.

   When this routine is running the host converter routines, the
   following errors can be returned:



       rpc_s_ss_iconv_error (HP-UX reference platform only)

       rpc_s_ss_no_memory (HP-UX reference platform only)

   When invoked from the server stub, this routine calls the
   dce_cs_loc_to_rgy() routine and host converter routines.  If any of
   these routines returns an error, an exception is raised to the
   client application.


   The wchar_t_to_netcs() routine belongs to a set of DCE RPC routines
   for use by client and server applications that are transferring
   international character data in a heterogeneous character set and
   code sets environment.

   The wchar_t_to_netcs() routine is one of the DCE RPC stub code set
   conversion routines that RPC stubs use before they marshall or
   unmarshall data to convert international character data to and from
   local and network code sets.

   Client and server stubs call the wchar_t_*_netcs() routines when
   the wchar_t type has been specified as the local data type with the
   cs_char attribute in the attribute configuration file for the

   Client and server stubs call the wchar_t_to_netcs() routine before
   they marshall any data. The routine takes a binding handle, a code
   set value that identifies the code set to be used to transfer
   international character data over the network, the address of the
   data that may need to be converted, and the length of the data, in
   units of wchar_t.

   The routine first converts the character data from wchar_t values to
   idl_byte values. The routine next compares the sending code set to
   the local code set currently in use. If the routine finds that code
   set conversion is necessary, (because the local code set differs from
   the code set specified to be used on the network), it determines which
   host code set converter to call to convert the data and then invokes
   that converter.

   The routine then returns the converted data, in units of idl_byte.
   If the data is a varying, conformant, or conformant varying array,
   the routine also returns the length of the converted data, in units
   of idl_byte.

   Applications can specify local data types other than cs_byte and
   wchar_t (the local data types for which DCE RPC supplies stub support
   routines for code set conversion) with the cs_char ACF attribute.  In
   this case, the application must also supply local_type_to_netcs() and
   local_type_from_netcs() stub conversion routines for the application-
   defined local type.

   Permissions Required

   No permissions are required.


   No value is returned.


   Functions: cs_byte_from_netcs

4  –  Admin Intro

   rpc_intro - Introduction to DCE RPC daemon and RPC control program


   DCE RPC provides two administrative facilities, the RPC daemon and
   the RPC control program.  These facilities are superceded by the
   DCE Host daemon (dced) and the DCE control program (dcecp) as of OSF
   DCE version 1.1.

     +  The RPC daemon is a process that provides the Endpoint Map
        Service, which maintains the local endpoint map for local RPC
        servers and looks up endpoints for RPC clients.  An endpoint is
        the address of a specific instance of a server executing in a
        particular address space on a given system (a server instance).
        Each endpoint can be used on a system by only one server at a

        An endpoint map  is a database where servers register their
        binding information, including endpoints, for each of their
        RPC interfaces and the associated RPC objects.  Each
        combination of binding information, interface identifier, and
        object UUID uses a distinct element in the local endoint map.
        The RPC daemon is started via the DCE setup program

     +  The control program provides a set of commands for accessing the
        operations of the RPC name service interface (NSI).  For managing
        endpoint maps, the control program supports showing endpoint map
        elements and removing any set of map elements from the local
        endpoint map or from any remote endpoint map.
        The rpccp command starts the RPC control program (RPCCP).


   The RPC control program reports DCE error messages on the command line.
   If the command executes successfully, the internal value returned is 1
   (OpenVMS success); otherwise, the value is even (OpenVMS failure).

   This is different from other DCE implementations, but allows the use of
   standard OpenVMS mechanisms to determine success or failure upon return
   from a DCE utility program.


   Commands: dced, dcecp, rpccp

   Books: OSF DCE Administration Guide
          OSF DCE Application Development Guide-Core Components
          OSF DCE Application Development Reference

5  –  idl


   idl - Invokes the Interface Definition Language (IDL) compiler


   idl filename [argument] ...


   The idl command invokes the IDL compiler to convert an interface
   definition, written in IDL, into output files. The output files
   include a header file, server stub file, client stub file, and
   auxiliary files.  The compiler constructs the names of the output
   files by keeping the basename of the interface definition source file
   but replacing the filename extension with the new extension (or suffix
   and extension) appropriate to the newly generated type of output file.
   For example, math.idl could produce math_sstub.c or math_sstub.o for
   the server stub.

   The idl command accepts the following input:

     +  An interface definition filename.

     +  Arguments to indicate either special actions to be performed by
        the compiler, or special properties of the input or output files.

   The IDL compiler searches through directories for any related ACF.
   For example, if you compile a file named source.idl, the compiler
   automatically searches for a file named source.acf.  The compiler
   also searches for any imported  IDL file (and its related ACF).
   The compiler searches for these files using the following order:

    1.  The current working  directory.  The compiler always searches
        this directory unless you specify the -no_def_idir and
        -Idirectory arguments together.

    2.  Any imported directory. The compiler searches each directory you
        are specifying in the -Idirectory argument.

     3.  The  system IDL directory.  The compiler automatically imports
         nbase.idl, which resides in the system IDL directory.  The
         compiler always searches this directory unless you specify the
         -no_def_idir argument.

    4.  The directory specified in the source filename.  If you
        explicitly specify a directory in the source IDL pathname,
        then that directory is searched for the corresponding ACF.
        For example,

             $ idl /path/pathname/my_source.idl

        causes the IDL compiler to look  for  /path/pathname/my_source.acf
        if my_source.acf is not found in the directories in 1,2 and 3.
        Note that this directory is not searched for any imported IDL file
        or its corresponding ACF.


   The following filenames are reserved by the IDL compiler.  Naming an
   IDL file with one of these names may result in unexpected behavior.

            iovector.idl   lbase.idl      nbase.idl      ncastat.idl
            ndrold.idl     rpc.idl        rpcbase.idl    rpcpvt.idl
            rpcsts.idl     rpctypes.idl   twr.idl        uuid.idl


   The IDL compiler generates ANSI C code. It also supports C  compilers
   that are not fully ANSI compliant although a warning message may occur
   during compilation of the stubs by the C compiler.  A C compiler that
   is not fully ANSI compliant may generate the following warning messages:

     +  warning: & before array or function: ignored

     +  warning: enumeration type clash, operator =



                  System IDL directory for imported files

                  Predefined IDL types

                  All .idl or .h files that are part of DCE RPC


   Books:  OSF DCE Application Development Guide


5.1.1  –  -client

   -client file_type

   Determines which client files to generate. If you do not specify
   this argument, the compiler generates all client files. The file
   types are as follows:

       none Does not generate client files.

       stub Generates only a client stub file.

       aux  Generates only a client auxiliary file. A client auxiliary
            file is generated only if the interface contains any
            out-of- line or self-pointing types.

       all  Generates client stub and client auxiliary files. This is
  	   the default and is the same as not specifying the -client

5.1.2  –  -server

   -server file_type

   Determines which server files to generate. If you do not specify
   this argument, the compiler generates all server files. The file
   types are as follows:

       none Does not generate server files.

       stub Generates only a server stub file.

       aux  Generates only a server auxiliary file. A server auxiliary
            file is generated only if the interface contains any
            out-of-line, self-pointing, or pipe types.

       all  Generates server stub and server auxiliary files. This is
            the default and is the same as not specifying the -server

5.1.3  –  -standard

   -standard standard_type                            -

   Allows you to specify portable or extended features of the OSF DCE.
   This option is useful when you perform builds. The standard_type
   argument specifies what IDL features to enable. If you do not
   specify this argument, the compiler generates warning messages for
   all features that are not available in the previous version of OSF

   You can specify one of the following values for the standard_type

            Allows only the language features available in OSF DCE
            Version 1.0.2.

            Synonymous with the portable argument.

            Allows all language features supported by the standard
            dce_v10 argument, plus a set of HP extensions to
            its products based on OSF DCE Version 1.0.

            Allows all language features supported in the current
 	   version of the compiler.  This is the default.

            Synonymous with the extended argument.

   The following example command line compiles the IDL interface
   test.idl and enables extended features of the OSF DCE:

        % idl test.idl -standard extended

5.1.4  –  -cstub

  -cstub filename

   Specifies a pathname for the client stub file. When you give a
   filename, do not give a file extension; the idl compiler appends .c
   to the C source file and .o to the object file.  If you do not use
   the -cstub argument, the idl compiler appends _cstub.c to the C
   source file and _cstub.o to the object file.  If the -lang cxx
   option is used, the source file will have the .cxx extension.

5.1.5  –  -sstub

   -sstub filename

   Specifies a pathname for the server stub file. When you give a
   filename, do not give a file extension; the idl compiler appends .c
   to the C source file and .o to the object file.  If you do not use
   the -sstub argument, the idl compiler appends _sstub.c to the C
   source file and _sstub.o to the object file. If the -lang cxx
   option is used, the source file will have the .cxx extension.

5.1.6  –  -caux

   -caux filename

   Specifies a pathname for the client auxiliary file. When you give a
   filename, do not give a file extension; the idl compiler appends .c
   to the C source file and .o to the object file.  If you do not use
   the -caux argument, the idl compiler appends _caux.c to the C
   source file and _caux.o to the object file. If the -lang cxx option
   is used, the source file will have the .cxx extension.

5.1.7  –  -saux

   -saux filename

   Specifies a pathname for the server auxiliary file. When you give a
   filename, do not give a file extension; the idl compiler appends .c
   to the C source file and .o to the object file.  If you do not use
   the -caux argument, the idl compiler appends _saux.c to the C
   source file and _saux.o to the object file. If the -lang cxx option
   is used, the source file will have the .cxx extension.

5.1.8  –  -header

   -header header_file

   Allows you to specify a name for the generated header file. By
   default the compiler takes the basename of the IDL file and appends
   the .h extension to it.

5.1.9  –  -out

   -out directory

   Places the output files in the directory you specify. By default
   the compiler places the output files in the current working

5.1.10  –  -Idirectory


   Specifies a directory name that contains imported interface
   definition files. You can specify more than one directory by
   specifying additional -Idirectory arguments on the command line.
   The compiler searches the directories in the order you list them.
   If a file is present in more than one directory, the compiler takes
   the first occurrence of the file. The default behavior of the
   compiler is to first search the current directory, then all
   directories you specify, then the system IDL directory.  The
   directory you specify is also passed to the C preprocessor and the
   C compiler.

5.1.11  –  -no_def_idir


   Specifies that the compiler search only the current directory for
   imported files. When you use this with -Idirectory, the compiler
   searches only the directories you list, not the current directory,
   and not the system IDL directory.

5.1.12  –  -no_mepv


   Causes the compiler to not generate a manager entry point vector
   (EPV) in the server stub. Use this argument if the manager code and
   IDL file do not use the same operation names. If you specify this
   argument you must provide an EPV within the manager code that can
   be used when the interface is registered with the RPC server
   runtime.  The name of the type that you construct an EPV with is
   if_name_vmajor-version_minor-version_epv_t where if_name is the
   interface name.  It is not necessary to use this argument if the
   operation names in the manager code and IDL file are the same. In
   this case, the compiler generates a manager EPV in the server stub
   using the names of the operations in the IDL file.  (For
   information on registering the server, see the intro and
   rpc_server_register_if reference pages.  See the OSF DCE
   Application Development Guide.)

