Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb  —  DTM
   Digital Test Manager is a tool that automates the process of
   software testing.  It organizes software tests and automates how you
   run tests and evaluate their results.

1  –  @file-specification

   Executes Digital Test Manager commands contained in the specified



1.1  –  Example

   %DTM-S-LIBIS, Digital Test Manager library is DUA0:[USER01.DTMLIB]
   %DTM-S-RESUBMITTED, collection MAIL_TEST has been resubmitted
   -DTM-I-TEXT, Job MAIL_TEST (queue SYS$BATCH, entry 18) started on SYS$BATCH

   This example executes the command procedure MAIL_TEST.COM
   containing the commands SET LIBRARY DUA0:[USER01.DTMLIB] and

2  –  ATTACH

   Switches control from your current process to another process in
   your job.


     ATTACH  [process-name] [/qualifier]

2.1  –  Command Qualifiers



   Specifies the process identification (PID) of the process to which
   you want to attach your terminal. You can omit the leading zeros
   when you specify a PID.

   If you specify the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier, do not specify the
   process name parameter or the /PARENT qualifier. If you do not
   specify a qualifier, you must specify a process name.

2.1.2    /PARENT

   Specifies that the process you want to attach to is your original
   (parent) process.

   If you specify the /PARENT qualifier, do not specify the process
   name parameter or the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier. If you do not
   specify a qualifier, you must specify a process name.

2.2  –  Example

   You have 0 new messages.


   This example uses the OpenVMS Mail Utility (MAIL) command SPAWN
   to create a subprocess running Digital Test Manager. The Digital Test
   Manager ATTACH command is then used to attach the terminal back
   to the MAIL session, the parent process.


   Compares the result file produced for each test description in a
   collection with its corresponding benchmark file.


     COMPARE  collection-name [/qualifier...]

3.1  –  Command Qualifiers

3.1.1    /CHARACTERS

   Performs a character-by-character comparison of the results file
   with the benchmark file.

   The default is /SCREENS for interactive tests and /RECORDS for
   noninteractive tests.

3.1.2    /FULL

   For noninteractive and interactive terminal tests, the /FULL
   qualifier includes a complete listing of the text in the
   difference file that was identical and a listing of the
   differences encountered when the result file and benchmark file
   are compared.

3.1.3    /IGNORE


   The /IGNORE qualifier enables you to specify that various aspects
   of benchmark and result files are to be ignored during comparison.

   The following keywords apply to noninteractive and interactive
   terminal tests, only.

     Keyword          Result

     CASE             Ignores any differences between the case of
                      alphabetic characters (A,a,B,b, .. . )

     FORM-FEEDS       Ignores form-feed characters

     LEADING_BLANKS   Ignores leading blanks and tabs

     SPACING          Treats multiple blanks and tabs as a single space

     TRAILING_BLANKS  Ignores trailing blanks and tabs

   For interactive terminal tests, if you specify the /IGNORE and
   /SCREENS qualifiers together, Digital Test Manager performs the
   comparison screen by screen and ignores the /IGNORE qualifier.

   If you specify more than one keyword, separate the keywords with
   commas and enclose the list in parentheses. The output file (your
   result file) is not changed in any way by the /IGNORE qualifier.

   The following keyword applies to DECwindows tests only.

     Keyword    Result

     MASK       Ignores masked areas defined on DECwindows
                benchmark images

3.1.4    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.

3.1.5    /MASK


   The /MASK qualifier selects one or more sets of mask patterns that
   will cause certain run-time data to be ignored during the comparison
   of screens for interactive terminal tests.  Such run-time data is
   ignored by substituting blank space for patterns in both the
   benchmark and result screens before they are compared.

   The valid values for keyword are as follows:

     Keyword       Mask

     ALL           Specifies that all the masks in this table be used

     DATE          The date mask ignores comparison of date stamps

                   The following list shows some examples of the date
                   patterns to be ignored;  this list is not all

                     dd-mmm-yyyy     ( example: 17-OCT-1998 )
                     dd mmm yy       ( example: 17 OCT 98 )
                     yy.mmm.dd       ( example: 98.OCT.17 )
                     mm/dd/yy        ( example: 10/17/98 )
                     yyyy/mm/dd      ( example: 1998/10/17 )
                     month day, year ( example: October 17, 1998 )
                     month day, year ( example: Oct. 17, 1998 )
                     day.month.year  ( example: 17.October.1998 )
                     year-month-day  ( example: 98-October-17 )

     TIME          Ignores time stamps with the following forms:

                     hh:mm:ss.xxxx   ( example: 15:37:53.22 )
                     hh:mm:ss        ( example: 15:37:53 )
                     hh:mm           ( example: 15:37 )
                     hh:mm xm        ( example: 3:37 PM )
                     hhHmmm          ( example: 15H37m )
                     hhHmm'          ( example: 15H37' )
            h         ( example: 15.37 h )
                     hh h mm"ss s    ( example: 15 h 37"53 s )
                     hh h mm min     ( example: 15 h 37 min )
                     kl        ( example: kl 15.37 )
                     h         ( example: h 15.37 )

     VERSION       Ignores file versions on file names

     FILE_NAMES    Ignores file names of the form FILENAME.EXT

     DIRECTORIES   Ignores directory specification fields of
                   the form DISK:[DIRECTORY]

   If you specify more than one keyword, separate the keywords with
   commas and enclose the list in parentheses. If you specify only
   one keyword, omit the parentheses.  Masking of is performed in
   the order of the keywords shown above.

3.1.6    /PARALLEL


   Specifies whether the lines that do not match in the result and
   benchmark files are formatted side by side.

   If you specify the /[NO]PARALLEL and /SCREENS qualifiers together,
   Digital Test Manager performs the comparison screen by screen and
   ignores the /[NO]PARALLEL qualifier.

3.1.7    /RECORDS

   For noninteractive and interactive terminal tests, the /RECORDS
   qualifier performs a record-by-record comparison of the result and
   benchmark files. The default is /SCREENS for interactive tests and
   /RECORDS for noninteractive tests.

   Records are identical only if they contain the same characters.
   Use this type of comparison only when you expect the record in
   which a string appears to be the same each time a comparison is

   Use caution when specifying the /RECORDS qualifier for an
   interactive test because the records in the result file are not
   guaranteed to be written the same way each time the test runs.
   You might want to use the /RECORDS qualifier for an interactive
   test whose result file is not generated by Digital Test Manager, for
   example, if you rename a test output file to be DTM$RESULT.

3.1.8    /SCREENS

   Performs a screen-by-screen comparison of the result and benchmark
   files for an interactive test. The default is /SCREENS for
   interactive tests and /RECORDS for noninteractive tests.

3.1.9    /SENTINEL


   Specifies a pair of strings used to delimit a section of text to
   be ignored during the comparison of result and benchmark files for
   noninteractive tests. The delimiters can be up to 256 characters
   per line, and must be unique. Any text between and including the
   delimiters is treated as if it did not exist.

   If you do not enclose the sentinel strings in quotation marks,
   they are converted to uppercase before the comparison of the
   files. Sentinel strings may contain any characters, but if you
   include spaces, tabs or commas, they must be enclosed in
   quotation marks.

3.1.10    /WIDTH


   For noninteractive and interactive terminal tests that were
   compared with the /CHARACTERS or /RECORDS qualifier, the /WIDTH
   qualifier specifies the maximum width allowed for the differences
   report. The minimum width is 48 columns and the maximum width is
   511 columns. The default value is 132 columns.

3.2  –  Example

   %DTM-I-SUCCEEDED, the comparison for the test MAIL_TEST succeeded
   %DTM-I-SUCCEEDED, the comparison for the test SEND_MAIL_TEST succeeded
   %DTM-S-COMPARED, collection MAIL_COLL compared

   This example compares the results for all tests in the
   collection MAIL_COLL. For each test, Digital Test Manager deletes
   the result files for tests whose benchmark and result files
   match, and it creates a difference file for tests whose
   benchmark and result files differ.

4  –  COPY


   Copies an existing test description.


     COPY TEST_DESCRIPTION  test-name1 test-name2 [/qualifier...]


4.1.1  –  Restrictions

   o  The /COMMAND qualifier applies to DECwindows tests only.

   o  The /NOFILTERS qualifier applies to interactive and
      noninteractive terminal tests only.

4.1.2  –  Command Qualifiers    /COMMAND


   By default, the new test description has the same command as the
   copied test description. If you specify the /COMMAND qualifier,
   you associate a new command with the new test description. If
   you specify the /NOCOMMAND qualifier, the associated command is
   not copied with the test description. The qualifier applies to
   DECwindows tests only.    /COMPARISON_TYPE


   Specifies how the result and benchmark files are to be compared. A
   comparison type is not associated with the test description. The
   valid values for keyword are as follows:

     Keyword     Meaning

     CHARACTERS  Compares files character by character.

     RECORDS     Compares files record by record. This is the
                 default for noninteractive terminal tests.

     SCREENS     Compares files screen by screen; screens not
                 marked are not compared. This is the default for
                 interactive terminal and DECwindows tests.

   DECwindows tests can only use the SCREENS comparison type. The
   SCREENS comparison type is also the default comparison type for
   interactive terminal tests. If you specify the /COMPARISON_
   TYPE=SCREENS qualifier for a noninteractive test, this value is
   ignored.    /EPILOGUE


   Determines whether a test epilogue file is associated with the
   test description. The epilogue file associated with the existing
   test description is also associated with the new test description.

   The /EPILOGUE qualifier causes the specified epilogue file to
   replace the existing epilogue file. The /NOEPILOGUE qualifier
   specifies that no epilogue file be associated with the new test
   description.    /NOFILTERS

   Specifies that no filters be associated with the new test
   description. By default, the filters associated with the existing
   interactive or noninteractive terminal test descriptions are also
   associated with the new test descriptions.    /NOGROUPS

   Specifies that the new test description does not belong to
   any groups. If you do not specify this qualifier, the new test
   description belongs to the same group (or groups) as the previous
   test description.    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.    /PROLOGUE


   Determines whether a test prologue file is associated with the
   test description. The prologue file associated with the existing
   test description is also associated with the new test description.

   The /PROLOGUE qualifier causes the specified prologue file to
   replace the existing prologue file. The /NOPROLOGUE qualifier
   specifies that no prologue file be associated with the new test
   description.    /REMARK


   Determines whether a remark is associated with the new test
   description. By default, the remark associated with the new
   test description will be a copy of the remark associated with
   the existing test description. This remark is associated with the
   test description you are creating; it is not the remark logged
   with the COPY TEST_DESCRIPTION command.

   The /REMARK qualifier replaces the remark currently associated
   with the test description with the remark you specify. The
   /NOREMARK qualifier specifies that no remark be associated with
   the new test description.    /TEMPLATE


   If you do not specify this qualifier, the existing template
   file is copied for the new test. If you specify the /TEMPLATE
   qualifier, the existing template file is replaced by the specified
   template file. If you specify the /NOTEMPLATE qualifier, Digital Test
   Manager creates the template file name in the form test-name.COM
   for a noninteractive test and test-name.SESSION for an interactive
   or DECwindows test.    /NOVARIABLES

   Specifies that no variables be associated with the new test
   description. If you do not specify this qualifier, the variables
   associated with the old test description are associated with the
   new test description.

4.1.3  –  Example

   _Remark:SHOW ALL test with new prologue file
   %DTM-I-DEFAULTED, benchmark file name defaulted to SHOW_ALL_TEST.BMK
   %DTM-S-COPIED, test description MAIL_TEST copied
   -DTM-S-CREATED, test description SHOW_ALL_TEST created

   This example creates a copy of the existing test description,
   MAIL_TEST, and names the copy, SHOW_ALL_TEST. The prologue file
   named NEWPRO.COM is associated with the new test description.

5  –  CREATE


   Designates a set of tests as a collection.


     CREATE COLLECTION  collection-name test-group-expression

          [/qualifier...] "remark"

5.1.1  –  Command Qualifiers    /BENCHMARK_DIRECTORY


   Determines whether Digital Test Manager should search the default
   benchmark directory for benchmark files for the specified

   If you do not include a directory, Digital Test Manager searches the
   default benchmark directory for the benchmark file established by

   If you include a directory in the benchmark file specification
   for a test within the collection, Digital Test Manager searches that
   directory for the benchmark file and (if found) overrides the
   default directory. The directory you specify can be either another
   directory or a CMS library.

   The /NOBENCHMARK_DIRECTORY qualifier overrides the default
   benchmark directory for the specified collection. Digital Test Manager
   searches your default directory for all benchmark files without
   directory specifications.    /CLASS


   Specifies the optional CMS class for benchmark files and template
   files stored in CMS libraries. The keywords, BENCHMARK and
   TEMPLATE, designate the name of the specific set of generations of
   elements. If you do not specify a class and the file is stored in
   a CMS library, the latest generation on the main line of descent
   is used.

   You can specify the same class names for your benchmark and
   template files. If you specify both keywords, separate them with a
   comma and enclose the list in parentheses. If you specify only one
   keyword, omit the parentheses.    /COMPARE


   Determines whether Digital Test Manager compares the results of each
   test with its benchmark file (the file that contains expected
   test results) after the collection is executed. The default is

   The /COMPARE qualifier specifies that Digital Test Manager is to
   compare all tests after the collection is executed. A collection
   must be compared before it can be reviewed. Any differences
   between the results for a test and its benchmark file are recorded
   in a difference file for that test. Tests without benchmarks can
   be compared, but will be marked with the comparison status of new

   When you review tests, you can have benchmark files generated for
   them. When you enter the /COMPARE qualifier, the COMPARE command
   default qualifiers (/SCREENS, /LOG, and /WIDTH=132) are in effect.
   You can optionally specify any of the following COMPARE command
   qualifiers as keywords:


   The /COMPARE qualifier keywords have the same effect as the
   COMPARE command qualifiers. See the COMPARE command qualifiers
   for a description of the /COMPARE qualifier keywords.

   If you specify more than one keyword, separate the keywords with
   commas and enclose the list in parentheses. If you specify only
   one keyword, you can omit the parentheses.

   The /NOCOMPARE qualifier prevents the automatic comparison that
   Digital Test Manager ordinarily performs when the collection is
   executed. You can use the COMPARE command later to compare test
   results for collections created with the /NOCOMPARE qualifier.    /EPILOGUE


   Determines whether the default collection epilogue is run with
   this collection.

   The /EPILOGUE qualifier overrides the default collection epilogue
   file for this collection. The /NOEPILOGUE qualifier runs a
   collection without a collection epilogue. This qualifier has no
   effect on individual test epilogues.    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.    /MASK


   The /MASK qualifier selects one or more sets of mask patterns that
   will cause certain run-time data to be ignored during the comparison
   of screens for interactive terminal tests.  Such run-time data is
   ignored by substituting blank space for patterns in both the
   benchmark and result screens before they are compared.

   The valid values for keyword are as follows:

     Keyword       Mask

     ALL           Specifies that all the masks in this table be used

     DATE          The date mask ignores comparison of date stamps

                   The following list shows some examples of the date
                   patterns to be ignored;  this list is not all

                     dd-mmm-yyyy     ( example: 17-OCT-1998 )
                     dd mmm yy       ( example: 17 OCT 98 )
                     yy.mmm.dd       ( example: 98.OCT.17 )
                     mm/dd/yy        ( example: 10/17/98 )
                     yyyy/mm/dd      ( example: 1998/10/17 )
                     month day, year ( example: October 17, 1998 )
                     month day, year ( example: Oct. 17, 1998 )
                     day.month.year  ( example: 17.October.1998 )
                     year-month-day  ( example: 98-October-17 )

     TIME          Ignores time stamps with the following forms:

                     hh:mm:ss.xxxx   ( example: 15:37:53.22 )
                     hh:mm:ss        ( example: 15:37:53 )
                     hh:mm           ( example: 15:37 )
                     hh:mm xm        ( example: 3:37 PM )
                     hhHmmm          ( example: 15H37m )
                     hhHmm'          ( example: 15H37' )
            h         ( example: 15.37 h )
                     hh h mm"ss s    ( example: 15 h 37"53 s )
                     hh h mm min     ( example: 15 h 37 min )
                     kl        ( example: kl 15.37 )
                     h         ( example: h 15.37 )

     VERSION       Ignores file versions on file names

     FILE_NAMES    Ignores file names of the form FILENAME.EXT

     DIRECTORIES   Ignores directory specification fields of
                   the form DISK:[DIRECTORY]

   If you specify more than one keyword, separate the keywords with
   commas and enclose the list in parentheses. If you specify only
   one keyword, omit the parentheses.  Masking of is performed in
   the order of the keywords shown above.    /PROLOGUE


   Determines whether the default collection prologue is run with
   this collection.

