Provides a list of files or information about a file or group of
    files. The files must reside on a foreign volume; EXCHANGE does
    not list directories of Files-11 volumes.


      DIRECTORY  [file-spec[, . . . ]]

1  –  Parameters

 file-spec[, . . . ]

    Specifies one or more files to be listed. The /VOLUME_FORMAT
    qualifier determines the syntax of a file specification.

    To specify more than one file, separate the file specifications
    with either commas or plus signs. You can use wildcard characters
    in the directory specification, file name, file type, or version
    number fields of a file specification.

2  –  Description

    The output of the DIRECTORY command depends on the volume format
    and on certain formatting qualifiers and defaults. The following
    are the formatting qualifiers:

    /ALL       /BLOCKS     /BRIEF     /COLUMNS    /DATE
    /FULL      /OCTAL      /OWNER     /SIZE

    The files that are listed always appear in the order in which
    they appear in the volume directory or the order in which they
    reside on a magnetic tape.

3  –  Qualifiers

3.1    /ALL


    Lists all deleted or unused files on an RT-11 volume, in addition
    to other files selected by the command. For example, the
    following command lists all MACRO source files, in addition to
    deleted and unused files:




    Scans the volume to find any blocks that return read errors. The
    data on the volume is not modified. If a bad block replacement
    table is present, the contents of the table are displayed. This
    is valid for RT-11 volumes only.

3.3    /BLOCKS


    Lists the starting block number of the file. This qualifier is
    valid only for directories of RT-11 devices. The first block of
    the device is block number 0. The default is /NOBLOCKS.

3.4    /BRIEF


    Includes only the file name of each file to be listed. Specifying
    the /BRIEF qualifier is equivalent to specifying /NODATE/NOSIZE.
    The default is /BRIEF.

3.5    /COLUMNS


    Lists the files, using the specified number of columns on each
    line of the display. This qualifier is used in conjunction with
    the /BRIEF qualifier (either explicitly or by default). The
    default number of columns is dependent on the volume format and
    the information requested. The DIRECTORY command attempts to use
    as many columns as possible. If you request too many columns,
    DIRECTORY displays a message and reduces the number of columns to
    the number that fit on the listing.

3.6    /DATE


    Includes the date for each file listed. If you omit this
    qualifier, the default is /DATE.

3.7    /DELETED


    Lists a directory of files that have been deleted from an RT-11
    device, but whose file name information has not been destroyed.
    The listing includes the file names, types, sizes, creation
    dates, and starting block numbers (in decimal, unless you also
    specify the /OCTAL qualifier) of the deleted files. The /DELETED
    qualifier is valid only with block-addressable volumes in RT-11
    format. The default is /NODELETED.

3.8    /FREE


    Includes unused areas in the directory listing. The /FREE
    qualifier is valid only with RT-11 formatted volumes.

3.9    /FULL

    Lists all the available information for each file. The format
    of the listing depends on the format of the volume. The /FULL
    qualifier overrides the default brief listing format.

3.10    /OCTAL


    Controls whether numeric information is displayed in decimal or
    octal format. The default is /NOOCTAL; numbers are displayed in
    decimal radix. Dates are always displayed in decimal format.

3.11    /OUTPUT


    Writes the DIRECTORY output to a specified file, rather than
    to the current SYS$OUTPUT device. If you specify the /OUTPUT
    qualifier without a file specification, the output is directed to
    SYS$OUTPUT. If you omit the file type in the file specification,
    the default file type is .LIS. If you specify a file type
    and omit the file name, the default file name is EXCHDIRE. No
    wildcard characters are allowed in the file specification.

3.12    /OWNER

    Displays information about the owner of a volume and the files on
    the volume. For RT-11, the volume owner is shown. For DOS-11, the
    UIC of the file owner is shown.

3.13    /PRINTER

    Queues the command output for printing under the name specified
    by the /OUTPUT qualifier. If you specify /PRINTER without
    the /OUTPUT qualifier, the output is directed to a file named
    EXCHDIRE.LIS, which is spooled for printing and then deleted.

3.14    /SIZE


    Displays the file size in blocks for each file listed. The
    default is /SIZE.

3.15    /SUMMARY


    Lists a summary of the usage of the directory segments for an
    RT-11 volume. If a bad block replacement table is present, the
    contents of the table are displayed.



    Defines the physical format of the volume to be processed. The
    default format is dependent on the device type.

    The EXCHANGE command DIRECTORY is not valid for Files-11 devices.

4  –  Examples


      The command in this example lists all files with the type .OBJ
      on the RT-11 volume mounted on DLA2. The /FULL qualifier causes
      the file sizes and dates to be listed along with the names.


      The command in this example lists all files on the DOS-11
      magnetic tape mounted on MFA0. The magnetic tape is rewound
      before the files are listed.
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