5.1.13  –  -cepv


   Generates local routines in the client stub file(<filename>_cstub.c)
   and defines a Client Entry Point Vector (CEPV) of the name
   if_name_vmajor-version_minor-version_c_epv where if_name is the
   interface name. The CEPV contains the addresses of the local
   routines. The client code must call the routines indirectly by
   using the addresses in the CEPV; otherwise, the stub routines in
   the client stub file must have the same names as the operations in
   the IDL file. (For information on registering the server, see the
   intro and rpc_server_register_if reference pages.  See the OSF DCE
   Application Development Guide.)

5.1.14  –  -cpp_cmd

   -cpp_cmd 'c_preprocessor_command_line'

   Allows you to specify a C preprocessor other than the default. The
   compiler invokes the C preprocessor found in that command line. The
   output of the C preprocessor is an expanded version of the input
   file(s) containing replacement text for any preprocessor directives
   (for example, the #include preprocessor directive).

5.1.15  –  -cpp_opt

   -cpp_opt 'command_options'

   Specifies additional options to be passed to the C preprocessor.
   You can add options to the command line used to invoke the C
   preprocessor independent of the -cpp_cmd argument. The IDL compiler
   concatenates the -cpp_cmd, -cpp_opt, -D, -U, -I arguments and the
   source filename into a command used to invoke the C preprocessor.
   The compiler repeats this process for each Attribute Configuration
   File (ACF) and IDL file.

5.1.16  –  -no_cpp


   Does not invoke the C preprocessor. Note that the C preprocessor
   must be run on files that contain preprocessor directives (such as
   #include) in the interface definition.

5.1.17  –  -cc_cmd

   -cc_cmd 'command_line'

   Invokes the C compiler and compiler options you specify in the
   'command_line' argument rather than the default C compiler and
   compiler options.  When used with the -lang cxx option, the -cc_cmd
   option specifies the C++ compiler.

5.1.18  –  -cc_opt

   -cc_opt 'command_options'

   Specifies additional options to be passed to the C compiler. You
   can add options to the command line used to invoke the C compiler
   independent of the -cc_cmd argument.  The IDL compiler concatenates
   the -cc_cmd, -cc_opt, -I arguments and the source filename into a
   command that invokes the C compiler. This procedure is done for
   each generated stub or auxiliary file.  When used with the -lang
   cxx option, the -cc_opt option specifies the C++ compiler options.

5.1.19  –  -Dname


   Defines a symbol name and an optional value to be passed to the C
   preprocessor.  You can use this method of defining a symbol instead
   of using #define in the source code.  You can use more than one
   -Dname argument on the command line.  This argument has no effect if
   you use the -no_cpp argument.

5.1.20  –  -Uname


   Removes (undefines) any initial definition of a symbol name as
   defined by -Dname.  You can use this method to remove a symbol name
   instead of using #undef in the source code.  You can use more than
   one -Uname argument on the command line.  This argument has no
   effect if you use the -no_cpp argument.  If you define and undefine
   a name on the same command line, undefining takes precedence.

5.1.21  –  -space_opt


   Generates code for the marshalling and unmarshalling of data that
   is optimized for space, rather than speed.

5.1.22  –  -syntax_only


   Checks only the syntax of the IDL file, but does not generate any
   output files.

5.1.23  –  -keep

   -keep file_types

   Specifies which files to retain. To produce the object modules, the
   IDL compiler first creates C source modules, then invokes the
   target C compiler to produce object modules, and finally, deletes
   the C source modules.  If you do not use -keep, only the object
   modules are saved.

   The file types are as follows:

   none    Does not save the C source or the object modules. Does not
           invoke the C compiler.

           Saves only the C source modules. Does not invoke the C

   object  Saves only the object modules.

   all     Saves both the C source and the object modules.

5.1.24  –  -bug

   -bug n, -no_bug n

   Retains (-bug) or does not retain (-no_bug) a specified bug from
   earlier IDL compiler versions. (This in an NCS compatibility
   argument and is not supported in OSF DCE Version 1.1).

5.1.25  –  -stdin


   Takes the standard output of a previous utility as the input to the
   idl command. For example:

            $ pipe type my_filename.idl | idl -stdin

5.1.26  –  -version

   - version

   Displays the current version of the IDL compiler.

5.1.27  –  -v


   Prints informational messages (verbose mode) on the screen while
   the compiler is running.

5.1.28  –  -no_warn


   Suppresses compiler warning messages.

5.1.29  –  -confirm


   Displays all the idl command arguments you chose, but does not
   compile the source IDL file. If you use this with the -v argument,
   informational messages about how the compiler behaves if you do not
   use -confirm are displayed but no corresponding actions are

5.1.30  –  -template_client

   -template_client filename

   Requests that the IDL compiler generate a C source file containing
   a template implementation of each routine that must appear in the
   client application to use the specified IDL interface.  If you do
   not specify an extension for filename, the compiler assigns the
   file extension .c.

5.1.31  –  -template_manager

   -template_manager filename

   Requests that the IDL compiler generate a C source file containing
   a template implementation of each routine and operation that must
   appear in the manager module of the server side of an application
   to use the specified IDL interface.  If you do not specify an
   extension for filename, the compiler assigns the file extension .c.

5.1.32  –  -trace

   -trace value

   Enables event logging.

   You can specify one of the following values for the value argument:

       all    Log all events.

       none   Disable all previously specified trace options.

       calls  Log events relating to start and end of all RPC calls.

              Log events relating to context handle creation, deletion,
              and rundown.

              Log errors.

       misc   Log all miscellaneous events.

              Enable command interface support which allows
              modification at runtime of event logging options.

5.1.33  –  -lang

   -lang  {c, cxx, fortran}

   Allows you to select a programming language.

   If you are generating stubs and include files for application code
   written in C++, you must specify cxx as the language of choice when
   you compile the application's IDL file.  When appropriate, you can
   extend the class hierarchy and derive other classes from this one,
   to implement some or all interface operations. The C++ compiler
   gives a warning if any functions in the interface class have not
   been implemented. Avoid overwriting the manager class header file
   by using the -no_cxxmgr argument in conjunction with the -lang cxx

   If you are generating stubs and include files for application code
   written in FORTRAN, you must specify FORTRAN as the language of
   choice when you compile the application's IDL file.

   If you do not specify -lang fortran or -lang cxx, the default value
   is the C programming language or -lang c.

5.1.34  –  -no_cxxmgr


   Prevents the compiler from overwriting the manager class header
   file.   Use this argument in conjunction with the -lang cxx
   argument if you implement application-specific C++ code in the
   manager class header file.

5.2  –  EXAMPLES

    1.  Invoke the IDL compiler to compile the interface definition file
        test.idl and keep the generated C source modules.  Only server
        files are generated.  The server stub default filename is
        overridden by creating a file named test_ss.c for the server
        stub module.

             $ idl test.idl -keep c_source -client none -sstub test_ss.c

    2.  Invoke the IDL compiler to compile the interface definition file
        test.idl, but do not run the C preprocessor.  The manager entry
        point vector is not defined in the generated server stub module.
        The IDL compiler searches the parent directory of the current
        directory for any IDL files that test.idl could import.  The
        generated output files are located in the output subdirectory
        under the current directory.

             $ idl test.idl -no_cpp -no_mepv -I.. -out ./output

6  –  rpclm


         rpclm - Starts the command line interface to the RPC Event
                 Logger Log Manager


         rpclm "listening event string binding"


         inquire         Inquire about the currently logged events and
                         determine the name of the active log file.

         log             Specify additional events to log: all,
                         none, calls, context, errors, or misc.

         unlog           Disable logging of the specified event types:
                         all, none, calls, context, errors, or misc.

         file            Change the output device or file to which events
                         are logged.

         quit            Terminate the rpclm session.

         help            Display a description of the rpclm command
                         interface commands.


   The RPC Event Logger records information in an event log about
   application execution.  After enabling the Log Manager when you
   compile the interface, you can use the Log Manager command line
   options to modify event logging parameters at runtime.

   Follow these steps to enable the RPC Log Manager:

         1. Use the -trace log_manager option at IDL compilation time.
         2. Create the RPC_LOG_FILE symbol and assign it to a file
            name or to screen output.
         3. Execute the client or server process, or both.
         4. When the first call is made to an interface compiled
            with the -trace option, a listening event will be
            generated into the event log. Invoke the rpclm command
            interface by specifying the string binding from the
            listening event.


   To enable the Log Manager, use the following syntax:

             idl file-name.idl -trace log_manager

   To invoke the rpclm command interface, specify the string binding
   from a listening event, as in the following example:

             rpclm ncacn_ip_tcp:[3820]

   The symbol rpclm is defined in the DCE$DEFINE_OPTIONAL_COMMANDS
   command procedure.  This command file can be found in


   "HP DCE for OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS I64 Product Guide"

7  –  uuidgen


   uuidgen - Generates a Universal Unique Identifier (UUID)


   uuidgen [argument] ...


   -c    Allows you to supply an existing UUID that uuidgen then outputs
         in the format you specify.  This option is especially useful in
         combination with the -s option for converting an existing UUID
         into a C structure.  You must specify the -c option at the end
         of the uuidgen command line; all options that follow -c are

   -i    Produces an Interface Definition Language (IDL) file template
         and includes the generated UUID string in the template.

   -o filename
         Redirects the generated UUID string to the file you specify.

   -s    Generates a UUID string as an initialized C structure.

   -v    Displays the version number of the UUID generator, but does not
         generate a UUID.

   -h    Displays information about the uuidgen command arguments.  The
         arguments -h and -? can be used interchangeably.

   -?    Displays information about the uuidgen command arguments.  The
         arguments -? and -h can be used interchangeably.

   -n number_of_uuid_strings
         Generates a specified number of UUID strings.


   The uuidgen command creates a UUID string that you assign to an object
   to uniquely identify it. One such use is in the UUID interface attribute
   of an IDL interface definition.  The format for representing a UUID
   string consists of eight hexadecimal digits followed by a dash,
   followed by three groups of four hexadecimal digits separated by dashes,
   followed by a dash and twelve hexadecimal digits:


   The symbol uuidgen is defined in the DCE$DEFINE_OPTIONAL_COMMANDS
   command procedure.  This command file can be found in


   The locations of files have the following pathnames:

                       UUID Generator


    1.  Generate a UUID string:

             $ uuidgen

    2.  Generate a partial template, containing a generated UUID string,
        to be used to develop an interface definition:

             $ uuidgen -i
             version (1.0)
             interface INTERFACENAME


    3.  Convert a UUID string from the old-style format to the new format:

             $ uuidgen -t 34DC23469EAF.AB.A2.01.7C.5F.2C.ED.A3

    4.  Generate four UUID strings:

             $ uuidgen -n 4

    5.  Convert a UUID into a C structure:

             $ uuidgen -s -c 1251ace6-93al-11cd-95ad-0800097086e4
                             {0x08, 0x00, 0x09, 0x70, 0x86, 0xe4}


     Commands: uuidgen.