   The /PROLOGUE qualifier overrides the default collection prologue
   file for this collection. The /NOPROLOGUE qualifier runs a
   collection without a collection prologue file. This qualifier
   has no effect on individual test prologues.    /REALTIME


   Specifies that the speed of session file playback for all
   interactive terminal tests in the collection is to be based
   solely on the speed at which they were recorded and not on the
   rate at which the applications being tested request input.
   This qualifier is useful for testing applications that request
   input before completing processing and display of data.    /SENTINEL


   Specifies a pair of strings used to delimit a section of text to
   be ignored during the comparison of result and benchmark files for
   a noninteractive test. The delimiters can be up to 256 characters
   per line, and must be unique. Any text between and including the
   delimiters is treated as if it did not exist.

   If you do not enclose the sentinel strings in quotation marks,
   they are converted to uppercase before the comparison of the
   files. Sentinel strings may contain any characters, but if you
   include spaces, tabs, or commas they must be enclosed in
   quotation marks.    /SUBMIT


   Determines whether the collection is executed immediately after it
   is created. You can submit collections that contain DECwindows
   tests but Digital Test Manager must be connected to a DECwindows
   server for the tests to execute.

   The /SUBMIT qualifier executes the collection in batch mode
   immediately after the collection is created. When you enter the
   /SUBMIT qualifier, the SUBMIT command qualifiers (/KEEP
   and /LOG) are in effect. You can optionally specify any of the
   following SUBMIT command qualifiers as keywords:


     [NO]HOLD     [NO]KEEP              [NO]LOG_FILE

     NAME         [NO]NOTIFY            [NO]PRINTER

     PRIORITY     QUEUE                 [NO]USER


   If you specify more than one keyword, separate the keywords with
   commas and enclose the list in parentheses. If you specify only
   one keyword, you can omit the parentheses.

   The /NOSUBMIT qualifier creates the collection without submitting
   it to the batch queue. To run the collection, use the SUBMIT
   command.    /TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY


   Determines whether Digital Test Manager should search the default
   template directory for template files for the specified

   If you do not include a directory, Digital Test Manager searches the
   default template directory for the template file established by

   If you include a directory in the template file specification
   for a test within the collection, Digital Test Manager searches that
   directory for the template file. The directory you specify can be
   either another directory or a CMS library.

   The /NOTEMPLATE_DIRECTORY qualifier overrides the default template
   directory for the specified collection. Digital Test Manager searches
   your default directory for all template files without directory
   specifications.    /VARIABLE


   Overrides the values of the specified global variables for
   this collection. If you override the value for more than one
   variable, separate the variables with commas and enclose the
   list in parentheses. If you override only one variable, omit the
   parentheses.    /VERIFY

   /VERIFY (D)

   Specifies whether Digital Test Manager is to verify the existence of
   files associated with all test descriptions before creating the
   collection. If a referenced file does not exist, Digital Test Manager
   does not create the collection.

   The /NOVERIFY qualifier causes Digital Test Manager to create the
   collection without verifying the existence of files associated
   with all test descriptions before creating the collection. If
   a file associated with a test description is missing when a
   collection executes, Digital Test Manager may not run that test.

5.1.2  –  Parameter Qualifiers    /GROUP

   Identifies the immediately preceding item in the test group
   expression as a group. If a test group expression is a list,
   use this qualifier after each item in the list that designates
   a group. The default is /TEST_DESCRIPTION.    /TEST_DESCRIPTION

   Identifies the immediately preceding item in the test group
   expression as a test expression. This is the default.

5.1.3  –  Examples

       _Remark: Tests of MAIL commands
       %DTM-S-CREATED, collection MAIL_COLL created

   This example creates the collection MAIL_COLL. It uses a
   qualifier to specify that there is to be no collection prologue
   file associated with this collection, and uses wildcards to
   specify which tests go into the collection.

       _Remark: More MAIL tests
       %DTM-S-CREATED, collection MAIL_PLUS created

   This example creates the collection MAIL_PLUS. The test group
   expression specifies all tests that begin with MAIL, and all
   tests in the group SEND_NONINT at the time the collection is

5.2  –  GROUP

   Creates a group in the Digital Test Manager library.


     CREATE GROUP  group-name [/qualifier] "remark"

5.2.1  –  Command Qualifier    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.

5.2.2  –  Example

   _Remark: Tests of MAIL commands that send text (SEND, REPLY, etc.)
   %DTM-S-CREATED, group SEND_NONINT created

   This example creates the group SEND_NONINT.

5.3  –  LIBRARY

   Creates a Digital Test Manager library in an empty OpenVMS directory.


     CREATE LIBRARY  directory-specification [/qualifier] "remark"

5.3.1  –  Restrictions

   o  Do not create subdirectories of the directory containing the
      Digital Test Manager library. Digital Test Manager recognizes that they
      are not part of the library and may delete them.

   o  Do not create or modify files in the Digital Test Manager library
      and do not delete files from the Digital Test Manager library.

   o  Do not access the Digital Test Manager library with commands other
      than Digital Test Manager commands. Use only Digital Test Manager
      Review subsystem commands to access test run output files.

5.3.2  –  Command Qualifier    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.

5.3.3  –  Example

   $ DTM
   %DTM-S-CREATED, Digital Test Manager library DUA0:[USER01.DTMLIB] created

   This example shows how to create a Digital Test Manager library
   by first creating an empty directory, DTMLIB.DIR, and then
   using the CREATE LIBRARY command to turn this directory into a
   Digital Test Manager library.


   Creates a test description in the Digital Test Manager library.


     CREATE TEST_DESCRIPTION  test-name [/qualifier...] "remark"

5.4.1  –  Restrictions

   o  The /COMMAND qualifier applies to DECwindows tests only.

   o  The /FILTER qualifier applies to noninteractive and terminal
      tests only.

5.4.2  –  Command Qualifiers    /BENCHMARK


   Specifies the file to contain the expected output from the test's
   execution. Digital Test Manager supplies a file name of the form
   test-name.BMK. If your file specification includes a directory
   specification, it overrides the default benchmark directory
   for the library. Benchmark files may be located in the Digital Test
   Manager library, in another directory, or in a CMS library.    /COMMAND


   Specifies a command to be executed before the test is recorded or
   executed. Use this qualifier to start applications for inclusion
   in the test. This qualifier applies to DECwindows tests only.    /COMPARISON_TYPE


   Specifies how the result and benchmark files are to be compared. A
   comparison type is not associated with the test description. The
   valid values for keyword are as follows:

     Keyword     Meaning

     CHARACTERS  Compares files character by character.

     RECORDS     Compares files record by record. This is the
                 default for noninteractive terminal tests.

     SCREENS     Compares files screen by screen; screens not
                 marked are not compared. This is the default for
                 interactive terminal and DECwindows tests.

   DECwindows tests can only use the SCREENS comparison type.
   The SCREENS comparison type is also the default comparison
   type for interactive terminal tests. If you specify the
   /COMPARISON_TYPE=SCREENS qualifier for a noninteractive test,
   this value is ignored.    /DECWINDOWS

   Specifies that the test being created is marked as a DECwindows
   test.    /EPILOGUE


   Adds the specified epilogue file to the test description. The
   test epilogue file is run immediately after the test template file
   is executed. This epilogue file is unrelated to the collection
   epilogue file.

   You cannot store epilogue files in the Digital Test Manager library;
   store them in another directory or in a CMS library.    /FILTER


   Available for interactive and noninteractive terminal tests only,
   the /FILTER qualifier selects one or more filters to remove
   run-time data from the result file that the test run produces.
   The valid values for keyword are as follows:

     Keyword       Filter

     ALL           Specifies that all the filters in this table be used

     DATE          Where the date form is abbreviated, the date filter
                   replaces date stamps by substituting a "d" for each
                   displayed number of the day of the month, an "m" for
                   each displayed letter of the month, and a "y" for
                   each displayed number of the year. Where the date
                   form is spelled out, the month name is replaced by
                   "month", the numeric day is replaced by "day", and
                   the year is replaced by "year".

                   The following list shows some examples of the date
                   filtering functions; this list is not all inclusive.

                     17-OCT-1998 with dd-mmm-yyyy
                     17 OCT 98 with dd mmm yy
                     98.OCT.17 with yy.mmm.dd
                     10/17/98 with mm/dd/yy
                     1998/10/17 with yyyy/mm/dd
                     October 17, 1998 with month day, year
                     Oct. 17, 1998 with month day, year
                     17.October.1998 with day.month.year
                     98-October-17 with year-month-day

     TIME          Replaces time stamps with the following forms:

                     15:37:53.22 with hh:mm:ss.xxxx
                     15:37:53 with hh:mm:ss
                     15:37 with hh:mm
                     3:37 PM with hh:mm xm
                     15H37m with hhHmmm
                     15H37' with hhHmm'
                     15.37 h with h
                     15 h 37"53 s with hh h mm"ss s
                     15 h 37 min with hh h mm min
                     kl 15.37 with kl
                     h 15.37 with h

     FILE_NAMES    Replaces the file names with FILENAME.EXT

     DIRECTORIES   Replaces the directory specification field in
                   the file specification with DISK:[DIRECTORY]

     TRACE_BACK    Replaces 32-bit memory addresses with xxxxxxxx and
                   64-bit memory addresses with xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx.

     VERSION       Replaces file versions with VERSION

   If you specify more than one keyword, separate the keywords with
   commas and enclose the list in parentheses. If you specify only
   one keyword, omit the parentheses.    /INTERACTIVE


   Specifies whether the test being created is marked as an
   interactive terminal test.

   The /INTERACTIVE qualifier marks a test description as containing
   an interactive terminal test. The /NOINTERACTIVE qualifier marks a
   test description as containing a noninteractive test.    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.    /PROLOGUE


   Adds the specified prologue file to the test description.

   The test prologue file is run immediately before the test
   template file is executed. This prologue file is unrelated to
   the collection prologue file.

   You cannot store prologue files in the Digital Test Manager library;
   store them in another directory or in a CMS library.    /TEMPLATE


   Specifies the command file that runs a test, the file containing
   an interactive terminal or DECwindows session. Digital Test Manager
   supplies a template file name of the form test-name.COM for
   noninteractive tests and test-name.SESSION for interactive and
   DECwindows tests. If your file specification includes a directory
   specification, Digital Test Manager ignores the default template

   You cannot store template files that you create, except SESSION
   files, in the Digital Test Manager library; store them in another
   directory, or in a CMS library.    /VARIABLE


   Enables you to associate existing variables with the test
   description you are creating. The variables you specify must
   be defined in the Digital Test Manager library by using the CREATE
   VARIABLE command. A variable associated with a test description
   by this qualifier is local in scope.

   The /VARIABLE qualifier also enables you to redefine values for
   the variables you specify. If you specify an optional value, the
   variable takes on that value only for this test description; the
   value of the original variable is unaffected.

   If you specify more than one variable name, separate the names
   with commas and enclose the list in parentheses. If you specify
   only one variable name, omit the parentheses. You cannot use

5.4.3  –  Examples

       _Remark: Send a message test.
       %DTM-I-DEFAULTED, benchmark file name defaulted to SEND_MAIL_TEST.BMK
       %DTM-I-DEFAULTED, template file name defaulted to SEND_MAIL_TEST.COM
       %DTM-S-CREATED, test description SEND_MAIL_TEST created.

   This example creates a noninteractive test description with the
   test name SEND_MAIL_TEST.

       _test name: MAIL_TEST_INT
       _Remark: Creating a MAIL test
       %DTM-I-DEFAULTED, benchmark file name defaulted to MAIL_TEST_INT.BMK
       %DTM-I-DEFAULTED, template file name defaulted to MAIL_TEST_INT.SESSION
       %DTM-S-CREATED, test description MAIL_TEST_INT created

   This example creates an interactive test description
   MAIL_TEST_INT and includes template, prologue, and epilogue
   file names. Note that Digital Test Manager prompts for the test
   name and remark.

5.5  –  VARIABLE

   Defines a variable in the Digital Test Manager library.


     CREATE VARIABLE  variable-name variable-value [/qualifier...]


5.5.1  –  Command Qualifiers    /GLOBAL

   Defines the variable as being accessible to all tests in all
   collections. You cannot specify both /LOCAL and /GLOBAL with the
   same CREATE VARIABLE command. The default is /LOCAL.    /LOCAL

   Defines the variable as being accessible only to an individual
   test that references it in its test description. The default is
   /LOCAL. You cannot specify both /LOCAL and /GLOBAL with the same
   CREATE VARIABLE command.    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.    /LOGICAL

   Defines the variable as a OpenVMS logical name. You cannot specify
   both /LOGICAL and /SYMBOL with the same CREATE VARIABLE command.
   The default is /SYMBOL.    /NUMERIC

   Used only with the /SYMBOL qualifier, the /NUMERIC qualifier
   defines the symbol type as a numeric value. Use this qualifier
   to define a quoted symbol value as numeric. You cannot specify
   both /NUMERIC and /STRING with the same CREATE VARIABLE command.
   If the variable value is not enclosed in quotation marks (" "),
   the variable type is defined as a numeric value.    /STRING

   Used with the /SYMBOL qualifier, the /STRING qualifier defines
   a symbol type as a text string. Use this qualifier to define an
   unquoted symbol value as a text string. You cannot specify both
   /NUMERIC and /STRING with the same CREATE VARIABLE command. If the
   variable value is enclosed in quotation marks (" "),  the variable
   type is defined as a text string.    /SYMBOL

   Defines the variable to be a OpenVMS symbol. When you specify a
   variable as a symbol with the /SYMBOL qualifier, you must further
   define it as either a numeric value (with the /NUMERIC qualifier)
   or a text string (with the /STRING qualifier). You cannot specify
   both /LOGICAL and /SYMBOL with the same CREATE VARIABLE command.
   The default is /SYMBOL.

5.5.2  –  Example

   _Remark: Name of input file, with an empty file as the default
   %DTM-S-CREATED, symbol variable INPUT_FILE created.

   This example creates the variable INPUT_FILE. It is defined as
   a local symbol, with a default value of emptyfil. The quotation
   marks indicate that the value is a string.

6  –  DEFINE

   Use DEFINE/KEY to define a key to execute a command string.


     DEFINE/KEY  key-name "command-string" [/qualifier...]

6.1    /KEY

   Use DEFINE/KEY to define a key to execute a command string.


     DEFINE/KEY  key-name "command-string" [/qualifier...]

6.1.1  –  Restrictions

   o  Key definitions apply only to terminal environments.

   o  Keys defined with the DEFINE/KEY command at the Digital Test
      Manager command level can only be used at the Digital Test Manager
      command level and are not effective during test recording or
      in the REVIEW subsystem.  A separate DEFINE/KEY command may be
      used within the REVIEW subsystem to define keys within that

6.1.2  –  Command Qualifiers    /ECHO

   /ECHO (D)

   Specifies whether the command is displayed on your screen after
   you press the defined key. You cannot specify both the /NOECHO
   qualifier and the /NOTERMINATE qualifier.    /IF_STATE


   Specifies a list of states, any one of which must be set to enable
   the specified key definition. The default is the current state.
   Digital Test Manager defines the two state names as DTM and GOLD_DTM.
   The /NOIF_STATE qualifier selects the current state.    /LOCK_STATE


   Specifies the state specified with the /SET_STATE qualifier until
   you use the /SET_STATE qualifier again to change it.    /SET_STATE


   Associates a state with the key you are defining. The default
   is the current state. Digital Test Manager defines the two state
   names as DTM and GOLD_DTM. You cannot define a key specifying
   both the /SET_STATE qualifier and the /TERMINATE qualifier.
   The /NOSET_STATE qualifier selects the current state.    /TERMINATE


   Determines whether the specified command string executes when you
   press the defined key. When you use the /NOTERMINATE qualifier,
   you must press the RETURN key to execute a command. You cannot
   specify both the /SET_STATE qualifier and the /TERMINATE qualifier
   or the /NOECHO qualifier with the /NOTERMINATE qualifier.

6.1.3  –  Examples


   If you subsequently press keypad 5, the following text is

       %DTM-S-LIBIS, Digital Test Manager library is DUA0:[USER01.LIB_A]


   This example defines GOLD keypad 5 to set the default Digital Test
   Manager library to a different library than the one in the
   previous example. If you subsequently press GOLD Keypad 5, the
   following text is displayed:

       %DTM-S-LIBIS, Digital Test Manager library is DUA0:[USER01.LIB_B]

7  –  DELETE


   Deletes the specified collection and any associated difference and
   result files from the Digital Test Manager library.


     DELETE COLLECTION  collection-expression [/qualifier...]


7.1.1  –  Command Qualifiers    /CONFIRM


   Controls whether Digital Test Manager prompts you to confirm each
   deletion. Valid responses are Yes, No, All, or Quit.    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen. The default is /LOG.

7.1.2  –  Examples

   1.  DTM> DELETE COLLECTION MAIL_COLL "No longer needed"
       Confirm deletion of collection MAIL_COLL [Y/N] (N): y
       %DTM-I-DELETED, collection MAIL_COLL deleted
       %DTM-S-DELETIONS, 1 deletion completed

   This example deletes the collection MAIL_COLL. The default
   /CONFIRM qualifier is in effect.

   2.  DTM> DELETE COLLECTION *MAIL* "Deleting all MAIL collections"
       Confirm deletion of collection MAIL_COLL [Y/N] (N): Y
       %DTM-I-DELETED, collection MAIL_COLL deleted
       Confirm deletion of collection DELETE_MAIL_COLL [Y/N] (N): Y
       %DTM-I-DELETED, collection DELETE_MAIL_COLL deleted
       %DTM-S-DELETIONS, 2 deletions completed

   This example deletes all the collections that contain MAIL
   as part of their name. The default /CONFIRM qualifier is in

7.2  –  GROUP

   Deletes a group from the Digital Test Manager library.


     DELETE GROUP  group-expression [/qualifier...] "remark"

7.2.1  –  Restrictions

   o  You cannot delete a group if it contains any test descriptions
      or other groups, or if it is a subgroup of another group. If
      any test descriptions or groups are still in the group when you
      issue the DELETE GROUP command, Digital Test Manager reports that
      the specified group has not been deleted.

7.2.2  –  Command Qualifiers    /CONFIRM


   Controls whether Digital Test Manager prompts you to confirm each
   deletion. Valid responses are Yes, No, All, or Quit.    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.

7.2.3  –  Examples

   1.  DTM> DELETE GROUP MAIL_NONINT/NOCONFIRM "Getting rid of this group"
       %DTM-S-DELETED, group MAIL_NONINT deleted

   This example deletes the group MAIL_NONINT. You are not
   prompted for confirmation because the /NOCONFIRM qualifier
   is in effect.

   2.  DTM> DELETE GROUP * "Deleting all groups"
       Confirm deletion of group MATH [Y/N] (N): ALL
       %DTM-I-DELETED, group MATH deleted
       %DTM-I-DELETED, group RELOP deleted
       %DTM-I-DELETED, group VARS deleted
       %DTM-S-DELETIONS, 3 deletions completed

   This example deletes all the groups in the library. The default
   /CONFIRM qualifier is in effect. By typing ALL, you indicate
   that all groups can be deleted without further requests for

7.3  –  HISTORY

   Deletes history information from the history file.


     DELETE HISTORY  [/qualifier...] "remark"

7.3.1  –  Command Qualifiers    /BEFORE


   Deletes all history information from the history file dated prior
   to the specified date. The deleted information is replaced by a
   single entry stating that history information has been deleted
   from the history file.

   If you omit the /BEFORE qualifier, the default is to remove
   information that was logged prior to the time you enter the
   command. If you include the /BEFORE qualifier and do not specify a
   time, the default is TODAY.

   You can specify the time as an absolute, delta, or combination
   time value, or as one of the following keywords: TODAY, TOMORROW,
   or YESTERDAY. Digital Test Manager interprets TOMORROW as the time at
   which you enter the DELETE HISTORY command.    /CONFIRM


   Controls whether Digital Test Manager prompts you to confirm each
   deletion. Valid responses are Yes, No, All, or Quit.    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.    /OUTPUT


   Sends output from the DELETE HISTORY command to the specified

   The output is written to a file called HISTORY.OUT in your
   current directory if you do not specify the /OUTPUT qualifier.
   If you specify the file name without the file type, the file type
   defaults to .LIS.

7.3.2  –  Example

   DTM> DELETE HISTORY /BEFORE=08-JAN "Deleting old information"
   Confirm DELETE HISTORY/BEFORE=8-Jan-1998 [Y/N] (N): Y
   %DTM-S-HISTDEL, 150 history records deleted

   This example deletes all history records in the history file
   recorded before January 8, 1998. The deleted information is
   replaced with the following record:



   Deletes a test description from the Digital Test Manager library.


     DELETE TEST_DESCRIPTION  test-expression [/qualifier...]


7.4.1  –  Restrictions

   o  You cannot delete a test description if it belongs to a group.
      Use the REMOVE TEST_DESCRIPTION command to remove a test
      description from a group. Use the SHOW TEST_DESCRIPTION/GROUPS
      command to display the groups to which the test description

   o  Do not delete a test description that is part of an existing
      collection. If you delete a test description that is part
      of a collection, you may see error messages when you issue
      other Digital Test Manager commands. For example, if you review
      a collection from which you have deleted a test description
      and its associated benchmark file for a noninteractive test,
      you will see a message indicating that the result description
      contains errors and you will be unable to examine the benchmark
      file for this result description. If you delete the test
      description and benchmark file for an interactive test that
      uses a screen comparison, you will be unable to examine any of
      the files associated with the test.

7.4.2  –  Command Qualifiers    /CONFIRM


   Controls whether Digital Test Manager prompts you to confirm each
   deletion. Valid responses are Yes, No, All, or Quit.    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.

7.4.3  –  Examples

       %DTM-S-DELETED, test_description RMTEST deleted

   This example deletes the test description RMTEST. The
   /NOCONFIRM qualifier is in effect.

       _Remark: Deleting all MAIL tests
       %DTM-I-DELETED, test_description MAIL_TEST deleted
       %DTM-I-DELETED, test_description RMTEST deleted
       %DTM-I-DELETED, test_description SEND_MAIL_TEST deleted
       %DTM-I-DELETED, test_description TEST_TUBE deleted
       %DTM-S-DELETIONS, 4 test_descriptions deleted

   This example deletes from the current library all the test
   descriptions that contain TEST as part of their name. The
   /NOCONFIRM qualifier is in effect.

7.5  –  VARIABLE

   Deletes specified variables from the Digital Test Manager library.


     DELETE VARIABLE  variable-expression [/qualifier...] "remark"

7.5.1  –  Restrictions

   o  If you attempt to delete several variables and one or more
      of them are associated with test descriptions, Digital Test
      Manager deletes only those variables not associated with a
      test description.

7.5.2  –  Command Qualifiers    /CONFIRM


   Controls whether Digital Test Manager prompts you to confirm each
   deletion. Valid responses are Yes, No, All, or Quit.    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.

7.5.3  –  Example

   Confirm deletion of variable INPUT_FILE [Y/N] (N): y
   %DTM-S-DELETED, variable INPUT_FILE deleted.

   This example deletes the variable INPUT_FILE. The default
   /CONFIRM qualifier is in effect.


   Displays the benchmark file for a specified interactive terminal


     DISPLAY  test-name [/qualifier]

8.1  –  Command Qualifier

8.1.1    /BENCHMARK

   Specifies that the benchmark file associated with the specified
   interactive terminal test is to be displayed. The default is to
   display the benchmark file.

8.2  –  Example


   This example displays the banner screen, Screen 0, for
   interactive display. Follow the directions on the screen to
   display your benchmark file.

9  –  DTM

   Invokes the Digital Test Manager. You enter the DTM command at the DCL
   prompt ($).


     DTM  [/qualifier]

9.1  –  Command Qualifier

9.1.1    /INIT

   /INIT (D)

   Specifies whether Digital Test Manager executes the initialization
   file (defined by the logical name DTM$INIT) when invoked. The
   default is to execute any existing initialization file whenever
   you invoke Digital Test Manager.

9.1.2    /INTERFACE


   Specifies that Digital Test Manager is to run in the character
   cell (terminal) or DECwindows environment. The options for this
   qualifier are CHARACTER_CELL (the default) and DECWINDOWS.

9.2  –  Example

   $ DTM

   This example shows how to invoke the Digital Test Manager system.

10  –  EXIT

   Terminates a Digital Test Manager session.



10.1  –  Example


   This example terminates a Digital Test Manager session.

11  –  EXTRACT

   Extracts an input file from an interactive terminal or DECwindows
   session file.


     EXTRACT  session-file-specification [input-file-specification]


11.1  –  Restrictions

   o  The EXTRACT command is used for interactive terminal and
      DECwindows tests only.

   o  The /TERMINATION_CHARACTER qualifier applies to terminal tests

11.2  –  Command Qualifiers

11.2.1    /DECWINDOWS

   Specifies that the session file is a recorded DECwindows session.

11.2.2    /INTERACTIVE


   Specifies that the session file is a recorded terminal session.

11.2.3    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.



   Specifies the character that Digital Test Manager interprets as the
   termination character when you extract the input file from the
   terminal session file. Digital Test Manager uses this information when
   translating recording functions in the session file to special
   strings in the input file.

   If you used a termination character other than the default
   termination character CTRL/P when recording the session file,
   specify that termination character on the EXTRACT command line.

   The termination character can be any single character, such as an
   asterisk (*),  or a control sequence, such as CTRL/P. To specify a
   control character, enter a circumflex (^)  followed by a letter.
   For example, to enter the termination character sequence CTRL/D,
   enter a circumflex followed by a D (/TERMINATION_CHARACTER=^D).
   You can also specify a termination character by its ASCII decimal
   representation. For example, you can use the ASCII number 16 to
   specify CTRL/P.

11.3  –  Examples

       DTM-S-EXTRACTED, input file SAMPLE.INP created

   This example creates the terminal input file SAMPLE.INP.
   You can edit this file and use it in conjunction with the
   RECORD/INPUT command.

       DTM-S-EXTRACTED, input file SAMPLE.INP created

   This example creates the DECwindows input file DECW_SAMPLE.INP.
   You can edit this file and use it in conjunction with the
   RECORD/INPUT command.

12  –  FILTER

   Replaces run-time-dependent information with constants in a
   specified file. You can use Digital Test Manager filters on Digital
   Test Manager files and other ASCII files.


     FILTER  file-specification [/qualifier...]

12.1  –  Restrictions

   o  The FILTER command is for use with noninteractive and terminal
      tests only.

12.2  –  Command Qualifiers

12.2.1    /ALL

   Specifies that all the filters be run on the specified file.

12.2.2    /DATE

   Where the date form is abbreviated, the date filter replaces date
   stamps by substituting a "d" for each displayed number of the day
   of the month, an "m" for each displayed letter of the month, and
   a "y" for each displayed number of the year. Where the date form
   is spelled out, the month name is replaced by "month", the numeric
   day is replaced by "day", and the year is replaced by "year".

   The following list shows some examples of the date filtering
   functions; this list is not all inclusive.

     17-OCT-1998 with dd-mmm-yyyy
     17 OCT 98 with dd mmm yy
     98.OCT.17 with yy.mmm.dd
     10/17/98 with mm/dd/yy
     1998/10/17 with yyyy/mm/dd
     October 17, 1998 with month day, year
     Oct. 17, 1998 with month day, year
     17.October.1998 with day.month.year
     98-October-17 with year-month-day

12.2.3    /DIRECTORIES

   Replaces the directory specification field in the file
   specification with DISK:[DIRECTORY].

12.2.4    /FILE_NAMES

   Replaces the file names with FILENAME.EXT.

12.2.5    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.

12.2.6    /TIME

   Replaces time stamps with the following forms:

     15:37:53.22 with hh:mm:ss.xxxx
     15:37:53 with hh:mm:ss
     15:37 with hh:mm
     3:37 PM with hh:mm xm
     15H37m with hhHmmm
     15H37' with hhHmm'
     15.37 h with h
     15 h 37"53 s with hh h mm"ss s
     15 h 37 min with hh h mm min
     kl 15.37 with kl
     h 15.37 with h

12.2.7    /TRACE_BACK

   Replaces 32-bit memory addresses with xxxxxxxx and
   64-bit memory addresses with xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx.

12.2.8    /USER_FILTER


   The specified files are executed by DEC Text Processing Utility
   (DECTPU). If more than one file is specified they are executed in
   the order given. The user filters are applied before any
   built-in filters that are also specified on the command line.

   User filter files can be located either in OpenVMS directories or in
   Code Management System (CMS) libraries. Files may be
   specified using logical names including logical names that specify
   search lists. Wildcards cannot be used. For files in CMS libraries,
   the most recent generation on the main line of descent is used.

   Before the first file is executed the file to be filtered is read
   into the DECTPU buffer "filter_buffer". Next, the file specified by
   the logical name DTM$UFDEFINES is executed. The system logical name
   which contains definitions of a global replace procedure and
   patterns which can be used in building filters. This logical can be
   redefined to point to a custom file.

   Any errors in accessing the user filter files or in executing the
   DECTPU commands will be reported. However, they will not cause the
   FILTER command to fail, and any remaining user and built-in filters
   will be applied.

   After all the user filters have been applied, the file being
   filtered will be written out. If any built-in filters are also
   specified, they are applied to the newly created file, resulting in
   a second new version.

12.2.9    /VERSION

   Replaces file versions with VERSION.

12.3  –  Example

   %DTM-S-FILTERED, expression successfully filtered

   This example runs the six standard filters on the file

13  –  HELP

   Displays help text for Digital Test Manager and Review subsystem


     HELP  [topic]

13.1  –  Examples


   This example shows how you can access information about the
   COPY TEST_DESCRIPTION command from the Digital Test Manager system.


   This example shows how you can access Digital Test Manager help
   about the SHOW/SUMMARY command from the Digital Test Manager Review

14  –  INSERT

14.1  –  GROUP

   Places one or more groups in one or more other groups.


     INSERT GROUP  group-expression1 group-expression2

         [/qualifier...] "remark"

14.1.1  –  Restrictions

   o  Digital Test Manager does not insert the same group into another
      group more than once. If the first group is already a subgroup
      of the second group, Digital Test Manager informs you that the
      INSERT operation has already been done.

   o  Digital Test Manager does not create recursive group structures.
      If group B is a subgroup of group A, then group A cannot be a
      subgroup of group B.

14.1.2  –  Command Qualifiers    /CONFIRM


   Controls whether Digital Test Manager prompts you to confirm each
   insertion. Valid responses are Yes, No, All, or Quit.    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.

14.1.3  –  Examples

       _Remark: Inserting group MARGINS into group BOUNDARIES
       %DTM-S-INSERTED, group MARGINS inserted into group BOUNDARIES

   This example inserts the MARGINS group into the BOUNDARIES

       _Remark: Inserting RIGHTMARGIN into MARGINS and BOUNDARIES
       %DTM-I-INSERTED, group RIGHTMARGIN inserted into group MARGINS
       %DTM-I-INSERTED, group RIGHTMARGIN inserted into group BOUNDARIES
       %DTM-S-INSERTIONS, 2 insertions completed

   This example inserts the RIGHTMARGIN group into both the


   Places one or more test descriptions into one or more groups.


     INSERT TEST_DESCRIPTION  test-group-expression group-expression

            [/qualifier...] "remark"

14.2.1  –  Command Qualifiers    /CONFIRM


   Controls whether Digital Test Manager prompts you to confirm each
   insertion. Valid responses are Yes, No, All, or Quit.    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.

14.2.2  –  Parameter Qualifiers    /GROUP

   Identifies the immediately preceding item in a parameter as
   a group. If the test group expression is a list, use this
   qualifier after each item that designates a group. The default

   Identifies the immediately preceding item in a parameter as a
   test. This is the default.