7.1  –  UUIDGEN DCL Command Interface

    This section provides DCL syntax for the UUID generation utility.
    Except where noted, DCL commands are equivalent to the universal
    command syntax documented in the uuidgen section of the OSF DCE
    Application Development Reference. See the Reference documentation
    for a complete description of the universal command syntax interface
    to the UUID generation utility.

    Users may choose to use either the universal interface to the
    UUID generation utility or the DCL-style alternative.


     IDENTIFIER/TRANSLATE - Translates a DCE RPC Version UUID to a

     IDENTIFIER/TRANSLATE old-style-uuid [qualifier]...

     /OUTPUT=SYS$OUTPUT  (default)

        This qualifier, used with a file name, directs output to a
        file.  If you do not specify a file name, the converted UUID
        goes to SYS$OUTPUT, generally your display terminal.


     IDENTIFIER/GENERATE - Generates one or more DCE RPC

     IDENTIFIER/GENERATE [qualifier]

     /FORMAT [=option]

        Specify one or more of the following options.

        STRING (default)

        STRING Format: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

        This is a raw UUID in its readable form.


        IDL Format:   [uuid(xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx- xxxxxxxxxxxx)]

        This is a UUID as it appears syntactically in an RPC
        interface definition.


        STRUCT Format: This is an initialized C structure
        declaration, which can be included in C code that is used
        with DCE RPC.


        This qualifier specifies the number of UUID strings to be
        generated. If you do not specify a number for n, the number 1
        is used by default.

     /OUTPUT=SYS$OUTPUT (default)

        This qualifier, used with a file name, directs output to a
        file.  If you do not specify a file name, the converted UUID
        goes to SYS$OUTPUT, generally your display terminal.

8  –  rpccp


   rpccp - Starts the RPC control program


   rpccp  [rpccp-command]

   This facility is superceded by the DCE control program (dcecp) for
   OSF DCE version 1.1.

   A server entry equates to an NSI binding attribute and, optionally,
   an object attribute; a group equates to an NSI group attribute; and
   a profile equates to an NSI profile attribute.  Typically, each
   server's entries, groups, and profiles reside in distinct name
   service entries.

   With the exception of the rpccp_help subcommand, this command is
   replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command.  This command may be
   fully replaced by the dcecp command in a future release of DCE, and
   may no longer be supported at that time.


   The RPC control program (RPCCP) provides a set of commands for managing
   name service use for RPC applications and for managing the endpoint map.

   You can use control program commands from within the control program
   or from the system prompt (represented here as a $).

   To use the control program commands from inside the control program,
   Start and enter the control program using the rpccp command alone,
   without any argument.  The control program then displays the control
   program prompt (rpccp>), as follows:

        $ rpccp

   You can then enter any control program command, for example:

        rpccp> show entry /.:/LandS/anthro/pr_server_node3

   You leave the control program and return to the system prompt using
   the exit or quit command.

   If you enter invalid input, the control program displays the valid

   To use the control program commands from the system prompt, enter the
   rpccp command with an internal command of the control program as the
   first argument.  You can do this either interactively or in a command
   procedure.  For example, you can enter the show entry command as

        $ rpccp show entry /.:/LandS/anthro/pr_server_node3

   Commands: dcecp
             add element
             add entry
             add mapping
             add member
             remove element
             remove entry
             remove group
             remove mapping
             remove member
             remove profile
             show entry
             show group
             show mapping
             show profile
             show server


   Arguments and Options

   Except for the exit and quit commands, rpccp commands have one or more
   options. Each option is identified by a - (dash) followed by a letter;
   for example, -s. Some options require arguments.

   Commands that access NSI operations also require the name of a name
   service entry as an argument.  The order of arguments and the
   entry-name option is arbitrary; for example, the following placements
   of arguments and options are equivalent:

        rpccp> add element  /.:/LandS/anthro/mis_node_2  \
        > -i ec1eeb60-5943-11c9-a309-08002b102989,1.0

        rpccp> add element -i ec1eeb60-5943-11c9-a309-08002b102989,1.0 \
        > /.:/LandS/anthro/mis_node_2


         Specifies one of the following control program commands:

         add element
                   Adds an element to a profile in a name service entry;
                   if the specified entry does not exist, creates the

         add entry Adds an entry to the name service database.

         add mapping
                   Adds or replaces server address information in the
                   local endpoint map.

         add member
                   Adds a member to a group in a name service entry; if
                   the specified entry does not exist, creates the entry.

         exit      Leaves the RPC control program.

         export    Exports binding information for an interface identif-
                   ier, object UUIDs, or both to a server entry; if the
                   specified entry does not exist, creates the entry.

         help      Displays a list of commands or the possible options of
                   a specified command.

         import    Imports binding information and an object UUID from a
                   server entry.

         quit      Leaves the RPC control program.

         remove element
                   Removes selected elements from a profile.

         remove entry
                   Removes an entry from the name service database.

         remove group
                   Removes all group members and the group from the
                   specified entry.

         remove mapping
                   Removes specified elements from the local endpoint map
                   or from the endpoint map of a specified remote host.

         remove member
                   Removes a selected member from a group.

         remove profile
                   Removes all profile elements and the profile from the
                   specified entry.

         show entry
                   Shows the NSI attributes of an entry.

         show group
                   Shows the members of a group.

         show mapping
                   Shows the elements of the local endpoint map.

         show profile
                   Shows the elements of a profile.

         show server
                   Shows the binding information, interface identifier,
                   and object UUIDs in a server entry.

         unexport  Removes binding information, interface identifiers,and
                   object UUIDs from a server entry.

8.1.1  –  add_element

   add element - Adds an element to a profile in a name service entry;
                 if the specified entry does not exist, creates the


   rpccp add element   profile-entry-name -m member {-d | -i if-id
                       [-p  priority]} [-a annotation] [-s  syntax ]


   -m        Defines a member name for the profile element to be added

   -d        Performs the add element operation on the default profile
             element. With the -d option, the -i and -p options are

   -i        Defines an interface identifier for the profile element to
             be added.  Only one interface can be added in a single
             operation.  An interface identifier is required, unless
 	    the default profile element is being added.  With the -d
  	    option, the -i option is ignored.  The value has the
             following form:


             The UUID is a hexadecimal string and the version numbers
             are a decimal string, for example:

                  -i ec1eeb60-5943-11c9-a309-08002b102989,3.11

             Leading zeros in version numbers are ignored.

   -p        Defines a search priority for the new profile element. The
             priority value is in the range 0 to 7, with zero having
             the highest priority. When a default element is added
             (with the -d option), the -p option is ignored.By default,
             a nondefault element is assigned a priority value of zero.

   -a        Defines an annotation string for the profile element.
             Note that the shell supports quotation marks around the
             annotation field of profile elements, which allows you to
             include internal spaces in an annotation; the control
             program does not.  To specify or refer to annotations from
             within the control program, limit each annotation to an
             unbroken alphanumeric string; for example, CalendarGroup.
             To refer to annotations from the system prompt, do not
             incorporate quotation marks into any annotation.

   -s        Indicates the name syntax of the entry name (optional).
             The only value for this option is the dce name syntax,
             which is the default name syntax. Until an alternative
             name syntax becomes available, specifying the -s option
             is unnecessary.


         Specifies the entry name of the target profile.  For an entry
         in the local cell, you can omit the cell name and specify only
         the cell-relative name.


   The add element command adds an element to a profile in a name
   service entry.  The name of the entry containing the profile and
   the entry name of the profile member in the new element are
   required. The entry of a profile may have been created previously
   (by either the add entry or add element command).  But, if the
   specified entry does not exist, the add element command tries to
   create the entry.

   A profile element is a database record containing the following

   Interface identifier
         This is the primary search key.  The interface identifier
         consists of the interface UUID and the interface version

   Member name
         The entry name of one of the following kinds of name service

           + A server entry for a server offering the requested RPC
             interface and object

           + A group corresponding to the requested RPC interface

           + A profile

   Priority value
         The priority value (0 (zero) is the highest priority; 7 is the
         lowest) is designated by the creator of a profile element to
         help determine the order for using the element. NSI search
         operations select among like priority elements at random.  For
         the rpccp add element command, the default is 0.

   Annotation string
         The annotation string enables you to identify the purpose of
         the profile element. The annotation can be any textual
         information, for example, an interface name associated with
         the interface identifier or a description of a service or
         resource associated with a group.  The annotation string is
         not a search key for the import or lookup operations.

   Privilege Required

   You need both read permission and write permission to the CDS object
   entry (the target profile entry).  If the entry does not exist, you
   also need insert permission to the parent directory.

   This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and
   may not be provided in future releases of DCE.

   The following command adds an element to the cell profile,
   /cell-profile, in the local cell:

        $ rpccp
        rpccp> add element  \
        > -i ec1eeb60-5943-11c9-a309-08002b102989,1.1  \
        > -m /.:/Calendar_profile  \
        > -a RefersToCalendarGroups  \
        > /.:/cell-profile

   The following control program commands start the control program,
   set up a user profile associated with the cell profile as its
   default element, and add a user-specific element for the Calendar
   V1.1 interface, as follows:

        $ rpccp
        rpccp>  add element  /.:/LandS/anthro/molly_o_profile  \
        > -d   -m  /.:/cell-profile
        rpccp>  add element  /.:/LandS/anthro/molly_o_profile  \
        > -m  /.:/LandS/anthro/Calendar_group  \
        > -i  ec1eeb60-5943-11c9-a309-08002b102989,1.1  \
        > -a  Calendar_Version 1.1_Interface

   The added profile element contains the global name of the member
   (specified using its cell-relative name,
   /.:/LandS/anthro/Calendar_group) and the RPC interface identifier
   for the Calendar Version 1.1 interface.

   Commands: remove element
             remove profile
             show profile

8.1.2  –  add_entry

   add entry - Adds a name service entry to the name service database


   rpccp add entry  entry-name [-s syntax]


   -s        Indicates the name syntax of the entry name (optional).
             The only value for this option is the dce name syntax,
             which is the default name syntax. Until an alternative
             name syntax becomes available, specifying the -s option
             is unnecessary.


             Specifies the name of the target name service entry.  For
             an entry in the local cell, you can omit the cell name and
             specify only the cell-relative name.

   The add entry command adds an unspecialized entry to the name
   service database.  The name of the entry is required.

   The new entry initially contains no NSI attributes.  This command
   creates a general name service entry for an application or user.
   The application or user can later use the export, add element, and
   add member commands to make the generic entry into a server entry,
   a group, or a profile (or a combination), as follows:

     +  For a server entry, specify the new entry as the target entry
        for the rpccp export command.

     +  For a group, specify the new entry as the target group for the
        rpccp add member command.

     +  For a profile, specify the new entry as the target profile for
        the rpccp add element command.

   The add entry command enables administrators to add entries for
   users who lack the required permissions.  If you have the
   permissions required by the add entry command, you can also add an
   entry using an export, add member, or add element command; if the
   entry you specify does not exist, the command creates the entry.

   Privilege Required

   To add an entry, you need insert permission to the parent directory
   and both read permission and write permission to the CDS object
   entry (the target name service entry).

   This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and
   may not be provided in future releases of DCE.