14.2.3  –  Example

   _Remark: Inserting tests in MARGINS into BOUNDARIES
   %DTM-I-INSERTED, test description BOTTOMEDGE inserted into group BOUNDARIES
   %DTM-I-INSERTED, test description LMARGIN inserted into group BOUNDARIES
   %DTM-I-INSERTED, test description RMARGIN inserted into group BOUNDARIES
   %DTM-I-INSERTED, test description TOPEDGE inserted into group BOUNDARIES
   %DTM-S-INSERTIONS, 4 insertions completed

   This example inserts all the test descriptions in the MARGINS
   group into the BOUNDARIES group. However, the MARGINS group
   itself is not inserted.

15  –  MODIFY

15.1  –  GROUP

   Replaces the remark associated with existing groups.


     MODIFY GROUP  group-expression [/qualifier...] "remark"

15.1.1  –  Command Qualifiers    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.    /REMARK


   Specifies whether to replace or delete the remark associated
   with the group. This remark is associated with the group you
   are modifying; it is not the remark logged with the MODIFY GROUP

   The /REMARK qualifier adds the specified remark to the group. This
   string replaces any previous remark associated with the group. The
   /NOREMARK qualifier deletes the remark from the group.

15.1.2  –  Example

   _Remark:Replacing remark for group MARGINS
   %DTM-S-MODIFIED, group MARGINS modified

   This example replaces the existing remark associated with the
   group MARGINS with the remark "All border tests." It also logs
   the remark "Replacing remark for group MARGINS" with the MODIFY
   GROUP command in the history file.


   Changes specified field values in existing test descriptions.


     MODIFY TEST_DESCRIPTION  test-group-expression [/qualifier...]


15.2.1  –  Restrictions

   o  The /COMMAND qualifier applies to DECwindows tests only.

   o  The /FILTER qualifier applies to noninteractive and terminal
      tests only.

15.2.2  –  Command Qualifiers    /BENCHMARK


   Specifies whether the benchmark file should be replaced or
   disassociated from a test description.

   The /BENCHMARK qualifier adds the specified benchmark file
   specification to the test description. This benchmark file
   supersedes any benchmark currently associated with the test

   The new file specification cannot contain a directory
   specification that points to the Digital Test Manager library.
   However, you can use DTM$LIB without a file name. The new file
   specification can specify a directory (other than the Digital Test
   Manager library) or a CMS library. The new file specification
   overrides any benchmark directory specified with an earlier

   The new file specification need not specify the same type of
   directory as the file specification you are overriding. For
   example, if you have been storing your benchmark files in a CMS
   library, you can specify a directory that is not a CMS library.

   If you specify a file name for a benchmark file that does not
   exist, Digital Test Manager treats the test like a new test when a
   collection that contains this test executes. When a benchmark
   file is created, it will have the file name you specify.

   The /NOBENCHMARK qualifier removes the benchmark file
   specification from the test description and replaces it with
   the default, test-name.BMK.    /COMMAND


   Specifies a new command to be executed before the recording
   and execution of a DECwindows test begins. If you specify the
   /NOCOMMAND qualifier, the command is disassociated from the test
   description. The qualifier applies to DECwindows tests only.    /COMPARISON_TYPE


   Specifies how the result and benchmark files are to be compared.
   The valid values for keyword are as follows:

     Keyword     Meaning

     CHARACTERS  Compares files character by character.

     RECORDS     Compares files record by record. This is the
                 default for noninteractive terminal tests.

     SCREENS     Compares files screen by screen; screens not
                 marked are not compared. This is the default for
                 interactive terminal and DECwindows tests.

   DECwindows tests can only use the SCREENS comparison type.
   The SCREENS comparison type is also the default comparison
   type for interactive terminal tests. If you specify the
   /COMPARISON_TYPE=SCREENS qualifier for a noninteractive test,
   this value is ignored.

   The /NOCOMPARISON_TYPE qualifier disassociates any comparison type
   from the test description.    /EPILOGUE


   Specifies whether the test epilogue file should be replaced or
   disassociated from a test description.

   The /EPILOGUE qualifier adds the specified test epilogue file
   specification to the test description. The test epilogue file
   is run whenever the test description is run; it does not affect
   any collection epilogue file run with the test. The /NOEPILOGUE
   qualifier removes the current test epilogue file specification
   from the test description.    /FILTER


   Selects one or more filters to remove run-time variables from the
   result file produced from the collection run. The following table
   shows the valid values for keywords:

     Filter type Description

     ALL           Specifies that all the filters in this table be used

     DATE          Where the date form is abbreviated, the date filter
                   replaces date stamps by substituting a "d" for each
                   displayed number of the day of the month, an "m" for
                   each displayed letter of the month, and a "y" for
                   each displayed number of the year. Where the date
                   form is spelled out, the month name is replaced by
                   "month", the numeric day is replaced by "day", and
                   the year is replaced by "year".

                   The following list shows some examples of the date
                   filtering functions; this list is not all inclusive.

                     17-OCT-1998 with dd-mmm-yyyy
                     17 OCT 98 with dd mmm yy
                     98.OCT.17 with yy.mmm.dd
                     10/17/98 with mm/dd/yy
                     1998/10/17 with yyyy/mm/dd
                     October 17, 1998 with month day, year
                     Oct. 17, 1998 with month day, year
                     17.October.1998 with day.month.year
                     98-October-17 with year-month-day

     TIME          Replaces time stamps with the following forms:

                     15:37:53.22 with hh:mm:ss.xxxx
                     15:37:53 with hh:mm:ss
                     15:37 with hh:mm
                     3:37 PM with hh:mm xm
                     15H37m with hhHmmm
                     15H37' with hhHmm'
                     15.37 h with h
                     15 h 37"53 s with hh h mm"ss s
                     15 h 37 min with hh h mm min
                     kl 15.37 with kl
                     h 15.37 with h

     FILE_NAMES    Replaces the file names with FILENAME.EXT

     DIRECTORIES   Replaces the directory specification field in the
                   file specification with DISK:[DIRECTORY]

     TRACE_BACK    Replaces 32-bit memory addresses with xxxxxxxx and
                   64-bit memory addresses with xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx.

     VERSION       Replaces file versions with VERSION

   If you specify more than one keyword, separate the keywords
   with commas and enclose the list in parentheses. If you specify
   only one keyword, omit the parentheses. The /FILTER qualifier
   associates the specified filters with the test description.

   The /NOFILTER qualifier removes the specified filters from the
   test description.

   Digital Test Manager does not replace the filters associated with the
   test description.    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.    /PROLOGUE


   Specifies whether the test prologue file should be replaced or
   disassociated from the test description.

   The /PROLOGUE qualifier adds the specified test prologue file
   specification to the test description. The test prologue is run
   whenever the test description is run and does not affect any
   collection prologue run with the test. The /NOPROLOGUE qualifier
   removes the current test prologue file specification from the test
   description.    /REMARK


   Specifies whether to replace or delete the remark associated with
   the test description.

   The /REMARK qualifier associates the specified remark with the
   test description being modified. This string replaces any previous
   remark. The remark parameter specifies the remark associated with
   this MODIFY TEST_DESCRIPTION command and is logged with it in the
   history file.

   The /NOREMARK qualifier deletes the remark string from the test
   description.    /TEMPLATE


   Specifies whether to replace or disassociated from the template
   file. A test description must always have a template file.    /VARIABLE


   Enables you to associate existing variables with the test
   description you are modifying. The variables you specify must
   be defined in the Digital Test Manager library by using the CREATE
   VARIABLE command. A variable associated with a test description
   by this qualifier is local in scope.

   The /VARIABLE qualifier also enables you to redefine values for
   the variables you specify. If you specify an optional value, the
   variable takes on that value only for this test description; the
   value of the original variable is unaffected.

   If you specify more than one variable name, separate the names
   with commas and enclose the list in parentheses. If you specify
   only one variable name, omit the parentheses. You cannot use

   The /NOVARIABLE qualifier disassociates the specified variables
   from the test description.

15.2.3  –  Parameter Qualifiers    /GROUP

   Identifies the immediately preceding item in the parameter as
   a group expression. The default is /TEST_DESCRIPTION. If a test
   group expression comprises a list, use this qualifier after each
   item that designates a group.    /TEST_DESCRIPTION

   Identifies the immediately preceding item in the parameter as a
   test expression. This is the default.

15.2.4  –  Examples

       _Remark: Replacing old benchmark file
       %DTM-S-MODIFIED, test description RMTEST modified.

   This example replaces a benchmark file specification for the
   test description RMTEST.

       _Remark: Replacing template file and removing benchmark file
       %DTM-S-MODIFIED, test description SEND_MAIL_TEST modified.

   This example replaces the template file specification for
   the test description SEND_MAIL_TEST and removes the existing
   benchmark file specification.

15.3  –  VARIABLE

   Modifies variable definitions in the Digital Test Manager library.


     MODIFY VARIABLE  variable-expression [/qualifier...] "remark"

15.3.1  –  Command Qualifiers    /GLOBAL

   Makes the variable expression globally accessible. You cannot
   specify both the /LOCAL and /GLOBAL qualifiers with the same

   Makes the variable expression locally accessible. You cannot
   specify both the /LOCAL and /GLOBAL qualifiers with the same
   MODIFY VARIABLE command.    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.    /LOGICAL

   Changes a variable from a OpenVMS symbol to a OpenVMS logical name. You
   cannot specify both the /LOGICAL and /SYMBOL qualifiers with the
   same MODIFY VARIABLE command.    /NUMERIC

   Changes a string variable of a symbol to numeric value. You cannot
   specify the /NUMERIC and /STRING qualifiers with the same MODIFY
   VARIABLE command.    /REMARK


   Determines whether to replace or remove the existing remark.

   The /REMARK qualifier replaces any existing remark with the
   specified remark. The /NOREMARK qualifier removes the remark
   string from the variable, leaving the remark field value null.    /STRING

   Changes a numeric variable of a symbol to a string. You cannot
   specify the /NUMERIC and /STRING qualifiers with the same MODIFY
   VARIABLE command.    /SYMBOL

   Changes a variable from a OpenVMS logical name to a OpenVMS symbol. You
   must define variables used as symbols as either numeric or string
   variable types. You cannot specify both the /LOGICAL and /SYMBOL
   qualifiers with the same MODIFY VARIABLE command.    /VALUE


   Changes the value of the variable. A value specified with the
   MODIFY VARIABLE command replaces any previous value for the

15.3.2  –  Example

   _Remark: Replacing value of INPUT_FILE with INPUT.RNO
   %DTM-S-MODIFIED, variable INPUT_FILE modified.

   This example assigns a new default value to the variable

16  –  PLAY

   Executes the specified session file and displays the output on
   your screen.


     PLAY  file-specification [/qualifier...]

16.1  –  Restrictions

   o  You cannot play a DECwindows session file on a terminal screen.

   o  The /KEYSYM qualifier applies to DECwindows tests only.

16.2  –  Command Qualifiers

16.2.1    /AUTOSYNCH

   Specifies that a DECwindows session file is to be played, producing
   a new session file with text synchronization added.  Only text seen
   during each playback will be used for synchronization purposes.

16.2.2    /COMMAND


   Specifies a command action to be executed before playing a
   DECwindows session file.

16.2.3    /DECWINDOWS

   Specifies that the session file being played is a DECwindows
   session file.

16.2.4    /DISPLAY


   Specifies the display device on which the output is to be
   displayed. For interactive terminal sessions, the default is
   SYS$OUTPUT; for DECwindows sessions, the default is the
   DECwindows server and screen, generally indicated by the
   DECW$DISPLAY logical name.

16.2.5    /INTERACTIVE


   Specifies that the session file being played is an interactive
   terminal session file.

16.2.6    /KEYSYM

   Specifies the command key that is used in controlling DECwindows
   test sessions. The default command key is F9.

   The command key must be in the DECwindows Latin-1 KEYSYM
   encodings. Display the file DECW$INCLUDE:KEYSYMDEF.H with the DCL
   TYPE command to view the list of the Latin-1 KEYSYM keys.

   For example, to use F7 as the command key, enter the following


16.2.7    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.

16.2.8    /REALTIME


   Specifies that the speed of interactive terminal session file
   playback is to be based solely on the speed at which it was
   recorded and not on the rate at which the application being
   tested requests input.  This qualifier is useful for testing
   applications that request input before completing processing
   and display of data.

16.2.9    /RESULT_FILE


   Specifies whether a file is to receive a copy of the output. If
   you specify /RESULT_FILE but do not include a file specification,
   Digital Test Manager places the results in a file named file-name.RES.
   If you specify the /NORESULT_FILE qualifier (the default), the
   session file is played but the output is not saved.

16.3  –  Example

   %DTM-I-BEGIN, your interactive test session is now beginning...
   %DTM-S-CONCLUDED, your interactive test session has concluded

   This examples displays a message stating that your interactive
   terminal session is beginning, executes the specified session
   file, and displays a message stating that the execution has

17  –  RECORD

   Records an interactive terminal or DECwindows test.


     RECORD  test-name [/qualifier...] "remark"

17.1  –  Restrictions

   o  The /APPEND qualifier applies to interactive terminal tests

   o  The /FILTER qualifier applies to noninteractive and terminal
      tests only.

   o  The /KEYSYM qualifier applies to DECwindows tests only.

   o  The /POINTER_MOTION qualifier applies to DECwindows tests only.

17.2  –  Qualifiers

17.2.1    /APPEND

   Continues recording the specified test after the end of the input
   file is reached. The /APPEND qualifier applies to interactive
   terminal tests only.

   If you specify an input file using the /INPUT qualifier, Digital Test
   Manager records using input from the input file. When the end
   of the input file is reached, this qualifier enables you to
   record further; if you do not specify this qualifier, recording is
   terminated when the end of the input file is reached.

17.2.2    /AUTO_COMPARE


   The /AUTO_COMPARE and /NOAUTO_COMPARE qualifiers determine whether
   automatic screen comparison is enabled at the start of your
   interactive terminal recording session; there is no automatic
   comparisons for DECwindows tests. By default, automatic screen
   compare is in effect. The /NOAUTO_COMPARE qualifier disables
   automatic screen compare.

17.2.3    /DISPLAY


   Specifies the display device on which the output is to be
   displayed. For interactive terminal sessions, the default is
   SYS$OUTPUT; for DECwindows sessions, the default is the
   DECwindows server and screen, generally indicated by the
   DECW$DISPLAY logical name.

17.2.4    /EPILOGUE


   Specifies whether Digital Test Manager is to execute the test epilogue
   file when interactive recording terminates.

17.2.5    /FILTERS


   Specifies whether Digital Test Manager is to filter the benchmark
   file that is produced when interactive recording terminates. When
   the test is recorded, Digital Test Manager invokes the filters
   associated with the test.

   When using this command on a test with associated user filter
   variables, the /VARIABLES qualifier must also be used to execute
   those filters.

17.2.6    /INPUT


   Specifies an input file containing a textual representation of an
   interactive terminal or DECwindows session file. For interactive
   terminal tests, you must create the input file by issuing the
   EXTRACT command on a previously recorded session.

   You cannot use wildcards in the file specification.

17.2.7    /KEYSYM

   Specifies the command key that is used in controlling DECwindows
   test sessions. The default command key is F9.

   The command key must be in the DECwindows Latin-1 KEYSYM
   encodings. Display the file DECW$INCLUDE:KEYSYMDEF.H with the DCL
   TYPE command to view the list of the Latin-1 KEYSYM keys.

   For example, to use F7 as the command key, enter the following

     DTM> RECORD test-name/KEYSYM=F7

17.2.8    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.



   Specifies whether Digital Test Manager records pointer motion for
   DECwindows tests.

17.2.10    /PROLOGUE


   Specifies whether Digital Test Manager is to execute the test prologue
   file before interactive recording begins.

17.2.11    /REALTIME

   Instructs Digital Test Manager to record and forward keypresses to the
   application as they are entered, and not when the application requests
   them. By default, Digital Test Manager records keypresses and places
   them into the terminal input buffer for an application when the
   application reads from the terminal.

   This qualifier is intended for use in recording tests where an application
   will not read from the terminal until data appears in its terminal buffer.



   Specifies a character sequence for interactive terminal
   sessions that, when pressed twice, terminates the recording
   of an interactive terminal or DECwindows session. The default
   termination character is the sequence CTRL/P. When pressed once,
   CTRL/P temporarily suspends the recording session to introduce a
   recording function. For example, CTRL/P E (end automatic screen
   comparison) is the recording function instructing Digital Test Manager
   to terminate automatic screen comparison and to begin manual
   screen comparison.