   The following commands start RPCCP and add an unspecialized entry to
   the name service database:

        $ rpccp
        rpccp> add entry  \
        > /.:/LandS/anthro/Cal_host_2

   The following command operates from the system prompt to add an
   unspecialized entry to the name service database:

        $ rpccp add entry  \
        > /.:/LandS/anthro/Cal_host_3

   Commands: remove entry
             show entry

8.1.3  –  add_mapping

   add mapping - Adds or replaces server address information in the
                 local endpoint map


   rpccp add mapping -b string-binding -i interface-identifier
                     [-a annotation-string] [-o object-uuid] [-N]


   -b        Specifies a string representation of a binding over which
             the server can receive remote procedure calls. At least
             one binding is required.

             The value has the form of an RPC string binding, without
 	    an object UUID, for example:

                  -b ncadg_ip_udp:[5347]

             Note that depending on your system, string binding
             delimiters such as brackets ([ ]) may need to be preceded
             by an escape symbol (\) or placed within quotation marks
             (' ' or  " "). Requirements vary from system to system,
             and you must conform to the usage rules of a system.

   -i        Specifies an interface identifier to register with the
             local endpoint map.  An interface identifier is required.
             Only one interface can be added (i.e., registered) in a
             single operation.  The interface identifier has the
             following form:


             The UUID is a hexadecimal string and the version numbers
             are decimal strings, for example:

                  -i ec1eeb60-5943-11c9-a309-08002b102989,1.1

             Leading zeros in version numbers are ignored.

   -a        Specifies a character string comment to be applied to each
             cross product element that is added to the local endpoint
             map. The string can be up to 64 characters long, including
             the NULL terminating character.

             The string is used by applications for informational
             purposes only.  The RPC runtime does not use this string
             to determine which server instance a client communicates
             with, or for enumerating endpoint map elements.

   -o        Defines an object UUID that further determines the
             endpoint map elements that are removed (optional).
             Each add mapping command accepts up to 32 -o options.
             The UUID is a hexadecimal string, for example:

                  -o 3c6b8f60-5945-11c9-a236-08002b102989

   -N        Specifies that existing elements in the local host's
             endpoint map should not be replaced when the new
             information is added.

   The add mapping command adds to, replaces, or adds server address
   information to the local endpoint map.

   Each element in the local endpoint map logically contains the

     +  Interface ID, consisting of an interface UUID and versions
        (major and minor)

     +  Binding information

     +  Object UUID (optional)

     +  Annotation (optional)

   This command should be used without the -N option when only a single
   instance of the server in question runs on the server's host. Do not
   use the -N option if no more than one server instance on the host
   ever offers the same interface UUID, object UUID, and protocol

   When local endpoint map elements are not replaced, obsolete elements
   accumulate each time a server instance stops running without
   explicitly unregistering its endpoint map information. Periodically,
   the RPC Daemon (DCED) will identify these obsolete elements and
   remove them. However, during the interval between these removals,
   the presence of the obsolete elements increases the chance that
   clients will receive endpoints to nonexistent servers.  The clients
   will then waste time trying to communicate with these servers before
   giving up and obtaining another endpoint.

   Allowing DCED to replace any existing local endpoint map elements
   (by not specifying -N) reduces the chance of this happening.

   For example, suppose an existing element in the local endpoint map
   matches the interface UUID, binding information exclusive of the
   endpoint, and object UUID of an element this routine provides.  The
   routine changes the endpoint map according to the elements'
   interface major and minor version numbers.

   This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and
   may not be provided in future releases of DCE.


   The following command operates from the system prompt to add a map
   element to the local endpoint map. The command adds the map element
   that contains the specified interface identifier, server address
   (specified as a string binding), and object UUIDs.

      $ rpccp add mapping -i ec1eeb60-5943-11c9-a309-08002b102989,1.1 \
              -b ncadg_ip_udp:[5347]    \
         -o 005077d8-8022-1acb-9375-10005a4f533a \
         -o 001bc29a-8041-1acb-b377-10005a4f533a \
         -a 'Calendar version 1.1'

   The previous command adds the following elements:

   interface ID

   string binding

   objects   005077d8-8022-1acb-9375-10005a4f533a

             Calendar version 1.1


   Commands: export
             remove mapping
             show mapping
             show server

   Subroutines: rpc_ep_register

8.1.4  –  add_member

   add member - Adds a member to a group in a name service entry;
                if the specified entry does not exist, creates the


   rpccp add member   group-entry-name -m member [-s syntax]


   -m        Declares the name of a member to be added to the
             specified group entry (required).
             You can add only one member at a time.

   -s        Indicates the name syntax of the entry name (optional).
             The only value for this option is the dce name syntax,
             which is the default name syntax. Until an alternative
             name syntax becomes available, specifying the -s option
             is unnecessary.


             Specifies the name of the target group.  For an entry in
             the local cell, you can omit the cell name and specify
             only the cell-relative name.

   The add member command adds a member to a group in a name service
   entry.  The name of the entry containing the group and the name of
   the new group member are required.  The entry of a group may have
   been created previously (by either the add entry or add member
   command).  If the specified entry does not exist, the add member
   command tries to create the entry.

   Privilege Required

   You need both read permission and write permission to the CDS object
   entry (the target group entry).  If the entry does not exist, you
   also need insert permission to the parent directory.

   This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and
   may not be provided in future releases of DCE.

   The following commands run RPCCP and add the member
   /.:/LandS/anthro/Cal_host_3 to the group

        $ rpccp
        rpccp> add member  \
        > -m /.:/LandS/anthro/Cal_host_3  \
        >  /.:/LandS/anthro/Calendar_group

   Commands: remove group
             remove member
             show group

8.1.5  –  export

   export - Exports binding information for an interface identifier
            or object UUIDs or both to a server entry; if the
            specified entry does not exist, creates the entry


   rpccp export entry-name {-i if-id -b string-binding
                            [-b string-binding...] -o object-uuid
                            [-o object-uuid...]  | -i if-id
                            -b string-binding [-b...]  | -o object-uuid
                            [-o object-uuid...]  } [-s  syntax ]


   -i        Declares the interface identifier of an RPC interface.
             The export command operates on only one -i option; if you
             enter more than one, the command ignores all but the last
             interface identifier.  If you specify an interface
             identifier, you must specify at least one -b option.  The
             -i and -o options can occur together or separately, but
             one of them is necessary.  The interface identifier takes
             the following form:


             The version numbers are optional, but if you omit a
             version number, the value defaults to 0.  The UUID is
             a hexadecimal string and the version numbers are decimal
             strings, for example:

                  -i ec1eeb60-5943-11c9-a309-08002b102989,3.11

             Leading zeros in version numbers are ignored.

   -b        Declares a string binding (optional). To use this option,
             you must also specify an interface identifier (using the
             -i option).  Each command accepts up to 32 -b options.
             The value has the form of an RPC string binding, without
             an object UUID.  The binding information contains an RPC
             protocol sequence, a network address, and sometimes an
             endpoint within brackets
             (rpc-prot-seq:network-addr[endpoint]).  For a well-known
             endpoint, include the endpoint in the string binding, for

                  -b ncadg_ip_udp:[5347]

             For a dynamic endpoint, omit the endpoint from the string
             binding, for example:

                  -b ncacn_ip_tcp:

             Note that depending on your system, string binding
             delimiters such as brackets ([ ]) may need to be preceded
             by an escape symbol (\) or placed within quotation marks
             (' ' or  " ").  Requirements vary from system to system,
             and you must conform to the usage rules of a system.

   -o        Declares the UUID of an object.  Each export command
             accepts up to 32 -o options.  The -i and -o options can
             occur together or separately, but one of them is
 	    necessary. The UUID is a hexadecimal string, for example:

                  -o 3c6b8f60-5945-11c9-a236-08002b102989

   -s        Indicates the name syntax of the entry name (optional).
             The only value for this option is the dce name syntax,
             which is the default name syntax.  Until an alternative
             name syntax becomes available, specifying the -s option
             is unnecessary.


             Specifies the name of the target name service entry.
             Usually, the target is a server entry.  However, objects
             also can be exported (without an interface identifier or
             any binding information) to a group or a profile.
             For an entry in the local cell, you can omit the cell
             name and specify only the cell-relative name.

   The export command places binding information and an interface
   identifier, object UUIDs, or both into a server entry, or the
   command object UUIDs into a group's entry.  The export command
   searches the name service database for the entry with the specified
   entry name. If the entry exists, the command uses it; otherwise,
   the command tries to create a new name service entry using the
   specified entry name.

   Minimally, the command requires the name of the entry and either an
   identifier and binding string or an object.

   If the specified entry does not exist, the export command tries to
   create the entry.

   Privilege Required

   You need both read permission and write permission to the CDS object
   entry (the target name service entry).  If the entry does not exist,
   you also need insert permission to the parent directory.

   This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and
   may not be provided in future releases of DCE.

   This example shows a control program export command that is stored
   in a file for later execution from the system prompt.  The command
   exports two objects and an interface with two string bindings to the
   server entry /.:/LandS/anthro/Cal_host_3 in the local cell:

        # file to export Calendar 1.1 at installation time
        rpccp export  \
         -i ec1eeb60-5943-11c9-a309-08002b102989,1.1  \
         -b ncacn_ip_tcp:  \
         -b ncadg_ip_udp:  \
         -o 30dbeea0-fb6c-11c9-8eea-08002b0f4528  \
         -o 16977538-e257-11c9-8dc0-08002b0f4528  \

   The following example shows the use of a user-defined logical name
   as an interface identifier, to facilitate entering an export command
   interactively (in this case, from inside the control program).  The
   initial DCL command sets up a logical name Calendar_1_1, which
   represents the interface identifier of an RPC interface.  The rpccp
   command then starts the control program, and the export command
   exports the Calendar interface and two string bindings to the server
   entry /.:/LandS/anthro/Cal_host_2 in the local cell, as follows:

        $ define Calendar_1_1 ec1eeb60-5943-11c9-a309-08002b102989,1.1
        $ rpccp
        rpccp> export  -i Calendar_1_1  \
        > -b ncacn_ip_tcp:  \
        > -b ncadg_ip_udp:  \
        > /.:/LandS/anthro/Cal_host_2

   The following example shows the use of user-defined logical names
   for object UUIDs to facilitate entering an export command
   interactively (in this case, from inside the control program).

   The initial DCL commands set up the logical names LUKE_CAL and
   JOSH_CAL, which represent personal calendars that are accessible
   as objects to an RPC server.  The rpccp command then starts the
   control program, and the export command exports the two objects to
   the server's entry /.:/LandS/anthro/Cal_host_2 in the local cell:

        $ define LUKE_CAL 30dbeea0-fb6c-11c9-8eea-08002b0f4528
        $ define JOSH_CAL 16977538-e257-11c9-8dc0-08002b0f4528
        $ rpccp
        rpccp> export  -o LUKE_CAL -o JOSH_CAL  \
        > /.:/LandS/anthro/Cal_host_2

   Commands: import
             show server

8.1.6  –  help


   help - Displays a list of commands or the options of a specified


   rpccp help [rpccp-command]


             Specifies one of the following control commands:

             add element

             add entry

             add member





             remove element

             remove entry

             remove group

             remove mapping

             remove member

             remove profile

             show entry

             show group

             show mapping

             show profile

             show server



   The help command displays information about the RPCCP command set or
   the options and argument associated with a specific command.

   This command may be replaced in future releases by the dcecp
   command, and may no longer be supported at that time.

   The following command operates from the system prompt to display the
   internal commands of the control program:

        $ rpccp help

   The following commands start the control program and display the
   syntax of the remove entry command:

        $ rpccp
        rpccp> help remove entry

   Commands: add element
             add entry
             add member
             remove element
             remove entry
             remove group
             remove mapping
             remove member
             show entry
             show group
             show profile
             show server

8.1.7  –  import

   import  - Imports binding information and an object UUID from a
             server entry


   rpccp import starting-entry-name -i if-id [-v versions] [-e]
                [-n [integer]] [-o object-uuid] [-s  syntax] [-u]


   -i        Defines an interface identifier to be imported (required).
             You can import only one interface at a time. The value has
             the following form:

             interface-uuid,major-version.minor-version The UUID is a
             hexadecimal string and the version numbers are decimal
             strings, for example:

                  -i ec1eeb60-5943-11c9-a309-08002b102989,1.1

             Leading zeros in version numbers are ignored.

   -v        Indicates how a specified interface version is used
             (optional).  If it is used without the -i option, the
             -v option is ignored.  The possible combinations of
             versions for the -v option and their actions are as

                 Versions     Action
                 all          The interface version is ignored.

                 exact        Both the major and minor versions
                              must match the specified versions.

                 compatible   The major version must match the
                              specified version, and the minor
                              version must be greater than or
                              equal to the specified version.

                 major_only   The major version must match the
                              specified version; the minor ver-
                              sion is ignored.

                 upto         The major version must be less than
                              or equal to that specified.  If the
                              major versions are equal, the minor
                              version must be less than or equal
                              to that specified.

             If the -v option is absent, the command shows compatible
             version numbers.

   -e        Shows the name of the entry where the binding is found

   -n        Declares that the import operation is to continue until no
             more potential bindings are found (optional).  Providing
             a numeric value to this option restricts the number of
             imported bindings.  If you omit the number, only one
             binding is imported.  If repeated, this operation may
             return the same binding.  For example, -n imports all
             available bindings, and -n 5 imports up to five bindings.
             Note that the imported bindings are displayed as string

   -o        Declares the UUID of an object to be imported (optional).
             Only one UUID can occur in a single operation.

             If an object is specified, the import operation limits its
             search to server entries that contain both the specified
             interface identifier and object UUID when searching for a
             potential binding.  Without the -o option, the import
             operation ignores object UUIDs.  The UUID is a hexadecimal
             string, for example:

                  -o 3c6b8f60-5945-11c9-a236-08002b102989

   -s        Indicates the name syntax of the entry name (optional).
             The only value for this option is the dce name syntax,
             which is the default name syntax.  Until an alternative
             name syntax becomes available, specifying the -s option
             is unnecessary.

   -u        Updates the local CDS cache copy of name service data
             (optional).  Name service data is cached locally on each
             machine in a cell.  If an rpccp inquiry can be satisfied
             by data in the local CDS cache, this cached data is
             returned.  Locally cached copies of name service data
             might not include a recent CDS update, however.  If the
             required data is not available in the local CDS cache,
             rpccp goes to a CDS server(s) to retrieve the required
             data.  rpccp then updates the local CDS cache.  Using the
             -u option bypasses the local cache, allowing rpccp to go
             directly to a CDS server for the inquiry.  rpccp then
             updates the local CDS cache.


             Indicates the name of the server entry where the import
             operation starts.  For an entry in the local cell, you
             can omit the cell name and specify only the cell-relative


   The import command imports binding information and an RPC object
   UUID for a specific RPC interface from a server entry.  The name
   of the entry and the interface identifier are required.  The entry
   name can refer to a server entry, a group, or a profile.

   Privilege Required

   You need read permission to the specified CDS object entry (the
   starting name service entry) and to any CDS object entry in the
   resulting search path.

   This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and
   may not be provided in future releases of DCE.

   The following commands run RPCCP and import an interface and object:

        $ rpccp
        rpccp>  import -i ec1eeb60-5943-11c9-a309-08002b102989,1.1 \
        > -o 30dbeea0-fb6c-11c9-8eea-08002b0f4528  \
        > /.:/LandS/anthro/Cal_host_3

   Commands: export
             show server

8.1.8  –  remove_element

   remove element - Removes selected elements from a profile


   rpccp remove element profile-entry-name {-d | -i if-id -m  member |
                        -a annotation} [-s syntax]


   -d        Removes the default profile element.  With the -d option,
             the -a, -i, and -m options are ignored.

   -i        Defines an interface identifier for the profile element to
             be removed for a member specified with the -m option. Only
             one interface and member pair can be removed in a single
             operation.  If you supply multiple instances of the -i
             option, the command uses the final instance.

             The -i and -m options take precedence over the -a option.
             However, if the default profile element is specified (by
             the -d option), the -i and -m options are ignored.
             The interface identifier value has the following form:


             The UUID is a hexadecimal string and the version numbers
             are decimal strings, for example:

                  -i ec1eeb60-5943-11c9-a309-08002b102989,1.1

             Leading zeros in version numbers are ignored.

   -m        Defines a member name for the profile element to be
 	    removed. This option is required if the interface
             identifier is specified.  Only one interface and member
             can be removed in a single operation.  If you supply
             multiple instances of the -m option, the command uses
             the final instance.

   -a        Removes all elements whose annotation fields match the
             specified annotation; in the presence of -d option or -i
             and -m options, the -a option is ignored.

             Note that the shell supports quotation marks around the
             annotation field of profile elements, which allows you to
             include internal spaces in an annotation; the control
             program does not.  To specify or refer to annotations from
             within the control program, limit each annotation to an
             unbroken alphanumeric string; for example, CalendarGroup.
             To refer to annotations from the system prompt, do not
             incorporate quotation marks into any annotation.

   -s        Indicates the name syntax of the entry name (optional).
             The only value for this option is the dce name syntax,
             which is the default name syntax.  Until an alternative
             name syntax becomes available, specifying the -s option
             is unnecessary.


             Indicates the name of the target profile.  For an entry in
             the local cell, you can omit the cell name and specify
 	    only the cell-relative name.

   The remove element command removes an element from a profile in the
   name service database.  For a description of the fields in a profile
   element, see add entry.

   The remove element command requires the entry name of the profile.
   The command also requires one of the following options:

   -d        The default profile option takes precedence over the other
             two options.

   -i        interface-id -m member-name An interface and member pair
             takes precedence over the -a option.

   -a annotation-string
             The annotation option takes effect only if neither the
             -d or -i option is specified.

   Privilege Required

   You need read permission and write permission to the CDS object
   entry (the target profile entry).

   This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and
   may not be provided in future releases of DCE.


   The initial DCL command sets up a logical name Calendar_1_1, which
   represents the interface identifier of an RPC interface.  The
   control program commands set up a logical name for the interface
   identifier of the Calendar Version 1.1 RPC interface, run RPCCP, and
   remove an element from a profile, as follows:

        $ define Calendar_1_1 ec1eeb60-5943-11c9-a309-08002b102989,1.1
        $ rpccp
        rpccp> remove element -i Calendar_1_1  \
        > -m /.:/LandS/anthro/Calendar_group  \
        > /.:/LandS/anthro/molly_o_profile

   Commands: add element
             remove profile
             show profile

8.1.9  –  remove_entry

   remove entry - Removes a name service entry from the name service


   rpccp remove entry  entry-name [-s syntax]


   -s        Indicates the name syntax of the entry name (optional).
             The only value for this option is the dce name syntax,
             which is the default name syntax.  Until an alternative
             name syntax becomes available, specifying the -s option
             is unnecessary.


             Indicates the name of the target name service entry.  For
             an entry in the local cell, you can omit the cell name and
             specify only the cell-relative name.

   The remove entry command removes an entry from the name service
   database.  The name of the entry is required.

   Privilege Required

   You need read permission to the CDS object entry (the target name
   service entry).  You also need delete permission to the CDS object
   entry or to the parent directory.

   This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and
   may not be provided in future releases of DCE.

   The following commands run RPCCP and remove the entry
   /.:/LandS/anthro/Cal_host_2 from the local cell of the name service

        $ rpccp
        rpccp> remove entry  /.:/LandS/anthro/Cal_host_2

   Commands: add entry
             show entry

8.1.10  –  remove_group

   remove group - Removes all group members and the group from the
                  specified name service entry


   rpccp remove group  group-entry-name  [-s syntax]


   -s        Indicates the name syntax of the entry name (optional).
             The only value for this option is the dce name syntax,
             which is the default name syntax.  Until an alternative
             name syntax becomes available, specifying the -s option
             is unnecessary.


             Indicates the name of the target group.  For an entry in
             the local cell, you can omit the cell name and specify
             only the cell-relative name.

   The remove group command removes a group from the name service
   database.  The group need not be empty.  The entry name of the group
   is required.

   Privilege Required

   You need write permission to the CDS object entry (the target group

   This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and
   may not be provided in future releases of DCE.

   The following commands run RPCCP and remove the group from the name
   service entry /.:/LandS/anthro/Calendar_group:

        $ rpccp
        rpccp> remove group /.:/LandS/anthro/Calendar_group


   Commands: add member
             remove member
             show group

8.1.11  –  remove_mapping

   remove mapping - Removes specified elements from the local endpoint


   rpccp remove mapping -b string-binding -i interface-identifier
                        [-o object-uuid]


   -b        Specifies a string representation of a binding over which
             the server can receive remote procedure calls.  At least
             one binding is required.  The value has the form of an RPC
             string binding, without an object UUID, for example:

                  -b ncadg_ip_udp:[5347]

             Note that depending on your system, string binding
             delimiters such as brackets ([ ]) may need to be preceded
             by an escape symbol (\) or placed within quotation marks
             (' ' or " ").  Requirements vary from system to system,
             and you must conform to the usage rules of a system.

   -i        Specifies an interface identifier to remove from the local
             endpoint map.  An interface identifier is required.  Only
             one interface can be removed in a single operation.  The
             interface identifier has the following form:


             The UUID is a hexadecimal string and the version numbers
             are decimal strings, for example:

                  -i ec1eeb60-5943-11c9-a309-08002b102989,1.1

             Leading zeros in version numbers are ignored.

   -o        Defines an object UUID that further determines the
 	    endpoint map elements that are removed (optional).
             Each remove mapping command accepts up to 32 -o options.
             The UUID is a hexadecimal string, for example:

                  -o 3c6b8f60-5945-11c9-a236-08002b102989

   The remove mapping command removes server address information from
   the local endpoint map.  Each element in the local endpoint map
   logically contains the following:

     +  Interface ID, consisting of an interface UUID and versions
        (major and minor)

     +  Binding information

     +  Object UUID (optional)

     +  Annotation (optional)

   This command requires one interface identifier (the -i option); at
   least one string binding (the -b option); and optionally, one or
   more object UUIDs (the -o option).  Each instance of the command
   accepts from 1 to 32 -b options and from 0 to 32 -o options.  The
   options work together to delimit the elements to be removed from the
   target endpoint map.  The command removes any map element that
   contains the specified interface identifier, a specified string
   binding, and a specified object UUID (if any).