   The termination character can be any single character, such as an
   asterisk (*),  or a control sequence, such as CTRL/P. To specify a
   control character, enter a circumflex (^)  followed by a letter.
   For example, to enter the termination character sequence CTRL/D,
   enter a circumflex followed by a D (/TERMINATION_CHARACTER=^D).
   You can also specify a termination character by its ASCII decimal
   representation. For example, you can use ASCII number 16 to
   specify CTRL/P.

   On interactive terminal tests, you can also terminate the
   recording session by entering the DCL LOGOUT command.
   If you do not want an accounting summary, enter the DCL

17.2.13    /VARIABLES


   Specifies whether Digital Test Manager is to define symbols
   and logical names as specified by the variables associated
   with the test before recording starts.

17.3  –  Example

   _Remark: Going to Record the MAIL facility
   %DTM-I-BEGIN, your interactive test session is now beginning...
   Type CTRL/P twice to terminate the session.


   %DTM-I-BMK_SAVED, benchmark has been saved in file DUA1:[USER01.DTMLIB]MAI
   %DTM-S-RECORDED, test MAIL_TEST has been successfully recorded in file

   This example shows the recording of interactive terminal test


   Re-creates a collection, providing the same attributes that were
   part of the original collection.


     RECREATE  collection-name [/qualifier...] "remark"

18.1  –  Command Qualifiers

18.1.1    /CONFIRM


   Controls whether Digital Test Manager prompts you to confirm that you
   want to re-create a collection. Valid responses are Yes, No, All,
   or Quit.

18.1.2    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.

18.2  –  Example

   DTM> RECREATE MAIL_COLL  "Re-creating Collection MAIL_COLL"
   Collection MAIL_COLL has not been reviewed, confirm recreation: [Y/N] (N) Y
   %DTM-S-DELETED, collection MAIL_COLL deleted
   %DTM-S-CREATED, collection MAIL_COLL created
   %DTM-S-RECREATED, collection MAIL_COLL has been re-created

   This example re-creates collection MAIL_COLL. In this example,
   Digital Test Manager prompts for confirmation to re-create the
   collection without first reviewing it.

19  –  REMARK

   Places a remark in the Digital Test Manager history file.


     REMARK  "remark" [/qualifier]

19.1  –  Command Qualifier

19.1.1    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.

19.2  –  Example

   DTM> REMARK "Correcting problems created by -
   _DTM> system crash while collection was running"
   %DTM-S-REMARK, remark added to history file

   This example adds the remark "Correcting problems created by
   system crash while collection was running." You might enter
   such a remark into your history file to clarify your reason for
   entering a VERIFY/RECOVER command to correct problems with the

20  –  REMOVE

20.1  –  GROUP

   Removes one or more groups from one or more other groups.


     REMOVE GROUP  group-expression1 group-expression2

         [/qualifier...] "remark"

20.1.1  –  Command Qualifiers    /CONFIRM


   Controls whether Digital Test Manager prompts you to confirm each
   removal. Valid responses are Yes, No, All, or Quit.    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.

20.1.2  –  Examples

       _Remark: Removing LEFTMARGIN from MARGIN
       %DTM-S-REMOVED, group LEFTMARGIN removed from group MARGINS

   This example removes the LEFTMARGIN group from the MARGINS

       _Remark: Removing RIGHTMARGIN from MARGINS and BOUNDARIES
       Confirm removal of group RIGHTMARGIN from group BOUNDARIES [Y/N] (N) Y
       %DTM-I-REMOVED, group RIGHTMARGIN removed from group BOUNDARIES
       Confirm removal of group RIGHTMARGIN from group MARGINS [Y/N] (N) Y
       %DTM-I-REMOVED, group RIGHTMARGIN removed from group MARGINS
       %DTM-S-REMOVALS, 2 removals completed

   This example removes the RIGHTMARGIN group from the BOUNDARIES
   group and the MARGINS group and prompts you to confirm each


   Removes one or more test descriptions from one or more groups.


     REMOVE TEST_DESCRIPTION  test-group-expression group-expression

            [/qualifier...] "remark"

20.2.1  –  Command Qualifiers    /CONFIRM


   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays each test description
   name for you to confirm removal of the test description. Valid
   responses are Yes, No, All, or Quit.    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.

20.2.2  –  Parameter Qualifiers    /GROUP

   Identifies the immediately preceding item in the parameter as a
   group expression. If a test group expression is a list, use this
   qualifier after each item that designates a group. The default is

   Identifies the immediately preceding item in the parameter as a
   test expression. This is the default.

20.2.3  –  Example

   _Remark: Removing MARGINS tests from BOUNDARIES
   %DTM-I-REMOVED, test_description BOTTOMEDGE removed from group BOUNDARIES
   %DTM-I-REMOVED, test_description LEFTMARGIN removed from group BOUNDARIES
   %DTM-I-REMOVED, test_description RIGHTMARGIN removed from group BOUNDARIES
   %DTM-I-REMOVED, test_description TOPEDGE removed from group BOUNDARIES
   %DTM-S-REMOVALS, 4 removals completed

   This example removes all the tests in the MARGINS group from
   the BOUNDARIES group without prompting for confirmation.

21  –  REVIEW

   Invokes the Review subsystem to examine and manipulate test
   results for a collection of tests.


     REVIEW  collection-name [/qualifier] ["remark"]

21.1  –  Restrictions

   o  You can only review noninteractive and interactive terminal
      tests in the Review subsystem. DECwindows tests must be
      reviewed through the Digital Test Manager DECwindows user

21.2  –  Qualifiers

21.2.1    /READ_ONLY


   Determines whether you are a primary or read-only user of the
   Review subsystem. There can be only one primary reviewer at a
   time. This reviewer can enter all Review subsystem commands. There
   can be multiple read-only reviewers who cannot make changes to
   the result descriptions or to the files they describe. Read-only
   reviewers cannot enter the INSERT or UPDATE commands.

21.3  –  Example

   Collection MAIL_COLL with 7 tests was created on 7-SEP-1998 09:30:28 by the
       CREATE COLLECTION MAIL_COLL MAIL* "Creating the MAIL tests collection"
       Last Review Status = not previously reviewed
       Success count = 4
       Unsuccessful count = 1
       New test count = 2
       Updated test count = 0
       Comparisons aborted = 0
       Test not run count = 0

   Result Description MAIL_TEST  Comparison Status : Unsuccessful


     This example invokes the Review subsystem for the collection

21.4  –  Review Subsystem

   The Review subsystem enables you to examine and manipulate tests
   results for the specified collection.

   The REVIEW command invokes the Review subsystem.

   The Review subsystem uses the following commands:

21.4.1  –  @file-specification

   Executes Digital Test Manager Review subsystem commands contained in
   the specified file.


     @file-specification  –  Restrictions

   o  You can only specify Review subsystem commands with this
      @file-specification command.  –  Example

   Result Description MAIL_TEST   Comparison Status :  Unsuccessful
   Differences File DUA0:[USER01.DTMLIB]MAIL_TEST.DIF For Result
   Description MAIL_TEST

   Digital Test Manager COMPARE utility

   This example executes the command procedure REVIEW_FILE, which
   contains the NEXT/UNSUCCESSFUL and SHOW/DIFFERENCES commands.

21.4.2  –  ATTACH

   Switches control from the current process to another process in
   your job.


     ATTACH  process-name [/qualifier...]  –  Command Qualifiers    /IDENTIFICATION


   Specifies the process identification (PID) of the process to which
   you want to attach the terminal. You can omit the leading zeros
   when you specify a PID.

   If you specify the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier, do not specify the
   process name parameter or the /PARENT qualifier. If you do not
   specify a qualifier, you must specify a process name.    /PARENT

   Specifies that the process you want to attach to is the original
   (parent) process.

   If you specify the /PARENT qualifier, do not specify the process
   name parameter or the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier. If you do not
   specify a qualifier, you must specify a process name.  –  Example

   Collection name: MAIL_COLL
   Collection MAIL_COLL with 1 test was created on 29-JUL-85 15:13:54
   by the command:
     CREATE COLLECTION MAIL_COLL MAIL_TEST "Recording MAIL on the terminal"
     Last review status = not previously reviewed
     Success count = 0
     Unsuccessful count = 1
     New test count = 0
     Updated test count = 0
     Comparisons aborted = 0
     Test not run count = 0

   Result Description MAIL_TEST  Comparison Status : Unsuccessful

   You have 0 new messages.

   This example uses the MAIL SPAWN command to create a subprocess
   executing a Digital Test Manager Review subsystem to review
   collection MAIL_COLL. The Review subsystem ATTACH command is then
   used to attach the terminal back to the mail session, the parent

21.4.3  –  BACK

   Moves you backward through the sequence of result descriptions
   being reviewed.


     BACK  [count] [/qualifier...]  –  Command Qualifiers    /COMPARISON_ABORTED

   Moves you to the previous result description for a test whose
   comparison aborted.    /NEW

   Moves you to the previous result description for a new test.    /NOT_RUN

   Moves you to the previous result description for a test that did
   not run.    /SUCCESSFUL

   Moves you to the previous successfully compared result
   description.    /UNSUCCESSFUL

   Moves you to the previous unsuccessfully compared result
   description.    /UPDATED

   Moves you to the previous updated result description.  –  Example


   This example displays the result description that is two
   positions behind the current result description.

21.4.4  –  DEFINE

   Use DEFINE/KEY to define a key to execute a command string.


     DEFINE/KEY  key-name "command-string" [/qualifier...]    /KEY

   Use DEFINE/KEY to define a key to execute a command string.


     DEFINE/KEY  key-name "command-string" [/qualifier...]  –  Restrictions

   o  Key definitions apply only to terminal environments.

   o  Keys defined with the DEFINE/KEY command in the REVIEW
      subsystem can only be used in the REVIEW subsystem.  They
      are not effective during test recording or in the Digital Test
      Manager subsystem. A separate DEFINE/KEY command may be
      used within the Digital Test Manager subsystem to define keys
      within that environment.  –  Command Qualifiers    /ECHO

   /ECHO (D)

   Specifies whether the command is displayed on your screen after
   you press the defined key. You cannot define a key by specifying


   Specifies a list of states, any one of which must be set to enable
   the specified key definition. The default is the current state.
   Digital Test Manager defines the two states REVIEW and GOLD_REVIEW.
   The /NOIF_STATE qualifier selects the current state.    /LOCK_STATE


   Retains the state specified with the /SET_STATE qualifier until
   you use the /SET_STATE qualifier again to change it.    /SET_STATE


   Associates a state with the key you are defining. The default is
   the current state. A state name can be any alphanumeric string.
   Digital Test Manager defines the two states REVIEW and GOLD_REVIEW.
   You cannot define a key specifying both /SET_STATE and /TERMINATE.
   The /NOSET_STATE qualifier selects the current state.    /TERMINATE


   Determines whether the specified command string executes when you
   press the defined key. When you use /NOTERMINATE, you must press
   RETURN to execute the command. You cannot define a key specifying
   both /SET_STATE and /TERMINATE or /NOECHO and /NOTERMINATE.  –  Example


   This example defines two keys on the Review subsystem keypad.
   When you press the keypad 1 key, you move forward to the next
   result description for a successful test. When you press the
   GOLD key followed by the keypad 1 key, you move backward to the
   previous result description for a successful test.

21.4.5  –  EXIT

   Terminates the Review session and returns control to the previous
   command level where you invoked the Review subsystem.


     EXIT  [/qualifier...]  –  Command Qualifiers    /NOINSERT

   Specifies that a group is not to be created from tests marked with
   the INSERT command when you exit the Review subsystem.    /NOPRINT

   Specifies that files marked with the PRINT command are not to be
   printed when you exit the Review subsystem.  –  Example

   %DTM-S-EXIT, leaving Review subsystem

   This example shows how to exit from the Review subsystem.

21.4.6  –  FIRST

   Moves you to the first result description in the collection you
   are reviewing.


     FIRST  –  Example


   This example displays the first result description in a

21.4.7  –  HELP

   Displays help text for Review subsystem commands.


     HELP  [topic]  –  Example





      Use DEFINE/KEY to define a key to execute a command string.


        DTM_REVIEW> DEFINE/KEY key-name "command-string" [/qualifier...]

     Additional information available:

     /ECHO         /NOECHO        /IF_STATE=(state-name,...)  /NOIF_STATE
     Parameters  Command_Description  Example


   This example shows how to get help for the DEFINE command.

21.4.8  –  INSERT

   Marks test descriptions for insertion into a group Digital Test
   Manager creates when you exit from the Review subsystem.


     INSERT  [result-description-expression] [/qualifier...]  –  Command Qualifiers    /COMPARISON_ABORTED

   Marks for inclusion test descriptions for tests whose comparisons
   aborted. The default is to mark the test description associated
   with the current result description.    /CONFIRM


   Controls whether Digital Test Manager prompts you to confirm the
   processing of each test description marked for insertion. Valid
   responses are Yes, No, All, or Quit.    /NEW

   Marks for inclusion test descriptions for new tests. The default
   is to mark the test description associated with the current result
   description.    /NOT_RUN

   Marks for inclusion test descriptions for tests that did not run.
   The default is to mark the test description associated with the
   current result description.    /SUCCESSFUL

   Marks for inclusion test descriptions for tests that compared
   successfully. The default is to mark the test description
   associated with the current result description.    /UNSUCCESSFUL

   Marks for inclusion test descriptions for tests that compared
   unsuccessfully. The default is to mark the test description
   associated with the current result description.    /UPDATED

   Marks for inclusion test descriptions for tests whose benchmark
   files have been updated. The default is to mark the test
   description associated with the current result description.  –  Example

   DTM-S-MRKFORINSERT, test_description MAIL_TEST marked for insertion
   DTM-S-CREATED, group RUNMAIL$DTM_1 created
   DTM-S-EXIT, leaving Review subsystem

   This example inserts the MAIL_TEST test into a group that is
   created upon leaving the Review subsystem.

21.4.9  –  LAST

   Moves you to the last result description in the collection you are


     LAST  –  Example


   This example displays the last result description in a

21.4.10  –  NEXT

   Moves you forward through the sequence of result descriptions
   being reviewed. Pressing the RETURN key also moves you forward to
   the next result description.


     NEXT  [count] [/qualifier...]  –  Command Qualifiers    /COMPARISON_ABORTED

   Moves you to the next result description for a test whose
   comparison aborted.    /NEW

   Moves you to the next result description for a new test.    /NOT_RUN

   Moves you to the next result description for a test that did not
   run.    /SUCCESSFUL

   Moves you forward to the next successfully compared result
   description.    /UNSUCCESSFUL

   Moves you forward to the next unsuccessfully compared result
   description.    /UPDATED

   Moves you forward to the next result description whose benchmark
   file has been updated.  –  Example


   This example displays the result description that is two
   positions ahead of the current result description.

21.4.11  –  PCA

   Invokes the Analyzer of the VAX Performance and Coverage Analyzer



21.4.12  –  PRINT

   Selects one or more files for printing.


     PRINT  [result-description-expression] [/qualifier...]  –  Command Qualifiers    /BENCHMARK

   Prints benchmark files from the specified result descriptions. The

   Prints files from result descriptions for tests whose comparisons
   aborted. The default is to select files from the test description
   associated with the current result description.    /DIFFERENCES

   Prints difference files from the specified result descriptions.
   The default is /RESULT.    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on the screen.    /NEW

   Prints files from result descriptions for new tests. The default
   is to select files from the test description associated with the
   current result description.    /NOT_RUN

   Prints files from result descriptions for tests that did not run.
   When a test does not run, its result description may or may not
   contain a benchmark file. The default is to select files from the
   test description associated with the current result description.    /NOW

   Concatenates all files selected for printing on the current
   PRINT command and immediately places them in the print queue.
   The default is to place the concatenated files in the print queue
   when you exit from the Review subsystem.    /RESULT

   Prints the result file from the specified result descriptions.
   This is the default.    /SELECTED

   Concatenates all files already selected for printing and the
   currently specified file and immediately places them in the print

   The default is to place the concatenated files in the print queue
   when you exit from the Review subsystem.    /SUCCESSFUL

   Prints files from result descriptions for tests that compared
   successfully. The default is to select files from the test
   description associated with the current result description.    /UNSUCCESSFUL

   Prints files from result descriptions for tests that compared
   unsuccessfully. The default is to select files from the test
   description associated with the current result description.    /UPDATED

   Prints files from result descriptions whose benchmark files
   have been updated. The default is to select files from the test
   description associated with the current result description.  –  Example

   test MAIL_TEST selected for printing
   %DTM-S-PRINTQD, print job has been sent to the print queue
   -DTM-I-TEXT, Job MAIL_TEST (queue SYS$PRINT, entry 32) started on SYS$PRINT
   %DTM-S-EXIT, leaving Review subsystem

   This example shows how to queue the differences file for

21.4.13  –  SELECT

   Moves you to the specified result description.


     SELECT  result-description-name  –  Example

   Result Description MAIL_TEST Comparison Status : Unsuccessful

   This example displays the MAIL_TEST result description in a

21.4.14  –  SHOW

   Displays and describes output files for specified result


     SHOW  [result-description-expression] [/qualifier...]  –  Command Qualifiers    /BENCHMARK

   Displays the benchmark file. The default is to state whether
   output files (benchmark, difference, and result files) exist.
   If the benchmark file exists, its file specification is displayed.

   For a noninteractive test, Digital Test Manager displays the benchmark
   file. For an interactive test, Digital Test Manager displays the
   benchmark file screen by screen and provides you with a keypad
   for manipulating the file.

   If the benchmark file is in a CMS library, Digital Test Manager
   fetches the benchmark.

   If you include a comparison status qualifier with the /BENCHMARK
   qualifier, Digital Test Manager displays the benchmark file for result
   descriptions with the specified comparison status.    /COMPARISON_ABORTED

   States whether output files (benchmark, difference, and result
   files) exist for the specified result descriptions with the
   comparison aborted comparison status. The default is to display
   information for the current result description. If the benchmark
   file exists, its file specification is displayed.

   If you include an output file qualifier with the
   /COMPARISON_ABORTED qualifier, the specified output files are
   displayed for result descriptions with the comparison aborted
   comparison status. You cannot specify a comparison status
   qualifier with a result description name parameter; a result
   description expression is required.    /DIFFERENCES

   Displays the difference file. The default is to state whether
   output files (benchmark, difference, and result files) exist. If
   the benchmark file exists, its file specification is displayed.

   For a noninteractive test, Digital Test Manager displays the
   difference file. For an interactive test, Digital Test Manager
   displays the benchmark and result files screen by screen with
   differences marked and provides you with a keypad for manipulating
   the files.

   If you include a comparison status qualifier with the /DIFFERENCES
   qualifier, Digital Test Manager displays the difference file for
   result descriptions with the specified comparison status.    /FILES

   Displays the comparison status for result descriptions and states
   whether output files (benchmark, difference, and result files)
   exist for the result description. The default is /FILES. If the
   benchmark file exists, its file specification is displayed.

   You cannot include the /FILES qualifier with the included

   States whether output files (benchmark, difference, and result
   files) exist for result descriptions with the new comparison
   status. The default is to display information for the current
   result description.

   If you include an output file qualifier with the /NEW qualifier,
   the specified output files are displayed for result descriptions
   with the new comparison status. If a test is new, it has a result
   file but it does not have a benchmark or difference file. You
   cannot specify a comparison status qualifier with a result
   description name parameter; a result description expression is
   required.    /NOT_RUN

   States whether output files (benchmark, difference, and result
   files) exist for result descriptions with the not run comparison
   status. The default is to display information for the current
   result description. If the benchmark file exists, its file
   specification is displayed.

   If you include an output file qualifier with the /NOT_RUN
   qualifier, the specified output files are displayed for result
   descriptions with the not run comparison status. If a test does
   not run, it does not have a result or difference file. It might
   have a benchmark file. You cannot specify a comparison status
   qualifier with a result description name parameter. A result
   description expression is required.    /OUTPUT


   Sends the requested output to the specified file. The default is

   Displays the result file. The default is to state whether output
   files (benchmark, difference, and result files) exist.

   For a noninteractive test, Digital Test Manager displays the result
   file. If the benchmark file exists, its file specification is

   For an interactive test, Digital Test Manager displays the result file
   screen by screen and provides you with a keypad for manipulating
   the file.

   If you include a comparison status qualifier with the /RESULT
   qualifier, Digital Test Manager displays the result file for result
   descriptions with the specified comparison status.    /SUCCESSFUL

   States whether output files (benchmark, difference, and result
   files) exist for result descriptions with the successful
   comparison status. The default is to display information for the
   current result description. If the benchmark file exists, its file
   specification is displayed.

   If you include an output file qualifier with the /SUCCESSFUL
   qualifier, the specified output files are displayed for result
   descriptions with the successful comparison status. If a test
   is successful, it has a benchmark file. Its result file was
   deleted and no difference file was created. You cannot specify
   a comparison status qualifier with a result description name
   parameter; a result description expression is required.    /SUMMARY

   Displays the Collection Summary Information (the information
   displayed when you first enter the Review subsystem). The default
   is /FILES. You cannot specify the /SUMMARY and /FILES qualifiers
   with the same command.

   The /SUMMARY qualifier is mutually exclusive with all qualifiers
   except the /OUTPUT qualifier.    /UNSUCCESSFUL

   States whether output files (benchmark, difference, and result
   files) exist for result descriptions with the unsuccessful
   comparison status. The default is to display information for the
   current result description. If the benchmark file exists, its file
   specification is displayed.

   If you include an output file qualifier with the /UNSUCCESSFUL
   qualifier, the specified output files are displayed for result
   descriptions with the unsuccessful comparison status. (If a test
   is unsuccessful, it has benchmark, result, and difference files.)
   You cannot specify a comparison status qualifier with a result
   description name parameter; a result description expression is
   required.    /UPDATED

   States whether output files (benchmark, difference, and result
   files) exist for result descriptions with the updated comparison
   status. The default is to display information for the current
   result description. If the benchmark file exists, its file
   specification is displayed.

   If you include an output file qualifier with the /UPDATED
   qualifier, the specified output files are displayed for result
   descriptions with the updated comparison status. An updated test
   is a test whose benchmark file was created from its result file
   since the time when the test was last executed. An updated test
   does not have a result or difference file. You cannot specify
   a comparison status qualifier with a result description name
   parameter; a result description expression is required.  –  Example

   Result Description YYY  Comparison Status :  Unsuccessful

     Benchmark File is DUA1:[USER01.DTM.DTMLIB]YYY.BMK
     Result file is present
     Difference file is present


     This example displays all the unsuccessful result descriptions
     in a collection.

21.4.15  –  SPAWN

   Creates a subprocess of the current Digital Test Manager session.


     SPAWN  [command] [/qualifier...]  –  Command Qualifiers    /CARRIAGE_CONTROL


   Determines whether carriage control or line feed characters or
   both are prefixed to the prompt string of the subprocess. The
   default is the current setting of the parent process.    /CLI


   Specifies an alternate command language interpreter (CLI) for
   the subprocess to use. The CLI you specify must be located in
   SYS$SYSTEM and have the file type .EXE. The default is the CLI
   the parent process uses.    /INPUT


   Specifies an input file containing one or more commands for the
   spawned subprocess to execute. If you specify a command with an
   input file, the command is processed before the commands in the
   input file. The subprocess terminates when processing is complete.
   You cannot use wildcards in the file specification.    /KEYPAD

   /KEYPAD (D)

   Determines whether DCL keypad symbols and the current DCL keypad
   state are copied from the DCL keypad in the parent process to the
   subprocess. Use the /NOKEYPAD qualifier if you do not want the key
   settings to be copied.    /LOGICAL_NAMES


   Determines whether the system passes process logical names and
   logical name tables to the subprocess, except those marked CONFINE
   or created in executive or kernel mode.    /NOTIFY


   Determines whether a message is sent to the terminal to notify
   you that the subprocess has completed or aborted. Do not specify
   /NOTIFY unless you also specify the /NOWAIT qualifier.    /OUTPUT


   Specifies the output file to which the output of the SPAWN
   operation is to be written. The default is to direct the output
   to the current SYS$OUTPUT device. When you specify /NOWAIT, you
   should use /OUTPUT to specify an output other than SYS$OUTPUT
   to prevent the terminal from being used by both processes
   simultaneously.    /PROCESS


   Specifies the name of the subprocess to be created. The default is
   USERNAME_n (where n denotes a unique number).    /PROMPT


   Specifies the DCL-prompt string for the subprocess. The default is
   to copy the current prompt string from the parent process. If you
   specify /PROMPT but do not specify a string, the default prompt is
   displayed.    /SYMBOLS


   Determines whether the system passes DCL global and local symbols
   to the subprocess.    /WAIT

   /WAIT (D)

   Controls whether the system waits until the subprocess is
   completed before enabling more commands to be issued to the parent
   process. The /NOWAIT qualifier enables you to enter more commands
   while the specified subprocess is running. When you specify
   /NOWAIT, you should also specify /OUTPUT to direct output to a
   file (rather than to the screen). This prevents the terminal from
   being used by both processes simultaneously.  –  Example


   You have 1 new message.


   This example spawns the OpenVMS MAIL Utility from the Digital Test
   Manager subsystem. Enter the ATTACH command to terminate the
   MAIL session and return to the Digital Test Manager system level.

21.4.16  –  UPDATE

   Makes the result file for the specified result descriptions the
   new benchmark file and deletes the previous benchmark file if it
   resides in the Digital Test Manager library.


     UPDATE  [result-description-expression] [/qualifier...]

       "remark"  –  Command Qualifiers    /CONFIRM


   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays each test name before
   updating it and prompts you to confirm whether you want the test
   results updated. If you specify a wildcard result description
   expression, Digital Test Manager automatically prompts you.    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.  –  Example

   Result Description MSGTEST  Comparison Status :  Unsuccessful

   %DTM_I_UPDATED, the benchmark for test MSGTEST has been updated

   This example selects the MSGTEST test results and then uses the
   UPDATE command to replace the current benchmark file with the
   test results.

21.5  –  Keypad

     		   Review Subsystem Keypad
   | PF1         | PF2         | PF3         | PF4         |
   |    GOLD     | HELP KEYPAD |             |             |
   |             |    HELP     |             |             |
   | 7           | 8           | 9           | -           |
   |  SHOW/DIF   |  SHOW/RES   |  SHOW/BEN   |  SHOW/SUM   |
   |  PRINT/DIF  |  PRINT/RES  |  PRINT/BEN  |             |
   | 4           | 5           | 6           | ,           |
   |  PRINT/NOW  |   INSERT    |   UPDATE    |    SPAWN    |
   |             |             |             |  ATTACH/PAR |
   | 1           | 2           | 3           | ENTER       |
   | NEXT/UNSUCC |  NEXT/NEW   | NEXT/UPDATE |             |
   | BACK/UNSUCC |  BACK/NEW   | BACK/UPDATE |             |
   +-------------+-------------+-------------+             |
   | 0                         | .           |             |
   |            NEXT           |    FIRST    |             |
   |            BACK           |    LAST     |             |

22  –  RUN

   Executes a collection interactively producing result files that
   are subsequently compared with benchmark files.


     RUN  collection-name [/qualifier...] "remark"

22.1  –  Command Qualifiers

22.1.1    /CONFIRM


   Controls whether Digital Test Manager prompts for confirmation when
   you rerun a collection. Valid responses are Yes, No, All, or Quit.

22.1.2    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.

22.1.3    /LOG_FILE


   Specifies whether a log file for the collection is to be created
   and where the contents of the log file is to be displayed.

   This file is similar in content to the log file created when you
   issue the Digital Test Manager SUBMIT command to run a collection of
   tests in batch mode. The log file contains output the test run
   generates other than the output from the test itself, such as
   output the prologue and epilogue files generate.

   The /LOG_FILE qualifier creates a log file in the specified file.
   The output is directed to SYS$OUTPUT. The /NOLOG_FILE qualifier
   suppresses the creation of a log file.

22.1.4    /OUTPUT


   Specifies where a copy of the output of the RUN command (the test
   result files) is displayed or written.

   The /OUTPUT qualifier directs the output to SYS$OUTPUT or to
   the specified file or device. The /NOOUTPUT qualifier suppresses

22.2  –  Example

   DTM> RUN SEND_MAIL_TEST "simple test of SEND_MAIL_TEST command"

   Starting SEND_MAIL_TEST test run...

   %DTM-I-BEGIN, your interactive test session is now beginning...
   %DTM-S-CONCLUDED, your interactive test session has concluded

   Performing post-run cleanup with comparison...

   DTM-I-SUCCEEDED, the comparison for test SEND_MAIL_TEST succeeded
   DTM-S-COMPARED, collection SEND_MAIL_TEST compared

   This example executes the collection SEND_MAIL_TEST

23  –  SET


   Specifies the default directory that Digital Test Manager searches for
   benchmark files.


     SET BENCHMARK_DIRECTORY  [directory-specification] [/qualifier]



23.1.1  –  Command Qualifier    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.

23.1.2  –  Example

   _Remark: New default benchmark directory
   %DTM-S-NEWDEF, DUA0:[USER01.BMK] is the new default collection
   benchmark directory

   This example establishes a new default benchmark directory for
   the library.

23.2  –  EPILOGUE

   Establishes the specified file as the default collection epilogue
   file for all subsequently created collections.


     SET EPILOGUE  file-specification [/qualifier] "remark"

     SET NOEPILOGUE  "remark"

23.2.1  –  Command Qualifier    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.

23.2.2  –  Examples

       %DTM-S-NEWDEF, DUA0:[USER01.DTMEPI]EPILOGUE.COM is the new default
       collection epilogue

   This example specifies a file as the default collection
   epilogue file for subsequently created collections.

   2.  DTM> SET NOEPILOGUE "canceling epilogue"
       DTM-S-DEFCANCEL, default epilogue canceled

   This example cancels a default collection epilogue file.

23.3  –  LIBRARY

   Selects an existing Digital Test Manager library.


     SET LIBRARY  directory-specification [/qualifier...]

23.3.1  –  Command Qualifiers    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.    /VERIFY

   /VERIFY (D)

   Specifies whether Digital Test Manager is to verify that the specified
   directory is a valid Digital Test Manager library.

   The /VERIFY qualifier causes Digital Test Manager to verify that the
   specified directory is a valid Digital Test Manager library before
   selecting it as the current Digital Test Manager library. If the
   specified directory is not a valid library, Digital Test Manager
   issues an error message.

   The /NOVERIFY qualifier causes Digital Test Manager to select the
   library without verifying that it is a valid Digital Test Manager
   library. You must specify a valid Digital Test Manager library.

23.3.2  –  Example

   %DTM-S-LIBIS, Digital Test Manager library is DUA0:[USER01.DTMLIB]

   This example selects a Digital Test Manager library.

23.4  –  PROLOGUE

   Establishes the specified file as the default collection prologue
   file for all subsequently created collections.


     SET PROLOGUE  file-specification [/qualifier] "remark"

     SET NOPROLOGUE  "remark"

23.4.1  –  Command Qualifier    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.

23.4.2  –  Examples

       %DTM-S-NEWDEF, DUA0:[USER01.DTMPRO] is the new default
       collection prologue.

   This example specifies a default collection prologue file.

   2.  DTM> SET NOPROLOGUE "canceling prologue"
       DTM-S-DEFCANCEL, Default prologue canceled

   This example cancels a default collection prologue file.


   Establishes the default directory that Digital Test Manager searches
   for test template files.


     SET TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY  directory-specification [/qualifier]



23.5.1  –  Command Qualifier    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.

23.5.2  –  Example

   _Remark: New default template directory
   %DTM-S-NEWDEF, DUA0:[USER01.TEMPLATE] is the new default collection
   template directory

   This example establishes a new default template directory for
   the library.

24  –  SHOW

24.1  –  ALL

   Displays a summary describing the current library.


     SHOW ALL  [/qualifier]

24.1.1  –  Command Qualifier    /OUTPUT


   Sends the SHOW ALL information to the specified file. If you
   specify the file name but omit the file type, the file type
   defaults to .LIS. The output is sent to SYS$OUTPUT.

24.1.2  –  Example


   Description of Digital Test Manager Library DBA1$:[project.dsrlib]

   Default template  directory: DUA0:[USER01.TEMP] "Default template library"
   Default benchmark directory: DUA0:[USER01.BMK] "Default benchmark library"
   Default collection prologue: DUA0:[USER01.PROEPILIB]PROLOGUE_1.COM
   Default collection epilogue: DUA0:[USER01.PROEPILIB]EPILOGUE_1.COM
   Number of collections:       25
   Number of test descriptions: 48
   Number of groups:            8
   Number of variables:         7

   This example describes the current Digital Test Manager library.