   This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and
   may not be provided in future releases of DCE.

   The following command operates from the system prompt to remove a
   map element from the local endpoint map.  The command removes only
   the map element that contains the specified interface identifier,
   server address (specified as a string binding), and object UUID.

        $ rpccp remove mapping  \
        > -i ec1eeb60-5943-11c9-a309-08002b102989,1.1  \
        > -b ncadg_ip_udp:[3424]  \
        > -o 30dbeea0-fb6c-11c9-8eea-08002b0f4528

   Commands: add mapping
             show mapping
             show server

8.1.12  –  remove_member

   remove member - Removes a specified member from a group


   rpccp remove member  group-entry-name -m member [-s syntax]


   -m        Declares the entry name of the group member to be removed

   -s        Indicates the name syntax of the entry name (optional).
             The only value for this option is the dce name syntax,
             which is the default name syntax. Until an alternative
             name syntax becomes available, specifying the -s option
             is unnecessary.


             Indicates the name of the target group.  For an entry in
             the local cell, you can omit the cell name and specify
             only the cell-relative name.

   The remove member command removes a specified member from
   a specified group.

   Privilege Required

   You need read permission and write permission to the CDS object
   entry (the target group entry).

   This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and
   may not be provided in future releases of DCE.

   The following commands run RPCCP and remove the member
   /.:/LandS/anthro/Cal_host_2 from the group

        $ rpccp
        rpccp> remove member  \
        > -m /.:/LandS/anthro/Cal_host_2  \
        > /.:/LandS/anthro/Calendar_group

   The following command removes the member /.:/LandS/anthro/Cal_host_3
   from the group /.:/LandS/anthro/Calendar_group:

        $ rpccp remove member  \
        > -m /.:/LandS/anthro/Cal_host_3  \
        > /.:/LandS/anthro/Calendar_group

   Commands: add member
             remove group
             show group

8.1.13  –  remove_profile

   remove profile - Removes all profile elements and the profile
                    from the specified name service entry


   rpccp remove profile  profile-entry-name [-s syntax]


   -s        Indicates the name syntax of the entry name (optional).
             The only value for this option is the dce name syntax,
             which is the default name syntax.  Until an alternative
             name syntax becomes available, specifying the -s option
             is unnecessary.


             Indicates the name of the target profile.  For an entry
             in the local cell, you can omit the cell name and specify
             only the cell-relative name.

   The remove profile command removes a profile (and all of its
   elements) from the name service database. The entry name of the
   profile is required.

   Privilege Required

   You need write permission to the CDS object entry (the target
   profile entry).

   This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and
   may not be provided in future releases of DCE.

   The following commands run RPCCP and remove the profile named

        $ rpccp
        rpccp> remove profile /.:/LandS/anthro/molly_o_profile

   Commands: add element
             remove element
             show profile

8.1.14  –  show_entry

   show entry - Shows the NSI attributes of a name service entry


   rpccp show entry entry-name [-i if-id] [-s syntax] [-u]


   -i        Selects a specified interface identifier (optional).
             Only elements containing that identifier are shown.
             The interface identifier value has the following form:


             The UUID is a hexadecimal string and the version numbers
             are decimal strings, for example:

                  -i ec1eeb60-5943-11c9-a309-08002b102989,1.1

             Leading zeros in version numbers are ignored.

   -s        Indicates the name syntax of the entry name (optional).
             The only value for this option is the dce name syntax,
             which is the default name syntax.  Until an alternative
             name syntax becomes available, specifying the -s option
             is unnecessary.

   -u        Updates the local CDS cache copy of name service data
             (optional).  Name service data is cached locally on each
             machine in a cell.  If an rpccp inquiry can be satisfied
             by data in the local CDS cache, this cached data is
             returned.  Locally cached copies of name service data
             might not include a recent CDS update, however.  If the
             required data is not available in the local CDS cache,
             rpccp goes to a CDS server(s) to retrieve the required
             data.  rpccp then updates the local CDS cache.  Using the
             -u option bypasses the local cache, allowing rpccp to go
             directly to a CDS server for the inquiry.  rpccp then
             updates the local CDS cache.


             Indicates the name of the target name service entry.
             For an entry in the local cell, you can omit the cell
             name and specify only the cell-relative name.

   The show entry command shows the NSI attributes of a name service
   entry.  The name of the entry is required.

   Note that this operation shows all of the compatible bindings for a
   given interface.

   The show entry command shows the same list of string bindings as the
   import operation returns for the specified entry. This list includes
   all string bindings that refer to a major version that matches the
   specified version and a minor version that is equal to or greater
   than the specified version.  The list may include string bindings
   exported for other versions of the interface that are upwardly
   compatible, rather than for this particular version of the

   Privilege Required

   You need read permission to the CDS object entry (the target name
   service entry).

   This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and
   may not be provided in future releases of DCE.

   The following command operates from the system prompt to show the
   name service entry /.:/LandS/anthro/calendar_mgr_node_3.

        $ rpccp show entry /.:/LandS/anthro/Cal_host_3

   The following commands run the control program and show the name
   service entry /.:/LandS/anthro/Calendar_group:

        $ rpccp
        rpccp> show entry    \
        > /.:/LandS/anthro/Calendar_group


   Commands: add entry
             remove entry

8.1.15  –  show_group

   show group - Shows the members of a group


   rpccp show group group-entry-name [-m member] [-r [integer]]
                                     [-s syntax] [-u]


   -m        Declares the name of a single group member.

   -r        Indicates that the show group operation recurses.  If
             any members of a group are also groups, their entries are
             shown.  By default, the -r option causes the show group
             operation to recurse until all nested groups are expanded;
             for example, -r shows the members of the specified group
             and all nested groups.  You can limit recursion to one or
             more levels by specifying a decimal integer as part of the
             -r option.  For example, -r 1 shows the members of the
             specified group and, for members that are groups, the
             command also shows their members; then recursion stops.

             Without the -r option, only the members of the specified
             group are shown.

   -s        Indicates the name syntax of the entry name (optional).
             The only value for this option is the dce name syntax,
             which is the default name syntax.  Until an alternative
             name syntax becomes available, specifying the -s option
             is unnecessary.

   -u        Updates the local CDS cache copy of name service data
             (optional).  Name service data is cached locally on each
             machine in a cell.  If an rpccp inquiry can be satisfied
             by data in the local CDS cache, this cached data is
             returned.  Locally cached copies of name service data
             might not include a recent CDS update, however.  If the
             required data is not available in the local CDS cache,
             rpccp goes to a CDS server(s) to retrieve the required
             data.  rpccp then updates the local CDS cache.  Using the
             -u option bypasses the local cache, allowing rpccp to go
             directly to a CDS server for the inquiry.  rpccp then
             updates the local CDS cache.


             Indicates the name of the target group.  For an entry in
             the local cell, you can omit the cell name and specify
             only the cell-relative name.

   The show group command shows the members of a group in the name
   service database.  The entry name of the group is required.  Unless
   it is limited to a specific member (by the -m option), the show
   group command shows all members.  The command shows only the members
   in the specified group; the -r option enables you to show members of
   nested groups.

   Privilege Required

   You need read permission to the CDS object entry (the target group
   entry).  If you use the -r option, you also need read permission
   to any nested groups.

   This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and
   may not be provided in future releases of DCE.

   The following example shows all the members of the group
   /.:/LandS/anthro/Calendar_group, in the order in which they were
   added to the group:

        $ rpccp
        rpccp> show group   /.:/LandS/anthro/Calendar_group

   The following command operates from the system prompt to show a
   specific member of the group /.:/LandS/dept/Calendar_group:

        $ rpccp show group   \
        > -m /.:/LandS/anthro/Cal_host_2  \
        > /.:/LandS/anthro/Calendar_group

   Commands: add member
             remove group
             remove member

8.1.16  –  show_mapping

   show mapping - Shows the elements of the either the local or a
                  remote endpoint map


   rpccp show mapping [host-address] [-i if-id [-v versions]]
                      [-o object-uuid [ -o object-uuid...]]


   -i        Defines an interface identifier to be shown (optional).
             Only one interface can be shown in a single operation.
             If specified, only elements containing this interface
             identifier are shown.  The -i option can be qualified by
             the -v option. The value has the following form:


             The UUID is a hexadecimal string and the version numbers
             are decimal strings, for example:

                  -i ec1eeb60-5943-11c9-a309-08002b102989,1.1

             Leading zeros in version numbers are ignored.

   -v        Indicates how a specified interface version is used
             (optional).  If it is used without the -i option, the
             -v option is ignored.  The possible combinations of
             versions for the -v option and their actions are
             described in the following table.

                 Versions     Action
                 all          The interface version is ignored.

                 exact        Both the major and minor versions
                              must match the specified versions.

                 compatible   The major version must match the
                              specified version, and the minor
                              version must be greater than or
                              equal to the specified version.

                 major_only   The major version must match the
                              specified version; the minor ver-
                              sion is ignored.

                 upto         The major version must be less than
                              or equal to that specified.  If the
                              major versions are equal, the minor
                              version must be less than or equal
                              to that specified.

             If the -v option is absent, the command shows compatible
             version numbers.

   -o        Defines an object to be shown (optional).  Each show
             mapping command accepts up to 32 -o options.  The UUID
             is a hexadecimal string, for example:

                  -o 3c6b8f60-5945-11c9-a236-08002b102989


             The host-address argument is a string binding that
 	    indicates where to find the target endpoint map. When
             accessing the local endpoint map, you can specify which
             protocol sequence to use (optional); for example,


             When accessing a remote endpoint map, you must specify
 	    both a protocol sequence and a network address for the
 	    remote system (required); for example,


             An endpoint is unnecessary in local or remote host
             addresses, and the remove mapping command ignores any
             endpoint specified as part of a host address.


   The show mapping command shows elements of an endpoint map.
   Each element corresponds to an object UUID, interface identifier,
   annotation, and binding information.  The binding information
   contains an RPC protocol sequence, a network address, and an
   endpoint within square brackets
   (rpc- protseq:network-addr[endpoint]).

   The endpoint map can be either the local endpoint map or the
   endpoint map of a specified remote host.  If entered without
   a remote host address, the command accesses the local endpoint
   map.  For the local endpoint map, a show mapping command without
   any options displays all the map elements.  For a remote endpoint
   map, map elements are accessible only for protocol sequences that
   are supported on both your system and the remote system.

   The options list a selected subset of map elements.  The - i option
   selects a specific interface, and the -v option qualifies the -i
   option.  The -o object selects a specific object.  You can use from
   0 to 32 -o options per command.  The options work together to
   specify the subset of elements for the target protocol sequence(s).

   Note that to ensure that you can remotely display all map elements
   from every remote endpoint map, run the RPC control program on a
   system that supports all of the protocol sequences available in
   your network environment.

   This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and
   may not be provided in future releases of DCE.

   The following commands start the control program and show the map
   elements in the local endpoint map that contain the specified
   interface identifier:

        $ rpccp
        rpccp> show mapping -i ec1eeb60-5943-11c9-a309-08002b102989,1.1

   The following rpccp show mapping command operates from the system
   prompt.  The command accesses the endpoint map of the remote host
   specified by the host address (ncadg_ip_udp: and
   displays the one map element that contains both the specified
   interface identifier and the specified object UUID:

        $ rpccp show mapping  \
        > -i ec1eeb60-5943-11c9-a309-08002b102989,1.1 \
        > -o 30dbeea0-fb6c-11c9-8eea-08002b0f4528     \
        > ncadg_ip_udp:

   Commands: remove mapping
             show server

8.1.17  –  show_profile

   show profile - Shows the elements of a profile


   rpccp show profile profile-entry-name {-d | -a annotation |
                      -i if-id  [-v versions] -m member}
                      [-r [integer]] [-s syntax] [-u]


   -d        Selects the default profile element. With the -d option,
             the -a, -i, and -m options are ignored.

             Note that the -a option works with the -d option, but do
             not use them together.

   -a        Declares a single annotation field (optional).  The -a
             option selects only elements containing the specified
             annotation.  The option is case sensitive.

             The -a option works alone or in combination with the -i
             or -m options or both; only elements containing all the
             specified values are displayed.

             Note that the shell supports quotation marks around the
             annotation field of profile elements, allowing you to
             include internal spaces in an annotation; the control
             program does not.  To specify or refer to annotations
             from within the control program, limit each annotation
             to an unbroken alphanumeric string; for example,
             CalendarGroup.  To refer to annotations from the system
             prompt, do not incorporate quotation marks into any

   -i        Selects a specified interface identifier (optional).
             Only elements containing that interface identifier are
             shown.  The interface identifier value has the following


             The UUID is a hexadecimal string and the version numbers
             are decimal strings, for example:

                  -i ec1eeb60-5943-11c9-a309-08002b102989,1.1

             Leading zeros in version numbers are ignored.

             The -i option works alone or in combination with the -a
             or -m options or both; only elements containing all the
             specified values are displayed.  When the -d option is
             specified, the -i option is ignored.

   -m        Declares a single member name (optional).  Only elements
             containing that member name are shown.

             The -m option works alone or in combination with the -a
             or -i options or both; only elements containing all the
             specified values are displayed.  When the -d option is
             specified, the -m option is ignored.

   -r        Indicates that the show profile operation recurses.  If
             the member of any element of a profile is also a profile,
             its elements are shown.  By default, the -r option causes
             the show profile operation to recurse until all nested
             profiles are expanded; for example, -r shows the elements
             of the specified profile and of all nested profiles.

             You can limit recursion to one or more levels by
   	    specifying a decimal integer as part of the -r option.
             For example, -r 1 shows the elements of the specified
             profile and, for element members that are profiles, the
 	    command also shows their elements; then recursion stops.

             Without the -r option, only the profile elements in the
             specified entry are shown.

   -s        Indicates the name syntax of the entry name (optional).
             The only value for this option is the dce name syntax,
             which is the default name syntax.  Until an alternative
             name syntax becomes available, specifying the -s option
             is unnecessary.

   -u        Updates the local CDS cache copy of name service data
             (optional).  Name service data is cached locally on each
             machine in a cell.  If an rpccp inquiry can be satisfied
             by data in the local CDS cache, this cached data is
             returned.  Locally cached copies of name service data
             might not include a recent CDS update, however.  If the
             required data is not available in the local CDS cache,
             rpccp goes to a CDS server(s) to retrieve the required
             data.  rpccp then updates the local CDS cache.  Using the
             -u option bypasses the local cache, allowing rpccp to go
             directly to a CDS server for the inquiry.  rpccp then
             updates the local CDS cache.

   -v        Indicates how a specified interface version is used
             (optional).  If it is used without the -i option, the
             -v option is ignored.  The possible combinations of
             versions for the -v option and their actions are
             described in the following table.

                 Versions     Action
                 all          The interface version is ignored.

                 exact        Both the major and minor versions
                              must match the specified versions.

                 compatible   The major version must match the
                              specified version, and the minor
                              version must be greater than or
                              equal to the specified version.

                 major_only   The major version must match the
                              specified version; the minor ver-
                              sion is ignored.

                 upto         The major version must be less than
                              or equal to that specified.  If the
                              major versions are equal, the minor
                              version must be less than or equal
                              to that specified.

             If the -v option is absent, the command shows compatible
             version numbers.


             Indicates the name of the target profile.  For an entry
             in the local cell, you can omit the cell name and specify
             only the cell-relative name.

   The show profile command shows the elements of a profile in the name
   service database.  The entry name of the profile is required.

   By default, all elements in the profile are shown.  You can select
   a subset of the elements by specifying the -a, -i, or -m options.
   The -r option enables you to show nested profiles.

   Privilege Required

   You need read permission to the CDS object entry (the target profile
   entry).  If you use the -r option, you also need read permission to
   any nested profiles.

   This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and
   may not be provided in future releases of DCE.

   The following command operates from the system prompt to show the
   cell profile /.:/cell-profile in the local cell:

        $ rpccp show profile  /.:/cell-profile

   The initial DCL command sets up a logical name MOLLY_O_PROFILE,
   which represents the user profile /.:/LandS/anthro/molly_o_profile.
   The control program commands start the control program and show the
   user profile associated with the MOLLY_O_PROFILE logical name, as

        $ define MOLLY_O_PROFILE "/.:/LandS/anthro/molly_o_profile"
        $ rpccp
        rpccp> show profile MOLLY_O_PROFILE

   Commands: add element
             remove element
             remove profile

8.1.18  –  show_server

   show server - Shows the binding information, interface identifiers,
                 and object UUIDs in a server entry


   rpccp show server server-entry-name [-i [if-id]]
                     [-o [object-uuid]] [-s syntax] [-u]


   -i        Shows interface identifiers from binding information
             found in the entry (optional).  Without the -i option,
             the command displays all interface identifiers.

             To display a specific interface, supply its identifier
             as the value.  The value has the following form:


             The UUID is a hexadecimal string and the version numbers
             are decimal strings, for example:

                  -i ec1eeb60-5943-11c9-a309-08002b102989,1.1

             Leading zeros in version numbers are ignored.

   -o        Shows object UUIDs found in the entry (optional).
             Without the -o option, the command displays all object
             UUIDs.  To display a specific object UUID, supply its
             string representation as the value, for example:

                  -o 3c6b8f60-5945-11c9-a236-08002b102989

   -s        Indicates the name syntax of the entry name (optional).
             The only value for this option is the dce name syntax,
             which is the default name syntax.  Until an alternative
             name syntax becomes available, specifying the -s option
             is unnecessary.

   -u        Updates the local CDS cache copy of name service data
             (optional).  Name service data is cached locally on each
             machine in a cell.  If an rpccp inquiry can be satisfied
             by data in the local CDS cache, this cached data is
             returned.  Locally cached copies of name service data
             might not include a recent CDS update, however.  If the
             required data is not available in the local CDS cache,
             rpccp goes to a CDS server(s) to retrieve the required
             data.  rpccp then updates the local CDS cache.  Using
             the -u option bypasses the local cache, allowing rpccp
             to  go directly to a CDS server for the inquiry.  rpccp
             then updates the local CDS cache.


             Indicates the name of the target server.  For an entry in
             the local cell, you can omit the cell name and specify
             only the cell-relative name.

   The show server command shows the RPC binding information, interface
   identifiers, and object UUIDs in a server entry. The entry name of
   the server entry is required.

   This operation shows all of the potential bindings for an interface.
   By default, this command displays bindings for the specified version
   of the interface and for upwardly compatible versions of the
   interface.  The -v option controls which versions are targeted by
   this command.

   Privilege Required

   You need read permission to the CDS object entry (the target server

   This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and
   may not be provided in future releases of DCE.

   The following commands start the control program and show the server
   entry /.:/LandS/anthro/Cal_host_2 in the local cell:

        $ rpccp
        rpccp> show server   /.:/LandS/anthro/Cal_host_2

   The following command operates from the system prompt to display
   a specific object and interface from the server entry
   /.:/LandS/anthro/Cal_host_2 in the local cell:

        $ rpccp show server  \
        > /.:/LandS/anthro/Cal_host_2  \
        > -o 16977538-e257-11c9-8dc0-08002b0f4528  \
        > -i ec1eeb60-5943-11c9-a309-08002b102989,1.1

   Commands: export

8.1.19  –  unexport

   unexport - Removes binding information, interface identifiers,
              and object UUIDs from a server entry


   rpccp unexport entry-name {[-i if-id [-v versions]] |
                  [-o object-uuid]} [-s  syntax]


   -i        Defines an interface identifier to be unexported
             (optional).  Only one interface can be unexported in
             a single operation.  If specified, binding information
             for this interface is removed from the entry.  The -i
             option can be qualified by the -v option.  The value
             has the following form:


             The UUID is a hexadecimal string and the version numbers
             are decimal strings, for example:

                  -i ec1eeb60-5943-11c9-a309-08002b102989,1.1

             Leading zeros in version numbers are ignored.

   -v        Indicates how a specified interface version is used
             (optional).  If it is used without the -i option, the
             -v option is ignored.  The possible combinations of
             versions for the -v option and their actions are
             described in the following table.

                 Versions     Action
                 all          The interface version is ignored.

                 exact        Both the major and minor versions
                              must match the specified versions.

                 compatible   The major version must match the
                              specified version, and the minor
                              version must be greater than or
                              equal to the specified version.

                 major_only   The major version must match the
                              specified version; the minor ver-
                              sion is ignored.

                 upto         The major version must be less than
                              or equal to that specified.  If the
                              major versions are equal, the minor
                              version must be less than or equal
                              to that specified.

             If the -v option is absent, the command shows compatible
             version numbers.

   -o        Defines an object to be unexported (optional).  Each
             unexport command accepts up to 32 -o options.  The
             UUID is a hexadecimal string, for example:

                  -o 3c6b8f60-5945-11c9-a236-08002b102989

   -s        Indicates the name syntax of the entry name (optional).
             The only value for this option is the dce name syntax,
             which is the default name syntax.  Until an alternative
             name syntax becomes available, specifying the -s option
             is unnecessary.


             Indicates the name of the target name service entry.
             Usually, the target is a server entry.  However, objects
             also can be exported (without an interface identifier or
             binding information) to a group or a profile.

             For an entry in the local cell, you can omit the cell name
             and specify only the cell-relative name.

   The unexport command removes binding information and an interface
   identifier, object UUIDs, or both from a server entry, or it removes
   object UUIDs from a group's entry.  The command requires the entry
   name and either the interface identifier or one or more object

   By default, the unexport operation removes compatible interface

   Privilege Required

   You need both read permission and write permission to the CDS object
   entry (the target name service entry).

   This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and
   may not be provided in future releases of DCE.