   Displays the directory specification for the current default
   benchmark directory.



24.2.1  –  Command Qualifier    /OUTPUT


   Sends the requested information to a specified file. If you
   specify the file name but omit the file type, the file type
   defaults to .LIS. The output is sent to SYS$OUTPUT.

24.2.2  –  Example

     DUA0:[USER01.BMK]       "Default benchmark library"

   This command displays the directory specification for the
   current default benchmark directory.


   Displays information about collections in the current Digital Test
   Manager library.


     SHOW COLLECTION  collection-expression [/qualifier...]

24.3.1  –  Command Qualifiers    /BENCHMARK_DIRECTORY

   Displays the directory specification of the benchmark directory
   used by this collection.    /BRIEF

   Displays the collection name. The default is /INTERMEDIATE.    /CLASS


   Specifies the optional CMS class for benchmark files and template
   files stored in CMS libraries. The keywords, BENCHMARK and
   TEMPLATE, designate the name of the specific set of generations of
   elements. If you do not specify a class and the file is stored in
   a CMS library, the latest generation on the main line of descent
   is used.

   You can specify the same class names for your benchmark and
   template files. If you specify both keywords, separate them with a
   comma and enclose the list in parentheses. If you specify only one
   keyword, omit the parentheses.    /FULL

   Displays the following output:

     Collections in the Digital Test Manager Library library-name

      Command: COMMAND-LINE
      Successful count: NUMBER      Unsuccessful count: NUMBER
      New test count: NUMBER        Updated test count: NUMBER
      Test not run count: NUMBER    Comparisons aborted: NUMBER
      Default template directory: DIRECTORY_SPECIFICATION
      Template class: CLASS_NAME
      Default benchmark directory: DIRECTORY_SPECIFICATION
      Benchmark class: CLASS_NAME
      Last Review: DATE TIME
      Result Description COLLECTION_NAME  Comparison Status: Successful

      Benchmark file is device:[username]COLLECTION_NAME.BMK
      Result file does not exist
      Difference file does not exist

   A result description for each test in the collection follows
   this display. A result description lists the test name and its
   comparison status and the file specifications for the benchmark,
   result, and difference files. The default is /INTERMEDIATE.    /INTERMEDIATE

   Displays the following output:

     Collections in the Digital Test Manager Library library-name

      Command: COMMAND-LINE
      Successful count: NUMBER     Unsuccessful count: NUMBER
      New test count: NUMBER       Updated test count: NUMBER
      Test not run count: NUMBER   Comparisons aborted: NUMBER    /OUTPUT


   Sends the SHOW COLLECTION information to the specified file. If
   you specify the file name but omit the file type, the file type
   defaults to .LIS. The output is sent to SYS$OUTPUT.    /TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY

   Displays the directory specification of the template directory
   used by this collection. Displays the directory specification of
   the default directory for the current library.

24.3.2  –  Example


   Collections in Digital Test Manager Library DUA0:[USER01.DTMLIB]


   This command lists the names of all collections in the current

24.4  –  EPILOGUE

   Displays the file specification for the default epilogue file for


     SHOW EPILOGUE  [/qualifier]

24.4.1  –  Command Qualifier    /OUTPUT


   Sends the requested information to the specified file. If you
   specify the file name but omit the file type, the file type
   defaults to .LIS. The output is sent to SYS$OUTPUT.

24.4.2  –  Example

    DUA0:[USER01.PROEPILIB]EPILOGUE_1.COM "Default collection epilogue file"

   This example displays the file specification for the default
   collection epilogue file.

24.5  –  GROUP

   Displays the contents of one or more groups.


     SHOW GROUP  group-expression [/qualifier...]

24.5.1  –  Command Qualifiers    /BRIEF

   Lists the group name only. You cannot specify both the /CONTENTS
   and /BRIEF qualifiers with the same command.    /CONTENTS


   Displays the name of each group and the names of all test
   descriptions and groups that are contained in the specified
   groups. The default is /CONTENTS=1.

   The /CONTENTS=n qualifier displays this information for n levels
   of groups within each specified group. If n is greater than one,
   all nested groups for n levels are expanded and displayed.

   The /CONTENTS=ALL qualifier displays this information for all
   groups within each group. The /NOCONTENTS qualifier displays the
   group names only.    /FULL

   Displays the same output as the /CONTENTS=ALL qualifier.    /INTERMEDIATE

   Lists the group name and any remark added during the creation,
   modification, or copying of the group. This is the default.    /MEMBER

   Lists the groups of which the specified groups are members.    /OUTPUT


   Sends the requested information to the specified file. If you
   specify the file name but omit the file type, the file type
   defaults to .LIS. The output is sent to SYS$OUTPUT.

24.5.2  –  Example

   Groups in Digital Test Manager Library DISK$USER01:[PROJECT.DTMLIB]

   MARGINS  "test of margin commands"

   This example displays the contents of the MARGINS group.
   Because /CONTENTS=ALL is specified, each group, test
   description, and remark is listed.

24.6  –  HISTORY

   Displays a chronological list of the transactions performed on
   your Digital Test Manager library.


     SHOW HISTORY  [object-expression] [/qualifier...]

24.6.1  –  Command Qualifiers    /BEFORE


   Lists all history information prior to a specified date. The time
   is the current date and time, and the information displayed is
   whatever was logged prior to the SHOW HISTORY command. The time
   value can be an absolute, delta, or combination time value, or
   one of the following keywords: TODAY, TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY.    /OUTPUT


   Sends the requested information to the specified file. If you
   specify the file name but omit the file type, the file type
   defaults to .LIS. The output is sent to SYS$OUTPUT.    /SINCE


   Specifies that only those history entries dated on or after
   the given time are to be displayed. All transactions recorded
   since the library was created are displayed. The time value can
   be an absolute, delta, or combination time value, or one of the
   following keywords: TODAY, TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. If you specify
   the /SINCE qualifier but do not specify a value, Digital Test Manager
   defaults to /SINCE=TODAY.    /TRANSACTION


   Displays all transaction records generated by the commands
   associated with the keywords you specify. The default is to list
   transaction records for all transactions in the Digital Test Manager
   library. The valid keyword values are as follows:

     Keyword   Meaning

     ALL       Displays all transactions recorded in the history file

     COPY      Displays all COPY commands

     CREATE    Displays all CREATE commands

     DELETE    Displays all DELETE commands

     INSERT    Displays all INSERT commands

     MODIFY    Displays all MODIFY commands

     RECORD    Displays all RECORD commands

     RECREATE  Displays all RECREATE commands

     REMARK    Displays all REMARK commands

     REMOVE    Displays all REMOVE commands

     REVIEW    Displays all REVIEW commands

     RUN       Displays all RUN commands

     SET       Displays all SET commands

     STOP      Displays all STOP commands

     SUBMIT    Displays all SUBMIT commands

     UPDATE    Displays all Review UPDATE commands

     VERIFY    Displays all VERIFY commands

   If you specify more than one command, you must enclose the list of
   commands in parentheses and separate them with commas.

   The /TRANSACTION qualifier directs Digital Test Manager to list
   transaction records only for the listed commands.

   The /NOTRANSACTION qualifier directs Digital Test Manager to list
   transaction records for all commands except the listed commands.    /USER


   Lists in chronological order the library transactions performed by
   the specified user. You cannot use wildcards in user names.

24.6.2  –  Example


    History in Digital Test Manager Library DUA0:[USER01.DTMLIB]

   Digital Test Manager library"
   interactive test of memo template"

   This command displays the history file for the current library.

24.7  –  LIBRARY

   Displays the directory specification of the current Digital Test
   Manager library.


     SHOW LIBRARY  [/qualifier]

24.7.1  –  Command Qualifier    /OUTPUT


   Sends the requested information to the specified file. If you
   specify the file name but omit the file type, the file type
   defaults to .LIS. The output is sent to SYS$OUTPUT.

24.7.2  –  Example

   Your Digital Test Manager library is DUA0:[USER01.DTMLIB]

   This example displays your current Digital Test Manager library.

24.8  –  PROLOGUE

   Displays the file specification of the default prologue file for


     SHOW PROLOGUE  [/qualifier]

24.8.1  –  Command Qualifier    /OUTPUT


   Sends the requested information to the specified file. If you
   specify the file name but omit the file type, the file type
   defaults to .LIS. The output is sent to SYS$OUTPUT.

24.8.2  –  Example

     DUA0:[USER01.PROEPILIB]PROLOGUE_1.COM "Default collection prologue file"

   This example displays the file specification for the default
   collection prologue file.


   Displays the directory specification for the default directory
   that contains the template files.


     SHOW TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY  [/qualifier]

24.9.1  –  Command Qualifier    /OUTPUT


   Sends the requested information to a specified file. If you
   specify the file name but omit the file type, the file type
   defaults to .LIS. The output is sent to SYS$OUTPUT.

24.9.2  –  Example

     DUA0:[USER01.TEMPLATE]       "Default template library"

   This example displays the directory specification for the
   current default template directory.


   Displays the files and groups associated with one or more test


     SHOW TEST_DESCRIPTION  [test-group-expression] [/qualifier...]

24.10.1  –  Restrictions

   o  The /COMMAND qualifier applies to DECwindows tests only.

   o  The /FILTER qualifier applies to noninteractive and terminal
      tests only.

24.10.2  –  Command Qualifiers    /BENCHMARK

   Displays the file specification for the benchmark file associated
   with the specified test description.

   If you use the default benchmark when you create the test
   description, the benchmark file specification is displayed in
   the following format:

   test-name.BMK    /BRIEF

   Displays the test name.    /COMMAND

   Displays the command that is used to begin recording and executing
   of the test. This qualifier applies to DECwindows tests only.    /COMPARISON_TYPE

   Displays the comparison type associated with the specified test
   description.    /EPILOGUE

   Displays the file specification for the epilogue file associated
   with the specified test description.    /FILTER

   Displays the names for all filters associated with the specified
   test description.    /FULL

   Displays the contents of all test description fields. The format
   is as follows:

     Test descriptions in Digital Test Manager library library-name

     Test_name       "remark"
       Template          = file-name
       Benchmark         = file-name
       Prologue          = file-name
       Epilogue          = file-name
       Variables         = variable-name(s)[=value]
       Groups            = group-name(s)
       Type              = type-name
       Command           = command
       Filters           = filter-type(s)
       Comparison Type   = comparison-type    /GROUPS

   Displays the names of the groups with which the test is
   affiliated. Because of the existence of the /GROUP parameter
   qualifier for this command, you cannot abbreviate the /GROUPS
   qualifier.    /INTERMEDIATE

   Displays the contents of the benchmark, template, prologue, and
   epilogue test description fields. The format is as follows:

     Test descriptions in Digital Test Manager library library-name

     Test_name   "remark"
       Template      =  file-name
       Benchmark     =  file-name
       Prologue      =  file-name
       Epilogue      =  file-name

   This is the default.    /OUTPUT


   Sends the requested information to a specified file. If you
   specify the file name but omit the file type, the file type
   defaults to .LIS. By default, the output is sent to SYS$OUTPUT.    /PROLOGUE

   Displays the file specification for the prologue file associated
   with the specified test description.    /REMARK

   Displays the remark associated with the test description.    /TEMPLATE

   Displays the file specification for the template associated with
   the specified test description.    /TYPE

   Displays the type of
   the specified test description-NONINTERACTIVE, INTERACTIVE, or

   Displays the names and values for all variables associated with
   the test description.

24.10.3  –  Parameter Qualifiers    /GROUP

   Identifies the immediately preceding item in the parameter as a
   group expression. If a test group expression comprises a list, use
   this qualifier after each item that designates a group.

   Because of the existence of the /GROUPS qualifier for this
   command, you cannot abbreviate the /GROUP qualifier.    /TEST_DESCRIPTION

   Identifies the immediately preceding item in the parameter as a
   test expression. This is the default.

24.10.4  –  Example

   Test descriptions in Digital Test Manager Library DUA0:[USER01.DTMLIB]

   SEND_MAIL_TEST    "MAIL SEND command test"

     Template           = SEND_MAIL_TEST.COM
     Benchmark          = SEND_MAIL_TEST.BMK
     Prologue           = None Specified
     Epilogue           = None Specified

   This example displays the contents of the test description

24.11  –  VARIABLE

   Displays information about the specified variables.


     SHOW VARIABLE  variable-expression [/qualifier...]

24.11.1  –  Command Qualifiers    /BRIEF

   Displays the variable name only.    /FULL

   Displays the name, value, scope, usage, and remark for the
   variable and lists the tests with which the variable is
   associated.    /INTERMEDIATE

   Displays the name, value, and remark for the variable. This is the
   default.    /OUTPUT


   Sends the requested information to the specified file. If you
   specify the file name but omit the file type, the file type
   defaults to .LIS. The output is sent to SYS$OUTPUT.    /REMARK

   Displays the remark associated with the variable.    /SCOPE

   Displays the scope of the variable. The scope can be either global
   or local.    /TEST_DESCRIPTION

   Lists the test descriptions with which the variable is associated.    /TYPE

   Displays the type of variable-STRING or NUMERIC.    /USAGE

   Displays the use of the variable. The use can be either as a
   symbol or as a logical.    /VALUE

   Displays the variable's default value. If no value has been
   supplied, the null value is displayed.

24.11.2  –  Example


   Variables in the Digital Test Manager library DUA0:[USER01.PROJECT]

     INPUT_FILE  "input file for DSR tests"
     Value          = INPUT.RNO

   This example displays the value of the variable INPUT_FILE.

24.12  –  VERSION

   Displays the version number for Digital Test Manager currently in use
   on the system.


     SHOW VERSION  [/qualifier]

24.12.1  –  Command Qualifier    /OUTPUT


   Sends requested information to the specified file. If you specify
   the file name but omit the file type, the file type defaults to
   .LIS. The output is sent to SYS$OUTPUT.

24.12.2  –  Example

   Digital Test Manager Version 4.3


   This example displays the version number of Digital Test Manager.

25  –  SPAWN

   Creates a subprocess from the current Digital Test Manager session-the
   parent process.


     SPAWN  [command] [/qualifier...]

25.1  –  Command Qualifiers



   Determines whether carriage control characters or line feed
   characters, or both are prefixed to the DCL-prompt string of
   the subprocess. The default is the current setting of the parent

25.1.2    /CLI


   Specifies an alternate command language interpreter (CLI) for the
   subprocess to use. The default is the CLI the parent process uses.

   The CLI you specify must be located in SYS$SYSTEM and have the
   file type .EXE.

25.1.3    /INPUT


   Specifies an input file containing one or more commands for the
   spawned subprocess to execute. If you specify a command with an
   input file, the command is processed before the commands in the
   input file. The subprocess terminates when processing is complete.
   You cannot use wildcards in the file specification.

25.1.4    /KEYPAD

   /KEYPAD (D)

   Determines whether DCL keypad symbols and the current DCL keypad
   state are copied from the parent process to the subprocess. Use
   the /NOKEYPAD qualifier if you do not want the key settings to be

25.1.5    /LOGICAL_NAMES


   Determines whether the system passes process logical names and
   logical name tables to the subprocess, except those marked CONFINE
   or those created in executive or kernel mode.

25.1.6    /NOTIFY


   Determines whether a message is sent to your terminal to notify
   you that your subprocess has been completed or aborted. You must
   specify the /NOWAIT qualifier with the /NOTIFY qualifier.

25.1.7    /OUTPUT


   Specifies the output file to which the output of the SPAWN
   operation is to be written. If you specify the /NOWAIT qualifier,
   use the /OUTPUT qualifier to specify an output other than
   SYS$OUTPUT to prevent your terminal from being used by both
   processes simultaneously. The default is to direct output to the
   current SYS$OUTPUT device.

25.1.8    /PROCESS


   Specifies the name of the subprocess to be created. The default
   name for the subprocess is USERNAME_n (where n denotes a unique

25.1.9    /PROMPT


   Specifies the prompt string for the subprocess. If you specify the
   /PROMPT qualifier but do not specify a string, the default prompt
   is displayed. The default is to copy the current prompt string
   from the parent process.

25.1.10    /SYMBOLS


   Determines whether the system passes DCL global and local symbols
   to the subprocess.

25.1.11    /WAIT

   /WAIT (D)

   Controls whether the system waits until the subprocess is
   completed before allowing more commands to be issued by the parent
   process. The /NOWAIT qualifier enables you to enter more commands
   while the specified subprocess is running. If you specify the
   /NOWAIT qualifier, you should also specify /OUTPUT to direct
   output to a file (rather than to the screen). This prevents your
   terminal from being used by both processes simultaneously.

25.2  –  Example


   You have 1 new message.


   This example spawns the OpenVMS MAIL Utility from the Digital Test
   Manager subsystem. Enter the ATTACH command to terminate the
   MAIL session and return to the Digital Test Manager system level.

26  –  STOP

   Stops a collection that has been submitted to a batch queue.


     STOP  collection-name [/qualifier...] "remark"

26.1  –  Command Qualifiers

26.1.1    /CONFIRM


   Controls whether Digital Test Manager prompts you to confirm that you
   want to stop the collection.

26.1.2    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.

26.2  –  Example

   Confirm stop of collection MAIL_COLL [Y/N] (N): Y
   %DTM-S-COLSTOPPED, collection MAIL_COLL has been stopped

   This example stops collection MAIL_COLL that is executing in

27  –  SUBMIT

   Executes a collection in batch producing result files that are
   subsequently compared with benchmark files.


     SUBMIT  collection-name [/qualifier...] "remark"

27.1  –  Restrictions

   o  You can submit collections that contain DECwindows tests
      but you must be logged into the DECwindows environment and
      initialize it for testing.

27.2  –  Command Qualifiers

27.2.1    /CONFIRM


   Controls whether Digital Test Manager prompts you to confirm that you
   want to submit the collection again if it has not been reviewed.
   If you have executed but not reviewed a collection, you are
   prompted to confirm resubmission of the collection.

27.2.2    /KEEP

   /KEEP (D)

   Controls whether the log file is deleted after is it printed.

27.2.3    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.

27.3  –  DCL SUBMIT qualifiers

   You can use the following DCL SUBMIT command qualifiers with
   the SUBMIT command:

   /AFTER               /CHARACTERISTICS          /CPUTIME

   /[NO]HOLD            /[NO]LOG_FILE             /NAME

   /[NO]NOTIFY          /[NO]PRINTER              /PRIORITY

   /QUEUE               /USER                     /WSDEFAULT

   /WSEXTENT            /WSQUOTA

   See the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for more information about these

27.4  –  Example

   %DTM-S-SUBMITTED, collection MAIL_COLL submitted
   -DTM-I-TEXT, Job MAIL_COLL (queue SYS$LARGE entry 1000) started on

   This example submits the collection MAIL_COLL to the batch
   queue SYS$LARGE. The log file is left in the default directory
   and you are notified when the collection is finished running.

28  –  VERIFY

   Evaluates the integrity of the current Digital Test Manager library
   and its collections.


     VERIFY  [/qualifier...] "remark"

28.1  –  Command Qualifiers

28.1.1    /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.

28.1.2    /RECOVER

   Attempts to restore the current library and its collections to
   a usable state in the event of a process or job abortion or a
   system failure. It also cleans up the library by deleting files
   and directories that Digital Test Manager does not own.

28.1.3    /REPAIR


   Attempts to reclaim all loose blocks in the current Digital Test
   Manager library and to delete illegal files found in the
   library. If Digital Test Manager encounters a subdirectory of the
   Digital Test Manager library that contains files and the directory
   is not associated with a collection, Digital Test Manager issues a
   confirmation message before deleting the directory.

28.2  –  Examples

   1.  DTM> VERIFY
       %DTM-I-VERFRE, free space list verified
       %DTM-I-VERSTR, string list verified
       %DTM-I-VERCOL, collection list verified
       %DTM-I-VERGRO, group list verified
       %DTM-I-VERTD, test description list verified
       %DTM-I-VERVAR, variables list verified
       %DTM-I-VERARC, archive list verified
       %DTM-I-VERHEAD, user header information verified
       %DTM-I-VERSPACE, contiguous space verified
       %DTM-I-VERCOLDIR, collection directory structure verified
       %DTM-S-VERIFIED, Digital Test Manager library DUA0:[USER01.DTMLIB]

   This example verifies that the current Digital Test Manager library
   is valid.

       %DTM-S-RECNOTNEC, recovery is not necessary; Digital Test Manager library
       DUA0:[USER01.DTMLIB] is in a safe state

   This example verifies that the current Digital Test Manager library
   and its collections are valid and informs you that you do not
   need to recover the library or its collections.

29  –  Release Notes

   You can find the release notes for versions of Digital Test Manager
   in SYS$HELP:DTMvvu.RELEASE_NOTES, where vv is the major version
   number, and u is the update number.

   For example, the release notes for Version 4.3 would be located

   To list all the available Digital Test Manager release notes,
   specify the following DCL command:


30  –  Control Variables

   The following logical variables can be used to control the behavior of
   certain commands. They are fully described in the manual Guide to DIGITAL
   Test Manager for OpenVMS Systems or in the product Release Notes.


31  –  User Defined Filters

   The user defined filter facility provides a mechanism whereby
   filters written as DEC Text Processing Utility (DECTPU) programs are
   automatically executed when tests are run. These filters are
   referred to as user filters. The implementation enables users to
   solve easily many filtering problems, often with a single-line
   program, whilst allowing full access to the facilities of DECTPU to
   solve more complex cases.

   To implement a new filter, a file containing the required DECTPU
   commands is created. There are a number of predefined patterns and a
   global replace procedure provided which can be used to build the
   commands. For example, the following command will replace device
   names that precede a directory with the string "DEVICE":

     global_replace( identifier + ':[' , 'DEVICE:[' )

   The filter can be tested using the /USER_FILTER qualifier to the
   FILTER command. For example:


   See help on FILTER /USER_FILTER for more information.

   Alternatively, filters can be developed using the TPU
   pattern style feature of Language-Sensitive Editor.

   To associate a user filter with a test, a logical variable starting
   with the characters "DTM$UF_" is created. The value of the variable
   is the file specification of the file containing the DECTPU
   commands. For example:


   The variable is then associated with the test in the usual way, for


   When the test is run, as part of a collection, the filter will be

31.1  –  Variables

   Variables with names beginning with the string "DTM$UF_" are used to
   control user filters. These variables must be logical variables but
   can be global or local.

   When tests are run that have associated variables whose names begin
   with the string "DTM$UF_", Digital Test Manager will apply the user
   filters contained in the files referenced by the value of those
   variables. Only a single file may be referenced by each variable.

   The specified files are executed by DEC Text Processing Utility
   (DECTPU). If more than one user filter variable is associated with a
   test, the files are executed in the lexicographic order of the
   variable names. The user filters are applied before any built-in
   filters that are also specified for the test.

   User filter files can be located either in OpenVMS directories or in
   Code Management System (CMS) libraries. Files may be
   specified using logical names including logical names that specify
   search lists. Wildcards cannot be used. For files in CMS libraries,
   the most recent generation on the main line of descent is used.

   Before the first file is executed the file to be filtered is read
   into the DECTPU buffer "filter_buffer". Next, the file specified by
   the logical name DTM$UFDEFINES is executed. The system logical name
   which contains definitions of a global replace procedure and
   patterns which can be used in building filters. This logical can be
   redefined to point to a custom file.

   Any errors in accessing the user filter files or in executing the
   DECTPU commands will be reported. However, they will not cause the
   filter operation to fail, and any remaining user and built-in
   filters will be applied.

   After all the user filters have been applied, the file being
   filtered will be written out. If any built-in filters are also
   specified, they are applied to the newly created file, resulting in
   a second new version.

   In order to disable a user filter that is defined with a global
   variable for a particular test, define the value of the variable
   for the test as a string containing only spaces. For example:


31.2  –  Recording Terminal Tests

   When using the RECORD/FILTER command to filter the benchmark
   produced by recording an interactive terminal test, user filters
   associated with the test will be applied, provided that the
   /VARIABLES qualifier is also used. For example:


31.3  –  Global Replace Procedure

   The supplied file SYS$LIBRARY:DTM$UFDEFINES.TPU contains a global
   replace procedure and some predefined patterns that can be used to
   build filters. The specification of procedure global_replace is
   as follows:

   PROCEDURE global_replace ( pattern_to_replace,
     Replace all occurrences of a given pattern with a
     given string in the buffer "filter_buffer".


     pattern_to_replace        The pattern to be replaced.

     replacement_string        The string to be substituted.

     search_mode (optional)    The mode of pattern matching
                               to be used when searching
                               for the pattern. Should be
                               one of:
                                 NO_EXACT (default)

     evaluate_replacement      Specifies whether the replacement
       (optional)              string is to be evaluated.
                               Should be one of:
                                 OFF, 0 (default)
                                 ON, 1
                               If specified as ON or 1,
                               the replacement string is
                               evaluated before use. This is
                               needed if the replacement
                               string contains any partial
                               pattern variables. In this
                               case, any string literals
                               in the replacement string
                               must be specified as nested
                               strings and partial pattern
                               variables converted to
                               strings using STR.

     convert_linefeeds         Specifies whether any linefeed
       (optional)              characters in the replacement
                               string are to be converted
                               into line breaks.
                               Should be one of:
                                 OFF, 0 (default)
                                 ON, 1

31.4  –  Examples

   Example 1: Simple Use of procedure global_replace

   The following example assumes that the disks are named UDISK<n>
   where <n> is a number, for example UDISK1, UDISK13. This filter
   replaces such disk names with the string "DISK_NAME":

     global_replace ( 'UDISK' + number, 'DISK_NAME')

   The pattern to replace is built from a string literal ('UDISK'), the
   concatenation operator (+) and the pattern "number" included in the
   supplied definitions file. The pattern "number" matches a sequence of

   The replacement string is the string literal 'DISK_NAME'.

   Example 2: Using the Null Pattern

   This example uses the supplied "null" pattern with the DECTPU
   alternation operator to include an optional element in a pattern.

   Supposing that, in the previous example, some of the disk names do
   not include the leading "U", for example DISK7. The following filter
   replaces disk names with or without the leading "U":

     global_replace ( ("U"|null) + "DISK" + number, "DISK_NAME")

   Example 3: Using Pattern Variables

   The following example filters dates in the form DD-MMM-YYYY, for
   example 11-OCT-1999. Because it only filters this one form of date,
   it is quicker than the built-in date filter which filters many
   different date formats. It is also not the exact equivalent of the
   built-in date filter in other respects, for example it treats
   37-NOV-0999 as a date, but should be sufficient for most purposes.

     day := any(" 123") + digit;
     month := "JAN" | "FEB" | "MAR" | "APR" |
              "MAY" | "JUN" | "JUL" | "AUG" |
              "SEP" | "OCT" | "NOV" | "DEC";
     year := any(digits,4);
     date := day + "-" + month + "-" + year;
     global_replace( date, "dd-mmm-yyyy");

   This filter defines the pattern variables "day", "month" and "year"
   which are then used to define the pattern variable "date" used in
   the call to global_replace.

   The "day" pattern uses the DECTPU function "any" to match either a
   space or one of the characters "1", "2" or "3", followed by a digit.

   The "month" pattern uses the DECTPU pattern alternation operator "|"
   to specify a list of alternative string literals.

   The "year" pattern uses the DECTPU function "any" with the supplied
   pattern "digits". The "4" parameter indicates that exactly 4 digits
   are to be matched.

   The "date" pattern concatenates these patterns and linking

   Example 4: Removing Blank Lines

   This filter removes blank lines using
   the DECTPU keywords LINE_BEGIN and LINE_END.

     global_replace( LINE_BEGIN + LINE_END, '');

   The LINE_END keyword absorbs the new line.

   The above filter only replaces lines containing no characters. The
   following filter also replaces lines containing only spaces and tab

     global_replace( LINE_BEGIN + (white_space|null) + LINE_END, '');

   Example 5: Using Partial Pattern Variables to Retain Context

   This example demonstrates how to use surrounding text to
   identify a string to be replaced without also replacing
   the surrounding text.

   The following filter replaces the month part of a
   date with the string "mmm". For example, the string
   "14-OCT-1999" will be replaced by the string "14-mmm-1999":

     day := any(" 123") + digit;
     month := "JAN" | "FEB" | "MAR" | "APR" |
              "MAY" | "JUN" | "JUL" | "AUG" |
              "SEP" | "OCT" | "NOV" | "DEC";
     year := any(digits,4);
     date := (day + "-"@day_part) + month + ("-" + year@year_part);
     global_replace( date, 'str(day_part) + "mmm" + str(year_part)',,ON);

   The day part of the date and the "-" character are
   assigned to the partial pattern variable day_part and
   the year part of the date and preceding "-" assigned
   to year_part. These partial pattern variables are then
   included in the replacement string.

   When partial pattern variable are used in the replacement
   string they must be evaluated for each replacement. To
   do this, set the parameter evaluate_replacement to ON, as
   shown above.

   When the replacement string is to be evaluated, string
   literals must be nested inside further quotes. This is
   most easily done by using single quotes for the outer
   string and double quotes for any nested string literals,
   or vice-versa. Also, any partial pattern variables must be
   converted to strings using the DECTPU procedure STR.

   Note that including LINE_END in the definition of a
   partial pattern variable does not have the effect of
   retaining the line break. See example 6 for a
   resolution of this problem.

   Example 6: Using LINE_END for Context

   If the search pattern contains LINE_END, the matched
   line break will be removed, causing the next line to
   be appended to the current line. To use LINE_END to
   only provide context for the search, the line break
   must be reinserted. This is done using the parameter

   If the convert_linefeeds parameter is specified as ON, any
   linefeed characters appearing in the replacement string
   are removed and the built-in DECTPU procedure SPLIT_LINE
   is called at the point of the linefeed character.

   The following filter replaces any numbers that are the
   last characters on a line with the string "x":

     global_replace (number+LINE_END, "x"+lf,,,ON)

   The "lf" pattern is defined as a linefeed character in the
   supplied definitions file.

   If a LINE_END is included in a partial pattern variable,
   the line break can be retained by specifying the second
   optional parameter to the DECTPU STR procedure as a
   linefeed character, for example:

     global_replace (number+(LINE_END@sep), '"x"+STR(sep,lf)',,ON,ON)

   The second parameter to STR specifies the string that
   line breaks occurring in the first parameter should be
   converted to. Line breaks are retained by specifying
   the linefeed character and setting the parameter
   convert_linefeeds to ON.

   Example 7: Using UNANCHOR to Replace Sections

   The DECTPU keyword UNANCHOR can be used to replace sections of
   text delimited by specified strings. The following replaces
   all text between the strings "/*" and "*/" with the string
   "/* Text deleted */". The text may run across line boundaries:

     global_replace ( "/*" + UNANCHOR + "*/", "/* Text deleted */")

   Note that while a similar effect is possible using the
   COMPARE/SENTINEL command, the filter can be applied to individual
   tests, whereas the /SENTINEL qualifier applies only to collections.

   Example 8: Using Other DECTPU Commands

   The global_replace procedure can be used for many filtering tasks.
   However any DECTPU commands can be used to build filters. The file
   being filtered is read into the buffer "filter_buffer" before the
   user filters are applied and written out afterwards.

   The following filter uses the DECTPU EDIT procedure to convert all
   characters to upper case:

     EDIT( filter_buffer, UPPER, OFF)

   Note that while a similar effect is possible using the
   COMPARE/IGNORE=CASE command, the filter can be applied to individual
   tests, whereas the IGNORE qualifier applies only to collections.

   The following filter searches for numbers and replaces them only if
   they are in a specified range:

     POSITION (BEGINNING_OF (filter_buffer));
         found_range := SEARCH_QUIETLY (number, FORWARD);
         EXITIF found_range = 0;
         POSITION (END_OF(found_range));
         value := INT(STR(found_range));
         IF (value>350) AND (value<570)
             COPY_TEXT ("XXX");
             ERASE (found_range);

   The initial POSITION is required to ensure that the whole of the
   filter_buffer is processed, because the editing point is undefined
   at the start of each filter. Then, as each number is processed, the
   editing point is moved to the end of the number. The MOVE_HORIZONTAL
   procedure call is necessary because the previous POSITION leaves the
   editing point at the last character of the number, which would
   result in an immediate match on the next call to SEARCH_QUIETLY.
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