   The initial DCL command sets up a logical name Calendar_1_1,
   which represents the interface identifier of an RPC interface.
   The control program commands start the control program and
   remove (unexport) the Calendar Version 1.1 interface from the
   server entry /.:/LandS/anthro/Cal_host_2 in the local cell, as

       $ define Calendar_1_1 "ec1eeb60-5943-11c9-a309-08002b102989,1.1"
       $ rpccp
       rpccp> unexport    \
       > -i Calendar_1_1  \
       > /.:/LandS/anthro/Cal_host_2

   Commands: export
             show server

8.2  –  Environmental Influences on Command Syntax

   Environmental Influences on Command Syntax

   There are variations in the action of the control program, depending
   on whether commands are entered from the system prompt or from within
   the control program.  For example, entering the annotation field of
   profile elements from the system prompt allows you to include internal
   spaces in an annotation.

       Function                At System Prompt   Inside Control Program
       Strings within quotation     Supported          Not required

       Wildcard substitution        Supported          Unsupported

   Some UNIX systems require that you place an escape symbol (\) before
   string binding delimiters such as brackets ([ ]) or that you place
   the delimiters within quotation marks (' ' or " ") at the system

8.3  –  Scope of the RPC Control Program Commands

   The following table describes the scope of the RPC control program

                      Scope          Command
                      All entries    add entry
                                     remove entry
                                     show entry

                      Server entry   export
                                     show server

                      Group          add member
                                     remove group
                                     remove member
                                     show group

                      Profile        add element
                                     remove element
                                     remove profile
                                     show profile

                      Endpoint map   add mapping
                                     remove mapping
                                     show mapping

8.4  –  Logical Names

   The control program supports logical names.  Using logical names
   facilitates interactive use of the control program.

   To distinguish logical names, rpccp* reference pages follow the
   convention of using all uppercase letters for examples of logical
   names.  Note that OpenVMS logical names are NOT case sensitive.

   User-defined logical names

        You can set a logical name to represent values to rpccp.
        Using a logical name is helpful for specifying a long string
        such as the following:

          + A string representation of binding information (binding

          + A string representation of an object or interface UUID
            (string UUID)

          + An interface identifier (the interface UUID and version

          + The name of a name service entry

          For example, in the following example, the logical name
          JANE_CAL represents an object UUID; the target name service
          entry, /.:/LandS/anthro/Cal_host_2, is in the local cell:

               $ DEFINE JANE_CAL 47f40d10-e2e0-11c9-bb29-08002b0f4528

               $ rpccp
               rpccp> export  -o JANE_CAL /.:/LandS/anthro/Cal_host_2

   DCE RPC logical names

          The dce name syntax is the only syntax currently supported
          by the DCE Cell Directory Service (CDS). However, the Name
          Service Interface (NSI) is independent of any specific name
          service and, in the future, may support name services that
          use other name syntaxes.  When alternative name syntaxes are
          supported, you can override the standard default with a
          process-specific default by setting the
          RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX logical name. When this variable is
          set for a process, the control program uses it to find out the
          default syntax for the process. You can override this default
          in any NSI command of the control program by using the -s
          option to specify an alternative entry syntax.  Setting
          RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX requires specifying the integer 3 to
          indicate the dce syntax.  To set RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX, use
          the name=value command to define a logical name.  The following
          command specifies dce as the default name syntax in a login
          command file:

                       # .login command file
                       # setting dce as default name syntax,

              For the import command, you can use this environment
              variable to indicate the entry where the search operation
              starts.  Usually, the starting entry is a profile.

8.5  –  Name Service Interface

   The remainder of this description contains information to help you use
   commands that call the name service interface to access name service
   entries (NSI commands).

   The DCE RPC name service interface (NSI) is independent of any
   particular name service. CDS, however, is the only name service
   available for DCE RPC Version 1.0 applications.  For more details
   on the name service interface, see the OSF DCE Application
   Development Guide-Core Components.  For a description of the DCE
   Cell Directory Service, see the OSF DCE Administration Guide-Core

8.5.1  –  Name Service Entries

   To store information about RPC servers, interfaces, and objects, the
   NSI defines the following name service entries:

   server entry
             Stores binding information, interface identifiers, and
             object UUIDs for an RPC server.

   group     Corresponds to one or more RPC servers that offer a common
             RPC interface, type of RPC object, or both.

   profile   Defines search paths for looking in a name service
 	    database for a server that offers a particular RPC
    	    interface and object.

   Note that when the NSI is used with the Cell Directory Service, the
   name service entries are CDS object entries.

8.5.2  –  Structure of Entry Names

   Each entry in a name service database is identified by a unique
   global name made up of a cell name and a cell-relative name.

   A cell is a group of users, systems, and resources that share common
   DCE services.  A cell configuration includes at least one cell
   directory server, one security server, and one time server.A cell's
   size can range from one system to thousands of systems.  For
   information on cells, see the CDS portion of this book.

   The following is an example of a global name:


   The parts of a global name are as follows:

   Cell name (using X.500 name syntax)

             For example:


             The symbol /... begins a cell name.  The letters before
 	    the equal signs (=) are abbreviations for country (C),
             organization (O), and organization unit (OU).

             For entries in the local cell, the cell name can be
             represented by a /.: prefix, in place of the actual cell
             name; for example,


             For NSI operations on entries in the local cell you can
 	    omit the cell name.

   Cell-relative name
             Each name service entry requires a cell-relative name,
             which contains a directory pathname and a leaf name.

             directory pathname
                       Follows the cell name and indicates the
                       hierarchical relationship of the entry to the
                       cell root.  The directory pathname is the middle
                       portion of the global name.  The cell name is to
                       the left of the directory pathname, and the leaf
                       name is to the right, as follows:

                       cell-name + directory-pathname + leaf-name

                       The directory pathname contains the names of any
                       subdirectories in the path; each subdirectory
                       name begins with a slash (/), as follows:


                       Directory paths are created by name service
                       administrators. If an appropriate directory path
                       does not exist, ask your name service
                       administrator to extend an existing path or
                       create a new path.  In a directory path, the
                       name of a subdirectory should reflect its
                       relationship to its parent directory (the
                       directory that contains the subdirectory).

             leaf name Identifies the specific entry.  The leaf name is
                       the right-hand part of global name beginning
 		      with the rightmost slash.

   In the following example,  /.../C=US/O=uw/OU=MadCity is the cell
   name, /LandS/anthro is the directory pathname, and /Cal_host_4 is
   the leaf name.


   If a name service entry is located at the cell root, the leaf name
   directly follows the cell name; for example, /.:/cell-profile.

   Note that when the NSI is used with CDS, the cell-relative name is a
   CDS name.

8.5.3  –  Guidelines for Constructing Names of Name Service Entries

   A global name includes both a cell name and a cell-relative name
   composed of a directory pathname and a leaf name.  The cell name is
   assigned to a cell root at its creation.  When you specify only a
   cell-relative name to an NSI command, the NSI automatically expands
   the name into a global name by inserting the local cell name.  When
   returning the name of a name service entry, a group member, or
   member in a profile element, NSI operations return global names.

   The directory pathname and leaf name uniquely identify a name
   service entry. The leaf name should somehow describe the entry;
   for example, by identifying its owner or its contents.The remainder
   of this  section contains guidelines for choosing leaf names.
   Note that directory pathnames and leaf names are case sensitive.

   Naming a Server Entry

         For a server entry that advertises an RPC interface or service
         offered by a server, the leaf name must distinguish the entry
         from the equivalent entries of other servers. When a single
         server instance runs on a host, you can ensure a unique name
         by combining the name of the service, interface (from the
         interface definition), or the system name for the server's
 	host system.

         For example, consider two servers, one offering a calendar
 	service on host JULES and one, on host VERNE.

         The server on JULES uses the following leaf name:


         The server on VERNE uses the following leaf name:


         For servers that perform tasks on or for a specific system, an
         alternative approach is to create server entries in a system-
         specific host directory within the name service database. Each
         host directory takes the name of the host to which it
         corresponds.  Because the directory name identifies the
 	system,the leaf name of the server entry name need not include
 	the host name, for example:


         To construct names for the server entries used by distinctive
         server instances on a single host, you can construct unique
         server entry names by combining the following information: the
         name of the server's service, interface, or object; the system
         name of the server's host system, and a reusable instance
 	identifier, such as an integer.

         For example,the following leaf names distinguish two instances
         of a calendar service on the JULES system:



         Avoid automatically generating entry names for the server
         entries of server instances, for example, by using unique
         data such as a time stamp (calendar_verne_15OCT91_21:25:32)
         or a process identifier (calendar_jules_208004D6).  When a
         server incorporates such unique data into its server entry
         names, each server instance creates a separate server entry,
         causing many server entries.  When a server instance stops
         running, it leaves an obsolete server entry that is not
         reused.  The creation of a new entry whenever a server
         instance starts may impair performance.  A server can use
         multiple server entries to advertise different combinations
         of interfaces and objects. For example, a server can create
         a separate server entry for a specific object (and the
         associated interfaces).  The name of such a server entry
 	should correspond to a well-known name for the object. For
 	example,consider a server that offers a horticulture
 	bulletin board known to users as horticulture_bb.  The
 	server exports th horticulture_bb object, binding informa-
 	tion, and the associated bulletin-board interface to a server
 	entry whose leaf name identifies the object, as follows:


         Note that an RPC server that uses RPC authentication can
 	choose identical names for its principal name and its server
         entry. Use of identical names permits a client that calls the
         rpc_binding_set_auth_info routine to automatically determine a
         server's principal name (the client will assume the principal
         name to be the same as the server's entry name). If a server
         uses different principal and server entry names, users must
         explicitly supply the principal name. For an explanation of
         principal names, see the DCE Security Service part of the DCE
         Application Development Guide.

   Naming a Group

         The leaf name of a group should indicate the interface,
 	service,or object that determines membership in the group.
 	For example, for a group whose members are selected because
 	they advertise an interface named Statistics, the following is
 	an effective leaf name:


         For a group whose members advertise laser-printer print queues
         as objects, the following is an effective leaf name:


   Naming a Profile

         The leaf name of a profile should indicate the profile users;
         for example, for a profile that serves the members of an
         accounting department, the following is an effective leaf


8.5.4  –  Permissions Required

   To use the NSI commands to access entries in a CDS database, you
   need access control list (ACL) permissions.  Depending on the NSI
   operation, you need ACL permissions to the parent directory or the
   CDS object entry (the name service entry) or both.  The ACL
   permissions are as follows:

     +  To create an entry, you need insert permission to the parent

     +  To read an entry, you need read permission to the CDS object

     +  To write to an entry, you need write permission to the CDS
        object entry.

     +  To delete an entry, you need delete permission either to the
        CDS object entry or to the parent directory.

   Note that write permission does not imply read permission.

   ACL permissions for the NSI commands of the control program are
   described in the reference pages.

8.6  –  EXAMPLES

   The following command starts the RPC control program:

        $ rpccp

   The following command at the system prompt removes the entry

        $ rpccp remove entry  \
        > /.:/LandS/anthro/Cal_host_2

9  –  rpcd

         rpcd - DCE Remote Procedure Call Daemon


   The DCE Remote Procedure Call Daemon (RPCD) has been replaced
   by the DCE Daemon (DCED) as of OSF DCE Version 1.1.


   See "DCE dce_tools_intro dced" for a descripton of the new DCE
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